FRIDAY, OCT. 26, 1951 The Spectator 2
The workers on a construction job line up to punch
their time cards at quitting time and if anyone dares to “break the line” he is liable to get “conked” on the head with a wrench or hammer, or knocked down by a fist blow.
When students at Macollege “break the line” at chow time (that is, cutting in the line, and using such excuses as, “I’ve got a friend”, or “Gotta get to work.”) nothing so drastic happens, except a look of “an urge to kill” or an angry growl from a student who feels he would be justified in hitting that person over the head with the nearest object.
The students of Mac restrain themselves by the grace of God, and because they are ladies and gentlemen.
There have been many complaints from students about this seemingly rising action on the part of a few misinformed and juvenile students.
We are told that those persons who need to eat early in order to get to their afternoon work may get the permission by Mrs. Slifer. This done, those persons will be able to get in at the head of the line and nothing will be said.
Students, be aware of the fact that you are ladies and gentlemen and that you have no right to “break the line” and then don’t break-it. D.T.F.
ed around the idea of creating one national basis of recognition for college students, that would be democratic and devoid of dues and Initiation fees.
The first publication of Who's Who Among Students came into print 17 years ago after two years of research, correspondence, travel, and Interviews with college administrators. personnel managers, students, and undergraduate organizations.
Each student who is elected to the organization receives without cost: a certificate of recognition awarded by the organization and presented at the school: recognition in the annual publication for the year during which he was selected: benefits of the Students Placement Service provided by the organization if he needs assistance in making employment contacts or supplying other recommendations.
In addition to these services, Who's Who Among Students is designed to render greater, though less conspicuous service:
It appears that the long, cold fingers of JUVENILE DELINQUENCY have reached out to the smaller cities, and McPherson has now been included in the threatened plague. During the past several months there have been “Incidents'’ which have come to the attention of the public, and doubtless, others which have been withheld from the public.
The hush-hush theory is out of date. Instead, we feel that the public has a right to have the truth brought out. The public then can better become educated. We feel that the city officials, police department, and others should cooperate with the public (and vice versa) and make known the threat to the city.
When one gets down to the plain facts of the matter, we come to the conclusion that it is the parents and adults who are delinquent, and not the children. If parents will provide the kind of homelife which makes their children feel more secure, such "inci
dents” will not result.
There are many contributing factors which result in youthful street brawls and Illicit "affairs." We, as citizens of McPherson, should see to it that such things as obscene literature, sold in many reputable McPherson stores, pool halls, liquor stores and beer joints be done away with.
What will happen to our youth if we, as citizens, do not take action? Our city will again be in the headlines of other and larger city newspapers and at the ruined youth's expense.
We as college students should reel a responsibility to be the kind if students which the youth of the town can esteem.
Because of the rising threat of JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, it behooves us to see that we are not found in "questionable" places: and we should see to it that our conduct is such that the youth of McPherson will have worthy ob-jects of their esteem.—D.T.F.
(1) as a goal to Inspire greater effort in those who may not otherwise perform to the best of their ability; (2) as a reminder that time must he used intelligently to bring the best results from college experiences; (3) as a means of compensation for outstanding efforts and achievement; (4) as a standard of measurement for students comparable to other recognized scholastic and service organ-izations.
Four Macollege students went to Fort Riley Oct. 16 to present a program for hospitalized soldiers.
The group included LaFaughn Hubbard, Curtis Leicht; Gene Bechtel, and Gordon Fishburn.
Numbers were also presented by Mrs. Ethel Bridges and Miss Dot-tie Holms.
Assembly Oct. 22
Rec. Council presented a camp-lire meeting of the organization which included group singing and skits. Gerald Neher, president, gave a short talk on the purposes and customs of the council. Chapel Oct. 24
The Oct. 24 chapel program was presented by the international students of Macollege, under the direction of Prof. Jack Kough.
The program included hymns sung by the Samoan Students and Yolanda Cerezo, scripture by Vin-aya Likbite and Chrlstene Harado, talks by Moussa Razinia and James Craig, and Prayer by Hot-suko Kanazawa. Isabelle Baraho-homa pronounced the benediction. The Samoan students include Ku-ki Ilowa, Mua Sinapi, Tumu Lau-lusa, and Valinupo Alalima. Assembly Oct. 29
Concert by the college band under the direction of Prof. Delbert Crabb. The program includes: "Olympia Hippodrome"-March, “Anchors Awelgh-"Navy song, "My Hear at Thy Sweet Voice"-selection, “Varsity Swing“-special-ty. “Basin Street Blues”-Fox Trot. "The Star Spangled Banner”- National anthem and "The Braide of the Waves"-a cornet solo by Curtis Lecht.
Ruth Strickler and Don Ford were the winners of the game play-ed at Prof. Raymond L. Flory's during faculty open house Oct. 19. The object of the game, was to put the nickname of the state with its state.
Ruth was first with 16 correct and Don was second with 14. They are to be rewarded for their efforts by an inviation to the Flory's for dinner.
Margaret Baile, Ruth's roommate, and Mrs. Don Ford will also be guests at the dinner.
Macollege debaters held a sup-per meeting at Prof. Roy K. .Mc-Auley's home Monday evening Oct. 22. Debate teams were announced, and participants in the
Kansas State Beginners' Tournament at Manhattan were announced.
Debate teams are: Joe Kennedy and Eugene Bechtel: Mary
Louise Hutcherson and Lyla Whit-ham; Philip Spohn and Kenneth Brown; Eugene Neff and Bob Hamsher; and Alvin Zunkel and Valinupo Alailima. David Metz-ler will work with other teams until after the football season.
Mary Louise Hutcherson, Lyla Whitham, Philip Spohn, Kenneth Brown, and Alvin Zunkel will debate at the Beginner’s Tournament. The entire squad will attend for observation.
If we are to keep our democracy, there must he one commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice."— Judge Learned Hand.
Prof. E. S. Hershberger visited the Wichita Art Museum Sunday, Oct. 21. Featured, during his visit were additions to the Roland P. Murdock Collection, which have been acquired this year by the museum, and the paintings by Charles Prendergast.
The Roland P. Murdock Collection was founded by Louise Caldwell Murdock, pioneer citizen of Wichita. Mrs. Murdock was a lover of art, despite the fact that there was little art in the community during her lifetime to stimulate her interest.
She was particularly interested in the development of the Roland P. Murdock Collection, which is nationally recognized as one of the best collections of American Art today.
This 1951, twelfth annual installation of acquisitions to the Roland P. Murdock Collection consists of eight examples of painting in aquamedia, one example of sculpture in bronze and one drawing in ink.
During the worship service being conducted by Mac-ollege international students, Wednesday, a time clock set off a phonograph record and interrupted the singing of a hymn of Yolanda Cerezo.
After the service was continued, James Craig, recent arrival on Macampus from Nigeria, Africa, arose and calmly proceeded to challenge us.
We have learned a lesson from the calmness with which James spoke. All of us were embarrassed, but James was collected enough to stand before us and give his religious message.
Truly we are fortunate to have persons on Macampus who can carry on in spite of the actions of a few juvenile students—D.T.F.
How ironic it was to hear, during the religious program put on by our international students Wednesday for us, a record playing up great America—sex!
I don’t know what our friends think of us, but I would not blame them for thinking that American students are an irreverent bunch of overgrown children.
Although I have no idea who was responsible for this so-called “prank,” I wish to make a public apology to our international students for our misconduct.—Lorene Clark.
THE EDITORIAL STAFF Don Ford Gerald Neher Lorene Marshall Martha McClung Arlie Theissen and Dale Birckenholz Sarah May Vancil |
Betty Ann Murray LaFaughn Hubbard
Esther Ikenberry
Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley Bob Fryman
Reporters and Special Writers
Lucille Flory Faye Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Kenneth Brown
Rowan Keim Berwyn Oltman Max McAuley Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars
Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Faculty Advisor |
Mary Louise Hutcherson Kenneth Brown Margaret Yost Gordon Yoder |
Business Manager Circulation Manager Assistant Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor |
'Bulldogs' Seek Revenge In Game With 'Cardinals' Tonight the McPherson Bulldogs, boasting a 4 win 1 lost record for the season will leave the red-hot Kansas Conference and under the leadership of Coach “Woody” Woodard take on a high-stepping William Jewell College football club from Liberty, Mo. The clash taking place on the campus of Macollege, kickoff time, 8 p. m. fourth slot with a not gain of 3675 yards. As for scoring the Cards tallied 301 points to 109 by their opponents. Macollego long-standing hex, augmented not little by the driving power of its talented young backs and the bludgeoning force of its sophomore-studded line, worked once more last Saturday ns the Bulldogs routed the Wesleyan Coyotes by the defeat trail 19 to 14 at Salina. Ball. Kerr and Smith had much to do in McPherson picking up 432 yards from rushing and 20 first downs against 140 yards and 11 first downs racked up by the Coyotes. McPherson kicked off at the start of the game and after a few plays by the Coyotes. Big George Helm pounced upon a Wesleyan fumble on the Bulldog 34. Then after three successive first downs the Bulldogs lost the ball on the Coyote 20-yard marker on downs to end a potential touchdown for the Canines. The Bulldogs a little later in the period again started to march and after two first downs they again lost the pigskin on downs, the Coyote defensive lineup seem-ed to tighten when their backs were in the shadows of the goal posts. Wesleyan punted out and on the first Bulldog play. Ball drove to the Coyote 41 and a first down for the Canines as the period ended. The whistle of the referee starting the second period had hardly faded in the distance, when cocaptain Bobb Kerr, behind some sharp blocking by George Keim, and Marvin Ferguson rocketed through the Coyote secondary to draw first blood for the Bulldogs. The kick for extra point by Gene Elrod was blocked. The Coyotes keyed up by the homecoming festivities roared back at the Bulldogs and started a march down the field, with Gilla, Clark and King doing most of the ball carrying. King making roost of the yardage. he reached the McPherson 10. Gillam and Clark then took over and by wheeling and driving got the oval to the Canines 2-yard line, with one down to go. Here the Bulldog defensive dug in, and sparked by Loren Blicken-staff and Bob Peel the Canines stopped Gillam, the Coyotes running ace 6 short inches from pay dirt. With 20 seconds to go in the half, and Bulldog backs standing in the end zone, Wayne Blicken-staff, Bulldog Quarterback, called for a play over the center of the line, but the Canine ballcarrier fumbled as he hit the line and the Coyotes recovered On the first play Gillam went over to tally and King kicked the goal for the extra point to give the now very happy Wesleyan ball club a 7 to 6 halftime lead. A few minutes after the third quarter began the Bulldogs in eight ground plays scored. Kerr going over from the 3-yard marker to climax a brilliant drive in which the Bulldog ballcarriers were furnished with some great blocking by guard Bob Powell and right tackle "Steve" Stevens. Gent Smith attempted to run the extra point across, but was stopped be fore he reached the final stripe. A few minutes later the Bulldogs reached the Wesleyan 18-yard line only to lose the ball on downs. Early in the fourth period the big wheels In the Bulldog back field. Smith. Bull and Kerr again |
started a touchdown drive with Ball finally sidestepping over from the 12 yard line. Dale Carpenter Macollege track ace lost no time in carrying the pigskin over for the extra point. In the closing minutes of the game the Bulldogs found themselves on their own 15 yard stripe. Blickenstaff, remembering what had happened in the first half, sent Gene Smith back to punt the Canines out of danger. Smith tried to punt but the punt was blocked by Johnson and the bail rolled hack in the end zone where Johnson fell on the crazy bouncing pigskin to give the Coyotes their second T. D. for the evening and put them within five points of the staggering Bulldogs. The Bulldogs took over again and behind some good field-generalship by Wayne Blickenstaff rolled to the Coyote 24, where they again ran out of gas losing the ball on downs. With time running out the Wesleyan club took to the air in a desperate gamble to overcome the lead that the Bulldogs were trying desperately to hold onto. Right here in the closing seconds of this wild ball game a great pass defensive job was turned in by Coach Woodard's ballclub. The Coyotes wore trying pass after pass and they completed three passes for 36 yards, but Co-captain Chuck Petefish, "Digger" O’Dell and Dwight McSpadden knocked down three passes on the goal line that were almost in the arms of some Wesleyan receiver, and had they been completed it would have been a different story. Smith Loses His Game PantsHorseplay often accompanies college football. Take last Saturday, for instance, when Macollege played Kansas Wesleyan at Salina. When the equipment manager of McPherson was checking the gear before starting to Salina, he found a pair of stray football pants on the locker room floor. He showed them to Coach “Woody” and they checked and found that they belonged to Gene Smith one of the bucks. Woodard and his manager decided to have some fun with Smith, so dropped the pants in the equipment box and took them along to Salina. In the Salina locker room the Bulldogs were suiting up and were just about ready to go out onto the field to warm up when Smith shyly went up to the coach |
Volleyball League StandingsWith an average of seven games being played by each team,, there was only one undefeated team left in the intramural volleyball sharpshooters. After Monday night’s games, the standings were as follows: Sharpe 8-0 Sheaffer 7-1 Daggett .............................— 5-3 Zunkel............................... 5-4 L. Blicksnstaff .................... 4-4 Mc Spadden ........................ 3-4 Harvey Miller ................. 3-1 Lents ..................................... 1-7 Walker..................... 0-8 Previous Scores 1050 MC 19 Wm. Jewell 39 and said, “Coach, I can’t find my pants. I must have left them at home.” That was probably one of the hardest tilings Smith ever had to do admit to the coach he had forgotten his pants. The coach told him to look some more, but Smith couldn’t find them. The coach then asked his equipment manager if he had brought along an extra pair of pants. “Yes. but they are size 36-long.” he answered in all seriousness. Smith wears a 32-short, which would mean that with a 36 long on him probably would look like he was wearing an old mother Hubbard dress. Smith’s chin fell in disappointment. but the equipment manager pulled out the pair of pants and handed them to the halfback. Smith pulled on the pants, pull ed them together around the waist and found that they wert okay, and then glanced down at the legs, expecting them to hang nearly to the floor. |
The first game between these wo ball clubs took place last year, and the Cardinals fairly mur-lered the inexperienced club of Coach Woodard's 59 to 19. The situation this year is shap-ing up to a more of a even match, the Bulldogs are more experienced and have greater depth this year. The Missouri team who was defeated only once last year has lost 13 men from last years great ball-club. Norris "Pat” Patterson, the ring-leader of the Cardinals, has begun his second year of coaching In the college ranks. After several years of unusually successful high school coaching. Patterson chose to step up where the going really gets tough. In doing so he brought to William Jewell College their first football championship since 1938. William Jewell College is a member of the Missouri Collegiate Athletic Union which is shared it the football season by Missouri Valley College at Marshall. Culver Stockton College, Tarkio Col-lege and Central College. The Cardinals have been treated pretty rough by a Kansas Confer-ence team this season having been dumped by the Ottawa Braves 14 to 0. By then the rest of the quad most of whom knew about the frame-up started laughing and Smith finally discovered what had happened. He had pulled on his own pants and they fit perfectly. “Pants" Smith played a good game despite the threat of having to play pant less. Truth Is the nursing mother of genius. No man can be absolutely true to himself, eschewing cant, compromise, servile imitation, and complaisance without becoming original.—Margaret Fuller Ossill. |
This however does not mean hat the classic will bo a pushover for the Canines; the Emporia Club trumped Coach Woodard’s ball club two weeks ago when the Bulldogs were playing inspired ball before a large homecoming crowd. William Jewell finished fifth In the nation for small colleges in rushing offense last season with 2721 yards gained. In total offensive the Red Birds moved up into |