McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas Friday, November 18, 1949
No. 10
Position Of Campus Editor Is Open
Frantz Resigns Spec Position Campus Editorship Now Open
Students To Attend BSCM Conference In Ashland, Ohio
"God’s Dreams for Christian Students” is the theme of the annual Brethren Student Christian Movement Conference, November 24-27, at Ashland, Ohio.
Outstanding leaders of then-
Church of the Brethren will be represented on the conference program. D. W. Bittinger, T. Wayne Rieman, E. K. Ziegler, Gladdys Muir, Don Snider, Alvin Bright-bill, and C. E. Davis will bo among this group.
Main topics of discussion will be on the campus-extra-curricular. curriculum, personal religious living, everyday living; and beyond the campus-vocational guidance, family living, world citizenship, and community responsibilities.
Delegates from McPherson will be Marilue Bowman. Delma Cline,
Betty Ann Murrey, Lorene Clark,
Irwin Porter, John Firestone, Coraid Neher, and David Brammell.
Miss Anne Krehblel will accompany the group.
The group will start back to McPherson late Sunday afternoon.
Bookstore Boasts Holiday Display
Have you seen the counter display in the Business Office? It portrays a rabbit, squirrel, and pheasant against a colorful array of autumn leaves. The purpose of this display is advertising of the A Cappella records which have been placed In a horn of plenty among the leaves. This is a unique display in keeping with the Thanksgiving Holiday.
It is the only one of its kind on the campus.
Cafeteria Promotes No Waste Campaign
Mrs. J. F. Slifer, cafeteria manager, states that she is trying to put food before the students that they want, not merely what they need. It is a dietitian’s job (in a hospital) to prescribe a menu for the patients. But hungry students are not satisfied with a prescribed diet.
Students Should Reques Favorite Dishes
Mrs. Slifer requests that the students tell her some of their favorite dishes. After all. that is her only way of knowing what they want. The cafeteria is always open to suggestions that are within reason. But the student should realize that a dish that looks delicious in the center of the home dinner table may not appear as appetizing when it is prepared for 250 people.
Market Bargains Are Passed On
Some students have wondered why different prices appear on the meats or other foods. Whenever Mrs. Slifer gets a bargain in marketing, she passes this lowered price on to the students. But when the food costs are raised, the cafeteria must also raise its prices.
The cafeteria is on a non-profit basis. The prices may seem high; but the cooks, dish washers, and counter girls must be paid. $4,000 Deficit Last Year
Last year the cafeteria went about, $4,000.00 in the red. This debt must be paid out of someone’s pocket, and Mrs. Slifer hopes to break even this year: She is promoting a "no-waste campaign" in the kitchen. There Is a difference in brushing a stick of celery clean and cutting it clean. Expenses Are Not To Be Cut By Skimping
Mrs. Slifer states that she does not wish to cut down expenses by skimping in making the food good. If the food is to be creamed cream it with cream not water. ■Cafeteria Is Trying To Please
According to Mrs. Slifer the cafeteria is working hard to please the students. If the students are not pleased, maybe it is because they have not made their wishes known.
‘Hay Fever’ Stars Noyes As Mother
“Hay Fever.” a Noel Coward comedy, was presented by the American Legion Auxiliary in the Community Building last Monday and Tuesday nights. Home-town talent was used for the play.
McPherson College was well represented in the cast. Mrs. Frances Noyes, journalism teacher at the college, played the part of the mother. Judith Bliss; Marlin Wallers, a freshman at the col lege, was her son. Simon: and
Harry Knapp, a student here last year, was one of the visitors. Tom Rea. who played the part of David, the father, is also a former Mac Student; he graduated last year from Kansas University.
Mr. Delbert Crabb. band instructor at McPherson College, was in charge of music arrangements. The college band played before the certain opened.
The play was a satirical comedy in the typical Coward fashion. It deals with a very unconventional family made up of an actress mother, an author father, and their two rather unusual children.
During the course of the play each invites a week-end guest, unknown to the rest of the family. A mix-up resulted which ended in the guests leaving while the family sat in a group listening to the conclusion or the father's latest novel.
An Interesting sidelight on the play is that there is absolutely no reason for the title, "Hay Fever." No one has hay fever or even mentions it.
Flunk Insurance Is Advanced By Frat
San Francisco, California (ACP) —An answer to student worries is being advanced by Alpha Phi Gamma, journalistic fraternity. Ran Francisco State College, as they sponsor flunk Insurance. All Students on the campus are eligible even the "Brains”. The higher a student's scholarship, the higher risk and premium. For example, an average student pays fifty cents for coverage on a particular course. If he flunks, he gets a dollar instead of a mere dressing down by the dean. Under the plan, dividends—If and when they come in—will go for a high school Journalism scholarship.
Democrats Meet To Organize Club
Eleven people met last Monday-night in the Blue Room of Hotel Warren for the first meeting of the Young Democrats' Club or McPherson County.
No definite organization was set up since a great many potential members were unable to come because of other engagements. At the present there are sixteen Mc-Phersonites planning to join the club and seven or eight from Lindsborg.
A temporary chairman was chosen. LeRoy Doty was appointed to direct interest of Mac students toward the club; Janet Switzer Is to direct the interest of high school students toward it. A Young Democrats Club is being organised in every county in Kansas.
The Thanksgiving vacation will be longer this year than previous years at McPherson College. The vacation begins Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 12:10 p. m. and ends Tuesday, Nov. 29. at 8 a. m. This is to allow students more time to visit their homes during the holidays.
Council To Hold Open Meeting
The secretary or the Student Council, Lois Yoder, has announced that there will be a Student Council meeting Wednesday, November 30, in the Chapel at 6:30 p. m.
The student body is especially invited and urged to come. The public meeting will concern the Student Court that has been proposed. A committee will have a plan drawn up and it is desired by the Student Council that this plan be discussed by the student body.
Mac UNESCO Considers State Membership Costs
Recent developments of the college commission of UNESCO point towards membership for the college in either the county or state organization of UNESCO.
A committee has been set up to study the cost and advantages of each organization before applying for membership.
If the college UNESCO pays its dues promptly after becoming a member, it will be eligible to send official delegates to state meetings.
Methods of entire student body participation in UNESCO have been discussed.
The next state meeting will bo at Wichita, December 1-3. Anyone who is interested may attend the conference.
Mohler Publishes Study, Whites tailed Jack rabbit’
Dr. Robert Mohler of McPherson College and Richard H. Schmidt, taxidermist from Marion County, have written an article on “The Whitetailed Jack-rabbit" which was recently published in the October issue of the pamphlet, “Transactions of Kansas Academy of Science."
According to the New York Times and other literature received from Youth Argosy Inc. a movement of almost 7.000 persons across the Atlantic, most of it by air at a round-trip fare for Americans that amounts to about $360 is now under way. It has been approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board for Transocean Airlines and Seaboard and Western Airlines because the scheduled lines have no capacity to meet such a mass movement.
Project Is Confined To Students, Teachers, and D. P.'s
The project is confined here to transportation of students, teachers and others interested in reconstruction in Europe, under the auspices of the International Refugee Organization, arm of the United Nations. The experiment, however, is being closely watched by almost everyone in the travel and foreign trade field.
Low Overhead Contributes To Low Rates
Representatives of the scheduled Atlantic carriers point out that the low rate is made possible because on each side of the ocean a non-airline organization takes care of all the costs that the airlines must add to the direct cost of flying their planes—the maintenance of networks of traffic, and ticket offices, advertising, special service to passengers, etc. This, as a rule, accounts for as much as 60 cents of each dollar of airline costs, as against 40 cents tor direct flying costs. ,
Hence, airline executives say, the winter excursion rate of the regular airlines just announced by the International Air Transport Association in Montreal—-$466.50 between Oct. 1 and March 31 next does not compare unfavorably with this summer’s special rate of $360. The usual round-trip fare between New York and London, on which all others are based, is $630.
Economists Are. Watching Volume
Students Assigned Teachers To Help In Pre-enrollment
Students have been assigned to teachers who will help them for enrollment next semester. Freshmen and sophomores will be told who their counsellors are, or they may check the bulletin board.
Juniors and seniors should see their major professors.
The teachers request that tentative enrollments be made early in order that changes may be arranged if necessary.
Mohler Requests Pictures Of Mac
“Bring one bring all! Add pictures to the historical records of your college,” says Dr. R. E. Mohler. curator of the college museum.
Dr. Mohler is asking for pictures of historical interest to place in the college museum. Pictures could be of former faculty members students, football teams, campus scenery. buildings on campus. etc.
Dr. Kohler said that pictures are of historical value because they show things exactly as they
Debate Tourney To Be At Sterling
The Kansas debating league tournament will be held Saturday, March 25, at Sterling College. This tournament will include orations and extemporaneous talks both of which will be on peace. Awards will be given to the winners of oratory and extemp.
Pi Kappa Delta, the national debating fraternity, will hold a tour-ment for this province April 6-1, at Bethel College.
Doris Keeler Improves
Miss Doris Kesler, who is ill with virus pneumonia, is reported to be doing better. She spent sev-eral days in the McPherson County Hospital.
The new volume generated by the $350 fare, however, is what air economists are watching. That it is new volume is amply attested by the answers to questionnaires received by Youth Argosy. An overwhelming number of its passengers said they would not have made the trip had the low air fare not been available.
As far back as 1945, Parker Van Zandt. then an economist for the Brookings Institution, analyzed
widespread questionnaires among the readers of Collier’s and Woman's Home Companion and estimated that at a $200 round-trip air fare to Europe 4,000,000 Americans a year would make the trip. That, said Mr. Van Zandt, would not only create an unprecedented volume of air traffic but build up a balance of travel dollars better than $1,000,000,000 a year among countries that desperately needed such dollar balances.
Even today, Juan T. Trippe. president of Pan American Airways, is said to have plans to carry 110 “cabin class" air passengers in each of his fleet of Boeing Stratocruisers now devoted to the luxury trade, at a round-trip fare approaching the $200 level. Last week he testified before a Senate committee that whereas air traffic on the Atlantic was but 4 percent in 1938. with steamships car* rying .96 percent, the figures in 1948 stood at 52 percent for air and 48 percent for . steamships. There are various indications that the air proportion will be higher in 1949 despite the addition of many new steamship berths this year.
Genesis of Cut Rate
Both Seaboard and Western and Transocean last summer did a limited business in carrying Youth Argosy members to Europe. A reduced rate was possible because both air carriers were under contract to the IRO to carry plane loads of displaced persons to
(Continued on Page Three)
The chairman of the Board of Publications, Bonnie Martin, has announced that the resignation of Betty Frantz from the position of Campus Editor of the Spectator has been accepted and that this same position is now open. Betty gave as her reason for resigning that of not having enough time with her other outside activities.
Ali In Washington, To Pay Respects To The King Of Iran
All Mohit, Iranian student at Macollege, left Monday for Washington, D. C.. to pay his respects to the king of Iran who is now visiting the United States.
The wealthy Shah has received much publicity in newspapers of the United States because of the rumor that he may be seeking an American wife.
President Truman’s private plane was used to bring the Shah to the United States.
Skiing in the Rocky Mountains is one sport in which the athletic king hopes to participate during his visit to the States.
UNESCO Wants Swan Soap Papers
"I swan! You swan! We will all swan for needy ones!”
According to Miss Mary Lock-wood, vice-president of the colleges UNESCO Lever Brothers Inc. will send one cake of swan soap to Europe for every two swan soap wrappers tamed lit before. Dec. 3O.
"Let's help our brothers overseas.
So they don’t have to wear dirty dungarees!"
UNESCO urges Interested persons to turn in swan soap wrappers to Winston Goering, president; Miss Lockwood, vice-president; or Wayne Zeigler; Doris Correll; Loren Blickenstaff; or Eugene Neff of the committee.
Drive-In Classes Would Solve Thing
Portales. New Mexico (ACP—A sudden rainstorm at Eastern New Mexico University gave one student an inspiration for a new kind of classes—why not drive-in classes. Students Simply drive up and' listen to the professor lecture over an address system. And when it comes to answering questions—one honk . . . don’t know the answer. Two honks ... I know, but don’t care to answer. Three honks . . . I'll be right op to answer.
Jewish Feast Is Basis
For American Thanksgiving
That the birth of the American-Thanksgiving Day came about on Plymouth Rock with the Pilgrims as parents has been the general belief of the American people. However, William Rosenau in his pamphlet. "The Jewish Holiday," states that "the Feast of Booths is, in spirit, the basis for the American Thanksgiving Day."
On the 15th day of Tishri (first month of the Jewish year which comes in September or October) and continuing for eight days. Sukkoth — Feast of Booths — is welcomed by Israel.
Sukkoth was primarily one of three agricultural festivals, when all males came from far and near to Jerusalem with their offerings. These feasts originated in the early days of Israel, when the Is-raelites dwelled in booths in the course of their journey through the desert and enjoyed the special protection of one God. The distinctive teaching of Sukkoth is that there is a Divine Providence, Who, by undeniable law. watches over the individual, Israel and all humanity.
Sukkoth Stresses Gratitude
The particular virtue stressed by Sukkoth is gratitude, making
Applications to Be Considered
According to the Board of Publications those Interested in becoming Campus Editor should sub-mit their applications to Bonnie Martin before 4 p. m. Monday, November 21. All applications will then be considered by the board in an impartial manner and that person with the best qualifications will be chosen. One need not have had experience on the Spectator although interest in campus publications would be helpful.
Duties Are Interesting
It is the responsibility of the Campus Editor to discover news on the campus that will make interesting stories, to help the Assistant Editor and the Editor-In-Chief to make up headlines, to help proof read ail material written up for the paper, to write occasional stories, and to assist in the staff meetings.
These duties are all shared by the Assistant Editor and the Ed-itor-in-Chief so that the burden is not any one person’s responsibility entirely.
Position Progresses to That of Editor-In-Chief
Besides gaining valuable experience along journalistic lines the Campus Editor automatically moves up to the positions of Assistant Editor and Editor-In-Chief.. , These promotions taking place each semester. The person chosen for the Campus Editor will move up to the Assistant Editorship next semester and then will be Editor-In-Chief first semester next fall.
Editor Receives Remuneration
The profits of the Spectator, according to the student body constitution. are to be divided; 2/9 to each editor-in-chief, there being one each semester. 2/9 to the business manager, and one-third to Student Connell.
Evanston. Illinois (ACP)— A modern Columbus at Northwestern finds Lake Michigan a bit rough for commuting. When Robert Heiss pulls up anchor he sets off, not in quest of new worlds, but to attend classes. Anchoring his 45 foot "Rubaiyat" he rows to shore. After being flipped into Lake Michigan by the dinghy 3 times in one morning, recently, he decided there are easier ways to go to accounting class.
the season one of thanksgiving. On this festival God's goodness is extolled in special psalms.
For many years, the Jewish families tented on roofs and remembered their days of nomadic life. Like our American Thanksgiving Day, the Feast of Booths Celebrated with thankfulness the harvest from the grainfield. olive-yard. and vineyard. The booths were made of boughs of trees which suggested the vintage life.
Today, the synagogue is decorated with fruits and flowers native of the Jewish land, and four varieties of the products of Palestine are given prominent places in the devotion. They are: the palm-branch. the myrtle, the willow, bound together in one object, and the citron.
On the synagogue property and sometimes at the altar, a booth of beautiful design is erected as symbolic of the feast. According to biblical injunction the booth is supposed to be built on the premises of every home.
Economic conditions and modem building laws have rendered the construction of private booths unlawful in many communities
As concerning: most things there are certain "musts” that one should follow when eating out.
1. For example, upon entering a place of eating the first and foremost thing the man should do is to look grouchingly toward the hostess or if none to whoever looks like they are in charge. This always gives the feeling that you are somebody important and should be given special ,service.
2. Next, always—always take a long time to decide
upon an entre. (not to be confused with filet mignon). This always impresses the waitress. She, of course, thinks you can read and are looking for errors.
3. Then when the main course comes always send it back saying that it is either too done or not done enough. This, naturally, pleases the cook, who has been preparing food for thirty or forty years, for he thinks that you are an expert and know more than himself about cooking.
- 4. One of the most important "musts" is that you always should ask the waitress for things one at a time. The goal is to keep her running back and forth, to and from your table during the whole meal.
The other day when we were eating in the College Inn, practicing this very point, the waitress said after her fifth (not to be confused with a beverage) or sixth trip “If I were being paid by the mile it wouldn’t be so bad."
5. When one is through and ready to go never leave a tip. This makes the waitress feel like she hasn’t done a good job and she will try to do better next time.
6. Then as one goes to pay the cashier always manage to have some large bill such as a fifty, or ask to cash a large check. When the establishment cannot cash these they of course don’t make yon pay for your meal and think that you are very well-to-do.
Summing all of these “musts" up we quite naturally come to that illogical conclusion that we have made an enormously good impression, and that the establishment will be looking for our return with eager anticipation.
McPherson College Student Directory
Freshman School Address H. Add.
1. Adams, Pauline, Kline Hall, Pe-lakatchie, Mississippi.
2. Allison, Keith. 715 S. Oak, Mc-Pherson, Kansas.
3. Anderson, Anita. 811 N. Elm McPherson, Kansas.
4. Anderson, Joyce, Kline Hall, Ramona, Kansas.
5. Baker, Betty Jo. Arnold Hall, Friend, Kansas.
6. Ball. Mary Elizabeth, Rural R. 4. McPherson. Kansas.
7. Bechtel. Robert, 1514 E. Gordon, McPherson. Kansas.
8. Beck, Mildred. Arnold Hall, Nickerson, Kansas.
9. Berry, Barbara, Arnold Hall, Ottumwa, Iowa.
10. Bowman, Phyllis, Arnold Hall, Quinter, Kansas.
11. Brammell. David, 706 E. Marlin. McPherson.
12. Brown. Clarence. 910 West Kansas, McPherson. Kansas.
13. Brubaker. Jo Ann. Arnold Hall. South English. Iowa.
14. Bullard, Jean. Arnold Hall. Grants Pass, Oregon.
15. Callahan, Shirley, Arnold Hall.
• Burr Oak, Kansas.
16. Carpenter, Ann. Arnold Hall, Las Vegas. Nevada.
17. Carney, Glenn, Fahnestock Hall, Nickerson, Kansas.
18. Cheatwood, Fred, Canton; Kansas.
19. Clark, Russell. 309 N. Chestnut. McPherson, Kansas.
20. Coffman, Eldon, Fahnestock Hall. South English, Iowa.
21. Cowan. Richard. 310 N. Oak, McPherson, Kansas.
22. Crackenberger, Mary, 618 N. Elm. McPherson. Kansas.
23. Crumpacker. Ruth, 526 E. Kansas Avenue, McPherson, Kansas.
24. Decker. Donald. Galva. Kansas.
25. Dowman. Clara, Arnold Hall. Hope. Kansas.
26. Ferguson. Ward. 1019 N. Walnut. McPherson, Kansas.
27. Fillmore, Laura, Kline Hall, Nampa. Idaho.
28. Firestone. Joe. Fahnestock Hall. Jennings. Louisiana.
29. Flora. Angeline, Arnold Hall. Quinter, Kansas.
30. Frantz, Betty. Arnold Hall, Long Beach, California.
31. Frantz. Bill. 133 Carrie St. McPherson, Kansas.
32. Fulkerson. Harold, 1718 E. Gordon, McPherson. Kansas.
33. Gentry, Marion. 318 Lehmer St., Stet. Missouri.
34. Gonzales, Maxine, 530 East Euclid, Rocky Ford. Colorado.
35. Grim, Joe. 1422 E. Euclid. Kansas City, Kansas.
36. Grove, Marilee, Arnold Hall, South English, Iowa.
37. Hall, Frances. Kline Hall, Richmond, Missouri.
38. Hall, Phil, 410 S. Main, McPherson, Kansas.
39. Hanagarne, Frank, 1614 K. Gordon, Shiprock, New Mexico.
40. Hardy, Carol. 319 N. Carrie. McPherson. Kansas.
,4-1. Heidebrecht. Paul, 500 N. Maxwell, McPherson. Kansas.
42. Hess. Pauline, 401 N. Carrie,
. McPherson, Kansas.
43. Hill, Dwight, 508 E. Kansas Avenue, McPherson, Kansas.
44. Hodge, Irvin, Galva, Kansas,
46. Hodson, Paul, 500 N. Maxwell, Honolulu, Hawaii.
46. Hoopes, Dwight. 318 N. Leh-mer, Anthony. Kansas.
47. Horning, Richard. Fahnestock Hall. Larned, Kansas.
.48. Howell. Maxine. 740 Euclid, Crawford, Kansas.
49. Hubbard, Juanita, Kline Hall Miami, Texas.
60. Hughes, John, 204 Fisher Avenue. McPherson, Kansas.
51. Hummer, Lloyd, Fahnestock Hall, Booker, Texas.
52. Ikenberry, Rowena. Arnold Hall. Springer, New Mexico,
53. Ingman, Cordell. 224 S. Grand St., McPherson. Kansas.
54. Johnson, Duane, Route 4, Box 20, McPherson. Kansas.
55. Keim, Rowan. Arnold Hall South English, Iowa.
56. Kendall James, Fahnestock Hall, Topeka. Kansas.
57. Kesler. Doris, Arnold Hall, Park, Kansas.
58. Kesler, Helen, Arnold Hall Sabetha, Kansas.
59. King. Richard. 1614 E. Gordon, Pampa, Texas.
60. Krehbiel, Geneva, Route 2 McPherson, Kansas.
61. Lapp. A. Earle. Kline Hall Nampa, Idaho.
62. Larson, Kathlyn, Arnold Hall, Cabool, Missouri.
63. Leach, Don. Vet Apartments, McPherson, Kansas.
64. Libal, Lloyd, 321 N. Olivette Luray. Kansas.
65. Lindbeck, Helen, 421 N. Elm. McPherson, Kansas.
66. Mauck, Henry. 726 E. Simpson. Langdon, Kansas.
67. McBroom, Kenneth, 419 N. Chetsnut, McPherson, Kansas.
68. McKeown, Billy, 119 N. Charles. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
69. Mehlinger, Howard. 716 S. Ash. McPherson. Kansas.
70. Merkey, Bob. 500 N. Maxwell, Portis, Kansas.
71. Mingenback. Paul. 1205 N. Walnut St., McPherson, Kansas.
72. Moors. Lois, Route 4, McPherson, Kansas.
73. Moors, Ruth, Route 4, McPherson, Kansas.
74. Murrey. Betty Ann, Arnold Hall. Conway. Kansas.
75. Myers, C. Arthur, Fahnestock Hall, Denver. Colorado.
76. Neff, Eugene. 1614 E. Gordon.
Twin Falls, Idaho.
11. Negley. Edwin. 31© N. Carrie. Larned. Kansan.
78. Nelson, Doris, 905 N. Ash. McPherson. Kansas.
79. Norris, Linda, Kline Hall. Syl-varina, Mississippi.
80. Oak, Wayne, 500 N. Maxwell. Penalosa, Kansas.
81. Peterson. Tommy, Route 4. McPherson, Kansas.
82. Phillips, Ermalee, 623 N. Maple. McPherson, Kansas.
83. Pote. John. Fahnestock Hall, Cushing, Oklahoma.
84. Pyle. Jo Anne, Kline Hall. Hamlin, Kansas.
85. Raleigh. Phyllis. 718 N. Chestnut. McPherson. Kansas.
86. Rhodes. Anna. Kline Hall, Inman, Kansas.
87. Rickner. Donald, 106 1/2 S Main St.. McPherson. Kansas.
88. Roesch. Doris, Arnold Hall Quinter, Kansas.
89. Rogers, Anita. Arnold Hall Mt. Etna, Iowa.
90. Royer, Jo Ann, Arnold Hall Adel, Iowa.
91. Russell, Bill. 522 S. Main. Mc Pherson, Kansas.
92. Sargent. Peggy. 135 W. Max
well, McPherson. Kansas.
93. Scherer. James, 312 N. Wal nut, McPherson. Kansas.
94. Schmitt, Donald. 719 S. Main McPherson. Kansas.
95. Schrag, John, Elyria. Kansas
96. Scruggs. James, 133 N. Car rle, Grayville. Illinois.
97. Seidel, William. 1422 E. Euclid. Rock Falls, Illinois.
98. Senger. Delmar. Fahnestock Hall. South English, Iowa.
99. Shank. Dee. Fahnestock Hall. Abilene, Kansas.
100. Sheets. Donna. 725 E. Marlin. McPherson. Kansas.
101. Slabach. Kenneth. 801 E. Kansas. Windom, Kansas.
102. Simpson. Joe. 119 N. Charles, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma.
103. Sooby. Donna, Arnold Hall, Garden City, Kansas.
104. Sooby, Robert. Fahnestock Hall. Garden City, Kansas.
105. St. Clair. Don. 500 N. Maxwell, Harlan. Kansas.
106. Stinnette. Ross, 321 N. Olivette. Denver. Colorado.
107. Stucky. John, 523 N. Asle, Moundridge, Kansas.
108. Swinger. Melvin. Fahnestock Hall. Essex, Missouri.
109. Tedesco, Victor. 133 N. Carrie, Gary, Indiana.
110. Thompson. Jean, 209 S. Walnut. McPherson, Kansas.
111. Thornton. Roger. 318 N. Lehmer, Runnells. Iowa.
112. Traxler, Rosemary, Arnold Hall. LaPlace, Illinois.
113. Unruh, Grace, Buhler, Kansas, Buhler. Kansas.
114. Wagoner. Dick, Fahnestock Hall, Adel, Iowa.
115. Wagoner, Edwin, 1223 E. Euclid. Burlingame, Kansas.
116. Walker, Raymond, 1223 E. Euclid, Norton. Kansas.
117. Walters. Marlin, 426 S. Fisher, McPherson. Kansas.
118. Weaver, llene. Arnold Hall, Keota, Iowa.
119. Webb. Darlene. 1315 E. Euclid. McPherson, Kansas.
120. Wegley, Benjamin, 1324 S. Maple St. McPherson, Kansas.
121. Weigle. Melvin. 112 E. Euclid, Waterloo. Iowa.
122. West, Donald. 1614 Gordon, Pampa, Texas.
123. Willems, Orva. 1125 N. Mar pie, McPherson, Kansas.
124. Wilson, Robert. Fahnestock Hall. Conway Springs, Kansas.
125. Wine. Elaine. Arnold Hall. Blunt, South Dakota.
126. Woodhatch. Freda, Klin© Hall. Rosepine, Louisiana.
127. Van Druff. Marlin. 321 N. Olivette. McLouth, Kansas.
128. Zeigler, Wayne. Fahnestock Hall, Abilene, Kansas.
Another guy got tired of the "whatcha doin' Saturday night— I’d like to go with you but I have a date" routine and pulled an old comeback out of the hat:
"You busy Friday night? Oh. Well, are you busy Saturday? Oh, have you got a date Sunday night too? No? I sure hope you get one!" —Dakota Student.
Leon Hoffa. from Grundy Center. Iowa, was a visitor on the campus last week.
Mrs. H. J. Harnly and Mrs. Nozzle were Wednesday dinner guests of Mira Edna Neher.
Eula Broyles, Norina Lee Couch, and Jon Grimm went to Kansas City over the week end. Norma and Joe visited at home. Eula was a guest of Miss Couch.
Students See Game
Miriam Keim, Ellis Albright, Doris Roesch. Dale Snyder Freda Woodhatch. D. A. Crist, Verila Hammer, Buck Larson. Kathlyn Larson. Claudia Stump, Meryel Rust, Naomi Mankey, Phyllis Schmutz, and Jeralyn Hill went to the game at Ft. Riley, November 11.
This Week
Nov. 19—Freshman - Senior Kid Party.
Nov. 19—Sophomore-Junior Skate Party. _
Nov. 23, 12:10 p. m.. Nov. 29. 8:00 p. m.—Thanksgiving Vacation.
Youth Argosy Offers Low Rate Flight To Europe
(Continued from Page One)
Martha Frantz went shopping in Hutchinson, Saturday.
Ann Carpenter and Miriam Keim went shopping in Hutchinson. Saturday.
Darlene and Ilene Weaver, and Jo Ann Burbaker were guests at a birthday party for Geneva Kreh-biel at the Krehbiel home last Tuesday evening.
Esther Mohler, Bryce Miller. Donna Sooby. Betty Joe Baker, and Bob Sooby went to Wichita to see the Lawrence Oliver production of Hamlet.
Bob Wilson also visited his parents at home in Conway Springs last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heisten of Modesto, Calif., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Newcomer.
Betty Ann Murrey, Irwin Porter, Phyllis Bowman. Art Myers, Rosemary Taxler. Jim Garvey, Doris Roesch. and Dale Snyder were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murrey in Conway.
Superintendent and Mrs. Dayton Rothrock,.Carleton, Nebraska, and Kathryn Bowers of Lincoln, Nebraska, were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. E. E. Bowers.
Glen Swinger and Dick Ware-ham were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer.
Parents of many students and friends were visitors in the dormitories
during the Regional Conference of the Church of the Brethren held on the campus November 11-17
German Girl Is Guest
The Albright twins and Gudrun Moehler. a German high school student were supper guests of Marilee Grove and Rowan Keim, Monday evening. November 14. Miss Mohler was also an overnight guest.
Miss Judy Keim and Miss Sara-lee Grove were overnight guests of Rowan Keim and Marilee Grove Tuesday evening. The former Misses Keim and Grove are prospective McPherson College students for 1962.
Rev. and Mrs. Howard H. Keim Jr. and daughters. Rowan and Judy, and Miss Gudrun Moehler. South English. Iowa, were supper guests of Miss Vancil, Wednesday evening.
Venezuela via the United States,
In the spring of this year the Venezuelan Government cancelled its arrangements to receive the DP’s. As a consequence Youth Argosy found itself with about $250,000, paid out on contracts to the non scheduled airlines, which would have become bankrupt if they had to fly their planes westward empty. The scheduled airlines already were so well booked that they could not have carried the increased load at any rate.
Hurried trips to Europe by Youth Argosy and IRO officials showed that the latter organization had a big block of “austerity” berths reserved on such ships as the Samaria, Scythia and Aqui-tania for the late summer and autumn. A swap was made. Emergency cases in the DP camps were scheduled for immediate trips to the United States by air—pregnant women, women with small children, families that had immediate opportunity for employment and the berths thus made vacant were turned over to the Youth Argonauts to return by steamship. Contrast Between Arrivals and Departures
The contrast between the arrivals and those departing Is a startling one. One Seaboard & Western plane brought in nine Estonians, four Russians, two Latvians, seventeen Lithuanians, eleven Poles ana four German Jews. All—men, women and children—had- gone through the rigors of concentration and refugee camps. Only the children seemed bright-eyed.
Six of the DP’s were farmers, mostly headed for the big Sea-brook frozen food farms at Bridgeton. N. J., with their families. There were seven children and '.eight housewives. Ten other skills, from musician to laborer, were represented. One Pole was listed as “officer."
Outgoing the next day was a brisk load of typical American students, teachers and welfare workers. One Cornell medical student was to study the Scandinavian medical systems: another was to examine health conditions in the DP camps. A Pennsylvania post-graduate was headed for study of Diesel engines in Europe. A large group was listed as about to study the United World Federalists, headed by Garry Davis, young musician who gave up his American citizenship in Paris. Youth Argosy Obtains Subscribers
Youth Argosy obtains its subscribers through a nationwide group of college and welfare organizations. They include the American Friends Service Com-
‘Carmen’ Staging Rates Criticism
Several students from Macam-pus attended the New York Civic Opera Company’s production of ‘Carmen” in Hutchinson last Monday evening. -
Although the opera. “Carmen." can not help being an interesting evening, this production left much to be desired. There were obvious errors which could have been corrected even at the last minute.
It is not uncommon for troupes to use amplification, but it should-always he used within reason and good taste. This production was so over-amplified as to completely distort all of the voices of the soloists and the chorus. However, in spite of this, one might suspect that the two leads. Carmen and Don Jose, did have fine voices.
Another rather disconcerting feature was the lack of taste in the general costuming and stage decor. It did not appear that any one person was responsible for stage effects, but rather each singer was presenting his or her version of what the opera should look like.
If one could look beyond these errors, it seems that the Company did display a lot of talent and know-how.
—Rolland Plasterer.
Hershberger Invites Class To See Indian Collection
Prof. E. S. Hershberger invited his Art Appreciation class to his home last Tuesday morning in order that the class might study examples of Indian Art.
Professor Hershberger spent six years in India and has In his possession articles of Indian din-
nerware. Jewelry, religious symbols. and clothing.
The class also saw several of Professor Hershberger’s paintings.
High School Juniors Give ‘Jane Eyre' As Class Play
"Jane Eyre.” adapted from the famous Bronte novel by the same name, is to be given tonight. Friday. Nov. 18. at the high school auditorium by the Junior class of McPherson High School.
CBYF Members Write To Students In Germany
German university students will-
receive 25 letters soon from CBYF members of McPherson College Church of the Brethren. This service is made possible through the Brethren Service Commission of the Church of the Brethren.
Vera Ebersole, CBYF vice-president states. “These letters are of value because not only do they offer a chance to help encourage, these foreign students and help promote world peace through better understanding, hut they are educational, fun to exchange, and a good chance to do missionary work on one’s own. I will be glad to send for more names, if anyone not signed up would like to correspond.”
University Of Nebraska Plans Agronomy Building
Lincoln, Nebraska (ACP)— A five-year dream for a new $850,000.00 agronomy building have become reality for the Agriculture College of the University of Nebraska. Construction will begin next summer.
mittee. American Unitarian Youth. American Youth Hostels. Cooperative Bureau for Teachers. Experiment in International Living. Student Project for Amity Among Nations, Oslo Summer School for American Students, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies. San Francisco State Col lege Seminar in Europe, Stanford University Council for UNESCO and a dozen other smaller organizations and travel agencies specializing in educational tours.
These students, plus the well-paid wage-earners with two or three week’s vacation are most likely to make up the mass market for travel to Europe if its costs can be brought within their reach, it is declared.
King, Queen Reign At School Carnival
An all-school Penny Carnival will be held Saturday evening December 3 at 8 p.m. In the school gym. This party will feature selection of Carnival King and Queen cake-walk and other events.
The "M" Club is in charge and all money will go to-help purchase "M" Club blankets.
Hoover Succeeds Mason As Macollege Trustee
Ira Milton Hoover. Platts burg. Mo., an alumnus of McPherson College, will succeed Walter Mason as trustee of Mac college from northern Missouri.
‘We Are Lanterns,’ Bittinger Explains
“We are the lanterns, and God is the Light; and we must keep our lanterns from becoming black so that the Light may shine through." This was the thought expressed by Dr. Desmond Bittinger in his speech to the CBYF last Sunday night.
He Illustrated this thought by an incident which happened during his mission work in Africa.
One day Dr. Bittinger became very ill. His wife called a servant to go for the doctor In a village forty miles away. She gave the servant a lantern which was to give him protection from wild animals and to help him find his way.
While on his way the servant heard a lion roaring. Realizing they were very dangerous, he turned the light in the lantern higher.
Farther on during the journey he saw the fiery eyes of a panther in the bush. A panther is even more dangerous than a lion; so the servant turned the light even higher.
He repeated this action so often that finally the flue of the lantern became blackened with smoke, and the light went out. The servant had to finish the Journey without the protection of the light.
Student Recital Sunday Postponed
Miss Jessie Brown. head of the Music Department of McPherson College, has announced that the student recital on November 20 has been postponed because of other scheduled events.
Although no definite date has been set when this recital can he given, it will be sometime after the Thanksgiving vacation.
Ambitious Mother Registers As Freshman
Syracuse, New York (ACP— “Now, Mom. you’d better get your homework done—you don’t want to flunk out, do you?" is the query of 19 year old Peggy Allison, a Syracuse University Junior, to her mother, Mrs. Edna Allison. Mrs. Allison who is registered as a freshman, takes English, citizenship and geology, is a free lance legal secretary in the afternoon and then hurries home to cook dinner and take care of her busy household in the evening.
Texas Coeds Play Football?
Austin. Texas (ACP)—University of Texas coeds ought to know football;—they’ve been playing a type of it themselves. After experimenting with women’s touch football last year, it has been put on the 1949-50 schedule for freshman girls. Unlike field hockey, soccer and other freshmen sports in the past, touch football is so popular that it is being played by intramural social groups on the Texas campus. Blue jeans and sweaters or shirts are the girls' football uniforms. A tap on the back takes the place of tackling.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
It has been said with some au-i thority that (A) statistics do not lie, (B) you can prove anything with statistics.
The sheer ambiguity of that statement probably accounts for the state of ill repute to which statistical tables have fallen. Obviously. the "expert analysis” of statistics by one Dr. George Gallup in the 1948 elections did not enhance their reputation.
Statistics are dull and boring to everyone but an occasional Figure Filbert, and the tremendous volume of production by the statistical-mi nded probably adds to their lack of lustre.
Another thing that makes them uninteresting is the fact that most people do not know what the statistics really mean: and if they do. the statistics will bear out what has been suspected or feared all the time.
lack of Players
Such is the case of the final statistics of McPherson College's 1949 football aggregation. The figures seem to indicate what most people probably really had to believe that the MC team did not have the players.
Not a single gilt-edge perform ance was turned in all year by a single player for the season or in any one game. In all departments the Bulldogs lagged behind their opponents.
The statistics do seem to indicate one thing, however. Despite the tremendous bulk of scoring done by the enemy this season, there is an indication the Bulldog line was not too far below average—If it was at all.
Line Held It’s Own
For many years comparison of first downs was a good Indication of a team’s forward wall. With the advent of wide-open football, capable of going all the way in one play, the first-down barometer has probably lost much of its validity. However. if it has any reliability left, the Bulldogs racked up 70 first downs this season compared to their opponents’ 83 —not too wide a margin.
A better Indication of a team's line strength these days is number of rushing plays. Teams that consistently are beaten by large scores seldom have the ball as much as the enemy because their line cannot get the ball.
Such is not the case with the Bulldogs who had but 21 more rushing plays made against them than they made themselves. The other general statistics show a tremendous advantage for the opponents.
No Outstanding Marks
Not a single outstanding individual mark was made. Charlie Petefish led the team in first downs, rushing, and passing but none of his marks were outstanding.
Petefish's 14 first downs were
but three more than made by Glen Pyle who played in one charted game. Pyle also stood fourth In rushing which probably Indicates just how much the Bulldogs missed the fullback after his injury in the Baker fracas. Pyle’s performance In the Sterling game brought him three seasonal individual records—most first downs. 11; most rushing attempts. 36; and most yardage. 166.
Other Bulldog marks stand out as negative performances. For instance, Gene Arnold’s 17 passes thrown In the Bethany contest were the most thrown by a Bulldog all season in one game, but Gene completed but one of those tosses.
Petefish. who did most of the punting for the Bulldogs, had an average of about one-half of that of Charlie Justice of North Carolina. who led the Intercollegiate punters last season.
On the enemy side of the fence Bill Carlson of Bethany and Jim 8chroeder of Bethel were outstanding as runners. In making the most running attempts against the Bulldogs, 22. Schroeder picked up 113 yards, just shy of Carlson's 124 yards in 10 attempts.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.
Any athletic season is climaxed by the annual "all” teams, and it will not be long before the Associated Press comes out with the annual all-Kansas Conference team.
Although the "offensive” play-ers—the backs and pass-grabbing ends—usually prove more magnetic to the journalistic arc lamp, actually through the years more good linemen are produced than really great backs. A check of pro starring durability marks will bear this out.
This year in the conference, however, the procedure was reversed. There was a paucity of good linemen In the Kansas Conference to the extent that probably the best defensive player in the league was an end. a position usually confined to pass receiving laurels.
To our mind lanky Gene Chubb. Baker's vet wingman. must stand at the head of the class of the conference ends. He was poison on wide plays, an aggressive tackier, and a good defender against passes His offensive work was probably below that of Bethany’s Larry Bale. Paul Robbins of Ottawa C of E's Bob Swedberg, or KWU's promising soph, Galen Keeling, but it was still above the norm. He scored against Wesleyan.
Tackles. guards, and centers were way below pre-war standards In the KC. However, Joe Pate of McPherson did very little to cause the ebb. The Juco transfer showed more all around ability. savvy, and heart than any other lineman in the conference.
Performing for a last place team is hardly a way to make friends and influence all-star selectors, but Pate's name must be high on the list for all-conference tackle.
Bill Engstrom of Bethany matched Pate—probably surpassed him as a blocker—but an injury in the C of E left him on the hospital list for three games. Other possible tackle choices are Dale Ludwig of Bethany, Bill Claflin of Ottawa, and Bud Sloop of Baker. Sloop played mostly on offense.
There are several guards of about equal ability. Take your choice between Jim Arensburg of Ottawa, Bethany's Joe Chambers and Bob Eklund, Les Jilka of KWU. Eddie Hamada of C. of E. and Salty Tillman of McPherson.
There wan not a single good center In the league. Bob Wagner. Wesleyan’s all-conference center of last year, slumped. Max Alcock of Ottawa and Baker's John Zorn were probably the best.
There was no shortage of good backs however. Every team except McPherson had a really outstanding back with Bethany and Ottawa being three and four deep In good 'uns.
If we were forced to make a choice we would have to select Dan Durand of C of E, Vaughn Kimbrough of Ottawa, Bill Carlson of Bethany, and Sherman Kolancy of Baker us outstanding.
Howard Price of Bethany was probably a better T quarter back than Durand but not as sharp a passer or runner Carlson was a throwback to the old single wing triple threat days. The 176-pound sophomore could not only run. pass, and kick but stood out as the best pass receiver in the loop.
Kimbrough was not far behind. The Ottawa senior could go either Inside or outside and was a faultless safety man.
Facts And Fumbles Of MC Footballers
Below are the season’s statistics for the McPherson College Bulldog’s football team. The records of the MC-Baker and MC-Eastern New Mexico games were not available.
Tillman.............................. 3 28.0
Sullivan ..........................1 28.0
Petefish .......................... 32 26.3
Kickoff Returns Newport 7-100, Arnold 6-94, Schmidt 5-92, Sullivan 3-48, Augs-burger 4-46, Mehlinger 3-46, Petefish 2-37, Blickenstaff 2-28. Finger 2-28. Fishburn 1-16, Libal 1-5, Seidel 1-4,
Passes Intercepted Fishburn-2. Arnold, Petefish, Newport. Pritchett, Libal, Mehl-inger-one each.
Punt Returns
Newport 5-41, Sullivan 2-14, Augsburger 1-13, Libal 1-12, Mehl-inger 1-9, Arnold 1-neg 1.
Soldiers Drop MC In Season Finale
The McPherson College Bulldogs finished their 1949 season with a 39-0 loss to a hard-charging, experienced Ft. Riley Centaur crew last Friday.
Actually, the Bulldog’s eighth loss of the season was not as bad as the score sounds. For three quarters they yielded but three touchdowns. In the last quarter they finally succumbed to a bunch that included a number of players with college experience including Ray Hoffmaster, second string quarterback to Arnie Gal-iffa at West Point last year, and Art Gerometta, an all-American guard at the Point in '46.
The power of the soldiers was apparent when they got their hands on the ball. A minute Into the first period Jim Conacher intercepted a Charlie Petefish toss and returned it 19 yards to the 34. Hoffmaster's 33 yard pitch to Bill Reid, one time colored college star, put the ball on the one where fullback Garrett went over.
Reid added tho next two touchdowns himself before the Bulldogs finally were crushed by their own pass defense.
The last two TD's were made directly on passing to culminate what must be one of the poorest seasonal record ever recorded by any one team’s pass defense.
. ..The Bulldogs gave up 53 touchdowns this season, and 18 were scored directly by passing. Nine more were set up by enemy pass-lug. and five others were scored on intercepted passes.
WAA Clubs Elect
Newly elected clubs and club heads for Women's Athletic Association during the winter season are:
Basketball—Esther Mohler. Swimming—Miriam Keim. Skating—Letha Miller.
Bowling—Jerry McConkey.
Read all the ads in this issue.
General Statistics | ||
MC |
OPP. | |
First Downs............ 70 |
83 | |
Rushing attempts ..312 |
333 | |
Yards rushing........ 826 |
1265 | |
Average rush ........2,65 |
3.80 | |
Passes completed .... 35 |
41 | |
Percentage .......... .254 |
.461 | |
Yards passing .........354 |
853 | |
31 | ||
Average punt .... 27.1 |
30.8 | |
Penalties ............ 22 |
49 | |
Yards penalized ....170 |
355 | |
Fumbles ..................... 29 |
20 | |
Punt Returns ............. 15 |
23 | |
Yards-punt returns 138 |
289 | |
Kickoff Returns .... 37 |
13 | |
Yards-Kickoff Ret. 543 |
230 | |
Passes Intercepted 8 |
20 | |
Passing | ||
At. Comp. Yds. Int. Pct. | ||
Fishburn .. 3 3 38 |
0 |
1.000 |
Libal ........ 20 7 45 |
5 |
.350 |
VanDruff .. 12 4 46 |
.333 | |
Petefish .... 56 16 166 |
.286 | |
Arnold .... 43 5 59 |
7 |
.116 |
Finger .... 3 0 0 |
2 |
.000 |
Tillman .... 1 0 0 |
0 |
.000 |
Rushing | ||
Att. |
Yds. | |
Petefish ........................ |
74 |
204 |
Arnold ............................ |
50 |
192 |
64 |
160 | |
Pyle .............................. |
36 |
156 |
26 |
47 | |
Libal ............................ |
16 |
36 |
Schmidt ....................... |
13 |
25 |
Tillman ........................ |
7 |
20 |
Sullivan ...................... |
12 |
15 |
1 |
2 | |
Hoover .......................... |
6 |
-5 |
Fishburn ....................... |
4 |
-8 |
First Downs
Petefish ................... 14
Pyle ............................................ 11
Blickenstaff ................................ 7
Bechtel ................................. 6
Schmidt .................................... 6
Sullivan .................................. 4
By penalties .......................................4
Seidel .....................................1
Pass Receptions
No. Yds.
Blickenstaff ........... 10 129
Bechtel............................... 7 71
Schmidt ............................. 7 65
Sullivan ............................. 4 41
Mehlinger........................ 2 4
VanDruff ...... 1 14
Jack 'Teitenburg's mid-season injury ruined his chances of repeating as all - conference fullback. but there is no loss of effectiveness with Sherman Kolacny. Kolacny must almost be selected by his kicking alone. He was an unerring placekicker who booted two field goals during the season.
Kansas Conference
W |
L |
Pct |
Pts |
Op | |
Ottawa ... |
.....4 |
1 |
.800 |
111 |
26 |
Baker...... |
.....4 |
1 |
.800 |
109 |
S3 |
Bethany.. |
.....4 |
2 |
.667 |
141 |
73 |
C. of E.... |
.....3 |
3 |
.500 |
101 |
53 |
Wesleyan |
....2 |
3 |
.400 |
74 |
66 |
Bethel .... |
.....2 |
3 |
.400 |
64 |
109 |
MC ...... |
.....0 |
6 |
.000 |
62 |
272 |
This Week's Games
Ottawa at Baldwin.
Kansas Wesleyan at Bethel. Last Week’s Scores
C. of E. 13. Ottawa 7.
Baker 7. Central (Mo.) 14.
Bethel 13. Bethany 6.
McPherson 0, Ft. Riley 39.
A Hollywood scenario writer could hardly do better than the 1949 Kansas Conference script which calls for the championship to be settled in the last game of the season.
The affair was supposed to he settled three weeks ago when the Ottawa Braves soundly trounced Bethany 47-0 although there was a possibility of a three-way tie for the crown if Baker could measure the Braves this week.
Presbies Upset Braves
Last Friday College of Emporia, who had not read the script, handed the Swedes an almost cinch tie for the crown with a possibility of an undisputed championship if Ottawa and Baker would tie. The Presbies threw the race into a three way tie for top spot upsetting Ottawa 13-7, the first conference defeat for the Braves since 1946 when Ray Hahn's Swedes returned two punts all the way and beat them.
The tie lasted but 24 hours. The Swedes handled their opportunity, about like an infielder who tries to throw to first before he fields the ball.
Bethel's Gray Maroon’s supposedly a docile group who would not hurt a fly or a conference contender, suddenly pushed the Swedes all over the field and emerged a 13-6 winner.
That leaves the conference race where it is today—contingent upon tonight’s tomahawk-claw contest between the Braves and the Wildcats. And the odds are getting closer all the time as the experts view Baker's steady showing since they were clipped by Bethany 21-0 in early October and Ottawa's reversal of form against C. of E.
A look into their records indicates they are nearly even strength. Both have a 4-1 conference record and a 6-2 seasonal mark. Both have lost to Central (Mo.) by one touchdown and they both had identical touchdown margins over Bethel. William Jewell, and Kansas Wesleyan.
Ft. Riley ......... 7 7 6 19—39
MC................. 0 0 0 0—0
Touchdowns: Ft. R.—Garrett. Reid 3, Lempe, Hamilton, Pivonka. Extra Points: Ft. R. —Reed, Hoffmaster, Frank.
First downs—MC 9 (Petefish 2, Sullivan, Arnold 2, Bechtel, Blickenstaff 3) Ft. R. 11 (Herron 2, Garrett 3, Reid, Lempe 3, 8. Marsh, Frank).
Rushing attempts and yardage—MC 30-47 (Petefish 12-22. Arnold 10-28. Libal 3-5, Fishburn 3-neg 3. Finger 1-neg 5) Ft. R. 45-189 (Garrett 8-36, Hoffmaster 2-12, Herron 8-22, Reid 9-57, Keefover 5-9, Lempe 11-49, Frank 5-9, 8. Marsh 1-neg 9. Dixon 1-4).
Passes attempted, completed, and yardage—MC 26-8-88 (Petefish 4-l-25, Arnold 14-2-16, Libal 5-2-9, Fishburn 3-3-38) Ft. R. 10-5-131 (Hoffmaster 2-1-33. Reid 4-1-13, Dixon 4-3-85).
Punting—MC 7, 32.4 average (Petefish 4-26.5, Libal 1-44.0. Arnold 2-38.5) Ft. R .3-37.0 (Lempe 2-32.0, Dixon 1-47.0).
Penalities-MC 3-15 Ft R 4-40
Fumbles-MC 1 Ft R 1.
Opponent’s Fumbles Rccov-ered-MC 1 FtR 0.
Punt Returns-MC 2-14 (Newport) FtR 4-42 (Dixion 2-41. Conacher-Cox 1-7, Lempe 1-neg 6.)
Kickoff Returns-MC 4-66 (Sullivan 3-48. Schmidt 1-18) FtR 1-35 (Garrett).
Passes Intercepted-MC 1 (Fishburn) FtR 5 (Conacher 3, Toomey, S. Marsh).
Passes received-Mc 8-88 (Sullivan 2-26. Bechtel 1-15 Schmidt 1-3, Blickenstaff 4-4 4) FtR 5-131 (Reid 1-33. Plvonka 2-40. S. Marsh 1-18, Hamilton 1-40).
In conference scoring the Braves have scored two more points and given up one less touchdown. However, if the game is decided by kicking—and two games have been decided by one point in the conference this year —the edge will be with the .Wildcats.
Kolancy Top Kicker Veteran Sherman Kolancy has kicked 16 extra points in 21 tries this year compared to Ottawa’s PAT man, freshman Jim Grogan, who has clicked on 14 of 24. Kolancy has also booted two field goals.
The individual scoring race should also be decided this week. At present Jim Schroeder of Bethel and Bethany’s Bill Carlson are still tied with 4 2 points followed by Vaughn Kimbrough of Ottawa with 36.
Carlson has finished his season but both Kimbrough and Schroeder will have a chance to go ahead in the scoring column. Baker’s Boyce Smith with 30 points has an outside chance to overtake the leaders.