



Volume XLI

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, May 10, 1957

No. 29

Gene Myers Will Work For Two Years In Viet-Nam

Gene Myers, Macollege senior from Dexter, Mo., is leaving for Vietnam very soon after graduation.

He is going under the auspices of International Voluntary Services, a non - profit organization for the purpose of development of and distribution of aid to undeveloped communities.

Alternative Service IVS may be used as an alternative for military service. Gene first heard of IVS from Don Good-fellow, a former Macollege student, and from a friend in Missouri. Dean James Berkebile gave Gene the address of the director whose home is in Washington, D C.

While attending Political Youth Seminar in Washington, Gene had a visit with the director. A few weeks later, the military service called him to take his physical Gene requested that IVS be substituted for military service.

Viet-Nam, originally Indochina, will be his home for two years while he works on a team to help raise the standards of health, agriculture, and education.

Retirements for IVS include the following: at least 22 years

old; a college graduate; a member in good standing in some church; a farm background; and a major in agriculture preferred College Activities Gene is majoring in chemistry with a minor in rural life. When he returns, he plans to teach science in high school Gene has been a part of Macol-lege family for the past four years. During his freshman year, he was a cheerleader, and a member of Players Club, Pep Band, Ag Club, and Chapel Choir.

In his sophomore year he participated in Players Club. Ag

College Calendar

Today, All-Schools' Day.

Tonight, Jr. - Sr. Banquet at Hutchinson.

Tomorrow night, "M" Club Banquet at Warren Hotel.

Sunday, May 11, Miller Recital in the College Chapel, 2:30 p.m.

Friday. May 17, Freshman-Sophomore Picnic at Kanopolis, 2:15 p.m.

Sunday, May 19. Spring Festival at the College Church, 5:30 p.

Mac Groups Elect Officers For The 1957-58 School Year

Bowman Not Retiring

The announcement in the Gospel Messenger of April 27 that Prof. J. L. Bowman is retiring is an error.

Both Professor Bowman and Prof. George Arnold will be teaching in physics and mathematics next year.

Eighty-two Mac Seniors To Graduate On May 26

Gene Myers Club and A Cappella Choir, and was a Varsity cheerleader.

He was a member of FTA, Pep Club, M Club, Chapel Choir, and the steering committee for College CBYF during his junior year. He was chairman of the regional CBYF Cabinet, and business manager of the Spectator. He also became a member of Alpha Psi Omega last year.

Youth Work

This year, Gene is president of the Western Region CBYF and chairman of the Regional CBYF Cabinet. He is a member of Alpha Psi Omega, Alpha Delta, M Club, FTA, and Chapel Choir.

During the summer of 1956, Gene was in St. Joseph. Mo., on one of the first Earn and Serve projects.

"I think that one of the biggest problems facing us today is that of learning to understand other people of the world. I hope that through my every day life. I can help others understand what democracy is and what the United States stands for." said Gene.

Eighty-two students will be can-idates for graduation at McPherson College, May 26. Harry F. Corbin, president of Wichita University, will be the commencement speaker.

Thirty-two students will receive a bachelor of arts degree. Fifty students will receive a bachelor of science degree. Nine of the eighty-two graduating seniors will complete the work for their degrees this summer.

Candidates for a bachelor of arts degree are Donna Jean Berry, Marcella Dresher, Imo Jean Frantz, Barbara Elizabeth Good-en, Beverly Jena Hall, Delbert Guy Hayes, Margaret Baile Hoe-fle, Ruth Anna Hoff, Esther Viola Hornbaker, Sonja Karen Mark, Paul Mason.

Margaret Hoefer McCollum, Marilyn Elizabeth Metsker, Constance Brooks Miller, Ruth Eisen-bise Miller, Evangelina Navarro, Huston Miles Pulford, Clifford Charles Reeves, Lucy Blough Reeves, John M. Schrag, June

Congregation To Pull Plow With Moderator Guiding

An old-fashioned walking plow with a tripletree will be used Sunday. May 12, as the college Church of the Brethren has a ground-breaking ceremony for its new education building.

Members of the McPherson Church of the Brethren are look-ing to this event as an all-important day in the history of their church.

At the morning church service a special service of dedication and consecration for babies will be held in honor of Mother's Day,

All parents of babies and small children who would like to have their children dedicated are invited by the pastor, Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., to bring them to this morning service. The sermon topic is "Faith, Hope, and Love."

The ground-breaking service for the new educational building will follow the morning worship service.

Plans are being made to obtain a walking plow and a tripletree for the ground-breaking ceremony. The plow is to be guided by the moderator, Dr. Burton Metzler, as the first furrow is turned for the future educational building

Long ropes will extend from the plow; these will be guided by members of the Building Committee of which Prof. S. M. Dell is chairman.

The ropes will be of sufficient length so that all of the members of the congregation will have the opportunity to help in the beginning of this church expansion program.

At 4 o'clock the evening of May 12 a homebuilders program by the children in honor of Mother’s Day will be given.

Following this program, supper will be served in the social rooms of the church.

Party Held In SUR For Signing 1957 Quads

The Quadrangle signing party was held in the SUR Monday evening from 6-8 p.m.

The 1957 Quadrangle has many highlights including a linen cover with the present Sharp Hall pictured on the front and the new Sharp to he on the back. There is also a dedication to the present Sharp Hall in the beginning pages of the Quad.

A farewell page was also given to Dr. Maurice Hess, English professor, who is retiring this year and moving to Missouri.

New organization groups being pictured for the first time are MCA, Alpha Delta fraternity, and MENC.

Extra Quadrangles are avail-able at $5.

This year's Quadrangle Editor has been Anne Keim with Dick Bittinger as Associate Editor.

Blough Sheaffer, Lyall Ross Sher-red.

Mary Alice Smith, Inez M. Vor-hees, Marian McElwain Whirley, and Nancy Kathryn Lundstrom.

Elva Brock, Carol Ernestine Ely, Charlene Reynolds Holder-read, Florence Vivian Oliver, Richard Allen Smith and Ethel-yn Von Buren will complete work for a bachelor of arts degree this summer.

Candidates for a Bachelor of Science degree are Aubrey A. Ballard, Birdene Jamison Bean, Gary Elwin Button, Richard James Carney, Harold G. Chil-son, Donald Edward Colberg, Norma Jeanine Corn, Ruth Ann Davidson, George A. Eisele, Orval Myron Eshelman.

Ronald B. Freed, E. Dale Gill-ogly, Donald Glahn, Marlene Lee Jamison, Chan Young Jo, Gwan Sik Jo, Jo Eva Reinecker Jones, Nancy Jane Keim, Willis D. Koe-hn, Carilyn Krehbiel, A. Dean McKellip, Oscar Darius Miller, Gene Myers, Leon Crist Neher, Lyle Edward Neher.

Elijah O. Odokara, Vernon Eugene Petefish, E. Dean Reynolds, Ivan L. Richert, Louis Leroy Roberts, Merle Dean Rolfs, Max E. Royer, Ralph Austin Royer, Gerald D. Sampson. Bennie Lee Schnorr, Dwayne Martin Schweppe, Dale Eugene Shene-felt, Doris Jeane Shively, Helen Irene Shull.

Galen Dean Stucky, James Van Blaricum, Charles Edmund Vance, Victor J. Vorhees, Donald Andrew Westmoreland, Robert Wayne Williams, Anita Faye McSpad-den Wise, and Edward D. Wolf.

John L. Lenz, Ronald A. Barber and Richard Cowan will complete their work for a Bachelor of Science this summer.

Classes and a number of clubs have recently elected officers for the coming school year.

Seniors Elect Oltman Senior class officers are: president, Mario Oltman; vice president, Wilbur Smith; secretary, Dorothy Blough; treasurer, Don Holderread; and Student Council representative, Bob Nelson.

Juniors Choose Wenger Juniors chosen for responsible positions are: Gene Wenger, president; Norma Watkins, vice president; Ruth Hanagarne, secretary; Irvin Wagner, treasurer; and Ruth Hanagarne and Don Cotton for Student Council representatives. Dr. Raymond Flory is class sponsor.

Holderread Elected Ken Holderread was elected to preside over the sophomore class Kenton Wrightsman, vice presi dent; Sherland Ng. secretary; Valerie Miller, treasurer, complete the list of officers with two representatives to Student Council, Larry Werner and Deanna Goering.

Seniors selected as their gift to their Alma Mater pledges on the new Sharp Hall to the amount of $1000 from all members of the class. These are to be made over a period of five years.

Don Colberg was chosen as agent to represent the class to the alumni office.

FTA Elects Switzer Future Teachers of America elected Ed Switzer president of their organization with Don Hold-erread acting as vice president, Shirley Rhoades as secretary, El-ma Holmes as treasurer and

Glenna Hawbaker as librarian and historian.

F.T.A. recently received its gold seal for having been in good standing during the past year.

Pep Club Elects Erisman

Bob Erisman will preside over Pep Club meetings next year. Joyce Berry, vice president; Dorothy Blough, secretary-treasurer; Janis Enswiler, checker, and Ruth Hanagarne, publicity manager, complete their roster of officers.

M Club Choses Smith

"M" Club has chosen Sid Smith for president, Ed Sink, vice president; and Jerry McPherson as secretary-treasurer for the coming year.

Mohler Elected

Women’s Council sponsored by Dr. Mary Fee, outgoing Dean of Women, has chosen Vera Mohler as president; Rossie Monk, vice president; Ruth Barcelo, secretary; Ellen Kurtz, treasurer, and Joan Furry as publicity chairman.

Davidson Heads Home Ec

Home Economics Club will be headed by Donna Davidson with Kathy Burkholder, vice president; and June McDaniel as treasurer.

Bittingers In Missouri

Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger traveled to Northern Missouri May 4-5 to help in an anniversary celebration of the Bethany church. The celebration was the 60th anniversary of the church.

Rev. Byron Dell, a graduate of McPherson College, is the pastor of the Bethany congregation.

Burkholder Receives Grant For Study Of Marine Life

Freshmen, Sophomores Plan Kanopolis Picnic

The annual Freshman-Sophomore picnic will be held Friday, May 17. beginning at 2:10 p.m Plans are for the picnic to be held at Kanopolis.

Fike-Edited Spectators Receive Honor Rating

Duane Fike, editor of the Spectator first semester, has received a second class honor rating for the Spectators he published.

This judging and rating of college papers is a service of the Associated Collegiate Press. Papers are ranked with others of schools of the same size.

The scoring of the paper is given with criticisms and suggestions for the improvement of the paper.

Dr. John Burkholder, professor of biology, has been granted an award of $1,025 plus travel expense for the study of marine life on the Pacific coast by the National Science Foundation. He was one of 20 other professors to receive such an award.

He will spend eight weeks of study at the Marine Biological Institute, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning June 15. He hopes that this work will better prepare him to teach courses in biology, zoology, ecology, etc.

His wife and two children will spend the summer with him.

Dr. Burkholder has been head of the McPherson College Department of Biology since January. 1953. He received his degree Master of Science in 1951 from the University of Chicago, and his Ph. D. in 1954.

He succeeded Dr. R. E. Moh-ler, who retired after completing 40 years as a professor at McPherson College.

A graduate of McPherson College, Dr. Burkholder was an outstanding student graduating ma-

Dr. John Burkholder

gna cum laude at the head of his class. He was selected for "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.”

Dr. Burkholder is one of the faculty sponsors for Rec Council and the Social Committee.

Anderson, Elliott, Heidebrecht Set Bulldog Track Records

Mac Tennis Squad To Enter Emporia Tournament Today

The Spectator Page 2 May 10, 1957

Ron Anderson, Gene Elliott, and John Heidebrecht racked up new Macollege track records this week. Anderson's record is in the discus throw, Elliott's in the pole vault, and Heidebrecht's in the high jump.

Macollege track squad had a good day Tuesday, May 7, as they scored 13 points in the Doane College Night Relays.

Ronald Anderson was the only first place winner as he heaved the discus 152 feet 1/2 inch for a new record in the meet. Ron also placed third in the shot as he threw some 43 feet. "Andy" was high point man for McPherson with eight points.

Others scoring were Gene Elliott, who tied for fifth place in the pole vault and set a new school record for the third consecutive time. Height of the bar was 12 feet 4 inches.

The distance medley team finished second as a result of a slight mix up in timing, and John Heidebrecht and Tom Ragland high jumped 5 feet 9 inches. John, who set a new record of 6 feet 81/4 inches on Monday, had a bad day in the Nebraska wind.

Dual Meet

Macollege Bulldogs trounced Kansas Wesleyan tracksters of Salina in a dual meet Monday, May 6, 75 to 56.

Two new school records were established in the win, those being a 160 foot discus throw by Ronald Anderson and a 6-foot 31/4 inch high jump by John Heidebrecht.

Following is a summary of McPherson scoring.

Mile—1 Colberg, 2 Bittinger, 3 Melton. Time—4:48.

440 yard dash—2 Ragland, 3 R.

Heidebrecht. Time 52.6.

100 yard dash—1 Fisher Wesleyan Time 10.6.

High hurdles—2 Ragland. 3 Smith. Time 15.3.

880 yard dash—2 G. Stucky, 3 Oltman. Time 2:04.8.

220 yard dash—Houdek Wesleyan Time 23.8.

Two mile—1 Colberg, 2 Bittinger, 3 Oltman. Time 10:42.4.

Low hurdles— 3 Smith Time 25.7 Mile relay—Wesleyan. Time 3:31.5 Shot—1 Anderson, 2 McPherson, 3 Kruse. Distance 12 feet 51/4 inches.

Discus—1 Anderson, 2 McPherson. Distance 160 feet (new record)

Javelin—1 Widrig. Distance 179 feet 11 inches.

Pole vault—1 Elliott, 3 Zook. Height 11 feet.

High Jump— 1 J. Heidebrecht, 2 Ragland. Height 6 feet 31/4 inches. (new record)

Broad jump—1 Ragland, 2 Heidebrecht, tie with Culley, Wesleyan. 20 feet 7 inches.

M Club Sponsors May Day Stand

“M” Club will sponsor a May Day stand today and tomorrow at the carnival grounds. Snacks and economical suppers will be provided including home made ice cream and pie.

Committees for the May Day stand were appointed and other unfinished business was taken care of at the “M” Club meeting Monday, May 6.

Also final arrangements for the formal banquet tomorrow night were completed including a program and guest speaker “Woody” Woodard.

Awards Chapel To Be Tuesday

Awards Chapel will be held on Tuesday, May 14, at which time students will be honored for outstanding achievements during the year.

High scholastic standing, athletic, music, debate and dramatic awards will be made by the facul-ty. "Who’s Who" awards, Student Council, W. A. A., Pep Club, and M Club members who have been chosen will receive congratulations.

The Student Council Treasurer’s report will be given by Norris Harms.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will be the featured speaker for the closing chapel of this school year on May 17.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Huston Pulford, Ed Wolf, Ralph Royer, George Eisele, Vilas Lik-hite, and Gary Carlson of Macollege will enter the tennis tournament to be held Friday and Saturday, May 10-11, at Emproia with the College of Emporia as the host.

Pulford and Wolf will enter in the singles, Royer and Eisele in the doubles, and Likhite and Carlson in the second doubles.

Don K u k u k, tournament champion from Baker University, will also be a competitor.

Two rounds will be played on the opening day with the doubles in the afternoon.

McPherson tennis squad ended its season of league competition with seven wins, two losses and a tie. The last two matches were played against Baker University and Bethany College.

The Mac racket squad lost to Baker, 6-3.


Pulford lost to Kukuk: 4-6, 6-2,


Wolf lost to Trowbridge: 4-6, 1-6.

Royer defeated Heines: 6-4, 4-6, 6-2.

Eisele lost to Faulkner: 4-6, 5-7.

Likhite lost to Smith: 5-7, 6-3, 1-6.

Carlson defeated Tucker: 6-1, 6-1.


Royer and Eisele lost to Heines and Trowbridge: 4-6, 4-6.

Pulford and Wolf lost to Kukuk and Smith: 3-6, 3-6.

Carlson and Likhite defeated Faulkner and Tucker: 6-1, 6-0. 6-0.

The Macollege netsters defeated the tough Bethany team, 6-3.


Pulford defeated Dyck: 6-0, 6-4.

Wolf lost to Dalstein: 6-4, 1-6, 4-6.

Royer defeated Robinson: 6-2, 6-2.

Eisele defeated Leif: 7-5, 6-4.

Likhite defeated Swanson: 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.

Carlson lost to Mowbray: 6-3, 5-7, 6-4.


Pulford and Wolf lost to Dyck and Dalstein: 6-2, 6-2.

Royer and Eisele defeated Leif and Robinson: 6-3, 4-6, 6-2.

Likhite and Carlson defeated Swanson and Mowbray: 6-2, 6-1.

Mac Dismisses For May Day

Classes will be dismissed today os McPherson celebrates its annual May Day.

All-Schools Day, featuring the biggest parade in the 44 years of its history as well as many other attractions, is being held all day.

240 eighth grade graduates of McPherson County rural schools were honored as floats carrying the names of 25 of their schools rolled down Main Street. McPherson College’s float was built by the sophomore class.

Twenty-two bands including the McPherson College Band led by drum major, Dwight Oltman participated in the parade.

Woodworking exhibits from McPherson County Schools and Mc-Pherson College are featured in six stores on Main Street.

May Queens were honored at the May Fete in the band shell in Lakeside Park last evening and this morning.

Two rodeo shows are being sponsored by the Saddle Club.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

The Spectator Page 3 May 10, 1957

Cabinet Chooses Students For Earn And Serve Work

Recently several Macollege students were chosen for the Earn and Serve Project. The Earn and Serve program was started in 1954 when the Regional Youth Cabinet made a deputation trip to Texas and Louisiana. The Western Region youth are the beginners in this field of service.

The main motive behind this program is service. Youth help to build new churches or to stengthen the program of others. Leon Neher, Regional Youth Director, stated that the Earn and Serve project “is a new venture in faith which has tremendous possibilities.”

If this program is successful, it may be adopted as a National Youth Project. If it proves successful on that level, it may become an interdenominational UC-YM project.

Last year there were two successful projects. Both of these were in Missouri; one was at St. Joseph and another was at St. Louis.

College students who have been chosen for the Beatrice, Nebr., project are: Ed Switzer, Haxtun, Colo., and JoAnn Negley, Durham, Kas. In Topeka, Kans., will be Mary Lou Wise, Nevada, Ia., and Wanda Soden, Rocky Ford. Colo.

Betty Ann Wise, Nevada, Ia„ and Barbara King, Pampa, Tex., have been chosen for the project in Hutchinson, Kans. Larry Sanders, Des Moines, Ia.; Bill Gripe Geary, Okla.; Eileen Oltman, En-ders, Nebr.; and Lois Fager, Clovis, N. Mex., will be going to Pampa, Tex.

Jeanine Corn, Independence. Kans., will be in Newton, Kans. Two men are still needed for this project.

Various thngs wll be done by these students. Community survey for church site, help with playground for children, assist in youth program, assist pastor, direct youth choir, day camps, and Bible School are a few of the

many ways in which service will be rendered.

Although Earn and Serve Is primarily motivated by service to the church, it is intended to be a means whereby students can earn enough to return to school. The 1957 project workers will find employment in such things as construction, flour mills, as secretaries, hospital aids, waitresses, store clerks.

MCA Picnic To Be Last Mass Meeting

An MCA picnic will be the last mass meeting on May 16. An offering will be taken for the World University Service project of the MCA.

The MCA council urges all students and faculty members to attend the evening of fellowship and worship.

Juniors, Seniors Attend Banquet

“Moonlight Melodies” is the theme of the Junior-Senior Banquet to be held tonight in the Walnut Room of the Bisonte Hotel in Hutchinson at 6:30.

Mary Lou Wise and Anne Keim, co-chairmen, have planned a blue and silver setting which will include musical instrument decorations.

On the program arranged by Alma Goodfellow are a speech by Prof. Paul Sollenberger, trom-bone melodies by Irvin Wagner and a narrative presented by Kenneth Fancher depicting the four years of college life of the seniors.

Duane Fike will be master of ceremonies. The conclusion of the program will be "You'll Never Walk Alone" sung by the juniors and dedicated to the seniors.

Teams Visit Churches For McPherson College

Plans are swiftly unfolding as McPherson College moves ahead in her Development Campaign. During the past two weeks three teams have been visiting churches in the McPherson area in the interest of the campaign program. These teams are composed of Dr. D. W. Bittinger, Don Rowe, Titus Schrock, Paul Wagoner, and others.

Dr. Bittinger reported that the churches are responding well to the challenge of the $1 per family per month plan. He also stated that on May 19, which is McPherson College Sunday, it is anticipated that many thousands of families will pledge themselves through their churches to this amount.

Mother’s Day Celebration To Extend Around World

Bailey, Neher

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Laurens, Iowa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to Doyle Neher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neher, Oswego, Kans.

Sharon, an elementary education major, and Doyle a rural life major, are both sophomores at Macollege.

McDaniel, Widrig

Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDaniel, Essex, Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter, June, to Donald Widrig, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Widrig, 614 E. 2nd St., Beloit, Kas.

June, a junior, is a home eco-nomics major at Macollege. Donald, a sophomore is majoring in history.

Guild Elects San Romani

Mrs. Audrey San Romani, associate professor of piano and organ, was elected dean of the Lindsborg chapter of the American Guild of Organists at the meeting at Lindsborg May 6.

New Fine Art Volumes Added To Macollege Library

Fine arts is the topic of many new library books.

Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians edited by Eric Blom is a nine-volume set which covers every musical subject and much background material

This set, newly revised, contains nearly 50 per cent new material, having some 5000 new entries and other new reference materials, as well as numerous illustrations.

The Conductor's Art by Warwick Braithwaite is an understandable discussion of technical problems of conducting in all branches of performance. This book deals particularly well with the conducting of opera.

Conducting an Amateur Orchestra by Malcolm Holmes tells about planning programs, improving instrumental technique, and organizing the orchestra, lightened by anecdotes from behind the scenes of actural performances.

Form and Space of Japanese Architecture by Norman F. Car

ver, Jr., contains 158 photographs and tells about the fundamental architecture and their bearing on today's architecture.

Animal Drawing and Painting by W. J. Wilwerding, by means of clear text and many pictures by famous artists, shows how to draw and paint many kinds of animals.

Anatomy for the Artist by Jeno Barcsay, a teacher at the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts, demonstrates the drawing of bone and muscle structure of the human body as used by the artist.

Recreation and the Local Church edited by Robert Tully, Frances Clemens, and Ed Crill suggests ways to develop leaders. kinds of programs to use, and the place of recreation in all phases of the church program.

“God could not be everywhere; therefore, He made mothers,” states a Hebrew proverb. The day for commemorating our Mothers, Sunday, May 12, is once again near.

Although Julia Ward Howe, writer of “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” was the first person to suggest a day commemorating mothers. Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia was the real founder.

Julia wished to establish Independence Day as Mother's Day, making It a day of peace. No one took her seriously. In honor of her own mother and after spending two years in Washington, D. C., Miss Jarvis saw the first Mother’s Day service,

On May 8, 1914, president Wood-row Wilson ordered that the second Sunday in May be observed each year as Mother’s Day by signing a joint resolution in Congress and authorizing that the flag be displayed on all government buildings on that day.

Miss Jarvis selected the white carnation for the Mother’s Day flower, because it was one of the favored kinds in her mother's large flower garden.

An international observance appealed to Miss Jarvis, and before long, England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Hawaii and the Sandwich Islands, Samoa, China, Japan, India, Palestine, and other countries had taken up the idea.

The holiday lasts for two days in Mexico.

Trees are planted on Mother’s Day in commemoration. In 1934, a special United States postage stamp with a picture of Whistler's Mother was issued.

The Golden Rule Foundation’s Mother’s Day Committee sponsors essay contests each year and selects an American Mother of the year. This was a part of which our own “Mom,” Irene Bittinger, was the 1956 Kansas Mother of the year.

We may think with Thomas Edison as we buy that special gift or flowers: "My mother was the making of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint."

Young men have a passion for regarding their elders as senile.— Henry Brooks Adams.

The Spectator Page 4 May 10, 1957

Pondering With The President . . .

Do We Have A New God?

There are some in our society who would push Jehovah-God off his throne and establish a new God. He is variously called, but a comprehensive name for him is Science.

Edward K. Ziegler, pastor of Roanoke, Va. has paraphrased the 23rd Psalm as praise to this new God. He calls it the "Materialists" version.

Science is my Shepherd I shall not want;

He maketh me to lie down on foam-rubber mattresses;

He leadeth me beside six-lane highways.

He rejuvenateth my thyroid glands;

He leadeth me in the paths of psychoanalysis for peace of mind's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of the iron curtain, I will fear no

communist; for thou art with me; thy radar screen and thy

hydrogen bomb, they comfort me.

Thou preparest a banquet before me in the presence of the world's billion hungry people.

Thou anointest my head with home permanents.

My beer-glass foameth over.

Surely prosperity and pleasure shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in Shangri-la forever.

But this new GOD REALLY IS without a mind of his own. What we call science is our interpretations based on the various bits of knowledge we have been able to discover.

We know some truth; we have been able to see a little here and a little there. Sometimes when we discover more truth we see that the smaller bit which we saw before was wrongly under-stood by us because we saw so little.

Even yet we know but little truth; we see through a glass but dimly.

All of truth, plus all of love, plus all of forgiveness: that is God. Science just touches a little of that here and there for we are still infants and our knowledge is the knowledge of beginners.

Let us keep searching, therefore. The more we can learn of truth, of love, of forgiveness the better we shall know God.

Miller To Present Voice Recital May 12

Connie Miller is to present a voice recital Sunday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sharp Hall auditorium.

She will sing 12 numbers some of them being taken from operas

Some of the more familiar are "One Fine Day" from "Madame Butterfly;" "Tis the Last Rose of Summer" from the opera. "Martha;" "Adele's Laughing Song" from the opera "Die Fled-ermaus;" and "Italian S t r e e t Song" from "Naughty Marietta."

Others include "Like as a Father” by Fitchhorn and "In My Garden” by Firestone.

This is her senior recital which is a requirement of all music majors.

Carol Fancher is her accompanist.

Home Economics Club To Hold Luncheon

The McPherson College Home Economics Club will hold its annual spring luncheon at Kemp’s Cafe on Wednesday evening, May 15, at 5:30.

Before enjoying a chicken fried steak dinner, the out-going president, Anita Wise, will conduct an installation service for the officers for next year.


Galloping Poll

By Dick Ferris

What was your reason for coming to Macollege? I had two reasons for coming to Macollcge, and I was curious to know why some of the other students came here. The following are their reasons:

"I wanted to sing in the A Cap-pella Choir." — Forrest Krusch-witz.

"Family tradition." — Mario Oltman.

"Both my parents came here to college.” — Donna Rhoades.

"Because education is important." — Bill Kaltsounis.

"I heard that this school had the best looking women in the country. Incidentally, I'm not coming back next year." — A Near-sighted Frosh.

"To get an education under a Christian atmosphere." — Kenton Wrightsman.

"Woman’s intuition." — Sonja Kaufman.

"I wanted to write for the Spec staff." — An Editor-in-chief.

City Organizes Ban Johnson

McPherson city’s state champion Ban Johnson Baseball team is organizing for its summer schedule again under the management of Vance Carlson. First try-outs were held Sunday, May 5, at the local stadium with six fellows trying out.

Manager Vance Carlson has announced the signing of two pitchers thus far as well as two in-fielders, last year’s catcher from S. M. U., and an outfielder from

It seems to be a law of nature that no man ever is loth to sit for his portrait. — Sir Max Beer-bohm.

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