No. 8

Macampus To Be Host For Regional Youth Conference

Don Snider, National Director of Youth, will be the principal speaker at the Regional Youth Conference to be held on Mac Campus November 11, 12, and 13.

He will first address the youth at 9 Friday evening. At 9:30 Saturday morning, he will offer a "Challenge to Youth." He will also have charge of some of the discussion groups and preside over the Sunday School Hour in the College Chapel at 9 Sunday morning.

_ Marilue Bowman, Vernon Nicholson, and Bob Keim will lead group singing during the conference.

Other leaders for the conference will be Ira Brammell, Earl Frantz, Raymond Flory, Robert Tully, and James Elrod.

capade last Monday night. The chairs were retrieved later the next day from the balcony of the Men's Dorm.

Regional Conference Will Open On Macampus Sunday

Regional Conference will open on Macampus Sunday morning, November 13, and will continue through Thursday, November 17.

Coming Events

Nov. 4—Bethany—there

Nov. 11—Fort Riley—there

Nov. 11-13 Regional Youth Retreat, here

Nov. 13-17 Regional Conference, Church of the Brethren —here

Nov. 19 Freshman-Senior Kid Party

Nov. 19 Sophomore-Junior Skating Party

Neher Has Interesting Experiences In Germany

Dean Neher, who was a sophomore at Macollege last year, is now with a Brethren Service Commission unit in Germany, giving a year of volunteer service.

The following are excerpts from a letter that Dean wrote to his aunt, Miss Edna Neher, recently:

"I hope you have heard who our unit includes—two Manchest

The above pictures show McPherson College students removing chairs from the library and girls looking on in expectation of

Rev. Ray E. Zook will have charge of the Sunday morning worship.

One of the highlights of the day will be the Vesper Musicale to be presented by the Symphonic Choir under the direction of Prof. D. R. Frederick. This will be held at 4 Sunday afternoon.

The general theme of the Conference is "Deepening the Spiritual Life." Some of the phases to be presented are: World Missions by Leland Brubaker, Ministry and Home Missions by Charles Zunkel, Christian Education by C. E. Davis, Brethren Service by Harold Row, and Finance by Harl Russell.

Metzler To Speak At Bible Institute

Dr. Burton Metzler, Religion teacher at McPherson College will speak ten times at the Bible Institute at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania where he and Dr. Rufus Bowman, president of Bethany Seminary, are guest speakers.

Dr. Metzler is leaving Friday evening, November 11, and will return November 20. He is traveling by train. Arrangements are being made with other teachers for conducting Dr. Metzler’s classes.

Campaign Is Waged For Refugees From Behind Curtain

"The future of freedom in Europe rests with people willing to endure anything to hold totalitarian darkness. To extend aid to the Iron Curtain escapees now is not only our humanitarian duty— it is political wisdom. Americans cannot-will not-desert their, staunchest allies in the battle for freedom in their hour of need."

The above is a statement made by Richard E. Byrd, Rear Admiral USN, who is chairman of the Iron Curtain Refugee Campaign.

The Iron Curtain Refugees are not displaced persons, but people who have actually escaped from behind the Iron Curtain since the end of the war. They are men and women who suffered and risked their lives opposing Nazism and Stalinism. Others are intellectuals and scientists of world renown.

The International Refugee Or-anization of the UN has registered close to 200,000 refugees, and there is still a very large number unregistered. Despite the Soviets security police, estimates are that from 500 to 1,000 men and women  continue to escape every week.

Very little is being done to help these refugees. It is the goal of the Iron Curtain Refugee Campaign to raise $1,000,000 between now and December 25,1949. The money will be used for emergency assistance which the refugees must have to survive. The relief will be distributed by the  International Rescue Committee’s ten offices in Europe and Turkey.

three girls looking on in expectation of more invaders during a dorm raid. All this and more too happened during a Hallowe’en es

Fifty-Six Students Take Hay-ride To Hutchinson

Fifty-six students gathered last Saturday evening for a hay-ride to Hutchinson for an all-school skating party. One truck and two cars served as transportation.

On the way the students ate sack lunches fixed by the college cafeteria.

Upon arrival at the rink, which was converted from a hangar at the old army air base, the girls were given programs. These were filled out by the boys not the skating numbers.

Included on the program were: couples' skate, trio skate, grand march, whistle trio, ladies' choice, and two moonlight skates.

A group of students interested in skating planned the party.

Mr. Rolland Plasterer was the sponsor.

Dell Plans To Attend Industrial Arts Conf.

Professor S. M. Deli plans to attend the Industrial Arts Conference of the Mississippi Valley November 10, 11, 12, in Chicago.

Professor Joseph Shelly and assistants will take over his classes during his absence.

er grads, Don Darnbaugh from Pontiac, Michigan: Barbara Boggs from Oak Park, Illinois, the three of us were there last year (Dean, Jake Shaeffer, and Joann Lehman); and Wilma Kuns from Garden City, c'45. Wilma has been over here all summer in a work camp.

“When we first arrived and saw all the destruction, we were anxious to begin: but a few words of wisdom from Kurtis Naylor, c338, informed us that probably the most good that we would do while here would not be in the re-construction line, but in our meeting and spreading good will among the people. That's been proved already.

“The assistant doctor told us the other night that when we came the people in the community were laughing — Americans coming here to work free, and not only that but to do the dirty jobs (if one is dirtier than another, especially in Germany.)

"And now, only a week and a half later, they respect us; they are mentioning us to others, and he hopes that it will give the people of the surrounding area an incentive to go ahead that they haven't had before, that is, since the war.

"I'm off riding in this country except when really necessary. One Sunday we went out to Kassel to a small village to a reunion type affair for all who had been con-

Thanks - - -

Vernon Blickenstaff, president of the student-body and on behalf of the Student Council, wishes to thank all organizations and individuals that helped in the homecoming festivities. Special thanks to those groups that entered floats in the parade are given, also.

Peters, Mohler To Meet With Board

Dr. W. W. Peters and Dr. Mohler will attend the annual fall meeting of the General Brotherhood-for the Church of the Breth-ern Nov. 7-10 at Elgin, Ill.

President Peters is a member of the Brethren Service Committee and Dr. Mohler is chairman of the Finance Committee.

Dr. Burton Metzler, a member of the Ministry and Home Missions Committee, will be unable to attend the meeting.

firmed in the church for fifty years, which meant that they had to he at least 64 years old. Many of them lived in surrounding villages or some even in distant towns; but as we left the meeting, we were the only ones to climb into a car—all others walked.

"In the villages they don’t have cars, and in larger cities they are not supposed to drive on Sunday, with the exception of the Americans who can go anywhere anytime.

"As we wanted to be able to converse with the people, we decided to learn the language somewhat first. We spent some time in a Berlitz school; and then as an invitation was given us to come to the closing days of an International Zivil-dienst camp, we went.

"It is the German division of the International Civil Dienst which sponsors workcamps in several countries. There were 48 people there from seven different countries during the six weeks of the camp. They were helping six families of refugees build their own homes.

"We ave spent some time in passing out and inventorying the relief goods that are in the Kassel warehouse. Mary Coppock, a niece of Rev. X. L. Coppock, Independence, Kansas, is in charge of the material aid starting this fall; and she wanted it all inventoried to know just what she had.

Barkerettes Win First Prize For Entry In Parade

First prize in the Homecoming Parade was won by the Barkerettes with their grinder float in which Bethel’s players were being ground up, and Bethel-burgers were for sale for 2 cents.

The sophomore float received second for a tractor and a spreader loaded with Graymaroon players being spread by the Bulldogs. Their motto was "For the Land's Sake Beat Bethel."

Third was won by the SCA with their football field with a Bulldog eating Bethel's bones. The bulldog was held by Claudia Jo Stump.

"Hitch Your Wagon to a Star" was the theme of the fourth-place float sponsored by the junior class. This float had Joe Little. Ivan Little's four-year-old brother, as its attraction. He was seated in a cart hitched to stars named for the members of the football squad.

Judges were Gordon Yoder, Muriel Lamle, and Roy McAuley.

According to some local alumni, this was one of the most successful Homecoming Parades in several years. A large number of floats as well as decorated cars were entered. The queen and the football squad rode in the parade in convertibles.

Homecoming Tags Given To Alumni Show Original

“Say, whose clever idea was it to make those red and white "M"'s for alumni to wear as Homecoming tags?" This remark was typical of various expressions of appreciation for the Barker-ettes’ efforts to make a meaningful symbol of "tag" for the former students of McPherson College who were returning to their "Alma Mater" for Homecoming.

Made in the school colors, the lags were a white "M" bordered by red with "Homecoming" written on it, and a 1949 football in the center.

These tags were given to present College teachers, the alumni, and former students.

A member of the Barkerettes, Carol Hardy, was originator of the clever "M". Other members of the club who helped make them were Bob Wilson, Bob Sooby, Donna Sooby, Betty Jo Baker, Geneva Krehbiel, Ruth Moors, Darlene Weaver, Margaret Daggett, and Mildred Snowberger.

"Things are still pretty bad in Kassel. Official reports have it that five thousand children will not be in school this winter because of a lack of shoes: 1.8 persons live in every room; 48 per cent of the people do not have enough food to meet the minimum requirements for calories: however only 33 per cent do not have the wherewithal to get it, the others are buying furniture and building houses, etc., instead.

"The head doctor of the project that we arc working on now. Dr. Goeretz, was one of the 300,000 people driven to Denmark by the westward moving Russians in 1945.

"In 1947, he and the group of helpers that he had gathered around him there decided to came back to Germany where the need for an orthopedic hospital was greater.

“They came into Kassel only to find that the house they were supposed to have for the hospital had been taken over by the American occupation forces.

“They had, to find room for the two doctors, 10 nurses, the 50 most serious patients and the Danish government had made them bring along, and the other help that went with the hospital. After locating in one small town, they were driven out because they belonged to the wrong political party.

“They finally settled here where they now have a staff of 48 workers and at the present time 98 patients. Among other things, we are opening up a new ward and will increase the number of patients to 120.

"Their story of troubles, as is the case with almost any person or group of persons here in Ger-

Rabbi Hershfield, Rev. McCune Will Have Chapel Time

"What We Jews Believe" is the subject of Rabbi Hershfield's speech for chapel Monday. Rabbi Nathan Hershfield is assistant rabbi at Congregation B’nal Je-duhdah. Kansas City, Missouri. He will also visit the classes in religion.

Rabbi Hershfield is a native of New York, educated in the public school system there. He is a graduate of The University of Cincinnati and of the Hebrew Union College.

While still a student the Rabbi served as student rabbi in Danville, Illinois, where he likewise held the position of student chaplain at an Army mental hospital. During his last two years at H. U. C., he served as rabbi in Parkers-berg, West Virginia, and Jackson, Michigan.

Rabbi Hershfield is here by special arrangement with the Chautauqua Society.

Rev. McCure, pastor of Central College Church in McPherson, will give a religious talk Wednesday, November 9, in chapel.

Rev. McCune, pastor of Central McPherson from the state of Washington to take over the pastorate position at the Church of the Free Methodist College in this city.

Dr. Hartzler, Mennonite minister and teacher, spoke in chapel last Wednesday. He spoke also last week at the Mennonite church in McPherson.    ~

Dr. Hartzler, a former teacher in Goshen College in Indiana, and a former teacher in Yale Divinity School. He is also a writer.

many, is really a heart-breaker. They could not get materials as their money was worthless after the change of systems. They could not get anyone to work as they would not accept money, and they had nothing else. One month all the officials went without pay, and most months everyone is docked about one-third. They seem to me to be way ahead of American hospitals, both in quality and method.

“It is interesting the opinions that are circulating here. All Germans are sure that Russia and the United States are going to be in a war, and most of them look for it right away. Some of them are afraid that the war will be on German soil.

“Others think that the U. S. will withdraw and then Russia will easily take over the rest of Europe. There is a great fear of the Russians. Their occupation zone border is just 30 kilometers, about 20 miles, east of here.

“There is a girl here who came across the border one night to be in the U. S. zone. Another girl here was in a Siberian salt mine. We are going to have a chance to talk with her. Others have dodged Russians for days during their invasion.

"Kids 12 and 13 have had more horror experiences than I ever want to have. Everyone has a tale.

"The superintendent and his wife agreed to meet in Hamburg after it was all over. She walked clear across Germany, almost, to meet him. Then they lived in a room 3 ft. by 4 ft., cooking, sleeping and doing everything.

Dean's address is:    Brethren

Service Commission, A. P. O. No. 171, care Postmaster, New York.

Don Snider

The Kansas Youth Council will meet at the same time as the Regional Youth Conference. Guest speaker for this meeting will be the Hon. William Tice, who is a Christian layman lawyer, and legislator of Kansas.

The youth banquet will be held in the basement of the College church at 5:30 Saturday evening.

Skate Club To Be Formed On Campus

A skating club on Macampus is in the state of being created. For some weekends now, students have been skating on Friday afternoons. This week more definite plans for the club are being made. Officers are to be elected today, Friday.

More parties like last week’s all-school skate will be planned by the club. The club also plans to learn special skating steps which they will use in a special program for some of the later parties.

Bechtel Represents Mac On Audio-Visual Group

The Kansas Academy or Science has chosen Dr. Kenneth C. Bechtel to represent McPhorson College on its Audio-Visual Committee.

This group meets occasionally and plans improvements in the use of movies in the colleges and high schools of Kansas.

Frantz Preaches Sunday

Sunday morning. Nov. 6, Rev. Earl Frantz will bring the sermon during the 10:45 worship at the Church of the Brethren. Dick Wareham will be the chairman for the service.

In the evening at 7:30 the missionary committee headed by Mrs. Paul Sargent will have charge of the service.

Smith Surprises Heisey

Dr. Lowell Helsey, head of the Chemistry Department, has stated that he has one of the most thoughtful janitors on the campus.

Harold Smith, janitor on first floor of Harnly Hall, surprised Dr. Heisey recently by washing the windows in the Chemistry Department. Dr. Heisey says this was 'action beyond the call of duty."

Flory Speaks At District Meeting In Idaho

Professor Flory spent Friday and Saturday at Bowmont, Idaho, attending district meeting. He spoke at the district meeting on Saturday and at the Church of the Brethren in Nampa, Idaho, on Sunday morning. He returned to McPherson last Monday.

A young teen-ager, about to launch upon his first date, said to his mother; "I gotta really be loaded with dough tonight Mom, gimme fifty cents."

Dean Offered New Office

It has long been a tradition on Macampus for the students to indulge in some sort of diversion on Hallowe’en night. Last Monday night, Hallowe’en, saw the male students engaging themselves in a bit of a dorm raid on Arnold Hall, and the female inhabitants rather seemed to enjoy it.

Arnold Hall seems none the worse for wear, in fact a little cleaner if anything because of the occasional spilling of water used by the girls in a weak attempt to repel the invaders.

Among other things an out-house, if you will pardon the expression, was moved in front of Arnold Hall. The words—Dean Warren’s Office—were painted on the side, boards.

When Mr. Cline asked the Dean when he was going to move into his new office he replied that he wasn’t going to until it was completely modernized!

A great deal of talent and energy was shown to have been in existence during the Hallowe’en proceedings. We hope that the results of the nine-weeks tests show as much forethought.

Can We Or Can’t We

Our attention has been brought to the fact that whenever the occasion presents itself to sing the “Star Spangled Banner” or college song that the student body hardly knows what is coming off.

Some wit was overheard saying that if the words to these songs were put in a nine-weeks test the students would flunk it! We cannot, of course, judge definitely whether the situation is due to lack of knowledge of the words or whether it is lack of interest. However, if the situation is due to a general condition of apathy among the students, something should be done about it.

When the present seniors were freshmen, forbid the thought, it was customary, every so often, for the upper classmen to call for the college song from the freshmen.

Somehow, the practice has subsided due to lack of use. We are wondering if this would not be a good custom to bring back along with other means of freshman initiation?


LeRoy Doty ..................................................................................................................... Editor-in-Chief

Lorene Clark .................................................................................................................. Managing Editor

Betty Frantz ...................................................................................................................... Campus Editor

Dean Coughenour ................................................................................................................ Sports Editor

Rowan Keim ...................................................................................................................... Society Editor

Sarah May Vanell ............................................................................................................ Faculty Adviser

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Betty Redinger    Betty Frantz

Doris Correll    Don St. Clair    Kathlyn Larson

Albert Balzer         Garth Ellwood


Gerald Neher .............................................................................................................. Business Manager

D. A. Crist ............................................................................................................... Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder ................................................................................................................. Faculty Ad visor

Teachers Surplus For High Schools Causes Concern

Dean Luther Warren, Dr. Mary Fee, and Mr. Ira Brammell attended the meeting of the eleven church-related colleges of the state of Kansas at Salina Oct. 22.

Emory K. Lindquist, Bethany College, is president of the Association or Church Related Colleges.

At the morning meeting, two speakers addressed the group. Miss Ruth Stout of Washburn University, and Floyd Herr, certification officer of the State Board at Topeka discussed the problem of the great surplus of secondary teachers for next year. They stated that there is a strong possibility that these new teachers will not be able to find positions.

On the other hand, according to Dean Warren, it was stated that there is a tremendous need for elementary school teachers. The crux of the discussion centered on what could be done to alleviate this need.

Luncheon was held for the 45 guests in the dining hall of the girls' dormitory. After the meal the group was taken for a tour of the new library at Kansas Wesleyan University.

In the afternoon the group divided itself into two parts, the deans and teachers of education meeting in one group under the leadership of the Dean of Baker University, and the presidents in another group.

The deans held an informal discussion on the problem of surplus secondary school teachers Their decision was as follows: the standards for elementary school teachers will be made the same as those for secondary teachers, an A. B. degree will be required before a. person can teach elemen-tary school in Kansas. This ruling will become effective in 1952. The general feeling was that elementary education is an important field and that it must not be taken lightly.

Read all the ads in this issue.

Faculty Hold Discussion On College Citizenship

College Citizenship was discussed at faculty meeting this morning at 8 a.m. Prof. Raymond Flory, Miss Sarah May Vancil, and Boh Keim gave short talks on various phases of the topic.

Dean Luther Warren was the chairman for an open discussion following the talks.

New Books Cover Various Interests

Elephant and Castle by R. C. Hutchinson.

The author of this novel is acclaimed by one literary critic as showing "a genius for creation of character that no novelist in any land has equalled since Conrad."

The story is of a strange and extraordinary relationship between a young lady of an old family and a man from London’s worst slums.

Promised Land By Ellen Thorbecke

Ellen Thorbecke is the wife of Dr. W. J. Thorbecke, former Netherlands Minister to China. With her husband she has travelled widely through the Far East, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

In words and pictures this book reveals Palestine as the Holy Land of the three great monotheistic religions and as it is today.

The Last Billionaire, Henry Ford, by William C. Richards.

Henry Ford, the "flivver king," has become a household name in the United States.

The author states that this is "no bilious expose, no definitive biography. . . ..but a series of reminiscences." It is a human approach to the biography of the father of mass production of cars.

“He was at his zenith the world's richest man. The tax tables being what they are and implicitly promise to be, he was probably America's last billionaire.”

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Juniors, School Address, Home Address.

1.    Albright, Gerald, Fahnestock Hall, Eldora, Iowa.

2.    Alailima, Vaiao, Fahnestock Hall, Pago Pago, Samoa.

3.    Bailey, Carol, Vets Apartments, McPherson, Kansas.

4.    Beam, Royce, Fahnestock Hall, McPherson, Kansas.

5.    Bittinger, Pattie, Arnold Hall, Elgin, Illinois.

6.    Bowman, Marilue, Arnold Hall, Quinter, Kansas.

7.    Boyer, Robert, Kline Hall, Keedysville, Maryland.

8.    Brown. Elvin, 705 W. Kansas,

Leoti, Kansas.

9.    Brown, Emmert, Fahnestock Hall, Larned, Kansas.

10.    Correll, Doris, Arnold Hall, Detroit, Kansas.

11.    Cotton, Dean, 709 S. Walnut, McPherson, Kansas.

12.    Couch, Norma, Arnold Hall, Kansas City, Missouri.

13.    Coughenour, Dean, 504 S. Ash, McPherson, Kansas.

14.    Daggett, John, Fahnstock Hall, Lawrence, Kansas.

15.    Dorsch, Gerald, 1614 E. Gordon, Hutchinson, Kansas.

16.    Ferrill, John, 118 Olivette, McPherson, Kansas.

17.    Fike, Margery, Kline Hall, Waterloo, Iowa.

18.    Frantz, Martha, Arnold Hall, Conway Springs, Kansas.

19.    Guyer, Albert, Kline Hall, New Enterprise, Pa.

30. Hanagarne, Betty, Kline Hall, Shiprock, New Mexico.

21.    Heasinkveld, Arlyn, Vets

Apartments, Preston, Minnesota.

22.    Hood. Helen, Arnold Hall. La-Verne, California.

23.    Holmes, Burton, Vets Apartments, McPherson. Kansas.

24.    Hoover, James, Fahnestock Hall, Robins, Iowa.

McPherson College Student Directory

25.    Kidwell, Billy, 502 N. Eby, McPherson, Kansas.

26.    Little, Ivan, Fahnestock, Kansas City, Kansas.

27.    Lloyd, Robert, Vets Apart-ments, McPherson, Kansas.

28.    Lowrey, Lawrence, 223 1/2 S.

Main, McPherson, Kansas.

29.    Martin, Bonnie, 123 N. Car-rie, McPherson, Kansas.

30.    Miller, Letha, Arnold Hall, Marshalltown, Iowa.

31.    Miller, Lyle, 1722 E. Gordon, Burr Oak, Kansas.

32.    Minnix, Wilda, Arnold Hall, Scott City, Kansas.

33. Mohler, Arlene, Arnold Hall, McCune, Kansas.

34. Munda, Gina, Arnold Hall, Carrara, Italy.

35. Neher, Rowena, Arnold Hall, Quinter, Kansas.

36.    Oltman, Dale, Fahnestock Hall, Enders, Nebraska.

37.    Powell, Ellis, 1130 E. Euclid, Moulton, Iowa.

38.    Rogers, Albert, 1314 E. Euclid, Wilmont, Minnesota.

39.    Royer, Charles, Fahnestock Hall, Ottawa. Kansas.

40.    Seever, Clarence, Box 568, Mc-Pherson, Kansas.

41.    Schultz, Don, 813 N. Wheeler, McPherson, Kansas.

42.    Sheets, Bill, 725 E. Marlin, McPherson, Kansas.

43.    Snowberger, Mildred, Arnold Hall Payette, Idaho.

44. Sullivan, Ronald, Grayville, Illinois.

45. Teegarden, Robert, Vets Apartments, Kansas City, Kansas.

4 6. Walter, Duane, 426 S. Fisher. McPherson, Kansas.

47.    Wiebe, Harold, Hillsboro, Kansas.

48.    Witmore, Eula, 426 N. Olivette, McPherson, Kansas.

49.    Yoder, Lois, Arnold Hall, Pampa, Texas.

Student Activity Period From 7:30-9:30 P. M. Wed.

Nelda Baldner went shopping in Wichita last Tuesday.

On October 25, Betty Ann Murrey and Gordon Stutzman attended a 4-H Halloween party.

Caudia Jo Stump and Phyllis Bowman attended church in Hutchinson on October 25, Miss Stump provided special music. Miss Bowman accompanied her at the piano.

Laura Lou Fillmore and Joyce Anderson spent the week end in Ramona, Kansas, at Joyce's home.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyer entertained Hubert Shelley at dinner Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guyer moved from Kline Hall to 321 South Maple.

Mrs. Mahlon Little and son Joe, and Mrs. Alexander and daughter Shirley of Kansas Gity were weekend guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Royer, parents of Inez, visited on the campus.

Mr. Jess Garvey of La Verne, California, was here for homecoming.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinzie, and daughters June and Ellen, of Lindale, Texas, were here for homecoming.

Mrs. Harlan Yoder, Lois mother, was here for homecoming.

The Bechtels entertained Rev. Zeller and Dr. and Mrs. Peters at dinner Wednesday evening, October 26.

Every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:30 there is an all-student activity period held in the gym under the direction of Muriel Lamle, Director of Womens Physical Education.

Many activities are provided

for such as volley-ball, badminton, shuffleboard, table tennis, archery, tumbling, folk guinea, or anything else that the students would want. In years past such programs received enthusiastic support from students and Miss Lamle hopes that students take advantage of this opportunity and turn out on Wednesday nights so that the period might be kept open in the future. Any suggestions concerning activities not listed above would be welcome according to Miss Lamle.

Hodson Was 2 Miles From Pearl Harbor On Dec. 7

In case anyone is still wondering who the good looking Hawaiian boy on the campus is, he’s Paul Hodson from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Paul was just released from the Army before school started after serving a three-year hitch in that branch of the service. While in the Army, Paul got to see Austria, Germany, and France, but the event in his life that he remembers best is the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941. In his own words: “I was just two miles from the Harbor when it happened. I could even see the ships as they went down.”

good to me and so nice. Everyone’s just been swell.” Paul is a member of the S. C. A., here on the campus.

To look at Paul one would say that he is quite reserved, shy, and, to a certain extent, bashful. That is not true. Perhaps Maxine Gonzales knows best that he is full of fun and likes to tease.

Paul has one weakness, and that’s ice cream bars. He loves ’em.

Mrs. Baldwin, Jean’s mother, visited on the campus during


Mr. and Mrs. Earle Lapp went to the Buckeye Church of the Brethren near Abilene, last Sunday.

Six students attended the Hour of Charm program in Salina last Saturday evening. Those attending were Doris Correll, Elaine Wine, Angeline Flora, Maurice Moore, Sylvus Flora, and Weldon Beach.

Letha Miller and Miss Della Lehman attended a Rod Cross meeting in Lincoln, Nebraska, last week end. Inetta Perkins went to Lincoln also to visit at her home.

McPherson College Ladies' Trio sang at the McPherson Congregational Church last Sunday morning. Members of the trio are Florene Messick, Anita Rogers, and Marilee Grove. Helen Stover is pianist and student leader.

Betty Ann Murrey, Irwin Porter, Rosemary’ Traxler, Jim Garvey, Rowena Neher, Vernon Nicholson, Doris Roesch, and Dale Snyder went to Quinter after the home coming game Friday night. While in Quinter they tried to do a little pheasant hunting, but report that the pheasants were quite elusive.

Prof. Roy McAuley, Rev. James Elrod, Miss Edna Neher, Paul Wagoner, Jerry Neher, Joe Pate, Esther and Arlene Mohler attended the Southwestern Kansas District Meeting at McCune last week end.

Pattie Ford, Cora Emmert, Lou Reed, Alice Long, Jean Evans, Calvin Flory, Earnest Hoffa, Or-rin Wolfe, Irvin Wolf, Bernard Ebbert, Irven Stern, Joy Horn-baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowman, all former students of recent years, were on the campus for Homecoming.

Jean Turner, Ottawa, Kansas Dorothy Heller, Kansas Wesleyan University; Lucile Flory and Shirley Markheim, Bethany College; Maxine King, Pampa, Texas, were campus visitors during the homecoming week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carruth and Mrs. Russell West visited their children, Mr. and Mrs. Russell West, Jr., this weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander, Kansas City, Kansas, announce the engagement of their daughter. Bonnie, to Elvin Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wolf, Quinter.

Both Bonnie and Elvin are seniors at McPherson College.

Miss Mae Albright, McPherson, announces the engagement of her niece, Avis Albright, to Dona-von Speaker, son of Mrs. Wilma Speaker, Stafford.

Avis is a senior at McPherson College, and Donavon is a sophomore.

Miss Anne Krehbiel and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Krehbiel, attended the KU-K State football game in Lawrence last week end.

Dr. W. C. Houston, college physical in improving satisfactorily at his home following a recent illness.

Paul is 22 years of age and is a mixture of six nationalities: Portuguese, Spanish, Hawaiian, Chinese, Caucasion, and English. H i s interests, besides women, of course, lie in the field of sports. He is out for football here.

Paul is preparing for a dental course which he plans to finish in California. He’s going to stay here another year first because he likes it here very much. “Everyone here has been so

University Of Oslo To Hold Summer Session

The University of Oslo will again hold a summer session for American and Canadian students who have completed at least their sophomore year in any accredited college or university.

The exact dates for the six weeks' session are not yet final. It is believed, however, that the opening date will be some time during the last week in June and the closing dates some time during the week in August.


The university will provide lecturers and guarantee the educational standards of the courses. All classes will be conducted in English, and an American dean of students will, as in the three previous sessions, be included on the administrative staff.

Course of Study

A. A general Survey of Norwegian Culture for all students.

B.    The Humanities— selected courses in Norwegian History, Language, Literature and the Arts.

C.    Social Studies—special courses conducted by university professors and representatives or the Government in various phases of the Norwegian political and social sciences and economics.


Six semester-hour credits may be earned during the six weeks' course. All students will be expected to complete the assignments and take the examinations in each class in which they enroll, whether they intend to transfer credits or not. The University of Oslo will issue a certificate to each student who satisfactorily completes the Summer School course.


The University is on the list of foreign institutions approved by the United States Veterans’ Administration. Veterans who plan to use their educational Benefits from the G. I. Bill should consult their local Veterans’ Administrator for necessary application procedures for such benefits.


The University is prepared to bouse 200 students at the Blind-

Expresses Appreciation

I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to thoughtful, kind people for their care, calls, beautiful flowers, etc., during my few days of illness due to the result of a slight injury sustained in a recent accident.

Mrs. E. E. Bowers,

House Mother at

Fahnestock Hall.

ern Students’ Hall and about 50 in private homes in Oslo. Classes will be held at the University’s new Science Building, also located at Blindern, ten minutes by trolley from the center of town. Meals will served at Blindern Students’ Hall.

Excursions and Recreation In addition to the afternoon field trips and museum visits there will be guided weekend excursions to places of scenic and cultural interest. Oslo and its vicinity afford excellent opportunities for all types of recreational sports.

Fees and Estimated Expenses

Six weeks tuition .... $ 100.00

Six weeks board and

room ................... 90.00

Student fee (includes

health insurance)     10.00

Books and supplies

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

Canines Finish Season Against Bethany Tonight

Tonight at Lindsborg the McPherson College Bulldogs will play their last Kansas Conference football game of 1949 as they meet Bethany College’s red-faced Swedes.

Obviously embarrassed by an upset victory for Ottawa that reached adding machine proportions, the Swedes will take their home field tonight intent upon still getting a possible tie of the Kansas Conference. Facing a team that has now lost 18 consecutive Kansas Conference games, it seems very probable that the Swedes will rack up their fourth conference win of the season against the winless Bulldogs.


Bethany started their season by losing to tough, non-league Missouri Valley 27-6. Bouncing back they took Kansas Wesleyan 26-0. Baker 21-0, non-league Sterling 58-0, and College of Emporia 130 before running into the obstinate Braves of Ottawa last week.

Carlson Is Soph Star Sparking the Swedes this season has been Bill Carlson, a home town sophomore who is following in the illustrious footsteps of two older brothers, Lawrence '41 and Roy '47.

In the six games the Swedes have played thus far Carlson has scored 42 points. Ranking right behind the 170-pound sophomore are all-conference end Larry Bale with 24 points, end Johnny Win-blad with 18, extra point specialist Jim (Fats) Elmborg with 14, and right halfback Harold Collins with 12.

Bale and Elmborg are two of 12 returning let-termen for the Swedes. Others are end Kenny Forsberg:    tac

kles Dale Ludwig, Bill Eng-strom, Lawrence Danielson and Erwin Danielson guards Gene Eklund, Joe Chambers, John Wise, and Carol Anderson, and center Ralps Sjostrom.

Teitenburg Probably Out Big Jack Teitenburg, the allleague fullback for the Swedes, is probably out for tonight's game. The 210-pound blaster sat out the Ottawa fracas last week after a leg injury incurred in the C. of K. game. Teitenburg, who turns his athletic abilities to the boxing ring in the spring, has probably finished his collegiate football career.

If Teitenburg is out, Lorin Johnson, a freshman from Kansas City, Mo., will probably take over the pile driving duties. A switch of Carlson to fullback with Harold Collins and Harry Ylander performing at the halves is another possibility. Veterans Howard Price and Bob Gerard will handle the quarterback duties in Hahn's T system.

Holloway Out For Bulldogs The Bulldogs have also lost a regular for the season. George Holloway, 145-pound senior from Baldwin, Ks., tore the ligaments in the back of his knee in the Bethel game.

Holloway has been the Bulldog's most reliable performer at linebacking duties since he took, over in mid-season. Mel Swinger will probably replace Holloway.


Tennis Results Wolf defeated Kinzie Wolf defeated Rogers Table Tennis Results Zunkel defeated Messamer Beam defeated Zunkel Messamer defeated Beam Zunkel defeated Messamer Volleyball Results McNamee defeated Hoffman Orioles defeated Powell Wolf defeated Graham Hcckethorn defeated Kidwoll Williams defeated Neher

Loganbill Passing Sparks Bethel To 26-12 Win Over MC

The McPherson College Bulldogs lost (a) the game to the Bethel Gray Maroons (b) their 18th consecutive Kansas Conference game (c) their third successive homecoming game last Friday. The maroon-clad Germans from the south hit the air lanes with frequency and accuracy to best the Bulldogs 26-12.

The game was an aerial contest from start to finish with passes being thrown around during the night with the carefree abandon of a French sailor on a one night liberty.

The Bulldogs took to the skies 30 times, basketing but seven. Bethel also hit seven on the button but threw just half as many. Regular quarterback Varden Loganbill was especially devastating, hitting all seven of Bethel's completions in 12 attempts.

Dogs Start Strong

For twenty minutes the Bulldogs were in the game. The first quarter was pointless from a numerical point of view, from a realistic point of view the rest of the game was pointless for the Bulldogs). Indeed, the Bulldogs actually scored first, six minutes into the second period. Chuck Petefish punted 46 yards, and safety man Harlan Unruh misjudged the kick. The ball bounced into the end zone where Kenny Newport recovered for a touchdown.

Bethel struck back with a vengeance. Jim Schroeder returned the kickoff 20 yards to the 46. From there Varden Loganbill took over. He pitched 15 yards to Duane Kaufman, eight to brother Lanoy, 32 more to Kaufman again. Jack Unruh made two rushes to put the ball on the four. Schroeder slip-ped off tackle to score. The kick was blocked by George Holloway, and the score was tied—but not for long.

An orgy of fumbles and pass interceptions followed with Jim Schroeder culminating the melee by scampering 75 yards for six after seizing a Gene Arnold pass. The score was 13-6 at halftime.

The Gray Maroons lengthened their lead immediately after intermission. Again Loganbill’s passing was the big damage. Newport flagged Fred Funk on the eight after a 52 yard toss from Logan-bill. Schroeder again slipped off tackle for his third touchdown.

Petefish Sparks TD Drive

Charlie Petefish engineered the second dog TD in a drive which twice went to fourth down. Petefish returned a punt 17 yards to the Canine 41. A penalty cancelled a five yard gain by Petefish and the Bulldogs were still on the 41 at fourth down. Petefish then hit Dean Schmidt with a 20 yard aerial. Again the count went to fourth down, but Petefish skirted the flank for five big yards and the first and ten. Arnold replaced Petefish at tailback and, after an unsuccessful attempt hit cocaptain Vernon Blickenstaff with a 26 yarder to put the ball on the two. A guard around made one, and Marlin Van Druff bulled over for the last yard.

Schroeder climaxed a brilliant performance by leading the way for the last touchdown. He returned the kickoff 41 yards and picked up 33 yards in four attempts to make the final score 26-12.

Schroeder made the best individual performance against the Bulldogs all season. Picking up 113 yards in 22 carries, he made all but 13 yards of Bethel's rushing total. The Hillsboro freshman also intercepted two passes and returned three kickoffs for 74 yards.

We Repeat: Ottawa 47 Bethany 0

Kansas Conference






Ottawa .....






Bethany ...






Baker .......






Wesleyan ..






Bethel ......






C. of E. .....






MC ........






A Bad Case of Indigestion Or I’ll Eat My Words If—

These are the saddest of possible words.

Ottawa 47 Bethany 0.

Ray Hahn’s Swedes were plenty hot.

By comparison Ottawa was a sorry lot,

Ottawa 47 Bethany 0.

If the Swedes don’t win, we’ll eat our words    -

We told the animals, the fish, and the birds,

Ottawa 47 Bethany 0.

Ottawa won in a big upset,

We should've kept our big mouth chet.

Have You Heard?

"Have you noticed how untidy Arnold Hall has become lately?"

"Yes, ever since the minister said, ‘Man sprang from dust’, the girls have quit sweeping.

Senior: Did you see a pedestrian pass here?

Freshman: No. Been settin’ here all day and nobody's come by 'ceptin' one solitary man and he was afoot.

The following was overheard during the construction of the new heating plant.

Foreman: Hey, what are you doing?

Bricklayer: Just sharpening a pencil.

Foreman: Well, don’t let anyone see you. That’s a carpenter’s job, you know.

zone. Freshman Bill Martin provided the margin with the PAT.

C. of E. had previously scored in the third period on a pass from Don Durand to Bob Swedberg.

Baker won a non-conference game against Wm. Jewell with vet backs Sherm Kolacny and Boyce Smith leading the way.

Kimbrough Top Scorer By scoring three touchdowns against Bethany, Vaughn Kimbrough of Ottawa took over the individual leadership in loop scoring with 36 points. Jim Schroeder of Bethel and Bethany's Bill Carlson follow with 30 points while Kolacny of Baker has 28. For all games Carlson leads the pack with 42 points, six more than Kolancy, Boyce Smith, and Kimbrough.

MC-Bethel Statistics

Touchdowns: Bethel-Schroe-der 4, McPherson - Newport, VanDruff. Extra points: A. Unruh 2.

First downs-MC (VanDruff

2,    Bechtel 2, Schmidt 2, Arnold, Petefish 2, Blickenstaff, Tillman, by penalty). Bethel 9 (L. Loganbill; D. Kaufman

3,    J. Schroder 3, Funk, J. Unruh).

Rushing attempts and yard-age-MC 43-137 (Petefish 1226, VanDruff 16-53, Schmidt

4-neg 11, Arnold 6-45, Finger 3-10, Tillman 2-14) Bethel 46-126 (B. Krehbiel 1-1, J.  Schroeder 22-113, V. Loganbill 6-neg 21. A. Unruh 4-10, Flickinger 3-12, J. Unruh 717, H. Unruh 1-neg 9, Funk

1-0, Siebert 1-1).

Passing, attempts completions and yardage-MC 30-7-101 (Petefish 15-3-41, VanDruff

5-2-26, Arnold 8-2-34, Libal

2-0-0 ) Bethel 15-7-147    (V.

Loganbill 12-7-147, J. Schroder 2-0-0, H. Unruh 1-0-0).

Punting-MC 7, 28.7 average (Petefish 6-28.7. Arnold 130.0) Bethel 8-35.8 (A. Unruh) Penalties-MC 3-15. Bethel


Fumbles-MC 8, Bethel 6. Opponent’s Fumbles Recov-ered-MC 2, Bethel 2.

Punt Returns— MC 4-50 (Newport 3-31, Petefish 1-17) Bethel 1-2 (H. Unruh)

Kickoff Returns— MC 2-31 Schmidt 1-20, Newport 1-11) Bethel 4-77 (L. Loganbill 1-3, J. Schroedor 3-74).

Passes intercepted—MC 3 (Fishburn, Petefish, Pritchett) Bethel 4 (J. Schroeder 2, H. Unruh 2).

Pass receptions—MC 7-101 (Bechtol 2-26, Schmidt 3-41, Siedel 1-8, Blickenstaff 1-26) Bethel 7-147 (D. Kaufman 5-87, L. Loganbill 1-8, Funk 1-52).

Ex-Baker Coach, Emil Liston, Dies At Home, Baldwin

Emil S. Liston, an outstanding name in Kansas Conference athletics for a quarter of a century, died at his home in Baldwin, Ks., October 26.

Liston was head coach and athletic director at Baker University from 1921 until 1945 when he was granted a leave of absence after he had suffered a heart attack and a severe leg injury officiating a high school football game.

A graduate of Baker '13, Liston coached high school athletics at Baldwin, Kas., Ft. Scott, Ks., and Kemper Military School, Mo., and college sports at Michigan School of Mines and Wesleyan (Middletown, Conn.) before returning to his alma mater.

He won football championships for the Orange in 1922, ’27, '28, and '34 and topped the basketball standings in 1935 and '37.

Since his retirement from coaching, Liston has devoted full time to his position as secretary-treasurer of the NAIB tournament at Kansas City, Mo. He was a prime organizer of the small college tourney and during the early years of it performed as a one-man administrative staff.

Funk, C'46, Is Stationed In Japan

Glenford Funk, 1946 graduate, has been stationed with a fighter squadron near Tokyo, Japan, since the middle of 1948. His wife and children joined him in March, 1949.

At McPherson Glen earned four football letters and three track letters. After graduation, he taught and coached at Canton, Kansas.

Mrs. Funk was the former Ed-ythe Howard, graduate of McPherson High School. She attended Wichita U. one semester prior to her marriage.

Glenford plans to call his parents, who live in Wichita, November 6.

This Week's Games

McPherson at Bethany

Wm. Jewell at Ottawa.

Bethel at C. of E.

Baker at Kansas Wesleyan (Saturday.)

Last Week’s Games

Bethany 0 Ottawa 47.

McPherson 12 Bethel 26.

Baker 36 Wm. Jewell 6.

Kansas Wesleyan 7 C. of E. 6.

Kansas Conference football followers went to bed last Friday night with a soft curse on their lips for radio announcers who got football scores all fouled up. The next morning they rubbed their (eyes in amazement as the morning newspapers reiterated the score in black-and-white. Ottawa 47 Bethany 0.

In case anybody still doesn’t believe it, we will add our line of type. Ottawa 47 Bethany 0.

The vaunted Swede line took the Ottawa running attack about like Georgia took Sherman. The Braves scored three times in the first quarter against a line that hadn’t yielded a conference tally thereto.

Vaultin’ Vaughn Kimbrough was the hero for the Braves with three touchdowns, one on a 59-yard gallop. Bob Musgrave counted twice, and Dick Miers and Doug Dierks added one apiece.

Operating without all-confer-ence Jack Teitenburg—injured in the C. of E. game—the Swedes did not make an offensive threat until the final period, and it fizzled on the five.

Presbies Lose a Heartbreaker

College of Emporia, operating with a line that had yielded but 27 points in four games, took it on the chin from the revived Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes 7-6. It was the second loss of the season by that margin for the Presbies who had been previously edged 7-6 by Baker.

A blocked punt in the fourth quarter proved the Presbies’ downfall. Ray McCabe and Don Johnson blocked Don Ek’s punt on the 10-yard line and end Galen Keeling recovered the ball in the end

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