The Spectator

vol. XIII


Tryouts To Be Held On The Evening Of Nov. 21, At 6:30


Hess To Attend Coaches Meeting At

Kansas City, Missouri

Fri,. Nov. 1—Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach, has announced that the men's debate tryout will be held Thursday evening, November 21. at 6:30 P. M.

According to Prof. Hess the pros-pects for a good tryout are excellent At least twenty men have significant their Intention of entering the try-outs.

The official wording of the debate question this year is, "Resolved, that the nations should adopt a plan of complete disarmament excepting such forces as are needed for police pur-poses". The men will try for sides on their debate question in room D at 1:15 on November 14.

Those working on the debate ques-tion will find a good deal of available material at the office of the librarian.

On November 11. 12, Prof. Hess will go to Kansas City where he will attend a meeting of the debate.

coaches of Missouri and Kansns. At

this time the debate schedules are usually made out. Prof. Hess is sec-retary of the Kansas Association of debate coaches. He us rated as one of the most outstanding coaches in the state and he has produced teams that are a credit to any institution.

The men who are entering the try-out are Melvin B. Landis, Lilbrum Gullman, Ward Williams. John Bowers, Donald Bowers, William Grant. Cleve Hull, Otho Whiteneck, Blanch Harris, Dwight Newburg, Kenneth Bitikofer, John Lehman, Harry Bernard. Guy Hayes, Kermit Hayes, Lloyd Diggs, Harry Breeden, Ernest "Wing, Ernest Betts, Roy Peebler and probably others.


Students wishing to witness the night football game this evening be-tween the McPherson College second

team and the Hutchinson Junior Col-lege team will have good train con-nections between here and Hutchin-son. The Rock Island leaves here this evening for Hutchinson at 5:20 and another train returns to McPher-

con this evening About mid-night.


Sun. Nov. 3-—a worship program of unusual strength and inspiration Was held under the direction of Jessie Churchill this evening in the opening

of C. E.

Vocal numbers by the Misses Ellen and Irene Steinburg and Helen Eber-ly and instrumental numbers by Mary Swain and Lawrence Turner dress very appropriately

ing the worship period, the Marion conference were given by Jessie Churchill. Ethel Early, Edna Hoover and Lila and Evelyn Fields. Many practical suggestions were of-fered. A number of representatives of the down-town C. E. groups were


Rev, Bowman will open the C. E.'s study of the question of World Peace next Sunday evening. This topic promises to be interesting. It is a Vital question on which all youth should be thinking.


Thurs. Oct. 31—McPherson Col-lege has been invited to send two teams of debaters to Southwestern College at Winfield to a three state Forensic tournament on t>i’.:cin li>*r . 7. Prof. Hess says that McPherson will probablyt send representatives to this tournament. Many men are in-terested In debate this year making competition keen.





Thurs.. Oct. 31— The Thespian Club approved the report brought by the tryout committee and elected

eight persons to membership as a re-sult of the try outs held the first three

days of this week. Twenty-eight peo-

ple entered the tryouts and the eight recommended were the unanimous chice of the judges. Those elected to membership were: Doris Ballard, Lucille Crabb, Mildred Doyle. Edmar Kjera, Otho Whiteneck , Philip Lanv-er John Berkebile and Guy Hayes.

Tryouts for the play chosen by the club will be held within the club. It is probably that the play will be pre-sented before the Christmas vacation. Some definite action has been taken concerning it and plans will be com-pleted by the end of this week.

The club is eager that all members who can, will try out for the play, and that by cooperation with the di-rector, Mrs.L. H. Gates, a real play may be well produced.

BOTH “y” cabinets


Wed,Oct.30- The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. cabinets held a joint meeting in the Y.W. room at six-thirty this evening. Reverend Rufus Bpwman of Elgin, Illinois, who is conducting the revival meetings at the Brethren Church met with this group. Emery Metzger, president of the men's Association opened the meeting with orayer and introduced Rev. Bowman who gave an inspira-tional talk on personal envangeliza-tion after which he held a discussion with the members of the Cabinets on personal problems and religious per-plexities.


Mon., Nov. 4—In an Interview with our evangelistic, Rev. Rufus Bowman, he commented very favorably upon the religious attitude of the student body. Many of them are taking an active Interest in the meetings, and are thinking seriously upon the greatest realities of life.

reverend Bowman comes to us from Elgin, Illinois where he has been serving for the past six weeks as General Secretary of the Board of Religious Education. In this capacity he meets leaders of the the Brethren church from all parts of the country.

Reverend Bowman believes in his work of evangelization through edu-cation because he believes in young people. Young people are seeking for a rational religion, or in other words they are not satisfied with a man's conception of God and a child's con-ception of the universe. Young people give attentive ears to the discussion of the great realities of life. They re-spond to worthy challenges. They like big tasks.

There is no conflict between evan-

gelism and religious education for re-

ligious education is a constructive

type of evangelism.

Dear Unconcious:—Yeah,hello sub- It's a keen day for the game Isn't it? What game? The "con" game of course. What! Didn't you know it was Halloween? Well Forney didn't'!

know it either but he became aware of it so long. We hear that our revered janitor for in better words the custodian of our Alma Mater's Beauty Patch, is contemplating going not for track. Since last night he has achieved the impossible of being in

two places at once. Nothing is im-possile, therefore Forney is nothing, Seriously though—several myster-, ious happenings happened upon our dear campus which are out of the or-dinary to say the least For instance - how did all the beds in Fahnestock | get disintegrated and felicitated up-on the floor? Howe did all the dressor drawers become mxed up. etc? How did the chairs in some of the class rooms become reversed in their nat-ural positions? Whoever did it must have thought that the Ideal position


Tonight — Second Team Game at Hutchinson

Tomorrow evening — Second number of Lyceum .

Each evening, 7:30 — Evengel-istic meetings.

McPherson college reun-


Kansas City, Kan,, Nov. 1—A very pleasant reunion of McPherson College alumni was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F, S. Hoover, 3040 Ruby street this evening. A six o'clock dinner was served to a group of teachers attending the State Teachers Convention and other M, C. students of Kansas City.

There were no formal toasts But our Alma Mater, the alumni, teaching and personal friends were among the subjects of conversation.

Those attending the dinner were Mr and Mrs F, S. Hoover. Mr, and H. S. Fonts. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fer-llinger. all of Kansas City; Miss Golda Zook of Enclora, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs H. R. Stover of Overbrook, Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strickler of Ramoan, Kansas. Regrets were recieved from Mr. Karl Walking of Garnett, Kansas and Dr. and Mrs. Galen Tire of Kansas City.



Tues , Oct. 29—"What Happens When We Pray?"

Reverend Bowman says prayer

not magic. It is not a signed blank chuck to fill out. nor is it simply work. But the escence of prayer is fellowship— fellowship of friend with an unseen friend much as we com-prehend others' ideas but do not actually see the person.

Those who think of prayer alone as an asking process do not need to

give up prayer. It would be much better to change the concept to one of fellowship.

God is interested in our desires and everything which concerns us even as an earthly father in interest-ed in what concerns his children.

God knows what we want and need even before we ask but he can not give unless we have the will to recieve. Prayer changes man's attitude not God's. Prayer is temperament. disposition, attitude. The proper at-tituade is "Thy will, not mine be done".



Fri. Nov. 1 — It was announced in chapel this morning that the Quad-rangle , McPherosn College yearbook, would give each class a ten dollar prize if they attained a hundred per cent annual purchase.The quad-rangle rate will be held during the chapel period Wednesday, November 6 for the attainment of mental nourish-

ment would be that of the upsid

down effect. SO it goes-

The Peterson Ford took a sudden and queer idea that it also wanted to do some outside reading—Well's “Outline of History" - perhaps Fords appear to be going up—Up the

stairs of the library.

Listen my children and you shall hear of the girl who was so dumb she

thought that Paris Green was a golf course (with apologies to Mr. Lauver of Chicago and points in that vicin-ity). Incidentally the U. S. A. squib originated from Christine Mohler of Missouri. (I believe in giving credit where credit is due) Yes sir. there is one sin I don’t wish to commit and that is plagarism—but when you “plauge 'er and she has an ”ism" what can you do?

Speaking of campus dates, and thats all you can do, is speak about them- why do enlightened college students of this day say that you have


Sun . Nov. 3—During the week end many, friends and alumnus of Mc-Pherson College cisited the campus becuase ot the opportunity afforded them as a result of the state teachers meetings. Following are a few of the


Adeline Taylor, Sylvia Kansas; Floy Brown. Ellinwood. Kansas An-na Taggart, Ellinwood Kansas,. Nina Stull Arlington. Kansas; Ralph Landes. Jamestown. Kansas. Clara Davis, Little River, Kansas; Ruth Hiebert, Kanopolis Kansas; Mildred Libby , Geneseo , Kansas Ralph Bowers. Phillipsburg, Kansas; Mar-guerette Waganer, Montezuma. Kan-sas, Anna Lengel, Chase , Kansas: Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lengel of James-town. Kansas; Clarence Hawkins, Kansas City, Mo,; George Lerew. Portis, Kansas. Mary Sherfy, Bel-pre. Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wagoner and son Charles of Hast-Ings, Nebraska.

BOWMAN speaks to


Thurs. Oct. 31 —Rev. Bowman spoke to the world Service Group this evening pointing out some of the special needs of the world for young people who are willing to live sacri-ficially enough to fill them.

Four special fields were pointed out with particular needs of each stressed. The ministry, especially pastors of churches in the open country, missionaries especially home missionaries who can build up a strong home base; religous educat-ors, real pioneers in our ultra modern materialistic civilization and Chris-tian business men, men who ran live Christian live sin business and whose finances are dedicated to the Lord these are some of the needs of the world today.


Tues., Oct. 29—"The relationship which existed between Jesus and His fellowman and God was a Perfect Friedship". Ruth Trustle , leader of the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morn-ing, declared.

She illustrated her point by quot-ing the statements of famous people concerning their conceptions of friendship. Two talks and a musical number consulted the remainder of the program.

As the girls assembled . Helen Eh-erly played an organ solo after which the group sang “Sweet Hour of Prayer",

Following the scripture reading and prayer Grace Hockman spoke on Christ's Fellowship with Man pointing out the elements of strength ,and beauty In this relationship.

Jessie Chruchill then told of the implicit trust which He placed in God ib his friendship with Him.

Mrs. Rufus Bowman will speak to the group next Tuesday on the gen-eral theme of Divine Friendship and Prayer.

a "parlor" date If you talk to a boy in the parlor? If a poor girl pauses to speak to a gentleman of the oppo-site sex on the porch then she has a "porch" date. I suppose if you walk down the walk that is a "sidewalk" date. If you sit together at the table Ithat is a "feed your mug"date. If you take a drink at the fountain then that would be a "wet" date. If you go to church that is a "preacher" date, Of course you know all about “library" dates—there is where most of the romances start hereabouts How you admired the way he held his psycology.How he fell for the rule way she brushed the fly off her

Yours till every girl has had a "campus" date.


P.S.- Boys you'd better provide

yourselves with clubs.

P. S. No. 2- - For sale, 1 good alarm clock, guaranteed to go off any and every place.


Has Encountered Rough Roads And Extreme Cold Weather


Will Be In Mexico City Election Day - Expects No Danger

Professor H. H. Nininger has reached Mexico City and is well pleased with his discoveries and ob-servations made so far in his trip into the interior. The prfoessor has encountered many interesting and

strange experiances on this lap of his


He says that rough roads and ex-tremely cold weather have caused them some discomfort, but he has had no trouble with bandits. He made come pictures of Mexican farmers us- ing oxen teams for plowing. As Nin-inger neared Mexico City he said the roads became a little better and he saw no reason for giving up the trip.

The professor and his interpreter are receiving much attention from the natives. The American way of camping is strange to them, and Nin-inger says that their conveniences are more than the native ruralist has.

Mr. Nininger told the scientists at the college in Mexico City where they could find a meteorite that fell in 1878. The next day it was found and one of our already famous professors gained more renown because of his careful study and observation.

He will be in Mexico City election day, but says that in case of any dis-turbances he will be well protected from danger.



Fri., Nov, 1-The women's Debate tryout is set for Tuesday, November 27. As yet only two names have been handed to the coach signifying their Intentions if there is to be a woman’s debate team it is urgent that quite a few more hand In their names at once. The debate question is the same as is to be used In the men's debate.



Thurs. Oct. 31- A large picture

of Dr. Ira Remsen, pioneer chemist

of America, was unveiled this after-noon by Arthur Hershey, son of Dr. J Willard Hershey, of the regular meeting of the Chemistry Society The picture is a gift of the chemistry department and will hang in the hallway of first floor Harnley Hall.

Proceeding the unveiling an altogether fitting program was presented dealing with the life and accomplish-memt of Remen. The history of his

early life discovered by Hoyt.

Strickler, John Cottingham gave a very interesting history of Remson's teaching. The writings and public-

ation of this great pioneer chemist were related by Leland Lindell.

”Remsen is said to have placed more teachings than any other man" Rem-

so stated Dr. Hershey. ’’The picture we have secured is the finest large picture ever made of the man". Rem-sem died in1927 while in California.

it has been customary with the

have a social evening together each year. Last year the affair was a great success. A desire was ex-pressed this afternoon for such an evening and Friday evening. Decem-ber 13 was set aside for the event. The evening's entertainment will be in charge of the social committee composed of Attillia Anderson, chairman, Mildred Doyle and Vernon Gustofson.


Wed . Oct. 30 The installation of the bell system is Fahnestock Hall was completed this afternoon. Bells have been installed on the second and third floor only, for it was apparent-ly not needed on first floor. The sys-tem is similar to that In Arnold Hall.

The Spectator

The Spectator

The Home of the Bulldogs

The School of Quality

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations 

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor .. Prof. Maurice A. Hess

About a thousand years ago some one remarked that athletes had strong backs and weak minds. Since then numerous persons have continued to peddle that remark, around as something quite clever and original. I should like in any right here that In present-day athletics the weak-minded. strong-backed fellow wouldn't get to first base. The stiff competition found In all athletes circles requires the keenest intelicts for quick decisions and quick action. If the Casual Observer knew anything at all about athletics he would know that to be a fact.

If one should remove the entire M Club from our school, he would find that with that organization would go a group of loyal, clean living, clean thinking men who are unselfish giving a great deal of themselves, their time, and their energy for the betterment of their college. I feel I am In a position to know whereof I speak. The M Club DOES stand for better ath-letics lt DOES stand for better relations among the men in McPherson College, If they have fulled in their goal they are no more responsible than is Mr. Casual Observer, The high Ideals of fellowship, to achieve results, must come from non-letter men as well as letter-men.

One thing more: i doubt If any member of the M Club would write the type f article such as I have referred to and sign lt merely "Casual Observer". To quote from a recent chapel speech—"If you can't say some-thing complimentary about a person, don't say something uncomplimentary behind his back". This refers to a group as well as to an Individual. If Casual Observer, you had the courage or your convictions. why didn't you come out In the open and In all honesty sign your name?—GEORGE GARDNER

Kansas. Mrs. Zingg will be remembered as Miss Babel Brubaker, A. B. '23,


If I were a modern artist I should follow In the footsteps of Millet and paint a picture called "Curfew", And through a clump of bushes I could put the dim outlines of the "Ad" building. In the foreground would n a man and a mald, the man gazing at the watch In his hand and the iri at the one on her arm And on the face of each would I put an ex-pression of agonized farewell, for the hour is nine fifty-five.—A Dater.


Be it therefore agreed that certain great benefits are derived from the wearing of freshmen capse.

The friend of the opposition has condemned the method used by the M" Club in carrying out the "cap rale" but has offered no other method except to treat with respect, and motivate through social approval or dis-appvoval Perhaps boys are extremely different than girls, but the Woman's Athletic association asked the freshman girls kindly, to wear their caps, and they did for at least one week.

If we want freshmen to wear caps some group must see that all wear them (Such a group should have the majority approval at the whole student body). Perhaps the "M" Club is as logical an organisation for this task as any other on the campus.

As for those "weak minded" "M" Club men. some of them are of the finest type men on the campus, and some of them do not reach this standard: but why condemn all "M” Club men? An exclusive group is one which is able to prevent others front entrance. Who has not been al-lowes to enter the "M" Club, if he has met the requirements set by the

State Athletoc Board    _

To a largo degree it has been “M" Club men who have advertised our "School of Quality". Their influence has been felt throughout the state and nation. Let us see these men as Individuals (and not as an organiza-tion) and not as athletes always; perhaps If we try we can see deeper than their red sweaters and discover a few who are not paddle swinging, belt hunting marons.

Yes! The "M“ Club does have a place on our college campus, as a part of our "School of Quality”-— W. A. A. Meinlier.

Ask Kenneth Eby how he likes his job as company detective for the Heaston-Carter Service Station.

Men Only Read This!

The "I-Tap-Akeg" fraternity will meet next Friday night. All members are invited.

The auto sure has brought dis-tances closer together- inclusing our house and the poor house.

They say that In Japan you can tell If a girl is single or married by looking at her hair. Around here you can't even tell If it's a girl.

Prof Hershey: "What Is the most outstanding contribution that chem-istry has given to the world"?

Ferne Hecksman; "Blondes".

Wife (at piano recital ) ”She has quite a large repertoire, hasn't she"?

Husband: "yes. and that dress she has on makes it look worse"-

Our idea of originality Is to put a goat In the chapel—or push the fire department out into the cold'—or up* setting telephone booths— or setting alarm clocks—or etc..—or etc. Any other original suggestions for next Hallowe'en may be filed with the Original Hallowe'en Editor,

—Horace Walker.


Girls! what would you think of a man who opened a door, entered, and allowed it to slain In your face? Would you term it "genteel" for a man to bump you, or hit you with his elbow or shoulder. Just because he was too careless to avoid doing so? If he got In a hurry and shoved you out of his way simply because he did not care to go around, or patiently wait until you passed on, would you tender him even scant respect? Absolutely, not.

Girls, do you do all these things . . . yea, and more. ... to boys and girls alike, constantly yet it is almost axiomatic that women are more conventional , polite, courteous , refined and cultured than men. You con-stantly crowd, push, and’ shove through groups: you accept small courtesies un-thanked; you forgot to give small courtesies to your friends and ac-quaintences, male or female.

For the sake of feminine grace and charm; for the sake of common courtesy and reasonable respect for others, girls endeavor to cultivate cultured manners and mien —Often Bruised

Last Sunday morning practically fifty students of McPherson College professed Christianity during the church services. Rev. Bowman is to be commanded on his great work.

The fact that at one meeting a group of college students should give their lives for the sake of God, for the betterment or their neighbors and for the complete spiritual understanding of themselves is one satisfaction that modern youth Is not going to the "dogs" and that Christanity as a whole, is securing a deeper grip on the hearts of the rising generation.


Mr. and Mrs Milo Nice have mov-ed from Kinril. New Jersey to Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Nice has been promoted to the home office of the Hercules Chemical Company in Wilmington.

Miss Minnie Mugler spent a few days Id McPherson last week visiting at the home of her parents. Miss Mugler is teaching piano In the Scott School of Music. Pueblo, Colorado,

Miss Nina Swenson. A, B. '17, Is employed as visiting teacher In the Wichita, Kansas city schools.

Miss Grace Brubaker who has been doing Girls Reserve work with the headquarters in South Bend, Indiana, is spending the winter in McPher-son. Miss Brubaker is working In the office of Dr. W. E. Gregory.

Mrs. Robert Zingg is teaching Ka-nsas at Haskell Institute. Lawrence,


Due to my close association with, and interest in, the M Club, I (eel it more or less my duty to come to the defense of that organization after reading the editorial "Ye Freshman Caps" written by a self-styled Casual Observer in the last Issue of the SPECTATOR. I am taking lt for granted the afore mention editorial was written by a boy, because I find it hard to believe a girl would write an article about something which can be readily seen does not concern her in any way,

It is my personal belief that the large majority or freshmen do not object to wearing their caps. It is usually the small group of smart-Alecks found in every class who refuse to be sports enough to follow school pre-cedent and so are peddled. While I do not particularly condemn paddling I have yet to discover any other method which has achieved the desired result, either in this school or say other school. Perhaps Mr Casual Ob-server has Insight (which he thinks islacking in the M Club) enough to produce a workable plan. I do not think the M Club members believe them-selves to be an "exclusive group1', nor do they have the feeling of super-ioroty attributed to them: neither do I believe they have refused to allow say individual the right to exercise his doe “rights and privileges" in any school affair. Some very strong friendships in college have been formed between letter-men and non-letter-men.

Students Attention

For self supporting students desiring fascinating remunerative

work other temporary or permanent may I suggest that many students of

both sexes have earned scholarships

and cash suffcient to defray all col-lege expences, representing national magazine publishers. If Interested, write or wire for details—M, A. Steele, National Organizer. 5 Columbus Circle, New York, N. Y.

Samuel Bowman,A. B. ‘18, who has spent several years as a mission-ary in China, is now located near Pomosa, Kansas, where he is engag-ed in pastoral work.

In Kansas City, at Convention Hall December 14, 15. The Lindsborg Mes iah Chorus is famous for its annual rendition of this oratorio every Easter season


Members Of the management good sports. Hallowe'en proved they were.

Evidently Mr. Casual Observer's article In last weeks Spec, must have set fire to the “M“ Club for where there Is smoke there is bound to be fire.


Ethel Early    Nov. 5

Otha Whiteneck    Nov. 11

Harold Engstrom, B. S. '20, is do-ing government work In-connection with flood control In the middle west. Mr, Engstrom formerly surveyed Minnesota swamp land which the government reclaimed and laid out for agricultural tracts.


Robert Wilson, Instructor of so-ciology at the University of Kansas and known as "K. U.’s Scientific Hobo" had an unsual experience In Kansas City recently. He is Investigating "the gasoline gypsy" and togging Himself in old clothes he prepared to spend the evening in inves-tigation. Later he was arrested as a suspicious character but he was able to establish his identity and continue his research.

President V. F. Schwalm addressed the Homecoming meeting at the Church of the Brethren at Rocky Ford, Colorado, Sunday morning and

evening. Dr, Schwalm returned to

McPherson Monday noon.

Rev, and Mrs. O. W, Weddle of Bloom. Kansas spent Saturday and Sunday with their granddaughter Mary Waddle.

John Harnly. Harold Crist, Vernon Spilman, Casey Voran, Alma Rols-baugh, Alberta Hovis, Imo Larson, Madelyn Grey and Beth Hess went to the game at Baker

Dorothy Dell of Holmesville, Ne-braska visitied her sister Pauline dur-ing the week end.

Mildred Ballard, Margaret Foster and Ruth Lerow visited friends and relatives on the campus a few days last week.

The Bethany Messenger announces an appearance at thr Messiah Chorus


Lawrence, Kan.. Oct. 31—Mrs. Mary P. VanZile, dean of women at the Kansas State Agricultural college Manhattan, Kansas, was elected pres-ident of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women at the annual meet-ing of the association brought to a close here last night. Manhattan was selected as the next meeting place of

the convention. Other officers elected were Miss Edith McGaffey, McPher-son College, McPherson. Kan., vice-President. and Miss Helen Moore, junior College, Hutchinson, Kan., secretary-treasurer.


The all-school essay contest, “The College Youth And His World". closes November 8, at 5:30 P. M. Give your manu-script to the editor.


Mrs. Flora of Quinter returned with she daughter Vera for a short visit.

Genevieve and Odessa Crist, Vera Flora, Ethel and Posey Jamison spent the week-end at their homes at Quinter.

John Berkebile spent the latter part of last week at his home In St. John, Kansas.

Alberta Yoder spent the week-end at Navarre visiting her father who is holding meetings there.

Arlan Brigham visited friends oft the campus last Thursday.

Isabel Eakeldson was a campus vis-itor during the week-end


The younger generation, denounced as playing fast and loose with the

Ideas cherished their elders, may not be such a bad lot after all, In fact, study of the subject is leading to the suspicion that in some respects

they may be equal In morals and selfrespect, and certainly freer and more independant.

There is smoking and drinking and sex irregularity In the colleges, but they are Infinitely less prevalent than

many persons have been led to be-lieve. A most thorough search falls to disclose more than a fractional per cent of college girls guilty of improper conduct—not more than one tenth of one per cent.

Much noise has been made over a few isolated examples found, but the bulk of the talk is hearsay and ram-or. Each college has heard that the neighboring college has had some trouble, and the neighboring colleges return the compliment. It is like it mirage that disappears as one ap-proaches it.

Regarding drinking, which has come to be considered a college prob-lem since the advent of prohibition, there is a pretty general agreement that drinking In all parts of the coun-try is not only less than In prepro-hibition days, but that it is definit-ely on the decrease In the last four or five years

The police in most college towns agree that drinking by students Is on the decrease. While some boys con-sider it collegiate to drink, the decline in the practice is attributed chiefly to the students themselves, and especially the coed. The girls take a definite stand gained drink-ing by their escorts at college func-tion, and refused to go with those who do. The result is that social pressure is exerted on those who might otherwise be Inclined to drink,

Regarding the diversions known aa "necking" and "Petting" there Is actually less of it in college circles

than among the young men and women in the ordinary social life of the towns and cities In the country.

The attitude of the majority of

upper-class college girls seemed to, be the rather patronizing one that freshmen are apt to Indulge in it because they think it is collegiate and smart, but they soon get over that.

In fact. the question was not found among college students to be one that they fell was worth getting excited about, The majority of college ‘Pet-lting" was found to be a comparative-

or affection rather than an outlet of a furtive and secret thing likely to be dangerous, modern college “'pet-ting" has emerged into the light and ly Indifferent expressions of friendship is not regarded as something to be

ashamed of.

Smoking is found to be fairly pre-valent in colleges, both among men and women One of the chief objec-tions are considered to be the danger that girls who had not acquired the habit would do so If continually sur-rounded by others smoking. The stu-dents themselves met that objection by voting to limit it to certain special rooms or parts of the campus.

One other question of college life. that of the possible lessoning, of re-ligion as a force among the students the Institute of Social and Religion Research found the 50 per cent of the students in twenty-three colleges investigated (practically) all nonsec-tarian) attended church regulary and 37 per cent more occasionally. Fifty-seven per cent found religion a larger force In everyday experience by senior year than it had been when Whereas formerly "spooning" was

genuine sex emotion.

they entered. Disbelievers and skep-

tics were found to number only 1

per cent.

(Rite S. Halle In Good Housekeep-ing Magazine)


McPherson succumbs


Bulldogs Out Of Running For State Championship

McPherson 6 .baker 7

Canines Reach Four Yard Line Twice

In Latter Part Of Game

Bladwin, Kan.. Nov. 1 —The Baker University Wildcats defeated the Mc-Pherson College Bulldogs 7-6 here this afternoon after overcoming the visitors early lead.' The game was full of thrills from the. very begin-ning the bulldog crew scoring within the first half dozen plays as a result of a Wildcat fumble. Miller's place kick won faulty for the third time this season out of twelve tries. Baker then came back and almost as quickly scored on the Buldogs and by outwitting their opponents added the winning point by plunging over the line through the tackle. Twice during the latter part of the game the Bulldogs placed the ball on Baker’s 4-yard line only to be held by the stubborn Wildcats, and twice they attempted to make a goal from the field but failed. This game spoiled all the bulldog hopes of becoming confer-ence champions this season.

The line up:

McPherson Position    Baker

Hochstrasser LE McNeely

Lengel    LT    Holler

Windmill L     R. Wilkinson

Bowers CG Kleeman

King     RG Vandersdal

Wine RT A. Wilkinson

Nonken LH McMillin

Bigham RH Greenough

Miller QB Peterson

L. Barngrover FB Lange


Yards from scrimmage McPher-son 153. Baker 224. Yard lost from scrimmage—McPherson 55. Baker 35. First downs— McPherson 11, Baker 13. Penalties-McPherson 4 for 30 yards, Baker 4 for 30 yards. Punts—McPherson 8 for 263 yards, Baker 7 for 280 yards. Passes com-pleted- McPherson 3 for 77 yards. Baker 4 for 56 yards. Passes inter-cepted—McPherson none. Baker 3. Fumbles—McPherson 3 recovered 5, Baker 4 recovered 1. Touchdowns— McPherson. Miller: Baker, Lange.

Points after touchdown—Lange. Of-ficials—Dwight Ream, Washburn, Referee: Mike Ahearn. K. S. A. C. umpire; Snattiger. K. U. Headlines-mn n.



Thurs,, Oct 31—The first game of the women's soccer tournament' was played this afternoon. The score resulted in a seperate tie. The tour-nament will probably be completed next week. The girls taking part In soccer receive W. A. A. points.


Miller. Bulldog quarterback, carried the “pigskin" for 125 yards gain during the Bethel game, Miller was the only regular player today the whole game. During the same bethel game Captain Nonken carried the hall for l60 yards gain.


Team    W. L, T, Pct.

Bethany     3 0 0 1000

Kansas Wesleyan 1 0 1 1000

Baker ..2 1 0 .667

McPherson  2 2 0 .500

St. Mary's 0 2 1 .000

Ottawa 0 3 0 .000

The Bethany Swedes are still    hold

ing their own at the top of the Conference this week by virtue of a 190 victory over the St. Mary's Knights last Saturday, baker advanced by defeating the McPherson Bulldogs last Friday 7-6. McPherson can change her rating to 600 if she defeats the Swedes in the annual grudge game on Turkey Day.

graduation problems are discussed at class meeting

Fri.. Nov. 1— The design of the invitations and the measurements for caps and gowns were settled morning at a class meeting of the senior class. A report was given by a committee who are working ms the commoncvmoist speaker, Those under consideration are as follows: Rev,

Clyde McGee, Chicogo, Illinois; W. Ernst Collins, Topeka. Kansas; Al va W Taylor, Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tenns.; Guy Catshall Theo-logical Sem., Denver, Colorado Clarence F. Tittle, pastor M. E. Church. Evanston. Illinois and W. E. Dodd, University of Chicago



Mon,. Oct. 28-—It was decided at a debate given by the Forensic Club this evening that McPherson College should spend her first surplus money for the Increase of her endowment.

Kenneth Bitikofer. upholding the affirmative, won the debate, from blanch Harris, negative, by a rising vote of the audience. The question was stated: Resolved that the first surplus money to be used to increase the endowment instead of for a build-ing program.

Before the debate Miss Helen Eber-ly played a piano solo.    ,