NO. 5

Reza Mofarah Trains Here For 1952 Olympic Games

By Rowan Keim

"I think I can beat them." That attitude spurred on an Iranian high school lad. He did beat them—all the other students in Tehran—and completed high school with the highest scholastic record in that capital city.

Carrying this same spirit into the field of sports, the young fellow and other members of his high school soccer team became the second best team in Iran.

A short time later he captained a gymnastic team to the national championship of Persia; and later still, he himself became the second greatest gymnast in Iran. He was chosen to compete in the 1948 Olympic Games in England, but because of a lack of finances, he and the others in his group were unable to go.

The story does not end here. Today Reza Mofarah, a student here on Macampus, is training for the 1952 Olympics!

Gymnastics is Reza’s favorite sport, in which he is an expert; but he is also very proficient in swimming, skiing, and body building (exercise, etc.), having won a national championship in the latter.

American gymnastic equipment, according to Reza, is the same as in Iran. He expressed surprise, however, at the slight importance with which gymnastics is generally treated in the United States.

The art of gymnastics requires superb bodily control which comes only through intensive, conscientious training. Reza has been working out three days each week at the high school where he practices tricks for the parallel bars, high bar, horse, side horse, rings, and trampoline.

Wholesome health habits and plenty of sleep, as well as exercise, are important to an athlete, Reza knows. About smoking he says: "I don’t smoke; I hate smoking"; And of sleep: "If I don’t get eight hours of sleep I feel bad."

Then there is the little matter of eating the right food, the practice known as "diet." For two years, while Reza was training for the gymnastic championship of Iran, he lived on a diet of beef—no other meats, spinach, small amounts of other vegetables, no fruit except apples and grapes, very little to drink, only small amounts of bread, and no pie, cakes, cookies, candies, or nuts.

Since that training period is over, Reza says: "I choose everything I like. I got tired of a diet." He really likes the cafeteria food, especially since he can eat whatever he pleases. But all good things must come to an end sometime; in approximately another year and one half he will go back on his training diet.

Reza first became interested in gymnastics at 15 years of age when he saw a gymnastic exhibition. From that time on he worked at that sport.

He joined an athletic club called "Nirorosti" which had about 2000 members 17 years old or oyer. “I was working for four years for the championship,” he said. The "pay off" for his years of training came when the King of Iran shook his hand in congratulation for winning second place in gymnastics in the national contest.

Because of their faith in Reza’s ability, Coaches Hard-acre and Wareham plan, if possible, to enter Reza in intercollegiate gymnastic competition with Kansas University and several other universities. Reza's opinion? "I think I can beat them."

Although an outstanding athlete, Mr. Mofarah does not intend to become a professional gymnast. Instead he is taking a pre-medical course and plans to become a physician.

While he is studying here, Reza hopes to aid in increasing the understanding between America and his homeland.

Mr. Mofarah has expressed several thoughts which he felt would contribute toward that purpose. "I wish that American people would change their ideas about Persia. Most of them think about Persia as an Arabian country and think its people live the same as Arabs who live in Arabian deserts. They should know that Persia is 2500 years old and was leading the civilization of the world for a long time. Now the system of life and other things in Persia are the same as other civilized countries, and if we students have come to the U. S. A. to continue our studies, it does not mean that we do not have any colleges and universities to study in or we find better lives here, but it means that we want to know the people who live half-way around the world from us, how they think about themselves, and others.”

Southwestern To Have Debate Tourney Nov. 18-19

Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, has announced that there will be a Debate Tournament November 18 and 19.

There will be Junior and Senior divisions for men. and separate divisions for women if there are enough entries.

Bethel College, Newton, Kansas, is having a tournament during Thanksgiving vacation.

Firestone Applies For Scholarship To English School

John Firestone, of McPherson College, has entered the competition for the Rhodes Scholarship of 1949. Mr. Firestone is a senior from Jennings, Louisiana.

Competition for this scholarship will be held in all states in December, 1949. Scholars elected will enter the University of Oxford in October, 1950. Thirty two appointments will be made from candidates who fulfill the require-ments.

Mohler Grins

If you ask the time of day, Mohler grins;

For no matter what you say, Doc will grin.

He will chase a snipe all night. Watch a bloody badger fight. But he finds his chief delight. When he grins.

If you tell a mournful story Mohler grins.

Tell of wars and battles gory Doc will grin.

When your soul has lost its gladness,

And you tell of all your sadness. How it drives you on to madness

As he grins.

If the provocation's small. Watch him grin:

If there's no excuse at all He will grin.

When the Judgment Day rolls ’round.

And he hears the trumpet sound,

He will rise up from the ground, And will grin.

Men Run From Women As Sadie Hawkins Chase Nears Deadline At Four

Drawing dangerously near the close; the annual Sadie Hawkins chase is proving a boon to the gals. Those who have not yet caught a man are desperately chasing the few remaining bachelors before the deadline today at 4 p. m.

John Firestone

A candidate to be eligible for the scholarship must—

(1)    Be a male citizen of the United States and unmarried.

(2)    Be between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five on October 1, 1950.

(3)    Have completed at least his sophomore year by the time of application.

Anyone else interested in entering the competition may obtain application blanks in the office of the Dean.

Applications must be in the hands of President Lindquist of Bethany College not later thau October 29, 1949.

Cure For ‘Isms’ Given By Dr. Ise

The following is an article taken from the University Daily Kansan.

John Ise, professor of economics, has given his cure for the “isms” to his Economics Systems class.

''Communists should be thrown in jail and compelled to read Karl Marx. That would cure their belief  in communism. The same for Fascists. They should be made to read ‘Mein Kampf.’ That would cure them," Professor Ise said.

“What about the capitalist?" asked a voice from the classroom.

“They should have to read the

essays of George Sokolsky," said Professor Ise.

Columnist George Sokolsky attacked this summer an economics text book written by Professor Ise used by economics classes here.

Election For Queen And Attendants

The Student Council has announced that the elections for the Homecoming Queen and her attendants will be held Monday, October 17. The polls will be located in Sharp Hall in front of the chapel, and will be open from 10:20 a. m. until 3:00 p. m.

Deans Of Women Convene Today

"Achieving Better Techniques in Counseling" is the theme of the 33rd annual state conference of the Kansas Association of Deans of Women and Advisors of Girls, which is being held in McPherson today and tomorrow.

Registration began at 9:00 o'clock this morning in the lobby of Hotel Warren, followed by the opening session at 10:45, and luncheon in the Blue Room at noon.

This afternoon, sectional workshops will be held:    the college

section meeting in the Blue Room and the high school section in the New Room. Tea will be served by the Senior High School at 4:00 in the High School building. Miss Constance Rankin will be the hostess.

Dinner will be served in the Mc-Court Hotel this evening. The guest speaker is Mrs. Margaret Sandzen Greenough, daughter of Birger Sandzen, one of Kansas' best - known painters. Mrs. Greenough is also an artist, and she will speak concerning that subject.

Tomorrow morning the group will meet on the McPherson College campus for the days activities. Coffee will be served in the Home Economics Department to the women, as a courtesy of the college. Miss Mildred Siek is the hostess.

Professor Ira J. Gordon, counselor at Kansas State College, will be the speaker at the luncheon Saturday noon in the Blue Room of Hotel Warren. He will speak on the general subject. "Development of an Effective Faculty Advisory Training Program."

Queen’s Banquet Opens Festivities For Homecoming

On Thursday, Oct. 27, at 5:30 the homecoming festivities will open with a banquet at the church in honor of the queen.

According to the committee working on the banquet, an interesting program has been prepared and will be announced early next week. Tickets to this banquet are $1.05 and may be secured from members of the men's council.

At 8 p. m., Thursday, Rev. Harry K. Zeller will speak at the Church of the Brethren. Immediately following at 9:30 a bonfire and pep rally will be held in the drive west of the gymnasium

Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock a homecoming parade will be held on Main Street. The Student Council is urging all organizations to take part and to cooperate to make this an outstanding parade.

Other activities Friday include the Alumni Chapel and Pep Meeting at 9:50 a. m., in the chapel, the M Club Luncheon at 1 p. m., in the cafeteria, and the Alumni Dinner at 6 p. m. at the church.

The Homecoming Program will reach its height with the coronation of the queen at 7:45 Friday. Just preceding the game at 8 o'clock between the McPherson Bulldogs and the Bethel Grayma-roons.

Following the game, the alumni, students, faculty, and friends will meet for a social hour in the Dog House and the Student Union Room.

No classes will be held after 12:10 Friday so that students may prepare for the festivities.

Complimentary tickets to the football game will be furnished to the alumni.

Student Council and the committee in charge of homecoming are asking all dormitories to decorate as much as possible for the week end.

Debate Candidates Should Give Names; Draw Sides Oct. 13

Candidates for Men's Debate Teams and Women’s Debate Teams should give their names to Debate Coach McAuley soon.

It has been announced that all candidates for teams who could not be present in Room 30, Sharp Hall, at 1:00 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 13, when the drawing for sides took place, should make other arrangements with Prof. McAuley.

These drawing odd numbers will debate affirmative in the tryout; those drawing even numbers will debate negative in the tryout. One week will be given to prepare a 5-minute constructive speech for the tryout, and a 2-minute rebuttal.

Material is available in the library on the Debate Shelf. The question this year is: Resolved that the United States should nationalize the basic non-agricultural industries. Debaters defend both sides during the year.

Pi Kappa Delta has announced that debaters who participate in at least three decision intercollegiate debates are eligible for membership.

For further information consult: Professor Roy McAuley, De-bate Coach, or Professor Maurice A. Hess Sponsor of PKD.

Frantz Tours Two States For Funds And Students

Mr. Earl Frantz has returned to the campus after a two-week tour through Western Colorado and Wyoming. The purpose of this trip was the promotion of college funds and the solicitation of new students.

Mr. Frantz visited friends and alumni. Among the alumni whom he visited was Mr. Orlo Allen of Douglas, Wyoming. Mr. Allen is teaching Industrial Arts and is reported by his principal "to be doing a remarkable job."

He also visited Dale C. Wilhelm, a graduate of 1898, at Gillette, Wyoming. He is a collector of rare items and maintains his own private museum.

Musicale Receives Wide Acclaim

More than just a concert was in store for thoso who attended the fall musicale last Tuesday and Wednesday nights in the Chapel. Colorful costumes and dramatic action wore combined with singing in the program presented by the music department.

The dramatic cantata, "Trial by Jury", and the song cycle, "In a Persian Garden," were new types of entertainment for McPherson College. Comments of the "first nighters" indicated that it was very much enjoyed. The first performance was received by a full house.

"I Hear America Singing" a cantata sung by the Symphonic Choir, opened the musicale. "In a Persian Garden." a song cycle sung by the solo voices of Florence Messick, Laura Fillmore, Kenneth Graham, and Gilford Ikenberry, was coached by Rolland Plasterer.  Harold McNamee and Eula Witmore had the leads in the cantata. "Trial by Jury." Other leads were Winston Bowman, Vernon Nicholson, Earle Lapp, and Merrill Sanger, Mr. Plasterer and Professor Frederick directed "Trial by Jury." Professor Frederick directed the cantata "I Hear America Singing."

Coming - - -

Sadie Hawkins Party—October 14.

Kansas Wesleyan, there — October 15.

Ottawa, here — October 21, Arnold Hall Open House — October 22.

Religious Emphasis Week — October 24-27.

Bethel, here—October 28,

All School Carnival—October


Gotcha- - -

Many of the freshman girls who have never had the opportunity to catch that certain male are making good use of the opportunity. One freshman gal was overheard saying, "This sort of thing just doesn't happen often enough."

Sad Sack - - -

As for the guys, they seem reluctant to admit that they do enjoy Sadie Hawkins. They favor the now ruling of only six girls to one man, but the girls think that It makes the job more difficult.

Ouch - -

For the party tonight, everyone will como dressed in original cos-tumes. Prizes will be given to the most original couple as well as to the prettiest Daisy Mae and handsomest Lil' Abner, and to the best set of whiskers.

Folk games will constitute part of the program. An added attraction may be installed as part of the festivities.

Mac To Participate In UN Broadcast Over KSAL Oct. 23

Five colleges, Marymount, Bethany, McPherson, Kansas Wesleyan, and Central, will be represented in a panel discussion concerning "United Nations Works For You." This discussion will broadcast from KSAL in Salina, Sunday, October 23.

It will pertain especially to W. H. O. (World Health Organization.) Methods of maintaining medical supplies, tuberculous control, vaccinations, and C. R. O. P. will be discussed.

Last week Miss Mary Lockwood. Joyce Harden, Winston Goering, LeRoy Doty went to Salina and met in conjunction with Marymount and Bethany colleges to plan this broadcast.

To show the people what is being done for them by the United Nations, and what they can do to make the U. N. stronger, is the purpose of this panel discussion.

There he is - -

A Tribute To P. V. Odle

By Ira Brammell

At 9:15 Saturday evening, October 8, College Hill lost one of its most highly respected citizens.

Prentice V. Odle, ’25, lived abundantly during the forty-six years of his life. For twenty-seven years he lived in McPherson where he became widely known and highly esteemed.

Since 1936 he was a postal employee at the McPherson Post Office. In recent years he delivered mail daily to McPherson College. His appearance on the campus was always a source of joy for the many students awaiting mail from home.

Prentice was interested in outdoor life and sports. He missed but few of the sport events in town and was always generous in using his car to transport players or fans to out-of-town games. He will be missed as a timekeeper or scorekeeper at our games. He was also popular as an umpire at baseball games.

He was a charter member of the McPherson Kiwanis Club and was very active in its activities.

Scout Troop No. 130, sponsored by the Church of the Brethren has lost a great leader. As Scoutmaster of this troop, Prentice devoted much time to his boys in guiding them in their appreciation of nature, character training, and reverence for God.

Although we are saddened by the loss of Mr. Odle, yet we are most grateful for his excellent examples of good sportsmanship and noble living. We conceive of his eternity as being devoted to doing good to others.

The students and faculty of McPherson College appreciate the courtesies received from Prentice, and extend sincerest sympathy to Mrs. Odle, Robert, and others who are sorely grieved because of his passing.

Subscription Rate for

One School Year $1.50

Adress All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


LeRoy Doty ........................................................................................................ Editor-in-Chief

Lorene Clark ................................................................................................... Managing Editor

Betty Frantz ...................................................................................................... Campus Editor

Dean Coughenour ................................................................................................ Sports Editor

Rowan Keim ......................................................................................................... Society Editor

Sarah May Vancil ............................................................................................. Faculty Adviser

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Betty Redinger    Betty Frantz

Doris Correll     Don St. Clair    Kathlyn Larson

Albert Balzer     Garth Ellwood


Gerald Neher ...................................................................... Business Manager

D. A. Crist ................................................................................................. Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder .................................................................................................... Faculty Adviser

Sharp Hall Injured In Accident Tues.

Sharp Hall was injured in an accident which occurred in the dramatics property room last Tuesday. Professor Rolland Plasterer was making last minute dashes about the building to prepare, for the musicale.

For several hours he was particularly interested in scenery, proper drapes, costumes. Many, many trips were made up and down the prop room ladder.

On Plasterer's last trip down the weary ladder gave up and collapsed on the floor. Plasterer dragged his finger-nails down the side of the wall and thus saved himself from any broken bones.

He immediately gathered up the pieces (of the ladder,) took them to the business office and demanded an increased budget for the dramatics department, stating that an elevator should be installed.

Mr. Gordon Yoder was quoted as saying, "Get that lumber out of this office."

Mr. McAuley was quoted as saying, "That ladder, of course, has certain limitations."

If anything is clear in today's tragically confused world, it is that competing national sovereign-ties, knowing no law but their own, must drive us inevitably toward world catastrophe. What is needed—and desperately needed—is a larger patriotism by which we declare our allegiance, not to our own nation alone, but to those great human principles which are common to the people of all nations.

Adopt Universal Rights

Since the last United Nations Day was held, the General Assemb-ly of the UN has adopted a Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which many of the principles to which I refer are clearly stated. I’m sure that document expresses the aspirations not only of we Western democracies but of the people in countries where the popular will now has small governmental force. These aspirations are therefore a common denominator of mankind on which a future world order may be solidly based.

It is of this historic Declaration, and of the specialized agencies of the UN, that I chiefly think as we prepare for the UN’s birthday celebration October 24. If attention be focused exclusively on the operations of the General Assembly and Security Council, a sense of futility, of hopelessness, is almost certain to develop. Here are hostile walls of sovereignty seem often insurmountable.

Genuine Cooperation

But if one looks at the operations of the whole UN family, including those of the Economic and Social Council and of such agen-cies as UNESCO, FAO, and WHO, one discovers a measure of genu-ine international collaboration which holds great promise for all of us. Here the people's will grows increasingly effective—and this will is overwhelmingly a will to peace.

So let’s make UN Day in Kansas an expression of our own good will, and of our own faith in the ideals we sought to implement when the UN was born four years ago in San Francisco.

More importantly, let us, on October 24, assume a personal obligation to study the problems of peace and shape in our own minds those intelligent opinions upon which sound international policy must be based. "Study" and "think" are undramatic words, but the process they name is the most important peacemaking enterprise in which we, as Kansas citizens, can now personally take part.

Parents Favor Higher Education

From a recent survey on higher education sponsored by Fortune magazine and directed by Elmo Roner, has come the news that most parents and other adults favor a college education for young people.

Of those asked, 83 per cent favor higher education for boys and 69 per cent for girls. Most of them feel that the purpose of of higher education is purely eco-nomic-to get ahead in the world. But they also recognize the fact that higher education helps to equip individuals for effective living.

One of the main purposes of the poll was to learn attitudes concerning federal aid for higher education. Fifty-six per cent of the adults favor a plan of government aid for qualified high school students who cannot afford college. Thirty-two per cent opposed the question mainly because they fear government domination of colleges.

When asked if it would be a good idea for college students to work for at least a part of their college expenses, 84 per cent of the people agreed that it would. Only seven per cent did not because they thought it would interfere with studies and other aspects of college life.

Today many undeserving students get a chance at college while many deserving students do not, The general concensus of opinion is that the government should be responsible for all who want to go to college and have the ability to go but are financially unable to do so.

When asked what specific college parents wanted their child to attend, answers varied. This is a healthy indicator that there are few prestige colleges in this country. In fact, there was a tendency to name private schools over public and to name those near the respondents section of the country.

Read all the ads in this issue.

U. S. Civil Service Exams Announced

Information has been received that the U. S. Civil Service Commission has announced its 1949 Junior Professional Assistant, Junior Management Assistant, and Junior Agricultural Assistant examinations. Positions in Washington, D. C., and throughout the United States, at $2,974 a year, will be filled from these examinations. The announcements issued by the Commission are in booklet form and give full information regarding the examinations and the positions to be filled.

This information is of particular interest to college graduates and senior students, since the positions to be filled are trainee positions in which young people may begin a career in the Federal service in a variety of professions. Those with outstanding ability may develop into Federal administrators and high-grade professional workers.

The following positions will be filled from the Junior Professional Assistant examination: Architect, astronomer, bacteriologist, biologist, economist, food and drug inspector, geographer, geophysicist, landscape architect, legal assistant, mathematician, physiologist, psychologist, social science analyst, statistician, textile technologist. A variety of administrative positions will be filled from the Junior Management Assistant examination, in such fields as general administration, organization and procedures, budget, and personnel.

Vacancies in all the positions will not be filled in, all sections of the country. The examination announcement specifies in which localities positions will be filled.

The Junior Agricultural Assistant examination will be used to fill the following positions: Agricultural economist, agricultural engineer, agronomist, animal husbandman, fishery biologist, botanist, entomologist, forester, geneticist, home economist horticulturist, plant pathologist, plant physiologist, plant quarantine inspector, poultry husbandman, statistician, wildlife biologist, and zoo-ologist (parasitology).

To qualify in these examinations, competitors must pass a written test and, in addition, must have had appropriate education or experience or a combination of education and experience. Applications will be accepted from students who expect to complete their college courses by June 30, 1950. Age limits, waived for persons entitled to veteran preference, are from 18 to 35 years.

Announcements and application forms may be secured from most first and second-class post offices, from Civil Service regional offi-ces, or from the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C. Instructions on how, when, and where to file are given in the examination announcements. Applications must be received in the appropriate office of the Civil Service Commission not later than November 8, 1949.

Read all the ads in the Spectator every week.

The Last Best Hope Of Earth

By Milton S. Eisenhower

On October 24 will be celebrated all over the world United Nations Day—a day of rededication to that international organization which now, more than ever, shows itself as the embodiment of our “last best hope of earth.”

Professor Frederick, and the Ladies Trio, composed of Florene Messick, Anita Rogers, and Marilee Grove, and their accompanist. Helen Stover, attended district meeting in Garden City last weekend. The trio sang several special numbers for the conference.

The Men's Quartette sang at district meeting in Garden City Saturday evening. Members of the quartette are: Albert Rogers, Alvin Willems, Don Guthals, and Gilford Ikenberry.

Professor and Mrs. Hess and Pauline visited in Ottawa and Cen-tropolis, Kansas, over last weekend.    _

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kingsley, Windom, attended the fall musical Tuesday. They were dinner guests of Miss Vancil that evening.

Leon Geisert visited the campus last Friday and attended the football game. Mr. Geisert was a student on campus two years ago.

Dale Oltman went home to En-ders, Nebraska, over the weekend.

Classes. Nominate Queen, Attendants For Student Vote

Who will regin as 1949 homecoming queen at McPherson College? The secret will be revealed before the game Friday, October 28.



Selection for queen will be made from the four candidates of the junior class: Marline Bowman, Lois Yoder, Bonnie Martin, and Rowena Neher.



Sadie Hawkins Tonight In P. E. Building

Sunday afternoon the Misses Helen Howe, Virginia Harris, Sarah May Vancil, Mary Kinzie, and Edna Neher were entertained at a tea by Miss Minnie Mugler and sister, Miss Carrie Mugler, at the Mugler home.

Donna and Hob Sooby, Betty Jo Barker, Wilda Minnix, and Lois Yoder, attended district meeting in Garden City last weekend. The Soobys, Betty Jo and Wilda, live in and near Garden City, respectively. Miss Yoder was a guest of Wilda.     _

Eula Broyles spent Saturday and Sunday in Topeka visiting Jim Beeman.

Dick Brown, of Salina, visited Joyce Harden last Friday evening. Mr. Brown attended the McPherson C. of E. football game while here.    _

Robert Burkholder, a teacher at Windom and former student at McPherson, visited his brother Wendell last weekend.

Professor Robert E. Mohler was in Elgin, Illinois, from Tuesday to Sunday, attending a meeting of the Executive Committee of the General Brotherhood Board.

Pattie Bittinger, Marline Row-man, Arlene Mohler, Claudia Jo Stump, Marilee Grove, and, Rowan Keim attended the Don Cossack Chorus in Lindsborg Thursday night.    _

Students from South English, Iowa, had a surprise weiner roast for Marilee Grove last Thursday night in honor of her eighteenth birthday. Others present were: llene Weaver, Darlene Weaver, Rowan Keim, Jo Ann Brubaker, Eldon Coffman, and Delmar Sen ger.

Arnold and Fahnestock Halls both bad dorm meetings last Mon-day night. Fire Chief Lundgren spoke to the girls in Arnold about fire drills and fire precautions.

Margery Fike went home with Phyllis Schmutz, to Abilene over

the weekend.

Anna Lou Rhodes went home to Inman last Friday for a weekend visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gentry visited their son, Marlon, for a short while last week. The Gentrys are from Stet. Missouri.

Mr. G. A. Merkey and daughters. Rowena and Arlene, and Mr. Lee St. Clair and son, Sidney, visited Bob Merkey and Don St. Clair last Friday and attended the football game that night. Bob and Don went home with their folks, to Portis and Harlan, respectively, for a short visit.

Jo Ann Brubaker went home to South English, Iowa, last Thursday evening to attend the funeral of thir young nephew. She returned to the campus Monday morning.

Friday evening, Inez Royer went home to visit her parents in Wichita.

Professor Roy McAuley preached in Wichita last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Merril Sanger and Doris Kesler were in Quinter part of last week. Mrs. Sanger's and Miss Kesler's parents live

there.    _

Mildred Reck went home to Nickerson Friday through Sunday.

Miss Mae Albright took several people to hear the Don Cossack Chorus in Lindsborg, Thursday

evening. _

Fourth floor girls in Arnold Hall had a surprise birthday party for Marilee Grove last Thursday night. Ice cream, cake, and cookies were served as refreshments.

Norma Lee Conch and Joe Grimm went home to Kansas City

last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Williford from Matfield Green, Kansas visited the campus last Monday.

Winston Bowman's car was found parked by the flag pole last Tuesday morning.

Harold McNamee's car was found parked in front of Arnold Hall on the sidewalk last Tuesday morning.

Journalism Class Visits Loral Newspaper Offices

In conjunction with National Newspaper Week the Journalism class visited the McPherson Daily Republican, Friday, Oct. 7. The class was met by Mark Anson who led the tour through the plant.

First. Mr. Anson showed the class the advertising department, the reporters' desks, and the business office. He discussed the teletypes and explained their operation.

The group then saw the presses in action as the paper had just gone to bed. As the presses had started before the completion of the World Series game, the class was shown how the presses are stopped and changes made. The linotypes and hand presses were also explained.

As the group left Mr. Anson asked if there were any questions. After answering he handed each member a newspaper and a pencil and thanked the group for their interest.

Faculty, Students Represent Mac

W. W. Peters represented the College at the District Conference of Southwestern Kansas at Garden City last Saturday evening. Elder W. H. Yoder was chairman of the program and Professor Donald Frederick presented the Men's Quartet and the Ladles' Trio, who provided the music. The Men's quartet includes Albert Rogers, Alvin Willems, Don Guthals, and Gilford Ikenberry. The Ladies’ Trio includes Florine Messick, Anita Rogers, Marilee Grove, and Helen Stover who accompanies the piano.

The offering for the College amounted to $175.55.

Peters Serves On Panel For Faculty Improvement

Presidents Emory Lindquist of Bethany College, Mendel B. Miller of Central College, and W. W. Peters of McPherson College were Invited participants Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11. at a meeting of the Hutchinson Education Council at the Hutchinson Junior College.

They were asked by Superintendent W. R. Godwin to serve at a Panel Discussion on Faculty Improvement.

Light, radio, x-ray and other electric-magnetic waves are caused by atomic disturbances.

Sophomore attendant will be one of four girls: Lorene Marshall, Verlla Hummer, Mary Ann Bishop, and Miriam Keim.

The freshmen who are candidates for attendant are Betty Ann Murrey, Maxine Gonzales, Peggy Sargent, and Phyllis Bowman.

Election date has been set by Student Council for October 17.

Residents of Monte Carlo are not allowed entrance into the gambling casino.

Bulldogs Invade Salina To Battle K-Wesleyan

Tomorrow night the McPherson College Bulldogs will take their 15 game conference losing streak into Martin Field, Salina, against Wally Forsberg’s paunchy, toothless Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes.

Both teams are currently resting in the Kansas Conference rat cellar with two defeats in two starts, and tomorrow, barring a tie, one of the clubs will more up in the race. Dope (an undefined word usually pleased by a man of the same name) gives the Coyotes the edge tonight, mostly on the basis of Kansas Wesleyan’s commendable 12-7 loss to tough Ottawa.

"Where is the ball? Who’s got it? Which way did it go?"

These three questions, frequently asked at football games. Indicate that most grid fans are "blind" and try to follow the back-field or the ball.

This Week’s Games

Baker at C. of E.

Ottawa at Bethel.

Bethany at Sterling.

McPherson at K-Wesleyan (Saturday).

Last Week’s Scores

C. of E. 34, McPherson 0.

Ottawa 12, K-Wesleyan 7.

Bethany 21, Baker 0.

Bethel 53, Sterling 7.

"The Irish and the Dutch

They don't amount to much

But hooroo for the Scandinoovi-ans!"

The Scandinavian natives of Lindsborg can be excused if they are regularly reciting the lines of that old American folk rhyme for its with pardonable pride that they are singing the praises of their own Bethany Swedes.

Just as the largest homecoming crowd in Bethany history was towheaded—be it youthful yellow or cueball white—the game itself at Lindsborg last Saturday was entirely Scandinoovian as Ray Hahn's tough, hard-charging Swedes clawed through their second obstacle to the 1949 Kansas Conference crown, the Baker Wildcats.

The Impression of the 21-0 score over a team that had a week previously swamped McPherson 64-0 was enough to convince followers that these Swedes are the best team to come out of the conference since Dick Godlove's prewar juggernauts at Ottawa.

The Swede line was superb. No better proof of that can be found than from the fine Baker backs. Jack-rabbit Boyce Smith and Sherman Kolancy. They carried Smith out on a stretcher just before halftime and Kolancy spent the evening on the seat of his pants. That Swede line is fierce and hard charging, sort of a minor league counterpart of their Swedish cousins in the north, the University of Minnesota Gophers.

Sophomore halfback Bill Carlson, last in a great Bethany ath-letic dynasty, serves as a tremendous complements to the Swede forwards. Besides running with a jet takeoff, hitting his only pass right on the button, and sending a 40 yard spiral right in the coffin corner. Carlson made three of the dizziest pass receptions seen in the conference in many a moon.

Bethany gets a breather this week, taking on non-league Sterling as Baker goes to C. of E. Ottawa, who showed they were still in contention to defend their crown by dumping Kansas Wes-leyan last week 12-7, goes to Bethel, who dumped Sterling 53-


On the other side of the question. the Bulldogs have at least won one game. The Canines have won one, and lost three as the Coyotes have lost four in a row to healthier opposition.

Undoubtedly the four defeats have rankled new head coach Wally Forsberg, whose Merlinism at Ottawa produced two pennants in three years. Either Forsberg has misplaced his wand, or the 19 veterans at Wesleyan have not benefited under his strict discipline.

There is plenty of evidence on the latter side. There have been many reports or dissension on the Coyote squad, although they probably can be discounted as there usually are such reports exploding around a loser. At any rate. Forsberg has announced that several of his vets will be benched tomorrow for "not producing" and several promising frosh will be in the lineup.

The Coyotes lost their opening games by identical scores, 34-0 to Fort Hays Teachers and Colorado Springs. Conference losses have been to Bethany 26-0 and Ottawa 12-7.

Kansas Wesleyan’s offensive troubles have arisen from the lack of a passer. However, sophomore Dean Howe showed improvement in the aerial duties against Ottawa besides scoring the Coyote’s first ’49 touchdown.

Along with Howe in the starting lineup tomorrow will probably be all-conference Ole Smith, Bill Martin, highly publicized from Leavenworth High School, and co-captain Elvis Robbs.

Operating in front of Forsberg’s single wing and T attack will be Galen Keeling and Max Studer at ends. Glen Booth and Bill Weesey at tackles. Bill Baughamn and Les Jilka at guards, and center Bob Wagner.

The Coyote forwards are the heaviest in the conference, but have the speed of a grandmother snail going to a funeral in mid-January. Heaviest and slowest is 230-pound Glen Booth, who an-chors an almost impregnable left side of the line.

Coach Frosty Hardacre of the Bulldogs has added to the Bulldog offensive repertoire this week in an attempt to take advantage of the Coyote's lead-footedness and to stay away from the tough left side. A spread offensive and many plays to the weak side worked well for Ottawa last week, and Hardacre wants to follow a similar plan with his Bulldogs against Wesleyan.

Passing has also bothered Wesleyan, but the Bulldog’s aerial game may not bo up to par if Gene Arnold does not recover from a sprained ankle. Otherwise the team is physically okay. Don Stevens is expected to return to his regular place in the line after a week’s absence. Glen Pyle, however, has been lost for the season.

McAuley To Speak At Pleasant View

Professor Roy McAuley is to be guest speaker at the Homecoming Services of the Pleasant View Church of the Brethren, Aline, Okla., on Sunday, October 16.

The pastor, Harold G. Correll, is an alumnus of McPherson College. He is the uncle of Doris Correll, a junior at McPherson College.

College Of Emporia 34 McPherson College 0

The McPherson College Bulldogs lost their 15th consecutive Kansas Conference football game as the College of Emporia Pres-bies struck through the air for the three touchdowns in the second quarter, and then coasted the rest of the way for a 34-0 victory.

Veteran Dan Durand led the pitching parade, hitting five out of seven tosses for 86 yards. Two completions went all the way. Taking over the T-gen-eralship from Don Ek midway in the first period, Durand led the way to the first TD with completions to Bruce Hayes and Jim Naughton.

Durand’s 14 yard pitch to end Bud Bloxom gave the Emporians their second marker three plays into the second stanza. George Thew kicked the first of four extra points.

The Prosbies next touchdowns were scored within two minutes of each other. Don Ek and Paul Ingmire went over front the seven and three respectively.

The Bulldogs hold the C. of E. third stringers scoreless in the third period, but the regulars came

The T is the most deceptive system in football, and thus is the most difficult to watch, simply because a play can develop from all directions.

Train your eyes on the T center, the hardest working lineman of the lot. He will brush aside an opposing guard and even a linebacker with one steady thrust. Or he will go out a few steps and wait for the would-be tackier or step back and plaster an onrush-ing defensive lineman who is being permitted to break through only to be wiped out by the center —the famous mousetrap.

Watch the guards now. They operate mostly in a restricted area holding off opposing linemen on back in the final period to add one more with Naughton skipping over from the 17.

The Bulldog offensive could on-ly average a yard and a half a clip with freshman Marlin Van Druff leading the way with 50 yards in 23 trips. Charlie Petefish spent a bruised evening on his posterior as the C. of E. forwards beat a steady tatoo on the Cedar Rapids passer and punter.

MC-C. of E. Statistics

First downs—MC 5 (Petefish, VanDruff, Arnold, by penalty 2) C. of E. 14 (Ek 4, Naughton 3, Swedberg, Hayes, Munson, Johns 2, Morey, Sakimtot).

Rushing attempts and yardage —MC 42-64 (Sullivan 2-1, Newport 2-neg. 1, Van Druff 23-50, Arnold 1-2, Petefish 10-16, Tillman 3-1, Fishburn 1-neg. 5).

C. of E. 59-194 (Morey 5-26, Naughton 9-17, Ek 11-59; Pemberton 4-6, Durand 7-11, San-dushky 1-1, Harr 1-neg, 2, Rose 3-21, Ingmire 2-4, Johns 4-33, Munson 3-9, Sakimtot 7-3, Painter 2-6, Ikehara 1-0).

Passing— MC 8 attempted, 1 completed, 5 yards (Arnold 1-0-0, Petefish 7-1-5) C. of E. 12-7-124 (Ek 4-1-13, Durand 7-5-86, Ikehara 1-1-25).

Punting—MC (Petefish 5, 25.4 average, 1 blocked) C. of E. 517.8 (Ek 3-17.6, Rose 2-18.0.)

Penalties—MC 3 for 35 yards.

offensive or charging in to break blocking screens on defense. Occasionally they will pull out as interference for an end run, a lateral, a reverse, or cutback. So if you see the guard pulling out, you will know immediately it will probably be one of these four plays.

The tackles are the big men of the line, and wherever they go the ball carrier will follow. If the tackle hardly moves from his position, the play will probably be a crossbuck or a pass. Remember this, tackles seldom stand still unless there is to be a quick-opener or a pass.

The line tipoffs follow in the single wing as used by McPherson College just as they do in the T.

Do not let the line pattern fool you. The single wing is operated mostly behind an unbalanced line. One of the tackles shifts to create a four man strong side. The side he vacates thus becomes the weak side.

It is safe to watch the strong side, because almost every single wing play is pointed in that direction.

We hope you can learn to appreciate the blocking as much as you can the running. If football watching can be boiled down any simpler, try this—if the blockers block from the outside the play will go outside, and if they block from the inside the play goes inside.

C. of E. 8 for 120 yards.

Fumbles—MC 7 C. of E. 2. Punt returns—MC (Newport 1 for 8 yds.) C. of E. (Sakimtot 1 for

Kickoff returns — MC 4-57 19 yds).

(Newport 1-16, Fishburn 1-15, Mehlinger 2-26) C. of E. (Johns 1-11).

Passes intercepted—MC 0. C. of E. 2 (Sherman, Majkrzak).

Passes caught—MC 1-5 yards (Mehlinger) C. of E. 7-124 (Swedberg 1-25, Naughton 2-25, Bloxom 1-14, Hayes 2-38, Johns 1-22).


Last Week’s Volleyball League Results

Heckethorn defeated Wolf Graham defeated Hoffman S. Williams defeated Kidwell Alaillma defeated McNamee Neher defeated Kinzie Table Tennis Results Grindle defeated Steele Garvey defeated Augsburger Kinzie defeated Augsburger Garvey defeated Kinzie Nicholson defeated Kidwell Garvey defeated Loren Blick-enstaff

Beam defeated John Firestone

Hahn’s Swedes Top KC Team Since Pre-War Ottawa








Bethany .....2





Ottawa ......1





C. of E ........1





Baker .........1





Bethel ........0





K-Wes. .......0





McPherson 0





The latter mistake causes the first omission. Probably the sportswriting fraternity is to blame for the fan’s idolation of the men who score the touchdowns, the backs and the ends. Nevertheless, next time watch the line for that is where the real football is played.

Remember, if you want to see somebody run wait until spring and follow the track team, because any back should be able to run through a semi trailer-size hole for a few yards unless he trips over his press clippings.

So, you not only can watch the real football played by eyeing the line, but you can still spot your favorite hero dashing for a touchdown because the line play is la-ways a tipoff not for following the play but leading it. And here we come to the heart of our little message, how to watch a football game.

First of all, get a seat as high as you can in the stadium. The box seats may be the most expensive, but they are strictly for showing off m'lady's new fur coat and n.g. for watching the

‘Watch The Line’ Secret Of Observing Football Game

game. At gridiron level you see only's solid mass of men milling and shoving, but at a higher spot you can see a synchronized pattern of eleven men forming an attack against eleven others.

Remember, watch the line. The twisting, pivoting and faking of the backfield is designed to fool an opponent five yards away. Naturally, Gus Fan can’t follow the ball fifty yards away.

As the T-formation is the majority offense now let us start with it. Except for rare instances it is always played with a balanced line; three men on each side of the center, the ends spilt away from the tackles.