NO. 4

College Chapel Is Scene Of 'Trial By Jury' To Be Presented Oct. 11 And 12

Angelina sues Edwin for breach of promise and succeeds in captivating every other male heart in the court in the humorous, satirical cantata, “Trial by Jury,” which will be presented by the Symphonic Choir at 8 p. m., October 11 and 12 in the College Chapel.

Sadie Hawkins’ Day Opens; Chase Begins Thursday

Rowena Neher and Gerald Neher, S. C. A. social committee, have announced that Sadie Hawkins’ Day opens officially Thursday, October 13, 8:00 A.M., and ends Friday, October 14, at 4:00 P. M. The climax of the chase will be Friday evening.

Snider To Speak At Conference Of Western Youth

Regional Youth Conference for the Western Region of the Church of the Brethren will be held on McPherson College Campus November 11-13.

Don Snider, national director of youth work, will be the principal speaker for the conference. Bob Tully, coach at Bethel College in Newton and well-known recreational worker and author, will speak on Saturday concerning a recreational program for the local churches.

Bill Daggett, a junior at McPherson College, is president of the youth of the Western Region.

Lehman Asks For Activity Chairman

Miss Della Lehman, chairman of college activities for the McPherson County Red Cross, has asked McPherson College to select a student Red Cross activities chairman.

Each of the three colleges in the county will have an activities chairman to promote the five projects listed for them.

Since many veterans are eligible for a dividend from their National Service Insurance and do not realize this fact, the college chairman is asked to help veterans in making applications for their dividends.

Volunteers are needed for donations to the Blood Program. Last year one visit of the Blood-mobile to McPherson was for donations from faculty and students of McPherson College only. Students over 19 years of age may give blood during any visit of the Bloodmobile to McPherson.

College students will have opportunities to provide entertainments at the Smoky Hill hospital until it is closed. Later, entertain-ments may he taken to the hospital at Fort Riley.

Arranging for a class in first aid is the fourth activity for college campuses.

Student chairmen will help receive contributions for the Red Cross Fund.

Mac Campus Is Host For SCA Cluster Conference

Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Tabor, and Bethel Colleges will be guests of Mac Campus tomorrow for the S. C. A. Cluster Conference.

The theme of the conference is "Deepening the Spiritual Life." The program is open to all students.

9:00 Registration 9:30 Introductions

Singing-Shirley Galatus

10:00 Opening Talk - Harold Kuebler

10:30 Group discussions:

A.    Has the S.C.A. filled the students or have have the students filled the S.C.A. - Hal Kubeler and Kansas Wesleyan.

B.    One World - McPherson College.

C.    Creative Leisure Time -Bethany College

D.    What Does Worship Mean to You? - Tabor

E. Christain Witness on Campus-Bethel 11:30 Dinner hour.

1:00 Regional Council Activ-ities-Shirley Galtus.

1:30 Recreation 2:00 Situation discussion - Is S.C.A Worth the Effort? Shirley Galtus and one

one representative from each school.

The discussion groups will be beaded by one student leader and one resource leader.

There will be a small registration fee to cover the traveling expenses of one of the guest speakers.

Mac S.C.A. leaders urge the students to come, and help them make the conference a success.

New Transformer Being Installed

The McPherson Light Company installing a new transformer behind the heating plant. This will take the place of the one now in operation in the rear of Frants Hall. Other wiring on the campus may be changed at a future date.

The rules of the chase are:

1.    In honor of Dog Patch, all

chasers and chasees are asked to contribute to the festivities by wearing clothing appropriate to the occasion-the oldest and "wors-test."

2.    A good growth on the chins of the potential Lil' Abners would add interest. A prize will be awarded for the best whiskers.

3.    All that the gals have to do, to catch a man, is to get both hands on him, provided he is caught outside any building. (No loitering beyond the state line.) Not more than six gals may attack one man, and every man shall be on his own.

4.    All unmarried and divorced faculty members shall be eligible for the race.

All disappointed gals shall have a last chance at the left-over bachelors Friday night at the party.

There will be prizes for the best facsimile in Lil’ Abners and Daisy Mae, for the most unique couple, and for the best set of whiskers.

Sadie Hawkins’ Day was started on Mac campus in 1942 by Dick Burger and Rowena Wampler Albright, who were the S.C.A. cochairmen at that time. It has since become a tradition on the campus under the sponsorship of the


Mohler Releases Church Calendar

The church calendar for the

months, October and November, has been released by Dr. R. E. Mohler.

On October 9, morning and evening. Mr. Wendell Flory will give the message and Prof. Raymond Flory will act as chairman.

On the following Sunday morning, October 16, Rev. W. H. Yoder will speak and Mr. Paul Shorty will be chairman. The S. C. A. will have charge of the services that evening.

The following Sunday, October 23, opens Religious Emphasis Week. Rev. Harry K. Zeller, future pastor at the Church of the Brethren, will be here to participate in both services. Dr. W. W. Peters will be chairman.

Dr. R. E. Mohler will have charge of the morning service on homecoming Sunday, October 30. Dr. Burton Metzler will be chairman in the evening the Men's Work, headed by Dr. J. F. Slifer, will have charge of the service.

On November 6, Rev. Earl Frantz and Mr. Dick Wareham, chairman, will conduct the services. That evening the missionary committee headed by Mrs. Paul Sargent will have charge of the meeting.

Rev. Ray Zook will deliver the message on Regional Conference Sunday, November 13. Mr. Paul Sargent is chairman for the morning service. The Regional Conference committee headed by Rev. dames Elrod will have the servi- ces Sunday evening.

Loyalty Sunday services on November 20 will be handled by the Loyalty committee with Mr. John Wall acting as chairman. The evening service will consist of a musical program directed by Prof. D. R. Frederick.

Rev. James Elrod will deliver the message Sunday morning. November 27, and Mr. Paul Wagoner will be chairman. The Brethren Service Committee headed by Rev. James Elrod will have charge of the evening service.

Betty Frantz Receives Position On Spec Staff

Miss Betty Frantz was recently approved by the Student Council and Board of Publications to be the Campus Editor of the Spectator. Betty was Assistant Editor of the year book of Woodrow Wilson High School, Long Beach California, last year.

This vacancy occurred when Lo-rene Clark was advanced to Managing Editor after Betty Redinger, resigned.

Quartette, Trio Go To Garden City

District Conference of the Southwest Kansas Church of the Brethren is being held October 7, 9. The service begins today and continues through Sunday afternoon.

Two of the principal speakers are Rev. Don Snider. National Chairman of Youth Work, and Dr. Harper Will, pastor of the Chicago church.

Personnel from McPherson College who are on the program are Dr. Burton Metzler, Rev. James Elrod, Rev. Earl Frantz, Dr. Low-ell Heisey, Prof. Joe Shelly, and Miss 0Wilda Minnix, Prof. Raymond Flory is the delegate to an-nual conference.

On Saturday from 7:30 to 8:30 McPherson College will present a musical program. The male quartette composed of Albert Rogers, Gilford Ikenberry, Don Guthals, and Albert Willems, and the ladies trio of Florene Messick, Mari-lee Grove, Anita Rogers, and Helen Stover accompanist, will give the program.

Cole, Kansas, Introduces Christian Amendment

Leaders of the Christian Amendment Movement at Topeka. Kansas. have been taking their story to the public through a series of radio broadcasts.

The movement is attempting to gain recognition of "the authority and law of Jesus Christ" in the United States Constitution.

Congressman Albert M. Cole of Kansas has introduced a Resolution into the House of Representatives proposing the Christian Amendment. His action follows that of a similar Resolution presented in the Senate last year by Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas, who did not seek reelection.

Three sections make up the proposed Amendment. The first would state that "this nation devoutly recognizes the authority and law of Jesus Christ, Saviour and Ruler of nations, through whom are bestowed the blessings of Almighty God."

Section two points out that the Amendment would not in any way infringe on the rights of religious freedom, freedom of speech and press or of peaceful assemblage.

Section three would permit Congress to provide a suitable oath or affirmation for citizens whose religious scruples prevent them from giving allegiance to the Constitution.

Leaders of the Christian Amendment Movement believe that the Amendment will put the U. S. government on a Christian foundation, made possible Christian decisions in courts, give Christian political leaders Christian support, help church and state work together against evil, and make conditions better for non-Christians.

John Sebastian To Give First Concert

The talent committee of the McPherson Community Concert Association Friday night selected the talent for the three numbers that will be given this season.

Originally the association planned to give four concerts, it was changed to three upon popular demand. The membership drive ended Friday night with the total membership only slightly less than last year's 779.

The October concert will be given by John Sebastian, scion of a prominent and wealthy Philadelphia banking family who is considered one of the two leading virtuosos on the harmonica. He is credited with lifting this lowly instrument to a full-fledged concert medium.

The November concert will be given by Ervin Laszlo, 17-year-old Budapest youth who was born in 1932. He was acclaimed in his New York debut this year as "undoubtedly to become one of the great piano artists of our day." Last year Laszlo won first in the international music competition at Geneva, where he competed against 424 contestants from 40 countries.

In January Virginia Mac Walters, leading soprano coloratura of the New York City Center Opera Company, will be presented. The last five years Miss Mac Walters has been known as one of the best American artists and she has given the Met some real competition for the first time since the death of the Manhattan Opera Company.

Zeller To Give Christian Emphasis Program Oct. 23-27

Reverend Harry K. Zeller, Jr., pastor-elect of the Church of the Brethren, will be at McPherson College and the Church of the Brethren for the annual Christian Emphasis Program, October 2327.

He will speak at the church both morning and evening the 23rd and each evening following at 7:30 through the 27th. He will speak at the college chapel at 9:50 Monday and Wednesday.

Rev. Harry K. Zeller

The program is as follows:

Sunday, October 23, AM: Not Getting Anywhere Fast. PM: What the World is Waiting For.

Monday, Oct. 24, AM:    Total

Peace. PM: The Human Predicament.

Tuesday. Oct. 25, PM: That We May Live.

Wednesday, Oct. 26, AM: Throwing Your Weight Around. PM: On Seeing Visions.

Thursday, Oct. 27, PM: Getting Hold of the Cross.

Reverend Zeller received his A. B. from Bridgewater College in 1936. He then attended Union Theological Seminary, Bethany Biblical Seminary, and Butler University where he received his Masters Degree.

In 1937 Reverend Zeller began his ministry as pastor of the Church of the Brethren in Richmond, Virginia. From there he went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and to Elgin, Illinois, where he is at the present.

Juanita Holsopple became his wife in 1939. They now have three children, Marie Ann, 8: Norman Lee, 6; and Richard Allen, 4.

The Zeller family will move to McPherson soon after January 1.

Sargent, Walker Assist Spec And Quad Staffs

Two freshmen, Peggy Sargent and Raymond Walker, have been chosen assistant business managers of the Quadrangle and Spectator respectively.

As the student constitution states that applicants must be at least sophomores, these appointments will necessitate an amendment.

Because of the busy condition prevailing on the campus, the special amendment assembly will not be held until November.

Cossack Chorus Appears Thursday At Bethany College

Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers under the direction of Serge Jaroff will appear in Presser Hall, Bethany College, Linds-borg, Thursday evening, October 13, at 8:15 p. m.

Bixby-Lindsays have student tickets for $1.00 plus tax and public tickets for $1.50 plus tax.

The history of the Original Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers dates from 1920 when, near Constantinople, a group of Russian soldiers gathered around a campfire, joined in an evening of songs of home.

Among the troops was Serge Jaroff, who had studied to be a choirmaster until the war made a soldier of him.

Believing that others might enjoy the deep-throated choruses of his comrades, he selected from the spontaneous singers the most impressive voices and welded tenors, baritones, and basses into an ensemble.

Before many yeeks he had a chorus of thirty men who, with a repertoire assembled out of their wide memories, sang with a new skill under his direction. Thus was born the Don Cossack Chorus.

They became the choir of the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sofia, in Bulgaria. It was from there that they were sent on their first tour.

In nearly three decardes since, they have traveled more than two million miles, have sung in Europe, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. Since 1939 they have toured the United States annually. In New York alone they have been heard 100 times.

Dr. C. L. Reed, president of the Lindsborg Kiwanis Club, sponsors of the event, announced that proceeds from the concert will go into the clubs underprivileged children fund.

Muriel Lester Lectures Oct. 14-16

Muriel Lester, outstanding exponent of spiritual force and contemporary violence, will be presented in this area from October 14 to October 16.

She will appear in Wichita, Friday, October 14, 8:00 p. m., at the First Methodist Church; in Hutchinson, Sunday, October 16. 4:00 p. m., at the Trinity Methodist Church: and in Newton, Sunday, October 16, 8:00 p. m. at the Memorial Hall, Bethel College.

The Institute of International Relations, Wichita, is sponsoring her lectures.

A friend of Ghandi, Kagawa, and George Lansbury, and cofounder of Kingsley Hall, London, Miss Lester is renowned as a world traveler, author and lecturer."

Miss Lester returned in August from a year’s tour of Germany, India, New Zealand, Australia, and is making a coast-to-coast tour of the United States.

She is the author of "It Occurred to Me." "It So Happened." "Ways of Praying." "Why Worship," and others.

This Week - - -

October 7—College of Emporia, here.

October 8—S. C. A. Cluster Conference.

October 8—Fahnestock Open House.

October 11, 12—Fall Musi-cale

October 14—Sadie Hawkins Day

October 15—Wasleyan, there.

Townspeople may obtain tickets at the door. The admission will be 50c, including tax. Students will be admitted by their activity cards.

The cast remains the same as announced in last week's Spec with the possible exception of Earle Lapp playing the defendant, Edwin. This change may be necessary if Royce Beam does not recover from a bad cold.

The argument of the cantata is as follows: Edwin, tiring of his sweetheart, Angelina (Eula Wit-more), falls in love with with another. Angelina accordingly hails him into court for breach of promise. At the rise of the curtain the Usher (Vernon Nicholson), while enjoining impartially on the Jurymen, shows a definite partiality himself for the fair plaintiff.

Edwin (Royce Beam) explains that he simply happened to fall in love with another girl. Though both Jury and Judge (Harold Mc-Namee) indicate that they have had similar episodes in their own pasta, they have little sympathy for him.

After the Jury is sworn in. Angelina appears and immediately captivates all the men present. Edwin proposes various solutions, but in vain. He offers to marry her if he may marry his other sweetheart later, but her lawyer (Merrill Sanger) objects.

Edwin tries to dissuade her from wanting to marry him at all, saying that when he is drunk he would beat her.

Finally, the Judge becomes disgusted with the proceedings and offers a solution which is a surprise to everyone.

Members of the court will appear in traditional British court attire. The bride will wear a wedding gown. The bridesmaid will wear formats of blue and pink. Jury and chorus will be attired in modern dress indicating various walks of life.

"I Hear America Singing" sung by the Symphonic Choir and accompanied by Miss Bonnie Alexander at the piano and Mrs. San Romani at the organ will be the first number on the program.

The song cycle, "In a Persian Garden" will have second place. The four solo voices will be sung by Florene Messick, Laura Fillmore, Kenneth Graham, and Gil-ford Ikenberry.

Class Debaters Meet Oct. 10 And 12

Teams have been chosen for the inter-class debates to be held the second and third weeks of October.

The debates are to be held in the Student Activity Room under the direction of Miss Bonnie Martin, President of the Pi Kappa Delta Debating Society.

On Monday, October 10, 6:45 p. m., the senior team, made up of LeRoy Doty and Winston Bowman, will meet the junior negative team, Dean Cotton and Don Shultz.

Wednesday, October 12: Dona-von Speaker and Bill Moore, the sophomore team will debate Marlin Walters and Darlene Webb, the freshman team.

Journalism Class Obtains Practical Experience

Though the journalism class is small, the members state that they are receiving practical experience in newspaper work. Mrs. George Noyes is the instructor.

The five members are being treated as cub reporters and are assigned articles such as cubs draw at newspaper offices.

The class had a late start because of the vacation of Mrs. Noyes.

Mrs. Noyes accompanied her husband on a two-week trip to Atlantic City where he attended the Equitable Life Assurance Company Convention. The Noyes also visited friends in New York and Philadelphia.

The Spectator


Know What You Believe

As one looks around in this age we quickly come to the realization that our age is one of definiteness.

The field of science for instance is very logical and precise. Every scientist thinks with sureness to a certain extent in his own particular field.

A scientist who wishes to advance a particular theory of his own must do so in a logical, reasonable way or his theory will not be accepted.

In patterns of government the same thing is true. Exponents of governmental principles must show how their form of government will work right down the line in clear and understandable form.

Communism and capitalism are examples of this. Both know what they believe and both are making specific stands for their way all over the world.

The same thing is true in one’s religion and philosophy of life. Cynicism has, seemingly, gripped men's minds in our age, and if we are to awaken this spiritual apathy that is prevalent we will have to know what we believe.

It is not that the Christian principles that Christ taught have been proven invalid; they are just not thought about.

Fulton Oursler, senior editor of “The Readers Digest, says in his book, "The Precious Secret," that the disillusioned intellectuals never mention religion in their age of science except as one harks back to a nursery tale.

If this cynicism and indifference is to be overcome we will have to present our religion and philosophy of life in the same logical, reasonable way that science and other organizations present their views. We will have to know what we believe and stand up for it.

There is no room for vague terminologies in our age if the Church is to keep abreast of the times and win mankind to its way of life.

For example, how many can sit down and enter an intelligent conversation concerning the doctrines found in the New Testament besides saying in general that it is a doctrine of love? How many know the ordinances of the Church and what they stand for and their relationship to everyday living?

Brethren ns well as other church denominations need to know more about what they profess to believe in.

Students will find the book “Studies In Doctrine and Devotion” by D. W. Kurtz, S. S. Blough and C. C. Ellis very helpful in the quest for more information along this line.

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


LeRoy Doty ....................................................................................................... Editor-in-Chief

Lorene Clark .................................................................................................. Managing Editor

Betty Frantz ..................................................................................................... Campus Editor

Dean Coughenour ............................................................................................... Sports Editor

Rowan Keim ....................................................................................................... Society Editor

Sarah May Vancil ............................................................................................ Faculty Adviser

Reporters and Special Writers

Lorene Marshall    Batty Redinger    Batty Frantz

Doris Correll    Don St. Clair    Kathlyn Larson

Albert Balzer     Garth Ellwood


Gerald Neher .............................................................................................. Business Manager

D. A. Crist ................................................................................................ Circulation Manager

Gordon Yoder ................................................................................................... Faculty Advisor

Student Council Approves Budget

The approved student council budget for the year 1949-1950 is as follows:


Growl ...............................$ 152.00

Spectator ......................... 160.00

Quadrangle ....................... 800.00

3% S.U.R. Depreciation

reserve .......................... 43.20

Landscape plan .................. 150.00

Organization Budgets (one half requested amount, remainder to be paid second semester) ..............     255.50

Men’s Council ................... 25.00

Pi Mu ................................ 7.50

WAA .................................. 12.50

Women's Council ...............     25.00

S C A .............................. 50.00

Social Committee .......... 110.50

M Club ........................... 25.00

Home Coming Float

Prizes ......................... 13.00

Gifts for Queen and

Attendants ................. 12.00

Flowers ........................... 15.00

Miscellaneous ................ 20.00

Total ..............................$1,619.70

Balance .......................... 352.24

G. Total ..........................$1,971.94


Activity Fee ...................$1,440.00

Balance brought

forward ....................... 531.94

Total ...............................$1,971.94

Read all the ads in this issue.

Paul Booz Marries UNRRA Employee

Paul Booz, a McPherson alumnus, who is working with the United Nations, has purchased a home near Lake Geneva, Switzerland.

Paul Booz, A. B., ’36, was a versatile student while attending McPherson College.

He was president of his class two years, participated in debate four years, competed in oratory four years, and served as president of the Student Council. He was business manager of the Spectator, and was active in deputation work, dramatics, Y. M. C. A., athletics, and peace action groups.

After graduation from college, he travelled extensively abroad where he attended the World Peace Conference at Geneva, Switzerland. He studied at Chicago University and plans to complete his work for the Ph. D. degree at Columbia University.

At present Paul is with the United Nations at Geneva, Switzerland. He has been in Jerusalem and the country of Lebanon in behalf of refugee work.

On May 21, 1949, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Benson McKittrick of New York.

The wedding ceremony was performed in the American Church in Geneva, Switzerland, by the Rev. M. R. Zigler, who is the European Representative of the Church of the Brethren. Dr. Rufus D. Bowman, president of Bethany Biblical Seminary; Le-land S. Brubaker, secretary of the Foreign Mission Commission of the Church of the Brethren; and Kurtis Naylor, c’38, from the Brethren Service Commission, were guests at the wedding.

The bride, an employee of UNRRA, received the M. A. degree from the University of Geneva.

The Alumni Office and McPherson College extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Booz in Geneva, Switzerland, as they work to promote peace and good will on the earth.

Tree To Make Good Souvenirs

Yellow pine souvenir projects are to be made from the old pine tree removed from the parking lot between Arnold Hall and Fahnestock Hall.

Fellows in the Farm Shop class trimmed up the old pine tree this week. It will be taken to a lumber yard in Lindsborg and sawed into lumber.

According to the boys working with the tree, it was fifty years old.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were no railroads in all of Arabia.

Entertainment And Eats For All At School Party

Last Saturday evening at 8 o’clock most of the college students turned up at the gym for the all-school party sponsored by the senior class.

Helen Stover, chairman, Hubert Newcomer, Sara Mae Williams, and Winston Goering were responsible for the plans for the evening and for the entertainment which was provided.

First on the program was a Quiz show. The script was written by Avis and Ardys Albright and Le Roy Doty, who was master of ceremonies.

Contestants on the Quiz show were Bill Daggett, Prof. Raymond Flory, Bonnie Alexander, Barbara Doty, Ivan Little, and John Firestone.

A Talent Show featuring a piano solo by Gene Lowery, cornet solos by Gene Bechtel, and character imitations by Eddie Malone were presented. Band music wan played by a special musical ensemble.

Folk games, such as "Texas Schottishe," were led by Winston Bowman.

For 15 cents, everyone was treated to two "sloppy joes" and ice cream. Ten cents bought a second helping for extra hungry souls.

Vera Ebersole, chairman, Jean Baldwin, Marie Miller, Lester Mes-samer, and Mary Helen Cline served.

Ninety Youths To US From Germany

Ninety boys and girls of high school age are coming to the United States from Germany.

These German youth will become members of Brethern families for a year. They will attend the high schools in the communities and participate in the youth activities of the neighborhood.

Brethern Service Commission is cooperating with the Cultural Affairs Branch of the American Military Government in bringing those students to the United States. Ocean transportation is being paid by the American Military Government. The sponsoring family must furnish $100 fr maintenance fees on boat, visa fees and inland transportation.

This project has received nationwide attention. A national radio hook-up carried the news of this educational undertaking last Saturday afternoon.

New Books Cover Various Interests

The Last Circle by Stephen Vincent Benet.

Edited by Rosemary Carr Benet, this is a posthumous collect-ion of some of Stephen Vincent Benet’s stories and poems.

This Generation edited by George K. Anderson and Eda Lou Walton

This book attempts to show the dominant moods, manners, and content of British and American literature from 1914 to 1939.

The Criminal and his Victim by Hans von Hentig  The writer of this book is one of the world’s foremost authorities on crime and the criminal.

He deals with the psychology and the psychopathology of crime. Encyclopedia of Wit, Humor, and Wisdom compiled by Leewin B. Williams.

Five hundred seventy pages of Jokes and humorous stories are classified alphabetically under subjects from absent-mindedness to zigzagging.

The Toastmaster’s Handbook by Herbert Victor Prochnow

From the introduction of the speaker to the end of the speech, this book is a guide and a help for not only those who must preside at after-dinner occasions but also those who must speak.

Harris Attends KLA Conference

Miss Virginia Harris was in Salina yesterday attending sessions of the Kansas Library Association’s forty-sixth annual meeting.

Mr. Ralph Ellsworth from the University of Iowa was one of the principal speakers of the convention. Yesterday afternoon he spoke on library architecture.

Boys of Fahnestock Hall have been working this week in preparation for their open house tomorrow night from 7:30 to 9:30.

Bookstore Has Hours

Bookstore hours for the first semester, 1949-50, are as follows: 7:30- 9:00 A. M.

11:20-12:00 Noon.

2:00- 4:00 P. M.

Did You Know - - -

Centuries before Columbus discovered the new world, people living in Mexico enjoyed a civilization of high culture.

The noun burnsides, meaning side whiskers with smooth chin as worn by Gen. A. E. Burnside, dates from the Civil War.

Some authorities believe that the ruins near Guaqui, Bolivia, antedate the Pyramids of Egypt.

The Russian government has appropriated one billion dollars for the development of television.

In ancient Egyptian court ceremonies only the Pharaoh wore shoes; princes appeared barefoot.

The dye on eggs is nature's way of camouflaging eggs from eggeating animals.

More than 400,000,000 pairs of shoes are produced each year in the United States.

Rays of visible light in sunshine have frequencies of about 600,000,000 kilocycles.

Mrs. W. W. Peters entertained the Faculty Dames and their guests, the faculty women, at her home Wednesday afternoon, September 28, from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock. Assisting her as hostess were Mrs. Hershberger, Mrs.

Mr. U. W. Hornbecker, Secretary of Property and Finance of the Southwest Kansas District, was on the campus this week on business concerning the district conference soon to be held at Garden City. Mr. Hornbecker's son and daughter, are former students of McPherson College.

Miss Della Lehman and Gina Munda went to Wichita last Thursday afternoon.

Dr. Peters attended district meeting at Warrensburg Missouri last week end.

Mary Snyder, Elinor Stine, and Gail Snyder spent the week end in Morrill, Kansas, visiting Gall's folks.

Lois Colberg, Ross Stinette, Naomi Mankey, Edwin Negley, Eula Broyles, Jesse Zook, Fred Cheatwood, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graham, and Martha Frantz attended the McPherson-Baker College football game at Baldwin, Friday night.

Mrs. Marion Porter, the former Esther Sherfy, who taught here two years ago and first semester last year, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. S. Sherfy in McPherson, Mrs. Porter and her husband are living in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Wendell Flory will occupy the guest room in the boys' dormitory October 4 through 9.

Mr. and Mrs. Hummer, parents of Verlla and Lloyd, visited on campus last week while they were enroute to Kansas City.

Two Kline Hall girls, Jo Anno Pyle and Joyce Anderson, went to Hamlin and Romona, respectively, over the week end.

Miss Gina Munda was a supper guest at the Wayne Lucore home last Friday evening.

Jerry McConkey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McConkey, visited her Saturday and, Sunday.

Friday evening Betty Ann Murrey, Delma Cline, and Doris Roesh attended an F-H Achievement show in Monitor. Miss Roesh was a supper guest of the Murrey's. Miss Cline visited her folks at home.

Margaret Daggett, Eula Broyles, Norma Lee Couch, and Helen Kes-ler went home last week. Margaret and Eula attended the game at Baldwin enroute.

Irven Stern visited Pattie Bit-tinger from Friday to Sunday.

Harnly, Mrs. Hess, and Mrs. Bowman.

Joyce Harden attended the Kansas State-Colorado U. football game in Manhattan Saturday.

Irwin Porter, Jimmy Garvey, and Angeline Flory went home to Quinter last Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bainer, Ottawa, Kansas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bainer and Shari, Vets' Apartments, Sunday, Oct. 2.

Mrs. Marion Porter was the guest of honor at a surprise dinner Tuesday evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. S. Sherfy.

Those who surprised Mrs. Porter were Miss Della Lehman, Miss Helen Howe, Miss Virginia Harris, and Miss Sarah May Vancil.

Dr. and Mrs. Metzler entertained the student ministers and their wives at their home last Tuesday evening. After supper was served Wendell Flory talked about the missionary field in China.

Gordon Stutzman is playing for notary Club for their weekly dinners.

Dr. R. Mohler went to Chicago last Tuesday night to attend a convention.

Prof. Shelly visited his office last Tuesday. He is recovering from a recent operation.

Bonnie Martin spent last week end in Hutchinson with Mary Jane Freeburg. Mary Jane graduated from McPherson College last spring and is now teaching junior high home economics in Hutchinson.

First Broadcast Includes A Cappella Recordings

McPherson College presented its first radio broadcast of the 1949-50 season. Friday afternoon, September 30, at 2:30, over KNEX.

Recordings made last year by the A Cappella Choir were presented. Among the numbers presented were "Dark Water" and "Dedication."

The program opened with a short message from President Peters. Student announcer was Harold McNamee. Program arrangements were under the direction of Professor Plasterer. Broadcasts will be continued every Friday afternoon at the same hour.

Of 7,000,000 affiliated members of the British Trades Union Congress, about 1,500,000 are women.

KNEX Broadcast Features Soloists

McPherson College's second weekly broadcast will be presented October 7, at 2:30, over KNEX, by the Music Department of McPherson College.

The presentation will be part of the musical to be given the following Tuesday.

It will feature the major portion of "In a Persian Garden", a song cycle for four solo voices, which was adapted from "The Rubaiyat of Omar Kyhhnm." The mu-sical setting is by Liza Lehman.

Soloists include Florence Mes-sick, soprano; Laura Fillmore, contralto; Kenneth Graham, tenor; and Gilford Ikenberry, bass. Bonnie Alexander will accompany the group.

By 1839 more than 700 men and women had left England for New Zealand with about 400 children.

Munda Instructs Italian Language

"My Italian Conversation students are doing fine," exclaimed Miss Gina Munda. "Incidentally, Professor Plasterer loves to trill his "r"s.

The other pupils are having some trouble pronouncing the Italian r’s, while their instructor had a little trouble with English i's.

The class meets every Wednesday 7-10 p. m. Miss Lockwood as-sists Gina with the class consisting of Barbara Berry. Kenneth Graham, Donna Graham, Professor Plasterer, and Mrs. Audrey San Romani.

Mrs. E. E. Bowers, housemother of Fahnstock Hall, has announced that Fahnstock Hall will hold its annual open house Saturday evening, October 8, 7:30-9:30. Students, faculty, and friends are invited to visit the boys in their rooms at that time.

Fahnestock Hall Open House Sat.

Curtains have been put up, and floors have been scrubbed. Magazines have been cut to shreds in the search for pictures. Decorations range from amateur art to "Whistler’s Mother."

There will be no program, but

guests are urged to come early enough to give all the rooms the once over.

Refreshments will be served to all guests. Winston Bowman, Loren Blickenstaff and James Hoo- ver are the social committee.

Murdered Row

Presbies Favored Tonite By Five Touchdowns

Biggest massacre since Quantrill took Lawrence occurred at Baldwin, Kas., last week as the Baker Wildcats punished the Bulldogs 64-0. Two Bulldogs who were not around at the finish were Don Stevens, center, who suffered a brain concussion and ended up in Lawrence Memorial Hospital, and Glen Pyle, left, who aggravated an Old head injury early in the game. Pyle’s future playing status is doubtful. Coach Frosty Hardacre, right, stayed around until the end of the game but probably suffered more than Stevens or Pyle.


College of Emporia's high-flying Presbies will take the field tonight against the dragging McPherson Bulldogs an overwhelming five touchdown favorite. C. of E. nudged de-emphasized William Jewell at Liberty, Mo., last week 20-14 as the Canines were snowed-under 64-0 at Baker in the worst defeat in the history of the school.

The Presbies, whom Ray Hahn, Bethany skipper, calls championship class, have been greatly strengthened by the addition of three regulars from last year’s squad that were previously not planned on. Eddie Hamada, allconference guard in '48, tackle Bill Smithe, and center Jack Ke-noa will be playing their first game for the Presbies this season tonight after abandoning previous plans to enter the University of Hawaii.

Tillman and Heckethorn Back In Shape

Injuries leave the Bulldogs lineup a question. Although Harry Heckethorn and co-captain Salty Tillman will be back in action after missing the Baker fracus, the status of Glen Pyle, Charlie Pete-fish, Ron Sullivan, and Don Stevens is in question. Stevens received a brain concussion in the Wildcat game, Sullivan an injured nose, and Petefish an aggravation of an old arm injury. Pyle missed most of last week's game after a head re-injury contacted in the Sterling contest. Coach Frosty Hardacre originally had fears that his best running back would be out for the season, but there are now hopes that he will see some action tonight.

If Pyle is unavailable then freshman Marlin Van Druff and Gene Arnold will probably do the fullbacking. Petefish and Kenny Newport will be at tailback.

Coach Murray Brown has lamented the loss of his first two quarterbacks, Dan Durand and Max Terhane. Both were hurt in the September 23 game against Marysville, Mo., Teachers which C. of E. lost 21-0. Neither appeared in the victory against Wm. Jewell last week. However, both arc expected to be back in play tonight. Durand does most of the Presbies' passing in the modified T offense.

C. of E. did not stir up an attack in their first game, but last week showed an improved ground game with halfback Jim Naughton and junior fullback Don Ek pacing the attack. The 210 pound Ek scored twice against William Jewell, and Naughton scored once on a 52 yards dance.

C. of E.’s weakness is apparently pass defense. In the 21-0 defeat to Marysville all scores were made by passing, and William Jewell scored twice in the first period on passes last week.

The linebacking at Baldwin was, too mimic an oft-repeated description, "stinking." George Holloway and freshman Howard Mehlinger have, shown steady improvement at the job this week and will probably get the defensive call.

Bethany, Baker Battle In Big Blowoff Tomorrow

Kansas Confe


e Stan







Baker ........ 1





Bethany .... 1





C. of E ....... 0





Bethel ....... 0





Ottawa ...... 0





Kansas Wes. 0





McPherson .. 0





This Week’s Games

Kansas Wesleyan at Ottawa.

C. of E. at McPherson.

Bethel at Sterling.

Baker at Bethany (Saturday).

Last week’s Scores

Baker 64, McPherson 0.

Kansas Wesleyan 0 Bethany 26.

C. of E. 20 William Jewell 14.

Ottawa 6 Missouri Valley 20.

Bethany brushed past their first hurdle for the Kansas Conference title as they bumped the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes last Saturday 26-0. Sophomore Bill Carlson, brother of ex-Bethany stars Roy and Lawrence Carlson, was the big gun in the Swede tri-umps. He caught a Howard Price aerial in the first quarter for the first counter and also made another on a 37-yard scamper as the climax of a 99 yard advance. AllConference end Larry Bale scored the other touchdowns, one on a pass from Bob Gerard and the other on a freak play in which he received a handoff from the Wesleyan quarterback.

The Swedes can clear the second of three big hudles for the bunting this Saturday in the Bethany homecoming game against Baker. The Wildcats squashed McPherson 64-0 last week.

The third title aspirant, the defending champion Ottawa Braves, take on Wesleyan at Ottawa tonight as Wally Forsberg returns to his old stamping grounds. The Braves showed surprising strength as they held perennially powerful Missouri Valley to a 20-6 count at Kansas City’s Blues Stadium last Thursday. Although Ottawa has lost Forsberg as head coach and most of last season’s regulars by graduation and transfer, the Braves still have 19 lettermen including backs Bob Musgrave and pile-driving, Stan Hughes.

College of Emporia, a dark horse entry, took the measure of Williams Jewell at Liberty, Mo., last Friday 20-14. The Presbies play McPherson tonight.

Bethel, idle last week, meets Sterling tonight in the latter city in a battle that may be the tipoff on who will occupy the Kansas Conference basement.

Freshman Quartette Goes With Brammell

Mr. Ira Brammell will accompany the freshman quartette of Don West, Dick Wagoner, Earl Lapp, and Keith Allison to Lone Star, Kansas, October 9.

Probably no athletic aggrega-tion has ever stirred the imagination of this state’s citizens as did George Henry Sauer’s University of Kansas Jayhawks in 1946 and '47.

On paper there was no logic behind such an impression. In two years they lost three games, were tied two others. Except for Evans, a great player and a greater inspirational leader, the Jayhawks were just a collection of average, and less, players. They had no famous coach, intersectional schedule, or winning past.

In deed, if Kansas had been proselyting football players as long as Nebraska, Missouri, or Oklahoma, it certainly didn’t show in the records. For fifteen years the Jayhawks were the Casper Milquetoasts of the Big Six.

When George Sauer took over on Mt. Oread in '46, Jayhawk die-hards foresaw a glowing season. Nothing pretentious, mind you, but two or three wins, better than par for the usual course.

Things appeared glowing as they racked Iowa State 24-8 and nearly boat Nebraska. Then it happened. Tulsa beat them, not by one touchdown or even two, but 56-0.

After such a spanking a team ordinarily will lie down and play dead. Not those Jayhawks. That 56-0 score was the making of a team that was to be the catchiest copy in the midwest for two seasons.

Each Saturday after that the Jayhawks would go into a game as an underdog and come out with a dazzling last minute victory. The formula finally fizzled out in the 1948 Orange Bowl, but those hell-for-leather Kansans left Miami as agog as the whole Missouri Valley had been.

What was behind those gridiron Cinderellas? Ability? Probably not. But if that Jayhawk squad did not have the ability of Ray Evans, they all had a heart as big as Evans.

That is the secret behind great teams. It takes a lot of heart to bounce back from a lop-sided defeat, be it 56-0 or 64-0. Those Jayhawks had it. I wonder if anybody else has.

October Is Month For Homecoming

McPherson College will have its homecoming October 28. Bethel will play the Bulldogs in the Friday night game.

Plans have been made for the queen's banquet on Thursday preceding homecoming day.

School will be dismissed at 12:10 p. m. on October 28 since the homecoming parade will be held Friday afternoon.

Prizes will be offered for the three best floats. Student Council urges all organizations on the campus to cooperate in making the parade a large one.

Homecoming events are being planned in many schools besides

McPherson during October.

Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kansas, is having its homecoming game with Baker University tomorrow night. The crowning of the homecoming queen is scheduled for 8:15 p. m., with the game at 9 p. m.

Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas, is planning its homecoming for Oct. 29.

Manchester College, a Church of the Brethren college in North Manchester, Indiana, will present a dramatization of Hartzell Spence's novel. "One Foot in Heaven," during its homecoming on October 15.

Public Relations Office Mails ‘Football Booster'

A "Football Booster" has been prepared by the Public Relations office for release to surrounding newspapers, high schools and col-leges.

This pamplet contains a complete roster of scheduled games and of the football players.

It records number of letters, height, weight, position, classification, and home town of each player.


Gym Schedule

Table Tennis—Monday through Friday 8 a. m.—6 p. m. Saturday 10:30 a. m.-5 p. m. Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30 p. m.-9:30 p. m.

Gym—Monday 7:30-9:30 p. m. (Faculty) Tuesday 7:30-9:45 p. m. (mixed volleyball). Wednesday 7:30-9:30 p. m. (Volleyball.)

Tennis—Open at all times.

Tennis tournament results

Mease defeated Joe Firestone

6-0, 6-0.

Wolf defeated Odle 6-0, 6-0.

Hummer defeated Joe Firestone

6-1, 6-2

Horning defeated Hummer 6-0, 6-4.

Table tennis tournament results

Grindle defeated Dale Blicken-staff.

Grindle defeated Heckethorn.

Zunkel defeated John Firestone.

Zunkel defeated McNamee.

Kinzie defeated Powell.

Bulldogs Humiliated 64-0

Baker University handed the McPherson College Bulldogs a humiliating 64-0 defeat at Baldwin, Kans., last Friday. It was the Bulldogs' 14th consecutive Kansas Conference defeat and the worst shellacking suffered by an athletic team in the history of the school.

Veteran backs Boyce Smith, Sherman Kolancy, and Rodney Enos led the scoring with two touchdowns apiece as the Wildcats scored with apparent ease.

Kolancy, a really great place-kicker, continued his extra point mastery. He got six besides a field goal to go along with his two six-pointers. Smith's second touchdown was from 85 yards out.

The Bulldogs never put together an offensive threat. They picked up 60 yards on the ground and completed but nine of 35


Baker ............27    7    20    10—64

McPherson 0    0    0    0— 0

Baker McP

First Downs ................ 13 9

Rushing .................... 455    60

Passes Attempted ......... 6    35

Passes Completed ......... 2    9

Yards passing .............. 12     126

Passes Intercepted ........ 2     1

Average punt ............... 41     30

Fumbles Recovered ....... 3    4

Yards penalized ......... 135    20

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