Mac Features Conference, Opera, Play

Welcome Given By James Elrod

This week the McPherson Church of the Brethren, the faculty, and the students of Macol-lege will be entertaining the guests of the Regional Conference.

For those students and faculty members who have been present during former years this is a look-ed-forward-to privilege.

To the students who will experience their first conference, we would like to say, your appreciation will largely be measured by your willingness to participate.

In the past years we have enjoyed excellent cooperation from the church, the faculty, and the students. We anticipate no less cooperation and courtesy from these same persons this year.

There will be some inconveniences with the large number of guests on the campus. We are ask-

James H. Elrod

ing the guests to give students preference during the noon hour in the cafeteria so they will not be kept from classes.

I am sure I speak the feeling of each and everyones when I say to our conference guests. "WE WELCOME YOU to Macollege, and WE will do all WE can to make your stay here and the conference a great success." James H. Elrod.

“Bohemian Girl” To Be Highlight

"The Bohemian Girl," an opera in three-acts by Michael William Balfe, is the story of royalty and gypsies. It was first produced in London, Nov. 27, 1943; but it has been translated into various European languages, and was one of the few English operas to be accepted in Germany.

The scene of the opera is laid in Austria. The story opens in the court of Count Arnheim, Governor of Presburg, when his daughter, Arline, is very small. Arline is kidnapped by a band of gypsies

Donald R. Frederick

under the leadership of the Gypsy Queen and Devilshoof.

Thaddeus, a Polish exile, who had found refuge with the gypsies, falls in love with Arline in the second act, which occurs twelve years after the first act. Complications arise because of the jealousy of the Gypsy Queen, who also loves Thaddeus.

Intrigue, love, and hate are part of the picture as the Gypsy Queen tries to get rid of Arline so that she may have Thaddeus.

Arline's restoration to her position as the daughter of Count Arnheim is accompanied by both joy and sadness us she rejoices at finding her father but declares her love for Thaddeus, who reveals his noble lineage.

Count Arnheim gives his daughter to Thaddeus. The enraged Gyp-sy Queen vows revenge and has one of the tribe fire at him.

Devilshoof intervenes at the critical moment and the shot intended for Thaddeus pierces the breast of the Queen.

Players’ Present The Terrible Meek

"The Terrible Meek." one-act play by Charles Rann Kennedy,

will be given in the college chapel Saturday 8 p.m. The performance will be repeated Monday at 7:30 p.m. for the Regional Conference guests.

Prof. Roy E. McAuley, dramatics coach, is director of the play. The cast of characters is: a peasant woman, Donna Phelon: an army captain. Marlin Walters: and a soldier, Glenn Bellah. The time is: a wind swept hill.

Most of the play takes place in total darkness. This play, which is considered one of the more famous one-act religious plays, is a powerful message for world peace.

This play was chosen especially for Regional Conference and Church presentation. Besides carrying a great message it shows the various churches what can be done, with limited facilities in the realm of religious dramatics.

THE TERRIBLE MEEK is a play that can be put on in almost any church, using almost any available talent.

“Sharing Our Faith ” To Be Theme Of Regional Conference

The Regional Conference of the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren will be held at McPherson College beginning Sunday, Nov. 11 and continuing through Thursday, Nov. 15. “Sharing Our Faith" will be the theme of the conference this year.

McPherson College. McPherson. Kansas. November 9. 1951

Macollege To Present “The Bohemian Girl”

Macollege will present “The Bohemian Girl,” an opera by William Balfe, next Thursday, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p. m. in the Community Building. The production is being sponsored by the Music and Dramatics Departments of the college.

Bittinger, Mohler Attend Church Board Meeting

Dr. D. W. Bittinger and Dr. R. E. Mohler are in Elgin, III., this week, Nov. 5-9.

They are attending the General Brotherhood Board Meeting, which is the central organization of the Church of the Brethren.

Dr. Bittinger spent last weekend in Idaho attending a district meeting.

Leland Brubaker

Charles Zunkel

He Should Be A Girl

The main speakers of the conference are to be Leland S. Brubaker and W. Harold Row.

Mr. Brubaker is secretary of the foreign Missions Comission of the General Brotherhood Board in Elgin, III., and Mr. Row is the secretary of the Brethren Service Commission, Elgin, ILL.

Other Leaders that are to appear

on the campus for the conference

are Burton Metzler, Dessie R. Miller, Harl L. Russell, Ruth Shriv-er, Edward K. Ziegler, Charles E. Z u n k e l, Raymond R. Peters, and Earl H. Kurtz.

Mr. Peters and Mr. Kurtz will replace C. Ernest Davis who was scheduled to speak but will be un-able to attend because of illness.

Raymond R. Peters

There are thirty other leaders also contributing, to the program. Included in this group are pastors of the Western-Region-and members of Macollege faculty.

The regular conference sessions will begin Sunday, Nov. 11, at 9:30 a.m. in the college church. There will be meetings on Saturday morning of all district directors of children’s work and all district officers of women’s work.

Sunday at 4 p.m. Prof. Donald R. Frederick will direct a singspir-ation in the college church to better acquaint people with the new hymnals; and "The Terrible Meek," a dramatic production directed by Prof. Roy McAuley will be presented in the college chapel Monday evening at 7:30.

With Rev. Elmer Dadisman, acting as moderator, the business meetings of the conference will bring forth reports, unfinished business, and new business. Rev. Howard Keim, South English, Ia., will serve as assistant moderator and Mrs. Milton Dell, McPherson

Kan., is secretary-treasurer.

The unfinished business will be a report of the committee to study job analysis of Regional staff and the relationship of Regional Staff to the districts.

Planning next year’s conference, selection of theme, and listing of possible speakers are on the agenda for new business. The annual budget, constitution, office equipment. and Regional Brethren Home will also be considered and discussed.

W. Harold Row

Meals for the conference guests are to he served at the cafeteria or Dog House, and lodging will be furnished by the people of the McPherson community for one dollar per night. Conference programs may be obtained in the Regional or central offices.

Library, Lab,

To Be Dedicated

The McPherson College Service of the Dedication of the Beeghly Library and Dell Rural Life Labo-ratory will be held at the Church of the Brethren Wednesday morning. November 14, at 9:50.

Rev. Earl M. Frantz, Mayor Homer J. Ferguon, Prof. Guy Hayes, and Dr. W. H. Yoder will conduct the dedication services. The donors—Milford M. Beegly, J. C. Dell, and E. J. Frantz—will be present and be recognized at the service.

Following the dedication service, a tour of the new buildings and of McPherson Campus will be conducted. The dedication will close with a tea at the home of President Bittinger from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Miss Virginia Harris Is the Librarian of the new Beeghly Library. Miss Harris has been librarian since 1944.

She graduated from McPherson College in 1939 and received her B. S. degree from the Louisiana State University in 1945.

Mr. Guy Hayes, associate profes-sor of the Rural Life Department has been in the Rural Life Depart ments since 1950. He graduated from McPherson College in 1943 and received his A. M. degree from Colorado Agricultural and Medi-cal College in 1941.

McPherson College Players present "The Terrible Meek" Saturday, Nov. 10, 8 p. m.

Churches Present Special Services

American Legion Women’s Chorus, vesper services, District Missionary Meeting, and Regional Conference will be featured in the various churches of McPherson this Sunday and next week.

Saturday. Nov. 10 is opening day of Regional Conference at the Church of the Brethren. Rev. Har-ry K. Zeller, Jr. will give the address "Let There Be Peace" at 10:40 Sunday morning. The evening address. "Sharing Through Personal Witness" will be given by Rev. Edward K. Ziegler, Elgin. ILL.

A District Missionary Meeting will be held in the First Baptist Church. Nov. 10. The Rev. P. S. Barrow will be the speaker at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m..

The American Legion Women's Chorus will appear at the First Congregational Church Sunday evening, Nov. 11. The pastor will give a sermon on peace.

Starting Sunday. Nov. 4 and every Sunday continuous through the month of March, vesper services will be held at 4:30 p. m. at the Presbyterian Church. To all of these services, the church will invite a guest speaker or guests to provide special music.

The Church of God will be observing World Service day on Sunday, Nov. 11.

Child Drown In Creek

Paul Sheller, fove-year-old son of Charles (’39) and Arlene (Barley) (’40) Sheller, drowned in a creek Saturday morning, Nov. 3 while playing with his six-year-old brother.

Funeral services for the child were held Tuesday.

Dear Editor:

I am concerned about an item which appearted in last week’s Spec, and it isn’t the same matter about which everyone aroused.

I am rather disgusted with the following statement which ap-peared on page 3: "Marilee Grove, Donna Wagoner, and Anita Rogers returned from the Ladies' Trio trip Monday morning."

This is not the first statement of this nature which has appeared in the Spec.

I have the unique position as accompanied for the Ladies' Trio. A week ago I completed a 3100-mile trip to Nebr,m S. D., N. D., Mont., Canada, Minn., and Iowa, with this group.

Driver and "daddy" for the trip was Bob Mays, public relations director for the college.

It is my opinion that the fact that Mr. Mays and I were able to route bark from such a trip with such a group in sound body and sane mind would have made a good story for any paper. At least, we could have been included in the simple sentence which you print-ed.

Let me continue with a testimonial. My grandmother predict-ed my fate 19 years ago when she


Carpenter Heads Student Court

The student court, with Dale Carpenter as chairman, is a-comparatively new organization on Macampus. It was voted in by the student body in the spring of 1950.

It consists of thirteen members: five seniors, four juniors, three sophomores, and one faculty representative. All court members must have at least a 1.5 grade point average.

The functions of the court are: to enforce the student body constitution, to determine the policy of the student discipline, to be in charge of all freshman initiation activities and see that they are enforced.

At the general election in the spring of 1951, the following students were elected to the court:

Seniors:    Delma Cline, Jake

Shaeffer, Glen Nicholson, Loren Blickenstaff, Dale Carpenter.

Juniors: Peggy Sargent. Mari-lee Grove, Frank Hanagarne, Bob Bechtel.

Sophomores: Mary Ellon Yoder Curtis Leicht, Gene Bechtel.

saw me in my new ping bonnet. "He should have been a girl," she said.

In grade school I was constantly being assigned to committees with girls. In high school I was selected to accompany the Girls' Glee Club and the Girls’ Sextette; these groups made several appear-ances at women's clubs.

Two years ago I was invited to join the WAVES. Then last year I was asked to accompany the Mac-ollege Ladles’ Trio. With this group I have traveled all over the Midwest.

I could, if necessary, write a lengthy evaluation of my experiences. I have gained a deep insight into the soul of Arnold Hall, I have learned to tolerate giggles, gripes, gossip, garnish, gibes, and grooming. I have become quite expert at carrying luggage, opening doors, assisting with coats, surveying hose seams, and criticizing hair-dos for ladies.

Do you think that the college administration would consider giving mo at least three hours of credit for completion of Field Session in the Understanding of Ameri-

can Women?

Sincerely. Berwyn Oltman

Chapel Programs To Be In Church

Chapel programs for next week will be held in the Church of

the Brethren auditorium in connection with Regional Conference, according to Dr. James M. Berke-bile, Dean of McPherson College. The center section will be reserved for Macollege students, and they are invited to attend the programs each day. Monday through Thursday.

Edward K. Ziegler will speak during the Chapel hour on Monday, and Kurils Naylor will speak Tuesday.

Dr. D. W. Bittinger will dedicate the new college buildings Wednesday morning.

Clarence Sink will speak Thursday.

Students See Their First Snow

"Halloween, Halloween, Oh What Funny Things Are Seen—Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland"

Old Man Winter got mixed up with the Halloween spooks on October 31 and sent his first snow storm.

Students from the tropical lands of Africa, Honduras, Samoa, Hawaii, California, and Nevada witnessed snowfall for the first time.

At the sight of the snow Isabelle Barahona, from Honduras. Central America, ran outside screaming with delight, scooped up the snow in her hands, and rubbed it on her face just to feel what it was like. She could not imagine-that the fluffy substance was so cold.

Jim Craig, Nigeria. Africa, had never seen snow. He said he liked it "Okay." Mua Sinapi from Samoa says he is surviving the snow and cold all right.

"It's beautiful. I like it. It’s like I expected it to be from seeing it in the movies." says Christine Har-ada, Hawaiian student.

Wendell Lentz, Los Angeles, had seen snow before, but he had never seen snow fall.

Adalu Carpenter from Las Vegas could scarcely remember ever seeing snow. The first glance at the crystal flakes brought forth ejaculations ecstacy from "Lu," much like the rapture the first snow brought forth from other Macollege "Las Vegians" in past years.

No. 9

Count Arnheim, Governor of Presburg, is played by Gilford Ik-enberry, senior. Gilford is a member of the A Cappella Choir and has studied voice under Prof. Donald R. Frederick and Prof. Rol-land Plasterer. He was a member of the male quartet for three years. In high school at Stillwater, Okla., Gilford was in mixed chorus, male quartet, and boys’ glee club.

Mrs. Florene (Messick) Hale, Junior, is playing the part of Ar-line, daughter of Count Arnheim. Florene is a member of A Cappella Choir and Ladles' Quartet and has been in Ladies' Trio.

She took voice lessons of Prof. Plasterer and is now studying with Prof. Frederick. Florene also has had parts in excerpts from "Faust" and "Persian Gardens" which wore presented here in 1949-50.

During high school at Lyons, Kans., Florene sang in the girls sextette and girls’ trio. She entered the district music contests and received ratings of III, II, I, and I. During her senior year in high school and first two years of college, Florene entered the music contests sponsored by the Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs and look high ratings each year.

Keith Allison, Junior, is doing the part of Thaddeus. Keith is a member of the A Cappella Choir and the male quartet: he was a member of the freshman male quartet also.

During high school at McPherson, Keith took part In the male quartet, mixed chorus, and an operetta. Keith, who is majoring In music, has studied voice for three years under Prof. Frederick.

The part of the Gypsy Queen is played by Claudia Jo Stump, senior. Claudia Is a member of the A Cappella Choir and Ladies’ quartet. She was a member of Chapel Choir her freshman year.

Claudia has taken voice lessons from Prof. Frederick for three years. Last spring Claudia and Max McAuley presented a Joint recital here at the college. In high school Claudia was a member of girls’ quartet and A Cappella Choir. She graduated from Caboo, Mo.

Max McAuley, senior history major, has the part of Devilshoof, chief of the gypsies. This is Max’s first year in A Cappella Choir. He has taken voice lessons from Miss Bonnie Dee Burk, Prof Plasterer, and Prof. Frederick.

Max is directing the Congrega-tional Church Choir this year. He directed an operetta, "Kris Kring-le," while he was teaching in Claflin, Kans., 1949-50.

(Continued on Page Two)

Determined Or Confident?

Dear Editor:

Your editorial, “The Story of Mickey,” was received with mixed feelings, I can assure you. I sincerely hope you were wrong because I would hate to think of our team as depicted in your column. I will admit it would be a sorry state of affairs.

As for scaring all the opponents we have faced this year, I am sure you have the wrong impression. The linemen and backs do not get those cut lips, bloody noses, and the many other bruises from cringing opponents. Try it some time and see how afraid they are.

First we played Bethel and beat them 39-0, but look where they are in the conference—last. We are not the only team which has been trouncing them. Next came Concordia, who was whipped by a 47-6 score. This was an easier game than everyone anticipated. Ask Woody if he thought that would be the final score. Baker was beaten on a very muddy field 20-6. The game conditions were anything but ideal, but Baker never quit.

Homecoming brought the vaunted C. of E. team to Mac to play a game that proved fatal to the Bulldogs. We knew they were good, but we felt we could beat them if we played a good game. If you think you cannot win, do you suppose you will win? We knew it would not be easy, and it was our mistakes that beat us, not over confidence. Wesleyan proved a rough opponent in a game which ended 19-14 in our favor. I just hope they do not get too much closer than that one. William Jewell was the same way. Although we outplayed them, we did not win—which is what counts. Our fumbles killed us.

Then came Ottawa, undefeated in conference play and always a tough competitor. According to your editorial. the players thought it was a cinch, and must have loafed all week during practice. Consequently they were defeated because they counted their chickens before they were hatched.

Now I would like to ask you. What kind of attitude are the players supposed to have—a defeatist attitude? Should you have no confidence in your ability? Sure, an over confidence can and often times does develop, but for what reason have we to be cockey and over confident? As previously pointed out, we have won 5 and lost 2, not too bad a record; but only two of these games were won by large margins, the others were won by a team that was determined to do so.

This determination also won the Ottawa game, and it started on a Monday night in practice. I hope you do not think that because of your editorial we forgot our supposed overconfidence, and went out and played good football. I did not hear anyone at the start of the fourth quarter say “Let’s win this game just to show “him.” We won it because we wanted it for ourselves and the school. We do not spend two to three hours every day, whether it is rain, wind or shine, acquiring fatigue, aches and pains just so people can watch us throw out our mighty chests on Friday night and say “We’re McPherson. We’re good, and you are supposed to be afraid of us because you can’t win," and then get beat because of this attitude.

As for myself, I will take confidence in our ability. If we do not, what kind of athletes are we. and what kind of a performance will we produce? I’m sure the team acted more like a determined Bulldog than your easy going, over confident donkey, Mackey, last Friday evening.

—W. E. B.

Symmetrically Developed?

President Bittinger says, of the Macollege student, in the Growl, “While you are here we want you to pursue your vocational objective, broaden your education, deepen your spiritual life, make a lot of life-time friends, and enjoy yourself.” That is, a student ought to grow strong physically, socially and spiritually—to well-rounded personalities.

The first nine weeks grades have come out. Several faculty members say, “The grades, on the average, are the lowest ever.” Why is this true? It is probably a result of the overload the student has. The schedules are so filled that the student has no free time in which to relax; hence, many are buckling under the weight.

The student takes an average load of 13 to 22 hours; and quite naturally, he will be in from two to four extracurricular activities. Too, almost all students have some sort of part-time work from four to 35 hours weekly.

The student is loaded down with themes, outside reading, problems, extra activities and work. Is this the way to grow to symmetrical personalities? We all agree that all these are necessary for a well-rounded education, but does it not do the student more harm than good? What is wrong? Too many studies? Too many activities? Or too much work?—D. T. F.

Gerald Neher

Reporters and Special Writers

Lyla Whitham Faye Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Kenneth Brown Elinor Stine

Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Assistant Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor

Singer West Turns Plumber

Recently Don West found the necessity to turn his talents from singing to plumbing.

The occasion arose late one night when he stood brushing his teeth trying to improve his girl-thrilling smile.

He was working so hard at the Job that a forty-dollar false tooth dislodged Itself from his molar system and proceeded down the sink drain.

Having no available tools at midnight, he draped an "Out of Order” sign on the sink and proceeded to bed, resolved to awake early and retrieve the tooth.

Arising at ten o'clock the next morning he located a Ford wrench and proceeded to dismantle the Fahnestock plumbing.

He found the valuable tooth and so this story has a happy ending.

African Student Discovers Kansas Is Not Wild West

Bohemian Girl

(Continued from Page One)

Florenstein, nephew of Count Arnheim, is played by Gordon Fishburn, sophomore. Gordon is a member of the A Cappella Choir and has been a member of the freshman quartet. He is studying voice with Prof. Frederick. During his high school days at Lawrence. Kans., Gordon was a member of the senior chorus.

Miss Susan Frederick, daughter of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, is playing the part of Arline as a small child. Buda, Arline’s attendant is played by Carole Huffman. Myron Krehbiel is captain of the guards.

The A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Prof. Frederick, is the populace of Austria and the Chapel Choir is the gypsy chorus. Miss Doris Coppock is directing the Chapel Choir and the gypsy dancers.

Prof. Roy McAuley is dramatic coach and director of production. The pianists are Miss Anne Kreh-biel and Berwyn Oilman.

The Macollege Players Club is in charge of costuming, make-up, staging, and lighting.

James Craig, recently arrived student from Nigeria, Africa, studied at a Church of England mission school until the age of seventeen when he transferred to a Church of the Brethren mission home. It was here that the suggestion to come to McPherson College was presented to him.

James states that the Middle West is somewhat different than what he had pictured It. When he arrived in Kansas, he failed to see the cowboys and hill billies he had expected.

Although having heard much slang, he prefers not to use it because of complications involved.

Nigerian games include soccer, rugby, lawn hockey, and cricket.

He was much impressed by his first football game, but was disappointed because that happened to be a game McPherson lost.

The cold weather is very trying to him because of the fact that the temperature in Nigeria never falls below 40 degrees. However there is always a high humidity.

He has observed that the price of food Is very high here and that everything seems to be taxed. There are no taxes in Nigeria. Seven political parties exist in Nigeria with a sprinkling also of Communists. Recently a new constitution was adopted which gives the native Nigerians more Independence.

The population of Nigeria is 30 million. There are nearly 100,-000 cars licensed with about 95 percent being of British make.

Bicycles are very prevalent with around one-half million in use. Crops raised include cocoa, rubber, cola. corn, cotton, ginger and beniseed. Six gold mines and three diamond mines are also in operation.

Two seasons exist consisting of the rainy season from April to October and the dry season from November to March. The average rainfall during the rainy season is 42 inches.

James says he is enjoying college but would like to get caught up on his lessons.

Debaters Travel To Manhattan

Macollege debaters will attend the Kansas State College Invitational Tournament for Beginners tomorrow.

Miss Sarah May Vancil, assistant English professor, will accompany the entire squad to Manhattan. Debating in the tournament will be three teams:    Mary Louise

Hutcherson and Lyla Whitham; Philip Spohn and Kenneth Brown: Alvin Zunkel and Eugene Neff.

Hershberger's Art Shown In Library

Selections of Prof. E. S. Hershberger's art work will be shown in the Beeghly Library, Nov. 14 until Thanksgiving. The pictures will be shown during regular library hours in the main reading rooms.

Anyone in welcome to visit the college cafeteria at any time. However, it would help the kitchen force if they knew beforehand that there were to be guests for a meal.

The cafeteria staff is able to estimate the number of students, but they have no way of telling how many guests there will be.

If you plan to eat at the cafeteria as a guest would you please contact Mrs. Slifer sometime before the meal?

College Calendar

Friday 9:

McPherson football game at Bethany College at 8:00 p. m. Saturday 10:

The play. "Terrible Meek", will be given at 8:00 p. m. in the Chapel.

Sunday 11:

Regional Conference starts.


Don Ford

Lorene Marshall

Martha McClung

Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz Sarah May Vancil

Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Faculty Advisor

Rowan Keim Bob Fryman Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars

Betty Ann Murray LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley


Mary Louise Hutcherson

Kenneth Brown

Margaret Yost Gordon Yoder

At The End Of Euclid

Rec Council Has Machine-Shed Party

Eighteen Recreational Council members and their guests Journeyed to Royce Beam’s farm for a "machine-shed party" Saturday night, Nov. 3.

Active games of relays, circle games, and folks games were led by Rowena Merkey, Glendon Button and Elsie Kindled.

Refreshments of hot cocoa and pumpkin pie were served by the food committee with David Metz-

Mr. and Mrs. George Merkey, Arlene and Bob, from Clayton visited Rowena Merkey last week.

Mrs. Alice Martin, Prof. S. M. Dell, and Prof. James Berkebile are attending meetings in Manhattan today. These meetings are for college deans, registras, and deans of men.

Cecil Ford, brother of Don Ford, visited with Wilma and Don Monday. Cecil is attending telegraphy school In Pueblo. Colo.

Rev. Harry K. Zeller, Jr., spoke to the Kiwanis Club in El Dorado Thursday noon, Nov. 1.

Lucy Flory, Ann Carpenter, Peggy Sargent, Tommy Taylor, and Don Hoch attended the Kansas State-Oklahoma football game at Manhattan Saturday afternoon.

Bryce Miller spent Thursday night with his parentsi in Wichita, Kans.

Margaret Yost, Frances Hall, Bill Russell, and Bryce Miller at-

Glen Stickler, Ruth's father, was here for the came Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Domann. Clara’s parents, were here for the game Friday night.

Phyllis Johnson and Ruth Peckover visited in Topeka over the weekend.

Rita Ellen Royer visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aragabright at Silver Luke over the weekend.

Clara Domann and Bob Bechtel visited Clara's parents and attended a wedding at Mope Sunday.

Mary Beth Mullins from Kansas City visited Shirley Alexander last week.

Lenora Foster spent the weekend in Hoisington, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Coughenour visited on the campus over the weekend.

The Raymond Flory family were hosts at a dinner Friday evening, Nov. 2. The guests were Ruth Strickler, Margaret Baile and Wilma and Don Ford.

Marilue Bowman from Phillips-burg visited Phyllis, her sister, over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Trostle and daughters from Johnson and Mrs. E. W. McClellan from Glasco visited Faye Ellen.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keim, Miriam’s folks, were visiting on Mac-ampus from Nampa, Idaho, last weekend.

Eleanor Scott visited in Wichita Sunday.

Rowena Merkey, Herb Edmonds, Mary Ellen Yoder, Glendon Button, Elsie Kindley, Don Wagner, Donna Wagner, Paul Kaufman, Winnifred Reed, and Paul Heidebrecht enjoyed a party Sunday evening, at Bittinger's home.

The group prepared supper of hamburgers, potato salad, combination salad, ice tea, and homemade freezer ice cream. The rest of the evening was spent at the movie.

Nora Ann Royer from Dallas Center visited Karl Baldner over the weekend.

Don and Wilma Ford attended a dinner at the Hutchinson Church of the Brethren Nov. 6.

Clair Baldner visited friends on the campus over the weekend, Clair is a brother of Karl Baldner and Nelda Ikenberry and is in the Air Force stationed in Mississippi.

David Brammell, from Perry visited his sister, Betty, Sunday and Monday.

Donna Sooby visited at her home at Garden City, Sunday.

Pat Rolfs from Lorraine visited Lois Rolfs and Bob Bean Satur-tended a show in Newton Sunday night.

The Kline Hall girls had a party Monday night in the room of Frances Hall, and Martha McClung. A cake was furnished by the head resident and ice cream from the Dog House was enjoyed.

Dale Birkenholtz, Raymond Walker, and the Fred Goenners traveled to Colorado Springs, Colorado to visit Ed Wagnor, former Macollege student. Frank Hanag-arne accompanied them and visited in Denver, Colo. Martha Lu-core also accompanied them and stopped in Arriba, Colo.

Kathlyn Larson, Butch Coffman, Carole Davis, and Dick King spent Saturday in Topeka, Kans.

Don West and D. A. Crist spent Saturday in Salina.

Martha McClung, John Robison, Elsa Kurtz, and Dick Mason went duck hunting Saturday afternoon. Nov. 3.

Phyllis and Marilee Bowman, Lois Yoder, Jerry Neher, Betty Ann Murrey, and Irwin Porter were guests of Royce Beam and his parents at a duck dinner Saturday evening.

Lorene Clark and Margaret Daggett went to Wichita Saturday and Sunday to attend a reunion of Estes Park workers from Kansas.

Hatsuko Kanazawa spoke at Hutchinson Friday for the World Community Day Program.

Florene Hale, Doris Coppock, and La Faughn Hubbard went to Stet, Mo., Saturday and Sunday where they participated in the dedication program of a new church.

John Beckman and Ray Allen Ford. Don Ford’s brother-in-law and brother visited with Wilma and Don recently.

Martha Rhodes and Clair Baldner spent Sunday evening in Hutchinson.

Shirley Alexander. Tommy O'Dell, Margaret Baile, Dwight Mc-Spadden, Kathy Russell, Eddie Ball, Mary Beth Mullins, and Bob Kerr spent Saturday evening in Wichita.

Jerry Goering, Carl Metzler, Betty Brammell, Vernon Petefish, Lou Carpenter, and Eddie Frantz spent Saturday evening in Hutch-

Arnold Honors Sooby’s Birthday

Donna Sooby was the guest of honor at a dorm birthday party in Arnold Hall Tuesday night. The 67 girls present consumed six pounds of popcorn and six dozen apples.

Five freshman girls—Lu Carpenter, Kathy Russell, Betty Brammell, Gerry Goering, and Shirley Alexander—were also honored for having worn their freshmen caps backward all day Tuesday on a dare from an upperclassman.

LaVon Widegren, Ruth Peck-over, and Kathy McLeod gave trio numbers including: “Good Ole' Mountain Dew.” "I Only Want A Buddy, Not A Sweetheart,” dedi-cated to Donna Lou, and a short number which was dedicated to the five frosh.

Florene Hale gave her duck story, and Clara Domann led the gang in singing the birthday song to Donna.

Those who planned and pro pared the eats and entertainment were Anita Rogers, Betty Jo Bak-er, Jerry McConkey, Marilyn Roe, Rowan Keim, and Edna Neher.

Metzler Dedicates Church

Dr. Burton Metzler spoke at the dedication and homecoming at the Bethany Church, Stet, Mo., Sunday Nov. 4. Florene Hale and Doris Coppock gave special music with LaFaughn Hubbard as accompanist.

Dr. and Mrs. Metzler and the musicians left McPherson Saturday afternoon. All of the group except Mrs. Metzler returned Sunday night.

Mrs. Metzler went to Indiana to he with her mother who is ill near South Bend. Mrs. Metzler plans to return about the middle of November.

Byron Dell, ’48, is the minister of the Bethany Church.

Region To Have Youth Fieldworker

Miss Virginia Royer has been secured as the Youth-Fieldworker for the Western Church of the Brethren. She will begin her duties on Nov. 12.

Headquarters for Miss Royer will be the Regional Office on Macampus. She will work primarily with district youth cabinets throughout the region.

Miss Royer was a member of the twelfth unit of Brethren Volunteer Service. This group started training at New Windsor, Maryland, on Sept. 1. Projects were assigned the first of this month. Miss Royer spent a few days in the National Youth Office of the Church of the Brethren enroute to McPherson.

Miss Royer’s home is at Arcanum, Ohio.

Members of the Twelfth Unit from Western Region are Leon Albert, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mary Ann Furguson, Grand Junction, Colo.; Esther Merkey, Cloud Chief Okla.; Betty Lu Miller, Dallas Center, Iowa; and Letha Miller (’51), Marshalltown, Iowa.

McAuley Speaks At Junior C. of C.

Roy E. McAuley, Macollege English professor, spoke to the Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting Thursday evening, Nov. 1.

Bulldogs Change Swede Scores

Statistics on the Bulldog-Swede football contest were reversed last year to be in favor of McPherson for the first time since 1935. Only five times have the Bulldogs been on the winning side of the score in the football battles.

1925    MC 0 BC 28

1926    MC 0 BC 14

1927    MC 0 BC 39

1928    MC 6 BC 9

1929    MC 0 BC 12

1930    MC 6 BC 19

1931    MC 0 BC 0

1932    MC 2 BC 7

1933    MC 39 BC 0

1934    MC 27 BC 7

1935    MC 27 BC 7

1936    MC 2 BC 6

1937    MC 7 BC 26

1938    MC 0 BC 12

1939    MC 0 BC 0

1940    MC 0 BC 7

1941    MC 6 BC 21

1942    MC 0 BC 13

1946    MC 13 BC 20

1947    MC 6 BC 33

1948    MC 0 BC 31

1949    MC 13 BC 75

1950    MC 31 BC 7


Just as the McPherson-Ottawa game ended Friday night, Orva Blickenstaff, the wife of Loren Blickenstaff, who had played a terrific game in the line, rushed up to hubby and gave him a very loving hug.

Not to be out done. Loren picked up his wife, set her on his shoulder, and carried her off the field.

Who sent Coach Woodard and his Macollege Bulldogs a football with handles attached? The psychology of the gift must have worked for the Canines fumbled a great deal less in spite of the cold weather than they have in some games previously.

A Job becomes work only when you worry about it.— Josephine Schaefer.

Bulldogs Meet Swedes Tonight

McPherson Finishes Conference Competition

Tonight the McPherson Bulldogs will storm into the Bethany Camp at Lindsborg and attempt to hang the “Terrible Swede” up to dry. Kick-off time for the traditional game of many thrills is 8 p. m.

Although the Swedes have not had a very good season, Coach “Woody” Woodard is not taking the game tonight lightly. The rivalry between the Bethany Swedes and the McPherson Bulldogs has for years been very strong. Past records and statistics might as well be thrown out the window when these rivals meet.



Bulldogs Defeat Braves

By Third-Quarter Scores

McPherson College Bulldogs and Ottawa Braves threw everything but the Little Brown Jug at each other in a hard-fought game last Friday night that saw the Bulldogs come from behind in the fourth quarter to pull the game out of the fire and give the Bulldogs their first win over the Braves since 1940.

The home crowd fairly went wild with joy at the end of the game when the scoreboard read 21-19 in favor of the Bulldogs.


Tonight s game will spell the end for a large group of the Bethany squad who will be out playing their best before the home folks.

Coach of the Swedes Is Ray Hahn, a senior grid mentor in the Kansas Conference. Hahn has a friendliness about him that makes him popular with players and fans. He has turned out powerhouse teams consistently at Bethany.

In seven years at Bethany Hahn has had a KCAC championship, several seconds and thirds, a host of nil-conference players, and a well-coached team every season.

The Bethany ball club is very shallow in reserves, and this has had a great deal to do with the unimpressive season that the Swedes have had.

Coach Hahn holds an ace in Bill Carlson, an all-conference selection the last two years. Carlson is a great all-around back who can block, run, punt, and pass. His passing is so deadly that he is feared very much by his opponents.

Charlie Lander, a Swede player for four years, was honorable mention for conference center last year. Charlie is one of the top Bethany linemen, and Coach Hahn will depend heavily on him Friday night.

Coach Woodard has been working his defense this week against Bethany's offensive plays. The Bulldogs are attempting to set up a defensive line up that will stop all-conference Bill Carlson, the big wheel in the Swedes' offen sive machine.

The starting line up for the Bulldogs will probably be about the same as the one Coach Wood-ard started against Ottawa.

Close Race Ends Season In KCAC

Tonight College of Emporia will attempt to wrap up the Kansas Conference football title when they meet the 1950 champion Ottawa Braves at Ottawa In the conference decision game.

The fighting Presides, with five league victories, are one of the few remaining undefeated and untied teams in the nation. If Ottawa emerges the victor, C of E will get no worse than a tie for the crown. However, the tie could be a three-way affair.

McPherson has only one defeat so far. and that was from C of E 30-19, Oct. 13. Tonight the Bulldogs finish their conference play at Bethany. Ottawa, which also has only one defeat, has Baker yet to play after this week.

Kansas Wesleyan and Bethel both get through Saturday. The game will be at Newton.



Intramural volleyball continues with records ranging from 9-1 to 1-9. With an average of ten games being played by Monday-evening, November 5, the records were:

Sharpe ................................. 9-1

W. Blickenstaff .................... 8-2

Sheaffer ................................. 8-2

Petefish ...... 8-2

Faculty ............................ 8-3

Metsker ........................... 7-2

Neher ................... 7-3

Daggett ................................... 6-4

Kough .......... 6-4

Zunkel .............. 6-6

Button .................................. 5-5

Baker ............................ 5-6

L. Blickenstaff ........................ 6-5

Pote ...... 5-6

Miller ................... 4-6

Powell ........ 4-6

Schmitt ........ 3-5

Fulkerson ....... 3-6

Sigle .................................... 3-7

Coffman .......... 34

Lentz .................................... 2-8

Murrey ........ 2-4

Walker................................... 1-9

Orchids To You

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buskirk of the Prairie Gardens Nursery have offered to give an orchid to the winning captain or co-captains of the McPherson-Bethany game tonight.

Mr. Buskirk is a graduate of Macollege, and Mrs. Buskirk is a graduate of Bethany.

Buskirks donated much to the landscaping of Frantz Hall this year. See advertisement in this issue for further details.

It was a night for explosive runs and long yard-gaining passes for both teams. The victory put McPherson in second place and Ottawa in third place in the Kansas Conference while College of Emporia fairly slaughtered the Bethel ball club 41-6 to stay in the driver's seat in the Kansas Conference race.


The Braves scored first in the opening period, and then the Bulldogs came back in the second period to smash the pigskin across and to take the lead away from the Braves. 7-6.

Near the end of the first half the Braves again tallied to lead at the end of the first half 12-7.

The Braves added another TD while the offensive machine of Coach Woodard's ball club could not gather enough steam to punch one across.

In the beginning of the final quarter the game seemed a bit gloomy for the Bulldogs, and then it happened—the offensive machine of the Bulldogs under the field generalship of Wayne Blick-enstaff fairly exploded with runt in the surprised faces of, the Ottawa Braves.

Wheeling and dealing behind very good blocking, the Canine backs led by Co-Captain Bob Kerr ran two touchdowns across to

give the Bulldogs a long-looked-for win over the Braves.

The footballers of Coach Wood-ard played their best game of the season, and there were many outstanding plays made by the different members of the team. One of the most exciting moments came when Eddie Frantz recovered an Ottawa fumble on the Ottawa 32-yard line in the third period.

The goal line stand the Bulldogs made in the fourth quartet when Charles Petefish batted

down an Ottawa pass in the end zone on a fourth down was anoth-er highlight.

Kenny Pritchett, small but tough defensive lineman, played a great game and was a thorn in the Braves' side a greater part of the evening. Bob Peel, who has been improving with each game, wus great on offensive and was a wicked man for the Ottawa ends to deal with on defense.

When Roland Delay intercepted a long Ottawa pass with only 1:51 minutes remaining to play, he may

Boh Kerr's 39-yard smashing run. during which he stiff-armed two would-be-tacklers, sidestepped several others, and crossed the goal line standing up, was the tally that put McPherson into the lead.

Gene Smith carried the ball more times than any other Bulldog player. He carried the ball for 27 times for 125-yards, or an average of 4.6 yards per carry. Eddie Ball, another outstanding back of the evening, carried 19 times for 92 yards.

In the fourth period the chips were down, and the Bulldogs trailed the Braves by two touchdowns. Wayne Blickenstaff then loosened up his throwing arm and unleashed two passes to Bob Kerr for long gains.