McPherson Places Four On All-Conference Grid Team
"THE TRUSTEES IN SESSION” is the title of the original painting by Professor E. S. Hershberger. The above is a reproduction of the original.
The original painting is on exhibit in the Macollege Beeghly Library. Thirteen
other painting’s are on exhibit also.
McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, November 23, 1951
E. S. Hershberger
Students Will Vacation Many Places During Holidays
The Macollege students will vacation many places during the Thanksgiving holidays which begin Wednesday, Nov. 21, and continue until Monday, Nov. 26.
Offensive Team
Bob Peel, McPherson
Maxwell Sloop, Baker Dirk Stoll, Ottawa LG
Willie Chal, C. of E.
George Keim, McPherson RT
Dick Meiers, Ottawa RE
Bill Carlson, Bethany LH
Kenny Long, C. of E. RH
Lena Harkey, C. of E
John Majkrzak, C. of E. LE
Bob Lawson, Ottawa LT
Dick Stoll, Ottawa LG
Willie Chai, C. of E. RG
Loren Blickenstaff, McPherson RT
Dirk Meiers, Ottawa RE
Charles Lander, Bethany LG
Don Hoover, Ottawa HR
John Hart, C. of E. HG
Charles Petefish, McPherson Safety
Honorable Mention Offensive Team
Ends--Don Simons and Neal Wyrick, Ottawa; Boh Stroop, Baker.
Guards -Wilbur Wheaton, Ottawa ; Alvin Pfeifer, Don Johnson, Wesleyan; Ermal Rasmusson, Bethany: Ivan Harshbarger, Bethel; Ray Wilbur, Wesleyan; Roland Delay, McPherson: Phil Boban, Melvin Geier, C. of E.
Centers—John Zorn, Baker, Gene Kaufman, Bethel: John Moreland, C. of E.
Backs—Bob Karr, Wayne Blickenstaff, Gene Smith, Eddie Bell, McPherson : Alden Warkentine, Bethel: Kenneth Clifton. Al Killingsworth, Ottawa; Harold Frazell, Wesleyan.
Defensive Team
End. Boh Stroup, Baker; Gailen Keel-ing, Wesleyan ; Neal Wyrick, Ottawa.
Guards—Don Johnson, Alvin Pfiefer, Wesleyan: Maxwell Sloop, Baker; George Keim, McPherson ; Ermal Rasmusson, Bethany : Phil Boban, Jack Cracroft, C. of E.: Wilbur Wheaton, Ottawa; Ivan Hersh-berger, Bethel.
Barks—Bill Crosley, C. of E.; Harold Frazell, Ronald Clark; Wesleyan; Dick Hahn, Bethany: Gene Kaufman, Bethel; Ross Corell, John Wilson, Ottawa; John Zorn, Baker: Lem Harkey, C. of E.
McPherson College, which finished second, placed four players on the all-Kansas Conference football team as picked by a vote of the coaches of the seven colleges making up the circuit.
These four included Bob Peel and Big George Keim on the offensive team and Loren Blicken-staff and Charles Petefish on the defensive team.
McPherson players receiving honorable mention were Ronald Delay. Bob Kerr. Wayne Blicken-staff, Gene Smith and Eddie Ball.
Ottawa University placed eight on the all-star teams. College of Emporia, the 1951 champions, six, Bethany three and Baker, Kansas Wesleyan one each. Only Bethel failed to land a player on either the offensive or defensive elevens.
Five players made the grade on both teams. Bill Carlson, Bethany's great runner, was voted to one of the offensive halfback berths and also the league’s outstanding linebacker. Willie Chai, C. of E.’s sturdy 200-pound guard, was voted tops on both offense and defense, while Ottawa boasted three players on both teams. Dick Stoll, Bob Lawson and Dick Meiers.
Hershberger’s Art Shows Originality
On display in the cast reading room of the Beeghly Library is an exhibit of art work by E. S. Hershberger, head or the Art Department at Macollege.
The exhibit of oil, watercolor, pastel, and tempra work was hung before the dedication of the Bee-ghly Library during Regional Conference.
Mr. Hershberger’s studies range from a humorous cartoon entitled 'The Trustees in Session" to an oil study or a mountain scene in India. "Kinchenjunga from Darjeeling."
Three flower studies are an oil painting, "Flowers with Books,” and two watercolors, "Zinnias” and "Sunflower Study." A study of still life which includes a pot-tod plant is in pastel.
Mr. Hershberger's most recent picture Is "Early Snow." an oil study of the snow-covered landscape showing the brilliant coloring of the foliage when the snow fell In McPherson the first of November.
From Mr. Hershberger's experiences in India are two water-colors. "Life on Dal Lake" and "First Bridge, Sprinagar." Other watercolors are "Summer Landscape." "Road to Grand Mesa," and "Aunt Tillie's Barn."
"Red Barns," an old study of a Colorado scene, has Grand Mesa in the background. Mr. Hershberger exhibited this picture at the Kansas State Fair at Hutchinson.
"Oscar Nelson's Ranch" is a tempra study of a rural scene with mountains in the background.
This exhibit of his work is the first that Mr. Hershberger has displayed since he came to McPherson In 1945.
Visitors from the city of McPherson and from surrounding towns as well as the Regional Conference have seen the exhibit.
Spectator Needs Campus Editor
Campus editor of the Spectator for second semester will be chosen soon, Marilee Grove, chairman of the Board of Publications, has an-nounced. Students interested in the position are asked to submit their written applications to her.
Any student enrolled for at least twelve semester hours of work is eligible to apply for the position.
Each semester a new campus editor for the Spectator is chosen by the Board of Publications and approved by the Student Council. The former campus editor becomes managing editor, and the managing editor is advanced to editor-in-chief.
Macollege students interested in journalism have an opportunity to get three semesters of practical editing experience. They may get college credit for two of the semesters.
Marilee invites anyone who in interested in the position to ask her or any of the Spectator stuff for more information about the details of the job.
After serving in the two lower editorial positions, the person may receive a share of the profits of the Spectator to a maximum of 80 dollars when he is editor-in-chief.
Lorene Marshall, junior English major, is the present campus ed-tor, Gerald Neher, senior Rural Life major, is managing editor. Jon Ford, Junior Philosophy and Religion major, is the present ed-itor-in-chief.
Dayton Yoder. A. B. '22. of the Monitor community, was one of ten Kansans to receive the annual Farm Bureau Award in Wichita on Oct. 25. This award went to the men who had made the most outstanding contributions to agriculture during the year.
Mr. Yoder will get an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D. C., in March.;
Mr. Yoder is the father of Mary Ellen Yoder, Macollege sophomore, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder. McPherson.
He attended the McPherson Academy until 1916 when he entered the Army. Later he returned to graduate from McPherson College in 1922. He received his Muster’s Degree in soils from Nebraska University.
"A Day of Thanksgiving" a movie, was presented in assembly Nov. 19. The film pointed out that Thanksgiving should mean more than just turkey and pumpkin pie. It to the day when thanks to God to given for the many blessings, one of which is the privilege of living in America.
Mugler’s Students Give Recital
A studio recital given by the piano students of Miss Mugler was presented Saturday afternoon, Nov. 17, at 4 o’clock at the downtown studio.
The students appearing on the program were; Quentin Wood. Jill Hershberger, Marcia Yoder, Steven Ward, J. Reed Pierce, Rae Ann Mettlen, Carol Ann Dalke, John Dalke, and Janet All.
Students classified In I-A postponed are changed to 1-S and II-S will be given to those formerly A-S, indicating a student deferred, as announced by the local selective service board.
Those registrants now in IV-E will hereafter be In classification I-O, indicating conscientious objectors; and I-W will be given to conscientious objectors assigned to work in the National Health Safe-tv Board.
Harnly Represents U. S. In Japan
Dr. Paul W. Harnly, ’15, Director of Secondary Education of the Wichita Public School System on leave for the current school year, has been selected by the Secretary of the Army to represent the United States government in its educational program in Japan.
He is one of a selected group of American educators who will assist in the training of Japanese educators in modern educational methods. The cutting off of communications with the outside world during the war caused a lack of educational progress in Japan.
Dr. Harnly will be working with a staff of Japanese educators in the training of teachers, government education officials, and others directly involved in the educational system.
Dr. Harnly is the second Macollege alumnus to be chosen for this work. Prof. Jack Kough, Macollege Public Relations Director, taught in that program In Japan during part of 1949 and 1950.
In the first address of the conference Rev. Harry K. Zeller. Jr., pastor of the local church, gave a sermon entitled "Let There Be Peace!"
He explained the three ways men think we can have peace. They are: to fight for it. to organize for peace, and to pray for peace. In the praying for peace, which he gave us the best solution, he included positive action of love and building up humanity.
The new cyclorama has arrived and is now in the Chapel.
The curtains, which are biege pebble cloth, were a gift of the women of the Western Region. Mrs. R. E. Mohler was chairman of the project.
Next year's project is new furniture for the parlor in Arnold Hall.
Mrs. Esther Lehman Milam, 53, died at 9 a. m. Friday at the home of her sister. Miss Della Lehman, at 1514 East Gordon Street. She had been in falling health for the last several months.
Mrs. Milam was born on Oct. 21, 1898, at Columbiana, Ohio, the daughter of C. S. and Amanda Det-wiler Lehman. She came to McPherson five years ago to make her home with her sister. Mrs. Milam was a member of the Methodist Church.
Offer Fellowships In Graduate Study
President Bittinger has named Dr. J. M. Berkebile as the liaison officer to work with the Danforth Foundation on the selection of candidates for Graduate Fellowships.
The Danforth Foundation of St. Louis, Mo., has announced the Inauguration of a series of Graduate Fellowships for college seniors and recent graduates who are preparing themselves for a career of teaching, either at the college or the high school level, and arc planning to enter graduate school in September, 1952, for their first year of graduate study.
These fellowships will be granted on th basis of need with the amounts varying from $500.00 to $2,400.00.
Students without financial need are also invited to apply, and if accepted will participate in the annual Danforth Foundation conference on teaching and the other activities of the program.
The qualifications of the candidate Include; superior intellectual ability, good health and emotional stability, and outgoing personal-ity.
The Foundation also places emphasis upon teaching as a form of Christian Service and deep religious convictions and growing re ligious perspectives.
Prof. Roy E. McAuley was guest speaker at the Harvest Homecoming meeting of the Quinter Church of the Brethren 8unday, Nov. 18.
He delivered the morning message, spoke in the afternoon, and talked to the CBYF group in the evening.
"Naughty Marietta” Is Juniata College Production "Naughty Marietta", an opera, was presented by Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., Friday evening, Nov. 9.
The two leads were shared for the second time in two years by Joy Truxal and Clyde Johnson, "Naughty Marietta" to a Victor Herbert comic opera.
Prof. Dick Wareham and Prof. Kenneth C. Bechtel are alumni of Juniata College.
A new course. Church School, is being added to the curriculum of Macollege next semester. The course will be taught by Mrs. Gordon Yoder who has had considerable experience in this type of work.
If students hope to teach in Sunday schools or serve in any capacity with the emphasis on
religious education, they should be encouraged to take this course, Mrs. Yoder has staled. Students who are planning on the ministry are encouraged to consider this, also.
An attempt is being made to make the course as practical as possible and one which will be of vital importance to those who will in any way assist in the religious life of a community.
Most teachers in a community are called upon to teach Sunday school classes. Mrs. Yoder points out this is an opportunity to obtain Information and experience which will make it easier and more enjoyable for them to accept such responsibilities.
Macollege Debates At Bethel College
Joe Kennedy and Eugene Bechtel chalked up three wins out of four debates in the debate tournament at Bethel College Nov. 16 and 17.
Other Macollege teams debating were: Eugene Neff and Robert Hamsher, Kenneth Brown and Philip Spohn, and Alvin Zunkel and David Metzler. The rest of the squad attended for observation.
Prof. Roy MacAuley, debate coach, accompanied the teams on Friday and Saturday, and Dr. Maurice A. Hess joined them on Saturday. Both professors served as judges or debates at the tournament.
Those attending were treated at a banquet given for the debaters on Friday evening.
College Purchases Photostat Machine
A new photostat machine has been purchased for use in the Central Office. This machine will be used in making photographic copies of the students' transcripts.
Several machines had been investigated, and the present one was found the most satisfactory.
Every Friday afternoon, those in charge, will make, transcripts for the students, and anyone who waits his grade transcripts, should plan accordingly. Mrs. Alice B. Martin, registrar, has stated.
The first transcript is given free of charge, but each additional copy will be one dollar. It has also been stated that students wanting copies of other records may have them made at the same price.
The machine will speed up the work in the Central Office, and
Transcripts will take less time.
No. 11
Thanksgiving with its traditional thoughts of turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce, is again approach-ing.
Donna Sooby is planning to take five girls—Marilyn Roe, Maxine Hanley, Anita Rogers, Velva Wag-ner, and Phylis Johnson to Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, during Thanksgiving vacation. They will leave Wednesday and get back Sunday evening. Donna is leaving poor "Hupie" behind and is driving her father’s new Buick.
Jerry Neher, national president of the BSCM conference, stated that 27 boys were planning to stay here during vacation. 20 of whom are planning to attend the BSCM conference.
Most of the girls in Kline are going home. Around 30 girls in Arnold are staying, most of whom will attend the BSCM conference.
Last year there were only a few dozen students staying on campus during Thanksgiving vacation.
Players’ Club Turns Artistic
Make-up—greasy, dry, dark or light and lots of it—will be the main point of emphasis for the Players’ Club this semester.
Special films will be shown on this subject.
A special costume party Is being planned for after Thanksgiving vacation. Everyone will be asked to secure articles of clothing or props than can be used in the property department of play productions.
Admission to the party will be the wearing of these costumes to be donated.
Members of the Players' Club include: Glenn Bellah, Eugene Neff, Bryce Miller, Margaret Yost, Phyllis Kingery, Dolores Sigle, Carl Baldner, Bob Sifrit, C. Edwards and Myron Krehbiel.
Shirley Alexander, Esther Iken-berry, Kathleen Russell, Phyllis Johnson, Shirley Wine, Virginia Reist, Betty Jean Baerg, Margaret Daggett, Esther Mohler, Lavon Widegren, Doris Metzler, Marilyn Roe, Alvin Zunkel, Joe Kennedy, and Bob Hamsher.
Kathlyn Larson, Lyla Witham, Martha Switzer, LaFaughn Hubbard, Martha McClung, Maxine Hanley, Butch Coffman, Merlin Walters, and Wayne Hutchison.
Prof. Roy McAuley is the sponsor of the group.
The meetings are set for the third Tuesday of each month from 7 to 9 In the evening.
Students Own Many Automobiles
An Interesting fact at Macollege is that a large percentage of the students that live in the country drive to school every day, as do tbe ones that live in town. In Arnold Hall there are three car owners.
Probably the largest percentage of cars are owned by the boys in Fahnestock. Twenty-eight of the fifty-nine boys that live in Fahnestock own or are co-owners of cars at the present time. Many new additions have been added since the beginning of school, and more will probably be added.
This to probably the most cars that Macollege has seen in its history.
Because of so many cars there to a problem connected with it, and it is the problem of parking apace. Student Council has done work to remedy some of the problem, but other suggestions would be appreciated.
A pancake feed for the Sophomore Sunday School Class will be held, Nov. 30, at 6:30 in the evening at the home of Velva Wagner.
Everyone in the class is Invited to come.
Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley
Rowan Keim
Boh Fryman Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars
Business Manager Assistant Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Assistant Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor
Mary Lou Hutcherson Lyla Whitham Kenneth Brown
Margaret Yost
Gordon Yoder
By Coach "Woody" Woodard
It would seem an opportune time for me to make a comment or two concerning the football season just past. Without question it will be recorded in the records as one of the more successful years in the history of McPherson College football.
Needless to say, it has been a great thrill to me, Guy Hayes, and Dick Wareham to have had the opportunity to coach this Bulldog squad.
Certainly success has been an entire squad achievement. I would like to pay particular honor to our line and defensive players. I would not want to detract from the performance of the greatest squad of offensive backs I've coached, but everyone is already aware of their fine work.
Too often the split-second timing of blocks of an offensive line or the synchronized operations of a defensive unit are overlooked by the average fan.
Sure, these boys have had just as much fun playing as anyone else, but too often their importance to the success or failure of the team is not recognized.
Then, too, I would recognize with praise those boys who played little oh varsity game nights but who worked faithfully and diligently throughout the year to help make our good year possible.
Beyond their help this year, effects of their accomplishments will be witnessed on Bulldog squads of the future.
Certainly all other members of our MC family should come in for their share of praise.
I am sure it would be hard to pick out any part of this group that has not contributed something toward the success of the football season.
It's been a great football season for us all. Now let’s see what we can do about basketball.
Fair play should be the byword of the Christian college. There isn’t a student in Macollege who doesn’t realize that in order to be fair to himself and to his professor, he must take exams occasionally.
But, when a professor suddenly announces a test for the next day, a time which is inconvenient for the students because of other tests, I do not consider such a policy fair play.
I think that if that professor would have let the class express their opinions, a satisfactory arrangement for all could be worked out. There is no harm in postponing a test if necessary.
After all, college students are not infants who need to be coerced into doing what is good for them. They already know what is good for them and are willing to comply with the rules, if they are fair.—L. A. C.
By Professor Raymond L. Flory
Although the 1952 elections are nearly a year distant, the presidential campaigns have already begun. Several candidates have now tossed their hats into the ring, and others will doubtless follow before many weeks.
Newspaper men and radio commentators are busily combing the top political gossip to find clues concerning any new candidates, or dark horses, or other favorite sons to thrust before the public.
Why shouldn’t we, for a change, feature the voter in an election? His job is not exactly insignificant, and in spite of the fact that many observers doubt that he has brains enough to cast an intelligent ballot perhaps the value of his judgment could be enhanced.
How about YOU as an American citizen? Do you arrive at conclusions from a background of objective facts, or have you merely taken an overdose of a Fulton Lewis Jr., or the CHICAGO SUN?
If good government is worth having it is worth working for. In the months ahead let us try to educate ourselves as voters.
Gerald Neher
Lorene Marshall
Martha McClung
Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz Sarah May Vancil
Reporters and Special Writers
Lyla Whitham Faye Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Kenneth Brown Elinor Stine
Today we are back in school after spending; Thanksgiving vaca-tion in several states. We have had many experiences, eaten many different foods, and thought of Thanksgiving in many different ways. Some of us have spent our time in working, some in playing, and some have spent valuable hours at the BSCM conference.
The thought often comes to us as we are sure it does to you. Do we have as much to be thankful for as the Pilgrims had in the early days of our country? Then another thought comes to our minds. It is the thought of wondering whether we are as thankful as the Pilgrims were.
The Pilgrims had spent a hard winter: then they got their crops planted, and reaped a bountiful harvest. The Job was not yet complete. They had one more thing to do, and that was to thank the Lord.
Many of us this Thanksgiving ate turkey for lunch, as did our forefathers. Most of us probably ate until we wished we would have stopped before eating so much, yet we did not realize that last Thursday night three-fifths off the people in our world went to bed with empty or nearly empty stomachs.
With these thoughts in mind, let us raise our hearts in a spirit of thanksgiving as did the Pilgrims, being thankful to the Lord that we live in a country where we have the opportunity to raise our voices in thanks. G. A. N.
The students and faculty of Bethel College recently united in a two days' work campaign to obtain funds, which amounted to $3,500, to be used for the completion of their library building.
All classes were suspended, so that the students and faculty could carry Jobs on these two days. All proceeds of their Jobs went toward this fund.
The two-day work campaign is a new feature, having grown from a one-day affair initiated last year in which $2,200 was raised. The Family Drive itself, however, has been going strong for a number of years.
The campaign was voluntary-Both the time and project were voted on by the faculty and students.
Each year, from Thanksgiving to Christmas, the American Bible Society sponsors a Worldwide Bible Heading program. It is a month of nation-wide emphasis on Bible reading, to encourage people to seek inspiration, guidance and self-help from the greatest of books.
The theme for 1951 is "The Way Out of the Dark.” As part of the program, the American Bible Society provides bookmarks listing passages for daily reading from Nov. 22 to Dec. 25.
One hundred of these bookmarks have been ordered by the SCA. They will be placed in Memory Chapel, and those who wish to take them may find them there.
The high point of the program is Universal Bible Sunday, which, this year, is Dec. 9. Universal Bible Sunday is observed by every denomination in the United States and is noted in public meetings and through the press and radio.
The Worldwide Bible Reading program began in 1943, when a lonely Marine on Guadalcanal ask-ed his mother to join him in the daily reading of identical passages from their Bibles. Many parents shared this invisible bond of fellowship. and thus the movement spread until today it is truly "worldwide" in its scope.
Prof. E. S. Hershberger, instructor of art, took a larger brush in hand recently and painted the table tops in his department a vivid green. Reason—to cover a variety of other colors and to discourage flies.
Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Faculty Advisor
"And then there's the one about the absent-minded professor who scratched his pancakes and poured syrup over his head."
Miss Della Lehman, noted for her busy schedule, was asked by Joann Pierce to speak at the Elite Club meeting which was held in her mother’s home at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12.
Monday afternoon around 5:30. Miss Lehman decided to go down town and browse in the library. She said she kept feeling as if she was supposed to do something but couldn’t remember what.
All went well until she chanced to spy the notice that "Mr. Imper-ium," starring the noted singer. Ezio Pinza, was appearing at the Ritz Theater.
Eight-thirty came, and Miss Lehman was not present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Pierce. Joann was delegated to remind Miss Lehman of her appointment.
When Joann telephoned Miss Lehman's home, she was told. "Call the town library or a them-
The Doghouse was started on Macollege campus by the Student Council of 1945-46 under the leadership of Blair Heiman, '46. At that time a drive for funds was started and much work was done the following summer.
Early In the term of 1946-47 the Council, under the leadership of Robert Burkholder, ’47, opened the Doghouse.
The Doghuse is open approximately 15 hours a week. All supplies except pastries are purchased through wholesale channels. Food is sold at prices which will just cover the expenses of operating the Doghouse.
ter. she'll be there."
Miss Lehman was very much surprised to hear herself being paged by the manager, running up and down the aisle.
Roll call and the business meeting had been disposed of just before her arrival, and she proceeded to Interpret the play, "Finian's Rainbow." Refreshments were served about 10:30, she said.
The other night Miss Lehman saw some girls in a certain drug store and said that she was returning for some groceries which she had left there the previous day.
Miss Lehman's qualities of forgetfulness are typical of a certain professional group: namely professors, of which there are
The normalcy of the professors here makes Macollege an interesting campus and endears the faculty to the student body.
After all. they are human: they’re not just those monsters who shovel out the homework!
During the month of September this year, twenty dozen doughnuts, fifteen gallons of cider, and eighteen pounds of wieners were sold. The payroll for the first month amounted to 103 dollars.
In addition to serving snacks during the week a light lunch is also served on Sunday evening from 4:30 to 6:00.
Read all the Advertisements in the Spectator.
From World Religions class: Confucius says, "Wash your face and hands in the morning and neck at night."
Herndon Replaces Lyon As Pastor
Rer. Harold Herndon is the new pastor of the First Christian Chur-ch, Rev. and Mrs. Herndon moved to McPherson Oct. 8, and Rev. Herndon delivered his first sermon the following Sunday.
The Herndons have two sons: one 4 years old and one 3 months old.
Rev. Herndon had formerly been the pastor of the First Christian Church at Seling, Oklahoma. He received his A. B. Degree from Phillips University at Enid, Oklahoma, and then attended Butler University at Indianapolis, Ind., for three semesters. Rev. Herndon is continuing his schooling at Phillips University where he will re-ceive his B. D. Degree in May.
The former pastor, Rev. Lynn S. Lyon, moved to accept the pastorate at the First Christian Church at Salt Lake City, Utah.
Prof. S. M. Dell will go by train tomorrow to Minneapolis, Minn., where he will attend a convention of the American Vocation Association. He will return to McPherson Monday, Dec. 3.
The interests of this convention centers in vocations of agricul-ture, homemaking, distributive field, and constructional industry.
D. A. Crist, Don Thralls, and instructor Alvin Willems will have Charge of Professor Doll's classes and shop sesions during his absence.
Churches Feature Bazaar, Revival
Women's Annual Bazaar, Stew-ardship Film, Vesper Service and Revival services will be featured in the various churches of McPherson this Sunday and next week.
The women of the First Congregational Church will be having their Annual Bazaar starting in the early afternoon on Thursday November 29. At 5:30 the women will serve a Chicken Pie Supper cafeteria style. All are welcomed to come.
The month of November has been Homecoming month for the people of The First Baptist Church. The pastor will give the concluding Homecoming message Sunday Morning.
The Covenant Church is holding Revival Services November 29 to December 2. The Rev. Gilbert Otteson, a traveling evangelist will be the evangelist. The evening services will begin at 7:30.
Prof. S. M. Dell will deliver a dedication speech tonight in Windom, Kas. The high school of Windom is dedicating its new Industrial Arts Laboratory and Farm Shop at an Informal meeting.
Professor Dell is head of the Industrial Arts Department here at Macollege.
Chuck Royer and Bernard Eb-bert, former students of McPherson College, have recently taken their armed forces physical examinations.
David Brammel a former student, is to leave for the Navy, Nov. 30; he is to report to the Great Lakes. David has received some training in the Naval Reserve.
Spectator Has Early Beginning
Issue 1, volume 1 of ''The Spectator," official newspaper of the Macollege student body, appeared in the early fall of 1917.
Lester F. Kimmel, now an editor for “The Wichita Eagle," was the first editor of “The Spectator." Editor for second semester of that
year was Paul D. Hoffman.
Other early editors were: Gladys Heaston Krehbiel, now a homemaker in Moundridge, Kan.; Paul C. Warren, a Free Methodist minister; J. W. Tracy, hardware dealer in Rocky Ford. Colo.; Orville D. Tote, journalism and printing teacher in Cushing, Okla,; and Dale Strickler, Lindsborg Banker.
Persons who were especially instrumental in getting "The Spectator" started were: Prof. E. L. Craik, deceased; Galen Jones, now in the United States Bureau of Education; Edith McGaffey, Bright, wife of the head of the History Department at Washburn University; and Lester Kimmel.
"The Spectator" has usually been a weekly newspaper, but during the depression years it often published only semi-monthly.
Two other student publications preceded "The Spectator." The earliest student publication at Ma-college was "Rays of Light." The first issue of "Rays of Light" was published in December, 1899. C. F. Gustafson, McPherson plumber, was its first editor. This paper was published ten times yearly and continued publications until about 1912.
Until 1915 no official student publication was in evidence on Macampus. In November of 1915 the 'M'cColpa" (McPherson College Paper) began publication. Lester Kimmell was the first edi-tor. The "McColpa" continued un-til the fall of 1917 at which time the name was changed to "The Spectator."
"The Spectator’’ has continued from that time to the present to be the Macollege student body news-paper, sponsored by the Student
"The Baton” Has Article By Crabb
Mr. Eugene K. Crabb, formerly of McPherson College is now teaching at Florida State College, Tallahassee. An article by Mr. Crabb appeared in a recent issue of "The Baton."
In his article Mr. Crabb challenged instructors of hands to take the initiative in introducing string instruments into schools.
Mr. Crabb stated that almost every community has a band because the people demand it. Taking this into account, the band instructor is in a position to introduce strings into the music of the community.
Since strings are the only missing ingredient for an orchestra in a school with an organized band, the band instructor is the logical person to begin string instruction, Mr. Crabb continued.
He wrote that anyone who can teach woodwind, percussion, and brasses, which are taught by tone can surely teach string instruments, which are taught primarily by sight. Most colleges and universities have aids for those with doubts.
To the question. "Why have strings at all?" Mr. Crabb answers that string instruction creates a more natural interest in the symphony orchestra, man's highest medium of expression in instrumental music.
Since he feels that strings can add much to the musical pleasure of a community, Mr. Crabb asks that hand instructors accept his challenge and begin string instruction in their schools.
Time Reports On Today’s Youth
In the November 5th issue, TIME analyzes American youth in a thought provoking report titled "Portrait of the Younger Generation."
This Is the first nationwide appraisal of what this younger generation is thinking and saying about itself, its country and its future.
In general, TIME reports that American youth is silent, fatalistic, secuirity-minded, conservative, grave, morally confused, tolerant of almost anything and blaming no one for its troubles.
Top Scorers In Kansas Conference
Harkey, C. of E.
Ball, McPherson Kerr, McPherson Clifton, Ottawa Carlson, Bethany Long, C. of E. Warkentin, Bethal Gillam, Kan, Wesleyan Hill, Baker Kliewar, Bethany Smith, McPherson King, Kan, Wesleyan Killingsworth, Ottawa
Following is an excerpt from the faculty bulletin of Oct. 15, 1951: "Since our grades at McPherson College, like government expenditures, always seem to rise with passing time it would be only wise to point out that our average grade is assumed to be C.
So if we all can be conscious of a normal pattern for the college student grades we will be more able to approach a reasonable grade distribution. Our main deviation in the past has been the giving of a markedly high number of B's in particular.
It would seem to be more of a standard if we skewed our pattern towards the C's a bit more. It is doubtful if any more D's than has been our custom to give is advisable, but it is definite that a considerable number more C grades is a better picture of the actual caliber of work done by our students." "American young women are, in many ways, the generation's most serious problem" reports TIME. "Large numbers of them feel that a home and children alone would be a fate worse than death and in-vade big cities in search of a career."
The most startling fact about the younger generation is its silence, according to the report. Youth is not only nowhere near the rostrum, but professors find that they cannot get a rise out of the docile note-takers in their clas-ses.
The uncertainty of the future for this generation discourages their interest in building homes.
They are not really individuals. Quoting a girl, TIME reports, " They are unhappy outside of a group. When they are alone, they are bored with themselves."
This generation does not blame anyone for the state of their world. TIME concludes, "Youth today has little cynicism because it never hoped for much."
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frantz of-Canton, Kans., announce the wedding of their daughter, Mary J., to Gordon Reist, so a of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Reist of Eldora, Iowa.
The double ring ceremony was performed in the Methodist Church of Canton, by Rev. Marker.
Mary J. graduated from Canton High School and attended college at Bethany.
Gordon is a graduate of McPherson College with the class of 1949. At present he is in the Army and is stationed at Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Heist will be at
home in Aberdeen.
Mr. Carl Larson, Cabool, Mo., announces the engagement of his daughter, Kathlyn, to Eldon Coffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Coffman, South English, Iowa.
Kathlyn and Eldon are both Juniors at Macollege.
Dragging Students Changed In Va.
(I. P.) Effective this semester, no course already passed with a grade D may be repeated for grade points, according to an announcement by Ivey F. Lewis, dean of the College at the University of Virginia.
The problem of students repeating courses in order to obtain grade points has never arisen before, but so many students are now doing it that the faculty deemed it necessary to pass the above ruling.
The students and faculty of McPherson College wish to ex-press their sympathy to Miss Della Lehman upon the death of her sister, Mrs. Esther Milam.
News Oddities
At Ohio State University it doesn’t pay to cheat. Minimum punishment is failure of the course and an added five hours on requirements for graduation.
In, Lonsdale, Ark., since twelve of the village's 15 voters were running for local office and the rest were relatives of candidates, election Judges and clerks had to be imported from nearby Hot Springs.
In Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Jam-es Smyser awoke to find a car crashing into their bedroom, watched open-mouthed as it backed out through the hole it had made in the wall and drive away.
They felt that such practices would defeat the purpose of the grade-point system, whose main objective is to improve the quality of work and prevent students from "dragging along."
Dean Lewis added that a student may repeat a course for review, but his original grade is the one that counts on his record.
1 0
2 7
Bulldogs Take Last Game To Have Seven-Win Record
The McPherson College Bulldogs struck with the suddenness of a thunderbolt as the Canines defeated the aggressive but out-manned Friends University Quakers 32-12 in Lawrence Stadium at Wichita Saturday, Nov. 17.
This win gave the Bulldogs the most successful season that they have enjoyed since 1933 with a seven-win one-loss record.
He who sees the truth, let him proclaim it without asking who is for it or who is against it.— Henry George
To wrap the game with Friends University into a small package would be to say the Bulldogs' strength and manpower was just too great for the Quaker footballers to handle. Coach "Woody" Woodard substituted very freely all evening and brought to light how deep the Canines were in almost all positions.
The Bulldogs rolled up 466 yards at rushing while the strong defensive team of the Bulldogs held the Quakers to a meager 126 yards from rushing.
First downs were even for each team. Several of Friends' first downs were made on six completed passes for 78 yards.
A couple of new faces appeared in Coach Woodard's lineup for the Quaker game. They were Bobby Cyphert and Don Hoch.
These two fellows have been in and out of several ball games, but the other night they showed everybody that they were very capable of playing good steady football.
Don Hoch, a sophomore who was switched from quarterback to fullback at the beginning of the season, bad the misfortune of being understudy to Eddie Ball and John Robinson, the great fullbacks for the Bulldogs.
Bob Cyphert, a fresh man from Geneseo, was a great back in high school. Bobby is very fast and very shifty, an excellent tackier and blocker. The thing that has kept Bob on the bench this season has been his lack of sufficient poundage.
Hoch and Cyphert both scored a TD for the Bulldogs and made some excellent runs.
The old cogs of the season— Eddie Ball, Bob Kerr, and Gene Smith - were oiled up for the last clash of the season. They put up good showing for them selves by each tallying a 6-pointer for the Bulldogs with the aid of the brick-laden forward wall of Keim, Ferguson, Powell, Stevens, Metzler, and Peel.
Even though much of the time a group of reserves were playing, the Bulldog line did a complimentary Job again showing that the Bulldogs have a large group of reserves for coming seasons to uphold the record the Bulldogs have set this year. Exceptions are that they will probably improve upon this year's record.
The Bulldogs scored once in the first period behind the running of Co-Captain Bob Kerr, who ran 49 yards to the one-yard line and on the next play splashed over for the TD.
In the second period Eddie Ball again brought terror to the opposition as he broke loose for 46 yards behind some excellent down-
field blocking by Stevens and Smith to score the second six-pointer for the Bulldogs.
The Bulldogs at temped to carry the hail for the extra point but failed.
Late in the second period the Quakers started a drive that netted them three first downs in a row to reach the Bulldog two-yard fine. Here the Bulldog defense stiffened, and Friends lost the ball on the fourth down when O'Dell Intercepted a Friends' pass in the end zone.
O'Dell played another great defensive ball game by intercepting three Quaker pusses and making a couple of great run-backs on punts.
McPherson received the ball on the kick-off after the half; and with Ball. Kerr, Blickenstaff, and Smith making consistent gains, Smith finished the drive by going over from the five-yard line.
McSpadden carried the ball over for the extra point.
O'Dell again broke up a Wichita scoring threat when he Intercepted his third Friends' pass to return the ball to the McPherson 25-yard line.
Roaring Kerr on the next play took off and did not land until he had gained 32 yards and a first down on the Quaker 27. Eddie Ball took over and faked and side-slipped his way to the Quaker 7. There little Bobby Cyphert took over and scooted around end for the tally.
Bob Bean attempted an end sweep for the extra point but fulled to make the necessary yardage.
On the long drives that the Bulldogs made the offensive line was functioning very well, for no ball carrier can reel off 32, 20,0 or 7 yards in a row without some sharp head-up blocking.
Soon after the touchdown Cyphert made another beautiful run of 33 yards for a first down on the Wichita 7. Then Don Hoch got in the act and plowed over for the TD.
Friends’ two touchdowns came late in the fourth period on two fumbles by the Bulldogs.
The smoke has been cleared on the gridiron, and the football club of Coach Woodard has completed a very successful season, but the Bulldogs can not sit buck and rest on their laurels.
The hoop season is just around the corner with all its thrills, chills, Joys, and disappointments, waiting for the fans as well as the players.
Last week about 23 men reported to Coach Woodard for basketball practice. The Bulldogs are looking forward to another suc-cessful basketball season.
The first game of the season is Dec. 8 when the Bulldogs meet Phillips University on the home maples.
Then Dec. 12-13 the Bulldogs will take part in the first Annual Central Kansas Collegiate Basketball Tournament to be held in the high school gymnasium at Mound-ridge.
The participating colleges are Bethany College. Bethel College. McPherson College, and Taylor Collgee. Last year’s records indicate that these schools are closely matched.
Bethany, Bethel, and McPherson are members of the Kansas Conference, and their rivalry in that conference is a matter of many year's standing. Tabor is not so well known but has come up fast in basketball the past two years.
Tabor finished In the finals of the Kansas A. A. U. tournament at Wichita in 1949. Her top six men are now playing together for the third straight year, and Tabor is definitely expecting to be a strong contender.
The Central Kansas Collegiate tournament has been established as an annual affair with its location at Moundridge under the sponsorship of the Moundridge High School. Moundridge is centrally located; between the competing schools.
The Challenge Trophy is on display in the hall outside the chapel. This trophy must be won three years in succession in order to remain in permanent possession of any school.
Admission prices are as follows;
Adult single admission $1.00.
Adult season non-reserve $1.75.
Adult season reserved chairs 32.00.
Special season non-reserve for students of participating colleges $1.25.
Student tickets may bo purchased only at the colleges and will be on sale only until Saturday, Dec, 8. A block in the bleachers will be reserved for the Macollege students who buy the student tickets from the Business Office or from members of the Pep Club.
High school students' single admission will be 65 cents. Grade school students single admissions will be 35 cents.
Bethany College Blue Dozen band has been selected as the official tournament band this year
Small short-term loans to students may soon be available on the Manchester College campus, our sister college In Indiana.
The Manchester Community Council has opened hearings on a campus loan bureau. A need for five and ten dollar loans Just before the first-of-the-month checks come in has been shown by requests to roommates and dorm mothers.
The more common "embarrassing" financial situations in which students find themselves are cafeteria meals and big weekend dates.
Present discussion favors loan service without interest charges.
Next year McPherson's band is to be the official band.
Reserved season tickets may be secured from Supt. M. E. Greer of Moundridge High School.
The first Central Kansas Collegiate Tournament will be Dec. 12-13 at Moundridge, Bethel (Newton), Tabor (Hillsboro), Bethany (Lindsborg), and Macol-lege will be battling for the chal-lenge trophy.
The games, which begin at 7:30 p.m., are to be held in the new gymnasium at the Moundridge High School. The officials are "Buck" Astle, Emporia State, and Rice Brown, C. of E.
Tickets for college students are $1.25 and will be sold by the Pep Club until Dec. 8. Faculty members, and their wives, and wives of students may also buy these tickets.
Nelson Krehbiel and Floyd Krehbiel, mayor of Moundridge, are the hosts of Macollege for the tournament.
The Bethany Blue Dozen will be the tournament band.