John Robison and Dick Mason attended the Kansas University, Missouri University football game in Lawrence last Saturday.
Alberta Ebbert and Curtis Leicht attended a band concert in Lindsborg Monday evening.
Rowan Keim, Bill Daggett, Kathlyn Larson and Hutch Coffman spent Saturday in Salina shopping and attending a movie.
Dorothy Swinger was shopping in Hutchinson Saturday.
Hatsuko Kanazawa traveled to Hutchinson Sunday where she gave a talk.
Elsa Kurtz, D. A. Crist, Phyllis Johnson and Dale Royer attended the hockey game in Wichita Saturday evening.
Yolando Cerazo visited in Hess-ton Friday.
Martha Jo Rhodes and Clara Domann visited their parents at Inman and Hope over the weekend.
Alice Flory was a guest of Es
ther Hornbaker and her family at Hutchinson over the weekend.
Lera Kesler traveled to Wilson, Kansas on business Friday and Saturday.
Florene Hale attended a church program with Dr. Bittinger at Morrill Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Lehman’s French class went to Lindsborg Thursday afternoon to attend the play, "Tartuf-fe” by Moliere.
Miss Hatsuko Kanazawa spoke to Central College students and faculty during their chapel program Thursday morning, on the topic, "Love Thy Neighbor.”
Lenora Foster and Margaret Yost spent the weekend with Le-nora’s parents in Hoisington, Kans.
Don and Wilma Ford went to Lindsborg to see Bethany’s pro-duction, "Tartuffe." They visited with Earl and Barbara Lapp following the play. The Lapps are former Mac students.
Miller, Hall Porter, Murrey To Be Wed
Four students of McPherson College are to be married on Dec. 16th. They are Betty Ann Murrey of Conway, Kans., and Irwin Porter of Quinter, Kans., who will be married, at the Monitor Church of the Brethren near Conway, Kans.
Frances Hall of Stet, Mo., and Bryce Miller of Wichita, Kans., will be married at the New Hope Methodist Church near Stet, Mo.
Betty Ann and Irwin are both Seniors. They plan to make their home on N. Charles.
Frances and Bryce are both Juniors and plan to live in Kline Hall.
Winifred Reed and Phyllis Johnson were honored at a surprise birthday party held Dec. 3 in the home of Doris Coppock.
The guests played games, sang Christmas carols, and ate refreshments of birthday cake and jello salad.
Carole Huffman and Martha Jo Rhodes acted as co-hostesses. Guests were: Elinor Stine, Marilyn Roe, Elsie Kindley, Rowena Merkey, Donna Wagoner, Lorene Marshall, JoAnn Royer, Mary Ellen Yoder, Maxine Hanley, Louise Smith, and Doris Coppock.
Merrymacs Will Meet At ‘Y’ Tonight
The Merrymacs (married students of Macollege) will meet at the local YMCA between 7:30 and 8 p.m, tonight.
The group will prevue a movie that will be shown to the city kids on Saturday. It will be a comic.
There will also be a period of recreation, including volleyball and swimming.
All the married students are urged to come to the "Y" for an evening of entertainment and recreation. Swim suits and tennis shoes will be needed.
The married couples are to bring a white elepahnt gift, cheerfully wrapped in Christmas paper, to the party that is to be in the SUR Saturday night, Dec. 15, following the All-schol Film.
Mrs. Ray Childs will visit her sister, Miss Sarah May Vancil, next week. Mrs. Childs has Just returned from Hawaii where she was a children's librarian in Honolulu for a year.
She plans to go to Norfolk, Va., to be with her husband who is in the Navy.
Mrs. Childs was librarian and Arnold Hall housemother during the summer of 1944.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Forsyth of Beatrice, Nebraska announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn, to Berwyn Oltman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Oltman, Enders, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Domann of Hope, Kansas, announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara to Bob Bechtel, son of Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Bechtel of McPherson.
Faculty Members Go To Washburn
The four faculty members attending the North Central Association. Regional Conference at Washburn College this weekend have been invited to stay overnight at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bright.
Dr. Bright is the head of .the History Department at Washburn and was at one time Dean of Macollege. Mrs. Bright is a former English professor of Macollege.
Macollege professors attending the Topeka meeting are:. Dr. Maurice A. Hess, Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel, Dean Berkebile, and Miss Della Lehman.
Royers Entertain Youth Cabinet
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Royer were hosts Sunday at a breakfast in their home for the Regional Youth Cabinet. The purpose of this was to hare a meeting to discuss the program for the Regional Youth Conference that is to be held here on Macampus early next spring.
Regional cabinet members who attended his meeting were Berwyn Oltman, Pat Royer, Lorene Clark, Carole Huffman, James Sheaffer and James Elrod.
Sunday afternoon all the campus members of the district cabinets met in the S. U. R. with the Regional Cabinet from 2 to 3 o’clock to discuss the general busi-
Dr. Maurice A. Hess and family
attended the wedding of Neva Kesler and Melvin Reece at Pratt, Kans.. Saturday, Dec. 1.
Foods Class Has Christmas Tea
The Foods Class taught by Mrs. Arlene Kough will servo a Christmas Tea at the Bittinger Home Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12, 3-4. Each member of the Foods Class is inviting two guests to the tea.
The foods girls are making all plans and preparations for the tea, as well as preparing the food to be served and serving the tea. They are also responsible for the decorations.
Frantz Visits New Mexico
Mr. Earl Frantz left Wednesday of last week for Shiprock, New Mexico, where he is investigating the possibility of work there of dependent Indian children on the reservation. He returned Tuesday.
Mr. Earl Frants and Mr. James Elrod were in Wichita Tuesday to make a survey of the possibility of establishing another Church of the Brethren in Wichita.
Drama Class Sees “Tartuffe”
Seven members of the class in Development of Drama attended Bethany College's presentation of Moliere's "Tartuffe" in Lindsborg Wednesday night.
"Tartuffe." which is considered to be, the 17th century Frenchman’s masterpiece, is a comic drama that delivers an attack against hypocrisy.
Those who attended the production were: Esther Mohler. Wilma Ford, Marilee Grove, Betty Byers, Rowan Keim, Margaret Daggett, and Lorene Marshall.
Plans are now in progress to locate Macollege's international students in student homes during the Christmas holidays.
Several of these students have expressed a desire to spend the vacation period in student homes in order that they may become better acquainted with American family life and customs.
The Public Relations office and the SCA are in charge of plans. All students who are interested in intercultural fellowship of this type are asked to contact Jack Kough, Rowan Keim, or Beryl McCann.
Yoder Speaks To Student Ministers
Mrs. Gordon Yoder spoke, to the student ministers Tuesday evening on the subject, "The Minister and his relationship to Education."
The group will meet again Tuesday evening. December 11, at 6:-45 p. m. in Room 27. Dr. Burton Metzler will be the speaker for this meeting.
Bulldogs Meet Graymaroons Wednesday At Moundridge The Challenge Trophy, probably the largest trophy ever offered for a Central Kansas event, has been around to all the participating colleges and is now waiting for the winner of the first annual Central Kansas Collegiate Tournament to claim it. Games will be played Dec. 12 and 13 at Moundridge. The drawings held for the tournament last Tuesday evening put the McPherson Bulldogs against the Bethel Graymaroons on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7:30. The Grey-maroons are under the new generalship of Don Unruh, a former coach at Tabor College. Trio Presents Chapel Program Macollege Ladies' Trio presented a program in assembly Dec. 3. The trio is composed of Anita Rogers, Mt. Etna, Iowa; Donna Wagoner, Adel. Iowa; Marilee Groves, South English, Iowa; and Berwyn Oltman, accompanist, Enders, Nebr. The girls sang "The Blue Tail Fly.” a medley of Stephen Foster's songs, "Some Enchanted Evening." "Jingle Bells." "Cantique Noel," "The Sleigh", and "The Sophomoric Philosophy." The trio is unique in that all the girls are from Iowa. At nine o' clock the same evening the Bethany Swedes will challenge Tabor College of Hillsboro. The Tabor squad is also going into battle with a new captain at the helm. He is Hay Hostetter of Greenville, ILL. He took his master's in physical education at Penn State, and this is his first year as roach. Tabor The Tabor team, revolving around Co-Captains Delmar Reim-er, Bubler, and Bob Vogt, Corn, Okla., are looking forward to a bright and prosperous basketball season. Bob Vogt has consistently been the high scorer for Tabor during the past two seasons and was especially outstanding in the Kansas A. A. U. Tournament at Wichita two years ago when Tabor finished second with the same players they have now. Bethel College Newton fans believe that the Graymaroons under Coach Dan Unruh are building up what may be a conference title contender. Unruh has three returning letter-men, five former squadmen, and several promising freshmen. The squadmen returning are tall lads—Gondon Dyck, 6-6: Jim Heidebrecht, 6-5; and Clarence Schroeder, 6-3. Some of the promising freshmen are three former Mid-Kansas League stars and a former Newton High stalwart, including Marian Ratzlaff of Pretty Prairie, Johnny Seimens and Malvin Siemens, Buhler, and Mario Reimer, Newton. Not. since the war has Bethel had a winning team in any sport in the Kansas Conference, but Bethel fans feel Coach Unruh might introduce a new era in Beth-el basketball. Bethany Not much has been heard from the Bethany Swede camp, and this does not make for good news, for "the old fox" Coach Ray Hahn us-ually has something cooking or the fire that spells headaches for the unfortunate opposition. Hahn has a group of lettermen around whom to build his squad. The big cogs in the basketball wheels of the Bethany squad are all-conference football players Bill Carlson and Coach Hahn's son. |
Alumni Chapter Has MeetingThirty-seven alumni of the McPherson College Alumni Chapter attended an alumni meeting at the Church of the Brethren In Kansas City, Missouri, Saturday evening, Nov. 17. Among those attending the meeting was Mrs. Mary Klipinger, who graduated from McPherson College in 1891. The banquet was served by the women of the church. The tables were decorated in the Thanksgiving motif. At the close of the banquet a business meeting wus held and new officers were elected. Ira Milton Hoover '39, was elected president; Russell Carpenter, '35, vice president; and Mrs. Joe Tuck was re-elected secretary. It was decided to have a picnic this coming spring. The college male quartet gave a musical program for the group. For an encore they sang "Dry Bones." After the musical program, Bob Mays gave a short talk on the college—what had been done this year and what is being planned for the remainder of the year. |
Meinen Speaks At MCAC The McPherson College Agriculture Club was entertained last Tuesday evening by Stanley Meinen, who is now the 4-H agent of McPherson county. Stanley was an exchange agricultural student in 4-H work several years ago. He did his exchange work in Switzerland. Stanley gave the Ag club a new insight to the working of Switzerland. Mays Attends Alumni CouncilBoh May's, Alumni, secretary, attended the annual District VI Conference of the American Alumni Connell in Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2-5. The conference was held in conjunction with that of District VIII of the American College Public Relations Association. Over a hundred -persons professionally engaged in alumni and public relations work at colleges and universities in a seven-state urea were in attendance. The Conference program included workshops and panel discussions, exhibits. and talks on various phases of alumni and public relations work. The national president of the American Alumni Council. Mr. Charles P. McCurdy, Jr., of the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, gave one of the principal addresses. Other speakers included Edward P. Vander Haar, of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, presidentelect of the American College Public Relations Association; Dr. B. G. Rosenlof, President of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; and President Carl C. Bracy of Nebraska Wesleyan University. A special feature of the conference was the publications clinic and professional consultation service by O. M. Forkert of Chicago, nationally famous expert in graph-ic arts, layout, and typography. Mr. Mays participated in the conference program as a member of the panel on Effective Fund Campaign. |
MC Meets PU(Continued from Page One) floor man. Tommy has improved his shooting ability greatly since last season and should be a constant threat to the opposition. Dale Carpenter, the track star it Macollege, is a great defensive man. Dale is a senior and will be looking for his fourth monogram in the hoop sport. "The Mayor of Quinter," Duane Jamison, a senior, is also a letter-man from the 1950-51 varsity squad. Duane is a six-two boy who can really hit the bucket, but is a little weak on defense and changing from offense to defense. The only freshman making the varsity squad this year so far is Bernard Whirley, a local McPherson High lad. Whlrley is a boy who has played the game of basketball since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. Bernard has the quality of leadership and a deadly combination of shots that will match anyone on the squad to make him a better than the average guard. He will be playing a great deal of basketball for the Bulldogs before the season is over. Another boy that is showing great promise is Carl Metsker, a sophomore on last year's B-squad. Carl was going great when he hurt his ankle in the middle of the season last year and was benched for the remainder of the season. Coach Woodard is very well satisfied with the way Carl is developing, and he will give the boys on the varsity a bit of Metsker competition before the season is too old. McPherson College Bulldogs 1951-52 Basketball Schedule Dec. 12-18—First Annua) Central Kansas Collegiate Basketball Tournament at Moundridge. Dec. 18 to 21—Trip to Idaho during Christmas Vacation. Ottawa University at McPherson Kansas Wesleyan University at McPherson. Bethel College at Newton. College of Emporia at Emporia. Southwestern College at Winfield Bethany College at McPherson. St. Benedicts College at McPherson, -Bethel College at McPherson. -Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina. College of Emporia at McPherson. Friends University at McPherson. Baker University at Baldwin. Ottawa University at Ottawa. Bethany College at Lindsborg. Baker University at McPherson. Jan. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 20 Feb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 26 What the season holds for the Bulldogs will be answered only in the future. But with the ability of the squad and the seasoning that they got last year and with the great combination or coaches in Woodard and Dick Wareham, the Bulldogs should have a great 1951-52 hoop season beginning tomorrow night. |