McPherson County Reformation Day Services will be held in the college Stadium Sunday. Rev. Stanley A. Benson, who is President of the McPherson Ministerial Alliance, will preside.
The message will be given by Rev. J. Henry Long of Elgin. Illinois. Rev. Long is head of the Foreign Mission Commission of the Church of the Brethren.
Special music will be presented by the combined choirs of the city.
The Prelude will be played by the Macollege Band, under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick.
Oct. 31, or the Sunday nearest is observed nation - wide as the beginning of Protestant Reformation. On the eve of All Saints Day. Oct. 31. 1517. Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
These 95 theses challenged the flagrant abuses upon the sole of indulgences. Luther was forced to go into exile to save his life, but he later came out of hiding, and with his followers drew up a confession which contains the doctrines of the Lutherans to this day.
Luther asserted the superiority of private judgment over authority on religious matters, which is the basic tenent of Protestantism.
Ministers of the city who will be participating in the service are Rev. Paul Matthaui of the First Methodist Church, Rev. Roy Paslay of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. Alfred Bartter of the First Congregational Church.
WPA To Give Gals A Chance
Girls, your big chance is coming!
W. P. A. Week, in which women pay all, is to be Nov. 3 - 10. Social committee is sponsoring it. with the boy-girl relationship interest group of MCA supervising.
SoCo urges all girls to ask at least one fellow for a date that week to help make W. P. A. successful this year.
There will be a movie, a game, and an all school party to help facilitate matters for the girls that week. The all school party will be In the gym. Saturday. Nov. 10. at 7:30, and it will conclude W. P. A. Week.
Macollege's Board of Trustees has set a special meeting for Tuesday. Oct. 30. during Regional Conference, to consider fund raising for the new Sharp Hall.
The Board of Trustees consists of 26 men and women selected from the Districts of the Church of the Brethren in the Western Region, which extends from Montana to Louisiana-
Tentative plans for a new Sharp Hall were approved by the Board of Trustees last February. Approximately $500,000 is needed to complete the new Sharp Hall. Some money has already been donated by interested people and various churches throughout the region.
A new Sharp Hall is the next project to be considered in a Ten-Year Development Plan at Macol-Iege. The ten year development plan began in 1952 and will continue until 1962.
Dotzour Hall, the new girls' dormitory completed in 1953, was one of the first projects in this Ten-Year Development Plan.
Also in that year. Arnold Hall, formerly a girls* dormitory changed its scenery from "pretty pink ribbons" to "snails and puppy dog tails.”
The new stadium was completed in 1954. and the college courts were completed in 1965 under this plan.
The new Sharp Hall would be located approximately where the old one is now located. Present plans include a new stage and auditorium to the west and an ornamental pool to the cast.
Other projects included in the Ten - Year Development Plan which have not yet been started are a new Student Union build ing. a new cafeteria, and an en larged physical education plant
According to the plans, Macol-lege students may have a new Sharp Hall within the next two years.
There arc several members of the 1956 Board of Trustees who have children attending school at Macollege. Jacob Davidson. Mc-Cune. Kas.. is the father of Ruth, senior, Donna, sophomore, and Doris Davidson, freshman.
Mark Emswiler. Froid Mont., is the father of Janis Emswiler. freshman. George Grove. South English. Iowa, is the father of Noel Grove, sophomore.
Glenn Harris, Jennings. La., is the father of Carl Harris, sophomore. Leslie Holderread. Ripley. Okla., is the father of Kenneth. freshman, and Don Holderread, junior.
George Oilman. Enders. Neb., is the father of Eileen, freshman, and Dwight and Mario Oltman, juniors.
Richard Keim. Nampa. Idaho, is the father of Richard Keim.
freshman. Harvey E. Lehman. St. John. Kas.. is the father of John Lehman, freshman; Vernon C. Rhoades is the father of Donna.
sophomore, and Shirley Rhoad-es. junior.
The executives of the 1956 Board of Trustees are Harold Beam. Paul E. Sargent, Paul Sherfy. E. A. Wall. McPherson, Kas.: Royal Yoder, Conway. Kas., and Har-vey Lehman. St. John Kas.
Other members of the board are Milton Beeghly, Pierson. Ia.; D. Floyd Crist. Quinter, Kas.; Ray Emmert. Des Moines, Ia.: Homer Ferguson, and W. H. Yoder, Mc-Pherson. Kas.; Ira Milton Hoover, Plattsburg. Mo.; Ralph Lan-des. Kansas City. Kas.; Harold Mohler, Warrensburg, Mo.; Mrs. Leland Moore, Newton. Kas.; Hu-bert Swinger. Essex, Mo. J. J. Yoder. McPherson. Has., is the Emeritus Trustee.
Teachers Procure Decorations Prize
The top three winners of the homecoming decoration contest were announced at the ball game Saturday night. They were as fol- lows: first prize. FTA; second prize. Junior class; third prize. Arnold Hall.
Honorable mention honors were received by Ag Club. Rec Coun-cil. sophomore class. Dotzour Hall, and the Spectator.
The FTA committee on decora-tions was led by the chairman. Vivian Oliver. Also on the committee were Richard Carney and Adele Bernstorf.
The decoration consisted of a coffin containing the dummy of a dead coyote. A gravestone and a bulldog guarding the victory bone were parts of the decora- tion.
The mood was enhanced by t background music composed by Vivian Oliver and sung by Clif- ford Tusing. The tune was "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie", and the words were an appropriate paraphrasing.
Second prize was awarded to the Junior class. Their decoration. which was entitled "Coyote Falls", consisted of a water fall. The mechanics included a large centrifugal pump raising water to the top of a wooden frame. The water then ran down a blue can-
Arnold Hall received third prize for their group of bulldog silhouettes. drawn by Danny Crouse. The bulldogs were pictured in different phases of beating up and carrying away bedraggled looking coyotes.
A large barking dog, complete with moving jaw, was part of the Ag Club float showing a bulldog chasing a coyote down his hole.
"Give ’Em the Ax" was the theme of the Rec Council decoration. A large bulldog chopping off the head of a coyote, with little Red Riding Hood watching, was the setting for their float.
A chicken house, with coyotes looking out the windows and a bulldog and a skunk outside, made up the sophomore float. "The Coyotes Turned Chicken When We Skunked Them." was the theme.
A miniature gridiron and bulldogs chasing coyotes off it was the scene on the Dotzour lawn for their float. A sign "Send Them Home Howlin’!" was hung over the float.
"Let's Give the Coy-oats a Threshing" was the theme for the Spectator float. It consisted of a large bulldog running some coyotes through a grinder.
College Calendar
Tonight, movie. “Bright Victory” to bo shown in chapel at 7 p.m. with "Martin Luther” as a second feature.
Tomorrow, Regional Conference begins.
Sunday, Oct. 28. Reformation Celebration, sponsored by local churches, in college stadium at 3 p.m.
Sunday night, pIay "They Came to a City" presented in Brethren Church.
Tuesday, Oct. 30. special trustees meeting.
Queen Crowned At Her Banquet
Blue lights, gold stars, and colorful formals provided the atmos-phere of fairyland for the coronation of Homecoming Queen Sara Ann Coffman Friday evening in the church parlors.
Guests were directed to their respective hosts and hostesses by Billy Joe Hildreth and Maida Tinsley. The entrance to fairyland and the background for the table of honor were decorated with blue streamers.
Cloud-Shaped Programs
Programs in the shape of clouds were miniatures of a large cloud behind the queen's table. Nut cups in the shape of crowns and place-cards with fairy wands were at each place.
Ruth Davidson, senior home economics member of the Social Committee, directed the student waiters.
Dinner Music
Ann Caylor, sophomore from Udell, Iowa, played dinner music on an electric organ.
The meal was prepared by a committee of the Women's Council of the Church of the Brethren with Mrs. Paul Sherfy in charge.
Escort for the queen during the processional was Karl Reynolds, Lawrence. Kas. Sophomore attendant. Ann Schnaithman was escorted by Galen Stucky, McPherson; and Judith Brammell freshman attendant, was escorted by Ed Butler, Eldora. Iowa.
Princess From Fairyland
Claudia Frantz, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. Merlin Frantz, was the fairy princess who brought the program wishes of fairyland to the master of ceremonies. Ed Wolf.
Program numbers were given by Shirley Bowen, vocalist; Prof. Paul V. Sollenberger. violinist: Irvin Wagner, trombonist. Jo Ann Negley. reader: and the Ladies’ Trio, composed of Erma Lea Brewer. Norma Watkins. Jeanine Corn, and Vernona Thralls, accompanist.
SoCo Will Show Bright Victory
"Bright Victory." a full-length movie, will be shown in the Chap cl tonight with "Martin Luther’ after it First feature begins a 7 p.m.
It is a dramatic story of a blinded veteran. His fight to re-turn to normal life is played against a background of quiet courage, hope, and love.
This 97 - minute film stars Ar thur Kennedy, Peggy Dow, and Julia Adams.
As at last Friday’s movie, no admission will be charged, but the students will be asked fo contributions to cover the rental cost.
This movie is the second of the full-length movies being sponsor ed by the Social Committee with Billy Joe Hildreth, a business ad-ministration junior from Ankeny la., in charge.
National leaders of the Church of the Brethren will be present to direct workshops and meetings.
Macollege’s Music Department under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick will present a musicale tomorrow night at 7:30 at the McPherson High School auditorium.
Regional Conference guests, friends of Macollege and students will be entertained by the Band. A Cappella. and the Chapel Choirs Saturday night. Oct. 27 with a mu-sical program at the High School Auditorium.
The numbers that the Chapel Choir is working on arc. Plenty of Good Rain, a Negro Spiritual. Wherewith Shall I Come Before the Lord?. Gladys Blakely Bush: Carol of the Drum. Katherine K. Davis; We Pray Thee. A God of Praise. Jean Sibelius, arranged by Theodore Ganschew; and Like as Hart. Palestrina.
Miss Doris Coppock directs the Chapel Choir.
The A Cappella Choir will sing Come. Let Us Sing to the Lord. Schvedoff; Glory be to God on High, Lienhon: Adoramus Te, Palestrina and Music of Life, Noble Cain.
Dwight Oltman and Irvin Wagner will play a baritone and trombone duct. French Suite, Robert D. King.
Fee Will Attend Meet Of Deans
This weekend Dean Mary Fee is attending the Annual Convention of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women and Advisers of Girls at Kansas State College in Manhattan. Headquarters for the conference are in the Kansas State Union Building.
The theme of the convention is "Freedom and Responsibility -Unchanging Values in a Chang ing World."
Dean Emily Taylor, the new dean at Kansas University, will speak on "Where Do We Go From Here?" tomorrow afternoon.
A panel discussion — "Problem of Youth as I See Them" — will be tomorrow afternoon with a high school girl, a college girl, a col lege boy, a minister, and a com munity representative taking part
This evening, those attending the convention will be guests a the Kansas State Players Produc tion. "Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Luigi Pirandello.
South Bend. Ind.. and Rev. Kent Naylor, pastor of the Church of he Brethren at Warrensburg. Mo., will speak during the Tuesday and Wednesday chapels, respectively.
The Bible Hour at 8:40 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be led by Stewart Kauffman, director of ministry and evangelism of the Church of the Brethren.
Evening sessions at 7:30 will be held Monday, Tuesday, and on Wednesday, at which President D. W. Bittinger and Harper S. Will will speak.
The workshops include women work, men’s work, youth counsel-ors, and children's work. These workshops will begin at 9:30 tomorrow.
Workshop directors arc: Anna Warstler, women's work: Rufus B. King, men’s work: Paul Weaver. youth counselors; and Mary Spessard, children’s work.
Sunday morning Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., college church minister, will speak during the wor-ship service on the topic. "What-ever Will Be, Will Be.”
A recreation fellowship dinner is to bo at the First Mennonite Church Tuesday at 5:30. Paul Weaver will speak and all Rec
Council members are invited and
those who are interested.
Numbers the College-Civic Or- chestra will pay are Largo, from New World Symphony by Dvorak; Marcia, from Marriage of Figaro by Mozart; Finale, from Second Symphony by Rachmaninoff; and two chorale numbers by Mendelssohn.
The Grand Finale will be a combination of the A Cappella and Chapel Choirs accompanied by the College-Civic Orchestra. Festival Song of Praise, Mendelssohn.
Sunday afternoon the College Band will perform at the stadium.
The first nine weeks of school will end November 2. and teachers must turn in all grades before Tuesday, Nov. 6.
Although grades will not be mailed to parents until a later date, the Central Office hopes to be able to send reports to the students by Friday. Nov. 9.
Work Begins On Mac Catalog
Work on the 1957 College Cata- logue has already begun this year. Revisions in the curriculum, new pictures, and more-up-to-date material arc added every two years.
The College usually has about 4500 catalogues printed each time at a cost of approximately 50 cents each.
In order that they may be available by April 1. Dean James Ber-kebile and Mrs. S. M. Dell, who are in charge of the catalogues, must begin work early.
First, several catalogues are literally torn apart and the pages of each section arc given to the heads of the proper department. After these teachers have made the corrections and revisions they feel are necessary, the pages are returned to- the Dean and Mrs. Dell.
The material must then be sorted, typed, and assembled, and sent to the McPherson Daily Republican Office for printing. Galley proofs are sent to the department heads for corrections or approval and then are returned to the printers for the final print.
A schedule of classes for second semester is being prepared by the Registrar’s Office.
Pre-enrollment for second semester will be announced in a few weeks by the Registrar’s Office. Each student will be asked to sec his major professor or counselor if he is a freshman or sophomore to work out his course of study for the second semester.
Actual enrollment will take place the week before finals, but the pre-enrollment plans will facili-
College Chapel hour will be held Tuesday and Wednesday. Us ual 9:35 Wednesday classes will meet at 9:35 Friday. Students will meet in the college church in stead of the Chapel.
Rev. Harper will, pastor of the First Church of the Brethren at Yoder.
Various groups and people presenting music at the conference meetings arc chapel choir. A Cappella Choir, the ladies trio, the ladies quartette. Dr. Wesley DeCoursey, Paul Wagoner, R. Gordon Yoder, college church choir, and the church women’s trio, whose members are Eunice Wall. Imo Jean Frantz, and Una Yoder.
"They Came to a City", by J. B. Priestly, will be given by members of the faculty Sunday at Regional Conference.
This play, which will be direc-ted by Dayton Rothrock, is a fan-tasy, presenting people who came ace to face with a better way of living. Their reactions toward he opportunity are conditioned by their past and their philosophies of life.
Coppock. Wise Have Leads
The feminine lead part, a young English girl who has had a hard life, is played by Doris Coppock.
Bob Wise plays the male lead, a young man who has "been around.'
Other members of the cast include Paul Wagoner, who plays
a British golfing gentleman; Mrs. Merlin Frantz, a society woman; Mrs. Kenneth Kinzie as her daughter.
Guy Hayes plays the part of a man under the domination of his wife, played by Mrs. Max McAuley. Miss Lehman is a cockney cleaning woman, and Winston Beam plays an arrogant business man.
Two Not On Faculty
All members of the cast arc faculty members except Winston Beam and Mrs. Max McAuley.
"They Came to a City" was given at McPerson College at Easter, 1955, when it was directed by Betty Lou Hershberger, who is now the Youth Director at the First Church of the Brethren of La Verne, Calif.
October 26, 1456 The Spectator Page 2
To Meet Fifth Place Team For Fifth Conference Game
Tomorrow night the Bulldogs play their fifth conference game against the Quakers of Friend: University at Wichita.
Friends was rated among the top three teams of the conference at the start of the season, but sev eral defeats have put them down a notch or two in the standings.
Friend’s enrollment this year consists of 730 students. However, they joined the Kansas Confer ence only a few years ago, and haven't placed in the upper hall of the standings yet.
In the meeting with the Quak-ers last year, the Bulldogs tromp ed them 43-6 in the homecoming game at the Macollege. Fiends only touchdown was made against Mac reserves on a 26 yard run.
Records of previous meetings of the two teams show that McPherson has had the edge with 10 wins 3 losses, and 1 tie. This year's contest will probably be a more even match than in other years.
Class Creates Weed Designs
Weeds can be beautiful. You, too. will realize that if you see the weed arrangements made by Design Class. They have variety of color, texture, and of arrangement.
In another interesting assignment the students made pictures by using objects of different textures, but having a central
Nature was the theme of several of them. One had the paper, envelope, stamps, and a fountain pen giving the idea of letter writing. Articles associated with sewing were used by some of the students.
Mrs. Wesley DeCoursey invites all to see these projects.
Prof Talks To YWCA
Miss Della Lehman. Professor of English at Macollege spoke at the Regional YWCA Conference held in Wamego, Kas.. Wednesday.
Girl Studies In Sleep
Is studying a habit?'
One girl who lives in Dotzour Hall is wondering. She awoke at three o'clock one morning to find her light on and a paper in her hand.
This all may sound like a dream, but her roommate will
testify that she turned on the light half an hour earlier.
KWU Tops Mac. At Homecoming
Kansas Wesleyan University pu a slight damper on the MC home coming activities when they de feated the Bulldogs 41-20 last Sat-urday night.
The game was highlighted by
several spectacular runs by mem bers of both teams. Two of Mc-Pherson's three touchdowns were scored by long down-field runs.
The first score of the game wa made by Wesleyan’s smashing back. Larry Houdek when he plunged over from the seven yard line.
Wesleyan scored another TT soon after, this time by Dal Emig on a 60 yard run. Then Bull dog end, Ed Delk caught a pas in the end zone from quarterback Ed Wolf for McPherson's first tal ly. Merle Rolfs kicked the extra point.
KWU made one more touchdown by Bruce Sorrel in the first half and then came back in the third period with Emig racing around end 20 yards for the fourth Coyote touchdown.
McPherson's second touchdown also came in the third period when Merle Rolfs broke away on the 38 yard line and ran 62 yards to the end zone.
McPherson's last touchdown was made in the fourth period when Ed Wolf got into the open behind good blocking and ran 78 yards for the score. Rolfs kicked the Bulldog's two extra points.
The Bulldog aerial attack was effective against the Coyote defense as they completed 5 of ll attempts for 72 yards. Wesleyan made 3 pass attempts, all of which failed.
However, the powerful Wesleyan backfield consisting of Houdek. Emig, and Sorrel was too much for the Bulldogs as Houdek made two touchdowns, Emig three, and Sorrel one.
Four of the five Mac pass completions were from quarterback Wolf to end Ed Delk, the longest of these being for 31 yards. The fifth pass was caught by Vernon Petefish for 4 yards.
(Don Studio Photo)
Ed Delk, 165 pound left end from Topeka, Kas., catches a pass from Ed Wolf, 175 pound quarterback from Quinter, Kas., in some of the action in the homecoming game against Kansas Wesleyan last Saturday night. The Bulldogs lost the game to the Coyotes by a score of 41-20.
Ragland Ahead In Intramurals
Competition continued in intra murals this week with Ragland racing ahead in the American League and three ties resulting in the National League.
Both practice and scheduled games will count in the final sta tistics. This is a change from a former decision made by the in tramurals council. The council consists of Bob Wise, Jerry Mc-Pherson, Ed Sink, Dick Bittinger, Bobby Erisman, and Ed Butler.
League standings as of Tuesday night are as follows:
Beam Hits Bull's Eye Since She Is Married
Members of Miss Doris Cop-pock’s 1:15 Archery class are thinking seriously of advertising for husbands.
It seems that since Rita Evans Beam has come back from her honeymoon, she has made nothing but bull's eyes in archery.
The class has decided that if marriage can do that much for one’s grade. they all want men too. Instructor Doris Coppock says she is interested also.
Bittinger Solicits
President D. W. Bittinger flew Sunday evening to New York for a meeting with the Secretary of the Natinal Association of Colleges. As a representative of the Kansas Foundation of Private Colleges, he helped to solicit funds from New York industries.
Dr. Bittinger returned Thursday.
Mrs. Bittinger taught his classes until his return.
Reckless Driver: The fellow who passes you and slips into the opening a few car-lengths ahead that you had your eye on.
Football Dates
The remaining conference games are as follows:
Nov. 2 — Ottawa at Ottawa. 8 p.m.
Nov. 9 — Bethany at McPherson. 7:30 p.m.
Vilas’s Views
By Likhite
Tomorrow Oklahoma meets its most talented opponent. Notre Dame.
While Notre Dame has lost most of their games to the Sooners. one must look into the caliber of the teams played before drawing a raise conclusion.
Michigan State Powerful
Michigan State has a very powerful team and if they are victorious in the "power-packed” conference, they may be the nation's number one team. Again one must not include a "mediocre team defeater" overshadow one that is truly a powerful team.
The Big Ten teams are always included in the rating. This year six such teams have showed up in that poll, at one time or another. Each year the Big Ten has come up with a team that is "tops", only to lose prestige from a team that has acquired a record while preying on low caliber teams.
Yet this does not mean that Oklahoma should be considered a low caliber team. They have had a glorious record, even though it has been wins over "poorer" teams. They also always anticipate an upset, and this pessimistic attitude helps them.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
October 26, 1956 The Spectator Page 3
Stucky Did Relief Work In Europe Under MCC
Willard Stucky. junior at Macol- lege, did relief work in Europe un-der the Mennonite Central Committee for three years. He wont to Europe in the spring of 1951 and returned to the Stales in the Spring of 1954.
The Mennonite Central Commit-tee is a united effort of Mennon-ite Churches to relieve disaster areas and underdeveloped areas of the world.
Built Houses
In this voluntary sen-ice. Wil-lard spent the first year in Europe in Espelkamp Mittwald, Germany, with a builders unit, building houses for displaced persons from Poland.
Espelkamp Mittwald was one of Hitler's former ammunition dumps which has been converted into a settlement for refugees.
The next two years he spent in Northern Greece, in the village of Panayitsa. which is in Mace-donia approximately 80 miles west of Thessalonica. In Panayitsa he did rehabilitation work in rural villages.
Willard attended his first year of college at Bethel College, Newton. Kas.. after he returned from
Bethel Presents Memorial Series
A concert by the Vienna Boys Choir, an illustrated lecture about the Everglades of Florida, and a family of seven children who play 120 instruments, are some of the programs which will be presented in the Memorial Hall series at Bethel College in Newton this year.
"A Touch of the Tropics" is the title of the illustrated lecture which will be given by William H. Wagoner on Nov. 6. The lecture and film illustrating it are based on the experiences of Wagoner and his wife. June, in their exploration of the Everglades region of Florida.
Boys Choir
A concert will be given by the Vienna Boys Choir on Feb. 7 In the Bethel Memorial Hall series. These Austrian singers, who are internationally known, will be on a tour through the United States.
William Laurence, a lecturer and author in the field of science, will speak on "Atoms for Peace" on Feb. 18. Laurence has won two Pulitzer prizes, and has been science editor of the New York Times for 25 years.
He has witnessed most of the atomic explosions, including the 1946 bombing of Nagasaki.
Alps to be Featured
For the final program of the year in the series, the “Engelkin-der" of the Austrian Alps will come to the Bethel campus for a program of music. These seven children of the Engel family will be accompanied by their parents on their tour of the country.
The children range in age from five to eighteen, and collectively they can play 120 instruments.
Visitors are welcome to see these Memorial HalI series programs at Bethel College.
Europe. His sophomore and junior years he attended Macollege.
Worked on Reservation Last summer Willard and his wife spent two months on the Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona working with missionaries and trying to establish a permanent voluntary service unit for young people. This was under the Mennonite Mission Board.
Willard is majoring in sociology and philosophy and religion. He hopes to go into the mission field again after graduation.
F.H.A. Entertains Home Ec Women
The F H. A. Chapter of Mc Pherson High School invited the McPherson College Homo Economics Club to the District F. H. A. Conference held yesterday at the McPherson High School Auditor-
Bobby Eriman, who is in charge of Pep Club skits for pep rallies following assemblies on Friday, is asking for ideas for the programs.
The newest of the recent additions to the library include books on psychology, economics, and other countries, and Brethren books.
The Brethren books arc written by and for members of the Church of the Brethren. The three new Brethren books are:
Like a Living Stone by Ruth B. Statler is the biography of Mah-Ion J. Brougher, a Brethren pastor who served in Pennsylvania.
Wilderness Boy by Ota Lee Russell is a story about a thirteen-year-old boy who travels west to settle in southwestern Kentucky. This book was designed for juniors and intermediates, but it is interesting to adults as well.
We Raised a Heifer by Mary Garber is also a children's story which adults will like. This is the partly true, partly imaginary story of raising a heifer to send to a needy family in Europe.
Other new books arc:
The Secret River by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is a story of a little Florida girl who discovers a river when her father needs more fish to sell.
The Art of Reading Aloud by John Dolman gives the technique of reading poetry so that the meaning, the sensory images, and the rhythm are presented as one.
Land of the Long Day by Doug Wilkinson tells the story of the author's experiences while living as a member of an Eskimo family on Baffin Island.
The Balkans in Our Time by Robert Lee Wolff begins before the first world war and continues to the end of 1954. telling the story of this "political weather-breeder" of Europe.
Can We Solve the Farm Problem? by Murray R. Benedict discusses the relation of government to agriculture, explaining the origins of the present farm programs and giving suggestions for the future.
Understanding Our Behavior by
Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow
explains the problems of personal
and social adjustment in our world today.
Guidance and Curriculum by
Janet A. Kelley shows how to make guidance a part of the school program. The problems of making guidance an integrated effort arc discussed, and solutions arc suggested.
Birthdays Celebrated
Third floor girls of Dotzour Hall celebrated their birthdays during the past week.
Saturday night a group of girls helped Delaine Larson celebrate her birthday. Birthday cake was served.
Linda Royer, who became a year older on Oct. 22. and Iva-delle Wisler. served ice cream and cake to Dotzour Hall girls Monday night.
After these refreshments, the third floor girls serenaded both first and second floors.
Tuesday night Janelle Miller was surprised to find third floor girls congregated in her room when she came in.
After birthday wishes were said ice cream and cake were served.
BIE Honored By City
Tuesday afternoon the annual Business. Industry, and Education Day was observed by the city of McPherson. Student teachers attended with their supervising teachers.
The afternoon was spent looking behind the scenes of various business establishments.
Coffee and doughnuts were served at the Bloc Room. Warren Hotel, to close the afternoon.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
The Maurice A. Hess chapter of the Future Teachers of America held its first formal meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 18. Talks were given by various people on teachers organizations.
Mrs. Brunk, a lifetime member of the National Education Association gave a talk on the NEA. Miss Fee, sponsor of the local FTA chapter told about the Kansas State Teachers Association. Richard W. J. Carney, who was last year's FTA president, spoke on the purposes of FTA.
After the meeting, those people Who had not joined the local, state, and national organizations were given the opportunity to do so. Anyone who has not joined, and is interested in teaching as a profession, may Join if they contact Joan Ford before. November
Stern Teaches Red Cross Class
"Everyone should know how to apply first aid when the need occurs in case of an emergency." says Roy Stern., junior from Fredericksburg. Iowa, who has volunteered to teach Red Cross lessons to junior high students in McPherson.
He has seven pupils ranging from ages 12 to 16 in his class. He teaches them in the Red Cross Office down town.
He teaches such things as what to do in case of emergency at the scene of an accident and how to apply artificial respiration.
Last year he took a course in first aid instructors course under Prof. Richard Wareham.
In order to keep up instructor's certificate one must teach one course on first aid every two years. i
Roy is interested in social service and plans to go into the ministry' after graduation.
Women’s Council Picnic
Women's Council members ate steak sandwiches at their picnic Tuesday evening.
Setting for the occasion was the lawn between the tennis court and Harnly Hall.
The members of the Council and their sponsor. Dr. Mary Fee. were present.
Concern over great issues gives life its nobility.
Brown Ordained At Home Church
Kenneth Brown, a 1955 graduate of McPherson College, was ordained to the ministry Sunday at the Wichita Church of the Brethren. Earl M. Frantz. McPherson College representative, officiated.
Kenny, who did graduate work at the University of Kansas, last year, is attending Bethany Seminary. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow J. Brown. Wichita. While here in school he was a cheerleader, a biology assistant, editor of the Quadrangle, and the school photographer. He was chosen for Who's Who in American Colleges and was a member of CBYF. debate squad. SCA. UNESCO. Pi Kappa Delta, Young Republicans, Student Court and Phi Alpha Theta.
He graduated Magna Cum Laude.
Students At Meeting
Driving to the Parsons Brethren Church last weekend was a group of Mac students. They attended the Southeast District meeting there.
Rev. Stewart Kauffman. Director of Ministry and Evangelism from Elgin. 111., was the main speaker for the meeting. Rev. Kauffman will be directing the Bible Hour at Regional Conference this weekend.
Those students attending the meeting at Parsons were Norma Watkins. Shirley Groth. Vera Mohler. Doris Davidson. Hazel Miles, and Kerin Hiller.
Ladies Attend Meet
Attending the Audubon Screen Tours in Wichita Wednesday night. Oct. 31. will be Miss Edna Neher, Miss Virginia Harris, Dr. Mary Fee. Mrs. Harold Beam, and Mrs. Paul Sargent.
Larson and Lincoln
Refreshments Served In Arnold Hall Lounge
Fellows from Arnold Hall entertained their girls in Arnold lounge Sunday evening after church. Refreshments of cookies and punch were served.
Bobby Erisman and Frances Straka were host and hostess or the party.
Others attending were Homer Galindo. Delores Wallace, Don Westmoreland, Shirley Stafford. Larry King. Janice Bower. Mary Ann Buthals, Ramon Paoli. Don Glahn. Helen Williams, Dick Roller. Ellen Williams. Melvin Lolling. Neva Shenefelt. Kenton Wrightsman, and Shirley Williams.
Student Has Visitors
Visiting Ann Caylor Monday and Tuesday were her mother. Mrs. Wayne Caylor of Udell. Ia.. and her aunt, also of Udell.
political parties were seen on campus during the past week.
Thursday morning Dotzour Hail girls were shocked to find the statue of Abraham Lincoln on their front lawn. Abraham, who was our first Republican president, usually resides in Harnly Hall.
Last Friday morning, after Assembly in Sharp Hall, a live donkey was seen parading around Macampus. It seems that the speaker. John Montgomery of Junction City. Kas.. is a Democratic candidate for Congress-
Students Cook Meal
Last Friday evening Mac students prepared a supper at the Bittinger home. Baked potatoes served with Vienna sausage was the main dish.
Mac students present were Donna Rhoades. Ellen Williams. Karen Alexander. Lois Fager. Ros-sie and Minnie Monk. Donna and Doris Davidson. Dale Shenefelt,
Richard Rollar, Ronald Bowman. Dean Stump, Charles Beach, and Roy Stem.
Profs Attend Ceremony At Building Dedication
Profs. Merlin Frantz and Day-ton Rothrock of the Education Department attended the dedica-tion of Bailey Hall, new home of the University of Kansas education department in Lawrence. Oct. 5.
While in Lawrence. Professor Frantz visited Mrs. Norma Moel-ler who has been doing supervis-ed teaching in the Lawrence public schools.
Joan Ford, junior from McPherson. Kas.. is chairman of the Social Committee this year. The Social Committee Chairman is elected each year by the Student Council. The chairman then appoints the other members of the committee. The faculty also elects two of its members to the committee.
By Free-For-All Ferris When the communists invented brain washing, our federal government came up with the public opinion poll. The government was firmly of the opinion that the people shouldn't try to make up their own minds.
Making up your mind is not only old fashioned, but a waste of time, because all the big-shot pollsters already know what you think, if you think. And if you don’t think you’re an eccentric malcontent who will probably be investigated by Sen. McCarthy.
The government also had another theory: "When writing about polls it’s important to use indecipherable sentences. This not only completely messes-up your readers, but it also makes them think you know something about the subject you’re writing on."
With this in mind we asked oar question for the week. “Are you pro or con on having your midsemester ratings forwarded to your paterfamilias and materfam-ilias.” those for: 80 per cent. Those against: 20 per cent.
These were some of the comments received:
"It depends on the age of the students and their relationship with their parents.” — Lany Sanders.
The purpose of the social committee is to coordinate all school functions. The Committee meets at least once a week to plan various school activities.
The committee sponsors and plans such activities as movies, formats and banquets, all-school parties and picnics: and this year it will sponsor WPA Week. It is given an appropriation by the Student Council Treasurer.
Although being Social Committee Chairman involves much time and hard work and planning. Joan also takes part in many other campus organizations.
"In the case of us students who study only for semester exams this is rather em harassing and I feel that this is discrimination."
— Dwight Oltman (He obviously read the same book I did.)
"I think students might study harder if their parents know what they are doing.”—Delbert Hayes.
“I am for sending grades home. If your parents are paying your way through college, they should know if they are getting their money's worth!" — Larry King.
"They might be shocking to my parents. They’re used to higher grades.” — Irene Shull
"It all depends on my grades. I'd like to see them first." — Janice Bower.
"I think the parents should know what the students are doing at college." — Mrs. San Romani
"I think it's an excellent idea. It helps the parents to understand what's going on here at college."
— John Sheets
"You mean my parents have been getting those grades?” — Flunking Junior
The answer to the above question was. of course, a yes; whereupon. the man fainted. This just goes to show that Public Opinion Polls inform the people.
She is secretary of the junior class this year, treasurer of the Future Teachers of America, secretary of the Recreational Count cil, and secretary of the S.P.E.C. Club.
Last year she was an assistant to Prof. Dick Wareham, who was Religious Life Director, and she was on the Symphonette steering committee. She helped in the planning of the new MCA set up which is being used this year.
Joan also sings in the chapel choir, and she has been a member of the Pep Club. Peace Group, SCA, Spectator Staff. Skate Club, and intramurals.
This year she is a representative from Macollege to the city UCYM organization.
Joan is majoring in Elementary Education, and she would like to teach in some type of underprivileged school.
She has spent the past two summers working with Spanish-speaking migrants under the auspices of the National Council of Churches. She says that she enjoys working with people.
Her hobbies are reading, sewing, and roller skating.
She was granted an honor scholarship for her first two years in college. This year she was chosen to receive the new $200 scholarship award offered by the Peoples State Bank of McPherson.
Read and heed the Spec ads
By Norris and Carl
Regional Conference starts tomorrow. and chances are that you will have some visitors. These may be your parents, friends, fourth cousins, or even members of the board of trustees.
To prepare for these guests, you should have clean rooms, so as to give a good and inaccurate impression of college life to these visitors.
To determine whether or not your room is clean enough for these visitors, measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling. If it measurers less than six feet, your room is too dirty and needs some cleaning up.
A clean room is another important spoke in the wheel of education. Without this spoke, the wheel will make dirty tracks down the hall.
Before you start to clean the room, make sure that you have gathered the necessary equipment to make the task as easy as possible.
Suggested pieces of equipment are as follows: Radio, strong roommate, shovel, pitchfork, fire hose, a pint of John’s hot sauce, a box of matches, and in extreme cases a medium-sized bottle of nitroglycerin.
The best time to clean your room is at two in the morning, because at this time you will have fewer people running in and out to bother you. Pay no attention to those who complain about the noise you are making at that hour, as they are only jealous of your clean habits.
Recommended steps in cleaning your room arc as follows:
1. Turn radio on to CLINT Texas, and turn volume clear up to keep yourself awake.
2. Tell the proctor to shut up because he is keeping everyone awake, and besides you can’t hear the music when he is yelling.
3. Take the pitchfork and throw your dirty clothes, bed sheets, and proctor in closet.
4. Lock the closet.
5. Take shovel and dig for floor.
6. Push trash into the room of someone whom you do not like, and who is at least three inches shorter and twenty pounds lighter than you, or who is gone for the weekend.
7. Use matches to bum all combustible trash.
8. If improvement is not apparent by this time, drop the bottle of nitroglycerin on the trash fire. 'This step is optional. If it
Mrs. D. G. McCollum, formerly Peg Hoofer, has returned to McPherson to begin her student teaching here.
Her husband is stationed with the Ellsworth Air Force Base In Rapid City. S. D.
is followed, the task Is finished. So are you.)
9. If you arc still at it. bring in fire hose and irrigate the whole furschlugginer mess.
10. Mix to an oozy consistency and scrape out through the door.
11. Open closet door and carry out drowned proctor.
12. By this time it should be 2:15. and time for you to go back to bed in your nice clean room.
And now, until next week, remember. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. (Our room sure isn't Heaven!)
Read and heed the Spec ads.
One of the issues of the political campaign which has worked its way to the top as the campaign progressed has been the Issue of peace.
Not only are the people in America Interested that this has happened, but all the people of the world are looking at this factor with even deeper interest.
To many people of the world, the determining factor concerning the peace of the future, lies not in Russia, but in America. Many of our overseas neighbors seem to have the feeling that Russia docs not wish to fight, but that America is poised and ready for
This coming to the fore of the issue of peace in America seems to bring them hope. Apparently, both of our political parties are interested in peace.
The Republican party declares that it has brought the present peace. The Korean war has ended. There is no active shooting anywhere, or at least not for a prolonged period of time.
President Eisenhower indicates his intention to maintain this kind of a future. He has said in a magnificent statement.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in a final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed. those who arc cold and unclothed."
When the Issue over Suez arose there were many who thought that it was so delicate that if mishandled it certainly would lead to war.
President Eisenhower's forthright statement early in the negotiation that this would not lead to war and that we were got going to enter into shooting about it. made a war practically impossible. for the other nations of the world arc not likely to begin a war if they do not feel that America can be drawn in on their side.
The Democrats, similarly, are interested in peace and Adlai Stevenson has gone further even than President Eisenhower in seeking to find new ways toward peace.
His promises are that if elected he will look forward shortly to the ending of the draft and the cessation of further atomic bomb tests.
He believes that both of these actions would calm the world and indicate not only a temporary cessation of war. but a permanent moving away from it as a means of trying to settle international negotiations.
We need to ask ourselves whether these are empty campaign promises, or whether this charts a real direction.
Peace is the only hopeful way to a continuation of world culture, world progress, and growth toward the Kingdom of God.
Read and heed the Spec ads.