Football Season Ends As MC Meets Quakers

Saturday. Nov. 17, Coach Woody Woodard will round up his footballers and stampede to Wichita to resume football hostilities with the Quakers of Friends University. The Bulldogs will be looking for their seventh blue ribbon of the year. Game time for the last football game of the year for the Bulldogs is eight o’clock.


McPherson College, McPherson. Kansas, November 16, 1951

Macollege Is Host To BSCM Conference

Macollege will be host to the 1951 meeting of the Brethren Student Christian Movement during the Thanks-giving holidays. The conference will begin at 4 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 22, and will end at 1 p. m. Sunday, Nov. 25.

Bohemian Girl a Success

(Editorial) An estimated nine or ten hundred persons including students, conference guests, and townspeople attended the presentation of “The Bohemian Girl” an open by Balfe and produced by the combined Macollege Choirs Thursday night. Nov. 15, in the Community Auditorium.

Chicago Stock Show Given Nov. 24 To Dec. 1.

The International Live Stock Exposition and Horse Show will be held in the Chicago International Amphitheatre Nov. 24 to Dec. 1.

In the nine times that the two squads have clashed, the Bulldogs have come out battered and bruis-ed, but still on top of the dogpile with the record of five wins, one tie, and three losses.

Last season under 'the new leadership of Coach Woodard the Bulldogs spanked the hustling Quaker squad 38-7 in the final same of the season for both teams.

Comparing these two teams is rather difficult, for they both played in different leagues. Last week the Baker Wildcats recovered from the tailspin that they have been in all year and dumped the Quakers 34-30. In the earlier part of the grid season the Bulldogs fairly drowned the Wildcats in a rain storm to the tune of 20-6.

The Quakers have not a very impressive record when it is look-ed at from a win-loss angle; they have won 3 and lost 5. But the Quaker footballers under the lead-ership of Earl L. Craven are always a fighting bunch. If the Quakers are given a chance, they are liable to capitalize on it.

The Quakers have a fairly well-balanced team; they do not have a particular big gun in their lineup as they hud last year in Hudgins. Hudgins was the big spring in the offensive machine of the Quak-ers; and when he got wound up, the opposition was in for a rough day.

The past week Couch Woodard has been trying to keep his men from sitting back and counting the blue ribbons that they have brought home from the grid wars and taking for granted that the friends University game is already in the bag.

The Quakers are tough and will be determined to even the score with the Canines tomorrow night.

The past week the Bulldogs have been rigging up a defense to stop the split-T that the ball Club of Coach Craven employs. The pass defensive of the Bulldogs has been truly great for the most part of the season. Also, the opponents of the Canines have found it very difficult to move on the ground.

The Bulldogs have become famous this season for their great offensive mahcine that has been rolling up yardage almost at will, but had it not been for the strong defense line-up that Couch Woodard was able to put onto the field the Bulldogs might not have such an impressive record.

Last week the Bulldogs finished their Kansas Conference schedule with the best record that they have hung up since 1933, when the Bulldogs racked up seven wins to two losses. The coach leading the powerhouse of that year was Melvin Binford.

If the Bulldogs win from the Quakers, they can duplicate that record, for they now stand on top with six wins and two losses.

Choirs To Present Christinas Oratorio

"The Christmas Oratorio” by Camile Van Hulse will be presented Dec. 16 by the Joined musical groups of Macollege. Donald R. Frederick, professor of music, will direct the two church choirs and the college choirs in the oratorio which was given in a premier per-formance here last year.

Rehearsals will he held on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Nov. 27, according to Professor Frederick.

The soloists which have been selected are Claudia Jo Stump, Florene Hale, and Gilford Iken-berry.

Mr. Van Hulse, a native of Belgium, came to the United States in 1923. He is an active concert pianist, organist, choir director, teacher, symphony conductor, and composer.

More than any other, his choral and organ works have made his name known from coast to coast. His cantata; “The Beatitudes." won Immediate acclaim after publication and placed fifth in a popularity poll for hard works conducted by The Dispason less than one year after its first publication.

His newest work, "The Christmas Oratorio." Is a blending of the modern with the classic.

Men’s Quartet Sings In Missouri

Bob Mays will accompany the Men's Quartet composed of Don West, Don Wagoner, Keith Allison and Curtis Leicht on a deputation trip to Missouri.

The Quartet itself represents three states, Texas, Iowa, and Kansas. Don West and Keith Allison are Juniors, Don Wagoner and Curtis Leicht are sophomores.

They will leave this weekend. Nov. 17 or 18, and will be gone for a week.

Penny Carnival To Be December 1

The Annual M-Club Penny Carnival will be held Saturday evening, December 1, 7:30 o’clock. Dale Carpenter is the chairman of the Publicity Committee for the carnival. A full evening of activity and fun is being planned by the M-Club.

A carnival king and queen will be elected and crowned at the carnival. The various booths and contests will include bean guessing. cake walks, egg throw, snafu, basketball throw, ball and penny, and bingo. Max McAuley is in charge of the refreshment stand.

The purpose of the M-Club Carnival is to raise money for the M-Club blankets which are given to graduating M-Club members who have met certain requirements.

Brethren Evangelism Is Slow, Says Ziegler

"The church has not been growing as it ought. The fires of evangelistic concern burn low," said Rev. Edward K. Ziegler as he addressed the Regional Conference Sunday evening.

Rev. Ziegler, Director of Evangelism, used as his sermon topic. "Sharing Through Personal Witness."

He stated that there were two types of evangelistic programs, visitation evangelism and fellowship evangelism. "The greatest mission field is on the college campus." he remarked.

He emphasized the fact that each one must he concerned about the growth of the church and must do something about it.

Cline Chosen Head Proctor

Arnold Hall held a meeting on Nov. 5, at 10 p.m. to elect the now proctors for the remaining nine weeks of school. Two girls from each floor are elected by the resi-dents.

Their duties are to keep the girls quiet during study and after lours. Delma Cline, head proctor for the semester, presided.

Election results:    Elsa Kurtz

and Marliee Grove, 4th; Lera Kes-ler and Anita Rogers. 3rd: and Rita Ellen Royer and Mary Caster, 2nd.

Mac Alumnus Writes First Mystery Novel

DeForest C. Steele, an Alumnus of Macollege has recently written a book entitled "Glitter-Gold Mountain."

Mr. Steele has received the degree of A. B. from Macollege and M. A. from Kansas University.

His writings cover a wide field of subjects. At present, he is editing a newspaper column.

He has written several book-length theses and he is the author of the well-known booklet "Simplied Government", published some years ago.

"Glitter-Gold Mountain" is the first mystery he has written.

Debaters Attend First Tournament

Macollege debaters participated In the Kansas State College Invitational Tournament at Manhattan Nov. 10.

Alvin Zuukel and Eugene Neff made the highest rating of the Macollege debaters with two wins out of four. The two other teams debating were: Philip Spohn and Kenneth Brown, and Lyla Whit-ham and Mary Louise Hutcherson.

Joe Kennedy, Eugene Bechtel, and William Kipp attended the tournament for observation. Miss Sarah May Vancil was the McPherson Judge.

Only debaters with no previous college debating experience were eligible to participate in the tournament.

Undefeated teams in the tournament were: two teams from Kansas University, two teams from Nebraska University, a team from Southwest Missouri, one from Hutchinson Junior College, a team from Emporia State, and one from Kansas State.

The Kansas State Players gave guest tickets to the debaters for their production of "The Madwoman of Chaillot," a play by Jean Giradoux, presented that evening, William Kipp, Eugene Neff, Alvin Zunkel, Lyla Whitham, Mary Louise Hutcherson, and Miss Vancil attended the play.

The next tournament is Nov. 16-17 at Bethel College. The entire squad will attend. Bechtel and Kennedy, Hamsher and Neff, Whitham and Hutcherson, and Spohn and Brown will debate. The tournament begins today noon and ends Saturday noon.

Students Enroll Before Dec. 7

Tentative enrollments for the second semester are to be completed and submitted at the Central Office no later than Dec. 7, according to Alice B. Martin, registrar.

Juniors and seniors should consult their major professors for approval and signatures of enrollments. and freshmen and sophomores are to enroll with counselors which have previously been assigned.

The Freshmen were dunked by the Sophomores at the annual, traditional tug-o-war Thursday, Nov. 15.

“The water was "rather chilly", was a freshman’s comment.

The superb acting and excel-ent singing of the leads and choirs made the presentation a access.

Gilford Ikenberry, as Count Arnheim, played his part with dignity and poise while Florene Hale, as Arline, took honors with her lovely voice and her clear enunciation.

Keith Allison, as Thaddeus, played his part exceptionally well as the romantic young lover, Claudia Jo Stump, as the Queen of the Gypsies, played a wonderful dramatic role and displayed great talent in singing.

Max McAuley, as Devilshoff, also played a great dramatic and singing role.

Gordon Fishburn, as Florestein, did a good job of acting and sing-ing. Both Carole Huffman, as Buda, and Myron Krehbiel, as Captain of the Guard, displayed unusual, but excellent acting ability.

The pianists for the opera, Ann Krehbiel and Berwyn Oltman, did a splendid job.

The leads were chosen well and they each performed wonderfully.

Susan Frederick, as Arline, played a good part as the young daughter of the Count.

The Chapel Choir played well the part of the gypsies, as did the A Cappella Choir in the role of

Moslem Student Arrives At Mac

On Oct. 16, about 9,000 miles separated Macollege’s newest student from the rest of the student body. Twenty-six-year old Nafez Abder-Rahman Budeiri, Mohammedan pre-engineering student from the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan arrived here on cam-pus last week to begin studies.

Nafez, whose home is in Jerusalem, flew from that city to Beirut. Lebanon where he took a boat to New York. The remainder of the trip, from New York to McPher-son, was completed by bus.

First impressions have evidently been satisfactory, for Nafez says that he likes McPherson, although it is larger than he expected, and it is "quiet and not crowded." He also likes Macollege, and plans to attend here, two years before transferring to a university.

The climate, too, is not disturbing to the Jordanite enrolee who says that Kansas weather is very similar to the weather of Palestine. American food, he says, is "very good, but different."

Budeiri is one of a family of three children. He has an older sister and a younger brother, who graduated in engineering from school in Alexandria, Egypt. His father is a Mohammedan religious man; his mother is deceased.

Before coming to this country. Budeiri was employed for two years in the Government Public Information Office (a branch of the Foreign Ministry), and for three years previous to that as a civilian electrician in the British army.

Budeiri’s country, the Hashemite Kingdom, is a section of the territory which, prior to 1945, was called the Trans-Jordan. At that time, the late King Abdullah was crowned on the throne, and the Hashemite Kingdom was created. In November of 1947 the United Nations approved a division between the quarreling' Arabs and Jews.

Students Will Present Music Recital December 3

A joint recital will be presented Dec. 3 by the students of Miss Jessie Brown. Miss Anne Krehbiel, and Prof. Donald R. Frederick.

Miss Brown is head of the piano department at Macollege. Miss Krehblel is assistant professor of piano, and Prof. Frederick is professor of voice.

The recital will be given in the chanel at 8 p. m.

Professor Roy McAuley was responsible for the dramatics and the actual production of the opera.

The director of the Chapel Choir and coach of the stage dance routines was Miss Doris Coppock.

Professor Donald Frederick was the director of the A Capella Choir and the coach of the leads.

The different committees that helped make the opera a success were:

BUSINESS and PUBLICITY: Shirley Alexander. Esther Ikenberry, Kathleen Russell, Phyllis Johnson, Shirley Wine, Virginia Reist, and Betty Baerg.

COSTUMING COMMITTEE: Margaret Daggett. Esther Mohler, Lavon Widegren, Doris Metzler, Marilin Roe, Alvin Zunkel, Joe Kennedy, and Bob Hamsher.

MAKE-UP: Kathlyn Larson.

Lyla Whitham, Martha Switzer, LaFaughn Hubbar,. Martha Mc-Clung, Maxine Hanley, Butch Coffman and Wayne Hutchison.

STAGING and LIGHTING: Eugene Neff. Bryce Miller. Margaret Yost, Phyllis Kingery, Dolores Sigle, Karl Baldner, Bob Sifrit, C. Edwards, and Myron Krehbiel.

Each person who was connected in any way for the production of "The Bohemian Girl” should feel that their time and effort was not wasted.

Mac Bulletin Will Be Available Soon

The summer school bulletin is in the process of being made and should be available soon. Dean J. M. Berkebile has announced.

This bulletin will be of primary importance to the school teachers, who are completing their work towards a degree, and also the students on campus who want to speed up their aca-demic program.

Ladies’ Quartet Tours Southwest

Jack Kough will accompany the Ladies' Quartet—Phyllis Bowman. Ruth Crumpacker, Florene Hale and Claudia Jo Stump—on a trip to Colorado. New Mexico, and Texas. They will leave today. Friday. Nov. 16. and will return Nov. 26.

Their schedule is as follows: Nov. 18—Wiley, Colo.; Nov. 17 —Rocky Ford. Colo.: Nov. 18 a. m.—Antioch, Colo.; Nov. 18 p. m. —Bethel. Colo.; Nov. 19—Haxtun, Colo.; Nov. 20—Denver. Colo.; Nov. 21—Colorado Springs, Colo.; Nov. 23. Miami, New Mexico; Nov. 24. Clovis. New Mexico; Nov. 25 a. m.. Pampa. Texas; Nov. 25 p. ra. Waka, Texas.

Mac Roofs Get New Tar

Damage to the roofs of the gymnasium and Harnly Hall, caused by the hail storm of Sept. 23, was repaired last Thursday and Friday.

The Emsinger Roofing Co. of McPherson did the tarring job. The company had been engaged for the job for some time, but It was so booked-up with hail damage Jobs that It had to take the most serious jobs first.

Other Macampus roofs are scheduled to be repaired also, but they must wait until Jobs of heavier damage are repaired.

Row Depicts Need For World Relief

"On the surface, the conditions in Europe seem greatly improved. This is the apparent view of Europe." began W. Howard Row in the Tuesday evening address of the Regional Conference.

"Sharing in a Needy World" was the title of his address. Mr. Row is the Secretary of the Brethren Service Commission.

Mr. Row suggested that only in the Church of. Jesus Christ can the East and the West come together today.

As a part of the Tuesday evening session, the men’s quartet and the ladles' trio sang several numbers. Ralph Skaggs was chairman.

Students, Guests See One-Act Play

The one-act religious play, "The Terrible Meek.’’ was presented to a full house of conference guests and students Monday evening.

Professor Roy McAuley, director of the production, spoke on "Drama in the Local Church.”

Donna Phelon, Marlin Walters, and Glenn Bellah were the players taking the three parts in the pre-sentation.

On Saturday evening. Nov. 10, the play was given for students and a few conference guests who had arrived early.

Give Teachers’ Exams Feb. 16

National teachers' examinations will be given on Saturday February 16, 1952. All applicants for teaching positions and all prospective teachers are encouraged to take these tests.

No. 10

The conference is planned by the national BSCM cabinet, which plans each years conference at the Church of the Brethren annual conference, which was hold this year in San Jose, California. This year's cabinet, is composed of Ger-ald Neher-McPherson, President; Bob Hoover-LaVerne, Vice-President; and Theresa Clingenpeel-Manchester, Secretary-Treasurer.

The conference will feature many outstanding leaders. Two faculty members of Macollege will be leaders. They are Dr. D. W. Bittinger and Dr. Burton Metzler. Other leaders will be Dan West, in outstanding layman of the Brethren church who is now heading the leadership training program of our church:    Wendell

Flory, who is a returned missionary from China, and who is now working for the Brotherhood board: Vernard Eller, who is editor of the youth publications of our church. Ed Crill, formerly a member of the western region staff, and newly appointed youth director of the brotherhood, Ernest Shull, returned missionary from India.

The theme of the conference is WANTED—A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. Discussion group topics will be chosen by reading letters which were written to outstanding Christian leaders of the world. The question which they were to answer is “What is the foremost problem for youth to solve today.”

The cost for the conference will be eight dollars, six of which will be for room and board, and two dollars will be registration fee.

The day will be filled with a meditation hour. discussion groups, recreation, worship programs, and the day will be finished with a speech.

Students are expected to come from LaVerne, Elizabethtown, Manchester, Juniata, and Bridge-water colleges. Students are also expected from Ashland college and Bethany Biblical Seminary. There will also be Brethren students attending who are not on Brethren campuses.

Several committees have been working on our own campus. Glendon Button, Kathy Russell, and Shirley Alexander are working on publicity. Bob Powell and Maurice Richards have been working on meeting places.

During the last four years Macollege has sent delegates to the following BSCM conferences: Elizabethtown College; Bethany Biblical Seminary; Ashland College: and Bridgewator College. Last year twenty-nine students attended the Bridgewater Conference.

The place of next year's conference will be determined by this year's group.

The goals of the conference are to unite the students of Brethren campuses and the Brethren students on non-Brethren campuses.

Registration will begin at three thirty on thanksgiving day In the SUR.

Ziegler Says, “We Are Ever Aware Of God”

"We are ever aware of the beauty and presence of God”, Edward K. Ziegler stated in Chapel Monday morning.

He stated that God may be found in nature, the lives of peo-ple, and in the experience of worship.

College Calendar

Saturday Nov. 17:

Friends University and McPherson play football there, p. m.

Tuesday, Nov. 20:

WAA initiation for new members.

Wednesday, Nov. 21:

Thanksgiving recess begins at 4 p. m.

Thursday Nov. 22 to Sunday Nov. 25:

B. S. C. M. Conference at McPherson.


Don Ford

Gerald Neher

Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor

Society Editors

Sports Editors Faculty Advisor

On Pioneering

A Guest Editorial by Edward K. Ziegler There is still opportunity for great and courageous pioneering! Grandparents of some of today’s youth remember the Conestoga wagons, the limitless expanse of unplowed prairie and plain, the lure of mountains still unclimbed. Our generation sighs for new lands and ranges to pioneer. Well, the doors are still open! For instance: Wanted: Pioneers to build great, productive, co-operative Christian communities in new lands' being opened in the vast irrigation projects of the West.

Wanted: Pioneers to turn the vast lands around us from exploited, wind-swept plains to a new and better agriculture which will provide for communities and a richer and more productive land through the years ahead.

Wanted: Pioneers, a hundred thousand of them, to carry the technical skills in agriculture, engineering, education, healing, to the silent, hungry, oppressed billions of earth, working through governments, United Nations, the world-wide program of the Church. (An important document: Laubach’s WAKE UP OR BLOW UP!)

Wanted: Pioneers, to explore and settle the wide untrodden continent of creative prayer, to release love, kindness. power, in a world so long starving and plagued by hatred, war and greed. These shall inherit the earth. No one else can!

We Are Proud!

Tomorrow the determined Bulldogs will invade the Friends University gridiron. We feel sure that this will lie another victory for us, in spite of the wrong interpretation put on the editorial two weeks ago.

In order to win games we need a team, a good one. Macollege has that—the best for many a year. Coach Woodard and his capable staff and efficient methods have moulded our fellows, into a well-balanced team. The school ought to show its gratitude to the fellows, coach, and staff for their excellent work.

Secondly, there is a need for backing. During the season the student body has been behind the team constantly. And though a few did not attend the games away, we know that their heart was there with the fellows as they fought to win.

Directly responsible for the enthusiasm of the student body were the cheerleaders. Although the weather was rainy and the field muddy, they were there to back the team.

We were glad for Wayne’s editorial last week, and we feel sure it was helpful for us all. Too often we forget just what goes into the winning or losing of a football game.

The fans cannot know what it is like to be out there on the field, getting kicked and pushed around. They do not realize that the players put in many hours of drudgery in practice in all kinds of weather. It takes a certain kind of courage and stamina that the fans cannot know. Our fellows took their cut lips, bloody noses, and many other bruises and made no complaint.

We think that we should “square up and say, "We're from Macollege; and we’re proud of it; because of our football team and its accomplishments this year.” We have reason to be proud. A mere three years ago, the Bulldogs were at the bottom of the conference and now they are in second place.

We know that whatever happens tomorrow, a determined Bulldog team will be in there fighting all four quarters ; and there will be many cheers for the team and many a warm heart for the football team of Macollege.

Whether we win or lose this last football game of the season, we shall still be proud of Macollege and her foot-ball team; and we’ll feel we have had a successful 1951 season.

Lorene Marshall

Martha McClung

Arlie Thiessen and Dale Birkenholz

Reporters and Special Writers

Lyla Whitham Fays Ellen Trostle Bryce Miller Esther Mohler Ed Zook Kenneth Brown Elinor Stine


Oltman, Mays Accompany Ladies’ Trio Oh Deputation

Students Revive Antique Jalopies

By Bryce Miller

Several more additions have been noted recently in the car family on Macollege campus. Al-though possibly already of age, the cars are welcome additions. They provide two more noises to which to awaken in the middle of the night.

The corporation of Hummer, Nicholson, and Kennedy started things off several weeks ago when they pooled their mental resources and pawned their physical resources and started toward Salina.

Upon arriving there, they proceeded to the nearest home for aged cars. After much bickering with the caretaker a purchase was made.

After test driving the vehicle for two weeks the corporation has announced that it seems nearly normal in all respects. It has flat tires on occasion and even uses oil.

Another recent proud owner is the humanitarian Don West. He saved a faithful old car from the fate of scrap Iron. Although possessing no muffler or starter, it actually purrs like a kitten (a dead one that is).

Don has announced that the West and West Taxi Co. will soon be operating. Fares will be 10 cents for a ride to town and 25 cents if the car makes it all the way.

Almost at any time of the day or night Don may be seen.

Albright Funeral Held In Iowa

Funeral services for Elizabeth B. "Aunt Tibbie" Albright were held Sunday, Nov. 11. at 3 p. m. at the Ivester Iowa, Church of the Brethren.

"Aunt Tibbie” was born Elizabeth B. Albright on April 19. 1862, in Illinois, the daughter of Jacob and Barbara Albright. The family moved to Iowa, but later, while in Chicago, Miss Albright opened her heart to a homeless child, who became Webster Albright, an adopted son.

She was always generous in church and worldwide charity, and never ceased to help others.

Her home, the past few years, had been with her sister, Mae, who is housemother of the College Annex, at 1422 E. Euclid. It was here that she died on Friday, Nov. 9, 1951.

the International Peace Garden which is a camping area, with a lodge, cabins, and parks, maintained by an International Committee The area is dedicated to peace for ever between Canada and the United States.

While It was snowing, the group visited, at 6 a.m., Sunday morning Crystal Cave, without benefit of either a guide or knowledge. There, Anita seems to have lost her balance and slid a little. Marilee developed a bad case of caus-trophobia.

At Froid, Montana, they were late for their concert, and the innocent people sang while they waited. The trio arrived at 7:31 p. m.

To keep up with things here at Macollege, the group had definite study periods while they were riding. They said it WANs worthwhile.

Most of the time, the weather was cold, and they wore winter coats, although they did manage one picnic.

Evidently. they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. In spite of the fact that Marllee’s relatives were always catching up with her.

The members of the Ladles' Trio, their accompanist, and chauffeur. arrived home Oct. 29 from the annual ladies’ trio tour.

Anita Rogers, Donna Wagoner, Marilee Grove, Berwyn Oltman, and Bob Mays were the participants in this ten-day, three thousand, one hundred eighty-five mile trip.

In spite of the rigorous schedule, it was not all seriousness. They visited many interesting places, including Duluth, Minn., from where they could see Lake Superior; the Badlands of the Dakotas; the high school in Cando, North Dakota, from which Pat Royer and Virgil Teubner graduated, and where the students want-ed to keep Berwyn at the piano all evening to enjoy his Boogie-Woogie; and the Black Hills.

These Interested students of Macollege wanted to see the faces on Mt. Rushmore. So in spite rff darkness, fog. and snow, they climbed to the top. They had the wonderful experience of enjoying nothing. They couldn't see a thing.

Another of their side trips took them into Canada for about an hour. They crossed the border at

Schools To Observe National Education Week

Schools over America are celebrating the thirty-first observance of National Education Week.

American Education Week. 1951, will emphasize the importance of the belief in a divine being, the necessity of education for a clear understanding of other peoples, the preparation for the hard struggle of life, and the interdependence of home, school and community.

They are grown by nearly every family for the pleasure of it.

Most of the cars in Iran are of American make. All sports common to Americans are played except baseball and football. The natives have many of their own customs which include activities which are similar to our folk games.

Mohammedanism is the majority religion with a sprinkling of Judaism and Christianity.

from Iran to U. S. consumed only about one week traveling time.

Charley came to McPherson College after talking to the Alborz Foundation in Teheran which is an organization to help students go abroad to study.

Mohamad Zelli commonly known as Joe is a junior and is majoring in Chemistry. He came to McPherson College after corresponding with another Iranian student who was attending college here.

The Iranian climate is much like the climate in California with seasons the same. The country is mainly agriculture with industry and oil prevailing in the southern part.

Many roses are grown in Iran.

Macollege Has Two Iranian Students

There are two Iranian students attending McPherson College this year. Both live in Teheran, Iran, the capital city of Iran.

Moussa Razinia better known as Charley is a sophomore and plans to major in Biology. He comes from a family of six with himself being second oldest.

When coming to United States he flew by plane to London and then boarded the Queen Mary after several days layover. While in London he visited the Royal Palace, London Museum, Oxford University, and Cambridge University.

The total time spent enroute

Rowan Keim Bob Fryman Frances Hall Lorene Clark Ina Ditmars

Sarah May Vancil

Betty Ann Murrey LaFaughn Hubbard Esther Ikenberry Ruth Papa Elsie Kindley

Mary Louise Hutcherson Lyla Whitham

Kenneth Brown

Margaret Yost Gordon Yoder

Business Manager

Assistant Business Manager

Circulation Manager

Assistant Circulation Manager Faculty Advisor

At The End Of Euclid

At Scott Air Force Base, Ill., the brass solved the parking problem by banning automobiles of privates from the post.

Mrs. Violet Odle and Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Slifer were dinner guests of Miss Edna Neher in her apartment Friday evening, Nov. 9.

The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Oldie's birthday.

Mary Ellen Yoder traveled to Beatrice, Nebraska, Tuesday, to attend the funeral of her aunt.

Winifred Reed and Martha Jo Rhodes visited at their homes at Little River over the weekend.

Betty Brammell, Vernon Pete-fish, Margaret Baile and David Brammell spent Saturday evening picnicking at Coronado Heights.

Ruth Strickler visited at her home at Ramona, over the weekend.

Esther Ikenberry, Bob Powell, Lois Rolfs and John Nettleton spent Saturday evening in Wich-ita attending the opera.

Marilee Grove, Anita Rogers and Rowan Helm were overnight guests of Betty Ann Murrey and her parents at Conway.

Anita Rogers. Wayne Blicken-staff, Claudia Jo Stump, Keith Allison, Ruth Peckover and Kenny Evans spent Saturday evening in Wichita.

Rowena Merkey, Bob Wilson, Elsie Kindley, Bill Moore, Alberta Ebbert, and Curtis Leicht spent Saturday evening attending a surprise birthday dinner for Bob and a movie in Hutchinson.

Martha Jo Rhodes. Don Hoch, Rowena Merkey, Wayne Blicken-staff, Delores Sigle and Bob Kerr spent Sunday evening in Salina.

Anita Rogers. Marlin Walters, Marilee Grove, Clive Sharpe, Kathryn Forsyth and Berwyn Oltman spent Sunday evening in Hutchinson picnicking and attending a movie.

Ina and Maude Ditmars visited at their home at Washington, Kansas. over the weekend.

Elinor Stine. Joan Royer, Donna Wagoner, Don Wagoner and Ruth Crumpacker spent the weekend at Adel, Iowa.

Rowan Keim's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keim from South English. Iowa, were here visiting Rowan and attending Regional Conference.

Allan Blocher was honored by a birthday dinner Tuesday night Nov, Bob Kerr, Don Hoch, Ralph Royer, and John Robison, were the other guests. The duck dinner was served in the Gilford Ikenber-ry apartment by "chef" Karl Baldner.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller from Marshalltown, Iowa, visited their son, Merlin, and attended Region-al Conference this weekend.

Harvey Miller. Dean McKellip, Dave Sisler, Loren Frants and Harold Zook attended a show it Wichita Saturday evening.

Alice Hedland, Bruce Burkhold-er, Martha McClung, and John Robison attended a birthday party in Salina, Saturday night, Nov. 10

Virginia Reist and Manly Dra-per spent the weekend with their parents in El Dora, Iowa.

Mrs. Lyle Forsyth visited he; daughter Kathryn over the week end.

Miss Della Lehman gave an in-terperative reading of the play "Finian's Rainbow" to the Altur-ia Women's Club in Holsington Kans., Oct. 20.

Oct. 30, Miss Lehman presented the reading of "I Remember Mam-ma" at Minneapolis, Kans.

Mission Personnel Visit Bittingers

Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Bittinger entertained Mr. and Mrs, Leland B. Brubaker, Brethren Missions Secretary of Elgin, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michael, returned mission-aries from Africa: Annetta C. Mow, Elgin, Ill.; Rev. Edward K. Ziegler, Evangelism Director, El-gin, Ill.; and Mrs. Calvin Bright, returned missionary from China, at a light Sunday supper.

Also present in the Bittinger home were:    Isabel Barahoma,

Honduras: Yolanda Cerezo, Puerto Rico; Hatsuko Kanazawa, Japan; Christine Harado, Hawaii; Vinaya Likhite, India; James Craig, Africa; Natez Budein, Trans-Jordan; Ismail Midian, Palestine; Moussa Razinia and Mo-hamen Zelli, Iran; Tumu Laulusa, Mua Sinapi, Valinupo Alailima, and Kuki Ilaoa, Samoa.

Ralph Royer, son of missionaries from Africa, and Esther Iken-berry daughter of missionaries from China, were also Present.

Alumni Serve In Armed Forces

The Alumni Office has released the names and addresses of alumni in the armed forces. They are a

Follows: 2nd Leut. Charley Ray Birkes 0095969, 2nd Student Regt., Fort Benning, Georgia:

Wendell E. Burkholder US 26-924066. "B" 245th AA Bn., Fort Bliss, Texas.

Pfc. Carl Dell. Jr., U8 55026-983, 45th Division Band, APO 86 c/o P. M.. San Francisco, Calif.

1st Lt. Glenford Funk A07355-63,    339th Fighter Sqdn. 35th

Fighter Group. A. P. O. 994. P. O. Box 394. c/o P. M. San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. 2 Lawrence K. Lowrey US 55117745, Det. A Meds, 382nd Gen Hosp., APO 54 c/o P. M., San Francisco, Calif.

Anton A. Meyer U. S. N. R., B. O. Q., U. S. N. A. D., McAlester, Okla.

Joseph Earl Pate US 55150609. Co. B. 85th Ins. Regt., 10th Inf. Division, Ft. Riley, Kans.

Cpl. Stanley P. Sargent, AF 17283518, 3275 Pers. Proc, Sq., Parks Air Force Base, Pleasanton, Calif.

Cpl. Gordon K. Stutzman US 55027004, Co. C 179th Regt. 45 Div., APO 86 c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

Pfc. Gordon D. Reist, U. S. 550-65436. Co. "A" Box 432. The Or-dance School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

Lawrence Treder, ER 16156311 Hq & Sv Co. 4 39 Engr. Const. Bn., APO 301 c/o Postmaster. San Francisco. Calif.

Pfc. John K. Ward. US 50006-956. INSTR Co. C STR Stess, Camp Gordon, Georgia.

Brethren Observe

Loyalty Sunday

Loyalty Sunday will be observed next Sunday at the McPherson Church of the Brethren. There will be a special offering taken with the money going into a fund for a new church school building. The goal for this offering is $1500.

Rev. Zeller will bring, the morning message entitled "Workers with God."

In the evening Loreen Cline will show color slides of her Canada Good-Will Tour.

Bittinger Speaks At Bethel College On Peace

Dr. D. W. Bittinger spoke at the second meeting of the school of peace of the Bethel College church. Sunday evening, Oct. 28.

His talk, "The Peace Witness In the Twentieth Century," was centered around three main points. The growing importance of peace witness, what is this peace witness, and where is the witness manifesting itself during these days?

A brief question period was held after the talk.

Mac Owns Freak

McPherson College Campus is now the home of a World-Famous Freak Cow. This animal came to being in Elementary School Art Class over the weekend. There is none other like her as she is a cow that has no ears, no nose, no Face, only one-half of a tail and only one teat.

The Art Class was working paper maiche projects last week, and Elsie Kindley chose to make a cow. When Elsie completed the cow, it had everything that normal cows have, but Elsie used flour paste to stick the cow together.

Frantz Hall mice are very fond of flour paste, and when Elsie found her cow Monday morning, she discovered that the mice had found her cow first. Anyway, the cow is quite abnormal now, and needs some plastic sorter.

Mitsue Ueda Asks Students To Write

A letter has been received from Miss Mitsue Ueda of Japan requesting American participation in the Japan Correspondence Club, Miss Euda writes: "We young

people of Japan are very repentant of the causeless war, and have borne sufferings and exerted all efforts to rebuild Japan on the de-vastated land. We learn a great deal from, democracy, the spirit of which we want to spread all over Japan to make her a peaceful and democratic country.

"We boys and girls 14 age-23 age numbering about 2,000, consider it the best and the shortest way for learning democracy that we correspond with American college students and have formed a group for the purpose.

"We hope you will kindly forward our wish to the students of your college, so that we can receive letters from American boys and girls who are willing to correspond with Japanese students.

"Please write about sex, hobbies, desires, and so on of an individual, or send us the list of the students who want to correspond with us.

"We shall never fail to answer.’’

The address is Japan Correspondence Club, 260, Oka-Shin-machi, Hirakata-City (Osaka), Japan.

Professor Raymond Flory has further information for students who are interested in writing to Japanese students.

Student Ministers To Give Program

The student ministers will journey to Darlow, Kans., Sunday, Nov. 18. While there they will conduct the morning worship service at the Pleasant View Church of the Brethren and present an hour's program at the Brethren Old Folks' Home, which is located near the church.

Leland Wilson and Walter Blough will bring the Thanksgiving message in the morning service. A quartette, which, is composed of Alvin Zunkel, Beryl McCann, Kenneth Evans and Walter Plough, will sing two numbers

"Beside Still Waters" will be sung by John Nettleton with Ber-wyn Oltman as accompanist.

Other ministers going to Dar-low and taking part in the service are: Howard Todd, Don Thralls, Philip Radatz, Bob Powell, Bob Fryman, and Dave Webster.

The program at the Home will be chiefly music.

Joanne Pierce. Mrs. Blough, and Mrs. Wilson will accompany the group.

Don and Wilma Ford are pas tors of the Pleasant View Church

Ottawa Dedicates New Parsonage

Miss Sarah May Vancil, Charles F., '51, Pat and Dale Royer are planning to attend, the homecom-ing and dedication of the church parsonage at the Ottawa Church of the Brethren Nov. 18.

The present pastor is Rev. Blair A. Holman, '46, a college trustee. He and his wife, Patricia (Kennedy) Holman, '47. and daughter Harriett Ann, have occupied the parsonage, since Sept. 1, 1951.

Former pastors have been invited to attend the homecoming and dedication services. Some of these include: Prof. Raymond Flory, Dr. L. Avery Fleming, former Dean of Macollege, and Howard H. Keim, father of Rowan Keim, South English, Iowa.

“Bulldogs” Upset “Swedes”; Take Second In KCAC

McPherson Bulldogs fairly ground the rivals of old, the "Terrible Swedes" of Bethany, into the green turf of Bethany stadium last Friday night when they ran rough-shod over the determined ball club of Coach Hahn 34-21.


Co-Captains Kerr.


Sympathy is never wasted except when you give it to yourself.

So perfectly were the Bulldog blockers distributed on the entire Bethany team that it seemed as if a tornado had preceded him down the field. Don Cole, the offensive

The sparkling running of Gene Smith, Bob Kerr, and the sensational open field running of Eddie Ball, who hit pay dirt three times during the evening, and a typical Bulldog pass defense plus a tough hard-hitting defensive line made up a combination that spelled victory for Coach Woodard's Bulldogs.

This win gave the Bulldogs undisputed second place in the Kansas Conference.


The Swedes drew first blood early in the first period when they rolled to a TD through a McPherson defensive team that was a little frustrated by the Swede offensive attack that the old master of tricks Coach Hahn of Bethany had cooked up for the Bulldogs.

The Bulldogs did not gain the upper hand till the second period with Wayne Blickenstaff doing a great job at calling signals. The Bulldogs rumbled to two quick touchdowns behind the wheeling of Smith. Kerr, and Ball. The Bulldogs led at half-time 13-7.

McPherson tallied twice more in the third act of the football drama, and Bethany once.


The teams broke even in the final period with both ball clubs scoring once.

Tommy O'Dell, the Jack-in-the-box from Kansas City, Kans., played his best defensive game this season for McPherson. Tommy intercepted three Bethany passes and returned the ball twice for long gains, once for 57 yards, and had be not been slowed down so much by a potential Bethany tackler he would have made the safety in the end zone.

The most sensational run of the game was made by Eddie Ball early in the third period when he took the ball from a hand-off from Wayne Blickenstaff and rounded right end and rambled 69 yards

without a man touching him.



center, and Dave Metzler, right end, made key blocks.

Duane Jamison played a great game at defensive end. Duane has not played too much ball all season. but in the last couple of weeks has shown great improvement.

Hitting pay dirt for the Canines were Co-Captain Bob Kerr, who went over on a line plunge, and Wayne Blickenstaff who scored on a quarterback sneak in the second period.

Bob. Kerr, the Oklahoma boy, played his usual good game although it was over-shadowed by the great running of Eddie Ball. Kerr reeled off many long gains and did a great job of running interference for the ball carriers.

Co-Captain Chuck Petefish played another great game at safety for the Canines. Chuck broke up a couple of passes thrown by Carlson that were labeled as touchdowns had they been completed.


Dwight McSpadden made up the third man of the defensive trio hat played a great game in the backfield the other night as Dwight was responsible for many of the tackles that were made.

The names of Metzler and Stevens spelled trouble for the op-ponents that had to play across from them in the line. Stevens, the right offensive tackle, and Metzler, the red-head who has held down the right terminal po-sition for the Bulldogs this sea-son, played a good and rough game and were many times the differ-


ence between having a play bog down or having it go for extra yards. These two boys played their last conference game at Bethany, and they played well and deserve a salute of "well done."


The two-platoon football system may be on the way out. However, it may be several years before it is officially killed by the rules committee; but some regulation changes, aimed at curtailing wholesale substitutions, likely will be written into the books at the next meeting of the law-making body.

Why? The number of coaches who dislike it is steadily increasing.

Already many coaches use it only in self defense, not because they like it.

Coach Dale Ward, of Colorado, says the platoon system is responsible for the rash of football injuries this season.

Moon Mullins, K-State Athletic director, said recently, "I could talk all night on things I don’t like about the two-platoon system and if football were not the great game it is, the two-platoon system would kill it.”

Many high schools employing young coaches have discovered their man to be a good defensive coach or perhaps a good tutor on offense, but not the needed combination of both in one man.

Of all charges leveled at the two-platoon system, probably that of Coach Ward Is the strongest, if be can prove it.

"Boys under the platoon system are fresher and they hit harder than they used to.” Ward explained. "When I played we were all in there for 60 minutes

and we all wore out together.” Ward does not subscribe to the theory that a fresh player, used only on offense or defense is less susceptible to injury than a tired player. The many injuries reported this year seem to substantiate his argument.

Eleven Teams Report For Table Tennis Tourney

An Intramural table tennis tournament has been established. As of Monday night, 11 teams had been reported to Dick Wareham. The first set was played Monday evening, and the schedules will be posted on the bulletin board in the gym.

A set will consist of the best in five games. All teams must be in order by Friday of the preceding week, and the games must be played in that order for the following week.

The number one players will compete against other number ones, and all results should be reported to L. Blickenstaff, C. Pete-fish, or Dick Wareham.

All those who profess to be ping pong artists are urged by the committee to bring their own equipment and show their stuff.

The trouble with a fellow who thinks he can read women like a book is that he is always for-getting his place.

Features of the game included the fact that each team lost at least two games with the exception of Sharpe (9-1), and each team won at least two games, except Walker (1-9).

The Faculty defeated Sharpe's team for the only loss to the champions. The biggest upset was the game in which Schmitt (1-5) beat Mesker (6-1). Several of the matches were hard fought affairs which lasted more than an hour.

Probably one of the most successful features of the season was the fact that 220 students participated. During the past six weeks 24 teams played an aggregate total of 241 games.

Many persons were initiated into playing volleyball, and new skills were developed. Also this form of social outlet made many new friends, Mr. J. Richard Wareham was in charge of the tournament.

The standings and records which have been recorded are as follows: Sharpe ................................... 9-1

Petefish .......... 8-2

W. Blickenstaff.................. 8-2

Sheaffer ...... 8-2

Metsker ................................. 7-2

Neher ..................................... 7-3

Faculty ................................... 7-4

Daggett _______..__________..__________6-4


Kough ..................................... 5-4

Zunkel ................................ 6-6

L. Blickenstaff ...... 5-5

Baker .......................... 5-5

Pote ........... 5-5


Powell .................................... 4-6

Schmitt .................................. 3-5

Fulkerson ..............................    3-6

Sigle ....................... 3-7

McSpadden .............................. 3-7

Coffman ______________ 3-8

Lentz............. 2-8

Murrey .................................... 2-9

Walker ............. .................... 1-9

Sharpe Emerges Champion As Volleyball Series Ends

The intra-mural volleyball season, which came to a close last Monday night, ended one of the best seasons that have ever been played at Mac. The Sharpe team came out of the melee the champions.