Macollege dedicates the modern stadium, recently completed by Harold Johnson ,tonight at 7:30 p.m. The modern structure, with a seating capacity of 2,500 replaces the old structure erected in 1953.
The dedication of the new stadium is tonight. This long awaited event will precede the opening football game.
Construction of the structure was started May 10, and is a vast imrovement over the old stadium. Modernity is stressed in the restrooms, dressing, shower and locker rooms for the visiting teams.
An enclosure of steel fence makes a seven foot passageway in front of the stadium which will allow people to go to the concession stand and rest rooms without leaving the stadium grounds. The large overhang of the structure completely covers this area giving spectators protection in bad weather.
188 Feet Long
The stadium is 188 feet long north and south. The height of the stadium is 31 feet 6 inches. A cen--ter entrance us well as entrances on each end of the stadium are provided.
A press box is located at the top of the stadium and there are also provisions for a concession stand. The seating capacity is 2,500. which greatly exceeds the old stadium of 1,300.
Johnson Does Construction
Howard Johnson was the construction engineer and the architects
were the Mann and Company of Hutchinson. They also designed Dotzour Hall.
Johnson now is in Illinois, but will return very shortly to supervise the finishing touches of the stadium.
A crew of Macollege students tore down the antiquated structure and student help also worked on the construction of the new stadium this past summer.
The old stadium was dedicated on October 18. 1935. The 180 long structure with 10 tiers was planned and supervised by Coach Binford. head of Macollege athletics at that time.
The old arrangement of double usage of the field and stadium with McPherson High School will be maintained, an agreement which has been in effect for many years.
Last vear additional and better
lighting was put up on the field and the year before the automatic timer and scoreboard was purchased.
There will be a brief dedication of the college stadium tonight immediately preceeding the game.
The game is call for 7:30. At 7:30 promptly there will be a brief statement concerning the stadium and the cooperative community and college undertaking in building it. This will be given by Dr. Bittinger. Following this will be a prayer of dedication by Rev. Harry K. Zeller, pastor of the Church of the Brethren.
After the prayer of dedication there will be several numbers by the band under the direction of Don Frederick to conclude the dedication.
College Calendar
Tonight—Kearney here, 7:30 p. m., Dedication of Stadium.
Monday. September 20, AllSchool Picnic.
Friday. September 24. Bethel at Newton—8 p.m.
Issac Grillo. known to the college students as “Zeke”, comes to Ma-college from Lagos. Nigeria. Zeke. a biology major and a senior this year, topped the honor roll the second semester last year with a score of 57.
Shirley Coppock, now Mrs. Don Thralls, of Dayton, Ohio, who graduated Cum Laude, had a score of 56 1/2 her final semester.
Berwyn Oltman hod 54. Paul Coffman. Reuben Krehbiel, and Robert Peel all earned 51.
Don Ullom, 48 1/2; Galen Stucky 47; Ruth Strickler 46 1/2; Nancy Keim 46; Wayne Blickenstaff, Kenneth Brown, Elsie Hall, and Galib Shahab, 45.
Don Colberg, Maxine Hanley, Curtis Leicht, John Thomas, and Mary Swinger, 44; Jean Bullard, Marlene Moats, and Ruth Davidson, 43 1/2; Betty Kienholz, Dorothy Nicholson, and Daniel Onyema, earned 43.
Virginia Bower. Nadene Correll, Norman Long, Don Moeller, Dwight McSpadden, Laura Sewell, and John Vance, earned 42 grade points.
Carol Watkins earned 41 3/4.
Leland Lengal, Irene Shull, and Carol Trostle, earned 41 1/2 grade points; Eula Mae Murrey and Max Parmley 41. .
Richard Carney, Birdene Jamison. and Dorothy Lucore, earned 40% grade points; Adalu Carpenter, La Faughn Hubbard, Eugene Lu-pri, and Mary Jo Snider, earned 40 grade points.
Those students who earned an honorable mention for the second semester of last year are: Gene Bechtel. Robert Powell, Edward Wolf, Alberta Ebbert Grosbach. and Dale Shenefelt.
Carl Metsker, Betty Neher. Nor-ann Boyer Blough, Richard Wick-ert. Elwyn Taylor, Betty Holder-read. Lucy Blough. Karl Dalke, George Eisele, Ronald Grosbach, Marinell Johnson, Evelyn Williams, and Dwight Blough.
Allen Blocher. James Craig, Richard Eder. Martin Gauby. Don Hoch, Dean Neher, Glennis Parks, Clarence Quay. Paul Snider. Shirley Hamilton, Mary Ann Aeschliman. and Laoi Beitar.
Bookstore Hours
Monday; 10:30 -11:20 and 1:15 -2:10
Tuesday: 10:30 - 11:20. Wednesday: 11:20 - 12:00 and 1:15 - 2:10.
Thurdsay: 10:30 - 11:20.
Friday: 10:30 - 12:00.
Saturday: 9:00 - 12:00.
New Cooks Serve Under Mrs. Slifer In Mae Cafeteria
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, September 17, 1954
Library Operates Under New Rules
No. 1
Fun, Food And Frolic Monday
All-School Picnic Takes Recreators To Kanopolis
At 1:30 p.m. Monday September 20. 1954. students will leave by car for Kanopolis Lake for an all school picnic. An afternoon of recreation is planned followed by a picnic supper and evening vespers.
Those not having rides, are to meet in front of Sharp Hall at 1:30, and Dwight Blough. chairman of the transportation committee will see that there arc rides for all.
The food committee includes Eula Mae Murry, chairman. Don Good-fellow, Ron and Alberta Grosbach.
The picnic supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. After supper there will be a vesper service from 7 to 7:30. This service is being planned by Leon Albert and Kathy Albin.
Rec Council is in charge of the
recreation activities which will in-clude swimming, boating, hiking. and organized games. i As school will be dismissed at noon, classes will be telescoped. Monday classes will run as follows:
7:45 o'clock classes will meet 8-15. 8:40 o'clock 8:20-8:50. |
classes will meet classes |
meet will |
t 7:45-meet |
9:35 o'clock 8:55-9:25. |
classes |
will |
meet, |
10:30 o'clock 9:30-10:00 |
classes |
will |
meet. |
11:25 o'clock |
classes |
will |
meet. |
10:05-10:35. | |||
1:15 o'clock |
classes |
will |
meet, |
10:40-11:10 | |||
2:10 o'clock 11:15-11:45. |
classes |
will |
meet, |
Although enrollment statistics were still incomplete Wednesday morning, Mrs. Alice B. Martin, registrar, stated that a total of 345 students had completed their enrollment at that time.
Freshmen had a total of 143. which is 10 more than at the same time last year. Sophomores had 90; juniors. 51; seniors 45 and unclassified. 16.
With the enrollment of night stud-, ents the number of seniors and unclassified students will be increased.
Pre-college fine arts enrollments will also increase the number of unclassified students.
“In the freshman class this fall
arc 25 of the 117 seniors from the McPherson High School class of ’54.” Dr. D. W. Bittinger stated. “Included in this group arc five of the top 10 students in the class.” At the end of the three days of enrollment the increase was six per cent over the number of a year ago, hbwever, the comparison of figures at a later period will not be avail-able until the night school and fine arts enrollment are complete.
Mrs. J. F. Slifer, cafeteria manager started the new school year with the loss of two cooks. Mrs. Shultz moved to California for the winter, and Mrs. Swick moved to Russell, Kansas with her family.
The new cooks are Mrs. Lydia Schapansky. Mrs. Harmes Wiebe, and Mrs. White. Miss Marie Boese Is the only cook who continues from last year.
The students helping this year arc: Vern Scott. Ruth Davidson. Nancy Keim. Lucy Blough, Dale Shenefelt. Esther Ikenberry. Richard Spitzer. Issac Grillo. Gary, Williams. Clara Zunkel. Esther Merkey. Nancy Ruth Erisman. and Robert Spitzer.
Mrs. Slifer suggests that the students eating breakfast should come down a little earlier. The students helping need time to clean up the cafeteria, before going to their 7:45 classes.
The schedule for this year is:
Breakfast. 6:45 to 7:15.
Dinner. 11:30 till a break in the line.
Supper. 5:45 to 6:15 Monday thru Thursday.
No breakfast is served on Saturday and Sunday mornings. On Friday and Saturday nights supper is served at 5:00. as well as on all game nights. Dinner, the only meal served on Sunday, starts immediately after church services.
During the summer vacation a gym finish was put on the floor. A new ramp was built into the kitchen making it easier to transfer dishes from the cafeteria to the kitchen.
A new hood over the stoves with an exhaust fan helps to keep the cooking odors out of the kitchen.
Mrs. Slifer requests that outsiders who plan to eat in the college cafeteria on Sunday or any other day. be thoughtful enough to call the cafeteria first, in order that there will be time for necessary preparation.
Because of the larger enrollment and the increased demand upon the resources of the library it has become necessary to limit the loan period for books, magazines, and pamphlets.
Books may be checked out for four weeks and may not be renewed. Books are always due on Fridays.
Unbound magazines and pamphlets may be checked out for one week only and may not be renewed.
Bound magazines may be checked out overnight as reserved books.
Periodicals and pamphlets are due on the date stamped on date due slip.
Dresher Will Speak To Faculty Thursday
Mr. Clifford Dresher, McPherson High School instructor, will speak to the faculty Thursday morning. Sept. 23. at 7:45.
Mr. Dresher attended the convention of the National Education Association in New York last summer, and is active in local, state, and national education associations.
No Parking Signs Force Fahnestock Cars Off Gordon
The McPherson Police Department this week put no parking signs by Fahnestock Hall on Gordon Street, thus forcing Macollegc students parked there to move.
The signs were put up after residents living on Gordon claimed that backing cars out of their driveways was becoming increasingly difficult. Difficulty of driving along Gordon with both sides having cars parked has also presented a problem.
The no parking area extends from Lehmer and Gordon down to the library.
Dr. John Burkholder
Coppock Receives Master’s Degree
Doris Coppock received her master's degree in physical education
Pajama Parade Is Howling Success
A cheering, singing, pajama-clad parade of Macollege students zigzagged their way through the streets downtown in their traditional snake dance, Thursday evening. A large crowd of spectators lined the streets as the cheerleaders and pep band led several school yells and songs. The snake dance continued down Main Street into several stores and then entered the theaters to interrupt the show long enough to give a few cheers for the football team, and then to enjoy the show.
Mac Family Welcomes German, Puerto Rican, International Students
From the heart of the Caribbean Sea and from across the Atlantic Ocean have come the three new foreign students who are joining the McPherson College family this semester.
Ana Rosa Rodriguez comes from Castaner, Puerto Rico, Ana, who is short of stature, is studying to be a teacher. -
Another Puerto Rican is Israel Zayas. He was in the army from 1951-53. Before coming to college. Israel was employed as a lab technician in Chicago.
From Korbach, Germany, hails Fritz Pampus. Fritz attended high school in Wiley. Colo., from 1950-51. He then returned to Germany. Fritz has been back in the U. S. a year and nine months.
Doris Coppock
on August 11. She achieved this degree following five summers of attending graduate school. The first summer she spent in attendance at Kansas University, the last four at Iowa University.
Doris graduated from the Platts--burg. Mo., high school after attending junior high in Rocky Ford. Colo. In the fall of 1944, she came to McPherson College and graduated in 1948. She received an A. B. degree with a major in English and minored in music and physical education.
The thesis problem concerned the question: “Does correlation exist between tight chest muscles and round shoulders?” Miss Coppock discovered that there is no correlation.
Two weeks after her thesis went to the typist, she was faced with her comprehensive tests. .
Many people feel that round shoulders are a structural defect which cannot be helped. They need to realize that this is not true, Miss Coppock said.
Doris was glad for the opportunity to make girls aware of their posture problem and appreciated the girls cooperation in securing the necessary data for her thesis,
Burkholder Attains Doctor’s Degree
Dr. John Burkholder, professor of biology at Macollege. received his Ph. D. in the Department of Zoology from the University of Chicago August 27, 1954.
Dr. Burkholder graduated from Macollege in 1949. The following fall he enrolled at the University of Chicago. Before coming to McPherson the second semester. 195253. he completed his residence requirements for his doctor’s degree.
He began teaching Biology here in January,1953, doing his research work in genetics during the summer months. The topic of his research was. "White Laws Position Effects in Drosophila Melan-ogaster."
While a student at Macollegc he served as assistant to Dr. R. E. Mohler. former professor of Biology, In his senior year he was selected for “Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.” He graduated with Magna Cum Laudc honors.
Dr. Burkholder received a Graduate Teachers Scholarship, and served as an assistant on the Zoology Department Staff at Chicago University.
Leon Neher. a McPherson College student, will be spending this year in India as an ambassador of peace and an exchange student in the Anand College of Agriculture near Bombay.
He flew to New York Tuesday, September 14 and planned to sail on the S. S. Independence Thursday. September 16 to Naples. Italy. From Naples to Bombay he will travel in the S. S. Asia.
The student exchange program The Foreign Mission Commission, and the Western Region C.B.Y.F. arc among the groups sponsoring his trip.
Leon is the present .vice president of the Western Region and chairman on the witness area in the Youth Action Plan. He is a student minister.
One of the interest points of his trip is a visit to Rome for a week. While there he will see St. Peters Church, the catacombs, the Vatican Mt. Vesuvius, and Gina Munda, formerly a McPherson student who now works at the American Embassy in Rome.
Some of the subjects Leon will take when he enters school Nov. 15 are agriculture, economics, sociology and languagc.
Leon believes that India is a strategic spot, that international barriers must be broken down, and that the Student Exchange program is one way to do this.
"Since I am one of the first students to go to Asia and the first of the Church of the Brethren," says Leon. "I hope the program can be enlarged and some of my fellow classmates can go also. I hope that I can be an effective goodwill ambassador for my country, my church, and my college."
Leon will return to the states in September 1955. he hopes to land in San Francisco, via the Phillipines and Hawaii to complete his around-the-world tour. Soon after he will return to McPherson College to begin his senior year. _
Merlin Frantz of Lincoln. Neb., is a new teacher in McPherson College. He holds the position of Education and Psychology.
He Is married to the former Imo-Gene Sheller. They are the parents of two children. Claudia is 5 and Lynne is 2.
Merlin completed his Master s Degree at the University of Nebraska in 1953 and completed his residence work at the same university in June of 1954.
Merlin is a brother of Mrs. Raymond Flory and the son of Dr. Earl Frantz.
He graduated from McPherson College in 1943. He has served as a pastor besides teaching high school in Nebraska.
A new faculty member at Macollege this year is George Keim. He
teaches Methods and Techniques in Teaching Recreational Sports. General Physical Education, and is director of the intramurals.
George graduated with the class of '54 from Macollege. He majored in Rural life and served as president of the student body. George was selected as all-conference tackle all four years in college, and was a member of the Little AllAmerican Team for two years.
George's father Richard ”Dick” Keim, of Nampa. Idaho, was captain of the conference championship team of 1923 and George was co-captain in 1952.
George is married to the former Joan Pinther, who teaches at Washington Grade School, and they have one child. Becky. The Keims live at 1722 E. Gordon.
Year after year a couple of as piring journalists sit at the editor-in-chief’s desk in the office of the Spectator and write a message of greeting to those who will be their critics for a semester.
Once again—we’re off on another semester—come what may, just so it isn’t too bard.
Back of each editor is a staff, without which he would be lost, and sometimes even with which, he is still lost. The one which materialised for this semester is green, being mostly freshmen and students who are just beginning to taste this business of journalism. But with this first Issue, we’re on our way.
Every one will not agree with what we print. Therefore the path is open to criticism, but try to make it constructive.
Publishing only bi-monthly, cutting down the size of the paper, and trimming down the editor’s salary—which now averages in the neighborhood of five cents an hour if you’re a journalism genius—are all avenues of action which persons connected with this publication have comtemplated taking.
Therefore, you realize why we don’t use all the pictures we would like to. or add an extra page, or secure Pogo for our comic —it’s that green-eyed monster, the budget.
Another feature the readers will readily detect this semester is that the editorial days of Lentz, with the able assistance of Faules, are gone. Any unidentified article of editorial nature can be attributed to the editor.
The policy of the Spec this semester will be to accept for printing no letter whose author is not known to the editor; but letters to the editor, which are such that can be printed, we welcome, just as we welcome any contribution you might make in any way from telling us a scoop and writing a story, to delivering the copy and picking up the Specs on Friday morning.
And with this issue we are off on the fall semester of 1954
The National Youth Conference at Anderson. Ind. proved to be a reunion for several Macollege students.
The Conference, which was held August 23-27. attracted Brethren youth from all over the United States. Each district represented had a flag of its own.
Dan West. Bob Richards, Harper Will. A1 Brightbill. Kirby Page. M. R. Ziegler. Marion Downs, and other religious leaders provided many experiences for those attending.
Following large group meetings with these leaders, the Conference frequently broke up into small groups for special interest discussions.
About 2.279 young people attended.
By the Chief
The mailbox of the Spectator has been coming forth with an assorted supply of advertising disguised as news releases in addition to other items of straight news.
Possibly you would like to know, if you should happen to be on a quiz program and your winning of the jackpot should depend on just this bit of information, that in the average mile, of railway track there are 3,000 crossties.
Persons who stuffed the Spec mailbox also pointed out that the railroads receive less than one-eighth of a cent of the three-cent stamp which is placed on a first class letter which they transport. Did you get that?
An array of triangles, rectangles, squares and lines which reminded one of the art of doodling, turned out to be a sample design perception examination.
Some person putting out mimeographed copy insisted that education is not a commodity. Not being material, it cannot be paid for.
Delving deeper into this subject the person painted up that a student pays his tuition and receives access to teachers and facilities, from there education is up to the student himself.
Another tidbit of news informed our office of a housemother who took over rules and regulations of a men’s dormitory.
First glance at a brown envelope registered the word, cribsheet. second look made the correction to clipsheet. on a release from Bishop Martin Board of Temperance of the Methodist Church.
And that terminates this spiel on mail, for its homonym, male, and co-partner, female, try the social column on page three.
By Ed Frants Student Connell President
Back of every large organization smaller club, select group and every leader are the people themselves.
Your actions are the ones which influence others to formulate their opinion of McPherson College. You, the students, make up the spirit of the college.
You, no one else, can support our athletic teams through victorious seasons. Bulldogs, you make it possible for us to field our winning teams, produce our plays, concerts, print our publications and various other activities which take place on our campus.
Let’s start the new year with the snap of the boll and fight together toward the winning touchdown that will enable us to have a more successful year.
Berkebile Writes Chemical Article
Dean Berkebile has written an article for the Journal of Chemical Education entitled “Tests for Alcohol in Breath and Blood”. The article appeared in the July, 1954 issue of the magazine.
Progress is achieved by doing away with some things and the altering of others.
Sadie Hawkins, a time of reverse "boy asks girl" custom in true Little Abner style, has been placed by a week of WPA, women pay all, prior to Homecoming.
Following the example of the Homecoming Queen, who asks her kingly escort, girls will ask the fellows to both the Queen's Banquet and the annual Homecoming Game.
Decision to tear away from the traditional Sadie Hawkins was prompted by lack of students participation which the SCA cabinet felt was in evidence the past few years. in the world which can take the place of discipline of the home. Every true Christian home is a university, fully equipped, amply endowed, and able to give the highest education which can be obtained in this world.
The school year seemed to get under way with considerable zest last week and this week. It was good to see long lines of new students waiting to get enrolled. It was good to see the chapel filled, and people standing in the halls for talent night and the watermelon feed. The watermelons were good and the talent was varied and well received.
It was good to see the chapel filled to the doors for our first chapel session. It was especially good to see the church enthusiastically filled on Sunday morning and the church parlors really crowded on Sunday evening for the church reception.
It was good to hear the band again, filling Sharp Hall with music. The numbers who have reported for choirs and other musical organ-zations is encouraging. Membership in the various campus organisations is picking up. The group out for football is premising both in numbers and ability.
Gone! But Where?
Students who have been even briefly in touch with a member of the editorial staff of the Spectator the past year know that there arc difficulties in putting out the college newspaper.
But—when someone causes the best typewriter to disappear from the Spec office, that not only complicates matters, it inconveniences production and the budget.
The suggestion is made that anyone knowing the whereabouts of the beloved Spec machine give with that information or see that the vanishing typewriter returns.
Tuesday, September 21, Student Christian Association.
Friday. September 24. Student Council - Student Court.
Tuesday. September 28, H. K. Zeller, Jr.. Pastor, Church of the Brethren.
Friday. October 1, Men’s and Women's Councils.
Tuesday. October 5, Dr. Metzler.
Friday. October 8, Summer Service Workers.
Irene Shull |
•Editor-in-chief |
Lois Stinnette .........—.....—. |
Managing Editor |
________________ .. Campus Editor | |
Cary Williams .......... ... |
.................—...... Staff Photographer |
Anne Keim ...... ...... .......... |
Society Editor |
Sarah May Vancil ..................................... |
............................-......... Faculty Advisor |
Dr. D. W. Bittinger |
Ed Sink |
Rita Evans |
Dee Bowman |
Duane Fike |
Von Hall |
Shirley Rhoadea |
Roger Fick |
Ina Switzer |
Kathryn Kendall |
Ruth Davidson |
Don Saunders |
Don Colberg .......- | |
Cordon Yoder .. . |
------—............................ Faculty Advisor |
By SCA Cabinet
Strong public support of a candidate puts that candidate in office. Student support of an activity makes it a success and lack of that support causes its extinction.
Paul E. "Si" Sargent and Joe Sheets turn over a leaders' handbook and troop charter to Stanley Surgent. Paul's 19 years as Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop118 and Joe Sheets’ assistant scoutmaster for that length of time, terminate Sept, 30 when Paul’s son, former Eagle Scout of the troop becomes Scoutmaster. Paul will become assistant Scoutmaster and Sheets will become a member of the troop committee. Paul and his son Stanley are both graduates of Macollege.
Why is a Christian home such a fine and precious thing? Because it is a garden of the Lord, a nursery for human lives to grow in. Its seclusion, its shelter, its wise and careful culture are invaluable to growing souls, and nothing can i make up for the lack of them.
The home is the God-Appointed educator of mankind. We have a multitude of institutions which we call schools, but the real schools, where the real lessons of life are learned, are in the Christian homes of America. We still hear a good deal about the higher educations, but the highest that can be had is found in the lofty lessons of Christian self-control, self-sacrifice, sublime faith, and splendid trust which home life has such marvelous power to teach.
There is no training to be had in school or college, or anywhere
It is good to see the walks filled again with students going to and from classes.
Tonight we will see how the football practices have gone as the boys come up against their first contest. Let us support them enthusiastically.
School has begun well. Let us gain additional enthusiasm as we gain momentum. Let us make it a good year.
The McPherson College family should be a friendly, helpful, happy family. Let each of us be that way: then the family will be that way.
Dr. D. W. Bittinger
Student Ministers Speak
by Galen Stifer
Official Student Publication of McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council.
by the more dignified title of debaters. will soon be pounding and expounding on the question: Resolved that the United States should extend diplomatic recognition to the Communist government of China.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Ward are spending the weekend visiting with Mrs. Ward’s mother, Mrs. Alice Martin.
John is doing graduate work at Oklahoma A. & M. He is working on his Masters and he also has an assistantship there.
John graduated from McPherson College with the class of 1950 and Mrs. Ward graduated with the class of 1951.
Mux Parmley caused quite a stir in the cafeteria when he absent-mindedly started off after lunch with his napkin still tucked securely in his belt.
Mom and Pop to the Arnoldites this year are Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Evans. Kenny is completing his education while Ruth has gone into teaching.
Home Ec Club members and prospective members had a progressive picnic Wednesday evening. Marinell Johnson. McPherson, senior, is the president of the club.
Students Serve In Summer Units
Experiences of all varieties filled the summers of the Macollege students employed in Summer and Volunteer Service.
Eula Mae Murrey and Arlene Merkey went to Puerto Rico where they worked on a summer service project along with six other girls and two boys. They did manual work such as putting in a water system for the school there and repairing the public water supply.
Dale Shenefelt. Martha Switzer, and Ruth Davidson spent the summer working in a Mental Hospital at Elgin Illinois. There were 31 young people of different religions working in this hospital unit. The job of these workers was to make the patients on their wards comfortable. give them some first aid; some gave shots. They agreed that working in a mental hospital teaches one a new meaning of love. They said that they learned to love some of the patients and hated to leave them when the end of the summer* arrived. They found that living as a unit with other Christian young people is a wonderful experience. As Martha said "I learned that just changing a bed pad can be serving God."
The Brethren Volunteer Service project at Falfurrias was represented by Mary Romero. Phyllis Hamilton, and Gordon Oliver, now members of the freshman class at Macollege. While at Falfurias. Mary ■Romero taught the Mexican children English; she hopes to return there after college to work with the Mexicans. Phyllis Hamilton did house work and worked in the church program. Gordon Oliver worked on the farm there and also helped with the church work.
Ruth Kauffman worked as a Brethren Volunteer Service worker in Elgin taking care of children at the seminary there and spent the summer in Missouri teaching bible school and working in camp there.
Dee Bowman spent her time in Missouri doing office work for ministers ,teaching bible school and working as a leader in the camp there.
There’s Music In The Air
Music Department Selects Personnel, Starts Rehearsals
By Shirley Hamilton
ing and marching for the football games in addition to giving formal concerts.
The college string orchestra is under the direction of Prof. Paul Sollenberger. Among the program planned by the orchestra are hopes of going to surrounding churches and high schools on deputations.
Wedding Bells Go Ding, Dong, Ding
Wedding bells rang out many times this summer for students affiliated with our college.
Those who have returned to school arc Dwight and Norann Blough; Ron and Alberta Grosbach: Bob and Maggie Hoefle. Kenny and Ruth Evans.
College Activities Launch Year Into Full Swing
by Norman Johnson
The faculty also got in the act' when Max McAuley and Marilee Grove exchanged vows.
Others who were married include Lewis McKellip and Ann Eiler; Larry Brooks and Nancy Dayton; Don Grosbach and Pauline Forsythe; Jack Harter and Eleanor Hamm; Wayne Blickenstaff and Beverly Turner; Lee Hogle and Donna Wagoner: Don Wagoner and Doloris Sigle: Tommy O'Dell and Janice Nance; Elmer Fike and Ina Ditmers; Joe Johns and Betty Jo Baker; Gene Bechtel and Shirley Deardorff: and Joe Kennedy and Barbara Bowman.
Hatsuko Kanazawa became the bride of Richard Ivy.
Zunkel, Stinnette Announce Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. John Zunkel of Denver, Colo., announce the engagement of their daughter. Ida. to Ross Stinnette, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stinnette also of Denver.
News of their engagement was revealed at the formal Faculty Reception. and was the first to be announced in the 1954-55 year.
The couple are planning a late spring wedding. Ross is now serving with the army and is stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga.
Students’ voices muffled In the depths of a subject book or ringing clearly down a hall or across the campus are livening up Mac campus as the fall term begins.
Summer vacations and jobs are laid away in memories ns activities get into full swing.
While traveling to Mac. Mary Alice Smith expended all her excess energy. Anxious to replenish her weak body, she scanned the menu where the girls stopped to eat and spied the word tenderloin. That was for her! In a hurry as all college girls are and much to the dismay of the waitress she requested that it be put in a sandwich. Surprising enough the Tenderloin truned out to be Tenderloin of Trout!
Hurried gentlemen callers for Dotzour Hall are stopped in a hurry by the newly placed red rubber mat in the lobby. So men, beware!
Duane Hoover really did a good job sewing up his levis the other day. In fact so good that he left the needle and thread in the seat of his pants and had to be remind ed by his pals on main street downtown.
The speedometer read 3500 miles ns Miss Lehman prepared to make her journey to California in her newly purchased automobile. "It’s certainly nicer in windy and rainy weather" says Miss Lehman, "but, my bicycle is fine too.” She drove nearly 3000 miles in California. While in the sunny state she taught summer school at LaVerne.
Dictionaries are a familiar sight again and more than one of the gals in Dotzour Hall wish their roommate was Miss Webster.
It seems as though the freshmen men on campus can’t quite get used to the idea of the bell system in the girls dorm. Really fellows, a bell will get you a bell.
First floor residents of Dotzour Hall attended a get acquainted party Thursday night. They enjoyed visiting and refreshments. While they were assembled in the recreation room, second floor gals quickly stole away with their pillows and deposited them on third floor at the end of the hall. Voices rang through the halls for some time until pillows were restored and quiet reigned again.
Taxi, taxi, anyone?! You say taxi service around McPherson College is better than usual? No it’s just Don Colberg's private service which seems to be very good on Sunday evenings.
Ellen Willems was hostess to a small group of girls Thursday evening in her home. After watching T. V.. taking pictures and visiting, refreshments of home-made ice cream, cookies and candy were served. Among thos cattending were Norma Johnson. Mary Lou Stuc-ky. Nancy Barragree. Janice Loeckle. Delaine Larsen. Liz Keim, Janie Fillmore. June McDaniel. Marian Sifford, Lu Wise, and Anne Keim.
An announcement of an engagement has come already. Ross Stin-ette and Ida Zunkel found a unique way to tell the world of their love. President Bittinger read a verse at the formal Faculty Reception that went something like this.
God led us together in Winter, Courtship in Summer’s the thing. We announce our engagement in
With God’s blessing We’ll marry in Spring.
"Happy Birthday". was sung lustily to Lucy Blough Sunday evening on second floor of Dotzour. A string leading from second to first was tied onto a plastic miniature car planter just inside the door on the north end, with an apple and a card attached to it reading "You’re the apple of our eyes".
Cupid hadn't given up just because summer hit Mac campus. Some of the couples who announ. ced engagements are Lois Rolfs and Kenny Slabach: Esther Iken-berry and Dean Cotton; Don Hoch and Rita Raleigh; Idell Fick and Dick Eder; Eddie Wolf and Mar-; lene Simpson; and Robertine Haney and A-2c Vernon Daw.
The noisemakers, known also
Macollegeites may be following the word of James. "Is any among you cheerful? Let him sing praise." Whatever the reason, Prof. Don Frederick’s studio has been overflowing with excellent voices during the past week, making it difficult for him to choose the choir personnel.
Of the 119 applicants for the college choirs, 45 were accepted into the A Cappella Choir:
A Cappella Choir
First sopranos are Connie Brooks. LaFaughn Hubbard. Betty Holder-read. Bea Grone, Elizabeth Keim. and Margaret Hoefer with Darlene Treloar as alternate.
Second sopranos are Shirley Hamilton. Kathy Albin, Ruth Strickier. Carol Watkins. Donna Ford, and Norann Blough with Alberta Grosbach as alternate.
First altos are Evelyn Williams, Rita Royer, Clara Zunkel, and Norma Goering with Marlene Moats as alternate.
Second altos are Mary Elizabeth Swinger, Donna Berry. Arlene Mer-key, and Esther Ikenberry with Shirley Knackstedt as alternate.
First tenors are Galen Slifer. Norman Long. Darius Miller, and Forrest Krushwitz with Ronald Grosbach as alternate.
Second tenors are Max Parmley, Dale DeLauter. Don Colberg. and Don; Simpson with Gene Myers as alternate.
First basses are Leon Albert, Dwight Blough. Don Goodfellow, and Elwyn Taylor with Paul Coffman as alternate.
Second basses are Leland Len-gel. Bill Mollhagen. James Snyder. Kenneth Fancher. and Dwight Olt-man with Vernon Scott as alternate.
Only six freshmen are in the choir this year.
Vocal Ensembles Smaller ensembles have been formed, with the possibility of another men's ensemble being organized in the future.
Members of the Women’s Trio, chapel choir personnel, are Bir-dene Jamison, accompanist, Marlene Jamison, second soprano. Jo Eva Reiniker. first soprano, and Alma Goodfellow. alto. . .
LaFaughn Hubbard sings first soprano in the Women's Quartet, with Kathy Albin as second soprano. Donna Berry as second alto, and Evelyn Williams as first alto.
The usual male quartet has developed into a quintet this year. Personnel includes Galen Slifer, first tenor. Norman Long, second tenor and soloist. Dwight Blough, first bass. Leland Lengel. second bass, and Max Parmley, accompanist and second tenor.
Frederick Directs Band Not only has the enrollment in music organization on campus increased. but Professor Fredericks responsibilities have also become greater, as he will also be directing the band of forty members and a wide variety of instruments The band, which still needs clar inetists and cornetists. will be play
The opening of school has been a beehive of activity for upper-classmen returning to classes and those freshmen who are just learning what college life is like.
The freshmen began their week with a freshman party Monday evening, sponsored by Rec. Council and topped with refreshments in the Dog House.
Tuesday evening Prof. Donald R. Frederick led singspiration in the chapel.
The talent of the upperclassmen went on display the next evening sponsored by SCA with Kenny Evan as emcee. Music on the program included solos by Connie Brooks and Betty Holderread. an accord-ian duet by Nadine Correll and Ina Switzer and a sacred vocal duet by Evelyn Williams and Norman Long.
Art Benson’s one man show, brought a decided response from the audience as did BUI Goering’s so called musical number.
Bob Wise and Eula Mae Murray battled the question of Frankin-stein’s friendly footlong frankfurters or meatloaf in the cafeteria in one of their red hot debates. the watermelon feed followed the program.
The big sisters on campus took their little sisters to the Women’s Tea in the SUR Thursday afternoon, a courtesy of the Women’s Council. The big and little brothers attended a Men’s Feed in the Dog House the same afternoon, a function sponsored by the Men’s Council.
The first week of activity was climaxed on Friday evening with the Faculty Reception at the home of the president. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger.
Program for the evening included such faculty members as Una Yoder with a reading on the “Freshman’s Third Date," Prof. Paul V. Sollen-berger’s violin solos and Anne Kre-hbiel’s piano numbers.
Bittinger To Attend Elgin Board Meeting
Dr. D. W. Bittinger will be leaving for Elgin III. on September 19 to attend a meeting of the executive committee of the General Brotherhood Board of the Church of the Brethern.
Dr. Bittinger is the chairman of the Brethern Service Committee. This service sends young people to all parts of the world, ships foodstuffs and cattle where needed, and does any other kind of relief.
President Bittinger plans to return in time for his Wednesday classes.
Canines Take On Kearney In Season Opener Tonight
The 1954 football season opens for the Macollege Bulldogs, under the coaching of Sid Smith. September 17 with a home game against Kearney State Teachers College, Nebraska.
The forty-three man squad has been working out since they reported to Smith August 30th. Cocaptains for this season are two returning lettermen, Ed Frantz and Bill Smith.
McPherson upset Kearney last year 33 to 14. Kearney will be primed to avenge this defeat when they invade Mac Friday.
Of the forty-three who reported.
12 are returning lettermen, They are Louis Roberts, a sophomore.
Steve Bersuch. a junior, Ed Frantz, a junior. Bill Goering. a senior,
Ronnie Miller, a sophomore, Leroy Heidebrecht, a sophomore. Ronnie Sams, a junior. Kenneth Slabach. a senior. Bill Smith a junior. Tom Taylor, a senior. Bob Wise, a jun-
Ed Frantz, Bill Smith Elected As Co-Captains
Ed Frantz, senior, and Bill Smith, junior, were elected co-captains for this 1964 football season. Both boys are leaders and have shown the qualities co-captains need.
Ed is a three-year letterman. He is President of the Student Council and has shown great spirit and hustle on the field. Ed will be one of the mainstays of the team this year.
Bill has lettered two years and is a standout player. Bill has received two honorable mentions to the All-Conference team. Bill has the determination and experience that cannot help but place him as one of the best in the league.
Football Schedule
Fri. Sept. 17. at 7:30—Kearney State Teachers at McPherson.
Fri. Sept. 24, at 8:00—Bethel College at Newton.
Fri. Oct. 1. at 7:30—Baker University at McPherson.
Sat. Oct. 9. at 2:00—College of Emporia at Emporia.
Sat. Oct. 16. at 7:30 —Home coming) Kansas Wesleyan University at McPherson.
Sat. Oct. 23, at 2:00—William Jewell University at Liberty. Mo.
Fri. Oct. 29. at 8:00—Ottawa University at Ottawa.
Fri. Nov. 5. at 7:30—Bethany College at McPherson.
Sat. Nov. 13. at 7:30—Friends University at Wichita._
McPherson College 1954 Football Team
Upperclassmen returning to the college particularly notice the improvements which have been made on campus during the vacation months.
Exterior Improvements
Out on the open a number of changes have occured. Sidewalks have been repaired. Trees and bushes have been planted. A new sprinkler has been put on the football practice field. The stadium and scoreboard have been remodeled and new line markers have been put on the field.
Kline Hall and Arnold Hall had a complete brick repair job when the cracks were filled in with water-proofing material. The steps of Kline have been repaired also.Interior Changes
Much has been accomplished inside also. New rubber mats have been placed at some of the dorm entrances.
A new set of cabinets for the home economics class was installed. A new studio rug and drapes were purchased for Mrs. San Romani in Harnly Hall.
Kline Hall was completely redecorated inside. Almost every lor. and Galen Bretches, a sophomore.
room has its own individual color scheme. Some are chartreuse and ivory, gray and ivory, ivory alone and other variations.
Two new offices have been built One was built for Dr. Mohler on fourth floor Harnly Hall. The other was a new Quadrangle Office in Sharp Hall.
The McPherson College Agricultural Club was the first organization on campus to start its year of activity rolling.
On Wednesday before classes convened the MCAC took a field trip to the Malm Farm where irrigation practices were studied.
A baker’s dozen. 13 fellows were in attendance with their advisor, Prof. Guy Hayes. One of the features of the field trip was a field or milo expected to produce 110 bushel per acre.
Intramural volleyball captains and co-captains are organizing their teams, and activities will begin next week.
Games will be played on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
On the Intramurals Committee this year are: Ed Frantz, chairman; Bob Wise, secretary; George Eisele; Don Goodfellow; Dale De Lauter; and Bill Smith. George Keim serves as advisor.
Captains and co-captains for this year are Leon Albert. A1 Blo-cher, Paul Coffman. Don Goodfellow, Bill Goering. Eugen Lupri, Kenny Brown, Karl Dalke, Dale DeLauter, Gary Jones. Leland Len-gal. Norman Long. Don Moeller. Bill Mollhagen, Max Parmley. Bob Vance. Galen Bretches. Gary Button. Don Colberg. George Eisele. Ronnie Miller, Gene Miller. Gene Myers. Gary Williams. Galen Stu-cky-. Ed Wolfe. Glenn Swinger. Kenny Evans. Lowell Hoch. Glenn Gayer. Kathy Albin, Ida Zunkel. Marilyn Metsker, Eula Mae Murrey. Bea Grone, Carol Trostle, Connie Brooks. Carolyn Krehbiel, Lois Stinnette. Liz Swinger. Betty Holderread. Arlene Merkey, Anita McSpadden.
Mr. and Mrs. Golbert Harris became the new college farm managers on August 1. The Harrises came to McPherson, from Colorado Springs, Colo, where he was a foreman on a large ranch.
The three Harris boys will all help on the farm. Kenneth and Kenton. 16 year old twins are vocational agriculture students at McPherson High School. Daryl, the youngest of the boys, is in the 8th grade.
Forty-seven girls attended the WAA Picnic held Saturday evening at the stadium. Sloppy joes were served, and a pep talk was given by Arlene Merkey to encourage interest of prospective members.
A business meeting was held afterwards, at which tennis, outing, softball and individual sports were voted as the sports for this season. Anita McSpadden was elected leader for tennis. Elizabeth Swinger for outing, Nadene Correll for individual sports, and Betty Holdcr-ead for softball.
Officers were elected last spring. They are Arlene Merkey. president Darlene Treloar. secretary; Marilyn Metsker. treasurer; and Clara Zunkel, publicity chairman.
Because Beverly Schechter did not return to school, the position of vice president is vacant. Doris Cop-pock is the sponsor.
Mr. and Mrs. "Si’’ Sargent, of McPherson, parents of Macollege graduate Peggy Sargent, left for Europe this week by plane for a six week trip over Europe.
Mr. Sargent is President of the local Peoples State Bank.
Vacancies which have occurred on the campus publications include Managing Editor of the Spectator. Campus Editor, Assistant Business Manager, and Circulation Manager of the Spectator. Don Faules was expected to fill the position of Spectator Managing Editor but has transferred to Colorado State Teachers College.
Loon Nehcr. who is sailing to India as an exchange student, left the position of Associate Editor of the Quadrangle vacant.
In a puplications meeting held Saturday, members of the board of publications recommended Lois Stinnette, a junior, for managing editor and Gene Meyers, a sophomore, for assistant business manager of the Spectator.
Rachel Brown, a sophomore, transfer student from Central College received the boards recommendation for assistant editor of the Quadrangle.
The Student Council acted on these recommendations at their last meeting. .
Positions of Campus Editors and Circulation Manager of the Spectator are open for application.
Campus Editor makes assignments to staff reporters and at the end of the semester moves up to Managing Editor followed by Editor in Chief the semester after that. Circulation Manager handles subscriptions and mailing of the campus newspaper.