"Bulldogs" Clash With Phillips U. Saturday

Rapidly limbering up the shooting arms, Coach “Woody” Woodard is shaping up his 1951-52 Bulldog edition to the basketball hoop world with their opener as near as tomorrow night, Saturday, Dec. 8. The Bulldogs will flex their muscles on the home high school maples against Phillips University. Tip-off time is 8:15 p. m. with the B-squad game starting at 6:45.

McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, December 7, 1951 No. 13


Music Department Gives Recital

Monday evening, Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. the McPherson College Music Department gave a student recital in the College Chapel.

The program began with a baritone solo by Don Thralls. He sang "Without a Song"; Kathleen Schultis, pianist, played "Mala-guena";

"Without Thee" was sung by LaVerne Burger, soprano. Mrs. Gilford Ikenberry, organist, played “Prelude and Fugue in F Major": Gordon Fishburn, tenor,

sang "The Rosary"; and "Car-mena" was sung by Margaret Baile, soprano.

LaFaughn Hubbard, pianist, played "Traumerei” and "Spanish Dance, op 12, No. 2"; "Even Bravest Heart" was sung by Myron Krehbiel, bass-baritone: Anita Rogers, soprano, sang "Kashmiri Song" and Berwyn Oltman, pianist, closed the program with "Capriccio op 2, No. 4."

Ann Carpenter, McSpadden Reign As Queen, King

Ann Carpenter and Dwight McSpadden were crowned King and Queen by M-Club president, Loren Blickenstaff, at the annual M-Club Carnival held at the College Gymnasium Saturday evening, December 1.

Following the coronation a program was given. Shirley Alexander and Kathy Russell sang a duet accompanied by Shirley playing her uke. Their number was "We Want To Be Bad. We re Tired Of Bein’ Good" and they sang "A Man Without a Woman" as the encore.

Curtis Leicht played a cornet solo, and Carrol Snyder sang "That Lucky 'Ole Sun” and "White Christmas."

The evening was spent by those present entering various games, contests, and cake walks. The prizes for the Bean Guessing Contest were awarded at the close of the evening. First prize of a card table went to Janet Ruehlen. Second prize or thirty pounds of frozen cherries went to Kaye Yoder.

Approximately $240 was taken in at the Carnival. This money will be used in purchasing M-Club Blankets for graduating M-Club

Kaufman Resigns As President

Dr. E. G. Kaufman, president of Bethel College, Newton, Kans., announced his resignation on Nov. 23 to be effective Aug. 1. 1952.

Dr. Kaufman has been president of Bethel College for 20 years.

All I Want For Christmas Is My Three Front Teeth

By Frances Hall

Africans Paint Bridegroom Red

Thralls Receives Honorable Mention

Don Thralls, Macollege sophomore, has received honorable mention in the national peace oratorical contest.

With his oration, "In Our Hands," Don won third place in the state peace oratory contest last year.

Manuscripts and tape recordings of the prize winning orations from thirteen state contests were entered in the national contest.

A selected group of judges rend the manuscripts, listened to the recordings, then announced the national winners.

Four cash prizes were awarded, and several, including Don’s, were

Very little is known about the Phillips University cagers and how they are going to shape up against the Bulldogs. Last season the Canines defeated the Phillips team at the beginning of the season at Conway Springs, Kans.

The ring leader of the Phillips squad is Coach Holt. Last year the university played a variety of sing-le and double combinations, and it is possible that they will work the same combinations again this year.

Tomorrow night when the Bulldog cagers gather around the center circle for the tip-off, the fans of Macollege will probably find Gene Smith, former McPherson High cage star, starting as one of the guards. His running mate will be Wayne Blickenstaff, all-slate selection from Idaho. Both of these boys are sophomores and are veterans of one season of varsity competition.

Holding down the swivel position will probably be big Bill Moore of Chicago, ILL. Bill is a senior and a great rebounder. He has a variety of shots on which he is dead. Moore is a strong and ag-ile man who can wheel and deal off the post with a lot of finesse.

Another local boy that is giving Moore a race for the center position is "Beck" Bechtel. "Beck" is a letterman from last year's squad and a great rebounder. "Beck can hit. and many times last season he pulled the game out of the fire for the Bulldogs when he would dump a pair of timely buckets.

With Moore and Bechtel alternating at the post position. Coach Woodard’s headaches should be at a minimum, for these boys have shown in practice that they are capable of playing with the best of them.

Leading the forward parade are Loren "Blick" Blickenstaff, all-conference last year, and Frank "Chief" Hanagarne, the "Big Injun" from New Mexico.

Loren Blickenstaff is a scoring threat from any place on the court. Loren has blinding speed and a very fast reaction timing: for his size he can jump like a kangaroo. "Blick" is only six feet, but he got a greater percentage of the rebounds last year, showing his ability to jump and handle himself.

"Chief" Hanagarne, who has recovered from a cheek injury suffered early in the football season, is the type of fellow that has learned his fundamentals exceptionally well and also has the instinctive ability to do everything the easiest and smoothest way.

"Chief" was used a great deal last year in the relief role since he was able to go in and play any position on the court. "Chief" is a great defensive man and doesn’t get panicky when the going gets rough.

A very deadly long shot and a good Jump shot are among "Chief’s" best plays. L. Blickenstaff also has a jump shot that makes him a threat to any opponent. "Chief" will probably alternate with Wayne Blickenstaff between the forward and guard position, for both boys are equally able to play either position.

Although this gives a line-up on the probable starting five for tomorrow night. Coach Woodard does not have" any weak links in his first ten. Tommy O'Dell, the Argentine High School boy, is small: but he has a lot of deception in his passing and is a great

(Continued on Page Four)

Housing Unit Seeks Parlor

Boys from the veterans housing have expressed to the Student Council the need for a parlor and recreation room in which to entertain their guests.

The boys would like to have a vacant room now used for storage converted into the needed parlor and recreation room.

A Student Council committee composed of David Metzler, Don Richards, and VI Alialima was chosen to study the matter.

Gerald Neher Edits Spec, Gains Practical Experience

Gerald Neher, Managing Editor of the Spectator, is responsible for the editing and makeup of this Issue of THE SPECTATOR.

Each semester, the managing editor, who is in line for editor-in-chief, puts out one issue to gain the practical experience necessary to take over the Job the following semester.

The Editor-In-Chief, Don Ford, is playing a minor role of writer and copy reader this week.

Churches To Observe Spiritual Emphasis Week

Women’s Union Meeting and Spiritual Emphasis Week will be featured in the various churches of McPherson this Sunday and next week.

The First Congregational Church will be observing a Women's Union Meeting on Friday. December 14, at 2:30 p. m. It is their annual Christmas Program. The Public is Invited.

The Presbyterian Church is having a Spiritual Emphasis Week Sunday. December 9. to Friday, December 14. Dr. Thomas P. Lindsey, pastor of Linwood Presbyterian Church Kansas City, Mo., will speak each evening at 7:30 p. m.

Dr. Lindsey was born In Scotland and came to the United States an a small lad. He is a graduate of Wheaten College and McCormick Seminary. He was given the honorary degree of D. D. by the Missouri Valley College.

Rev. Zeller will be bringing the morning message in the McPherson Church of the Brethren. He has been the guest speaker at the Annual Harvest Meeting at Wenatchee, Washington.

James Craig, freshman from Nigeria, Africa, contrasts present marriage customs among the Hansa Moslems of Africa with our present day customs.

A boy marries two or three years after he has finished reciting sixty chapters of the Koran in Arabic. At this time he is probably fifteen to seventeen years of age.

His parents choose his bride from a nearby family, unless his family is "modern" whereby he chooses his own wife. His bride will be fourteen or fifteen years of age.

Generally, there is very little courtship. This period will be no longer than a few mouths if at all. Engagement is unheard of. The brief period of courtship begins as soon as the customary dowry is paid to the bride’s parents.

The payment of the dowry is compulsory unless the boy cannot possibly afford to pay it. Then other arrangements have to be made. The girl cannot refuse the dictates of her parents as to who her husband will be.

After the dowry has been paid by the husband-to-be, the marri-age date is announced. This is usually done by the bestman who goes around the village distribut-ing kola-nuts which are very bit-ter nuts containing a high per-centage of caffein. They show friendship and fellowship.

The people then gather and hold a short prayer for the couple. Us-ually the marriage date falls on the 7th, 14th or 21st day of the lunar month, as these are sup-

Many Leads In Christinas Oratorio

"The Christmas Oratorio" by Camil Van Hulse which will be pre-sented in the college church Dec. 16 is written in seven parts. The first part, Prologue, creates a mood of despair and hopelessness. Prof. Raymond L. Flory is the narrator.

Part II la Prophecies with Gilford Ikenberry as soloist and the chorus. ILL is Hope with Max Mc-Auley, Earle Lapp, Anita Rogers, Prof. Flory, and chorus.

IV is Expectations with Earle Lapp, Claudia Jo Stump, Florene Hale and the chorus. V. is Fulfillment with Claludia Jo Slump, Children’s Choir, and Chorus.

VI Is Adoration—with Max Mc-Auley, Beryl McCann, Keith Allison, Anita Rogers, Gordon Fish-burn, Children's Chorus and the chorus. VII is Joy to the World— with the Children's Choir, and the Chorus.

"Stars Over Bethlehem" is one of the most beautiful numbers in the oratorio. In this number the organist uses the chimes. The ori-ental number of the men’s chorus and the unaccompanied chorale are two of the more unusual numbers

The oratoria is directed by Prof Donald R. Frederick, Mrs. Lloyd Larsen is the organist, and Mrs. Elvin Wolf is the pianist.

Lindsey To Speak In Chapel

Thomas D. Lindsey, Presbyterian minister from Kansas City will be the guest speaker in chap-el Dec. 10.

A program with the Christmas season as its theme will be presented in Chapel Dec. 12. The program will be directed by Miss Doris Coppock and Prof. Roy McAuley.

The chapel services Dec. 17 will be held in the church. Dr. Bittin-ger will speak.

What is this world coming to? It seems as though a large percent of McPherson College students are missing some of their molars.

For instance, one of the students was attending a show last Sunday night. It was a very sad picture and amid her sobs, she accidentally entangled her hankie in three of her front teeth and removed them from her plate.

This wus a very embarrassing situation. On Sunday there were posed to be "good luck" days.

Ten days before the wedding, the husband goes to hide away ac-cording to custom to escape cur-ious crowds. Only his best man knows where his hide-out is. He has to know for consultation pur-poses.

It is part of the custom that he husband hides while his con-temporaries find him out and clothe him with the customary bridegroom’s attire. He has to hide to observe this custom.

The longer he remains in the hiding before the marriage day arrives, the better for him, because as soon as he gets caught and robed he begins to walk up and down the streets while people crack jokes at him.

Eventually he has to be caught and covered with jalli juice. (This is from a small shrub and stains deep crimson red.) He has to wear the customary robe which is a long-hooded flowing gown gaily colored, and which is usually worn only by chiefs.

This lalli is then applied to his fingers and toe nails, and he goes about in this attire until the mar-raige feast is over.

In the meantime, the girl’s family and friends are not idle. They also put her in lalli but without force. The husband-to-be has to struggle to avoid being lalli-ed.

She remains always from this time in the home of her parents. She is not allowed out anymore. She gets herself equipped by buying about a month’s supply of food and utensils.

Bittinger, Kough To Visit Institute

Dr. D. W. Bittinger and Prof. lack Kough will attend a Family Life Institute at Adel, Iowa this Friday. Saturday and Sunday, Dec.

7. 8. 9.


On Monday, December 10, P. M. F. week will be declared open. You are urged to GIVE to the needy folk by putting your gifts in the box in Sharp.

in this Christmas season, let us heap blessings upon our heads by giving to the P. M. F.

no dentists available so she did some dentistry herself by applying airplane glue to her plate and placing the teeth back in their proper position.

This worked very well until breakfast had been completed and out came the three teeth again. So she missed all of her classes and paid a visit to the dentist.

After all what would people think if they saw her without her

When the actual marriage day arrives, the bridegroom clad in his best attire, usually a long flowing gown richly designed and embroidered, and wearing slippers on his feet, together with his best-man, his family, and the girl’s family except for the girl herself, and witnesses, all go along to the mosque or to the chief native judge.

The husband swears that he will take his wife as long as they can tolerate each other: not as long as they both shall live! No ring is given because the wife is not present.

Feasting then begins early in the evening, and this lasts for about a week to ten days. The bridegroom provides for all the entertainment and meals and refreshments for the duration of the feast. Drumming and dancing go on all night, and merriment is continued.

On the last day of the feast when the wife is to be brought to her husband’s house, her attendants accompanied by elderly women carry her belongings from her home to that of the husband, singing along the way to the accompaniment of drums and other musical instruments. She wears a long veil which covers her entire face and upper body, and when the arrives in her husband’s house, she is led into the innermost room.

The women now remain in the room waiting for the husband to come in so that they can get their "compensations fee" from him Usually he sends his best man in

Kaye Yoder Resigns

Mrs. Kaye Yoder, secretary to President D. W. Bittinger, has resigned her position to become secretary to her husband, Russell, who is going into business.

Mrs. Yoder began her duties on Oct. 13, 1947, as secretary to former President W. W. Peters. Last year she served as secretary to President Bittinger, and also Dean James M. Berkebile.

Her work included the handling of admission and prospective students, and student employment, as well as the clerical work for the president.

The secretarial position is being filled temporarily by Mrs. S. M.


Iowa Certificates Are On New Plan

Students planning to teach in Iowa will be affected by the new requirements for certification in that state which will go into effect August 31, 1952. Miss Mary Fee, head of the Education Department announced this week.

To qualify for a certificate based on two years of work under the new regulations, a student must present 22 hours of professional courses besides meeting other specific requirements for special-ized and academic courses.

The new requirements for a degree certificate include 20 hours of professional courses besides other detailed requirements.

Miss Fee has further Information for students planning to qualify to teach in Iowa. She points out that plans for enrollment for second semester may be affected by the changes.

to be caught by the women and to pay the compensation fee.

When the fee is paid either in money or in goods, the women leave the wife in her room, and the husband is then allowed to go in to his wife whom he had married, and had not seen for the past week or so.

Everybody then breaks away and goes to his or her home marking the end of the feast.

The religion allows a man four wives. A woman is regarded as one-quarter of a man, so he must marry four to make one complete whole to fulfil religious obligations. Usually some marry only one, some two, others three, or four.

Each of the wives has her own private apartments. Each has a specified time with the husband, and during her time she prepares food for the entire household, and is in charge of the household for the duration of that period. As a result, there is always jealousy among selves, each trying her best to satisfy the husband more than the others.

Girls who are dissatisfied with their husbands usually run away to their parents' homes, and a delegation has to be sent by the husband to the parents of his wife to plead his case. This is very common.

There is no possibility yet of the average Hausa man to marry one wife or to practice monogamy, unless he becomes a Christian, or the whole tribe becomes Christian.

Debate teams Enter Tournament

Four Macollege debate teams are participating in the tournament at Southwestern College in Winfield today and tomorrow.

In the senior division, which consists of teams in which one or both members are upperclassmen. Macollege will be represented by Alvin Zunkel and David Metzler, Vi Alailima, and Robert Hamsher, and Eugene Neff and William Kipp.

Eugene Bechtel and Joe Kennedy will be in the junior division.

As it is an elimination tournament, one team will emerge as the final winner in each of the divisions.

Miss Doris Coppock, Macollege professor, will accompany the debaters.

UNESCO Is To Make Toys

Unesco has undertaken a Christ-mas project of making toys for underprivileged children.

It was suggested by LaVerne Burger that they use pieces of scrap wood, and other articles which would be inexpensive. The patterns selected for use should develop the child mentally and physically, as well as to entertain them.

It was decided that the work would be done in the industrial Arts Building. Art Thralls was put in charge of getting the patterns for the toys, and starting the members on the individual projects.

Velva Wagner was put in charge of finding a place where the toys were most needed.

The work was begun Friday night, Nov. 30, at 6:30 p.m in the Industrial Arts Building. Unesco urges all members to participate.

College Calendar

Saturday, Dec, 8:

Phillips University basketball game at McPherson.

Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 12 and 13:

Central Kansas College Tournament at Moundridge (McPherson-Tabor-Bethany-Bethel).

Saturday, Dec. 15:

Movie, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," sponsored by the Social Committee at 8 p. m. The movie is free except for an offering to be taken to help pay for the movie.

UNESCO dinner given for the UNESCO members only at 6 p. m. in the basement of the Church of the Brethren.

Tuesday, Dec. 18:

Christmas recess begins at 4 p. m.

Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1932:

Christmas recess ends and classes are resumed.

Friday, Jan. 4:

Ottawa basketball game at McPherson.

Let Us Go Forward

Tomorrow night is the first basketball game of the

1951-52 season. The fellows have been practicing hard every evening. They will meet hard teams during the season.

Let us look back over the history of McPherson College basketball. We have had good teams, and we have also had some poor teams, but we have never had a team that did not try hard to win for their Alma Mater. Other basketball teams representing McPherson College have lost games they should have won, while still others have given teams considerable trouble, and have often “upset” the opposing team.

Last year McPherson had a successful basketball season. This year McPherson will have a successful season if the students are willing to sacrifice a little to make it so.

McPherson College has good cheerleaders, and McPherson students have plenty to yell about. This season there will be "B" squad games before the regular games. They are often exciting, and afford your support. If we will do our part yelling in the stands, the boys will do their part on the floor.

LET US MAKE THIS YEAR A GREAT BASKETBALL year for McPherson college.—g. a. n.

Oltman Has Many Experiences

Dale Oltman, who graduated from Macollege in May. 1951, is now in Brethren Volunteer Service. The first three months of his training were spent at Elgin, ILL., instead of New Windsor, Md.

Recently Dale wrote a. letter to the Spectator about some of his experiences at Elgin in the mental institution.

Remember Pearl Harbor?

By Ruth Papa

Just ten years ago today, on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan-

They struck without warning. Two and one-half hours after this attack, the Japanese declared war on the United States and Great Britain.

The Japanese attack blacked out the last great area of peace in the world. At one stroke, it turned the entire Pacific Ocean into a vast battle zone.

At the signing of the peace treaty with Japan on Sept 2, 1945, it was hoped that there would be no more wars.

Today, ten years since Pearl Harbor, our troops arc at war in Korea. Our enemies are our allies of World War II, communist Russia.

The cause for war is not sufficient. The God-fearing and righteous people of the world must strive to save humanity.

A world war has never been fought on our own homeland soil, but we have seen many broken homes and families appear from this ever-dreadful massacre of human lives.

People everywhere face their future in a world horribly ravaged by war.

Only through the courage and trust of the divine Father, and through the united efforts of our churches, can we see world peace again and forever.


Don Ford

Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Faculty Advisor

Reporters and special writers Faye Ellen TrostleBryoo Miller Esther Mohler Elinor Stine

Business Manager

Assistant Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Assistant Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor


Mary Louise Hutcherson

Lyle Whitham

Kenneth Brown

Gordon Yoder

Students Burn Midnight Oil

Term papers and projects are soon due and students have been doing the usual amount of "burning the midnight oil."

The top record for the males was set by one boy who stayed up all night. One male student said that he would estimate that 40 percent of the boys in the boys dorm studied after 11:00 p. m.

The girls, not being quite as foolish, set a record of studying until 4:20 a. m. The poor girl who did this slept through her 8:55 class the following day. She says it really doesn't pay to rob yourself of much needed sleep.

It is not uncommon to hear the patter of feet and typewriters clicking at various unearthly hours.

Dr. Hess has the most votes for him as the cause for studying in the wee hours, according to many students. Extra curricular activities receives the next highest vote.

Gerald Neher

Lorene Marshall

Martha McClung

Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz Sarah May Vancil

Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kind ley

Margaret Yost

Flory Gives Early Exam

Students have often wished they could see their examinations before the crucial hour. That's just the opportunity students have in Prof. Raymond Flory's government class. Semester examinations were passed out to students last week and answers are not due until exam week in January.

It’s not as simple as that, students point out. Forty discussion questions were printed on that sheet passed out last week. Only five questions, to be answered in maximum time of an hour and a half, will be chosen for the actual examination. The number of questions and time allotted was determined by vote of class members.

The test may be employed as a study guide for future class discussions. It also has the advantage of letting the students know what not to study for the exam. But one student remarked, "I might as well memorize the text."

Rowan Keim Bob Fryman Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars

"As I sit here in the Veterans Diagnostic Building on ward 7 this Sunday morning about 2:30 a. m.. my thoughts have drifted back a few months to the activities of a busy college campus and have compared them to those of an attendant in a state mental institution.

"Sometimes in school the burden of some assignments made me think I would end up in such an institution, but I never thought I would work in one.

"After the first week of lectures and touring, we began ward work. I began working the vets' hospital ward and have worked the vets' wards since. After taking psychology, you begin to understand the terms in your book a little more.

"I saw the effects of the modern shock treatments, the old style of pain derived by shots of sulphur and oil. I worked wards where you see, hear, and tell nothing.

Hardened attendants seem to think brutality is a necessary evil. At times, with the shortage of help, that Is all that can be done; but I think it is carried to extremes most of the time.

"They have about 6000 patients in a place which can handle only 4,000. I was amazed at the system of patients working for their own good. They have a farm, laundry, store, anything you would find in a small town. A person sees par-ole patients strolling around the grounds. In the library, or hanging out in their commissary just

as we used the Doghouse at school.

Ottawa Students Fined For Missing Classes

Students at Ottawa University. Ottawa, Kans., are fined three dollars for each class missed on the days before and after vacations.

The policy of stiff penalties for pre and post vacation cuts was enacted last year.

"Underneath this busy atmos-phere something is lacking. Then is even a smell that hangs over the grounds to warn you of the unwholesomeness and depraved be-ings inside.

"I don't want to discourage anyone from working in mental institutions. They need help badly, and higher wages are needed to induce a better class of workers.

“I wouldn't trade the experience of these three months for anything. I have a better appreciation for the work being done for the mentally ill. On the other hand, you can see the effects of our modern civilization on human nature unable to cope with such a hupped up pace.

"On the whole Brethren groups have established a worthwhile record. The only thing wrong is that we aren't here long enough to get out of the rut of the established system and try some of our own ideas.

"I've put down a rather disintegrated and sketchy picture, but by use of rationalization. I'll say no one can think so early in the morning. Right now all I can say is, 'my kingdom for a bed."

More Students.

Are Using Library

Typing can be done in the cubicles in the library stack room now, says Miss Harris, making it easier for students in writing their

term papers.

During the last part of Oct. and all of Nov. there has been a decided increase in the use of the library, she stated. Oct. 27 one hundred and fifty-two books were checked out during the day.

One hundred and three people had books due Nov. 30. More books were due on this day than any other day since school has been in session.

Nov. 12 seventy-three magazines were cheeked out and Nov. 17 seventy-two pamphlets were checked out. This was probably due to the panel group discussions assigned in Miss Lehman's three speech classes.

There has been a noticable increase in library attendance over the past two weeks, Miss Harris said. (This has been since the new chairs came.)

On Nov. 26, 27 and 28 there was an average attendance of two hundred people, mostly using reference books, she said.

Nov. 28 and 29 close to 30 Central College English students visited the library to use various ref-erence books their library does not contain.

Prayer For Peace

A prayer for peace was recently sent out by church and Interfaith groups to educational, political and business leaders and was broadcast by a nationally-known radio team. The response was amazing. Hundreds of thousands are now using this daily prayer:

From the point-of Light with-in the Mind of God. Let light stream forth in the the minds of men. Let Light descend, on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of Men. May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men —The purpose which the Master knows, and serves.

From the center which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

At The End Of Euclid

John Robison and Dick Mason attended the Kansas University, Missouri University football game in Lawrence last Saturday.

Alberta Ebbert and Curtis Leicht attended a band concert in Lindsborg Monday evening.

Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Kathlyn Larson and Hutch Coffman spent Saturday in Salina shopping and attending a movie.

Dorothy Swinger was shopping in Hutchinson Saturday.

Hatsuko Kanazawa traveled to Hutchinson Sunday where she gave a talk.

Elsa Kurtz, D. A. Crist, Phyllis Johnson and Dale Royer attended the hockey game in Wichita Saturday evening.

Yolando Cerazo visited in Hess-ton Friday.

Martha Jo Rhodes and Clara Domann visited their parents at Inman and Hope over the weekend.

Alice Flory was a guest of Es

ther Hornbaker and her family at Hutchinson over the weekend.

Lera Kesler traveled to Wilson, Kansas on business Friday and Saturday.

Florene Hale attended a church program with Dr. Bittinger at Morrill Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Lehman’s French class went to Lindsborg Thursday afternoon to attend the play, "Tartuf-fe” by Moliere.

Miss Hatsuko Kanazawa spoke to Central College students and faculty during their chapel program Thursday morning, on the topic, "Love Thy Neighbor.”

Lenora Foster and Margaret Yost spent the weekend with Le-nora’s parents in Hoisington, Kans.

Don and Wilma Ford went to Lindsborg to see Bethany’s pro-duction, "Tartuffe." They visited with Earl and Barbara Lapp following the play. The Lapps are former Mac students.

Miller, Hall Porter, Murrey To Be Wed

Four students of McPherson College are to be married on Dec. 16th. They are Betty Ann Murrey of Conway, Kans., and Irwin Porter of Quinter, Kans., who will be married, at the Monitor Church of the Brethren near Conway, Kans.

Frances Hall of Stet, Mo., and Bryce Miller of Wichita, Kans., will be married at the New Hope Methodist Church near Stet, Mo.

Betty Ann and Irwin are both Seniors. They plan to make their home on N. Charles.

Frances and Bryce are both Juniors and plan to live in Kline Hall.

Honor Reed, Johnson At Birthday Party

Winifred Reed and Phyllis Johnson were honored at a surprise birthday party held Dec. 3 in the home of Doris Coppock.

The guests played games, sang Christmas carols, and ate refreshments of birthday cake and jello salad.

Carole Huffman and Martha Jo Rhodes acted as co-hostesses. Guests were: Elinor Stine, Marilyn Roe, Elsie Kindley, Rowena Merkey, Donna Wagoner, Lorene Marshall, JoAnn Royer, Mary Ellen Yoder, Maxine Hanley, Louise Smith, and Doris Coppock.

Merrymacs Will Meet At ‘Y’ Tonight

The Merrymacs (married students of Macollege) will meet at the local YMCA between 7:30 and 8 p.m, tonight.

The group will prevue a movie that will be shown to the city kids on Saturday. It will be a comic.

There will also be a period of recreation, including volleyball and swimming.

All the married students are urged to come to the "Y" for an evening of entertainment and recreation. Swim suits and tennis shoes will be needed.

The married couples are to bring a white elepahnt gift, cheerfully wrapped in Christmas paper, to the party that is to be in the SUR Saturday night, Dec. 15, following the All-schol Film.

Childs To Visit Here

Mrs. Ray Childs will visit her sister, Miss Sarah May Vancil, next week. Mrs. Childs has Just returned from Hawaii where she was a children's librarian in Honolulu for a year.

She plans to go to Norfolk, Va., to be with her husband who is in the Navy.

Mrs. Childs was librarian and Arnold Hall housemother during the summer of 1944.



Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Forsyth of Beatrice, Nebraska announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn, to Berwyn Oltman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Oltman, Enders, Nebraska.


Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Domann of Hope, Kansas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara to Bob Bechtel, son of Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Bechtel of McPherson.

Faculty Members Go To Washburn

The four faculty members attending the North Central Association. Regional Conference at Washburn College this weekend have been invited to stay overnight at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright.

Dr. Bright is the head of .the History Department at Washburn and was at one time Dean of Macollege. Mrs. Bright is a former English professor of Macollege.

Macollege professors attending the Topeka meeting are:. Dr. Maurice A. Hess, Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Dean Berkebile, and Miss Della Lehman.

Royers Entertain Youth Cabinet

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Royer were hosts Sunday at a breakfast in their home for the Regional Youth Cabinet. The purpose of this was to hare a meeting to discuss the program for the Regional Youth Conference that is to be held here on Macampus early next spring.

Regional cabinet members who attended his meeting were Berwyn Oltman, Pat Royer, Lorene Clark, Carole Huffman, James Sheaffer and James Elrod.

Sunday afternoon all the campus members of the district cabinets met in the S. U. R. with the Regional Cabinet from 2 to 3 o’clock to discuss the general busi-

Hesses Attend Wedding

Dr. Maurice A. Hess and family

attended the wedding of Neva Kesler and Melvin Reece at Pratt, Kans.. Saturday, Dec. 1.

Foods Class Has Christmas Tea

The Foods Class taught by Mrs. Arlene Kough will servo a Christmas Tea at the Bittinger Home Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12, 3-4. Each member of the Foods Class is inviting two guests to the tea.

The foods girls are making all plans and preparations for the tea, as well as preparing the food to be served and serving the tea. They are also responsible for the decorations.

Frantz Visits New Mexico

Mr. Earl Frantz left Wednesday of last week for Shiprock, New Mexico, where he is investigating the possibility of work there of dependent Indian children on the reservation. He returned Tuesday.

Mr. Earl Frants and Mr. James Elrod were in Wichita Tuesday to make a survey of the possibility of establishing another Church of the Brethren in Wichita.

Drama Class Sees “Tartuffe”

Seven members of the class in Development of Drama attended Bethany College's presentation of Moliere's "Tartuffe" in Lindsborg Wednesday night.

"Tartuffe." which is considered to be, the 17th century Frenchman’s masterpiece, is a comic drama that delivers an attack against hypocrisy.

Those who attended the production were: Esther Mohler. Wilma Ford, Marilee Grove, Betty Byers, Rowan Keim, Margaret Daggett, and Lorene Marshall.

Mac Students Entertain International Students Over Christmas Vacation

Plans are now in progress to locate Macollege's international students in student homes during the Christmas holidays.

Several of these students have expressed a desire to spend the vacation period in student homes in order that they may become better acquainted with American family life and customs.

The Public Relations office and the SCA are in charge of plans. All students who are interested in intercultural fellowship of this type are asked to contact Jack Kough, Rowan Keim, or Beryl McCann.

Yoder Speaks To Student Ministers

Mrs. Gordon Yoder spoke, to the student ministers Tuesday evening on the subject, "The Minister and his relationship to Education."

The group will meet again Tuesday evening. December 11, at 6:-45 p. m. in Room 27. Dr. Burton Metzler will be the speaker for this meeting.

Bulldogs Meet Graymaroons Wednesday At Moundridge

The Challenge Trophy, probably the largest trophy ever offered for a Central Kansas event, has been around to all the participating colleges and is now waiting for the winner of the first annual Central Kansas Collegiate Tournament to claim it. Games will be played Dec. 12 and 13 at Moundridge.

The drawings held for the tournament last Tuesday evening put the McPherson Bulldogs against the Bethel Graymaroons on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7:30. The Grey-maroons are under the new generalship of Don Unruh, a former coach at Tabor College.

Trio Presents Chapel Program

Macollege Ladies' Trio presented a program in assembly Dec. 3. The trio is composed of Anita Rogers, Mt. Etna, Iowa; Donna Wagoner, Adel. Iowa; Marilee Groves, South English, Iowa; and Berwyn Oltman, accompanist, Enders, Nebr.

The girls sang "The Blue Tail Fly.” a medley of Stephen Foster's songs, "Some Enchanted Evening." "Jingle Bells." "Cantique Noel," "The Sleigh", and "The Sophomoric Philosophy."

The trio is unique in that all the girls are from Iowa.

At nine o' clock the same evening the Bethany Swedes will challenge Tabor College of Hillsboro. The Tabor squad is also going into battle with a new captain at the helm. He is Hay Hostetter of Greenville, ILL. He took his master's in physical education at Penn State, and this is his first year as roach.


The Tabor team, revolving around Co-Captains Delmar Reim-er, Bubler, and Bob Vogt, Corn, Okla., are looking forward to a bright and prosperous basketball season.

Bob Vogt has consistently been the high scorer for Tabor during the past two seasons and was especially outstanding in the Kansas A. A. U. Tournament at Wichita two years ago when Tabor finished second with the same players they have now.

Bethel College

Newton fans believe that the Graymaroons under Coach Dan Unruh are building up what may be a conference title contender. Unruh has three returning letter-men, five former squadmen, and several promising freshmen.

The squadmen returning are tall lads—Gondon Dyck, 6-6:    Jim

Heidebrecht, 6-5; and Clarence Schroeder, 6-3. Some of the promising freshmen are three former Mid-Kansas League stars and a former Newton High stalwart, including Marian Ratzlaff of Pretty Prairie, Johnny Seimens and Malvin Siemens, Buhler, and Mario Reimer, Newton.

Not. since the war has Bethel had a winning team in any sport in the Kansas Conference, but Bethel fans feel Coach Unruh might introduce a new era in Beth-el basketball.


Not much has been heard from the Bethany Swede camp, and this does not make for good news, for "the old fox" Coach Ray Hahn us-ually has something cooking or the fire that spells headaches for the unfortunate opposition.

Hahn has a group of lettermen around whom to build his squad. The big cogs in the basketball wheels of the Bethany squad are all-conference football players Bill Carlson and Coach Hahn's son.

Alumni Chapter Has Meeting

Thirty-seven alumni of the McPherson College Alumni Chapter attended an alumni meeting at the Church of the Brethren In Kansas City, Missouri, Saturday evening, Nov. 17. Among those attending the meeting was Mrs. Mary Klipinger, who graduated from McPherson College in 1891.

The banquet was served by the women of the church. The tables were decorated in the Thanksgiving motif. At the close of the banquet a business meeting wus held and new officers were elected.

Ira Milton Hoover '39, was elected president; Russell Carpenter, '35, vice president; and Mrs. Joe Tuck was re-elected secretary. It was decided to have a picnic this coming spring.

The college male quartet gave a musical program for the group. For an encore they sang "Dry Bones."

After the musical program, Bob Mays gave a short talk on the college—what had been done this year and what is being planned for the remainder of the year.

Meinen Speaks At MCAC

The McPherson College Agriculture Club was entertained last Tuesday evening by Stanley Meinen, who is now the 4-H agent of McPherson county. Stanley was an exchange agricultural student in 4-H work several years ago. He did his exchange work in Switzerland. Stanley gave the Ag club a new insight to the working of Switzerland.

Mays Attends Alumni Council

Boh May's, Alumni, secretary, attended the annual District VI Conference of the American Alumni Connell in Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2-5. The conference was held in conjunction with that of District VIII of the American College Public Relations Association.

Over a hundred -persons professionally engaged in alumni and public relations work at colleges and universities in a seven-state urea were in attendance. The Conference program included workshops and panel discussions, exhibits. and talks on various phases of alumni and public relations work.

The national president of the American Alumni Council. Mr. Charles P. McCurdy, Jr., of the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, gave one of the principal addresses.

Other speakers included Edward P. Vander Haar, of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, presidentelect of the American College Public Relations Association; Dr. B. G. Rosenlof, President of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; and President Carl C. Bracy of Nebraska Wesleyan University.

A special feature of the conference was the publications clinic and professional consultation service by O. M. Forkert of Chicago, nationally famous expert in graph-ic arts, layout, and typography.

Mr. Mays participated in the conference program as a member of the panel on Effective Fund Campaign.

MC Meets PU

(Continued from Page One)

floor man. Tommy has improved his shooting ability greatly since last season and should be a constant threat to the opposition.

Dale Carpenter, the track star it Macollege, is a great defensive man. Dale is a senior and will be looking for his fourth monogram in the hoop sport.

"The Mayor of Quinter," Duane Jamison, a senior, is also a letter-man from the 1950-51 varsity squad. Duane is a six-two boy who can really hit the bucket, but is a little weak on defense and changing from offense to defense.

The only freshman making the varsity squad this year so far is Bernard Whirley, a local McPherson High lad. Whlrley is a boy who has played the game of basketball since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.

Bernard has the quality of leadership and a deadly combination of shots that will match anyone on the squad to make him a better than the average guard. He will be playing a great deal of basketball for the Bulldogs before the season is over.

Another boy that is showing great promise is Carl Metsker, a sophomore on last year's B-squad. Carl was going great when he hurt his ankle in the middle of the season last year and was benched for the remainder of the season.

Coach Woodard is very well satisfied with the way Carl is developing, and he will give the boys on the varsity a bit of Metsker competition before the season is too old.

McPherson College Bulldogs 1951-52 Basketball Schedule

Dec. 12-18—First Annua) Central Kansas Collegiate Basketball Tournament at Moundridge.

Dec. 18 to 21—Trip to Idaho during Christmas Vacation.

Ottawa University at McPherson Kansas Wesleyan University at McPherson. Bethel College at Newton.

College of Emporia at Emporia. Southwestern College at Winfield Bethany College at McPherson.

St. Benedicts College at McPherson, -Bethel College at McPherson.

-Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina. College of Emporia at McPherson.

Friends University at McPherson.

Baker University at Baldwin.

Ottawa University at Ottawa.

Bethany College at Lindsborg.

Baker University at McPherson.

Jan. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 20 Feb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

What the season holds for the Bulldogs will be answered only in the future. But with the ability of the squad and the seasoning that they got last year and with the

great combination or coaches in Woodard and Dick Wareham, the Bulldogs should have a great 1951-52 hoop season beginning tomorrow night.