Student Christian Movement of Rocky Mountain Region to Meet at Manhattan
W. W. Slaybaugh
Dr. O. E. Baker, Agricultural Economist to Speak
This year the students of the Rocky Mountain Region of the Student Christian Movement are again sponsoring a regional conference.
For the first time in the history of this movement a conference based upon our agricultural and population problems is being held. This is a wide-open and serious attempt to study our economic problems of other regions. Some very definite, clear-cut issues are involved. Are we building a peasant farm class in America? What does it mean when .. per cent of the farmers in Kansas, for example, are tenants? What is the solution to the farm problem-cooperatives or legislation? What is the farmer's stake in the world peace program?
In the state of Kansas twenty-five years ago 10 per cent of the people were over fifty years of age: at present 25 per cent of the population is beyond the fifty year mark, and by 1960 over 50 per cent will be. What does this mean for the future of Kansas and other Middle-Western states?
The crux of the entire conference can be put into one question, does the Christian way of life have anything to offer to the solution of those problems?
Among the speakers of the conference, Dr. O. E. Baker, Senior Agricultural Economist, who is in charge of the population studies of the United States Department of Agriculture. Among other speakers are Dr. W. E. Grimes, head of the Economics Department, Kansas State College and Reverend Joseph King of Lawrence.
Thus for the nominal fee of two dollars plus transportation one can see the inside of a great state institution, have an enjoyable time and attend a worthwhile, educational conference.
a member of the faculty of the Beth-any Biblical Seminary, is recognized as one of the strongest men in the Church in Bible interpretation and Exegesis. With his keen insight and splendid ability as a teacher, we believe that Brother Slabaugh will help to create a fresh interest in the Bible during the Conference.
Amateur Hour To Be Presented February 5
Original Talent Will Blossom At Unusual College Program
Fun and surprises and a night of hilarity on the first college amateur hour—that’s what is in store for Friday evening, February 5. It will be more than a Major Bowes amateur hour; original talent hidden in the heart of your nearest friend will blossom forth to take you by surprise. Formality will sleep and the gong will usher in a program you cannot afford to miss.
What do you do that we don’t know about. Do you know of anyone who has something we would like to hear or see. Remember, this is a chance of a lifetime to give it expression. Get in touch with the Amateur Program Committee. Its membership will be posted on the bulle-tin boards. There is no formality. You’ll enjoy it as much as the audience.
What is suitable for the program. Well, music, both vocal and instrumental impersonations, whistling, tricks, stunts and what-have-you. The committee will be glad to hear what you have to offer. Get in touch with it. Watch for further announcements.
“Character” Is the Subject of Her Discussion
“Character” was the subject Dean Josephine M. Smith’s talk in the regular C. E meeting Sunday night at 6:30 in the College church.
A few of the desirable traits that help make up character are honesty and truthfulness, unselfishness, kindness, cheerfulness, and punctuality.
“Are you always honest, unselfish and kind?” asked Dean Smith. She explained that the situation in which a person is makes a great difference as to whether one is or not. She illustrated her point by giving the results of tests which had been given to school children. They were dishonest in their classroom and also dishonest on the playground. There were some exceptions who wore untruthful in just one of the situations.
Very few persons are truthful, kind and unselfish all the time. So many times people try to obtain honesty without looking for the traits that go to make honesty, and thereby fail to attain the correct foundation.
It is not what you do once in a while that really goes to make up character. It’s what you do every day.
Devotions were conducted by Ira Milton Hoover. Group singing was led by Avis Heckman with Lucile Ul-lery assisting at the piano.
Edith Jasper and Mrs. Earnest Wall Are Hostesses To Party Saturday
It was a real privilege to several of the college girls to be entertained so delightfully in the lovely Wall home Saturday evening with Edith Jasper and Mrs. Wall as hostesses to twenty-seven of the college girls and teachers at a dessert party
at 7:00 o'clock.
Miss Josephine Smith and Miss Maurine Stutzman presided at the table which was laid with a Chinese fillet cloth and centered with yellow tapers in silver holders and a silver bowls of calendulas. The sunflower orange and brown motif was further expressed in the refreshment course.
The guests were divided into two groups for contests during the evening. One group was named Sunflowers and the other Meadowlarks in honor of Kansas Day, January 29. Most of the contests were related in some way to Kansas Day. These Iowa girls know the names of Kansas towns better than some of the local girls.
It was evident from the reluctant goodbyes and sincere expressions of appreciation that Edith and Mrs. Wall had proved themselves the perfect hostesses.
Those attending the party were: Wanda Hoover, Velma Watkins, Ef-fie Snell, Rosalie Fields, Avis Smith, Charlotte Nance, Margaret Fry, Pauline Stutsman, Vera Heckman, Doris Dresher, Lucille Ullery, Emma Voshell, Elma Minnick, Glee Gough-nour, Inez Goughnour, Lorene Schmidt, Theresa Strom, Mamie Wolfe, Bernardine Ohmart, Frances Campbell, Rowena Frantz, Mrs. Emmert, Miss Atkinson, Miss Warner, Mrs. Zook, Miss Smith, Miss Stutzman, Edith Jasper, and Mrs. Earnest Wall.
Rufus D. Bowman
Rufus D. Bowman will be one of the chief speakers at the Regional Conference this year. He will bring to the Conference deep spiritual insight.
Lights Affect Growth
Vari-colored lights of different degrees of’ brilliance affect growing plants in different ways, says Prof. Robt. B. Withrow of Purdue University’s horticulture department. Some hasten maturity, others strengthen the stems and still others stimulate seed production.
Moving pictures at college church at 7:00.
Friday * *
Chapel, 10:00.
Basketball game at Lindsborg. Sunday
Recital by Prof. Nevin Fisher and Prof. Loren Crawford at 4:00. College Endeavor, 6:30.
Woman’s Council Leaders' meeting. 4:30.
Chapel, 10:00
Meeting for all girls planning to attend formal dinner. 8:00.
8:00 p. m. Woman’s Council’s Discussion Group.
S. C. M. Commissions 9:00. World Service 6:45.
Women’s Council To Sponsor Formal Dinner
Each Girl Must Be Present at Tuesday Meeting of Group
The Woman's Council is sponsoring a formal dinner on Tuesday evening, February 9. While the dinner is primarily for freshman girls all upper class girls are cordially invited to attend. To be eligible to attend the formal dinner each girl must be present at a meeting on Tuesday night, February 2, at 8:00. A thorough discussion of formal dinners will be held at this meeting.
All girls who wish to buy tickets for this gala affair may secure them from Margaret Mesamer. The price is 41 cents. The deadline for the purchase of tickets will be Friday in the church parlors. Mrs. E. L. McConkey will plan and prepare the dinner which will be served by three faculty members: Miss Marion Sheets, Miss Delia Lehman and Miss Lilyan Warner. The butler will be none other than the honorable Prof-fessor Loren Crawford (And this girls should be an excellent reason for your attending the dinner. You can’t afford to miss it—that is, the dinner.)
Cambridge, Mass. (ACP)—Har
vard University's sport program for 1935-36 showed more than a $2,000 gain over that of 1934-35, it was announced in the annual report of the Harvard Athletic association.
The profit of $4,746.59 for the last college year is the largest in the last three years, contrasting with the surplus of $2,306.18 for the preceding year and a deficit of $32,-881.78 for the year ending June 30,1934.
Radio Broadcast Was Sponsored by Cooperation Commis-
sion at Regular Meeting
Thompson, Strom, Byer, Saathoff and Stern Take Part
A unique program in the form of a radio broadcast was sponsored by the World Cooperation commission in the regular meeting of the S. C. M Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock in the Y. W. room.
The announcer for the broadcast was Phillip Davis who announced that the program was being presented in the interests of peace. The program consisted of two readings, "The Victory Dance" and "Noncombatant," by Oliver Andrews, and a play "The Window.”
The cast of characters for the play were as follows: Mr. Carding-ton, Billy Thompson; Jean, his daughter, Theresa Strom: Dick, his son, Howard Byer; Visitor, Wilber Stern; Voice, Addison Saathoff.
Mr. Cardington, a munition-maker, and his daughter, Jean, are talking as the play opens. Jean does not believe in war and feels that it should be stopped. Mr. Cardington proposes to stop it by making one country the dictator of all others. While they are discussing this, a voice is heard in the streets through the open window. Cardington does not like this and commands his daughter to shut the window.
A visitor, who was a friend of Cardington's in previous war days, enters and talks with him. Dick, his son, comes in and is drawn into the conversation. The visitor, who represents the Ghost of War, grasps Dick within his spell. He is almost ready to grasp Jean, also, and maintains that he will unless she opens the window. Mr. Cardington calls to her and tells her to open the window.
As Jean approaches the chair in which Cardington is seated, he awakes to find that this has been a dream. Again he asks his daughter to open the window and as they listen, they hear a message of peace.
Reports from those who heard this program bring commendation to this commission for the presentation of this very unusual and interesting broadcast.
Schwalm Host To Group
Sixty-nine Per Cent of Personnel of the 75th Congress Have Gone to College—Blind Man Elected to House of Representatives
Austin, Texas —Dr. C. W. Hall, director of the Wesley Bible Chair at the University of Texas, says that marriages among college mates turn out more happily than marriages among those who meet elsewhere because college students usually know each other longer before marriage and this makes for happier unions.
The total number of members of the House and Senate is 531—435 Representatives and 96 Senators. Of these, 90 failed to indicate in their official biographies whether or not they went to college. Many of them doubtless did and others, of course, did not. However, the percentage of these unrecorded Congressmen is probably not very different from the vast preponderance of those who reveal their educational background. Congressmen refer just as proudly to "educated in public schools," “educated privately,” or “self-educated," as they do to “B. A. Harvard, ’96." Thus, in omitting these unknown from our calculations, as we are not stacking the cards either way.
But if one wants to consider each of the 90 unrecorded legislators as non-college men, the figure in favor of the college man is still impressive. Figuring it this way, Representatives and Senators with a college background make up 69 per cent of the personnel of the 75th Congress.
Included in the list of non-col-legians are numerous men who at-
respondence work, one who went to Osteopathic College, and one Representative who took a course at the Normal College of the American Gymnastic Union at Indianapolis, Indiana.
One Congressman, whom your correspondent did not include in the reckoning of "college men." deserves more credit for his training than many of those who earned honors at universities. He is Matthew A. Dunn of Pittsburgh. Mr. Dunn lost the sight of one eye in an accident when be was 12 years old and, in another mishap at the age of 20, lost the sight of his remaining eye. Mr. Dunn did not allow these misfortunes to down him. He became a student at the Pittsburgh and Overbook schools for the blind and graduated from the latter, located at Philadelphia, three years later.
He "kept coming” and was elected to the 73rd Congress in 1932 when he was 36 years old.
The "co-ods" in Congress, who list their educations, if not always their ages, are all highly trained. They are
evenly divided, three to three, on the matter of divulging the facts of their education. Mrs. Edith Norse Rogers of Massachusetts, graduated from Rogers Hall School at Lowell, and then attended Madame Julien’s School at Paris, France. Caroline O'Day, representative-at-large from New York, states in her biography that she graduated from Lucy Cobb, Institute, Athens, Georgia; and Mrs Nan Wood Honeyman, Oregon, finished at St. Helen’s Hall, attended the Finch School in New York, and studied music with the famous Edward Mc-Dowell for several years.
Mrs. Carraway, the Senator from Arkansas; Mrs. Norton, Congressman from New Jersey, and Mrs. Jenckee of Indiana fail to record the extent of their education in their official biographies.
Whatever else their faults may be, the members of the 75th Congress cannot be charged with lack of college training. The vast majority of them went to college, at-tended business colleges, took cor-
After church Sunday night night college students were cordially wel-comed into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm.
Four of this merry group proceeded to the kitchen, tied aprons around each other, and immediately began puttering around. They were rather out of practice in their culinary arts, but after an hour or so they finished popping corn and making pop corn balls. Eventually the dishes were washed, aprons were doffed and the cooks returned to the living room.
In the meanwhile, in the living room, there were bursts of laughter and merry chatter as Dr. Schwalm and the other guests were playing a marble game.
Conversation lagged a little as everyone chewed laboriously on sticky pop corn balls. But, after being refreshed by iced grape juice, teeth and jaws were again set free.
The rest of the evening was spent in trying to throw bags through holes in a board. It’s rather miraculous that someone didn’t get knocked out,
the way some of those bags were thrown. But all good things must come to an end—and so did this evening of enjoyment. About closing time at Arnold, the eight guests, La-Vena High, Ruth Taylor, Rilla Hub-bard, Aileen Wine, Chester Johnson, Fred Nace, Bill Fry and Edwin Bentz, donned their coats and hats, and bade goodnight to their most delightful host and hostesses.
THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1937
Craft Office Open Sunday Afternoons. C. M. Commissions Having Stimulating Discussions Interesting and worthwhile programs are being featured in the regular commission meetings of the S. C. M. Crafts will feature the Creative Leisure commission meeting which is to be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30. The S. C. M. office will be open at that time and anyone may come any time during the afternoon. This should prove to be an interesting meeting for each person may work on the craft which he especially likes. Everyone is invited to come work on his favorite craft. The Personal and Family Relationship commission has found its study of personality Questions both helpful and interesting for group discussions. In spite of differences of opinions there have been many beneficial points expressed, therefore the group is continuing with this questionnaire in their meeting next Wednesday morning. The Reinterpretation of Religion commission finished its discussion of individual problems of personality with a consideration of the values of worship, the development of poise, and the ability to be cheerful in especially trying circumstances. The discussion led to a study of the social pattern and its effect upon the personality of those who wish to be leaders. The commission members took up especially a discussion of the groups by which we measure the world socially, the attitudes toward certain groups, and the problem of what to do in certain awkward social situations. At the next meeting, one's attitudes toward different people and groups and one's sensitibility about individual characteristics will be the new topics. Herbert Michael spoke to the World Cooperation commission at their last meeting relating some of his experiences which he had while working on a ship for the past year. This commission sponsored the program which was given in the regular meeting of the S. C. M. Wednesday morning. An interesting program is being prepared for their next meeting. Subsidized Athletics Rejected by HarvardApproves Athletic Program Permit- ting all to Participate in Sports Cambridge, Mass.—(ACP)—The Carnegie Foundation would get a rude jolt if it were to make an investigation of college athletics today, says William J. Bingham, Harvard University's athletic director. In his annual report to Pres. James B. Conant, Bingham explained that subsidizing is practiced more now than ever. “There is more shopping around by athletes today than ever before,” he reported, "and the pathetic part of this picture is that some college presidents either do not know or do not want to know that these practices are going on in their colleges.'' Organized alumni groups rather than coaches are to blame in most cases for the subsidizing and proselyting of college athletes, he added. "If the college athletic coaches were allowed to develop teams from the boys who would normally go to their institutions, college athletics would be much better off today than they are with the alumni one institution trying to outbid the alumni of rival colleges." “We do not glorify athletes at Harvard,” the report continued, "and we are not dependent on national athletic championships for prestige. We are, however trying to sponsor an athletic program which will enable every undergraduate to take part in some kind of recreation-al activity." Harold Evans visited in Morrill, Kansas, during the week end. His cousin returned with him Monday and will enter school here the second semester. J. W. Van Blaricum spent the week end at his home in Minneola. Paul Bowman spent the mid-term vacation in Hillsboro. Loren Abuhl visited with his aunt, Mrs. Ogden, in Honitor during vacation. |
C. E. Davis Gives Address in Chapel Universal Council of Life and Work to Be in England in July, 1937 The Rev. C. Ernest Davis addressed the students in chapel Friday morning. He told of the Universal Council of Life and Work which is to be held at Oxford, England in July, 1937. This council will deal with two great problems which face the church: the relation of the church to the state, and the relation of the church to the present economic order. The problems of ethics are more fundamental than economics, because economics deals with the means to an end, and ethics deals with the end. The basic problem is one of human attitudes. The church must meet these problems if it would account for itself, and keep its place in the social order. This conference is an effort to unite all protestant churches to meet these problems. There will also be a conference on faith and order at Edinburg to discuss creeds, doctrines and practices, and endeavor for a greater unity of Christianity. Collegiate WorldWhen the late Rev. Dr. Carl G. Erickson became president of Up-sala College In 1920, the school had only 16 students. The present enrollment Is about 400. Donald A. Smalley, Instructor of English at Indiana University, thinks that the poetry of John Donne and Robert Browning presents the "effect of tho alarm clock and not of the harp, or of "Wagner rather than Mozart." Dr. L. H. Adams of the Carnegie Institution’s geographical laboratory, says that the age of the earth, as estimated by measuring the amount of radio-active element uranium which has broken down into lead, is about 1,500m000.000 years. "Rags, rags, old newspapers." Girls at New Jersey College for Women don't actually go around from house to house shouting for old rubbish, but they do save it. In addition to teaching English classes at three different colleges in Baltimore, Wasserman is working for his Ph. D. at Johns Hopkins University and making a special study of the "Elizabethan Revival." Students of organic chemistry at Colby College who study under Prof. Lester P. Weeks, have found that tea during an examination makes a test sweeter to take. During one of the past three-hour exams, some of the students com-, plained that they were too tired to think and write at the close of the test. I guess I’ll serve tea next time." replied Prof. Weeks. At the last exam, he and his two of tea and dozens of filled cookies. The first perfect relief map of Wesst Virginia, produced after 35 years of research by the state geological survey, is now on display at Oglebay hall of West Virginia University. Dr. Roderick Peattie, of the geography department at Ohio State University, has drawn plans for the construction of a model of the uni-versity campus, intended to aid blind students in determining the location of the various buildings. Results of the tests given to freshmen at the University of Washington show that the men are 10 per cent higher than the women In reading ability and four per cent higher in vocabulary ratings. Undergraduates at Stevens Institute of Technology want to learn more about the clocks they watch. An Informal course on time-pieces, watches and clocks, is being launched again this year. Economic courses are more popular than any other course given at the Univerity of California. A survey shows that economics has reached a now high In schools throughout the country. Duquesne University students are going farther than putting slugs into slot machines. According to Louie the man who collects the coins, they now Insert old, broken razor blades. Chancellor H. W. Chose of New York University reports that there were 40,549 enrollees at that insti-tutlon during the 1935-1936 school year. Drayton R. Boucher, a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, has registered In the Louisi-ana State University law school be-cause he admits that there is a great deal about law that he does not Washington University has five sets of coed twins—half as many as Louisiana State University. As part of the prom publicity stunt at Northwestern University, 30 beautiful coeds recently drove around the campus in new 1937 model automobiles. Sports rhythms, the only course of its kind in the United States, being offered at Louisiana State University. It is intended to teach football, tennis, swimming, basketball, and track candidates more perfect timing. Eastern Law Schools Form Law Association Organization to Deal With Economic Problems of Young Lawyers New York, N. Y.. (ACP)—In or-der to deal more effectively with legal, ethical, social and economic problems that confront law school students, the American Law Students Association has been formed by students from six eastern law schools. Institutions represented are Columbia University, New York University, St. John's University and Brooklyn Law School in New York City, and Harvard and Yale. Chief topic of interest for its members is the economic difficulties that will be barriers for them as law clerks and young lawyers. However, no definite stand was taken on minimum wages for law clarks. The group has voted in favor of taking "adequate steps, in conjunction with bar associations, law school faculties, and other legal groups, to improve the economic well-being of law students, law clerks, and young attorneys.” Membership in the association is limited to schools in the northeast-area but eventually it will be extended to schools in all parts of the U. S. |
Industrial Arts Give Party Whether a “strom," “son,'’ "quist," or "bird," at the Industrial Arts Lumberjack party Monday night, it was evident that all had a lumbering good time. Entertainment was in the form of favorite pastimes of a lumber camp. Representatives from each group contested their strength, their ability to thread a needle, their snoring capacity, and most interesting of all, who could tell the biggest "whopper." The girls proved their inability to drive nails into a board without bending them. And to top it all off, chili was eaten out of a tin cup, apple pie out of the hand with good coffee. About fifty students had a ripping good time at this party given by Professor Dell. Social Life of Frats Found UnsatisfactoryDartmouth Fraternities Dissolve All National Affiliations Because Dartmouth fraternities, according to the report, of the Committee for the survey of Social Life at Dartmouth, "failed in accomplishing the ends stated in the fraternity charters and in providing the best possible social units at Dartmouth" a move to dissolve national affiliations in favor of local clubs was started. When the committee voted 12 to 2 for dissolution, the alumni protested. Last September President Hopkins said national connections would be retained "if the interest and sense of responsibility for the chapters can make the contribution of these chapters to the welfare of the college significant to it, and calculated to support its own objectives.” At the suggestion of the Social Life committee. Dr. Hopkins created the office of Adviser to Fraternities and appointed Davis Jackson '36, he stated, because he thought one of the most recent graduates would be in the best position to serve the purpose. Harley Stump, a former student of this college, arrived on the campus last Friday and will attend school here this semester. |
Taxation of StateSchools DisputedWilliam and Mary's College Deny Right of State to Levy Taxes That is the stand taken by the four colleges and universities who because they are state supported institutions have refused to pay the 10 per cent federal sports admission tax. William and Mary, the latest college to object denied the government's right to force a state insti-tution to collect taxes or to levy and collect and collect taxes from a state institution. Furthermore, authorities said, the Virginia college would attempt to get a refund on all levies paid the federal government in the last four years. In Atlanta, Federal Judge E. Marvin Underwood enjoined the government from collecting taxes on foot-ball games of the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech. "Athletic programs and contents for which admission is charged, under the decision of the Court of Ap-peals in this case, are an essential governmental function of the State of Georgia." Claims on back takes from the University of Iowa have been carried to two courts already. The University of Minnesota has been sued by the federal government. A committee of the National Col-legiate Athletic Association in studying the problem, and, according to informed sources, would like to have a test case brought before the Supreme Court. Floy Lackey and Oliver Andrews were guests of George Toland at his home in St. John Saturday and Sunday. Tony Meyer was confined to his room last week with the flu. Glen McGonigle went to his home in Nickerson for the week end. Franklin Eldridge attended the funeral of a relative at Alta Vista Monday. |
Chet Johnston Leads Bulldog
Cagesters in Scoring With
Barngrover Rating Second
A strong and accurate shooting College of Emporia team won over the Bulldogs of McPherson college Friday night in an important Kansas conference cage game. The first half was close with the score being tied five different times, but the hot shooting of Rock, forward, gave Emporia Its 38-29 victory In the second half.
McPherson was not up to its usual form Friday night. It was especially weak in hitting the basket for goals. Many of the Bulldogs shots fell short of the backboard. With the exception of Barngrover the players were not hitting the basket as they usually had so for this season. Chet Johnston scored 13 points, but he missed many shots that should have been counters.
Rock, the hero of the game as far as C. of E. was concerned, did not do so much the first half, but he put on a marvelous scoring performance in the second period. He accounted for 12 points in the last half. His three points in the first period gave him a total of 16 points for scoring honors of the game.
Bell, forward, was another high scorer for the Presbies. His overhead shot had the Bulldog guards guessing most of the game. He scored 3 points.
McPherson’s leading scorer was Chet Johnston. He accounted for four field goals and five free throws for a total of 13 points. Barngrover, Canine center, dropped in five field goals for 10 points.
Late in the game the Bulldogs lost their two regular guards, Harold Johnston and Dave McGill. Both were ejected because of four personals. Lee, C. of E. guard, also acquired four fouls a few minutes before the game ended.
In the preliminary game the C. of E. second team defeated McPherson's B team .20-13 in a close and interesting game. Emporia held an 8 to 6 lead at the half. Currence, Emporia forward, led the scoring with seven points. Voshell, guard, was McPherson's leading scorer with six points.
The box score of the first team game:
McPherson (29) |
FG |
FT |
F |
C. Johnston f...... |
. 4 |
5 |
2 |
Haun f .................... |
. 0 |
2 |
1 |
Barngrover c-g ........ |
.. 5 |
0 |
3 |
H. Johnston g .......... |
.. 1 |
0 |
4 |
McGill g .............. |
0 |
0 |
4 |
Robertson g ............. |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Wiegand c .........— |
. 0 |
0 |
0 |
Totals ........................ |
11 |
7 |
16, |
Kansas Conference Standings
W |
L |
Pet. |
Pts. |
Op. |
C. of E. ------3 |
0 |
1.000 |
106 |
78 |
Baker .......... 2 |
1 |
.677 |
105 |
68 |
Kans. Wes'n 1 |
1 |
.500 |
54 |
62 |
McPherson .... 1 |
2 |
.333 |
83 |
81 |
Ottawa ........ 1 |
2 |
.333 |
86 |
114 |
Bethany ........0 |
2 |
.000 |
47 |
73 |
Games This Week
Bethany vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina.
McPherson vs. Bethany at Linds-borg
Ottawa vs C. of E. at Emporia. Saturday:
Rockhurst vs. Kansas Wesleyan at Salina (Non-conference.)
Results Last Week C. of E .. 39. Haskell. 21.
Baker. 34: William Jewell. 20.
C. of E., 38: McPherson. 29. Baker, 61: Ottawa, 17.
C. of E. 45: Friends, 25.
Individual Scoring | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
David McGill
David McGill, versatile guard of The McPherson Bulldogs, will be in there fighting to break that Swede jinx tomorrow night at Lindsborg. |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Referee: LeRoy Sandberg, Beth any. Box score second team game: |
What Have You?
? 7 ? 7 7 ? ? 7 ? 7 ? ?
McPherson (13) |
FG |
FT |
F |
Sanger f ................. |
. 1 |
0 |
0 |
Naylor f ................ |
.. 0 . |
1 |
3 |
Diehl c ...................... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Kingsley g .. ..........*. |
2 |
0 |
1 |
Voshell g .................. |
2 |
2 |
0 |
Yoder g ............ |
. 0 |
0 |
0 |
Schmidt c ....... |
.. 0 |
0 |
0 |
Ogden f.................. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fry g ................... |
. 0 |
- 0 |
0 |
Albright f ................. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total ......................... |
. 5 |
- 3 |
4 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Referee: Verle Ohmart, McPherson. |
Dave Metzger was a week end guest of Gladys Shank at her home in Navarre.
Tomorrow Night McPherson College Journey to Linds-borg to Break Jinx of Swedes.
Tomorrow night the McPherson Bulldogs journey to Lindsborg to tangle with the "Terrible Swedes" of Bethany college in an important cage game. The game will determine who is to be the temporary occupant of the cellar position in the conference.
The Swedes have had tough luck so far this season, losing their two conference games. The top-notch C. of E. team defeated them 39-22 in an early season game. A fighting Ottawa outfit, getting revenge on the Swedes for a three-point defeat the night before, beat the Swedes by a nine-point margin, 34-26.
The Bulldogs have been working out steadily this week in preparation for the oncoming game. After losing two consecutive conference games. Coach Selves realizes that his team must work hard in order to beat the jinx of the Swedes.
The second teams of the two schools will play in the preliminary
- -etaoinshrdlu
Probable starting lineup:
McPherson |
Bethany | |
C. Johnston |
...„.F................ |
Killfoil |
Haun ...______ |
....F...-________ |
Maupin |
Barngrover . |
C |
..... Dick |
H. Johnston |
......G................ |
. Uhler |
McGill _______ |
---G................ |
Warren |
Win a Gold Medal
Hear ye! Hear ye! Any of you eds and coeds interested in ping pong sign the blanks on the bulletin board immediately!
The College Humor ping-pong tournaments will begin next week, and all those interested should signify their intentions of participating. The College Humor magazine is sponsoring a series of tournaments in college throughout the nation. The magazine furnishes gold and silver medals for two tournaments in each school. First and second place medals will be awarded in both the boys and girls tournaments.
Everyone interested should participate and make the tournaments a success.
Carrol Kraus, who was a student here last year, came Sunday to enroll in school for the second semester.
Opal Ellenberger has moved to the home of Mrs. Brunk. Opal will not attend school the second semester.
Charlotte Wolfe is now staying in the home of Mrs. Holgemer and will not attend school here this semester.
Have you something to sell? Have you lost some valuable article or do you, have some service to offer? Starting next week The Spectator will run a column of miscellaneous advertisements under the heading, "What Have You?” in which readers may advertise for lost articles, for work, for help, articles for sale, rooms for rent. In fact anything for which one wants to advertise.
As a special service to students and employers The Spectator will publish a three line ad offering employment for college students without cost to the advertiser. Other ads will run at a uniform rate of five cents a line for each insertion. To have an ad run in the "What Have You?" column see Russell Kingsley or Vernon D. Michael.
In introducing this advertising feature The Spectator Offers this advertising service in the next is-sue, February 4, at a penny a line. Get your ad in early!
Genevieve Sandy visited friends in Abilene during the vacation.
Kreisler Says Students Are Appreciating Better Music
Los Angeles, Cal.. (ACP)—"College students are slowly beginning to appreciate the bettor type of music but still show a strong liking for Jazz," Fritz Kreisler, world famous violinist and composer, told students of Los Angeles Junior College.
"If students will stay away from Jazz, a little, they will soon discover the pleasure that comes to one when they can appreciate the classics.
"Several years from now the field of music may be changed considerably from what it is today, through the influence of television, and students who are studying music should keep this in mind." he continued.
"There are just as many opportunities for ambitious music students now as there were a number of years ago and as there will be in the future. However, what change television will bring about in music in the future Is hard to tell.
"But.” declared Kreisler. "If a student is a good musician the world will listen to him no matter what happens."
Pictures To Be Shown
Moving pictures on the organization of the Brethren Church will be shown tonight following the Fellowship Supper at 6:30 at the Brethren Church.
Those pictures come direct from Elgin, Illinois, the Brethren pub-lishing house, and the McPherson church is the first to show them. These pictures should prove interesting to all students. Everyone is invited to both supper and pictures. The supper is the final one of the Fellowship suppers for this year.
More than $1,000 worth of valuables have been stolen from fraternity houses on the campus of Washington and Lee University this semester.
Glass bricks, capable of transmitting 87.5 per cent light, are being used in the construction of the new south unit engineering shop on the campus of the University of Kentucky.