McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, sept, 24, 1930



Department If Sending A Form Letter To All Graduated “M” Club Members To Secure The Necessary Data—Those Who Do Not Receive Letter Are Asked To Mail In Their Records


Thur., Sept    25—Night

shirt Parade, 7 O'clock.

Fri., Sept. 26 —Kearney game 7: 30 o'clock.

Mon. Sept. 29 Edgar G. Rain. Chapel 8 o'clock.

Larson is the third one

Tues., Sept. 23—Lloyd Larson was appointed the third member of the cheerleaders by cheerleaders Doyle and Weaver this morning. Mr. Larson Is Inking the place made vacant by the resignation of "Casey" Voran. He will make his first appearance as

Traditional Event To Hold terest Of All The Students


Will Convene In Front Of "Ad" Building At 7: 30


The one event in the many traditions of McPherson college that comes nearest the fervor of excitement as does the Bulldog-Swede game is the annual " night-shirt" parade. Tomorrow night history wilt repeat Itself as gayly clad students wind their way through the streets In hilarious anticipation of

the forthcoming game on the morrow.

Tomorrow night at 7: 30 o'clock all students will convene In front of the Administration building clad in their night apparel and from there will start their trek down Euclid to the city. At the intersections un Main pep "powwow's" will hold the interest of every student. In going front intersections the winding line of students will make their way in and out Of the business houses that seem to anticipate such an event.

The "night-shirt" parade is the, one event of the year at which all the dignity of a college student is. cast aside and the high pitch of gaiety dwells supreme. From reports coming from the dormitories the event Is being anticipated with

great deal of interest, and the parade promises to be a colorful event.



For Girls Will Be Every At l: 30 o'Clock


Endurance tests of a11 descriptions have been in evidence throughout the country. Aeroplanes first started the episode with the flag-pole nesters following in quick pursuit. Time passed and during the past summer the Hunters look to the air and broke all existing records for staying off old mother earth. To them life was sustained flight. With a seemingly urge to divert hack to nature the children look to the trees and remained aloft oven longer than Jackson and O’Brien who later broke the Hunters' record.

But now fall is here and cooler weather anil school bells are bringing down the tree-sitters. The public is beginning again to assume a normal cosmic view of things they could not understand when something else popped up lo disturb their easily frenzied minds. Three college co-eds have started something that has renewed the happenings of the drouth and summer, This Is the way It was—

One night last week three Bulldog co-eds, who evidently wishing to be original, scratched their corebellums and as a result their cortexes functioned splendidly. They Immediately took off on an endurance flight to see which one could remain In a conscious state of mind the longest, and it possible to stay awake until the breakfast bells called them to life's desires.     /

The flight was to be a secret and their idea was to announce to the world their achievement after It had been accomplished. They did not like extended publicity. The flight started    road, attempted, yes, to

really study, they joked (as only co-eds can joke and finally had to sustain on the good old Swedish drink—coffee—to remain awake. The fleeting hours want fleeting, the mid-night chimes chimed, and the thirteenth hour moved on to another sixty minutes. The Jokes were beginning to dwindle, their books refused to give up their knowledge and the coffee was gone.

Two o’clock slipped by Into another hour and with the tick of the clock at half past three the endurance flight same to a close----they landed. Who won, you Will ask—It was a draw—and by four O'clock they had dropped Oft Into that one great silence they had been trying to avoid—sleepyland.

Needless to say, but the coffee they had been drinking to keep them awake was the cause of thier sleeping until night.

Has Been Unable To Find Any Authentic Records Of Former Years

In an effort to make an accurate record of all athletic awards which have been given by McPherson col-lege, the department of athletics is this week Issuing a form letter to a large number of the “M” men of former years. The letters contain an information blank on which to record all awards won, such as let-ters, sweaters, blankets and any other awards that have been given. With , the award the name of the coach, the year, the sport and the position played or event participated in are being asked.

Since; it is Impossible to reach all of the former athletes by this means, all graduated "M" men are naked to send the above Information at once to Prof G. N. Boone, manager of athletics.     -

So far the management has been unable to find any authentic records that have been kept except for the last few years. Therefore to make the files of the athletic board com-plete It is necessary to secure the Information from the men themselves.


“Pep” Meeting is Called For 10: 00 o'Clock In The


The first big "pep" meeting of the

year will be held tomorrow morning from 10: 00 until 10: 30 o'clock In the gymnasium. Every loyal bulldog is being urged to be present for this big "pep" rally that is to instill within each student the spirit of M. C. The group ringing of all the College "pep” songs and testing of the College yells is prompted to arouse the spirit for the first game, the first home game, and the first night football for McPherson college.

The cheerleaders are barring no efforts to make the rally a grand success. A stunt has been planned and worked out that will reveal the nec-essary backing a student body should give its athletic teams. Every member on the football squad seems to be out for business this fall and every loyal Bulldog should see that they receive the full support of the students.


Enjoy Big Feed In The Gymnasium

Fri., Sept, 13—All now athletes and football then were entertained tonight In the gymnasium by the "AS" Club. Coach Melvin J. Binford and Prof. G. N. Boone were present. Large quantities of potatoes, pickles hamburgers and apples were oil hand and none of the athletes went away hungry. A fine spirit was shown by the group after their workouts in the afternoon.


Twenty-four Page Edition Issued By Cheerleaders And Published By Student Council

Fri. Sept. 19—The M. C. "Growl Book" was issued this morning by the cheerleaders at the close of the chapel period. The book, a 24 page edition, was edited by the cheerleaders and published by the student council, and dedicated to the freshman calss of 1930.

The book contains the traditions, a welcome to the freshmen, a brief courtesy to Coach Melvin J. Binford, and both the basketball and football schedules for the ensuing school year. The largest part of the contents In given over to songs and yells and the cheerleaders are expressing the urge that all the students keep these books where they may easily be secured and for them to learn all the yells and songe.



John Lehman Conducting Services At Monitor

Sun. Sept, 21—McPherson college can boast of five student preachers giving active service while attending school. This morning, John Lehman preached at the Monitor church; Philip Lauver at Fairview, north of Conway; Lawrence Lehman held services at Holland, near Abilene; Ward Williams at Castelton, near Hutchinson, and Herbert Ruthrauff at the West Wichita church,




Speaks Briefly On The Effectiveness Of The Organization

Tues,, Sept. 23—Cabinet officers of the Y. M. C. A, for the first semester were introduced to the members of the local chapter by Prof. Heckman, sponsor for the club.

Before Introducing the officers Heckman spoke briefly on how to gain the Christian effectiveness for which the Y. M. C. A. strives, A few of the ways are to live up to the religious traditions of the school; practice Christian etries on the cam-pus; and be true to the Christian convictions of the school.

As each of the following officers were introduced the speaker gave a short resume concerning their inter-ests, activities, home town, etc.: Clinton Trostle, president; Ward Williams, vice president; Eber Tice, secretary-treasurer; Charles Austin, chairman of the program committee; Carroll Walker, chairman of music committee; Arnold Voth, decotion-al; Kermit Haves representative In Rocky Mountain division; Posey Jamison, fellowship.

Ward Williams had charge of de-votionals.


Studying To Be A Student Y. M. C. A. Secretary— Awarded Scholarship

Appointed By Cheerleaders Weaver And Doyle



Free To All Students—By The Student Council

council and students will be admitted free Of charge.

Mon., Sept. 22--- Results of the glee club tryouts for both the girls and the boys, held September 15 and 16, have been announced by the voice Instructor, Mrs. Anna C. Tale. The names of the students qualitfying for the main and girls quartets will be announced sometime this week.

The girls glee club Is composed of: Alma Atchison, Rosalind Almen, Velma Amos, Opal Bowers, Orpha Beam, Verna Beaver, Sibyl Curtis, Mildred Daglinger, Helen Eberly, Evelyn Fields, Ruth Firestone, Eliza-beth Hoizemer, Gulah Hoover, Louise



From The Day’s Weekly



Competition is the one great factor that keeps men out of work. It is also a medium by which standards of achievement are set for without It there would be no work. It is this rivalry among persons and groups of persons that keeps the wheels of Industry turning out the products of necessity.

The wall of competition may be broken down and a monopoly or supremacy may creep In. The amount of rivalry may be lessened with the amount of knowledge acquired. Every year a person Is In school means a decrease in the degree of competition be will have when he starts out to gain his way in the tumult of life.

It is true that we are gradually becoming a nation of college men. Not all of those who start finish the icorliege work but a still greater per cent are realizing each year that the only way to tear down this wall of competition is by learning more about your own definite line of endeavor than your competitor, To learn is to gain an advantage over the other Individual.


In last week's Spectator it was revealed that McPherson college had Increased its enrollment over that of last year. It Is remarkable that McPherson should gain, however but little, While other Institutions have made tremendous decreases In their student population.

The surprising fact that the College has gained in students, even after a drought condition throughout the east and middle-west, indicates that the school Is standing upon standards that are high—standards that young people of today are striving to gain.

Standards placed high enough that (bey cannot he reached, no matter how strenuous the effort, will accomplish more la the end than a standard that Is easily reached To work and keep working in attempting to better one's self is far better than striving to reach a goal and finally reaching it and then coasting with no progress whatsoever. "The School of Quality" Is a sign of progress and an Indication of life—life at Its fullest.     -


So high is the premium placed upon impatience that our educational Institutions have come to develop impatient graduates. —Rev. Walter f. Benedict.


The Spectator, la trying to keep within the bounds of being indepen-dent In the matter of apparel for tomorrow's parade, deems It necessary to mention the sentiment being oppressed by the men In the dormitory. Not only have the men in the dormitory expressed themselves but also those rooming off the campus.

Men are usually sensitive as to the ways In which Women dress, that Is a majority of them- and tike to be seen with young women who are properly attired They respect women who dress in a formal manner for formal affairs, and also admire the girl that dresses for the occasion and for comfort. Tomorrow night Is the one evening or the school year when dignity is cast aside for a period of merriment that Is' in no less harm than going to an all-school picnic In the proper attire for comfort.


Clement Shirk_____Sept. 26

Leora Ostlind __ Sept. 25

Mildred Ostlind ———Sept. 26

Franklin Paebe__Sept. 28

Velma Keller_Sept.    27

Mildred Doyle _Sept.    29

Helen Eberly___Sept.    20

Edna Hoover....... -Sept. 29

Moffatt Eakes, '27 who teaches in the Elisworth school which Is at the present time closed on account of Infantile paralysis, called on friends

in McPherson Saturday and Sunday, space.



Play Gives Aim And Purpose Of Or-ganization—Stresses Duties Of Committees

Tues., Sept. 23—The feature of, the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning was a short play signifying for the purpose of giving all tuns girls an Idea of the purpose and aim of On organization.

Carrying the lead, Mary Swain, representing the typical freshmen girl, was contemplating which organization she wished to join. She decided definitely on the Y. W. C. A but didn't know tha committee with which she wished to work. Following, such committee chairman approached Miss Swain and esplained the speacial duties and activities of her committee and asked for help la her work. The committees were represented by the following girls; membership, Alberta Yoder: finance, Ethel Sherfy: program. Evelyn Fields; social service, Ida Lengel; music, Helen Eberly: publicity. Christine Mohler; conference, Lucille Crabb; world fellowship, Edna Hoover.

Proceeding the play Orpha Beam sang "Somewhere a Voice is Calling" and at the close of the presentation Ruth Turner sang “I Would Be True", after which the pledge and committee cards were Signed.


Here's to your cap.

The old Frosh cap On your bean It Jauntily sits.

It must be worn

Lest scars will adorn

The spot Lite old paddle bits.

Tho up on your head You need have no dread.

It aura shields a gent where be sits, BUT...

If it e'er comes to this And your cap you should miss And the paddle should fall on your sitter...

Wipe the tears from your eyes

And cuss all those guys But don't let your thots become bitter.

Come down to our room 'Where you won't swoon Loafing round when you've got a good chance.

Here's welcome galore For s guy that Is sera Just under the seat of his pants.



New York City, Sept. 22—(ip»— With the “Tower of Learning", or “Cathedral of Learning", at the University of Pittsburgh rapidly nearing completion, and plans being jmade for the erection of a 25-story educational center here. American educa-tion is continually getting more op in the air.

The New York educational sky-scraper is to cost about four million dollars, house the Board of

Education and considerable museum

We "Spec" that a Freshman boy ■Him home from college something

like this:

"Dear Folks:

Well, I've been here two and a half weeks now and It seems years since I left home. I’m not home sick—much,     Maybe I’ll get used

to this place after several years. Already I ran stand being run through the line twice in the same evening without serious soreness. Nothing t do or don't do seems right an out come the belts cracking like pistols. But Just wait until next year! I won't be the under dog any more

Last Thursday night they had what we found out is called a pep meeting hare. It was—well, different. Tomorrow night we are supposed to put on our nightshirts and parade all over town. I sure wish Ma had bought me red and white striped pajamas instead of those purple ones.

There are some good-looking Freshmen girls out here, but don't tell the girl friend I said no. Class time.



P, S. Spending money is getting low for comfort. ”

Advice to a young girl who wants to keep her youth—"Be nice to him. "

Love la like so onion.

We taste It with delight.

And when It’s gone, we wander Whatever made us bite.

Lots of people eat more than they think. If they didn’t they'd starve to death.


The Mule he has 2 lege B hind 2 legs he has B 4.

U stand B hind B 4 U find What the 2 B hind B 4.

It was Monday morning In class Ruth Trostle was terribly worried about the way her hair looked. She explained to several near her why it was so contrary.

”I just washed my hair and I can't do a thing with it."

The class room was warm. Jack thought he ought to let in some fresh air. Ah he got up to open the window, he accidently stepped on Ruth's feat.

“Oh, " its explained apologetically, "I’m sorry, but I Just washed my feet and can't do anything with


Next week I shall endeavor to make up something out of my upper story, which is an Impressive structure but as yet unfurnished.

"Nineteen Hundred. ”



To Have Membership Drive Tomorrow Morning

Thur., Sept. 18—The World Service Group held Its first meeting this evening with only former members present. After devotionals of an inspirational nature that were led by Charles Austin, plans were made for the work of the coming year,

A membership drive to terminate in an open meeting next Thursday evening will be in the hands of Ward Will lams.     Philip Lauver will keep

touch with the churches at the town to supply students, teachers, singers or speakers when called for. Study groups of student interest will be organized and planned for by Grace Early. Sunday after-noon singing to shut-ins as and at the hospital will be arranged by Alma Morrison. The deputation work Is to be planned by Naomi Witmore sad Ethel Sherfy. A good year is anticipated.

An appeal is made to the public for a radio not for a hospital ward. There should be quick response— everybody being willing to give away the set award by the students rooming next door to you. They

might even chip In a portable.

Some party, Figuring on the future and what it will bring, says men will work only two and a half hours a day in 1950. Ho. Hum! Now we wander what college students will do with the other fifteen and a half hours?

A new radio loud speaker has been Invented that will make twice as much noise an a brass band. Thus another mighty enginery of war has been discovered that will utterly destroy humanity. And how.

Heard in passing; One senior boy said the other day that he was going lo take his last vacation this summer because by next vacation time he will be married.

A saleman for the midget car was around the other day and he assured us that the car would hold two adults and a child, but he didn't say what its capacity was In terms of college students.

Miss Margaret Stegeman spent the week-end at her home at Hope.

Miss Ernie Kimball, freshman, visited with her parents, Saturday and Sunday, at her homoe near Nick-son.

Miss Florence Weaver and Miss Mildred Doyle were Hurchinson hoppers Saturday.

Lloyd Diggs, '30, who Is teaching this year at Gaylard, called on Friends in the dormitories during the week end.

Miss Esther Brown, sophomore, was the week end visitor at her home

near Hutchinson, returning Sunday.

Clarence Negley, Junior, visited; with his parents near Larned over Saturday and Sunday, returning Sunday evening.

Alberta Hovis, Chase, Ruben Bow-man, Alden, and Archie Blickenstaff, visited friends In the dormi-lories Sunday,

Miss Verna caver and Miss Mildred Ballard spent the weekend at the Beaver home near St. John.

Paul Bowers, '30, who is teaching In the high school at Covert this year, called on his brother David, freshman, and other friends on the campus over the week end.

Harold Crist, —'3 0, visited with friends on the campus Saturday and Sunday Mr. Crist Is teaching in the high school at Zook.

Miss Hattie Rishel spent the week end with her parents who live near McPherson.


Contests, fudge, waffles, pranks, sleep, music and girls! All were features of the slumber party staged at the Earl Reed home last Saturday

night. Ethel Sherfy as hostess was assisted by Mary Weddle and Alma Morrison, upperclassmen, who entertained nine new co-eds In an Informal get-acquainted frolic. From seven-thirty until eleven-thirty o'clock the party displayed Its brilliance In conversation, contests and pranks. Hiding clothes and dislocating cavers proved very papular.

Many deep, dark secrets were divulged In a truth game. Including names, ages, homes, love affairs and heart desires. Opal Bowers and Ruth Firestone, were proclaimed champion ant crackers and Alma Morrison a good fudger, With Lola Edwards at the piano playing old time tunes the group tented its ability to recognize music. Beds were found by drawing numbers. The guests found it necessary to play three-deep If all were in sleep.

After a defensive and offensive battle of slippers and sly locking of doors alience reigned.

At seven-fifteen the next morning a breakfast was served of worries, creamed salmon, hot syrup, coffee, and pears. Mary Weddle proved a skilled cook.

The guests were: Sibyl Curtis, Velma Amos, Lois Edwards, Pearl Walker, Velma Keller, Dorothy, Shirky, Opal Bowers, Ruth Firestone, Elsie Rump, Mary Weddle and Alma Morrison.

eight lettermen of the seventeen have checked out suits. Emmett Breen and John Melia, yearling let-termen from last year's suad, will in all probability not dun Bethany football garments this season. Breen has enrolled at the Kansas Aggies and Stella will be out of school during the first semester due to the ill-ness of his father.



Charles Austin Was In Charge Of     The Evening's Program

Sun., Sept, 21—"Honor” was the subject of four Interesting talks given by students In the regular meeting of the college Christian Endeavor tonight in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren. Various aspects of honorable living in college life were presented by Philip-Lauver, Ernest Betts, Nina Stull and Alma Morrison. The group was favored with a piano solo by Lois Edwards, Singing was led by Margaret Moulton. Charles Austin had charge of the program.



Executive Board To Appoint Chair-men Of Various Committees

Thurs., Sept. 18—The first class meeting of the senior class of 1931 was held this morning and a number of matters concerning the business of the year were discussed and pass-ed upon. Keith Hayes, who was elected president last spring, but who was not in school at the time, presided at the meeting.

The class voted to let an executive board, composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. appoint the chairmen of the various committees. The chairman of each committee will have the power to appoint two helpers. The executive hoard will appoint chairmen for committees concerning invitations, caps and gown, entertainment, commencement, speaker, and the selecting of the class play.



"Cash” Carlson Has Thirty-Two Out For This Year's Squad

Lindsborg, Kan., Sept. 21—roach George "Cash” Carlson, Bethany, is beginning to swing his thirty-t Swedish boys into the final workouts before his first game with Phillips University October 3, Nearly one half of the squad is composed of freshman material and the coach has a stiff proposition confronting him in the problem of shaping a team. Only

Measurement of noted brains at Cornell university has demonstrated that women are equal mentally to men.     

There are only 27 moving picture theatres in the province of Szechwan, China, although the province has a population of sixty million people.

No bull fights are permitted in Spanish towns where the public in-struction is not up to the government standard.

If matches are realty made In heaven, the fellows who borrow them are going to be just as great nuisances they are on earth.



First Regular Meeting Will Be Tomorrow Night In Y. W. Room



Milter Looks As If He Might Be a Second Ray Nonken


Anderson And Bigham Showing Im-provement Over Last Year

Fri., Sept. 19—This afternoon the varsity team revealed some real fighting material in a contest with the second learn. Some of the new talent showed up splendidly. Miller looks like a second Nonken, If such another Is to over ho uncovered. Four times Miller carried the pigskin across the final marker. Many times he tore loose for 20 and 30 yard runs. Much is going to be expected of this Bulldog man this season.

George Zinn, Washburn star, showed plenty of ability. He plays hard and Is a hard man to tackle.

Lawrence Barngrover is holding down the quarter position In nice form. Barney Is some scrapper and he backs the line well. Anderson and Bigham show a big Improvement. Anderson Is fast and capable of holding down the job as safety. Bigham is plowing the line hard this year and Is In on his share of the tackles.

The passing machine functioned very nicely, Williams, first year man, showed up like a veteran as an end. Time after time he scoured the end like a phantom and nulled his opponent almost In his tracks. This young ster Is going to develop Into one of the fastest ends In the Conference. j

King, McElroy, L Miller, Keck, Countryman, Sisk and Hockstrasser constitute a fast and scrappy line. Several of the other men in reserve showed that they could well be de-pended upon In time of need.

The squad now numbers about 40 men and is still Increasing. The men are getting down to business In the modern way now and onlookers say that It looks like a big your fur the Bulldogs.

The line up this afternoon and the one that will probably be used next Friday when the Bulldogs meet Kearney is:

Ends-Hockstrasser. King.

Tackles—McElroy, L. Miller,

Guards—Countryman. Keck.

Center—Sisk, Mobray.


Half—Miller, Anderson.

Full—Z Inn.


Heavy Expense Of Remodeling Gym-nasium is Given As Cause

Lindsborg, Kan., Sept. 22—At a recent meeting of the Bethany College Board It was decided that It would be impossible to Install floodlights for night football this season. The Board felt that the heavy expense that must be paid out for the remodeling of the gymnasium would not permit them to undertake the financial responsibility Involved In equipping the gridiron with lights.



Will Contain About Fifteen Pieces— First Appearance Friday Night

Mon., Sept, 22Under the leadership of John Wagoner, the Bulldog

"pep" band has held several practices during the past week with a good attendance, This band plays for all "pep" gatherings and athletic events, and in addition gives a number of chapel concerts during the year. There will be approximately fif-teen pieces In the baud. It will be beard first at the McPherson-Kear* ney football game Friday night.




The varsity game revealed more material than had been counted on and with the crack first eleven amt these fellows in reserve—well It just looks good for old M. C.

The World Service Group, under the leadership of Philip Lauver, will hold its first regular annual meeting In the Y. W. C. A. room. Thursday evening at    The World Service

Group la the campus organization In charge of the deputation work of the College: finds opportunities for for those who desire to be actively engaged In some form of Christian service. This year It plans to change the practice of former years In that the deputation teams will be sent out largely during the first semester to avoid the rush of activities that always accompany the end of the school year.

The Knights of St. Mary's will face Creighton at Omaha on September 27. The Irish boast a great back-field but claim to be weak In reserve material. The Irish only have about 42 candidates out.

Ottawa looks forward to a good season but at present they prefer not to say much about their prospects.


Among Conference Schools

SEPTEMBER 26 McPherson vs. Kearney Teach-ers (Nebr. ) at McPherson, St, Mary's vs. Creighton U. at Omaha, Nebraska.

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Oklahoma Baptist U. at Shawnee, Okla. Baker vs, University of Oklahoma City at Oklahoma City,



Forty Girls Are Guests Of Organiza-tion—Go To Brubaker's Pasture

Thurs., Sept. 18—Nearly 40 girls attended the W. A, A. hike and picnic this evening at Brubaker's picture. The hike was given for the purpose of getting the new girls acquainted with each other and to know the purpose and aim of the organization.

The girls met In front of the Ad-ministration building at 4: 30 o'clock and hiked from there to the Brubaker pasture, After a period of games the group gathered in a circle and Ethel Jamison, president, told the aim and purpose of the organization. The various sports managers told of their particular sport and expressed the hope that all the girls would "be out".

A picnic lunch of weiners, buns, pickles and bananas appeased the appetites of the prospective W. A. A. members.


Winfield. Kan. Sept., 23 —Invica-tions to more than one hundred col leges to participate in the Inter-state pre-season    intercollegiate    debate

tournament which will be held at Southwestern college on Friday and Saturday. December 5 and 6. have been sent out from the office of Dr. J. Thompson Baker, touch of debate at Southwestern.

The chief purpose of the pre-sea son debate tournament Is to spur the debate squads to early study and activity with a secondary purpose of Increasing the knowledge of the question through the interchange of ideas and of organizing tactics to properly meet arguments and situations which may arise.