NO. 1
Muriel Lamle |
Roy McAuley |
Mary Kinzie |
Delbert Crabb |
Six new members are on the McPherson College faculty this year. Three of the six were former students.
Miss Muriel Lamle is making her debut on the McPherson faculty in the Physical Education department. Her past teaching experience has included five years of work in Kansas and Colorado.
Miss Lamle’s home was originally at Wiley, Colo. She graduated from McPherson College in 1944, and has been taking post graduate work at Greeley, Colo.
Miss Lamle is residing at the home of Mrs. Alice Martin.
She has always been active in W. A. A. and hopes to have a very good club this year.
Speech Instructor
Mr. Roy McAuley left McPher- son College in 1943 and graduated in absentia a year later. He graduated from Bethany Seminary in 1946. Since then, he has been teaching, preaching, and going to school in Omaha. Shortly before his return to McPherson to enter the English department, at Mac. he obtained his Master’s degree at the University of Omaha.
Mrs. McAuley also attended McPherson College for two years. Mr. McAuley stated that his wife taught school for two years before she began raising little Mc-Auleys.
The McAuleys with sons, Mark 2 1/2 and Arthur 4 1/2 are making their home at 744 Euclid. Cafeteria Manager
Mrs. J. F. Slifer, also a former Mac Student has returned to the college after a year’s absence to accept the position of cafeteria manager. She had been head cook here for five years. She also was cook for Co-op Boarding Club for boys for five years.
Another cook commented that Mrs. Slifer is very efficient and that the cafeteria is running smoothly.
Fahnestock Housemother
This year, the boys in Fahnestock also have a housemother. She is Mrs. E. E. Bowers of Shickley, Nebraska.
Mrs. Bowers, attended Bethany College and taught school before she married. She has four chil-dren. Her daughter, Katherine, attended McPherson College and in now working in Lincoln.
Home Economics Instructor
Miss Mary A. Kinzie, the new faculty member in the Home Economics department, is giving most of her attention to the foods laboratory. She also teaches Introductory Chemistry. She attended Bridgewater College in Bridgewater, Va., and the Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg, Va.
Miss Kinzie was reared in Virginia but for the past years has resided in Lake Wales, Florida. She has done social work in Virginia and Florida and has taught school for three years.
She is making her home in McPherson at 315 North Carrie. Band Director
Mr. Delbert Crabb will teach band and orchestra this term. In past years he has been engaged in business in McPherson.
He attended McPherson College for three years and was active in football for three years and in basketball for two years.
Campus Improves During Summer
Several improvements have been made on the college campus since last spring. The most obvious of these is the construction of the new heating plant. The old one was torn down this summer. and the new one is in the process of construction northeast of Arnold Hall.
The Warren bouse, one block west of the college, is undergoing extensive repairs and remodeling. Two of the upstairs rooms have been papered and the floors cov-ered with asphalt tile. The front entrance and porch are being altered. also.
Miss Lehman’s classroom was painted this summer and now glows in pastel colors.
Repairs were made on circle drive, making it safer and better driving. A tree was removed from the parking lot north of Fahnestock Hall.
An exhaust fan was installed in the kitchen to carry away the heat and cooking odors.
In addition to these improvements, a general clean-up and fixup program was carried on.
Automatic Washer Dryer Authorized
The purchase of two automatic washers and one dryer for the use of the students has been authorized by the local board of trustees. They are to be installed in the new heating plant when that structure is finished.
According to the board the dryer will be of the gas type and will greatly facilitate the drying of clothes, especially during cold weather.
All three machines will be the coin meter type.
S. C. A. Holds Retreat; All Officers Are Chosen
Burkholder One Of 3 Fellowships
Three Nebraskans, Theodore S. Oppenhelm, 1008, Forest avenue, Crete, John H. Burkholder, Octavia, and Buddy R. Guest, Republican City, have been awarded fellowships to the University of Chicago, Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins announced today.
Oppenhelm, Burkholder, and Guest were three of the 215 students from 34 states and 11 foreign countries selected for the graduate study awards, part of the university's $3750,000 annual program of aid for outstanding students.
Oppenhlem was awarded a $1,000 university fellowship to the divinity school. A graduate of three colleges and a teacher at two others, he will be a candidate for a doctor of philosophy degree at the university. Oppenhelm received his bachelor’s degree from Union College in 1930, his bachelor of divinity degree from Yale in 1935, and his master’s degree from the University of Colorado in 1946. He has served on the faculties of Jaffna College, Ceylon, and Doane College.
Burkholder’s award was a $525 graduate teachers scholarship in the department of physiology. He graduated from McPherson college this year.
Guest was awarded a $450 Rol-lin D. Salisbury Memorial fellowship in geography. He received his bachelor’s degree from Nebraska Wesleyan Universtiy in 1942, served in the European theater during the war, and took his master’s degree at the University of Nebraska in 1947.
Course In “Introduction To Education” Is Urged
Dr. L. Warren urges that all students planning to teach in Iowa should take the course "Introduction to Education."
This coarse is being offered at 8:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and with special arrangement of outside work for Friday. The State of Iowa requires the above course for certification. This course will not be offered again for two years.
Three Students Represent Iran
Mehlinger, Moors, Hardy Place High In English Test
Howard Mehlinger of McPherson, Kansas, ranked first this year in the Barrett-Ryan English Placement Test given to all freshman with a score of 141 out of 150 points.
Louis Moors, of McPherson, Kansas, was second with a score of 140, and Carol Hardy, also of McPherson, Kansas, was third with a score of 139.
Professor Maurice Hess released the ten top names of the students taking the test. The other high scores are as follows:
Ruth Crumpacker, McPherson, Kansas, 136; Dorothy Harvey, Jasper, Mo., 136; Pauline Hess, McPherson, Kansas, 135; Darlene Webb, McPherson, Kansas, 132; Bob Bechtel, McPherson, Kansas, 131; Clara Domann, Hope, Kansas, 131; Duane Johnson, McPherson, Kansas, 129.
These tests have been given at McPherson College for the past several years and are the basis for the grouping of the freshman English classes.
Be sure to attend the "Pajama Parade" Thursday evening.
The S. C. A. cabinet held a retreat last week-end at Black Canyon. They left Saturday afternoon at 3:00 p. m. Recreation, a stunt program, business meeting, consecration service, and a moonlight hike were the highlights for Saturday afternoon and evening.
Sunday morning after breakfast they held a morning watch and conducted their own Church program.
The officers for this year are as follows: Co-president, Marilue Bowman and Vernon Nicholson, secretary, Delma Cline: treasurer, Hazel Sanger; social chairmen Rowena Neher and Gerald Neher; W. S. S. F., Esther Mohler; publicity, Arlene Mohler and Wilda Minnix; Memory Chapel, Louise Johnson; district representative, Sara Mae Williams; B. S. C. M., John Firestone: commission
heads, Pattle Bittinger, Albert Guyer, Vera Hoffman, Oran Hoff-man; combined Thursday night, Vera Ebersole, Alvin Zunkel; faculty advisor, Roy McAuley.
This year McPherson College has on its campus three students from Teheran, Iran; All Mohit, Nasser Yazde, and Reza Mofarah. All three men are pre-medical students who plan to study in the United States for several years in order to obtain their M.D. degrees.
The first to arrive on the campus was All Mohit who has been in McPherson since early summer, He first became acquainted with the college through an American missionary. After deciding to come to the United States, he flew from Teheran to New York in three days, then spent three days on the bus during the last part of his trip. He likes the United States because this country is interested in Iran.
Nasser Yazde first arrived in the United States four months ago. He went to summer school at Southwestern College in Winfield, but decided to join Ali at McPherson.
From Alexandria to New York, Nasser spent twenty-two days on a ship. Upon arriving in New York Nasser took a train to Kansas. He thinks the people of the United States are kind and willing to help strangers.
Reza Mofarah has been traveling over the United States for the past six months. He spent some time sight seeing from New York to California. He had planned to enter Southwestern this fall but decided to stay at McPherson after visiting Ali and Nasser. He too, thinks the United States is
a friendly country.
Lehigh University Students Appraise Faculty, Courses
Bethlehem, Pa., March 8 (IP)
—The Lehigh University faculty recently approved the plan for student appraisal of courses and instructors originated by Arcadia, student council, as an expression of democratic cooperation and freedom.
Each student will be asked to grade his instructor "above average," "average", or "unsatisfactory" on the following;
1. Clarity of presentation and interpretation;
2. Success in bringing a sound foundation in the course;
3. Preparation for class meetings;
4. Effectiveness in arousing interest and response;
5. Stimulus to critical and independent thinking;
6. Interest and effectiveness in giving individual help;
7. Definiteness in assignments, directions and outlining the requirements of the course;
8. Friendliness toward students;
9. Fairness in grading quizes.
English 3 Goes To Hess
Freshmen in English 3 were surprised Thursday morning when the instructor for their class was changed.
Because of a demand for a class in creative writing, Miss Vancil turned her freshman English class over to Professor Hess and is teaching creative writing.
Prof. D. R. Frederick announced last Tuesday evening the personnel for the college choirs and quartettes for this year.
The glee clubs have been dispensed with for this year. All those not in the A Cappella Choir or Chapel Choir will sing with the College Church Choir.
The Chapel Choir will meet at 4 O’clock on Tuesday and Thursday to practice. The A Cappella Choir will practice at 5 p. m. on Tuesday and Thursday.
The Symphonic choir is a new organization composed of the combined Chapel and A Cappella Choirs. This choir is scheduled to practice on Monday at 4 o’clock.
A permanent practice hour for the College Church Choir has not been set as yet.
The personnel of the choirs is as follows: The A Cappella Choir; First sopranos: Eula Witmore,
Florene Messick, Naomi Mankey, Martha Frantz, Hazel Sanger, and Louise Johnson. Second sopranos: Helen Stover, Marilue Bowman, Jeane Baldwin, Nelda Baldner, Claudia Jo Stump and Anita Rogers. First altos: Rowena Neher, Helen Kesler, Avis Albright, and Ardys Albright. Second altos: Laura Fillmore, Barbara Doty, Marilee V. Grove, and Ruth Crum-packer. First tenors: Merrill
Sanger, Albert Rogers, and Kenneth Graham. Second tenors: Alvin Willems, Royce Beam, Albert Guyer, and Earle Lapp. First basses: Don Guthals, Dick Wagoner, Harold McNamee, and Dale Oltman. Second basses: Winston Bowman, Gilford Ikenberry, James Garvey, Vernon Nicholson, and Charles Royer.
The personnel of the College Ladies Quartette is as follows: Naomi Mankey, student leader and first soprano: Claudia Jo Stump, second soprano; Helen Kesler, first alto; and Ruth Crumpacker, second alto.
Helen Stover, pianist and student leader; Florene Messick, first soprano; Anita Rogera, second soprano; and Marilee Grove, alto, composo the College Ladies' Trio.
The College Male Quartette is a veteran from last year: Albert Rogrs, student leader and first tenor; Alvin Willems, second tenor; Don Guthals, first bass; and Gilford Ikenberry, second bass.
The personnel of the Chapel Choir is as follows: first so-pranos; Jeralyn Hill, Lorene Marshall, Donna Johnson, Barbara Berry, Doris Kesler, and Lera Kesler. Second sopranos: Rosemary Traxler, Miriam Kelm, Arlene Mohler, Elaine Wine, Jean Bullard, and Peggy Sargent. First altos: Mary Helen Cline, Kay Willems, Clara Domann, and Le-tha Miller. Second altos: Phyllis Bowman, Esther Mohler, Norma Lee Couch, and Mildred Beck. First tenors: Keith Allison, Jim Hoover, and Joe Frank Simpson. Second tenors: Bill Kidwell, Glen Nicholson, Ivan Rogers and Ross Stinnette, First basses; Wayne Zeigler, Eugene Neff, John Firestone, and Gerald Albright. Sec-ond basses: Irvin Porter, Sylvus Flora, Garth Elwood, and Donald West.
The members of the Freshman Male Quartette are as follows: Keith Allison, first tenor; Earle Lapp, second tenor and student leader; Dick Wagoner, first bass; and Don West, second bass.
Zeller Accepts Pastorate Here
Rev. Henry K. Zeller, Jr., has accepted the pastorate of the McPherson Church of the Brethren. Rev. Zeller is the present pastor of the Elgin Church of the Brethren, where he has been for the past seven or eight years.
Rev. and Mrs. Zeller and their three small children will begin their work in the McPherson Church soon after January 1, 1950. Their children are Marie Ann, 8, Norman 7, and Richard 5.
Graduating from Bridgewater College in 1936, Rev. Zeller then attended a Seminary at Richmond, Virginia for two years. He received his degree from Bethany Seminary in Chicago, Illinois.
After receiving his degree from Bethany, Rev. Zeller was pastor of the Indianapolis Church of the Brethren, followed by his present position in Elgin.
Rev. Zeller was born and reared in Hagerstown, Maryland. He and his wife have as their hobby woodwork. They make many of their children’s toys.
Orientation Takes Precedence Over All
The Freshmen Orientation program has long been an established practice in higher educational institutions. On Macampus, orientation is as familiar to Freshmen as graduation is to the Seniors.
The Freshmen Orientation program is organized by the personnel committee and approved by the faculty. The purpose of such a program is to acquaint the student with college life.
Before he enters college, each prospective student is supplied with material from either the Men’s or the Women’s Council, the student hand-book, and the Growl..
English, psychological, personality, and library tests, as well as several others, are administered during the first six weeks of school. Along with the tests, lectures, and talks, are given and conferences are held for the benefit of the students. The tests are extremely tiring at the time they are taken but they seldom cause permanent weariness. The most popular test, if it can be called such, has been the Library test administered by Miss Harris.
The social aspects of orientation are high-lighted by the Women’s Council Tea for all women when the "Big sisters" take their "little sisters" and introduce them to all other new students and the faculty, and the supper for Freshmen men which is sponsored by the Men’s Council.
Two periods each week are being set aside through October 12 which are exclusively orientation periods. It is imperative that all freshmen SHOULD BE PRESENT AT ORIENTATION PERIOD EVERY TIME! THIS TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ALL OTHER PROGRAMS.
‘George Apley’ To Be Fall Production
"The Late George Apley" has been announced by the dramatic department as being the selection for this fall’s production. Tryouts for this production were held last Thursday, September 15, and will be held again this afternoon from 3:00 to 4:30 in the Little Theater.
Copies of the play may be obtained in the Library. Aspirants should pick their own part to read for the tryouts.
If interested students cannot try out at the scheduled time they should see professor McAuley or Miss Lehman to arrange for an appointment.
McAuley To Be New Debate Coach
The position of debate coach for the ensuing year has been taken over by Professor Roy McAuley.
The debate question for this year is, "Resolved: that the United States should nationalise the, basic non-agricultural industries."
It has been announced that the debate try-outs will be held late in October, or early in November. For further information interested individuals should see Professor McAuley.
Be sure to attend the "Pajama Parade" Thursday evening.
Annual Freshman Party Held In Gym
“Friday Is The Day,” Warns Miss Harris
Sunday morning, August 28th, Miss Beatrice Walker of Wilmington, Ohio, because the bride of Robert Elliott Warren, son of Dr. and Mrs. Luther E. Warren, of McPherson, Kansas. The couple are now residing at their home in Springfield, Ohio. The bride plans to continue to teach vocational home economics at Jamestown. Mr. Warren, who taught Business Administration at Syracuse University the past two years. is now associated with the J. C. Penney Co., in Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Blough of Waterloo, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lapp and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Doty, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Goering, Sunday, September eleventh.
Ann Carpenter. Mildred Beck and Glen Gurney spent the weekend in Nickerson visiting friends and relatives.
Sunday evening the third floor girls gave a surprise birthday party for Lorene Clark and Jean Bullard. Each girl brought her own glass and spoon, and ice cream and pop were served as refreshments.
Wilma Geis, a former student at McPherson College, visited the campus last week as a guest of Verla Hummer.
A watermelon feed held on the second floor porch of Arnold Hall was enjoyed by the third floor girls last Thursday evening.
Studies Are Forgotten As Students Go To Lake
Students of McPherson College were given one half-day vacation Friday afternoon, September 16. The College Social Committee sponsored an all school picnic at Kanopolis Dam.
The group of students, faculty, and friends left the campus at 1:30 p. m. and returned approximately at 8:00 p. m.
Recreation included nature hikes, ball games, boating, and various games.
A supper of baked beans, potato salad, and hot dogs was served at 5:00 p. m. This was followed by group singing.
Women’s Council Tea Given For All Girls
The Student Union Room was the scene of the annual Women’s Council Tea, Friday, September 9, from 4:00 to 5:30 p. m.
Miss Marie Miller, president of Women's Council; Dr. Mary Fee. dean of women: Mrs. Burton
Metzler, and Mrs. W. W. Peters formed a receiving line to welcome all the upperclasswomen and their little sisters. Refreshments consisted of lime sherbet with punch, cookies, mints, and nuts. Mrs. Gordon Yoder and Mrs. Roy McCauley were hostesses.
Freshman Talent Show Precedes Melon Feed
7:30 on September 6th found the freshmen assembled in the gym for the annual freshman party that had been planned for them by Mr. Wareham and committee in charge.
The first procedure was the removal of shoes by all the freshmen. This was followed by a get acquainted game led by Miss Lamle, who then directed the group out to the football field where a more strenuous type of running game followed.
In a snake line the freshmen were led in windows and out win- dows. up fire escapes of the dif- ferent buildings on the campus, until the line ended up in the Dog House where refreshments of donuts and milk were waiting to be served to the initiates.
"Friday is the day," warns Miss Virginia Harris, librarian.
All books checked from the McPherson College Library are due on Fridays this year because of a new system for checking out books.
Miss Harris explains that students have had much difficulty in the past in remembering the day on which their books are due. Under the new plan all books checked from the library during the first week of school will be due September 23. Books checked out September 10-16 will be due Sept. 30.
Two other minor changes have been made in the rules. Magazines and pamphlets may be checked out for two weeks the same as books. Books and other materials may be renewed only once this year.
Church Reception Given For All College Students
Sunday evening at 6:30 the College Church entertained all McPherson College students at a reception in the church basement.
The Social Committee of the church served a lunch at the reception.
Mr. Paul Sherfy, chairman of the Deacon Board, was the presid- ing master of ceremonies. Mr. C. H Dresher spoke for the church in welcoming the students.
There was group singing with Prof. Don Frederick as the leader. Mrs. Winston Goering, a former student of McPherson College, sang two solos. A stunt, with Prof. S. M. Dell in charge, was another number on the program.
Miss Ruth Peckover of Topeka, Kansas, was a week-end guest of the Bowmans. Immediately following her visit here, Miss Peck-over entered the Brethren Volun-teen Service Unit now in training at New Windsor, Maryland.
Miss Vancil entertained Nasser Yazde, Ali Mohit, Charles Vancil, and Reza Mofarah at Sunday din-ner in her home.
Willard Werner, of Garden City, Kansas, was a recent guest of Wilda Minnix. Mr. Werner is a medical student at Kansas University.
Several parents, who brought their young people to college, were present on the campus last week.
Miss Yvonne Riffel, a former student on campus, was a guest of Martha Frantz.
Wendell Burkholder spent some time at home last week visiting his family.
Wednesday, September 7, was the date of the annual freshman stunt night and watermelon feed. David Brammell, as master of ceremonies, announced the talent; show program. First a piano trio, Rowan Keim, Marilee Grove, and Elaine Wine, played "Marche" by Streabbog. Phyllis Bowman gave a reading "Relations." "Ask Anyone Who Knows" was the title of the vocal solo performed by Helen Keeler accompanied by Betty Ann Murrey. Frank Hanagarne played "Sentimental Journey" Ali Mohit presented a violin solo. "Casey Coffins" was the theme of a radio skit given by Marlin Walters and Howard Mehlinger. A "Female" sextet composed of Dick Wagoner, Frank Hanagarne, Bob Bechtel, Ross Stinnette, Eugene Neff and Don West and accompanied by Elaine Wine sang "I Don’t Wanna Play in Your Yard."
The watermelon feed was immediately following on the north side of Harnly Hall. The S. C. A. was in charge of the feed. The M Club cooperated by cutting the melons.
Juniors and Seniors Take English Proficiency Test
Junior-Senior English proficiency tests were given Friday morning at 8 in the college chapel.
This test is required of all juniors and of the seniors who have not yet passed the test.
The test is given once each se-mester. Students who do not pass the test the first time are allowed to take it a second time the next semester. If they do not pass the test the second time, they are enrolled in English.
Administration of the test was under the supervision of Miss Della Lehman and the English faculty.
Freshman Impressions Of McPherson College
Lloyd Hummer, a freshman who comes from Perryton, Texas, says that Mac doesn't compare with Texas, but it's okay! He gets along with the three in a room arrangement that has been initiated in the Men's dorm, but according to him it gets kinda loud sometimes. Lloyd also thinks that Mac coeds are okay!
Dick Wagoner, another freshman, comes from Adel, Iowa, and brings with him the idea that Iowa is God's country. Dick thinks that the three in a room arrangement will pass, but it's not so good. The girls are all right, he says, but the town is dry at times! (Editor's note: we wish to stress that this is only at times and not always!) The cafeteria is okay, according to Dick, but rather expensive.
Ann Carpenter, a freshman coed from that whirling city of Las Vegas, Nevada, likes Mac very well. Of course, it's very much dif-
Annual Faculty Reception Welcomes Student Body
The annual formal faculty reception was held Friday, September 9, at 8:00 p. m. in the gym.
Professors Hess and Frederick were in charge of the program which opened with a welcome from Dr. W. W. Peters. A quartette composed of Professors Frederick, Plasterer, Hershberger, and Shelly accompanied by Miss Anne Krehbiel, sang "Brother, Sing On" by Grieg and "Americana", a medley of folk tunes. Professor Roy McAuley gave some humorous advice to freshmen in particular and all students in general. The final number was a cornet solo, "Russian Phantasy," by Gene Bechtel accompanied by Eunice Benston.
Refreshments of punch, cookies, mints, and nuts were served. Those on the refreshment committee were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelly, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelm, Miss Helen Howe, and Miss Minnie Mugler.
ferent from Las Vegas, but we’re getting that way! Ann thinks the fellows are pretty good, and pretty friendly, she guesses. She also thinks the girls are real nice. Ann is expecting a dorm raid anytime now. After going here to Mac for a year or two she plans to go to Reno University to finish up her schooling.
Fred Cheatwood comes from Canton, Kansas, and can rightly be called a Jay-hawker. Fred is pretty well satisfied with things as they are. He likes Mac all right and he likes the girls better yet. and he thinks the professors are the best yet. Fred is planning on going to Mac for two years.
Fraternities Face Charge In Attack
Middlebury, Vt., — (I.P.) — "Fraternities will be compelled in the next few years to prove that they can make a significant contribution toward college educational purposes," commented W. Storrs Lee, Dean of Men at Middlebury College, after reviewing decisions of the thirty-ninth annual National Interfraternity Conference, held recently in New York City and attended by over 500 Deans and fraternity representatives.
"Pot shots are being taken at fraternities from all angles,'' he continued. "They are on the defensive in many colleges, and despite the militant attitude of the National Interfraternity Conference in insisting that fraternities have the right to discriminate as much as they wish in the selection of members, consideration is being given on many campuses to the banning of fraternities with discrimination as the motive.”
Dean Lee does not question the "right" of fraternities to limit membership on the basis of physical infirmities, race, religion, and political conviction, but he maintains that it is a narrow approach to a far-reaching problem."
"The college can not exist for one purpose." said Dean Lee, "and the fraternity within the college, for another purpose. One of the objectives of higher education is to bridge differences of religion, politics, and creed—to bring an understanding among men of varying beliefs and backgroands. so that they may live together with a degree of amiability.
A. 5 lb., 14 oz., baby boy was born to Dr. and Mrs. Lowell V. Heisey at the McPherson County Hospital Tuesday, September 6, at 6:07 a. m. The baby has been named Galen Snavely Helsey.
Dr. Helsey, chemistry professor at McPherson College, reports that his son is growing rapidly and that his wife will be happy to show Galen to anyone who wants to come over.
Supper For Freshman Men Held In Dog House
The traditional supper for the freshman men was held September 8, in the Dog House. This supper is sponsored by the Men’s Council and offers to the men the opportunity of becoming acquainted with each other and with the faculty men.
The menu was composed of: hot dogs, potato salad, carrots and celery, ice cream, and iced tea.
The members of the Men’s Council are Harry Heckethorn, John Firestone, and Bill Daggett.
Bethany Rates Kansas Conference Pre-Season Acclaim By Coaches Hardacre Expresses Optimism For ’49 Season '49 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 17 Eastern New Mexico State..Portale, N. M. ...........There Sept. 23 Sterling ..................................McPherson ...............Here Sept. 30 Baker ......................................Baldwin .................There Oct. 7 C. of E. .......................................McPherson ...............Here Oct. 15 Kansas Wesleyan .....................Salina ....................There Oct. 21 Ottawa .....................................McPherson ...............Here Oct. 28 Bethel .......................................McPherson ...............Here (Homecoming) Nov. 4 Bethany .....................................Lindsborg ...............There Nov. 11 Ft. Riley ...................................Ft. Riley .................There
Only nine returning lettermen, a 14-game losing streak, and a coach’s prediction for better things open the 1949 football season for the McPherson College Bulldogs. If that statement seems a bit ambiguous it apparently does not daunt head coach Forrest C. (Frosty) Hardacre who believes his second squad at MC should improve steadily over 1948’s eight-game loser. There may be reason for the optimism. Despite the return of only nine lettermen, the Bulldogs should field one of the heaviest crews in the history of the school with seven men nudging the Toledo at 200 pounds or more. Moreover, the potential of 14 newcomers on the 43-man squad indicates that the Bulldogs may be holding their own by mid-season. Perhaps tops among the new material are Joe Pate, 200 pound transfer from Independence Junior College, and Bill Seidel, freshman end from Rock Falls, Ill. Pate was an all-state selection tor Juco tackle last year. Both are probable starters. Senior Vernon Blickenstaff, a letterman in '46 and '47, paired with Seidel as starting wingman as the Bulldogs opened their campaign Saturday night at Portales, N. M., against Eastern New Mexico State Teachers. On the opposite side of Pate's right tackle slot will be letterman Harry Heckethorn and between them will be Don Stevens, 185, and Carrol Tillman, back for his fourth season as a Bulldog regular, as guards and Vic Tedesco, 201 pound ex-GI at center. Tedesco has been experiencing offensive troubles, and if he falls to make the grade the squat Stevens may shift to center, Heckethorn take over his 1948 position at guard, and Galen Webb, another ’48 monogram winner will put his 190 pounds at left tackle. Four veterans have the inside track for the backfield—John Co-lyn, Gene Arnold, Ron Sullivan, and Glen Pyle. Arnold will be at tailback in Hardacre's single wing offense. Hardacre mixed the single wing with the T-formation last year, but at present plans to go along with the former plus a few plays from the short punt. As tailback Arnold will carry, the passing and punting load, but Hardacre is grooming Chuck Petefish, 168-pound sophomore from Cedar Rapids, Ia., as an understudy. Al- |
ready a capable punter, Petefish has picked up the aerial chores quickly. Line Coach Voshell Also strengthening the 1949 outlook is Laverne (Tony) Voshell MC ’40, the new line coach. Voshell held the same position in 1946 under T. C. Hayden, and was instrumental in the success of that season's team. The Bulldogs received a temporary shot in the arm when another remnant of the '46 team. Kenny McBroom, returned to school, but the ex-scatback ace was declared ineligible on scholastic grounds. W.A.A. Elects New Club Heads The W. A. A. met Tuesday morning and elected new club heads for this season. They are bowling, Pat Paterson; tennis, Esther Mohler; outing, Margaret Daggett; skating, Jeanne Baldwin. It was also decided to buy a Streamro Steamer to warm the weiners and buns at the ball games. Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week. |
Coach Hits At Pros On Gridiron The following is an Associated Press release: A move to sever football relations with colleges where there is "professionalism" in athletics was launched Wednesday by a group of alumni of William Jewel college. J. E. (Pat) Bradshaw, director of athletics and head football coach, touched off the move Tuesday night in a talk before a group of 50 former students. “It’s time the college returned to the level where the boys play for fun instead of a living,” he said. "I have investigated most of the colleges which we play this season and there are five of them that won’t be on our schedule next year if they don’t learn a little ethics and clean up professionalism in their athletics." Bradshaw did not name the schools. Colleges on the schedule this season are: Simpson college, St. Benedict's, College of Emporia, Tarkio, Culver-Stockton, Ouchi-ta, Baker, Ottawa, Missouri Valley and Central of Fayette, Mo. The alumni group endorsed Bradshaw’s stand and adopted a resolution calling it to the attention of the national alumni executive committee. The committee will meet at William Jewel Oct. 21. Of his position Bradshaw said "anyone interested can watch the changes between our 1949 schedule and our 1950 schedule." "I'm tired of having my boys know before they trot out of the dressing room that the team waiting on the field for them is composed of 30 or more players that are professionals," he said. |
Football Squad Ends—David Mankey, 160, Hardin, Mo.; Donald West, 155, Pam-pa, Texas; George Holloway, 145, Baldwin, Ks.; Robert Wilson, 155, Conway Springs, Ks.; Vernon Blickenstaff, 180, Quinter, Ks.; Dave Metzler, 170, McPherson; Fred Cheatwood, 165, Canton, Ks.; William Seidel, 180, Rock Falls, Ill.; Bob Bechtel, 160, McPherson; Duane Jamison, 175, Quinter, Ks. Tackles— Harry Heckethorn, 180, McPherson; Galen Webb, 190, McPherson; Joe Pate, 200, Independence, Ks.; Ken Slabach, 210, Windom, Ks.; Jim Scruggs, 215, Grayville, Ill.; Wayne Oak, 210, Penalosa, Ks.; Emmert Brown, 165, Lamed, Ks. Guards—Don St. Clair, 165, Harlan, Ks.; Ross Stinnette, 153, Denver, Colo.; Paul Hodson, 160, Lamakila, Hawaii; Ken Pritchett, 165, Grayville, Ill.; Carrol Tillman, 185, McPherson; Don Stevens, 185, Rock Falls, Ill. Centers—Vic Tedesco, 201, Gary, Ind.; Mel Swinger, 210, Essex, Mo. Backs—Bob Augsburger, 165 Columbus, O.; Lloyd Libal, 165, Luray, Ks.; Dean Schmidt, 175, Freeport, Ks.; Ron Sullivan, 156, Grayville. Ill.; Mel Fishburn, 160, Lawrence, Ks.; Charles Petefish, 168, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Lesten Finger, 185, McPherson; John Co-lyn, 175, Lenox, Ia.; Glen Pyle, 180, McPherson; Gene Arnold, 190, Gary Ind.; Marlin Van Druff, 220, McLouth, Ks.; Elvin Brown, 190, McPherson. |
The pre-season merry-go-round in the Kansas Conference has started. The three favorites have already pushed the accolade off to another contender. Wally Forsberg, who won 17 of 18 conference games in three years at Ottawa, has taken over the helm at Kansas Wesleyan University, and he has handed the crown to Ray Hahn’s senior-laden Bethany Swedes. Hahn in turn strings with the defending champions, the Ottawa Braves. Ray Pet-ers, upped from assistant coach, at the eastern school believes the conference crown will follow his old boss, Forsberg, to KWU. Coach F. C. Hardacre of McPherson College strings along with Forsberg in picking Bethany as champion. So by force of numbers the unwanted tag of pre-season favorite must go to Bethany. There is plenty of reasoning behind this fact, too. Nineteen let-termen and 33 other squadmen from last season’s second-placers return to plush Hahn's job. Eight of the lettermen were starters on the Swedes’ great ‘46 champions back for their final collegiate fling. Topping the list are three allconference selections—end Larry Bale, tackle Bill Engstrom, and fullback Jack Teitenburg. Teiten-burg is that rarity of rarities, a fullback who can do something besides plunge. A deceptive runner once he’s in the secondary, 210 pound Jack is also a whiz on Hahn’s patented optional pass-or-run end sweep. Most of the pass-ing, however, will probably be done by sophomore Bill Carlson. |
There's no paucity of lettermen at Kansas Wesleyan. Twenty-two monogram winning Coyotes have greeted Forsborg at Salina. Heading the cast are all-Kansas Conference stars center Bob Wagner, guard Les Jilka, and halfback Ole Smith. Strictly a single wing team under Virgil Baer, the Coyotes will mix that offense with Fors-berg's T-formation behind an unbalanced line. Karl Spear also has 22 letter-men at Baker University. The list includes eight backs. However the fact that Spear substitutes so frequently undoubtedly makes that a bit bloated. C. of E., McPherson, and Bethel will probably fight it out to escape the cellar. Murray Brown of the Presbies has lost Eddie Mu-hada, all-conference guard from Hawaii. Murray Fretz, new head man at Bethel, has only ten let termen returning. Among the mis-sing is Lanoy Loganbill, great freshman end who transferred to Kansas State. Bethany opened their season last Friday at Marshall, Mo., against super-tough Missouri Valley. Wesleyan opened a night later against Ft. Hay’s Teachers. The rest of the schools open this week: Baker at Southwestern. Bethel at Friends, and Ottawa at Central (Mo.) College. C. of E. will entertain Maryville (Mo.) Teachers. Read the Spectator Advertisements |