





Volume XLIV

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 6, 1959

No. 8

Macollege Frosh Is State Champ

Janice Stansel, freshman at Macollege, has received the honor of 1959 state champion in 4-H clothing.

Janice, a member of the Pleasant View 4-H Club, received the honor after winning two years as the Rice County Champion.

She has been working on clothes for the past six years in her club. She has made wardrobe plans for school, civic groups and 4-H Clubs.

Janice has been awarded an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago Nov. 29-Dec. 3.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Stansel, Little River.

College Calendar

Tonight. Nov. 6 Football game with Bethany, there, 7:30 Nov. 8 Piano recital, 3 in the chapel.

Clothes Needed By Mac Actors

Sadie Hawkins Dance To Hilight W.P.A. Week

Attention all males! Your time is coming! The week of Nov. 15-21 will be WPA Week. For those not acquainted with this custom. WPA stands for Women Pay All.

Many activities will be held during the week. The grand finale will be an All School Sadie Hawkins Costume Party on Saturday night, Nov. 21.

“Brigadoon” To Be Shown Tomorrow Night

The romantic musical "Brigadoon' starring Cyd Charisse and Gene Kelly is to be shown in the chapel Saturday. Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m.

There will be no admission charge, but contributions will be appreciated.

Federal Man To Interview

Needed — clothes from the early 1900's! Any information about obtaining clothes from this period for 'The Matchmaker' should be given to Prof. Peter Coulson. professor of literature and drama.

Articles will be accepted both as permanent gifts and as temporary loans for this one production.

Prof. Coulson has named the heads of the technical crews for the production. House manager will be JoNelle Thoreen. She will have charge of tickets and ushers.

The stage manager is Jerald Edwards. As stage manager, Jerald will have charge of the running crew. To this date the members of this crew arc Kenneth Watson. Larry King, and Orval Neufeld.

JoAnn Negley is chairman of the properties crew, helping her will be Janice Stansel. Violet Oliver has charge of the costumes.

Mr. Arlie G. Biles of the Social Security Administration Office in Hutchinson will be on campus Nov. 12 to discuss career opportunities in Federal civil service.

According to Mr. Biles, Federal agencies located in the Midwest will hire over 500 graduates this year in technical, administrative, and professional trainee jobs. In addition, opportunities exist in government offices and laboratories located throughout the United States and overseas.

Starting salaries range from $4,040 to $4,980, a year for graduates with a bachelor's degree. Students with a year of graduate work or a master's degree can start as high as $5,985 a year.

Higher starting salaries are available for majors in engineering and certain physical sciences.

Interview arrangements to see Mr. Biles on Nov. 12 are being made through Mr. Paul Wagoner in the Alumni Office.

250 Guests Register For Regional Confer

The Western Regional Conference in McPherson Oct. 24-28. had 250 registrants. One hundred and fifty-three of these were registered for the entire conference. Saturday through Wednesday.

Spec Editors Exchange Job Responsibilities.

Faye Brunner. Spec editor-in-chief. and Dennis Hubbard. Spec managing editor could rightfully be called versatile.

Faye is practice teaching in the Moundridge School system; and. consequently, she is unable to fulfill all of her duties as Spec editor-in-chief.

Therefore, Dennis is now acting as editor-in-chief. Faye, mean while, has assumed the responsibilities of the managing editor although she continues writing the editorials.

Pre-Enrollment To Commence Next Week

Construction Continues

Building Namesake Proud Of College-Bestowed Honor

ing at the college." she reports.

Since her retirement M i s s Brown has traveled widely in almost every state in the union She has also traveled to Canada, old Mexico, and far off the west coast of California.

Her most recent hobby is her farm in Texas. She just returned from a visit there and reports that the crops there are doing fine.

Miss Brown's favorite companion is her cat. Fleck.

Professor Brown now resides in McPherson at 123 Charles Street. She has upstairs and basement apartments which arc rented usually to college students and faculty members.

When asked if she visits the campus she said, "I haven't in the past years because I don't know many of the students, and they are all so busy that it is hard to come in contact with very many of them.

All students who plan to attend second semester classes arc to pre-enroll, starting the tenth week of the first semester.

Students are to pre-enroll as follows: Go to the Registrar's office and get the tentative enrollment card. Select your courses and fill out the card with the help of your counselor.

The students and their counselors will be listed on the bulletin board. Leave the tentative enrollment card with your counselor.

The deadline for pre-enrollment is Dec. 11.

The actual enrollment will take place Jan. 11-15. If students do not want to change any courses in which they pre-enrolled, they need not meet with the counselor a second time.


The main speaker at the Western Regional Conference next year will be William Hordern, Professor of Systematic Theology at Garrett Biblical Institute in Evanston. III.

Chalmer Faw, Professor of New Testament at the Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago, will be

As New Buildings Progress

Bricks are now being laid for the new Jessie Brown Auditorium.

The brick wall is reinforced by cement blocks on the inside.


Entrances to the auditorium will be on the west and on each end of the stage, under which will be the band room, practice rooms, and the choral room. On the main floor will be a lounge and rest rooms.

The foundation is being laid for the second floor of Mohler Hall, after which the cement will be poured and the same process repealed for the roof. Some time in December both second floor and the roof will be raised.


The process involved in raising the floors is called "slab raising." and accomplished by selling a jack on top of each column. The jack lowers a cable with a key on the end, which hooks into the collar under the floor on column. then the collar is pulled up with the floor.

The main entrance to Mohler Hall will he at the south end of

ing will be regional and public relations offices on the west side

with the business office, other of-fice space, and the bookstore on the east side.

On the south wing second floor will be classrooms and offices.

the conference speaker in 1961.

The Spectator apologizes to Valerie Miller for misspelling her name in the Who's Who story last week and to Eddie Ball and Dr. J. F. Slifer for omitting their names from the alumni chapel


the building with another entrance at the northeast corner.


In the basement of the hall will be a mechanical equipment room at the north end of the building. On the first floor will be the president's office with the dean's office right next door. In the south wing of the build-

Class Rooms

On the north wing second floor will be a large classroom with a stage.

The two buildings will be joined together by a covered walk, connecting their main entrances.


Other new sidewalks will run from the entrance of Mohler to the gym and another from the gym to Sharp.

The ventilation and electrical systems are being installed in the basement of the auditorium. Also cement blocks are stacked to begin putting in the partitions for the different rooms.

Another new addition to the campus is the extra wide side walk which runs north of Sharp. Under this walk arc the heating pipes for the new buildings. Also, the mountain in front of Harn-ley is being removed to fill in around the foundations.

"I am very proud that McPherson College would name the new auditorium after me," says Miss Jessie Brown, former professor of piano at McPherson College.

Groups Visit Campus During Homecoming

Professor Brown came to McPherson College in 1915 and retired in 1952.

Miss Brown received her diploma from the Bethany Conservatory and her B.M. degree at

Bethany College. She also studied in Liepzig, Germany, and taught at Bethany College before com ing to McPherson.

"I suppose I averaged 50 stu dents a year during my teach-

Mr. Wilber Mullen, director of admissions, said that there were several visiting groups on campus during the homecoming weekend. They were the high school band from Lost Springs; a group from the Church of the Brethren in Carleton, Neb.; and a group from the Church of the Brethren in Olathe.

Student Pictures To Be Available Nov. 9

Student pictures will be available on Monday, Nov. 9. at Don's Studio in McPherson. Poses for the Quad have already been selected and the pictures available at the studio are for student purchase only.

According to the editor, Don Hollenbeck, work on the Quad is progressing smoothly except for a little difficulty with the cover. Twenty pages of copy have been completed and sent in.

Local Ministers IRC Have Chapel This Week

Tuesday, Nov. 10, Rev. Victor Trower will speak at chapel. Rev. Trower is pastor of the First Baptist Church in McPherson.

The International Relations Club will have charge of the assembly on Friday. Nov. 13. Mac's international students who have written home to their parents in various countries, will report on their reactions to Khrushchev's visit to the United States.

Changes In Breakfasts

Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast will not be served in the Cafeteria, the Cafeteria Committee has announced.

Saturday morning breakfast can be secured in the Dog House 8:30-10.

This decision was made by the Cafeteria Committee after nine weeks of experimentation. The committee feels that there is really no existing demand or need for Saturday and Sunday morning breakfasts in the Cafeteria.

Sunday evening meals will be served in the Cafeteria at 5 p.m. as previously.

All other meals will be served unless there is a notification otherwise such as at the time of all-school banquets or similar events.

The Spectator, Page 2 November 6, 1959

Pondering With The President

Is Shortage Of Teachers To Be Met With Machines?

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

Schools and colleges now have an estimated shortage of 195,000 teachers. How shall this shortage be met?

One of the proposed methods is typically American. It is that we shall meet it by machines.

The proposed teacher-replacement machine is something like a television screen. The individual operates pushbuttons for questions and answers. If he gets the right answer this is revealed on the screen. If not, he keeps working at it until he does get the answer. The claim is made that under this "unbiased instructor” the student can complete in one hour, work which would take him eight hours in class.    

It is suggested that these machines can be used for teaching children from three or four years old to college age. The student, by this means, can learn at home.

What are the advantages of this system?

It may be cheaper.

It is conceivable that it might be faster.

It might be more “unbiased.”

But what are the disadvantages?

It eliminates the person to person relation of teacher and student.

The so-called “facts,” even scientific facts, which are taught change from decade to decade, as we get additional light on any subject, but the imprint of the great teacher upon the developing student undergirds him throughout life.

We in America undertake to do more and more by machines. We mechanize ourselves until we become machines, at least in part.

It seems to me there are some things in life which a machine can never replace:

The relation of a mother to a child.

The sense of oneness and wholeness between parents and children in a home.

The understanding, forgivng affection between a husband and a wife.

The adventure or growth relation of a teacher to a student, and a student to a teacher.

The depth relation of a person to his God.



Mother Earth Moans As The UN Conies To Rescue

Ag Major From India Plans To Work In Indian Mission

The Spectator



Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson. Kansas Published every Friday during the school year by the Stu-dent Council. Subscription — $2.00 a year.


• “End of The Affair"

You're sure to know that it's the end When your loved one says, "let's part as friends."

But friendship is a ficklething It may not last the 'morrow. So, at this point. I would suggest that you end it with a quarrel. For though your love may never end. requital is in order.

And, if there’s none, forget it friend, it isn't worth the trouble.

A junior on the Macollege cam-' pus thinks "the food at the cafeteria is OK but the line is exceptionally long.” He likes “the medium sized town, the religious emphasis on campus.” and feels “quite at home.”

These are the words of Bernard DeSa from Bombay, India. Bom a Catholic, he attended a Catholic school but met a Methodist missionary and was converted to protestantism.

Bernard DeSa was recommended to Dr. Bittinger as a student for McPherson College by a Methodist Missionary in India. He was awarded a scholarship. His trip was sponsored by the Methodist Church.

Bernard DeSa is an agricultural major. He plans to attend McPherson College three years and then transfer to Kansas State for two more years. This accomplished, he will return to India to work in an agricultural mission.

A. Schweitzer Contest

"The Challenge of Albert Schweitzer Anniversary Competition" is now open for all interested persons. This is an annual contest with cash awards for prizes.

The purpose of this contest is to encourage individuals to read Albert Schweitzer's writings and to evaluate his synthesis in relation to their own personal philosophies and to the world crisis.

The object is not to promote cultism or uncritical acceptance. Contestants do not need to agree with Schweitzer's writings, hut should show a clear understanding of his works.

Any students or other interested persons should see the poster in Dr. Metzler's room. Registrations for this contest must be in; by Nov. 10. 1959.

By John Dilley

Hello! Tis the Spirit of All Things Good here once again to relate a story in honor of a good friend of all peoples. This story begins some fourteen years ago.

"The time is one stroke after ‘operation destruction" and ’ole mother earth is in the process of digesting World War II, which was almost too big a bite for any world to chew. She seems to be having some indigestion and complaining.

"O-o-o-h. my aching eastland where two atomic bombs messed up my pretty grass skirt and those thousands of artillery shells, poison gas, and blood, Nourishment! Well, man calls it nourishment and he is a noble beast!

And in the eastland and west-land, I feel the sorrow of mothers who lost their sons, families who have no shelter now, then the cry of small children who have no food or clothes are heard. All this from the man's game of war.

"All is not bad, for I sense good taking place on a piece of land belonging to the U. S. A. (United Steelworkers Association) "Oh, Spirit of Good, tell them the story that now takes place on that land.

“O. K.. Mother Earth. Tis during the reign of ole Harry S., champion of the Democrats, and in the east of this fair land sprout three buildings along the East River in New York City. These are nourished with steel, cement, and glass till maturity.

"Finally the day of Oct. 24. 1945, has come and people of fifty nations take up residence to begin bickering and passing the buck, then finding solutions.

"Fourteen years have passed since that first day long ago and representatives of 85 nations are having a ball in yakety-yak-yakin back and forth in the three camps

of competition. Which are Camp of the West. Bloc Camp of Communists and Fencestraddlers.

“For the division of work eleven major departments have been created. Departments such as Assembly of Generals, Council of Social Economics. Council for Trustees, Worldly Court, and Commission from Outer Space, to name a few.

"Many questions hove found an answer behind these walls, however many more renew the supply. Problems such as 'How Can the Race Conflict Be Solved?' 'Who shall represent China?’ and 'What Shall Be Done with Berlin?’

"To these old questions have been added many, among which is the problem of 'How Can Farther Spreading of Nuclear Weapons Be Prevented and Stopped?"

"The story you have just read is fact based on fact with fiction added. You have probably guessed by now that this is the story of the United Nations, which has done much good, but still has to solve many problems.

So today, after UN week ends, join the peoples of the world in special prayers for the UN. for guidance in leading the world to brotherhood. Better yet, let them continue throughout the rest of this World Refugee Year and evermore.

Question on history test: What was the "spoil system?" One answer: When a new party came into office, all the people were kicked out and fiends put in.

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Cee Jay Co.

Portable Television

The Place Where Prices Are Born; Not Raised

Finding a way to live the simple life today is man’s most complicated task.



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Your Home Bakery Phone 82

McPherson Cab Co.

Phone 760 301 E. Euclid






Marcia’s Gift Center

108 No. Main Phone 92



(Home Owned) 110 E. Euclid

Reporters and Writers

Ernie Griffith    Kenneth Watson

Lester Zook    Janice Stansel

The Business Staff

Gordon Yoder Faculty Advisor



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McPherson, Kansas


Ladies Ready-to- wear Coots, Suits, Sportswear, Lingerie, Hosiery, Handbags

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The Wall-Rogalsky Milling Co.

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McPherson, Kansas

Deposits Insured Up To $10,000.00

The Spectator, Page 3 November 6, 1959

Bulldogs To End Grid Season Play Tonight

Eleven Seniors End Season As Mac Invades Bethany

The McPherson College Bulldogs will end their 1959 grid season by playing the Bethany Swedes in Lindsborg tonight at 7:30.

Eleven senior lettermen will be playing their final game for McPherson and Coach Smith tonight when the Bulldogs invade Lindsborg, the home of the Bethany Swedes.

The eleven seniors who will be playing their final game are: Larry Werner, Dennis Brunner, Don Willits, Larry Schlehuber, Daryle Howell, Max Grossnickle, Leroy Hayes, Marvin Keck. Richard Heidebrecht, Bryce Heinz, and Darry Melton.

The Bulldogs will be playing a team that has a record similar to their own. Bethany has defeated Bethel and Friends and has lost to C. of E., Ottawa, and Baker. while playing to a tie with K-Wesleyan.

The Swedes are led by quarterback Larry Stoecker. Stoecker weighs 175 lbs., and does nearly all of the passing for the Swedes. Many of Stoecker's passes are caught by Bob Rahe, a

175 lb. senior end.

The Swedes are coached by Hal Collins with Dale Boss as his assistant. The last time the Swedes defeated the Bulldogs was in 1949 by a score of 75-13. The Swedes will be very intent in ending this drought of losses.

The Bulldogs came through the Ottawa game in fairly good shape. By Friday, most everyone should be ready to play and should really give the Swedes a battle.

The Swedes, who like to be called the "Terrible Swedes.” will also be playing their final game of the season. Eight of their top players are seniors and will be playing their final game.

Homecoming Attendance Largest In Years

Paul Wagoner, alumni secretary, reports that the attendance during homecoming was the largest it has been for some time. He said there was a very good attendance at both the Saturday afternoon program and at the coffee hour following the football game.

“Probably the basis for this large attendance was due to the fact that conference was being held at the same time." he said.

Clean-Up Crews Keep Mac Neat

Go On Ahead And Laugh!

A joke is a joke, but a good, hearty laugh, according to medical authorities, is one of the best health treatments available.

Laughter eases tension, releases pent-up energy, provides exercises for little used facial and chest muscles.

A deep breath gets you about 500 cubic centimeters of air. A deep laugh feeds more than 3,000 cubic centimeters of oxygen to body tissues at one gulp. Every 60 seconds of hearty laughter exposes the entire body to an extra dash of oxygen.

With meals, laughter aids digestion by forcing the liver to produce more bile. It obscures headlines, blurs budget worries, obviates a daily 100-yard dash.

So go ahead and laugh.

Times Given For Mac Clubs

Besides the regular academic curriculum, Macollege has about 16 clubs or fellowships. The meeting times of each club are listed below.

On Sunday evenings CBYF meets at 6:30 p.m. Christian Vocations meets on the first Monday and third Tuesday at 7 p.m. MCA meets every Thursday evening at 6:45.

Ag Club meets on the first Monday at 8 p.m.: SNEA on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.: and International Relations Club on the third Monday at 6:45 p.m.

MENC meets on the second Tuesday at 6:45; Rec Council on the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30; Home Ec Club on the second Tuesday at 6:45; and "M" Club on the first and third Wednesday at 6:30.

Deutscher Klub has no regular meeting time yet: and Pep Club. WAA, Skate Club, and the McPherson College Players meet irregular or whenever necessary.

Macollege students hold important janitorial duties this year.

In charge of janitor work in Sharp Hall are Bryce Heinz, Max Grossnickle. Darry Melton, Don Willits, and Clifton Baile.

Janitors of Harnly Hall are Loren Switzer and Jon Burkholder, and the library janitor is Roger Killian.

In the industrial arts building Doyle Royer and Edwin Penny are the janitors, and in Kline Hall Hudson Sadd holds this duty.

Janitors in Arnold Hall are Dwane Stickler, Jake Guenther, and Bernard DeSa. Fahnestock Hall janitors are Wayne Bert. Larry Elliott, and Jan Brallier.

Dotzour Hall janitors are Carol Hogle, Carolyn Fillmore, Donna Shellenberger, Rosalie Barnett, and Nonna Hintz. The janitor at the parsonage is Elverda Fike, and janitors in Vaniman Hall are Linda Rodabaugh and Juanita Fike.

She Gets News To Hometowns

Have you often wondered how Macollege news gets in your home town papers? This year Vena Wray is sending this news to your papers. She is doing this in connection with the Public Relations Office.

She gets the names of the home town papers from one of those many cards you had to fill out at enrollment time.

Some of the items she has sent in already this year are. A Cap-pella Choir members, football players, enrollment, play cast for "The Matchmaker,” and the Homecoming Queen and attendants.

Some of the items Vena plans to send out in the immediate future are the cheerleaders, Who's Who, student teachers, foreign students. Chapel Choir members and ensembles.

Feature stories on exchange students is Vena’s dream for the future. She would send these stories to newspapers in this area.

Along with writing newsletters to your hometown papers. Vena also works nine hours each week in the college library. Her major is elementary education.

Ottawa, C Of E To Battle For ’59-’60 KCAC Title

Players Club Is First In Homecoming Floats

The Players Club won the $30.00 first place award for the 1959 homecoming decorations. Kline Hall held a $20.00 second place award, and the Home Ec. Club won the $10 third place award.

These five honorable mention winners received a $5.00 award: the Recreational Council, freshman class, W.A.A., the junior class, and the pep club.

The conference title should be decided at Ottawa tonight when Ottawa and C. of E. clash. Pick your favorite and hope they win.

Friends will be at Sterling tomorrow night for what should be a very interesting game. These teams should be evenly matched.

McPherson will be at Bethany tonight. In this game, it might be safer to throw the records and statistics away and wail until the game is over. Mac might have a slight edge looking over past scores.

Kansas Wesleyan will be at Bethel tomorrow night. Kansas Wesleyan has the edge in view of past performances.

Last week Bethany defeated Friends 13-7 at Wichita. Bethany's winning TD came with just 42 seconds left in the game when back Glen Elvins went around right end. Friends scored on a 6 yard end run.

C. of E. pounded Bethel 46-7 at Emporia last week. C. of E. passed. both long and short, and ran, both long and short, to rack up this victory. This makes 6 wins for Emporia and 6 losses for Bethel.

McPherson fell to Ottawa 19-6 at McPherson. McPherson scored on a 1 yard plunge by Heyle-brecht. Ottawa scored on a field goal, a safety, a 15 yard run by Keller, and a two yard plunge by Nider.

Baker humbled Kansas Wesleyan 40-14 in a game played at

Salina. Baker scored on picked up fumbles, intercepted passes, runs and passes. KW scored one TD on a pass and the other on a short run.

Southwestern bumped off Sterling 33-0 at Winfield lost Saturday night. The Moundbuilders started early and scored on short runs, long runs, and on a 65 yard punt return.

Macollege Men Attend Alumni Teachers Meet

Harley Stump, assistant professor of English, and Paul Wagoner. alumni secretary, attended a meeting of alumni teachers, those teachers who graduated from Macollege, in Salina at the Swedish Diner, Nov. 5.

From there they went to Topeka to attend another session at the Squat and Gobble Restaurant. Professor Stump was the guest speaker at both the meetings.

Dean Wayne F. Geisert and Paul Wagoner attended the Teachers meeting in Wichita Nov. 6. at 12:30 p.m. in the Church of the Brethren.

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Dealers In Junk

Skate - Skate

Beat the Swedes

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STATE FARM Insurance Companies

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219 N. Main

Skating Sessions 7:30 till 9:30 P. M. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sunday Sessions 2:30 till 4:30 P. M. Party Nights - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Evenings



Lyons, Kansas

Follow the Bulldogs in the McPherson Sentinel



Rexall Drug Store McPherson, Kansas


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8:00 ONLY

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— ALSO —

“Man Without A Star”



“The Bat” “Cosmic Man” SUN. - MON. - TUES. “The Devil’s Deciples’


“The Jawhawkers”

Photo by Don's Studio

Stanley llin and Elizabeth Debel selecting their engagement ring in the privacy of Ren-berger's Diamond Room.


The Store Where Dreams Are Fulfilled

The Spectator, Page 4 November 6, 1959

Western Region Office Is Located On Mac Campus

Although it is not actually a part of the college, the Western Region headquarters, located in the basement of Sharp, is closely correlated to it.

The occupants of this office are Floyd Bantz, Executive Officer of the Western Region; Mrs. Gordon Yoder, administrative secretary to Bantz; and Kenneth Holderread. Western Regional Youth Director.

Bantz helps to promote and guide church extension in the region and assists in pastoral recruitment, training, and place-

The0 Church of the Brethren is divided into five geographical areas called regions. McPherson is in the Western Region which extends from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi to the Rock-

The executive body of the Region is the Western Region Board composed of one member from each of the fourteen districts, the General- Brotherhood Board members residing in the region, and the college president.

The chairman of the Western Region Board is Warren Hoover from Preston, Minnesota. Kent Naylor of Warrensburg, Mo., is vice-chairman.

Other board members are John

Ditmars, Holmesville, Neb.; Carl Beckwith, Wiley, Colo.; and Eth-mer Erisman, Elkhart, Iowa.

Ken Holderread works with the Regional Youth Cabinet composed of a youth and adult from each district. He also assists the Executive Committee of the CBYF in planning activities and youth conferences.

The executive Committee this year is: Bob Dell, chairman; Don Hollenbeck, citizenship; Bonnie Hodgen. witness; Valerie Miller, fellowship; Treva Brown, faith; and Juanita Fike, outreach.

Paul Wagoner is the youth counselor and the youth director is Ken Holderread. These two plus the chairman make up the Administrative Committee which covers the five areas functions: Faith, Citizenship. Witness, Outreach, and Fellowship.

SNEA To Have Guests At Panel Discussion

‘ All students are invited to attend the SNEA meeting, Monday evening at 6:30, November 9," says Larry Werner, president.

Six graduates from Mac will appear on a panel and have a discussion on their impressions of their first and second years of teaching. There will be elementary and secondary levels repre-

Our guest panelists will be: Donald Cotton, Kathy Burkholder, Noel Grove, Glenna Wampler, Mary Lou Zook, and Dorothy Dad-isman.

Debel, Ilin

Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Willems, McPherson, announce the engagement of Elizabeth Debel to Mr. Stanley B. Ilin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ray E. Blickenstaff, 1125 N. Maple. McPherson.

Elizabeth is a senior at McPherson High School and Stanley is a junior biology major at Macollege.

Elizabeth and Stanley are both from Linz. Austria. Elizabeth just arrived in the United States last June.

No wedding date has been set.

Choirs Rehearse For Christmas

Donald R. Frederick, director of choral organizations, is now working on "Christmas Oratorio” by Van Hulse which is to be given Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Church of the Brethren.

This oratorio was first presented in this area under the direction of Professor Frederick.

The composer of this modern work now resides in Tucson. Ariz.

Mrs. Dorothy Larsen, organist for the Church of the Brethren, will accompany the choir.

The singing group consists of A Cappella and Chapel Choir members. Adult Church Choir and Junior Choir members, and anyone else in the college and community who is interested in participating.

The choir will rehearse at 8:15 p.m. on these dates: Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Dec. 8,-Dec. 10, and if necessary Dec. 13 at 2 p.m.

Class Goes Courting The U. S. Government class attended a court session involving a civil case yesterday. Nov. 5. The class has been studying the state and federal court procedure in both criminal and civil cases.

Three Attend Youth Cabinet Meeting

McPherson College had three representatives at the National Youth Cabinet meeting in Elgin. 111.. Sept. 29 - Oct. 2. They were Bob Dell, chairman of the Western Region; Kenneth Holderread, Youth Director for the Region; and Paul Wagoner, Regional Counselor.

The meeting was chaired by Miss Peggy Deal, National Youth Chairman for California. Regional youth presidents, counselors, and the BSCM president attended this cabinet meeting.

Warren Miller, a junior at Bridgewater College, was elected National Youth Chairman. President of the Southeastern Regional Youth Cabinet, Warren is from Manassas. Va.

Plans were made for youth activities at Annual Conference and the third National Youth Conference to be held in August 1962, in the Western Region.

It was decided that each region would select one high school youth to become a member of the National Cabinet. There was considerable discussion on the improvement and revision of the CBYF Program Kit, the Horizons, and the Alleluia.

Social Worker Is Goal Of Holland Student

Music, hiking, and cooking are some of Ineke Klein Brinke’s favorite hobbies. Ineke is a special student from Vorden. Holland. Her major interest in college is sociology. She would like to be a social worker.

After graduating from high school Ineke worked in BVS for 16 months in Kassel. Germany. She served as an assistant housemother and as a receptionist.

Following BVS Ineke worked

Orchestra To Make Public Appearance

The College-Civic Orchestra will make their first public appearance on Dec. 4 in Sharp Hall Auditorium, where the first concert will be held. Another concert is scheduled to be played in May.

Prof. Paul Sollenberger, director of the orchestra, says that more string players are needed for the orchestra.

Industrial Arts Club Visits Mac Department

Bethel College Industrial Arts Club visited the Macollege Industrial Arts Building on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Their professor, Menno Stucky, graduate of Macollege accompanied them here.

The club was especially interested in the two large milling machines, the big D C. Welders, stud welder, foundry, sheet metal department, and the woodworking department. Afterwards they went to Prof. Dell's for coffee.

McPherson Sentinel Celebrates Open House

Open House was observed yesterday at the McPherson Sentinel. the publisher of the Spec. The McPherson Sentinel just recently changed its name from the McPherson Republican. The Sentinel celebrated open house because this summer they moved to a new location.

Rev. Wagoner To Speak At Church

Rev. Paul Wagoner will preach at the college church the next three Sundays. The titles of his sermons for Nov. 8 and 15 will be announced later. Sunday, the 22nd, his sermon will have a Thanksgiving theme.

Rev. X. L. Coppock will present the morning message on Sunday. Nov. 29.

The evening services will be of several different natures. Wilbur Mullen will speak on Sunday evening. Nov. 8. The international students of the college will present the program on Nov. 15.

The College MCA will present the program on November 22 and the First Flock Meetings of the Undershepherd Program will be held on the evening the 29.

Midnight Musings

I wonder,

Do teachers Stay up

The whole night.

Thinking up questions

I can't



They must.

To keep students Up the whole night. Hunting answers That won't be right.

New Ideas Found At Bridgewater

Attention Students!! Are you looking for fun. fellowship, and fresh, new ideas? Why not spend your Thanksgiving vacation at the Brethren Student Conference at Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va.?

Held November 26-29, the conference theme is “The Gone Generation?” The program consists of panel and student discussions, worship services, a film presentation, a banquet, and various recreation.

If enough students plan to attend, a bus may be chartered. Contact Dale Brown or a member of the steering committee

Approximately twenty - fiveMacollege students have express ed interest in attending the conference. A steering committee consisting of Edwin Mohler, George Snyder. Nancy Smith, and Thayne Groff have been selected.

for the YWCA, visiting youth groups. Part of her job during this year and a half was to write Bible studies and games.

Ineke next took a secretarial course and worked as a foreign correspondent for a junk company that exported rags to New York.

In June Ineke came to the United States on an immigrant boat. For a time she visited with relatives in Canada. The rest of the summer she spent as a counselor in a Brethren camp in Pennsylvania.

Before coming to Macollege on Sept. 4, Ineke visited in several the other Brethren colleges where she saw many ex-BVS'ers, that she had known in Kassel.

IRC Club Schedules Khaw For Nov. 16

UNECIF and UNESCO were the topics of the International Relations Club meeting held Monday, Oct. 19. Dennis Dirksen spoke and showed a movie on UNICEF, with Ken Tompkins speaking on UNESCO.

Edward Khaw, student from Burma, will tell about. “Situations in Southeast Asia." at the next meeting, which is scheduled for Monday. Nov. 16.

Question on science test: Water boils at what temperature? One answer read 212 degrees fair and height.

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