No. 9

Regional Conference Guests Arrive

Clausen Talks Each Evening During Regional Conference

McPherson College Music Department will make a contribution to each evening service during Regional Conference week, Nov. 13-17. Rev. Bernard C. Clausen will be the speaker at all evening services. Reverend Clausen is the pastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and is a nationally known leader; speaker, and author.

On Sunday morning the McPher-son Church Choir will offer a special Thanksgiving anthem. At four o'clock the same afternoon the vesper musicale will be given. This is an hour's program and will be presented by the Symphonic Choir.

College Organizations Sing

The College Ladies Trio and the College Male Quartette will sing Sunday evening.

up into a series of discussion groups. The discussion groups to be presented are: World Missions by Leland Brubaker, Ministry and Home Missions by Charles E. Zun-kel, Christian Education by C. E. Davis, Brethren Service by W. Harold Row, and Finance by Harl Russell.

The Bible Hour will meet at 8:55 in the chapel each morning and will be directed by Dr. W. W. Slabaugh from Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago.

Dessie Miller of Elgin will be here in the capacity of national director of children’s work. Ruth Shriver of Elgin will also attend for the women’s work meeting. She is the national secretary of that organization.

Trustees Do Not Meet

February has been the month in which Regional Conference has been held in years past. Last year the conference decided to change the date to November; therefore this year is the first to have conference in November. Because of the change, two Regional Conference sessions will be held in 1949.

McPherson College trustees are not meeting during the conference this time because of the change in dates.

Youth Of Western Region Spend Week End On Campus

The youth banquet for the Youth Regional Conference is to be held at 5:30 tomorrow evening in the basement of the Church of the Brethren. John Firestone is to be the master-of-ceremonies. Rowena Neher will present dinner music on the marimba.

Ervin Laszlo To Perform At First Community Concert

Tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock in the high school auditorium the first performance of this year’s community concert series will be given with the personage of Ervin Laszo, brilliant young pianist, as the attraction.

Rev. Bernard C. Clausen

On Monday evening the College Church Choir will appear for two


The College Ladies Quartette and the Freshmen Male Quartette will sing on Tuesday evening.

The Chapel Choir will present four numbers during the Wednesday evening services.

The A Cappella Choir will appear during the final services on Thursday evening. They will sing four or five numbers.

All music will be under the direction of Prof. D. R. Frederick. Meetings in Church and Chapel Regional Conference meetings on Sunday, Sectional meetings, and evening services will be held in the College Church. All other meetings will be held in the College Chapel.

Cafeteria Serves Meals

Meals will be served in the College Cafeteria. All conference guests who care to eat in the college cafeteria are invited, however, on school days Conference guests are urged to give the students preference at the noon hour in order that they may get to classes on time.

Brethren Leaders Speak

Eleven leaders have been scheduled to speak during the conference. Each day has been broken

New York Opera To Present Carmen

Appearing at Salina in the Civic Auditorium, Monday, November 14, and in the Memorial Theater. Tuesday, will be Carmen as presented by the New York Civic Opera Company.

In order to create a better understanding of the opera. Professor Plasterer will lecture on the opera at 2:00 p. m. Sunday afternoon in the SUR. Selections from this work will also be played.

Conference Guests Speak In Chapel

W. Harold Row, secretary of the Brethren Service Commission, Elgin, 111., will speak in chapel the 9:50 period, Monday.

Wednesday's chapel program will be given over the Public Address System in the S. U. R. for guests. President W. W. Peters will preside. The address will be given by Bernard C. Clausen, pas-tor of the Euclid Ave. Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and a nationally known leader, speaker and author.

Both speakers are here at McPherson for Regional Conference.

Symphonic Choir To Make Second Appearance Sunday

The Symphonic Choir under the direction of Prof. D. R. Frederick makes its second appearance this year at a vesper musicale Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13, at four o’clock. This is to be a part of the Regional Conference program and will be given at the Church of the Brethren.

The New York Herald Tribune

(J. D. Bohm). April 8, 1948, stated that young Laszlo was "The most remarkable young pianist en-countered in 20 years of experience in reviewing music in New York." After his first concert in New York, just a short time ago, the New York Times stated the next day he was "entitled to be placed among the outstanding keyboard artists of the present timeproving that for a born artist age matters little and that’s what counts above everything is the possession of innate musical instinct."

In giving their support and high praise, the New York Herald Tribune declared. "In fact there was no need to take this Hungarian lad's youth into consideration at any time during the course of his long and exacting program. He has few peers among pianists of any age, young or old."

Radiating happiness and health, and joyful beyond words over his success in playing the piano, Ervin Laszlo, although Hungarian-born, looks like any young American boy, rather quiet but with a great deal of poise, who likes people and likes them to like him. He has a fond memory of the day he and his mother first saw the skyline of New York from the rails of the ship on which they had secured passage from Europe—it represented a dream come true!

Ervin loves everything about music and he loves everything about America. He attends the Professional Children’s School in New York—reads a lot, from Shakespeare to Victor Hugo and Sinclair Lewis, and books on biology and astronomy—likes to swim a lot and do mountain climbing— photographs every town in which

he concertizes, and has his own dark room for developing prints.

The young genius began his instruction of the piano at the age of five, first from his mother, piano teacher, but in six months he had learned as much as she could teach him, and then from others, including the famous Dohnanyl. At seven, he won his first prize from the Music Academy of Budapest. Ervin made his debut at the age of nine years, playing with the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra, performing the Mozart A Concerto.

This appearance marked the beginning of a brilliant concert career. However, his work was temporarily interrupted during the war when the Nazis occupied Hungary, and he was denied the use of a piano. Resuming his playing as soon as possible, at fourteen he won the Francois Liszt Prize, and in the same year the Artist Diploma from the Academy of Music. At fifteen, in competition with 500 artists from 40 countries, he won the Grand Prize at the International Music Competition in Geneva. His greatest thrill, until coming to America, was in winning this contest!

All in all a quotation from Life Magazine sums up the evaluation of Laszlo—"New York's music critics are notoriously jaded listeners. When they show evidence of wakefulness, something unusually good is apt to be happening —they nearly jumped out of their seats at the debut of a dark-haired, 16-year-old Hungarian named Ervin Laszlo, who tackled the piano with a flawless technique and mature understanding."

Miller Directs Children’s Workers This Week End

Dessie Miller, Elgin, Ill., National Director of Children's Work of the Church of the Brethren, will be the main leader of the Regional Demonstration - Work Conference for Children’s Work-ers to be held here at McPherson Friday. Nov. 11, and Saturday Nov. 12.

Registration will begin Friday at 1:30 p. m. at the Church of the Brethren basement.

Mrs. Merritt R. Lee of Wichita has been secured as an inspirational speaker for the Friday evening session beginning at 7:30 p. m.

Book displays and opportunity for experimentation with creative expression will add interest to spare moments during the conference.

The last session is to be at 7:30 p. m. Saturday evening. Sev-eral sessions of interest to District Directors and Church School Teachers are also being planned for the following week.

Young Democrats To Organize Club

A Young Democrats Club is being organized in "Republican" McPherson Monday night, Nov. 14 in the New Room of Hotel Warren at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Rozella Switzer will be in charge of the opening meeting. Everyone is welcome.

Mrs. Switzer stated, in making the announcement, that there is a definite reason why young people, especially those of college age, should be interested and take part in practical politics. People who are educated and have social consciences owe something to their government. They have no right to complain because they have a choice of two candidates, both bad, unlesss they are willing to get in on the ground floor and help name the candidate. Democracy depends upon the willingness of intelligent people to get into

All students wishing to buy tickets for the banquet may do so after noon Saturday. Tickets will be on sale for $1.00. Only a limited supply for students will be available. The committee states, “First come first served."

Preparations are being made for 300 people to attend the banquet. The women of the church will serve the dinner.

Don Snider Snider Speaks

Don Snider, Elgin, Illinois, will be the principal speaker at the Youth Conference. He will first speak to the youth at 9 o'clock tonight in the College Chapel.

Registration will take place in the Student Union Room from 1 to 4 p. m. Friday. From 3:30 to 5 Friday afternoon, there will be a guided tour of Bay Refinery or Wall-Rogalsky Mill.

Addresses will be given on Saturday by Don Snider and by Hon. William Tice. Discussion groups will be lead by Raymond Flory, Don Snider, Robert Tully, and James Elrod.

practical politics. To that end the Young Democrats Club is being organized.

It is important, Mrs. Switzer added, that young people, first voters, choose their party on the party's merits rather than inheriting the politics of their parents and, after having chosen, get in and make their influence felt. The Democratic party, being the minority in Kansas, offers young people a chance to work in practical politics right from the start.

Wilhelm Collects Bells Receives Article In Post

One number, "To God All Praise and Glory," composed by Noble Cain will be accompanied by eleven instruments.

The program is as follows: By the entire Symphonic Choir: Our Father Who Art In Heaven

. . . . . Noble Crain

Morning Hymn . Henschel Agnus Del . Kalinnikoff O Lord God . Paul Tschesnoff Way Over Jordan (Negro spiritual) .    . arranged by Alex


Sing Unto the Lord a New Song .    . . .    . Noble Cain

To God All Praise and Glory

......Noble Cain

( Instrumental accompaniment ) By the treble color

Were You There . Lynn Woodward

We Praise Thee, O God . Leland B. Sateren

Into The Woods My Master Went . .    . George B. Nevin

To be presented by the male choir:

O    Clap Your Hands . Cameron Edwards

I    Will Lift Up Mine Eyes . Lynn Woodward

One World . music by Geoffry O'Hara, words by John Bratton

The Symphonic Choir is a combination of the A Cappella Chior and the Chapel Choir. It consists of 78 male and female voices.

Debate Squads Will See Action At Winfield Friday

The McPherson College debate squad will take part in two debates in the near future. The first is the Southwestern Debate Tournament at Winfield Nov. 18-19.

During the Thanksgiving vacation, on Nov. 25 and 26, the squad will enter the Bethel Tournament at Newton.

Only two or possibly three teams will participate at Winfield. All available squad members will see action at Newton. The squad includes five women and ten men.

Radio Program At 2:30 Features Yets

Featuring the veterans of McPherson College will be the radio program today at 2:30.

The program in honor of Armistice Day will be in the form of a panel discussion pertaining to veterans and their problems.

Those taking part will be Dave Stern, James Hoover, Vaiso Al-allima, Wilbur Beattie, Lester Messamer, Alvin Willems, and Iv-an Little.

Professor Rolland Plasterer will lead the discussion.

Dale Wilhelm, graduate of Mc-Pherson College in 1898, has become such a collector of functional bells that an article appeared about him in the Denver Post. October 23, 1949.

Wilhelm, who operates an ice house in Gillette, Wyoming, has a "cradle to grave" assortment of bells covering the services rendered to man by bells in practically every stage or human development.

Bells have been called upon to perform heroic services. In the course of history they have: aroused the Yankee countryside to an invasion of Redcoats: made possible rescues from sinking ships; signalled the beginning of great sea battles; and sounded the death knell of whole cities by fire. In many other capacities they serve man in everyday life.

Wilhelm owns bells for almost any function. He has sleigh bells, fire bells, ships’ bells, locomotive bells, dinner bells, caravan bells.

One of his most prized bells came off an engine which piled what may have been the nation's shortest railroad. The right-of-way extended a full 29 miles from Clearmont to Buffalo, Wyo.

One set of iceman's bells came off a Conestoga wagon, the only true prairie schooners because they were the only ones really waterproof and capable of floating across a river.

Wilhelm's collection also includes a set of caravan bells from Persia; a Chinese fishing gong: a mission bell from Mexico; Russian and Norwegian sleigh bells; sheep bells and cow bells and a wooden, hand-carved water buffalo bell from the island of Bali.

Wilhelm began collecting bells in 1940. He was operating a service station at the time and had a rather extensive museum in connection. Tourists used to spend hours poking among the relics. One of the visitors gave him a bell, which started, the collection.

The iceman’s flair for display was acquired quite naturally. He ran away from home when he was 16 and joined a circus, selling peanuts and popcorn. He worked for Campbell Brothers, Colins Brothers, and finally the big show, Ringling Brothers.

Wilhelm's prescription for happiness is "start a collection." Collect anything he says. Once Wilhelm had a collection of automobile license plates which covered the whole issue in Wyoming from the very first.

In proof of the effectiveness of Wilhelm’s prescription, there’s a twinkle in his eye, a pixy-like fix of curiosity about his mouth, and a general facial expression which says he knows you’re kidding him but he is letting you talk on anyhow.

Is This Your Attitude?

According to Noah Webster an attitude is a feeling or mood. This feeling or mood can be good or bad. All of us should have an attitude toward any situation, providing it is a healthy one.

What is our attitude concerning pranks on the campus? We are witnessing the results of two opposing attitudes concerning the actions of some of the students. Are these attitudes justifiable?

So far, the attitude of the administration is one of force. It is trying to quell pranks by forcing the students to submission.

On the other hand, the students have responded with antagonism. They resent the attitude of the faculty, but instead of making conditions better, they are responding with a negative attitude.

Neither of these attitudes can stand before the Christian principles upon which our school is founded. Either we must change our present attitudes or lose our school!

L. C.

Students-Faculty Cooperate

The fact that the students and faculty have been able to get together concerning the last dorm raid, and reach an understanding of the problem of discipline and of each other as well, gives us hopes and a certain degree of confidence for the future.

A way has been cleared for greater student-faculty cooperation. The fact that for the most part both sides have admitted their mistakes and have entered discussions with the idea of solution rather than trying to prove the right to do this or that shows that both students and faculty have at last the right attitude.

Strong feeling on both sides was shown, but by various means including that of taking the problem to the church for discussion in last Sunday’s C. B. Y. F. meeting, this feeling was gradually changed to one of common understanding and a desire for solution instead of defiance and cold justice.

Anyone who has the idea that one group or the other is being forced into anything against their will should be straightened out in a big hurry, for this is falacious and detrimental to that which has been accomplished and to the spirit in which further progress can be made.

The idea that there should be student representation on all faculty committees is being considered, and this points the way toward a student court with faculty representation as well as student participation in determining school policies regarding discipline and student citizenship.

Students as well as faculty members will have to take the initiative in this situation and offer suggestions as to how the idea can be worked out. Letters to the editor will be published if accompanied with a signature. Names may be withheld upon request.

Subscription Rates for

One School Year     $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


LeRoy Doty .......................................................................................................Editor-in-Chief

Lorene Clark ................................................................................................. Managing Editor

Betty Frantz .................................................................................................... Campus Editor

Dean Coughenour .............................................................................................. Sports Editor

Rowan Keim ...................................................................................................... Society Editor

Sarah May Vancil ........................................................................................... Faculty Adviser

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Betty Redinger    Betty Frants

Doris Correll    Don St. Clair    Kathlyn Larson

Albert Balzer    Garth Ellwood


Gerald Neher .............................................................................................. Business Manager

D. A. Crist ............................................................................................... Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder .................................................................................................. Faculty Adviser

Selection is made on the basis of the candidate's personal qualifications, academic record, and on the value of the study or project. The competitions are competitive, and the competition will be based upon an examination of the candidate's application. No formal examination" will be held.

At present these awards are given only to candidates holding a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent by the time the award is accepted. Where qualifications are equal, veterans receive preference, but lack of veteran status does not disqualify. Women and married students are also eligible.

Awards are made entirely in the currencies of the participating countries, and ordinarily cover transportation, tuition, books or equipment and maintenance for one year. The amount of the allowance varies with the cost of living in each country. It is sufficient to meet the living expenses during one year's study.

To apply for a scholarship under the Fulbright Act:

a. Write to the Institute of International Education (Fulbright Division) stating your qualifications, field of study, and country of choice.

8. Or, if currently enrolled in a college, university or technical school, you should apply to the Fulbright program advisor on your campus.

c. If you are now abroad in the participating country in which yon wish to study, you may obtain your application from the U. S. Educational Foundation there.

McPherson College Student Directory

Sophomores, School Address, Home Address

1.    Ammerman, Paul, 909 S. Maple, McPherson, Kansas.

2.    Augsburger, Robert, Fahnestock Hall, Columbus, Ohio.

3.    Bailey, Clifford, Galva, Kansas.

4.    Baldner, Nelda, Arnold Hall, Dallas Center, Iowa.

5.    Balzer, Albert, Fahnestock Hall, Inman, Kansas.

6.    Beach, Weldon, Fahnestock Hall, Leonard, Missouri.

7. Blickenstaff, Loren, Fahnestock Hall, Nampa, Idaho.

8.    Bishop, Mary Ann, Arnold Hall, Miami, New Mexico.

9.    Broyles, Eula, Arnold Hall, Wichita, Kansas.

10.    Bruns, Lucille, Vets Apart-ments, McPherson, Kansas.

11.    Carpenter, Dale, 307 N. Oak St., McPherson, Kansas.

12.    Clark, Lorene, Arnold Hall, Mayfield, Kansas.

13.    Cline, Delma, Arnold Hall, Conway, Kansas.

14.    Colberg, Lois, Arnold Hall, Lyons Kansas.

15.    Crist, D. Albert. Fahnestock Hall, Quinter, Kansas.

16. Daggett, Margaret, Arnold Hall, Lawrence, Kansas.

17.    Ellwood, Garth, 455 N. Olivette, McPherson, Kansas.

18.    Fishburn, Melvin, 133 N. Carrie, Lawrence, Kansas.

19.    Flora, Sylvus, Fahnestock Hall, Quinter, Kansas.

20.    Foster, Wayne, 619 E. Kansas, McPherson, Kansas.

21.    Frantz. Byron, 1321 E. Euclid, McPherson, Kansas.

22.    Friedley, Richard, 510 N. Lehmer, McPherson, Kansas.

23.    Goenner, Frederick, Fahnestock Hall, Zenda, Kansas.

24.    Grindle, Earl, Beloit, Kansas.

25.    Harden, Joyce, Arnold Hall, Natoma, Kansas.

26.    Hill, Jeralyn, Kline Hall, Denver, Colorado.

27.    Hummer, Verlla, Arnold Hall, Booker, Texas.

28.    Ikenberry, Gilford, Fahne-stock Hall, Stillwater, Oklahoma.

29.    Jamison, Duane, 1422 E. Euclid, Quinter, Kansas.

30.    Johnson, Louise, Kline Hall.

Well City, Missouri.

31.    Keim, Miriam, Arnold Hall, Nampa, Idaho.

32.    Kesler, Lera, Arnold Hall, Park, Kansas.

33.    Kinzie, Kenneth, Fahnestock Hall, Chicago, Illinois.

34. Lindberg, Charles, Galva, Gal-va, Kansas.

35.    Lutz, Frank, 318 N. Lehmer, Carrington, North Dakota.

36.    Mankey, David, 315 N. Carrie, Hardin, Missouri.

37.    Mankey, Naomi, Kline Hall, Hardin, Missouri.

38.    Marshall, Lorene, Arnold Hall, Adel, Iowa.

39.    McConkey, Geraldine, Arnold Hall, Topeka, Kansas.

40.    McNamee, Harold, (Fahnestock Hall, Waterloo, Iowa.

41.    Messick, Florene, Kline Hall, Lyons, Kansas.

42.    Metzler, David, 145 Olivette, McPherson, Kansas.

43.    Mofarah, Reza, Fahnestock Hall, Tehran, Iran.

44.    Mohler, Esther, Arnold Hall, McCune, Kansas.

45.    Moore, Maurice, Fahnestock Hall, Waterloo. Iowa.

46.    Moore, Willard, Fahnestock Hall, Cricago, Illinois.

47.    Mullen, James, McPherson.


48.    Neher, Gerald, Fahnestock Hall, Oswego, Kansas.

49. Newport, Kenneth, McPherson, Kansas.

50.    Nicholson, Glen, Fahnestock Hall, Hardin, Missouri.

51.    Pate, Joe, Fahnestock Hall, Independence, Kansas.

52.    Patterson, Patricia, Arnold Hall, Cando, North Dakota.

53.    Petefish, Charles, Fahnestock Hall, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

54.    Porter, Irwin, Fahnestock Hall, Quinter, Kansas.

55.    Pritchett, Kenneth, 133 N. Carrie, Grayville, Illinois.

56.    Ranck, Fred, Vets Apartments, Clearfield, Iowa.

57.    Redinger, Betty, 318 N. Leh

mer, McPherson, Kansas.

58.    Relate, Richard, Adel, Iowa.

59.    Rogers, Beulah, 1314 E. Euclid, Wilmont, Minnesota.

60.    Sanger, Hazel, Arnold Hall, Springfield, Missouri.

61.    Schmidt, Dean, 318 N. Lehmer, Freeport, Kansas.

62.    Schmutz, Phyllis, Kline Hall, Abilene, Kansas.

63.    Smith, Harold, 1722 Gordon, Beaver Iowa.

64.    Snowberger, Kenneth, 808 E. Kansas, McPherson, Kansas.

65.    Snyder, Dale Fahnestock Hall, Morrill, Kansas.

66.    Snyder, Gail, Fahnestock Hall, Morrill, Kansas.

67.    Snyder, Mary, Arnold, Hall, Adel, Iowa.

68. Speaker, Donavon, 315 N. Car-rie, Stafford, Kansas.

69.    Stevens, Donald, 1422 E. Euclid, Rock Falls, Illinois.

70.    Stine, Elinor, Arnold Hall, Adel, Iowa.

71.    Stump. Claudia Jo, Arnold  Hall, Mountain Grove, Missouri.

72.    Tolle, Willard, Fahnestock Hall, Roxbury, Kansas.

73.    Weaver, Darlene, Arnold Hall, Keota, Iowa.

74.    White, Jack, 1011 N. Main, McPherson, Kansas.

75.    Yazdi, Nadushani, Hoerner House, Tehran, Iran.

76.    Zunkel, Alvin, Fahnestock Hall, N. Manchester, Indiana.

Read all the advertisements in

the Spectator every week.

Fulbright Act Offers Students Chance For Study Abroad

The three basic qualifications for selection to study abroad under the auspices of the Fulbright Act are: American citizenship, a college degree or its equivalent, and knowledge of the language of the country sufficient to carry on your proposed study of research.


Fee Gives Waffle Supper

Miss Della Hoerner, Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Mildred Seik, Miss Edna Neher, and Miss Hazel Fee were guests of Dr. Mary Fee at a waffle supper Friday evening, Nov. 4.

Lois Yoder, Wilda Minnix, and Willard Werner went skating in  Hutchinson Saturday evening. Willard is a pre-medical student at Kansas University, Lawrence.

Parents Attend Play

The parents and two sisters of Lera and Doris Kesler, Quinter, attended the play. "The Late George Apley," Tuesday, Nov. l. The Keslers visited on the campus until Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neher and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bowman, all of Quinter, visited on the campus Thursday and Fri-of last week. They attended the play Thursday evening.

Margaret and Bill Daggett, and Geraldine McConkey spent the week end at their homes in Lone Star and Topeka, respectively.

Twenty girls from Arnold Hall attended the McPherson-Bethany football game in Lindsborg Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. George Sooby and Joyce, and Bob Loper, all of Garden City, visited Donna and Bob Sooby and Betty Jo Baker on campus last Saturday evening and Sunday.

Lamle, Martin Serve Pheasant

Miss Muriel Lamle and Miss Bonnie Martin entertained Elaine Wine, Raymond Walker, Edwin Negley, and Mrs. Alice Martin at a pheasant dinner Sunday, Nov. 6. Mr. Walker shot the pheasant while on a hunting trip, and it was prepared by Miss Lamle and Miss Martin.

man were in Manhattan last week end to visit friends and attend the Homecoming game.

Anna Lou Rhodes’ sister visited her Thursday of last week.

Girls Surprise Sooby

Fourth floor girls in Arnold Hall had a surprise birthday party Sunday night in the Dog House for Donna Sooby, who was 18.

Refreshments of pop, ice cream, and a three-tier chocolate cake, baked by Kathlyn Larson, were served. As favors for the party. Rowena Ikenberry made paper hats for each girl to wear.

Other guests besides Donna were Miss Edna Neher and Miss Sarah May Vancil.

Jo Ann Pyle, Phyllis Schmutz, and Anna Lou Rhodes, who live in Kline Hall, visited at home last week in Hamlin, Abilene, and Inman, respectively.

Sunday, November 6, Mrs. Marjorie Bowers entertained Miss Virginia Harris, Miss Sarah May Van-cil, and Miss Edna Neher at dinner.

Richard Horning and Weldon Beach visited their parents at home last week end.

Eula Broyles, Rex Redding, Norma Lee Couch, and Joe Grimm spent some time in Wichita Saturday.

Mac Students Hear Rise Stevens

Jeane Baldwin, Roy Nash, Rosemary Traxler, and Jim Garvey heard Rise Stevens at the Forum in Wichita, Saturday.

Charles Petefish, Loren Blick-enstaff, and Albert Balzer attended the Kansas State-Oklahoma game Saturday. While in Manhattan, the boys stayed with Kenneth Watkins and John Lorenz, who were both students at McPherson last year.

Angeline Flora and Irwin Porter, Quinter; Delma Cline, Conway:    Lorene Clark, Mayfield:

Doris Correll, Detroit; and Lois Colberg, Lyons, all spent last week end at home except Miss Cor rell, who was a guest of Miss Clark.

Mrs. Ida Brunk and Mrs. Josie Young were dinner guests of Miss Neher last Wednesday noon.

Former Students Visit Campus

Mr. and Mrs. John Messamer, Paradise; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jarboe, Silver Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Leland High, Ness, City:    Donna

Marie Bowman, Marquette; and Rachel Loganecker, Goodland, visited on campus a while last week. They are former students who are now teaching.

Mrs. Howard Hammarlund, formerly Lois Stambough, of Maple Hill, was a Saturday visitor on the campus.

The Misses Kathleen and Betty Baerg, teachers at Copeland and near Copeland, respectively, visited here last Saturday. Kathleen graduated here last year; Betty was a student here two years ago.

College Physician Improves

Dr. W. C. Heaston, college physician, is reported to be in improved condition. He is being cared for at his home at 1000 East Euclid Avenue, McPherson, Kansas.

Mrs. Noyes, Rea, Knapp Appear In “Hay Fever”

Mrs. George Noyes, teacher at McPherson College, will portray Judith Bliss, the leading feminine role in the three-act Noel Coward comedy "Hoy Fever" to be presented Nov. 14 and 15 at 8:15 p.m. in the Community Building.

Tom Rea, a former McPherson College student, plays the male lead of David Bliss. The play is a farce concerning the madcap antics of an English family.

Others in the cast include Marlin Walters, freshman here at the college and Harry Knapp, former student now employed in McPherson. The play is directed by Tom Rea.

Funds raised by the show will be used for financing the Auxiliary's rehabilitation program.

Betty Frantz, Harold McNamee, Nelda Baldner, and Gilford Ikenberry, attended "Hamlet" and the Ice Cycles In Wichita, Saturday.

Betty Ann Murrey, Doris Kes-ler, and Phyllis and Winston Bow-

This Week

Nov. 11—Fort Riley—there.

Nov. 11-13—Regional Youth Conference.

Nov. 11, 12—Demonstration Work Conference for Children's Workers.

Nov. 12—Community Concert, Ervin Laszlo—pianist.

Nov. 13-17—Regional Conference. Church of the Brethren, here.

Nov. 19— Freshman-Senior Kid Party.

Nov. 19—Sophomore-Junior Skate Party.

Nov. 20—Student Recital.

Nov. 23, 12:10 p. m.—Nov. 29 8 a. m.—Thanksgiving Vacation.

Senior Is New Father

Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Reinecker 444 Maxwell, have named their daughter, born Oct. 27. Pamela


Gene is a senior at McPherson


Pamela Kay weighed 7 lbs. 8 ozs.

Faculty Directory

Name Home Address Home Tel. No. Office room no. Office Tel. Alexander, Miss Bonnie, Arnold Hall, 1061, Harnly, 4th floor, 287.

Bechtel, Kenneth C., 1514 E. Gordon, 1133-X, Harnly 311. 287. Bowman, J. L., 143 N. Carrie, 403-Y, Harnly 215, 287.

Brammell, Ira N. H., 706 E. Marlin, 1583, Sharp 24. 10.

Brown, Miss Jessie, 132 N. Charles. 403-X, Harnly, 402, 287, Crabb, Delbert E., 307 S. Walnut, 1481, Sharp 32.

Dell, S. M., 309 N. Eshelman.

416-X, Frantz Ind. Arts. 344. Fee, Miss Mary. 1402 E. Euclid.

992-J, Sharp 13.

Flory, Raymond L. 4 21 N. Carrie.

775-J, Harnly 302 287.

Frantz, Earl M., 1321 E. Euclid.

2321-W, Sharp 22, 10. Frederick, Donald R., 120 N. Charles, 283-X, Harnly 106, 287. Fries. J. H., 315 N. Charles. 972-W, Sharp 25, 9.

Hardacre, Forrest, 321 N. Olivette, 972-Y, Phys. Ed. Bldg., 960.

Harris, Miss Virginia, Kline Hall.

No. 21. 1695, Library. 970. Heisey, Lowell V., 1503 1/2 E. Euclid, 422-W, Harnly 105, 287. Hershberger. E. S., 1011 E. Euclid, 690-X, Frantz Ind. Arts. 344.

Hess, Maurice A., 401 N. Carrie.

1275-W, Sharp 30.

Howe, Helen Irene, 1114 S. Walnut, Harnly 404.

Keim, Robert, 117 N. Olivette.

952-X, Sharp 22, 10.

Krehbiel, Anne, 1000 E. Euclid.

533, Harnly 405, 287.

Lamle, Muriel, 123 N. Carrie, 283-J Phys. Ed. Bldg. 960.

Lehman, Miss Della, 1514 E. Gordon, 1133-X, Sharp 28. Lockwood. Miss Mary. 140 N. Charles, 283-L-4, Harnly 301, 287.

Mark, Fritjoff, 626 E. Kansas, 404.

Martin, Mrs. Alice B., 123 N. Carrie 283-J. Sharp 20-21, 9-10. McAuley, Roy E., 744 E. Euclid.

569-L-l. Sharp 32.

Metzler, Burton. 145 N. Olivette, 681-J, Harnly 310, 287.

Kansas Wesleyan Dean Dies Suddenly at Salina

Edwin C. Howe, acting dean and professor of history at Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, died last Friday morning.

Professor Howe’s death was sudden and unexpected. He had been confined to his home Thurs-day with the flu. Death occurred about 1 a. m. Friday.

Miss Helen Howe, piano instructor at McPherson College, is a niece of Professor Howe.

Recital To Be Nov. 20

A joint voice and piano recital will he given November 20, by the students in these departments of McPherson College.

Further details will be given next week.

When Is Your Birthday?

Mistakes will happen, even on Macampus. Last night about 11 o’clock, Jo Stamp and Kathlyn Larson burst into room 404 Arnold, carrying ice cream and crackers and singing "Happy Birthday" to Anita Rogers and her roommate, Inez Royer.

No one knows who got the dates mixed, but Anita’s birthday isn’t until April 30.

Soph-Junior Skate Party To Be Held Nov. 19

A sophomore-junior skating party will he held November 19 at the Peterson Roller Rink. This is the same night as the freshman

senior kid party. It was deemed necessary by the social committee that all students "have entertainment at the same time so they have planned this party. This is the first time a skating party has been held during the traditional kid party.

Hershberger Views Art In Kansas Painting Exhibit

Prof: E. S. Hershberger visited the Wichita Art Museum last Sunday. An exhibit was being made of 194 9 acquisitions which are a collection of Rolland P. Murdock.

He also saw the Kansas Painters’ Exhibit which was sponsored by the Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg. Kansas.

Mohler, Robert E., 1142 E. Euclid. 313. Harnly 313. 287. Mugler. Minnie. 406 S. Maple. 848, Town Studio, none.

Olson, O. A., 1604 E. Gordon, 11-33-Y, Sharp 31.

Peters, W. W., 1223 E. Euclid.

1356, Sharp 26, 10.

Plasterer, Rolland, 324 N. Olivette 681-W, Harnly 403, 287, San Romani, Mrs. A., 1010 E.

Euclid, 516-Y, Harnly 420, 287. Shelly, Joseph S., 121 N. Charles, none, Frantz Ind. Arts, 344. Siek, Miss Mildred. 132 N. Charles, 403-X, Harnly 202, 287. Vancil, Miss Sarah May, 1718 E.

Gordon, 502-Y, Sharp 16, 970. Wareham, Richard, 1300 E. Euc-lid, 680-Y. Phys. Ed Bldg., 960. Warren, Luther, 1422 E. Euclid.

1096, Sharp 23, 9.

Wickersham, Miss Lulu, 310 N. Chestnut, 647-Y, Harnly 301, 287.

Yoder, R. Gordon, 114 N. Carrie,

997-Y, Sharp 25, 9.

Kinzie, Mary A., 315 N. Carrie, 392-X, Harnly 202, 287.

Ottawa Faces Tough Foe In C of E

Kansas Conference

W L    Pct.    Pts.    OP

Ottawa ....    4     0    1.000    104    13

Bethany ... 4 1    .800 136 60

Baker .......    4     1    .800    109    33

C. of E. ..... 2     3    .400    88    46

Wesleyan..    2     3    .400    74    66

Bethel ......    1     3    .250    51    103

MC ..........    0     6    .000    32    272

This Week’s Games McPherson at Ft. Riley.

C. of E. at Ottawa.

Baker at Central (Mo.). Bethany at Bethel (Saturday).

Last Week’s Scores Bethany 75 McPherson 13. Wesleyan 6 Baker 15.

C. of E. 42 Bethel 19.

Ottawa 41 Wm. Jewell 14.

Vernon Blickenstaff

Senior Swan Song For Six

Ron Sullivan





Galen Webb

Harry Heckethorn

The Ottawa Braves will attempt to hurdle the first of two obstacles to their third consecutive Kansas Conference crown to-night as they take on Murray Brown's College of Emporia Pres-bies.

There is still a very possible chance that the Braves will have to share or even relinquish their league leadership. If they get by the Presbies tonight the Bravos will have to meet Baker next week. The Wildcats are still in the running for the title, and, on the basis of their impressive 15-6 trouncing of Wally Forsberg’s improving Kansas Wesleyan crew last week, must rate as a possibility to beat Ottawa.

A good line of the Wildcat's ability compared to Ottawa will be ascertained tonight as Baker meets Central (Mo.), a team that previously racked the Braves 6-0.

Bethany can stay in the race by beating Bethel tomorrow. The Gray Maroons lost to C. of E. last week in a high scoring game 42-19, Southpaw Dan Durand was the big gun for the Presbiss toss-ing three scoring aerials and returning a kickoff 93 yards for a touchdown.

Cage Practice To Start Monday With Five Lettermen

Basketball practice for the McPherson College Bulldogs will start Monday, November 14, with five lettermen from last season's squad that won seven of 22 games reporting to head coach Forrest (Frosty) Hardacre.

Topping the list will be Lyle Goering and Bob Odle, seniors back for their fourth season as Bulldogs. Both are from McPherson High School and have lettered since the '46-'47 season.

Two players have won two cage monograms, Ron Sullivan and Herb Bruns. The six foot four inch Bruns also had a year's experience in '47 but did not letter.

The other lettermen is Glen Pyle who transferred from Central College last season and started most of the games for the '49 Bulldogs. Pyle's head injury received early in the football season is not expected to deter him any for the cage sport.

Also expected out is Gene Arnold, who did not letter in ‘49 but did win his M the previous year.

Departed from the ranks are the Bulldog's top scorers of '49,

Last Grid Game Tonight Against Ft. Riley Eleven

Tonight on the Junction City High School gridiron the McPherson College Bulldogs will wind up their 1949 football season against the tough, experienced Ft. Riley Centaur eleven.

Playing their last game in Bulldog moleskins will be Carroll Tillman, Vernon Blickenstaff, Galen Webb, Harry Heckethorn, Gene Arnold, and Ron Sullivan. A leg injury received in the Bethel game has already written finis to the collegiate career of a seventh senior, George Holloway.

The two co-captains Tillman and Blickenstaff, will be playing their fourth season for the Bulldogs. Tillman has lettered since ’46, and Blickenstaff has won a monogram three times, missing out in ’48 because of an arm in-jury.

Jim Schroeder scored two of Bethel's touchdowns against Emporia to tie Bethany's Bill Carlson for individual scoring leadership with 42 points. Carlson also counted twite in the Swedes 75-13 shellacking of McPherson last week.

Vaughn Kimbrough of Ottawa is second with 36 points and Boyce Smith, who matched Durand's 93 yard kickoff return last week, is third with 30 points.

In scoring for all games it stands: Carlson, 54; Kimbrough, 48; and Smith and Schroeder, 42.

Biteless Bulldogs Beaten By Bethany

The McPherson College Bulldog's record-in-reverse (the 64-0 shellacking by Baker September 30) lasted just 36 days at they took it on the chin 75-13 from the Bethany Swedes last Friday.

The Swedes scored touchdowns by almost every conceivable method as they scored twelve of the sixteen times they had their hands on the ball.

The Swedes scored three touchdowns in every period and added one conversion in the first and third periods on Wallace Bemore and Bob Gerard's placekicks and one in the second stanza on a McClure-Bale pass.

The Bulldogs scored twice in the final period. Freshman Bill Seidel grabbed a Swede fumble in mid-air and hot footed 93 yards for the score. Seidel also converted.

Chuck Petefish smothered the fumble after the Swedes miscued on the kickoff and the Bulldogs moved 39 yards for the next touch-down. A 13 yard puss from Pete-fish to Seidel and an 11 yard rush over tackle by Gene Arnold were the big yardage caters. Arnold went over from the two.

The Swedes hit 10 of 17 passes while the Bulldogs were basketing but 4 of 23, Arnold completed but one in 17 attempts. Sophomore Bill Carlson of the Swedes was the rushing star with 124 yards in 12 carries.

Bob Odle

Verlyn Fisher and Don Peters. Fisher graduated after four brilliant seasons and Peters transferred to Emporia State.

The Bulldog schedule has not been completed yet by Hardacre, but the first game probably will be in the second or third week of December. Sterling will probably be the opponent.

Heckethorn and Webb have been line stalwarts for the past two years. Both have played tackle this season, but Heckethorn performed at guard last year.

Sullivan and Arnold, the perennial buddies from the Illinois-In-diana sector, are finishing their third season in red and white livery. Both came to MC in ’47 with Rolla Reiling, who was Bulldog coach for one season, and both have performed capably in the backfield since then. Although they have played but three seasons, this figures to be their last as Sully and Gene plan on graduating at the end of summer school this year.

MC-Bethany Statistics

Bethany    19 19 19 18 - 75

MC     0 0 0 13 - 13

Touchdowns: Bethany-Price 2, Carlson 2, Lander, Ludwig, Win-blad, Hahn, Bale, Bemore, MC-Seidel, Arnold.

Extra Points: Bethany-Bemore, Bale, Gerard, MC-Seidel.

First downs-MC 6 (Bechtol, Lin-al, Arnold 3, Seidel) Bethany 20 (Price 4, Carlson 5, Collins 4, McClure, Coffman, Bemore 2, Bale 2, D. Anderson).

Rushing attempts and yardage MC 40-82 (Finger 10-24, Aronld 18-53, Libal 5-14, Hoover 6-neg 5, Sullivan 1-neg 4. Bethany 60316 (Yalander 1-5, Carlson 12124, Price 9-62, Ludwig 8-20, Collins 7-23, Gerard 5-9, McClure 7-17, Bemore 5-41, Elmborg 1-8, L. Johnson 2-1, Coffman 3-6).

Passing attempts, completions, yardage-MC 23-4-41 (Libal 3-219, Finger 1-0-0, Arnold 17-1-9, Petefish 2-1-13) Bethany 17-10170 (Gerard 6-3-56, Carlson 32-42, McClure 3-3-44, Bemore 20-0, Price 3-2-28).

Punting-MC 8, 19.6 (Petefish 4-20.0, Arnold 4-19.8). Bethany 1-41.0 (Gerard).

Penalties-MC 3-25 Bethany 5-45.

Fumbles-MC 3 Bethany 5.

Opponent's Fumbles Recovered-MC 2 Bethany 3.

Punt Returns-MC 1-17 (Newport) Bethany 4-69 (Price 1-27, Collins 2-25, Carlson 1-17).

Kickoff Returns-MC 10-164 (Arnold 4-61. Schmidt 2-36, Newport 1-25, Augsburger 1-12, Blick-enstaff 1-18, Finger 1-12) Bethany 3-42 (Bale 1-17, Crumet 1-5, Coffman 1-20).

Passes Intercepted-MC 0 Bethany 2 (Lander. Hahn).

Pass Receptions-MC 4-41 (Bechtol 1-11, Sullivan 1-8, Seidel 2-22) Bethany 10-170 (Carlson 1-17, Collins 3-44, Bemore 1-22, J. Winblad 1-11, Bale 3-63, D. Anderson 1-13).

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Half Of Students Are From Kansas

The Dean's Office recently made a study of the counties of Kansas represented at McPherson College. There are 240 persons from Kansas attending Macollege while 128 from other states attend.

McPherson County ranks highest by being represented by 144 students.

Seniors, Freshmen Attend Kid Party In Gym Nov. 19

Come one, COME ALL, at least if you are a freshman or a senior, to the Freshman-Senior Kid party at 8 o'clock Saturday night, Nov. 19, in the gymnasium.

Everyone is to come dressed as a "kid.'' Prizes will be offered for the best-dressed little boy and girl.