Queen’s Coronation Precedes Homecoming Game Kick-off

Macollege’s 1950 Homecoming activities are due for official culmination tonight at the Athletic Field with the coronation of Queen Miriam Keim, and the grand finale fracas against the Bethany Swedes.

Miss Keim will be crowned in pre-game ceremonies at the Field. Miriam, 20 year old junior from Nampa, Idaho, will have as her attendants Ruth Moors, McPherson, a sophomore; and Miriam “Mickey’' Akers, Hampton, Iowa, a freshman.


Friday, Nov. 10:

Noon M Club luncheon. Hotel Warren.

3:30 Homecoming parade. 5:30 Homecoming Supper. 8:00 Coronation of Queen. Football game with Bethany Swedes.

H. S. Juniors Give ‘Our Miss Brooks’ November 14-15

New York U. Professor Addresses Western Region

Sophomore . . Ruth Moors Freshman . . Mickey Akers

"Our Miss Brooks”, selected for production by the junior class of McPherson High School, will be Nov. 14, 15, 8 p. m.

From the radio story by R. J. Mann. Perry Clark adapted this three-act comedy which will appear in the high school auditorium.

Leading the cast of juniors Tuesday and Wednesday will he Myrna Sue Jones as the hilarious English teacher. Miss Brooks.

Tickets may be bought at the door.

Three Macollege debate teams will go to Manhattan tomorrow to attend K-State's tournament for inexperienced intercollegiate debaters. Prof. Roy McAuley, debate coach, will accompany the group of seven.

They are: Mickey Akers and Joan Pinther: Vi Alailima and Bob Hamsher; and, Joe Kennedy, Gene Bechtel, and Berwyn Olt-

Prof. Della Lehman and Prof. Raymond Flory served on the election hoard for the first ward, second precinct. Tuesday in the general election.

Rev. Samuel L. Hamilton, Professor of Education, and chairman of the Department of Religious Education in the School of Education at New York University is the guest speaker of the Church of the Brethren Western Regional Conference, to be held on Macampus the week of Nov. 12.


This offers inexperienced debaters help in preparing for future intercollegiate debates.

Behind Scenes At Homecoming

By Mildred Beck

The Queen and her attendants will be brought from Arnold Hall to the game in two convertibles to begin the festivities. Kay Jean Woodard, four year old daughter of Coach and Mrs. "Woody" Woodard will strew flower petals in the path of the royal procession. Mark McAuley, four year old son of Prof, and Mrs. Roy McAuley, will carry the royal crown.

Queen Miriam will be escorted to the throne by senior co-captain Joe Pate. Independence, Kans.. Miss Moors by George Goff, and Miss Akers by junior Boh Kerr. Oklahoma, the other co-captain.

Retiring Queen. Lois Yoder of Pampa, Teas, will perform the coronation ceremony. The New Queen will then throw the game bull to the officials and with their opening whistle, the annual homecoining game will begin. At the end of the game. Queen Miriam and her royal party will leave the throne, step into their royal "coach," and return to Arnold Hull.

Miriam, 1930 Queen, is native of Idaho. She has lived on a farm outside of Nampa since she was eight years old. Her majors are English and education. She is member of the junior class.

Her hobbies are knitting, reading, and cooking. She also likes all kinds of sports.

Her father, Stanley B. Keim, was s 1925 graduate of McPherson and played on the football team.

Sophomore attendant. Ruth Moors. 19, graduated from McPherson High School in 1949. She has always lived on a farm and is active in all sports. During her senior year of high school she was queen of the junior and senior banquet.

Miriam Akers, better known as "Mickey" is the freshman attendant to the homecoming queen. She was born May 18. 1932 and spent her childhood in Iowa Falls, Iowa. She has lived all her life on a farm. Mickey now lives near Hampton and was football queen in her senior year of high school. To help pass spare time she collects fossils and sketches. She is

Coach Speaks To M Clubbers At Luncheon

Coach Chalmer "Woody" Wood-ard will be the speaker nt the annua! M Club luncheon today in the Blu Room of Hotel Warren in downtown McPherson. About 400 invitatiors have been sent to all former lettermen of McPherson College and a good representation of Macampus former athletes is expected.

Increased activity in the athlet-tic program and the increased school spirit are expected to make this Homecoming game and its festivities the best of all times.

Two Of Three Vote Republican In Mock Election

Two out of three Macollege students voted Republican in a mock election. Monday, Nov. 6. The election followed a political show.

Dean Cotton mentioned improv-ment of roads, a business-like government, care of the mentally ill, and economy as promises of Ed-ward F. Arn, candidate for Governor.

A fight against deficit spending. corruption, and socialism was promised by Max McAuley, speaking for Frank Carlson, the "fearless” candidate for Senator.

The Democratic platform called for farm gas exemption, better roads, care or the mentally ill, and free textbooks in the state. Civil rights and aid to farmers were advocated by the Democratic candidate for Senator. Don Shultz and Robert Lloyd spoke for the Democratic platform.

Campus Is Bright In Red, White For Homecoming

Macampus is brigh with red and white today as students display their homecoming decora-tions.

The freshmen cleaned and decorated the part of the campus in from of the circle drive. The sophs, were responsible for the region from Fahnstock to Frantz Hall and west ns far as Kline and Arnold Halls. Seniors were responsible for the whole south side of the campus from Fahnestock Hall down to the circle drive and as far north as Sharp Hall.

The class presidents are: senior, Dale Oltman junior, David Metzler:    sophomore, Howard

Mehlinger; and freshman, Wayne Blickenstaff.

Each of the buildings has been decorated. The dorm presidents were in charge of seeing that committees were organized to direct the decorating.

Those in charge were: Arnold Hall, Marilue Bowman; Kline Hall Frances Hall; Fahnestock Hall, Joe Pate; Physical Education building. Doris Ccppock; Industrial Arts building, Prof. S. M. Dell. Library, Lorene Clark: Harnly Hall. Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel: housing unit, Bob Kerr; and Horner House. Don Stevens.

Kough Speaks In Idaho

Jack Kough recently returned from Nampa, Idaho where he was one of a group of three guests speakers at the District meeting of the Idaho District. Other guest speakers were Brother Bhaghat from India and Rev. Funderberg, Regional secretary from the Pacific Region.

Large attendance and enthusiasm were both factors present at the meeting according to Jack.

interest was shown in McPherson College. The Women’s Work gave $300 and pledged another $200 for the work of the college.

Jack also reported that he had many interesting talks with alumni while in Nampa.

Alumni Expect 200 At Dinner

Over 200 are expected at the Alumni Homecoming Dinner tonight which will be held in the church parlors nt 5:30. Dr. Lindquist, president of Bethany College, will be the guest speaker. Dr. D. W. Bittinger will also speak.

Bob Burkholder from Windom wil be master of ceremonies. Miss Mary Spessard has served as program chairman.

Tickets for the dinner are $1.00.

Debaters Go
To K-State

Players Give ‘The Fool’ For Guests

A Regional Conference performance of 'Channing Pollock's re-

ligious drama. "The Fool," will be in the chapel Monday. 7:15 p.m.

Refresher rehearsals began last Monday under the direction of dramatics couch. Prof. Roy Mc-Auley, and student director. Kath-lyn Larson, Cabool, Mo. sophomore.

"The Fool" is a four-act play on the life of a young minister. Daniel Gilchrist. To some, Gilchrist is a saint. To Jerry Good-kind, he is a "nut." To his flance, Clare Jewett, he is "selfish and a little mud."

Opinions like these come of Daniel Gilchrist. Don Schultz. McPherson senior, when he tries to live like Christ. Clare Jewett, his sweetheart, is Esther Mohler, Mc-Cune, Kans.. Junior. Jerry Good-kind is Wayne Ziegler, Abilene. Kans.. sophomore.

' The play is a contrast of good and evil. It tries to determine the good of success and failure, of wealth and poverty.

Its moods vary from the ugly realistic to the wonderful and strange moods of faith and idealism. Its scenes move Daniel Gilchrist through the supposed poverty of his simple, room through the lavish apartment of Mr. Good-kind and higher, into the dark scenario of thought.

Twenty-eight players comprise the cast. Leading members are Don Shultz as Daniel Gilchrist and Esther Mohler as Clare Jewett. Mr. Goodkind and his son Jerry arc Wayne Hutchinson, McPherson freshman, and Wayne Zeigler.

Doctor Henry Wadham, rector of Gilchrist's church is Enders, Nebr., senior, Dale Oltman.

The cast includes: Bob Holloway. Bob Wilson. Eldon Coffman. Marlin Walters, Lee Roy Schapan-sky, Joe Kennedy, Eugene Neff, Doris Kesler, Doris Roesch, and Sue Smith.

Also included are: Mickey Ak-ers, Rowena Neher, D. R. Merkey, Mildred Snowberger, Claudia Jo Stump, Miriam Keim, Billy Kid-well, and Marilee Grove. In the mob are: Bob Peel, Eddie Ball, Marilyn Roe, Maxine Hanley, Robert Kohen.

Two Profs. Serve On Election Board

Hamilton was born in Wilmington, Delaware, Nov 1. 1885. He graduated from Princeton University with an A. B. degree (cum-laude) in 1910.

Throughout his high school and college days he won many oratorical contests and debate champion-

Samuel L. Hamilton

After Princeton, he studied for the Christian Ministry at Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., where he earned a degree of B. D. in 1913. He pursued graduate

Each year us the time draws near for Homecoming, the Presidents of the various organizations on the campus cull meetings of their group at least four weeks In advance of Homecoming with great hopes of getting the plans made for their float and decorations early, so there won't he that last minute rush.

The first meeting goes off in grand style with the unanimous decision to appoint committees and the other members urged to use the liberty of giving their bright suggestions. The next two weeks pass by without much activity except In the minds of the committee members. In their sub-conscious minds keeps running the familiar little saying. “We Just have to get busy on that float,” but that seems to be as far as it goes, because the last week — the last days—the last day—and even the last hours, find anything hut a calm and collected group on Macampus.

If you are one of these people who dearly love meetings, there was a nice variety of them to attend these past few days. In fact on Tuesday there were four in progress all at the same time, but the main objective of them all was the decorations for Homecoming. therefore It didn't make much difference which you attended. for you got roped Into work no matter where you were.

Homecoming is the one week that the Macollege is in demand of trucks, but this season of the year, the farmer in his maize harvest also needs his trucks, but this is a mere mutter compared to the need of a truck for a float. The boys and girls of nearby farms, and business men have been approached by eager students with the phrase. "Do you know where we can get a truck”, and as the time drew near the answer was usually "no.”

Arnold hall was in a big rush to get their float prepared, but since a truck was not available until Friday morning, they Just took their own sweet time. The sopoho-more class made a form to farm search over the countryside for one and finally ended up some five miles from Mac. As the last days drew near, the size of the truck, 3/4 ton, pickup, or a big send made no difference, just so it was a truck.

No student could possibly feel left out of the decorating for Homecoming, for if he even so much as opened his mouth with a

study at Columbia University, New York University, the Union Theological Seminary in New York and Drew Theological Seminary.

Ho was ordained Elder in the then Methodist Episcopal Church in 1917 and became a member of the New York East Conference.

He was engaged by New York University to organize the Department of Religious Education in the School of Education and began work there Jan. 1. 1929, with the rank of Assistant Professor of Education. In 1930 he was promoted to Associate Professor of Education and full Professor of Education in 1932.

He married Jeannette V. Rekert on June 12, 1912. The Hamiltons have three children, Miss Janet K. Hamilton, who is Librarian of the Monmouth Junior College, Long Brunch, New Jersey; Stuart, who is a mechanical engineer for the Pratt - Whitney Airplane Motor Corp-, Fast Hartford, Connecticut, and Muriel Hamilton Steele, who is a psychiatric social worker in Boston.

Professor Hamilton has served and is serving on numerous committees. commissions and boards or the religious and educational field.

The Western region officials feel fortunate in securing such an educational man as Hamilton.

gentle hint that he would be willing to help, three or more committees posted him to help on their float.

Clean-up is one event which is hard work, but is worth it because of the shorter class periods. One girl even got so involved in cleaning that she got her hair and eyebrows singed by the fire. A green freshman stated she thought they filled millions of gunny sacks full of leaves. If Mother Nature and the students would cooperate, the campus might stay clean for at least a short while.

The weather, the nice unpredictable kind that the Sunflower state has, always adds a gruesome mystic air to Homecoming. This year as the paper went to press, the weather was changing Itself for the perfect type needed for football, banquets, and parades. The temperature was dropping rapid, the wind changed its difer-lion from the north and was blowing like the blazes; the sky was cloudy, and to top it off the weatherman predicted continued cold, windy, and snow.

The burning of the Swedes had a bad start already on Tuesday. Out hack of Harnly was a big pile of wood which the cheerleaders  had their eye on for the bonfire Thursday night. About 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, the wood pile went up into blazes and only by the combined efforts of the Dean, girls in their white home ec lab dresses, and other passer bys’ was enough salvaged.    '

Even the Swede himself had a hard time of it. He kept losing his head, and that is a bad policy. His legs kept getting weak as though he had water on the knee.

Some poor, creature sacrificed some wearable clothes in which the unreliable Swede might meet his doom. The Swede seemingly could not stand the cold as his hands were as red as a beet. If the Bethany Swedes can't stand on their own two feet any better than this specimen, they had better watch out for the McPherson Bulldogs at the kickoff Friday night.

All, Homecomiug! It gives vim, vigor, and vitality; and it takes "vim, vigor, and vitality. To the unsuspecting public it may seem as a festive time of Queens, form al banquets, and parades with all the fancy trimmings, but to the students of McPherson College, it means hard work, lots of fun, and high hopes of beating the Swedes on the gridiron when the final score is counted Friday night.

No Place Like Home

Mayor Homer J. Ferguson—Com. 10. ST. ’12

But to alumni and former students, Homecoming in its true sense should mean more than that. Throughout the U. S. and in Foreign lands, are thousands of men and women for whom Macollege has been “a home away from home” during a substantial period of their lives.

Thus our homecoming should be a return in spirit as well as in body, to the scenes of former youthful activities, our achievements and disappointments, our victories and defeats, but withal a recollection of close friendships and trained Christian counsel, that has helped to guide us in later years.    -

Homecoming might well remind us of how far we have come, or what ground we may have lost, since the years spent at M. C.; Homecoming might well be a time of re-consecreation to the high ideals of college years and the rededication to youthful ambitions not yet attained.

Through the years with childhood homes broken by the loss of parents, we may lose the cherished family reunions which bind and sustain. 'Tis gratifying then, to return occasionally to the old college campus and bask awhile in warmth of its memories.

Dr. James Elrod, Regional Secretary

Welcome Guests!

To the average disinteres-ed observer, a College Homecoming is just another football game, accompanied by extra campus activities, the emphasis on noisy enthusi-

Regional Conference is the one time of the year when the Regional office and the College have the privilege of entertaining their many friends from the various Districts and churches of the 15 Districts and 16 states of the Region.

That time is here when we have the opportunity or extending a hearty greeting and welcome you at this another Regional Conference

The Conference this year it set up on the sectional basis for the purpose of giving opportunity for specific training to people of vary-

The overall plan and objective, says the non-partisan observer, is designed to stimulate the team to reach the acme of perfection, the zenith of defensive power, and become animated into a frenzy of explosive energy that will pulverize the enemy and chalk up a glorious Homecoming Victory.

That would indeed be a choice dish to serve the victory-starved Canine followers this Nov. 10th. Our mouth drools at the thought of it.

Four Administer Regional Activities; Comprise Local Staff Of Workers

Four people comprise the local staff of the workers who operate the Western Regional work of the Church of the Brethren, and coordinate the 15 districts into the large Regional Unit. These four are James Elrod, secretary of the Region; Karl Frantz, who is in charge of pastoral placements; Mrs. Edward Zook, office secretary: and Mrs. R. Gordon Yoder, part-time director of Children's Work.

Dr. James Elrod has been regional director of the Western Region for the past eight years. He started his ninth year of holding this position in the brotherhood last August.

Before coming to McPherson. lie had been pastor of the First Church of the Brethren at Wichita for nine years.

Mr. Elrod is married and has two hoys whose names are Tom and James.

Dr. Elrod was ordained to the ministry June 19, 1929, and has continued to he an active worker in the Brotherhood since that


He is author of two theses. One is “Conversion Experience As Related to Heredity and Environment," which is a bound volume at Bethany Biblical Seminary. “The Evolution of the Pastoral Office" is his second thesis and it is also located at Bethany Biblical Seminary.

He is a member of the Kansas Ornithological Society. He is very interested in this organization since his hobby is birds.

He was chairman of the Regional Executives of the Church of the Brethren in 194 8.

Elrod has been cited in the Who's Who in the Western Hemisphere and Who’s Who In the Clergy. At the 1950 commencement of McPherson College he was given the honorary degree of LLD.

Earl Frantz is an alumnus of McPherson College having received bis A. B. degree in 1921. Since then he has received his A. M. and B. D. degrees. Reverend and Mrs. Frantz have three children, Rowena, Merlin, and Byron. Rowan graduated from McPherson College in 1940 and Merlin in 1943. Byron is a senior this year.

Mrs. Edward Zook, regional secretary. started working in this position in September of this year. She is the mother of two boys whose names are Rodney and Darrell. Her husband is at the present time a student on Macampus. His major is History.

Before coming to McPherson he held the pastorate of the Cando, North Dakota Brethren church.

Mrs. Zook is a graduate of the Worthington Minnesota high school. She was employed by the Great Northern Employee Federal Credit Union for two years. She was also a nurse for one and a half years at Bethany Hospital.

Mrs. Gordon Yoder has been part time children's worker in the region for several years.

Her husband is Business Manager for McPherson College. The Yoders have one daughter, Marsha, in grade school.

Mrs. Yoder is interested in Girl Scout work and other childrens’ organizations. .

What Do You Think?

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the contribu-tors and not necessarily those of either McPherson College or the Spectator.


No, I do not believe that there will be another global war. The reason for this is that neither country, Russia, or the United States is perpared for such a war. —Dale Oltman

Yes, if we invade Communist China, which is the source of the Asiatic Communist power. For example, we said that we. would not go past the 38th parallel in Korea. Then we went past it to get at the source of the Communist power. Now that the Chinese Communists are in the fight, I believe that we will try to hit the source of their power, and in so doing we will bring on another war. —Max Mc-Auley

Yes, I think that there will be another world war because of the aggresaivness of the United States.—Irwin Porter

No, The atomic bomb is too great a threat to the people of the world for any country to risk destruction by using it.—Joe Pate

Yes, I think that the present armaments race among the nations of the world will lead to another war.—Loren Blickenstaff

No, if we accept the French proposals for total disarmament.— Donald Ford

No. I do not think that either country wants war.—Lorene Clark

Yes, before the present crisis is over, I believe that there will be another war. This war will involve a fight between the United States and Russia because the United States will invade China and eventually Russia in an effort to wipe out Communist power.—Albert Guyer

Yes, if we do not think and act in a different manner than we are now we will be involved in another war.—Dee McMullen

No, I do not think that a world war inevitably aries out of the present Blast-West relation, because each war in avoidable. We should work against that nervousness which regards each problem within this relation as the beginning of “the war.”—Gerhard Sieg-mund-Schultz


Old Lady (afraid or passing her destination, poking the car conductor with her umbrella): "Is that the First National Bank?”

Conductor: “No, madam,them’s my ribs."

Conference Has Sectional Meetings

Officials of the regional office had a specific reason in organizing the Seminar or Sectional Conference this year. It is their conviction that many persons holding responsible jobs in the District and Local Church do not do their best Job, not because they are unwill-ing, but because they ore not certain how and where to take hold. It is the regional office workers’ hope that these seminars will be or some real help for everyone. District Officers

Section No. I is designed specifically for District persons holding responsible positions related to Christian Education. This includes, members of the Board of Administration, and Men’s and Women’s Work and Youth Work. It is also desirable for pastors and Sunday School Superintendents, etc. Children’s Workers

Section No. II is designed especially for those working with children. They urge those with delegated responsibility in this field to choose this section. Counselors

Section No. Ill "The Marriage Counselor" is designed especially for pastors, youth advisors, camp leaders, and others who are continually being asked to give counsel.

Church Workers

Section No. IV is designed for all those not having specific responsibilities in the church as such but who are willing to share in a discussion that could help make their own home life more meaningful. Young adults especially are urged to avail themselves of the values of this course.

Western Region Includes Fifteen Church Districts

The brotherhood of the Church of the Brethren is divided into five college-centered regions. The region surrounding McPherson College is called the Western region. It Includes these districts: Colorado. Middle Iowa. Northern Iowa. Minnesota and South Dakota. Southern Iowa, Northeastern Kansas, Northwestern Kansas, Southeastern Kansas, Southwestern Kansas, Middle Missouri, Northern Missouri, Southern Missouri and Arkansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and Eastern Montana, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana.

Chairman of the Western Regional Council is Elmer L. Dadis-man of Navarre, Kansas. The vice-chairman is Milton C. Early, Kansas City, Missouri, and the secre-. tary-treasurer is Mrs, S. M. Dell, McPherson, Kansas. Serving on the board are: Elmer L. Dadisman, who is chairman; Leonard M. Lowe, Topeka, Kansas: O. F. Mc-Gonigle, Nickerson, Kansas; Mrs. Burton Metzler, McPherson, Kansas: Rowan Keim, South English, Iowa, and Earl M. Frantz, McPherson, Kansas.

The Staff of the Regional Office, located in Sharp Hall of McPherson College, consists of: James H. Elrod, Regional Secretary: Paul Wagoner, Associate Secretary; Mrs. R. Gordon Yoder, Children’s Work Chairman; Bill Daggett. Youth President; Mrs. Burton Metzler, Women’s Work Chairman; and Martin Stine, Men’s Work Chairman.

The Regional Office is being redecorated. A partition has been re-moved, and a new office cubicle created. The walls of the entire office are being painted a cream color, as well as the woodwork.

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

asm. College yells, stirring band music, the Queen and her attendants surrounded by feminine pulchritude gayly adorned in the college colors, all add to the festive occasion.

ing responsibilities, especially in the field of home life.

It has been the policy, over the years, to bring to the Conference some outstanding leader, usually from another denomination. The purpose of this is to present varied points of view and to enlarge the services rendered through the conference.

The success or failure, of the "Conference depends much on the cooperation of the total McPherson community. The students especially can do much to make the Conference a success.

This year a new arrangement is being attempted with regard to the chapel, especially. Whether the reserve' section at the College Church for students is filled or empty will depend on student cooperation. We have selected interesting and qualified speakers for these chapel periods and feel there is real value in attendance.

All sessions are open to any students interested. Since many of these will be dealing with import-ant interests for any student wo feel happy to say that together we will have a great conference.

There will be some congestion and some inconveniences due to the extra people demanding ser-vices. If we all remember these people are our guests, all will be cared for in a fine way.

Students, faculty, church people, this is our Conference.

Bulldog Barks

The boys on Macampus were, or should have been, in Seventh Heaven the past week.. .they could save their hard earned money while the girls-gallantly shoveled out the precious greenbacks in order to show the boys that they could be good sports, too. Many girls took the boys to the show and parties.

The Ice Follies were well attended by Mac couples Friday and Saturday nights. Those who went were Ruth Crumpacker and Dick Wagoner, Betty Ann Murrey and Irwin Porter, Ann Carpenter and Chuck Petefish, Phyllis Bowman and Royce Beam, Hazel Sang, er and Boh Augsburger, Doris Kesler and Dave Metzler, Doris Roesch and Dale Snyder.

Kathlyn Larson and Butch Coffman, Lois Yoder and Gerry Neher, Orva Willems and Loren Blicken-staff, Mickey Akers and Wayne Blickenstff, Joan Pinther and George Keim, Pat Patterson and Chuck Royer, and Betty Byers and Max McAuley.

Some freshmen girls also did their duty for Women Pay All week. Wednesday night a group had a party in Dr. Bittinger’s basement. They were Martha Jo Rhodes and Bob Price. Winifred Reed and Don Wagoner. Marilyn Roe and Jake Shaeffer, Martha Lucore and Sylvus Flora, Donna Wagoner and Bob Wilson, Maxine Hanley and Eugene Neff and Phyllis Johnson and Bob Powell.

WPA picnics have been held In the park the past week. too. Sunday night a picnic was enjoyed by Betty Byers and Gilford Ikenberry, Doris Coppock and Wayne Zeigler, Maxine Coppock and Dick King.

Thursday night another group had a picnic in the park. They reported that it was a trifle cool, but that they had a good time. They were Evelyn Holman and Eugene Neff, Bertha Landis and Don Thralls, Barbara Beck, and Reza Mofarah, Ina Ditmars and D. R. Merkey, Maxine Coppock and Dick King, Alice Flora and Beryl McCann, Mary Castor and Tumu Laulusa, Yvonne Birkin and Bill Moore.

Halloween became thrill-packed when a group of boys entered the girls dorm and turned the beds upside down, and caused excitement in general. Kline Hall didn’t escape either, but the boys were disappointed there because no one offered them doughuuts for raiding  Kline Hall

The Rec. Council had a Hobo

Halloween Party class Monday

night. They, went hiking down rail road tracks, snooping into trash cons all over town and had Hobo Soup (bum stew) to eat. A nice, Juicy cun of sardines was awarded to the King and Queen Hobo. Ester Mohler and Gilford Ikenberry.

In the dorm there were Halloween parties, too. Third floor had a party Monday night in the room of Miriam Keim and Rowena Neher. Ghost Stories flew thick and fast while the lights were turned off to give the desired effect.

A “bread, cheese and Jelly" party was held in the room of Donna Wagoner and Joan Royer last Tuesday night. Others present were Bertha Landia, and Barbara

B A few brave people ventured to their homes the pat weekend. Ann and Ginger Reynolds went to their home in Des Moines, Iowa, and Carole Huffman went to her home at St. Joseph, Missouri. Lucy *    Flory, Gordon and Melvin Fish-

burn, Margaret and Bill Daggett and Rowan Keim went to Lawrence.

Thursday night a carload went to Hutchinson to a show. They were Elsie Kindley and Wayne Zeigler, Rowena Merkey and Bob Wilson, and Joan Royer and Ver-non Merkey.

Elsa Kurtz was uncontrollable Friday morning.. .she saw snow for the second time in five years. It seems that is Just doesn’t snow out in Las Vegas.

Visitors on Campus in the past week were Jimmy Garvey, Galen Webb. Vernon Nicholson and John Firestone.

Elsa Kurtz and Ken Pritchett, Pat Steel and Bob Roberta went

Committee Shows Films Tomorrow Night

Two movies. The Difference, and Two Kingdoms are to be shown in the chapel at 7:30 tomorrow evening. These films are each 60 minutes in length and have been procurred by the Social Committee for the entertainment of students and visiting friends.

They are thought provoking stories about a Christian, and refugees In other lands respectively. Everyone is welcome to see the pictures. _

•Two Kinds Of Guys

There are to me two kinds of guys,

And only two, that I despise:

The first I'd really like to slam— The one who copies my exam: The other is the dirty skunk Who covers his and lets me flunk: —Salina High News

Dean Coughenour Resign Howard Todd Becomes Managing Editor Of Paper

Dean Coughenour, first semester managing editor of the Spectator. has resigned his position because of pressing school and work obligations. Dean, who has also been covering sports events for the past year and one half is working with Jack Kough in the office of public relations.

Coughenour’s position will be filled by Howard Todd who has been campus editor thur far this  season. Todd has had considerable experience in publishing his own paper, and at the present time is assisting his parents who operate the Central Printing Com-puny in McPherson.

Howard will become the new editor-in-chief of the paper next semester.

"The Fool” is back. It will be part of the Regional Conference program. You who have seen It undoubtedly have opinions as to whether or not it should be allowed to reappear. Before you cry out, let me defend "The Fool".

After the Tuesday, May 25, production. many people condemned the play because of the several expressions spoken by the players. After the second production, the same was true.

The directors of this production took pains before practice began to take out all unnecessary "swear words”. Immediately following the first production, a like action took place. Yet. there was no let up in this criticism when the second night's curtain closed.

Ben, Pug-Nosed Canine, Became Macollege Mascot

Critics Cuss ‘The Fool’s’ Cussing

By Don Shultz

to Hutchinson Saturday night.

Ruth Peckover’s father, Walter E. Peckover, was a recent visitor on Campus. He is from Seattle. Washington.

Those going to the game at Ottawa Friday night were Betty Byers, Art Myers, Ann Krehbiel, Doris Coppock, Boh Wilson, Lloyd Hummer, Ann Carpenter Norma Couch, Hugh Bader, Margaret Daggett, Bill Daggett, Rowan Keim, and Betty Ann Murrey, and members or the band.

A party was given in the Boy Scout cabin Tuesday night by Orva Willems. Beverly Turner. Sue Smith and Peggy Sargent. Those present were Loren Blickenstaff. Wayne Blickenstaff, Lloyd Hummer, Art Myers. Chuck Petefish, Duane Jamison, Carl Metsker, George Goff, George Keim, John Robison, Gene Smith, Eddie Ball, Paul Heidebrecht, Marlin Walters, Bob Kerr, Don Hoch, Marvin Ferguson, Tommy O'Dell,

Dwight McSpadden, Bob Bean, Bob Bechtel, Ellis Albright, Carole Huffman, Mary Ellen Yoder, Elsa Kurtz, Elsie Kindley, Ann Carpenter, Miriam Keim, Joan Glee-son, Phyllis Hansen, Martha Jo Rhodes, Marilyn Roe, Joan Pinther, Dorothy Swinger, Mickey Akers, Ann' and Ginger Reynolds, Lucy Flory, Clara Domann, Mr. and Mrs. Woodard and Rev. Zeller.

Third floor Arnold had a birthday party Thursday night in honor of Pat Patterson and Ina Ditmars.

Mrs. E. A. Wall Entertains Girls At Hotel Dinner

Tuesday evening Mrs. Ernest Wall entertained Mrs. Stanley B. Keim. Miriam Keim, Rowena Neh-er, Lois Yoder, Elsa Kurtz, Margaret Daggett, and Rowena Keim at a dinner party at Hotel Warren. Following the dinner, Mrs. Wall invited the guests to her home, and showed them her collection of Madonnas which came from all parts of the world.

Stanley Keims Return For Visit To Macollege

Mr. (AB,BS ’25) and Mrs. Stanley B. Keim, Nampa, Idaho, have been campus visitors this week. Mr. Keim, who is a member of the General Brotherhood Board, has been attending meetings in Elgin, Illinois but has returned to McPherson to see their daughter, Miriam, crowned 1950 Macollege Homecoming Queen tonight.

Mr. Keim, who is a meat packer, played on the Bulldog football team while in college.

Ladies’ Quartet Sings In Salina

On Thursday. Nov. 2, the college ladles’ quartet, accompanied by Professor Flory. attended the Kansas State Teacher’s Meeting In Salina. The quartet sang for the program. Prof. Flory was chairman of the College and High School section.

Dr. Harl R. Douglass, co-author of the 'Elementary Methods textbook used here, and a well-known authority on teaching methods, was the principal speaker. There was also a panel on "An Evaluation of Teacher Education in Our Colleges Today."

The precept. “Know thyself,’’ was not solely intended to obviate the price of mankind, but likewise that we might understand our own worth.—Cicero

Since many grads are returning to see the Bulldogs perform tonight. a study has been made to discover how and when the pugnosed Canine became the mascot of Macollege.

The following letter was written to the alumni office several years ago by Ellis D. Vernik of Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Vernik was the basketball coach at McPherson College In 1915-16-17.

When the alumni office wrote to the coach it was to secure from him as much information as possible concerning the Bulldog, official mascot and symbol of McPherson college. In the letter Vernik tells about the Bulldog named Ben who was the first mascot of the college.

"Insofar as the story of Ben is concerned,” Mr. Vernik wrote, "when my elder son was born, we got Ben on the theory that a boy ought to have a dog. This dog wus an English Pitt Bull, weighing 67 pounds. He was one of the best na-tured dogs we ever saw. However, he had in him a streak of something that would not allow him to be pushed around.

"When he came to McPherson practically every dog undertook to put him in his place. I don’t recall that Ben ever picked a fight, but I do recall many fights that were picked by other dogs, none of which lasted very long.

"Ben was entirely successful In defending his honors. There was one big greyhound dog who came to town after Ben did. I have forgotten who owned him. but he seemed to feel that he was ‘going to take care of the street going out to McPherson College.

"One night I was riding my bicycle out to the college, with Ben out in front pulling me, this dog undertook to put Ben in his place. The affair was short and sweet, but Ben could not catch the greyhound, he apparently had business in another county. That seemed to

end Ben's trouble insofar as proving who was going to take care of ' that particular street.

"I coached the McPherson College basketball team in 1915-1617. Every evening about 4:30 or 5 o’clock I would ride my bicycle to the college with Hen out in front. Ben had a harness on him with a chain snapped to the harness. and I held the chain in my hand. He would pull me all the way from town to the college. That was the way we exercised the bull-dog.

"Of course, he sat on the bench at the basketball games. Just how interested he was in the game I don’t know. He was, however, very much interested in the players. A man would come off the floor, and Ben would walk over and sniff him: what he sought to accomplish by the sniffing I don’t know, but apparently he approved each time-because he didn’t register disapproval.

"When I left McPherson to go to China, there was a problem as to what to do with the dog. Dr. Heaston had taken care of our family when my elder son was born and his bill was not yet paid.

I went to Dr. Heaston to settle my bill before I left the city. He asked me what I was going to do with the dog. I told him I presumed someone would have to take care of him.

"The Doctor said ’You give me the dog and I’ll give you the baby, and we’ll call it square.' In this way. Ben the bulldog was the price of our elder son.

"There Is another incident that took place while we had Ben which '"at the time was rather a tragic one, but since has seemed rather amusing.

*We used to keep him in the basement. I bought a quarter of beef from Ray Storm, who was very well known at the college. I put this beef in the basement, hanging it where I thought it would be |perfectly safe. We went away for the afternoon and came back to find that Ben had in some manner got the quarter of beef down and had eaten about one-half of it.

"This was during the period of very high prices, during the latter part of 1916 and early 1917. It was quite a purchase for us. for we had a very modest income at that time, and meat at our house had been for the most part rabbits. ‘

"My wife was all for putting the dog out of business. She wanted to get rid of him for she just couldn't stand seeing that bulldog around any longer. But we kept him. and he seemed to do pretty well after that. Needless to say. he did not eat any more beef.

"I was secretary of the Y. M, C. A. at the time and of necessity was at the building until 10-10:30 every night. Old Ben used to stay

At last, the beleaguered director is forced to "wash every mote” out of the play. We acquiese—amiably. If precedence calls for no cussing, then "No Cussing" is the watchword.

The Player's Club has worked long, dark hours to succeed in this production. The material has been checked and rechecked to make certain that no profanity remains. Still the critics start at the mention of "The Fool," and are against it. They have missed the issue of the play, and have overlooked the contrast between good and evil.

We ask them to save their voices. We promise that there will be no profanity. We hope our sons have better reasons.

in the house with Mrs. Vernick and whenever anyone came to the door, she would go to the door and open it and Ben would stick his old ugly mug out of the door first.

"It was a very discouraging reception for the people who come to our house. Thus It wasn't long before the hoboes who were very common in those parts particularly during harvest season, stayed entirely clear of our place. Ben seemed to be a hobocide.”

"What is your occupation?" said the magistrate.

"I'm a locksmith, sir," replied the prisoner.

"Then what were you doing In that gambling house when the police raided it?”

"I was making a bolt for the


Donald Dresher

Alumni President Sends Greetings

Canton, Kans. Greetings to the Alumni, Stud-ents, and friends of McPherson College.

Through the cooperation and help of many of the local alumni; Bob Maye, alumni secretary: Dr. Bittinger; the faculty: and students, wo have endeavored to make this Homecoming the biggest and best yet. We want you to feel as welcome and as much at home as you did when yon were a student here.

McPherson college is definitely looking up in every department. The enrollment shows a greater percentage of increase than any other denominational college in this section of the country. Many improvements in buildings and equipment have been made in the last few yours and improvements will continue to be made under the able ad-ministration of Pres. Bittinger and his colleagues.

This constant growth has been made possible through many generous gifts, both large and small, from alumni and others who are interested in the type of character that is being developed by McPherson College.

It is indeed gratifying, when out in the communities of the constituents of our school, to find that many of the church and community leaders are graduates of McPherson. This in itself speaks for the contribution that our alma mater is giving to help direct the thinking of people during these troubled times.

The board of directors of the alumni association and the alumni secretary have been meeting together each month to discuss changes in the policy of the association which might make it more effective for both the association and the College itself. It is the plan to continue there meetings during the school term, and we will appreciate any suggestions from fellow alumni.

Yours Truly.

Donald Dresher President of the Alumni Association

Twenty-Third Slam

The college professor is my shepherd and I am in dire want;

He preventeth me from lying down in the bed which I renteth;

He leadeth me to distraction with his exam questions:    

He shaketh my resolution to get a college degree:

He leadeth me to make a fool of myself before my classmates.

Yea. tho I burn my lamp until the landlady howleth, I fear much evil,

For he is against me. .

His policies, his theories, and his ranting frighten my wits from me.

He assigneth me extra work in the presence of mine enemies;

He annointeth my quizz paper with red pencil marks.

And ray zeros fill a whole column.

Surely, theories, exams, and themes will follow me all the days of my college career.

And I will dwell in the bughouse forever.

—Oregon State Daily Barometer

Band Gives Performance At M. C.-Ottawa Game

The McPherson College Band traveled by bus to Ottawa. Friday night, to perform at the McPher-son Ottawa game. The band contributed to the pep of the McPherson fans during the game.

At the half the hand began their maneuver with a trumpet call. They marched across the field and back to the center doing several formations. They came to a halt in front of the grandstand in on "M” formation. Charles Royer presented a twirling exhibition which included twirling a burning baton with the lights out.

What Makes , McPherson Mac?

Homecoming with its gaiety, fuss, worry, and excitement invites a wee mite of introspection. It’s an opportune time to "look in" to ourselves and discover why McPherson College is Mac to a friendly, warm sounding title rather than a cool, distant appelation.

Maybe it's because of memories associated with the "courtin’ corn-er" in Harnly, Sharp, or in Arnold's parlor: the alarm clocks in chapel: a cow in the Dean’s office: Bulldog victories:    Prof. Hess’

blackboard: a sagging floor in the Quad office: a corner closets in the girls' dorm: sign signals in the old dining hall: hamburgers at the College Inn; J. J. Yoder as Business Manager: Christmas caroling: blanket huddles at rainy football games; freshman caps: and Academy days.

Whatever it is, memories come and memories go. Probably the greatest single factor which makes and determines those things we remember, are the jam sessions, the feeds, talks, and evenings we spent with the pals and friends to whom we became attached.

It’s this friendliness, fellowship, and close association that makes McPherson College Mac to both Grads and students.

Spec Office Receives General Over-Hauling

Not to be out-done in appearance. the Spec office has received a general over-hauling along with several other offices and build-ings.

Last spring a new galley file was purchased for the filing of cuts, and also a new four-drawer metal file for material, clippings, etc. During the summer the floor was sanded and re-painted, and recently two of the desks have been repainted.

Several new typewriter ribbons were also purchased, as well as a plastic ruler and an eraser.

Former Macollege teachers are the authors of two books recently added to the Brethren Collection in the college library.

Nevin W. Fisher’s "The History of Brethren Hymnbooks" is a historical, critical, and comparative study of the hymnbooks of the Church of the Brethren. "The Nininger Collection of Meteorites" by Harvey H. and Addle D. Ninin-ger is a catalog and history of the Nininger meteorite collections.

Professor Fisher's book traces Brethren hymody from its pietistic sources up through the transplanting of the church to America on down to the present time when a new Brethren hymnal is taking shape-

E-Town Displays 1743 Sauer Bible

Two brown-stained Bibles, several centuries old, are on display in the browsing area of the library reading room of Elisabethtown College. One of these volumes, a Sauer Bible, dates back to 1743. The other volume is dated 1744.

The first Bible printed in the colonies, excepting Eliot’s Indian Bible, is the Sauer Bible, a collector's item.

The book, one of 12,000 copies, was printed by the Christopher Bauer Press in Germantown on paper made in Ephrata. On Dec. 12, 1922, J. H. Longemecker, an elder in the Church of the Brethren, presented the Bible to the college.

A more recent acquisition is the German Bible, presented this year by William Eberly, a Lancaster lawyer. The book is in its original leather-tooled binding.

Mr. Eberly is the brother of Mrs. Emma Landes, who bequeathed $15,000 to the Elisabethtown College. Her books were given to the college library through Mr. Eberly. who had bought them after his sister's death. The 1744 Bible was included in Mrs. Lande's private collection.

In order that friends, Alumni, and Regional Conference guests who are visiting Macampus may have a better understanding of the organisation and function of the Regional organization .and its work, the following history has been compiled.

Prior to 1936 the Church of the Brethren had no regional organizations as such. Gradually, in areas centered around the Church colleges, a feeling of regional consciousness came into being.

In 1933 the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren officially authorized the organization of regional councils. Until that time the only crystallizing medium for the various areas was the Pastors’ Conference. Following the action, the McPherson conference of 1937 organized the Western Regional Council. Officers elected were: W. H. Yoder, chairman: Burton Metzler, vice-chairman:-and James H. Elrod, secretary.

The purpose of the organization was, at that time, solely the promoting of church and college interests within the college area. This area included the 16 states between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River, and Old Mexico and Canada, apart from Idaho.

At the Ashville Annual Conference of 1942 the Church of the Brethren authorized the regional councils to employ full time secretaries. Acting upon this decision the Western Region employed the present Secretary. James H. Elrod.

The Regional office was moved to McPherson, Kansas in August, 1942. For two years the office was located at 1722 East Gordon Street in McPherson. The feeling of the brotherhood boards and the college that the office should be located in the college buildings promp-ted a second move. In 1944 the office was housed in Harnly Hall on the college campus.

• After one and one-half years at this location, the present office space was made available, through the endeavor of Dr. W. W. Peters.

At first the creation of the Regional Office was merely as a Brethren service medium. At present the responsibility of the office involves the total program of the church. This includes ministry, home missions, foreign missions, Christian education, service, finance, and college interests.


Nov. 11, Movie "The Difference" Nov. 12-15 Regional Confer-ence.

Nov. 17. football—Friends-U. here.

Nov. 18. Pep Club party.

Nov. 23.    Thanksgiving.

23-26. BSCM Conference at Bridgewater, Va.        

Nov. 24.    Alaskan     Lecture.    

Nov. 28. basketball—St. Louis U.. there.

Meet D. Dresher Alumni President

Donald Dresher, who is now president 6f the Alumni Association. attended high school at Canton, Kansas. He then entered McPherson College, and took as his major. Industrial Arts.

He was one of the three from his family who graduated from McPherson College in the year of 1933,

After his graduation he started teaching in the Elementary schools at Windom, and taught for 12 years. At this time he accepted the Job of Principal of Public schools at Windom High School in which he was Principal for nine year. This year instead of teaching he is farming.

Dresher married Marcella Stan-sei in July, 1936. They have two boys, one 11 and the other 8 years of age. Mr. Dresher has held positions on the Alumni board various times, and has been the President of the Association for two years.

Nothing so much convinces me of the boundlessness of the human mind as its operations in dreaming.—William B. Clulow

Alumni Re-Organized In 1909; Number Over Two Thousand; Represent Forty-Two States, Nine Countries

Permanent records show that the McPherson Alumni Association was reorganised in the spring of    During the following year a

new constitution was drafted and submitted to the business meeting held in the spring of 1910. The meeting adopted the plan and effected a temporary organization under the new system, by electing seven di-rector to serve for one year. There are twenty on this board at the present time.

This organization at the present

time is composed of 2,320 Alumni. Approximately ,25 percent of these are from Kansas. The Alumni Association covers 42 states, and eight foreign countries. Out of our 43 faculty members 24 are Alumni from our college. Also 23 of the 61 pastors of the Western region are Grads of Mac.

Approximately 27 percent of the Alumni are housewives. 18 percent teachers, 8 percent farmers, and 3 percent ministers.

The Alumni Association has for some time had as its major objectives:

1. To be of service to the college by fostering movements considered by the alumni to be beneficial and desirable for the progress of the college. 2. To serve in some measure as an advertising medium for the college in securing of students and funds necessary for the growth of the institution. 3. To assist, through an elected repress native, who is a member of the board of trustees, in the active management of the college.

To sum up these three objec-

tives, we shall say the association wants to get students, funds, and make friends for the College.

At the present time the board is made up of 16 directors, and a president. Donald Dresher, vice president, Esther Enberg; treasurer, Paul Sherfy; and a full time employee of the College, Dorothy Erisman. This is the governing body. The official business meeting of the Alumni Association is held at their annual Spring banquet.

Former Teachers Publish Studies— Music, Meteorites

Church, College Interests Prompt Creation Of Regional Organizations

The Bulldog Coaches


MC-Ottawa Statistics

MC ...........0 13 0 0—13

Ottawa ........... 9    6 13—28

Touchdowns—MC 2 (Kerr) OU 4 (Kimbrough 2, Patty. Clifton). PAT—-MC 1 (Fish-burn) OU 1 (Grogan). Field Goal—OU 1 (Grogan).

First Downs—MC 15 OU 18. Rushing attempts and yardage—MC 62-204 yds. (Kerr 1924. Smith 10-38, Robinson 1465. McSpadden 4-11,’ Blicken-staff 3-neg 6, Ball 1-2, O’Dell 1-0). OU 46-201 yds. (Patty 15-48. Correll 5-28. Kimbrough 14-83. Clifton 5-21. Daney 5-25. Weidensaul 2-neg 4)

Passing—MC 10 attempts. 4 completed. 59 yards (Blicken-staff 8-4-59. Smith 2-0-0) OU 21-10-184 (Patty 13-7-135. Correll 3-1-10. Kimbrough 10-0, Weidensaul 4-2-39).

Passes Interrupted—MC 1-3 yds. (Petefish). OU 3- 8 yds. (Kimbrough 1-3. Correll 1-5. Medill 1-0).

Punting—MC 6-36.3 avg. (Smith). OU 5-37.6 avg. (Grogan).

Kickoff Returns—MC 5-101 yds. (Kerr 3-57. O’Dell 1-17. McSpadden 1-27) OU 4-87 yds. (Correll 1-23. Clifton 1-16. Kimbrough 2-48).

Punt Returns—MC 4-57 yds. (Petefish 3-47', Blickenstaff 110) OU 5-53 yds. (Hoover 2-21. Kimbrough 3-3 2).

Penalties—MC 2-10 yds. OU 4-30 yds.

Fumbles—MC 2. OU 5. ed—MC 1. OU 1.

Pass Receptions—-MC 4-59 yds. (Bechtel 1-9. Robinson 1 22. Metzler 1-10. McSpadden 118). OU 10-183 yds. (Meiers 3-78. Killingsworth 2-16. Clifton 1-16. Simons 3-4 2, Grogan 1-32).

Chalmer E. Woodard. or "Woody” as he prefers to be called, will be new to many returning alumni, as this is his first year at McPherson College.

However, Woody s not new to anyone for long. He is easy to get acquainted with, and will talk with you for hours, especially about football.

Woody came to McPherson with an outstanding high school coaching. record and has proved that given a little time he can turn out some fine college teams. He has taken a squad with very little college experience, taught them a new system, and played every opponent a good game.

Woodys official title is Head Coach and Athletic Director.

Braves Pass Beat Bulldogs

Ottawa proved too strong for the McPherson Bulldogs last Friday night as they passed to a 28’13 win.

Ottawa took the opening kickoff and on the first play. Jack Pat-lie pitched a 63 yard pass to Dick Meiers that ended up on the two yard line. Pattie their went over from the two to score. The try for extra point was missed.

McPherson received and moved to the twelve yard’ line’of Ottawa before they lost the ball on downs. Ottawa then took over and moved to the 15 where Grogan kicked a field goal and Ottawa led 9-0.

With five minutes gone in the second quarter. McPherson recovered an Ottawa fumble by Bill Hoover on Ottawa’s 37 yard line. From there Kerr ran the end for 14. Smith slashed through for 13.


Guy Hayes is new in the capacity of assistant football coach, but will be new to no one very recently connected with McPherson College. Guy, until recently a McPherson business man, has taken over the enlarged Rural Life Dept, here at the college and doubles as assistant football coach.

Guy will he remembered by many as a player himself. He made all conference honors in 1933 at a tackle position.

Hayes has had coaching experience before. He coached at Rox-bury. Ellsworth and Chapman High Schools before the war.

and Johnny Robison made eight yards in two attempts to put the ball on the two yard marker. Bob Kerr went over from there to score. Melvin Fishburn kicked the extra point. Ottawa took the kickoff and after bogging down, punted and McPherson took over.

A few minutes later. Medil intercepted a McPherson pass on the McPherson 31 yard line. From there. Ottawa went on to score on the ground with the last three yards being made on a reverse by Vaughn Kimbrough. The try for the point was muffed. Taking the kickoff. Blickenstaff hit Robinson with a 22 yard pass, and in a scries of ground plays, McPherson marched 75 yards to the six yard murker and Bob Kerr raced across to score. The try for the point by 'FishBurn was blocked.

The rest of the half, both teams had little success in forging ahead


and the half ended with the score standing 15-13 in favor of Ottawa.

Ottawa hung on to their slim lead through the third quarter as the crowd saw many drives by both teams bog down and neither being able to score. With three minutes gone in the fourth frame, Ottawa's Jack Pattie hit Don Simon twice for 18 and 13 yards respectively, and Vaughn Kimbrough drove over from the seven. Grogans kick was good.

Now trailing by nine points, McPherson received and after two no-gain plays on the ground, took

Bulldogs Play St. Louis Nov. 28

Since the first few days of October. Assistant Coach Dick Ware-ham has been conditioning a group of basketball players. As soon as the regular football season is over, this group will be joined by others which are at present playing football. From this enlarged group, the 1950-51 McPherson College basketball team will be chosen.

The Bulldogs have lost several of their players by graduation but among those returning is Loren Blickenstaff, a junior, who last year was the top scorer for the Bulldogs and was also chosen to the second string All-Conference team. He will be supported by several other Important lettermen and a host of other new but not untried material. With the turnout for practice as large as it has been and the Bulldogs starting a new season under our new coach Chalmer "Woody" Woodward, they can be sure that things shall be on the "up" as they are in football.

Several big games have been scheduled as well as the usual Kansas conference and tournaments. Among those are St. Louis University. Phillips University of Enid, and Illinois Wesleyan plus several tough foes of the Central conference. .

Yes, the McPherson College Bulldogs should have a good year on the hard woods an Coach Chalmer "Woody" Woodard and his assistants make ready for the 1950-51 basketball season.

Basketball Schedule

Dec. 1—Phillips U. at Conway Springs, Kansas.

Dec. 8—Open date.

Dec. 12—St. Benedicts College— there

Dec. 13—Illinois Wesleyan—there Dec. 15-17 — Brethren College Tournament at North Manches- ter, Ind.

Jan. 5—Ottawa—here.

Jan. 13 — St. Benedicts College —here

Jan. 19—College of Emporia — there

Jan. 22. Kansas Wesleyan—here

Jan. 26—Bethany—there Jan. 30—Bethel—here Feb. 2—Bethany—here Feb. 9 Open date.

Feb. 16—Baker—there Feb. 17—Ottawa—there Feb. 20—Bethel—there Feb. 23—College of Emporia Feb. 28—Baker—here

Jack Kough is doubling ns Public Relations Director and as line coach for the Bulldogs. Jack played some football here at McPherson College Just before the war. He also played while, in the service, so he is well acquainted with the game.

Jack has his masters degree and has completed his residence requirements for his Ph. D. at the University of Chicago.

Dick Wareham is the only holdover in the phys. ed. department from last year. Dick acts ax team trainer for the Bulldogs during the football season and will be B squad coach , in basketball.

However. Dicks main duties are in the fields of Physical Education and intramurals.

Dick is also baseball coach. Under his guidance the Bulldogs have taken on a very ambitious baseball schedule.


to the air only to have their first pass intercepted on their own 37 by Kimbrough, and a few plays later Ken Clifton went over from the eight. The try for the extra point was wide and Ottawa led 28-13.

McPherson tried to rush back again but bogged down shortly and the game ended with Ottawa holding the big end of a 28-13 score and retaining their right for a chance at the Kansas Conference crown.

Swedes, Bulldog Homecoming Foe









W. Blickenstaff















The feature attraction of the homecoming week-end will find the McPherson College Bulldogs and Bethany College Swedes renewing, for the 28th time, a rivalry which has been heated down through the years.

It was back in 1920 that the Bulldogs first met the Swedes on the gridiron in the first regularly scheduled intercollegiate game for the Bulldogs.

The Swedes by this time were old hands at intercollegiate football. hut it was not until the close of hostilities in 1919 that McPherson College begun to think seriously about playing football. The board of trustees approved football in 1920 and the college set up a schedule which included Bethany. Thus was born the Bulldog-Swede rivalry.

Of the 27 games played to date the Swedes hold a decided edge in games won. The Swedes have walked off with 20 while the Bulldogs have salvaged 4. the lost Bulldog victory coming in 1935. Three of the meetings have failed to prove a thing, ending in ties.

As might be expected, the Bull-dog-Swede affairs being the oldest on Bulldog books, many of the alltime marks were set in these games the oldest mark, set in a Swede game, still on the books was set in .1923. The Bulldogs did not allow the Seedes a single first down us they beat them 7-3.

The 1923 Bulldogs went on to take the championship, for the only championship the Bulldogs have ever won in 26 years.

This great 1923 team featured such well known alumni as Paul "SI” -Sargent. the Helm brothers Dick and Stan. Paul Kurtz, Frank ' Barton. Bill Mudra, and Leon "Pea-nuts" Morine in the line. The back-field consisted of Gordon ''Joe" Houston, Carl "Tok” Carter, Harold Barton, and Henry “Heinie" Hahn.

The most recent mark or murks to be set in a Bulldog-Swede meeting were set only last year, when four were written into the books. Bethany scored the most points an M C opponent has ever scored against her when they scored 75. The most points scored by both teams with Bethanys 75 and McPhersons 13 for a total of 88, and as would be expected the most touchdowns scored by both teams, 14, were scored in last years meeting.

However all the glory does not go to the Swedes for last year. Hill Seidel. Bulldog end snagged a Bethany fumble out of mid-air and rambled 83 yards to pay dirt for the longest runback of a fumble in Bulldog history.

Several other records have been set in Bulldog-Swede contests, the most outstanding of which is probably the record number of punts set in 1931. when each team punted 18 times as they fought to a 0-0 ‘ tie.

As the Bulldogs and Swedes meet again tonight, one could probably find takers for bets on the outcome either way. Comparative scores only serve to cloud the pic ture more thoroughly as to the outcome, the teams arc that evenly matched. Some will say that the Bulldogs should win because they will be up for the homecoming affair. but others will point out that Coach Hay Hahn of the Swedes will have something extra special for the Bulldogs as he strives to keep his Swedes above the .500 mark.


Homecoming visitors who venture over around the Physical Education Building will find several improvements have been made in the building itself and on the field and stands during the past summer.

The main gym floor got its yearly face lifting and is in good shape for the winter sports. However the greatest change in the building itself will be found in the east room where a new floor has been poured ns well as a battery of six showers being installed. The equipment storage room was moved to the north end of the room where a check room was also constructed, making this probably the best equipped dressing room in the conference.

Both the playing and the practice fields wore resodded over the summer. The playing field is in the best shape it has been in for a number of years and is one of the better sodded fields in this part of the state.

The stands on both the east and west side of the playing field got a much needed coat of paint this summer, making them a great deal more attractive.

These changes and improvements are only a part of the program of re-emphasis of sports here at McPherson College.

One is prompted to wonder if the decision of the Board of Turs-tees to revamp the sports program has not already proved its worth. Perhaps this is not the cause and the effect, but the fact remains that McPherson College is the only college in the state that can boast an increase in enrollment this year. An increase in enrollment is always a healthy situation.

Kansas Conference

Baker Or Ottawa Champion?

The Baker-Ottawa go-round at Ottawa Nov. 17 is almost certain to decide the championship of the Kansas Conference.

Ottawa must dispose of C. of E. tonight to make the Nov. 17 affair the decisive battle. Even should Ottawa lose to C. of E. they could still share in the title by beating Baker.

Baker will go into the Ottawa game with a perfect record us the rest of their league schedule is completed. Baker won their fifth straight conference game last Saturday over Kansas Wesleyan 46-20. The game was a Homecoming affair at Baldwin.

Ottawa kept its record clean against McPherson as they beat the Bulldogs 28-13 last Friday night.

College of Emporia made it two wins and three losses in conference play ns they had little trouble with Bethel, winning 23-0.

The conference schedule this week will find McPherson entertaining the Bethany Swedes in the Bulldogs Homecoming game. Bethel will go to Salina to meet Kansas Wesleyan and Ottawa will Journey to Emporia for a game with C. of E. Baker steps out of the conference to entertain West-mar (Iowa at Baldwin. All of these games are tonight.


The achievement of freedom is not an instantaneous event; it is a process. The seed is planted but before the tree can take root and grow and spread it has to be nurtured untiringly by innumerable bunds.—Liaquat All Khan

Orchids To You

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bunkirk of the Prairie Gardens Nursery have offered to give an orchid to the winning captain or co-captains of the homecoming game with Bethany tonight.

Mr. Buskirk is a graduate of McPherson College and Mrs. Buskirk is a graduate of Bethany. Other times these people have shown their generosity in that they gave roses to all the girls in the dormitory on one occasion. See an advertisement in tills issue for further details.