Who's Who Chosen
For 1959-60
Early In November
The end of the nine weeks. Friday, Nov. 7 will be the official date for the calculation of the first nine weeks’ grades. These grades must be in the registrar's office by Tuesday, Nov. 11.
Approximately a week later the grades will be available to the students. Later, they will be sent to the students' parents.
Class Debates Begin In Chapel
Wayatte DeLoache, a representative from the Dupont Corporation. will speak on "Big Business'' at chapel on Tuesday. Nov. 3.
The first in a series of class debates will be given on Friday. Nov. 6. in assembly. A classi-
toriography. Latin-American History, and Creative Writing. What he misses most about Mac arc Chaff, history under Dr. Flory and choir.
Carl is a counselor for two YMCA boys’ clubs in grade school, as part of his field work. One club is in the fifth grade and the other is in sixth.
Before enrolling at Yale, he attended Danforth Fellowship Camp and did some sightseeing in Chicago.
Also he adds that the food at Yale is the best he has eaten in any institution, outside of home.
Conference Attendance Reaches New High
Church attendance on Regional Conference Sunday, Oct. 25, was 813,
According to Mrs. Gordon Yoder, this year's conference was larger than it’s ever been before.
Nevin Zuck was the main speaker at the conference this year. The speaker next year will be William Hordern, a graduate of Garrett Biblical Institute at Evvanston, III. Chalmer Faw, a Bethany Biblical Seminary graduate, will be the conference's main speaker in 1961.
First Grade Uses Church’s Room
The education building of Church of the Brethren is used for a public school this year. The kindergarten room of the building is being used by a first grade.
This first grade is an overflow group from Washington Grade School and is still connected with that school.
Mrs. David Nigh, '58, is the teacher for the 24 pupils. Their playground area is located on the corner of Carrie and Euclid
The music department of McPherson College presented a Vesper Musicale at the Church of the Brethren during Regional Con
Mac Alumni Present Assembly Program
The alumni of McPherson College presented the assembly program on Oct. 23. M. C. for the program was Mrs. Joe Rich, Sr.,
1956 graduate.
Mrs. Ted Washburn. 1941 graduate, gave a reading, and music was supplied by a faculty quartet. The quartet was composed of Paul Wagoner, 1949 graduate; Gordon Yoder. 1939 graduate; Raymond Flory, 1940 graduate; and Wesley DeCoursey. 1940 graduate.
A panel composed of Homer Ferguson, 1912 graduate. Mer-win Hapgood, 1938 graduate and Eunice Wall, 1924 graduate, discussed old times at Macollege.
Ag Dance To Be Held On Halloween Night
An informal dance will be held in the gym Saturday evening. October 31, at 7:30 p.m. No admission will be charged.
The dance is sponsored by the Ag Club.
Nine Honor Students Will Receive Who's Who Awards
Ron has been active in MCA. pep club, skate club, intramurals, players club, board of publications. and the M Club.
Last year Ron served as editor of the 1959 Quadrangle. Ron was also a cheerleader for three years.
Student Court Judge
Darry Melton of Asherville is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Melton. Darry is majoring in philosophy and religion.
Darry has been active in basketball, football, track and in the M Club. He has participated in many of the campus religious groups — MCA, CBYF, and the Christian Vocations Club.
Darry has also been active in rec council and the men's council and this year he is serving as judge of the student court.
Music Major
Valarie Miller is the dauther of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Miller, Rocky Ford. Colo. Valarie is majoring in music.
She has been active in many musical organizations on campus — A Cappella choir, band, mixed quarter, chapel choir, and MENC. Valarie has also participated in CBYF. MCA. intra-murals. WAA, student court and the girls varsity basketball team She is on the Western Regional Cabinet of the CBYF.
Student Body President
John Myers is from Dexter. Mo., and is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Grover Myers.
John is majoring in business
Ron Harden, Darry Melton. Valerie Miller, John Myers, Sher-land Ng, Eileen Oltman, and Lorry Werner.
Exchange Student Juanita Fike is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Alva C. Fike, Peace Valley, Mo. Juanita is an English major. She served as Macollege’s exchange student to Germany during the 1957-58 school year.
Juanita has been active in campus religious groups — CBYF, MCA, and Christian Vocations.
is president of the MCA this year.
She also has participated in intramurals, college church choir, and in Women's Council.
Singing History Major Mary Ann Guthals, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guthals. is from Elmo. Mary Ann is a history major and been active in many organizations.
She has sung in A Cappella choir, chapel choir, college church choir, and the mixed quartet.
She has debated and has participated in CBYF, MCA, and student council.
Quad Editor
Ron Harden is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Harden of McPherson. He is majoring business.
and is president of the Macollege student body this year.
While in college John has been c t i v e in CBYF. intramurals, skate club, chapel choir, ag club, and the pep club.
Spec Editor
Sherland Ng from Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, is the daughter of Mrs. Florence Ng. Sherland is English major and she was editor of the Spec in her sophomore year.
Sherland has been active in CBYF, MCA, intramurals, WAA.
council, board of publications, and she was treasurer of the student council last year.
Retiring Queen
Eileen Oltman of Enders, Neb., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gitman. Eileen is an English major and she is the retiring homecoming queen this year.
Eileen has been active in various musical organizations on campus — band, orchestra, chapel choir, women's trio, A Cappella. Symphonette and pep band.
She has also been active in MCA, McPherson College Players Club, SNEA, and Pi Kappa Delta.
Math Major
Larry Werner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Werner of Winona. Larry is majoring in mathematics.
He has been active in basketball, football, student council, dorm council, and FTA.
Pondering With The President
Dr. D. W. Bittinger
The Marriage and Family class comprises 102 students this year. This seems like a large class in which to discuss together rather personal and intimate matters. Yet the group finds itself a congenial one and many helpful discussions already have been entered into.
Sharing from many backgrounds is one good way to discover better ideas.
Recently, the discussion centered on the family of the future as present statistics and findings seem to chart it.
These things seemed indicated:
It will be a mobile family, moving an average of 13 times. This will make it harder for the family to become community interested.
It will be an urban family, likely located in the suburbs. This will mean that the father, and perhaps the mother, will spend from one to three hours per day getting to and from work, thus limiting the amount of time available for family contact and fellowship.
It probably will have long week-ends, however. These can be used rather deadeningly for “catching up on sleep.” or they can be used contructively for the common tasks of home building and home enrichment.
It will have opportunity for lengthy vacations, probably with pay. These can be spent in commercialized areas where the family may become hag-gered from patronizing the various amusements offered. At least some vacations can be spent in National Parks, or in out-of-door situations where the family can learn to know each other better.
The family of the future will not have many “things in common” to hold it together, such as jobs, farming, gardening, or even ownership of home or furniture. It, therefore, should exercise more care in the careful selecting of the mates who will build it.
The family of the future probably will have more religion in it than the family of this generation. Likewise it will probably have more understanding and love. This will all be in its favor.
It will be possible to build the family of the future into a great and happy family if the participants will work at it.
May God bless the families of tomorrow.
One can never pay in gratitude: Dissertation Given one can only pay ''in kind".
somewhere else in life. St. Augustine
A dissertation on the writings especially the confessions, of St. Augustine, was given by Dale Brown, associate professor in religion. at the Christian Vocations meeting Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Dr. Bittinger's basement.
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson. Kansas Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council. Subscription — $2.00 a year.
Faye Fields Brunner Editor-la Chief Dennis Hubbard Managing Editor Larry Elliott Campus Editor
Sarah May Brunk Faculty Advisor
Reporters and Writers
Judy Beaver Phil Lowe
D. W. Bittinger Marilyn Rhinehart
John Dilley Karon York
Ernie Griffith Kenneth Watson
Lester Zook
The Business Staff
Eleanor Draper Business Manager Loren Switzer Asst. Business Mgr.
Gordon Yoder .....Faculty Advisor
Irma Wymore Circulation Mgr.
210 E. Euclid Pho. 983
Paints - Wall Paper - Glass
This weekend more than two million children and youth in about 10,000 communities will take part in the annual UNICEF drive, in which they collect money for the UN Children's fund instead of treats for themselves.
UNICEF is an agency orignally created in 1946 to give emergency relief to European children suffering from the destruction of war. In 1948 it extended aid to Palestine’s refugee mothers and children.
In 1950 the UN General Assembly extended UNICEF’s life to help in other underdeveloped nations and in 1953 the General Assembly voted to continue UNICEF indefinitely.
The main purpose of UNICEF today is helping governments plan long-term and far - reaching improvements to control wide spread disease, which is caused by poor methods of sanitation and caring for children.
The aid of UNICEF knows no racial, religious, political, or nationality bounds, for it is given to those in need wherever they may live. Also it brings permanent
ent benefit to children wherever UNICEF aid is given.
UNICEF has helped approximately one billion children in the world. 750 million of whom live in underdeveloped countries.
Backstage Workers Needed For Production
Interested in backstage work? Now’s your chance. Prof. Peter Coulson will welcome applications from anyone wanting to be on a crew for “The Matchmaker.”
The crews that will be needed are properties, costume, running. ushering, ticket takers, and a house manager.
Backstage work as well as acting is a basis for obtaining points for the dramatic fraternity Alpha Psi Omega.
Your Home Bakery Phone 82
207 N. Main
Phone 760 301 E. Euclid
McPherson, Kansas
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Coats, Suits, Sportswear Lingerie, Hosiery, Handbags
122 N. Main
Phone 130
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Phone 1450
"And In This Corner
By Faye Brunner
How many of you stopped and said “thank-you" this week, to anyone for anything? How many of you thanked any of the large group of people for making homecoming such a complete success?
A whole list of people helped to make this just so. There were people who cut up carrots for the chili supper, people who helped hold floats together on a windy Saturday morning, and people who put their best foot forward to make alumni welcome.
Someone judged the floats, someone lined the football field, and maybe someone let you borrow a scarf or blanket for the game.
The football men practiced hard and won, the cheerleaders showed heaps of spirit, and the various clubs and classes helped keep that spirit alive by the work they produced on their floats.
Often, we see only the big jobs done that necessarily deserve “Thanks.” But, let's not forget the little jobs, too, - the ones that make the big jobs possible.
Then, there is that special little glow that makes you feel all good inside, whether you are the huskiest of men or the daintiest of women.
So, if you haven’t said “Thank-you” to any of those people, allow me to start the ball rolling now. Thanks to you all!!
TV Teaches Chemistry To Eleven Students
Eleven students are enrolled in the TV Chemistry course and have met the past three Saturdays on the campus with Dr. Wesley DeCoursey. local coordinator and professor of chemistry.
The students watch the chemistry lecture over KARD - TV every weekday morning from 5:30
112 W. Euclid McPherson, Kansas
to 7. On Saturdays they meet together for problem solving, recitation and quizzes.
The TV medium is suited for demonstrations in chemistry.
(Home Owned) 110 E. Euclid
“For Lad And Dad”
108 No. Main Phone 92
McPherson lumber
416 N. Cherry Phone 828
WELCOME TO McPHERSON We Are Glad For Student Accounts
McPherson, Kansas
Deposits Insured Up To $10,000.00
C of E On Way To Title; Closely Followed By Ottawa
Bulldogs Honor Queen Pat By Quieting Quakers, 39-19
C. of E.. well on their way to capturing the Kansas Conference title, defeated Kansas Wesleyan 54-27 at Emporia. The Emporians led 47-0 at one time.
Last Week’s Games
Baker, again led by Jim Paramore, defeated Bethel 25-0 at Baldwin. Paramore accounted for 3 of the touchdowns. Bethel has yet to win a conference game and remains alone in the conference cellar.
The Mac Bulldogs defeated Friends 39-19 at McPherson. Friends did most of their scoring with the aid of the leading conference passer. Richardson. McPherson both passed and ran to win this homecoming tilt.
Ottawa defeated Bethany 25-0 at Ottawa to stay in the conference race. Ottawa powered their way to this win and showed that they will be giving C. of E. a run for the title.
Title Decision
The conference title will prob
Two Undefeated Teams Remain
The undefeated list of volleyball teams has been sliced to two as the intramural volleyball program enters its fifth week of play. As of October 23. Baile-Hoover and Monk-Jones still cling to perfect marks.
A Mohler-Brown, Monk-Jones game is being disputed, however, and may hand the Monk-Jones team its first defeat.
It has not been definitely decided how long the intramural volleyball will continue, but each team is to play each other team before the season draws to a close.
The official standings at t h e end of the fourth week of play are
TEAM Wins Losses
Turkey and Poultry
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Produce And Locker Plant
310 N. Oak Phone 38
ably be decided at Ottawa November 6. when C. of E. and Ottawa meet if Ottawa can get by McPherson, here at Mac tonight.
The Bulldogs are planning on killing Ottawa’s title hopes tonight when the Braves come tonight. Ottawa must win this game to stay in the title running while Mac needs this win very badly.
Tonight the Braves of Ottawa come to McPherson. Tomorrow night Baker will be at K-W. Bethel will be at C. of E., Bethany will be at Friends, and Sterling will be at Southwestern.
The McPherson-Ottawa game
Rex Morris 0 3
x Indicates disputed contest.
B-Team Experiences Inter-Squad Action
This year the McPherson College football B-team has been unable to find games, so they have been making their own.
Every Monday a game length scrimmage is held for the players who do not see much or any action in the game the Friday or Saturday before.
The coaches believe this is very helpful and gives the players much needed experience. The only complaint the players have is that it is rather hard to play against a team that knows your plays.
Beat the Braves
Cee Jay Co.
Transistor Radios
The Place Where Prices Are Born; Not Raised
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
will probably be the most interesting game of the conference this weekend. Baker is expected to defeat K-W. while C. of E should have an easy time of it with Bethel.
Bethany is expected to defeat Friends, but be careful about counting out the Quakers at home. Southwestern is expected to defeat Sterling.
Braves Invade Canine Land In KCAC Conference Clash
The Ottawa Braves will invade McPherson tonight for an all important conference game for both teams. McPherson needs this victory to stay in the "first division." while Ottawa must post a victory to keep their conference title hopes alive.
The Braves' have been a very aggressive ball club this year. They have a very strong line that is backed up by on outstanding backfield. The Braves arc undefeated in conference play this year.
The Braves arc led by a junior quarterback. Stan Bettin. Bettin is a very able passer and also does some of the pass receiving. James Nider and Albert Lewis are two of the outstanding Ottawa backs. They are both very good runners.
Much of the Braves' success this year has been due to their hard charging line. This line has as its members Gerry Siscoe. one of the best linemen in the con-
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Marching Band To Make Final Field Appearance
Tonight at the game with Ottawa. the Macollege Marching Band will make its last appearance of the season in the bandshow, "Crossword Puzzle Show No. 1,” in which the spectators will work out a crossword puzzle by clues given by the band.
Beginning next week. Nov. 2. the College-Civic Orchestra will rehearse at 3:30 p.m. Mondays. Wednesdays. and Fridays, with the Concert Band rehearsing at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
ference and Bill Shook, who is a very fast lineman, and leads much of the Braves interference.
The Braves play a multiple offense and use an unbalanced line. They may run a series of the T. wing-T. or the single-wing m the game. Their unbalanced line to the right gives them much power for their single wing plays.
Ottawa is coached by Richard Peters and has as his assistants Bill Boucek and Bill Frear. Last year Mac defeated the Braves 27-0 in a game at Ottawa.
Some changes arc expected in the Bulldog lineup tonight. Last week against Friends, several Bulldogs were injured. Daryl Howell reinjured his ankle, while Larry McPherson and Benny Vauple seemed to have bad bruises. Don Elliott, who was injured in one of the early games, is expected to be able to play tonight.
The McPherson - Ottawa series now stands 13-14 in favor of Ottawa.
Don’s Studio
212 N. Main phone 108
Follow the Bulldogs in the McPherson Sentinel
NOW THRU SAT. “The 30 Ft. Bride Of Candy Rock”
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A crowd of about 2200 fans plus the royal homecoming court saw the McPherson College Bulldogs start their homecoming game with a bang by scoring 20 points against Friends University in the opening minutes of play.
The Bulldogs honored the queen’s court by defeating the Quakers by 20 points, 39-19, Altogether. 32 points were scored in the first quarter with McPherson scoring 20 and Friends scoring 12.
The Bulldogs scored first 3:34 after the game started. McPherson look a Friends pass on the Friends 47 - yard line and three plays later Richards plunged over to score. This drive was highlighted by a Heidebrecht to Richards pass which was good for 42 yards putting the Bulldogs on the one.
The Bulldogs scored again with 4:02 minutes gone when they recovered a fumble on the Friends’ 26-yard line. Heidebrecht passed to Heinz on the first play to score for McPherson. Minutes later Willits picked up a Friends’ fumble and ran it 40 yards for a touchdown.
Quakers Score
The Quakers scored twice in the first period under the leader ship of Larry Richardson, top conference passer. Friends first scor
Rexall Drug Store McPherson, Kansas
118 S. Main
It's been said that the atomic submarine "Nautilus” stays submerged so long that it only surfaces to let the crew re-enlist.
Perhaps for this reason, the Navy has taken valuable space aboard the "Nautilus" for the only soft-drink vending machine in the entire submarine fleet.
Naturally (or you wouldn't hear about it from us) it's a Coca-Cola machine. And not unexpectedly, re-enlistments are quite respectable.
Rugged lot, those submariners. Great
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Hutchinson, Kansas
ing campaign was set off by a 48 yard pass by Richardson to Larry Bush. The Quakers scored three plays later.
The Bulldogs scored twice in the second period and once more in the final period. The Quakers scored their third touchdown in the third quarter.
Heinz, Keck. Richards, and Melton did most of the ball carrying for the Bulldogs. Heinz carried 12 times for an average of 6.5 yards per carry. Keck 12 times for 3.9. Richards eight times for 7.1. and Melton six times for 5.0. Gordie Lewis kicked three extra points.
Bittinger Helps Install Hesston President
As president of the Kansas Foundation for Private Colleges. Dr. D. W. Bittinger helped install the new president of Hesston College. Wednesday. Oct. 14.
The new president of Hesston is Tilman R. Smith from Eureka. III.
Casebeer Supply
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The guest speakers for the general sessions and where they will speak are Dr. Anand Malik, visiting professor of education at the University of Idaho. Coffeyville and Prairie Village.
Philip Lovejoy, educator and executive, Coffeyville and Topeka. Henry C. Wolfe, foreign affairs analyst, Dodge City and Wichita.
"Today's Vision — Tomorrow's Schools" is the theme for the 96th Kansas State Teachers' Convention. The sectional delegate semblies will be held in Coffey-ville. Dodge City. Hays. Prairie Village. Salina. Topeka, and Wichita.
Convention Dates
The dates for the convention are Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday. Nov. 4-6. The KSTA the official teacher organization As of this year they will accept no members who do not hold college degrees.
The first annual College - Industry Workshop will be held in Wichita on Wednesday. Nov. 18. It is sponsored by the Wichita Industrial Relations Council whose members are personnel executives of Wichita's major manufacturing industries.
Representatives of the faculty and students from each of the four-year colleges or universities in Kansas were invited to participate in the workshop.
The delegates from Macollege. chosen for their qualities of leadership, are Pat Albright. Faye Brunner. Don Hollenbeck, juniors and Max Grossnickle and John Myers, seniors.
Mr. Harvey Lehman. Director of Public Relations, and Prof. Alvin Willems. Assistant Professor of Industrial Arts, will attend as faculty representatives.
Beginning at 8:30 am., the day's program consists of speeches given by Wichita's industrial leaders, plant tours of various industries, and informal group discussions.
The workshop will conclude that evening following a dinner meeting sponsored by the Boeing Supervisors Club. The guest speaker will be Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi. former Finance minister of Hungary and now Director of the Institute of International Studies at Bradley University.
T. V. Smith, professor emeritus of poetry, philosophy and politics at Syracuse University. Dodge City and Wichita. Rev. Carl S. Winters. First Baptist Church. Oak Park. III., Hays and Salina.
Dr. M. Eunice Hilton, University of Denver, Hays and Salina. John Lester Buford, superintendent of schools. ML Vernon. III., Prairie Village and Topeka.
All Macollege students participating in the student teaching program arc required to attend cither the Wichita or the Salina meetings;
Faculty, Students Entertain Mac Alumni
The music department of Macollege presented a special program to the alumni. Saturday, Oct. 24.
The A Cappella Choir sang three folksongs by Brahms. "He That Dwelleth" by Mueller, and "He’s Got The Whole World" arranged by Wilson.
A reading, "Cyrano de Berger ac,” was given by Peter Coulson. assistant professor of literature and drama.
The ladies trio sang "I'll Walk Beside You" by Murry, and Beth Hoover, freshman at Macollege. played a flute solo. "Carnival of Venice" by Briccialdi.
Red Cross Presents Rural School Program
The McPherson County Red Cross Executive Committee, of which Mrs. Homer Brunk is a member, presented an educational program at the Eden Prairie School Wednesday evening. Oct. 21. The program is held in connection with the Red Cross fund campaign.
Building On Schedule
The building program is now on schedule, progressing rapidly since the arrival of the steel up rights.
The building program as a whole was slightly behind schedule several weeks ago. This lag was due to the lack of the steel uprights for the auditorium.
Beat the Braves
Phone 42
We specialize in
Motor Tune-ups, Speedometer and all Automotive Electric Work 310 N. Maple
Mac Family Units Give To Chest Drive
Forty faculty family units have given $458.50 total to the Community Chest Drive, which is being held this week in McPherson. The total goal is to collect $31,150, which is $2,603 above last year's budget.
While Swan Cafe |
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7:30 till 9:30 P. M. | |
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Contact: Glen Draper, Arnold Hall; George Snyder; Marilyn Pautzke, Dotzour; Janice Bowers, Parsonage
519 No. Main McPherson
Before You Buy, Give Us A Try
The Bank To GROW With
Student Accounts Welcomed
Team To Visit For Training
A team of associates from the North Central Leadership Project will be visiting Macollege campus Dec. 8-11. This will not be an examination visit, but a training visit for the associates.
This team consists of Prof. Donald B. King, associate professor of classics and English. Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio College Prof. Wm. K. LeBold, assistant to dean of engineering, Purdue. University.
Charles W. Meister, dean of instruction. Arizona State College is the third member of the team Dean Wayne F. Geisert was in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Oct. 26 and 27 to meet with this team. On Tuesday, Dr. D. W. Bittinger was also present.
Dr. Geisert and Dr. Bittinger were meeting with the team primarily to work out details for the tour of Macollege campus and to give them information concerning the college.
This visit will have no official status, but it is expected to be extremely helpful to Macollege faculty and administration.
Proficiency Tests To Be Given Again
Results of the English proficiency tests were announced by Harley Stump, assistant professor of English.
Out of the 113 juniors and seniors who took the test, 43 showed unsatisfactory writing skills, and 12 were unable to take the test.
Professor Stump reports that the test will probably be given again this semester for those who must re-take the test or those who were unable to take it.
Oltman, Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Oltman, Enders. Nebraska, announce the engagement of their daughter. Eileen, to Sidney R. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Smith of McPherson.
Eileen is a senior English major at Macollege. Sidney, a 1958 graduate of McPherson College, Is continuing his studies in Civil Engineering at Kansas State University.
A June wedding is being plan
Shellenberger, Maxey
Mr. and Mrs. George Shellenberger of Denver, Colo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Deanna, to Gerald Maxey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Maxey of Marquette.
Deanna went to Macollege for two years and Gerald is a junior majoring in business administration.
They will be married on Friday. Jon. 1. 1960 in the Prince of Peace Church in Denver.
All men are ordinary men: the extraordinary men are those who know it.
Fine Shoe Repair
Shoe Supplies 103 E. Euclid
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United Dairies
We Not Only SELL But Also RENT
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McPherson business machines inc.
109 E. Kansas Phone 1234
Mac Represents Church Variety
McPherson College students represent thirty-one church denominations.
There are 281 students represented in the Church of the Brethren. and 58 represented in the Methodist Church.
Twenty seven students represent the Baptist denomination, and 14 represent both the Lutheran and Presbyterian Church.
The Christian Church and the Mennonite denomination each have 11 members, and eight students represent the Free Methodist denomination.
The following denominations have three or fewer representatives: Four Square, Latter Day Saints, Evangelical and Free Evangelical and Reformed, Dutch Reformed, Church of Christ, and Covenant Mission.
Buddhist, Church of God, Christian Science, Nazarene, Quaker, Greek Orthodox, Jew, Catholic, Roman Catholic, and Assembly of God.
Sage Band Debut At Queen’s Banquet The Macollege Stage Band made its first appearance at the Queen's Banquet last Friday evening, Oct. 23. New members which had been added are three violin players: Jean Ray. Linda Larsen, and Mary Beth Kinzie.
New - Used - Rebuilt Chrome Accessories
307 N. Ash
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has announced the opening of competition for its fellowships for the academic year 1960-61.
The chief purpose of the fellowship program is to offset the critical shortage of qualified college teachers by encouraging college seniors of outstanding ability to consider college teaching careers.
To this end the Wilson Foundation annually awards 1000 fellowships for first-year graduate study at any university of the recipients choice in the United States or Canada.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships carry a stipend of $1,500, plus tuition and fees.
The program is open to college graduates in the natural and social sciences and in the humanities.
The Woodrow Wilson Foundation does not accept applications directly from students. Candidates for the award must be nominated by a faculty member.
The closing date for nominations for the academic year 1960-61 is Oct. 31, 1959.
Students interested in the program should talk with Dean Wayne F. Geisert or their major professor immediately.
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