MacoUege Host To Regions Conference Nov. 11-15
The western region will hold its annual conference on the campus of McPherson College.
The regional office, under the direction of James Elrod, has secured many prominent speakers for the conference.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 2, 1951
Mac 1951 Grads Secure Positions, Attend School
Members of the class of 1951 are engaged in at least nine different occupations according to information released by the Placement Office.
Girls May Revise Dorm Constitution
At the dorm meeting Oct. 23. Arnold Hall girls dug out the dorm constitution and checked the articles to see whether or not the provisions are meeting their needs.
Several suggestions for improve-ment were made, especially concerning the practice of obtaining out-of-town permits, "off study" permits, late leaves, and the penalty for failing to do so.
Members of the house council, Margaret Daggett, Betty Jo Baker, June Blough, Delma Cline, Dr. Mary Fee, and the housemother, Edna Neher met to discuss the suggestions. A letter of inquiry was sent to Manchester College, North Manchester. Ind.. concerning the organization and administration of the honor system on their campus.
Phyllis Bowman, Ina Ditmars, Mildred Beck, and Donna Sooby were appointed to Investigate further the areas of possible improvement in the constitution, and to bring recommendations before the dorm group for consideration. 
Students Favor Sadie Hawkins'
"What did you think of the Sadie Hawkins’ Day Celebration?" The opinions expressed are those of the students questioned and not those of the editor or Spectator staff.
There was no enthusiasm. The boys didn't enter in too well. The parly was real swell.—Florene Hale
I thought it was sooo good. I like to chase!—Betty Brammell.
I just went through my third season without being chased!— Howard Mehlinger.
The party was really super, but the girls didn’t spend enough time tricking the boys. The chase should have been longer.—Claudia Jo Stump.
Lots of fun!—Dwight McSpad-den.
Just as well have It all year round.—Calvin Hoch
All right!!—Bob Kerr
I just thought it was wonderful cause I got caughted!—Vernon Petefish
I thought it was wonderful, never had so much fun In my life. I could go into detail, but I won’t. —Shirley Wine
Pretty good, pretty good indeed. My only regret is that the women are too fast.—Tommy O’Dell
The women appear bigger than in the days when I was in school, —Roy McAuley
Chief pepsters for the Macollege "Bulldogs" this year are varsity cheerleaders: Eldon Coffman, South English, Ia.; Elsa Kurtz, Las Vegas, Nev.; Rowena Merkey, Clayton, Kans.: and Bill Russell, McPherson, Kans.
Movies Chosen For The Year
The Social Committee has chosen seven more movies for the year.
They are: "Miracle on 34th
Street," "Snake Pit," "One Foot in Heaven," "Scuddo Hoo, Scudda hay," "Stanley and Livingstone," "Song of Bernadette," and "State Fair."
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" will be one of the second choice movies In case one of the others is not available on the "dates requested.
The next movie will be shown November 17, 1951.
The Social Committee is buying a large screen for the school. They are in hopes it will be here in time for the November movie.
Public Relations Prints Bulletin
Public Relations, headed by Jack Kough, is responsible for practically all the publications sent out by Macollege.
Among the many is the McPher-son College Bulletin. Approximate-ly 8,000 copies are sent to parents of students, prospective students, contributors, alumni, and Brethren families.
Many other bulletins, such as the "Hello" booklet sent to prospective students—the financial pamphlets—the newspaper releases—the general Information in the school catalog—are all part of the responsibility of Public Relations.
Baud Presented Concert In Chapel
Macollege band under the direction of Delbert Crabb, presented the first concert this year in as-sembly Oct. 29.
Curtis Leicht, sophomore from Perryton, Texas, played a cornet solo. "The Bride of the Waves". The trombone section was featured In "Trombones Triumphant".
Numbers played by the hand were: "Anchors Aweigh", "My
Heart At Thy Sweet Voice", "Basin Street Blues." Olympia Hippodrome March." and "Varsity Swing".
Heading the list of leaders which are to appear on the McPherson campus for the Western Region Church of the Brethren Conference Nov. 11-15 are D. W. Bittinger, Leland S. Brubaker, C. Ernest Davis, Burton Metzler, Dessie R. Miller, Raymond R. Peters, Harl L. Russell, Ruth Shiver, Edward K. Ziegler, Charles K. Zunkel, and others.
The conference will be centered around the theme "Sharing Our Faith," and the general program will be under the auspices of the college and officers of the Western Region. Elmer L. Dadisman, Chairman, and Janies H. Elrod, conference Director.
Meetings will be held in the McPherson Church of the Brethren unless indicated otherwise, and will be conducted on a sectional basis.
District Directors of Children’s Work, their cabinet members, and District officers of Women’s Work will convene Saturday. Nov., 10. The general conference will convene Sunday morning. Nov. 11.
A vesper musicale, under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, will be given in the college church Sunday afternoon; and the dramatic production "The Terrible Meek," directed by Prof. Roy McAuley, will be presented to conference guests on Monday at 7:30 p.m.
Meals are to be served to the conference guests at the cafeteria or Dog House, and lodging will be furnished by the McPherson people at $1 per night. Conference programs may be obtained In the Regional or Central offices located in Sharp Hall.
Those who are planning to come to Regional Conference are asked by the Regional Office to send reservations for rooms in advance to the Regional Secretary McPherson College.
Students To Get Grade Cards Soon
Grades for the first nine weeks period will be available to students in the Central Office about Nov. 8 or 9, Mrs. Alice Martin, registrar, has stated.
However, a notice will be posted on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall when the grade cards are ready In the Central Office.
Grades are sent to the parents of all students. At the end of the semester the grades of freshmen are sent to the principal of the high school from which the student graduated.
Faculty members should have their grade reports In the Central Office by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6. Mrs. Martin stated.
Mac Students Present Program
Three Macollege international students presented the evening program at the Inman Evangelical and Reformed Church Sunday. Oct. 28.
Hatsuko Kanazawa, Japan, spoke on "Love Thy Neighbor"; and James Craig, Africa, on "The Need of Christian Youth."
Yolanda Cerezo, Puerto Rico, sang two solos. Metzler Attends Institute
Prof. Burton Metzler left Wednesday, Oct. 24, to attend a week-end Bible Institute at Ottumwa, Iowa. Rev. Charles A. Albin will be the chief speaker.
Professor Metzler plans to be back for classes Monday morning.
(Ed. Note) This article, printed in last weeks Spec should read this way.)
Drag Or Stag -
Come stag or drag to the all-school skating party Saturday Nov. 3, at the Peterson Rink, 1 mile north and 1/2 mile east of McPherson. Admission is 30 cents. Skate from 8 to 10 p.m. Everyone come.
—Social Committee. |
Invitation To Communion
Communion and the Lord’s Supper will be observed at the Monitor Church of the Brethren, Conway, Kansas, Sunday evening, Nov. 4. at 7:30.
Student ministers of Macol-lege will have charge of the service. Prof. Roy E. McAuley, pastor at Monitor, invites interested students to come.
Kline Hall Meets
Kline Hall dorm meeting was held Monday. Oct. 29. Everyone in the dorm was present. Lenora Foster, the president, was in charge of the meeting.
Don Ford gave a short talk on being more careful in the disposal of our garbage, and expenses for open house were settled.
Plans for a party were discussed and also pep chapel for Friday morning. The meeting adjourned about 10:45.
Lindell Speaks To Spec Staff
Leland Lindell, city editor of the McPherson Dally Republican, spoke to the Spec staff at a Spec party Oct. 29.
Mr. Lindell, former editor of the Spec for two years, 1929-30 and 1930-31, brought out suggestions for stories and ideas on writing.
Howard H. Keim, father of Rowan Keim, from South English, Iowa, was a guest at the party.
Twelve reporters attended the party, hold at the home of Miss Vancil, Spec supervisor.
Metzler To Speak At Bethany Church
Dr. Burton Metzler, professor of religion and philosophy, will be the guest speaker at the Bethany Church of the Brethren, Stet, Mo., Sunday Nov. 4.
Miss Doris Coppock and Mrs. Florene Hale will present a group of duets at the services which feature a dedication of a new church building. A harvest festival, and a homocoming.
Miss Coppock’s father, Rev. X. L. Coppock, was a pastor, in Missouri when the previous Bethany Church building burned. |
Macollege Purchases New Movie Screen
A new 50” by 50" movie screen has been purchased by Macollege for use in classroom, Instructional, and entertainment activities.
Play To Go On Church Tour
Practice has begun on "The Terrible Meek." one-act play to be presented for Regional Conference and on a tour of several Churches of the Brethren.
Charles Rann Kennedy's play is essentially a play of dramatic interpretation rather than a play of action. Members of the cast are making the sets and will be responsible for their own make-up.
The play will be given on Saturday Nov. 10, for the student body and Monday, Nov. 12, for the Regional Conference audience.
The one-week four will be early In December. Plans are not complete concerning the churches to be visited.
Members of the cast are preparing additional numbers to present on the tour. Marlin Walters is preparing a chalk talk: Donna
Phelon is working on a piano solo; and Glenn Beliah is preparing to show slides of Macollege.
Class Of ’26 To Edit Class Album
Postal cards have been mailed to members of the Class of 1926 requesting that they contribute to a collection of family photographs and brief autobiographies. These pictures and write ups will be compiled in a class album which will then be circulated among members of the class.
Last spring the class met here on Macampus to celebrate the anniversary of their graduation. There are 42 alumni in the class.
Prof. S. M. Dell, Macollege professor of Industrial Arts, is a member of the Class of 1926.
Opera Cast Have Stage Practices
"The Bohemian Girl" is now being practiced In Its entirety. Actions have been added, and copies of music are beginning to become unnecessary.
Practice on the stage for the opera, "The Bohemian Girl," began last week under the direction of Prof. Roy E. McAuley and Prof. Donald R. Frederick. The opera is scheduled for Nov. 15 in the Municipal Auditorium.
Variety and complexity is added to the opera practices by having Professor Donald Frederick sup-ervise the music and Professor Roy McAuley supervise the dramatic action. Spice is added to the scene when Professor McAuley re-fers to two measures of music as two or three inches.
The leads are: Florene Hale, Arllne: Claudia Jo Stump, queen of the gypsies: Keith Allison.
Thaddeus: Gordon Fishburn
Florenstein: Gilford Ikenberry.
Count Arnheim; and Max McAu-ley, Devilshoof.
The A cappella Choir will be the populace chorus, and the Chapel Choir will be the gypsies.
Costuming for the gypsy chorus began last week. |
Alumnus Has Narrow Escape
Four calls and miss proved laughing bait last weekend for a 1951 Macollege alumnus as he was mistaken for a gunman and robber while pursuing a perfectly innocent past-time.
About 10:30 the night of the 28th, our hero, who shall yet be nameless, walked into a crossroads garage to watch T-V. With hands on his hips he stood viewing the screen while a handful of lute retire-ers loafed around the fringes also watching the show.
Some wise Joker came in, saw "George" with his hands placed so, became suspicious, and took off with a roar (in his little red pick-up) for the nearest house, to call the sheriff.
Having been alerted that the garage was about to be "stuck up," the sheriff hopped into his car. Enroute to the scene (which was 10 miles distance) he thoughtfully radioed patrolmen at the state capital 25 miles away, and the road rousters at typical town. 13 miles the other direction. Meanwhile, the owner of said garage was alarmed; and he heaved out of bed and rushed to save his pro-perty. Just who had the most fun from there on is a question only the "saved" can answer, and they aren’t sure.
Garage owner arrived and found the suspect calmly resting in his car, listening to the radio, and waiting the arrival of his gal who was breezing in from Kansas for a short visit and was to be met at an appointed hour. Suspect, of course, saw garage owner, but was oblivi-ous to the excitement he had caus-ed.
“Why, man. (garageman said o eager-beaver phone caller) I know that guy. He’s ok. Why, he’s teen working within a mile of your place all summer."
Consequently, "dial fingers." he had called the sheriff, stayed to admit his error, the garage own-er went back home to bed, and the Metropolitan police were notified that the gag was off. All of this ale goes therefore to prove not a thing, except that Shakespeare didn’t have a corner on cases of mistaken Identity, women are us-ually at the root of men’s troubles, and the suspect was Bill Dag-gett, not Dillinger. |
I feel it should be eliminated and some more appropriate active activity for college age students be substituted. I heartily approve of girls being given the privilege of approaching men of their choice for dates,—James Berkebile Things were kinda dead this year. There should be a longer WPA week. Let the girls play football next year.—Al Zunkel
Real super, good fun, a whole pot full of fun!—Don Fancher Ha! Ha! Ha!—Keith Rickner Kinda’ nice—Kinda' like that! —Eddie Ball
Do you want me for the track team. Woody?—Shirley Alexander
Miller, Opera To Be In Chapel
Excerpts from "The Bohemian Girl", the opera Macollege will present Nov. 15, will-be-given in assembly Nov. 5. “Comrade Your Hand", a duct by Thaddues (Keith Allison) and Devilshoof (Max McAuley) with the populance chorus, will be Included in the program.
Dr. Mendal Miller, president of Central College, will be the speaker at chapel Nov. 7.
Kough Will Speak At Slifer, Iowa
Jack Kough will speak at the 40th anniversary celebration at the Church of the Brethren in Slifer, Iowa, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 3-4.
John Nettleton, Macollege student, will-sing several numbers in the program. John's brother, Charles, is pastor of the Slifer church. |
No. 8
Those taking post graduate work are: Elvin Brown, Hays State Teachers College, Hays, Kans.; Donald Anderson, Kansas University, Manhattan. Kans.; Nadusham Nasser Yazdi, University of Berlin, Germany.
Attending the seminary in Chicago are: Irven Stern, Robert Tee-garden, Albert Rogers, Albert Guy-er and Sylvus Flora.
Letha Miller is working in B.
V. S. in New Windsor, Maryland.
Norma Lee Couch is employed as a government stenographer in Kansas City. Mo.
Billy Kidwell is working under B. V. S. in Castaner, Puerto Rico.
Robert Lloyd is serving as a minister and teacher at Durham, Kans.
Those employed in farming are: Royce Beam, Byron Frantz, Vincent Chinberg, Bill Daggett and William Sheets.
Teachers among the ’51 graduating class are: Lois Yoder, Newton, Kans.; Bonnie Martin, Canton, Kans.; Kathryn Wiens, Hutchinson, Kans.; John White, Attica, Kans.; Ruth Sandquist, McPherson: Charles Royer, Galva Kans.
Olive Ranck, McPherson, Fred Ranck, McPherson: Rowena Neher Nicholson, Geneseo. Kans., Lyle Klamm, principal at Bentley, Kans.; Martha Frantz, Coldwater, Kans ; Melvin Fishburn, Bentley, Kans.
Lester Finger, Guthrie, Okla,; James Bruce, Garden City, Kans,; Marline Bowman, Phillipsburg, Kans.: Carol Bailey, Hope, Kans.
Those who are attending law school in Topeka are: Donald
Schultz, Dean Cotton, and Harold Wiebe.
Arlene Mohler is taking nurse’s
training at the K. U. Medical Center in Kansas City, Kans. Two in the armed forces are: Joseph Pate, Ft. Riley, Kans., Lawrence Low-rey, San Francisco, Calif.
Those employed in social work are: Helen Hood, LaVerne Calif., and Mildred Snowberger.
Those working an homemakers are: Juanita Zeller, McPherson; Pattie Bittinger Stern, Chicago, ILL,; Eula Witmore Frants, Holemsville, Nebr,; Betty Hanag-arne Hodson, Wichita, Kans.
The placement office has no record of the following students: Dale Oltman, Jeanne Prevo, Lyle Miller, and John Ferrell.
Sisters To Debate By Tape
Macollege debaters will debate with debaters of Mancherster, College, sister college in Indiana, by tape recorder.
Manchester will record the first affirmative speaker on the National Pi Kappa Delta debate question and mail the tape recording to Macollege.
Then Macollege will record the first negative speaker and mail it. The process will continue until the debate is completed. Artists Meet At Bethany
Prof. E. S. Hershberger attended a meeting of the Kansas State Federation of Art held at Bethany College, Lindsborg, Saturday.
Oct. 27.
Approximately 90 members were present at the business meeting and during the tour of art studies in Linsborg.
A special preview of Prairie Print Makers exhibition was given to the Federation. This represent-itlon of different types of printing is to be featured at Bethany Col-ege in Lindsborg during the month of December.
College Calendar
Friday, Nov. 2:
Ottawa University football game at McPherson at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8:
All-school skating party at Peterson's rink 8-10 p.m. The party is sponsored by the Social Committee.
Friday, Nov. 9:
McPherson football game at Bethany College 8:00 p.m. |