No. 7

'49 Homecoming Welcomes Alumni

Nasser Heeds Abvice Of Father For Ideals

By Rowan Keim

“Please, my boy, study hard, become a doctor, then you can rest.

“Examine your friends, try to understand them, make sure they are honest and are not trying to cheat you out of your money or keep you from studying or doing your best work by pretending to show kindness to you.

“Always tell the truth.”

This three-point advice was given to Nasser Yazdi by his father before “Ned” left his home in Iran to study medicine in the United States.

"The Iranian people always try to tell the truth,” Ned said in discussing the third point. If a person is not truthful, he will be punished, just as a thief is punished for stealing. Ned’s ideal in life is to be truthful, to have an honest character.

Ned came to the United States for the same reason that Reza and Ali did, to take medical training and become a doctor.

Yazdi is interested in this profession because, he says, “I want to understand why I am like this; why I have eyes. I want to understand science; why wars come; I want to know the answers to those problems. I try to solve them; therefore, I come to the United States and take a scientific subject.”

Ned’s uncle in Iran is one of the best surgeons in that country; and his brother-in-law, who is a Doctor of Physics at the University of Tehran, is also one of the best in Iran.

“I like the United States because the people are kind; and, also, the teachers are kind. When I took a summer course at Winfield, Kansas, the teachers helped me very much and also when I came to McPherson. For example, I am ashamed because all the time I ask Dr. Heisey questions (in Chemistry), but he does not become angry, he is glad ; all the time he comes and helps me. All the teachers are the same.”

Although studying is Ned’s primary occupation, he enjoys dancing. Tap dancing is his specialty.

He has had no lessons in tap dancing but has taught himself by watching it in the movies and then practicing the same, steps by himself.

When his medical training is completed, in about eight years, Ned plans to return to his own country to serve his people. He wants to help others.

That is another characteristic of the Iranian people, according to Ned. “All the Iranian peoples like foreign people, and all their neighbor countries. In every respect we help other people, the Iranian peoples are kind and want to help others.”

Ned likes our college and our country because the people try to help him. “Day by day I like the United States better,” Ned said, “because I understand the character of  the people. I will be glad if, when I return to Iran, I can take back the good characteristics of the people in the United States.”

The Dept. Of Speech And Dramatics

In Conjunction With

The McPherson College Players Presents

The. Late George Apley

George Apley ............................................................................... Wayne Zeigler

Catherine Apley ............................................................................ Jean Baldwin

Doris Kesler

John Apley ..................................................................................... Dale Oltman

Eleanor Apley .................................................... Kathlyn Larson

    Phyllis Bowman

Horatio Willing ............................................................................... Dean Cotton

Jane Willing ................................................................................. Vera Hoffman

Agnes Willing ............................................................................. Rowena Neher

Roger Newcombe ........................................................................... Don Schultz

Amelia Newcombe ...................................................................... Esther Mohler

Margaret ................................................................................. Margaret Daggett

Howard Boulder ............................................................................ Le Roy Doty

Julian M. Dole ................................................................................ Bill Daggett

Lydia Leyton .................................................................................. Marie Miller

Emily Southworth .......................................................................... Betty Frantz

Henry .......................................................................................... Garth Ellwood

Directed by Roy McAuley.

Assistant Director—Eula Ruth Broyles. Stage--Garth Ellwood.

Lights—Byron Frantz and Duane Jamison. October 31, November 1, 2, and 3.

Curtain Time—8:00 p. m,

Little Theater—McPherson College.

Students, Faculty Welcome Alumni

“Time marches on." Again it is my happy privilege as President of McPherson College to extend in this formal way a cordial and urgent invitation to alumni and friends of “our college” to attend and to enjoy the Homecoming events planned for this week. The above invitation is accompanied by a sincere and hearty welcome on the part of both students and faculty.

We shall be looking for you and pledge our best efforts to make you feel at home on "your campus."

The buildings, offices, and classrooms are available for you to visit. Your college is at your service.

W. W. Peters

Lois Yoder To Be Crowned Queen Tonight Of McPherson Homecoming Festivities

Shutter-Bugs Plan Better Dark Room

The camera club will have its meeting for organization next Tuesday, Nov. 1, in room 27, south or the chapel in Sharp Hall.

All persons interested in joining the Shutter-Bugs this year should be present.

If anyone cannot possibly be present, he should let either Rolland Plasterer or Irwin Porter know of his interest.

The club is expecting a great advancement this year. Plans are being made for the improvement of the dark-room in the base-ment of Frantz.

Kansas Colleges Report

From the Bethel Collegian the news that Dr. Elwood Murray of Denver, Colorado, will be a guest at the debate tournament. Nov. 25-26. Dr. Murray, director of the school of speech at Denver University, will give the forensic banquet address.

The voice of Baker University will be on the air soon, when station KBUB goes into operation, according to the Baker Orange.  To arouse interest in KSTC homecoming, prizes are offered not only for the best floats but for the best house decorations in town—The Bulletin, Kansas State Teacher's College, Emporia.

3 New Trustees Elected To Board

Three new men have been elected to positions of trustees for McPherson College. These are: Martin Stine of Adel, Iowa: Mark W. Emswiler of Frold, Montana: and Ira Milton Hoover of Platts-burg, Mo.

Stine was elected by the district of Middle Iowa and replaces W. E. Ickes, of Dallas Center, Iowa. Emswiler and Hoover were elected by the District of Northern Dakota and Eastern Montana and the District of Northern Missouri, respectively.

Hoover and Emswiler are former alumni of McPherson College with Emswiler graduating in '46 and Hoover in ’39.

Sorry, Wrong Car; Girl Makes Mistake

Tony Quick, who works at Crabb’s Town and Country, came out to the campus to pick up Winston Georing to go duck hunting last Monday morning at 5 a. m.

However, Tony got mixed up as to which building was Kline Hall, where Winston lives, and he stopped behind Arnold Hall and honked his horn.

Immediately, ayoung lady came running out of Arnold toward the car. Upon seeing her mistake, she started running back toward the dorm: but Tony asked her where Kline Hall was and she pointed north and mumbled something unintelligible as she disappeared into Arnold.

The boys did not have such good luck hunting. Winston shot something that was too small or old or something. Tony, not being a student, did not know the girl.

K-State Holds Civil Rights Conference And Workshop

A Civil Rights conference and workshop was held at Kansas State University last Saturday, October 22. The main topic of discussion in the different groups that met to discuss the problem of civil rights was the value of taking a community audit that would cover such things as housing, recreation, employment, education. etc.

In the afternoon Gordon Jones from Wichita, who is a member of the governors commission to investigate discrimination in employment in Kansas, spoke to the entire group which was assembled in the main auditorium. According to Jones everyone was good until they were proven bad, and the problem was namely to sensitize the people of Kansas to the problem of civil rights and they would see to it that it would be taken care of properly.

It was his belief that negotiation with employers was the only way to correct the existing evils instead of trying to force legislation on the matter.

Attending the conference was Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Peters, Sarah Mae Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Le-Roy Doty, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagoner, and Mary Spessard.

Varsity Debaters Chosen For ’49-50



Winston Bowman, Dean Cotton, LeRoy Doty, and Donavon Speaker were picked for the 1949-50 men's varsity debaters.

The Albright twins will make up the first women’s varsity team; the other two members will be chosen from Phyllis Bowman, Darlene Webb, and Kathlyn Larson.

Debate teams were named after Thursday’s try-outs in Professor Hess's room in Sharp Hall. Miss



Della Lehman, Prof. Roy McAuley and Dr. Olson were the critic judges for the women’s try-outs. Dr. Heisey, Professor Flory, and professor McAuley judged the men's try-outs.

First men's alternate team is made up of Billy Kidwell and Wayne Zeigler. The second teams are Albert Balzer and Gerald Neher, and Don St. Clair and Marlin Walters.

Tom Rea Directs ‘Hay Fever’ To Be November 14 & 15

Tom Rea, a former McPherson College Student, will direct the Noel Coward comedy. “Hay Fev-er," which is being presented by the American Legion Auxiliary at the City Auditorium, November 14 and 15.

All local talent will be used in the production. Included in the cast is Mrs. George Noyes, journalism teacher here at the college.

Rea is a McPherson man. He graduated from Kansas University last spring where he majored in speech and drama. He is to be remembered for his vivid portrayal of Hamlet in the Shakespearean play presented by the Kansas University players at the McPherson High School Auditorium last spring.

The proceeds from the play will go toward the rehabilitation fund for veterans, the Auxiliary has an-nounced.

Queen's Banquet Is Gala Affair, Kinzie Presides As Toastmaster

"What Makes a College a Home" was the subject of Prof. Roy McAuley’s speech at the Homecoming Queen’s Dinner last evening in the College Church basement.

The College Men’s Quartet sang “I Dream of Lois with the Light Brown Eyes," and "Smilin' Through." This quartet consists of Albert Rogers, Alvin Willems, Gilford Ikenberry, and Donald Guthals.

Kenneth Kinzie presided as toastmaster for the occasion.

Mrs. J. F. Slifer, cafeteria manager for the college, was in charge of preparation of food. Members of the "M" Club served.

Members of the Women's Council decorated, and the Men’s Coun-ci1 sold tickets. The Social Committee was in charge of general arrangements.

Students Clean-Up For Homecoming

On Thursday morning at 10:25 all classes were let out for a general clean-up campaign to prepare the campus for the Homecoming festivities of today.

Credit must go to the freshmen for cleaning up the area Northwest of the gymnasium, and to the sophomores for cleaning up the grounds south from the gymnasium to Gordon St. The juniors tidyed up the area south from the tennis courts, and the seniors did their bit east of Kline Hall and south from Frantz Industrial Arts building

The faculty should receive some credit for dismissing and allowing this work to go on.

Rabbi Hershfield To Visit Campus

Rabbi Nathan Hershfield of Kansas City. Missouri, will speak on the Jewish religion in chapel on Monday, November 7. He will also visit the classes in religion.

Rabbi Hershfield is a native of Now York, educated in the public school system there. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and of the Hebrew Union College c 1949.

While a student at the College, the Rabbi served as student rabbi in Danville, Illinois, where he likewise held the position of stu-dent chaplin at an Army mental hospital.

During his last two years as a student at N. U. C., he served as rabbi in Parkersberg, West Virginia, and Jackson, Michigan. At present Rabbi Hershfield is the assistant rabbi at Congregation B'nai Jehudah, Kansas City, Missouri.

Tonight at 8 p. m., Miss Lois Yoder, junior from Pampa, Texas, the students' choice for Homecoming Queen, will be crowned before the opening kickoff of the McPherson-Bethel game.

Lois's loyalty to McPherson is part of her family heritage. Her grandfather. Dr. Edward Frants, is a former president of McPherson College. Another grandfather. Dr. J. J. Yoder, has served McPherson College as trustee for many years and was business manager of the college in its early days.

During her three years at McPherson Lois has played in the orchestra and has been a mem-ber of Women's Council. Student Council, and SCA besides being active in Barkerettes and WAA. Before her election ns queen, the W A A has had her on a committee to make the crown for the Homecoming Queen.

Verlla Hummer, a petite blond, is the sophomore attendant to the queen. Coming to McPherson from Booker, Texas. Verlla has been active in such activities as W. A. A., Barkerttes, and S. C. A. This year she is treasurer of the sophomore class.

A vivacious brunette from Rocky Ford. Colorado. Maxine Gonzales has been chosen freshman attendant to the Queen. Maxine has begun her college activities by joining W. A. A.

Bonnie Alexander, 1948 homecoming queen, will crown Miss Yoder during the coronation ceremonies.

Metzler To Speak At Bible Institute In Pennsylvania

Dr. Burton Metzler professor of Philosophy and Religion and Dr. Rufus D. Bowman. President of Bethany Biblical Seminary will be the guest speakers at the Bible Institute for the Elizabethtown College area in Pennsylvania, November 13-19. The event is also the 50th anniversary of the founding of the college.

Dr. Metzler is in charge of a Bible hour, study from the books of Romans. Sessions will be at chapel time and in the evenings when Dr. Bowman will deliver his address.

Dr. Peters Leaves For Elgin Oct. 29

President and Mrs. W. W. Peters will leave the campus tomor-row morning for Indiana where Mrs. Peters will visit some of her brothers and her sister while President Peters attends and participates in the Brethren Service Commission and the General Brotherhood Board meetings at Elgin, Illinois.

The Spectator


Long Live Mac Homecoming!

Homecoming has become an annual tradition in most of our American colleges and universities. A study in alumni achievement reveals that more than ninety percent of our colleges have homecomings. Eighty percent of the homecomings are held in the fall.

McPherson College has featured Homecoming during the football season except during the war years when football was temporarily discontinued.

Music events, plays, barbecues, pep meetings, group dinners, dances, games between alumni and undergraduates, interclass contests, informal receptions, radio programs, etc., represent the usual special events scheduled during Homecoming.

Homecoming Cooperation

This year the college Administration, the Student Council, the faculty, the Athletic Department, and the Alumni Association have cooperated to provide an interesting Homecoming.

Tuesday evening after football practice the local let-termen fed the football squad in the gymnasium.

Thursday at 10:25 a veritable army of students and faculty members reported to their previously designated places, and today the campus is beautiful as a result of the “clean up” sponsored by the Student Council.

Thursday evening one of the social highlights of the year occurred in the Church banquet hall when a special dinner was held in honor of the Homecoming Queen, Miss Lois Yoder, and her attendants. Miss Verlla Hummer and Miss Maxine Gonzales.

Following the Religious Emphasis service at the Church Thursday evening the traditional bonfire and pep rally was held west of the gymnasium.

The Alumni Chapel this morning, the "M" Club luncheon at noon today, the parade at 4:00, the Homecoming Dinner at 6:00, and the crowning of the queen just before kickoff time are all designed to build up pressure for the big football game at 8:00.

Intangible Values of Homecoming

The greatest values of Homecomings are not such tangible values as who was elected queen, how many attended the special dinners, the success of the parade, or even who scored the winning touchdown.

Values of more intrinsic worth are those resulting from students and faculty uniting their efforts to complete a project, the addition to the accumulation of pleasant memories of college life, the fellowship between the present student body and the former students, and the uplift received by alumni everywhere who cannot attend but are reminded of other years when they occupied the center of activities on the campus.

Yes, the colleges of America will continue to have Homecoming Days. Millions of former students will visit our campus each year and thus the spirit of college days will be rekindled and preserved to the very borders of our land. "Vive" Homecomings!

    -- Ira Brammell

Sportsmanship Is In Vogue

G. E. Offers Grads Fellowship

The General Electric Co. has an educational fund established in honor of Charles A. Coffin and Gerard Swope.

Research Fellowships For Graduate Students

The terms of the General Electric Educational Fund established with assets of $1,000,000 by the General Electric Company make provision for the use of the annual income from 80 percent or its assets for fellowships to graduates of the universities, colleges, and technical schools of the United States who need financial as-sistance, and who have shown, by the character of their work, that they could, with advantage, undertake or continue research work in educational institutions either in this country or abroad.

Charles A. Coffin Fellowships

These fellowships are awarded in the fields of Electricity, Physics, and Physical Chemistry. Since 1923 a total of 182 such awards have been made. The committee will be particularly influenced in making these awards by the research problems which are to be undertaken.

Gerard Swope Fellowships

Since these were first announced in 1945, 27 fellowships have been granted. These fellowships are awarded in the fields of Industrial Management, Engineering, the Physical Sciences, and any other Scientific or Industrial Field, General Provisions Applicable To Both Fellowships

(1) The amount of each fellowship granted will be the amount needed up to a maximum of $1500 annually. A grant of $500 may he made for specific apparatus or other expense to be

Good sportsmanship always seems to be an expression that one describes another person with. Very seldom do we associate it with any system of introspection for ourselves.

Last week when a member of the visiting team, Ottawa, was injured and had to be carried off the field there were several jeers and cries, of "it serves you right" hurled out during the short pause in the game. Again, later on when another injury was acquired by Ottawa the situation repeated itself.

Of course, we realize that this bit of fallacious reaction was probably the result of unthinking, excited students, but nevertheless we were in the wrong.

Tonight and from now on let’s remember that good sportsmanship is something that the spectators must participate in as well as the players.

used in connection with the research work of the fellow. The grant for Specific apparatus may be requested after the award of the fellowship. In addition, in case of need, loans totalling up to $1,000 may also be made. These fellowships are not intended for those who now hold, or expect to hold, any other fellowship which carries a stipend larger than the tuition at the institution where research work is to be carried on.

(2)    The Committee requests that all applications from students now in attendance at an edu-cational institution, first be sent to the Dean or Department Chairman of such educational institution at which the applicant is, or has been, in attendance within the year. The Committee desires that the Dean or other College executive in turn file all the applications received by him at the same time, together with a statement naming the two applicants who in his opinion or the opinion of the Faculty are best qualified to receive the award.

(3)    The applications will, in turn, be submitted to a committee consisting of representatives from the following organizations: National Academy of Sciences, Phy-erican Society, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Society of Engineering Education, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

(4)    Applications must be filled with the Committee by January 1, and should be addressed to Secretary, General Electric Educational Fund, Schenectady, New York.

For further Information concerning this subject, one may contact the Dean’s office.

After Kinsey, What

Life has reached a sorry spot— Tell me after Kinsey, what?

Gone are mysteries of sex,

Solved is every unknown "X"— All the subtle lovers' arts Are portrayed in graphs and charts—

Every analytical void Left untouched by Jung and Freud—

Every thrill—they once were ample—

Dissected by a random sample! Marriage, even mere flirtation. Viewed through codes and tabulation

Now assumes a clinic air.

Lads and lassies, pray beware! You may as well be realistic. Sex is a now a mere statistic.

Student: I don’t feel good. Miss Neher: (concerned) Where do you hurt?

Student: Mostly in Prof. Flory's class.


Mr. and Mrs. Carney, Glen's parents from Nickerson, Kansas, visited on the campus Sunday.

Miss Delia Lehman's cousins attended Arnold Hall open house Saturday evening and had dinner in the cafeteria Sunday.

Lola Yoder's father and brother from Pam pa, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Yoder and son Robert, visited here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Floyd Crist; Quinter, visiter their son D. Albert last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frantz and Donna Johnson were visiting in Newton, Kansas, for a short time.

"Sonny" Jerrers, New Mexico, visited Mary Ann Bishop.

Angeline Plank was a guest of Clara Doman from Saturday to Tuesday. Miss Plank is from Hope, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelm, Nampa, Idaho, were visiting at the college from Thursday to Saturday. They were enroute home, from Indianapolis, Indiana, where they attended a stock show.

Dorothy Little, who was a student here last year, visited Norma Lee Couch and Eula Broyles over last weekend.

Several parents attended Arnold Hall open house Saturday evening.

Mr. Roy Neher, and son, Lyle, of Oswego, and John Hiller, Mc-Cune, visited on the campus Thursday and Friday. Mr. Neher is Miss Edna Neher’s brother and Jerry Neher's father.

Martha Frantz and Bob Wilson went home to Conway Springs over the weekend.

Nelda Baldner and Mr. and Mrs. John Colyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McCord in Beverly, Kansas. Mr. McCord was graduated from McPherson College this summer.

Joyce Harden visited her parents in Lamar last week.

The Freshman Men's quartette

and the Women's Trio sang several special numbers of music in the Hutchinson Church Tuesday, and Wednesday and Sunday evenings, respectively.

Ardys and Avis Albright, Don-avon Speaker, and the Misses Mae and Elizabeth Albright visited relatives in Ottawa Sunday.

Doris Correll, Elaine Wine, and Anne Krehbiel spent the weekend in Detroit, Kansas at Doris's home.

Wilda Minnix was a guest of Margaret Daggett and her parents at their home in Lone Star, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Powell, Ilene Weaver, and Delmar Senger, drove to their homes in Iowa last weekend. The Powells are from Unionville, Ilene and Delmar live at Keota and South English, respectively.

Lorene Marshall and Mary Snyder went to Centerville Iowa, to attend the funeral of Lorene’s grandfather who died Sunday.

Visiting Lorene Clark over the weekend were Mrs. Lawrence Clark, Opal D., Larry, and Roxy.

Miss Gina Munda entertained guests at an Italian dinner Saturday evening at Dr. and Mrs. Metzler's home.

Miss Virginia Harris entertained members of the faculty Friday evening before the McPherson-Ottawa game.

Miss Lois Colberg and Miss Ruth Crumpacker spent Sunday in Lyons, Kansas, visiting Lois's parents.

A surprise birthday celebration was given for Mrs. Winston Georing last Tuesday evening by several married students.

Read all the ads in this issue.

Coming - - -

October 28— Bethel--here, Homecoming game.

October 29 — All school Halloween Hayride.

October 31—Nov. 3,—“Late George Apley”.

Nov. 4—Bethany-there.

Nov. 11—Fort Riley —there.

Throckmorton Will Be Speaker At Faculty Conf.

Mr. Adel F. Throckmorton. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will be the main speaker at a faculty conference to be held at McPherson College March 11.

Annually the faculties of four schools, Bethany, Bethel, Kansas Wesleyan and McPherson, meet for a one-day conference. This year Central College will be a guest at the conference.

Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.

Alumni Dinner will be held at the Church of the Brethern tonight at 6:00 o'clock in accordance with the Homecoming festivities.

This dinner is sponsored by the Alumni Association. All students attending the college now, as well as former students, are invited to

attend. Admission for this banquet will be $1.00.

Since those attending the banquet will be going to the football game; no formal program has been planned.

Alumni Entertains Students In Chapel

This morning in celebration of homecoming the alumni presented their entertainment to the student body.

Chairman for the program was Donald Dresher, president of the Alumni Association.

Dr. W. W. Peters made several announcements preceding the program. "Tony" Voshell, line coach, gave a humorous talk.

Mrs. Herbert Wilkins and Mrs. Rodney Swanson played a piano duet. Keith Hayes entertained with a speech. Paul Wagoner sang a solo number.

To climax the morning, the pep club bad charge of a short pep rally in preparation for the homecoming game.

Alumni Dinner To Be Held Tonight


The Spectator


MC, Bethel In Grad Day Fray

Bulldogs Rated Even Choice Versus Bethel

As McPherson College takes the field tonight for the fourth postwar homecoming football game, the Bulldogs will find their choicest odds of the season to win a conference game. The Bulldogs will play the Bethel Gray Maroons tonight on the home field, and the game must be rated as a tossup.

The Bulldogs have lost four conference games this season, scoring only one touchdown and yielding an average of 42 points per game. Bethel is also winless in the conference but is out of the cellar on the basis of two fewer games.

In the common opponent area Bethel beat Sterling 53-7, McPherson won 14-6. Bethel also lost to Ottawa 26-6 while the 'dogs were defeated by the Braves 19-0.

The Bulldogs have now lost 17 consecutive conference games over a four-year span.

The last time the Bulldogs won a Kansas Conference game was Nov. 1, 1946. They edged Bethel 7-6 on Marvin Meats extra point in a freezing drizzle at Newton.


The last winning homecoming game was also in 1946 as the Canines romped over Kansas Wesleyan 28-0. This continued losing situation leaves the Bulldogs with only two players, co-captains Vernon Blickenstaff and Carroll Tillman, as the only men who ever played on a winning Kansas Conference team.

The chances of the remainder of the Bulldogs making a winner seem at least possible. They played their best game of the season last week in losing to Ottawa 190. and this week they should be in their best physical shape.

Gene Arnold, who sat out the Wesleyan and Ottawa affairs, should be in game condition. His condition also leaves tailback Charlie Petefish in better shape than he has been in three weeks. The slim sophomore from Iowa, has been taking a severe physical beating handling the riple-threat duties alone since Arnold's injury.

Both will have help at the tailback spot as Coach Forrest C. (Frosty) Hardacre still plans to use cocaptain Salty  Tillman in the b a c k f ield at least part time. The mid-section of the Bulldog line was weakened too much in last week’s game when Tillman shifted from his usual guard slot, but if Mel Swinger can shoulder the center duties and keep Don Stevens at guard, perhaps Paul Hodson, Don St. Clair, or Ken Pritchett can hold the fort well enough at guard to allow Tillman to cavort in the backfield.

Bill Seidel will be back on one wing after a week's layoff. Bob Bechtel filled in capably for Seidel against Ottawa and will probably split duties with the Illinois freshman. Ron Sullivan still remains a question at wingback, however.

The game is the Bulldog's chance, and they know it. If their weak pass defense holds up, they have an even chance to whip the Graymaroons.

The pass defense remains the


Ottawa Or Swedes KC Champs?

It’s Been A Long, Long Time

Last McPherson College football team to win a game in the Kansas Conference was the 1946 aggregation, left. That group won three and tied one in the conference, the last victory being over

Bethel November 1, in a drizzling, chilling rain at Newton.

The Bulldogs won that game 7-6 by virtue of a conversion from the toe of Marvin Meats (Number 27, 6th from left, top row.)

The touchdown was scored when the rubber-legged, bantam halfback. Jake Cramer (Number 14, 3rd from left (middle row) threw a wobbly pass into the end zone to the arms of Verlyn Fisher Num

ber 16, 8th from left, middle row).

In the picture at left Meats is shown blocking for Kenny Mc-Broom, scatback hero of ’46 in the Bethel fracas.

MC-Otawa Statistics

McPherson ........... 0    0    0    0—0

Ottawa ............... 0 13     6    0—19

Touchdowns—Ottawa: Robbins, Kimbrough, Viets. Extra points-Ottawa: Grogan 1.

First downs—MC 7 (Pete-fish 2, Bechtol 2, VanDruff, Schmidt, by penalty) Ottawa 9 (Fowler 3, Viets 3, Musgrave, Dierks, Olsen.)

Rushing attempts and yardage—MC 37-78 (VanDruff 1218, Tillman 2-5, Petefish 11-32, Finger 6-6, Schmidt 6-17). Ottawa 42-136 (Kimbrough 9-31, Fowler 3-28, Dierks 5-34 Mus-grave 6-neg 13, Olsen 1-11, Da-ney 6-17, Viets 11-38, Chism 1-1).

Passing attempts, completions and yardage—MC 21-3-23 (Tillman 1-0-0. VanDruff 5-113, Petefish 9-1-8, Libal 5-1-2). Ottawa 14-3-62 (Musgrave 102-55, Viets 1-1-7, Daney 1-0-0, Rhoades 2-0-0).

Punting MC 7, 31.7 average (Tillman 3, 28.0:     Petefish 4,

34.5.) Ottawa 4, 32.3 (Grogan).

Penalties—MC 2-20, Ottawa 5-45.

Fumbles—MC 5, Ottawa 1. Opponent’s fumbles recovered—MC 0. Ottawa 1.

Punt Returns—MC 2-11 (Newport 1-2, Mehlinger 1-9). Ottawa 6-95 (Fowler 1-0, Kimbrough 4-86, Daney 1-9).

Kickoff Returns—MC 4-53 (Newport 3-45, Schmidt 1-18). Ottawa-none.

Passes intercepted—MC 2 (Newport, Libal) Ottawa 3 (Ar-ensburg, Watkins, Rhoades).

Pass Receptions—MC 3-23 (Bechtol 2-21, Schmidt 1-2). Ottawa 3-62 (Robbins 1-39. Fowler 2-23.)

key for the aerial game and is Bethel's forte. New head coach J. Millard Fretz has nurtured a passing attack that has been responsible for six of the ten touchdowns scored by Bethel this season.

Top pitcher is Varden Logan-bill, transferred to the backfield from center. Ace catcher is Loganbill's brother, six-foot, four inch end Lanoy Loganbill.

To go with the older Loganbill in the backfield are lettermen Harland Unruh, Chester Flick-inger, Leland Voth, Merle Seibert, and Bill Krehbiel along with a promising freshman kicker, Allen Unruh.

Teaming with Lanoy Loganbill at end is another letterman, Richard Siemens. The starting guards and tackles are also monogram wearers. Marlowe Krehbiel, Reuben Goering, Frank Quiring, and) Myron Goering.

Swedes Have Rough Time With C of E

Kansas Conference






Bethany .... 3





Ottawa .... 3





Baker........ 3





K-Wesleyan 1





C. of E. ..... 1





Bethel .... 0





McPher. .. 0





This Week's Games

Bethany at Ottawa

Kansas Wesleyan at C. of E.

Bethel at McPherson

Wm. Jewell at Baker

Last Week's Scores

C. of E. 0, Bethany 13.

Ottawa 19, McPherson 0.

Kansas Wesleyan 20, Rockhurst


Bethel 0, Baker 23.

While Ottawa was trouncing McPherson 19-0 last week, the Bethany Swedes propped for this week's big battle with their toughest game of the year, a rock 'em sock ’em contest against C. of E.

The Swedes won 13-0 in what observers called the roughest game of the year. The Presides lost 105 yards on 13 penalties, and cries of protest against the officiating have arisen from the eastern city. C. of E. was penalized 120 yards against McPherson three weeks earlier.

The Presbies have had high penalty figures all year which probably erases the poor officiating charge. Undoubtedly the Presby rooters were chagrined

over the outcome of the Swede game because C. of E. played on more than even terms. Both teams had nine first downs, and Emporia outrushed the Swedes, 127-120. The passing figures were nearly even.

Bill Carlson was the difference that did hot show in the statistics The hard running sophomore scored the Swede’s first touchdown, passed to end Johnny Winblad for the other, and intercepted a pass on the 18 in the second period when the Presbies were driving for a touchdown.

In other games last week Bak er beat Bethel 23-0, and Kansas Wesleyan was skidded 29-20 in a non-league contest against Rock-hurst. Sherman Kolacny moved ahead as the conference's leading individual scorer with 27 points as he kicked two extra points and a field goal against the Gray Maroons. Bouncing Boyce Smith returned to the Orange lineup to score two touchdowns and tie Bethany's Carlson for second place in scoring with 24 points.

Wesleyan flashed a good offense against Rockhurst, but the defense was as solid as an egg shell. The Hawks made 376 yards running and passing compared to the Coyotes’ 189 Keith Brown led KWU with two six-pointers, one on a 44 yard cakewalk.

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Bulldogs Improve Against Ottawa But Lose 19-0

The Bulldogs of McPherson College could not stop their conference losing streak last Friday, but they came up with their best game of the season as they held the tough, defending champion Ottawa Braves to a 19-0 count.

For the first 10 minutes the Bulldogs played as if in disguise as they pushed the Ottawa veteran line backwards from chalkline to chalkline. Unfortunately  the Bulldogs could not stand the 60-minute gaff, and Ottawa moved across with its first touchdown one play into the second quarter.

A clipping penalty put the 'dogs deep in their own territory late in the initial period, and Chuck Petefish was forced to boot. Vaugh Kimbrough returned the punt 13 yards to the McPherson 27 where rushes to the six Kimbrough Everett Viets made three power split off tackel for the score, but Jim Gorgan missed the attempted conversion.

Another long gain punt returned by Kimbrough set up the second Brave TD two minutes later. A 39-yard aerial from quarterback Bob Musgrave to Paul Robbins over the Bulldog defensive right halfback was the final punch. This time Gorgan split the uprights.

The Braves scored their last touchdown right after the intermission. Jim Arensburg recovered Chuck Petefish's fumble on the Bulldog 33. Everett Viets did heavy duty as the Braves scored on seven plays. Viets was the scorer from five yards out, Grogan missed the placement.

The Bulldogs held their own thereafter and flushed their best offensive of the evening after the Braves last tally. Taking the kick-off on their own five the Bulldogs moved down to the Ottawa 19 before the attack bogged, Dean Schmidt scooted 19 yards on the musty Statue of Liberty for the big yardage-eater.

McPherson played on equal busts with the Braves in the last 15 minutes. Actually the Bulldogs did a commendable job the whole game except for pass defense and punt returns.

Bethany Rates As Favorite Over Braves

Hinging a league championship upon a mid-season game has never been considered a sane prediction by football observers, but the followers of Kansas Conference football unanimously agree that the gridiron war between Ray Hahn's cleat-weaned Bethany Swedes and Dick Peters' brawny Ottawa Braves tonight will decide this year’s KCAC winner.

The Braves have won the last two crowns after Bethany took the ‘46 bunting, and the Swedes are intent upon at least breaking even in the first four years of post-war football.

Both squads have run 1-2 in the conference since the war; and as both teams have advanced almost intact from freshmen to senior, they will go into tonight's fray with both barrels loaded for that last championship quest. Ottawa has 10 seniors, Bethany 13.

Both teams stand at the top of the Kansas Conference going into tonight’s battle with a perfect three game slate. Bethany has beat Kansas Wesleyan 26-0 Baker 21-0, and C of E 13-0.

Ottawa has shellacked Wesleyan 12-7, Bethel 26-6, and McPherson 19-0. In non-league competition Ottawa has lost two, to Central (Mo.) 6-0 and to Missouri Valley 20-6. The Swedes have measured Sterling 58-0, but lost to Valley 27-6.

Thus again common opponents Ottawa bolds the advantage via Missouri Valley by one touchdown; but using Kansas Wesleyan as the proving ground, Bethany holds a three-touchdown edge.

The pre-game edge will probably go to Bethany because of the man-eating line that has kept the Swede goal line virgin soil as far as enemy touchdown’s in conference competition are concerned.

Ray Hahn can start the same line that won the conference crown for him in ’46. They were freshmen then, and they show their four years' experience now. Six of them probably will start, Larry Bale and Jim Elmborg at ends. Dale Lurwig and Bill Engstrom at tackles, and Gene Ekland and Joe Chambers at guards. The seventh member, center Ralph Sjostrom, will start if the Swedes receive the opening kickoff. Otherwise, light but gutsy junior Charlie Lander will be in there as a linebacker.

The regular backfield of Jack Telttenberg. Howard Price. Bill Calson, and Harold Collins will start with Harry Ylander and Bob Gerard in reserve.

The loss of sophomore guard Vernon Keagy in the McPherson game will weaken the Ottawa forwards. Otherwise the Braves should be in fair shape, although fullback Ross Correll is hobbled by an ankle injury.

Correll and Evert Viets will probably drive the fullback duties Stan Hughes has reportedly been playing coy with coach Dick Peters this season and did not see any action against McPherson. A return to form of the rock-ribbed blaster would greatly strengthen the Brave offense which will have its hands full with the Bethany line.

Senior: It says here in the paper that a man is run over in New York every half hour.

Freshman: Poor fellow.

Professor Dell told Lorene Marshall not to make a mental note of it, because he wanted her to remember it.

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