McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Thursday, jan. 16, 1936

Number 17

New Courses to Be Given Next Semester

Smith, Brown, Petry and Mohler Offer Variations in Their Departments

Schedule is Changed

Chapel to be Held Twice a Week— Y's to Meet on Monday at 11 o’Clock

As the present semester draws to close students are studying the curriculum offered for next semester and planning their schedules. The outline of courses for next semester is written on the blackboard in Room 6 in Sharp Hall. Anyone who hasn’t already looked at it should go in soon and study it carefully, so that he will not have a great many conflicts when the time comes to enroll.

Several new courses will he added next semester. There will be two new psychology courses offered. Doctor Smith will teach abnormal psychology on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9 o'clock. She will have a class in applied psychology from 2:10 to 3 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. These two courses are numbered 115 and 24 respectively.

Doctor Petry will teach a new course, marriage and the family. This class will meet at 1:15 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Its catalog number Is 122. Doctor Flory will conduct a class in American literature (number 106) on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10 a. m.

Dean Mohler will add a class in Botany and one in agriculture to his teaching schedule. The former class will meet at 1:15 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. His agriculture class will meet at 2:10 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These courses arc numbered 46 and 11. Doctor Brown will teach a class in Spanish next semester. Its number is 1, and it will meet at 1:15 on Monday and Wednesday and at 2:10 on Tuesday.

Not only have there been changes in some of the courses, but an entirely new class schedule has been worked out. Classes will convene at 8 a. m. as usual, but the last morning class will end at 12 o'clock. In the afternoon classes will begin at 1:15 and the last one will end at 4:50. Chapel will be at 10 o’clock on Tuesday and Friday; the Y organizations will meet at 11 on Mon-day; and Pep chapel will be held at 11 on Thursday.

Superintendent J. A. Blair

Speaker at C. E. Sunday Eve.

County Superintendent J. A. Blair talked to the college students at the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening on what can be done to advance religion in the new year.

Preceding the talk, Dan Zook lead the group in singing, Leta Wine lead in devotional, and a girl’s trio, co posed of Helen Eaton, Lorene Vo-shell, and Aileen Wine, accompanied at the piano by Lucile Ullrey, sang Carl Hahn's "The Green Cathredal.”

Best Schools Offer

Awards to Students

Scholarships and Fellowships Are Available in Many Courses

Among the numerous fellowships and scholarships open to students of McPherson College are found some of the best in the country.

For the women Radcliffe College, women's division of Harvard, offers courses for work in Master's degrees and Ph. D.'s. Thirty-five of these fellowships und grants-in-aid ranging from $400 to $1,000 are open under members of the Harvard faculty.

The University of Missouri annually offers a number of fellowships and scholarships to those properly qualified for graduate work. For the year 1936-37, applications must be in by March 1, 1936. Appointments are made and announced by April 1, 1936.

Now York University Is open to several who are able to qualify for scholarships. The University offers a fellowship for study in order to obtain a higher degree. Others offered include the Penfield Scholarship for study in Diplomacy, International Affairs and Belles-Lettres and the Blumenthal Fellowship mainly for advanced study of mathematics.

These are some of the main ones offered. There are other notable awards offered to the good college student. Applications should be filed at once in order to be on the safe side. A catalogue is available from each of the above schools if interested.

Miss Della Lehman to Open New Book Shop and Library in Feb.

Miss Della Lehman, instructor of, literature and dramatics at McPherson College, plans to open a book store and lending library in February. The business, which will be known as "The Book Shop," will be located at 106 South Main Street.

The shop will have the newest and best books as quickly as they are available off the press. New shelving is to be installed and the lobby is to be refurnished and redecorated.

Miss Lehman announced that Mrs. Archie McDonald will be in charge of the shop for a few months. During the summer months Miss Lehman intends to operate the business herself.


Thursduy, Jan. 16—Basketball with Sterling at the Convention hall gym.

Friday. Jan. 17—Thespian Club at 8 a. m.

Sunday, Jan. 19—Recital in the chapel at 3:30; C. E. at College Church 6:45 p. m.

Monday, Jan. 20—Basketball with Bethany, at the Convention hall gym.

Tuesday, Jan. 21—Regular Y. M. and Y. W. meetings, 10 a. m.—World Service meets at 7 p. m.

Pictures of China to be Shown At Missionary Meeting Thursday

The second of the missionary meetings being held at the Church of the Brethren is scheduled for Thursday evening, Jan. 16.

A fellowship supper consisting of vegetable soup, celery, sandwiches, jelly and pie will be served at six forty-five in the church basement.

After the meal motion pictures of the mission work that is being done in China will be shown. Leonard Crumpacker will speak.

Schwalm Attends Meetings in N. Y.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm is spending this week in New York attending a meeting of the General Education Board of the Church of the Brethren. He went by way of Chicago and Washington. D. C.

Leap Year Party Rush Overworks Phone

Three Teams Go to Debate Tourney in Salina Saturday

McPherson College will be represented by three teams at the debate tournament at Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina Saturday. Debaters for McPherson are Theresa Strom and Harriette Smith; Harold Larson and Waldo Newberg; Marvin Rid

dell and Addison Saathoff. This tournament is for debaters who have had no previous college debate experience.

The first round in the debate will start at 9:30 a. m. and will be followed by rounds at 11 a. m., 1:45 p. m., and 3:15 p. m. Other colleges to be represented in this tournament are Kansas Slate College, Bethel College, Kansas Wesleyan University, and Bethany College.

Student Makes Door Mats of Old Tires

High School Hand to Give Concert Featuring Costumes of Early Days

A unique concert will he given by the McPherson High School band next Sunday at the Community building. Costumes collected from all parts of the United States and some as old as a hundred years will be presented. Many of the college stu-dents have been attending the concerts given by the high school band, and it is expected that there will be a large attendance of them at the cincert Sunday.

Piano Students Give Recital

Students from the piano department will give a recital Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the college chapel. The public is cordially invited.

"What are little boys made of? Hammers and nails and puppy-dog tails."

What are door mats made of?

Old rubber tires and wires.

Janitors of the campus owe a vote of thanks to Richard Epps, who has made the door mats that lighten or should lighten their work. Epps has been making door mats since he was in high school and has sold them to the college and various other places around town.

The door mats are made out of old tires and put together with wire. A company in Wichita has the process patented, and patent royalty must be paid to them. Epps thus spends bis spare time not only as an interesting pastime but as a business proposition.

I am a telephone. Heretofore I have never felt that I had any experiences that would he interesting to relate, but the time has come when I must speak.

About a week ago, maidens who live near me and who have never considered me extraordinarily valuable, now use me as if I were an instrument of vital importance. Some of these maidens approach me cautiously as if I were going to spring off the wall and devour them. Slowly they take down my receiver and ring for the operator. At the sound of her cherry voice they whisper a gentle "72.'' Then when the operator says. "That line is busy." the caller heaves a monstrous sigh of relief and retreats.

And then there are the maidens who rush at me with flushed faces, thundering hearts and quivering fingers. They jerk my right arm, give my left ear a snappy tweak, and scream in my face, "72." When some one says "Fahnestock hall," the maiden asks for some insignificant personage (in my estimation) and then after a pause the other end of the wire says, "No, said person isn’t here." The lassie hanging on to me, slums me back together and shrieks, "I’ll never have the courage to do it again."

There remains a third type of female. Calm and self-assuredly, she confronts me, goes through the necessary maneuvers, and Presto! she has her date for the Leap Year Party, Friday night in the Y. W. room! Just like that!    

I'm having the time of my life, but I do hope I can hang up under the terrific strain, the excitement, wrenching, and all—Perhaps after Friday night, conditions will he restored to normal, and my masculine neighbors will again be giving me the greater rush.

13 Volumes of American

Church History Donated

Mrs. J. G. M. Hursh has given to the library 13 volumes of American Church History. This fills an important gap in the church history material in the library.

Other new books include "An Open Book to College Teachers" by Payne and Spieth, "Job Hunting and Getting," by C. Belden, "Poetry, Its Appreciation und Enjoyment" by Untermeyer, "Asylum" by W. Sea-brook, "Flaubert," by Faguet, "The Theory for Education in Plato's Republic," by Nettleship, "Principles of Heredity" by Snyder, "Natural Approach to Philosophy" by Rohr-

First Semester Ends As Final Exams Begin

Classes Meet Monday and Tuesday;

Exams Claim Remainder of Week

Next week will be the last week of the present semester. Classes will convene regularly on Monday and Tuesday with final examination over the semester’s work beginning on Wednesday and continuing thru Thursday and Friday. The schedule for the examinations is as follows:

Wednesday, January 22: 8:00 to 10:00—All 8:00 classes.

10:30 to $12:30—All 3 hour 2:30 classes.

1:30 to 3:30—All 3 hour 10:30 classes.

3:30 to 5:30—All 2 hour 10:30 classes.    

Thursday, January 23

8:00 to 10:00—All 3 hour 9:00 classes.

10:30 to 12:30—All 2 hour 9:00 classes.

1:30 to 3:30—All 1:30 classes.

3:30 to 5:30—All 4:30 and 2 hour 2:30 classes.

Friday, January 24.

8:00 to 10:00—All 3 hour 11:30 classes.

10:30 to 12:30—All 2 hour 11:30 classes.

1:30 to 3:30—All 3:30 classes.

Four and five hour courses are examined at the same time as three hour courses, and one hour courses at the two hour periods.

February to See Completion of Student Union Project

Construction of the Student Union room is progressing rapidly. The two rooms in the lower floor of Sharp Hall, at which place the new room is to he located, are rapidly changing form.

The partition between the two rooms and a small office which was located in one of the rooms have been torn out. The metal celling has been torn down. Blackboards, wood borders, and radiators have been removed. The old floor hus been straightened and bolstered up.

At the present time students are working on the sub-floor which will be laid entirely by student labor. At the same time the contractor and his men are working on the celling, which is to be of variegated Cello-tex. Slim Edgewell, of McPherson, will do all the wiring for the room. This will have to be completed before the ceiling may be completely constructed.

A committee is at work on furnishings and interior decorations for the room.    

It is the hope of the Student Council to have the room completed for the Regional Conference, which is to be held on the campus in February.

New Program Planned by “Y” Organizations

Temporary Merging of Groups to be Effective During Second Semester

To Hold Joint Meetings

Men and Women Students to Head

Commissions in New System Which Will Be Adopted

In order to correlate and unify the work of the Y organizations of the campus, a new program of action is to be placed into effect for the second semester. First of all, the two Y groups are to merge temporarily

in their group and cabinet meetings; the results of a semester of such union will determine the possibility of future permanent union. Secondly, a correlated system of commissions, each dealing with a salient phase of life, has been organized to handle all Y work for the coming school period.

The commission system is an outgrowth of the Estes conference. At this conference each spring there are a number of divisions, into which all phases of the conference are grouped. Group discussions, laboratory work, and individual interest are built around each division.

Harold Colvin, regional field secretary for the Y, suggested at his last visit on this campus that McPherson College try the commission system in its local organizations. The cabinets have acted upon this suggestion, and the new plan will be tried for one term. It has been used successfully in a number of other schools.

The Y work has been organized into six commissions. These are headed by two co-chairmen, one each from the YM and YW. The commissions and their leaders are as follows:

Reinterpretation of Religion — Willard Flaming and Wanda Hoover.

Creative Leisure — Kenneth Wea-ver and Modena Kauffman.

World Cooperation — Dave Metzger and Emma Schmidt.

Personal Adjustment and Social Relationships — Paul Miller and Leta Wine.

Race -- Paul Heckman and Dorothy Matson.

New Citizenship -- LaMar Bollinger and Lillian Peterson.

Each of these groups has a sponsor assigned by the regional field council, with headquarters in some city of the region. These sponsors direct the work of the commission, and it is planned that each commission hold a conference of all schools in the region sometime in the spring.

The Y programs Tuesday morning were devoted to the presentation of the new plan to the members, with the request that each member join one commission for active work. The main purpose of the commission is to direct study and discussion in regard to the several problems involved in its particular area. In addition the commissions will be responsible for regular programs in the combined Y group next semester.

Christian Education Cause Upheld by N. B. C. Broadcast

baugh, and a book containing the addresses and proceedings of the National Education Association by Davidson.

The librarian, Miss Heckethorn, asks those who have material out to see that this is returned to the library before the end of the semester.

Paul Booz and Kenneth Weaver, visited Booz' relatives and hunted near Alden Saturday.

Miriam Kimmel has been confined to her room with the mumps.

Happy Birthday!

Harold Mohler        Jan.    17

Lloyd Moehlman    Jan.    18

Leonard Lowe    Jan.    19

Harold Zuhars Jan. 21

Dr. Smith Will Give Teas SemiMonthly Starting Thurs., Feb. 6

Beginning Feb. 6 Thursday afternoon teas will be given by Dean Smith on the first and third Thurs-

days of each month from 4 to 5:30 o'clock In her office. This semester Dr. Smith has given a tea each week. The plan of having teas periodically, which was introduced to McPherson College by Dr. Smith, has received the whole-hearted approval of the students.

A national broadcast in behalf of the cause of Christian higher education was given yesterday at 12:1512:30 E. S. T. over Station WEAF and Red Network. This broadcast was made possible through the courtesy of the National Broadcasting


The speaker was Dr. Robert E.

In honor of the birthday of Helen Eaton, the following girls enjoyed a line party to "So Red the Rose," and a feed afterward in Arnold; Helen, Eugenia Hogan, Inez Goughnour, Glee Goughnour, Lucille Ullery, Wanda Hoover, Modena Kauffman, and Velma Watkins.

Speer. All church-related colleges and friends of the cause of Christian higher education were asked to listen in, and to make it possible for others to hear.

Most of the presidents of the church-related colleges in America were gathered in New York City, where they heard the message. Local groups also had the opportunity of sharing in this privilege.

The election of the officers for the Student Government of Arnold Hall takes place this week: They will assume their duties at the beginning of the second semester.

“Balance” Is a Universal Necessity

The Spectator

Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. Published every Thursday during the school year by the Student Council.

where balance is found to be essen-tial.

To the college student, however, the most important use of balance is in living a balanced life. A young person can expect little joy from life if he is continually pursuing only one thing or vocation. Without friends or interests other than a mercenary one, no one can accomplish a great deal.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is any American’s birthright. Even more so is it the right of the college student than others. That is the reason we are in college —to learn how to live. To live a good life, a cultural and intelligent life, one’s interests must vary. It would be impossible to be a good lawyer and know nothing of science. "Other People" is a subject that is most important and interesting.

For these reasons and innumer-able others. It is most satisfactory for the student in any modern college to live a balanced life. A balance of time, skills, arts, and friends is a hearty prescription and a good tonic to place one well on the road to success and popularity.

THAT one word can portray an idea which is universal in application is evidenced in the word "balance."

There is no animal or work of man, if it is a good work, in which balance is not found. From the bird poised with spread wing to the huge airliners, balance is the predominate factor in its being.

To take a few modern examples, the automobile is built entirely on a principle of balance. The speed attained by motorists now would be impossible if nearly perfect balance of structure was not maintained. Joe Louis, heavyweight prizefighter, has never lost a major fight. He says that balance is the secret of his success.

The modern methods of warfare are completely carried on through a series of balances. Guns are carefully balanced so that they may be fired faster and with greater accuracy. Bombs are perfectly proportioned in order that they might drop more truly on their missions of death. Balances of men and time are even more important.

These are only a few specific cases

THE SCHOOL    1935 Member 1936    HOME OF

op quality Associated College Press the bulldogs

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.


Editor-in-Chief............................................. Vernon D. Michael

Assistant Editor............................................... Merle Messamer

Society Editor.................................................... Velma Watkins

Sports Editor...................................................... Conway Yount

Make-up Editor.............................................. Norman Edwards

Business Manager.......................................... Lawrence Strouse

Assistant Business Manager.................................. Clayton Rock

Advertising Manager.......................................... Waldo Newberg

Assistant Advertising Manager.................................. Paul Lackie

Circulation Manager............................................ Galen Glessner

Assistant Circulation Manager............................ Lawrence Boyer


Estelle Baile    Yolanda    Clark    Martha Hoop

John Bower    Evelyn    Glessner    Harriette Smith

Otho Clark    Isobel    Kittell Kenneth    Weaver

Look Before You Leap This Year

Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.—Thomas Carlyle.

Was the proposed open house at Arnold postponed to give the ladies time to catch up on their housecleaning?

Do Words Fascinate You?

Just S’posin This, What Would You Choose?

JUST In case the inexorable rush of the pre-exam period hasn’t got you too dizzy, and in case you ac-tually do have some time left for thinking, perhaps this little poser will offer some room for thought. Let us assume a hypothetical situa-tion: By some crook of fate you are given the power of commanding any-thing you desire—you can ask for anything, but you can ask for it only once. Such a proposition offers al-most innumerable possibilities; our social system is so full of undesirable things that it would be a real, pleasure to get rid of some of them. At the same time one would natur-ally desire to get the greatest amount, of good from his wish, and concomitantly he would want to avoid any undesirable but necessary results.

H. G. Wells, noted British author, has written a short story on this

particular subject, which was published in recent issues of the American magazine. Fantastic and even grotesque at times, the story traces the mental reactions and physical acts of a young man in England, just an ordinary young man, who was granted the above-mentioned faculty by the powers that be. The only difference in the story and the hypothetical case is that the young, man in the story had the continual and practically unlimited use of his power.

As naturally would, be expected, all the vested interests in existence exerted their utmost persuasive powers to induce the young man to put their pet schemes into operation. With allegorical emphasis Wells pictures the greed and selfishness which governs all the attempts to corner the young man’s power. In-

Subscription Rates For One School Year $1.00

NOVEL situations usually result in great amusement for the participants. The Leap Year party tomorrow evening is destined to be the cause of greater merriment than has yet been experienced on the campus this year. Fun and lots of it is un-doubtedly to be found by all who come.

Yet greater good than fun is to be derived from the Leap Year party and all that in incidental to it. Men have been forced to endure the agony of wondering. "Will I get a date to the party?" They have been confronted with the problem of answering tactless women who call anony-mously by phone and ask if they have a way to the party. More than one fellow has been embarrassed by listening to a feminine suitor ask several persons in immediate suc-cession for a date, then turn and ask him when he was obviously second or third choice-—maybe fourth or fifth. It falls the lot of the women, under the ordinary regime, to bear this humiliation.

Making dates for the party has not been all fun for the women. Breaking in on a steady has been cause for some concern. Fear of refusal has resulted in considerable consternation and apprehension. Discovery that most of the eligibles had been taken was a bit disconcerting to

TO ALL persons interested in pure word study, there will soon be made available on the library magazine rack a new periodical entitled "Words," published independently in California by two men greatly interested in philology. It is "a periodical devoted to the origin, history, and etymology of English words." All amateur lexicographers will find a great deal of valuable and useful information in the paper.

The articles are all written by experts and recognized authorities from our large colleges and universities. Vocabulary building is treated every month by the editor himself. Derivations and cognates from many languages, old and new, form interesting subjects for discussions. Queer words, the use of words, spe-cialized terms, the alphabet, neologisms, influence of foreign tongues, and many other items make an in

Address All Correspondence to

The Spectator

McPherson, Kansas

those who did not speak early. Latent qualities of originality in entertaining are awakened by the shift of this responsibility to the women. This query has been heard, "What shall we do with our dates if the party is out early?"

Some ordinary problems brought about by dating which concern both sexes are considerably exaggerated, and are thereby made quite obvious by the reversal of the usual custom. Gossip is a much greater temptation because matters which are ordinarily taken for granted are forced into one's consciousness. Time is another element, the importance of which is made more clear by leap year dating. The "dater" wishes to be certain of a date. He (or she), therefore, attempts to make a date as far in advance as possible. The "datee" does not always find it convenient to make definite plans very far into the future. It seems that compromise is the best solution of the problem of time.

Whether the party itself be a flop or a grand success, one great value shall come from it. Each sex will have been enabled to see the other’s viewpoint. This will further mutual understanding and tend to lessen the problems of dating. As for Leap Year parties we say, "Let’s have more of 'em.” tensely gripping romance of the study of words.

One of the most palpable weaknesses of college students in general is their feeble vocabularies. Meagre vocabularies and a paucity of available words for ready use make conversation and writing pitifully threadbare. It is true that most persons have what is known as a latent vocabulary, which contains many words faintly recognized when read but not actively used or understood in conversation. Words, however, are of only half value if they can not be made to serve in a kinetic way. Thus such a magazine as "words" is patently valuable to any person who desires to build a rich word-stock with an abundance of precise terms ready to flow from tongue and pen. For your intelligent consideration we recommend the study of "Words."—K. W.

cidentally, the young man finally gives up, voluntarily, his power because of his disgust for the trouble it caused.

From one angle the young man was in a very serious position. The crushing responsibility which was laid at his door was one not to be taken lightly. His was the ability to create vast wealth and power for himself; or to revolutionize men’s thinking; or to abolish all the social evils which have haunted men for ages.

But the burden, and also the temptation, to the individual becomes immeasurably greater in our hypothetical case, because the au-thority can be used but once. There-upon we must seek some one practical way to bring man to his highest happiness and to abolish, if possible, his worst evils. The key to the situation, perhaps, is best offered in Jesus’ teaching of love. As Dr. Guig-nebert says, "The law of love involves purity, veracity, chastity, benevolence, humility,    gentleness,

mercy, and application of the Golden Rule." It is at once obvious that these lie in complete antithesis to the root of the basic evils of the day. The application of the law of love would indirectly destroy virtually all the ills of humanity.

Perhaps this is oversimplification. Perhaps the law of love would not be practical. Perhaps war is really necessary. Anyway, the question is worth pondering, for it leads us directly to the basic root of all social maladjustment. And we can’t help wondering just what we would do if we could make any wish we wanted.

As It Seems To Me


Webster says that loyalty is faithfulness to country, friend, promise, or duty. In other words it is a devotion to country, task, friend, or self.

It would seem today that one of the best examples of loyalty is nationalism. Many people think that nationalism has accomplished great things. Undoubtedly we must admit that it has accomplished constructive things. However, when we put country ahead of everything else, it would seem that we are entering a dangerous period because we must automatically make some of the nobler things play second fiddle under these circumstances. It has been stated that it was the nationalists who crucified Christ. Whether this is right or wrong at least it sounds logical as people of that day thought of him as a rebel.

Loyalty is a thing upon which no value can be placed. As soon as one begins to test his loyalty by the number of years of service, it is worth very little to anyone. At least it loses its effectiveness. If one is interested in length of time served or wants to be sure to get all for doing a certain piece of work, he has not shown loyalty but has merely been a fake trying to call it loyalty.

On our own campus if the vicepresident or some other person in an organization does extra work and some one higher up gets some of the credit. It is very poor sportsmanship and lack of loyalty to begrudge it to him. When you must have full credit for everything you do, you had better not enter the organization or the work in the first place.

There is no end to the good a man can do if he doesn't care who gets the credit. The next time that you do something constructive for the college or some friend, show your loyalty and don’t go around "tooting your horn." Other students don’t want to hear this kind of trash anyway.

Thus, much more can be accomplished by true loyalty, and back-biting can be eliminated to the good fortune of all concerned.—An Inter-ested Observer.

Thespians Meet Friday Morning

To Select Annual Production

Reviews of several three-act plays will be presented by members of Thespian before a meeting of the club, Friday morning at 8 o’clock. From the play reviews that are to be given, the club will choose it’s annual play which will be presented sometime during the second semester.

Miss Viola Harris spent the last week-end in Wichita, visiting friends and shopping.

Begging,Stealing, Bamming the Freights

Is the Life of America’s Homeless Youth

Thomas Minehan, University Professor, Poses as a Bum in Order to Produce “Boy and Girl Tramps of America”

Begging, stealing, bumming the freights, dodging the cops and rail-road bulls, struggling for one's existence—that is the life of the thousands of child transients roaming about, here in America today. And that is the life which Thomas Mine-han, a young professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota, has lived in order that he might obtain the facts about the vast army of homeless youth which he portrays so vividly, realistically, and so intimately in his recent book., "Boy and Girl Tramps of America."

"Oh, we tried hard enough, and everybody did their best," relates Texas, one of Minehan's vagabond buddies, concerning his life before hitting the road. "Marie made the swellest wax flowers. The kids peddled ironing cloths. Mother tried to sell some homemade bakery, and Dad did everything. We did our best,

I guess, but it wasn't good enough, for the big trouble had come and nobody had any money." The big trouble, meaning the depression, is the chief reason given by most of the

sociologist. He makes no play for effect by exaggeration. His picture is photographic rather than painted. The appendix includes a glossary and tables showing the nativity of the tramps, the nativity of their parents, their religious beliefs, their reasons for leaving home, and many other interesting and significant statistical facts.

child tramps for their leaving home. Not infrequently did Minehan find that parents had driven their children from home telling them to shift for themselves.

How do these youngsters live? They travel about the country by riding trains. What little food or clothing they obtain they must beg or steal. At the very best, theirs is a miserable existence. Says Minehan, "Not only does he fail to receive food enough for a growing healthy boy, but because he is constantly calling upon reserves he is definitely undernourished. . . . When begging does not bring success, stealing must. The boys are reticent about discussing stealing, but all who have been on the road six months steal some. Many will endure extreme privations and misery before they become thieves, but in the end they, too, bow to ne- cessity. Others boast frankly of their success in heisting. . . . For girls there are less accommodations than for boys. . . . Girls on the road can appeal to but few agencies and those agencies are swamped with demands from local cases. Generally they get their food in other ways. And these ways are woman’s age-old ways of using her own body and a man's desire to attain her ends."

Religious, political, and social ideas among these child tramps be-come, after a time, quite perverted. "Casual association with the child tramps indicates that they have no more religious life than a healthy young colt. . . . But if religion is a search for values, the boys are religious." The youngsters usually assign all responsibility for depression and unemployment, and the duty of relieving the situation to the President. In regard to sex life Professor Minehan says, "On the road now boys in great numbers and girls in lesser ones are learning about life—and who can learn about life and ignore sex? Opportunities for natural contacts have been rare . . ." As a result, sexual promiscuity is consid-ered by, the vagabonds to be the natural and normal sexual life. Girls deny none of the fellows in the jungle sex privileges. Fear of pregnancy among these girls is unknown. "If you're wise there's no danger," they say.

Life on the road is not altogether unenviable. There is a fascination about it which entices not a few to become vagabonds. Many of the tramps have traveled from one end of the country to the other, visited every city of considerable size, have met many other tramps, and have acquired many friends. In the swimming hole or around the camp fire there is no more jovial group. In every jungle are to be found musi-cians and comedians. There exists a strong gang loyalty, and in each individual is developed a, feeling of self-reliance.

"Boy and Girl Tramps of America" is written in a style comparable to that of Halliburton. The reader is taken into the box car, into the "jungle," to the city mission station, and the jail. He is made to feel for the moment that he is in Thomas Minehan's place, living, suffering, existing as one of the tramps. Yet the author's observations are recorded with the scientific exactness of a

In his concluding chapter Minehan states, "What we need is a new Child Conservation Corps which will have as its purpose the saving not of our forests a hundred years from today, but of our boys and girls growing into the men and women of tomorrow."

Femmes Are Doomed to Buy Hats Soon

Poke-bonnets, sailors, cartwheels, tricornes, saucepans, Empress Eugenie—what will be the style in hats for next season? As the time draws near when all modishly clad women must think of buying a new spring hat many are the fears and misgivings for what "dame fashion" will decree as "very good" this season.

Those women who can put on any hat and look like a queen in it need have no fears, but those who cannot wear turbans, cart-wheels or something worse are holding their breaths for that decision which will make or mar their chances this season.

How we "feel for" the poor woman with round, full-moon face when turbans are in style. Then there's the poor unfortunate with the thin face and elongated neck who just must wear a sailor, (despite its unsuitableness to her type) because anything else would be too terribly

Can't you sympathize with the tall woman who finds that the hats are all the kind which are built up high in the back, thus adding inches to her height; or all of them have a feather a foot high which sticks straight up and naturally makes her look like a skyscraper?

We can't forget those unfortunate women who live in a section of the country where a strong wind blows often—especially when hat styles are shallow crowned little things that the tiniest breeze lifts off the head, and sends it turning somer-saults the length of the street.

This hat-buying is just another of the numerous necessary evils. It certainly takes patience and a "do or die" spirit for a woman to start out on a shopping tour for a new hat.

Men, if your wives, daughters, sweethearts or stenographers seem to be crabby and to have a wander-ing mind these days just be patient and realize that they are worrying about that new hat they are doomed to buy soon.

Mr. John Lehman, graduate of McPherson College, was married Dec. 21 in Manhattan to Miss Vivian Ca-nary. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman are at home in Abilene.

W. K. Etter, a McPherson College graduate and now of Chicago, is included in the thirty-seven employes of Kansas corporations receiving salaries in excess of $15,000. Mr. Etter is a vice-president of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company. His snlary is $27,375.

Residents of Arnold and Fahne stock Halls and a number of out-ofdorm students attended a formal dinner given in Arnold Friday night. The dinner was under the auspices of the social committee of Arnold, with Helen Eaton as chairman.

Dorothy Matson visited friends in Halsteal Sunday.        

This Leap Year party is giving Klinettes, as well as everybody else, furrowed brows. Ask most anybody

out of style.

And then there's the woman who simply is charmed by a certain creation and couldn’t be happy with an-other—but alas it turns up on the wrong side. It will put her at a dreadful disadvantage because it doesn't show the most becoming side of her hair.

why there are so many hen parties held at various places, and why several individuals’ advice isn’t held as being so good.

Opal Hoffman spent Saturday night with Phyllis Barngrover.

Jean Lawson and Hillard Shaffer spent Sunday in Halstead.

Leave in concealment what has long been concealed.—Seneca.

Princeton students can now cut as much as they like, so long as their “standing remains unimpaired.”

According to President Angell of Yale, an historical novel is like a bustle: It is a fictitious tale based on a stern reality. (College News Service).



The directive principle of education should be directed toward a more efficient parenthood, says Dr. William A. Shimer, secretary of the United Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.


(From "Gourdie" Green’s Diary)


Thurs. 9. G but I feal tough today. It use to feal kind of good someway to feal all lonly and blue when I first come away to school and left Henrietta, but it aint no fun now when she is gone out of my life forever. Its a bitter pill but it just goes to show what I know all the time that happiness is not for me. I was afraid when she first acted like as if she liked me it was to good to be true, no girl would ever give herself to me.

Fri. 10. Formle diner, only I dont understand why a guy cant be palite and still eat a meal. Im not over wait. Big bull session till 2.30 in AllBrights room, told a lot of stories which I cant write down. We sure took the hide off of Bethel tonight. Ought to of handed in that theme to Hess today, but shucks whats the use? Thats all for to-day.

Sat. 11. Boy the guys sure raised a lot of dust in the Sharp hall working on that union room, and Foreny got me in all of it to-day. Mom bawled me out tonight for making a lot of noise and their was a lot of other guys making just as much. Thats the way they do blame everything on me, all I did was throw water on Molly and he dident like it. I went out and took a long walk under the stars, they havent got it in for me anyway. Did a pile of thinking about everthing in general but perty soon the moon come up and made me to homesick to think anymore and I just set down and cried. I dont care if I am a man.

Sun. 12. Had a dreem I was back home last night, Henrietta and I had went to a party and she was so nice to me and—Oh POOEY!!!! She will never know nothing about it though cos it use to be fun to tell my dreams to her but my childhood dayes are over. Im a man now. Ill look the world in the eye with my jaw set, I can take it. Right here I declair my Independance. A lot of the boys was gitting fone calls to-day from girls which some of them I think kind of stuttered and the boys looked happy. Wish theyed sombody call me. Finis.

Mon. 13. Lot of racket this A. M. from the guys which went to Witch-ita. High School was sure good, wish

coal 10,000 feet high in sight of the South Pole in that vast, hitherto unexplored interior of Little America," spoke Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd to-near-capacity audiences in Albert Taylor Hall last week at the matinee and evening lectures with actual films of his epoch-making adventures.—Tho Bulletin, Emporia.

On Friday, Jan. 10, Prof. J. R. Schutz left for Florida where he is to make a speaking tour under the auspices of the Florida Forum and Assembly.—Oak Leaves, North Manchester, Indiana.

The University of Kansas will use approximately 1400 tons of coal to heat its buildings during the month of January.—University Daily Kan-san, Lawrence.

Intramural Basketball Gets Into Swing with Six Teams

Intramural basketball got into full swing this week. Coach Binford selected six teams. Two of these teams came from the freshman class, two from the sophomore class, one from the junior class, and one from the senior class.

All the game must be played as scheduled or forfeited. Games will be played in quarters of eight minutes each. The captains will have complete charge of the teams in making substitutions and acting as manager of the team. It would be appreciated if each player would cooperate. No player may be added to any team without permission of the league manager. A double round-robin schedule of games will be played, thereby giving each team 10 games to play. Officials for the games will be varsity men and their word is final.

The senior team is headed by Harold Reinecker. The junior team has as its captain Chisholm. The sophomores are headed by Mohler. The freshman A team is headed by Vaughn while the B team has as its captain Yoder.

The first games were played this week. In the first round the junior team led by Chisholm won by a count of 33 to 28. In the second game the team led by Mohler defeated Yoder's team by a score of 35 to 12.

Chimpanzees Show Sense of Humor at Medical School

If scientists of the John Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, needed any proof that chimpanzees have minds of their own with a definite

Conference Standings:

Baker ........... 1    0    1.000

C. of E............................. 1 1    .500

Bethany.......................... 1    1    .500

Ottawa ........................... 0    1    .000

McPherson ..................... 0    0    .000

Kansas Wesleyan ............ 0    1    .000

Games this week:

Tuesday—Baker at Ottawa. Thursday—Ottawa at    Bethand;

Sterling at McPherson.

Friday—Ottawa at Kansas Wesleyan.

College Defeats Bethel Cagers by Wide Margin

Bulldogs Hold Lead Throughout Entire Game—Two Bethel Men Go Out of Game in First on Personal Fouls — Final Score is 44 to 15.

The McPherson College Bulldogs defeated the highly rated Bethel team last Friday night by a score of 44 to 15. The McPherson team secured the lead early in the game and this lead was not threatened throughout the entire game.

A. Buller and H. Classen went out of the game in the first half because of four personals. Losing these two men was no doubt a great hind-erance to the Gray Maroons. There were only two men on the Bethel team who were able to score from the field, while all the McPherson men scored at least five points.

Haun, Johnston, and Meyer drove into the basket for point after point. In an attempt to stop this scoring the Bethel team was continually fouling. Johnston was high scorer of the game with six field goals and throe free throws for a total of 15 points. A. Buller was high scorer for Bethel with three goals from the field and one charity toss for a total of 7 points. The Bulldogs led at the half by a count of 21 to 8.

The box score:

McPherson    FG    FT    P

Haun, f .......................... 2    1 1

Johnston, f .................... 6    3    2

Meyer, c...............:........3    5 2

Crabb, g .........................1 5    2

Barngrover, g ................ 3    0    2

Flory, g........................ 0    0    0

Vasquez, g....................0    0    0

Hapgood, t ................... 0    0    0

Allphin, f ....................... 0    0    0

Weigand, c .................. 0    0    0

Total ......................... 15     14 9

Bethel    FG    FT    P

A. Buller, f ..................... 3 1 4

L. Buller, f...................... 3 2 3

Stucky, c .................... 0    0    1

H. Classen, g ................0    0    4

W. Classen, g ................. 0 1 1

Clark. R ....................... 0 1 2

Unruh, f ......................... 0 0    1

Total ....................5    5    16

Referee: Snell, Wichita.


By Conway Yount

At last the Bulldogs have revenge on the Gray Maroons after losing to them in football. They piled up a 44 to 15 score which is one of the greatest in the history of the college.

The game last Friday night was a much faster game than the one played here with Friends Wednes-day night.

Ottawa open their conference this week with three games. On Tuesday they play Baker, on Thursday they play Bethany and on Friday they meet Kansas Wesleyan.    

The Bulldogs showed a better game against Bethel than did the Baker Wildcats.

EXCHANGE ........ ........ ........ ........ ........

Scores of feminine hears beat a little more rapidly this morning when It became known that the "ten ideal campus women" are to be selected by the local chapter of Blue Key National Honor Fraternity and presented at the first annual Blue Key Prom. Friday, Jan. 24.—Tho Sunflower. Wichita.

"One of the most outstanding discoveries of our fourth polar expedition was the finding of mountains of

viewpoint on recreation, they needed only to follow the trail of three fe-male chimps after they broke loose on the campus.

They first entered a class room in the Anatomy Building by a window. Test tubes flew in all directions as the chimpanzees listened merrily to the tinkling or breaking glass.

When a group of instructors entered, the chimps fled into a courtyard. One of the apes swung a punch at an instructor. He ducked and fled.

Another of the apes, accepting an apple, flung it at the giver. The third wrested a movie camera from the bands of its owner and hurled it to the ground.

Finally they were coaxed back into the cage with food.— (By College News Service).

Makes Paddles 32 Years for M. U. Students

Wayne Allen, official paddle-maker for the University of Missouri, Columbia, has been providing spanking equipment for upper classmen for 32 years, it was discovered this week by someone who bothered to check up.

In 1928 he advertised:

"Allen's paddles have made lasting impressions on Mizzou freshmen for the past 25 years."

During that time Allen estimates he has made thousands of paddles.

"I’ve made paddles out of every kind of wood that grows." he says.

Rosewood was the favorite in pros-perous times. Some fraternities favor mahogany, but seasoned oak is the favorite now.

"I have made them out of ebony."

Styles in paddles change, Allen declares. Some years students want heavy two handed ones. Other years they require shorter, lighter blades.

He has to be something of a draughtsman. The engineers send the paddle-maker specifications drawn like architect’s plans for a building.

"Engineers' paddles must weigh just so much and must be just exactly so many 64ths of an inch thick."

Agriculture students want them tough and strong.

One of Allen’s masterpieces was an explosive paddle which concealed a percussion cap. When the wood was brought in forcible contact with luckless freshmen the resulting blast was—very amusing.

I was a radio anowncer. I liked that part where the gate was off of the hindges, it was so pathetick about the bird still singing where he used to, I have learned how it feals when the fence goes down on you. Had quite a talk with Hess, he gave me some good pointers, its time for me to brace up and git something done, only I dont feal like work. Whats the use of going to college ennihow, nobody cares weather I do anything or not? None of the girls here give a hoot either or one of them would ask me to go to the Leap Year party.

Shucks-Maby Ill quit when the

Semester does and go to flying. Ill go to Africa and fight the Italiens. Ill make sombody remmember they use to know me once. What if I do git killed, a guy has got to die anyhow, Id rather die when I was 18 if I had done something than live till I was 90 and just wish. Ill change my name too and then nobody wont ever know what happenned. Went to town tonight and thats all.

Tue. 14. Wonder if shes waiting for me to write first? Well I wont, thinks she can work me does she? She’ll find out Im poured in a diff-runt mold than that, Ill work if I want to be worked. Im gitting hard boiled. There’s the telefone—shucks, it was just Ad asking about an assignment. Wen to town tonight, went into a couple of pool halls to see what was going on there which there wasent much. Dad would sure kick if he knew where I been but nobody understands me ennihow, I got to make my decisions from this on. Been a tough day but Ill show em. Adios.

Wed. 15. Hear it is the center of January and I never hear from Hen-rietta. I dont know weather I want to hear from her anymore or not. Im gitting plenty tired of all this. These girls bother me a lot. I wish I could stop thinking about the critters for about 6 months or so. I think about that time I could begin to be happy once more. As it is I am in a state of constant turmoil. I am the battle ground of conflicting emotions, and the stark specture of failure stairs me in the face.-