Bulldogs Take Ball Across for Counter in Steady March from Kick-off — Lead During First Half 7-6


MOrton's Long Runs Furnish Thrills

for Crowd

Fri., Oct, 30 - The Friends Quakers won a hard fought Home Coming football game with the McPher-son Bulldogs here tonight by a score of 12 to 7.

The Bulldogs started off in great fashion showing the best offensive at the start of all the games played this season. Receiving the kick-off the Bulldogs marched down the field on straight football, scoring a touchdown before Friends had hold of the ball. On this steady march down the field Carpenter and Eugene Anderson did most of the ball-lugging with Carpenter going over for the counter. Wiggins kicked for the extra point.

Friends chose to receive and it was not long before Captain Morton of the Friends team began to show the crowd that they too had an offen-sive. Friends made a few good gains through the line and off tackle, then Morton, playing at halfback, took, the ball around right end and ran forty-four yards for a touchdown. An attempted line plunge for the extra point railed and the half ended with the Bulldogs leading, 7 to 6.

The third quarter had not been

long in progress before Morton again showed his speed and elusiveness to the crowd. This time he took the ball on his own twenty-eight yard line, skirted the Bulldog left end, and cutting back to elude the McPherson secondary defense ran sev-enty-two yards for a touchdown. The attempted try for point by a place kick was blocked.    

The Bulldogs, somewhat, demoral-ized by these dashing runs by Morton made another attempt to make a victory out of the game in the fourth quarter. McPherson worked the ball down to the fifteen yard line only to lose it on downs. At this point. Friends took the ball, worked a couple of plays, and the game ended.

McPherson lost a game tonight that for the first few minutes looked as if it should be a win for the Bulldogs. The offense was functioning in great shape in that drive and if the team can keep that punch for the whole game it will be too bad for the foes the rest of the season.

McPherson Hochstrasser Mowbray Minear Ikenberry Keck (capt.)








Friends Moore Southard McPherson Kidd Landsdowne

(Continued on Page Four)


That this is a time of great economic depression can not be doubted. Its effect is wide-spread and heart-rending. But we have ample evidence that, as concerns the students, the depression has not had an unfavorable effect, and has possibly exerted a stimulating influence. The observer will notice scattered about the dormitories and concentrated in a line east of Fahnestock Hall, a group of beautiful shining units of modern machinery, known collectively as automobiles, and Fords (excepting a few of doubtful percentage). Moreover, there are eighteen machines on display this year, which is an increase of 225% over the quota for last year.

These seventeen machines may be classified as: automobiles, 8; Korda, 7; and doubtful origin, 3 (probably foreign construction). Looking at the group from another standpoint, the group may be classified as: dark blue, 7; light blue, 2; black, 3, and miscellaneous, 6. Among those machines of miscellaneous hue, several deserve special mention. One is evidently of doubtful parentage, but it was surely the last word in sport roadsters seven years ago. It is a glossy little bus, being partly black, green, orange and partly Rocky Ford. Another machine of doubtful-origin and miscellane-ous colors is lamentably crippled in the left rear quarter, caused possibly by its failure to fully recover since the journey to the last football game. The numerous subtractions and few additions to one machine put it in a class by itself.

The latest arrival in the group of marines is classified as Ford—black. Its owner is one of the few inmates of Arnold Hall which fully comprehend the operation of that complicated machine known as the Ford. This ma-chine has been a valuable addition to the list of machines under the beading Fords.

Taken one and all, the group of machines represents many varied aspects of modern automotive transportation. We believe that the college is quite fortunate in being able to have this group of machines on exhibit.



Tues., Nov. 3—The program for today's Y. W. C. A. meeting consisted entirely of musical numbers. The entire group sang two pep songs, "Down by the Old Mill Stream," and "Under a Spreading Chestnut Tree". Orpha Beam pleased the audience by Ringing "The Old Refrain".

Pauline Dell played as a violin solo "The Rosary", by Nevins. The sophomore women's quartet, consist-ing of Mildred Dahlinger, Gulah Hoover, Velma Amos, and Lois Edwards, sand "Jesus Savior Pilot Me.”


To Be Given Tuesday Night— Price of Tickets Reduced

Next Tuesday night the McPher-son community lyceum course opens with the play "The Big Pond", by the same cast which pleased McPher-son audiences immensely two years ago by the presentation of "His Honor Abe Potash", and last year by the comedy “Skidding".

The next number on the course will be an evening’s entertainment by Laurant, the Master Magician, on November 17. This will be followed by a spectacular demonstration of the manufacture and uses of liquid air, by Ray Chiles of Kansas University, on December 14. On January 8 the program will be given by George Ellas, noted traveler, lecturer, and entertainer. The series is to be concluded on January 29 with a musical program by the De Willo Concert Company.

While this unusual series of enter-tainment, features is being brought to McPherson at the usual heavy expense of nearly seven hundred dollars for the course, the price of tick-ets is being reduced by one half this year. Season tickets may be secured for the five numbers at the very low price of one dollar, whereas last year's tickets sold for two dollars. This gives an opportunity to secure superior entertainment at less than half of the price of a moving picture for each number. One-night tickets for the firm program next Tuesday night will sell at fifty cents, a reduction of twenty-five cents from the price charged last fall for admission to "Skidding".

It will be of particular advantage to every student of the college to avail himself of this opportunity to see five good programs of entertainment this winter at small cost to himself.

Wed., Nov. 4- Mission Study Class in Y. W. C. A. room at 4:30 P. M.

Thurs.. Nov. 8 World Service Group meets in Y. W. C. A. room at 6:30 P. M.

Fri., Nov. 6 Freshman-sopho-more S. S. class party in Brethren church parlors, 8 P. M.

Tues., Nov. 10 —Regular Y. M.-Y.

W. meetings at 10 A. M.


Alumni Association Sponsors Social Saturday Night


Sophomore Class Wins Prize

with Stunt

Sat., Oct. 31—Alumni, forner stu-dents, students, and faculty mem-bers gathered this evening for the all-school Home Coming party. Fol-lowing the program which was given in the chapel, the group adjourned to the Y. W. C. A. room for the social period.

The program was under the aus-pice of the Alumni Association, Paul Sargent, McPherson, acted as master of ceremonies. An orchestra led by Charles Smith opened the program by playing two numbers. Those who played in the orchestra were Charles Smith, Burr Miller, Mrs. Gelen Dean, Mrs. Glen Nigh, Noble Carlson, Kermit Johnson, My-rola Hamman, and Dwight Lin-liolln.

John Wall, president of the Alumni Association, made a short speech welcoming the grads and former students. Clever stunts were then given by the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes, with the sophomores winning the prize for the best stunt. Students appearing in the freshman stunt were Margaret Oliver, Grace Lerew, Eunice Vogt, Onelia Boyer, Othetta Clark, and Clea-son Minter. Members of the sophomore class who appeared were Gulah Hoover, Lois Edwards, Louise Iken-berry, Everett Fasnacht, and Blanch Harris, Ward Williams and Bernice Fowler presented the Junior stunt.

The men’s and women's quartets sang several numbers, and Mrs. Cleo Hill of McPherson gave a vocal solo.

At the conclusion of the program the group was served a "depression lunch" consisting of doughnuts and apples. Thus concluded a very suc-ccessful Home Coming party.

Japan could have done worse. She could have invited us to have a seat at the League of Nations and then pulled the chair out from under us. —Selected.


"If you want to be in the kind of a school

Like the kind of a school you like,

You need not pack your clothes in your grip

And start on a long, long hike.

You’ll only find what you left behind

For there's nothing that's really new.

It's a knock at yourself when you knock your school.

It isn't your school, it's you.

Real schools aren't made by stu-dents afraid

Lest someone else go ahead;

if everybody works and nobody shirks.

Old McPherson will never be dead.

So If you do your personal bit

And your neighbor does his bit too

Old M. C. will be what you want it to be.

it isn’t your school; it’s YOU." —Selected.

Indications Point to Sharp Competition for Places on Both Teams — Veterans Must Watch Step


Mon., Nov. 2—Owing to a number of conflicting activities tonight and tomorrow night, the regular meeting of the International Relations Club has been postponed until further an-nouncement is posted by Herbert Eby, president. The club regularly meets on Monday evenings.

The next meeting is to be mostly made up of musical numbers.


"Hell and the Way Out" is of Timely Nature

Sat., Oct. 31 - A large number of students, faculty members, and oth-ers of the community were present this evening to see the five-reel mo-tion picture. "Hell and the Way Out," which was given in the college chapel at six-thirty, preceding the all-school Home Coming social. The picture was one of the series be-ing sponsored this year by the local Y. M. C. A.

Several students stated that tonight's picture was the best which gas been given so far this year. It was divided into two parts, the first two reels portraying a dramatic hu-man interest story which revealed the horrors of war, and the last part, "The Way Out,” showing how inter-national disputes are settled peaceably by the World Court and the League of Nations. This subject is of a particularly timely nature in view of the wide spread program of discussion on the problem of disarm-ament and World peace preparatory to the World Disarmament Confer-ence to be held at Geneva, Switzer-land, next February.



Ways of Utilizing Spare Time Are Pointed Out

Sun., Nov. 1 "The Value of Leisure Time" was the subject of the Christian Endeavor program tonight The leader, Everett Fasnacht, led in devotional thought, after which Or-pha Beam sang a solo.

Kenneth Bitikofer gave the first talk, on "Amusements as Recrea-tion", listing a group of tests which might be applied to a recreational activity in checking its desirability. Greta Wilma Grifis spoke on "The Value of Capitalizing Minutes", sug-nesting that two of the best ways one could rise his spare minutes are in reading good books and maga-zines, and in cultivating good friendships.

Earle Brambaugh spoke on life in Communist Russia, summarizing a magazine article. Mr. Brambaugh pointed out that some authorities believe the crisis between democracy and Communism will be met in the, next two years.


Two McPherson College alumni reunions will be held during Teachers Meeting this week. Both will take place Thursday evening, November 5.    

One will be held at Wichita in the Allis Hotel, E. C. Wine, class of '22, is in charge of local arrangements. Mrs. Alma Anderson Moore, class of '20, of Newton, will have the program in charge.

The other reunion will be held at Salina in the Christian Church. Portia Vaughn, class '28, with the assis-tance of Hazel Stott, is overseeing the arrangements there. The theme of the evening will be "College Humor".


Carlson, Doyle, Williams, and

Wollman are Veterans

Wed., Nov. 4- Tryouts for both varsity debate teams are to take place soon, according to announce-ment by Prof. Maurice A. Hess, de-bate coach. Men's tryouts will take place next Tuesday, November 10, in the college chapel at 3:30 P. M., and tryouts for the women's team will take place on the following day, November 11, at the same hour and


Each candidate will be asked to give a five minute constructive speech and a two minute rebuttal. Debaters are instructed not to try to cover the material completely, but to demonstrate their ability to organize facts and to express them effectively. If they so desire they may go to other members of the faculty besides the coach for critic-ism of their talks and drill in effec-tive delivery.

Yesterday afternoon at 3:30 the men drew for sides of the question they are to take, and this afternoon women candidates will do likewise, at 3:30 in Room D.

On the day of the tryouts Candidates will meet in Room D to await their speaking turn, and pairings for each contest will be announced fifteen minutes before the time of ap-pearance.

The debate question to be used this year os "Resolved; that the fed-eral government should enact laws providing for centralized control of industry to supplant our present in-dividualistic system."

Present indications are that there will be some sharp competition for places on both teams, and the first team veterans from last year, including Lillian Carlson, Mildred Doyle, Ward Williams, and Walter Wollman, will have to work to hold their places. The following have placed their names in Professor Hess's Little Red Book: Lillian Carlson, Miill-cent Nyquist, Mildred Doyle, Viola DeVilbiss, Hope Nickel, Alice Ruch-len, Lawrence Lehman, Samuel Sto-ner, Kermit |Hayes, Milo Stucky, Mil-ton Goering, Ward Williams, William Juhnke, Donald Brumbaugh, Walter Wollman, A. W. Hands, George Pe-ters, Arthur Stants, Lilburn Gott-mann, Everett Fasnacht, Carrol Whitcher, Ruth Hobart, Marlene Duppen, John Goering.



Tells Ways of Becoming Best Possible Men

Mon . Nov 2 -Prof. Milton S. Dell made his debut upon the chapel stage this morning with a talk pointing out means of becoming the best pos-sible citizens.

Prof Dell said that there were three types of men: the leaders, those who look forward to better things while making the best of present situations; the skilled group which usually sees only the significance or immediate attainments; and the untrained common workmen who do not have a clear conception of what it is all about.

He mentioned some of the motives which drive men to action, such as arriving for gain, for service, for a reputation, or desire for self-expres-sion, while the loafers and drifters seem to be without any motives at all. Some of the things which help men to accomplish their desires are honestly, industry, initiative, enthu-siasm and ability.


Tomorrow night at six-thirty the World Service Group will meet in the Y. W. C. A. room for the regular bi-weekly meeting. The program will consist of a discussion by the group of the value of missions.


Our own heart, and not other people's opinion forms our true honor.

If yon do the best you really can you’ll find it hard to beat.

Generally, when you bump Into trouble, the kind of philosophy you need Is the kind you thought you had until you needed it.

If you can’t be thankful for what you receive, be thankful for what you escape!

But If you overdo a thing you may have to do it over.



to the chemistry section at the Sa-lina meeting, on Thursday afternoon. He will also speak at the Alumni Banquet to bo given In Salina on Thursday evening. Dr. V. F. Schwalm is scheduled to speak to the college group at Wichita on Friday afternoon.

Work eight hours and sleep eight

but don't sleep the same eight you work!



It is less than a month. Thanksgiving will be here and the Swedes will Invade the Bulldog camp to do battle. As all upperclassmen know and the freshmen have probably heard, It has been a custom in years past for students at each school to attempt to mar each other's campus. Of interest along this line Is an editorial In the "Bethany Messenger" for October 24, 1931, by editor Loren Sibley.

The following are excerpts:

"-Those days belong to the memories of the things which

were and are no more, for students who could see little or no gain from such practices and who were courageous enough to suggest such a plan, drafted an agreement between the schools that, no more should they enter

upon those vandalistic enterprises. -Those agreements made

still exist. Temptation may come to visit our sister Institutions, to smear up their buildings with the cheapest of paint, etc. The fellow who enters Into such a practice is cheaper than the cheap paint he uses to advertise his ignorance; cheaper than the dirt on which he treads, for he has broken a trust and Inflicted a blot upon the name of his Alma Mater.

Think twice, and then act once If that temptation does present Itself, and make that action a decision to stay at home yourself, and to discourage those who would tempt you. Remember that a half dozen unscrupulous fellows can tear down In a few minutes the reputation that, an entire student body has been years In building."

In my opinion the writer Is absolutely right. Every McPherson college student should consider himself honorbound to uphold the agreement of the school. And to those who do not feel such a duty In their school, it might be of Interest to know that several young men from downtown and from the high school last week spent some time in the Lingsborg Jail and afterward cleaned up their "mess" as a result of just some such conduct as is referred to above.

A very keen and fine spirit of rivalry has developed between the Bulldogs and the Swedes. As a result, athletic contests between the schools have many times hold the spotlight of interest in the state. The games are always hard-fought and bitterly contested, regardless of the season's record. To disrupt these relations would be to break down a tradition which Is dear to every loyal student and alumnus of the school. And yet. that very thing will bo the result it a few over-zealous and misguided students yield to their baser instincts and their desire for what they call "fun". Bet us also show that we trust our sister school by dispensing with "Swede Watch". It is not necessary to prowl around over the campus every night for a week before the game to arouse school spirit and loyal support for the team.

Fellow-students, let us begin to look forward now to the game of the year, doing everything in our power to create pop and enthusiasm. We’re going to BEAT THE SWEDES, but let’s not spoil our reputation for being the cleanest sports In the stale to do It.—P. S.

Do not got the fool Idea that you have a cinch on your Job these days when there are plenty good workers around without employment.

Love Is an ocean of emotion entirely surrounded by expenzes—Lord DeWar.



Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frantz, Mrs. Osee C. Frantz and children Billy, Charles, Galen and Dorothy, of Rocky Ford, Colorado, were visiting friends and relatives on the campus Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bechtelhelm-ar of Sabetha were visiting friends and relatives on the campus during the week-end.

Pres. V. F. Schwalm, accompanied by Wilbur Yoder, motored to Cottonwood Falls Saturday, where Prez. Schwalm talked In the Chase County Teachers Institute.

Alumni and former students on the campus for the Homo Coming activities, Included Fern Shoemaker." Ida Lengle, Ruth Turner, Alberta Hovis, Lloyd Diggs, Carroll Walker, Harold and Ted Crist, Guy Hayes, Kenneth Rock, Reuben Bowman.

Mildred Pray was at her home near Hope over the week-end.


Fern Heckman and Hope Nickel visited In the latter's home in Wichita Saturday and Sunday.

Students Live in Different

Kinds of Worlds

Wed., Oct. 28—"What is your address, and what Is the kind of world in which you live?" were two questions asked by Miss Della Lehman in her chapel address of this morning.

In Miss Lehman’s address on "Where We Live” she compared notes of the world of the present generation and that of the post generation. She explained that stirring events are actually happening in our present living but are not realized until in later life.

There are two types of world on the campus: First, those students finding the Interesting and pleasant things on the campus, and those who are there to enlarge their horizon of learning; and second, those who are always finding the disagreeable things on the campus and are living in a narrow world.

"We are living In a stirring world, even in this depression," quoted Miss Lehman. An individual Is challenged to find his place in this type of world.

The principal speakers at this meeting are Francis M. Mason, Kansas C. E. field secretary from Topeka, Earl K. Duke, Wichita, president of the Kansas C. E. Union, Dr. J. D. Bright, head of the Department of History at McPherson college, and President V. F. Schwalm.

Additional entertainment will be provided In the form of a social get-together after the session Friday evening, and a tour of McPherson on Saturday afternoon.

Advance registrations are being sent to Miss Gwendolyn Shefter, Andre Apartments, McPherson.

Clothes make the man, they say— but most successful fellows have a Good Barber too. Try us next time. Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop.— adv.

At the first of school there came a protest from the business men down town because of too much wasted advertising in Student Publications. A faculty committee met with the committee of city retailers and discussed possible reductions in advertising but they reached no decision. The matter was then referred to the Student Council for settlement. A student committee discussed the matter In detail with the retailer’s committee. In order to somewhat lighten the load upon the city merchants, the student committee offered to quit soliciting advertisements for the Bulldog Bullet, the Growl Book and any other special program that might be sponsored by the college. These two publications were eliminated, not because of any feeling against the publications themselves, but because the committee felt that these two wore less necessary to the life of the college than the other two publications, the Spectator and the Quadrangle. Those advances were accepted by the retailer's committee and they were before a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce.

The advertising solicited for the Home Coming Publication was done In direct violation of this agreement without consulting either the student committee or the retailer's committee. There are certain members of the faculty who have expressed a desire for more student cooperation with the faculty. How can they expect student cooperation if those actions which the students do undertake are disregarded when those actions come Into conflict with the faculty's desire?—Ralph Keedy.

Lola Hawkins visited In her home at Tampa during the week-end.

Ruth Arbieter was at her home in Durham Saturday and Sunday.

Vernon Rhoades visited relatives at Lindsborg Saturday and Sunday.

Clinton and Donald Trostle visited in their home near Nickerson during the week-end.

Mr. Roe Bruns of Liberal was the guest of Delbert Kelly Saturday and Sunday.


Hope Nickel entertained the following guests In her homo at Wichita for the week-end: Fern Heckman, Attillia Anderson, Viola De Vilbiss, Letteer Lewis, Lewis Miller, John Austin and Marlin Cox.

You never realize how much that simple staunch greeting you hear so often means unless you go away and do not hear it. The "hello" you hear on the way to class starts the whole day off right; It gives you confidence and fresh courage.

There are different ways and degrees of saying "hello." Nevertheless It gives you a glow of Inward Joy when there is a volley of greetings about you.

It Is strange that one word can mean so much, but It la the essence of friendship. The pleasure of hearing that word gives everything a bright-er hue and the sombre thoughts which tenaciously abide with us are evaporated In the greeting "hello."—A. Y.



The people who never think to stop at grade crossing generally stop thinking.

Lives of groat men often remind us that there must be money In biography.

"Externalism Is the chief American sin against the search of true inward happiness."—John Dewey.

Waitress: "Don’t you like your college pudding, sir?"

Diner: “No, Miss. I'm afraid there is an egg in It which ought to have been expelled."—The Humorist.

If you are pinning your hope tor a perfected civilisation upon the mechanical advances of today; read "The Coming Era of Leisure—Will It Be Worth Having?" by Floyd H. Allport in the Harpers for November.

F. Scott Fitsgerald’s "Echoes of the Jazz Age” in November's Scribners Is not a balanced presentation but gives a cleverly stated appraisal of one viewpoint of the past decade.

Some value can also bo obtained by some from Christian Gauss's “The Now Morality In the College's", also in November's Scribners. He too views the Jazz decade as having ended in October, 1929.

Dr. Flacks Says We Should Judge by Scriptures



Fri., Oct. 30—In chapel this morning Dr. V. F. Schwalm Introduced Rev. G. H. Cotton of the Presbyter-ian church who lad in prayer and Introduced Dr. Joe Flacks, the converted Jew who has been holding meetings In the Presbyterian church.

Dr. Flacks says that if we find Christ In the scriptures we find eternal life, and that any man who criticizes the Bible criticizes Christ. Everything should be judged by what the scripture says and net by what someone else says, but faith In God also justifies a man. He believes that, only those who believe In Christ can have everlasting life.



The W. A. A.ers have postponed Health Rules until after exams. Something like a blood Senior girl who decides to reduce after a Sunday orgy of chicken, etc. . . Logic is logic, but did you ever hear of rationalization?    

Something must be done about those gullible Senior lads who actually believe that this campus sports a girl with an I. Q, of 145. (Have we a Shakespearess among us)? Seeing her is believing perhaps, but did you ever hear her?

Who's the new campus artist? She draws remarkably well.

And what does she draw, my dear?

Girls and boys—a certain brunette Senior had in particular. (Speaking of I. Q.’s, that of a punster is all according to the Best People).

Did you ever notice how much

physical activity the cervical verte-

brae of the fellows in the dining hall get? Must be that some of these tennis players want to save their tennis arms. That up and down motion of the spoon carrier is rather strenuous exercise.

The delicate attentions of a small, curly-haired fellow in a blue and yellow sweater is too exciting for several Senior Shrinking Violets— Namely? Aw, I haven't the heart to tell you.

There are some clever little Five-Foot-Two-Eyes-of-Blue Co-eds on this campus. But did you ever notice the Five-foot-Six-Legs-Like-Sticks girls? A certain enlongated Phys. Ed. pedagogue, for instance?

Speaking of the foreign element, how are we going to assimilate the football squad at our various, now-civilized dining tables? But you'll have to admit, that they have a darn good time together, Soar Grapes.

Why is it that some of the comely co-eds like to sit at the Round table in the library? Does the mirror in the south bookcase have anything to do with it?     

Miss H.—I know something you could do about your library conversation, boys.

D. M. and L. M- The world is too full of theorists, now.

Three-fourths of the college quartet and several other Teutons seem to have vaccinated the institution (good old world) with that insidious disease called Pep. Order some more Teutonic bacilli, Doctor.

And speaking of pep, the class of '35 has a few germs, too. Witness the viever bulletins that they issued for the Home Coming Came,

You can laugh all you want to at our illustrious and, yea, amusing faculty ornaments on the chapel plat-form, but did it ever occur to you that in their most concoluted convulsions they were laughing at you? Not such a comfortable idea—

I watched a monkey in a cage,

And laughed his antic ways to see.

I laughed until I saw his face

And discovered him laughing at me!

Did you ever hear of the word "gregarious?" Look it up and see if it isn’t the chief motive for such large congregations in the library. Of course mid-semester exams may have had something to do with it this week, but from the twitterings among the studious (?) students Monday night the attendance might be ascribed to mere flock instinct. (And Miss H. was probably ready to offer a bounty on some of the magpies).

Which brings us to the next treatise and a sad one it is. Wonder what kind of quizzes the new Dean gives? Comprehensive, intensive, and expensive to honor points? - That’s the report so far sad though it's only a report. Isn't it encouraging?

Let’s hope the midnight oil expended this week will prove profitable. But in these times of depression would it not be more profitable to save the midnight kilowatt hours, the reams of paper, the cokes and coffee, and just "for hard times"

sake" abolish the mid-semester altogether? I know it’s rather late to suggest that now since you-all have such nice questions made out, but the suggestion is still valid for se-mester exams. In fact.......

And of course among current topics we mustn't, forget Hallowe’en, ‘Tis said that in years gone by some of the gentlemen who now adorn Faculty Row (who were young blades, then) devised the ingenious prank of spiriting one faculty member from his hearth and fireside and depositing him at the domicile of another (of the same profession) and picking the latter up to deliver to the next on the list. Sort of a relay, you know, and to say the least rather surprising to the wives of said faculty members. Almost as bad as the mixed baby case in Chicago, last year. But anyhow Forney wouldn't have had to return all that rubbish as he did this year's. Think up something original next year, fellows.

The feminine aggregation on the field between halves of the game Friday night were playing soccer (not Sock ’er) in case you didn't know what that odd commotion was. And if you think it's child's play just try chasing a ball, with your arms hanging helpless at your sides and your feet (the clumsiest part of most people's anatomy) trying to dribble that slippery pigskin. It takes real dexterity, no foolin'. The English are the original Soccer players (and they say the English lack a sense of humor). And the Amy Soccer team beat Williams at West Point 7 to 0 last week. So we’re right up there with the big bugs.

You didn’t, miss the moon last week, did you? It was lolapaloosa! And a certain Sophomore lad, formula W. Y.-C. A., class president, went around all week giving long discourses on the lunary influence, “In the spring a young man's fancy . .

Or Is It in the fall?

Poor “Clara" has acquired a bad reputation for carrying spirituous liquors somehow, but that's nothing to what was unearthed in the room of two model young ladles on second floor of Arnold Hall this week—one huge bottle of—well—grapejuice! Scout around, girls, there's still more left.

But these illusive odors of fudge and popcorn that never materialize are the despair of the four-year-dorm-dieter. Is tantalize such an old word—or did it originate in Arnold Hall?

Oh, yes, and before we forget— how did you like our Quad proofs? If you say you like them we’ll be insulted because we think they’re unrepresentative, but if you proclaim against them too much we'll think you don't appreciate our face. Either way you'll be in the soup. Might be a good idea to scram when you see a Walker envelope, what?

"The proofs that photographers send

Are much more revealing than kind.

That's not how I look to myself—

I'm always retouched in my mind-"

Or this one—

"I hate to look at pictures of myself.

I hold them yards away and squint my eyes.

And yet they show a most disastrous face—

I won't believe the camera never lies.”

Are you ever discouraged at that simple, sleep-swollen countenance with which you rise to greet the rosy dawn? Try old Dr. Cone and instead of thinking "Oh! What a fact!” in terror-stricken accents, think “My dear, you’re getting beautiful-ler and beautifuler!'’ . . . That is if you can fib so glibly that early in the morning.

Among the other important and pressing campus problems are these —(1) Which roommate’s turn it is to get up for breakfast. (2) Just how long one can sleep after the six-thirty or six-fifty five bell rings and (3) Whose turn it is to dash out in the wintery breezes and put the window down. You may decide these questions for yourself by your own ethical code.

—The Sassiety Editor.



Says Disarmament It Present Need of the World

Tues., Nov. 3—Mildred Doyle said in Y. M. C. A. this morning that the need today was disarmament, both in the form of material reduction and in the reduction of appropriations. The way to secure disarmament is to send our opinions to Washington in order that our representatives at the 1932 Disarmament Conference at Geneva will stand for reduction of arms and peace. Inform yourself, and then inform others. Let your Congressmen know what you think. Another war is unavoidable if we do not soon find a way out of the present world situations.

The Sophomore girls quartet furnished music.



Take Part in Southwest Kansas

Young People’s Conference

The Southwest Kansas Young Peoples Conference was held at the Salem church in Nickerson, Sunday. Those from the college who took part in the program were Pres. V. F. Schwalm, who delivered the morning sermon, Lilburn Gottmann, who spoke in the afternoon program, and a quartet composed of Lois Edwards, Gulah Hoover, Harvey Shank, and Delvis Bradshaw, who sang in the evening service. The other college students at the meetings were Grace Heckman, Mary Lou Williams, Dennis Andes, Philip Louver, Royal Yoder, Clinton and Donald Trostle, and diaries Austin. Ruth Trostle and Harry Zinn, both graduates in the class of '31, were also there.


The college library has recently purchased some new books. Among them are two on manual training, “Problems in Furniture Design,” by Madsen and Lukowitz, and “Coloring, Finishing, and Painting Wood,” by A. C. Newell. Hodges "Background of International Relations" was also purchased.

Among other magazines, Dr. H. J. Handy donated some back numbers of the “Saturday Evening Post." Dr. V. F. Schwalm also gave some magazines to the library, including "Atlantic Monthly”, "Harper’s", "Good Housekeeping”, "Woman’s Home Companion”, "Delineator", "Hygela", "Ladies Home Journal", "McCall's'', "Pictorial Review", and the "Forum".



Chilly Weather Hinders Part of Usual Pranks

Hallowe’en seems to have passed off with comparative quiet and few major casualties as far as the college campus is concerned. Perhaps the chilly weather and the vigilant watch of certain able guardsmen of the property had something to do with the lack of original plans for celebrating the event.

Of course the old fire cart took its annual spin around the campus. A hay rack found its way upon the steps of Arnold Hall, and most of the charging sleds and tackling dummies from the football practice field were transferred to other localities. Rumor has it that a luckless goat was on its way to the upper regions of Arnold Hall when intervention came from unexpected sources. The usual supply of signs, tin cans, and trash was scattered about the buildings.



Wed., Nov. 4—The last of a series of discussions on the Vacation Church school led by Dean F. A. Replogle will be conducted this afternoon at four-thirty by the Mission Study class. These programs are under the auspices of the World Service Group.

Another series of programs on a different subject will be started soon.

Last Wednesday’s meeting was concerned with the problems of administration, finance, equipment, records and reports, enrollment, and selection and qualifications of teachers.


Dr. L N. McCash to Give Ad-dress May 27

Tues., Nov. 3—At a meeting at the senior class held today it was decid-ed to invite Dr. I. N. McCash, presi-dent of Phillips university at Enid, Oklahoma, to give the annual Commencement address next spring, on May 27.    

Dr. McCash s a nationally known speaker, and his talks are said to be of a very inspirational nature. He is also an author, having written a number of books.


The Freshmen and Sophomore Women's and Men's Sunday School classes will have a party in the

church parlors Friday, November 6, at eight o'clock. Pleasant fellowship and good entertainment are assured for all who attend.



No Conference Games This

Week—Bulldogs Will Rest

Kansas Wesleyan received a big surprise when they played the Bethany Swedes last week. The Swedes held the Wesleyan team to a scoreless tie and also made more first downs than Wesleyan. Ottawa pulled a surprise in the conference by trouncing her traditional rivals, the Balter Wildcats, 14 to 12. McPherson lost a non-conference affair to Friends university, 12 to 7.

McPherson has no game this week, but plays the strong Ottawa team a week from today, November 11, at Ottawa. This is to be an afternoon game as an Armistice Day feature. Ottawa has a strong team this year, and with no game this week the Bulldogs should be in fine shape to show them a real battle on Armistice Day. The schedule for this week— Friday: Bethany vs. Friends at Wichita (non-conference)

Ottawa vs. Bethel at Ottawa (nonconference).

Saturday:    Baker vs. William

Jewell at Kansas City (non-conference).

K. Wesleyan vs. Phillips university at Salina (non-conference) Kansas Conference standings:


4.    Thou shalt not alibi.

5.    Thou shall not take unfair advantages.

6,    Thou shalt not ask odds that thou art unwilling to give.

7.    Thou shalt always be ready to give thy opponent the shade,

8. Thou shall not underestimate an opponent, or overestimate thyself.

9. Remember that the game is the thing, and that he who thinketh otherwise is a mucker and no true sportsman.

10. Honor the game thou playest, for he who playeth the game straight and hard wins even when he loses.

Wesleyan Bethany Ottawa Baker McPherson



1 1 1 0












Pet. 1.000 1.000 .500





Captain Elmer Keck, a small but mighty football player who for four years has been one of the powerful factors in the Strength of the Bull-dog line.


Volleyball is next on the program for members of the Women's Athletic Association. Regular practice periods are to begin this week in the gymnasium. According to the rule concerning W. A. A. activities, participants must attend three-fourths of the practices In order to win points.

Odessa Crist is W. A. A. manager of volleyball.


Thurs., Oct. 29 — An unusual amount of pep was displayed at the special pep meeting held tonight in the college chapel upon a special call by Blanch Harris, men's cheer leader. The pepsters, especially the front-row freshmen, seemed extremely enthusiastic, and were not satisfied, with the cheering; so they called for several speeches from those of the group. Arrangements were announced for a big pep parade to take place in the downtown district just preceding the McPherson-Friends football game Friday night.



Chemistry Club Program Includes Seven Papers by Students

Thurs., Oct. 29—The chemistry club meeting today was in charge of the freshman class. Maxine Ring, Onelta Boyer, Corrine Bowers, Let-teer Lewis, Carrol Whitcher, Tommy Taylor, and Elmer Staats read papers on 'Recent Discoveries in the Field of Chemistry."

While the papers were being read, John Austin and Walton Smith successfully performed their experiment in the making of liquid ammonia.



Takes Place In College Chapel

at Eight P. M.

Mon., Nov. 2—A musical recital was given this evening at eight o'clock in the college chapel by students of the Fine Arts department. The program included the following numbers:

Invention No.14................................Bach

Prelude op. 28, No. 13 ........Chopin

Witches Dance .....................McDowell

Miss Joyce Vetter "Quiet".......................................Sanderson

Miss Orpha Beam

Serenade ......................................Schubert

Mr. Ralph Guggisberg "The Barefoot Trail"..................Wiggers Mr. Clarence Hartley

Autumn................................... MacDowell

Valcik .......................................... Mokreja

Miss Virginia Quiring "When Love is Kind"—Old English Miss Elizabeth Holzemer

Scotch Poem ...........MacDowell

Impromptu Ab.............................Schubert

Miss Laurence Schlatter “The Skies are Blue"...................Forman Miss Katherine Wilbur

Concerto No. 23........Viotti


Miss Pauline Dell

"Leave it with Him".......................Ellis

Miss Mildred Dahlinger Prelude B Minor.............................Chopia


Miss Gulah Hoover

For the fifth time this season the Bulldogs have lost a game by a one-touchdown margin. Previous to the Friends game the ones to defeat the Bulldogs by one-touchdown margins were Hays, Baker, Phillips, and Hutchinson Junior college. We think that is tough luck—to come so close and still not win.

McPherson had an offense at the start of the game last Friday night that made them took like champions. Carpenter was doing most of the ball-lugging and he surely did a nice job of it. The line was making good openings for Carpenter in this big drive. E. Anderson also contributed with some fine smashes through the line.

All due honor to the men on our football team and we have some good ones too, but we think this man Morton of Friends is a real speed merchant. Nearly everyone began to investigate as to who that man was when he began carrying the ball. We surely take our hats off to this man in that he is surely one fine ball-lugger.

At times in the game with Friends Friday night some really tough stuff was pulled. It looked as if there might have to be some long penal-ties, but probably the officials failed to see it. Doubtless we all can see more from the sidelines than we could if we were out on the field.

Hays Teachers college gave the Bulldogs credit for having a fine team, in their paper, the “State College Leader." last week. The Hays paper gives Carpenter the honor of being one of the hardest hitting small backfield men that they have played against this season.

Ottawa had a great Home Coming and beat their traditional rivals, the Baker Wildcats, 14 to 12. Also, we see that our Scndinavian friends to the north are playing better football all of the time. This time they held the strong Kansas Wesleyan team to a scoreless tie.

The Dodge City "Dodger" lists these ten commandments for sports-


1. Thou shalt not quit.

2. Thou shalt not gloat over win-ning.

3. Thou shalt not be a rotten


(Continued from Page One)


R. Anderson Binford Carpenter Wiggins E. Anderson





Cott Thompson McLeod Morton (cap't) Coleman Geist

Substitutions: McPherson—Pauls for R. Anderson; Ediger for Hoch-strasser: Bowman for Ediger; Beckwith for E. Anderson; Hochstraster for Bowman; Countryman for Min-ear; McGill for Ikenberry; E. Anderson for Beckwith; Beckwith for E. Anderson, Friends—Nolan for Cott; Hunter for Coleman; Poppe for Thompson; Blue for Poppe; Brown for Hull.

Summary: Yards Gained from scrimmage: Friends 266, McPherson 115. Yards lost from scrimmage: Friends 13, McPherson 9. First downs; Friends 8, McPherson 9. Penalties: Friends 11 for 65 yards, McPherson 4 for 30 yards. Punts: Friends 7 for 234 yards. McPherson 10 for 323 yards. Return from punts: Friends 76 yards, McPherson 89 yards. Fumbles: Friends 2, McPher-son 1. Passes; Friends attempted 7, completed 1 for 13 yards, McPherson attempted 5, completed 2 for 25 yards.    

Score by quarters:



Fri., Oct. 30—Tonight between halves at the McPherson-Friends football game, Miss Adelyn Taylor's gym classes presented a stunt in the form of a soccer game, or girls' football.

Half of the girls were dressed in M. C. attire and the other half represented the Friends team. The result, of course, was a brilliant victory for the Bulldogettes.



Plan to Attend Kansas National Livestock Show

Sat., Oct. 30—Twelve members of the animal husbandry class, with their Instructor, Prof. Milton S. Dell, are planning to attend the Kansas National Livestock Exposition at Wichita, which takes place November 9 to 12. Exhibits for this show are coming in from every state in the United States, and also some from Canada. Prospects this year indicate the greatest show ever held in Wichita.





Officials: Ben Woods, referee; Poort Washburn, head linesman; Galloway, Hutchinson News, umpire.



To Appear in "If I Were King" November 19 and 20

Playing parts from leads to minor characters, students of McPherson college will appear in the Crossroad Play makers drama. "If I were King,” to be presented in Convention Hall, November 19 and 20. Seventeen students, including eight girls and nine boys, are taking part. Those who will appear in the play are as follows:

Herbert Eby, Myreta Hammann,

Ada Brunk, Hobart Hughey, Walton

Smith, Donald Evans, Cleason Min-

ter, Lloyd Shoemaker, Clarice Evans

John austin, Verle Ohmart, Alvin

Gaeddert, Una Ring, Maxine Ring,

Vivian Steeves, Rosalind Almen and

Mary Swain.