McPherson college, McPherson. Kansas, Friday, December 17, 1948

Dramatics Professor Leaves Faculty

Joseph Shelly Will Teach In Mac College Next Term

Professor Joseph Shelly will join the faculty of McPherson College next semester. Coming from Shippens-burg, Pennsylvania, Mr. Shelly will be added to the science and industrial arts departments of the school.

Introducing two courses in agri-

culture, soils and feeds and feeding, is the new instructor, Professor Joseph Shelly. Other courses under his instruction will be general biology and two welding classes.

Mr. Shelly and family will arrive in McPherson a few days before the beginning of second semester from Shippenburg, Pennsylvania, where he has been teaching agriculture in the public schools.

Holding a B. S. degree from Juniata College. Mr. Shelly has been doing graduate work at the Pennsylvania State College.

President of the Council of Men's Work of the Church of the Brethren. Mr. Shelly was also superintendent of his Sunday school and a deacon of the church. He served as secretary to the Rural Life Advisory Council of the Ship-pensburg Church.

For diversion “Joe”, his wife,

Edith, and daughter, Carole Ann, enjoy gardening, photography, and picnicking.    

Alpha Psi Omega Elect New Members

Kathleen Baerg Ann Oberst, and LeRoy Doty received enough points from then work on the Three one-act plays to qualify for membership in the Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatics fraternity.

Harry Knapp became a member of Alpha Psi Omega after the production of the play "The Hasty Heart, in which he was one of the actors.

These four new members of the honorary fraternity will be installed into the organization by its present members soon after Christmas vacation.    

The current membership of Alpha Psi Camera includes, in addition to the four mentioned above.

Theodore Geisert, Dean Neher, and Gordon Reist. Miss Esther Sherfy and Miss Della Lehman are honorary members.

College Students Report For Physical Examination

John K. Ward and Carl Dell reported last Monday afternoon with twenty other McPherson County youth to the Wichita induction center for their preliminary physicals.

Mr. Ward and Mr. Dell are believed to be the first Mac Campus students to report for their physicals under the new draft law.

Candle Makes Fire In Arnold Hall

Ar the result of a small fire last Monday night, the new fire alarm in Arnold Hall was used for the first time.

Although the fire caused no damage, it raised a scare among several of the onlookers.

Just as many fires arise during the Christmas vacation, the one last Monday night had its origin in a burning Christmas candle. The candle had been placed in a bottle which had been covered with col-ored wax for decorative purposes. Surrounded by cotton "snow,” the candle was sitting on top of the piano in the inner parlor of Arnold Hall. At about 6:30 Monday evening, the bottle broke and the burning candle and wax fell on the cotton surrounding it.

Flames blazed up several feet high.

One of the students brushed the burning material on the floor so; that the fire might be fought more easily.

Another student then finally extinguished the small fire with the aid of a fire extinguisher.

No destruction was noted other than the ruin of a few little Christmas decorations.    

McPherson Invites Tennis For Debate Tournament

Saturday, Jan. 8, McPherson College wilt be host to about five debate teams from fourteen schools and three states.

The Economy Debate Tourney is a practice tournament which has been going on for approximately ten years. It is open to all students. A number of students may volunteer to be timekeepers. A list will be posted for this purpose later.

McPherson will probably enter about seven teams. There will be five rounds scheduled as follows: 9:15 a. m.; 10:30 a. m.: 1:20 p. m.; 2:40 p. m.; 4:00 p. m.

Late Headlines

fog enveloped about 16 counties of northeastern Kansas today, catting visibility in some places to near zero.

London, December 14. Princess Elizabeth announced the name of her first-born just recently. The full name of the month-old baby who may be king of England some day will be Charles Philip Arthur George. He will be known by the name of Prince Charles of Edinburgh.

Paris, December 14. The United Nations’ good offices committee in Indonesia expressed fears today large-scale fighting may flare again as a result of the breakdown of Dutch-Indonesian negotiation.

In a 1600-word report to the Security Council, the committee left no doubt that a grave situa-tion was developing in the wake of last week's Dutch announce-ment that further negotiations were useless.

Royer Provides Exhibition

Furnishing entertainment during the half time for the South-western-McPherson game was Charles ‘Chuck” Royer. Mr. Royer is the drum major for the college band. He twirled regular baton first. Then, to finish the exhibition, he twirled a lighted, fire baton.

New York, December 14. Scores of the nation's top musicians flocked to studios tonight to resume making records. The 11 1/2-month Petrillo recording ban was ended.

Washington, December 14. Secrets of “great military significance" leaked out before the war from the army’s proving ground for new weapons at Aberdeen, Maryland. This assertion was charged by the house un-American activities committee today.

The committee failed to describe the information, but Representative Mundt, acting Chairman, said they believe a person still employed by the government was involved.

Washington. December 14. The United States today officially accused Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands of reselling at a profit to American firms, some scarce metals bought with funds secured under the Marshall plan.

Tepeka, December 14. A heavy

Postal Mailing Rates Increase On January 1

The new year will come in with

“bang" for the postal officials, for they are now learning the new mailing rates.

Most of the postage will take an incline January 1, 1949. All postage rates except the regular 3-cont stamp have taken a jump of from one to fifty cents.

Money order fees are up; fees for registered mail are up, and domestic insured mall is up.

Postal officials will undoubtedly need extra bottles of aspirin until the public becomes completely familiar with the new rates.

Spectator Needs New Campus Editor

Applications for the position of campus editor of the Spectator are still being accepted by the Board of Publications. These applications may be turned in by aspiring Spec editors today and Monday and Tuesday after Christmas vacation.

Anyone who will be here for three semesters is eligible for this position. The campus editor's duty is to be responsible for the beat sheet. He must work in close connection with the other two editors of the paper.

LeRoy Doty is the present campus editor of the Spectator. At the change of semester, he will advance to the position of managing editor; Max McAuley, the managing editor this semester, will assume the position of editor-inchief.

Letters are to be addressed to the Board of Publications and be submitted to LeRoy Doty, chair-man, or Delma Cline, secretary of the Board. Qualifications, past experience, and study in journalism should be stated.

M C Chemists Print Items In Chemistry Journals

The chemistry department of McPherson College has received several honors recently.

Besides the $25 award which Charles Hess recently recived from the Academy of Science. Arthur Fries, Prof. J. M. Berkebile, and Dr. Lowell V. Heisey have had articles published in chemistry journals.

Arthur Fries, a graduate of Mc-Pherson College last year, worked out a method for preparing a rat poison called "ANTU."

He developed this method in his Independent Study course last year, and an article was published about it in last month's issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.

Arthur is now working for the Dowall chemical company at Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Prof. J. M. Berkebile, while teaching chemistry in MacCollege last year, wrote an article about testing for carbon monoxide. This article was published in the June issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.

Professor Berkebile’s article sumarizes the various methods used in detecting carbon monoxide leakages in buildings.

While Dr. Lowell V. Heisey was attending Purdue University, he wrote his Ph. D. thesis on the preparation of new synthetic rubbers. Part of his thesis was published as an article in the July issue of the Journal of American Chemical Society.

The other part of Dr. Heisey’s thesis was presented by Dr. G. B. Bachman in his speech at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society held last September in St. Louis.

Kollege Kalendar

Decomber 17—Christmas vacation begins 4:00 p. m.

December 19—Annual Christmas offering at Brethren Church. Offering will go to Brotherhood Fund.

December 20—Christmas party in social rooms of church 7:00.

December 26—Service of Candles and Carols at local church.

December 29—Basketball Alva. Oklahoma Here.

Jan. 3—Classes Resume—8:00. January 4—Pep assembly for Friends University game. 9:50 a. m, in chapel.

January 4 Basketball Friends U. Here.

January 7—Basketball C. of E. There.

January 8—Economy Debate Tournament Mac Campus.

New Stylebook Unifies Grammar Used In Spec

"There'll Be Some Changes Made" is the song the Spectator staff is singing because the journalism class is preparing a new style book.    -

The style book is a guide containing rules for punctuation, abbreviations, and capitalization to be used in the Spectator.

Every week the reporters receive many headaches from wondering when to abbreviate professor, when to capitalize president and how to use many other English forms correctly. Soon their troubles will be over. Mere reference to the guide will vanquish the questions from their minds and unify the grammar used in the Spec stories.

Each member of the journalism class is helping accumulate material for the book which will be compiled for the style book.

Now Mr. Reader, you won’t be able to tell who wrote what story by the type of English used.

New “Y” Program Includes Older Age

There is a chance that a regular recreational period for college students will he scheduled if there is enough demand according to Mr. Andy Malone, general secretary of the McPherson YMCA.

The entire program at the YMCA has been increased and includes a new program for girls' participation. There is a three-fold program organized for girls-physi-cal education, swimming, and general recreation.

These three programs nave included mostly grade school, junior high, and senior high school girls. However, the college WAA members have been taking advan-tage of the swimming program.

Mrs. Joe Sheets has charge of the game room and informal activities. Donna Sheets is in charge of the swimming program. Marianna Stinette has charge of the physical education program.

There has also been expansion in crafts and club work. Plans are under way to include a married people's department.

Marianna Stinette and Ernest Corley are two “Mac” students who have been working steadily with the YMCA.

Forensic Activities Give Opportunities To Latent ‘Ciceros’

Money for your tongue and wit! McPherson College offers its students opportunities to cash in on their ideas for social betterment. These opportunities are in the form of oratorical contests.

Anti-Tobacco Content

The local Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest will be held in February. Orations are limited to 1800 words. No local prizes are offered in this contest. There must be at least three local contestants in order to qualify the winner for the state contest; to be held at Central College on March 11, with state prizes of $35, $25, and $15.

Alcohol Contest

Also to be held in February is the preliminary Alcohol Oratorical Contest, sponsored by the WCTU. If there are three or more local contestants, local prizes of $15 or $25 will be offered. Ora-toins are between 1200 and 1800 words. The state contest is to be soon after March 1, with prizes of $35, $25 and $15.

Peace Extempore

Early in March the local Peace Oratorical Contest will be held, with local prizes of $7.50. $5 and $2.50.

The highest man and woman in the Peace contest, will represent McPherson College in separate contests at the State Peace Oratorical Contest at Bethany College on March 26, with state prizes of $7.50 and $5 in each contest Peace Extempore

State winners are eligible to compete for larger national prizes. At the same time and place the State Peace Extempore Contest will offer prizes of $7.50 and $5 to men and women in separate contests for which one student from McPherson College may qualify in each.

Further details about these contests may be obtained In Room 30. Sharp Hall, at conference hours.

By entering these contests it is possible to turn leisure vacation hours into money, to receive training in effective public speaking, to enhance the forensic reputation of McPherson College, and to practice enlightened self-interest.

SCA Observes Christmas

The Christmas season has been observed at the SCA college chapel vespers this week.

Miss Sherry's marriage to Mr. Marion Porter of Colorado Springs. Colorado. will take place, at 4 p. m. December 22, in the McPherson Church of the Brethren.

During her two years at McPherson College Miss Sherfy has built up the McPherson College Little Theater. The Little Theater has presented such plays as "Our Town." “Night of January 16th," and "Hasty Heart."

She has also acted as debate coach to the teams of the college. and her "harking bulldogs" have made impressive wins this past semester.

Dr. W. W. Peters, president, extends to Miss Sherfy the college's best wishes as she leaves for Colorado Springs.

Several wedding showers have been given in her honor recently.

Her wedding will be a small informal ceremony in Memory Chapel.

Esther L. Sherfy

Mrs. George Noyes of McPherson. who is a graduate of Kansas State College in English and Journalism, has been secured to complete the work for the first semester.

SCA Announces Schedule For Rest Of Semester

The advance schedule of the SCA Commission includes a pep assembly on Jan. 4.

On Jan. 11, Dr. Metzler will speak on “Communism and Christianity.” There are no other activities on the schedule now, as

the SCA does not plan to complete the schedule until next semester.

There will be no assembly during test week.

Sherfy’s Resignation Is Effective Today; Mrs. Noyes Completes First Semester

Miss Esther Sherfy, Assistant Professor of English and Director of Dramatics of McPherson College for the past two years, has resigned her position and plans to be married December 22. The resignation takes effect December 17.. Mrs. George Noyes of McPherson has been secured to complete the work for the first semester.

Women’s Council To Hold Small Informal Banquet

Women’s Council of McPherson College will hold its first banquet of the new year at the Warren Hotel January 8.    

Miss Helen Stover and Miss Marie Miller have been appointed on the entertainment committee and at the present time are preparing a program.

Council members are going to invite one guest and according to Miss Mary Jane Freeburg, president, the banquet will be of interest to everyone invited.

Next Pep Assembly Is Held On January 4, 1949

Dates and limes have been com-pleted for all but two of the coming pep assemblies. The first pep rally after Christmas vacation will be on Tuesday, January 4, during the activity period. The SCA has cooperated in relinquishing this time.     *

Other pep assemblies will be held January 14, 18, and 24. During February they will be held on the 5, 8, 11 and 23.    All pep as

semblies will be held during the activity period: however the assemblies for January 24 and February 23 have not been scheduled for a definite time as yet.

In keeping with the policy the Cheerleaders had previously announced there will be no pep meetings for the out of town games.

Elder E. E. John 92, Dies

Elder E. E. John, who was 92 years old, died at 9:42 o’clock last Monday night after a year of falling health.

For many years Mr. John was an elder In the local Church of the Brethren.

Lorene Clark was reader for the week. She read Luke's account of the Christmas story from the Bible.

Donna and Joanne Bowman played, carols on the organ. The services were held at 7 o’clock Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The Spectator

Is The Weaker Sex Weak?        

Aggressive Girls Missing From Mac College Campus

Well it is all over except the shouting. Again another year has slipped by and we find ourselves looking toward the new year. Noth-ing much exciting has happened this year although when the year started out we thought that per chance it, would be different, after all It was a leap year; but I guess that girls were all too busy with their routine duties.

One senior girl evidently desperate for a hep mate did get around to writing a proposal to an outstanding male student but then she got cold feet and did not sign her name to the letter. In case a senior girl living in a comer room in Arnold is interested, the party of the second party was rather intrigued; but then even that is over now.

Campus pranks came to an abrupt end for some unknown reason and now it seems the only thing the boys oan do is to run around the campus late at nite shouting and„popping off fire crackers. Even the girls have quieted down, and now all they do is exchange dresser drawers with each other.

We even notice a lack of characters on campus. One can usually

F. A. Vaniman, President, Peoples Slate Bank

Local Bank Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary

Both Mr. and Mrs. Vaniman have been active in college, church and city affairs for many years.

Students Spend Year In Basel Switzerland

For the first time American students enrolled in an American program of supervised studies, are studying at the University of Basel. Switzerland's oldest university located on the banks of the Rhine, 27 men and women representing 20 colleges and universities in the United States have begun their studies there.

Basel is one of the few European universities which extends its facilities in the Sciences to American undergraduates. Limited •curse offerings in biology, chemistry. and physics are available in the program known as the "Junior Year in Basel" which is sponsored by the American Council on College Study in Switzerland. Due to the large number of applicants this organization which also sponsors the "Junior Year in Zurich found it necessary to establish a second American student center in Switzerland.

In addition to the Science courses scientific German. German grammar and composition, German language and literature, history, music, art. and advanced courses in other modern languag-

Celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, the Peoples State Bank of McPherson held a formal opening last Friday for the public to view the newly constructed interior of the bank.

For several months the public has been aware of the complete remodeling that was taking place because of the very modernistic exterior which consists of glass brick and buff colored brick.

The bank personnel is made up of people who are highly interested in McPherson College. * Its officials serve the college in various capacities.

Mr. F. A. Vaniman. founder and president of the bank, was at one time business manager and trustee of the college. Mr. Paul E. Sargent, executive vice-president, is at present a trustee of the college. Mr. J. J. Yoder and Mr. Homer Ferguson, members of the board of directors, are also trustees of the college. Dr. R. E. Mohler, director, is a member of the faculty of the college. Mr. Wilbur Yoder, assistant cashier, is an alumnus of the college.

Mr. Vaniman has been president of the bank for all of its fifty years. He retired from active banking in 1936 but has continued as president, member of the Board of Directors and member or the Discount Committee since that time.

The eternal struggle: keeping your earning capacity up to your wife’s yearning capacity . . .


Thinking About The Fire

O. K. so you think that fire alarm is just somebody’s practical joke. Go ahead and stay in your room and study, or go back and get a coat before you even start down stairs to see for sure. Go ahead and fool around upstairs or downstairs whichever it may be. Go ahead. If you burn or cause someone else to get burned, that is all right; it was just a human life anyway, and they don't mean much. Go ahead.


Get terribly excited and rush to the scene of the fire if there is one and stand or run around getting in people’s way and scream like bloody murder. Go ahead and get everyone excited and get in the way and hinder those who are trying their best to fight the fire. But be sure to scream like bloody murder and move around so that you can get everyone else excited and make him lose his head just as you lost yours. Go ahead. ,

As calmly as you can—think what safety rules you knew and do" the best that you know how. First, find where the fire is located if you can. Second, turn in an alarm immediately. Third, do your best to keep others from getting panicky and get as many as you can out of the way and away from the fire so that the fire department can get to it when it gets there.

While you are waiting for the fire department, try to locate a fire extinguisher and put out the fire if you can, but always work in pairs, so that if you are overcome by smoke or gas the other can help you get away from the fire and not be trapped by it. Never hesitate to call the fire department because it had better come and not find a fire than to get there too late to do any good.

Some people say. “Let’s try to put it out by ourselves; then if we see that we can’t, we’ll call the fire department." Sounds smart doesn’t it? It might be, except for the fact that when a fire gets past the stage when the average person can’t do any more., it is generally past the stage for much hope by the time the fire department gets there. They forget to allow for the time that it takes the fire department to get to the scene of the fire.

Just a question, “What would you do if you found a fire in your dorm room tonight or any other night when you wouldn’t be expecting it? ” Which of. the three choices would you make? Wouldn’t you have a guilty conscience if someone lost his life in a fire because you didn’t keep him from getting excited, or caused a panic, or failed to turn in an alarm?

Fires are bad, but PANIC is much worse. People get hysterical and do things that they wouldn’t do in their right minds. I hope that this isn’t just, so many words, because to me this is very real and I hope that it can be to you too.

No one was hurt or burned Monday night, but someone might have been hurt or seriously burned had not a few people kept their heads and put out the fire. The wav the girls came down stairs and very calmly asked, "What is going on?” scared me, even after the fire was out. The parlor and the stairs could have been afire before some would have gotten out the way they moved.

Let’s not mar Mac’s record by having a fire and having people burned to death needlessly when just a few seconds’ thought could save them.

—Ellis Powell

Subscription Rates for One School Year $1.50

Address All Correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas

depend on at least two characters to keep campus life interesting, but even those who showed some promise at the beginning of the school term have cooled down considerably.

The only thing that really worries us is that the girls have not come through with any constructive inducements for this leap year. We are not the bashful type, but we did think we would be invited out at least once. Of course, maybe it was a good thing we did not gel an invitation because our chartreuse pin stripe suits would certainly have clashed with the more conservative women’s fashions of the past year.

Just think, our next chance will not roll around until ’52; and by that time we may have to book those Invitations several weeks in advance, but then we promise to give everyone a fair chance at us.

Oh well, such is luck—all the girls can not have us. We are disappointed on only one count— that the girls were not more aggressive. Well better luck next time and have fun in the intervening four years. Hope you’re not too lonely. Bye now.

es are offered in the program.

Requirements for membership in the JY in Basel include completion of the sophomore year, a minimum of two years of college German or the equivalent in that language, and recommendation by the dean or president.

A 16-page Announcement containing full details of the year abroad may be obtained by writing to the American Council on College Study in Switzerland, 1123 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore 1, Maryland.


Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Campus Editor Sports Editor Feature Edit

Society Editor Faculty Adviser

John Firestone —

Max McAuley__

LeRoy Doty

Russell West

Van Dunahoo

Leona Flory Sarah May Vancil

Reporters and Special Writers Lorene Marshall    Carmina San Romani

Pat Albright    Betty Redinger

Dale Oltman    Claudia Jo Stump

Don Reed


Don Ford

Annette Shropshire Barbara Carruth Lorene Clark

Wendell Burkholder

Harry Knapp

Don Ford

Lloyd Haag

Gordon Yoder

Business Manager


Circulation Manager


Faculty Adviser

to the 40 guests.

Mr. Gordon Yoder was toastmaster for the program which followed the dinner.

The tables were decorated with pine branches and candles.

Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Neher and children, Colleen, Leon, and Galen, of Quinter, Kansas, visited the campus Sunday and attended the Musicale Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Porter of Quinter visited their son, Irwin, Sunday and attended the Musicale Sunday evening.

Mrs. John LeClerc of Lyons, Kansas, who is a former student of McPherson College, visited her sister, Miss Marianna Stinnette, Sunday and attended the Musicale Sunday night.

Miss Joy Hornbaker and Miss Leona Flory entertained twelve guests at a party in the recreation room of the Y. M. C. A. Friday evening. December 10. The evening was spent in playing table tennis, cards, and other games. Doughnuts, cokes, and fudge were served.

Guests were Bonnie Alexander, Elvin Wolf, Miriam Keim, Ellis Albright, Eula Broyles, Ivan Little, Barbara Carruth, Russell West, Letha Miller, Harry Knapp, Charles Tharrington, and Wendell Burkholder.

Mr. and Mrs. Emory Furry, who have been visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Bechtel, left Inst Monday night for their home In New Enterprise, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Furry’s son, Mr. Ted Furry, attended college here last year.

Students Reveal Vacation Plans For Christmas

QUESTION OF THE WEEK— What are you going to do over Christmas vacation?

Albert Guyer: I am going home to New Enterprise. Pa.

LaVerne Burger: I am going home and stay there all during vaaction. (Home is in Perryton,


Dr. Kenneth Bechtel: I am going to stay here in McPherson.

Paul Mingenback: I plan to go to El Paso, Texas, with my parents.

Sara Mae Williams: Going home to Mt. Union. Pa. I plan to work with the young people of the A M. E. church in our district.

Nelda Baldner:    I am going

home to Dallas Center, Iowa and write 15 abstracts for Biology. I will spend one week end with Jean Evans in Overton. Nebraska.

Professor Bowman: I have made no further plans than to stay at home.

Elinor Stine: I am going home to dear ol' Adel, Iowa, and forget all about studying.

Miss Edna Neher: I plan to be at home with my sister and mother at McCune, Kansas.

Helen Stover: I will probably work at the hospital here in McPherson.

Professor Flory: Stay at home and work. That's the best kind of celebration I can think of.

Margaret Daggett: I am going home to Lawrence, Kansas, to work. Ha!

Gina Munda: I am going home with Marilue Bowman.

Gilford Ikenberry: I am going home to take care of the girls.

Read all the ads In the Spectator every week.

Miss Della Lehman and Miss Sarah May Vancil were co-host-esses at a luncheon last Sunday noon in honor of Miss Esther Sherfy, who is to be married dur-ing Christmas vacation to Mr. Mar ion Porter of Colorado Springs.

Those who attended the luncheon were Miss Minnie Mugler, Miss Helen Howe, Mrs. Alice Martin, Miss Virginia Harris, Miss Mildred Siek, Miss Edna Neher, Miss Anne Krehbiel, and Mrs. Lowell Heisey.

The luncheon was held in the college cafeteria.

Miss Alice Long and Miss Nelda Baldner were hostesses to a Christmas party last Wednesday night in their Arnold Hall dormitory room. The guests exchanged gifts: refreshments of soft drinks, popcorn, and Ice cream bars were served. Those attending were Elinor Stine, Jeane Evans, Lois Stern, Mary Snyder. Lorene Marshall, and the two hostesses.

Naps And Days

As to naps;

They’re all right for saps, perhaps, to fill in their gaps

But real    


even in lace caps And wraps.

The faculty of McPherson College held its annual formal Yule-tide party in the Blue Room of the Warren Hotel Monday evening. A roast turkey dinner was served

Collegian Column

THE McPherson MAN:

I' von smile at him—    

He thinks you're flirting, if you don't flirt—

He thinks you’re an iceberg.

If you let him kiss you—

Me wished you were more reserved if you don't- —

He’ll seek consolation else-where. If you flatter him—

He thinks you simple.

If you don’t „ He thinks you don’t understand him.

If you go out with other fellows— He thinks you’re fickle.

If you don’t—

He thinks no one will have you. Men! God bless 'em!

They don’t know what they want!

But the HUB records the other side of the story:


A book—always hound to please. An auto—needs choking ever so often.

A train—sometimes get on the wrong track.

A party platform—subject to change without notice.

A bed spring—cannot be squelched.

A pipe—inclined to be puffed at times.

A callous—it takes hard work to get it, it hurts when you have it. but you sort of miss it when it’s gone.

From the Saint Mary’s Collegian:

"I got up at dawn to see the sun ’rise." boasted a tourist.

"Well,” commented his friend, "you couldn’t have picked a better time."

At Hesston College the dean of women has announced her engagement to the dean of men.

From the Oak Leaves we read that Manchester beat Taylor in its first basketball game of the season. Final score: 86-56.

The students at the University of Missouri staged a walk-out strike last week as a protest to the short vacation period.

Under present plans that school is to be dismissed on December 22, but the students want to make it December 18.

One of the frats at Kansas State Teachers College is sponsoring an "ugly man” contest. Voting rules: one cent a vote, no limit per person.

The money raised is to be used for a new bulletin board and improvements around the campus lake.

This hydro-carbon series gives you ehtleyne, butylene, propylene, and," said the chem prof turning to write several symbols and numbers on the board, "what will this give you?”

From the front row: "That’ll give you Darlene; that’s her phone number."

Combined College Choirs Present “Dawn Of Hope’’

The Dawn of Hope, a Christmas musicale, was given December 12 and 14 at the Church of the Brethren. The participating choirs of 130 voices including the A Cappella Choir, the Chapel Choir, the Women's Glee Club, the Men's Glee Club, the McPherson Church Choir, the College Church Choir.

This was the second annual presentation of the musicale given at the McPherson Church of the Brethren. Sunday night the church was filled to capacity with people who had travelled long distances to attend. Tuesday evening the audience was not so. large.

$133.09 was lifted at the "good will” offerings. $102.70 was taken up Sunday evening, and $30.39 was received on Tuesday night. This money will be used to defray expenses of the performance such as paying for the music and other equipment used in giving the musicale.

Those who assisted Professor Frederick are as follows: Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, organist: Miss Bonnie Alexander, pianist:    Dr. De

Witt Miller, reader: Mrs. Audrey -San Romani, assisting organist: Miss Anne Krehbiel, assisting pianist; Miss Leona Richards, chapel organist.

The texts and the music were selected and outlined by DeWitt L. Miller and Donald R. Frederick.

The soloists were: Miss Eula Witmore, soprano: Mrs. Richard Burger, soprano; Mrs. DeWitt L. Miller, soprano; Mr. Rolland Plasterer, tenor; Mr. Albert Rogers, tenor; Mr. Kenneth Graham, tenor; Mr. Paul Wagoner, baritone; Mr. Vernon Nicholson, baritone.

B. M. On C.

Big Man On Campus

President of the Western Re-gion Young People, and B. M. on C. this week is Paul Wagoner.

Paul comes to McPherson College where he is a senior, from Adel, Iowa. In high school he was active in choral music and student council.    

In college, he has been active in choral music, as well as debate, Rec. Council, S. C. A., and the student council.

His major is sociology, but his main interest is music.

His hobby is crafts, and one can find many items in his room that prove it is an interesting hobby.

His favorite teacher—he might be Just a bit partial—is Dr. Metz-ler, and his favorite course was the History of the Church of the Brethren.

After graduation next June, Paul plans to do full time Christian Service, namely peace edu-cation in the Western Region.

5’ 11" . . . 155 lbs. . . . brown hair . . . green eyes . . . B. M. on C. . . . Paul Wagoner.

they say

Van Dunahoo is thinking of changing his name he considers it an insult when people call him sarah may dont worry van rumor has it that the other party may change her name and not by the same process you were thinking of changing yours.

If the spec ever prints an article on adventures in good reading around mac campus I'll personally recommend ted geiserts desk blotter to be near the top of the list if you havent already read it you have a treat in store for you the fire in arnold monday night caused quite a bit of excitement that just goes to show what can happen when you get all lit up prof frederick is sporting a new car

pat- —that is the put of kline hall—wonders why the kids of arnold get all the announcement benefits while those in kline dont know about something til the last minute

The princes name is charles philip arthur george but still no name for our skeleton however several have been recommended

Read all the advertisements in the Spectator every week. ero. Yep! They want a translation of said book.

Now Ivan Little is a man with a mind of bis own. He wants an electric train—with blond hostess.

Bill Moore would be happy with a certain LITTLE thing, and Miriam Keim wants “Just her two front teeth".

Miss Lehman thinks more intelligent students would be fine. They don’t even have to bo gift wrapped.

Well, that wasn’t bad, as a matter of fact it was fun. (besides we need more copy) so I think I’ll ask another question. How about New Year's resolutions?

Let's go ask Miss Neher again. She promises to be more hard-boiled, if possible. How nice!

Norma Couch resolves to be smart like her little dog, so her folks will love her too.

Nelda Baldner promises to grow up to be a train. She has the steam for it.    

Royce Beam says he is going to leave certain girls alone.

Trotter Poll Reveals Student Wishes, Resolutions

Student Poll Falls Short Of Gallup

Foreign Students Receive Gifts From Student Body

Students of McPherson College helped to make the Christmas sea-son more enjoyable for the two foreign students on Mac Campus.

Mr. Holland Plasterer, voice instructor, pushed a campaign for the collection of money for the gifts.

Mr. Vaiao Alallima, Samoan student, received several very practical gifts from the student body.

Miss Munda was overwhelmed by her girt and asked the Spectator to thank everyone of the college for making her Christmas so enjoyable. She said, "This is the nicest present anyone could have received.” Mr. Alallima also thanked the student body for his gifts.

In the interest of humanity, Mac College, the Spectator and to fill space, the Spec staff has conducted a poll among the inmates of this institution. The first question asked concerned their desires in the way of Yuletide remembrances, or to be crude. "What do you want for Christmas?"

Now let's take Miss Neher. She informs us that all it would take to make her little heart Jump with joy would be a noiseless dorm, I sorta’ think she will get her wish, cause there'will not be anyone on campus over Christmas, so all we have to do to make Pert happy is to shoot all barking dogs and noisy children.

The next person we approached was Bobbie Burton. Bobbie said that a pink convertible with baby blue seat covers would make her Christmas complete.    

Billy Kidwell says he wants a red wagon, while Margaret Dag-gett prefers new Buicks.

We found Dot Little and Marty Frantz deep In the orations of Cic-

When a student at a Western college was asked how he was going to dress for the Mardi Gras, he gave with the meek reply, "I had thought of going as a yardstick, but I don’t go to dances as a rule."


Southwestern Drops Dogs

It was Southwestern all the way as the Builders from Win-field jumped to an early lead and were never headed off. The score was 52-32.

At the start of the came McPherson tied the score at 3-all and a few minutes later led 7-6, but the Builders quickly eliminated this advantage to lead midway in the first half 22-19. The half ended 31-19 for the visitors.

McPherson hud difficulty in hitting the bucket. Kahler, Webster, Sidener were almost unstoppable for the "Dogs."

High scoring honors were shared by three players. Kahler and Webster made nine points each for the Builders while Sullivan scored nine for the Bulldogs.


Last Monday night the second night of intramural basketball was finished with three games checked off.

In the first game Dunkard Tech smothered the Smokers by a score of 42-28.

In the second game the "Freshman Fireball’s" were "dropped" again. This time it was by the "Big Bad Bowery Boys” to the tune of 36-18. Lowery scored 13 for the winners.

In the third and final game of the evening the "T. K. B.” or (Tappa Kegga Beer's) defeated the Student Ministers "A” team 34-22 by at least 12 whole points. Zimmerman tallied 12 to 14 points in the game.

(Sport Ed note) If any information is not correct please file your complaint and see that the correct information is obtained.

One day a Scot was arguing with the conductor about the price of his ticket. Finally the disgusted conductor snatched up the Scot's suitcase and tossed it off the train into a river.

"Hoot, man" screamed the Scot. "First you try to rob me and now you’ve drowned my little boy."    

Bulldogs Are “Caged”

For Three Games Over Christmas Holidays

Tomorrow night Coach Forest "Frosty" Hardacre and the Bulldogs will be in Alva,.Oklahoma, where they will play a non-conference basketball game with Northwestern State College.

Then from there the Canines will travel to Colorado Springs for another non-conference game with Colorado College on Monday night, December 20.

On January 4, 1949, the Bulldogs will be home for their last non-conference game with Friends U., before beginning the conference schedule on January 7, with College of Emporia.

The Canines’ first home conference game will be played here Friday night. January 14, with the Baker University Wildcats.

Girls’ Varsity Basketball?

How about having girls on the varsity basketball team?

Oh well, at least, it would add variety; however, after watching the girls play basketball, one onlooker decided that there might be some personal fouls made, and also too many passes might be made.     

Just think what excitement would be caused, when Ginn started playing her own way (running with the ball as you do In football, that is.)

The three girls' gym classes have elected captains and chosen up sides, and are now ready to settle down and play basketball (?) In the first hour class we find Lois Yoder’s "Goal-ringers,’’ and Barb Carruth’s "Ball babies."

In the second hour class Letha Miller's "Basketeers” could not figure out why Marilue Bowman's team chose the name "Chick’s.’’ After playing with them for a few minutes, it was quite obvious that there was "fowl" play going on!

Pat Patterson is captain of the "Bucketeers," and Eula Witmore the "Drop shots.” These two teams are in the third hour class.

There are rumors going around that Betty Hanagarne has the "dropsy" or something; otherwise, why would she keep falling down while playing?

The other day Esther Mohler and Margaret Daggett really got in a tangle. Esther got two bruised knees out of the deal, but Margaret just got a big laugh out of it.

Every day before the girls begin playing, they take their "conditioning exercises." The question is, do these exercises keep the girls in condition, or do they wear out the girls before they even get started playing?    

Ladies and gentlemen, we greet you today from high atop dear old Cegar Stadium. As is the policy of the Smoochial Broadcasting System of 4378 non-affiliated stations, we are today bringing you a verbal picture of the top football game of the nation. Naturally all the eyes of the world are today focused here on dear old Cegar, Stadium and that annual classic to end all classics, the Wheaties Bowl. The nation’s sports writers have been speculating for weeks on the outcome of this titantic battle. The frenzied spectators here at dear old Cegar Stadium are in an unprecedented state of excitement, all two of them. As Coach Softlot’s Blazing Wonders take the field the fight shows from their eyes and the air is charged with the feeling of the do or dio spirit. No, let me see—yes. It must be the do or die spirit for any other type in Kansas is verboten. Besides surely nothing of that nature could ever happen on these most hallowed of grounds of dear old McPherson Col - hic.

Here come the oppoents dressed in cute purple frocks accentuating the new look. From high atop our stadium wo are able to detect beyond a shadow of a doubt that these so-called opponents are of a decidedly inferior nature and blessed with the usual amount of brawn and lacking proportionally in the other departments.

There Is the kickoff! No. it can’t be, yes, it is. Just a moment while we check the number of the player hurt on the first play. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I fear it to be true. The worst has happened and there is no Joy in Lower Slobovia tonight. That groat, talented, immortal, ace backfield man of dear old McPherson has been injured. They are calling for a stretcher. Now they are asking for four husky bruisers who arc able to carry this fallen giant from the field. There he goes, ladies and gentlemen, gallantly waving his handkerchief to the reporter from the local paper, the Wreckpotato. It surely is a wonder to see this mammoth man of steel, this dehydrated 105-pound wonder carried from the field. Will McPherson survive and go on to win, will this serve as a whip to stir the flames of the conflict higher and make revenge ev-

on more necessary, will Beedle-baum get into a Gallup by the pole? Pardon us while we take an hour for a station break for a short commercial and station identification, and we will give you the answers to those internationally impotent questions.    

Hero we are back again far atop dear old Cegar Stadium, ladies and gentlemen, to bring you the thrilling climax to this stupendous, colossal spectacle, this most thrilling game of this or any other season in any league any place this side of the Snackbar. During the short pause for station identification a most unbelievable spectacle has taken place before our sexy eyes. Who would have thought it possible, but brawn has won over the true blue deserving McPhersonites. The score is a moderate 87 to 2 in favor of the opponents. We were switched back just in time to give you the final totals of the game. The score was McPherson 2. Unworthy Opponents 87. Statistics are as follows: Yards gained by rushing; McPherson 1.2, Unworthy opponents 326. Yards gained by crocheting: McPherson 49. Unworthy oppoents 0. Surely this last figure represents a moral victory for McPherson and is an indication of next season’s powerful team.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, we come to the conclusion of another most colorful spectacle of the sporting season. As this huge crowd slowly files out of the great Cegar Stadium we will return you to your local station. But before we do that let us remind you to. listen to our late evening sportscast. Perhaps by that time we will have a bulletin from the momentous meeting of the N Club (Nincompoop’s Club) giving the names of the McPherson College Varsity Gymnastics Squad who plan to go into expensive training in preparation for a try at breaking the world's record in the time for climbing a shoe tree.

Good days I'm out, Bad days l‘m not: And that’s About How far I’ve got.

History Of KCAC

The first successful attempt at organization among Kansas Colleges to formulate and regulate amateur intercollegiate athletics seems to have taken place at Lawrence, Kansas, February 15, 1890. Representatives from at least Baker University, Kansas Agriculture College, Kansas University, and Washburn College were present and formed the Kansas Intercollegiate Athletic Association. F. H. Kellogg of Kansas University was elected president.

Football was the major sport sponsored. Baker U. was the champion the first four years. In 1902 this early association became allied with the Kansas College Athletic Conference. This group was the first to adopt a definite set of rules and regulations.

Basketball has been sponsored since 1904. Football was revised in 1907; tennis 1912, and golf in


By this time the name of the conference had been altered to the Kansas Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. The group had grown until it contained 17 colleges and 2 allied members:- Baker, Bethany, Bethel, College of Emporia,Fairmount, Friends, Kansas Wesleyan. KSTC of Emporia, KSTC of Hays, KSTC of Pittsburg, McPherson, Ottawa, St. Benedict’s, St. Mary’s, Sterling. Southwestern and Washburn with St. John’s and K. C. University as allied members. Kansas U. and Kansas Aggies had dropped out earlier to Join other conferences.

In 1923, the College of Emporia, the Kansas State Teachers Colleges, Wichita (formerly Fair-mount), Southwestern and Washburn withdrew to form the Central Conference.

K. A. I. C. as such was formerly disbanded December 1, 1928, and a new conference reformed which was again called the Kansas College Athletic Conference. Members were Baker, Bethany,

McPherson, Ottawa, St. Mary’s and Kansas Wesleyan. 8t. Mary's was discontinued in 1931. C. of E. was readmitted in 1933 and Bethel in 1939.

Bulldog “B's"-69 Central “B's"-27

' In the preliminary game played at the local high school gym Dec. 9, the McPherson College B team had little trouble in trouncing the local Central "B’s" 69-27 Delay, Sullivan, and Stevens had a fast break combo that could not be stopped. Delay tallied 18 points,

Sullivan, and Stevens had a fast Heisel, high scorer for Central got seven points.

Road all the advertisements in the Spectator every week.

McPherson Wins In Wheaties Bowl