Mac Students To Observe Annual Sadie Hawkins' Day

Macollege students, male and female, are agam observing the annual and traditional Sadie Hawkins' Day. The males are the pursued and wily females are the pursuers as the students attempt to reinact “Dogpatch Days" as presented by Cartoonist Al Capp.

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas

No. 6


Students Invited To Visit Faculty Homes

Faculty members are opening their homes for student visiting tonight, 7:30-10:30. Students may get a schedule of the homes to be visited from Social Committee members in the SUR at 7:30 p. m.

The queen and her attendants watch the Macollege "Bulldogs" and “Presbies” football game Saturday night.

Pictured above is the Homecoming Queen, Anita Rogers, and her attendants, Margaret Baile, left and Carole Huffman, right.

Queen Anita Crowned Amid Cheers And Applause


Sadie Hawkins' beginneth on the twenty-fifth day of Oct. in the year 1951 of our Lord. The by-laws have been laid and persecution shall fall upon those who do not comply.

They are thus stated:

1.    Female purseuth male.

2.    The pursuit shall commence on the twelfth and one-half hour, Thursday, Oct. 25, with the assembling of both sexes on the end of the gridiron.

3.    Men hare advantage of ten paces in the starting line-up.

4.    At the shot of the cannon the race is on.

5.    For one hour from the above stated time, there shall be an open free-for-all at which time the pur-sued shall not enter a building or leave the premises of the campus. Any man found within the boundary of a wall within this hour can be legally caught by seizure. Failing to adhere to this regulation the pursuer has the authority to establish claim on the pursued.

From this point the chase will be continued until high noon on Friday, Oct. 20.

7.    The procedure for catching a man will be hereto limited by:

a.    Not over six ranbunctious females to one defenseless male —unless accompanied by a responsible faculty member.

b. The hunted is safe within the walls of all campus buildings after the hour free-for-all, as no female can chase or drag them from the above realms. The penalty is the catch becoming null and void.

c. Last, but not least, due to the severe drouth in California, no water shall be used for drowning of the opposite sex.

8. To legalize the catch, both male and female must present themselves to the license bureau located on the Arnold Hall veranda for purchase of a two-cent mar-riage license, and a twenty-five cent refreshment fee, to be presented as admittance to the grand finale Saturday night. Licenses ran be purchased at the shindig for all those uncatched and those that didn't catch. All singles pay whole sum total of twenty-five cents, so it pays to catch and be caught.


The Sadie Hawkins' Party will be In the gym, Saturday night, Oct, 27, at 7:45. Girls, be sure you don't forget your dates’ corsages.

Jerry McConkey is chairman of the Foods committee, Don West, Faye Ellen Trostle, and Glen Bel-lah are the other members of the committee.

The chairman of the Recreation and Program committee is Wayne Blickenstaff. The other members on the committee are Velva Wagner, Gerald Neher, and Elsie Kind-ley.

Don Fike is the chairman of the Decoration Committee, Alice Flory, Bob Hampshire, and La-Faughn Hubbard are the committee members.

WPA Week is Oct. 28 to Nov. 3 more plans for this week will be announced later.

Everyone is to wear a costume to the Sadie Hawkin's Party.

There will be judges of the costumes, and prizes for the best ones. So don’t forget to come as Daisy Mae, Lil Abner, or some other Dogpatch character.

Party Held In Boy Scout Cabin

Phyllis Bowman, Royce Beam, Betty Ann Murrey and Irwin Por-tor entertained a group of friends at a party Saturday night after the game at the Boy Scout Cabin. The group enjoyed visiting, popping popcorn, eating apples and roasting marshmallows.

Those attending were Marline Bowman, Lois Yoder, Jerry Neh-er, Bonnie Martin, Carol Huffman, D. A. Crist, Betty Byers, Winston Beam, Janice High, Winston Bowman, Jerry McConkey, Mr. Jerry McConkey, Boris and Dale Snyder, Vernon and Rowena Nicholson, Doris and Dave Metzler, Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Ruth Crum-packer, Dick Wagoner, Naomi and Fred Goenner, Martha Lucore, Syl-vus Flora, Mr. Milford Porter and the host and hostess.

Amid the cheers and applause of the largest crowd to ever attend a game in the McPherson College stadium, Queen Anita and the members of her court arrived in front of the speaker's box in a grey Mercury Capri sedan.

Bob Kerr and Charles Petefish, co-captains of the football squad, escorted Miss Rogers to the throne. Gene Bechtel, president of the sophomore class escorted the sophomore attendant, Carole

Medieval Court Banquet Theme

A medieval court with miniature gold castles and small gold crowns carried out the theme selected by the Social Committee for the 1951 Homecoming Queen’s Banquet.

The lords and ladies of the college were seated at a large U-shaped banquet table with Queen Anita and her court presiding at the head table.

Tommy O’Dell, court Jester, entertained the group throughout the feast and was master of ceremonies.

Don Hoch sang several Scotch numbers accompanied by Betty Brammell.

Roy McAuley related several incidents leading up to and including the time of Anita’s coronation.

Macollege ladies quartet sang an original song about Anita. A traveling dramatic troupe presented a scene from the days of King Arthur.

Prizes Awarded To Parade Floats

Prominent citizens of McPherson who acted as Judges of the Homecoming Parade Saturday afternoon have announced the fol-lowing float results:    Freshman

Class, first prize of $13; Junior Class, second prize of $10; and the Spectator, third prize, of $5.

The Freshmen float, made up of a giant-size sucker, a mammoth ice-cream cone, and five freshmen adorned in green outfits, carried out the theme. “Lick C of E!"

A huge crown in the center of the Junior float with goal posts at each end wus built around the thence, “Let's Win the Conference Crown!"

The Spectator float was the scene of the Spec office, including the personnel involved, and carrying out the theme, "Let’s Press the Presides!"

Coach Woodard Speaks To Mac Kiwanis Club

Coach Chalmer Woodard spoke to the Kiwanis Club on Oct. 10.

He stressed the importance of good relations between the town and the college.

He also made several comments concerning Macollege's game with College of Emporia.


If one would only cogitate, Then he would surely hesitate Before he passed upon the grass As classward bound he gravi-tates.


Huffman. Margaret Baile, freshman attendant was escorted by Frank Hanagarne.

Nancy Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lloyd, was flower girl and Gary Flory, son of Prof. and Mrs. Raymond Flory, was crown bearer. Max McAuley introduced Queen Anita and presented her with a bouquet of roses. Mrs. Miriam Keim Albright crowned her queen.

The queen and her attendants watched the game from the throne.

Merry Macs Plan Recreation At Y

The married students of Macol-lcge aro coming to be known as the "MerryMacs" and they will again moot for an evening of entertainment and recreation at the local Y. M. C. A. Friday night, Oct. 19 at 7:30.

The MerryMacs meet at the "Y" when there is no all-school activity on Macampus.

The group have access to the swimming pool, basketball courts and the social parlors.

Beginning in December, the group can prevue two movies on Friday night that will be shown to the kids on Saturdays.

The director, Don Ford, asks that all married students who do not intend to go to the game plan to attend the MerryMac meeting.

Hesses Attend Communions

Dr. Maurice A. Hess and family will go to the Old German Baptist Brethren Church near Westphalia, Ks., Saturday and Sunday for a Communion Meeting.

Dr. Hoes has attended several of these meetings In different churches in Kansas the last few weekends and will attend several more.

The five churches of this denomination in Kansas arrange their communion mootings in a cycle that visiting ministers and members may attend all of them.

On September 20 and 30 the Hess family attended the meeting at Quinter. At that meeting the place of the Annual Conference was set. Consideration was given to having it at Quinter, but the final decision was for California.

On October 6 and 7 they travel-led to a church near Sawyer, Kansas. Last weekend found them about eleven miles northwest of Ottawa. One hundred sixty-five people attended that mooting. including fifteen out-of-district people, of whom two were out-of-state.

A trip to the Pleasant Grove Church southwest of Lawrence Oc-tober 27 and 28 will complete the cycle.

Each individual church forms a district, and many districts combine to make a region. The denomination is composed of four regions: Eastern states, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, and the remaining states.

Craig Arrives On Macampus

Our latest addition to our swelling number of foreign students arrived upon the campus last Sunday. He is James Craig from Kat-sina, Northern Province, Nigeria, W. Africa.

The trip from his home in Africa to Macollege took three months. He traveled by boat to New York where his mode of transportation changed to the train.

James is a freshman in college and plans to major in Rural Life.

Before coming to America he attended high school at Kings College at Lagos, Nigeria and the Teachers Training Center at Zaria, Nigeria. He taught elementary school in Jos, Nigeria which is a city of 30,000 population.

He speaks very good English and says he has spoken English all his life.

He also speaks the Hause language which in the native tongue of the northern tribe in Nigeria of which he is a member.

Thanks To You

The Spectator Homecoming float took third place and the prize of five dollars.

We want to thank all the staff, reporters and others for their cooperation in making our float a success.

Especially do we want to thank those who were directly responsible for the actual planning and work on the float.

These persons include: Lorene Marshall, Martha McClung, Sarah May Vancil, Dale Blickenholz, La-Faughn Hubbard, Esther Iken-berry, Ruth Papa, Faye Ellen Trostle, Esther Mohler, Kenneth Brown and Margaret Yost.

Three persons, not on the Spec staff, helped carry out the float theme of "Let's Press The Presbies." These were: Myron Kreh-biel who represented sports, Al-berta Ebbert who rode the bicycle and Beryl McCann who drove the truck.

Our thanks to you all.

• Donald Ford Editor-In-Chief

UNESCO To Hold Model U. N. Soon

A model U. N. will be held in Macollege gymnasium Tuesday evening, Oct. 23, at 7:30. The public is invited to attend.

This is the first major project of the UNESCO group for the current year. The subject for discussion will be "The Right of the U. N. To Intervene in the Iranian Oil Dispute.”

Speakers at the meeting will rep-resent different countries and will give opinions typical of the attitude of the country represented. Opinions will be given by 18 speakers representing 16 countries.

UNESCO has a membership of 70 at the present time. Maurice Richards is the president of the campus chapter.

The model U. N. has become an animal affair on Macampus. Last year the delegates discussed the admission of Communist China to the U. N.

Minister’s Visit Old Folk Homes

Macollege student ministers will present a program in an old folk’s home in McPherson Sunday. Oct. 21. Beryl McCann and Leland Wil-son are in charge of planning the program.

The group will meet at 2:30 p. m. in the SUR.

Bob Boyer and Boh Powell are making plans for the student minsters to attend early morning pass at the Catholic Church. The late for this visit has not been set.

At the meeting Oct. 2, Robert Fryman was elected to replace Jon Ford on the steering commit-tee. Other members of the steer-ng committee are Walter Blough and Alvin Zunkel.

Dean James M. Berkbile spoke in "The Virtues a Student Minister Should Possess.”

The student ministers invites other students to take part in their activities. Members of the steering committee may be contacted by those interested in the program at the old folk’s home or in the visit to the Catholic Church.


To all the W. A. A. members who helped make the float, the Queen’s throne, and the concession stand at the game a success, thanks a lot.

It was only through the cooperation of each of you that we were able to do these things.

Also special thanks go to Betty Ann Murrey and Donna Sooby for all the extra help they gave us at

the concession stand.

Govt. Students Will Visit District Court

The students of U. S. Government class, taught by Professor Raymond Flory, will attend a district court session Monday morning, Oct. 22.

The class is studying government agencies and expenditures. They plan to attend legislative sessions in Topeka soon.

Bible Is Honored October 15-21

The world’s most famous book —the Bible—is being honored throughout the nation this week from October 15-21. The Laymen's National Committee, sponsors of National Bible Week, urge every-one to make the week an occasion for special prayer, a period in which to plant in the hearts of everyone belief and faith in God and our American way of life.

Congressman Walter Judd of Minnesota is National Chairman for Bible week. He urges all civ-ic and religious, organizations in the community to concentrate on Bible week.

"The Bohemian Girl"

Is Austrian Opera

"The Bohemian Girl," an opera by Balfe, which will be presented by Macollege dramatics club Nov. 15, takes place in Austria in the 18th Century.

The story is about Arline, the daughter of Count Arnheim, who is kidnapped by a roving band of gypsies when she is but a small child.

The second act takes place twelve years later when Arline and one of the gypsy tribe are married by the jealous queen who plans revenge. Arline is accused of theft and brought before her father’s court. When recognized by her father she is restored to her rightful position.

In the third act her father agrees to her marriage to the gypsy, who is of noble birth, and the jealous queen is killed by her own cunning.

District Elects Zeller Moderator

New moderator for the Southwest District of Kansas in 1952 Is Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., pastor of the College Church of the Brethren.

Rev. Zeller was elected at Annual District Conference held at St. John, Kansas, in The Eden Valley Church of the Brethren. October 12-14.

Guest speaker at the conference was Edward K. Ziegler, evangelistic director for the Church of the Brethren.

New district CBYF officers were also elected. Those who will continue in office for another year will he Bryce Miller, president: Eula Mae Murrey, secretary-treasurer, Lorene Clark, editor: and

Bob Mays, adult advisor. Now officers are Kenneth Brown, president-elect; Almeta Ramsey, secretary-elect; and Darius Miller, editor-elect.

As a climax to the conference, a McPherson College program was presented on Sunday afternoon. October 14. The McPherson College Ladles’ Quartet, composed of Phyllis Bowman, Florene Hale, Ruth Crumpacker, and Claudia Jo Stump, sang several selections. Dean Berkebile gave an adrress on the progress of McPherson College.

October 19, 1951

Last spring the first faculty open house was sponsored by the Social Committee. The committee reports that student and faculty reaction favored another open house this year early in the fall.

The Social Committee recommends this evening of visiting as a chance for students to see their professors in their homes with their families.

At the recommendation of the Social Committee no refreshments will be served.

Faculty homes have been listed in order of the distance front the campus. To avoid having large groups at any one home at the same time, students will be assigned the order in which they are to visit the homes an the home at which they are to begin.

The committee recommends visits of from ten to fifteen minutes in each home so that the students may visit all of the homes which will be open.

Since a few professors have previous engagements, the committee requests that students participating in the visitation get a list of homes from the SUR and follow that schedule.

Jake Sheaffer is chairman of the Social Committee. Other members are Elsie Kindler, Ina Dit-mars, Peggy Sargent, Glendon Button, Dick Warehgam, and Sarah

May Vancil.

Cast Is Chosen For One-Act Play

The cast for “The Terrible Meek.” Players’ Club production for Regional Conference, has been announced.

Marlin Walters will play the captain's part. The soldier will be played by Glenn Bellah. Donna Phelon will take the part of the woman.

Judges for the try-outs wore: Mrs. Harry K. Zeller, Miss Virginia Harris, and Prof. Roy E. McAuley.

Three more one-act plays will be presented this year and also a three-act play. Many more students will have opportunity to take acting parts in these plays.

Ladies Trio Tours Middle Northwest

Members of the college Ladies Trio, Marilee Grove, Anita Rog-ers, and Donna Wagoner, their ac-companist, Berwyn Oltman, and sponsor, Bob Mays, left at 10 this morning for a 10-day fall tour of Brethren churches.

Churches included in the trio's itenerary are Enders, Nebr., Fro-

d.. Mont.. Minot, N. Dak., York, N. Dak., Cando, N. Dak.. Carring-on, N. Dak., Guthrie, Minn., Barium, Minn., Minneapolis, Minn., and Worthington, Minn. Enroute from Enders to Froid the group plans to drive through the Black Hills.

The purpose of the trip is to proride entertainment and worship for the various congregations, and to familiarize the churches with the program and work of the college.

College Calendar

Friday 19:

Faculty open house.

Saturday 20:

Kansas Wesleyan football game there at 8:30 p. m.

Tuesday 28:

UNSECO’s Model U. N.

Thursday 25 and Friday 26:

Sadie Hawkins chase starts Thursday at 12:30 p. m. and ends Friday at noon.

Friday 20:

William Jewell College football game at McPherson, 8:00 p.m. Saturday 27:

Sadie Hawkins Party.

Bulldogs Work In Cannery

Macollege Is Proud

It was a thrill to see so many t out the Homecoming game last Saturday. We feel sure that there were many and varied reasons why so many attended the game and also had such a fine spirit during the whole of Homecom-ing.

Possibly the main reasons could be these:

The athletic program has been on the up-grade ever since Coach "Woody" Woodard has come tp the college. With his efficient teaching and coaching system and his superior coaching staff the whole athletic program has gone far ahead of some of our expectations.

The calibre of the teaching staff of the college has been improved much during the past few years and we feel sure this, too, has helped in the progress of Macollege.

We would not belittle the unique spirit that has caught the students and faculty alike in its grip. This spirit, termed "the family spirit" by President Bittinger and others, has done more to mould the students and faculty into a well-formed coordinated group than has all the contributing factors.

Macollege is proud of her students and faculty, her greatly improving athletic program and superior teaching faculty, and of the fine spirit with which the members of “the family" unite together in work, study, worship and play. D. T. F.

Readers Write

We think that the students and faculty of Macollege and others who read the Spectator ought to feel free to contribute material for the paper.

It is the delire of the Spectator staff, to have a paper the reader enjoys and feel, that he a part of that paper.

In order for you to feel a part of the paper we feel that you ought to be given the opportunity to write for the paper. We are asking you that if you agree or disagree with us. please notify us.—The Editing Staff.

A Lament On Sadie Hawkins’

To flee, or not to flee; that is the question Whether 'tis better in the chase to suffer The glares and torments of outrageous females,

Or to give in amidst a horde of chasers,

And by submitting and all? To trip; to fall;

Just once; and by a fall to say we end The back-ache and the thousand painful shocks The chased is heir to, ’tis a situation Devoutly to be wished. To trip, to fall;

To fall, perchance by fate: ay, there’s the rub;

For in that fall of fate what hags may pounce When we have lost all hope of liberty.

Must give us chills: there’s the respect That makes Sadie Hawkin’s of so great dread! -—Anonymous

(Editor's note): This is an anonymous poem published In the October 27, 1950, Issue of the Spectator.)


Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor

—    Society Editors

—    Sports Editors . Faculty Advisor

Reporters and Special Writers

Lucille Flory Faye Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Kenneth Brown

Circulation Manager

Assistant Circulation Manager faculty Advisor


Mary Louise Hutcherson

Margaret Tost__

Gordon Yoder

Trustees Change Medical Plans

The college trustees voted to change the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Hospitalization and Medical Expense Plans of the faculty members and their families.

Previously the faculty has paid the entire amount of dues on these plans. The trustees voted to

Don Ford

Gerald Neher

Lorene Marshall

Martha McClung

Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz Sarah May Vancil

Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley Bob Fryman

Kenneth Brown

pay one-fourth of the total expenses on dues of the faculty who are members or wish to become members of Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield.

Both Blue Cross and Blue Shield are National Medical Expense Plans, endorsed by hospitals and doctors. Several faculty members benefited from these plans during the last year.

Rowan Keim Berwyn Oltman Max McAuley Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars

Last spring several of us male students from Macollege heard about the possibility of going to Oregon to work in the pea canneries. We wrote letters to a few companies and finally decided upon one cannery which is called the Utah Canning Company. Seven of us decided to go out for the summer.

We arrived at Milton-Freewat-er, Ore., at different Intervals. Some of us rode the bus, while others "rode the thumb." The seven who arrived ready for work the first week of the canning season were Bob Bechtel, Dave Metzler, Bob Powell, Maurice Richards, Loren Frantz, Eugene Neff, and Bob Wilson.

We were shown our places of residence in which we were going to spend the nights of the canning season. They were small brick cabins in which four boys were supposed to stay. They were furnished, with bunk beds, a table, and a shelf cabinet.

When we started to work, we were not acquainted with the cannery and the warehouse. These interested all of us very much.

During the first week we called Loren Blickenstaff at his home in Nampa, Idaho, and asked him to come up. He came up and that made a total of eight boys from McPherson. We had the most fellows from any college which was represented there. Some of the other colleges represented were Pacific University, Arizona State, and Oregon State.

All of us were put on stacking crews except Eugene Neff. He worked at night in the cannery. The rest of us worked in the warehouse in the daytime. At least, we were supposed to work during the day; but after the cannery got into full swing of operation, we were there until 11 and 12 many nights although we went to work at 7 a.m.

We batched; but since we really didn't have too much time to

cook our meals, we really got tired of lunch meat and tuna fish which seemed to be very popular among us for sandwiches. When we had time, however, we would have pretty good meals. The male cooking talent which Macollege has in its midst is quite surpris-ing.

The work of the stacking crews was primarily to stack cases of peas in the warehouse. This, was pretty strenuous work, and we usually didn't stack over eight hours a day. The rest of the time we loaded and unloaded cars, moved salt, sugar, and cans, and labeled orders of peas for dealers.

The nearest town, Walla Walla, Wash., was 12 miles from Mil-lon-Freewater. They had excellent swimming pools and theatres, and we would take advantage of our spare moments by going to Walla Walla. We went to church on Sunday if we had Sunday morning off.

Household duties such as our washing and the cleaning of our cabins took part of our time, and these things usually came first before our recreation.

Our work was hard, and we worked long hours, but not everything was work. We had water fights which sometimes ended by someone's getting thrown into the cooling tank. There was a basketball goal in one of the warehouses, and the company had a couple of basketballs. Once in a while we would choose up sides and have a game.

We had the pleasure of working with some foreign boys. Several were from Hawaii. They were students at either Oregon

State or Pacific University.

Our standard drees was a pair of gym trunks, swimming suit, or something very similar, and tennis shoes. That dress afforded comfort to our feet on the cement floors, and also it was cool.

The cases of peas were piled into stacks which had as many as 10,000 cases in them. If you ask any of the boys, they will probably tell you how we stacked the peas; and they will probably add some of their personal experiences.

The weather was very agreeable. The temperature never got above 95 degrees. Even that temperature must have been rather hot for the location, because the native residents complained about how hot it was when none of us Bulldogs even noticed it.

The chigger is non-existent there. Three-fourths of the people don't know what chiggers are. Because there are practically no mosquitoes, we found it was very pleasant to be on the grass in the evenings; that is, if we had any time.

Spectators Sent To 21 States, 3 Countries

This year 163 copies of the Spec-tator are sent each week to subscribers off Macollege campus. Copies are sent to subscribers i 21 different states.

In addition there are subscribers in Hawaii, Korea, and Puerto Rico. Copies are also sent to 29 different high school and college newspapers across the nation.

Chapel Notes

CHAPEL, Oct. 13

Faye Ellen Trostle told the story of John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, in the chapel program Oct. 15.

Mary Louise Hutcherson led the student body in devotions and pongs.

The Ladles' Quartet sang "The Lord's Prayer.” The. quartet includes Florene Hale, Claudia Jo Stump, Phyllis Bowman, and Ruth Crumpacker.

ASSEMBLY Oct. 17 The Camera Club and the Ag. Club presented the assembly Oct. 17. Slides were shown by Raymond Walker to depict the work of the Camera Club.

Three scenes were presented to show the formation and organisation of the McPherson College Agricultural Club.

ASSEMBLY Oct. 22 Roc. Council.

CHAPEL Oct. 24 United Nations Day.

The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. —Frank C. Ross.

At The End Of Euclid

Czaplinsky Family Asks Help From Mac Students

Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Czaplinski and their two boys are new members of the McPherson community. They arrived on June 1 and are trying to learn English and

American ways of living.

Faith in the ability of a leader is of slight service unless it be united with faith in his justice.— Gen. G. W. Goethals.

Miss Eleanor Louthan and Miss Kathryn Forsyth spent the weekend in Lincoln, Nebr.

Miss Lyla Whitham spent the weekend with her parents in Scott City, Kans.

Weekend guests on the Macol-lege campus included Miss Ann Reynolds, Gail Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hodson, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Ikenberry Sr.

Martha McClung, Max McAuley, Shirley Wine, and Jack Harter visited friends in Salina after the banquet Friday night.

Parents journeying to Macol-lege to visit their children last weekend included: Mr. and Mrs. Horry Hock, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dutton, Mrs. D. L. Butler, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pote.

Adrian Saylor visited Macollege campus during Homecoming proceedings.

Jack Powell hus been visiting with his brother Dob Powell for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baile and Mary, parents and sister of Margaret, from Warrensburg, Mo., were here Saturday and Sunday.

Betty Ann Murrey, Irwin Porter, Jerry Neher and Lois Yoder spent Tuesday evening in Wichita purchasing tropical fish for Jerry’s new aquarium.

Mrs. Ben Hopkins, Betty Jo Baker’s mother, from Friend, Kansas, visited her daughter Saturday.

Doris Snyder was a guest of Betty Ann Murrey and Phyllis Bowman Friday night.

Bill Daggett from Adel. Iowa, visited Rowan Keim over the week-end.

Mrs. Wayne Jones and Linda Lee from Wellington, sister and niece of Lorene Clark, visited Lorene last week.

J. Lester Hooper from Manhattan was hero visiting Esther Ikenberry Saturday evening and Sunday.

Yvonne Birken from Beatrice. Nebraska, and Evelyn Hornbaker from Hutchinson, were Saturday night guests of Alice Flory and Mary Caster.

Boh Garrison from Johnson, Kansas was here over the weekend visiting Faye Ellen Trostle.

Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Kathlyn Larson and Butch Coffman spent Sunday afternoon picnicking at Black Canyon.

Margaret Baile, Don Fancher, Donna Phelon and Bob Peel also spent Sunday afternoon picnicking at Black Canyon.

Barbara Berry, Mildred Beck. Angle Flora, Betty Jo Baker, Mar-ilee Grove and Betty Ann Murrey enjoyed a wiener roast in Lakeside Park Sunday evening. Following the supper, they attended the Drive-In.

The Ladies’ Quartette, Phyllis Bowman, Ruth Crumpacker, Claudia Jo Stump and Florene Hale attended District Meeting at St. John Sunday afternoon where they sang several numbers.

Lorene Clark spent Tuesday night visiting the Albert Stucky family in rural McPherson.

Sylvus Flora, who is attending Bethany Biblical Seminary in Chicago, visited Martha Lucore over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. John Daggett from Lone Star visited Margaret over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blough from Kansas City visited June over the weekend. Marvin is June's brother and is attending Medical School in Kansas City.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bowman and Larry from Quinter, Kansas, visited Phyllis Saturday and Sunday.

Bernard Ebbert from Quinter visited his sister, Alberta, Saturday and Sunday.

Geraldine Goering attended the American Royal in Kansas City Monday and Tuesday as or 4-H


Hatsuko Kanazawa attended District Meeting at St. John Saturday where she gave a talk.

Misses Norma Couch from Kansas City and Martha Frantz from Coldwater, were here visiting over the weekend.

Dean Cotton, who is going to school at Washburn University in Topeka, visited Phyllis Johnson over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Argabright and Rita Jo, from Silver Lake, visited Rita Ellen Royer Saturday and Sunday.'

Dick Wagoner from Adel, Iowa, visited Ruth Crumpacker over the weekend.

Jim Andray from Kingsley. Iowa, visited Ann Powell over the weekend.

Ivan Nicholson from Hardin, Missouri, visited Dorothy Swinger last weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Hurry K. Rogers. Anita’s parents, from Mt. Etna, Iowa were among the many out of town guests that came to Mac-ampus for homecoming.

Other out of town visitors inclu-ded Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers, Canton, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Lou-is Rogers, Valley Center; Mrs. Hurry Grundman, Prescott, Iowa; and Mrs. Donald Forrest and Donna Kaye, Mt. Etna, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Royer from Dallas Center, Iowa, visited Rita Ellen Royer for the weekend.

Beverly Armentrout and Imo-gene Simmons from Norborne, Mo., were overnight guests of Dorothy Swinger Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Betty Frandle from Topeka. Kansas, was here visiting Betty Drummed and Ruth Peckover Saturday and Sunday.

Sally Albright and Norma Jean Lewis from Wichita were overnight guests of Betty Brammell Saturday.

Ronnie Hummell from Chicago, visited Delores Sigle over the weekend.

Carole Davis, Lorene Clark, Dick King, Ed Frantz, Bob Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. David Metzler, Esther Hornbaker and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ford traveled to St. John, Ks. Sunday.

Wilbur Yohn, Elgin, ILL., visited Macampus over the weekend.

Porch Scene Of Birthday Party

Occupants of third and fourth floors In Arnold Hall gathered on the third floor porch Thursday evening to celebrate a surprise birthday party for Martha Jo Rhoades and Dorothy Swinger. It was also an engagement party in honor of Dorothy.

The program consisted of accor-dian solos by Velva Wagner, a reading by Miss Edna Neher, Mexican dances by Yolando Cerezo and group singing.

Refreshments were fudge bars and birthday cake. The party was planned by Phyllis Johnson and Marilyn Roe.



Colleen Ellen Doyle, daughter of Mrs. Odetta Doyle of Great Bend, was married to Mr. Lloyd E. Stagner, son of Mrs. Della Stagner of Hutchinson, Kansas. In the Baker Avenue Baptist Church of Great Bend, Kansas. The Rev. R. H. Spangler officiated at the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with baskets of white gladioli.

Mrs. Herbert Marchant was organist and Rev. Irven Stern sang "Because" and the "Lord’s Prayer.”

Giles Stagner, Hutchinson, brother of the groom was best man and Donald Ferguson of Wichita was the usher. Mrs. Irven Stern, McPherson, was matron of honor and Marie Miller of Lima, Ohio, was bridesmaid.

The bride wore a full length white nylon gown with chantilly lace over the yoke and sleeves. Her finger tip veil of illusion lace was held by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a white prayer book with an orchid and baby’s breath tied with satin streamers.

A gown of pale green shadow sheer over taffeta with short ruffled mitts of the same material were worn by the matron of honor. The bridesmaid wore an identical gown of pale lavender. Both carried baskets filled with Esther Reed daisies and baby’s breath.

The bride’s mother wore a beige dress of lace and crepe with brown accessories. The groom's mother chose a brown figured crepe gown with white accessories. Both wore corsages of peach gladioli.

Mrs. James Joseph of Lima, Ohio, sister of the bride, and Erna Mausolf were the hostesses at the reception which was held in the couple’s new home.

The bride is a graduate of Central High School of Lima, Ohio, and attended Macollege. She was employed as a teacher in the Claf-lin schools.

The groom is a graduate of McPherson High School and is employed by the Santa Fe Railroad office in Great Bend.

For their wedding trip to Colorado and New Mexico, the bride chose a royal blue suit with white accessories and wore an orchid corsage.

Fee Attends Meeting Of Deans Of Women

Dr. Mary Fee. Dean of Women will attend the Kansas Association of Deans of Women and Advisors of Girls meeting Friday and Saturday. Miss Fee will preside at the luncheon meeting of the group Friday.

Mrs. Ruth McCarn, president ol the National Association of Deans of Women, will be the principal speaker. "Potential Resources for Growth” Is the theme of the meeting.

Wanted, A Jeep

“Do you have an amphibious jeep for sale?” Dr. Hess would like to have one. At least, the all-believing Chevrolet dealer apologized for not having one when Dr. Hess asked him that question.

While travelling near Sawyer. Kansas, on the weekend of October 6 and 7, Dr. Hess found need to cross Sand Creek with his automobile. At this hour water was flowing over the bed of the particular bridge that awaited him.

Willing to test the depth of the water, Dr. Hess cautiously ventured the vehicle into the water. The water reached only to the hubcaps, and calculating that under normal conditions nothing could deter his progress, he pressed the car on across the stream.

But this bridge did not observe normal conditions. Suddenly an abrupt dip in the bridge lowered the car into the stream up to the top of the tires.

Water threatened the engine, but with the service of a few enduring cylinders the faithful 1951 Chevrolet engine chugged on to victory.

Freshmen Wonder About Green Caps

“Where are our green caps?” is what the freshmen are saying. 'Don't doff that tradition"!

In a burst of old-time school

spirit, the University of Kansas has put tl»e traditional beanie back on the heads of freshman. But it’s strictly voluntary now. The days of “murder the frosh because be forgot his bonnet” are gone, commented the University Dally Kansan.

The Union director said. ”I hope, however, the freshmen will think enough of the University of Kansas to want to wear freshman caps.”

Meanwhile, at Wayne State Teachers College, Nebraska, the beanies have been unceremoniously disposed of.

What is the case here at Macol-lege? Freshmen would like to know.

The Social Action Committee of the Church of the Brethren in McPherson had made a request to the Brethren Service Center. New Windsor. Maryland, that they be sent a Q. P. family. On Wednesday. May 30. 1951, a telegram was received saying the family had arrived and would be here on the following Friday.

A job and a house had already been provided, but as yet the house was unfurnished. After much rushing they found furniture and other necessary equipment for the house. The family arrived on Friday, June 1.

The family is from the Ukraine, and consists of four members. The father is 50 years old, and his name is Vladimir. His wife is 29, and her name is Vera. They have two boys George, age 7 and Eu-gen, age 6.

At present the boys are attending Harmony school which is about one-fourth mile east of their home.

The family speaks three different, languages: Russian, Polish, and German. They had always spoken Russan until during the Nazi regime. They escaped to Pol

and and had to learn Polish in order not to be discovered.

Since the children have started to school the family seems to be learning English better. They would like for the college students to help teach them English. In return they will help the students with their German.

Before the Czaplinski family came to the United States, Mr. Czaplinski was in charge of a dairy farm in Poland.

He was not too well acquainted with the use of modern machinery, but has been able to overcome this to a great extent.

When the family first arrived, the heat bothered them somewhat, as it was quite different from their homeland. They are very much frightened by electrical storms.

Mr. Czaplinski is employed by Rex Curtis. He is assisting in farm work.

The strength of a country or creed lies in the true sense of loyalty it can arouse in the hearts of its people.—Rev. L. C. Gerstein.

“Bulldogs” Suffer First Loss As C. of E. Upsets Mac 30-19

“Bulldogs Will Encounter K. W. “Coyotes” Saturday

Saturday night Coach "Woody" Woodard and his fighting Bulldog squad will leave their home field and journey to Kansas Wesleyan, where they will meet the Coyotes at Martin Stadium at 8:30.

The McPherson College Homecoming fans were given a real treat Saturday night at the Macollege football stadium. An estimated 4 1/2-5 thousand persons saw a rough and tumble game between the Bulldogs and the College of Emporia Presbies. It was an exciting game, however the Presbies upset the Bulldogs 30-19.

The weather was wonderful Saturday night. The crowd was the largest ever to attend a football came in McPherson, and the Bull-dogs played the game for all they were worth.

But when the McPherson crowd filed out of the stadium after the game, the gloom in the air was heavy enough to have been cut with a knife.

The reason for all this unhappiness was that the McPherson Bull-dogs had suffered their first loss of the season by being dumped roughly by the Presbies from Em-poria 30-10.

The Bulldogs started wheeling and dealing from the opening kickoff and scored a touchdown nearly every time they came in possession of the pigskin.

The Canines kicked oft to the Presbies who moved the ball in a couple of quick plays to the McPherson 31-yard line. But then the Bulldog line dug in, and the Presbies lost the pigskin on downs on the McPherson 27-yard line.

This set the stage for the Caniness first TD. The Bulldogs ad-vanced the ball to the Emporia 48 in two first downs in a row. Herr Cannonball Ball and Gene Smith took over and carried the ball to the Presbies’ 21 and a first down.

Wayne Blickenstaff then called for a pass, which he threw to Co-Captain Bob Kerr. Kerr made a beautiful one-handed catch of the hall right on the goal line to score McPherson's first tally.

Gene Elrod attempted the kick for the extra point, but failed as the ball went wide of the uprights.

A little later in the same period Jim Naughton, a fast Presbie back, broke away from the Bulldog defensive tram for a gain of 38 yards to put the oval on the McPherson 2-yard stripe. On the next play Myers smashed over the center of the line to draw first blood for Emporia.

Automatic Beeson kicked the extra point, and Emporia went into the lead 7 to 6.

Emporia punted and Kerr, following some good interference, sidestepped his way to the Presbies’ 36; and the Bulldogs started another drive that was to net them another 6-pointer.

With Smith, Ball, and Blicken-staff lugging the ball the Bulldogs drove to the Presbies’ 29; and then Ball did broken field

running; after dodging a host of Emporia would-be tacklers, he crossed the final yard marker to score.

Elrod again attempted to kick the extra point but failed.

Going into the second period, the Bulldogs were leading 12 to 7. Then Loren Blickenstaff, who played a great defensive game for Coach Woodard, blocked an Em-poria punt; and the Bulldogs recovered on the Presbies 27.

With Dale Carpenter and Eddie Ball running, the Bulldogs advanc-ed the hall to the Emporia 13. From here Ball again scooted through the Emporia defensive to rack up his second touchdown for the evening and put his team, out in front 18 to 7.

Bob Wilson then came in to kick the extra point, and the Bulldogs led 19 to 7.

Late in the second quarter Lem Harkey, a colored freshman from Lawton, Okla., and Kenneth Long of Manhattan started to click for the Presbies. These two lads were thorns in the McPherson defensive lineup the rest of the evening.

Harkey returned a McPherson kickoff 37 yards to the Bulldogs

Backs Eddie Ball, McPherson, and Robert Kerr, Garber, Okla, scored for the Bulldogs Saturday night when the Mac team played and lost to the College of Emporia Presbies, by a score of 30-10.

47. From there quarterback Long called on Myers and Harkey to do some running, and they did not fail him. In two first downs they ad-vanced the ball to the Caninines 7-yard marker.

Harkey then took a handoff from Long and danced his way round the Bulldogs left end to core for the presbies. Beeson came into the ballgame and calmly kick-ed the extra point.

The half ended with the Canines out in front 19 to 14.

Emporia kicked off at the start of the second half, and McPherson started off with a bang by mak-ing three large gains on the round.

Then something happened to he Canines that broke every Bull-log rooter’s heart the rest of the evening. Coach Woodard’s football earn developed an acute case of fumble-itis.

The Bulldogs Just could not hang on to the ball. The bail would squirt out of the ball handler's hand as if it were a wet piece of soap. The Presbies recovered the pigskin, and after a few ground plays, Emporia punted to the McPherson 4-yard stripe. Wayne Blickenstaff, after calling for a couple of ground plays which did not bring the Bulldogs much yardage, called for a punt.

The ball club from Emporia then started a drive on ground plays with Harkey, Naughton, and Long carrying the oval. The Pres-bies moved to the Bulldogs' one-foot line and here the Canines dug in and fought for their lives and held the Emporia club to no gains for two consecutive plays.

Then Harkey fairly flew over the center of the line to put the Presbies out In front for the rest of the classic. Beeson's kick was no good.

Later In the period Emporia recovered a fumble by Kerr on the McPherson 24. Myers, Long, and Harkey pushed the ball to the 10-yard line, and from here Beeson place-kicked a field goal for three

Six Teams Still In Lead

The same six teams that held the positions last week were still ahead in the running by Monday evening, Oct. 13.

Two of the teams. Metsker (5-1) and Sheaffer (5-1), were to play later in the week, but Monday night, the four other teams were matched.

At 7:80, W. Blickenstaff (3-1) tangled horns with the Faculty team (3-1), and after three games had been played, the Blickenstaff team emerged the winner.

Then at 8:15, Petefish (6-0) met head on with Sharpe (7-9). After the smoke had cleared from this round, the Sharpe team held the edge 2-1.

Many other teams are now showing much improvement, and no one can be sure of a lead. One thing we can be sure of though, ev-eryone is having fun!

Bulldog “B” Lose

To Presbies 31-13

The Macollege B team Journeyed to Emporia last Monday evening for a football game on the College of Emporia's gridiron. The score of the game was 31 to 13.

The Emporia team sported a vicious passing attack which accounted for most of the Presbies’ scoring.

Bulldog ground plays, which did show up rather well, produced twice. Bob Bean and Bole Cyphert scored for McPherson. Elrod attempted both extra points and made good in one. Bob Wilson kicked off for McPherson.

Those who reported for the trip to Emporia were: Jim Batson, Bob Bean, Dick Carter, Bob Cyphert, Leonard Doughty, La-verne Eck, Eugene Elrod, Bill Goering, Paul Heidebrecht, Don Hoch, Calvin Hock, Duane Jamison, Joseph Johns, Jim Kerns, Ken McMurrey, Howard Megling-er, Harvey Miller, Milton Molz, Bill Moore, Vernon Petefish, Jim Sears, Tom Taylor, Howard Todd, and Bob Wilson.


Early in the final quarter Emporia made a first down on the Canines 38 but lost the ball on downs when the Bulldog’s defensive line stiffened. Then, the Bulldogs punted and John Hart took the ball on the return and ran along the sidelines for 33 yards to tally for the Freebies, putting them ahead 11 great big points.

Beeson again kicked the goal for the extra point to end the scoring for both teams in a game that hud held many thrills. Although the Bulldogs went down in defeat, thy had played a great game.

The Coyotes will be out to show heir stuff, for Saturday night is Homecoming for the ball club of Coach Wally Forsberg.

Last year the Ottawa Braves hut out the Coyotes’ chances of winning the homecoming tilt by the score of 16-0. The rumor has it that the Wesleyan club does not want this to happen again.

The Bulldogs wilt be out to quench their thirst for another vic-ory this weekend after losing their homecoming classic to the Empor-a Presbies Saturday night.

Coach Woodard's Bulldogs will be shooting for a win over the Coy-otes, who beat them 20-19 in last year's meeting between the two ball clubs. When the gun went off at the end of the game, the Bulldogs were just three short yards from a very important six-pointer, that would have given them the game.

Although the Coyotes are not as strong as they were last season they have been giving their grid opponents a great deal of trouble

Coach Forsberg has 11 letter-men around whom he has built his 1951 grid offering to the Kansas Conference.

Harold Frazell, 180-pound athlete, has lettered in football, basketball, and Track. Ronnie Gillan, a sophomore, at KWU, wheels and deals from the quarterback slot for the Coyotes.

Bert Hitchcock, a five-foot, six and one-half inch, 165-pounder, is a returned letterman front Burlington, Colo. Don Johnson, a Salina High graduate is playing his third year. Gailen Keeling, a six-foot two and one-half inch letter-man, is playing his fourth year of varsity hall. He received the KC-AC football honorable mention in 1950.

Kenard Kelly is a senior from St. Francis where he won letters in football, basketball and track Kelly will be in one of the terminal spots at game time Saturday evening.

Clancy King halls from June tion City where his football play-ing won him a berth on the all CKL team. Clancy maneuvers in the backfield for the Wesleyan club.

Phil Nemeth has lettered for Coach Forsberg his last two years

and hopes for his third monogram. in football this season. He is a 180-pound, six-foot one inch athlete.

Leroy Pearson, is a letterman from last year's strong Coyote club. He weighs 190 pounds.

Kenneth Rogg, was a bulwark in the Coyotes' line last year and is giving his best to hold the Coyotes together.

Charles Seldon, the tornado from Clyde, Kans., is in the back-field again this season after playing some great ball for the Coyotes last year. Charles to 21, weighs 190 pounds, and is a running ace with letters in football and track.

Besides the lettermen, Coach Forsberg has 26 other capable men from whom to pick to field a grid team against the Bulldogs tomorrow night.

The Bulldogs are favored to come out on top of the dog pile in the scoring column tomorrow night. The Canines have been play-ing some great ball this season. Coach Woodard is again demonstrating his ability to put together a group of men that will work together like a well-oiled machine.

The Wesleyan Coyotes have not been having a very good year, but any team is tough on its homecoming tilt. The game tomorrow ngiht should be a great one.

Sports As Seen By Jay

The intra-mural volleyball teams are stronger this year than ever before. One of the main reasons for this is that the fellows have given the girls a chance to play and have found that most of them do a pretty good Job of holding down their position. Good teamwork by all has given many teams their strength.

The chief statistician and head manager for the athletic program to Bob Augsburger. Bob does his Job well and Is appreciated very much by players and coaches. He is a handy man around the analgesic balm and the training table. Our two other managers are Glenn Gayer, and Ed Rhine, who do plenty of work to make our football season a success. They de-serve a lot of credit for their interest, time and efforts.

Hayes Officiates At Game

Guy Hayes assisted in officiating at the Wichita East High-El-dorado football game Oct. 12 in Wichita.

Professor Hayes is head of the Rural Life Department and serves Ms assistant football coach at Macollege.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It to only to be understood.—Marie Curie.