Faculty To Imitate Royalty At Annual All-Time Party

All Macollege students, wives, and husbands are to be guests of the faculty at the annual all-school formal scheduled for 8 o’clock Friday evening, March 22, in the gym.

"You Are There" is the theme of the Faculty Formal. Walter Kronkite Flory will be the mas-ter of ceremonies.

Historical sketches from royal courts are to be presented for the entertainment of the students and the King and the Queen, who will be chosen by the faculty.

Committees for the formal have been appointed by the co-chair-men, Mrs. Homer Brunk, and Bob Wise.

Prof. Kenneth Kinzie is chair-man of the decoration commit-tee. Mrs. Wesley DeCoursey, Coach Sid Smith, and Prof. John Ward are the members of the committee.

Chairman of the program com-mittee is Prof. Dayton Rothrock. Committee members arc Dean James M. Berkebile, Miss Doris

Coppock, Prof. Donald R. Frederick, and Miss Anne Krehbiel.

Refreshment committee is headed by Prof. and Mrs. S. M. Dell. Members are Dr. John Burkholder, Mrs. Audrey San Romani, and Miss Mildred Siek.

Rev. Paul Wagoner is chairman of the advertising committee. Miss Della Lehman is helping him.    

Prof. Dayton Rothrock said that the program will be a combination of the sublime and the ridiculous. It will depict the professors displaying hidden talents and ambitions. While some of the teachers will leave their hair up, some will let their hair down.

This Faculty Formal will be the sixth held at McPherson College. The first was held in the spring of 1951.

Volume XLI

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March 15, 1957

No. 23

College Calendar

Tonight, Skating Party at Ly-ons; meeting at Dotzour Hall at 6:30

Next Week, Nine weeks end with mid-semester exams.

March 22, Faculty Formal in the gym at 8 p.m...

March 23. "Oliver Twist,” mo-vie in the chapel at 7:30 p.m...

March 23-24, Peace Institude on campus.

MCA Selects Juanita Fike To Represent Mac In Europe

Chapel Choir, Orchestra To Entertain Mac Boosters

The twenty - seventh annual Booster Banquet, of McPherson College will be held April 6. A musical program will be present-ed by the McPherson College Chapel Choir and the College-Civic Orchestra.

Arrangements committee for the banquet is Prof. Guy Hayes, chairman: Coach Sid Smith; Art Instructor Kenneth Kinzie; Dr. John Burkholder; Mrs. Homer Brunk. Prof. Dayton Rothrock and Prof. S. M. Dell.

On the Publicity Committee are members of the Public Relations Committee. They are John Sheets. Paul Wagoner. Mrs. Ho-

mer Brunk, Kenneth Kinzie, and Dr. D. W. Bittinger.

Pre-program music will be under the direction of Prof. Paul Sollenberger and Billy Joe Hildreth.

Mrs. Raymond Flory will be in charge of the food for the banquet again this year. Serving will be buffet style so that guests may come at any time between 6 and 7:30 to be served.

Faculty members and wives will be serving the meal and acting as ushers in the dining room. Each will wear a name tag to identify him and his department for the guests.

Spec, Quad Offer Staff Positions

Positions on next year’s Spec-tator and Quadrangle staffs arc open for students with journalistic and business interests.

The positions are assistant busi-ness manager of the Spectator, assistant business manager of the Quadrangle, associate editor of the Quadrangle, and campus edi tor of the Spectator.

By serving in these capacit-ies for a year, one may rise to editorship or managership in the Spectator or the Quadrangle.

A salary of $80 is guaranteed for the editors and managers. As much as $100 may be paid for a profitmaking endeavor.

Applications are to be submit-ted to Norris Harms, chairman of the board of publications, be-fore April 9.

(Don’s Studio Photo)

Juanita Fike looks over a map of Germany with her German professor, Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel. As the McPherson exchangee for next year, Juanita plans to study in Germany.

Dr. John Swomley To Lead Peace Institute March 23-24

Parents To Visit Here March 27

Youth Elect New Officers To Serve Western Region

The Kansas College Peace Con-ference will be held on Macmpus March 23 - 24. Students from all Kansas Colleges have been invited to attend.

Guest speaker for the conference is Dr. John Swomley, Jr., who is secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

This organization has its head-quarters in Nyack. New York and is sponsoring this peace con-ference with the MCA.

Dr. Swomley will speak at the church service Sunday, March 24, on "Security. Personal and Na-tional,” and will give other ad-dresses before then.

Dr. Swomley. a native of Harrisburg, Pa., is a minister of the Methodist Church and is a former vice - president of the National Council of Methodist Youth.

Besides writing for magazines such as The Christian Century and Motive. Dr. Swomley has parti-cipated on radio and television programs and has lectured in the United States, Canada, and Eng-land.

He has been a speaker at Student Movement Summer Conferences and at American Friends Service Committee Institutes of International Relations.

He has been the Religious Emphasis Week speaker at colleges such as Dennison University and Cornell University.

In 1955, Dr. Swomley visited Southeast Asia, including Malaya. India. Thailand. Burma, and Pakistan. as well as Jordan and Iraq in the Near East.

Dr. Swomley has also traveled in Europe studying social condi-tions and tensions.

He belongs to Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Kappa Alpha, honorary fraternities.

Discussions will also be held with Macollege faculty as leaders. These discussions will pertain to the subject of militarism in our time with emphasis on the extent of infiltration of militarism in the colleges of Kansas and problems arising from it.

Draft problems particularly for conscientious objectors will also be discussed.

Recreation for Saturday night is being planned by Rec. Council.

After Wednesday evening. March 27, McPherson College will have completed a pioneer experiment with Parents’ Night, which is being planned as a way to acquaint the parents of college students with professors and equipment.

A brief entertainment program will begin in the chapel at 7:30 p.m. Following this, sons and daughters will escort their parents to visit their professors in the various departments.

As guests of the college, the parents of the McPherson area will then visit Vaniman Hall, where refreshments will be served. They will also have an opportunity to observe the arts and ceramics rooms.

College Prints New Catalogs

Five thousand copies of the new catalog arc being printed for McPherson College. The McPherson Daily Republican is doing the printing.

The catalogs are to be ready in April. Dean James M. Berke-bile said that pre-enrollment for the fall of 1957 will not take place until the catalogs have been distributed.

You Are There! Where? The Gym When? March 22 Why? To be received by royalty

Free Steak Dinners!

Do you like to eat steak dinners?

McPherson College is offering free steak dinners to all successful student solicitors next fall.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger gives the details in the President’s Corner on page 4.

Irvin Wagner. Macollege sophomore from McPherson, Kans., was elected regional president for the Western Region Youth last weekend at the conference.

Also elected to office on the new Executive Cabinet for the Western Region were Carl Harris, Valeric Miller. Dwight Olt-man, and Dick Bittinger. Another member will soon be appointed. Paul Wagoner, alumni secretary, will again serve as the adult advisor for the young people.

Leon Neher. Macollege senior from Quinter, Kas., will be the full - time youth director for the region. This Is the first time that this region has obtained a fulltime youth director and it is the only other region besides the Central Region to do so.

Approximately 431 registered at the conference held on Macam-pus March 7-10.

Divided into districts the registered delegates at the conference were as follows: Southwest Kansas — 48, Northwest Kansas — 29 (22 from Quinter), Southeast Kansas — 14, Northeast Kansas — 29, Southern Iowa — 15, Middle Iowa

—    48 (12 from Stover Memorial at Des Moines), Northern Iowa

—    62 (11 from Grundy Center and 18 from Waterloo), Colorado — 34 (10 from Prince of Peace Church).

North Dakota and Eastern Montana — 5, Nebraska — 18 (10 from Holmesville), Texas and Lousiana — 10 (all from the Roanoke, La., Church). Oklahoma

—    21 (13 from Oklahoma City), Northern Missouri — 23, Middle Missouri — 16, and Southern Missouri and Arkansas — 7.

Delegates from three churches traveled over 800 miles to attend the conference. They are Grand Junction. Colo., Cando, N. D., and Roanoke, La.

The highlight at the conference was the banquet Friday evening in the Community Building, downtown. The main speaker was Rev. Harry K. Zeller.

At the executive cabinet breakfast meeting on Friday, March 8, at the Warren Hotel, the Annual Conference in Richmond. Va. was discussed. This region will be in charge of the evening recreation and worship services at the conference. October 25 will be the first meeting of the new Regional Cabinet.

Next year’s Regional Youth Conference has been set for March 6-9. The Rev. Bob Richards will be the guest speaker. Over 500 young people are expected to attend.

Leon Neher commended the good work of the various committee members and has asked that suggestions for improvements for next year’s conference be made.

Juanita Fike, Macollege sophomore. has been selected as an exchange student for the 1957-1958 school year. This is under the sponsorship of the MCA.

Juanita plans to go to Germany because she has heard so much about it and the Church of the Brethren had begun there.

An English major, Juanita is from Peace Valley, Mo. She has four brothers, two of which graduated from Macollege and one has attended Mac.

Selection was made by a committee of faculty and students. Criteria for the selection, among other things, were health, scholarship, personality, and the given reason for going. For personality, the ability to mix well with others and to adjust to new environments were especially considered.

JoAnn Negley of Durham, Kan., was selected as an alternate if Juanita is unable to go.

The MCA has a project this year of sending an exchange student to any country that is open for such a program.

MCA will pay $300 of the total expenses of the year away, and the cost to Juanita will not be more than that of one year of college in the States since the estimated cost is $750 - $1000.

Juanita looks at this opportunity as a real challenge. She is honored and believes that this is a good opportunity to learn a lot abroad and to better international understanding.

Elsie Lucore, a Macollege student, is studying in Germany this year under a similar grant from religious organizations on the campus.

Dog House Seeks Manager For Fall

Students May Apply To Earn And Serve

Students interested in Earn and Serve Projects may apply for a Job at one of the four places sponsoring them this summer.

Projects are to be conducted at Beatrice, Nebraska, Pampa, Texas, Newton, Kansas, and St Joseph, Missouri.

Wanted: a Dog House Manager.

This is the ad of the Student Council as it seeks applications for a manager for the student-operated snack room, the Dog House, for the next school year.

Don Colberg, Student Council president, is receiving the applications until March 25.

The manager must be a student who is able to keep simple accounts and to supervise the operation of the Dog House. He purchases all foods and expendable supplies, is in charge of waiters and waitresses, is in charge of the payroll and the keeping of books on the operations. The salary of the manager is $125 a semester plus one-fourth of any profit of the Dog House during the year.

Working with the manager is a committee composed of the treasurer of the Student Council, one student from the student body at large, and one faculty member from the Student Council.

March 15, 1957 The Spectator Page 2

Mac Schedules Spring Sports

Tennis    Track    Golf

The first meet is March 29 at C. of E. Following is a schedule for the league action:

Friday. March 29, C. of E. at Emporia (4 sing.-2 doub.) l p.m.

Wednesday. April 3, Bethel — Here (5 sing.-2 doub.) 2 p.m.

Saturday, April 6, Bethany — Here (5 sing.-2 doub.) 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 23, Baker — Here (4 or 5 sing.-2 doub.) 1 p.m.

Thursday, April 25, C. of E.— Here (4 sing.-2 doub.) 1 p.m.

Friday, May 3, Bethel at Newton (5 sing.-2 doub.) 2 p.m.

Saturday, May 4, Bethany at Lindsborg (5 sing.-2 doub.) 1:30 p. m. May 10 and 11—Conference at Emporia.

Oilman, Grove Play In Finals

Teams of Oltman and Grove won the first round in the men’s intramural tournament Monday evening, March 11, and then met Wednesday evening in the final competition. Results will be printed next week.

Marlo Oltman’s team defeated Irvin Wagner's team in the first game at 6 o’clock, and Noel Grove's quintet downed Delbert Hayes’s gang in the game at 7.

The losers met in the consolation game at 6 Wednesday night before the championship game.

Wednesday. March 27 — Bethany and McPherson at Salina, 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 2 — Friends and Bethany at McPherson, 2:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 4 — Bethany and McPherson at Newton, 2:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 10 — Baker and McPherson at Salina, 3 p.m.

Saturday. April 13 — Emporia Relays

Saturday, April 20 — K. U. Relays.

Thursday, April 25 — C. of E. and Bethel at McPherson. 2 p.m.

Friday. May 3 - K. W. U., Bethany, and McPherson at Sterling, 3 p.m.

Tuesday, May 7— Doane Relays. Crete, Nebr.

Thursday. May 9 — C. of E. and McPherson at Emporia. 2 p.m.

Tuesday, May 14 — K. w. U. and Bethel at McPherson, 2:30 p.m.

Friday, May 17 — Conference Meet at Baker.

Friday. March 29— C. of E. at Emporia, l p.m.

Tuesday, April 2 — Bethany at McPherson, 1 p.m.

Wednesday, April 3 — Friends at Wichita, 1 p.m.

Tuesday, April 9 — K. W. U. and Baker at McPherson, 1 p.m.

Thursday, April 11 — Bethany at McPherson, 1 p.m.

Wednesday, April 24 — K. W. U. at Salina, l p.m.

Thursday, April 25 — Friends and C. of E. at McPherson, 1:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 2 — Bethany at McPherson, 1 p.m.

May 9 and 10 — Conference Meet at Wichita, 9 a.m.

There may be more dates added,

Macollege Boys Attend Kansas City Tournament

A group of Macollege basketball players spent Tuesday. March 12, in Kansas City attending the national intercollegiate play-off tournament.

Assistant Coach Bob Wise and Roland Wray, trainer, accompanied the group to Kansas City.

Those going were Ronald Anderson, Dennis Brunner, Ed Delk, Gene Elliott, John and Richard Heidebrecht, Gaylen Rodgers. Sidney Smith, Kenneth Stucky and Larry Werner.

Girls To Play Volleyball

A girls’ volleyball team will go to Southwestern College at Winfield Saturday, March 16. This volleyball day will begin with play at 9 o'clock.

Doris Coppock will sponsor the group and will also select the eleven who are to play. The majority of these girls will be selected from the volleyball class.

Richard V. Keim, '25, Macollege trustee, and Stanley B. Keim,'25, of Nampa, Idaho, congratulate Sumner B. Eshelman as he completes 30 years of service for the H. H. Keim Company. Together this group of men have a combined service record of over 100 years in the meat industry.

Mac Graduates Operate Meat Industry In Idaho

Skate Tonight At Lyons

A skate party sponsored by the Macollege Skate Club will be held tonight at the Lyons, Kans., rink.

All who wish to attend will meet in the Dotzour Hall lobby at 6:30 p.m.

McAuley Is Principal

Max McAuley, a '52 graduate of Macollege, has been appointed as principal of the Washington Grade School.

He is at present teaching at the Intermediate School. He has been a Macollege professor and alumni secretary.

Last summer, he and his wife directed an international work camp in Europe.

McAuley is completing his work for his master’s degree at Wichita University this semester.

Two members of the Bulldog conference championship football team of 1923, Richard V. Keim and Stanley B. Keim, are president and secretary - treasurer of the H. H. Keim Company of Nampa. Idaho. Both are 1925 grads.

Sumner B. Eshelman. '24, is vice - president in charge of sales.

Dick Keim is the father of Mrs. Bob Nelson, and Stanley is the father of Anne Keim, Macollege Junior.

Dick is a college trustee and has

visited on the campus at different times this year.

He was the captain of the 1923 team which had seven conference victories, one defeat and one tie.

His son, George, was the cocaptain of the 1952 conference championship team.

George, who was known as "Big George" during his college days, is a former Macollege faculty member. He was assistant coach


Eshelman was recently honored for 30 years of continuous service with the company, which employs 50 people on a year - round basis and is a substantial market for livestock in the Nampa area.

In past years the company has supplied meat for the Booster Banquet.

March 15, 1957 The Spectator Page

Profs Spend Leisure Time Working In Their Gardens

100 Choir Alumni Return To Sing

McPherson College alumni returned in force for the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the A Cappella Choir. This coming together of former choir members was a unique type of alumni reunion for the college.

Registration for the choir and unofficial counts indicate that a few over 100 former choir members returned for and participated in the final numbers of the concert presented Saturday evening in the McPherson High School auditorium.

Welcomed by all were former choir directors. The McPherson College A Cappella Choir originator, Alvin Voran, is now director of a college choir in Shreveport, La. Nevin Fisher, preceding Prof. Donald Frederick, is choral director and chairman of the Music Department at Elizabethtown College.

Decorations, such as the lyre, the stained glass window, and the torch to depict the different parts of the program, were arranged by Kenneth Fancher.

The high school auditorium was filled to overflowing with many people turned away. An estimated audience of 900 listened to the choir perform.

“Hamlet” To Be Given At Emporia KSTC

Shakespeare’s tragedy, "Hamlet." will be presented on the Emporia Teachers College campus Thursday. March 21, at 8:15 p.m, by the Canadian Players, which is on a tour of the United States for the third successive year.

Playing the title role of Hamlet is William Hutt, who has acted in productions at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Ophelia will be played by Frances Hyland. who has also acted in the Stratford Shakespearean Festival.

International Students To K-State Confab

Macollege International students have been invited to attend the 4th Annual International Weekend at Kansas State College. Manhattan, Kans., on March 22-23. The conference theme is “Keys to International Understanding.”

One of the highlights of the conference will be the Friday evening banquet. Dr. James. A. McCain. President of Kansas State College will be the guest speaker.

The annual Y-Orpheum at Kansas State will follow the banquet. This is a full evening of one-act plays presented by K-State fraternities and sororities.

Kruschwitz Uses ‘Jerry’

To Practice Ventriloquism

By Ruth Davidson    

Everyone has heard of dishpan hands, but how many people have heard of gardener’s hands?

You can ask almost any of the Macollege professors, and they can tell you, for many of them are ardent gardeners.

With all of their knowledge about life and how it is maintained. the science professors, especially Dr. John Burkholder and Dr. Wesley Decoursey, are expected to be good gardeners with good results.

This year, a usual gardener,

Miss Mildred Siek, has rented her garden to Dr. DeCoursey. However, she will do gardening similar to that which Miss Edna Neher, Dotzour housemother, does — take care of her flowers.

Miss Della Lehman makes her small garden look larger by building a strawberry pyramid.

Prof. Guy Hayes takes his gardening seriously enough to try the local fairs and he sometimes walks away with prize ribbons.

Dr. Raymond Flory and Prof. Merlin Frantz mix gardening with house - building.

What used to be Gordon Yoder’s garden plot is now a home site, and the Yoders’ garden activities have been greatly curtailed.

Many faculty members find it rather hard to maintain a garden and keep up with their work and just don’t try.

One gardener in a big way is Mrs. Homer Brunk. She and her husband had enough garden last year to can over 300 jars of vegetables.

Gardeners in McPherson, as well as anywhere else, must learn about insecticides. One professor stated that there is a special insect for every kind of plant (or maybe it’s a worm). Grasshoppers are thrown in besides.

Among mentioned vegetables grown are tomatoes, potatoes peas, beans, kohlrabi, swiss chard, spinach, beets, onions, lettuce, okra, cucumbers, squash, asparagus, rhubarb, peppers.

If you see any professors out dropping potatoes this afternoon, it may be because the almanac says, "This is the day if you want a good crop."

Bowen, Roetman

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Bowen, Keeline, Wyo., announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley, to Ryland Roetman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roetman. Reading, Minn.

The wedding has been set for June 1, 1957.

Whirleys Announce Son

Douglas Lavern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Whirley, 310 N. Carrie, was born March 5 at McPherson Hospital.

He weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis McElwain, Mc-Cune, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whirley, McPherson.

Mrs. Whirley is a senior at McPherson College, and Bernard is a junior.

Krehbiels Have Son

Stanley Eugene Krehbiel, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kreh biel, 431 N. Eshelman, was born Feb. 28, at McPherson Hospital. He weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. at birth.

Stanley is a junior in business administration.

Read and heed the Spec ads.

Debaters Enter League Tourney

Macollege debaters will parti-cipate in the annual Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League Tournament tomorrow at Bethel College in Newton.

Larry Hayes and Joan Walters. Norris Harms and Lyall Sherred and Noel Grove and Carl Harris will be debating.

The winner of the local peace oratorical contest will be participating in the state contest held at this tournament.

Norris Harms will participate in men’s Extemporaneous Speaking and Joan Walters in the women's division. The general extemp topic is also on peace.

Prof. Guy Hayes is the General Secretary for the KIDL and has charge of arrangements for the tournament.

Mac Debaters Compete At Winfield Tournament

Larry Hayes and Joan Walters, Macollege debaters, won three of four debates at the Southwestern speech contest at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, March 8-9.

Joan received first in the preliminaries in poetry reading and Larry in oratory, but they did not place in the finals. Joan also entered oratory and Larry entered in radio speaking and impromptu speaking.

Grades Due March 22

Teachers are to turn in the students’ nine - week grades on Friday, March 22, to the Central Office. Students will receive their grades the following week.

Forrest Kruschwitz. junior from Grundy Center, Iowa, has been amazing Macollege students and audiences at programs outside the college this year with his powers of ventriloquism.

His latest appearance was at the Regional Youth Conference banquet where he made a big hit with the visiting high school students.

Forrest, who is the only known ventriloquist on campus, says that he has always been fascinated by ventriloquism. About a year ago, he sent for a book on the subject and started muttering to him-

Students Lead Scouts

Two Macollege students, Joe D. Rich, a junior, and Ronald Harden, a freshman, are the scoutmaster and the assistant for the new Boy Scout Troop 118 in McPherson.

The charter for the troop was presented Wednesday evening, March 6, at the regular meeting of the Lions Club, which is sponsoring the group.

Mark, Berry To Teach In Topeka Schools

Two seniors have signed contracts to teach in the Topeka school system.

They are Donna Berry from Ottumwa, Iowa, and Sonja Mark from McPherson.

Donna will teach the kindergarten grade and Sonja will teach the third grade.


Forrest says that he practiced even while on quartet tour, causing a few sly comments by his fellow travelers. He also learned by observing professional ventriloquists on television.

Then at the first of last summer, Forrest sent off and got "Jerry," his dummy. When asked how he came to name the dummy Jerry, Forrest replied. “Well, that’s just the name that was on the box.”

“I really enjoy doing it as long as Jerry never forgets,” says Forrest about the programs.

Other hobbies of Forrest’s include magic and dramatics. Grundy Center, la., is the home town of Forrest, who is a junior music education major.

Forrest plays the piano, has been in quartet for two years, and is currently in A Cappella Choir.

He has played the baritone horn and bass drums and is now playing the bassoon in Band and Orchestra.

Accident counts for much in companionship as in marriage. — Henry B. Adams.

March 15, 1957 The Spectator Page 4

The Spectator Speaks . . .

Epidemic Hits Macampus

The campus is getting back this week.

to normal now after one long week beginning with Regional Youth Conference and ending with Spiritual Emphasis. The week has not passed without leaving its effects on the students.

Most noticeable are the extra snores in classes all day, not just in the 7:45 ones. The professors bend over backwards trying sly means to keep us awake, probably because they are bushed also but don't want to embarrass themselves by falling asleep.

While the students are getting their sleep, that has been the major extent of their activities

Assignments have gone by undone, beds have remained unmade, letters unanswered, term papers have been postponed while the students have devoted their time to the noble duties of attending class and chapel, sleeping, and Rook.

Of course, this activity will not go on for long because next week will be nine-week tests. After that the students will take another period of recuperation until grades are out.

For some reason, falling grades inspire students to get on the ball before the end of the semester.

Within a week or so 40 or more leading men of the city of Mc-Pherson will meet together for a steak dinner. At this time they will divide among themselves the names of some 400 or 500 of the business people, business firms, and leading citizens of McPherson.

They will then go out. each to call upon the people whom they have chosen or who will be assigned to them. They will talk about McPherson College, its progress. its continuing needs, its hopes.

They will urge the people of the city to stand back of this higher Christian educational enterprise, support, it, and help to make it a growing part of our city and area.

They will not do this because they had a steak dinner, but the steak dinner will deepen their fellowship as they discuss the work they are going to do for the college.

A few weeks ago we handed out in the chapel a number of stamped envelopes and college bulldog letter heads, asking students to write to their friends who are finishing high school to tell them about McPherson College.

We did not feel that it would be a good policy to offer financial remuneration for this, for the desire and hope was that the good feeling which we all have about our college family would make us eager to invite others to become members of the family.

If we were paid for doing this, it would spoil something of the family spirit.

However, as the public relations people sat together discussing this, they felt that a steak dinner could help to deepen the fellowship of those who are “boos-

Pondering Willi The President . . .

Steak Dinner For Boosters

Signs Direct Visitors To Mac

New McPherson College signs have been placed on the highways in McPherson to direct out-of-town visitors to the campus.

Two signs were put on highway 56 at Eshelman, and two were placed on the city route of 81 at Euclid.

The signs are black and white with the words McPherson College and an arrow pointing in the direction of the college.

These signs were provided by the city of McPherson and their location was determined by the officials of the city.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger

ters for their college.”

It was decided, therefore, to say that any student who succeeds in bringing another student to the college through his letter writing and or his personal contact, will be invited to partici-pate, next fall, in a celebrating, free steak dinner.

At that dinner we will share our experiences of solicitation, talk about our college, and make suggestions about its growth.

Some of you took as many as ten or a dozen letters. Some of you did not take any. We invite you to enter into this enterprise.

May God bless you as all of us together seek to make McPherson College ever a greater and better college.

Cooks Begin Preparing Food Early Each Day In Cafeteria

Have you ever thought of cook-ing 1252 meals a week or washing dishes for 350 people a day? These are just some of the problems of quality that Mrs. J. F. Slifer, cafeteria manager, and the cafeteria employees face each week.

The day begins in the cafeteria at 6:30 a.m. as the cooks start breakfast. Then at 6:45 a.m. before breakfast is even served the roasts are started for the noon meal.

Baking pies is another early morning chore. After breakfast the other meats, vegetables, and the main dish for dinner are begun.

From 2-4 p.m. the cafeteria is empty. At four the cooks return to get supper ready.

In addition to the regular cooks, students work in the kitchen during meals serving food, running errands, doing dishes, and cleaning up.

Mrs. Slifer also has the job of having an acceptable variety of foods. In comparing the McPherson College cafeteria with KU, the variety is almost the same.

In quantity, the amount of food used in a week seems large to one accustomed to cooking for an average family.

The college students eat 60

pounds of roast beef, 40 pounds each of roast pork and hamburger, 30 pounds of steak, and 250 pounds of potatoes.

The diswashers use 1,100 pounds of soap a year.

Never believe the impossible. Never regret the past Do not long for the unattainable.

Kendall To Go Into Ministry

Lee Kendall, chief engineer and associate superintendent of grounds of McPherson College, will terminate this position at the end of the summer school term.

His present plans are to go into the active ministry again. When Mr. Kendall and his family first came to McPherson almost five years ago, he served as pastor of the Newton Church of the Brethren. He retired as pastor two years ago.

Since coming to McPherson, Mr. Kendall has averaged five hours of class work per semester outside his regular campus position.

Mr. Kendall will not announce definite plans until a later date.