

To Our




Volume XLI

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 22, 1957

No. 24

King, Fike Take Lead Roles In Play, ‘Life With Mother’

Leading roles in the play, "Life Hildreth.

With Mother," have been taken by Barbara King and Duane Fike.

Barbara, a junior from Pampa, Texas, who is majoring in elementary education, will play the role of Vinnie, the mother. Duane, also a junior, is an English major from Ramona, Kas. He will play the part of Father Day.

The play is written by Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse and is about the humorous adventures of the Clarence Day family. It will be presented by the Macol-lege Players’ Club in the Community Building May 3.

The four sons of the Day family are: Whitney, played by Terry Spitzer; John, played by Larry King: Clarence, played by Don Cotton, and Harlan, played by Richard Zeller, son of Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Zeller.

Hazel Willoughby, Clarence’s fiancee, is played by Beverly Hall: and her mother, Mrs. Willoughby, is played by Donna Rhoades.

Cousin Cora is played by Joan Walters, and her husband, Clyde Miller, is played by Forrest Kruschwitz.

The three maids in the play are: Bridget, played by Vera Moh-ler; Margaret, played by Donna Davidson; and Kathleen, played by Lois Fager. The part of the coachman is played by Billy Joe

Sandra Mitchell will play the part of Bessie Fuller Logan, who was once Mr. Day’s financee and who is still trying to catch him.

Dale Shenefelt will play the part of Dr. Humphreys, and he will also be stage manager for the play. His assistants will be Terry Spitzer and Ed Switzer.

Lights and properties will be handled by Rickie Hood and Larry King, Mary Lu Wise will be in charge of make-up.

Costumes will be handled by Donna Davidson, Vera Mohler and JoAnn Negley. Beverly Hall and Lois Fager will be in charge of small properties.

Prompters will be Jo Ann Ncg-ley and Shirley Williams.

College Calendar

Tonight, Faculty Formal, "You Arc There" in the gym at 8 p.m.

Tomorrow night, "Oliver Twist" movie in the chapel at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday. March 23-24, Peace Institute of the Kansas Colleges

Faculty Don Royal Garb For Spring Formal Tonite

Rev. Bob Richards To Speak For 1958 Youth Conference

“You Are There” is the theme of the Faculty Formal to be held at 8 tonight in the gym. The program will show the rise and fall of kings and queens.

‘Oliver Twist’

To Be Shown

"Oliver Twist," a magnificent Universal International production, will be shown in the Chapel on Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

Robert Newton, Alec Guinness. Kay Walsh, and Francis L. Sullivan star in this 109 minute celebrated international film classic.

This is the last movie in the series presented by the Social Committee for this school year.

Rev. Bob Richards, known as the “pole - vaulting parson,” has been secured as the guest speaker for the 1958 Regional Youth Conference and the Spiritual Emphasis Week.

Once when Rev. Richards was trying for the 15 feet mark, he thought he had made it for sure; then an announcement came that an error in the measuring had been made.

The official measure was 14 feet 111/2 inches. When the news reached Bob, he is quoted as saying, "Fifteen feet became a thing I had to do."

The "vaulting parson" is the second man in history to vault 15 feet or more. In January, 1957, Bob was one of ten men between the ages of 21-35 to receive an award from the Junior Chamber of Commerce for outstanding contributions to their professions and dedication to the general welfare.

Many college students will re-

Students Circulate Petitions For Annual Campus Elections

All prospective candidates for the student body elections may obtain their petitions from Mrs. Dell’s office. The petitions will be circulating around campus until April 2 when they are to be handed to the present student body president, Don Colberg.

At the top of the petition must appear the signature of the person running for office and the position for which he is running. To be in the final stretch of the election, the signatures of 50 regularly enrolled students (those with twelve or more hours) must appear on the petition.  A nominee must also carry at least twelve hours at McPherson College.

Elections in April Elections for the president and the treasurer of Student Council, MCA steering committee, cheerleaders, and Student Court representatives will be held during the chapel period on Tuesday, April 9.

Candidates for president of the Student Council and of the student body must be a member of next year’s senior class. The treasurer must be selected from next year's junior class.

One student council member carries over each year from each class, which decides whether the boy or the girl representative will remain on the council, then elects another boy or girl, as the case may be.

For Student Court, each class nominates two more than their present number, who remain on the court. The number allowed on the court are five seniors, four juniors, three sophomores, and one faculty representative.

Chairman for the Student Court must be a senior with at least one year’s experience on the Court. He and the secretary are elected by the members, who have been elected by the student body.

Anyone other than nominees may run for Student Court by securing a petition with the signatures of fifty regularly enrolled McPherson College students.

MCA Committee

A nominating committe was set up for MCA and will present its nominees for next year's MCA steering committee to be voted upon by the entire student body.

Cheerleaders must have petitions similar to the ones that are used by Student Council president and Treasurer nominees. Try-outs will be held prior to the voting.

Students should feel that the positions to be filled have definite responsibilities. Serious thought should be given to nominees and

their qualifications for these responsibilities carefully studied.

Student Council Duties Student Council directly administers the Spec., the Quad., and the student handbook, the Growl. It directs income from the student activity fee; awards recognition of achievements in extra-curricular participation; determines and relays student opinion to faculty, administrators and the Board of Trustees when it is necessary.

Prior to the 1955 election of a Student Council president and treasurer, on entire day was taken for the election and students voted at polls which the election committee had set up. In 1955, the election was held during the chapel period.

Extra - Curricular One more election will be held. That is for the extra curricular activities' representatives to the Student Council. Sometime between April 15 and May 1, the presidents of all extra curricular organizations will meet with the Student Council president and they will nominate two boys and two girls from the student body.

Between May 1 and May 15, each extra curricular organization will vote on these four. Each organization gets two votes, one for one boy, and one for a girl.

member having heard Rev. Richards at the National Youth Conference in Anderson, Ind., in 1954. Bob also gave a pole-vaulting exhibition at Anderson.

All during the time which he spent in sports, Rev. Richards gave much of his energy to evangelistic meetings. "He is a deeply consecrated Christian who believes that Christianity can work on the field of sports as well as on the playing field of life."

Macollege feels fortunate in having secured Rev. Richards as a 1958 speaker on campus.

MCA Entertains Peace Discussion

The Kansas College Peace Conference will begin tomorrow on Macampus and will last through Sunday under the sponsorship of MCA.

Registration for the conference is 50 cents.

Dr. John Swomley, Jr., guest speaker for the conference, will give addresses entitled: “Militarism — Its Growth in America;” “War, Revolution, and Communism;” and "Security. Personal and National."

Dr. Swomley is a minister of the Methodist Church and will present the Sunday sermon. "The Weaknes of Love."

There will be a panel discussion with students and faculty members on subject of militarism in our time. The extent of military infiltration in Kansas colleges and problems arising from it are to be emphasized.

Draft problems will also be discussed. This will be particularly for those interested in alternative service.

Macollege faculty members are to head these discussions.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation of which Dr. Swomley is secretary is sponsoring this conference with the MCA.

A stage will be set up in the gym on which the program will be presented.

The scene of "Pyramus and Thisbe" from Shakespeare's play, "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," will be given.

Dean James M. Berkebile, Si Sargent, Prof. Merlin Frantz, Dr. Kenneth Bechtel, and Dr. O. A. Olson are some of the characters in this scene.

Mrs. Gordon Yoder, Mrs. Paul Wagoner, and Mrs. Harry K. Zeller, Jr. are to be the three witches in "Macbeth." The parts of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will be played by Prof. Dayton Rothrock and Mrs. Merlin Frantz.

Prof. and Mrs. Guy Hayes will present a sketch about King Edward VIII. Dr. Kenneth Bechtel is to play the part of King Ferdinand; Miss Edna Neher, Queen Isabella; Mrs. Homer Brunk. Mary of Scots.

Miss Della Lehman will be Queen Elizabeth I. Columbus end his Indian will be Dr. John Burk-holder and Prof. John Ward.

“I Think I Smell Smoke" is the title of an operetta number. A vocal duet will be given by Mrs. Merlin Frantz and Mrs. Dayton Rothrock.

The faculty have been pacticing all during the week for this occasion.

Teachers arc expecting the largest' attendance of any school function the whole year.

College Invites Local Parents

Parents of McPherson College students will come to campus next Wednesday evening, March 27, to become better acquainted with the campus and with the teachers.

Beginning at 7:30 in the chapel, there will be a brief entertainment program. This will be followed by tours around the campus in which students will take their parents to visit various departments and professors.

Miss Mildred Siek, head of the Home Economics Department

will serve refreshments later in Vaniman Hall with the help of students majoring in home economics. While at Vaniman Hall, parents may visit the Art Department rooms.

Parents’ Night grew out of a suggestion made by the civic-college committee, which is composed of McPherson businessmen and members of the college Pubic Relations Department.

The over - all committee for Parents’ Night is Merlin Frantz, chairman, Dr. Kenneth Bechtel, Robert Wise, Miss Mildred Siek, and Prof. Paul Sollenberger.

College Boosters To Hold Kick-Off Supper Thursday

A kick-off supper meeting of the Booster Banquet boosters will be held in the college cafeteria on March 28. The Boosters are the 60 men spearheading the drive for the Booster Banquet, which will be held in Convention Hall on April 6.

Merwing Hapgood, president of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce has been named chairman of the McPherson College Annual Booster Banquet Drive.

Ernest Pease, manager of Duck-wall's Store and John Sheets, McPherson College Public Relations Department, are the other committee members.

Booster Banquet originated in 1931 when V. F. Schwalm was president of McPherson College. Nearly 600 people attended this first Booster Banquet.

Kansas Governor Harry H. Woodring was the featured speaker. Because of weather conditions, he was stranded in Larned. In order to get Gov. Woodring here, the college chartered a special train — the caboose of a freight train.

During the war years, Booster Banquet dwindled to a reception.

For the twenty - fifth annual Booster Banquet, held in 1955, Julian Gromer, world traveler, photographer, and lecturer from Elgin, Ill., presented a film call-ed "Jewels of the Pacific."

In 1956, the A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Prof. Don-ald Frederick, presented the Booster Banquet program. This year’s program will be presented by the McPherson College Chapel Choir under the direction of Miss Doris Coppock.

Quad Signs 1958 Contract

A contract for the 1958 Quadrangle was signed Tuesday afternoon, March 19.

Although the last deadline for the 1957 yearbook was only March 12, next year’s staff is already making plans for its book.

Dick Bittinger is the editor of the 1958 book, and Donna Davidson is the business manager.

Delk Lands On First Team Of Kansas Conference All-Stars

Ed Delk, McPherson's smooth playing basketball star, was picked for a berth on the Kansas All-Conference team by a vote of the coaches of the eight teams in the conference.


Several freshmen are being counted on to bolster this year’s squad, in the persons of Darry Melton, Vic Waits, and Doyle Roger in the distance runs, John Heidebrecht in the high jump and sprints, Loren Zook, Dwight Royer, Dennis Brunner, and Larry Werner who are trying the hurdles and middle distance runs.

The men have a big season ahead of them and should account well for themselves as the present squad holds four school records all set last year. They are as follows: pole vault — Gene Elliott — 12 ft., 11/2 in.; discus — Ron Anderson - 157 ft., 21/2 in.; javelin — Don Widrig — 189 ft. 10 in.; mile relay team (Ragland,

Stucky, Widrig, Heidebrecht) — time — 3:29.


In other spring sports, the tennis team is being whipped into shape headed by lettermen “Ed” Wolf, Ralph Royer, Huston Pul-ford, and George Eisele. Vilas Likhite is running close for the fifth man on the team.

The Spectator Page 2 March 22, 1957

Delk, a married veteran, has an average scoring of 18.3 points per game.

Others making up the first all-star team are Bob McGhee, Ottawa; Arley Loeffler, Bethel; Don Kukuk, Baker; and Steve Muck, College of Emporia.

Bernard Whirley, a junior, made the second all-star team. Others on this selection were Larry Dick, Bethel; Don Laswell Friends; Charlie Taylor, Friends; and Larry Houdek, Kansas Wesleyan.

Honorable mention went to Jim Kean. Baker; Gib Dyck. Bud Saunders. and Bill Thomas. Bethany; Cot Graber and Dwayne Reus-ser, Bethel; Webster Gaylord and Floyd Reichardt, College of Emporia; Dean Engel, Kansas Wesleyan; Roger Keltner and Bob Knight. Ottawa.

McGhee of Ottawa had a 24.9 average for the season. He played in 24 games, scored 221 field goals and 155 free throws for

597 points.

Use it up, wear it out; make it do, or do without.

Oltman's Team Wins Intramural Tournament

Dwight Oltman’s team defeated Buzz Grove’s team for the championship 51-43 in the men’s Intramural basketball tournament on March 13. This climaxed the Intramural basketball season for 1957.

Dwight Oltman led the champions by bagging in 16 points while Bob Wise hit the basket for 18 points for the runner-up team.

In the preliminary game Irvin Wagner led his team for third place in the tournament by potting 35 points against Delbert Hayes’s team. Dale Gillogly led the fourth place team with 21 points in this 54-45 score game. FINAL STANDINGS Men's Intramurals



Wagner .........



Hayes ........



Grove .............






Holderread .........



Snyder .........









Frazier .............



Women’s Intramurals




Schnaithman ........



Miller .............



Smith ............



Spring Track Lures Athletes

Thus far in the 1957 track season, 34 men have checked out equipment

Returning lettermen include Galen Stucky, Don Colberg, and Dick Bittinger, all distance men; Tom Ragland. Sid Smith who are hurdlers and high jumpers: Richard Heidebrecht and Don Widrig, both relay men and sprinters. The field events are headed by ’’Ron” Anderson at the discus and shot, Gene Elliott in the pole vault, and Don Widrig in the javelin.

Bulldogs To Get Basketball M’s

Coach Sid Smith has announced that 11 members of the Macol-lege basketball team have qualified for basketball letters for the past season.

An athlete must complete satisfactory scholastic work by the end of the school year to be eligible to receive the numerals.

Three members of the Bulldog squad qualified for their third letter including Bernard Whirley, Ronald Anderson and Ed Sink.

Five won their second letter. Bob Nelson, Gaylen Rodgers, Don Widrig, Jerry McPherson, and Huston Pullford.

Three won their first letter, Ed Delk, who made all - conference, Richard Heidebrecht and Dennis Brunner.

Only Rodgers and Pulford are seniors this year and will be lost to the team next year.

Mac finished in a tie for second with Baker after a close race for the conference champs.

George Keim, Nampa, Idaho, has been hired as assistant coach and associate professor of physical education at McPherson College for next fall.

George is returning to McPherson after an absence of one year’ to replace Assistant Coach Robert Wise, who has resigned to attend graduate school next year.

George was assistant coach at the college 1954-’56 and for the past year has been director of personnel for the H. H. Keim Company, Nampa, Idaho.

A 1954 graduate of McPherson College, George was an all-conference tackle ail four years in college and was a member of the Little All - American Team for two years.

He was co-captain of the Bulldog football team which took the conference championship in 1952 and served as president of the Student Council during his senior year.

Besides serving as assistant coach, George will be teaching some of the courses in the Physi-

George Keim

cal Education Department 3nd will direct the intramural sports program.

Mrs. Keim, a 1956 graduate of McPherson College, is a former teacher in the McPherson city schools. The Keims have three children.

When want comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.

George Keim To Return In Fall As Assistant Coach

The Spectator Page 3 March 22, 1957

Mac Exchangee Attends Seminar; Visits Bonn, Paris

CBYF Plans To Buy Bus For Falfurias, Texas, Work

Dog House Applications Taken Until March 25

Dog House manager applica tions are still in order and can be handed to Don Colberg until Monday, March 25.

Managers for the Dog House are selected according to past experience. reason for wanting the job, and qualifications. The Student Council will choose a new manager according to the student constitution by - laws before April 1.

Knowledge For You . . .

Library Receives Volumes On Housing, Furniture, Art

for anywhere from 300 - 1000 francs.


One day we spent in Versailles and Chartres. We went through the castle of Louis XIV in Versailles. It is really a fabulous thing, with all its tapestries and its myths painted on the ceiling. We went through the gardens and saw the toy village of the queen.

The stained glass windows of the cathedral in Chartres are really awesome. There are the three huge windows of roses and the color is fabulous.

I have never in my life seen such colors. The blue is terrific! The secret for the color is lost. This loss seems too bad, but perhaps it is good; otherwise it would become a common sight instead of a rarity.

In Louvre

We spent two days In the Louvre, where one coaid spend months. It is really a paradise with everything conceivable. We also spent some time in Palais Chaillot in the Museum of Man which was also fascinating. Sincerely,


(Editor’s Note: Elsie Lucore, Macollege student who is an ex changee to Germany, has written another letter to the college.) Dear gang,

The first of February we took a two-day trip to Bonn for a sort of political seminar and visited their Senate and Congress and talked with various important people. We received a general overall picture of the government and how it works.

One weekend I attended a professional and academical confer-ence at which I had to give a speech again.

Spiritual Retreat

We had our mid-Winter Spiritual Retreat in Kassel Feb. 15-20. It was good to see all the kids from Mac again and especially good to speak English again.

The first day was a heifer distribution at which the 3000th heifer Miss Hope, was distributed.

Clara Zunkel, Vernon Scott, Kelly Day. and all send their greetings. Kelly showed us his slides which he had taken and it was good to see what good old Mac looks like.

I visited recently at the Pam-berg home. Gary is at Swarth-more College, Swarthmore, Pa.

Trip to Paris

March 2, after the official end of the semester, we took a trip to Paris. We were a group of 47 students and were there for six days. I think we shortened our legs two inches running all over trying to see everything, but it was worth it.

We began with a tour of the city in order that we would have an idea of where everything was.

Then we went to Notre Dame. Sainte Chapelle, the Bird Market, which is on weekdays a flower market, and the famous Flea Market. Everything possible is for sale there.

The Monmartre was a fascinating place with all the artists standing around drawing. If you felt extravagant, you could have one of them paint your picture

New books in the library deal with the house and with art.

Housing Taxation by Walter A. Morton reports a study of state and local housing taxes in Wisconsin, showing how these taxes are unrelated to the owner’s ability to pay.

Vaughn's Parade and Float Guide by L. F. Vaughn tells how to organize parades and build floats.

The author is known all over the United States for his work in building floats and for his mailorder float kit.

How to Make Built-In Furniture

by Mario Dal Fabbro contains detailed instructions for making 102 built - in pieces by a famous designer.

The Victorian Home by Ralph Dutton describes the styles and tastes which affected the average home of the Victorian era.

Practical Houses for Contemporary Living by Jean and Don Graf presents 40 houses from all over the country which fill the needs of their owners.

Architectural Engineering b y the editors of Architectural Record is composed of six sections the building shell, environmental control, utilities, site planning, materials, and special problems.

Layman’s Guide to Modern Art: Painting for a Scientific Age by Mary C. Rathbun and Bartlett H. Hayes, Jr., shows that abstrac tion as an art form is both useful and long-established.

From Van Eyck to Botticelli

by Jacques Lassaigne and Giu-lio Carlo Argan contains 116 reproductions of fifteenth - century paintings of Flanders and Italy.

Spanish Painting from Valas-quez to Picasso by Jacques Lassaigne also contains many fine full - color reproductions of famous paintings.

Mac Musicians Travel To Sing

Musical groups of McPherson College face a full schedule in the immediate weeks. Ladies' Trio, accompanied by Paul Wagoner. will be visiting and singing in the Oklahoma churches from Sunday. March 24. through Sunday, March 31.

Members of the trio are Jeanine Corn, senior from Independence; Marlene Jamison, senior from Quinter; and Norma Jean Watkins, sophomore from Welda, Ks.

Vernona Thralls, sophomore from Falfurrias, Texas, is the accompanist.

The trio will visit and sing at the Bartlesville, Big Creek, Paradise Valley, Antelope Valley, Ples-ant Prairie, Ames, Thomas, Washita, and Oklahoma City church-

By Juanita Fike

The CBYF has set as its goal $300 to help purchase a bus for the Church of the Brethren in Falfurias, Texas. Sunday evening offerings have been taken to help reach this goal.

Earlier in the year Dr. Bit-tinger met with the CBYF and told them of several projects which they might like to adopt. He told of the tremendous need of busses at the Falfurias project where his son, Stanley, is now living and preaching.

Several old school busses, which have been condemned, are being used to transport people to and from the church. Dr. Bittinger recalled having seen over 100 people unload from a 48-passenger bus.

Cliff Tusing, who served a BVS es in Oklahoma. On their return they will sing at the Conway Springs Church of the Brethren in southern Kansas.

On Sunday, March 24, the Chapel Choir will appear in the Bethel Church, near Carlton, Neb., and the South Beatrice Church in Beatrice, Neb. It will also appear on the Booster Banquet program on April 6.

term in Falfurias, re-emphasized the great need of better busses when he talked and showed slides to the CBYF group.

Since there are many Spanishspeaking people in Falfurias; Rev. Stanley Bittinger delivers his sermons in English and Spanish.

Rev. and Mrs. K. O. Thralls, parents of Vernona. who is a Macollege sophomore, play a vital role in the Brethren work in Fal-urias. They spend much time working with the people there.

The CBYF members hope they can reach their goal and give the assistance which they feel is so badly needed.

MCA To Continue

MCA will continue next year. The Student Council evaluated the present MCA program and voted to continue it at their March 13 meeting. The MCA cabinet met with the council in this meeting.

The Spectator Page 4 March 22, 1957_

The evening will conclude with refreshments at Vaniman Hall. Here they will be able to see our new fine-arts building.

We urge the cooperation of every student who lives in McPherson or nearby, in order to make Parents’ Night a great success.

If some of your parents who live farther away would like to come, we invite them too.


Pondering With The President . . .

Parents’ Night

A new experiment is being tried • at McPherson College.

The suggestion for it came from parents of some of you who are in school.

The time of the experiment is 7:30 Wednesday. March 27.

It is called "Parents’ Night."

Some parents of our college students who live in McPherson County, McPherson City, and nearby towns told us that you come home and speak of Dr. Hess, the Chemistry Lecture Room. Miss Siek, Raymond Flory, the SUR, the Dog House, the Chapel. Miss Lehman.

They do not know where these people work or where these places are. They feel they could be more understanding of what is going on at the college if they actually knew these people and these places.

Accordingly, the college faculty discussed this and decided that it would be good to have a parents' night and to invite your parents to come to the college, see the faculty, visit their offices, and look over the areas where college work is done.

When a count was made of the parents and students near at hand, behold, it was discovered that more than 200 parents and students could be involved in a Parents’ Night.

A letter was sent inviting them, and plans have been made to have them here at the college next week.

There will be a brief program in the chapel, setting forth something of the college and its work.

Then the students will be free to Lake their parents around the campus, showing them the work areas and introducing them to the people.

Dr. J. J. Yoder Funeral Today

Dr. J. J. Yoder. 89. pioneer educator and long - time treasurer, business manager and faculty member at McPherson College, died Tuesday morning at the McPherson Hospital.

Funeral services will be held today at 2:30 p.m. at the Church of the Brethren with Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Dr. Burton Metzler. and Dr. D. W. Bittinger officiat-

ing. Interment will be in McPherson Cemetery.

Dr. Yoder served as treasurer and business manager tat the college for a period of 18 years, and taught many more years. He enrolled in the first class at the college.

He has extensive farming interest in the county. Dr. Yoder lived in McPherson County 78 years, and has lived in the city of McPherson since 1908.

Active in the Church of the

Brethren, Dr. Yoder was a member of the general mission board of the church and made two world trips to inspect areas where the church was planning to establish

Japanese Pastor To Speak Here

Rev. Kunio Kodaira, native Christian pastor from Tokyo, Japan, will speak in chapel Tuesday, April 30.

Rev. .Kodaira is chairman of the Tokyo Ministerial Association and was one time moderator of the United Church of Japan. Tokyo District

He speaks excellent English, having, studied in the U. S. He held pastorates in California from 1911-1918.

The Pacific School of Religion, his alma mater, will grant him a Doctor of Divinity during its graduation exercises this spring. He holds a Master of Sacred Theology from the University of California.

The Mennonite Central Committee is sponsoring his visit to communities In Kansas.

Rev. Kodaira has been a teacher in Nippon University and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Tohoku Gakuin University in Sendai for 31 years. The latter school has 4000 students.

Most newspapers use items like this to fill out the end of columns.

Read and heed the Spec ads.