The modern American is a fellow who can answer the $64 question on a radio program, but can't tell you the name of his congressman.
Opening Night Of Musicale, Nearing
Helms Adopt 10 Children; Serve Their Community
Highlighting the fall musicale to be held October 11 and 12 in the college chapel will be a dramatic cantata, "Trial by Jury," by Gilbert and Sullivan.
Leading the cast are Eula Wit-more as the plaintiff; Royce Beam, the defendant; Harold McNamee, the learned judge; Merrill Sanger, counsel for the plaintiff; Vernon Nickolson, usher; and Winston Bowman, forman of the jury.
The bridesmaids will be Naomi Mankey, Martha Frantz, Lorene Marshall, and Elaine Wine.
Members of the jury will be Alvin Willems, Bill Kidwell, Wayne Zeigler, Albert Guyer, Ellis Albright, Don West, James Garvey, Dale Oltman, Hubert Newcomer, Fred Goenner, Garth Ellwood, and Charles Lewis.
The Public will be portrayed by members of the Symphonic Choir. Accompanying will be Helen Stover.
"Trial by Jury" began the career of England's greatest light opera team, Gillbert and Sullivan. Both of them became famous men before they met. Finally, at the suggestion of the manager of the Royalty Theater, they produced their first hit, "Trial by Jury."
Other numbers in the musicale will be "I Hear America Singing" by Symphonic Chior accompanied by Bonnie Alexander, pianist, and Mrs. San Romani, organist, and "In a Persian Garden," a song cycle for four solo voices. The four solo parts in this number will be sung by Florene Messick, Laura Fillmore, Kenneth Graham, and Gilford Ikenberry.
"We have had ten children, none of whom were born to us," stated Mrs. J. Juana Helm, c'36, in a letter to the Alumni Office.
Mr. and Mrs. Helm, Climax, Kansas, now have three of their ten adopted children at home. The youngest, a four-year-old girl, accompanies Mrs. Holm to school each day and amuses herself either at a desk or in the schoolyard.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Helm preach, although Mrs. Helm no longer has a regular schedule. She is a fulltime teacher in the Climax Ele-mentary School.
China Missionary To Speak Oct. 9
Mr. Wendell Flory, missionary to China, will speak in Chapel October 5. He will also speak to various other campus organizations. On Sunday, October 9, he will appear at Church of the Brethren services morning and evening.
Mr. Flory’s parents were missionaries in China, and Mr. Flory was born in that country. He is married and has one child. During the war, he and his wife were interned on the Phillippine Islands.
He is at home now for a one-year furlough and is traveling among the churches to verse the people on the conditions in China.
Suggestions For Treating Colds
A conservative statesman has been defined as one who wishes to continue existing evils whereas a liberal wishes to replace them with others.
NO. 3
Walking Golden Stairs To Be Easy After Harnly Steps Says Miss Brown
"After having walked from first to fourth floor in Harnly Hall for twenty-seven years, I do not feel that I should have any trouble walking the Golden Stairs," stated Miss Jessie Brown.
Miss Brown is Professor of Piano and head of the Music Department of McPherson College.
According to Dr. R. E. Mohler. reason would indicate that Miss Brown has sufficient cause to make such a statement.
Statistics which Dr. Mohler has compiled are as follows:
Ground level to 4th floor....
...................................... 63 steps
Same number down .. 126 steps
Two trips daily .......... 252 steps
Five days weekly .. 1260 steps Thirty-six weeks ... 45,360 steps
Twenty-seven years ..............
......................... 1,224,720 steps
The above would be mininum. Adding to this the fact that Miss Brown has taught in Summer School most summers, and allowing for many extra trips to fourth floor, which she has had to make
Miss Brown
for chapel and other activities, 2,000,000 stops would be a conservative figure.
Dr. Mohler observed that years of practice add to grace in movement, and that certainly the impression that Miss Brown makes as she ascends the Golden Stairs will be a most impressive one. However, he added, that he hopes it will be a long time before she makes that ascent.
Practice on the McPherson College Players' fall production, "The Late George Apley", is progressing well, according to Professor Roy McAuley, dramatics coach. Actors are currently being coached on stage actions and lines.
Production is scheduled for the nights of October 31, November 1, 2, and 3 at 8 p. m., in the Little Theater on third floor of Sharp Hall.
Seniors Represent New Addition To Alumni Group
Ruebler, Flory To Speak In Chapel
A special Chapel will be held on Friday, October 7. The speaker will be Mr. Hal Kuebler, National President of the Y. M. C. A.
There will be Chapel on Wednesday, October 5, at which Wendell Flory, Missionary from China will speak.
No assembly will be held on Monday.
Inter Class Debates Begin Oet. 10
Monday, October 10, is the date set for the first of the annual in-ter-class debate.
The program for these debates is under the direction of Professor Maurice A. Hess.
The National debate question for colleges and universities this year: "Resolved: That the
United States should nationalize the basic non-agricultural industries." will be the subject of argument.
Debates are announced tentatively to be held at 6:45 p. m. in the Student Union Room.
On Monday, October 10, the seniors meet the juniors. Thursday, October 13, the sophomores will debate the freshmen.
On Monday, the 17th, the winners from each preceding debate will meet.
All debaters except the freshmen will be elected. The fresh-men will be picked according to past experience and interest in the subject.
Try-outs for the varsity teams will be held on Thursday, Octo-ber 20. The women's try-outs will be held at 4:00 p. m., the men's will be held at 6:45 in Student Assembly Room.
Saturday, January 7, the Economy Tournament will be held at McPherson.
Since an epidemic of colds has struck the campus, Mr. Dick Ware-ham, director of physical education, has listed suggestions for avoiding and treating colds.
1. Try more snoozes.
2. Carry one large white hand-kerchief—about the size of a towel. Use often.
3. If you are about to sneeze in someone’s face while talking to him, ask him to turn his head.
4. When drying your nose, keep the sound down to a minimum blast.
5. When you are thirsty, drink lots of water and orange juice.
6. When you are not thirsty,
drink lots of water and orange juice. -
7. Refrain from over-exertion, such as carrying pianos, studying more than nine hours a day, and standing too long in the cafeteria line.
8. Eat moderately, at least, like a shoat.
9. Avoid over-exposure, and avoid sitting or sleeping in drafts, dust storms, or tornadoes.
10. If complications set in, call a physician or mortician.
Occupations Booklet To Be Published By College
An occupation booklet is to be published by McPherson College in a few weeks. This publication will contain unidentified pictures of McPherson College alumni in their respective occupations. There will also be brief write-ups concerning these occupations.
In past years Mac College has been criticized for its lack of preparation for vocations other than teaching or preaching. This booklet will show that McPherson College is ready to prepare stud-ents for many vocations.
This booklet will be used in soliciting students. It is dedicated to young people who are faced with the problem of selecting a vocation. A purpose of this publication is to show the values of a college education in preparation for the students life work.
'Shutter Bugs' Elect New Officers For 1949-50
The old members of the Shutter Bugs met on Tuesday morning, September 27, and elected officers for the 1949-50 school year. Irwin Porter was elected president. Albert Balzer was chosen vice-president and program director. D. A. Crist received the secretary-treasurer position.
In a short time the camera club is going to have a membership drive. Anybody interested in joining should contact any of the above or Prof. Plasterer or Byron Frantz.
Slate-Wide Civil Rights Conference On Oct. 22
A state-wide conference on civil rights will be held at Kansas State College on October 22. It will be a weekend conference.
The details of this conference will be published as soon as possible. According to the Kansas Clearing House on Civil Rights every citizen has a stake in this organization.
KNEX Broadcasts A Cappella Choir Recordings At 2:30
KNEX will broadcast the recordings of last year’s A Cappella Choir this afternoon at 2:30.
The A Cappella Choir made these recordings while on tour last spring. Nine songs were cut at that time for an album of four records. The albums of four records sell for $4.50 each at the college book store or $5.00 by mail anyplace in the United States.
Chriety, Baldwin, Messamer Head Honor Roll Last Semester
The statistics for the Honor Roll and the Honorable Mention have been released from the Central Office.
Those persons on the Honor Roll are as follows:
Melvin Christy, 56 1/4; Charles Baldwin, 52; Lester Messamer,
51; Theodore Geisert, 48; Donald Peters, 48; John Firestone, 47 1/2; Esther Mohler, 46 1/2; Helen
Stover, 46 1/2; Marie Miller, 46; Arlene Mohler, 4 6; Kenneth Jar-boe, 45 1/2; Rowena Neher, 45 3/4; Ardys Albright, 45; Avis Albright, 45; John Burkholder, 45; Joyce Frantz, 45; Charles Hess, 45; Dean Neher, 45; Hubert Newcomer, 45; Lorene Clark 44; Dean
Cotton. 43 3/4; John Messamer, 43; John Lohrentz, 42 3/4; Marion Frantz, 4 2; Marie Hollowell, 42; Robert Keim, 4 2; Anita Norlin, 42; Marilue Bowman, 41 3/4; Lor-en Bainer, 41; Alvin Cook, 41; Lawrence Eggleston, 41; Patricia Gentry, 41; Delbert Smith, 41;
Lois Yoder, 41; Patricia Bitting-er, 40; Vera Ebersole, 40; Lois Nicholson, 40; Gerald Dorsch, 4 0.
Those persons on the Honorable Mention list are as follows:
BSC Sponsors European Tour
"Seeing Europe with a Purpose" is the title of the first European tour sponsored by the Brethren Service Commission of the Brethren Church. The tour left New York September 26 on the S. S. Mauretania of the Cunard Line. L. W. Shultz, Milford, Indiana, was appointed to personally conduct this first tour.
During the trip, our Brethren Service workers in Austria, Germany, Italy, and Geneva will be contacted. Also, the work done by John Barwick in War Prisoners Aid in England will be soon. The group will spend a few days in London, Wales, and Scotland before going to the Scandinavian countries. Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and Germany will be toured, with the group ending their journey in Holland, Belgium, and France. They will return to the United States around Decomber 1.
Each yea many questions are asked about the senior class. The seniors represent the new addition to the alumni association, and they also represent the next contribution of the college to the business world. The class is composed of that group of students who will soon meet the academic requirements of the college and thereby become worthy candidates for the degrees granted by McPherson College.
Of the sixty-nine seniors, fifty-three are men, and sixteen are women. Thirty-three are married while thirty-six are still single.
Teaching leads in the vocational objectives of the seniors, it being indicated by twenty-nine members of the class. Other vocations into which members of the class plan to enter are: business, ministry, medicine, farming, mission work, christian counseling, social work, chemistry, accounting, civil service, christian education, homemaking, business executive, physicist, and X-Ray technician.
Forty-eight of the seniors claim Kansas as their home state. The other twenty-one come from California, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Should the seniors all go home, the total dis-tance travelled would be 17,260 miles.
The seniors represent a dozen different religious denominations. They exemplify "democracy in action." They are typical of the output of hundreds of American colleges.
The Alumni Office will find it pleasant during the present school year to observe the multiplied successes of the seniors who will soon be admitted to that great group of "has been students", the alum-ni association.
"The Late George Apley" is a period production taking place in Boston in the year 1912. George Apley, by Wayne Ziegler, represents the Bostonian element that feels the rest of the country is foreign.
Play Cast
Apley's daughter and son, played by Kathlyn Larson and Dale Oltman, try to revolt against their father’s attitude. Their successes and failures makes up the body of the play.
Professor McAuley has started that excellent character parts are provided in the supporting roles. Margaret Daggett is the ancient family servent who is not disturbed by the insane activities of the family.
Dean Cotton is the distant relative who wants to be a "proper Bostonian."
Esther Mohler portrays a fiery matron who makes life miserable for those around her. Jeane Baldwin plays Catherine Apley, the devoted but not too brilliant wife of George.
Supporting Roles and Understudies
Other supporting characters and understudies are Don Shultz, Vera Hoffman, Rowena Neher, Marie Miller, Betty Frantz, Bill Daggett, and Garth Ellwood.
Eula Broyles is student director.
Miss Della Lehman is assis-ting Mr. McAuley in the general production procedure.
On November 19 the two parties will be a Freshman-Senior Kid Party and a Sophomore-Junior Skating Party. The schedule of a Sophomore-Freshman Kid Party in the Spectator last week was an error.
There may be, as a professor has said, over 10,000 useless words in the dictionary, but a great many, come in handy in framing the political platforms.
Seniors Sponsor Party Tomorrow
Saturday evening, October 1, at 8 p. m., the senior class is sponsoring an all-school party. Details are strictly a secret, but some information is posted on bulletin boards.
The social committee promises something new and different.
Kenneth Graham is president of the senior class which is making the plans to entertain the student body.
Dr. Fee Is Chairman Of Kansas Deans Of Women
Lloyd Haag, 39; Arlyn Hen-sinkveld, 39; Florene Messick,
39; Irwin Porter 39; Stanley Wat-kins, 39; Winston Bowman, 39; Marjorie Fike, 38 1/4; Leona
Flory 38 1/4; Jesse Holloway, 38; Max McAuley, 38; Robert Row-lette, 38; Merrill Sanger, 38; Wilmer Moffett, 37 1/2; Ann Ob-erst, 37 1/2; Robert Anderson, 37; Irvy Goossen, 37; Joann Lehman, 37; Lawrence Treder, 37; Mary Metzlcr Wagoner, 36 1/2; Everett Jenne, 36; Bonnie Martin, 36; Don Shultz, 36; Patricia Albright, 35; Lucille Christopher, 35; Lois Hauder, 35; John Kleiber, 35; Gail Snyder, 35.
On Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15, the Kansas Association of Deans of "Women, which includes both college and high school deans, will convene in McPherson for their convention.
Dr. Mary Fee, a member of McPherson College faculty, is the chairman of this organisation, which, at the present time, has 70 members.
Most of the meetings will be in the form of workshops which the participants will discuss the various problems and techniques involved in counseling.
Sessions, will be held in the Warren and McCourt Hotels.
Registration will begin Friday morning at Hotel Warren. Mrs. Margaret Sandzen Greenough will speak at the dinner meeting that noon.
Rec Council Retreats
Recreational Council went on a retreat to Black Canyon Sept. 24 and 25. Eighteen members were present. Their sponsor, Professor S. M. Dell, Mrs. Dell, and their son Bobby accompanied the group.
The group participated in volley ball, a treasure hunt, informal camp fires, and a church service.
Lobban, Merkey Finish Year Volunteer Service
Ivan Lobban and Vernon Merkey, two former students of Mac College, recently assisted with the cleanup work after the disastrous flood at Bridgewater.
They have just cmpleted their year of volunteer service working on the construction of the community building at Bacon Hollow and assisting with Sunday School classes, the crafts program, and youth work.
Prizes Offered For Best Pictures
The Quadrangle staff has announced that a first, second, and third prize will be given for the three best pictures of student activities. Negatives must accompany all pictures that are entered. Unused pictures will be returned.
One contest closes December 1. The other contest will close on February 1. Anyone is eligible except Quadrangle staff members.
Persons interested should seal their entries in an envelope and give them to Al Zunkel or Bill Daggett. As many entries may be entered as desired.
Alumni To Return To Mac Oct. 28 For Homecoming
Coronation of the homecoming queen will precede the Mc-Pherson-Bethel football game, Friday, October 28.
Other events on the homecoming program will include the alumni chapel and pep meeting on Friday morning and the bonfire and pep rally on Thursday evening.
A church service with Rev. Harry Zeller as speaker is being planned for Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
School will be dismissed at 12:10 Friday in preparation for the parade at 4:00 p.m.
Also a formal dinner for the homecoming queen will be Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
The "M" Club luncheon for all former members will be at the Blue Room of the Hotel Warren Friday noon.
On Friday at 5:30 p.m. the alumni dinner will be held at the Church of the Brethren.
After the game a social hour for all alumni, students, faculty, and friends is being planned in the S. U. R. and Doghouse.
Complimentary tickets to the football game will be furnished to the Alumni.
Chairman of the committee making plans for homecoming is Dr. W. W. Peters. Present at the meeting on October 21 were: Prof. S. M. Dell, Dr. Mary Fee, Mr. Harry Heckethorn from the Student Council, Mr. R. Gordon Yoder from the Athletic Committee, Professor Hess and Dr. R. E. Mohler from the Administration Committee, Miss Muriel Lamle representing the Pep Club, Coach Frosty Hard-acre from the Athletic Department. Mr. Donald Dresher, Mr. Paul Sherfy, and Mr. Ira Bram-mell from the Alumni Association.
Tea will be served to the Deans by the senior high school, late Friday afternoon.
Saturday morning, as a courtesy of the college, coffee will be served the women in the Student Union Room.
Guest sneaker for the luncheon conference Saturday noon will be Professor Gordon of Kansas State College.
The convention will adjourn following the luncheon Saturday. Broadcasts Will Be Continued This Year
Radio broadcasts will be continued this year by the college, says Professor Plasterer.
This Week - - -
Sept. 30---Beker, there.
October 1 —All School Party, sponsored by Senior Class.
October 2—Kline Hall Open House.
October 4-9—Wendell Flory, missionary from China.
October 7—College of Emporia, here.
October 8—Fahnestock Open House.
October 8—S. C. A. Cluster Conference.
Junior-Senior English Tests Results Ready; Conferences Beginning
Junior-Senior English Proficiency Test results are ready for those students who took the test this semester. Miss Della Lehman, chairman of the English department has announced.
Each student will have a conference with a member of the English department in order to learn his standing on the test.
Lists of the students who are to see the different members of the department have been posted on the bulletin board in Sharp Hall.
LeRoy Doty ....................................................................................................... Editor-in-Chief
Betty Redinger ............................................................................................. Managing Editor
Lorene Clark ..................................................................................................... Campus Editor
Dean Coughenour ................................................................................................ Sports Editor
Rowan Keim ........................................................................ Society Editor
Sarah May Vancil ............................................................................................ Faculty Adviser
Reporters and Special Writers
Lorene Marshall Betty Redinger Betty Frantz
Roann Keim Don St. Clair Kathlyn Larson
Doris Correll
Gerald Neher ............................................................................................... Business Manager
......................................................................................... Circulation Manager
Gordon Yoder ................................................................................................... Faculty Adviser
Open Letter From SCA
Dear McPherson College Students:
October 8 should be an important date to remember for it marks a rare opportunity for Mac College Student Christian Association members.
We are to be host to a Cluster Conference. This cluster includes five colleges—Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel, Bethany, Tabor, and McPherson.
An all-day conference is being planned and is open to everyone.
Two outstanding leaders, Shirley Galatus, who is District S. C. A. chairman, and Hal Ruebler, Regional S. C. A. director, will be on hand to assist in making the conference helpful and inspirational. There will also be student and faculty leaders from the schools represented.
Further information will ap-pear in next week's Spectator as to definite program plans. Let's plan now to attend!
Marilue Bowman and
Vernon Nicholson.
Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
Dr. Howard Thurman, co-pastor of the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, San Francisco, points out that Jesus belonged to an oppressed race. The principles He applied in His position are the same ones which the Negroes, the Jews, and other minority groups must apply today.
Written by one who himself has suffered from social and economic discrimination, this is a penetrating analysis of the powerful emotions of love, fear, and hatred — and their effect on both privileged and underprivileged.
Trends in Student Personnel Work by E. G. Williamson
This collection or papers was presented at a conference celebrating the developments of twenty-five years of student personnel work.
Today the view of student personnel work is that the task of institutions of higher learning is to develop the student as a person, a social being, and a citizen, rather than as an intellect alone.
History of Chinese Society (9071125) by Karl A. Wittfogel and Feng Chai-Sheng
The Liao dynasty has particular significance in Chinese history. It established patterns of political control and cultural adjustment which were consciously applied by three subsequent great dynasties of conquest.
Feng Chia-sheng is a leading Chinese authority on the Liao period.
Kansas Is Next
The following article on the Kansas "loyalty oath" is taken from the editorial page of the University Daily Kansan, the student newspaper of the University of Kansas.
"The Kansas loyalty oath act is in effect, and state officials have by now signed a statement that they are not members of any organization seeking the overthrow of the government.
The future of our own loyalty oath law might be seen in the fate of New Jersey's "Ober law.”— both acts are similar.
In ruling the "Ober Law" unconstitutional, Judge Joseph Sher-bow of the Baltimore Circuit Court, writes our editorial for today:
'It violates the basic, freedoms guaranteed by the first and fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution, and due process under the Constitution and declaration of rights, and is too general for a penal statute.
‘The state may not legislate on the thoughts of its citizens. The United States supreme court has made it clear that laws may pun-ish acts and conduct which clearly, seriously and imminently threaten substantive evils.
’They may not intrude into the realm of ideas, religious and political beliefs and opinions.
‘The law deals with overt acts, not thoughts. It may punish for acting, but not for thinking.
‘As stated by justice Jackson (of the United States Supreme Court):
"If there is any fixed start in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.'
The court test of the "Ober law" was brought by 10 college instructors, business and professional men. What are we waiting for here in Kansas?"
Everyone is acquainted with the apathy that the general public displays when local elections roll around every so often; but I wonder if the seeming indifference of the students on Mac campus to vacancies of responsible positions, student government, and student body elections has been noticed.
Undoubtedly the leadership and good citizens of tomorrow will come and are coming from campuses such as ours all over the nation, hence, this is a bit of constructive criticism.
There is a familiar cry on most campuses, as well as in many local governments, that the place is being run by a clique or select group of individuals. It seems that they head up every committee or hold strategic offices in every position that is worth holding. There is even a common saying that if you want something done right, give it to the busiest person on campus.
Of course, often times this is the quickest and most efficient way to get something done. The tendency, therefore, is for a rather small group of individuals to have thrust upon them the responsibility of running things on a campus, in local governments, or where ever the problem of responsibility arises.
Last spring it was necessary for the Student Council to postpone the Cheerleader elections until this fall, because of the lack of interest.
Also the Board of Publications had to delay the recommending of an assistant business manager for the Quadrangle and an assistant business manager of the Spectator to the Student Council, because sufficient applications had not been received.
Both assistant business managers, according to the constitution, must be sophomores. So far, only freshmen have shown any interest in these positions.
Even though the Cheerleader election turned out nicely this fall with plenty of competition, only fifty per cent of the student body voted, and the other situation is still to be solved.
It is clear that if an aristocracy is prevalent on the campus it is our own fault. The reason for this “rule of a few” is that we would rather sit back and let someone else do the work.
To correct this situation on our own campus, and to prepare ourselves for the duties that we as citizens must assume if democracy is to live, we will have to keep interested in what is going on, and also, be willing to take on responsibility ourselves.
The weekly meetings of Student Council are open to all students unless otherwise notified. It is a good way for one to keep informed, and also, to make suggestions. Any member of the student body can make suggestions or talk for or against any question that is before the council. The limitation, of course, is that no one but a member of Student Council can vote. This is because we have a representative form of student government.
If we feel strongly about a situation we should tell our class representatives how things stack up with us. It is our government. We should make good use of it. If we do not and lose this privilege, it is our fault.
We ought to keep interested in activities and organizations in our field of interest. We should keep trying to broaden this field.
In the future let us all make sure that the Student Council or the Board of Publications does not have to postpone or delay action, because of a lack of interest on our part.
Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50
Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Catherine Of Aragon by Garrett Mattingly
At the age of fifteen the youngest daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella became Henry VIII's wife and lived with him for 24
The story of this lonely but intelligent and courageous woman is a history of one of the greatest games of power politics ever played.
This vivid dramatic biography, with its smallest detail resting solidly on painstaking research, discloses a new English heroine and presents the whole epoch of Henry VIII in a new light.
The Psychological Origin and Treatment of Enuresis by Stevenson Smith.
Dr. Stevenson Smith is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute of Child Development of the University of Washington.
Through his years of experience in clinical work with children Dr. Smith became familiar with the many sided problem of enuresis and its treatment.
Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy by Charles A. Beard
This reprinting of Beard's volume has been made necessary because of a growing revival of Interest in Jefferson, the man. and his historical contribution to America.
Dr. Charles A. Beard died Sept. 1, 1948. During his lifetime, his books on historical and political questions set patterns for later interpretations.
The Scandinavian countries (17201865) by B. J. Hovde
Until Dr. Hovde produced this history of the ascendancy of Scandinavian bourgeois society in its cultural, religious, and philosophical, as well as its political and economic, aspect, a dearth of historical material on northern Europe had existed.
The destinies of Norway. Sweden, and Denmark have been peculiarly inter-related. A particular value of this study lies in the fact that, while it distinctly points up the individuality of each of the three countries, at the same time it underlines certain fundamentals that have made them basically a unit when referred to the whole pattern of European society. _
Social Life by John W. Bennett and Melvin M. Tumin
This book introduces the reader not only to the basic ideas of sociology but also to the major institutions and problems of American society today.
Dr. Mohler received a letter from George Toland, who is an alumnus of McPherson College, and with the letter there was a clipping from the August 8, 1949, issue of the Salina Journal.
The clipping reads as follows:
“The short subject attraction shown between the 'Calamity Jane' features (at the Watson the first of the week and at the Jay-hawk now) hit upon several different items. There was a section on classrooms inside the fuselage of a retired airplane. Three times the narrator referred to the fact that this was in California. Then one part of the short was portraying the discovery of the sea weed agar here at home. The narrator stated that this was off the coast of Florida.
Then there was a very interesting subject on the making of real diamonds by laboratory methods from sugar. The opening scene was the entrance gate to McPherson college. The next scene was of Dr. J. Willard Hershey, for many years head of the chemistry department of McPherson College. The ensuing scenes in the laboratory with the sugar, crucibles, electric furnace, etc. were all taken in the chemistry lab of McPherson college. Not once did the narrator ever mention Kansas or Hershey.
I have noticed this type of thing many times, so decided to say something about it this time. It should be of interest to several thousand people who have seen and will see this picture. KSAL has advertised this week that they ’Calamity Jane’ picture is to appear soon in Abilene, Minneapolis, McPherson and I don't know where else. If the same short subject accompanies the picture those places that did here at the Watson and the Jayhawk, this should be of some reading interst."
Mr. Toland lives at 412 Morrison in Salina, Kansas.
Read all the ads in this Issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Williams, Burdick, Kansas; Mr. Gordon Reist, Canton; and Mr. Ronald Moyer, Jennings, were among the alumni who returned for the McPherson-Sterling football game.
Mrs. Harnly, Miss Brown, Miss Harris, and Miss Siek went shopping in Wichita Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Doty of San Diego. California, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Doty, Jr., from Wednesday evening to Thursday afternoon.
Ronald Moyer, an alumnus of McPherson College, was visiting Vernon Nicholson and John Firestone last weekend.
Robert Wilson and Glen Carney went home over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowman
Jean Bullard was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lapp in Kline Hall, Sunday, September 25.
Miss Vancil entertained Mrs. E. E. Bowers and Miss Mary Kin-zie at dinner last Sunday.
Five girls from Kline Hall attended the State Fair in Hutchinson last week. They were: Jerry Hill, Frances Hall, Phyllis Schmutz, Joyce Anderson, and Freda Woodhatch.
Rob Jamison from Quinter vis-ited Jim Garvey last week.
Miriam Keim, Ana Carpenter, and Mildred Beck spent the weekend in Nickerson. Mildred visited her folks while Miriam and Ann visited the Lehmans.
Pat Ford, a student at Bethel College, Newton, Kansas, visited the campus again last week.
Dr. Mary Fee and her sister, Miss Hazel Fee, went to Salina last Thursday evening to visit a broth-er who was in the hospital.
Jeane Baldwin spent Saturday afternoon and evening in Wichita, Kansas.
Twenty girls from Arnold Hall went to the Fair in Hutchinson last week.
Anita Rogers and Emmert Brown visited members of their respective families, near Larned, Kansas, Saturday and Sunday.
Anna Lou Rhodes visited her parents at Inman, Kansas.
Helen Kesler and her cousin, Doris Kesler, went to the Northeastern Kansas District Meeting with James Elrod. While there, Helen visited her parents at home.
were visiting relatives in MePher-son several days ago. Mr. Bowman teaches at Garden City. Both he and his wife (formerly Esther Miller) are graduates of McPherson College.
Betty Frantz’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Frantz, Long Beach, California, visited here from Saturday until Monday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frantz are on a pleasure trip through Kansas, Iowa, and the Ozarks.
Pottle Bittinger and Claudia Jo Stump were in Hutchinson last Sunday. Miss Stump sang a solo during the morning church service. Miss Bittinger was her accompanist.
Seven girls from Arnold Hall had a "watermelon party" Sunday evening at the picnic table north of Harnly. A juicy time was enjoyed by all.
Jack Baker and his wife (the former Marianna Stinnette) were guests of the Albert Guyers Sunday. Mrs. Baker was graduated from McPherson College last spring with the class of ’49 and is now teaching in Wichita, Kansas.
Mildred Snowberger ate Sunday dinner in Conway, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Yoder attended the Northeast Kansas district meeting at the Rock Creek Church of the Brethren near Sa-betha, Kansas, last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Frantz were at Denver, Colorado, at the Church of the Brethren last Sun-day and are spending some time in Colorado and New Mexico in the interest of the College.
President and Mrs. W. W. Peters will be at Warrensburg, Missouri, at the District Conference of the Middle District of Missouri, October 1-3.
Freshman Elect Class Officers; Wagoner, Pres.
On Monday, September 19, the freshman class elected class officers during the orientation period. Dick Wagoner was elected president with James Scruggs holding the vice-president office. Betty Ann Murrey was chosen secretary and David Brammell received a vote of confidence in the form of the treasurer’s Job. Bob Bechtel and Kay Orva Willems were chosen to represent the freshman class in the Student Council.
Frank Hanagarne, who hails from Shiprock, New Mexico, at first glance thought McPherson College was rather old and very small. He also found that the student body was small. He now feels he prefers a small college. Frank thinks Mac men are a grand bunch of fellows.
Jo Ann Brubaker from South English, Iowa, thinks Mac College is just the right size. She likes the college cafeteria and thinks it helps to bring the students together and in this way add to the school spirit. She also marvels at the way most of the students offer silent prayer before eating.
She has found the fellows to be very friendly and right guys.
Don West promptly answered. "It's great!" when asked how he liked Mac College. However, since he is from Pampa, Texas, he does not like Kansas weather. And he stated that he was going broke eating in the college cafeteria.
Don admitted he likes modest women, but doubted that he would find many.
Paul Hodson, Honolulu, Hawaii, decided to come to McPherson College when he passed through Kansas while he was in the army. While in the army, Paul spent some time in Europe and six months in America. He has been out of the army for four months. He came to McPherson three weeks ago.
Paul likes McPherson College, because it is small and the students are very friendly. He likes the cafeteria but could stand a little more to eat.
There may be a closer relationship between the unread and the Red than we think.
Rowena Noher and Vernon Nicholson ate Sunday dinner with Professor and Mrs. Roy McAuley.
First Impressions Of Mac College
Fahnestock Hall Holds First Dorm Meeting
On Thursday, September 15, the boys of Fahnstock Hall had their first dorm meeting of the school year. Secretary-treasurer Ivan Little presided in the absence of president John Ward. The constitution was read and the rules of the dormitory discussed. The group decided to subscribe to three newspapers and to three magazines. One dollar was assessed each boy as dorm dues. Dean Dell and Mrs. Bowers, the housemother, made a few remarks after which the meeting was adjourned.
Immediately after the meeting the boys went to their respective floors and chose their proctors. Find floor chose James Hoover; second, Loren Blickenstaff; and third, Volao Alailima.
Read all the advertisements in
the Spectator every week.
The officers of Fahnestock Hall have announced that open house will be held Saturday, October 8 at Fahnestock Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newcomen head residents of Kline Hall have
announced that Kline Hall will hold its annual open house for students, faculty, and friends Sun-
day afternoon, October 2, between the hours of three and five.
From, the records of losing teams come losing streaks. No sooner had the McPherson College Bulldogs broken their fruitless run of 15 consecutive games by beating Sterling College, than another winless run confronts them. As the Bulldogs take the field against Baker University tonight at Baldwin, Kas., they will be attempting to halt a skein of 13 consecutive Kansas Conference defeats.
The Bulldogs have not won a conference game since Nov. 1, 1946, when they edged Bethel 7-6 in a dismal, chilling rain at Newton.
Almost as bad, they have not defeated their foe for tonight’s game. Baker, in football since 1936. The 6-0 victory that year is the only time the Bulldogs have ever beaten Baker on the Wildcats' own field. The teams battled to a 12-12 tie in 1946.
Coach Karl Spear has 22 Wildcat lettermen on hand, a situation which leaves Baker two deep at every position except center and right half. Six veteran ends are available--Gene Chabb, Jack Flickinger, Warren Vance, Robert Stroup, Steve Dial, and Ted Haas.
Experienced tackles are Bud Sloop, Harry Woods, Ernie Swenson, and Charlie Woods, Ernie An-soli, Walter Martin, Larry Noll, and Ted Cleavinger are lettermen guards. Spear and his assistants, Gorby Martin and Russ Devoe, are looking for another man to back vet John Zorn at center.
Kolancy Kicks Again
Seven backs have returned to strike from the Wildcats' T-forma-tion—Roy Braley, Wes Will, Boyce Smith, Sherman Kolancy, Wagoner Fox, Rodney Enos, and Harold Chubb.
Smith and Kolancy were instrumental in the Wildcat's victory over Southwestern last Friday. The speedy Smith raced 11 yards around end for the tying touchdown, and Kolancy, one of the top Conference kickers of all time, booted the winning extra point.
If comparative scores mean anything —and they usually don't — Baker beat Southwestern 7-6, the 'Builders toppled Sterling 450, and the Bulldogs beat Sterling 14-6.
Although McPherson is rated a three-touchdown underdog in tonight’s fray, it is more than possible they might pull a few surprises. Tho offensive work of the Bulldog line against Sterling was tremendous. Big Joe Pate and Galen Webb were bulwarks as the forward wall opened holes for Charlie Petefish, Glen Pyle, and Gone Arnold to drive through.
Bulldogs Weak Defensively
However, the Bulldogs defensive work showed considerable need for improvement. The whole squad has the high tackling habit. Coach Frosty Hardacre has drilled the team all week in defensive technique and fundamentals.
Hardacre also added some new plays to the offensive system this week, and hoped that his passing attack would improve with the week's drills.
The Bulldogs are expected to go into tonight's affair in top condition. No injuries have been sustained in practice this week, and Glen Pyle, who suffered a slight head concussion in the Sterling game, has recovered and is expected to start the game at Baldwin. No changes are expected in the starting eleven.
Galen Webb
. . . Offensive Bulwark
Intramural Plan Starts
The 1949 McPherson College intramural program should get in full swing next week as preliminary plans for the autumn setup have been completed this week by Dick Wareham, men's physical education instructor and head of the campus intramural plan.
Heading the list is a tennis tournament set for October 28 (Homecoming Day) between an alumni group and the six top members of a campus ladder tourney. Expected to play for the alumni are Delbert Kelly, Ware-ham, Gordon Yoder, Wilbur Yoder, Lloyd Larsen, and Guy Hayes. In the McPherson city tennis tournament this August, Kelly finished second and Ware-ham third.
A similar kind of ladder tourney has been set up for table tennis with 50 positions on the bracket. Charles Petefish, John Ward, and Ken Kinzie, who finished 12-3 in last year's campus tourney, are all seeded. Rules for both tennis and table tennis players are posted in the display case east of the gym door in the Physical Education building.
A mixed volleyball league will also have scheduled games every Tuesday evening in the PE building. Non-league mixed volley ball will also be played Wednesday evenings.
Vernon Dale Blickenstaff, veteran end, and Carroll C. (Salty) Tillman, a regular Bulldog guard since '46, have been elected football co-captains by their teammates for 1949.
Blickenstaff, a senior who will graduate at the end of this semester, is an alumnus o f Quinter, K s.,
High School, ‘43. After a two-year s o-journ as a radar mechanic in the AAF, Blick enrolled at MC in Sept., 1946, and since then has earned two M's in football and baseball and one in basketball. He was a regular on the McPherson Vets basketball team, state VFW champs in 1948. Married since August, 1947, he is a business administration major and expects to coach as a career.
Tillman is also a senior, married and a high school graduate of '43 (McPherson Hi. school). He has seven MC letters, three in football ('46-'48), three in baseball ('47-'49), and one in basketball ('49). Salty—he picked up the name after three years’ service in Uncle Sam's fleet—was also a starter on the American Legion National Champs of 1949, the Harry P. Dorst team from McPherson.
Baker University and McPherson College gave the Kansas Conference its first football victories for 1949. McPherson dumped Sterling College 14-6 for its first victory since 1947. Baker upset Southwestern at Winfield, Kas., 7-6.
Southwestern dominated the first half but scored only one touchdown as the Wildcats threw back two early Moundbuilder advances. Baker's second half counter-attack bore fruit in the last quarter when Boyce Smith bootlegged 11 yards around end for the tying marker. Sherman Kolancy, the veteran precision placekicker, booted the extra point, and that was the game.
At Salina tomorrow the game that may ultimately decide the Kansas Conference will be played. Ray Hahn's Bethany Swedes are rated as favorites over Kansas Wesleyan, but Wally Fors-
Glen Pyle
. . . 156 Yards
Pyle Nears Pro Mark For Running Durability
In these days of frequent substitutions and furious passing, the heavy ground duty displayed by McPherson College fullback Glen Pyle against Sterling College here last Friday may have set something of a record. Pyle packed the mail 36 times against the Warriors, netting 156 yards for an average of 4.33 yards per clip.
Organization of statistics dates back only to 1937 in collegiate circles, and the national bureau does not publish individual game figures. However, in the National Pro Football League, which has issued individual averages since 1932, the durability record is held by former Michigan AllAmerican Harry Newman, who made 39 rushing attempts for the New York Giants against the Green Bay Packers November 11, 1934.
berg may have something to say about that. Bethany was idle the past week as Wesleyan took it on the chin 34-7 in an out-of-class game against Colorado College.
Dick Peter's Ottawa Braves showed whether they were championship class or not last night as they met Missouri Valley in Kansas City's Blues Stadium. The Braves were upset by Central (Mo.) College last Friday 6-0.
C. of E. meets William Jewell tomorrow still seeking the first win. The Presbies were outpass-ed 21-0 by Maryville (Mo.) Teachers last Saturday.
Bethel has no game scheduled this week. The maroon clad Krauts from Newton were defeated 12-6 by Friends University at Wichita last week.
The McPherson Bulldogs smashed their 16-game losing streak as they convincingly burled the Sterling Warriors 14-6 on the home grounds last Friday. The win was the first for the Bulldogs since they defeated this same Sterling team 6-0 on September 26, 1947.
The bulldogs amassed 312 yards over the ground route, and nearly all the credit for this impressive record must go to the big forward wall which displayed some of the best offensive linework seen here since football’s postwar revival. Sterling made a serious threat from the opening kickoff. Their first attack was thrown off, but Howard Mehlinger fumbled a punt and the Warriors recovered on the Bulldog 18. They lost the ball after only six yards advance, however, and after an exchange of punts the Bulldogs marched to their first touchdown in 1949. Mehlinger again fumbled a Sterling boot, but this time big Gus Webb recovered on the Bulldog’s own 40. Eight rushes led to the marker with Glen Pyle knifing off tackle from the two for the payoff punch. A faulty pass from center ruined the conversion attempt.
An unnecessary roughness penalty against McPherson paved the way for Sterling's scoring drive in the waning moments of the first half. Taking over on the 32, Sterling also scored in eight plays with a 19 yard aerial from Bud Kelly to McFarland being the big yardage eater. A two yard pitch from Kenny Harris, a freshman guard just converted to halfback, to Long was the final touchdown thrust.
The Bulldogs made a determined drive to break the tie at the outset of the second half, but the attack bogged down on the eight yard line. Kelly punted out for the Warriors, but Blickenstaff, calling signals for the Bulldogs, set them on their heels by having Arnold quick kick. The Gary, Ind., halfback’s punt fell dead on the one-yard marker where Long
McPher.-Sterling Statistics
Bulldogs ....... 0 6 6 2—14
Sterling ............ 0 6 0 0— 6
First downs—MC 21 (Pyle 11, Arnold 2, Sullivan 3, Van Druff
1, Petefish 4) Sterling 7 (Kelly
2, McFarland 1, Long 2, Harris 1, by penalty 1).
Rushing attempts and yardage —MC 72 for 312 yds. (Pyle 36— 156, Petefish 15—67, Arnold 15— 64, Sullivan 6—25) Sterling 38 for 86 yds. (Myers 8—11, Kelly 9—25, Long 6—20, Brown 1—0, Harris 10—27, McFarland 4—3).
Passing—MC 9 attempts, 2 completed, 21 yards (Petefish 6-2 —21, Arnold 3—0—0) Sterling 8 attempts, 3 completed, 25 yards (Kelly 3---1-19, Harris 5—2—6).
Punting—MC 5 punts, 27.4 average (Petefish 4—20.5, Arnold 1—55.0) Sterling (Kelley 7 — 29.1.
Penalties —MC5 for 45 yds, Sterling 7 for 35 yds. Fumbles— MC 3 (Mehlinger 2, Arnold) Sterling 4 (Long 2, McFarland, Kel-ly).
Punt Returns— MC 3— 13 yards (Sullivan 2—14, Arnold 1—
1— 1) Sterling 3—17 yds. (Long
2— 10, Brown 1—7).
Kickoff Returns—MC 3 for 37 yds. (Seidel 1—4, Arnold 2—33) Sterling 3 for 45 yards. (Myers 1 —19, Kelly 2—26). Interceptions —MC 1 (Arnold) Sterling 1 (Long). Passes caught—MC (2
(Van Druff, Sullivan) Sterling 3 (McFarland 2, Long).
returned It to the four.
The Sterling quarterback, whose mother must have been frightened by a moron in his prenatal life, then called for two consecutive passes. Arnold intercepted the second toss on the 28 and shuffled it back to the 19. Charlie Petefish, replacing Arnold at tailback, immediately hit Ron Sullivan with a seven yard toss that moved the Bulldogs to the 13. Pyle skirted the flank for seven. Pyle and Petefish then alternated on three tries with the one time Central College star, Pyle, pushing over from the two. Petefish’s pass for extra point was incomplete.
The last quarter was completely dominated by the Bulldogs. They made two more scoring threats and did score when Joe Pate tackled Long so hard that the ball squirted from his arms. Reserve end Bob Bechtel recovered the ball after it bad rolled past the end zone, for a safety.
A statesman thinks he belongs to the nation, but a politician thinks the nation belongs to him.
WAA Times Set For Year
On Tuesday, October 27, a W. A. A. meeting of all members was held to decide on specific times for all sports this season.
There will be two tennis sections a week from 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. on Wednesdays.
Bowling will be from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. on Fridays.
Outing is scheduled for Mondays and Skating for Friday afternoons at 3:15.
The club amended the constitution to the effect that a girl must attend at least four regular meetings of a club before she can make-up a meeting in that club.
Committees were assigned, to be in charge of hot dog sales at the three coming home football games.
Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.