Mrs. Miriam Keim Albright, 1950 Homecoming Queen, will crown the 1951 Homecoming Queen before the game with College of Emporia Saturday night, Oct. 13
Picnic And Vespers To Be Held By CBYF Sunday
Sunday evening C B Y F will consist of a picnic and vesper service in Lakeside Park.
The picnic will begin at 6 p. m. and vespers will be over by 6:45 so that those who wish may attend communion.
Donna Lou Sooby, Margaret Baile, and Mario Oltman are working on the Food Committee.
Those planning the vesper service are Dick King, Esther Iken-berry, and Virginia Holderread.
Signs giving the cost of the picnic, which will be determined by the food committee, will be posted later.
Free Movie Tomorrow Night
“How Green Was My Valley" is the picture that is to be shown tomorrow night In the chapel. The movie will start at 7:30. There will be no admission charge, but an offering will be taken to help defray the expenses of the movie.
This Is the first in a scries of movies that the social committee has planned for the students.
The movie was taken from the book, "How Green Was My Valley" by Richard Llewellyn.
The story is based upon a large family from Wales who were miners. The story has in it comedy, tragedy, love, excitement, fighting, heroism, and sacrifice.
Former Piano Instructor Now At Kansas State
Miss Helen Howe, former piano Instructor at Macollege, is now teaching at Kansas State Teacher's College In Pittsburg. Kansas.
During the summer she received her M. S. degree from the University of Indiana. Miss Howe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howe formerly of McPherson, are now living in Lawrence, Kansas.
Bittingers Plan To Entertain All Students
Dr. and Mrs. Bittinger enter-tained, with a dessert party at their home Wednesday evening, the students whose birthdays came in the month of September.
Della Lehman Speaks To Women Voters
At the first regular, meeting of the League of Women Voters Wednesday evening Miss Della Lehman, professor of English, gave a review on the historical background of the city of McPherson.
The purpose of the League of Women Voters Club is to acquaint the women of McPherson with the local, state and national governments in order to become better voters.
The previous meetings were devoted to organization. Mrs. Vance Archer is the local president.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, October 5, 1951
ACP Awards Rowan Keim “First Class” Rating
Mohler Heads Knife And Fork
Dr. R. E. Mohler. head of the Biology Department, is President of the Knife and Fork Club this year. Dr. Mohler presided over the first meeting held in the Warren Hotel Wednesday Sept. 12.
Guest speaker at this meeting was Carlos Fallon, once a sea cap-tain and native of Colombia and now a citizen of the U. S. Mr. Fallon gave a progressive picture of Colombia's development, going back 50, 25 and 10 years.
The Board of Directors of the Knife and Fork Club met Tuesday evening in Dr. Mohler's home to consider applicants for new membership. This is a national organization with headquarters in Topeka, Kans. The national president of the Knife and Fork Club is Ben Franklin.
Seven lectures are planned, one each month, for the local club which meets for dinner and a program.
Anita Rogers, Junior from Mt. Etna, Iowa, will reign as the 1951 Homecoming Queen. Her sophomore attendant will be Carole Huffman, St. Joseph, Mo. Margar-et Baile, Warrensburg, Mo., will be freshman attendant. Miriam Keim Albright, Nampa, Idaho, completes the royal court as retiring queen.
Students went to the polls on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Other candidates for queen were: Ann Carpenter, Las Vegas, Nev., Phyllis Bowman, Quinter, Kan., and Clara Domann, Hope, Kan.
Runners-up for sophomore attendant were: Rowena Merkery, Clayton, Kan., Beverly Turner, McPherson, Kan., and Phyllis Ran-son, McPherson, Kan.
Adain Carpenter, Las Vegas, Nev., Betty Brammell, Perry, Kan., and Joan McRoberts, Greene, Iowa, were the other freshman nominees for attendant.
Banquet Will Honor Queen
T h e annual Homecoming Queen's banquet will be held this year on Friday Oct. 12. The banquet is a formal affair, and is for the benefit of the entire school body.
Several organizations help every year an Macollege honors its Homecoming Queen.
The Student Council is in charge of the general organization of the Queen's festivities. The program is In the hands of the social committee. Men’s council sells the tickets and the women's council is responsible for the decorations.
Students are urged to watch posters for time and place.
Look Up
For Homecoming
Homecoming weekend activities begin Friday morning. Oct. 12, with a campus clean-up. under the direction of the SCA and the "M" Club.
Pep Chapel will be held Friday morning: Friday night there will be a Pep Rally and "The Presby" dummy will be burned.
Saturday the festivities begin at noon with a luncheon in the cafeteria for the alumni. From 1 to 2 p. m. is free time and open house for the alumni.
The big parade begins at 2 p. m. with Jack Kough, Public Relations Director in charge. The committee is considering placing the floats on the cinder track during and previous to the game, A dozen high school bands have been invited to the annual home-coming festivities which start at noon Oct. 13. The bands and their directors will participate in the parade down main street Saturday afternoon.
Bands that have been invited are from Inman High, Moundridge High, Galva High, Windom High, Hillsboro High, McPherson High, Buhler High, Ness City High, Sil-ver Lake High, Geneseo High, Sharon High, and Quinter High.
McPherson's band and director are making plans to entertain the visiting band member. Mr. August San Romani of the local high school is in charge of the half time activities In which one or more bands will march. Mr. Delbert Crabb, Mac College band director, has invited Mr. Leslie Sperling, director of the Inman High School band, to have the Inman band march at the half time.
As of October 1 four bands had stated that they plan to attend the festivities. This will bring about 180 high school students to the
Plans are being made to secure campus.
additional seating for the visiting students in order to prevent crowding of the regular grandstand seating. The plan to have all the bands play two numbers before the game has been taking shape and the numbers will be the "Star Spangled Banner" and "Our Director."
The alumni supper is at 6 p. m in the church. The meal will be served by the church ladies. The price is $1.25.
The game begins at 8:30 p. m. The opposing team is College of Emporia. Doughnuts and coffee will be served to the alumni after the game.
The Macollege band and the College of Emporia band will be on hand for the festivities. Michael F. Polovitz is the conductor of the College of Emporia band which has 32 members.
Kline Hall Has Open House
Kline Hall will open its doors to the public Sunday afternoon 3-5 for the annual open house. Students, faculty, and friends are invited by the residents of Kline to visit all the rooms and apartments during that time.
Arnold Hull held the first upon house for the dormitories Saturday night. A theme of moonlight and roses was used in the parlor decorations and refreshments.
About two hundred people visited the girls' rooms during the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer are head residents of Kline Hall this year.
Linda Larsen Is Improving
Linda Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, is now making a rapid recovery from an attack of bulbar polio. When Linda became iII on September 23, she was taken to St. Francis hospital in Wichita.
Linda is now able to walk and can eat whatever she wants. Her parents expect to bring her home around the first of the week.
Mrs. Larsen is organist of the college Church of the Brethren.
Rubinoff Will Present Concert
The great violinist. David Rubinoff. will present a concert at the City Auditorium in Abilene. Tuesday, Oct. 9.
There will be a matinee at 2:30, in which, faculty members and students will be admitted for the price of 75c. The evening performance is at 8:30, with the admission prices being $2.40 for reserved and $1.80 for general seats.
Since this program is being sponsored by the Abilene Lions Club, advanced mail orders should be addressed to Abilene Lions Club, Box 160, Abilene, Kansas.
Tickets are on sale at Mrs. Kaye Yoder’s office for both of
the performances
Results Are Ready On English Tests
Eighty-two juniors and seniors have taken the English Proficiency Test which was given twice in September. Results are now available to the students by consultation with some member of the English department.
Each professor in the department has a list on the bulletin board of the students assigned to
Monitor Will Hold Harvest Meeting
The Monitor Community Church of the Brethren will hold Its annual harvest meeting Sunday. Oct. 7.
It will be an all-day affair and begin with Sunday School at 10 a. m. and will feature promotion exercises by the children. It will be followed by the worship program at 11 a. m. The morning message will be brought by the pastor, Roy McAuley.
Following the morning services a pot-luck dinner will be served. Students who desire to attend need not bring food.
After the meal a Brethren film, "My PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU" is to be shown, and Miss Loreen Cline, who toured Canada this summer on an American Legion scholarship will show pictures of her trip.
Students are invited to attend this meeting.
The Monitor Church is located six miles west of McPherson on highway 50 to the Inman road, go two miles south on the Inman road to the pumping station, and then two miles west.
Mac Dorms Under Good Supervision
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Tyler are the head residents at the Vets Housing unit.
Mr. Tyler is taking business administration In the college. They have two children, ages 2 and 1.
Before coming to McPherson, Mr. Tyler was in the grocery business in Alta Vista, Iowa. This is their first year as head residents at the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer are the head residents at Kline. Mr. Boyer is a student minister at Mac. Next year he is planning to go to the Bethany Biblical Seminary. They have one boy. age 2 1/2.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kough have been head residents at Fahnestock for two years. Mr. Kough teaches psychology and sociology and is director of public relations. Mrs. Kough assists in the home economics department.
Miss Edna Neher has been head resident of Arnold Hall for eight years. She graduated from Mac in '24 and lived in Arnold during her college days. She taught school for fourteen years and worked for the NYA for two years.
Miss Mae Albright is head resident at the Hoerner House. She has lived there one year. This year the nine boys living there are Herbert Edmunds, junior from Mc-Clouth, Kans.: Edwin Rine, freshman from Quinter, Kans., Jim Kerr, freshman from South English, Iowa; Paul Coffman, freshman from South English, Iowa: Robert Stehman, special student; James Sears, freshman from Eureka, Ks.; Ervin Proudy, freshman, from Dallas Center, Iowa; Moh-mad Zellie (Joe), junior from Iran: and Moussa Rabinia (Charley) sophomore from Iran.
Pep Club Orders Uniform Sweaters
The Pep Club is off to a grand start. Almost SO members have paid their dues for this semester. Last week the organization met. and final plans were made for ordering the new Pep Club sweaters from Morris’ and Son's down town. The sweaters will be white pullovers with a V-neck and will be worn first for the Homecoming celebration next week.
The Pep Club is in charge of the Pep Rally Friday night of Homecoming; however the cheerleaders will take care of most of the rally. The Pep Club girls will work with the band in planning and giving entertainment at half-time of the game.
The Pep Club Float Committee for the Homecoming Parade is made up of Delores Sigle, Chairman, Faye Ellen Trostle, Maude Ditmars, and Carole Davis.
Bechtel Heads Training Program
There is a course being offered at the McPherson church of the Brethren which should Interest many Macollege students.
It is called "On The Job Training." It takes place during the Sunday morning Sunday school hour as a general rule, however work with the young people is often done on Sunday evening.
The Idea is to train youth to become church leaders through the media of observation and study.
The essential steps are that a student first goes to the class and observe what is going on. The next step is to help the teacher. Then the student takes over the Job and becomes the teacher.
During the time of the training, the teacher should read pertinent material on techniques and other means of being a more efficient teacher.
The course will be taught from beginners up through young people.
Credit is given for this service In two areas. The first is in the International Council of Religious Education, from which the teacher will receive a diploma at the end of the course.
Credit will also be given in the local church toward the earning of a diploma in church work.
Anyone wanting further infor-mation should see Dr. Bechtel.
A faculty picnic will be held at Lakeside Park Monday, Oct. 8. at 5:30 p. m.
The outing is being planned by the Faculty Social Committee composed of Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel. Mrs. Jack Kough, Prof. E. S. Hershberger. Miss Mildred Siek, and Miss Della Lehman.
Each faculty family is to bring weiners, buns, a hot dish or salad, and dessert. The beverage will be furnished by the committee.
The dedication of the new Dell Lab and Beeghly Library will be held Wednesday. November 14, during Regional Conference week.
The dedication service will take place at 9:50 a. m.
In the afternoon all students and Regional Conference guests who wish to participate will be divided into three groups and taken on tours of the entire campus. Particular emphasis will be placed on touring the Dell Lab and the Beegly Library.
Mr. Dell and Mr. Beeghly who made it possible tor McPherson to have these buildings have been invited to attend the occasion: however, word has not been received from them as to whether they will be present.
No. 4
Fred L. Kildow, director of the Associated Collegiate Press, an-nounces that the All American Critical Service has awarded to The McPherson College Spectator a "Best rating," for superior Journalism practice and page make up.
Miss Rowan Keim, college Junior, was editor of the college paper for the semester that the award was made.
This is the highest rating that the Spectator has received since becoming a member of Associated Collegiate Press. According to Mr. Kildow, Miss Keim and her staff are to be congratulated for their achievements in the field of college Journalism.
Miss Keim while editor of the "Spec" made several changes in the make up of the Spec which was a great deal of help in obtaining such a high rating according to Miss Sarah Mae Vancil, sponsor.
These included the doing away with column rules, which according to many Journalistic experts is the coming trend. Also the title head of the paper was changed from old English script to a modern brush style of lettering.
Besides (ACP awards) making various layout changes Miss Keim attempted to keep the writing of the news items on a strict news, non editorial type of level.
College papers from all over the United States participate in the critical service of the Collegiate Press.
McPherson College Spectator is entered in the competition with other colleges of the same size as
By doing this the smaller papers do not have to compete with papers from the major universities or the nation.
Mr. Don Ford, present editor, states that he hopes to be able, with the help of his staff, to uphold the high ideals and practices that Miss Keim and her staff set.
Display New Books In Beeghly Library
Several purchases of new books have already been made by the librarian, Miss Virginia Harris, for the Beeghly Library. These books now on display may be seen in the east reading room upstairs.
Goenner To Head Mae Chapel Choir
Freddy Goenner was elected president of the Chapel Choir at a rehearsal Sept. 26.
Other officers include Margaret Baile, vice-president; Don Thralls, secretary- treasurer; and Glendon Button, librarian.
Scoreboard Is Pep Club Project
A now scoreboard, to go with the now time clock on the football field, has been selected as this year's project for the Pep Club.
Betty Ann Murry, president of the organization has announced that $300 is needed to buy the clock.
The club got "started on the right foot" this year by promoting the annual pajama parade. The organization also promotes the annual Swede Funeral and enters a float in the homecoming parade.
The cheer leaders are: Elsa
Kurtz, Bill Russel, Eldon Coffman, and Rowena Merkey. The officers include Betty Ann Murry, president: Marilyn Roe, vice-president; and Rowena Merkey, secretary-treasurer.
College Calendar
Friday 5:
McPherson football game at Baker University 7:45 p. m. Saturday 6:
An all-school movie, How Green Was My Valley, at 7:30 p. m. in the Chapel.
Sunday 7:
Kline Hall open house 3-5. Friday 12:
Queen’s Banquet.
Saturday 13:
Letter To The Editor
Mr. Don Ford, October 1, 1951
McPherson College Spectator.
Dear Don:
It was with a great deal of interest that I read your editorial entitled “Congratulations But—I know that most of the 300 students on the campus of the college read that editorial—perhaps it was the first time they have read the editorial column this year. If so, then you at least accomplished that much by your crusading type editorial.
I am not writing you to complain about what you said; for having been the editor of the Spec during my sophomore year, I can appreciate your position in writing about something you feel needs to be rectified on our campus.
However, in your editorial you mentioned that some of the lettermen eligible for membership in the “M Club” refused to join because of certain initiation practices, practices which these men considered wrong and perhaps immoral. I am a member of the club and as yet have never witnesses anything degrading or immoral in the initiation or the club.
Although some of the initiation may seem to be rather childish to the outsider, it is entered into by initiates and members in a spirit of fellowship and comradeship. Sometimes we have gone too far; but if these men have stayed out because they disapprove of the practices of the club, then that is where they have made their mistake. Who ever heard of improving anything or doing anything constructive merely by standing off and criticizing?
I personally had hoped that these men would have joined our organization, for there is always a need for men with ideals. I know we have men in our club who have high ideals and who will be leaders in their communities when they leave college: look at the leaders of the college and church communities now, and you’ll find that these men were constructive in their criticism. And when they saw places in which an improvement was needed they put their leadership and vitality to the wheel and thus brought about the desired improvements.
While editor of the Spectator, I received a great deal of criticism for things I wrote and things I didn't write, but a good friend told me that criticism is the easiest thing in the world to give—some people criticize because they do not know any other way to express themselves.
Frankly I am glad you wrote your editorial, but I still think that “M Club” is part of the community we here ate striving for and that, if the club falls short of the ideals, eligible members think the club should attain then they are in the wrong by staying out of the club. I personally invite them in with the other men of the club to cooperate and help us all to work for a better and more constructive
“M Club.”
Sincerely and respectfully yours, Max McAuley.
Innocent Or Guilty?
Flash! Bulletin! Flash! The local police department has picked up that scoundrel who has been taking more than his share of McPherson College Spectators.
The judge says that it will possibly go pretty hard on the girl, but since she is popular on the campus and is known to be usually a dependable, honest person there may be some allowance in her case.
The judge went on to say that he should make an example of this girl to the other students who are taking two or more copies of the Spec or sending some home to their folks. One would think that a paper is incidental, but reports show that each Spec costs five cents, and according to the Business Manager, it is hard enough to have ends meet with the prices on everything rising as they are.
The Editing Staff of the Spectator wishes that all students would cooperate with them and the Student Council in seeing that all students and faculty members get their one copy of the Spec.
Also, the staff asks that if there are any subscribers who failed to get any one of the four editions of the Spec, please notify them and they will mail one out to you.
The Spectator
Official Student Publication of McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, Published every Friday during the school year by the Student Council
1951 1952
Associated Collegiate Press
Enteres as second class mater November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson.
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rates for Address All Correspondence to
$1.50 McPherson, Kansas
Don Ford
Gerald Neher
Lorene Marshall
Martha McClung and Peggy Sargent Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz Sarah May Vancil
Reporters and Special Writers
Lucille Flory Faye Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Bob Wilson Kenneth Brown
26 Tour Mexico
Dear Sister Lil:
Here’s that long awaited letter which clues you in on the higher up—this time it’s about that wonderful trip to Mexico which I told you I’d be taking this summer.
Remember Professor Flory? He was our instructor for the trip. They couldn't have picked a bettor guide, nurse, teacher and all around good guy! And speaking of good "guys", the best of Mac went with us, namely Elsa Kurtz, Betty Ann Murrey, Betty Byers, Jake Shaeffer, Mrs. Alice Martin, Harold Fulkerson, Gene Sloan, Velva Wagner, and 18 others, which showed up at the opportune time.
Class was held on Mac campus August 6, 7, and 8. The morning of the 8th we were informed that we could leave for Mexico that afternoon. "Mexico, here we come!" nearly raised the roof.
When we found that we could buy 15 large bananas for 12 cents bananas became dessert for most of us. Soda pop and bananas, you should try it sometime! The next day found us in the markets of Tamazunchale or "Tom and Charlie."
Sunday Is market day and if you want to see how the poorer class of people make their living, just visit the Mexican markets.
August 13th: Everyone piled
in the bus and headed for the center of the city. Here we all paired off into twos or threes. Street markets, leather shops, banks, postoffices and Soars and Roebuck were assigned to the different groups and we started off to see how each functioned in Mexico. All this, as we didn’t try the taxi system, took a lot of walking, and I have never seen such a tired bunch as we twenty-six when we all crawled on the bus that evening.
That night we stayed at Dun-can, Oklahoma.
August 9, was spent in San Antonio, Texas. The main attraction there was the Alamo and San Jose Mission.
On the 10th we arrived at Laredo, Texas, and was that a thrill! You should have seen the cow-boys! You can bet your boots I’m heading for Laredo next summer!
The Rio Grande River was a big disappointment to the whole gang. I guess we expected a large river as shown on the maps, but all there was, or maybe all that we could find was a small creek.
We went through customs that day, too, as well as exchanging our good old U. S. dollars for Mexican pesos. Another “last” was drinking all the water we wanted. We had been warned by the officials that water in Mexico was not too good to drink, so soda pop was one of the main items on our diet while traveling “south of the border."
Monterey. Mexico, was our destination that night. A very romantic supper was eaten by the gang under the palms. The breeze was blowing gently, a very beautiful moon was shining, and music was being softly played in the background. For some odd reason they kept playing "I Get Ideas", and I had mine, yep, right In Laredo. Texas! On August 11, we ate at Victoria, Mexico, in a cafe that has the only ebony wood floor in the world.
We passed the Tropic of Cancer soon after that and hit the tropical jungles which, we found, were very beautiful. Banana trees, pine-apple fields, parrots and other tropical flora and fauna met our astonished respective gazes as we traveled farther and farther Into Central America.
Tasco, the silver capital of the world, was reached on the 14th. On the way there wo stopped at Cuernavaca and saw the cathedral which was started in 1529. Near the cathedral are the Barden Gardens and Guadelupe church. Naturally, we couldn’t go by without seeing them. In Tasco, we visited a Jewelry factory. Everyone found this Interesting as all the work Is done by hand. Here for the first time we went, all twenty six strong, to a Mexican movie.
You should have seen Cortez's palace and the oldest pyramid in Mexico! We saw these on the 15th on our way back to Mexico City.
are open each day. but all are open on special occasions.
Have you ever heard of the cathedral built on a pyramid? Well, we saw it. This church is unique in that it has a television antennae on it!
In Puebla we visited a pottery and onyx factory. It was very interesting to watch the workers mold the clay to the shape they desired.
August 18: We wont out to
the archeological zone of San Juan Teotichuacan. This is the location or the city of pyramids. These pyramids were built hundreds of years ago: no one knows the exact date, but the Indians have many legends about them. San Juan's zone covers an area of eight square miles in a little valley. Half of the pyramids have still to be uncovered. A strange feature of the pyramids is that they are connected by a street appropriately called "The Avenue of the Dead." What a strange feeling to walk down a deserted valley with strange buildings on either side of you!
All of the pyramids were built 15 degrees north of West. You can Bee that these Aztec's were a highly developed people in building, but as far as I can see that was about all. These pyramids were used for their human sacrifices!
We went to church at the Guad-elupe Shrine in Mexico City on the 19th. They have a 100-voice male choir and one of the largest organs any of us had over seen. Gold predominates in the color scheme of the church's interior.
After church we went to the floating gardens. These gardens consist of islands separated by a canal about seven or eight feet deep. Ferns and flowers cover the Islands. The boats are decorated with flowers and are all named after a girl. Musicians in boats will sing to you—If you pay them— and women sell orchid corsages for one dollar along the banks. It takes about two hours to complete the ride.
At four o’clock we went to the bull fights, the national sport of Mexico. These fights are held each Sunday, and six bulls are killed each time.
August 20: We went to the Embassy building and were fortunate to have a conference with William O'Dwyer, the U. S. Ambassador to Mexico. He gave us a 30-minute speech which was very inspiring. The main point of his speech was "Do not call Mexico a backward country, but a new country!"
SCA Sponsors Devotions In Chapel Of Church
Devotions are being held each Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings 7-7:15 In the Memory Chanel of the college church.
The national palace, cathedral, pawnshops and the Chapultepec castle were on the agenda for the 16th. This castle in Chapultepec was once used as an old Aztec fortress and was later used as the home for Spanish rulers and Mexican presidents. It has now been converted into a national museum. We rode the trolley going hack to our hotel and the electricity went off while we were on it. About 30 minutes elapsed before it came back on again.
Puebla. 100 miles southeast of Mexico City, was our destination for August 17. We stopped at Chalula which is located in a valley and Is composed mainly of 365 churches. Three hundred sixty-three of these churches were built for the Spanish and two for the Indians. Only twenty of them
Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Faculty Advisor
Rowan Keim Berwyn Oltman Max McAuley Frances Hall Lorens Clark
Ina Ditmars
Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley Bob Fryman
Mary Louise Hutcherson Kenneth Brown
—Business Manager
— Circulation Manager --Faculty Adulator
The Spectator 3
FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1951
At The End Of Euclid
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murrey, Eula Mae and La Vena, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cline, all of Conway, were open house guests of Betty Ann Murrey and Delma Cline Saturday evening In Arnold Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck, Mildred Beck's parents and her sister, Mrs. Norval McGonigle, were Saturday open house guests of Mildred.
Mrs. Everet Brown and Mrs. Don Brown of Wichita were open house and Saturday night guests of Kathy Russell, Mrs. E. Brown is Kathy’s anut.
Lois Yoder was a guest of Margaret Daggett Saturday night.
Mary Louise Hutcherson was an overnight guest of Barbara Berry Friday night.
Rev. Earl Frantz spent last week in southeast Colorado and southwest Kansas in the interest of college promotion. Friday evening he conducted a business meeting at the Larned Church of the Brethren. Sunday morning he fill-ed the pulpit at the Newton Church of the Brethren while the pastor, Prof. Raymond L. Flory was in Iowa with the ladles' trio.
Dr. James H. Elrod is attending the Middle Missouri District meeting at Leeton, Mo., this weekend.
Rev. Meredith Rogers, '39, brother of Anita Rogers and pastor of the Church of the Brethren of Dallas Center, Iowa, was a recent Macampus visitor.
The Carpenter sisters spent Sunday in Nickerson visiting relatives. Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Lehman and family. Mildred Beck accompanied them to Nickerson and spent the day visiting her parents.
Esther Mohler and Eleanor Scott attended Southeast Kansas District meeting at Fredonia, Kansas, Saturday and Sunday. Eleanor visited her grandparents who live in Fredonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ikenberry visited the Prof. S. M. Dell home last weekend. Mrs. Ikenberry is Professor and Mrs. Dell's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ikenberry are graduates of Macollege.
Shirley Alexander. Kathy Russell, Lou Carpenter. Delores Sigle, Ann Carpenter, and Phyllis Bowman took part in the American Legion Auxiliary Program Tuesday night at the community building.
The ladles' trio sang for Anita Roger’s father who was in the hospital at Corning, Iowa, Monday morning.
Delores Sigle was confined to her bed with the flu Sunday and Monday.
Margaret Halle. Dwight McSpad-den, Shirley Alexander, Tommy O'Dell, Betty Brammell, Vernon Petefish, Kathy Russell and Don Hoch attended a picnic at Coronado Heights Sunday evening.
Jim Kerr. Herb Edmonds, and Martha McClung went bowling Saturday night after open house.
Sunday afternoon Peggy Sargent. Lucy Flory, Jim Kerr and Herb Edmonds bowled at the alley here in McPherson.
Carole Huffman. Phyllis Johnson. and Kathleen Larson attended the Peace Workshop at the Southern Missouri Brethren Camp near Cabool, Missouri, last weekend.
Joe Kennedy and Max McAuley and friends were in Salina following open house Saturday night.
Lorene Marshall, Alberta Eb-bert, Betty Byers, Eleanor Stine, Florene Hale, Claudia Jo Stump, Vernie Burger and Doris Coppock attended the Drive-In Theater Saturday night after open house.
J. Lester Hooper. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ikenberry, of Manhattan, Kansas, were guests of Esther Ikenberry at open house Saturday evening. Mr. Hooper is a freshman at Kansas State. Mr. Ikenberry is Esthers’ brother and Mrs. Ikenberry is the former Leona Dell.
Ruth Strickler spent Sunday at her home at Ramona, Kansas, visiting her family.
Helen Mae Winger, Marion
Winger, and Cynthia Collingwood from Johnson, Kansas, were guests of Faye Ellen Trostle Sunday evening.
Mrs. C. C. Trostlo and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Trostle from Nickerson were open house guests of Faye Ellen Trostle. They are Faye's grandmother and uncle and aunt respectively.
Prof. Roy McAuley and family, Jack Kough, and Glee Yoder attended the S. E. Kansas District Meeting at Fredonia September 29 and 30. Also Gerald Neher and Bob Hamsher attended the meeting.
Lyle Neher's parents visited him at the hospital Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Lobban attended church Sunday at Monitor. Prof. Kenneth C. Bechtel was the speaker.
Phyllis Johnson and Dean Cotton ('51) were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith for dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Dave Metzler had Marilee Grove, Clara Domann, Margaret Daggett and Lorene Clark over for dinner the night of the Con-cordia-McPherson game. They all attended the game together.
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Metzler and Dr. Metzler's father were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Metzler.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Albright and Mrs. George Keim attended the benefit style show last Wednesday evening In the Community Building.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fryman were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Webster Sunday. After dinner they drove to the old Ind-ian Fort near McPherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crill visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Friedly over the weekend. Jim in a graduate of Macollege.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jameson were hosts to a Sunday dinner for Bob Kerr and Don Schultz, who it a 51 graduate of McPherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Blicken-staff entertained Ann Carpenter Charles Petefish. Janet Bulow Bob Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Dak Carpenter after the Concordia-Mc-Pherson football game.
Mr. and Mrs. George Keim had Mr. and Mrs. Daune Jamison over for refreshments after the McPher-son-Concordia football game.
Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Coppock, parents of Miss Doris Coppock, left last Thursday for Clovis, New Mexico. Mr. Coppock will be a substitute minister for three months.
Lowell Hoch, Loren Frantz and Harvey Miller traveled to Beatrice, Nebraska, during the weekend.
Marlene Evans of Nebraska spent the weekend visiting Virginia Reist in Kline Hall.
Lloyd Hummer visited during the weekend at his home in Booker, Texas.
Phyllis Kingery spent the weekend with her parents in Mt. Etna, Iowa.
Don Wagoner visited with J. D. Pote at his home in Cushing, Okla.
Eleanor Louthan visited in Wichita over the weekend.
Betty Baerg spent the weekend with friends in Hillsboro. Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Goenner spent the weekend visiting Mr. Goenner's parents in Zenda, Kansas.
Lucille' Flory, Eleanor Hamm and Jack Harter took Larry Higbe, who has been visiting in McPherson at the Berkebile home for
boys, to Salina Saturday afternoon. Larry left Salina for Missouri.
Miss Della Lehman, professor of English, went to Wichita Saturday evening to the State Democratic meeting. Gov. Morgan from Michigan was the speaker of the evening.
The meeting was a dinner and program held at the Broadview Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Lobban and Mrs. Joe Rich, students at Macollege, were also present.
In a double-ring ceremony read May 29, at 10 In the morning, Miss Maxine Coppock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Coppock of Kress. Texas, former Macollege student, and Wadie Maurice Gibbons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gibbons, Plainviwe, Texas were joined in marriage.
The wedding vows were solemn-nized in the home of the bride's parents, with the Rev. H. M. Coppock, officiating.
The improvised altar was banked with white gladioli, yellow dutch Iris, mock orange, and fern. In the background, a large round mirror was flanked with five-tapered candelabra.
Mrs. Donald Walberg played prenuptial selections at the piano and accompanied Miss Yvonne Birkin as she sang "I Love You Truly", and "The Lord's Prayer.” Mrs. Harry Axtell sang "Because."
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white satin gown with seed pearls sprinkled on the net yoke. The full skirt was worn over side hoops and terminated In a short train.
She carried a white Bible top-ped with a shower bouquet of white gardenias and satin streamers. For something old, the bride carried a handkerchief made from her mother's baby dress.
Candle lighters were Misses Susan and Sharon Coppock, sisters of the bride. They wore powder blue dresses with pink carnation corsages.
Out-of-town guests included the Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Coppock, Miami, N. M.; Miss Barbara Beck, Wolford. N. D.; Miss Yvonne Birkin, Haxtun, Colorado: Miss Bertha Landis, Falfurrias, Texas; and Miss Thelda Cobb.
The couple took a wedding trip to New Mexico and have been at home, 505 Independence. Plain-view, Texas, since June 5.
The bride is a 1950 graduate of Kress High School and has had one year at Macollege.
Rowan Keim and Beryl McCann will lead the SCA this year as the co-presidents. Ina Ditmars, secretary, and Bob Powell, treasurer, are the other elected members of the SCA cabinet.
Miss Betty Hanagarne of Farm-Ington, N. M., and Paul Hudson of Hawaii were united in marriage June 24 at the Navajo Methodist Mission in Farmington.
The ceremony took place nt 2:30 p. m. Prenuptial selections were played by Mildred Brudon and she accompanied Patsy Jones as she sang "Because."
The bride wore white slippers and a satin gown with a long train. She carried a bouquet of tiny white carnations and stephan-otis centered with two purple orchids. The bridal veil was finger-tipped and was held by a tiara of lace-covered satin.
The chapel was decorated with white gladiolas and ferns. Two candelabra on either side of a screen were surrounded with bowls of white gladiolas.
Frank Hanagarne, brother of the bride, was the couple's best man. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Alice, who was attired in a pale green organdy dress. She carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations and wore a headdress of white carnations.
Ruth Hanagarne, another sis-ter of the bride, was one of the bridesmaids; the other was Jean Tharp. They were attired in yellow and orchid organdy respectively.
The officiating minister was Willaid P. Bann. A reception followed the wedding at which approximately 200 guests were present.
The couple honeymooned In N. M., Texas and Oklahoma. They reside now at 201 1/2 Indiana, Wichita, Kansas.
The bride is a Macollege graduate of 1951 and the groom was a student of Macollege.
Much interest in the art department is evidenced by an enrollment of over seventy students. These aspirants include members of the Art Survey Class, Methods of Elementary School Art, Art History, Sketch Club, and beginning and advanced students who are taking art by appointment.
The Sketch Club is an adult group composed of artists from the city of McPherson. The Club meets here at the college once a week.
The art department is under the instruction of Prof. E. S. Hershberger, Professor Hershberger hopes to have an art exhibit during Regional Conference.
On the evening of October 1 fifteen forms could be seen moving back and forth before the fireplace north of Harnly. These shapes were carrying various sizes and shapes of kettles, bottles, and sacks.
No, these forms weren't ghosts, they were Women Council mem-bers and their sponsor, Dr. Mary Fee, having a steak fry. Each girl contributed part of the food, while Miss Fee furnished the steaks.
In case you're wondering what was In some of those containers, there was potato salad, baked beans, carrots and green peppers, chocolate milk, chocolate cake, and homemade ice cream plus Dot-ties of catsup, pickles and other trimmings.
Before supper. Anita Rogers led the group in playing games and singing.
After supper, each girl staggered home with her belongings, not feeling nearly as empty nor nearly as well as she had a short time be-
No community concert series will be held in McPherson this year. However, Prof. Lloyd Speers, Dean of the School of Music at Bethany College, invites all stud-ents interested to attend a series of five programs to be held at Lindsborg this winter.
A ticket for the whole series will cost $2.50. Among the numbers on the series will be a program by the Don Kossack Chorus and illustrations on Mount Palamar, where the world’s largest telescope is found.
Cards were sent out to local citizens last spring concerning the continuing of a community con-pert series, and, although there has been excellent response from the students during the past years, there did not seem to be enough people in McPherson interested to
hold a concert series.
The assembly program Monday. Oct. 1, was directed by the SCA. It was patterned from "The Old-Fashioned Revival Hour."
Max McAuley, as Rev. Charles Fuller, directed the students in some group-singing and explained the SCA. Elsa Kurtz, as Mrs. Fuller, also participated in the program. The pianists were Velva Wagner and LaFaughn Hubbard.
Students will have their pictures taken for the Quadrangle next week. The pictures will be taken on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on the Chapel stage.
Freshmen boys will wear dark sport shirts and freshmen girls will wear dark sweaters. They will have their pictures taken on Monday.
Sophomores are scheduled to appear on Tuesday. Girls will be attired in dark blouses with v-neck lapels. Sport coat, white shirt, and long tie is the dress requirement for the sophomore boy.
The Junior and senior class members will have their pictures taken on Wednesday. The women of the Junior class will wear dark sweaters. The men will wear suits with long ties.
Attire for senior women is a dark suit, senior men will be photographed in dress suits with a long, dark tie.
Editor and assistant editor of this year's Quad are Kathlyn Larson and Dick King, respectively. Irwin Porter is business manager with Don Wagoner acting as his assistant.
Bulldogs Win Over Concordia Teachers
Last Friday, the McPherson Bulldogs outplayed and out manned a determined Concordia Teachers team from Seward. Nebraska, to the tune of 47 to 6. This win gave the Canines a 2 win and none loss record for the year.
The Bulldogs completely outclassed the Nebraska team which except in the final period never got deeper than the 30-yard line into McPherson territory. When Concordia scored Coach Woodard had most of his fourth team on the field.
Eddie Ball, the former McPherson High star, was the big gun in the McPherson College lineup in the first quarter. On the second play after Concordia kicked off. Ball took the ball and sidestepped his way through left tackle to go 61 yards to pay dirt. Eugene Elrod's attempted kick was blocked.
Later In the first quarter. Bob Kerr raced 29 yards for a first down on the Nebraska 18 yard stripe.
Gene Smith was thrown for four yards loss and then Ball took the ball on the 21-yard line and scored. Elrod’s kick was good for the extra point.
Late In the first quarter. Concordia made two first downs In a row only to lose the ball on the McPherson 30. The Bulldogs took over, but lost the ball on a fumble on the 29 Just before the period ended.
Kerr scored first for McPherson in the second quarter when he sidestepped his way for 31 yards through the Concordia team to cross the goal line.
Elrod's kick was no good for the extra point.
Later In the same period Ball clipped off 19 yards and a first down on the Nebraska 33. Kerr carried the ball to the 25 and Howard Mehlinger passed to Bull for 23 yards and a first down to the
2- yard stripe. Kerr then went over for the touchdown. Elrod's kick was good for the extra point. At the end of the half the scoreboard showed the score to bo in favor of the Canines 26-0.
McPherson's first TD In the third period was setup when the Bulldogs blocked a Nebraska punt and recovered the ball on the Nebraska 4. After a few ground plays, Kerr broke for 10 yards and a first down on the Concordia 17. Smith, Ball and Kerr pushed the ball to the Concordia
3- yard stripe and then Kerr went over for the tally. Bob Wilson kicked the goal for the extra point.
A Concordia punt was blocked by Eddie Frantz, a freshman from Conway Springs, Kansas, and McPherson recovered on the Concordia 17-yard stripe. Mehlinger then passed to Don Hoch for 16 yards and a first down on the 3-yard marker, Hoch made another yard off tackle and then Bob Bean smashed over from the 2-yard line to score. Wilson again kicked the goal for the extra point.
Later in the final period, the Bulldogs recovered a Concordia
You might be interested in knowing that three of our Mcson College track stars, placed very commendably in the upper ranks of the Midwest National Inter-Collegiate Track and Field Championships at Emporia last June.
Dale Carpenter placed second In the Broad Jump with a distance of 22'7 1/2''. Dave Metzler set a now McPherson College record in the Half-Mile event with a time of 1:58.5 to rate a third place in the event.
Bob Bechtel also set a new Macollege record when he placed fourth in the Two Mile with a time of 9:51.5. These fellows deserve a round of applause because they competed against teams from 12 different states.
The Macollege baseball team of last spring will long be remembered here in McPherson. Here is a quote from the summer bulletin: "The Bulldog baseball team made athletic history this spring by completing the best season in McPherson's baseball history. The team played 13 games and won 10 of them.”
This team defeated Emporia State behind the pitching of Bill Moore, who won four games and first down on a 13-yard dash, Hoch clipped off three more and Bean another yard to the five. Mehling-er then passed to Clive Sharpe in the end zone to score. John Robi-son kicked the goal for the extra point.
Late in the fourth period Seev-ers passed to Richard Walther for 24 yards and a first down for Concordia on the McPherson 30-yard line. Beck made seven yard through the line and Wendt three more and a first down on the 20. Concordia was penalized five yards for being offside, and then Omar Dittmer passed to Walther who went over to score. Seevers attempted to kick the goal for the extra tally but it was no good.
was undefeated during the season. Glen Gayer won five games and lost only one to show his stuff as a freshman. Chuck Petefish led the team in batting with a fat .455 average.
Loren Blicnstaff and Earl Grindle, captain, turned in some nice batting performances to aid the team's offense. Some of the top defensive players were Wayne Blickenstaff at first base, Roland Delay at second base, and Gene Smith in center field.
Every man on the team came through with his share of good playing. Three cheers for this great team.
The tennis courts have been getting a workout when the weather permits. Bring your lob shot and your broken strings and come on out and join us some
afternoon.....Jerry Neher
seems to be un ace ping pong player. He challenges anyone of his size to a game in the recreation room of the gym.
Between seventy-five and one hundred students participated in the Folk Game Party which was held at the Gym after the football game Friday night. The evening was spent playing folk games directed by Elsie Kindley.
Professor and Mrs. Milton Dell were sponsors at the party in absence of the regular Social Committee Sponsors. The party was planned by the School Social Committee.
Macollege 1951 baseball team ended its spring season with 13 wins and 3 losses. Although the team was upset in the first round of the Kansas Conference tournament by Bethany, the season was the best in many years.
Coach Dick Wareham's Bulldogs were upset twice by Bethany. Emporia State gave the other defeat.
Macollege had an eight-game winning streak before Bethany upset the team’s "applecart" in the conference tournament. The Bulldogs heat the defending conference champs at College of Emporia by 25 to 2 and scuttled Emporia State in a return game here.
This was the second season in a row that Macollege has upset the Central Conference champions.
Coach Wareham's team showed superiority to its opponents In all fields, outhitting them .278 to .2-17, outfielding them .899 to .885 and outpitching them.
The Bulldog pitchers had a combined earned run average of 3.86, compared with 7.25 for their opponents.
Glenn Gayer, local righthander, dominated the pitching staff with five wins against one loss and topped the staff with a 2.28 earned run average. Gayer also pitched the most innings, 43 1/3.
Bill Moore, the fastballing senior from Chicago, shared honors with Gayer. Moore, who usually drew the tougher pitching assignments, received credit on the winning side for four pitching decisions, led the team in strikeouts with 43 and held the opposition to a combined batting average of .194.
A copy of last year’s Sept. 15 Spectator painted a rosy picture indeed of the football picture at Macollege when it stated.” Subtract the series with Sterling, and McPherson College would have a losing streak of 24 consecutive games and no non-conference wins since 1941”.
This was the situation as Coach Woodard entered the picture last year.
Oblivious of past records and backed by an enthusiastic group of supporters, his Bulldogs compiled a record of 3 wins against 5 de
For the second season in a now, Charlie Petefish, the slouch-stan-ced shortstop from Cedar Rapids. Iowa, led the club at bat. Chuck whacked a torrid .455 with 25 hits In 55 times at bat, and also was the club leader in triples, homers, total bases and runs bat-ted In.
Coach Wareham had four reg-ulars hitting better than .300 — Clinch Petefish, Loren Blicken-staff at .341: Earl Grindle at .327 and Glen Gayer at .319.
Bllckenstaff was the club's base-running star, scoring 19 runs and stealing 13 bases.
Grindle topped the team with six doubles and was runner-up to Petefish with 15 runs batted in.
feats, a far cry to former years.
This year Coach Woodard, flanked by two capable assistants, started practice on Sept. 1, with grinds twice daily. They now hold practice each afternoon, 3-5. Richard Wareham Is chief trainer this year, while Guy Hayes Is acting as line coach.
During his ten years at high school coaching, "Woody's” teams piled up a record of 81 wins, 10 losses, and 2 ties. They garnered nine consecutive league titles, four state championships, and wont undefeated six different years. His team at Lawrence Liberty Memorial High School ran a string of 39 consecutive wins without defeat.
Certainly good luck and good material do not alone produce this kind of an enviable record.
The Sept. 15, 1950, Spectator article was titled, "Co-operation, Hard Work Basis For Woodard Record.” His high school record, coupled with his past year’s work at McPherson College has borne this out in the highest degree.
Coach Woodard resides at 1223 East Euclid with his wife and four girls.