McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, sept, 16, 1932
Condition Of Health Does Not Allow- Exertion Of Teaching Duties As Yet
Every Man In College To Be Visited By Y. M. Leader In Next Three Days
Dr. Schwalm And Dean Replogle Take Classes
Prof. J. Hugh Heckman, professor of Bible and Philosophy, is unable because of ill health to take any of his classes this semester. Prof. Heckman spent some time this sum-mer at the Mayo Clinic, Roechester Minnesota, and since then has been
at his home in McPherson. His condition is caused by an abscess of the bone.
Prof. Heckman has stated that he fully intends to be able to teach at least part time next semester. At present he is able to do very little work e x c e p t i n g a considerable amount of writing and study.
President V. F. Schwalm and Dean F. A. Replogle are teaching the classes in the department of Bible and Philosophy at present.
Prof. Heckman has won the friendship and respect of all of his pupils and fellow-teachers on the campus, and all are hoping for his speedy recovery.
Challenges Us To Use Our Opportunities
Mon., Sept. 14—Chapel devotions this morning were led by Dean R. E. Mohler. In his brief talk he pointed out the idea that all students should be challenged to make use of their opportunity of attending college. He stated that the finest insurance In the world which can he obtained is the training of one's mind or the op-portunity of getting a college education, especially In a period of depression as this. The talk was followed by a vocal duet—"One Fleeting Hour", sung by Mrs. Helen Holloway and Ethel Sherfy and accompanied by Pauline Dell.
Ralph Keedy, president of the student council announced that the students should vote for two student representatives who are to work with Prof. Della Lehman and Dean R. E. Mohler in studying and arranging a balanced college program and calendar for the school year. Eight, candidates were chosen by the student council from which Adelyn Taylor and Kermit Hayes were elected.
B. Y. P. D. Conference Has
Charge Of Two Programs
Sun., Sept. 13—Harvest Home day was fittingly observed today at the Church of the Brethren by a full day’s service.
Following the regular morning church service a basket dinner was served by ladies of the church, and all college students who were present were guests at this meal.
The afternoon service was in charge of the B. Y. P. D. conference, in which young people from eight churches of the district took part. Short talks were given by representa-tives of several churches, and Dean F. A. Replogle gave an address. Following the program the young people enjoyed a period of games and recreation on the College campus.
In the evening a play, "And There Was Light," was presented by the local high school Christian Endeavor society. A number of excellent special musical numbers were given in both afternoon and evening.
The trade value of a wolf skin in Montana 60 years ago was two cups of sugar, and a beaver skin was worth half a cop.—Topeka Capital.
Character is doing the right thing under difficulties.
Fri., Sept. 18--Y. M. moving pic-ture, "When A Man's a Man,” 7:30 P. M. in chapel.
Tues., Sept. 22 - Regular Y. M.— Y. W. meetings at 10 A. M.
Tues., Sept. 15-—Alberta Yoder, president of the Y. W. C. A , spoke In this morning's meeting on the opportunities which the Y. W. C. A. affords for growing a radiant life.
Miss Vera Flora sang a vocal solo, "This Is My Task." She was accompanied by Evelyn Saylor, who also played a processional and a recessional.
Held In Parlors Of Brethren Church
Mon., Sept. 14—The McPherson college faculty was host to the student body this evening at a reception held in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren. Nearly all students and faculty members were present to enjoy the evening.
After passing along the reception line and each shaking hands with every other person present, the guests were entertained by a program given by the faculty members, Prof. Earl Bohling acting as chairman.
Dr. V. F. Schwalm gave a short speech of greeting. Two violin numbers were played by Miss Margaret Shelley, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate sang two solos. Short talks were given by Dean F. A. Replogle and by Prof. J.A. Blair, who spoke on the subject of "Mosquitoes." Miss Della Lehman entertained with a humorous reading.
Following the program the guests were served with light refreshments of Ice cream and wafers.
On Value of Having Great Life Purposes
Fri., Sept. 11—The value of having great and noble purposes in life was the general subject used by Prof. Fred A. Replogle. Dean of McPherson College, in chapel this morning. He gave inhibitions and fears as two retarding forces in making and holding to our high purposes.
Dean Replogle stated that the purpose should he centered in the individuals of the group, and not in something abstract and remote. Religion was given as the best, means of bringing forth the best there Is in us.
He also suggested that perhaps, in the unsettled condition of the world at present, the universe is
still running smoothly, but we are out of adjustment.
Sept. 13—“The Secret of Fellowship". was the topic of discussion in the College Christian Endeavor which met at 6:30 Sunday night in the chapel. More than ninety young people were present, among them visitors from eight churches of the Southwest Kansas District, who met here Sunday for a B. Y. P. D. conference. Lilburn Gottman, president of the C. E. organization, led the discussion.
Mary Weddle spoke on “The Joy of Fellowship", in the first talk of the program. Vernon Rhoades spoke on “Opportunities for Fellowship", stressing the importance of and need for fellowship among the students. Edith Richards talked on "The Great Helper in Fellowship". Misses Vera Flora and Lois Edwards sang a special duet during the program.
Spectator advertising pays.
McPherson College through this medium sends greeting to the alumni scattered far and wide. We hope that these difficult days have not come upon you unprepared for them. They are the days that test the metal of men and institutions. We believe that the ideals which the Alma Mater has upheld are adequate ever for days like these.
The College has opened for the year 1931-2 with a very satisfactory enrollment despite conditions. Our Freshmen class will be somewhat larger than the last two years. The Senior class will he larger than last year by several. Prospects In music forensics and athletics look better than at any time for some time.
The endowment campaign is somewhat slowed up by the present economic condition, hut it has not been cancelled. We shall pursue our forward movement policy as rapidly as conditions warrant. Several alumni have recently said they were ready to make their contribution whenever we called on them. Such a spirit of cooperation makes a difficult task possible.
We wish for every alumnus a good year during 1931-2 and express the hope that you will be so interested that you will return your order for the Spectator. V. F. Schwalm.
“The Pot Boiler” is Leading Feature of Program
Fri., Sept. 11-- At. 7:00 tonight college students, faculty and visitors met on the campus for an All-School Social and Melon Feed. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. sponsored the program.
Coach Melvin Binford, assisted by Posey Jamison and Adelyn Taylor. was in charge of the games and group contests. Following the outdoor games, the group went in the chapel. Here those present were entertained by several mixed quartet numbers. The quartet was composed of Vera Flora, Gulah Hoover, Vernon Rhoades, and Posey Jamison. A play, “The Pot Boiler", was the leading feature of the program. Those in the cast were Ethel Sherfy, Velma Amos, Ward Williams, Blanch Harris, Charles Austin, John Kindy and Ralph Keedy.
The watermelons were served cafeteria style, after the program in the chapel. About 300 persons were present
“Ah. but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp.
“Or what's a heaven for?”—Robert Browning.
Among the world's greatest critics are friend wife's relatives.
Swimming will be the chief activ-ity of the girls' physical education classes for the coming four weeks. Mr. George Bryan, manager of the city Y. M. C. A., has kindly given the girls permission to swim in the Y. M. C. A. pool one hour each day on four days a week.
A large majority of the girls evinced interest In the sport and there will be approximately forty pupils. Two classes are to be conduct-ed, one for beginners and one for intermediate or advanced swimmers.
Outlines Three Steps in an Efficient Program.
Thurs., Sept. 10—Prof. R. E. Moh-ler. Dean of men at McPherson college, gave a talk to all college men today in the chapel, outlining some of the things that are necessary for a successful school year. The large group of men present received an appeal for work and economy and were challenged to make this year a successful one.
Three worthwhile programs were outlined by Dean Mohler. The first, a study program, stressed the idea of the student budgeting his time so as to avoid waste. Dean Mohler stated that a waste of time meant a double cost. He urged each man to make out his own study program, post it where he could see it. try to follow it. and then Improve It by revision. He also said that there are two pitfalls to a study program -too much company, and lack of ability to concentrate despite outside attrac-tions.
The second was a program of finance. Each student should adopt a bookkeeping system and keep a ledger. He should have an Income list and then keep account of all his expenditures. such as tuition and fees: hooks and stationery; board and room; clothing and living expenses; recreation and amusement: and miscellaneous expenses. Dean Mohler stated that there are three purposes of a ledger: It helps one to save; It establishes confidence In one's self; and it aids others.
The third program, a program for life, consisted of establishing great loyalties, the building of fine social contacts, and the making of habits that you know will win. He stated that a college man should sell himself to something worthwhile, and that he should gain habits of economy, work, and of things that are constructive.
Increase of 1500 Volumes in Eighteen Months
Friday. Sept. 11—The college library has now 1500 more books than It did one and one half years ago. which raises the total number of indexed volumes to 11,006. This remarkable Increase in the number of volumes is due largely to the activities of the College Library Committee, which has conducted a special campaign to enlarge our library.
One way to make the punishment fit the crime would be to have every man who criticises the modern apparel of women sentenced to spend one hour a day looking through the old family album.—Louisville Times.
Patronize Spectator advertisers. They are M. C. boosters.
After all is said and done about halitosis, we still contend it's better than no breath at all.
Activities Include Social Affairs,
Great Speakers
Wed., Sept. 16-- The annual membership and finance campaign of the Y. M. C. A will begin this afternoon and will be completed by Friday night. Every man of the College will be given an opportunity to become a member of this organization and to support it in a financial way for the many services it renders the campus
This membership and finance campaign will be conducted the same as those of former years. Within the next three days every man of the College will be interviewed by some leader In the "Y" In becoming a
member of this association he will become a part of one or the most
active and vital organizations on the campus. Everything contributed to the Y. M. C. A. goes directly to the benefit of the men of the College.
Elsewhere in this Issue the activities of the association are given. Among those described are the sponsoring of social affairs, bringing great speakers to the campus, sponsoring motion picture shows, and conduct-ing a weekly meeting on some vital problem of college men.
104 Enrolled At Present
Tues., Sept. 15-- Figures checked over today revealed that the largest freshman class in the recent years
had enrolled for the coining term. At present there are 104 in the freshman class, and registrations are still coming in.
This fact is looked upon as very encouraging in the face of financial conditions throughout the McPherson college territory which. might be expected to cause a decided drop in
The complete enrollment in all classes is at present very near what It was last year, a number of late registrations not yet finished are certain to bring the total to fully that of 1930-1931. The senior class will probably be increased by several members over that of the preceding term.
Says There Should bo Definite Purpose in Attending School this Year
Wed., Sept. 9-- Dr. V. F. Schwalm stated today, in the opening chapel address of the school year, that greater weight attended the decisions of students to return to school this fall than in any year since the World War.
After briefly reviewing the situation students must face. Dr. Schwalm expressed the necessity for four things: first, a definite purpose in coming to college; second, cooperation between students and faculty; third, strict economy of time and money; and fourth, a social point of view, with special emphasis on the problem of World Peace and the Geneva Conference of February. 1932.
Chapel was opened with the hymn, "Lead On. O King Eternal." followed by two violin solos by Miss Margaret Shelley. Dr. H. J. Harnly, senior member of the faculty, conducted devotions, and Mrs. Anna C. Tate sang two solos.
Dr. Schwalm Introduced the members of the faculty to the student body before dismissal.
We are not sent into this world to do anything Into which wo can not put our hearts.—Ruskin.
An effective "Y" role on the campus, with its declared triangular sphere, may perform In part, this:
I. Mind—
Applauds all hot pursuit of things intellectual;
Challenges old and new grooves of thinking with deliberate perspective;
Examines opportunely the ethical content of campus life;
Looks earnestly beyond the horizon of campus life at the workaday world and the spacious universe;
Knits student opinion into an excellent tapestry of ideals and deeds;
Ingenders new campus-wide reading habits commensurate with the opportunities of college living.
II. Body—
Finds ruddy Joy In things athletic;
Reverberates the slogan of a sound body;
Gives constant attention to the physical recreation of every student and faculty member; Believes that health is a prime requisite;
Makes a lie of the notion that the last word has been said about food and raiment;
Demonstrates the benefits of regular and adequate sleeping hours; Ingrains fine manners.
III. Spirit—
Nurtures meditation and things spiritual.
Emulates Evelyn Underhill and Rufus Jones;
Cultivates great devotional literature;
Explores heavenly haunts;
Puts Christianity to the test in daily affairs;
Relies avidly upon the comradeship of Jesus;
Exhibits the ready Psychiatry of friendship.
• —J. Daniel Bright
A Fellowship of Men Seeking Noblest Manhood
The Young Men's Christian Asso-ciation gives the men of the college many services: and offers them many opportunities, that could not he rendered by any other organization.
As expressed in its new purpose it is a fellowship of the men of the college, who are seeking to find, for themselves and others, the happiest, most abundant and noblest manhood. It believes that its safest guide in its quest for the true way of life may be found in the historical Jesus. that Man of Men, the crown of manhood.
True religion is not a weak, in-sipid, gloomy, one-day-a-week compartment of life. Real religion is
something that given poise, joy and fullness to everyday life. As religion is concerned with life, the programs and the activities of the Y. M. C. A. deal only with the vital Interests and problems of the college man—striving to adopt a Christ-like attitude towards them.
The many activities of the associa-tion, among which are the sponsoring of several social affairs, weekly programs dealing with vital problems, Y. M. motion pictures, and the bringing of great personalities to the campus, are all undertaken in the hope that they will contribute to the realisation of the purpose of the association. No student will be getting the most that the college has to offer him who fulls to take an active part in this organization.
Brings New Realms of Thought and Ideals to Students
The Young Women's Christian Association of McPherson College Is a fellowship of college girls searching for joyous, creative life for themselves and for all people. It brings new realms of thought, friendships, and gives deep purpose to life.
The local association is a member of the Y. W. C. A, of America and Is a participant in the World’s Student Christian Federation.
Ah students In college we realize that now "we are In the process of becoming" the kind of people we desire to he. Many experiences go into that process during any given year of a student's life, for ‘becoming’ depends on the reaching out of one's whole life, not parts of it. The Y. W. C. A. ultimately seeks through its parties, meetings, conferences, speakers. committees and organization to help our whole life reach out by means of fellowship with follow stu-dents, by honest intellectual Inquiry, by a recognition of beauty and goodness. by worship, by an understanding of people unlike ourselves, and by various experimentations together in understanding ourselves and others.
The Y. W. C. A. Is planning a program of activities which it is hoped will include the interest of every girl in McPherson College. This is a student organization and every girl in college will have the opportunity to be a member of this association.
Each Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the Association has a discussion program in the Y. W. C. A. room on topics of particular interest to the college girl. The Y. W. C. A. room is not only the place for meetings but it is also a center in which students can come to rest, visit with friends, read, or study in groups. Students are welcome to use this room as they would a room in their own home.
The Y. W. C. A. Cabinet consists of eleven girls including the officers and chairman of committees. This Cabinet meets twice each week In preparation for a new week of living and working.
The Y. W. C. A. seeks to find Christian attitudes about ordinary incidents on the campus, in our home communities, and throughout, the world. Together as students we hope to find the skip. and technique that will give us knowledge and understanding of one another. The Y. W. C. A. unites to realise "full and creative life" for al people.
President. Y. W. C. A.
Tommy: "Well for one thing. It keeps the cows from falling apart."
Visitor: "Don't you ever cry when your father whips you?”
8on: "What’s the use? He’s deaf."
A concise and punchful rendering of the Golden Rule would he: "Do unto others as though you were the others."
My business Is not to re-make myself but to make the absolute best of what God made.—Browning.
If what you did yesterday still looks good to you, surely you have not done much today!
Committee- a group of persons who disagree on what to do or how to do It.
And there was the fellow who broke his wrist patting himself of. the back.
The first and best victory is to conquer self: to be conquered by self is of all things, the most shameful and vile.—Plato.
Ruth Arbeiter........... Sept. 18
Margaret Oliver _______Sept. 22
Clarence Meinhardt ______Sept. 22
Winston Cassler. A. B., ’27, was graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Oberlin, Ohio, in June. Mr. Cassler presented two graduating recitals, one in organ on May 25 and on May 26 a program of original compositions. Mr. Cassler has a splendid position as organist and choirmaster In the Episcopal Church, Burlington. Iowa.
M. C. alumni who were summer visitors in McPherson include: Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Cralk and family, Huntingdon, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barton and Helen Louise, Wood River, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. August Rump and Eunice Ann, Des Moines, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Sanger Crum-packer, Santa Monica. Cal.: Mrs.
Milo Nice and Junior, Wilmington, Del.
Miss Autumn Lindbloom, A. B. ’28, and Miss Julia Jones, B. S. ’25 spent June and July in sunny California.
Miss Helen Elliot, A. B. ’24. visited relatives in Washington and spent several weeks sight seeing in the Western States during July and August.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Reed and son Donald are attending a Union Central insurance Convention In French Lick, Indiana.
Among M. C. alumni who recently visited the campus are Ruth Turner. Naomi Whitmer, Carroll Walker, William Bigham. Irvin Rump. Marvin Hill, Paul Bowers, John Lehman
School Election Soon to Elect Permanent Officers
Mon., Sept. 14—The Student. Coun-cil held a meeting this morning to temporarily fill two offices left vacant by failure of those chosen In the school elections last spring to return to school this fall.
Kenneth Bitekofer was selected bo act as treasurer of the Student Council. and John Kindy was named temporary men’s cheer leader, to take the places of Vernon Flaming and Max O’Brien respectively. These men will serve for a period of two weeks, and within that time a special school election will be held to select permanently students to fill these positions.
Miss Bernice McClellan, '30—Mr. Ray Trostle. ‘28, May 27, 1931. Home at Johnson, Kansas.
Miss Viola Crippen—Mr. Orion High. ’30, May 30, 1931. Home in McPherson.
Miss Trene Greson ’30—Mr. Wray Whiteneck, ’30, August 10. Home at Limon, Colorado.
Miss Ruth Green, ’25—Mr. Albert Colburn, August. 19. Home at Rozel, Kansas.
Miss Eunice Longsdorff, ’29—Mr. J. Dwight Roland. April 2, 1931. Home at Ellsworth, Kansas.
Miss Arian Brigham, '29—Mr. Russell McCoy. May 25. Home at Vesper, Kansas.
Miss Nan Swanson. '17—Mr. Edgar Sharpe. June 15. Home in Salina, Kansas.
Marie Robson—Mr. Herbert Hoffman, ’20, June 18, 1931. Home in Salina. Kansas.
Miss Lea Schreiner—Mr. Archie Blickenstaff. ’29, August 16, 1931. Home at Little River, Kansas.
Miss Melvina Graham, '28—Mr. Harold Shafer, September 2, 1931. Home in McPherson.
Miss Helen Eberly—Mr. Rush Holloway. '30, May 30. 1931. Home in McPherson.
Miss Lela Hultqvist, ’29—Rev. Maynard Booth. September 5, 1931. Home at Dalbeau, Quebec, Canada.
Y. M. C. A. Budget For The Coming Year
Freshmen stag party ....... $ 7.50
"Y" watermelon feed ......... 6.00
Association field council__120.00
Intercollegian. 2 subscriptions 2.00
Stationery and stamps.....____ 5.00
The Y M. C. A. has tried to reduce Its budget to the minimum for the coming year without lessening the usefulness of the organization on the campus. Each of the items listed above has been or will be used in such a way as to directly benefit the men on our campus. The greatest work of the "Y" Is probably in getting speakers through the association field Council, who address or lead the students in discussions on subjects of interest to all. Only through the cooperation of every man in school can our "Y" be a complete success. Yours is the opportunity.
—Royal Yoder, Treas.
Devotional Chairman
The devotional chairman of the McPherson Y. M. C. A. has charge of the devotions of the regular weekly meetings. This chairman works with the program chairman, attempting to supplement the work of the program chairman.
Private devotionals and regular morning devotionals have been ,em-phasized in the past and are going to be this year. Last year in order to make it easier to carry out a definite plan of morning worship a morn-ing watch was kept by those men who wished to set apart a definite part of every day for meditation, and study. This group met once a week in the Y. W. room.
—Devotional Chairman,
Kenneth Bitikofer.
quad, staff Will put
Will Contain Data On All Stu-dents—Sponsored By Business Men
A new student publication, the school directory, is soon to make its appearance on the McPherson college campus. It is to be sponsored by the McPherson business men whose advertisements appear in the Quadrangle.
The directory is being compiled at the present time by the Quadrangle staff under the supervision of Verle Ohmart. business manager.
The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all students will be listed down the center of each page, with advertisements appearing on either side of the columns. The directories will be about the size of the local telephone directory and will be distributed freely among the students.
Business men who advertise in the Quadrangle have had almost no chance to put their products and professions before the students because the yearbook is not published until the last week of school. This method of publishing a student directory has been adopted as a means of introducing McPherson’s business men to the college student early in the year.
Certainly it is heaven upon earth to have a man’s mind move In charity, rest In providence, and turn upon the poles of truth.—Bacon.
Y. W. C. A.
Send The Spectator Home.
Program Committee
Every Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock a larger or smaller per cent of the girls will be found In the Y. W. room expecting a program which will touch some need in their lives. The size of the audience will depend largely upon the value each girl feels she receives from the time spent there. If talking to her friends, reading letters, or studying is more Interesting than the programs, the Y. W. has lost one of its largest avenues for service. It is the work of the program committee to see that each week a program is started to growing which will blossom on Tuesday morning Into a thing of inspiration and help.
It is the plan of this committee to cooperate with other committees in giving programs to get their work before the girls; to deal with personal problems of adjustment In college and In life; and to present the problems of a suffering, lorn world to this privileged class of citizens. The success of this committee's work will not be measured in money or membership rolls, but In vital convictions so instilled Into the girls' lives that years later they will stand courageously for the principles of truth, beauty, and justice.
We plan to have speakers from other campuses as well as our own faculty friends. Often we will use the girls in discussions and dramatic sending girls to conferences and to buy treats for the poor children at Christmas time.
We will appreciate suggest Ions or help from any of the girls.
ETHEL SHERFY Program Chairman
A part of this committee’s work has been manifested on the campus during the last few days through the Big and Little Sister Movement. An informal party was given at which the Kiris made an effort to get acquainted.
The major work of the vice-president's committee consists of the membership drive which will begin Sept. 22 and continue throughout the year. We are going to try to have 100 per cent of the girls of the college active and enthusiastic members of the organization before the year closes, presentations of truth. It is only as we express the truth that has impressed us that we make it a part of ourselves.
Later in the year the membership committee will sponsor what is known as "Heart Sister Week.” All of the girls will look forward to this phase of the Y. W. work.
The finance committee of the Y. W. C. A. will endeavor to provide funds necessary for the activities of our organization. During the year we will sell candy bars and sandwiches, have waffle suppers. and linen sales. In order that each girl may help, we will have the girls sign personal pledges for any amount which they wish to give to the Y. W. C. A.
The money will he used for various purposes, such as keeping the Y. W. room well equipped, for flowers to send to girls who are ill, for been advised by Y. W. C. A. leaders and used on other Campuses It is ruled the White Stocking Movement: and by buying hosiery bearing the label of the United Textile Workers of America, we may help to better the working conditions of the girls working in their factories.
The work of the Social Committee of the Y. W. C. A. Is to promote and keep up an interest in social activities, in cooperation with the Y. M. C. A. at the beginning of the school year, this committee helps with various entertainments The providing of watermelons for the all school watermelon feed is no small duty of the Y. W. and Y. M. Social Committees. Thruought the year there arc various opportunities for this committee to function.
— The social service committee of the Y. W. C. A. affords one of the • best opportunities of service and making others happy. It is this committee that keeps the Y. W. room clean and makes it homelike for the girls. We send flowers to the girls who are ill. This year we plan to take baskets and give a program at the county home; also sponsor a Christmas party for the poor children in town.
Miss Maude Gwinn, Regional Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., suggested that the Social Committee make an inventory of personal qualities which make a girl outstanding, successful, and help her live a full creative life. This plan has been carried out by some of the larger schools and the results have been very satisfactory.
GRACE HECKMAN Social Service Chairman
People are meant to he a means of grace to us. According to George McDonald. “A man must not. choose his neighbor; he a list take his neighbor that God sends him. In him, who ever he he, he’s hidden or revealed a
Four College Girls Act As Hostesses
Sat., Sept. 12—About sixty guests were entertained this afternoon by a tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Anderson, 622 East Kansas Avenue, with Attillia Anderson, Mary Swain, Viola DeVilbiss, and Rosalind Almen as hostesses.
The guests came in three groups, at two. three and four o'clock respectively. Radio music furnished the entertainment for the afternoon. At the close of each hour. refresh-ments of punch, wafers, sandwiches, and candies were served. A color scheme of pink and yellow was carried out both in decorations and refreshments.
Miss Mary Swain was unable to be present on account of the death of her grandfather. The other hostesses were assisted by Mrs. C. M. Anderson, and Mrs. C. G. Swain.
The invited list Included both the girls of the College and the ladies of the faculty.
beautiful brother. "The neighbor is just the man who is next to you at the moment. This love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self."
The World Fellowship unit will endeavor to bring the girls Into a closer relationship with Christ. Only when a life is In close fellowship with Christ ran it see the beautiful fellowship of a brother.
The few minutes spent In Worship and meditation together, each week, it is trusted will help give an appreciation for a neighbor. "Each man call leant something from his neighbor, at least, he can learn this—to have patience with his neighbor-."
From fellowship with Christ and neighbors it is hoped that a feeling of brotherliness and World Fellowship will grow which will promote peace and good will.
As most secretaries are supposed to do. I record the proceedings of our cabinet meetings. This probably doesn't sound like very interesting work, but I've been enjoying it. When the former secretary gave me the record book, she also gave me a large, oil cloth scrap book. I always enjoy (Continued on Page Four)
The five-reel moving picture, “When a Man’s a Man,” from the well-known novel by Harold Bell Wright, will be presented Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in the College chapel.
Tills is one of a series of moving pictures of a high type which are to ho sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. during the coming school year, at in-tervals of about two weeks.
The entire object of true education is to make people not merely do the right things, but enjoy the right things—not merely industrious, but to love Industry—not merely learned, but to love knowledge—no merely pure, but to love purity— not merely just, but to hunger and thirst after Justice. -Ruskin.
I have a car,
It never breaks down.
It never skids.
It never gets a puncture.
It never bothers me on steep hills. It never gets overheated.
It has never got into a collision of any kind since I have had it.
I wish to goodness I could get it started.—Exchange.
Nat only the patronage, but also your person bus been appreciated In our place of business. We are equipped to take care of your needs, with prompt service, sanitary methods, and good workmanship. Hair-cuts 40c. Finger waves 50c. Perma-nents $5.00 to $10.00. The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop in Hawley Hotel Bldg.—adv.
(Continued from Page Three)
An unusually evenly matched squad is the most prominent fact disclosed by the past week's practice. Monday evening Coach Binford picked three squads and played the first squad against the third, and then the second against the third, and the second squad made a better showing than the one he had temporarily placed, first.
This is one year when there is no player who has his place in the lineup cinched. Last year there were a number of men who stood out above the rest so that, there was not a great deal doubt as to who would comprise the team. This very fact led to lack of interest and a resistant lessening in the contest for positions.
This year there are sixteen men competing for the backfield positions alone. The fact that two to three are fighting for their chance at each position means that every player will of necessity keep at Ills best or forfeit his chance to remain in the lineup.
Conch Binford says that, this is the most evenly matched squad as to the ability of the individuals that he us yet worked with. He further states that because of the large number of new players we should be cautious in our opinions, but that our largest hopes lie In this very equality of the members of the squad.
scrap books and this is a little different. We keep clippings from the Spectator which deal with our members and our activities. There are several snap shots and accounts from several years back, so we don’t soon forget the former members.
Sometime in the near future I intend to get in touch with some foreign students either in American or in foreign schools. I think a correspondence with such people would be very interesting, not only for myself but for the other girls as well.
It Is the aim of the Conference Committee of the Y. W. C. A. to create a vital interest in the Estes Park Conference which will be held in June. 1932.
It is our goal to have twenty delegates at Estes next summer. In order to do this, we will have an Estes program, make Estes posters, and put up pictures that were taken this year at Conference.
It Is also our plan to bring speakers to the campus who can help us with our problems and whom the students will enjoy most.
E8THER BROWN Conference Chairman
The purpose of the music committee is to make all meetings of the Y. W. C. A. more Interesting and more enjoyable to all Its members. Through its music the committee attempts to Instill a spirit of reverence into its worship services. In the more informal meetings of the organization, the committee strives to impart a peppier spirit to the gathering through the music. The committee works hand in hand with the program committee in endeavoring to secure unity throughout the meetings.
Music Chairman
Hutchinson Junior College, although only a two year school, will have a line averaging above 175 pounds when they come on the local gridiron September 25. They report 50 men out for practice. Including some of the most promising prospects of this region from the graduating classes of last spring.
The coming fray is one of great interest for all concerned. Coach Sesher Is an old teammate of Coach Binford's, having played both foot-ball and basketball with him one year at Pittsburg. Then Coach Binford’s coaching at Hutchinson before coming to McPherson adds again to the interest. Above this, the first game of the season is always full of possibilities. when the new lineup -is for the first time meeting a foe. So for the coming game a large number of spectators are expected from Hutch-inson as well as the large local turnout for the premier game of the sea-son.
Hutchinson has a large number of letter men back from last year, and all In all it appears that the opening game of the season may prove one of the season’s most worthwhile games.
Sept. 25—Hutchinson Junior College, here.
Oct. 2—Kansas Wesleyan, there.
Oct. 9—Phillips University, here.
Oct. 16—Baker University, here.
Oct. 23—Hays Teachers, there.
Oct. 30—Friends University, here.
Nov. 11—Ottawa University, there.
Nov. 18—Bethel College, here.
Nov. 26—Bethany College, here.
All of these are at night with the exception of the Armistice Day tilt with Ottawa and possibly of the Hays game.
A harmony of beautiful colors, an unusual figure or modest lettering attracts the attention of our fellow classmates. That’s our mission—attract attention and then, in a quiet way, tell just enough of an Interesting Y. W. program to make other girls want to come. This committee also casts its influence by broadcasting those worth while things that might be of interest to others. Some one said. "Everything you come in contact with, everything you read has its mark on you", and our efforts are to make It better. We also work with the Social Committee which adds to the many other interesting things possible for this committee to work on.
ADA BRUNK Publicity Chairman
Y. M C. A.
Both the sturdy old Dope Bucket and the Cause of Artistic Expression were quite startled last week to find that they hud been made bod fellows. The editor in his effort to provide us with a Spectator the first week, labored until the wee hours of the morn. As a result the feature on Poetry was denied a headline of its own and found itself keeping company with the Bucket. From now on, we pledge our coperation to keep these equally worthy but non-con-genial departments separated by at least a couple of lead slugs in the column.
Freshmen are often started toward a year of success or failure In the first weeks of college. It is for this reason that the Y. M. C. A. is interested In having every Freshmen mentally and spiritually awake, while he is making these important first decisions.
There are practices which occur at M. C. which, if the school which we hope to build Is ever to be achieved, must bo eliminated. There are other customs which will prove of value to every student. In deciding which to follow, every student—under and upper classmen alike—should allow his sense of real and permanent values to govern his choice.—Ward Williams.
If sand and grit in the abstract are held to bo good for the sportsman. they ought to be even better for him in the concrete. The sand and grit that the Kansas winds have been serving to the football squad this past week is far from being abstract. and if it Is sand that makes a team. Hutchinson Junior College will have a sad time of it.
Kirby Page may be one of the noted speakers to come to our campus this year.
Every year the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. bring some outstanding speakers to our campus. None of us will soon forget the stirring talks of Sherwood Eddy or the highly spiritual talks of Arthur Rugh. Likewise our social attitudes have been changed and broadened by the messages of social Justice which were given by Norman Thomas and Powers Hapgood.
Every year we look forward to the coming of these leaders to our campus. This year we shall have another group of outstanding men. and we especially anticipate the coming of Kirby Pago.—Charles Austin.
Already the cry is lifted aloft by some fervent but misguided McPher-sonite that it looks as if we had a splendid chance to do something to the Swedes this year. Ye poor boob! The Swedes can take care of themselves. Before we meet the invaders on Thanksgiving Day we have eight other elevens to deal with. If we can back the team through the coming two months. Thanksgiving Day cun bo forgotten—like the Swedes, it will take cure of itself.
Leslie Edmonds, sports editor of the Topeka Daily Capital, recently paid a fine tribute to Coach Binford and the spirit which McPherson teams and boosters have displayed In the face of both victory and defeat. He ended by saying. "Here’s a prayer for Binford and McPherson. The coach and the school are a sporting lot and one can't help but hope that right living and a splendid spirit have something like a suitable reward."
The Y. M. C. A. program chairman is endeavoring to plan worthwhile programs, those that will be interesting and of practical value to all men In McPherson College this year. The purpose of these programs will be to deal with problems that we are meeting now or will meet when we got out of school. In the future.
As yet no definite programs have been formulated, but the following is a list of the problems that will be discussed In the near future at. the regular Y. M. C. A. meetings—
"Choosing and evaluating friendships."
"The use of leisure time."
"The value of a practical hobby."
"What is expected of a freshman boy."
"Making the most of your opportunities."
There will also bo a series of meetings dealing with such subjects as the following—
"Should college men date steady?"
"What girls expect of a boy."
"Keeping company with a girl who goes only for a good time."
—Kermit Hayes.
To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed, but. not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself—
Thomas Jefferson.
The college Y. M. C. A. should devote a largo part of its time to its social program, physically and Intellectually the student may look to the college Itself for development. Religiously and socially the student must look to the organisations formed primarily for the purpose of such development. The Y. M. C. A. is one such organisation.
Upon our campus the Y. M. sponsors three major social events during the year. The Freshman stag helps the lonely newcomers to get acquainted with other and the "Y”. The watermelon feed, put on with the cooperation of its sister organisation, Is an excellent all-school get-together. Students not fortunate enough to get home for the Thanksgiving vacation, are benefitted by the Thanksgiving party, also put on in cooperation with the Y. W. C. A.—Paul Sherfy.
The height of indifference Is the guy who sees a black spot is his pudding and doesn’t care whether it’s a fly or a raisin.
Patronize Spectator advertisers. They are M. C. boosters.
Tues., Sept. 15—The subject of etiquette In general, and especially as applied to college men was the subject used by Miss Della Lehman this morning in a talk at the meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
Group singing was led by Blanch Harris, followed by devotionals on the subject of "Friendship." conducted by Philip Lauver.
Hermit Hayes, program committee chairman, was in charge of the meeting.