Mac Spreads Welcome Mat For Alumni

Homecoming Activities Range From Fairyland To Gridiron

Campus Leaders To Be Listed In National Student Directory

Six McPherson College seniors selected for Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges are: Don Colberg, Ruth Davidson, Nancy Keim, Irene Shull, Galen Stucky, and Ed Wolf.

Selections for Who’s Who are made on the basis of personality, scholarship, service, contribution to the college, and potential contribution to society after college is completed.

Student President

Don Colberg, rural life major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alford Colberg, Lyons. Kas.

Besides serving as president of the Student Council this year. Don served as treasurer of the Student Council last year.

Don was business manager of the Spectator during his sophomore year. From his work as business manager he is a member of the Alpha Delta journalistic fraternity which was organized on Macampus last Spring.

Don Colberg

ior years, Ruth worked on the , Spectator staff and was the edi-tor - in - chief of the Spec first semester last year.

Ruth was also one of the seven charter members of the Alpha Delta journalistic fraternity.

Since she was a sophomore. Ruth has served as a student assistant to professors at Macol-lege. This year she works for Dr.

■ Maurice A. Hess and Mrs. Homer Brunk.

This year Ruth is a member of Chapel Choir. Her other college activities have included Band. CBYF. College Church Choir. Intramurals, McPherson College Players Club. Peace Group. SCA. WAA. and Girls' Basketball.

Biology Major

Nancy Keim. whose major is biology, is from North Manchester. Ind. She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Howard Keim, who arc both Macollege graduates.

Nancy has been a student leader all four years of college. She has been a member of Women's Council for four years, and has been on the Student Court the last two years.

Home Ec Club. She was a member of the Home Ec Club Council last year.

Irene was editor-in-chief of the Spectator when she was a sophomore and has been a member of the reporting staff. She also has served on the Board of Publications and is a member of Alpha Delta fraternity.

Irene Shull

College Calendar

Tonight, Queen’s Banquet in the Brethren Church social rooms at 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Tonight, following banquet, movie "Peggy" to be shown in chapel.

Tomorrow. Homecoming. Macollcge plays Kansas Wesleyan at


Sunday, Oct. 21. Arnold If a 11 open house from 1:30 to 4:30.

Friday. Oct. 26, movie. "Bright Victory" to bo shown in chapel at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, Oct. 27. Regional Conference begins.

Friends, relatives and alumni will over-populate Macampus this weekend as the Homecoming celebration proceeds.

The campus will really start buzzing this evening with preparations for the banquet of Fairyland Dreams, where Her Highness, Sara Ann Coffman, will be crowned.

The buzz will emerge as yells of excitement and encouragement as the Bulldogs meet Kansas Wesleyan University on the gridiron tomorrow night.

The appearance of the Queen and her attendants, and the cocaptains of the football team on the Helen Guard KTVH show this afternoon is the first actual homecoming activity.

Queen Sara Ann Coffman, her attendants. Judith Brammell. and Ann Schnaithman. and football co-captains, Merle Rolfs and Louis Roberts, will appear on Channel 12 from Hutchinson at 3 p.m. today.

Queen’s Banquet Tonight the Queen's Banquet will bo held in the church par-

lors at 6:30 p.m. This banquet of Fairyland Dreams will be served by the ladies of the Church of the Brethren.

The 1956 Queen. Sara Ann. will be crowned by the retiring queen, Anita Wise. Also seated at the honored guests' table will be Judy Brammell, freshman attendant. and Ann Schnaithman. sophomore attendant.

Varied entertainment will be given, and a movie. "Peggy." will be shown in the chapel following the banquet.

Teachers Conference

As a trackman. Don runs the one and two-mile races. This fall he is on the new cross - country team which competed in Wichita last Saturday.

Don sings in the A Cappella Choir and has been on the Rec


He has served as treasurer of the Student Christian Association and was a member of the study group which drew up plans for the present McPherson Christian Association.

As a member of last year's Student Council. Don drew up plan for a revision of the campus parking to relieve some of the crowding near the dorms and or circle drive.

Don will give a report for the students to the Macollege trustees at their annual meeting in February.

Oldest of Eight

Ruth Davidson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davidson. Me-Cune, Kas., is a home economics major. She is the oldest of eight children, and has two sisters. Donna and Doris, also attending Macollege.

Last year she was the chair man of the Social Committee on campus.

Irene has been a member of the Debate Squad and Players Club. Achievement in these or ganizations earned her member ship in Pi Kappa Delta and Alpha Psi Omega, honorary fraternities on campus.

This year she is a member of Chapel Choir. She has been a member of the College Church Choir for the last three years.

Her other activities include CBYF. Peace Group. SCA. and International Relations Club.

Honors and Sports

Galen Stucky. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Stucky. is from McPherson. Kas. His major is chemistry.

He has been an assistant to Dr. Wesley DeCoursey in the Chemistry Department for the last three years.

Galen served on the Student Council as class representative his sophomore and junior years. He has been a member of Men’s Council for the last three years.

Tonight Sara Ann Coffman, Homecoming Queen for 1956, will be crowned by Anita Wise, last year’s queen. The ceremony will take place at the Queen’s Banquet in the social rooms of the Church of the Brethren at 6:30

p. m. Also attending will be Ann Schnaithman, sophomore attendant, ex-treme left, and Judy Brammel, freshman attendant, extreme right.

Ruth Davidson

Ruth has been a member of Home Ec Club since she was a sophomore. She has served on the dub council her junior and senior years.

During her sophomore and jun-

Nancy Keim

During her junior and senior years, Nancy has been the student assistant for Dr. John Burkholder in the Biology Department. She supervises the Natural Science laboratory periods.

Last Semester. Nancy taught in the Canton High School two hours every day as well as keeping up with her own school work. For the last two years she has been a FTA member, this year serving as vice - president.

Nancy is engaged to Iceland Lengel. a ‘56 Mac graduate. Le-land and Nancy arc planning to be married following Nancy’s graduation in the spring.

All four years of college Nancy has sung in one of the choirs. The first two years she was a member of Chapel Choir, and the last two years a member of A Cappella Choir.

Her other college activities have included CBYF, College Church Choir. Intramurals. McPherson College Players Club, and SCA. Three Fraternities

Irene Shull, another homo economics major, is from Colo. Ia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burr Shull.

She has been the student assistant to Miss Mildred Sick In the Home Economics Department for the last two yean. This is her second year, as a member of

Galen Stucky

Galen is active in Macollege sports. This year he is earning his third letter in football. This will also make his third year in basketball, and track arid field.

As a sophomore. Galen became a member of M Club, He is president of the letterman's club this year and has been the secretary-treasurer.

Galen was a class officer and was active in intramurals when he was a freshman.

Galen tied with Ed Wolf last year for the high scholastic award for a man of the junior class. This award is a scholarship for partial tuition the following year.

Football Quarterback

Ed Wolf. Quinter. Kas.. is the only married one of the six sen-

iors chosen for Who’s Who. His wife is the former Marlene Kay Simpson. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wolf.

Ed’s major is also chemistry, and he has also been a student assistant to Dr. Wesley De Cour-sey in the Chemistry Department for three years.

Ed is also active in athletics here at Macollege. He is the first string quarterback on the football team. This year he will cam his third football letter.

He also plays tennis and basketball and this year he will cam his fourth tennis letter and his third basketball letter.

Ed has been an active member of M Club since his sophomore year.    .1

He is active in student government on Macampus. This is his second year as a member of Student Court. He is serving as president this year.

Erl is one of the senior representatives on the Student Council. He is vice - president of the Council this year. He is also a member of the Men's Council.

Ed Wolf

During his sophomore year. Ed was also in CBYF. and was a class officer.

Workshops Begin Meeting

Mary Spessard

Four training conferences will be held Sat., Oct. 27. which is the first day of Regional Conference.

Mary Spessard, national director of children's work, is resource leader of the children's session. This conference will include the district directors and state field secretaries.

The men’s work conference will be led by Rufus B. King, national director of adult education. He succeeded R. E. Mohler as director Sept 1.

Anna Warstler will direct the women's work conference.

Paul Weaver will have charge of the youth counselor's workshop. He is national director of junior high work and camping.

Another highlight is a musicale to bo presented the first evening of Regional Conference by the Macollege Music Department at 7:3O at the high school auditorium. Music groups participating in this musicale are the Chapel and A Cappella choirs and the College - Civic Orchestra. Prof. Donald R. Frederick directs.

' Rufus B. King

President D. W. Bittinger will speak Monday. Oct. 29. at a. college fellowship supper. This supper will be hold at 5:00 in the college church fellowship rooms. His talk is "A Window Open Toward the Kingdom."

Tuesday evening, Oct. 3O, at 5:30 there is to be a recreation fellowship dinner at the First Mennonite Church. Paul Weaver will speak.

Arnold Opens Hall To Visitors

Arnold Hall will hold the first dormitory open boose of the year Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30. All students and alumni are invited to attend.

Head residents of Arnold Hall arc Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mason.

Activities tomorrow include a coffee hour and teacher discussion conference for beginning and second year alumni teachers. This is sponsored by members of the Education Department and will be held in the Student Union Room.

Consultants are John Goering. assistant principal at McPherson High School, and Miss Fern Yost, a local grade school principal.

Various Macollege organizations will erect decorations on the campus, which will be judged, starting at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Prizes for these decorations will be announced during the half of the football game.

First prize consists of $30; second, $20. third. $10; and five honorable mention prizes of $S each will be given.

Lunch at Hotel

Members of the M Club will attend a luncheon at the Warren Hotel at 12 noon. At 3 p.m. the Alumni Tea will take place in the Student Union Room.

The Pep Club will serve a Chili Supper in the Church parlors Saturday evening. AU college students are urged to come and eat about 4:30. The tickets which will be sold arc $.65 and additional servings will be $.10 apiece.

The Royalty will be driven onto the football field before the game The Pep Club and Band will help usher the girls onto the field.

Gene Wenger is in charge of the drills which the Pep Club will do in cooperation with the Band. Among other things, the Band and Pep Club will spell out the names of the Queen and her attendants and form a crown. The | band will then play “Let Me Call .You Sweetheart."      Guest Band

The football game, which starts at 7:3O p.m. is McPherson vs. Kansas Wesleyan University. Half time guest band show will be given by the Hill City High School Band. Ronald Moyer, who graduated from Macollege in 1949, is director of the band.

A coffee hour in the College Cafeteria and the Dog House is planned for both alumni and students after the game.

Queen Sara Ann The reigning Queen for these Homecoming festivities is Sara Ann Coffman, a junior from South English. Iowa. She is a Home Economics major, and has participated in CBYF. A Cappella Choir. Home Ec Club. McPherson College Players. Quartette, and Dorm Council here on campus.

Ann Schnaithman. the sophomore attendant, is from Garber. Okla. Her bobbies arc music and sports, and she is a member of Home Ec Club. MCA. Band, and is a twirler for the marching Band Ann is also a Home Economics major.

The freshman attendant. Judith Brammell, is from McLouth. Kas., and her objective is Religious Education. Judy is treasurer of the freshman class, and a mem-ber of Home Ec Club. CBYF. and MCA. Her hobbies are cooking and sewing.

Many friends and relatives of these girls and all other students as well. will be on campus for the weekend activities.

IRC Attends Service At Temple Immanuel

International Relations Club went to Wichita last Friday eve-ling. After eating supper in a Greek restaurant, they attended a Jewish service at the Temple Immanuel.

Those attending were Barbara Gooden. Irene Shull. Dick Bittinger. Joyce Flory, Nancy Keim, Adele Bernstorf. Marilyn Mets-ker, Eva Navarro. Gary Carlson. Don Cotton. Delbert Hayes, Jane Clouse, and the club sponsor. Dr. Raymond L. Flory.

October 19, 1956

The Spectator Page 2

Coyotes To Furnish Target For Tomorrow

Bulldogs Will Be Prepared For Fourth Conference Tilt

• Kansas Wesleyan University is the target for this year’s homecoming tomorrow night. The game will begin at 7:30 p. m. at the College Stadium.

The Coyotes will be tough, and the game will be a good opportunity for McPherson to redeem themselves after their defeat last Saturday by College of Emporia 28-0.

In their game last weekend,

Kansas Wesleyan smothered Ottawa University 53-0. The Coyotes have scored 116 points in their last two games and allowed their opponents only 0.

Starting his fifth season with KWU is Coach Gene Bissell. Last year he boosted the football team up to tie with, McPherson for second place in the conference, the highest ranking the Coyotes have had since World War II.

Coach Bissell is a graduate from Heidelburg College in Ohio, where he was twice chosen All-Ohio tackle. He turned down a Pro-football offer and instead earned his master’s degree from Western Reserve University.

His overall record in the previous four years is 15 wins. 11 losses, and 2 ties. Assisting the head football coach this season is Daffin ‘’Swede" Backstrom, director of athletics at KWU.

The Coyotes have 14 returning letter-men to the squad this year However, the loss of Bob Harris and ‘Toby'' Taburen. last season’s all-conference quarterback and halfback will have some influence upon the effectiveness of their backfield.

The past history of the two teams shows KWU has had 16 wins as compared to our 13. and between the two teams there has been 2 tics. Last year the Bulldogs pulled an upset when they defeated the Coyotes 31-12.

This season's contest between the two teams should be a fitting climax to the home coming celebrations.


Intramurals have begun again this year with 14 teams in both the National and the American Leagues. An intramurals council has been set up to handle the teams. Heading the council are Bob Wise, Jerry McPherson, and Ed Sink.

Two weeks of practice games were played at the start of the intramurals. These games do not necessarily count in the final statistics. Following are the results of these practice games for both leagues;

American League

The four twirlers and the majorette of the Hill City Band will perform during the halftime of tomorrow night's game. The band is under the direction of Ronald Moyer, ’49 Mac Grad.

Left to right they are Sandra Welty, Barbara Martin, Kay Eskel, Sally Pratt, and Dorlea Meyer.


Becomes KWU Mascot


Ragland .........

Wagner .........


........ 4

........ 3




Heidebrecht .....

........ 2


Pulford .........

........ 4


Will .............

....... 3


Casebeer .

........ 2


Carlson .

........ 2


Fisher ............

........ 2


Grove .........

........ 1






Cotton .........

....... 0

Harris ..........

........ 0


Navarro .........


........ 0







........ 3


Whirl ey.....

....... 3


Dreesel .....

........ 2


Petefish ..

........ 2



........ 2


Miller ..........




........ 1


Dadisman .....

........ 0


Stucky .........

........ 0


Beach ..........

....... 0



........ 0


Hayes ..........

....... 0



...... 0


Sanders ......

....... 0


B’s Beat Sterling

Two coyote pups were found by-three Kansas Wesleyan students who were cutting wheat on farm. This' incident, which took place in 1915, was the beginning of two college mascots. Hi and Ki.

Unhappy neighbors soon began complaining about the weird cries during their sleepless nights. Then, one fatal morning, duck feathers were seen outlining the coyotes' mouths.

Hi’s head was stuffed and placed in the Hall of Pioneers, the Kansas Wesleyan administration building. The coyote head was placed in the trophy case, where it customarily belongs.

The traditional mascot may be making an appearance on Macam-pus later in the week.

Gene Elliott, sophomore, scored two touchdowns to lead the Macollege B team to victory over the Sterling College B team here Monday afternoon.

In the second quarter Elliott intercepted a Sterling pass and ran it back 50 yards to score McPherson's first TD. In the third period he scored again on plunge from the 4 yard line.

McPherson's other touchdown came late in the fourth quarter when Ramon Navarro, also sophomore, plunged'over from the one - yard line.

The next gome for the McPherson B team will be next Monday afternoon. Oct. 22. against the Kansas Wesleyan B team at Salina.

Students Assist Mae Professors

Student assistantship applications were approved by the faculty administrative committee this week.

Phil Bradley, junior from Wichita. Kas.. is full-time assistant to Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel in the Sociology Department.

Assisting Dr. Burton Metzler in the Philosophy and Religion Department is Lyall Sherred, senior from Denver. Colo.

Prof. J. L. Bowman’s assistants in physics this semester are George Eisele, senior from McPherson; Glenn Morland sophomore from Union. Iowa: and Joe Reeves. Nampa. Idaho, junior.

Richard Carney. who assists Prof. Bowman in the Mathematics Department, also .helps Dr. Wesley DeCoursey in the Chemistry Department. Richard, who comes from Nickerson, Kas.. is a senior this year.

Other students aiding the Chemistry Department are Ed Emmert. Redfield. Iowa; Gene Myers. Essex, Mo., Ed Wolf; Quinter. Kas.: and Galen Stuc-ky, McPherson. Emmert is a junior. The others are all seniors.

Biology assistants for this semester are Patsy Schechter and Nancy Keim. Nancy is a senior, and Patsy is a junior. Dr. John Burkholder is head of the Biology Deportment.

English assistants are- Ruth Davidson. Barbara Gooden, and Marian Thiessen. Barbara and Marian are Miss Della Lehman's assistants. Ruth works for both Dr. Maurice A. Hess and Mrs. Homer Brunk.

Joan Walters is assisting Prof. Guy Hayes in the field of speech. Joan, a second semester freshman, is from Yoder. Colo.

Dr. Mary Fee's helper this se mester is Vera Mohler. a junior who lives at McCune. Kas.

Sonya Kaufman is working for

Professors Dayton Rothrock and Merlin Frantz in the Department of Psychology and Education. She is a freshman from Johnstown. Pa.

History assistants this term are

Barbara Gooden. Mary Alice Smith, and Marian McElwain Whirley. all seniors. Dr. Raymond Flory heads that department.

Dr. O. A. Olson's helper in Business Administration this fall is Billy Joe Hildreth. junior from Ankeny. Iowa.

Gary Button, Don Colberg, Darius Miller. Lyle Neher, and Robert Pittman are the Industrial Arts assistants under Prof. S. M. Dell. Robert is the only junior.

Kenneth Kinzie's helper in art this semester is Kenneth Fancher. Rocky Ford. Colo., junior. Ceramics assistant is Wayne Price.

Delores Peck is John Ward's helper, in the rural life field.

Students helping in the Music Department include Mardella Guenther, Forrest Kruschwitz, Dwight Oltman, and Irvin Wagner. Mardella is to assist Mrs. Audrey San Romani. Forrest will work with Prof. Paul Sollen-berger in the instrumental division; and Dwight and Irvin will be Prof. Donald R. Frederick’s assistants.

Kathryn Burkholder, sophomore from Preston. Minn., and Rossie Monk, freshman from McNeil, Ark., assist Miss Neher in Dot-zour Hall.    

On The Ballfield

By Vila, Likhite

It seems like every football coach's dream is to have a 200 pound line. With this he may be wonder how the Baltimore Colts of Pro ball feel about their 260 pound line of fighting furies.

They have had a slow start but with that good backfield headed by fullback Alan "The Horse" Ameche (everybody's All-American) they should start clicking soon.

The Detroit Lions who only won three games all last year are leading their respective division

and are still undefeated.

They apply their success to the decrease of injuries as compared to last year when some of the key players were out with injuries.

Their rookie crop this year, led by Hopalong Cassady (Ohio State) and Al Carmichael (SMU) have shown up pretty well. Veteran quarterback Bobby Layne is top form again.

Although the Chicago Cardinals had the best defense in their league last year, they could win only four games because of lack in offense.

But their youngsters showed well as the season ended. They are better than ever this year. They are leading their division ahead of the Cleveland Browns, and are still undefeated.

With a good backfield led by Ollie Matson they seem to be clicking well. .

Pro ball is made quite interesting by the presence in top players and devasting ingenuity. There players are big and strong and play their positions with ingenuity.

Their “all - out" effort makes this quite colorful to watch. The interest in this professionalism Is better than ever and the result may end up over the three million mark in attendance.

As the time posses, one is quite shocked to hear that basketball is close by. Practice has started already and one of the most colorful players to watch is Will Chamberlain of KU.

Since Wilt is a sophomore this year, he is eligible to play varsity ball. With his past perfor-

Home Ec Club Attends Workshop At K-State

Members of the Home Ec Club attended a Home Economics Workshop at Kansas State College in Manhattan, Kas.. last Saturday.

Theme for the workshop was "Dynamic Doings." The entire group split into small units to discuss the home economics program for the last year. Members of the Macollege club felt they had been more active than other groups.

The group toured through the Kansas State Home Economics Department. Part of the group was shown through a dormitory dining kitchen. The girls also saw the Student Union.

Home Ec Club members attending were: Ruth Davidson. Ruth Hanagarne, Irene Shull. Kathy Burkholder. Anne Keim. Jeane Shively. Joyce Berry, Anita Wise, Gwendene Reiff, and June McDaniel.

Sherland Ng was a guest. Miss Mildred Siek. the clubs' advisor, accompanied them.

Football Dates

The remaining conference games are as follows:

Oct. 20 — Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson (Homecoming). 7:30 p.m.

Oct. 27 — Friends at Wichita, 8 p.m.

Nov. 2 — Ottawa at Ottawa. 8 p.m.

Nov. 9 — Bethany at McPherson, 7:30 p.m.

C of E Wine 30 Games in A Row

College of Emporia racked up their 30th consecutive victory last Saturday when they beat McPherson 28-0. This also gave the Presbies their 25th consecutive conference win.

The predominant figure in the game was a C. of E. freshman by the name of Rusty Addleman; Addleman made all of the winning team's touchdowns and one of the extra points as well. Fehr kicked the other three extra points All four of Addleman's touchdowns were made in the first half, as the Bulldog defense sharpened in the second half and stopped the fleet frosh.

TD’s in First Half His first score was mode in the first quarter on a 5 yard plunge over the line. Fehr kicked the ball between the goal posts for the extra point.    

The other three touchdowns were made in the second period. The second TD was another 5 yard plunge by Addleman, and the third and fourth were made in long broken field runs of 58 and 48 yards.

McPherson's ground attack was somewhat incapable of gaining much ground against the strong Presbie defense. However, their passing Was fairly effective in that they completed 10 for 20 attempts for 68 yards.

mances he may be an All-American candidate. Only time will tell.

The scene will also go to the Big Ten for they have teams that arc one of the tops in the country. In other words, the Big Ten is not only a football power, but also a basketball power and in other sports as well.




First Downs    ...

-...... 19


Yards gained rushing



Passes attempted



Passes completed



Yards passing



Passes Intercepted by



Average punt



TImes Penalized



Yards penalized



Own fumbles lost

Emporia    7


21    0



McPherson    .    0

0 0

0— 0

American Shoe Shop

112 W. Euclid McPherson, Kansas

Read and heed the Spec ads.



Official Student Publication of McPherson Collage, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.

October 19, 1956 The Spectator Page 3-

Flory Elected SW Moderator

Dr. Raymond L. Flory. dean of students and’ professor at history and political science at McPherson College. was elected moderator of the Southwest Kansas District of the Church of the Brethren last Saturday.

He was elected- by the South-west Kansas District Meeting, which was held at the First Church- of the Brethren in Hutchinson. Kas.

He succeeds Dean James- M. Berkebile. who has been moderator of the district for the past year. Dr. Flory has been a member of the district board this past year.

Dr. Burton Metzler. professor of philosophy and religion at McPherson College, was named secretary of ministry of home missions and evangelism. George Harvey, Newton, was named secretary of Christian education.


10 a.m. Coffee and confer-

ence for ’55 - 56 alumni teachers.

11:30 a.m. Judging of campus decorations.

Noon M Club luncheon, Warren Hotel:

3 p.m. Alumni Tea SUR.

5 p.m: Pep- Club chili supper, church basement.

7:3b p.m. Moo vs. Kansas' Wesleyan. Hill City guest band at Half time.

After game: Coffee hour for students and alumni.

Students Practice Teach As Block System Begins

(News-Herald Photo)

Dr. Raymond L. Flory, Macollege history professor, discusses plans for Southwest Kansas with Louis F. Suedmeyer, director of evangelism for the Kansas Council of Churches, Topeka, after Dr. Flory’s election as moderator of the Southwest Kansas District of the Church of the Brethren.

Senior In Hospital

Mrs. Donald Dresher. Macollege senior from Canton, underwent an appendectomy Thursday. Oct. 11. at the McPherson County Hospital.

Mrs. Dresher was to have started her block of teaching this week in the Canton Grade School.

College Deans To Meet

October 25 is the date set for the Kansas-wide meeting of College Deans. Registrars, and Deans of Men. to be held this year at Emporia State Teachers College. Dean James M. Berkebile. Mrs. Alice B. Martin, and Mrs. S. M. Dell willl attend.

What's New In The Library . . .

Library Books Are Source For Studies, Recreation

Women’s Council Helps Mac Girls

The Women’s Council is composed of fifteen girls representing the various living arrangements and campus organizations for women. The Dean of Women. Dr. Mary Fee. appoints the council members and meets with them every other week.

Old members are:    Marilyn

Metsker. president: Juanita Pike, treasurer: Nancy Keim. secretary: Adele Bernstorf. Eva Navarro, and Lucy Reeves.

Representatives recently chosen are: Joyce Flory. Vera Moh-ler. Mary Lou Wise, all juniors: Ellen Kurtz, sophomore:    and

freshmen Ruth Barcelo, Joan Furry, and Rossie Monk.

The group sponsors the campus sister plan to help new girls become acquainted to college life, the Women’s Tea. and Heart Sister Week. Freshman Daze, the bulletin sent to all freshmen girls, is compiled by the council.

Among the objectives of the council are: to promote good fellowship among all women students. and to provide information and opportunities for practicing correct social behavior.

Profs Attending Meet On Teacher Education

Dean James M. Berkebile. Prof. Dayton Rothrock. and Prof. Merlin Frantz went today to Topeka. Kas., to attend the College Conference on Teacher Education. They will return for Homecoming tomorrow.

Theme of the Conference is "Creativity in the Education of Teachers." The meeting is sponsored by the Kansas State Teachers Association and will continue until tomorrow morning.

Macollege Library contains books on many subjects for use. either for studies, or for recreation.

Delinquency: The Juvenile Offender in America Today by Herbert A. Block and Frank T. Flynn gives a complete picture juvenile delinquency in this country.

In this book. the authors discuss approaches for investigation, methods of treatment, and probation techniques and policies.

Travel and' Transport Through the Ages by Norman E. Lee tells the story’ of transportation from the- day’s before the wheel up to the present jet aircraft.

What We Learn from Children by Marie I. Rasey and J. W. Menge explains how children learn and grow, and develops new ideas about helping them:

The Composer and His Art by Gordon Jacob demonstrates some of the difficulties facing the creative musician and his methods of dealing with them.

The author, who has been active as a composer and teacher, has aimed to stimulate the interest of musical people in the creative aspect of this art.

Conserving American Resources

by Ruben L. Parson tells about the usefulness of each of our natural resources and gives the history of their development.

The author shows how every one can help preserve them and why this is necessary.

Meditations from Kierkegaard translated and edited by T. H. Croxall presents a wealth of devotional literature from the writ-

The Lamps Went Out in Europe by Ludwig Reiners is the story of the blunders that led to the first world war. By focusing on the human element, the author makes this story as interesting as a novel.

Youth: The Years from Ten to Sixteen, by Arnold Gesell, Frances L. Ilg, and Louise B. Ames, is based on studies of a group of normal adolescents.

This book shows adolescence as a phase consistent with the rest of development, and not as a period of growth at random resulting in stress and strain.

The Master Stunt Book by Lawrence M. Brings contains wide variety of stunts, games, monologues, skits, and other types of entertainment suitable for almost any program.

Fear may force conformity, but cannot inspire loyalty.

mgs of this nineteenth-century Danish Christian.

The Athletic Trainer's Handbook by Roland "Rollie" Beven is an illustrated guide to the prevention, diagnosis, and care of athletic injuries.

The Story of Blindness by Gabriel Farrell gives historically the attitudes of society towards blindness. Dr. Farrell also discusses the present methods for determining blindness and the recent advances in combating diseases which cause blindness.

Sargents To Entertain Juniors, Seniors Sunday

Junior - Senior Sunday School Class at the college church will meet at the home of their teacher. Paul Sargent. Sunday morn ing for a breakfast meeting.

All juniors and seniors are invited to attend the breakfast. Various members of the class will give short talks during the Sunday School class time.

Students will come dressed for church, as they will go directly from the meeting to church.

Norris Harms, president of the Sunday School Gass, asks all planning to attend sign one of the lists posted on the campus bulletin boards.

Evans, Beam Exchange Vows

Yellow and bronze chrysanthemums were the decorations in the oollege Church Saturday evening for the wedding of Rita Zoe Evans. Macollege senior, and Winston H. Beam.

Parents of the couple are Mrs. Frances J: Evans. Blair-. Neb., and' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beam. McPherson.

Luther Milligan. Fremont. Neb., uncle of the bride, escorted her to the altar.

Beverly Evans. Evanston. Ill. sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaid was Mrs. Erwin Sprick. Omaha. Neb.

Best man was Royce Beam, McPherson, brother of the groom Harry Heckethorn. Oakley, Kas., was groomsman.

Candle lighters were Carol Hintz, Wakeeney. Kas.. and Joyce Miller, junior from Elkhart. Ia.

Ushers were Julius Steele. McPherson:    George Moore. Con

way. Kas.: and Jim White. Lakin, Kas. Glenda Milligan and Mickey Milligan, cousins of the bride of Fremont. Neb., were flower girl and ring bearer.

Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., officiated. Harold Beam, father of the groom, and Jeanine Corn, senior from Independence. Kas.. sang. Mrs. Lloyd Larsen was organist.

The bride’s gown of pure silk taffeta had appliques of lace. She carried a cascade of white carnations with yellow trim.

At the wedding reception held in the church parlors, host and hostess were Mr. and Mrs. Max McAuley, McPherson.

Assisting with the reception were Ruth Hoff, senior. New Windsor. Md.. Ruth Hanagarne. junior. Shiprock, N. M.: Mrs. Keith Lau-er of Abilene. Kas.; Mrs. Royce Beam. McPherson, and Mrs. Dean Reynolds. McPherson.

After their honeymoon spent in Eureka Springs. Ark., the newlyweds are at home at 318 N. Charles. McPherson.

The bride, a senior at Macollege. attended Schuyler High School in Schuyler, Neb.

Forty Macollege student teachers began their eight weeks of supervised practice teaching Monday in public schools under the new block system adopted at the college this fall.

McPherson City elementary teachers are supeivising the work of 16 students. Intermediate and high school faculty supervise 16 others.

Canton. Windom; Inman. Linds-borg and Newton High Schools are supervising the practice of seven students.

Under the block system, the students spend the entire day for a period of eight weeks at the school instead of just the hour or two a day for a semester under the former plan.

The block system has been re commended by the State Department of Public Instruction.

Elementary Schools

At Washington School. Donna Berry. Ottumwa. Iowa, is with

Pherson. is in the history, bookkeeping. and sociology classes in the high school.

Marlene Jamison. Quinter. Kas. is teaching home economics and biology in the Lindsborg High School

Carilyn Krehbiel. Conway. Kas.. is doing her supervised practice in Newton in home economics.

16 in McPherson

In the McPherson High School and Intermediate School each of the 16 student teachers is under two to four supervisors.

Ivan Richert. McPherson: Bir-dene Jamison. Quinter. Kas.. and Margaret McCollum, Worthington. Minn., are doing their student teaching under music supervisors.

Anita Wise. McPherson, and Ruth Davidson. McCune. Kas., are in home economics as their main field..

Students in industrial arts and physical education for their main

suss Mane Glenn: Dorothy Blough. Waterloo. Iowa, with Mrs. Opal J. Hanson: Ruth Hoff. New Windsor. Md.. with Mrs. Alfreda H. Smith; Scnja Mark. McPherson. with Mrs. Harriet Black-ledge; Lucy Reeves. Nampa. Idaho. with Miss Virginia Smith; and Eva Navarro. Falfurrias. Texas, with Mrs. Madeline Nel-son.

At Lincoln School. Adele Bernstorf. Chase. Kas.. is with Mrs. Maxine Brunsell: Marilyn Metsker. Denver. Colo., with Miss Fern Yost; Vivian Oliver. Selma. Iowa, with Mrs. Agnes Sellberg: and Charlene Reynolds. D e s Moines. Iowa, with Mrs. Jeane E. Tenk for afternoons only.

At Wickersham School Joyce Miller Elkhart. Iowa, is with Miss Lucille Sandquist; and Charlene Reynolds is with Mrs. Olive Ranck for mornings only.

Canton High School

Three students are doing their supervised., teaching in the Canton High School. Irene Shull. Colorado. Iowa, is doing her practice in home economics and English; Delbert Hayes. Geneseo, Kas.. in history, science, and agriculture; and Darius Miller. St. John, Kas., in industrial arts and science.

At Windom Rural High School Dale Gillogly, Welda, Kas., is working with the industrial arts and history classes.

At Inman, John Schrag, Mc-


The Family

Barber Shop



• Shampoos •


• Shines


"For Lad and Dad"

SoCo To Show 'Peggy’ Tonight

"Peggy." a full-length movie comedy, will be shown after the Queen's Banquet tonight in the> Chapel.

This 76-minute feature stars Diana Lynn, Charles Coburn, and Charlotte Greenwood.

It is a comedy of errors in which two sisters vie for the crown of Rose Bowl Queen.

No admission will be charged but students will be asked for contributions to cover the rental cost.

The Social Committee is sponsoring this movie which was ordered through the United World Films. Inc.

Billy Jo Hildreth is in charge of movies and publicity.

field include Vernon Petefish. Cedar Rapids. Iowa, Gaylen Rodgers. McPherson: Merle Rolfs. McPherson: and Roland Wray. Lennox. Iowa.

In English and history are Mar-inn Whirley, McPherson, and Beverly Hall, Twin Falls. Idaho.

In mathematics and science are Max Royer, Perry. Iowa; George Eisele, McPherson; and Gary Jones. Cabool. Mo.

Dean Reynolds. Ankeny. Iowa is in commerce classes, and Gary Button, Eldora. Iowa, is in a combination of agriculture, math, and industrial arts.

Norma Moeller. McPherson, has completed a block of teaching in the Lawrence school system.

Outside the Block

Other elementary student teachers who have not been in the block system are Elizabeth Nelson. Nampa. Idaho, at Washington School with Mrs. Alfreda A. Smith and Miss Virginia Smith; ImoJean’ Frantz, McPherson, at Lincoln with Mrs. Agnes Sell-berg; Esther Hornbaker, Hutchinson. at Lincoln with Mrs. Marjorie E. Stucky; and Ruth Miller at Wickersham with Mrs. Olive Ranck.

Jo Eva Jones, Quinter. Kas.,

How Do I Get To-—?”

A full program has been planned for Sunday. October 21. in the McPherson Church of the Brethren. The morning worship will be centered on the text. "I am The Way -- -- -- .?

The pastor. Rev. Harry K. Zeller Jr., will speak on the subject. "How Do I Get To -- -- -- .?

The final quarterly meeting of the church council will be held in the afternoon at 4 p.m.

The minister will present colored slides at the evening worship hour in the church sanctuary. A narrative description will be giv-en entitled. "Yellowstone — A Visible Mantle of God."

The College Church Choir and Junior Choir will sing in the Morning Worship on Sunday. These choirs alternate with McPherson Church Choir and Youth Choir by singing every other Sunday.

has- been assigned to Mrs. Naomi Dresher for vocal music work in all the grade schools in McPherson.

Mrs. Donald Dresher. Canton. Kas.. will begin her supervised teaching with Mrs. Kathryn Lind-gren in the Canton Grade School next week.

College professors in charge of the supervised teaching program arc Dr. Mary Fee for the elementary teachers and Prof. Merlin Frantz for the secondary teachers.

October 19, 1956

The Spectator Page 4

Campus Personalities . . .

Queen Likes People

Ponder With The President


Sparkling dark green eyes and a warm, friendly smile are only two of the charming things about Sara Ann Coffman, this year’s

Galloping Poll

By Free-For-All Ferris

(Editor's note) Last year the SCA sponsored the Women Pay All week, but since SCA no longer exists, it seems this year there may not be a sponsor for WPA. Thus extended research has been done to get the students' feelings on WPA.

The Galloping Poll is the poll that brings you all the opinions because it is the only poll that reads and swipes things from other polls and then reprints it.

The Galloping Poll is biased on public opinion because the writer never sees his story after it has been revised.

Our poll this week is based on the question, "Are you in favor of having W. P. A. Week, or are you against it?”

Our poll showed the following results: Those for — 97 per cent, those against — 3 per cent.

These were some of the opinions that were received:

"I’m for W. P. A. Week providing some girl asks me. Girl being some nice. cute, freshman.” — Inexperienced Senior.

"I'm for W. P. A. Week providing I can be certain my invitations will not be refused by some handsome, inexperienced senior.” — An Inexperienced Frosh.

(All interested persons contact the Spectator Office at once.)

I think W. P. A. Week would be a fair turn about of fair play in that girls would ask boys for dates and pay for the expenses. I should not be in favor of it, however, because it means a lot of late leaves.” — Miss Neher

"W. P. A. Week is the week we spend in the dorm." — Lyall Sherred.

"I don’t think the boys should have to pay the bills all the time."

—    Delores Wallace.

"W. P. A. Week does not work. For people who are going steady it is a sin. Girls Just don't ask. They’re as shy as the boys." — Disappointed and Disgusted.

"W. P. A. Week is a good thing. It puts the girls in the boys' place and vice versa, and in doing so helps each one to understand the others’ problems." — Gene Wenger.

“I think that W. P. A. Week is important for this reason: In the past few weeks of school the dating of Macollege has been almost nill.

"During this period there has been a girls’ club formed under the exquisite name of "The Dateless Droops of Dotzour.

"W. P. A. Week will give this particular club some sort of social function and also will give the girls of this club a chance to tell of their daring feats with the gentlemen of this campus.

—    James W. Van Blaricum. III.

(Later James gave another

statement at a press conference which in Fahnestock is called a "Bull Session.")

James said. "Those against W. P. A. Week are obviously broke and cannot afford to take the boys out on dates.

Late Bulletin: This quotation just came from the Dateless Droops of Dotzour. Their comment about W. P. A. Week was "Ahhhh” This comment translated means. "Look out! Here we come!" And with this I go over the hill.

Homecoming queen.

"I like People," she says can didly.

Sara Ann, a junior from South English. Iowa, is a home econ omics major and plans to teach cooking and sewing after grad uation.

Her activities have ranged from playing on the girls’ basketball team her freshman year to being Santa Claus at the Dorm Christmas party. This year she is secretary of Student Council, Home Ec Club, and A Cappella Choir.

In addition, she has been a member of MCA. Chapel and Church Choirs, Ladies’ Quartet, FTA, Dorm Council, and Players Club.

Her favorite leisure - time activity is being "creative" with her roommate, Marilyn Metsker. or listening to classical music on their Hi-fi set. Singing and sewing are her hobbies.

“Queenie." as she is now affectionately known to her friends, has a reputation for rescuing stray cats and for blaming her alarm clock when she is habitual-ly late to work in the morning.

She spent this summer trailhiking in Colorado and worked the summer before in Oregon canning peas.

Sara Ann will be crowned queen tonight at the Homecoming Banquet.

Mac Represents Half The States

Macollege family comes from all parts of the world.

Half of the 48 States and six other countries or territories arc represented in the student body this year.

Five students give Puerto Rico as their home, although two more Puerto Rican students now claim Chicago as their home. Three students are from Korea, and one each comes from Africa. Germany, Greece, and Hawaii.

Kansas students top the delegations from the states with a total of 107. Next with almost half as many as Kansas is the Iowa group of 56 students.    

Missouri is represented by 22 from the Show-Me state, and 16 have left the mountains and snows of Colorado for the broad Kansas plains.

Among the southern states represented are Oklahoma with ten. Texas with seven. New Mexico with two. Florida with one. Louisiana with one, Arkansas with one, and Mississippi with one.

From the north come five from Nebraska, nine from Idaho, four from North Dakota, two from Minnesota, and one from Minnesota, and one from Wyoming.

Illinois has sent five students and Indiana and Ohio two each.

From the extreme cast come five from Pennsylvania, four from Maryland, one from Virginia. and one from New York.

Don't Read It! . . .

Fancy Football Facts

By Norris and Carl

Recently it occurred to us that some of the students, especially the girls, may not completely understand the game of football. This distracts from the school spirit, and also results in some rather illogical yells such as "Slide yuh bum. slide!" coming from the stands.

Therefore. Norris and Carl present to you “Fancy Football Facts" as another in the public service series. Football is another spoke in the wheel of education. Without this spoke there would be nothing to do but study on Friday nights.

A football team always consists of eleven players, except for the Baker Special Formation, which includes twelve and is frowned upon by most referees.

To understand the game, it is important to know what the numbers on the players’ backs stand for. They do not stand for the players age or his telephone number as some people seem to think, but rather for his shoe and helmet sizes. Thus, a player with the number 90 wears a size nine shoe and a size zero helmet.

Before each play, the team members meet in a huddle to draw straws to see who gets to run with the ball. The quarterback holds the straws. When he runs out of straws, the coach has to send in a substitute with more straws.

Of the eleven men on the team, seven arc linemen, (not to be confused with the men with a line who frequent the walks to Dotzour.)

The job of the linemen is to knock down all the naughty boys on the other team who want to tackle the ball carrier and ruin all the nice plans of our team.

The object or the offensive team is to make a touchdown by carrying the ball over the goalline. (The team with the ball is called the offensive team, because that is what they arc to the other team.

The referee uses a chain to measure the distance of ten yards required for a first down. The chain is a carryover from the days when football games were so rough that only convicts were used for referees, and they were always brought to the field in chains. The suits which the referees wear also illustrate their direct descent from convicts.

The best place to sit to watch a football game is on the 50 yard line, except that it is a little dangerous because the players sometimes run into you when they aren't looking.

The next best place to sit is, on the opposing teams’ bench, because should you get a chance to steal the other team’s supply of straws, it would throw them into confusion and result in a victory for us.

And now. in clothing, we want to remind you to be in lots of it when you go to the game tomorrow night.

Neher Resumes Studies At Mac

Sophomore from Oswego. Kas.. Doyle Neher. came back to Macampus Sunday to resume his studies. He has been working on the Hermitage View form in Tennessee.

Since May 30. he and an older fellow have been rising at 2:30 a.m. They milked sixty cows twice daily on this dairy farm.

Doyle also helped to show cows at four fairs: Tennessee State Fair. Nashville. Tenn.; Mid-South Fair. Memphis. Tenn.; Pan -American Livestock Exhibit. Dallas. Tex.: Arkansas State Fair. Little Rock. Ark.

All the cows, with the exception of the one exhibited in Little Rock, Ark., received Grand Champion ratings.

Fee Will Attend Meet

Dr. Mary Fee. dean of women, will attend the Annual Convention of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women and Advisers of Girls. Oct. 26-27. in Manhattan.

One evening the association will be guests of the Kansas State Players production of "Six Characters in Search of an Author."

Read and heed the Spec ads.

One of the richest words in the English language is "home."

One of the sentences which is filled with great beauty and deep sentiment in any language, is: "I have come home."

For the husband who has been separated from his family for a while on a business trip, this sentence ends the trip with joy.

For the soldier who has traveled in dangerous places and been through many battles, this sentence brings to an end an episode which often was an agony and a nightmare.

For the student who has been, away to college, and now a vacation has come, this sentence is filled with meaning.

For the college graduate who has found at the college a sense of direction which gave him a commitment in life: a companion who made his home joyous and rich; an education which undergirded his later growth and further studies; a host of friends who have stood by him through the ups and downs of life: the word "homecoming" is filled with meaning.    

The sentence. "I have come home." holds special meaning at homecoming time.

As he comes "home" to the college this year, again it is our hope that he will meet his former friends, talk with his teachers. walk in familiar places, and feel at home.

We who are the students arc on the other end of homecoming. We are already here: it is those returning who arc coming home.

The homecoming is never joy-

Extra Quads Available To Be Used As Gifts

"A yearbook would make a nice present for a student’s parents or grandparents.” says Anne Keim. editor of this year's Quadrangle.

"Students usually take their yearbooks with them and their parents don’t really get to look them over. Grandparents, too. are interested in seeing what is going on at school and what their grandchildren did."

Any student who is interested in ordering a Quadrangle for a gift should see Norris Harms before Nov. l. Cost for these annuals is $5.

ous unless those who arc at home greet the home-comer expectantly. courteously, and joyfully.

Let us have the home well prepared for the return of the home-comers. Let us greet them: let us mak them feel that we arc glad to see them; let us make them welcome.

May this be a great homecoming for all of us.

Faculty Asked To Give One Day’s Pay To Fund

Faculty members have been asked to give to the Community Chest Fund Drive. It was suggested that they give one day’s pay.

This is the third Community Chest Fund Drive to be held in McPherson. The first year the community reached its goal. Last year they fell short of the goal, but this year they hope to reach $28,500.

This money is distributed among the following: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Kansas Childrens Service League, Red Cross. Salvation Army. Speech Correction. YMCA. Clerical Expense and Office. Campaign Expense, and shrinkage.