Five Choirs To Present Christmas Music Sunday

Five choirs, including 125 voices, will present "The Christmas Oratorio” by Camil Van Hulse under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick Dec. 16 at 7:30 p. m. in the Church of the Brethren.

McPherson College

McPherson, Kansas, December 14, 1951 No.

SGA Sponsors Hay-Ride, Caroling Party Tonight At 9

The all-school hay-ride and caroling party, sponsored by the SCA, will be held tonight

at 9. Professor Donald R. Frederick states that those in the Christmas Oratorio will

be dismissed at 9 P. M., or shortly after, to attend the party.

To Make Or Not To Make New Year’s Resolutions

Mrs. Florene Hale will sing the part of Mary and Claudia Jo Stump will sing the part of Mary's cousin, Elizabeth. The three wise men are sung by Beryl McCann, Keith Allison, and Max McAuley.

Gilford Ikenberry is singing the part of John, the Baptist, and Earle Lapp is the angel, Gabriel.

Other soloist are Anita Rogers and Gordon Fishburn.

A short soprano solo is sung by five girls: Florene Hale, Consette Wareham, Donna Wagner, Naomi Goenner, and Ruth Peckover. A second solo includes the same girls with the addition of Anita Rogers, Hazel Augsburger, Carole Huffman, and LaFaughn Hub-hard.

The birth of Jesus is the theme of the oratorio. It begins with the prophecy of the birth and continues through the visits of the wise men.

"The Christmas Oratorio" was given in its premier performance in this area last year by Macol-lege.

Mrs. Lloyd Larsen is the organist. Mrs. Elvin Wolf is the pianist. Miss Anne Krehblel will play the offertory and processional.

Professor Frederick, director of the oratorio, came to Macollege in 1946. He attended Bethany Biblical Seminary previous to accepting the position of vocal director here. He received his master’s de-gree in music from Northwestern University in 1950.

A Capella Choir

The A Cappella Choir members: are sopranos—Hazel Augsburger, Florene Hale, Carole Huffman, Ruth Peckover, Mary Louise Smith, Donna Wagoner, Miriam Albright, Nelda Ikenberry, Anita Rogers, and Claudia Jo Stump.

Altos—Phyllis Bowman, Clara Domann, Marilee Grove, Peggy Sargent, Donna Burgin, Ruth Crumpacker, Elsie Kindley, and Esther Mohler.

Tenors — Keith Allison, Herb Edmonds, Gordon Fishburn, Jerry McConkey, Glenn Nicholson, Bob Price, Don Wagoner, and Alvin Zunkel.

Basses—Myron Krehbiel, Curtis Leicht, Max McAuley, Beryl McCann, Don Fike, Gilford Ikenberry, Joe Kennedy, Berwyn Oltman, John D. Pole, and Don West. Chapel Choir

Macollege Chapel Choir members are: sopranos—Barbara Berry, LaVerne Burger, LaFaughn Hubbard, Lorene Marshall, Winifred Reed, Margaret Halle, Mary Caster, Angeline Flora, Esther Hornbaker, Phyllis Johnson, Katherine McLeod, and Dolores Sigle.

(Continued on Page Three)

MC To Sponsor Tournament

The McPherson College Economy Debate Tournament will be held on Macampus Saturday, Jan. 12.

The tournament includes four rounds of debate for each team entering. Each college brings a quota of judges.

The tournament is open to the public, and Macollege students will serve as time-keepers for the debates. The debates will be held in Harnly and Sharp Hall.

Typically from forty to sixty teams enter this annual tournament.

Students To See Movie Saturday

"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," a story of the fundamental struggle of a human being to overcome limitations of environment, is to be given in the chapel Saturday, Dec. 15 at 7:30 p. m.

This movie is Betty Smith’s stry of "Francis" who strove toward a better life amidst the squal-or and meanness of a poor Brooklyn neighborhood. "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn”, a two and one-half hour movie, stars Dorothy McGuire, Joan Blondell, James Dunn, and Peggy Ann Garner.

An offering will be taken to help defray the expenses of the film.

This is the second movie that the Social Committee has scheduled this year.

Freshman’s Prayer

I want to be a Senior, and with the Senior stand,

With fountain pen behind my car, and notebook in my hand.

I wouldn't be an angel, for an-gels have to sing.

I’d rather be a Senior and never do a thing!!

Churches Feature Christmas Music

Christmas Concert. Cantatas. Oratorio will be some of the special services Sunday in the McPherson Churches. There will be various Christmas programs in the churches during the week.

The First Congregational Church will be having its Annual Christmas Concert on Sunday, Dec. 16, at 11 a. m. The public is Invited.

The Covenant Church is pro-tenting the Cantata, "Bethlehem Choir", composed by Noel Benson, on Sunday, Dec. 16. at 7:30 p. m. Their annual Christmas Program will be presented on Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7:30 p. m.

The Trinity Lutheran church will be having its Children's Christmas Program on Sunday, Dec. 16, at 7 p. m.

Rev. Zeller will be bringing the morning message, "How Shall We Observe Christmas," in the McPherson Church of the Brethren, The "Christman Oratorio" will be presented on Sunday evening. Dec. 16. at 7:30.

The McPherson Church Choir and the College Church Choir, will combine to give the special music Sunday morning, Dec. 16, at the Church of the Brethren. They will do an antiphonal number. "Silent Night.” Then with the members of the A Cappella and Chapel Choirs, they will sing "Kings to Thy Rising," another Christmas number.

The Church of God is having Mrs. Carl Haberline, a chalk artist, there Sunday evening at 7:30. Her theme for the evening is Christ’s birthday. The Christmas Program will be given on Thursday evening, Dec. 20, at 7:30.

Debaters Climb To Semi-Finals

Joe Kennedy and Eugene Bech-tel climbed to the semi-finals in the Junior Division of the elimination debate tournament held at Southwestern College, Dec. 7-8.

Winning four out of the five preliminary debates. Bechtel and Kennedy, along with seven other teams in their division, entered the quarter-finals.

They won that debate and moved on to the semi-finals. In the semi-finals they lost to a Kansas University team in a split decision, placing them in third place for the Junior Division.

Other Macollege teams debating were: Alvin Zunkel and David Metzler, Senior Division; Vi Alail-ima and Robert Hamsher, Senior Division; and Mary Louise Hutcherson and Lyla Whitham, Junior Division.

Eugene Neff attended the tournament for observation, and Miss Doris Coppock accompanied the group as Faculty representative.

MerryMacs Meet At Y

The MerryMacs met at the local V for an evening of entertainment and recreation last Friday night, Dec. 8.

The group previewed a series of comics and played volleyball.

Present were:    Bob Augsburg-

ers. Bob Frymans, Fred Clines, Ed Zooks and Don Fords.

Chapel Choir Presents Scripture, Carols In Chapel

Scriptures and carols concerning the birth of Christ were prevented in chapel Dec. 12.

The Chapel Choir under the direction of Miss Doris Coppock sang "The Christmas Carol".

LaVon Widegren and Jack Harter read the scriptures. Max McAuley lead the singing. Dale Royer presided.

Lindsay Gives Rules For Life Investment

"How are you going to invest your life?" was the question asked by Rev. Thomas P. Lindsay when he spoke in assembly Dec. 10. Rev. Lindsay, who i s the pastor of the Lindwood Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, gave three rules for wise investments.

The first rule of investment is to invest early to get the most out of it. That is, "to find something worthwhile and constructive to do early in life."

The second rule is to Invest in the right thing. Rev. Lindsay stated that a person follows the pattern he sets us a youth. "Invest in the things which last through eternity."

The third rule he gave it to in-vest liberally. "Love God with all your soul, all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength."

Rev. King Phillips led the devotions. Charles Nettleton gave a vo-cal solo.

Christmas Chapel Will Be Held In Church;
Zeller Is Speaker

The annual Christmas Chapel program will be held in the church. Dec. 17, during the regular chapel period.

Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr. will be the speaker. The College Church Choir will sing.

Townspeople as well as students have been invited to attend.

Final Exams Are Scheduled

The dates for the filial examinations are: Friday, Jan. 11, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jan. 14, 15, 16.

Enrollment for second semester is Thursday and Friday, Jan. 17.


Second semester classes will convene for the first time on Monday Jan. 21, 1952, at 8 a. m. Friday, January 11, 1952:

8-10 All 8 T. W. Th. classes except Freshman English and European History.

10-12 All Freshman English


1:20-3:20 All 8:55 M. W. F. classes except Intro. to Lit. and European History.

3:20-5:20 All 8:55 T. Th. classes except Freshman English. Monday, January 14, 1952:

8-10 Ail 10:25 M. T. Th. classes except Freshman English.

10-12 Introduction to Literature.

1:20-3:20 All European History classes.

3:20-5:20 All 11:20 M. W. classes.

Tuesday, January 15, 1952:

8-10 All 11:20 T. Th. F. classes and Old Testament.

10-12 All 1:20 M. W. F. classes except Intro. to Lit.

1:20-3:20 All 1:20 T. Th. classes.

3:20-5:20 All 3:10 and appointment classes unless announced otherwise by the instructor. Wednesday, January 16, 1952: 8-10 Old Testament Life and Literature.

10-12 AU 2:16 classes M. W. F. 1:20-3:20 All 10:25 W. F. and 2:15 T. Th. classes.

3:20-5:20 Open period.

Jan.    17-18—Thursday and

Friday, Enrollment for Second Semester.

By LaFaughn Hubbard

Hap-py New Year!

In just 17 days 1952 will be officially ushered in. Students and faculty members alike are beginning to think about New Year’s resolutions. However, is is the opinion of some people that resolutions are a good thing to think about but are hardly worth making.

Probably one reason for this opinion is that resolutions are often made faithfully on New Year’s Eve but forgotten or brok-en on New Year's Day.

Many people make the same resolutions each year. These resolutions serve as a reminder or inspiration of some ideal.

Others prefer to make New


Arnold Hall Has Visitor

Are there spooks In Arnold Hall?

Four-year-old Duane Powell. Ann and Bob's little brother bought there were when he spent 36 hours in Arnold Hall with his sister.

With the aid of a flashlight, he sent on a "spook hunt" and found one. Only it turned out to be Ann's roommate.

Little Duane seemed to enjoy living on second, for he was reluctant to leave. During his stay of a day and a half, he observed the techniques of pinning up hair and broke the rules by crying after hours.

His favorite pastime was running back and forth through the swinging doors and playing with he swinging lid on the trash can.

Duane came to Macollege with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Kingsley, Iowa.

A Cappella Sings in Chapel

The A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Prof. Donald R. Frederick, made its first appearance in chapel Dec. 5. The choir sang "None Other Lamb," Dem-undson, and "O Lamb of God." Kalinnikoff.

"For me to live is Christ" was the theme of Rev. Gilbert Otte-son's speech presented in Chapel

Dec. 5.

"We should identify ourselves with Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him us our Lord and Saviour." he stated.

Rev. Otteson brought out three ways of being identified with Christ. First, in death—"We must die in selfishness to live in Christ."

Second, in his life—"We should seek his will for us.”

Third. In His work—"Take what we know and go tell others."

Christmas Season Pervades Campus

Christmas is in the air, although on Dec. 1 when the first Christmas tree appeared on campus in Arnold Hall, old man weather turned out a beautiful spring-like day.

Many comments have been made about the tree on the second floor of Arnold which sends Its cheery lights out across the campus every evening.

One student commented that the Dog House Christmas tree resembled a gay neon sign as it flashed on and off at intervals.

Caroling and parties seems to bring Christmas nearer. Dec. 6. various members of Fahnestock went caroling.

Tuesday evening from 10 to 10:-30 p. m., Arnold Hall had a caroling party after which Miss Neher served the girls hot spiced tea.

The girls in Kline also held a Christmas party Tuesday evening with exchange of gifts.

Every man is to be respected as an absolute end in himself; and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as a human being to use him as a mere means for some external purpose.—Emmanuel Kant.

Year’s resolutions all year long or whenever they are needed. Miss Della Lehman likes to make hers in September when school begins. Most students make, their resolutions when they receive their nine-week or semester grades.

Miss Sarah May Vancil likes to make New Year's resolutions because it is an opportunity to evaluate what has been done and to make corrections and improvements for the coming year.

Don Ford, editor-in-chief of the Spec, makes the same resolutions each year because he always breaks them.

Esther Ikenberry, freshman, has made here early this year. After missing English one morning, Esther has decided to "get up earlier."

Students Spend Xmas Holidays At Rec Laboratory

Several members of Rec Council will attend a Recreational Laboratory at Manchester College Dec. 26-Jan. 1.

This Recreational Lab is being held primarily for the interested persons of the Central Region, but people from other regions are expected to attend also.

The Laboratory on Manchester campus concludes the program begun three years ago by the Recreational Committee. The committee has sponsored a lab in the Eastern Region at New Windsor, Maryland, and one in the Western Region on Macollege Campus.

Those attending the Recreational Laboratory from Macollege will be: Elsie Kindley, Glendon Button, Virginia Royer, Jake Sheaf-fer, June Blough, and Prof. S. M. Dell.

Professor Dell is leader of the Rec Council here on campus and represents the Western Region on the Recreational Committee.

Players Tour Oklahoma, Texas

The cast of the one-act play. "The Terrible Meek.” and the director returned Sunday night from an eight-day tour of nine churches in Oklahoma and Texas.

The college car. in which they rode, travelled approximately 1500 miles. The play was performed seven times, and miscellaneous items were given at all of the churches.

Macollege persons making the tour were: Prof. Roy E. McAuley, Marlin Walters, Donna Phelon, and Glenn Bellah.

In Glenn's home town of Naco-na, Texas, they found cotton still being picked. They also picked mistletoe off the tree there. The feminine member of the party returned home with a boxful of the precious cargo.

Dorm Opens Doors As “State Fair”

Open House at Fahnestock Hall will be held Saturday eveinng, Jan. 5, 1952.

A state fair theme will be carried out complete with individual booths, exhibits, and sideshows. The public is invited.

Plans for the night are being completed by the dorm council headed by Glen Nicholson, dorm president.

Clubs Make Toys

The Christmas project undertaken by the SCA and UNESCO is progressing very well, members of the two clubs report. The stuffed toys baye been completed except for finishing touches. The wooden toys are progressing well.

Anyone who wishes may work on these toys. The members of these two organisations express their appreciation to those who have been helping.

The work is not yet complete and more help is needed to finish it before vacation begins.

Chicago University Offers Scholarship

Chicago University is now offering scholarships to graduate students who wish to enter divisions of the University or the professional Schools in 1952.

Applications, which may be obtained from the University, must be filed before February 1, 1952. More Information is posted on the bulletin board outside the dean’s office.

The caroling party will ride in trucks fined with hay, provided by Bob Powell and Glen Bellah. They will visit various shut-in people throughout McPherson whose names have been obtained from Rev. Harry K. Zeller.

Elsa Kurts and Mary Louise Hutcherson, in charge of the party, said that the group will carol from one to one and one-half hours.

Afterward, the social committee of the SCA, consisting of Phyllis Bowman and Mildred Beck, will serve refreshments of hot chocolate and "nutty eights" in the Dog House.

The SCA extends an invitation to everyone to join the fun.

Arnold sponsors Slumber Party

Fourth floor Arnold again has the "bug" for adventure, and is sponsoring a slumber party for all Macollege girls, in the college gym Monday ngiht, Dec. 17, at 10 o’clock.

Girls are requested by the committees to come dressed in their P. J. s., and to bring with them a blanket, pillow, a 10-15 cent gift for the grab bag, and 15 cents for a midnight snack.

Tuesday morning the girls will troupe en-masse to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Committees for the slumber party are: Publicity—Ina Ditmars, Shirley Alexander, Ruth Strickler, Foods—Mildred Beck, Marilee Grove, Angle Flora; Grab Bag —Delores Sigles, Winnie Reed, and Alice Flory. Chaperones for the party are Mrs. Jack Kough and Miss Doris Coppock of the faculty.

Macollege Classes Take Field Trips

Two classes from Macollege took field trips to the Institute of Logopedics in Wichita recently.

Thursday morning, Nov. 29, the educational sociology class accompanied by Dr. Kenneth Bechtel visited the institute. Shortly before noon they went to East High School where they ate lunch. A tour of the school was made in the afternoon. Before coming home they also visited North High School briefly.

Friday morning Dec. 1., the genetics class also visited the Institute of Logopedics and from there they went to Winfield to visit the state institution for the mentally deficient.

They wore directed on the tour through the institution by Dr. Wright, who is a psychologist there, Dr. R. E. Mohler accompanied the class on the trip.

College Calendar

Saturday, Dec, 13:

"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" will be given in the Chapel at 7:30 p. m. An offering will be taken to defray expenses. Everyone is invited.

UNESCO dinner given for the UNESCO members only at 6 p. m. in the basement of the Church of the Brethren.

Merry Mac Party following the film.

Sunday, Dec. 10:

Christmas Oratorio at 7:30 p. m. at the Church of the Brethren. Tuesday, Dec. 18:

Christmas recess begins at 4 p. m.

Friday, Dec. 14 to Friday, Dec. 21 Basketball trip to Idaho during Christmas vacation.

Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1952

Christmas recess ends and classes are resumed.

Friday, Jan. 4:

Ottawa basketball game at McPherson.

Saturday, Jan. 5:

Fahnestock Hell open house.

Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindled

Rowan Keim Rob Fryman Frances Hall Lorene Clark ISA

Christmas—A Festival Day

By Ruth Papa

Just after the shortest day in the year, when the earth begins to turn its northern hemisphere toward the sun, more than half the nations celebrate Christmas—the birthday of Jesus Christ. No other festival brings so much happiness to so many persons, and no other holiday is so widely observed the world around.

The present-day American Christmas is the heir of Christmas in many lands and in many ages, for colonists from England and Holland, from Germany and Sweden, from Spain and France and Italy, have all contributed to it, some of the customs of their homelands. Above all, it is a day of family celebration and a special day for the children.

Houses are decorated with wreaths and greens. On Christmas Eve a tree is set up and made festive with artificial snow or silver icicles, colored glass ornaments, and little electric lights.

On Christmas Eve children hang up their stockings; and while they sleep. Santa Claus fills each stocking with toys, oranges, nuts, and candy, to be discovered early on Christmas morning. After the exchange of gifts, the family may go to church, but the remainder of the day is usually spent in happy celebration at home.

The American Christmas especially remembers the poor. Every community takes the responsibility for seeing that some joy or comfort comes to its less fortunate members. Churches, schools, and charitable organizations collect food and clothing. Other groups provide entertainment and gifts for the children whose parents are not able to give them a happy holiday.

Another of our customs which make Christmas beautiful is the singing of songs which we call carols.

In the town of Bethlehem, where Christ was born, his birthday is also celebrated. On Christmas Eve a long procession winds through the narrow streets. At the old. fortress-like Church of Nativity they pause as each worshiper stoops to enter the low doorway. A strange medley of pil-grems from every Christian land listens to the story of the Nativity and the singing of the midnight mass.

In many places Christmas Eve has become a community festival, held out-of-doors—a custom that may have come from the open-air fetes of Spain and Italy. Young and old gather about a huge, community Christmas tree and join in a program of songs and carols.

Many great pictures, poems, and stories have been inspired by Christmas. The Nativity scene has been a favorite subject of many famous painters.

One of the best loved of the Christmas stories is Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”

In all lands, the real inspiration behind these traditions and customs is the celebrating of the birth of Jesus.

Christmas, it has well been said, is “like a big sieve in which everything is most beautiful, most significant, most potent and most lively.”

“Christmas is the great festival of the entire year, the day of greatest significance which has attracted cere-monies and symbols from a whole series of other festivals and celebrations which have disappeared and have been forgotten.”

Is There A Santa Claus?

“Dear Editor:    I am 8 years old. Some of my little

friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says if you see it in the Sun it’s so. Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?—Virginia O’Hanlon.”

“Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds.

"All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant. in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him. as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life the highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if


Don Ford----- Editor-In-Chief

Gerald Neher ...............-........................................ Managing Editor

Lorene Marshall -------------------    Campus Editor

Martha McClung    . .    -------------- Society Editor

Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz ............. ...... Sports Editors

Sarah May Vancil ................ Faculty Advisor

Reporters and 8peclal Writers

Faye Ellen Trostle

Bryce Miller Esther Mohler fetor


Mary Louise Hutcherson Lyle Whitham

Kenneth Brown

Margaret Yost------

Gordon Yoder-—

there were no Santa Claus.

“It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no child-like faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We would have no enjoyment except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished,

“Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn?' Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen and unseeable in the world.

“You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

“No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.”

Every year at Christmas time since 1897, thousands of newspapers have reprinted Francis P. Church’s famous Sun editorial written as a reply to a little girl’s letter to the editor.

Tradition In Danger

Hutchinson News Herald

Having watched the wonder of a three-year old at Christmastide, I believe in Santa Claus.

But my illusions are somewhat dented when I see some of the Santa Clauses on the merket to-day—dirty,    motheaten beards

which don't seem to hang straight, the dull gleam of teeth covered with fine old tobacco stain, baggy pants, a stomach that seems to have slipped in the direction of Labrador, and even, s'help me, the aroma of stale beer on the breath.

This is the sacrilege of the worst order. A Santa Claus worthy of the name should as sparkling as the star atop the tree.

His uniform should he neat, his heard straight and clean, his teeth gleaming his breath pure.

Perhaps Santa Clauses should unionize, with the first retirement for membership being strict adherence to matters of dress and behavior.

If some control is not exercised, the whole tradition is likely to collapse, leaving children only Hopalong Cassidy (who is a model of neatness) and Rudolph, the reindeer.

quet Saturday evening.

The Iowa Conference will be Dec. 29-30.

"The Call or Christ" will be the theme for the Southern Missouri Conference. Prof. Raymond Flory will be the guest speaker. Dorothy Swinger will be in charge of Sunday School, D. Eugene Lichty, '44, will preside at the church service, Claudia Jo Stump will be song leader, and Don Fike will be chairman of the Consecration service. The conference will be held at the Greenwood Church of the Brethren, west of Cabool, on December 20 and 30.

The North American Student Christian Conference will be held at the University of Kansas on December 26, to January 1. Quite a few McPherson students will be attending who are: Jerry Neher, Don Thralls, Beryl McCann, Jim Elrod, Kuki Ilaoa, and Maurice

Conferences Held Over Holidays

The Western Region Young people are planning an active holiday program. The districts having cabinet meetings or rallies are: Nebraska, Southwest Kansas, Southern Missouri, Combined Iowa, and Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico.

Nebraska is planning an evening for the Eastern Section on Dec. 18, in Lincoln. An all day cabinet meeting will be held the next day with Kathryn Forsyth as hostess. Others attending will be Berwyn and Mario Oltman and Eleanor Louthan.

The theme of Service will include pictures of Greece by Dean Neher, a chili supper, discussion groups, collection of eyeglasses, and a carnival of sports on the docket for the Southwest Kansas Conference.

It is to be held at Eden Valley Church. St. John, on December 29 and 30, starting at 4:30 p. m. Those who have helped to set up the conference are: Bryce Miller, Lorene Clark, Kenneth Brown, and Bob Mays, advisor.

Dick King and Curtis Leicht have announced that their conference will be at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, on Dec. 20 and 30. Rev. Ed Collings and the Bartlesville young people have been working on the details. Harley Stump will be the guest speaker at the ban-

Kansas Wesleyan Has New Building

Ground was broken for a new fine arts building on the Kansas Wesleyan University campus, Salina, Nov. 15.

The site of the new building, to be known as the Earl C. Sams Hall of Fine Arts, is west of the math, gate to the Kansas Wesleyan campus.

Four Students Represent Samoa

There are four Samoan students attending McPherson College this year. Valinupo Alailima, Kuki Il-aoa, Tuma Lauiusa are sophomores while Mua Sinapi is a freshman.

Vi is from Western Samoa while the others are from East Samoa. The Samoan Islands are divided politically into two parts.

Western Samoa is an English mandate which is administered by New Zealand. The population of Western Samoa is approximately 66,000. The chief crops include cocoa, copra, bananas and some rubber.

Eastern Samoa is controlled by the United States. The Navy Department has direct control of the islands.

In the islands there is very little variation of temperature. The temperature ranges from about 90 degrees in December to February and 75 degrees in August.

The average yearly rainfall is about 190 Inches. The rainy season is from December to February.

Samoa is one of the most beautiful and charming places in the South Seas and attracts many tourists.

-------------- Business Manager

Assistant Business manager

.....——— Circulation Manager

Assistant Circulation Manager -*----- Faculty Advisor

FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1951

At The End Of Euclid

Read all the Spec advertisements

If you're right, take the humble side—you'll help the other fellow, if you’re wrong, take the humble side—and you'll help yourself.— R. L. Erwin

Those attending "Tartuffe” at Lindsborg Wednesday and Thursday Evenings - were Shirley Alexander, Yolando Cerezo, Marilee Grove, Rowan Keim, and Betty Byers.

Merlin Miller was a dinner guest of Delma Cline and her family at Conway Sunday evening.

Margaret Daggett visited at the Glen Strickler home at Ramona, Kansas, Sunday.

Phyllis Bowman spent Sunday visiting the Harold Beam family of rural McPherson.

Miss Lehman, after attending the North Central Association Regional Conference in Topeka Saturday, went on to Kansas City to do some shopping.

Hatsuko Kanazawa spoke at the Granada Church in northeast Kansas Sunday, Dec. 9.

June Blough visited her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blough in Kansas City over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Jeffers and

Mohlers Entertain Guests

Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Edwin, and Genelle had guests for dinner Sunday, Dec. 9.

Those present were Mrs. Jack Kough, Mrs. Arthur Ray Childs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Sollenberger and Jay, Miss Virginia Harris, and Miss Sarah May Vancil.

Dr. Mohler showed colored slides of some of the trips the Mohler family has made in the western and northern parts of the United States.

Faculty Have Christmas Dinner

Faculty members, husbands, Wives, and guests “swapped" partners for a two-course meal Thursday night, as they were entertained at a progressive dinner party in the church basement.

For course number one, the men drew stars from an envelope; the person whose name was on the paper became the gentleman's partner. Women drew partners in the-same-way for the second course.

Table decorations centered around a Christmas motif consisting of pine needles, Christmas balls, and candles.

The impromptu program, based on a rural school Christmas program theme, was planned by Miss Della Lehman.

Forty-six were present for the dinner.

The meal, which was planned and served by the Quantity Cookery class, under the direction of Miss Mildred Siek included ham patties, toasted potatoes, creamed peas, cranberry salad, rolls, butter, applesauce cake, and Coffee.

son and Mr. Jeffer's mother visited on the campus Saturday evening and Sunday morning. They were enroute to Iola, Kansas, to attend the wedding anniversary of Mr. Jeffer’s grandparents. Mrs. Jeffers is the former Mary Ann Bishop.

Miss Della Lehman will attend an annual co-operative Christmas dinner this evening at the home of Miss Verna Shaw with ten other friends. She is responsible for bringing the cranberry cocktail.

Kathryn Forsyth. "Berwyn Olt-man and Shirley Wine spent the weekend visiting in Enders, Nebr.

Eleanor Louthan, Eleanor Hamm, Christine Harada, and Joan McRoberts went to Wichita shopping Saturday, Dec. 8.

Now visiting the Guy Hayes family are Mrs. Hayes’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lackey of Los Angeles, Calif. The Lackeys arrived Sunday evening, Dec. 2, and plan to stay for an extended Visit.

Young Republicans Organise Club

McPherson Collegiate Young, Republican Club met Wednesday; evening, Dec. 5. 1951, for an organization session.

Speaking briefly at the session were Don Reed, president of the University of Wichita Young Republicans, and Paul A. Lackie, state chairman of the Kansas Young Republicans. Al Hawkin-son, chairman of the McPherson County Young Republicans was also present.

The program consisted of elec-tion of officers, short speeches, discussion, and refreshments.

Officers elected were: president. Joe Kennedy; vice-president, Lloyd Hummer; secretary, Carole Huffman: corresponding secretary.

Mary Ellen Yoder; treasurer, Mary Louise Hutcherson, and adult advisor, Prof. Roy McAuley.

Several members of the M. C. Y. R. P. attended the Young Republicans state convention which was held at McPherson the past weekend. Elsa Kurtz was the official delegate of the club.

Speakers at the state convention included Gov. "Edward F. Arn of Kansas; Sen. Andrew F. Schoep-pel of Kansas; Miss Carol Arth, Redlands, Calif., co-chairman of the national Young Republicans, and P. Kenneth Peterson, state chairman of the Minnesota-Republican party.

Hayes Conducts Kiwanis Division Training

Prof. Guy Hayes conducted a division training conference for seven Kiwanis clubs at Marion, Kans., on Dec. 3.

Professor Hayes is Lieutenant Governor elect for the Kiwanis clubs.

MerryMacs Plan To Exchange Gifts

The MerryMacs, the married students of Macollege, will meet in the SUR following the all-school film Saturday night, Dec. 15.

The group will have a period of recreation and refreshments will be served.

A White Elephant gift exchange will be featured.

All married students are asked to come and bring a white elephant gift wrapped in colorful Christmas paper.

(Continued from Page One)

Five Choirs To Present

Altos — Carole Davis, Esther Ikenberry, Rita Ellen Royer, La-Von Widegren, Mildred Beck, Dorothy Swinger, Faye Ellen Frostle, and Velva Wagner.

Tenors — Fred Goenner, John Nettleton Don Richards, Phil Kline, Karl Baldner, and Tumu Laulusa.

Basses — Paul Coffman, Don Goodfellow, Dale Royer, Mua Sin-api, Don Thralls, Glendon Button, Jack Harter, and Philip Radatz.

Miss Doris Coppock supervises the Chapel Choir.

College Church Choir

Macollege Church Choir: so

pranos—Pauline Adams, Margaret Baile, LaVerne Burger, Margaret Daggett, Alberta Ebbert, Angeline Flora, Naomi Goenner, Katherine McLeod, Jo Ann Royer, Kathleen Russell, Dolores Sigle, and Ruth Strickler.

Altos—Yolanda Cerezo, Carole Davis, Esther Ikenberry, Elsa Kurtz, Kathlyn Larson, Rita Ellen Royer, Dorothy Swinger, Faye Ellen Trostle, and LaVon Widegren.

Tenors--Fred Goenner, Tumu Laulusa, Jerry McConkey, John Nettleton, and Don Richards.

Basses—Karl Baldner, Wilbur Bastin, Eldon Coffman, Jack Harter, James Kerr, Dick King, and Bob Stehman.

McPherson Church Choir

McPherson Church Choir members are: sopranos—Miriam Albright, Barbara Bowman, Joan Bowman, Olive Ranck, Barbara Lapp, Dorothy Lauver, Doris Metz-ler, Peggy Sargent, and Cosette Wareham.

Altos—Kathryn Bechtel. Mary Jo Christy, Doris Coppock, Velva Wagner, Glee Yoder, Virginia Royer, and Anne Colyn.

Tenors — Royce Beam, Melvin Christy, Earle Lapp, Paul Sherfy, Paul Sollenberger, and Julius Steele.

Bases—Ellis Albright, Wilbur Ediger, E. S. Hershberger, David

Lehman Attends PMLA

Miss Della Lehman is planning to go to Chicago and Detroit during vacation. She will spend Christmas with her sister in Detroit and will then attend a Modern Language Association Convention in Detroit Dec. 26-30.

McPherson college is sending Miss Lehman as a delegate to represent the college. She also plans to see her niece perform on television.

Bittinger, Kough Direct Institute

Dr. D. W. Bittinger and Professor Jack Kough traveled to Adel, Iowa, Friday afternoon Dec. 7. They directed a Home and Family Life Institute over the weekend.

Dr. Bittinger was in charge of the married people while Jack Kough Instructed the unmarried people in discussion groups.

Dr. Bittinger concluded the Institute by delivering the sermon Sunday morning at church. The topic of his sermon was “Christian Education Through the Home. Church, and School.”

Metzler, Charles Royer, and Gordon Yoder.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is composed of: Diane Bowman, Netta Jean Brighton, Jerry Coffey, Sherry Coffey, Robert Dell, Delores Golla-day, Sophie Heidebrecht, Dick Jones, Katherine Jones, Linda Larsen.

Charlene Lauver, Marlene Lauver, Marilyn Roth, Sharon Roth, Ardith Sellers, Marjorie Sellers, Joyce Wall, Irvin Wagner, and and Vena Catherine Wary.

Mrs. Paul Sherfy is director of this choir.

Most Students Go Home Christmas

Christmas vacation is almost here. The students are planning to spend their vacations in various ways.

Raymond Walker: Going home, to Norton, Kansas, I think my Dad has plenty lined up as far as work is concerned to keep me busy.

Ruth Strickler: Help my father invoice at the store. It will be mostly book work. And I want to see lot of my friends, have a good time and make Christmas candy.

Betty Brammell: Going to be home with my parents at Perry, Kansas.

Miss Neher: I’m going to my sister's at McCune, Kansas. It is the J. L. Mohler home. There will be no one here In the dorm.

Don Thralls: First I'm going to Haxtun, Colo., after a combine. Then down to my brother’s at Billings, Oklahoma. After Christmas to the Quadrangle Conference at Lawrence, Kansas, which is from Dec. 27 to Jan. 1.

Mary Caster: Going home to Hutchinson. Plan to work part of the vacation, study, take it easy and catch up on my sleep.

Alice Flory: Sleep! Take it easy and study. I’m going home, to Clarence, Iowa.

Miles Tyler: We're going to stay here, to keep an eye on the Vet's. Want to catch up on my sleep.

‘Peace On Earth’ Is Dr. Metzler's Topic

The "Dr. Burton Metzlers were the hosts to the Student Ministers of Macollege at their regular Tuesday meeting Oct. 11.

Devotions were led by Walter Blough and Bob Fryman officiated at a short business meeting.

Dr. Metzler presented a chapter entitled "Peace on Earth” taken from the book “Papa was a Prechar," by Alyene Porter.

Mince pie and a cold fruit drink was served by Mrs. Metzler.

Those guests attending were: Kuki Ilaoa, Maurice Richards and Mrs. Robert Fryman.

Members present were:    Dave

Metzler, Harold Smith, Beryl McCann, Don Thralls, Dick King, Dave Webster, Bob Boyer, Bob Powell, Walter Blough, Bob Fryman, Lee Wilson, Bill Kipp and Don Ford.

The Spectator 4

FRIDAY, DEC. 14, 1951

Bulldogs Down Phillips 67-50 In Opening Game

Macollege Bulldogs romped to a 67-50 victory over the Phillips University ball club from Enid, Okla., in the opener of the 1951-'52 basketball season Saturday, Dec. 8, on the home maples.

Coach "Woody" woodard used 12 players and all but three scored at least one point. Woodard used every man on his varsity squad against the taller Phillips team.

The Canines played well, but displayed “first game" mistakes at time; however, they gave indi-cations of being a much stronger contended in the Kansas Conference than they were last year.

A strong reserve strength proved to be a great asset against Phillips, for Coach Woodard sent in many different combinations of players, and every combination had the 64-dollar scoring answer.

Phillips controlled the tip most of the time because of its greater height, but this height was not used to an advantage on rebounds under the basket. The shorter and faster Bulldogs were much more effective under the basket than were the string-bean Phillips Haymakers.

Loren Blickenstaff, all-conference forward again showed that he is a contender for the position again this year as he ripped the cords for 19 points. His brother. Wayne, stacked up 10 points for the evening while also placing a great floor game.

Gene Smith, the 5-10 shorty of the squad, played a rip-roaring type of ball game. Gene a good ball hawk, was at his best last Saturday night as he gave many a Phillips ball player gray hair for fear that he would steal the ball away from them.

Gene also hit a pair of timely field goals in the early minutes of the game to put the Bulldogs ahead for the rest of the evening.

Bob “Beck” Bechtel again show-ed that he is capable of playing a good brand of ball by the way he wheeled and dealed off the single post setting his teammates up for close-in shots that are so typical of the Woodard offense.

Except for a few seconds at the start of the game when Phil lips led 2-1, the Haymakers were never a threat. “Chief' Hanagar-ne scored the first field goal of the game to put Macollege in the lead. The first period found the Bulldogs hanging on to a 17-11 lead.

About the middle of the second period McPherson led 29-16 as the Haymakers could not find the range although they were open for a lot of good shots. The half ended with Canines leading 34-21.

Early in the third period Phillips made its only rally of the

contest, when they scored seven before the Bulldogs got their shooting sight lined up for another barrage on the hoop. The period ended with McPherson leading 50-83. In the last quarter each team scored 17 points as the coaches used a lot of reserves.

The Bulldogs made only one more field goal than the Phillips ball club. It can be said that they won the game from the charity line hitting 41 percent, which is not too bad for the first game of the season.

The Haymakers connected with only 10 percent of their charity tosses.

Bog Score: McPherson L. Blickenstaff



W. Blickenstaff Smith



O’Dell ..........

Peel .............

Carpenter ______


Jamison '.........

Totals ...........

Phillips Strickler





Welch __________



Cartwright ....








0 3 3

3 0 0 0

3 1 0



2 4 1


3 3

6 1 1

2 0




3 1

4 3 3 1 0 0 1








4 1 0 0 1 2 0

Prevent Bees In Chapel

By Bryce Miller A meeting of the A. F. P. B. C. C. will be held next week. It has been found necessary to call this special meeting because of recent happenings on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

In case you’re wondering what the letters stand for the interpretation is as follows: “The Abolition and Future Prevention of Bees in Chapel Club.”

That pesky, inconsiderate bee had led to more distraction lately than even the steam pipes.

He apparently likes to hover toward the rear of chapel until a victim is spotted. He then proceeds to divebomb the person and perch upon their head much to the discomfort of the people setting behind the human sacrifice.

Let’s man the D. D. T. but not fire till we see the black of his stinger.

Moral of this story—Nothing should distract you during chapel.

K State Offers Assistantships

Research and Teaching Assist-antships will be offered at Kansas State starting with the September, 1952 school year.

These assistantships are being offered in a large variety of fields.

Half-time appointments may be made for twelve and nine months. These appointments demand one-half of the time students must spend in laboratory, research, and teaching during the employment period. This appointment receives ten hours credit a semester.

Two-fifths time appointments may also be made for twelve and nine months. Forty percent of the student's time must be spent in laboratory, research, or teaching. This appointment receives twelve hours credit a semester.

Application forms may be obtained from the office of the Dean of Graduate School. Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas, Application must be in by April 1 1952.

Woody To Take Ten Men On Colorado, Idaho Trip

Students Teach For Professors


1 1 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 1 0



4 t

5 3 5






Alumni Meet In Wichita

The Wichita Alumni Chapter will hold the Fall Chapter Meeting Jan. 18, at the Wichita Church of the Brethren.

This meeting was postponed before.

QUIRK . . . Office clerks at Ot-terbein college. Ohio, have quite a sense of humor. The Admissions office discovered they had sent invitations to attend High School Day to Barney Google, Jane Russell and Gypsy Rose Lee.



There is no power on earth more formidable than the truth.— M. Runbeck.

Kindley, Widegren, Sargent, Hale Chosen For Ladies' Quartet

Three new members for the ladies’ quartet have been chosen. They are Elsie Kindley, sophomore from Downs, Kan.; LaVon Widegren, junior from Grand Junction, Colo.; and Peggy Sargent, junior from McPherson, Kan. Mrs. Florene Hale is the only former quartet member remaining in the ensemble.

This quartet will be active the rest of this year and next year.

Members of the former quartet were Claudia Jo Stump, Ruth Crumpacker, Phyllis Bowman, and Florene Hale.

Teachers are getting younger every day. or so it seemed to students glancing into various classrooms last Friday.

Howard Mehlinger, Macollege junior, substituted for Prof. Jack Kough, who had gone to Iowa. Students were astonished when Keith Rickner unceremoniously walked into psychology class and asked Howard to go to Wichita with him.

It was all part of the net as Howard was testing the class on their accuracy of observance by using a planned situation.

Miss Esther Mohler administered a written assignment in Principles of Secondary Education for Dr. Hess.

Biology class was taken over by Bob Mays who dealt with spiders, scorpions and other creeping Arthrododia, causing only one girl to be scared out of her wits.

Miss Della Lehman entrusted her Speech class to George Keim, who, after covering the assignment, discussed with the class the latest jokes speakers could use.

In Development of the Drama Lorene Marshall, Wilma Ford, Margaret Daggett, and Esther Mohler substituted for Prof. Roy


Coach "Woody" Woodard has announced that a squad of ton men will leave today to make a four-game stand in Colorado and Idaho.

The Christmas trip will take about ten days, and the squad will travel in two cars.

The first game will be with the Colorado State College of Education at Gresley on the evening of Dec. 15.

The team will then journey to Caldwell. Idaho, where, on Tues., Dec. 18, they clash with the College of Idaho.

In Nampa, Idaho, on the twentieth and twenty-first, Northwest Idaho Nazarene College will play host to the Bulldogs for two games.

Little Is known about the opposition the Canines can expect to encounter during their journey. Colorado State College of Education has 2000 students and is a member of the Rocky Mountain Conference.

Other members of that conference include Colorado College, Colorado Springs; Colorado School of Mines at Golden; Montuna State College at Bozeman; and the College of Idaho at Caldwell.

Coach Woody has not yet announced which ten men will make the trip. He says that the boys are still working for the privilege and that the list will be posted shortly before the team leaves.