Vol. XV

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Thursday may 26, 1932


(Herbert Eby, Executor)




(Waller Wellman and Roy Peebler, Crystal Gazers)

The class of 1932 being Individual-ly and collectively of sound body and mind, (since the exams), and reaf-firming its firm belief In the sanctity of property, both real and intangible does hereby publish and make known its final will, deeding the properties and characteristics hereinafter men-tioned to its legal heirs and assigns and to other Individuals and groups laying claim to its beneficent affec-tion and goodwill.

We, being of sound business judg-ment and acumen, and observing that this Is only the thirtieth month of the present Depression. do hereby refrain from making any elaborate or uncalled for philanthropic dona-tions of our liquid capital. Realiz-ing, however, that there exist cer-tain items and properties which we have outgrown or outworn, we there-fore, having solely in mine the wel-fare and prosperity of the genera-tions to come, do hereby assign, con-sign, deliver, bestow, code, present

and confer the following, to the fol-lowing :

To President Schwalm we give our absence; may his soul therein be re-joiced. To Dean Replogle we have already given ourselves as willing subjects to experimentation. To Pro-fessor Blair we give the Roget's Thesaurus and to each and every one of the faculty our sincere hope that we have not burdened then too sev-erely or aged them unduly. To Forney we confer, with our blessings, an umbrella; to matron our farewells and congratulations; to Miss Heckethorn a bigger and better stop sign; and to Doctor Bright our genuine admiration and felicitation, Ralph Koedy dedicates his inscruta-bility to Tommy Taylor. Constance Meyer donates her talkativeness to

Lilburn Gottmann, and Clinton Tros-

tle his pertinacious habits of study to Wilbur Whiteneck.

Charles R. Smith had decided to leave his finger tips with the Industrial Arts department, but changed his mind at the last moment. Royal Voder deeds his taxi to the Junk man (telephone 910): it is rumored he will present the college with a fleet of omnibuses. John Kindy is leaving a fund for the upkeep of fire hoses. Myreta Hammann votes her nonchalance to Gordon Kraus. Evalyn Fields divides her capacity for work among the five most needy freshmen. (Inquire at the Dean's office for their names). Atillia Anderson leaves John Austin—in school. Vera Flora assigns her voice to Bernard Suttle, and Clarence Meinhardt his serenity to Fern Handke. Lawrence Lehman wills his horse-laugh to Melvin Landes, urging him to feed it only alfalfa. Donald Trostle donates his yo-yo to the museum. He still believes it an important contribution to civilization. Walter Wollman cedes his personal reserve to Mildred Rhodes.    

Philip Lauver says he must save all be has or hopes to have, and can (Continued on Page Two)


Kelly and Rock Re-elected— Men Cop All of Offices

The trend of the junior class election of officers for next year, held Tuesday morning, seemed to be in favor of the men of the class.

Vernon Rhoades was unanimously chosen for president of next year's senior class. The vice-president, Lloyd Larsen, was also elected by popular vote. Loren Rock seemed to meet with the approval of the class to his handling of the secretary's position this year, and was re-elected in that capacity. Delbert Kelly, having been so successful in conducting the finances this year that the class has a small surplus, was also reelected.

Florence and Donald Dresher will represent the class on the Student Council. They constitute the second brother-and-sister combination elected for next year on the Student Council, Elizabeth and Robert Bow-man having been elected by the sophomores last week.

Gilbert Myers, president of the class of 1932 to be graduated tomorrow.


Program, Menu and Decorations Carry Oriental Theme

The parlors of the College Church formed a scene of oriental activity on Friday night of last week when the M. C. Juniors entertained the seniors at the annual Junior-Senior Banquet.

An oriental theme was very effectively carried out in decorations, waiters and waitresses, favors, and program. The tables and walls were filled entirely with hangings and other articles from Egypt, India, China, and Japan, furnished for the evening by the kindness of friends who have lived or visited in these countries. The waiters and wait-resses wore in oriental costume and, the unusually beautiful lighting ef-fects prepared by the Juniors completed the Illusion of an oriental gar-den.

While the Playmakers' Orchestra, directed by Mr. Gilson, furnished oriental tunes, amid fragrant odors of Incense the delicious Three course banquet was served. Samples of the delicacies mentioned on the menu were "furl rus." "smothered murga," "gbeena rotll," and “Iscream."

Prof J. a, Blair with master of ceremonies during the program fol-lowing the banquet, and the guests considered that he did a very good job of pronouncing the oriental titles of numbers. Charles Austin gave the address of welcome on behalf of the juniors, and Gilbert Myers, president of the seniors, responded with a "Javab." Other talks were "chop Lakada," by Constance Meyer, and "Choka," by Gretta Wilma Griffis.

Musical selections on the program included, besides the numbers fur-nished by the courtesy of the Cross-road Playmakers' Orchestra. a violin solo by Viola Devilbiss, two vocal numbers by Blanch Harris, a musical reading by Ada Brunk. an interpre-tive dance by Betty Wolfe, and a piano solo by Pauline Dell.

The 1932 Junior-Senior Banquet considered by many of the guests as one of the most beautiful and ef-fective over given in McPherson colego.

What to Do With It

When a man gets what he wanted

Today—Reunion of Class of '22 at noon. Dean Mohler's home.

Alumni Banquet, College Church.

6:30 p. m.

Fri., May 27—Forty-fourth Annual Commencement, College Church

10:00 a. m.

Mon., May 30- Registration for M. C. Summer School.


Applies Principles of Christ to Everyday Living in Baccalaureate Sermon


College Organizations Furnish Music For Service at Church Sunday Night

he's lucky If he doesn't put in a lot of time wondering what he wanted with it—Washington Star, "The greatest task of the spirit is to provide a theory for the uni-verse." stated Pres. V. F. Schwalm last Sunday evening as part of his Baccalaureate Sermon on "The Mind of Christ".


There's a dear favored spot That shall ne’er be forgot.

For Its mem'ries will linger for aye.

On Kansas plains there It lies,

‘Neath the bluest of skies,

Tis M. C. with its friends true and gay.

Oh the Joys we have known.

With their friendships so true.

Shall remain as we bid sad adieu;

And as we leave this dear place,

For our work out in life.

We shall cherish fond mem'ries of you.

Farewell M. C. Farewell M. C.

The very best of wishes go with you;

And this last word, we sadly say to you,

Farewell, farewell, M. C.

—Vera Flora and Helen Holloway.

Mr. Schwalm chose as his text "Have this mind, in you which was

also in Christ Jesus." explaining that mind means attitude, and In this In-stance refers to the voluntary humiliation of Christ. Christ offers a world view, and helps us to answer the question, "What significance have I in the world?" We cannot find the mind of Christ in one thing alone but must study his entire life and teachings.

Dr. Schwalm said that the “mind of Christ” must be regarded as rev-erence, first, for human personality. Personality, he said must not be broken or marred for greater than anything else is the human soul. Christ never lost sight of the individual, "Save men and you save lustitutions," asserted the speaker.

The second feature of the “mind of Christ" Is emphasis on the spiri-

tual rather than on the material things of life. Dr. Schwalm urged the M. C. graduates to trust In the values that are spiritual: one should not he too anxious about himself and the material things of life. We must choose between the spiritual and the material, strive for the values of the inner life, and seek to emphasize character rather than things. "Blessed is the man who possesses his own soul."

Christ was the humble servant; he resigned divinity for humanity, and came to minister, the speaker said, Napoleon came girded with a sword, and Louis XIV with a crown, but Christ came girded with a towel, ready for service to man. He hid himself In his great service and we should do likewise.

The Baccalaurate Service opened with the processional played by Miss Jessie Brown, during which the fac-ulity and graduating seniors marched to their places. Among the selec-tions on the program were "The Lost

Chord," sung by the College Ladies' Quartet, and “He That Goeth Forth and Weepth," from the cantata "Ruth," sung by a chorus of mixed voices.

The College Church was filled nearly to capacity for the event.

Wise is he who learns from the experience of others.



'Dealing with Eye Level Facts'

Will Be Subject

Dr. I. N. McCash, president of Phillips university at Enid, Okla-homa, will give the address tomorrow morning at the Forty-fourth Annual Commencement, which begins at 10 o'clock in the College Church. His subject will be "Dealing With Eye Level Facts.”

Dr. McCash is a widely known ed-ucator and public speaker, and has written a number of books and arti-cles. He is popular as a lecturer, and will doubtless bring an address or outstanding merit lo the class of '32.


Mildred Doyle & Kermit Hayes Play Leads in Production

A well-filled house enjoyed very much the Senior Class play, "The Perfect Alibi”, by A. A. Milne. which was given in the City Auditorium Tuesday evening. The play was dir-ected by Mrs. J. G. Bailey of Mc-Pherson.

The mystery-drama was well stag-ed and well played, and a great deal

of favorable comment has been heard regarding the coaching and the dra-matic ability of the players.

From the time the curtains parted until they were drawn at the close of the third act the players held the intense Interest of the audience; the first act ended with a sudden shot and the next two acts were con-cerned with determining the two men who had killed Arthur Lud-grove. Whenever the stage was darkened or a gun whipped out. one could almost hear the fast-beating hearts of the spectators.

Mildred Doyle was most pleasing In the Juvenile lead as Susan Cunningham, the ward of the murdered man. In some dramatic parts she showed great depth of feeling, while In others she was a capable little comedienne. Opposite her, Kermit Hayes played as her fiance, the nephew of Arthur Ludgrove. Mr. Hayes has a pleasing stage personality and was well chosen for the male lead.

Ralph Keedy was equally pleasing and menacing as the gentlemanly Mr. Carter and the sinister crook. John Kindy, the impersonal Arthur Lud-grove, played well the part of the murdered man. Lawrence Lehman, as Edward Laverick, the unpleasant partner in crime, played his part in a pleasing manner. "Sargeant" Mallet, the efficient detective from Scotland Yard, was interpreted by Verie Ohmart. His father, played by Roy Peebler, was well liked by the audi-ence as a fussy old gentleman detective from the local community.

Adelyn Taylor was surprisingly different as the bored Jane West who loathed everything. She contributed much to the Interest of the play. Charles Smith as the butler, Ethel Sherfy as the vain Mrs. Ful-verton-Fane, and Donald Trostle as the gay Major Fothergill played their parts in a manner well liked by the audience.

Considereable credit goes to the committee which helped in the suc-

ccessful production of the play. The stage effects were by C. E. Oelrich, stage manager, Ralph Johnston; properties Roy Bartles; constumes, Florence Weaver; lights, Leslie My-ers; publicity, Gilbert Myers. Attil-lia Anderson and Orion High were understudies.


We wish to thank all for the kind assistance during the illness of J. T. especially Dr. Schwalm. Prof. Mohler, and the classmates who were with him during his recent operation, and also for the flowers sent to his room.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams and J. T., Jr.


Place New York City. Law office of Peebler and Wollman,

Wollman has Just returned from a trip around the world and Peebler has taken a vacation trip thru the U. S. They are sitting in their sump-tuous office and discussing their trips. Wollman on his trip around the world has seen quite a few class-mates.

He has met Lillian Carlson who is

a successful undertaker in London, England. Wollman proceeds to France where he finds Elizabeth Richards running a high class fash-

ion shop. She has various models one of the most Important of which’ Is the "dark eyed, black haired" Helen Holloway. In Germany Woll-man finds Pankrantz who Is quite a well known photographer here. In Italy Wollman meets two of his classmates, Ethel Sherfy who is the head matron of St. Patrick's Hospital and Elmer Keck who is a priest in a monastery. Mary Weddle is found in Russia helping with the third ten year plan. Alberta Yoder 1 taming lions In Africa, and Luther Horn hass invented an apparatus for desert travelers which saves many lives. Wollman next visits Madagas-car where he finds Elsie Muse as

chieftan of a tribe of savages. She

tells him about Herbert Eby who is a hermit in the Fiji Islands. In Africa is also found Gilbert Myers who is an insect collector. Wollman next leaves for India where he finds Pos-ey Jamison as a famed medicine man who has for his business manager none other than Vera Flora. In

China Ada Stutzman and Florence Weaver are working hard among the heathen of Tibet. In Japan Wollman finds Royal Yoder as the successful salesman of '‘whirligigs'*.

Peebler on his vacation trip thru the U. S. has also seen a few class-mates. Right In New York he has again made contact with Herbert

Mowbray who is now a famous phil-osopher, Peebler has been at Lake Inman where he found John Kindy to bo a hotel manager. Kenneth Bitikofer and Myreta Hammann are married and living In Louisiana.

Kenneth is a preacher and Myreta is a mother to all the poor white children. Nellie Collins and Orville Countryman have married and are living in the Ozark mountains, Orville is a storekeeper, Peebler then tells of the wonderful operation performed on Attillia Anderson, Roy Bartles, Clara Fern Mast and their assistant, Verie Ohmart, have removed a cancer of the brain from Attillia and she is now hale and hearty, Philip Lauver is a pessimistic writer who has for his secretary Con-stance Rankin. Peebler also saw the Kentucky Derby, The horse "Old M C" won. It was owned by two sportsman, namely Clinton Trostle, and Constance Meyer. The Jockey who rode the horse is Clarence Mein-hardt and the chief pea-nut vender (Continued on Page Three)


Competitive Games Furnish Most of Entertainment for Guests

On Saturday night Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm entertained the members of the Senior Class with a reception at

the Schwalm home on College Hill,

The guests as they arrived, were assigned to one of four groups, each of which competed against the others during the evening. The program was arranged with games to repre-sent the various stages of school life from kindergarten to college. A feature of the activities was a contest in which silhouettes of faculty members were posted for identifica-


At ten-thirty delicious refresh-

ments were served. Miss Della Leh-man presided at the refreshment table.

It was the consensus of opinion that a merry and enjoyable evening was experienced by all who were


THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1932



Senior Class Oration, by Evalyn Fields

“Life is made up of roads;

They start from where you are;

Some roads are ending near,

And some are leading far.

“The road you choose means much

To others and to you.    

''Tis not so much the road    

As where ‘tis leading to."

We forty-nine seniors will soon be leaving the halls of McPherson College to travel some road in life. To what destination is our road lead-ing? Are we following the Upper Road of cheerfulness, honesty, courtesy, self-control, and service?    

If we have employed the hours spent here in college to the best advantage, we are following the Upper Road of optimism and usefulness rather than the Lower Road of pessimism and indolence, for, as J. H. Allison has said, the "real purpose of an education is not merely to make money; it is not to store the mind with facts. But it is to find the secret of human happiness and usefulness: it is to learn to love the highest, the biggest, and the finest things of life, it is to find the key that unlocks the door to the greatest, the wisest, and the best the world has produced, and to learn how to use these to the best advantages to ourselves and to the world."

If we are Upper Road travelers, we sense the need of proper food and joyful recreation, which are essential for a healthy body. However, we do not devote so much time to the physical side of our life that we neglect the mental and spiritual. We realize that our reading should be of the best and that the books one chooses should become intimate friends which aid in bringing about a healthy mind. Great men and women pass on their best thoughts to us through books. They think things out together with us, for they meet us an equals. “It is soul speaking to soul and spirit helping spirit.” As we commune together on the highest things in life, there comes greater inspiration to us. We need to cultivate an interest in good books.

The Upper Road travelers are steady plodders, men and women who can not only cope with major difficulties but ran handle the little annoyances and petty problems of

everyday life. An interesting story is told, concerning the history of a certain Colorado tree. On the slope of Long's Peak lies, the ruin of this gigantic tree. Scientists say that it lived to be some 400 years old. During its life it was struck by lightning fourteen times. Avalanches and storms thundered past it, but still It stood, full of life and vigor. It was finally reduced to a mere mass of ruin by beetles—an entire army that began their inroads on the bark and slowly ate their way into the heart of the tree, thus destroying the inner strength of the tree as well as the outer bark. A giant forest tree which had been able to withstand the great storms of life was subdued by an army of beetles "so small that a man could crush them between his forefinger and bis thumb.” So, it is in life! We must master the little everyday foes such as jealousies, criticisms, and misunderstandings, if we expect to have strength of character, a life which really counts for something. The men and Women of the Upper Road try to meet the major and minor difficulties of life with good nature and poise.

To be a traveler of the Upper Road we need not receive the applause of the multitude or have our names written upon scrolls of fame. We may each day practice cheerfulness,

self-control, honesty, courtesy, friendliness, and unselfishness. Cheerful giving of money, self, or service will enrich our fellowmen as well as the giver. Henry Van Dyke has pictured the man of the Upper Road in these lines:

"Four things a man must learn to do If he would make his record true:

To think without confusion clearly; To love his fellowmen sincerely;

To act from honest motives purely; To trust in God and Heaven secure-ly."    

Service toward others cures self-ishness. As we pass along life's way, opportunities to serve are numerous. The men and women of the Upper Road way with Ellen H. Underwood: “I want to give the oil of joy for tears,

The faith to conquer crowding doubts and fears,

Beauty for ashes may I give alway: I'm sure I shall not pass again this way.     

"I want to give good measure run

ning o’er.

And into angry hearts I want to pour The answer soft that turneth wrath away;

I'm sure I shall not pass again this


Upper Road travelers may be helpful, sunshiny friends-men and women who have as their virtues sincerity, unselfishness, understanding, and trustworthiness. Are you an Upper Road friend?

“Do any hearts beat faster.

Do any faces brighten To hear your footstep on. the stair. To meet you, greet you, anywhere? Are you so like the Master,

Dark shadows to enlighten?

Are any happier today,

Through words that they have heard, you say?

Life were not worth the living,

If no one were the better For having met you on the way, And known the sunshine of your stay."

May each member of the class of 1932 be able to say in our day as Frances Willard said in hers, "It shall be better that I lived"—because I choose to follow the Upper Road.—Evalyn Fields.


Williams- Lauver

Tomorrow, May 27, at 4:00 p. m.,

Miss Mary Lou Williams, a former student, and Mr. Philip H, Lauver, A. B. '32, will be married at the home of Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm.


On Sunday, May 29, at 9:00 o’clock in the College Church, the wedding of Miss Ruth Turner. A. B. '31, and Mr. Paul E. Bowers, A. B. '30,

will occur.


Miss Vera Flora, A. B. '32, and Mr. Lloyd Diggs. A. B. '30 will be married the evening of June 1 at the home of the bride near Quinter, Kansas.


Miss Madelyn Gray. A. B. '30, and Mr. Floyd Barngrover, B. S. '30, are to be married at 8:00 p. m. on June 1, at the home of the bride in McPherson.


Miss Helen DeArmand, sophomore, and Mr. Virgil Holt of Canton will be married on June 1. The place and hour won not yet been decided.


Completes Degree Course in M.

C. School of Fine Arts

Miss Myreta Hammann, a senior who is completing her degree course in piano as a student In the McPherson college School of Fine Arts presented a delightful program last evening as her graduation recital. The recital was given in the college chapel, beginning at 8 o'clock.

She was assisted by Miss Mattie Shay, violinist; Miss Della Lehman, reader; Miss Jessie Brown, pianist, and Miss Evelyn Saylor, accompanist.

The program included the following selections:    -

Prelude and Fugue. D Major-Bach Sonata Tragica, Opus 45..MacDowell Largo Maestoso Allegro Risoluto


Concerto, E Major,--Mendelessohn

Allegro Molto Vivace


Prelude, B Flat ...........Chopin

Impromptu, A Flat____Chopin


The Prince of Court Painters......

— ----Constance D’Arey Mackay


Dance of the Gnomes____Lisst


Concerto. G Minor_____ Mendelessohn Presto    

Allegro Vivace



Registration Monday — Prospects Point to Large Attendance

Registration for the 1932 M. C. Summer School will take place all day next Monday, May 30. and class-es are scheduled to begin the follow-ing morning. Business Manager Fries reports that there have been more requests than usual for information about the 1932 session, and other indications point towards a rec-ord attendance.

Dean F. A. Replogle stated that the outlook was “quite hopeful for a good group,” especially in the re-views preparatory to teachers' examinations conducted by Prof. Maurice A. Hess.

Children for the model training school conducted In conjunction with the education courses will enter their classes a week after the opening of the Summer School, on Monday, June 6.

Besides Dean Replogle, Summer School director, and President V. F. Schwalm, the teaching staff will include the following: Miss Edith McGaffey, Dean of Women, English; Dr. J. W. Hershey, science; Prof. J. H, Fries, business manager; Dr. J. D. Bright, history, English; Prof. Maurice A. Hess, reviews of common branches; Miss Mary Fee, practice teaching; Miss Jessie Brown, piano; Miss Fern Lingenfelter, public school music, piano; and Miss Clara Colline, art.

Districts May Choose Between Manchester and McPherson Colleges


Mount Morris College at Mount Morris, Illinois, has made an academic merger with Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana, and will not operate as a separate Institution next year. Mount Morris is one of the older colleges of the Church of the Brethren and has made an enviable record an an institution. Many prominent leaders of the church have been connected with the college. Her influence will live on in the lives of many alumni and former students.

The merger is an academic merger only, removing the alumni rec-ords of Mount Morris to Manchester. The property and territory of the college are not Involved. The property will now be disposed of by the trustees and the allocation of territory will be determined by the District Conferences throughout the Mount Morris region.

It is expected, that the territory once served by Mount Morris will be served by the two colleges adjacent to Mount Morris, namely Manchester and McPherson.

The administrators, student body, and constituency of McPherson College are graciously Inviting the people of the territory adjacent to McPherson to consider her for a school home.


Prepared by Miss Margaret Heckethorne and the Library Staff

I. Introductory Books Becker, M. L. Books As Windows. Van Dyke, H. Companionable Books.

II. Poetry

Auslander, J., and Hill, F. E. Winged Horse.

Benet, S. V. John Brown's Body, (Civil War Poem.)

III. History Sullivan, M. Our Times Allen, F. L. Only Yesterday.

IV.    Biography Maren, Valeriu, Lenin.

Trorskii, L. My Life.

Mussolini, B. Autobiography.

Marie, Grand Duchess. Education of

A princess.

Garlind, H. Son Of The Middle Border.

Strachey, L. Queen Victoria.

Pupin, M. I. From Immigrant To Invention.

Maurols, A. Ariel, The Life of Shelley,

Cameron, R. M. Magnificent Idler, (Life of Walt Whitman)

V.    Mythology

Baker, E. K. In The Light Of Myth. Bullfinch, T. Age Of Fable.

Guerber, H. A. Myths Of Greece and Rome.

VI. Fiction

Walpole, H. Winteramoon. Tarkington, B. Mary’s Neck.

Melville, H. Moby Dick.

VII. Drama

Besier R. Barrett's Of Wimpale Street, ‘

Baum, V. Grand Hotel. Glaspell, S. Allison's House. Drinkwater, J. Abraham Lincoln.

VIII. Travel

Halliburton R. Glorious Romance.

IX. Race Relation’s

Moton, R. R. What The Negro Thinks.

X. Science

Darwin, C. Origin Of Species.

De Kruif. P. H. Microbe Hunter's

De Kruif, P. H. Hunger Fighter's.

Haldane. J. Daedalus Or Science and the Future.

XI. Inspirational

Fosdick, H. E. Twelve Tests Of


Gilkey, J. Secrets Of Effective Liv-


Durant, Story Of Philosophy.

Dimnste, Art Of Thinking,

Overstreet, H. A. About Ourselves.


THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1932



Coach Binford Has Raised Total to 80% of Men Engaged in Various Sports

Probably the biggest year of intramural athletic competition in the history of the school comes to a close this week as school ends. Coach Melvin J. Binford has been supervising a very extensive program in

this field along with his work with the varsity teams.

Early last fall the work began and and the slogan "Athletics for all" was adopted. The usual emphasis has been placed on all varsity athletics. but a great deal more Interest has been shown In Intra-mural sports. The gym classes last fall were organized as teams, playing soccer and volleyball. Then late in the fall basketball was begun and was open to anyone in school. The gym classes were dropped and instead those enrolled in physical education were permitted to play on one of the seven intra-mural teams in the league. Credit for physical education was given according to participation in these Intra-mural games. The teams were evenly divided had the season ended with four of the seven teams tied for first place with eight wins and four losses.

COACH MELVIN J. BINFORD In the spring the same teams engaged in playground bail and a team composed of the faculty was added to the league. Interest never seemed to drag and new men were added to the teams as the season progressed.

This year 80% of the men in school have played In one cr more intra-mural sports, compared to only 47% last year. The varsity team

played fifteen basketball games this year, while fifty Intra-mural games were played. Thus interest and rivalry were created within the school while inter-collegiate play was still in the foreground.

Coach Binford has done a great deal to get, the men Interested and keep some sport going continually. He has had considerable experience along this line, and his contribution to M. C. athletics has been appreciated by the men.


Loren Rock, junior, a star forward on the Bulldog basketball team, was chosen by his teammates to lead the team as captain for the 1932-33 sea-son. Rock has shown his ability in both offense and defense, and In spite of his somewhat short stature always manages to get his share of the points.


Miss Alberta Hovis A. B. '30. and Reuben Bowman. A. B. '30 were married at the home of professor and Mrs. J. L. Bowman on April 30. Rev. J. Hugh Heckman officiating. Only immediate relatives and friends were present. Both young people are well known students of former days and they have been teaching since gradu-ation. Miss Hovis at Chase and Mr. Bowman at Alden. Their plans for a June wedding were moved ahead so that Miss Hovis' parents, who are moving to Michigan, might witness the ceremony. The happy couple will spend most of their summer at Quinter and in the autumn make their home at Alden, where Mr. Bowman continues in the public

A punctiliously honest man Is the one who throws away the bum dime somebody has worked off on him.

You are the only person you can depend upon; therefore make yourself doubly dependable.




Throws Javelin For His New Record of 177 ft, 3 1/2 in.

At Kansas City

A devoted brain worker is one who is thinking about his work out-side of office hours.


Last Saturday Coach Melvin Bin-ford took Loren Rock, stellar M. C. athlete, to the Missouri-Kansas Interstate Track Meet, held at Kansas City, and he came back with second place in the Javelin throw. Coach Blnford classed the feat as one of the biggest accomplishments in the track history of the school.    

Rock heaved the javelin 177 feet, 3 1/2 inches, more than 3 feet farther than his conference record of 174 foot, 2 1/2 inches made at Ottawa this year. Vanek of Pittsburg won first place at Kansas City with a throw of 180 foot, 5 inches. One of Rock’s throws was nearly 185 feet, but was ruled out because of over-stopping slightly.

The same man also took fifth place in both the shot put and the discus throw, making a total of six points for McPherson. The meet was won for the fifth consecutive year by the Pittsburg Teachers, with a record total of 102 points.

Coach Binford stated that the competition in this meet is of unusual strength, so that even firth place in such a meet is equal to first in any other contests in which the Bulldogs have engaged this year.

Last week the members of the 1931 football squad elected George Zinn, junior, to head the team as captain for next fall. Zinn has shown his ability to play equally well In the line and the backfield, and his strength and speed have always proved a valuable asset to the Bulldog team.



Herbert Mowbray, senior, was elected honorary track captain by his teammates last week. He has been a consistent aid to the Bulldogs during his three years of track competition, and has proved his ability to win in the dashes, 440, high hurdles, and relay.



Harold Binford, sophomore, has been selected as honorary tennis captain for the past season. Binford has won the all-school singles champion-ship for the last two years, and has been a member of the winning doubles team both times. With Gott-mann he won the Kansas Conference doubles championship this year, and he has made good showings in other meets entered.



Last week the "M” Club elected its officers for the coming year, choosing the following to direct the affairs of the organization; Loren Rock, president; Harold Binford, vice-president; Lloyd Larsen, secretary-treas-urer; and George Zimn, Student Council Representative.

The retiring officers are four seniors: Herbert Mowbray, president; Ralph Johnston, vice-president; Posey Jamison, secretary-treasurer and Elmer Keck, Student Council.


Awards Given This Week — Wiggins Makes Three Letters

The following McPherson college athletes have been awarded letters for participation in the various sports this year, and are receiving them this week:    


First letter; McGill, Minear, Siemens, Quiggs, R. Anderson, Pauls, Ediger, Beckwith, E. Anderson, Wiggins, Carpenter,

Second: Mowbray. Binford, Zinn.

Third: Keck, Countryman.

Fourth; Hochstrasser.


First letter: Pauls, Wiggins, Stoner, Bradley. Relnecker.

Second; Binford, Johnston.

Third: Jamison, Rock.


First letter; Lindholm, Van Nort-wick, Taylor, Carpenter, Himes, Blume, Moore, Wiggins,

Second: McGill, Zinn.

Third:    Ohmart, Mowbray, Wil-

liams, Rock.

Fourth: Bradley.


First letter: Kelly, Austin.

Second: Binford, Gottmann.

Leonard Wiggins, a freshman, has won letters this year in all three major sports, an unusual accomplishment for a first year man. Another, Harold Binford, made his letters in tennis and two major sports, football and basketball.


(Continued from Page One)

at the derby was Orion High, Evelyn Fields is Secretary of the Interior with Ralph Johnston as her assistant, Kermit Hayes, a farmer in the mountains, resents their policy and is working for their downfall.

While Peebler and Wollman are discussing their trips the mailman brings in some mail. There are four letters. The first one is from Charles Smith who is a teacher of music in Eskimo Land. The second is from Adelyn Taylor telling that she has finally gotten her job in Sylvia, Kansas. The third is from Donald Trostle and Evelyn Saylor. They are married and are working on three-dimension pictures for the movie houses among the Indians of the U. S. The last letter is from Fern

All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student subscription salespeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free scholarships made possible through the courtesy of the Leading Magazine Publisher's again this year are requested to apply to the national organizer, M. Anthony Steele, Jr., Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rico, stating qualifications fully.—Adv.

Heckman who wants the law firm. Peebler and Wollman, to take up a case for her. The case is against a Kansas City Drug firm.

While sitting there Peebler picks up a magazine Which has an article by Ralph Keedy on "Why I Am Running for President on the Socialist Ticket for the Seventh Time". The magazine also contains an article by the second Marvello, who is Leslie Myers.

Then Peebler and Wollman get busy on their latest case. They are defending George Lerew. Lerew has filed charges against Mildred Doyle. Doyle's lawyer is Lawrence Lehman. The case is this. Doyle and Lerew both ran for sheriff In a certain county. Doyle won, but Lerew says that Doyle stuffed the ballot box. So that is the case. The chief witness for Lerew is Herb Hoch-straaser who saw them stuffing the ballot box by means of a telescope. Peebler and Wollman leave to Interview this witness.