Volume XU
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 29, 1957
No. 25
Dave Frazier To Attend SUI Dental School In Fall
Dave Frazier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frazier of Charles City Iowa, has been accepted into the State University of Iowa Dental School beginning in September, 1957.
A junior biology major at McPherson College. Dave plans to receive a degree from McPherson at the end of his freshman year in dental school.
While a student at McPherson, Dave has participated in football, track, Church Choir, intramural basketball, and the debate squad.
Two of Dave’s brothers are also attending McPherson. Bernard is a freshman and Richard is a sophomore.
Prof. Dell Heads Building Planners
Prof. S. M. Dell has been chosen the chairman of the Building Committee of the college church.
Recently the church voted to elect a Building Committee to oversee the construction of the new educational plant which will be located just west of Dotzour Hall.
Harold Beam and Henry Peel are also on the building committee.
The Macollege sophomores will meet for breakfast at the home of Prof. Merlin Frantz, 110 Eby, Sunday morning at 8.
This breakfast is sponsored by the Sophomore Sunday School Class. The members of the committee planning the breakfast are Kathy Burkholder, Howard Duncan, Dick Bittinger, and Juanita Fike.
Professor Frantz is the teacher of the class.
College Starts Campaigns For Student Body Election
Urban Sociology Class Goes To Chicago On Field Trip
Students Enter Essay Contest
Entries for the Rounds Essay Contest will be received until April 1.
The topic of the essay is to be "What Makes America Great." The maximum length is 1000 words. The writer of the first prize essay will receive $35, and the second place essay will win $15.
Mrs. Homer Brunk stated Tuesday that 27 entries have been received for the contest.
Students are to submit their essays to Mrs. Brunk, Dr. D. W, Bittinger, or Dean James M. Ber-kebile.
Dean James M. Berkebile and Prof. Merlin Frantz, representing the Education Department, will attend a discussion on the principles of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education this weekend in Topeka.
Prof. Dayton Rothrock will be attending a conference, also in Topeka, on Teacher Educational Professional Standards.
"On Keeping an Open Mind" is the subject upon which Rev. Harry K. Zeller will speak on March 31 in the college church.
The Junior High Department is to present the evening service.
College Initiates Parents’ Night
Parents of Macollege students in the local area were entertain-ed on Parents’ Night with a short program in Chapel on Wednes-day at 7:30 p.m. This was the first Parents' Night held at Macollege.
They saw the faculty in their departments and toured the various buildings, the museum, the art center, the library, and the home economics department.
Refreshments followed at Vani-man Hall.
Dr. Kenneth Bechtel and ten students from his Urban Sociology class left Wednesday on a trip to Chicago.
The students, ten of a class of twenty - two, are Phil Bradley, Ly-all Sherred, Dale Shenefelt, Jeane Shively, Donna Berry, Vera Moh-ler, Chuck Vance, Gerald Sampson, and Roy Stern. Mrs. Phil Bradley is going, too.
In Chicago they plan to visit Skid Row, Ghetto, Chicago Tribune printing office, juvenile court, Hull House, Board of Trade, and other places.
They will also visit Bethany Biblical Seminary.
This is the first trip for the Urban Sociology class this year: however, it is the third time Dr. Bechtel has taken a class to Chicago. In previous years he has also taken classes to visit Wichita and Salina.
The group plans to start home Sunday night.
Absent-Minded Prof?
Lehman Dries Newspaper; Almost Sets House Afire
Cast Begins Play Practice
Practice has begun on the Players’ Club spring production, "Life With Mother," a comedy in three acts.
The cast is practicing four nights a week under the direction of Prof. Dayton Rothrock.
The play will be presented in the Community Building on May 3.
Students Have April Birthdays
Miss Della Lehman, Macollege English Professor, feels like it was an act of fate which saved her home at 130 N. Maxwell from
going up in flames last Sunday evening, March 23.
Firemen couldn’t explain why the smouldering fire didn’t burst into flame.
"If it had," they said, "the entire house would have been involved before anyone ever saw it. We wouldn’t have had a chance to save anything."
Like everyone else, Miss Lehman picked up her Saturday newspaper and found it soaked from the rain.
Like many others she spread
it out over a floor furnace to dry so she could read it. But for some
reason, she didn't think of it when she was invited out.
The thick paper dried and as it did, it solidified and acted just like a sheet of asbestos over the floor furnace.
The heat stayed under the paper and radiated out around the floor furnace. Joists, subflooring. oak floor and a wall started to smoulder and burn. But no flame broke out.
Miss Lehman found the floor charred when she came home and called the fire department. Firemen found two to three inches of burned wood all around the floor furnace.
The only damage done was to the area immediately around the floor furnace.
Eighteen Macollege students will be celebrating their birth days next month according to the records in the Central Office.
Huston Pulford will chalk up another year in his life on April Fool’s Day, while Shirley Stafford will do the same the following day.
Others are Sara Ann Coffman, April 6; Max Royer, April 8; Ramon Paoli, April 10; Alice Pyle, April 11; Ryland Roetman, April 12; David Bastin and Howard Melander, April 14; Bob Wise and Joyce Miller, April 15.
Also are Donna Davidson, April 18; Adrian Smith, Jr., Gaylen Rodgers, and Joe Reeves, April 23; Elverda Fike and Arden Alexander, April 25; and Lila Cook, April 28.
300 Guests See Faculty Formal
Betty Ann Wise and Gene Wenger reigned as queen and king for 300 guests at the Faculty Formal held on March 22 at the college gym. President Bittinger played the part of a page boy and carried the crowns used by Dr. Burton Metzler for the coronation preceding the program.
"You Are There" was the theme this year. The faculty presented historical scenes.
Dr. Raymond L. Flory, as master of ceremonies of the staged TV show, narrated under the pseudonym, Falter Wronkite.
Scenes were presented from Shakespeare’s plays, "Macbeth" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The witches created a realistic effect by having smoke coming from their brew.
The closing scene of Maxwell Anderson’s "Mary of Scotland" was presented by Mrs. Homer Brunk and Miss Della Lehman.
A takeoff on grand opera, "I Think I Smell Smoke," had Prof. Paul Sollenberger cast in the role of a woman in the comedy written for a male chorus.
One program announcement which came as a surprise even to members of the committee was the announcement by the emcee of the engagement of Joan Ford and Herb Johnson.
Miss Edna Neher, who was loaded down with garlands of borrowed jewels, played Queen Isabella, while Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel as King Ferdinand gloried in the prospects of fame.
Dr. John Burkholder as Columbus drew some of the biggest laughs of the evening of fun.
Prof. Guy Hayes portrayed the abdication of Edward VIII.
Mrs. D. W. Bittinger and Mrs. James Berkebile served the punch. Other refreshments were homemade tarts, cream puffs filled with chicken, and cookies.
CBYF To Wash Cars Tomorrow
Wanted: 70 cars to be washed and a corresponding number of able - bodied, volunteer workers.
Weather permitting, McPherson College CBYF is planning a car wash tomorrow.
Funds raised will help the CBYF in an effort to reach a goal of $300 to help buy a used bus for the Brethren Service Project at Falfurrias, Texas.
Wash hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Volunteer washers and those with cars to be washed are asked to come to the alley behind Dotzour Hall or call 1070 for in-formation and for pick-up and delivery service.
Prices are: car wash, one dollar; with white sidewalls, $1.25; wash and vacuuming interior, $1.50; wash and wax, $5.
Students who are interested in washing cars may sign the lists posted on bulletin boards.
Petitions began to circulate around the campus last Tuesday for next year's student body president and a treasurer. All petitions must be in by next Tuesday, April 2, to Don Colberg, student body president.
This is in preparation for tho Tuesday, April 9, elections to be held in chapel for the president and the treasurer of Student Council, MCA steering committee, cheerleaders, and Student Court representatives.
Prospective cheerleaders are practicing for try-outs and other candidates are presenting their qualifications for their candidacy.
Qualifications for the student body president are a next year’s senior, a student carrying at least 12 semester hours at McPherson College, and one who preferably has had previous Student Council experience.
The treasurer of Student Council must be a next year's junior with a knowledge of decimals and how to keep them.
Chapel Choir, Orchestra To Give Banquet Program
Corbin To Speak To Mac Grads
Commencement speaker for the May 26, 1957, graduation exercises at McPherson College will be Dr. Harry F. Corbin, president of the University of Wichita.
Profs Attend Alunmi Meets
Miss Della Lehman, head of the Macollege English Department, and Bob Wise, assistant coach, will participate in two alumni meetings in Iowa this weekend.
Tonight they will bo in Waterloo, Iowa. At this meeting Rev. Paul Miller, pastor of the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren. Adel. Iowa, will show pictures of his trip to Russia. Then Miss Lehman will speak on some of her experiences in Europe.
Tomorrow night Miss Lehman will speak about her European bicycle trip and her Brethren Service work. Bob Wise will speak about McPherson College.
They will spend some time in Bob’s home in Nevada, Iowa.
The Spectator apologizes to Marlo Oltman for crediting the victory of his team in the men’s intramural basketball tournament to his brother Dwight
Last Friday at 9:35 a.m. Dr. Maurice A. Hess started on a trip to Missouri to see his wife and to take a load of belongings that he had stored in his classroom.
Dr. Hess plan to make two more trips similar to this one.
Program plans for the 1957 Annual McPherson College Booster Banquet are going into the final stages as the April 6 date moves nearer.
Planners for the program part arc Miss Doris Coppock and Prof. Paul Sollenberger, who have been working with the Chapel Choir and the College - Civic Orchestra to present a musicale.
Prof. Guy Hayes is chairman of the committee to take care of all other arrangements. His committee members are Coach Sid Smith, Prof. Kenneth Kinzie, Dr. John Burkholder, Mrs. Homer Brunk, Prof. Dayton Rothrock, and Prof. S. M. Dell.
Doing publicity are John Sheets, Paul Wagoner, Mrs. Homer Brunk, Kenneth Kinzie, and Dr. D. W. Bittinger.
Mrs. Raymond Flory is in charge of food for the banquet. Faculty members and wives will be helping to serve the buffet style meal.
The steering committee of the entire banquet mot in the cafeteria for a luncheon on March 11. Chairman of this committee is Mcr-win Hapgood, president of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce.
The sixty boosters for the banquet. mainly McPherson businessmen, met in the college cafeteria yesterday evening, March 28, to make drive plans.
Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., was the speaker for the Bethel College Booster Banquet held in Newton Tuesday evening, March 28.
The Spectator Page 2 March 29, 1957
Macollege’s golf team this year is composed of eight men of varying amounts of experience. Coaching the men is Prof. Kenneth Kin-
The only lettermen back are Lee Donyluk and Jim Van Blari-cum.
Others adding spice to the competition are Gary Pigott, George Casebeer, Pete Reinecker, Rex Morris, Larry Clark and Hal Hel-
The men meet at the Country Club and shoot in foursomes, or as many as are present. The afternoons are usually consumed in various phases of the game. Anyone interested should check in at the country club for practice.
The first meet was to be held today, but it was called off be-cause of weather conditions.
WAA Banquet will be held Friday evening, April 26, at Whitey’s Cafe.
The members voted to make it semiformal again this year.
Marilyn Metsker, president of WAA, appointed committees to plan the banquet.
Valerie Miller is chairman of the Program Committee. Phillies Willems, Nona Maust, and Elma Holmes will work with her.
The National Basketball Committee, tinkering with the college and AAU rules again, has changed the code on free throws and made a gesture against stalling.
The committee decided the first six common fouls in each half shall be one-shot violations. Free throws oh succeeding fouls will be awarded under the present one-and-one bonus basis. A player gets a second shot if he makes the first. The Big Ten used the rule during the last season.
High schools, YMCA and Cana dian players will follow the same code except for a slight difference. They will have four one-shot fouls instead of six.
Other rule changes include the following:
Players other than the shooter shall not touch the ball on the rim of the basket or directly above. (Aimed at goal tending).
On double fouls there will be no free throws — just a center jump.
An out-of-bounds ball at the end zone can be thrown in from any position at either end of the court. (Area under the basket formerly was barred).
Unnecessary stalling is also being cut down by a new rule which permits the officials to first give a warning and then a possible technical foul can be called, if the warning has no effect.
Superintendents Seek Prospective Teachers
A representative from the superintendent of school's office in St. Louis, Mo., will be on campus April 4 to interview prospective teachers.
By likhite
As spring training draws to a
close, it is safer to call the predictions. Certainly almost everyone sees a team differently, and everyone is entitled to his opinion. Here are mine.
American League The Yankees are again predicted for another happy season for Ol' Casey. The Yankees are stronger this year because of the talent in their farm system, but all these minor league standouts have a chance at only two possible positions, third base and left field.
Since Bill Skowron is being shifted to third base, only left field remains. Tony Kubek should take it if he can beat out some of the veterans.
The pitching should be better this year with the trades and the improvements of Bob Turley and Don Larsen with their "no-windup" pitches.
Being the first place team, the New Yorkers have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Mickey Mantle seems to have had the best season he will ever have the past year and we can watch for him to have a slump. He can hit the long ones, but I pick Willie Mays to shatter the Babe's record within the next two years. Mantle may not hit as many homers as last year.
I pick the Detroit Tigers for second place. They had many bad breaks last year and ended up very good after a lousy start.
I look for Al Kaline to have the best year in his major league span. The two twenty - game winners should lead the way for the youngesters of the pitching staff. As a team the Tigers batted .279 last year.
National League The Cincinnati Redlegs have made a fine improvement and should be the champs this year.
WAA Offers Sports
The spring season for WAA has four sports which include tennis, softball, individual, and outing.
Sport heads are Lois Fager, tennis; Donna Davidson, softball; Doris Davidson, individual; and Ruth Davidson, outing.
Each sport head receives 25 points. WAA members may be active in all four sports and receive 100 points for each. To be active, each girl must participate in a sport six times.
Miss Doris Coppock is faculty sponsor of WAA.
This spring the Macollege men’s dorms are organizing softball teams and are planning to play each other in the evenings from around 5:30 until dark.
This softball league is intended to give the fellows a good source of fun and exercise in the coming "warm" spring days.
Off - campus men are also to form a team to give the dorms some competition.
This is the most power packed club for some time, and they seem to be improving all the time.
Battingwise they had only a mediocre season, and their mediocre pitching should improve. How ever Cincinnati has two very good catchers, and one good catcher is
Perhaps they should trade one of their catchers for a couple of fair pitchers. The overall picture shows that Cincinnati is the better team.
The Milwaukee Braves should be the second place team. Although many may predict for them to win the pennant, I see them as a runner-up.
I don't think that Joe Adcock can have as good a season as last year nor can Ed Mathews. That leaves just Henry Aaron to carry the big load. But I may be entirely wrong.
Milwaukee can use a catcher and a deal with Cincinnati should be a very fair trade.
Monday night the Macollege "M" Club was entertained at their bi-monthly meeting in the chapel by none other than Marilyn Monroe — as portrayed by a McPherson High School sophomore, Miss Nancy Noyes.
The big "M", alias Nancy, gave a performance expounding "self" development and growth.
The all male audience also heard Shirley Bowen, Macollege sophomore, sing a selection of popular songs.
Program directors for the evening were George Casebeer and Don Cotton.
A business meeting will be held the first Monday in April.
Glen McGonigle, a 1938 graduate of McPherson College, has accepted an appointment to the Kansas University faculty, in the science department, effective in June.
At Kansas University, Mr. MC-Gortigle will conduct two physics laboratory periods a week and upervise laboratory assistants and the maintenance of physics laboratory equipment.
For the past nine years, Mr. McGonigle has taught physics and chemistry at Junction City, Kas., High School. He served as faculty advisor for the student council and was in charge of the pub-lic address and lighting systems for all school programs.
Mr. McGonigle is recognized in the Junction City area for his musical abilities, appearing as a vocalist on numerous occasions and serving as choir director of a local church and song leader of the Lions Club.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
Thr thirty - first annual meeting of the Kansas Home Economics Association was held last weekend on K-State campus in Manhattan.
Those attending from Macol-lege were Miss Mildred Siek, home economics instructor, Anne Keim, Anita Wise, Donna Davidson, Gwendene Reiff, Sara Ann Coffman, and Ruth Davidson.
Anita and Ruth were inducted
into the American Home Econo-
mics Association (AHEA). It was a candlelight ceremony in which
they pledged to uphold the home economics profession.
Miss Betty Ruth Joyce, field secretary of the American Home Economics Association. Washington, D. C., gave a talk entitled, “Spaceships are Ready — Are We?” It was a summarization of college home economics and future possibilities.
The Ellen Richards Home Management House was visited. This is a high income house and is named after the woman who was the founder of the home economics profession and the first president of the AHEA.
The meetings were held in the K-State Student Union building.
Dr. John Swomley, Jr., who was scheduled to be on campus March 23-24, was snowbound in Colorado and was unable to ar-rive here for the Kansas College Peace Institute.
Approximately 20 people from Halstead, Sterling, Newton, Salma. and McPherson gathered in the SUR on Saturday awaiting the arrival of Dr. Swomley. When notified that Dr. Swomley as unable to meet his appointment, other arrangements for the conference were made by members of the MCA council.
In the morning after a short period of recreation and singing Dr. D. W. Bittinger led a discussion on militarism and nationalism.
After - dinner activity included a panel composed of Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., Prof. Guy Hayes, Dr. Bittinger, and Ed Wolf.
Dr. Swomley hopes that he can make plans to come to McPherson at a later date for another such conference.
Macollege forensic students participated in debate, oratory and extempore at the annual Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League Tournament, held this year on March 16 at Bethel College in Newton.
Debate teams participating included Carl Harris and Noel Grove, Joan Walters and Larry Hayes, Norris Harms and Lyall Sherred, and Duane Fike and Dick Ferris.
Joan also entered women's extempore, and Norris placed second in men's extempore.
Lyall Sherred and Vivian Oliver participated in the peace oratory contests. Vivian and Joan placed third in their events.
In debate. Carl and Noel won two out of the four debates: Joan and Larry won one: and Norris and Lyall, one.
Profs. Bob Wise and Kenneth Bechtel served as judges. Prof. Guy Hayes, general secretary of the KIDL was in charge of arrangements for the tournament.
Ford, Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Ford, 210 E. Marlin, McPherson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Herbert Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Johnson. Ml. Morris, Ill.
They plan a late summer wed ding.
Joan, an education and psychology major, and Herb, a history major, are juniors at Macollege.
Esther Hornbaker, Macollege senior from Hutchinson, has signed a contract to teach in the New-ton elementary school system be-ginning this fall.
Lyall Sherred, senior from Denver, Colo., won first place in the local peace oratory held at McPherson College March 14. Ly-all spoke on "The Burden Is Upon You."
Don Jones, sophomore from Ca-bool, Mo., placed second with his "Promoting Peace" while Richard Ferris, freshman from Elk-hart, Iowa, speaking on "The First Step Toward Peace" took third place.
Lyall represented Macollege in the state oratory.
College To Buy Cows The Macollege Trustee Board
has authorized the Farm Advisory Committee to establish a dairy herd on the college farm.
Current plans are to acquire during the spring and summer months, a herd of from 30 to 40 pure bred and high grade heifers which would be from 12 to 16 months of age by Sept. 1.
The heifers would calf during the summer of 1958 and be in full production prior to Aug., Sept., Oct., and Nov., 1958. These months are the time used in establishing a milk base.
Installation of modern milking facilities will be necessary in order to get the most from a herd
The McPherson Christian Association has been meeting in the various interest groups for the past two Thursday evenings. The interest groups will meet again next Thursday, April 4. April 11 is the regular time for the entire MCA to gather together in a mass meeting.
The small groups and their lead-ers this semester are: Bible Study, Donna Davidson; Variety in Leadership, Ann Schnaithman; Religious Docktrines, Dick Bittinger; and Christian Ethics for Living, Juanita Fike.
To answer the needs of students and educators. The Advancement and Placement Institute has published The World - Wide Summer Placement Directory. The directory is prepared as on aid to those who wish new ideas for ways to earn while they vacation.
Descriptions of the type of work available with names and addresses of employers regularly needing additional summer employees are given in the directory.
Included are government positions, dude ranches, travel tour agencies abroad, work camps, service projects, national parks, summer camps and resorts, career trainee opportunities, study awards all over the world, and many others.
Opportunities are presented from all 48 states and more than 20 foreign countries.
The directory, is the result of five years of research by the staff of The Advancement and Placement Institute, which is a profes-sional advisory and advancement service in the field of education.
Additional information may be obtained by writing to the Institute at Box 99C; Greenpoint Station; Brooklyn 22, New York.
Eight international students with Dr. Wesley DeCoursey attended the fourth annual interna-
Nigerian To Talk To Mac Students
Mr. Mobolaji Odonewu, Lagos. Nigeria, will speak in chapel Tuesday, April 2.
Since 1954 Mr. Odunewu has been the highest ranking African official of the Nigerian Federal Information Service, subordinate only to the British director and deputy director of the service.
Mr. Odunewu is visiting the United States in hopes of learning more about federal, state, and private techniques for disseminating information. In addition he seeks a general overall picture of the United States.
Mr. Odunewu, a Moslem, speaks English fluently. He has previously been editor of several prom-inate Nigerian newspapers
He is a founder arid has been president of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, organized in 1955. Since 1943 he has been a member of the National Union of Journalists, London.
tional weekend at Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kas., March 22-23.
The theme was “Keys to International Understanding.”
The Friday feature was the banquet with the guest speaker being Dr. James. A. McCain president of Kansas State College.
Two discussion sessions were held on Saturday. The discussions covered education, religion, and society.
A general session closed the conference.
The students from Macollege were Domingo Torres, Israel Zay-as, Elijah Odokaro, John Likhite, Bill Kaltsounis, Sherland Ng, Anna Vassiloff, and Min Yung Park.
Dr. DeCoursey was one of the consultants for a discussion group.
Read and heed the Spec ads.
Most women are not so young as they are painted. — Sir Max Beerbohm.
Only solitary men know the full joys of friendship.—Willa Cather. Cather.
The Spectator Page 4 March 29, 1957
Pondering With The President . . .
Easter Is Coming
Easter always comes in the spring. This fits into our part of the world very well. We are in the North Temperate area, where the months in which Easter falls are the times of resurgence of life, the time of quickening the life cycle, of blossoming flowers, of the passing of winter.
Easter symbolizes all of that.
Easter is considered, by the church, the peak of the year. At Christmas time, the Babe was born. Then we are joyful and give our gifts.
But at Easter time, the Babe who had grown to be a man was killed; and in His death. He atoned for the sins of mankind. But the grave could not contain Him! He burst assunder the tomb and came forth with newness of life.
Easter is symbolic of each Christian's life. A tomb can never hold the Christian. He lives eternally in the Kingdom which begins here and lasts forever.
During each Eastertime we renew our Christian faith; our Christian beliefs should become more meaningful to us. New hope should surge within us.
We need Easter this year. We have gone through a number of
The Editor Writes ...
serious crises; in Hungary, at the Suez Canal. Out of any of these could have come devastating, destructive. annihilating war.
But up to now major war has not resulted because men are really trying to learn how to settle their difficulties in peaceful ways. We have occasion for rejoicing.
Let us keep the spirit of hope and love working.
Has Spring Sprung?
“Spring has sprung.
The grass is riz,
And I can guess
Where the birdies is!"
No doubt the birdies have enough sense to wait until the last snowstorm has blown itself out before they move in for the summer.
We were all in for a jolt last weekend when we got a sample of what next winter will be like before spring comes into full bloom.
As blizzard conditions swept the Mid-West. McPherson was not left out. though we were not isolated. Heavy coats, boots, wool scarves and gloves were retrieved from mothballs to keep the wearers warm.
And snow brings its own variety of activities. More than once the temptation to pick up a handful of snow, shape it just right, and throw it is yielded to.
Those who like ice cream use their "cooking" abilities to stir up snow ice cream which they eat
with relish.
There are always chintzy owners of steam irons who gather pansful of snow to melt down for distilled water.
For the students who chose this weekend to go home, it was a different story. They were either snowbound at home or were longer than usual in returning to school.
Guest speakers also found that McPherson was just too far to walk to in a snowstorm; consequently no guest speaker. Probably the saddest of all was that some profs were unable to make scheduled trips and were here for the classes at the first of the
President D. W. Bittinger was present at the General Brotherhood Board meeting of the Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., last week.
On Saturday and Sunday. March 16, 17, he conducted a "Christianity in Action" institute in the Chicago Church of the Brethren.
But since the Kansas weather is so changeable, it will not be long before even the birdies are ready to recognize spring as being officially here.
By Elijah Odokara
In a faithful Christianity the historical Jesus moves and acts like a man washing feet, healing wounds, crying in pity and sympathy.
In His remembrance, when His true followers join in the act of Holy Communion, the remembered Christ ceases to be remembered and becomes really present.
By Dick Ferris
A Student Council committee has been working on improvements for the cafeteria. Upon their request, a menu board has been purchased and installed to give students an idea what choice is available.
This is one factor in the campaign to speed the cafeteria line up so that students will not have to waste so much time just waiting in line for their meals.
Also, since time is to be saved as students will not have to de-ide at the counter what they will eat, the cafeteria opening time at noon has been changed from 11:45 to 12 noon.
The question for the week is: What is your opinion about the cafeteria not opening until 12?
Here were the comments received:
“If it would increase the efficiency of the cafeteria help, perhaps the change would be merited." — Anne Keim
"It would be O. K. if we wouldn’t get hung up on the vegetable corner. — A "Redhead" Jr.
"I think they ought to leave the Dog House open and serve hamburgers.” — Lyall Sherred
because of the doing.
Then to a true believer. Christ becomes a mirror of oneself with a maximum of expectation and a minimum of disappointment
All experience is an arch, to build upon. — Henry Brooks Adams.