McPherson College
Vol. 1 May, 1930, No. I (II written in pen over the I)
A Loyal Alumnus Comes to the Front With a Plan for Putting the Magazine Across
Writes Earl Kinzie, ’28, of Enterprise, Kansas.
I notice from the questionnaire and letter you sent that the alumni of McPherson College are soon to have a magazine, to be published four times a year and to be chock full of news about our Alma Mater and the many college friends we learned to know. That is—-we are to have the magazine IF the alumni and former students back the board of editors with subscriptions. Well, I for one am hoping and praying that the venture is a big success.
I am sure that everyone who stayed on the campus of old M. C. long enough to know that her athletes were known as Bulldogs will want to receive the magazine regularly.
I am so strong for the magazine that I can’t close this letter by just hoping that it will go across. I am going to pledge here to send in five subscriptions and as many more as I can get in this vicinity. Why not get 49 other alumni to do the same and in this way underwrite the venture?
And Then Earl Did It!
He enclosed five dollars to guarantee payment of the five subscriptions and agreed to send the names later!
Will You be One of 49 Others?
We believe that there are 50 loyal alumni who will do this very thing. The next issue of the magazine will carry the names of those who pledge to get five subscriptions. We invite you to join this group by filling out the coupon below by June 1st.
Fill out and send to the Treasurer at McPherson, Kan.
I will guarantee five or more new subscriptions to the Alumni Magazine by July 1st, 1930. Enclosed are checks already received as follows:
Name Name
——————— ———————–
——————— ———————–
——————— ———————–
——————— ———————–
Your Name_____________________
The Editor’s Corner
Feeble as it is, here is the first issue of the Alumni Magazine. Trying to edit a magazine along with a multitude of other tasks and duties was no small adventure and when time was needed on the paper it was usually directed elsewhere. Consequently the magazine falls far below what most of you expected. But there must always be a first time and with the magazine started it can be improved.
This is your magazine. If you do not like it, instead of telling others of its weak features, tell them to the Board of Editors. They will welcome any suggestions you have to better the magazine.
Many an institution owes its survival to its alumni association. In this group are found those persons who are willing to back their Alma Mater in all of its enterprises. They give of their time, earnings, and strength to make the school that means so much to them a bigger and better institution.
Deep appreciation for the high ideals that McPherson College has left with her many alumni can be shown by becoming a member of the Alumni Association. Membership dues should be paid to Miss Edith McGaffey, the alumni secretary.
Mistakes, unwelcome as they are, are very hard hard to keep out of a paper. Initials, class years, addresses, and spelling are big problems for almost any editor. We have tried to get everything as accurate as we could for this first issue but if we have erred in any way, will you please set us right?
Don’t feel slighted if your name doesn’t appear in the first issue. On the contrary you should feel fortunate because comparatively few replies to the many news questionnaires were sent in.
No one has been omitted intentionally. The returned questionnaires were used as far as they reached and then the Board of Editors resorted to their general information of where the alumni are and what they are doing.
You can be assured a good, newsy magazine every four months if you will do your part by sending in a full quarterly report about your work.
The Alumni Magazine
Established 1930 Published by the
Alumni Association of McPherson College
Orville D. Pote, ’23 Temporary Editor
Dale Strickler, ’24 Business Manager
Edith McGaffey, ’18 R. E. Mohler, ’07
G. N. Boone, ’21 Dale Strickler, ’24
Orville D. Pote, ’23 Eunice Almen, ’24
Leland Lindell, ’31
Vol. I May, 1930 No. II
Change of address must be reported five days before the date of issue. Otherwise the Association will not be responsible for delivery.
Subscription to The Alumni Magazine is $1 a year. Discontinuances—If any subscriber wishes his Magazine discontinued at the expiration of his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent with the subscription, or at its expiration. Otherwise it is understood that a continuance is desired.
John Wall, ’28 President
Edith McGaffey, ’18 Secretary
Don’t forget the advertisers. They mean business, and they deserve the attention of readers of this magazine. They support the Alumni Association. Alumni should support them.
It is impossible to keep in touch with every alumnus or former student of McPherson College, but it takes news of every alumnus or former student to make the magazine possible.
For this first issue the Board of Editors has tried to find you and get news for the paper. For the next issue and all the others that will follow, suppose you turn the tables and tell us a few things. We would like to know your name, the years you attend M. C. or when you were graduated, what you are doing, your future plans, and where other alumni are and what they are doing.
We do not feel that this is asking too much of you. Besides it is another way of showing your loyalty to one of the enterprises your Alma Mater is trying to put across.
Miss Aileen Ostlind has accepted a stenographic position in the C. R. Anthony Store at Salina, Kansas.
Jessie Winder, a former M. C. student, is attending the Bethany Bible School in Chicago.
RETROSPECTION Note: The editorial below appeared in The Acorn under the signature of Stanley B. Keim, ’25. Because of its exceptional merit it is being reproduced in the Alumni Magazine so that the members of other classes besides those of 1925 may read it. Editor.
The years since 1925 have been rich ones for most of us I’m sure. No doubt some have become adept at collecting cash to their coffers, while to all, these have been years full of experience. As Henry Ford has said, “Experience is all we get out of life anyhow.” Since our graduation, Lindbergh has made the Pilgrim Fathers ashamed that they used up so much time in crossing the Atlantic. Another Norseman, a school teacher in Fairbanks, Alaska, who got his flying experience in the army, made the airplane as much of a necessity to Alaska as the dog sledge. He won the Harmon trophy for piloting Sir Hubert Wilkins from Point Barrow, Alaska, to Spitzenbergen, Siberia, some 2300 miles at a temperature of 52 degrees below zero and then emblazoned his name all over the northern sky in the famous attempt to reach the icebound ship, the Nanuk. This feat cost him his life.
There has been a big crack-up in Wall Street and a so-called panic, but under the careful guidance of the masterful hand of our Quaker president, Mr. Hoover, there has been hardly a ripple on the lake of business achievement.
One young German had the courage to write the truth about the great war. People in every land have accepted “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Think how many constructive programs can be carried out if the costly preparations for war cease.
Uncle Sam has become the bank for the whole world with his billion dollar corporations and million dollar a year executives and ten billion dollar mergers. Looks to me as if the bubble will get big enough to burst some day. We have almost come to worship money, it seems. Everywhere great cathedrals have risen to give the benediction to the power of finance. For my part, I have come to the conclusion that some day there will be a new order of things. The wealth of the nations is in the hands of the few.
The new vision is that honesty, integrity, ideals, and hard work are the best Capital. Capital is only a comparative expression anyhow. Earning capacity and credit arc worth more than cash for they cannot be taken away or stolen.
S. B. K.
When we as individuals become members of the Alumni body we are accorded a vastly greater opportunity to live a full life, together with a greater obligation which that privilege gives. As in the parable of the servants entrusted with their master’s goods, “Whoso has the greater opportunity has also the greater responsibility.”
The association alone does not fare the responsibility, the greatest measure of it falls upon every member, and our honor should compel us to give valuable services not only to the school but to the communities in which we are working. We who arc scattered over this whole world can be a great force to keep the spirit of our Alma Mater alive.
Let us be proud that we are graduates of McPherson College, the achievements that have been made is proof enough that there is great enough vitality in our Alma Mater. Our obligation is not an additional burden laid upon our shoulders, it is an opportunity provided for growth in personality, for the exercise of the great human impulse to do good—to serve humanity—to leave an impression that is worth while. Let us look to the future, may the dreams of past years reach, their fulfillment this year.
John Wall. President Alumni Association
Congratulations to the alumni of McPherson College that they now have a magazine to become an avenue of expression for all the alumni of the College, and to serve as a bond to unite them into a self-conscious group! Through the pages of this magazine, class memories which are precious, can be preserved and at the same time, built into the loyalty and enthusiasm of the larger organization, the whole alumni family.
The alumni reflect the spirit and ideals of the college. They unconsciously tell the public what is happening to the students within college walls. Against the silent testimony of their lives, no propaganda in the way of published literature or eloquent speeches can make headway. You are our epistles read and known of all men!
We believe that the alumni of McPherson College have so accounted for themselves in life as to be an asset to the college which they represent. They are scattered to all parts of the civilized world. They are in service in all the worthy walks of life, as teachers, farmers, preachers, businessmen, missionaries, and doctors. Their contribution to our public life is worthy of praise.
We at the College are eager to “carry on” here on a plane worthy of the fine group of alumni we represent. The College is just closing a great year. Our students have done excellent work in athletics, music, oratory, debate, and in general scholarship. Our standing with educators has never been better. Our teaching staff has been unusually strong. Our faculty for next year will be even stronger. We are ready to move forward on every front. To this end, we need the loyalty, the enthusiasm, and the financial support of every alumnus. It is to your interest that the College be made stable and secure. For your sakes and for those who shall come after you, we shall do our utmost to build here a college for the finest and best in modern education!
V. F. Schwalm
May 25
Baccalaureate Sermon, Church of the Brethren 8 P. M.
May 27
Senior Class Play “John Ferguson” by Ervine 8 P. M.
May 28
Final Chapel 10 A. M.
May 29
Senior Class Day Exercises 10 A. M.
Reunion for Class of 1920
Alumni Banquet 6:30 P. M.
May 30
Forty-second Annual Commencement
Address by Dr. E. Guy Cutshall of the Iliff Theological Seminary. Denver, Colorado.
This and That About McPherson College
Natural gas has replaced coal in the heating plant.
Dean R. E. Mohler spent the summer studying in Mexico.
A bell system has been installed in Fahnestock Hall. The system is similar to that in Arnold Hall.
The Bulldogs finished in fourth place in the conference in football and in second place in basketball.
The college male quartet is composed of Lloyd Diggs, Walter Fillmore, John Berkebile, and Rose Curtis.
The trustees have voted to launch a campaign about September 1 to increase the endowment of the college to $150,000.
E. Guy Cutshall, president of the Iliff School of Theology of Denver, will deliver the commencement address for the class of ’30.
Prof. H. H. Nininger made an extensive tour of Mexico during the fall in the interest of scientific research and the tracing of meteorites.
Miss Edith McGaffey was elected vice president of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women at the annual meeting at Lawrence in October.
Ward Williams, freshman; Otho Whiteneck, sophomore; John Lehman, junior; and Melvin B. Landes, senior, compose the college debate team this year.
New sidewalks have replaced the old ones from Sharp Hall to the college entrance. The approaches to Sharp Hall have also been repaired and rebuilt.
The three new teachers on the faculty this year are Prof. Roy C. Petry, history; Prof. Earl R. Bolding, commerce; and Miss Mildred Thurow, home economics.
The library committee is sponsoring a campaign through which they hope to secure enough books before the end of the school year to raise the number of volumes to 10,000.
Dr. J. W. Hershey has won worldwide recognition for producing the largest synthetic diamond in the world. The diamond is slightly smaller than a pinhead but is four times as large as any other synthetic diamond ever produced.
Coach George Gardner and Roy B. Teach, field secretary, handed in their resignation to the board of trustees in February. Both were accepted.
Miss Della Lehman, instructor in English, was granted a leave of absence for the first semester of the next school year.
Ray Nonken and Melvin Miller star athletes of McPherson College, were members of the Wichita Henry’s team which won the national A. A. U. basketball championship at Kansas City during the week of March 10-15. Miller was named All-American center by the Kansas City Star.
Some of the most outstanding speakers who have lectured at the college this year are; “Dad” Elliott, Miss Olive Gauld, Dr. Lincoln Wirt, Lyman Hoover, Dr. C. C. Ellis, Norman Thomas, Miss Lucile E. Day, William E. Braisted, Jr., Clark Eichelberger, Frank Wilson, and Mrs. Induk P. Kim.
McPherson College received $5,000 from the Derby Petroleum Corporation of Tulsa, Okla., as a cash consideration on a 40-acre lease. The land is part of the quarter section which the college owns two miles east and four south of Galva. A well is being drilled on the lease at the present time.
The board of directors of the Alumni Association decided at their annual meeting to introduce the plan of reunions of the tenth year class at each commencement season, beginning with the class of 1920. Steps are being taken now to make this reunion during the commencement of 1930 such an interesting feature of the festivities that other classes will be glad to adopt the plan.
Two classes—the class of ’23 and the class of ’25—published separate papers this spring. Both of them contain four pages with five columns on a page.
Memories of ’23, which is edited by Orville D. Pote of Halstead. Kansas, appeared in March. By a vote of 52 to 8 the members of the class of ’23 upheld a decision made seven years ago to publish their paper for a minimum of fifteen years. One member did not vote but all of the others who returned their questionnaires gave their opinion one way or another. Six voted to discontinue the paper but later changed their decisions. There were only six members who did not send in contributions for the paper.
Ocie McAvoy Kurtz as editor and S. B. Kurtz as make-up editor were in charge of The Acorn which was published early in May. The class of ’25 voted to discontinue their paper in favor of the Alumni Magazine, 33 favoring the movement and 10 opposing it. The Acorn was printed at Newton, Kansas, where Mr. Kurtz has a position in the high school.
On April 23 Prof. H. H. Nininger, professor of natural history, returned to McPherson with nine of his students from a fossil expedition into the chalk hills near Quinter, Kansas. A thirteen feet ten inch skeleton of a portheus mollous, a fish which lived several million years ago, was the principal find of the party.
The party left McPherson in a truck and going to Hays, attended the meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science in session there during the weekend and later did excavation work in the chalk hills near Quinter for fossils. Besides the large skeleton, which the party brought back with them and which will in time be mounted in the college museum, a number of smaller but important finds were made.
As a result of work of the teachers placement bureau of the College, fourteen seniors have signed contracts to teach in high schools next year in Kansas and other states. Prof. J. A. Blair, registrar and education teacher, is in charge of the bureau.
Those who have secured schools are: Ruben Bowman, Alden, Kansas; Ruth Blickenstaff, Dwight, Kansas; Floyd Barngrover, Buhler, Kansas; Esther Dahlinger, Simpson, Kansas; Alberta Hovis, Chase, Kansas; Edward Kaufman, Windom, Kansas; Florence Lehman, Covert, Kansas; Irene Steinberg, Gypsum, Kansas; Clarence Zink, Harper, Kansas; Rush Holloway, McPherson, Kansas; Bernice McClellan, Simpson, Kansas; Irene Gibson, Springer, New Mexico; Doris Ballard, Alta Vista, Kansas; Beth Hess, Langdon, Kansas; and Harold Crist, Zook, Kansas.
Melvin J. Binford to Coach at M. C.
Melvin J. Binford, coach of the Hutchinson Junior college, has been selected head coach and director of physical education at McPherson College to succeed George Gardner, who has resigned.
Mr. Binford comes to McPherson very highly recommended by those who know him and who have been associated with him. He is a graduate of the Haviland, Kansas, high school and during his senior year helped win the state track meet for high schools. He spent his first year in college at Friends University and then changed colleges and received his B. S. degree in 1920 from the Pittsburg State Teachers College.
Binford has a brilliant athletic career behind him. As a freshman at Friends University he won three letters, one in football, basketball, and track. As a senior his football team lost but two games and he was named by some critics as All-conference tackle. His basketball team again won conference honors and Binford was the unanimous selection for All-conference forward. The same year in track he placed second in the conference.
After leaving Pittsburg Mr. Binford taught and coached in the high schools and Junior college of Hutchinson. He started his coaching in the Hutchinson Junior high school, but was promoted from one position to another until now he is the coach in the Junior college of that city.
During the past year, Binford’s basketball team won the slate championship among junior colleges, having won 17 out of 19 games. Football was organized last fall in the Junior college and with a green team won fifty percent of his games. His track team placed second in the state last year. In previous coaching experience in footfall, Binford lost but two games out of fourteen in two years.
Mr. Binford received his training largely at the hands of Coach C. W. Weede and John F. Lance at Pittsburg. These men speak in highest terms of Mr. Binford as an athlete and as a man. They say he was an “outstanding athlete in all major sports us well as an honor student.” Weede says, “Mr. Binford is one of the finest characters I know. He is married to an equally fine girl and both will work into any extra-curriculur work you may want them to do.”
The new coach is a leader among young men and experience has shown that they follow his leadership. Professor Woodward of the Hutchinson Junior college says of him, “I have known many coaches but never a cleaner one, never a better big brother for the boys than Binford. I would be happy to have him train my boy.”
—The Spectator.
Dr. Hershey Makes Artificial Diamonds
Chemists of the world have been asserting that artificial diamonds cannot be made in laboratories, but Dr. J. Willard Hershey, head of the chemistry department of McPherson College has demonstrated that diamonds of a minute nature can be made by man.
A few years ago an article appeared in one of the papers of McPherson stating that artificial diamonds have never been made and likely never would be. This proved a stimulant to Dr. Hershey and two of his students, Marathon High and Glade Fisher, who at once began to study the experiments already attempted by other chemists. The following year Loren Beckwith, another student, found the largest synthetic diamond ever made.
Basing their theory upon that of Moissan, the French chemist, who in 1896 after patient and careful experimenting succeeded in obtaining microscopic particles of artificial diamonds, Dr. Hershey and his two students immediately set to work.
A small electric furnace, capable, of securing a temperature of 3000 degrees centigrade, was obtained. The temperature obtained by Moissan in his experiments seldom exceeded 2000 degrees centigrade.
The composition of diamonds is practically pure carbon. Diamonds made by nature were formed under excessive temperature and pressure. Common sugar, one of the purest forms of carbon compound and iron filings were placed in a small graphite crucible about ten centimeters high and seven centimeters in diameter. The crucible was in turn, with its contents, placed in the electric furnace and 3000 degrees centigrade obtained.
When sugar is burned pure carbon remains. Under a very high temperature the iron filings melt and the carbon is mixed in with it. The theory is that when the molten iron is thrust into an ice cold salt brine an external pressure of ten tons to the square inch is exerted.
The crucible remains in the furnace for fifteen minutes and is then removed, white-hot, and dropped into a a vat of ice salt brine. The enormous pressure exerted upon some of the sugar carbon changes it into small crystalline particles of diamonds.
After the metal has cooled the iron is dissolved in aqua regia, which takes about a week’s time to complete. The remaining residue consists largely of amorphous carbon. This is digested in hot concentrated hydrochloric acid with dissolved potassium chlorate, followed by hot concentrated sulfuric acid with dissolved potassium nitrate, which destroys most of the carbon. The remaining residue is treated with hydroflouric acid.
The most tiring task of the experiment is the search and testing for diamonds in the remaining residue. Hundreds of microscopic particles and some larger diamonds have been produced at McPherson College. The largest one made by Dr. Hershey is four times as large as the largest one made by Moissan or anyone else that has been recorded. As fur as known no genuine diamonds have ever been made in the United States other than those made in the McPherson laboratory.
Dr. Hershey believes that the artificial construction of diamonds from the scientific point of view is no longer an unattainable goal, and that the difficulties that prevent the production of large and beautiful diamonds are only technical.
It is the hope of those making diamonds at McPherson to produce artificial diamonds large enough for commercial use and at a reasonable expense.—The Spectator.
A Short Biography of M. C.’s President
By Mildred Swenson. A. B. ’30
As he trudged about doing tasks familiar to every farm boy, a certain chubby, blueeyed Hoosier lad dreamed of a day when he might be a street-car motorman. And today, as he approaches his forth-third birthday, he is as far from the realization of his childhood ambition as he was “back in the nineties.” Instead he is the president of a college located in a town where street cars do not exist!
Vernon F. Schwalm, the fifth of a family of eight children, was an active, mischievous boy especially fond of talking. In the presence of strangers his mother held her breath, she said, in dread of what the youngster might say.
One day guests arrived at the Schwalm home unexpectedly. Acquainted with the hearty appetites of her brood, and doubting the sufficiency of the bread supply, the anxious mother called her four sons to the kitchen before meal time and admonished them to take only one piece each.
When the bread plate was passed the second time, young Vernon helped himself again, then, recalling his mother’s request, returned the piece and remarked half apologetically, “Oh, I forgot. There isn’t enough.”
As time passed the lad grew more serious and earnest. After two years in high school, he applied for a position as a teacher and was hired. He later completed his high school and college training in the academy and college at North Manchester, Indiana, where he received his bachelor of arts degree as a history major in 1913.
Many activities, including debate, basketball, music club, and the editorship during his senior year of the college annual, made Mr. Schwalm an outstanding and popular student leader. Furthermore he was known as a “lady’s man.”
In the fall of 1914 he returned to Manchester as an instructor and in October he married Florence Brubaker.
As a shy little freshman girl, Miss Brubaker’s first impression of her future husband six years before their marriage, was scarcely complimentary. The evening of her first day in college was a stormy, disagreeable evening Florence and her room mate chanced to sit at the same table as a “wise” upperclassman who, during the course of the meal, told a funny story about thunder. Even after they learned that his name was Schwalm, the girls spoke of the story teller as “Mr. Thunder.”
To the busy college man who has not time to write prolific love epistles to his queen of hearts, the following note from Mr. Schwalm to his fiancee might be a suggestion:
“Have been too awfully busy last evening and this morning to write a letter so I shall send you this card only. You need not do likewise unless you are too busy also. I shall write some time this evening or in the morning. Have an oral quiz this morning. V. F.”
In 1915 Professor Schwalm received his master’s degree from the University of Chicago and in 1918 he was made the dean of Manchester College. Nearly nine years later he was awarded a doctor’s degree from the University of Chicago and the following spring on his fortieth birthday. the McPherson College board of trustees requested him to succeed Dr. D. W. Kurtz who had resigned as president of that institution. After debating what course to pursue although urged by the trustees, the faculty, the students, and other friends to remain at Manchester, Dr. Schwalm at last accepted the position and in the fall of 1927 assumed the responsibilities of his new office.
Deeply interested in students, Dr. Schwalm always has the welfare of the college at heart. But despite his serious and dignified mien a humorous twinkle lurks in his eyes and he invariably has a joke for a every occasion.
During the three years of his administration at McPherson many improvements have been made, most outstanding of which is the remodeling of the chapel.
With the motto “McPherson … the school of quality” uppermost in his mind. Dr. Schwalm is striving for improvement in every line of activity the college pursues, and the results of his endeavors make up for his failure to achieve the position which was the dearest dream of his boyhood —that of a street-car motorman.
Richard Keim, ’25, Sumner Eshelman, ’24, and I are all doing the same thing—helping to make bigger and better sausages. We are engaged in making fancy meat products and the brand is “Bestever.” From the popularity our product is gaining with the buying public one would conclude that the name is correct.
Our business employs fourteen people at something like college professor wages who work five and one half days a week. The aim of the “Bestever Boys Association” is to promote sanitation, quality products and human interest in business relations to the highest standards. The employees have a gym class, a basketball team and a tennis court, and a very fraternal spirit prevails. A policy of making slaughtering on the par with surgery has been adopted and is carried out in the sterilization of tools and equipment and adequate refrigeration and landscaping of plant and grounds to resemble a fine hotel and country club.
Little pig sausages are made only of select pork such as fresh hams and loins together with the highest quality spices and workmanship. These compete favorably with the best to be had.
Every summer many visitors from fur away call at our Idaho home and we welcome them gladly. Each day brings new joy of some little accomplishment in fixing up our home or the business or seeing some friend.
Pauline and I have a pair of fine boys—Donald aged three and Bryce one and a half years and red hair.
Richard and Minnie have Robert, four years old, and Margaret three. They live in a beautiful little stucco house on the ranch near our packing plant.
Richard is general manager of the the business. I am secretary-treasurer, and Sumner is one of the traveling salesmen for us.
George Swank is teaching at Hope, New Mexico this school term.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!—The first class reunion of the class of ’27 is scheduled for this year, commencement week, May 26 to 30, at McPherson. A lot of schools will not be out, but many can plan to be present anyway at the evening sessions. The first official affair will be a banquet on Wednesday, May 28, provided enough signify their intentions to be present to warrant ordering the food. Other plans can be drawn up there for a picnic or other functions.
We’ve now been alumni three years, so let’s everyone do his bit by being present at the banquet. Bring the wife or the husband, (if any), and we’ll all “make whoopee” together.
All who can be at the banquet write me signifying your intentions and giving your suggestions, before May 16, at Ellsworth, Kansas. After that date write me in care of Fahnestock Hall, McPherson. All members who cannot be present at the reunion are requested to send in a letter to be read at the banquet, containing all personal data and news of class interest. Do not forget this. All who can come to the banquet say so, and places will be arranged for you and charged to you unless you cancel your reservation before May 25.
Yours for a big jamboree,
J. Moffat Eakes
Rev. and Mrs. Oliver A. Austin, A. B. ’15 and ’20, the college evangelists, write from Bellefontaine, Ohio, as follows:
We are helping to evangelize the world. Have been at this task since we left school which is now fourteen years and the job isn’t yet completed.
Our work has been very enjoyable and we have had the privilege of meeting some of the best people on earth and have seen a great deal of God’s big, wonderful world as we have been from coast to coast and from the Gulf to the Great Lakes.
During this time we have conducted 177 meetings and have had the supreme joy of leading 3,641 souls to an acceptance of the Man of Galilee.
Our time for the next two and one half years is all engaged and we will spend it in Indiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, California, Canada, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. We are receiving calls for meetings as far in the future as 1934. We are planning to take a little time off some of these days and go abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Austin
Mount Hermon Darjeeling, India Feb. 26, 1930
Dear Classmates:
Moved again! But Calcutta so disagreed with me that we hail to change and it has proved very beneficial; for the first time in almost two years I have been without fever.
Living in the Himalayas is a great experience, with the majestic snowy range of Kenchunjunga forming a semicircle around us and the several smaller ranges between which give a better perspective to the greater, one never lacks for inspirational beauty. True, we are in the clouds much of the time but it only enhances the other.
Mr. Johnson is principal of the Bishop Fisher Boys’ High School and the Queens Hill Girls’ High School. They are English schools and include ten nationalities, quite a melting pot. They are co-educational at the presnet, as the boys’ department is only three years old. The English people are not in favor of co-education and they are quite interested in our experiment. If it proves satisfactory we will continue the joint classwork and prove to them the worth of it. We prepare students for the Cambridge examinations and also for the American university entrance examinations.
Our Mission owns one hundred acres of land here and it is a very popular summer resort. There are a number of cottages and more are being built this year. These are occupied ten months of the year.
We are very much in love with our work but our furlough is due the end of November so we will have to leave when we are just getting nicely started. We have eight Americans on the staff, several English ladies and a few Anglo-Indians. If any of you would like to come to India as a three-year contract teacher, let us know and we might be able to fit you in. We need a good home economics teacher.
This time next year we hope to be in Europe on our way to the dear old U. S. A. Are we coming back? I hesitate to say—the East gets in one’s bones and if we cannot stay away we will return.
Then cherribye till we meet west of the Suez where there are perhaps a few Commandments. You know, east of the Suez there ain’t none (I wonder).
Jet Carter Johnson.
The letter above was written by Jet Carter Johnson, A. B. ’23, for Memories of ’23 but it arrived three days after the paper was printed.
Ellis M. Studebaker, A. B. ’15, is president of La Verne College, La Verne, California.
Clarence Hawkins, a former student at M. C., is working for the John Deere Plow Co. at Cherokee, Oklahoma.
Marion Krehbiel, a former student at McPherson College, is now city editor on the Russell Record at Russell, Kansas.
By means of a special drive, with the aid of many gifts the college library now contains more than 10,000 volumes.
Glade Fisher, A. B. ’25, was married to a Fruitland, Idaho, girl last winter and is now in Corvallis, Oregon, at the agricultural college there.
Carrie Mugler, a former student at McPherson College, is in Barcelona, Spain, where she is a private tutor in the home of an American representative.
Galen Evans, Com. ’15, A. ’17, of Shelton, Nebraska, and his wife Ua McAvoy Evans, Mu. & A. ’20, are in irrigation work and city well constructor of patented wells.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Haugh are located at La Verne College, La Verne, California, where Mr. Haugh is head of the voice department. He has been unusually successful in his training of quartets. They have toured not only the West, but also Eastern States. Mrs. Haugh was formerly Laura Harshbarger. She is teaching speech in La Verne. The Haughs were graduated at McPherson from various departments in the years 1894 to 1903.
Names You Have Heard of Before
The engagement of Miss Irene Gibson to Wray Whiteneck was announced at the J. H. Heckman home in McPherson, Kansas, on May 2.
Bernice McClellan and Ray Trostle announced their engagement at a party at the Stutzman home in McPherson on April 27.
The approaching marriage of Iva Crumpacker, A. B. ’29, and Ernest Toland, B. S. ’29, was announced by Miss Crumpacker’s sister, Mrs. Chester Murry, to a group of friends in April. The wedding on June 2 will be followed by a tour of Europe during June and July. Mr. Toland will be superintendent of schools in Durham, Kansas, the coming year.
Lillie Crumpacker, A. B. ’25, announced her engagement to Roland Jones, a former student at McPherson College, at a party at McPherson on April 19.
At a dinner given on March 30 by Miss Autumn Lindbloom at her home at 401 S. Maple, McPherson, Kansas, the engagement of Irene Thacker, A. B. ’28, to Marvin Steffen, B. S. ’28, was announced to a group of former college friends of Miss Thacker. Miss Thacker is in nurse’s training in the St. Francis Hospital in Wichita. Mr. Steffen is teaching in the Otis, Kansas, high school.
June Ellis, A. ’28, and LaVelle Saylor, A. B. ’28, have announced their engagement.
The marriage of Mary Mohler, A. B. ’23, and B. F. Cosner was solemnized July 13, 1929, at the home of Rev. Merlin C. Schull, Detroit, Michigan.
Miss Vera Opal Collins of Spivey, Kansas, and Jacob Yoder, A. B. ’23, were married at the Presbyterian Manse at Belle Plaine, Kansas, on November 27, 1929. They are at home at Logan, Iowa.
The marriage of Freda Edmonds of McLouth, Kansas, and Ira N. H. Brammell, A. B. ’23, took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Edmonds, near McLouth on Thanksgiving Day November 28, 1929. Mr. Brammell is superintendent of schools at McLouth.
Gertrude Witmore, A. B. ’24, of Rich Hill. Missouri, and Vivian Long, A. B. ’24, of Littleton, Colorado, were married at the Church of the Brethren near Rich Hill, Missouri, June 9, 1929.
Mary Whiteneck of Aline, Oklahoma, and Dr. M. T. Kubin of McPherson, Kansas, were married at the Methodist parsonage in McPherson on June 15, 1929. Dr. and Mrs. Kubin are making their home at San Antonio, Texas.
The marriage of Miss Grace Mitchell of Kansas City, and Ralph Himes, A. B. ’25, was solemnized August 4, 1929, in Kansas City, Kansas. Rev. Park Strole performed the ceremony.
Ruth King, a former student of McPherson College, and Curtis Ruthrauff, A. B. ’25, were married at the home of Rev. G. H. Cotton of McPherson, Kansas, June 19, 1929.
Selma Engstrom, A. B. ’25, and Louis B. Neumiller of Peoria, Illinois, were married by Rev. G. H. Cotton at the Presbyterian Church in McPherson, Kansas, on April 23, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Neumiller will be at home at 2308 North Sheridan Road, Peoria, Illinois, after June 15.
Nellie McGaffey, A. B. ’27, and Glen Strickler, A. B. ’22, were married at the college church in McPherson by Rev. H. F. Richards on Auggust 1, 1929. Mr. Strickler is in the grocery business at Ramona, Kansas.
On Sunday, September 8, 1929, Miss Winifred Baker of Clay Center, Kansas, and G. E. Lundeen, A. B. ’22, were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Lundeen are making their home in New York City where Mr. Lundeen is doing research work in Columbia University.
The wedding of Chressie Heckman, A. B. ’24, and Alfred Coleberg of Lyons, Kansas, took place October 16 at the home of the bride’s parents in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Coleberg are at home at Lyons. Kansas.
Rhea Fast, A. B. ’24, was united in marriage to Royal W. Garrison, an electrician of Pasadena, California, last summer. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. James E. Culf, of Pasadena.
The wedding of Dollie Marie Bradbury. A. B. ’26, to Clayton H. Ellis of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was solemnized at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bradbury. December 29. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will make their home in Oklahoma City.
Ruth Hoover, B. S. ’28, and Garmon H. Doran, B. S. ’24, were married at Overbrook, Kansas, on December 14. They are making their home at Lincoln, Nebraska, where Mr. Daron is a member of the faculty in biology at Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Marguerite Wagoner of Hastings, Nebraska, a former student of McPherson College, was married to Wendell Hubbard of Hugoton, Kansas, August 13, 1929, at Garden City, Kansas.
Rollin Brunk, A. B. ’27, was married to Miss Erma McClure of Wichita, Kansas, on February 17. Mr. Brunk is doing office work in Wichita.
Franklin F. Evans, B. S. ’28, and Roberta Brown, A. B. ’28, were married on October 5, 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are now living near Kearney, Nebraska, where Mr. Evans is in the pursuit of irrigated farming.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lehman of Roxbury are the parents of a daughter, born October 19. Mr. Lehman received his B. S. degree with the class of ’26.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Reed, A. B. ’27 and A. B. ’25, announce the birth of a son, November 16, whom they have named Donald Francis.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Strohm of Fort Scott, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter, Martha Jean, March 6. Dr. Strohm was graduated from McPherson College in 1922.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cullen of La Verne. California, announce the birth of a son, Stanley Ray. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cullen were graduated with the class of ’21.
Twin daughters—Beverly Jean and Betty June—were born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Kurtz of Cardiff, California, on September 4, 1929. Mr. Kurtz received his B. S. degree with the class of ’25. Mrs. Kurtz will be remembered as Reetha Studebaker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clyde Forney of South Bend, Indiana, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Ruth, on October 6. Both Mr. and Mrs. Forney are alumni of McPherson College.
Here and There With the Various Classes
Here and There With the Various Classes
Mrs. Rose Blackman Johnson is associated with the Topeka Capital. Her address is 800 Lincoln Avenue, Topeka, Kansas.
Mrs. Lillian Blackman Matthews continues to make her home in McPherson. She has for the past nineteen years conducted a millinery and woman’s wear store. She is enjoying a very prosperous business. Her home is located at 501 E. Euclid Street.
George J. Goodsheller is practicing medicine in Marion, Kansas. Dr. Goodsheller has been located in Marion for a number of years and is a very successful physician.
R. G. Mohler is a salesman for the Standard Manufacturing and Sales Corporation at Wellington, Kansas. For a number of years he was a farmer located near Lyons, Kansas.
Rev. E. H. Eby is pastor of the Church of the Brethren at St. Joseph, Missouri. In addition to this he is engaged in missionary and religious education work. Mr. Eby received his Master of Arts degree in 1915 and his Doctor of Divinity degree in 1918.
Mrs. Pearl Minner Critchfield is making her home at Harlingen, Texas.
Foster Cline is a successful attorney in Denver, Colorado. He has been located in that city for nineteen years. His business address is 1019 University Building. He with his wife Martha Weisthaner Cline was a member of the normal class of 1906.
Furman R. Cline operates a real estate business in Denver, Colorado. He has been following this work for nineteen years. He with his wife Clara Weisthaner Cline (Normal ’06) and their ten-year-old daughter make their home at 2236 Clermount St., Denver, Colorado.
Guy Hudson is manager of the Wiley Hardware Co. at Wiley, Colorado. He has held this position for a number of years.
Dr. Charles S. Shively, A. B. ’07, with his wife, has spent the school year traveling and studying in Europe. He is head of the mathematics department at Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. He began teaching there in 1920.
H. M. Lohrenz is spending the winter at Bakersfield, California, for the purpose of regaining his health. He expects to return to Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas, next September to resume active duties as president. He was recently honored by the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary at Chicago by being granted a D. D. degree.
Peter W. Classen, N. ’09, is devoting part of his sabbatical year from his duties at Cornell University where he holds a full professorship in entomology, to some special work at Ohio State University.
B. S. Trostle, A. B. ’10, of Nickerson, Kansas, helped organize the Kansas-Colorado Regional Grain Association. Mr. Trostle is farming wheat, corn, and kaffir, using gas tractors almost all of the time.
Dr. E. L. Craik, A. B. ’10, has been head of the department of history and government at Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, since 1924. His address is 410 17th Street. Doctor Craik was on the faculty at McPherson College from 1910 to 1924. At Juniata he is chairman of the Committee on Admission and Credits, also a member of the Committee of Administration. He does much critic judging of debate in high schools.
Dr. L. J. Beyer, A. B. ’11, is practicing the medical profession in Little River, Kansas.
W. D. Royer, 325 Madison, Wichita, Kansas, is instructor in chemistry in Wichita High School East.
Mrs. Alice E. Nash Royer, Wichita, Kansas, is busy most of the time keeping the “home fires burning.”
P. Ben Way is teaching chemistry in Wichita High School North, Wichita, Kansas.
O. Stanley Dresher is the Chevrolet and Studebaker dealer at Superior, Arizona.
Joseph J. Yoder, A. B. ’13, is still teaching a course in economics and several courses in sociology at McPherson College. As treasurer of the College he sees to it that the college endowment earns something for the maintenance of the school.
S. Ira Arnold, A.B. ’13, was in pastoral work at Olympia, Washington, until January 1. At that time he went to La Verne, California for a few months rest and visit. The Arnolds will go to Payette, Idaho, June 1 where they will take up pastoral work.
A. T. Hoffert is at the present time engaged as statistical secretary of the Federation of Churches at Chicago. For a number of years he served as a missionary on the India Fields.
Besides his regular departmental work in the College and activity in various scientific organizations, H. H. Nininger, A. B. ’14, is still collecting meteorites. He now has the largest personal collection of these bodies extant so far as is known. Much material resulted from his three-months trip into Mexico last fall. Also as frequently as time permits, Professor Nininger shows his moving pictures of Mexico.
Lela Meyers, Ex. ’15, a rural school in Brown County, Kansas.
W. H. Yoder has completed his eleventh year as pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Morrill, Kansas. He will take up his new duties as pastor of the South Waterloo Church, Waterloo, Iowa, on August 1. The South Waterloo church is recognized as one of the leading rural churches in the entire United States. During Reverend Yoder’s stay at Morrill the church membership has been increased by 218. While Reverend Yoder is*moving outside of McPherson territory, he reports that next year he will have both a son and a daughter at McPherson College.
Paul W. Harnly, A. B. ’15, is principal of the senior high school at Grand Island, Nebraska, which position he has held since 1923. Mr. Harnly plans to attend Columbia this summer. Mrs. Harnly was Iva Curtis before her marriage. She was graduated with the class of ’23.
Gladdys Muir, A. B. ’15, and professor of history at La Verne College, La Verne, California, who is now studying at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, has received a parchment with the seal of the University of Edinburgh which says that Miss Muir attained first place in the European History Honor Class (1648-1789) for the year 1929-30. This fact reflects favorably both upon her Alma Mater and upon La Verne College where she is a regular member of the teaching staff. During the summer months Miss Muir will be studying in London. Early in the school year she was a student at Geneva. She, with her parents, who are traveling with her, are soon to make a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea.
Oceansides, California, has a McPherson graduate, Charles Suffield, A. B. ’15, as superintendent of schools and another, Paul Kurtz, B. S. ’25, as teacher.
Elmer M. Hersch is special agent at Champaign, Illinois, in the Equitable Life Insurance Society of the United States.
Martin H. Schlicting is teaching in Crane Junior College and in De Paul University, both of Chicago. Mrs. Schlicting, Ex. ’16, is teaching in the schools of Oak Park, Illinois.
H. M. Brubaker has recently changed his address from Arcadia, California, to 1014 S. Puente Ave., Baldwin Park where he is operating a walnut grove. In addition to this he is busily engaged in church and Sunday school activities.
Fayanna Snader Wilson, 4176 Garden Ave., Los Angeles, thinks the idea of a paper is splendid and hopes the editor will be swamped with mail. Her avocation is a garden which she insists is one of the nicest in California.
A. J. Harms is head of the department of Religious Education of the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, dean of the Chicago Baptist Institute of Leadership and Training, chairman of the Adult Division, Chicago Council of Religious Education, and member of the advisory professional section, International Council of Religious Education. “Who’s Who In America” tells more about Mr. Harms.
Nina Swanson, A. B. ’17, is employed as visiting teacher in the Wichita, Kansas, city schools.
Galen Jones is assistant superintendent in charge of Secondary Schools at Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Fred M. Hollenberg is pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Stanley, Wisconsin.
Mrs. E. H. Eby, in addition to assisting her husband in his work as pastor of the Church of the Brethren at St. Joseph, Missouri, is connected with the State W. C. T. U. and Sunday school work of Missouri.
Paul E. Dannelley continues next year as principal of the Haviland, Kansas, rural high school.
Clyde Forney, A. B. ’19, and Ruth Brubaker Forney, A. B. ’20, continue their work in the Church of the Brethren at South Bend, Indiana.
Amos R. Boone. A. B. ’19, and his wife, Neta Cullen Boone, A. B. ’21, are leaving the pastorate in the Congregational Church at Wessington Springs, South Dakota, to accept a similar position at Armour, South Dakota. There are three attractive young sons in the Boone home.
J. W. Maxcy is ready to begin his tenth year as director of physical education, Potsdam State Normal Training School, Potsdam, New York.
Harry Gilbert continues his work as head of the physical science department in the Franklin high school, Los Angeles.
Harold Engstrom, B. B. ’20, is doing government work in connection with flood control in the Middle West. Mr. Engstrom formerly surveyed Minnesota swamp land which the government reclaimed and laid out in agricultural tracts.
Ray C. Cullen manages to superintend the city schools of La Verne, California, head the sociology department at La Verne College, and at the same time finish his work for a Ph.
D. at Stanford University. “Outside activities” such as city councilman, Y. M. C. A., church organizations, and two children help keep him happy.
J. H. Engle is vocational director in the Tulsa Business College at Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Minnie Mugler, B. M. ’21, is teaching piano in the Scott School of Music at Pueblo, Colorado.
Paul R. Yoder, A. B. ’21, is head of the physics department of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. This is his fourth year there. He went to Juniata after holding a professorship in Blue Ridge College.
Edward B. Van Pelt, B. S. ’21, is moving from the University of Virginia to the Salem Community near Nickerson, Kansas, after June 10. Mr. Van Pelt plans to take up farming and community work in his new location. Mrs. Van Pelt will be remembered as Bessie Brubaker before her marriage.
James Elmer Bathurst heads the department of education and is director of extension at Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama. He is chief of staff, Analysis and Rating Institute, Washington, D. C., and technical consultant, Bureau of Public Personnel Administration, Chicago, Illinois.
Ralph S. Holsinger, A. B. ’22, is teaching and coaching for the second year in the high school at Coalgate, Oklahoma.
Leslie Blackman is head of the chemistry department of the Teachers College of Fayette, Iowa.
Mayme King, A. B. ’22, is taking graduate work in the School of Speech of Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois.
Grace Brubaker, A. B. ’22, who has been doing Girls Reserve work with headquarters in South Bend, Indiana, is now in McPherson. Miss Brubaker is working in the office of Dr. W. E. Gregory.
Catharyn Mohler, A. B. ’22, who is teaching in the Wellington, Kansas, high school, is sponsor for The Crimson Rambler, biweekly newspaper that in 1927 and 1928 won first place honors in the Kansas High School
Newspaper contest; All – American Honor Rating, 1927, C. I. P. A.; 1928
Dr. Edward L. Saylor, B. S. ’22, has accepted a position as head of the laboratories in the new Memorial Hospital at Binghampton, New York. Dr. Saylor has been located at the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, since his graduation from the School of Medicine of the University of Kansas.
Anna L. Myers is employed by the Frisco Railway at Kansas City, Missouri. Her work consists of making corrections of all waybills revised by the office. Her address is 2700 Campbell St., Kansas City, Missouri.
I. T. Dirks has signed up as superintendent of schools at Moundridge for another year. Mr. Dirks has been in the Moundridge schools since his graduation from M. C.
Carl O. Dell is managing a general mercantile store at Rockford, Nebraska.
Mrs. Robert M. Zingg. A. B. ’23, is teaching English at Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas.
Marietta Byerly, A. B. ’23, who taught home economics in McPherson College the last two years, is this year devoting her time to the study of dietetics at Cook County Hospital, Chicago. The course provides for work in the diet kitchen, social service work in homes of patients, and work in private hospitals in the city.
Dr. Ray S. Clark, A. B. ’23, has finished his internship at the California Lutheran Hospital at Los Angeles. Dr. and Mrs. Clark and children will reside in Augusta, Kansas, where Dr. Clark will take up the general practice of medicine. Mrs. Clark will be remembered as Adelyn Anderson, A. B. ’23.
Estella Engle is secretary to the dean of the Fine Arts School at the University of Kansas. She writes: “My work is by no means monotonous—it has plenty of ‘spice of life’ to it. In addition to all the duties that naturally fall to a secretary (and it would take a book to tell about all of them), I try to supervise the work of two student assistants and keep the thirty faculty members and the 350 students in harmony with the dean, each other, and the rest of the university. Incidentally I get to enjoy many wonderful things in music and art, both on the Hill and in Kansas City.”
Naomi Fasnacht is at home at Wiley, Colorado.
O. T. Funkhouser, Harrisonburg, Virginia, is following the insurance business. With two other partners, he recently formed a new office at Harrisonburg.
D. R. Vaniman is operating an up-to-date hatchery at Cordell, Oklahoma. The plant occupies 30,000 square feet of floor space. No eggs are used in hatching that do not weigh over twenty-three ounces a dozen.
P. Roy Brammell is pursuing graduate study in the University of Washington at Seattle which will lead to his doctor’s degree. His work is a statistical and scientific examination of the entrance requirements in that university.
F. S. Hoover continues to teach biology in the Argentine high school at Kansas City, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Daggett, ’23 and ’24, are living on a farm near Lawrence, Kansas. Mrs. Daggett was Winona McGuffey before her marriage.
Cecile Martin is working in the office of the Chamber of Commerce at McPherson, Kansas.
W. E. Watkins is on the faculty of the Agricultural College at State College, New Mexico.
Selling Ford products occupies the time of Jacob Yoder who is located at Logan, Iowa.
Marie Cullen is teaching in the high school at San Bernardino, California. This is her second year in that position.
M. W. Penland is night ticket agent for the Rock Island Railroad at Liberal, Kansas.
P. R. Lange has a pastorate at Buhler, Kansas. Besides preaching on Sunday, Mr. Lange finds time to make pastoral calls, hold prayer meetings, teach a Bible class, and keep up on reading.
Grace Crumpacker is librarian of the high school at Decatur, Illinois. Her address is 422 W. Eldorado St., Decatur, Illinois.
Bernice Morrison is located at Dallas, Oregon, where she has a position teaching biology and general science in the high school.
John I. Mohler is furnishing the man power and management of a 200-acre farming enterprise near McCune, Kansas.
Paul E. Sargent continues to work at the Peoples State Bank at McPherson, Kansas. Paul and Rowena have a beautiful home on College Hill.
Ira N. H. Brammell is serving his third term as superintendent of schools at McLouth, Kansas.
David E. Brubaker is teaching in a junior high school in Los Angeles, California, and residing at 1018 West 73rd Street. He was married to Mary Blickenstaff of La Verne, California, on June 1, 1929.
Rufus L. Daggett is teaching in the city schools at Independence, Kansas. This is his fifth year at that place.
Myrl Curtis is principal of the high school at Vesper, Kansas. His marriage to Miss Evelyne Burr took place at Enid, Oklahoma, on November 3, 1927. He has spent three years at Vesper, Kansas.
Eunice S. Almen is at home with her parents at 412 South Maple Street, McPherson, Kansas. For several years she taught in the McPherson high school.
Bernice Peck, A. B. ’24, is attending Bush Conservatory of Music in Chicago where she is instructor in piano.
Helen Jacobs, A. B. ’24, is employed in the interior decoration department of the Innes Company at Wichita, Kansas.
Sanger W. Crumpacker is coaching in the Santa Monica, California, high school. He is in charge of varsity basketball and varsity track. He was coach in the McPherson junior high school for several years after being graduated and has always had winning teams. He was married to Miss Mary B. Swope, A. B. ’26, of Plattsburg, Missouri, on August 22, 1929. They live at 2534 Beverly Avenue, Ocean Park, California.
Ruth Ann Mohler is living at 111 S. Friends Street, Whittier, California, and is teaching history in the junior high school.
Elizabeth Mohler is assistant principal of the junior high school at Marshalltown, Iowa. She plans to travel abroad this summer. Her address is 7 N. 10th Street.
Margaret Heckethorn is librarian at McPherson College, which position she has held since graduation. She has spent two summers in graduate
work in library science.
Harlan D. Yoder is teaching in the high school at Hazelton, Kansas, and farming wheat near Groom, Texas. He was married to Fidelia Frantz, ’25, of Elgin, Illinois, on July 30, 1925. Lois, born December 20, 1928, is a very charming baby and the pride of the home.
Margaret Wall Nice, who is visiting in McPherson, tells of an enjoyable visit with Mr. and Mr. Harold Barnes, Spencer Holm, and Paul Freeburg, all of whom are making their homes in the city of Brotherly Love.
Leroy Doty is a salesman for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company of Hutchinson, Kansas.
Vivian A. Long is teaching physics and mathematics at Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, while Prof. C. S. Morris is on a leave of absence doing graduate work at Ohio State University. He writes: “We are enjoying our stay in North Manchester very much. The college enrollment (about 650) remains about the same. The debate season which closed recently was quite successful.”
Gertrude Witmore Long, A. B. ’24, spends spare moments taking crafts and art work at the college.
Ralph Garman is instructor of chemistry at the Oregon State College at Corvallis, Oregon.
Edith G. Slifer, 3450 W. Van Buren Street, Chicago, is enrolled for part time school work at Bethany Bible School and is teaching in the Chinese Sunday School which meets every Sunday afternoon from two until six o’clock. She writes: “My whole heart and soul are in the work for the uplifting of the Kingdom of God among one of the nationalities in this large city.”
Maude Merkey is just finishing her first year of nurses training in Cook County Hospital, Chicago.
Jay Eller, who is teaching physics in the high school at Wenatchee, Washington, expects to complete work for his M. A. degree soon. The Ellers have two sons, Vernard and Eldon.
Marathon E. High is teaching in the Ohio State University at Columbus and working on his Ph. D. in physics. The Highs (Marathon, Edith, and little Norma Jean) invite their friends to visit them while in the East.
Edna Dunham has been taking graduate work at the State University of Washington during the past year. Miss Dunham plans to tour Europe this summer as a member of Dr. E. L. Craik’s party.
Len Harden is serving his first year as superintendent at the Sylvan Grove high school and has signed again for next year.
Milford Kubin, A. B. ’25, has completed his work for the medical degree from the University of Kansas and is now located at the Army Station Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas.
Mabel Heckethorn, A. B. ’25, is teaching mathematics at Rust College, Holly Springs, Mississippi.
William K. Burgin has recently moved to Hutchinson, Kansas, where he is now engaged in landscape gardening. His home address is 628 West 10th St., Hutchinson.
Alberta Flory is a high school teacher at Hebron, Nebraska.
Aubrey C. Hale, A. B. ’26, is engaged in insurance work in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
Paul Lentz, A. B. ’26, chemistry major under Dr. Hershey and editor of The Spectator, has accepted a position as assistant chief chemist for the Oil Refining Company of New Oak. Ohio.
Golda Ebbert is teaching Spanish and English in the high school at Iliff, Colorado.
Ida M. Merkey is teaching home economics, physiology, and physical geography in the Morrowville, Kansas, rural high school. This is her second year in this position.
Kenneth M. Rock is teaching in the Dickinson County community high school at Chapman, Kansas. Mr. Rock lives at 920 West North Second Street, Abilene, Kansas, with his mother and drives the twelve miles to Chapman each day over the paved Victory Highway. Chapman has the oldest county high school in the world. It is, too, the birthplace of the first high school Y. M. C. A. ever organized.
Mary Waas is working in the office of the C. L. Shaw Lumber Company at Galesburg, Kansas.
L. M. Baldwin is superintendent of the Cuba, Kansas, schools. In addition to his executive duties, Mr. Baldwin teaches agriculture and first and second year manual training. Last year the Baldwins were at Walnut, Kansas.
Julia Hollem is teaching one of the first grades at the Lincoln Ward School at Lawton, Oklahoma.
Elsie McConkey is teaching girls’ physical education in the high school and junior high school at Newton. Kansas. She has from twenty-five to seventy-five girls in a class.
Paul L. Dick is located at Bushton, Kansas, where he has a position in the Bushton schools.
Gladys Williams of McLouth, Kansas, will receive an M. A. in English from the University of Kansas this June.
Emmert Stover sends best wishes to all the “Old Gang” and says that he likes his work with the John Deere Plow Co. at Pratt, Kansas,
Moffat Eakes, who is coaching in the Ellsworth, Kansas, high school, writes that he is “away back on the gossip.”
Mr. and Mrs. Ray S. Wagoner are kept busy in school work at Waldo, Kansas, where Mr. Wagoner is superintendent.
For the fourth year Winifred O’Conner and Hazel Scott are roommates. Both are teaching in the Salina grade school.
Ora Huston is attending Bethany Bible School in Chicago.
Glenn E. Rothrock is teaching mathematics in the junior and senior high schools at Lordsburg, New Mexico. Mr. Rothrock also directs a grade school band of twenty pieces. This summer Mr. Rothrock plans to pursue school work in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Marlin W. Carlson, B. S. ’27, is a junior in Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, and is a member of Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity. ~
Adelaide Glaser, B. S. ’27, has a good position in research work in home economics and chemistry at the Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville. Miss Glaser was given a master’s degree at the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan.
Charles H. Lengel is principal, athletic coach, and commercial instructor in the Jamestown, Kansas, high
school, and will remain as principal next year.
S. Lawrence Barnhart is teaching social science and coaching debate in the Elk City, Oklahoma, high school.
Alvin C. Voran is studying vocal music and instruction under D. A. Clippinger in Chicago. On the side Mr. Voran is directing one of the leading church choirs in Chicago, that of the Millard Avenue Presbyterian Church. He expects to continue his work next year.
Oma and Ruth Holderread arc attending school at Bethany Bible School in Chicago.
Melvina Graham is in beauty parlor work in Chicago.
Mrs. Mariah Burgin Risley is doing housework on a farm near Nickerson, Kansas.
Howard Keim, Jr., is attending Govvett Biblical Institute which is situated on the shore of Lake Michigan in the midst of the campus of Northwestern University. He expects to be graduated with a B. D. degree next year.
Anna Mae Strickler is teaching music in Ensign rural high and grade school, Ensign, Kansas.
Mabelle E. Roskam, 700 S. Maple, McPherson, is teaching in the second grade in the McPherson school system.
Portia L. Vaughan is teaching junior high school music in the Salina, Kansas, schools. Miss Vaughan says that Winnie O’Connor, B. S. ’27, and Hazel Scott, A. B. ’27, are teaching in Salina too, but that Winnie has decided to prove Howard Keim’s theory about “two can live as cheaply as one” so Salina is short a primary teacher for next year.
LaVerne L. Martin of Hazelton, Idaho, is teaching in the local high school. He is enjoying his work very much and had a good basketball season. He plans to be the best man at the Keim-O’Connor wedding this summer.
Leo K. Crumpacker is teaching and coaching in the high school at McPherson. Next year Mr. Crumpacker plans to go to medical school at Northwestern, Chicago, or Washington Medical School in St. Louis, Missouri.
LaVelle Saylor is teaching and coaching in the Marion, Kansas, high school. He plans on entering a medical school next year.
June Ellis is in nurses training in Kansas City, Missouri.
Haven Hutchinson is now in Sebring, Florida, caring for an aged grandmother. It is her intention to teach in the southern states next winter. Miss Hutchinson’s home address still remains Thomas, Oklahoma.
H. D. Fasnacht is teaching commercial work in the high school at Wiley, Colorado, during the school year. He intends to attend the Fort Collins summer school this summer.
Roy O. Frantz and his wife, Ethel May Metsker Frantz, are in the chicken raising business at Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Ralph W. E. Bowers is teaching manual arts in the Phillipsburg, Kansas, high school. Mr. Bowers intends to return for next year’s session.
Dorothy E. Swain, 1134 Mississippi, Lawrence, Kansas, is taking post graduate work at the university and will continue her work this summer to finish requirements for her M. S. degree. Miss Swain has recently accepted a position to teach French and English in the Peabody, Kansas, high school for next year.
Kathryn Esau is teaching history and English in the Smoky Hill high school, Hays, Kansas.
Viola Bowser is teaching in the rural high school at Bushton, Kansas.
Oliver Ikenberry is a grocery merchant in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
Ruth Bish, 918 N. Main, Pueblo, Colorado, is teaching school near Pueblo. Miss Bish is teaching three classes in home economics, one in freshman English, and one in world history.
Mrs. Ivy Pearl McCormick, 615 N. Walnut St., Hutchinson, Kansas, is teaching in the Hutchinson schools in the winter and in the summer gives art lectures and lectures on educational courses in county institutes.
Leo F. Duke, 2434 Ohio Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio, is physical director in the Roger Bacon high school this year and expects to return next year. Mr. Duke intends to start work on his masters degree this summer at Wisconsin University.
John Harnly, B. S. ’29, is attending the University of Kansas at Lawrence this year.
Fern Shoemaker is teaching home economics in the high school at Little River. Also in the Little River high school is Clara Davis, music, and Archie Blickcnstaff, coach, all of the class of ’29.
Arian Brigham is teaching in the high school at Sylvan Grove, Kansas, and has signed the contract to teach again next year.
Floy Brown is teaching chemistry and coaching debate in the Ellinwood high school. Miss Brown will accompany Miss Della Lehman this summer on a tour of Europe. Miss Brown’s debate team placed Second in their district.
Mercie Mae Shatto is teaching home economics, history, and girls’ physical training in the rural high school at Langdon, Kansas. She is enjoying her work very much.
Ralph E. Landes is instructor in manual training and mathematics in the Jamestown, Kansas, high school. He plans to remain in Jamestown next year.
E. E. Geeslin is principal and teaching two history classes, one arithmetic class, and keeping three study halls in the high school at Cement, Oklahoma.
Ida Kingsley, A. B. ’29, Autumn Lindbloom, A. B. ’28, Julia Jones, B. S. ’25, and Rush Holloway have been elected to positions in the McPherson senior and junior high schools for the coming year.
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