Topeka, Kansas
Volume XLI
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 12, 1956
No. 6
Quad Takes Group Shots
Additional group pictures for the 1957 Quadrangle will be taken Monday, Oct. 15. Anne Keim, yearbook editor has announced.
Nine campus groups will be taken Monday morning.
At 9:35 the WAA picture will be posed in the gym.
At 9:45 Women's Council picture will be taken on third floor of Sharp Hall.
Spectator staff members including reporters and special writers will be snapped at 9:55 on the front steps of Sharp.
Rec Council members will meet at 10:10 in the gym for their picture.
At 10:30 a shot will be taken of the Design class.
The Fahnestock Hall bunge will be taken at 10:40 to show some of the Fanny fellows at home.
The babies of Kline Hall couples will pose for their picture at 10:50 in the Kline Hall parlor.
Pictures taken yesterday included Future Teachers of America, Debate. Pi Kappa Delta, Alpha Delta, and the McPherson Christian Association cabinet.
The cover design for the yearbook has been completed by Jeane Shively, yearbook artist.
Jeane had a conference with the head artist of Myers and Company while she was attending the KCSA workshop at Baker last weekend.
She was given instructions for completing the original art work for the cover and the end sheets.
Kaufman Will Direct Conference Bible Hour Stewart Kauffman. Director of Ministry and Evangelism from Elgin. Ill., will speak three days at the Bible Hour of Regional Conference, Oct. 27-Nov. 1. This hour is to be from 8:40 - 9:30 a.m.
Coleman Donates Tape Recorder
To help students who are interested in improving their speech, a new tape recorder has been given to the McPherson College by Mr. W. C. Coleman of Wichita.
When Presidents Bittinger and Sharp from McPherson College and College of Emporia were soliciting funds for the Kansas Foundation of Private Colleges and Universities, they met Mr. Coleman and learned of his interest in helping others to improve their speech.
Mr. Coleman, after talking to Presidents Bittinger and Sharp, told them that if they would send the beads of their Speech Departments down to talk to him. he would give a tape recorder to each college.
Prof. Guy Hayes, head of the Speech Dept., went to Wichita last Tuesday to visit with Mr. Coleman and get the tape recorder.
Mr. Coleman, who is 87 years old, is especially interested in improving the public reading of scriptures. He has given over 25 tape recorders to seminaries to be used by ministerial students.
As a young man. Mr. Coleman was interested in the ministry and law. He was studying to be
lawyer, but before he finished college, finances made it neces-sary for him to quit college to work.
It was then that he invented the Coleman lamp, which became such a success that he decided to expand the business.
The Coleman Company provided lights for many mid western towns long before electricity was introduced. Coleman lamps were soon marketed on a world-wide scale and sold in areas where electricity was not available, where they arc still used.
Camp stoves and lamps made by the Coleman Co. have been used extensively by mountain climbers, and these products have gone to both the North and South poles.
The Coleman Co., is now expanding to include the manufacturing of air - conditioning systems. as well as heaters, different types of portable and stationary stoves, and the original lamps.
The tape recorder given to McPherson College by Mr. Coleman is an Eko Tape, one of the most modern tape recorders.
Dramatics Will Begin Following Conference
Prof. Dayton Rothrock and Miss Doris Coppock have been chosen to sponsor Macollege dramatics this year. Plans are to start work on three one-act plays soon after Regional Conference.
The plays will be directed by student directors, with Prof. Roth-rock and Miss Coppock supervising their work.
Prof. Rothrock is now directing the play. "They Came to the City,” which several Macollege Faculty members are giving for Regional Conference. Miss Coppock is in the cast of "They Came to the City."
Christ Calls Us’ Theme Of Meet'
The Christian Education Training Conference theme of Regional Conference is "Christ Calls Us to Teach."
This particular conference will be held three days during Regional Conference, from 2 -p.m.
The first day. C. Ernest Davis will give a talk. 'Teachers Wanted;' and Mary Spessard will present and discuss the film. "The Call Hits the Local Church.”
The other two days the following general program is to be used. Stressed will be the Implications of the Call as related to children, youth, adults and administration.
Mary Spessard. national director of children's work, will lead the children session. The youth session is to be led by Paul Weaver, national director of junior high and camping.
Rufus B. King, national director of adult education, and C. Ernest Davis, executive secretary of Christian education, will lead the adult and administration sessions. respectively.
This particular conference should be of interest to all Macol lege students in religious educa-lion.
Stewart Kaufman
He is a graduate of Elizabethtown College and Bethany Biblical Seminary.
‘ Rev. Kauffman has been active in ministerial work in Pennsylvania.
Choir Will Cook Out
Chapel Choir will hold a cook-out picnic in Lakeside Park. Monday, Oct. 15, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Committees for food, recreation. and steering have been appointed by Charles Ebbert. president.
Women To View Fashions At Style Show Here Tonight
A style show which will feature fall and winter fashions is to be presented in the chapel tonight at 7:30. The Home Eo Club is sponsoring it.
Models arc Judy Brammell, June McDaniel, Anita Wise. Judy Pigott, Marian Thiessen. and Ann Schnaithman.
The downtown stores which are to present their fashions arc Calverts. Morris and Son. Penney's, Jarold's. Stanley's and Litwins.
Sports wear, skirts and sweater sets, dresses, suits and coats, and evening wear arc to be modeled.
Marlene Jamison will read a description of each garment.
All women on college hill are invited to attend. Guests from the Central College and McPherson High School home economics departments are expected.
A tea will follow the style show.
Those on the program committee arc Ruth Davidson, chairman. Ann Schnaithman, and Ruth Han-agarne.
Irene Shull is chairman of the social and tellers committee. Other committee members are Shirley Rhoades. Anne Keim. and Carilyn Krehbiel.
The stage committee includes Marlene Jamison. chairman. Jeane Shively, and Bernice Mathis.
Refreshment committee members are Sara. Ann Coffman, chairman, Betty Ann Wise. Lila Cook, Gwendene Reiff, and Donna Berry.
Ushers for this occasion are Ana Rosa Rodriguez and Zoann Ewing.
Vernona Thralls and Ruth Han-agarne will provide piano music during the show.
Guild - Includes Several Macollege Organists
American Guild of Organists met in Salina, Sept. 25. A progressive party started at the Presbyterian Church and continued to the Christ Cathedral, an Episcopal Church, and then to the First Methodist Church.
The organist of each church gave the registration and the reason for all of the numbers they played. Two students of Macol-legc became subscribing mem bers at the meeting. They were Jeanine Corn and Ann Caylor.
About seven of the organ stu-dents from Mac will be members of the guild this year. Mrs. San Romani, associate professor of piano and organ at Macollege. is Vice Dean of the guild.
Other members from Mac arc Mrs. Don Frederick, Ruth liana-game. Dean Reynolds. Richard Ferris, and Jo Eva Jones. The guild consists of representatives from Lindsborg. Salina. McPherson and surrounding towns. The name of this guild is the Lindsborg Organ Guild.
Home Ec Initiates
The Home Ec Club initiated new members Tuesday evening at 6:30.
Those initialed were Ruth Bar-celo. Donna Berry. Joyce Berry. Judy Brammell. Doris Davidson. Zoann Ewing. JoAnn Negley. Delores Peek. Judy Pigott, Gwen dene Reiff. Jeane Shively, Wanda Soden, Mary Alice Smith, Shirley Stafford. Vernona Thralls, and Betty Ann Wise.
Other new members are Lila Cook. Bernice Mathif. Pat Schech-ter, Phillies Willems. Ellen Williams, and Helen Williams.
Spec Misspells; Frosh Collects
Ila Gauby. freshman, collected on the Spectator's offer for misspelled names last week.
Her name had been spelled Gaeby when the editors noticed it in the proof. The correction came out Ganby.
Ila's name was in the cutline under the front page picture.
The Spec's offer was a coke or cup of coffee to anyone who found his name misspelled in the paper.
College Calendar
Tonight, Home Ec style show in chapel from 7:30 - 9.
Tonight, Skating Party by Skate Club in Lyons. Kas. at 6:30 p.m.
Tomorrow afternoon, Oct. 13, football game against College of Emporia in Emporia at 2:30.
Monday, Oct. 15, Chapel Choir picnic in Lakeside Park at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 19, Queen's Banquet in the Brethren Church social rooms at 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Friday, following banquet, movie "Peggy" to be shown in chapel.
Saturday, Oct. 20, Homecoming. Kansas Wesleyan plays Macollege at 7:30 p.m.
Homecoming activities next weekend will range
from Fairyland to the gridiron. Queen Sara Ann Coffman will reign over the festivities after being crowned at the banquet of Fairyland Dreams Friday night.
Many Macollege graduates will return to the campus, which will be gaily decorated Saturday morning by various Macollege organizations. The football game Saturday night against Kansas Wesleyan will highlight the homecoming activities.
Sara Ann Coffman, a junior from South English. Iowa, was elected queen from four candidates from the junior class by the student body.
Her attendants will be Ann Schnaithman, sophomore, and Judy Brammell. freshman.
Sara Ann. a Home Economics major, has participated in many activities hero on campus. Among
Homecoming Queen Sara Ann receives advice from last year's queen as the two attendants listen in. From left to right are Queen Sara Ann; Anita Wise, last year’s queen; Judith Brammell, freshman attendant; and Ann Schnaithman, sophomore attendant.
Marri Mac Club Formed
Marri Me*. Clab is a new organization for all married couples, of which either one or both arc attending Macollege.
A study revealed there were approximately 60 married couples with one of the couples enrolled at Macollege. Sunday. Sept. 30. 45 of these couples and their children met at Lakeside Park.
They had a potluck lunch and elected the following officers: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Richart. chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Eshel-man. co-chairmen: Mr. and Mrs. James Snyder, secretary-treasurers.
The original Marri Macs was a Sunday school class at the Church of the Brethren for about five or six years.
The new Marri Macs was organized to include all denominations of married couples on campus.
They organized to promote social life for the married couples at Macollege. They arc planning to use the local YMCA building for some of their socials.
Speakers To Tell Of World Trips
Mr. Dale Miller, head of the San-0re Construction Company whose offices are just east of Macollege, and Mr. John D. Montgomery, publisher of the "Junction City Daily Union." will be guest speakers at the Oct. 16 and Oct. 19 chapel meetings respectively.
Mr. Miller will speak on his recent trip to Russia while Mr. Montgomery will relate his experiences of his trips to Latin-America.
With a U. S. Steel Corporation representative. Mr. Miller visited Russia during the past summer to try to sell steel from the U. S. to the Russian industries and to let the U. S. build some of their bridges, roads, and dams.
Four Choirs At Church
This year the college church has four choirs, Junior Choir, Youth Choir. College Church Choir, and McPherson Church Choir. All arc under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick.
The choirs will alternate with two choirs singing each Sunday. This Sunday the Youth Choir and the Adult Choir will sing.
Junior Choir has its practice Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. It is made up of boys and girls from grades four through seven. This choir sings the same Sunday as the College Church Choir.
Youth Choir is composed of students from grades eight through twelve. They practice on Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. Youth Choir sings on the same Sunday as the McPherson Church Choir.
The College Church Choir made up of college students. They practice on Wednesday at 4:15 p.m.
McPherson Church Choir is for adult members of the church. Practice for this choir is Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
John D. Montgomery
Mr. Montgomery, who owns and publishes the only English language newspaper in Brazil — "The Brazil Herald," has made many trips through Latin - America in the past thirty years.
Church Will Celebrate Anniversary Sunday
The Verdigris Church of the Brethren. Madison. Kas.. will celebrate its 75th Anniversary on Sunday. Oct. 14. Phillip Bradley, junior from Wichita. Kas.. is pastor of the church.
Rev. James Elrod, of Kansas City. Kas., will be guest speaker. Visitors are cordially welcomed to both the morning and afternoon services, and a basket dinner is planned.
Spec Cited As Example
Of Professional Paper
"The Spectator is an example of professional journalism," stated Roger Davidson, student editor of the University of Colorado school paper in the newsreporting workshop at the Kansas Conference Student Association conference and the Journalism workshop on Oct. 6. This conference was held at Baker University, Baldwin. Kas.
The highlight of the conference was the keynote speech on the importance of publications on the small college campus to both newspaper and annual staff members by Mr. Emil Telfel of the journalism school of Kansas University.
Mr. Lee Padget of Myers & Company of Topeka and who has worked on the Macollege yearbook gave tips on selling advertisements and working on a yearbook in the Yearbook and Advertisements workshop.
Macollege representatives were Anne Keim, Jeane Shively, Donna Davidson. Norris Harms for the Quadrangle; Duane Fike, Carl Harris. Glenna Hawbaker. Dale Shenefelt. Ruth Hanagarne, and Bill Gripe represented the Spectator.
Mrs. Homer Brunk, the advisor, assisted in giving criticisms of the different school papers.
English Requirements Completed This Term
Only a few students have not completed the required conference on their English Proficiency Test. Mrs. Homer Brunk stated Wednesday.
Since Dr. Maurice A. Hess plans to move his household effects to Missouri during the second semester, he is helping students this semester to complete the English requirement instead of letting them wait until after the test is given at the beginning of the second semester.
Usually remedial work is given during the second semester to students who do not show English proficiency on their second tost.
them are A Cappella Choir, CB-YF. Home Ec Club. McPherson College Players. Quartette, and Dorm Council.
Ann Schnaithman, the attendant for the sophomore class, is also a Home Economics major. She is from Garber. Okla.
Ann is a twirler for the college band, and a member of the band. She plays the flute in the College Civic Orchestra. Ann was on the freshman initiation committee of Student Court, and is a member of the MCA Council.
Judith Brammell, from McLouth Kas., is the attendant from the freshman class. Her objective is Religious Education.
Ira Brammell, Judy's father, is a former Alumni Secretary of McPherson College, and now teaches at Perry, Kas.
Judy has worked as a file clerk for the state of Kansas, and is now working in the Registrars office.
Sara Ann. Judy and Ann will appear on the Helen Gard KTVH show Friday. Oct. 19 at 3 p.m. The co-captains of the football team will also appear on the show, which will be televised on Channel 12 from Hutchinson.
The queen and her attendants will be crowned Oct. 19 at the Queen's Banquet. "Fairy Land Dreams" is the theme of the banquet, and the servers will wear pastel colors in keeping with the decorations.
Banquet tickets can bo purchased until Oct. 17 from Billy Joe Hildreth, Mary Beth Tolle, Jams Emswiler. Delbert Hayes, Dwayne Jeffries. Maida Tinsley, and Paul Freemyer.
The banquet will be prepared by the ladies of the Church of the Brethren. It will be served in the church parlors at 6:30 p.m.
Sara Ann will be crowned Homecoming queen by the retiring queen, Anita McSpadden Wise, formerly from Wiley. Colo.
Many activities are planned for Saturday. Oct. 20. At 10 a.m., a coffee hour and teacher discussion conference for beginning and second year alumni teachers which is sponsored by members of the Education Dept, will be held in the Student Union Room.
Judging of the campus decorations will start at 11 a.m. Prizes will be announced during the foot-game. First prize consists of $30; second. $20; third. $10, and five honorable mention prizes of $5 each will be given.
The M Club luncheon will be served at the Warren Hotel at 12 noon. At 3 p.m., the Alumni Tea will take place in the Student Union Room. The Pep Club will serve a Chili Supper at 5 p.m. in the Church parlors.
The McPherson College Bulldogs will ploy Kansas Wesleyan University at 7:30 p.m. Half time guest band show will be given by the Hill City High School Band. Ronald Moyer, who graduated from McPherson College in 1949. is director of the band.
After the game in the College Cafeteria and the Dog House a coffee hour is planned for both alumni and students. *
Many friends and relatives of McPherson College students will be on campus for the weekend festivities.
Kolstad Resume* School
Ole Kolstad. Macollege junior, who recently spent several weeks in the hospital, returned to some of his classes this week.
Ok states that be is quite weak from his illness but that be hopes to be able to attend all of his classes soon.
Tomorrow at 2:30 p. m., the Bulldogs will play possibly the toughest game of the season against League leading College of Emporia. The game will be held at the C. of E. stadium.
College of Emporia is the de-
fending KCAC Champion this year. So far in the season they have won all three of the conference games which they have played.
Last weekend they won their third conference game when they defeated Bethany 40-13. The starting C. of E. lineup only played little more than a quarter and the rest of the game was played by reserves.
Last year C. of E. was the winner in the contest with the Bulldogs in a score of 26-0 The Bull-dogs had trouble stopping the aggressive offense in the first half, but in the second half they tightened their defense somewhat and held the opposition's scoring down.
This year the C. of E. “Pres-bies" are not considered to have quite as powerful a team as in the previous season but they will still be plenty rough on their home field tomorrow afternoon.
They will also be seeking their fourth consecutive conference championship this year. In the previous meetings, C. of E. has had 11 wins. 5 losses and 3 ties.
Money to finance their college education is earned by a large percentage of Macolloge students who work part time during the school year.
Students serve as assistants, typists, and janitors on campus, while others work at numerous jobs off campus.
Bernice Mathis, freshman from Oklahoma City, began training Monday for a position in Ren berger Jewelers.
Wanda Soden, a freshman from Rocky Ford. Colo., is employed part time at J. C. Penney Co.. doing office work and clerking.
Frances Straka. a local freshman. has a typing position at Crabbs Town and Country where Dave Frazier, junior from Charles City. Ia.. and Danny Crouse. Hutchinson freshman, do various phases of delivery work.
Joe Reeves, senior from Nampa. Idaho, works as attendant Stratton Service Station. Loren Zook. McPherson, freshman, holds a similar position at Skelly Oil Station.
Phyllis Bernbeck. freshman from Quinter. Kas.. is employed as a sales girl at Calverts. Beverly Hall, a senior from Twin Falls. Idaho, works at Hubbell’s Drug Store.
* Nurserymen
Two junior fellows, Ed Butler, from Eldorda, la., and Ed Swit-zer. from Haxtun. Colo, are work
ing at Nelson Nursery for the third year. Their work includes seeding lawns and planting shrubs.
Vernon Reinecker. Quinter, freshman, and Dean Stump, sophomore from Cushing. Okla.. are among the Macollege students employed irregularly by Nelsons.
Mary Beth Tolle and Joan Ford. McPherson sophomore and junior. are regular employees the Dairy Dip.
Don Glahn. senior from Gypsum. Kas.. works part time at Select Dairy as a delivery truck driver.
Odd Jobs
Lee Dadisman. Macollege junior from Nevada, la., works for Mrs. Aubrey Hale doing yard work. Chuck Vance, senior from Twin falls. Idaho, and Bob Nelson, junior from Boise. Idaho, are among the Macollege students employed at Casebeer Junk and Supply.
Bob Pittman, junior from Astoria, Ill., has a Saturday job working for Earl Mathis including such work as tearing down barracks at Salina.
Richard Smith, junior. Akron, Ohio, does a variety of jobs at Mountain Iron and Supply, where he is employed part time. He repairs pumps, stocks shelves, and makes up orders.
The remaining conference games are as follows:
Oct. 13 — College of Emporia at Emporia. 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 20 — Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson (Homecoming), 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 27 — Friends at Wichita, 8 p.m.
Nov. 2 — Ottawa at Ottawa. 8 p.m.
Nov. 9 — Bethany at McPherson, 7:30 p.m.
Home Ec Meet At K-State
The Home Economics Workshop will be held tomorrow at Kansas State College in Manhattan.
Group discussions will be held in the morning. At noon, a lunch-eon is. being planned with Dean Doretta Hoffman speaking "The Home Economists Role Making a Better World.”
A main feature of the afternoon will be a tour of the Home Economics Department at Kansas State.
Royce Roesch and Vernon Scott. ex-Mac students, are members of the September unit for Brethren Service at New Windsor. Md.
Royce has written that the unit of 54 is the largest in the history of volunteer service.
The unit has been divided into two groups, half working in the morning while the other group is attending classes and then attending classes in the afternoon while the other group takes its turn working in the relief center processing goods to be sent to Europe and other needy places.
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal you're trying to reach.
Science Department of Macol-lege has 12 assistants. Four are in the Physics Department working with Prof. J. L. Bowman; five are with Dr. Wesley DeCoursey in the Chemistry Department; the remaining three arc assistants to Dr. John Burkholder in the Biology Department.
Physics Department
George Eisele. Joe Reeves, Richard Carney, and Glenn Mor-land are in the Physics Department.
George Eisele, a senior from McPherson, plans to be a teacher.
Mission work is the line of interst of Joe Reeves. Joe is a junior from Nampa, Idaho.
Richard Carney in interested in teaching. He is a senior from Nickerson. Kas.
Union. Iowa is the home of Glenn Morland. Glenn is a sophomore interested in science.
Chemistry Department
In the Chemistry Department are Galen Stucky, Ed Wolf. Gene Myers. Ed Emmert. and Richard Carney. Richard is an assistant in two fields.
Galen Stucky is a senior from McPherson. He plans to be a nu-clear physicist.
Ed Wolf, from Quinter. Kas.. is a senior. He. too. plans to be a nuclear physicist.
Gene Myers is interested in teaching. He is a senior from Essex, Mo. ‘
Ed Emmert has the right job because he is interested in chemistry. He is a junior from Red-field, Iowa.
Biology Department
The three assistants in the Biology Department are Nancy Keim. Pat Schechter. and Larry Hayes.
Nancy Keim is a senior from Peru, Ind. She plans to be a science teacher.
Pat Schechter. a junior, is from Worthington. Minn. She plans to be a nurse.
Larry Hayes is a sophomore from McPherson. He plans to study to be an M.D.
All of the teams in the Conference played last weekend. Game results show that there are several powerful teams in the conference this year and the race for first place could be a close one.
College of Emporia, considered to be the most powerful team in the conference this year, and who is also defending last year's title, defeated Bethany College 40-13. Bethany's two touchdown's were scored against the C. of E. reserves, who played almost three quarters of the game.
The Bethel Graymaroons recovered from their previous defeat by McPherson to beat Ottawa 13-12.
McPherson on the other hand, won their second straight conference victory when they defeated Baker University 27-13- Baker was previously rated higher than the Bulldogs.
Friends College. who was considered to have a fairly strong team this year, fell apart last weekend when they were smothered by Kansas Wesleyan 63-6
Some of the teams are showing up somewhat differently than had been previously expected by many of the coaches, and the strong College of Emporia team may have some serious competition.
Attendance Unnecessary
Optional class attendance has been granted 251 juniors at Kansas State College this semester.
To qualify for the privilege, the juniors had to maintain B overage or better during the previous semester in college.
Quiet, Please!
“Please observe quiet hours.” the proctor requests.
Selected McPherson College students who are upper classmen, act as floor proctors in the dormitories on Macollege Campus.
The duties of floor proctors are to keep order, keep things running harmoniously, see that lights are out after quiet hours at night and during the daytime, and help sense and help to solve personal problems of the students on their floors.
The floor proctors in Dotzour Hall, girls' dorm, are Juanita Fike. first floor; Adele Berns-torf, second floor; and Donna Berry, third floor.
Two boys’ dormitories are Arnold Hall and Fahnestock Hall. In Arnold Hall the floor proctors arc Dean Schrock, third floor, and Kenny Singleton, fourth floor.
Floor proctors in Fahnestock Hall are Bill Gripe, first floor; Dwight Oltman. second floor; and Dwayne Jeffries, third floor.
Some people, like steamboats, toot loudest when they're in a fog.
Skaters To Go To Lyons
Skate Club members will be skating tonight in the Lyons, Kas rink. After the skating party, aU are invited to Lila Cook's home at Lyons.
By Vilas Lakhite I hope that everyone knows that Mickey Mantle won the triple crown in batting. What people don’t know is that Ted Williams came In a close second to the "Mick” in batting average, and that A1 Kaline was close behind in RBI's.
Mickey has hit 8 home runs in his World Series career. This puts him only 7 behind the Bambino. Mickey is quite young and may have a few more World Series to play in thus helping him to catch up with the Babe.
Don Larsen pitched a sensational no hit, no run, “no nothing" game Monday, thus overshadowing Sal Maglie's brilliant five hitter. I am sure those who missed the phenomenal game will hear about it for a long time.
The game was tensed up by a brilliant fielding play by Mickey Mantle, which overshadowed Duke Snider’s unbelievable diving catch.
Larsen threw only 97 pitches in retiring 27 batters in a row. He was ahead of the baiters most of the time.
Olympics Near As the time for the Olympic Games nears, the tension mounts to an almost unbearable stage for the competitors and fans. The favorite is the United States, but bitter competition is expected from the Soviet Union.
Although no scoring system is authorized by the Olympians, the unofficial scoring system is 10 points for first place, 5 points for second, four for third, etc.
Actually, there is no winning country recognized by anyone but the newspapers.
Many stars are on our team this year. Short Charles Dumas (8' 1 1/2") with his sensational performances has acquired the honor of holding the World Record by jumping 7 feet. 1/2 inch during the Olympic trials.
This feat overshadowed the performance by Midget Phil Reaves (5’ 8 1/2") with a spectacular leap of 6 feet. 8 1/2 inches. These two may be the shortest high jumpers in the Olympics.
Many people think of tennis as a "sissy’s” game, but those that have played It think otherwise. Great training and practice leads to the best performances. One feels quite "pooped out” after one or two matches in this sport.
It is as colorful and tense as any other sport.
The Bulldogs showed their fans that they can have a powerful football organization when they defeated Baker University last Friday night by a score of 27-13. The Canine conference record now stands at 2-0.
The Baker Wildcats, who were sporting some 20 returning letter-men. were simply no match for the ground attack displayed by McPherson. Touchdowns for Mac were made in each of the four quarters.
The first score was made in a 78 yard run by quarterback Kenny Stucky. The Bulldogs had been precariously holding Baker on the one-yard line before the score was made.
In the second quarter, after a quick kick by Baker, McPherson took over on its own 20 yard line. A thrilling run around end by George Casebeer put the ball on the Baker 43. Then Baker recovered a fumble on the 25 yard line.
McPherson gained possession soon afterwards when Dick Keim intercepted a pass and returned the ball to the Baker 25. After a couple of plays. Earl Guiot smashed 12 yards and then two more to put the ball on the one yard line. Richard Heidebrecht went over for the TD and this time Rolf's extra point attempt was good.
Baker scored its first touchdown early in the third period when they recovered a fumble on their own 35 yard line. They drove to the McPherson 31 and then a 15 yard holding penalty against
Mac pul them in close enough for Tom Kolacay to plunge over for the TD. Extra point attempt was good.
With a score of 13-7, McPherson was forced to punt on their fourth down. However, after going 35 yards, the ball touched a Baker player, and McPherson end. Ed Delk fell on it to gain possession for the Bulldogs.
After one play. Widrig went around left end for 17 yards and Mac's third touchdown. Rolfs put the ball between the goalposts for the extra point.
McPherson's passing attack did not succeed once in 5 attempts, but their ground gome was good. Baker completed seven passes in 18 attempts to McPherson’s 0-5. However in net yards gained rushing. McPherson had 358 to the oppositions 200.
Baker’s second TD was made against McPherson's reserve players in the final minutes of the game.
Cheerleaders To Gel Jackets From Pep Club
Mac's cheerleaders will have new jackets. Pep Club is helping to buy them.
These will be reversible red and white orlon jackets.
Pep Club To Serve Chili
Pep Club has a new yell. They arc yelling that there is to be a Chili Supper in the church basement on next Saturday, Oct 20. It will start at 5 p.m. The chili will cost 65 cents with second helpings for 20 cents.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
Seventeen-year-old Ruth Barcelo, daughter of Puerto Rican House of Representatives member, Jose Barcelo, is enrolled as a freshman at Macollege this year.
Ruth, whose friendly nature is frequently emphasized by her winking one dark eye, is majoring in home economics and plans a teaching career.
White, Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Don White of Des Moines, la., announce the eagage-ment of their daughter. Janet, to Eugene Snyder of York N. D-Janet, who is now working in McPherson. was a Mac student last year. Gene is a junior this year.
The couple will be married
Nov. 3 in Des Moines. Ia.
Rath, one of six Puerto Ricans on the McPherson College campus this year arrived in the United States by plane on Aug. 8.
Kansas weather and American food are two things which seem most different to this slender, dark - haired teenager.
"I don’t really miss any food.” Ruth states, as she explains that she likes to eat American food better than Puerto Rican.
"We use quite a bit of American food in my home. My mother. Luz Maria Lopez, made the American dishes; I never did. She made mostly casserole dishes and salads, learning from the American diplomats, exchange teachers and students whom my father would bring to our home.”
Ruth is one of the middle members of a family of eight and is the first member of her family to study in the States. Her older sister did live for a time in New York.
In order to finish her high school course in two years instead of the customary three. Ruth took summer sessions at Ponce. Puerto Rico. She received her degree on Aug. 3. just one month before she enrolled at McPherson College.
She is now a member of the McPherson College Home Economics Club.
During high school Ruth was active in Future Homemakers of America, serving as club treasurer and vice president, earning her junior homemaker degree, and attending state FHA convention in San Juan as a delegate.
Ruth, whose hobbies include, collecting photos of all her friends and playing ping pong, likes both cooking and sewing.
One of her home tasks was helping her mother operate the telephone switchboard which was located in the Barcelo home. In Ruth’s hometown of 10.000 popu lation there were 75 telephones.
Although she has studied English for 11 years and it is spoken in her home when Americans are guests, she still has some difficulty with the language. Ruth enjoys a rapid fire session of Span ish now and then with the other Spanish - speaking students on McPherson College.
Ruth’s plans for studying in the United States took definite form a year ago this past summer when Dr. D. W. Bittinger, president of McPherson College, visited in the Barcelo home in Atjuntas, Puerto Rico.
Initial plans for Ruth's education in ‘the states had been started prior to that through her father's meeting in the States with Dr. Harold Rowe, of the Brethren Service Commission sponsored by the Church of the Brethren.
However. Ruth’s first impres
sions of McPherson College were not gained from either Dr. Bittinger or Dr. Rowe, but from students of McPherson College. Students from Macollege conducted summer work project under sponsorship of the Brethren Service Commission and gave the Barcelo family the first news of McPherson College.
Members of the Barcelo family visited often at Castaner. Puerto Rico during the two summers that Macollege students constructed a road to the top of Castaner hill where a roadhouse was converted into a church and a school.
This aquaintance began the chain of events which have allowed Ruth to attend McPherson College.
Youth Cabinet To Iowa
Three deputation groups sent by the Western Youth Cabinet will travel to different parts of Iowa this weekend.
Irvin Wagner, Donna Davidson, Bill Gripe, and Leon Neher will visit the Greene Church which, covers the Northern Iowa and Minnesota district.
Those going to the Panther Creek Church at Adel in Middle Iowa are Gene Myers, Sonya Kaufman, and Carl Harris.
Representatives to the Monroe County Church in Southern lowa are Dwight Oilman, A1 Nyce. and Marlon Landhuis.
A general program will be used by the three groups to stimulate more interest in CBYF.
They’re On The Shelves
Broadly speaking, all books may edited by Wallace Fowlie con-be considered literature, whether tains outstanding poems in French
Unexpectedly. Donna Davidson saw her cousin. Roger Davidson, at the Baker University journalism workshop last weekend. She chanced to over-hear a conversation relating the fact that several fellows from C. U. were present.
Inquiring further, she found that one of the fellows was her cousin whom she hadn't seen for about six years.
great or insignificant. However, the books which contain a writer's creative, often imaginative, thinking, are those which we usually class as literature.
Some of the new library books in this class are:
Thoreau of Walden by Henry Beetle Hough is a biography of an original philosopher which portrays him as a person rather than analyzes his writings.
The Symbolist Movement by Kenneth Cornell tells of the development of a movement which occurcd during the last 20 years of. the nineteenth century and which had a strong influence on poetry.
Symbolism, which centered in France and Belgium, is presented in the order of its development by this author, associate professor of French at Yale.
English Religious Drama of the Middle Ages by Hardin Craig describes medieval drama as something important for its own sake, while not neglecting its influence on the drama of the Renaissance.
Critics's Choice; New York Drama Critics’ Circle Prize Plays for 1935-1955 edited by Jack Gaver contains 16 most outstanding plays of the last 20 years.
The full texts of all the plays but one. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, arc published in this book.
Plays for Great Occasions by Graham DuBois contans 24 -one act. royalty - free plays suitable for holidays. Most of these plays are historical.
Production notes, giving suggestions for costumes and properties. are included with each play.
In the Winter of Cities by Tennessee Williams includes all the poems he has written up to that time that he wishes to preserve.
Some of these poems are light, and some are strong and intense. Mr. Williams has rewritten some of his older poems to conform to his changed ideas.
Mid- Century French Poets
Dinner is Served!
Home Economics Club is planning to serve two dinners this year.
Monday. Oct. 29. a college fellowship supper for Regional Conference guests will be served. The meal which will consist of chili, is sponsored by the college.
Marlene Jamison and Irene Shull, senior home economics majors. are sharing responsibilities in planning the supper.
The Nurses Club of the city is
tobe severed a dinner in the Home Economics Department Dec. 5.
Ruth Davidson and Anita Wise, senior home economics majors, ore in charge of making the arrangements.
and their English translations.
Great Spanish Stories edited by Angel Flores is a collection of 16 stories including modem Spanish fiction as well as the work of great writers in the past.
Creole Folk Tales collected by Hewitt Ballowe relates stories told by the French in Southern Louisiana in the manner of the Creole storyteller.
Four international students from McPherson College were on the program for the Nickerson Grade School PTA at Nickerson. Kas.. Tuesday. Oct. 9. Paul Wagoner sponsored this group.
Mrs. Chan Jo. senior, from Korea: Manfred Grote, freshman from Sulingen, Germany’: and Ana Rosa Rodriguez, junior from Puer-to Rico. spoke.
Mary Gatewood, junior, majoring in biology, sang. "One World” and He Holds the Whole World in His Hand." Mary’ is from Pi-uey Woods, Miss., and has toured with the Piney Woods Singers.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes. a non - denominational organization for sports - minded Christians, was the subject off Coach Sid Smith's talk at MCA Thursday night.
Both Coach Smith and his assistant coach. Bob Wise, attended the first annual conference of the organization, which was held this year at Estes Park. Colo., August 19-23.
Some of the leaders at the conference were Doak Walker. Otto Graham, Branch Rickey. Don Moomaw. Biggie Munn, Phogg Allen, and Dean Cromwell, as well as other famous athletes and coaches.
The conference and these leaders combined athletics with religious and inspirational discussions. Those attending were encouraged to use their prestige among youth for Christian purposes. Emphasis was placed on individual witnessing, rather than organized group activity.
June birthdays of all the girls in Dotzour Hall were celebrated Monday night at 10 p.m. Miss Neher served the girls ice cream, cookies, and hot tea in her parlor.
The girls who have birthdays in June are Adele Bernstorf and Eva Navarro. June 3; Vivian Oliver. June 4; Mardella Guenther, June 6: Erma Lea Brewer. June 11; June McDaniel and Ruth Hoff. June 14; Sandra Mitchel and Barbara Gooden, June 19; Shirley Williams and Kathryn Burkholder, June 20; and JoAnn Negley. June 25.
The following night birthdays of girls bom in October were celebrated. There were eight bom in October. They were Joyce Berry. Oct. 14: Connie Brooks. Oct. 12: Delaine Larson. Oct. 20; Linda Royer. Oct. 22. Janelle Miller. October 24: Mary Ann Guthals, Qct. 27; Frances Straka. Oct. 28; and Bernice Bernstorf Oct. 29.
Alcoholic tests for the McPherson and Rice County sheriffs and the McPherson City Police are run by Dr. Wesley DeCoursey in Macollege's Chemistry Department.
Dr. DeCoursey has served the college and the public in a number of ways during the four years he has been on the faculty.
Workshop At Quintcr
Those going to Quinter. Kas., last weekend for a recreation work shop were Dr. John Burkholder. Associate Professor of Biology. Paul Wagoner. Alumni Secretary. and Ruth Davidson, senior from McCune, Kas.
While there. Ruth visited with ex-Mac students. Nancy Ruth Erisman and Carol Hintz. Nancy Ruth is teaching the second grade in .Quinter, and Carol is teaching the fourth grade in Wakeeney.
Class Takes Field Trip
Farm Crops Class visited the Canton Experimental Station Canton. Kas„ Monday morning, Oct.
Members of the class who are Dick Bittinger. Ronald Bowman. Thelma Clouse. Chuck Ebbert. Kenneth Harris. LeRoy Hayes. Fred Koons. Dwight Royer, Dale Shenefelt. Dean Stump. Delbert Thiessen, Johnny Likhite, and Carl Williams.
John Ward is instructor for the class.
Do you like to sit around doing nothing? Would you like to be an art model? The art department is using students as models for advanced classes who are studying figure drawing and painting.............. ...... -
Students who model for the adult class of town people from the newly formed McPherson Art Association are paid 75 cents an hour. This class meets from 6:30 to 8:30 on Wednesday evenings.
No provision has been made for paying wages to those who model for Macollege art students. Therefore those models will be given the portraits painted o f them as payment.
The portraits will remain in the department until the end of the school year, and then will become the property of the model.
MONEY: What things run into, and people run out of.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
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After the football game Friday evening. Billy Joe Hildreth and Herb Johnson were hosts to a group of Mac students in Bittinger's basement. An oyster feed was served by candlelight.
Those present for the occasion were Vivian Oliver. Alma Good-fellow, Barb King. Joyce Flory, Joan Ford. JoAnn Negley, Lyall Sherred. Duane Fike. Bill Gripe, Delbert Hayes, and the hosts Billy Joe Hildreth and Herb Johnson.
After eating, the following procedure was followed: the fellow’s washed and dried the dishes while the girls sang songs.
Wesley DeCoursey
Dr. DeCoursey has set up special soil lab in his. own private laboratory at the college. In this lab he tests soils for the County Agricultural Extension Council.
In making intoxication tests Dr. DeCoursey uses either blood or breath samples. The blood samples are analyzed directly for alcohol by chemical tests.
The intoximeter which measures the alcoholic content in the breath enables the tester to find the alcoholic content in the breath
Analysis is made on a chemical through which the breath passes Breath samples are collected in a balloon and are allowed to pass through tubes which contain carbon dioxide and alcohol.
curately to the fourth decimal place. The alcohol content must be above .15 to be considered intoxicating.
Approximately 25 to 30 such alcoholic tests are made each year by Dr. DeCoursey.
He has tested over 1150 samples of soil taken from fields and gar-den plots in McPherson County.
A record of Dr. DeCoursey's soil tests is kept on a record in the county agents office.
The cost of the. equipment in this soils laboratory is approximately $1,300 of which $700 was for a Coleman Spectrophotometer, used to determine the content of various chemicals in the soil.
A soil lime meter which indicates accurately how much lime a soil sample needs cost $300. This laboratory was set up through a cooperative arrangement between the County Agricultural Council and Dr. DeCoursey.
Dr. DeCoursey is taking over the duties of the college museum during the absence of Dr. R. E. Mohler. who has been serving as curator. Dr. Mohler has gone to Denver. Colo., to serve as interim pastor of the Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren for one year.
Dr. DeCoursey will receive articles which ore donated to the museum and will classify and add them to the permanent record.
Since the museum is open to the public and visitors lour it often. Dr. DeCoursey schedules these visits and acts as a guide or provides one.
Coming To Wedding
Visiting on campus this weekend will be Mrs. Frances Evans of Blair. Nebr.. and Bev Evans of Evanston, 111.
They are coming for the Evans-Beam wedding, which will be Saturday evening.
Part of the intoximeter must be weighed on a very sensitive balance which will weigh it ac- Read and heed the Spec ads.
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Enjoy a Tasty Snack The Dairy Dip
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Campus Personalities . .
Lyle Neher, senior from Oswego. Kas.. is president of the McPherson Christian Association, the student body religious group.
Lyle is a Rural Life major, and is the welding and lathe assistant in the Rural Life department. He is also the vice - president
Lyle Neher
During Lyle's first summer in Europe, he and another worker visited the Holy Land and toured points of interest there.
During Lyle's second summer in Europe he and Glendon Button. '56. directed an international workcamp at Katlenberg, Germany.
Don’t Read It!
other organic nervous diseases.
Patients Trained
Bethel was founded on the idea that the patients should have something to do so that their minds would not dwell on their illnesses. Epileptics arc not allowed to attend a normal school, so here they are given an education and trained in various trades.
First I was in the house Beth-saida, which is for girls from 10-16,
For the first several days I went to school with them to learn more German. This greatly amused them that someone as big as I should go to school with them.
Annual Conference was Aug. 20-26 and was really a spiritual uplift. Almost all the volunteers and the exchange students were there.
The conference theme was 'Toward a Transformed Tomorrow” and was concerned with the future of Brethren Service and with our futures.
I returned home on Monday, and I have just begun my work here in Mara. Mara is the first house to which the patients come for examination and observation, before they are transferred to the proper house.
As the school year begins, may I wish each of you a successful and happy year. I think often of McPherson College and of you.
I eagerly look forward to the time when I will return to you and share with you my many experiences here.
May I again say a very heartfelt thanks, and God Bless you all. Sincerely,
(Editor's Note: Elsie Lucore, Macollege student, is an exchangee to Germany this year. She is under the sponsorship of Peace Group and CBYF. The following letter was written to Macollege students by Elsie.)
Dear Gang.
I will try to catch you up to where I am in brief form, but even then I think it will take volumes. First of' all I want to thank all of you for this wonderful opportunity.
I really have a wonderful place to represent and am trying my best to do so.
I left home on June 27 by bus headed for New Windsor. Md.. for a get acquainted session with other exchangees and to attend a peace conference.
Plans Changed
However, when we arrived there our plans were upset as they had received word that because of ship trouble we would have to sail from Quebec. Canada. instead of New York.
We left for Quebec on the first of July. We left from there on the Arosa Star on July 3.
We had such things on board ship as music concerts, lectures and forums on current problems, travel tips and history on the various countries, movies, and recreation.
Arrived in Euope
We docked in Bremmerhaven at 11 pm. July 14. Esther Moh-ler and one of the former exchangees met us. We drove to Bremen that night. The next morning we attended church in one of the two Protestant Cathedrals in Europe.
On July 17, I left for Biele- feld and arrived about l p.m. Two of the students met me at the station and conducted me to the Theologische Hochschule which will be my home for the next year.
Belongs to College
I have no family, but will belong only to the college. Perhaps I should say that I have an extra large family. The students really gave me a hearty welcome and I felt right at home from the first.
Since school is out for vacation. I am at Bethel, a sort of suburb of Bielefeld in the northwestern part of Germany. It is an epileptic colony and almost a city of its own. because the patients make almost all of the materials which are used.
Bethel covers 1500 acres and cares for approximately 7000 patients. Approximately 3000 of these are epileptics and the others arc mental cases, neurotics, and
Lehman Attends Meet
Miss Della Lehman, progessor of English, attended an English conference in Kansas City last weekend. The meeting was sponsored by the University of Kan-as City.
While there. Miss Lehman attended a performance of the "Mikado.”
.McPherson, Kansas
of the McPherson College Agriculture Club.
Last year he was president of the Peace Group steering committee. He has been a member of the Rec Council. CBYF. and SCA. He was vice - president of his sophomore class.
Between Lyle's sophomore and junior years in college, he served two years in alternative service. During that time he was stationed near Istanbull Turkey
He and another alternative service worker managed a Bulgarian Refuge Farm for about 100 refugees there. The farm was sponsored by the World Council of Churches and the U. S. escapee
By Norris and Carl
The Queen's Banquet is .next Friday night, and everyone will wont to use his best manners. Therefore, os another public service of Norris and Carl, we present to you the Harms and Harris Etiquette Guide, or Happy Eating Habits- for Hungry Heathens.
Incidentally, another spoke in the wheel of education is eating. Without this spoke the wheel will stone.
Fellows, about the first thing you need to know about the banquet is how to seat your date. When pulling the chair out from the table for her to sit. you must resist the urge to pull it on out from under her when she sits down
When reaching for something across the table, always remember to keep one foot on the floor. If something that you want is out of reach, don't ask for it. since that will disturb the others at the table. Simply grab hold of the tablecloth and pull until the desired object is within reach.
When you sit down, you will probably find an array of four or more forks staring blankly at you. Of course you cannot imagine what to do with all of them.
The simplest way out of this di-lemna is to slip three of the forks in your vest pocket, and use the remaining one for everything. (Except scraping gravy off your tic and eating peas, for which you may use your knife.)
Should you inadvertently spill water on the girl sitting next to you, don't get shook. The waitress will soon bring you more
By Elijah Odokara
Kings, princesses, and other directors of affairs of men. use rules, acts, and laws to keep those under them within the walls of their interests.
One misconception of principle of authority and its demands and obligations, is that laws are used as a weapon of self-satisfaction and for promotion of self interests.
Above the level of physical existence and towards the sphere of idea, where the many becomes the ONE and man is known as a simple MAN of creation, there exists a royal law. Its dignity is not in domination, but in service and self-sacrifice.
Unto the law depend the preached salvation of mankind and the object of all positive ideology, the hope of universal brotherhood and the dreams of order out of this course.
It is from and through this door that creation becomes the highest principle of thought and recognizes its pre-eminence, for it gives meaning to action.
Ths royal law is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Society is divided into two classes: those in the swim, and those in the soup.
Carl M. Anderson-Mettlen Agency 110 West Kansas McPherson, Kansas
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Hardware - Houseware Electrical Appliances 224 N. Main Ph. 424
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Rexall Drug Store McPherson, Kansas
All student members of the church should have received the October copy of "Church News." This paper is sent to all members of the church, resident and nonresident.
"Church News” is published monthly to let the people know what is happening. The editor is Mrs. Homer Brunk. Other members of the editorial staff are Mrs. Harold Beam, Mrs. Ernest Wall. Mrs. Melvin Christy, and Dr. Wesley DeCoursey.
Ministers Visit Campus
Two Evangelical United Brethren ministers and their wives were on Macampus last Saturday.
Those here were Rev. and Mrs. Harry Richer of Peru, Ind.. and Rev. and Mrs. V. Glen Megill of Hutchinson. Kas.
They had attended a meeting at the Central E. U. B. Church in Hutchinson and decided to visit Mac’s Campus.
While here, they ate dinner in the cafeteria and visited with several of the Mac students.
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This year renewed effort is bang made to keep the many necessary meetings connected with college life from cutting too deeply into our evenings, thus making it hard for us to find time to study.
The pressure to establish more clearly certain hours which may be called study hours, comes not from faculty alone, but also from students.
We are pleased with the cooperative way in which the students have entered into the undertaking to schedule their meetings before the hour of eight o’clock so that after eight o'clock on Monday through Thursday, there might be more time definitely set aside for study.
Of course, faculty and students, alike, realize that setting aside hours for study does not mean that study will be done. It does however, clear the trackage and make it easier for study to be done.
If we all cooperate, I believe we can get our many meetings finished before eight o'clock on most evenings. If there are times when it is necessary to break over and have meetings carry beyond that, a committee has been established which can give the necessary permissions.
It is our sincere hope that all students and all faculty will cooperate in trying to keep these evening hours open.
We all want to make good grades. There are even mercen-ary reasons for good grades. It is important to have a good transcript when you apply for a job.
It is also important to have a good transcript when you go on toward graduate school or professional school. If such a transcript is to be acquired, we must find time for study.
Moreover, if we have our lessons reasonably well taken care of so that we feel we arc doing a creditable piece of work, somewhere near what we arc able to do. then we can enjoy our leisure hours more.
Let us make this the best year
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Dr. D. W. Bittinger
we have ever had. Let us play and have fun, but let us also study.
Freshmen, do you feel squeamish when you walk into Mrs. Brunk's English 3 class fifteen minutes late?
Do you feel embarrassed when she stops the discussion until you have taken your seat? We have news for you.
Last Saturday at the journalism workshop at Raker University, the whole group was in a general session listening to a guest speaker. The meeting had been going on for a half hour, when the door to the room opened and Mrs, Brunk cautiously entered.
The speaker stopped his speech to comment. "A dillar, a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar. What made you come so soon?"
And all Mrs. Brunk could do was to creep into a seat in the front row. knowing ail the while that the eyes of a dozen Macol-lege students were on her.
Students At Wedding
Going to Independence, Kas., last weekend were Shirley Groth, , sophomore, and Jeanine Corn, senior. They visited in their homes and attended a wedding.