McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Wednesday, nov. 11, 1931
President W. O. Mendenhall of Friends University to Speak Preceding Talk by President Hoover
Program Is In Interest of the Liberal
Art Center
Next Saturday night, beginning at 7:30, the National Liberal Arts College Broadcast will be put on the air over fifty-six radio stations associat-ed with the National Broadcasting Company. This program Is being put on with the cooperation of a group of the leading educators of America, and Its purpose is to interpret the needs, the aims, and the achievements of the American liberal arts
Part of the program will consist of a half hour given over to talks by President Hoover, Dr Robert L. Kelly. Mrs. Thoman J. Preston, Jr., Dr. John H. Finley, and Dr. A. N. Ward, all nationally known speakers and writers, beginning at 8 o'clock.
Preceding this, at 7:30, Dr. W. O. Mendenhall, president of Friends university and widely known lecturer, will speak from radio station KFH at Wichita, representing the colleges of this part of Kansas.
A radio set will be installed in the college chapel for the convenience of those students and residents of the community who may wish to listen in on the broadcast. Tentative plans have been made for a program in addition to the radio broadcast, which will Include a good moving picture and entertainment features by student and faculty members.
Next Saturday afternoon an advertising float will appear on the streets of McPherson, spreading to as many as possible the news of the broadcast In the evening. Extensive announcements have been made in all organizations of the city, and students are being urged to remind their parents and friends in their respective communities to listen in on the program.
Plan to Go to Twin Mounds
by Truck
The members of the senior class are planning to go to Twin Mounds next Friday afternoon for a picnic. All who plan to go will meet In iron of the Administration Building at 3:30 P. M., and the Journey Is to be made in a truck.
Fri., Nov. 6—The college orchestra gave an unusually fine program in chapel this morning.
The splendid attention of the students testified of the rapid progress which the orchestra has made this year. Miss Margaret Shelley led as the processional and recessional were played. The other numbers were "March Heroique", "By the Sea", and '' Ballet-Music". from "Rosa-munde". by Schubert, and "March Woolle."
A careless mam is Just an accident going somewhere to happen,
A recent survey made by two students of the ethics class revealed that an exceptionally large number of McPherson college students are earning a substantial part of their way through school.
It was found that out of the total of 346 regular students enrolled. 93 are earning 75% or more of their own way. 34 are earning between 50% and 75% of their own way and 3 4 others are earning less than 50% of their own way. Only 85 students did not register as earning part of their way through college. This makes the average per student 45.1% of total expenses earned.
Of the 3 6 students receiving scholarships from the college. 2 4 were women and 12 were men.
Out of a total or 41 athletes, 28 were found to be earning 75% or more of their own way through school. The average expenses earned by the athletes is 70.97% per man.
Taking the total amount of expenses earned by the college women, it was discovered that the average per cent was 26.63%, while that for the men was more than twice as much, 63.13%.
Uses Stereopticon Slides to Illustrate Indian Writing
Tues., Nov. 3—Braveheart, a full-blooded representative of the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, gave a very interesting program this evening at seven-thirty in the college chapel, under the auspices of the Student Council.
He told of the Indian customs of his country. Including their speech, dress, and food. A number of stere-opticon slides were used to Illustrate the peculiarities of Indian writing. In addition Braveheart pleased the audience with many most interesting stories concerning life among the Indians.
President of Bethany College Pays Us a Visit
Mon., Nov. 9—-President E. F. Pilhbled of Bethany college gave the chapel address this morning, taking as his subject “Where Do You Live?"
Dr. Pihlblad said that one cannot tell where a man lives by a map or by the city directory; also that men may oven live In the same house and still be the antipodes of one another.
The reality of life, he stated is not so much the sights and Bounds about us, but our interpretation and perception of these things. A student might be living in a world of grades and very little else, when he should be living in the field of knowledge. Edison was cited as an example of great service in the world of electricity. Dr. Pihlblad warned against the danger of allowing too many ac-cessories and side issues interfere with things of greater value.
He concluded by saying "The real
of things, but in the upper room to which the Prophet went for inspira-tion and guidance for the day's
Sun., Nov. 8—Tonight’s Christian Endeavor discussion centered around the subject "God's Gifts and Our Responsibilities." Edith Beehtelheim-er spoke on "Just How Rich Are We?" pointing out that our wealth depended upon the way we developed God's gifts of health, mind, talents, nature, and opportunities for educa-tion. Evelyn Hleny talked on "Our Use of Riches." She said that some people lack a true value of money, and that, if we use our riches in the best way, we must contribute the best we have to their development.
Blanch Harris sang a special solo. Florence Dresher was the discussion chairman.
Better Be Bulldog Boosters!
Wed., Nov. 11— Bulldogs play Ot-tawa Braves at Ottawa, 2 P. M.
Fri., Nov. 13 -- Senior picnic at Twin Mounds
Sat., Nov. 14 —National College radio broadcast. 7:30 P. M.
Tues., Nov. 17 - Laurant, the Ma-gician, presents second lyceum num-
Dope Indicates That Teams Will Be Evenly Matched
Best Team in Years
Wed., Nov. 11—This afternoon the McPherson college Bulldogs tangle with the strong Ottawa Braves foot-ball aggregation on the Ottawa field.
The Bulldogs realize that that Ot-tawa team is the best It has been In years, and they have been going through strenuous workouts preparatory to this battle. Ottawa's Coach, Charles Dee Erickson, is serving his first year with the Braves and has developed a fine team. He formerly coached at Fort Scott Junior college and made a good record while coach-ing there.
Knapper, fullback on the Ottawa team, is leading the attack of the
Braves, and the team Is built around this man. His passing has been at-tracting much favorable comment throughout the state: He is also a
luggers In Senter, all-conference hall of last year, and Gray, a stellar ball from last year. Walters, a veteran Is one of the mainstays of the line at the center position. Wilkens, an-other lineman, is considered as an-
other dangerous man In the Ottawa forward wall.
Ottawa so far this season has woe from the Haskell Reserves, 19 to 2. the Warrensburg, Missouri, Teach-ers. 7 to 0, Baker university, 14 to 12, Bethel college. 27 to 0. and lost to Kansas Wesleyan 25 to 6 and to Friends university, 13 to 7.
The Bulldogs left tor Ottawa yesterday afternoon with 21 men mak-ing the trip. Those who made the trip were Hochstrasser, R. Anderson, Pauls, and Ediger ends; Quigg. Mowbray, Siemens. Kim, and Zinn. tankles; Captain Kerk. Minear, and Countrynman, guards: Ikenberry and McGill centers; Hinford, Haws, Car-penter, Wiggins, K. Anderson, Beck-with, and Sorenson, backs
Laurant, the Magician, Will Give a Full Evening's Entertainment
The second number of the McPher-son Community Lyceum course will be given next Tuesday night, November 17. It will consist of an eve-
ning's entertainment by Laurant, "The Man of Many Mysteries."
With a delightful personality and a marvelous degree of perfection and dexterity In his art. Mr. Laurant is said to give a program which never falls to please his audience. He does not depend entirely upon magic for his entertainment, but his lightning character changes made with only a rim of felt and a black cloak have helped to create for him the title of "The Man of Many Mysteries.
For years Mr Laurant has given full evening programs on lyceum and chautaqua courses throughout the United States and Canada, and has appeared In over two hundred colleges, high schools, and private schools with a special program arranged for assemblies.
M. Goering and Hayes Are Alternates—John Goering, Juhnke, Peters, and Staats on Second Team
Members Enjoy a Number of Contests and Stunts
Fri., Nov. 6—-More than forty students from the Freshman-Sophomore
Sunday School classes met in the church basement tonight for a party
In charge of the entertainment pro-
The group was divided Into two teams for the contests and stunts Mrs V. F. Schwalm. teacher of the girls" class received a prize for guessing nearest the correct number of beans in a glass bottle.
Light refreshments of pumpkin pie and coffee were served at the close of the entertainment program.
Annual Dramatic Production Was Omitted Last Year
Fri., Nov 6 - At a meeting held this morning In Prof. J. A. Blair's lecture room the senior class decided to give a play again this year. Last year the senior play., which has gained a reputation for being one of the outstanding dramatic produc-tions which the people of McPherson are privileged to see during the year, was omitted because of financial circumstances.
A play committee previously sel-elcted. composed of Helen Holloway, and Verle Ohmart, will go ahead with arrangements for selection of a play and a coach.
This morning also a committee consisting of Ada Stutzman. Royal Yoder, and Roy Bartles was elected, to make arrangements for a picnic or party to take place at an early
Tues., Nov. 10- Alma Atchison opened the Y. W. C. A. meeting this morning by playing a prelude. Following the group singing of ’'Faith of Our Fathers." Corrine Bowers rend the scripture and look charge of the program. Mildred Ronk. Dor-rthy Brooks. Florence Dresher. and Oneita Boyer all contributed to the program with talk' on ’'Women and World Peace."
Pauline Dell, sung "I Love a Little
After announcements had been made the meeting Was closed with the repeating of the benediction.
Members Tell of Their Attitudes Toward Mission Work
Thurs., Nov. 5- Twenty-two peo-ple discussed their attitudes toward Christian missions in a World Service Group discussion tonight. It was brought out In the discussion that at one time nearly half of those present had considered mission service as a life vocation, but now none were definitely planning on that type of work, and only three were even considering It. Among the reasons for this change of attitudes, were growing Interest In other vocations, realization that, one's abilities had not fitted him for missions, and that one's original enthusiasm was due to hero-worship rather than to a general interest.
This discussion proved to be one of the most Interesting that the World Services Group has had and will be continued at their neat regular meeting.
Better Be Bulldog Boosters!
Women's Tryouts Postponed Until Next Friday Afternoon
Tues., Nov. 10—Lilburn Gottmann, Lawrence Lehman. Ward Williams, and Walter Wollman came out as the members of the men's varsity debate squad as the result of the tryouts held late this evening In the college chapel. Milton Goering and Kermit Hayes were selected by the Judges as alternates for the first team.
The second team Is composed of John Goering, William Juhnke George Peters, and Elmer Stoats, with Donald Hrumbaugh and Samuel Stoner as alternates.
Williams and Wollman are vet-erans from last year's team which took the state championship for the fifth time for McPherson college in the eleven years during which Prof. Maurice A. Hess has been debate
coach. Gottmann was a member of
the second team last year, and Leh-
man was an alternate on the first
Eighteen contestants tried out for the twelve places on the men's debate squads. Judges were Miss Edith McGaffey, Dr J. D, Bright. Prof. .I. A. Blair. Prof, F. A. Replogle, and Prof. Maurice A. Hess
Because- of the Illness nf one of the contestants the tryouts for the women's varsity team will not take place Wednesday afternoon as an-nounced. but on next Friday after-noon at 3:30.
"Larry, Thoughts of Youth," Reveals Youth's Attitudes
Tues., Nov. 10-- The Y. W. C. A. of the college presented a book to the library today entitled “Larry. Thoughts of Youth."
The book is one of the most unus-
ual books ever published. It is Youth interpreted by Youth, giving the diary and letters of a modern college student. written without fear of critical eyes. Larry Foster attend-ed Lafayette college in the East but during his college career he met with death.
Since Larry's death many requests from his friends have prompted the publishing of these tremendously in-teresting writings "Larry" Is not fiction but rather the unspoiled, frank expression of a modern youth who faced life whole-heartedly.
John H. Finley, editor of the New York Times, says that the beautiful thing about this book Is that It is youth’s happy, hopeful though often perplexed, frank revelation of itself And not age's memory or revision of
The book is a gift from the local Y. W. C. A. to the college library. The book has been read widely on
many campuses.
Give Program on World Peace in Throe Churches
A McPherson college deputation team, sponsored by the World Ser-vice Group, will leave the campus next week-end to give programs In three Churches. On Saturday eve-ning, November 14, the team will give a program at the Holland Church of the Brethren, of which Lawrence Lehman, a student here is pastor. The following Sunday morning a meeting will be held at the Navrre church, and on Sunday night at the Church of the Brethren at Hope, Kansas.
Members of the team are Lois Ed-wards, Gulah Hoover, Mildred Hunk, Delvis Bradshaw, and Harvey Shank.
Thirteen years ago "the war to end wars" was brought to a close. Was It a "war to end Wars?” The A Allies won the war and the Germans were defeated. However, who really knows who won that great catastrophe?
A peace treaty was fixed. Is It not up to us to help make it permanent?
The next four or five months will have a profound influence In mould-ing sentiment for peace. What takes place at Geneva, Switzerland, during the International Disarmament Conference la of utmost significance to every civilized nation of the world. -
As a college student, are you interested In world peace? A state Student Disarmament Conference will he held at Washburn college, Topeka, on December 4 and 5. The success of such a conference ran be and will be measured largely by the response that college and university groups give to It In thought and action for peace.
As college students, are we willing to contribute in helping to bring “peace-on earth, good will toward men"?—A, Y,
You stand on the threshold of life, and yon need courage. You need the courage to have Ideals and the courage to be true to them. Do not, be afraid of life and its problems. The equipment which you bring to your life will be the solvent of these problems. The learning which you are receiving here is merely added to those things which you may possess or develop for yourself. If you have the right Ideals and the will to work; your mission In life will be accomplished in a way that will bring you satisfaction and contentment.
Have faith In yourself, because faith works wonders, and without faith In yourself you will limit your own capacity to succeed. Do not let this faith however, develop into conceit and arrogance; Even the most successful men with the most abounding faith In themselves, the most vigorous energy and courage, possess that rectifying quality of modesty which is essential if one Is to be truly successful in whatever place In' life one occupies.
Be rational In all things. Above all, keep your minds clean and active. Mental sordidness will react on you physically and spiritually and will destroy that which la most beneficial In your struggle for success. To the boy who la plodding daily through his routine, doing hard and conescien-tious work. It may seem a little difficult to keep that high spirit and transform Into adventure that, which seems so commonplace and possibly dull.
Remember, at your age, that the work-a-day things are merely the prelude, the preliminary to your eventual life's work. Remember the drudgery of the singer, the violinist, the pianist. Think of the daily toll the repetition, and In mast cases, the hard taskmasters. But you can easily visualize the triumph that follows and the joy and happiness that come In the ultimate success that is bound to follow.—Selected,
Day after day a bunch of boys trot out upon the football field. Hour after hour these boys go through a long process of hard, grinding exer-
cise. When the day's grind la through this bunch of dirty, sweaty boys drop upon the ground, panting and exhausted. They look hard and they are hard. But when the chosen eleven stand facing another eleven, this grind Is forgotten and In each breast there is a pounding heart, and each man stands ready with grim determination that he will do his best.
The whistle blows. The game Is on, The sound of leather against leather, the crash of smashing bodies is heard from the dust-laden field. Another crash, and a cry or a curse, and someone is carried off the field. The boys are sad, but they go on and on. We see them smashing, fighting, grabbing, pushing, shoving, yelling to "get your man".
They are down. They are up. They are all over the field. And after a hard fight they have lost the game. We see the hard lips tremble and perhaps a tear or two trinkles down the hardened cheeks. But we also see a greater determination in their faces and we hear the low mutterings of the men as they say. “We will beat them next time."
What Is It that urges these boys on? Why do they go on fighting when they are hurt and beaten? Why do they become angry when carried Off the field? Why do they fight and go on fighting? Why? Because they are fighting for you and your school, They have that "Bulldog spirit" ground and drilled Into their systems. Each man is willing to give his best, his all. and his life for his team and his college.
Students and faculty, would you be willing to go through hours and hours of grind and killing exercise? Are you willing to go into battle not knowing whether you would be carried off the field broken and bruised? Are you willing to suffer bruises and pains?
-It takes he-men and she-women to cheer when luck’s against
you. Any old fool will cheer and smile when things go his way but it takes real men to be cheerful when everything seems lost. Does McPherson college produce men or robots? Let's hope it's the former. Come on; students, let's get the old fight and show our boys we are behind them through thick and thin; Let's show them we are ready to fight, and die for M. C. Let's show them we still have that "Bulldog spirit."—By W. A. P.
Contains 106 Books for Use of Students
Dean R. E. Mohler has founded a library In his laboratory on third floor of Harnly Hall. This library contains 106 books which can be us-ed by students of the department. There is a variety of books on Biology, Agriculture, Heredity, and Zoo-logy.
Rules governing the department library are as follows: 1. Books may be used by students of the de-
partment at any time but are not to be taken out of the building until 3:30 in the afternoon. 2. All books taken from the library must be returned by 9:00 a. M. the next school day. 3. See that each book is returned to its proper place when through with it. 4. When using a book, leave the following record— your name, hook number, when taken, and when returned.
A detective is about the only per-
son who can poke his nose Into other people's business and still mind his
Another definition: an expert is a man making a speech away from home.
If there is no sunshine In your religion there must be something the matter with It.
A friend in deed Is the fellow who doesn't talk mean about you behind your back.
It makes no difference where you start; the finish Is what counts.
Pity the idler; he never knows the Joy of loafing.
Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful thorne have roses.—Alphonse Karr,
" Girls! Don’t save all your smiles for the parlor. Use some in the kitchen.
Prof. Milton Doll and family motored to Beatrice, Nebraska, where they visited friends and relatives Saturday and Sunday.
Gulah Hoover visited friends in Manhattan during the week-end.
Students are too much inclined to feel that they are in school for the purpose of preparation, and do not take advantage of the many opportunities which they have for actual accomplishment while in school. The more creative projects which the student can carry through, the better will he his fitness to go on to bigger and better accomplishments when school days are ended.
Here are two examples of creation of a particular type—two poems written by Edith Bechtelhelmer, a freshman. The first gives her Impression of McPherson college as she found it:
Her mountains, her valleys, her plains,
I sit here in awe and rapture As I gaze at this grand domain.
"I stop and wonder how it all can
These beautiful rocks, and mountain streams;
I feel so small as I now can see The perfection of God's Great Theme.”
Dear M. C.
'The college campus on the brow of a hill
Is a picture supreme and fair;
It's a picture made more beautiful still.
When one sees the lives lived there.
"The College Hill people have lofty aims,
A Christian spirit prevails;
Love with all its beauty reigns.
And no other this life assails."
And the next was written this summer in the Colorado Rocky Mountains:
God's Great Theme "I marvel at the wonders of Nature;
Louise Ikenberry, Lola Hawkins, and Grace Lerew were the guests of Esther Brown in her home at Hutchinson Saturday and Sunday.
Mildred Doyle. Florence Weaver, Posey Jamison, and Vernon Rhoades spent the week-end at Topeka.
Loren Rock, Loyd Larsen, Clea-son Minter and Paul Sherfy spent the week-end in Abilene. Paul Sher-fy was the guest of Loyd Larsen.
Judging from the number of alumni and former students on the cam-pus during the past, week, one might think that the teachers’ meeting was In McPherson. The following alumni and former students were among those on the campus; Mrs. W. G. Grabeel—known to the students as Chester Carter; Ruth Blah, Naomi Whitmore, Ruth Turner, Marguerite Hubbard, Kenneth Rock, Ralph and Paul Bowers, Vernon Spillman. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Landes, Carroll Walker, Harry Zinn, and John Wagoner.
If you care for poetry "Give Him
a Nobel Prize," under the head of Comment, in Poetry for November will interest you as a contrast In the rewards of the successful poet and the successful artist in other fields. Some good poems can be found by browsing through each issue of Poetry,
The current National Geographic Magazine has splendid articles upon our capital city—Washington.
If tidal waves thrill you, and appeal to your imagination, "The Waves Called Tidal" by Tolman in the November Nature Magazine will well repay you for your time.
Last week's feature classified, our care according to nationality and col-or. Another suggestive classifica-tion might be made, classifying them according to their use when off the campus. That Is, they would be classed according to social utility. Still another classification might be age—ancient, medieval, or modern.
Better Be Bulldog Boosters!
You will feel better and look better after visiting the Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask about our permanent waves. Try one of our Woodbury Facials. Phone 499— adv.
All that mankind has done, thought, gained, or been; it is lying as In magic preservation in the pages of books. They are the chosen pos-session of men. --Carlyle.
I am not a heathen: Yet I adore; pay tribute to,
That which is not Deity.
My worship is not of a moment,
Nor of a day:
Time is the wrong unit of measurement.
There Is a private shrine Set up in my heart Where the incense burns steadily. And like the heathen's god of stone
My goddess answers not—
D0 my worshipping evoke Her favor? -
That we have a progressive college in a progressive cjty is proved by the above photographs. Above is a view of the west side of Main Street, between Marlin and Kansas Avenue, taken in 1880, about the time of the founding of the college. Below is the campus as it appeared twenty-five years ago.
If any one should happen to question me as to what I thought about, feature writing, I would very happily tell them that I thought it was the most distressing nerve racking occupation I had over chanced to spend my precious moments doing. There are at least five hundred other really worth while things I should be doing at this very instant, but instead here I am laboring over a typewriter, trying to turn out a master thought piece for the renowned Spectator. I have enumerated to myself exactly five hundred duties and pleasures that I could be enjoying and occupying my time with now and I am not through yet. I might put these down on paper for you to witness and criticize but I think too much of my private business for that; so I'll Just be content with pitying my own self and not ask for sympathy from any body.
Evidently there are a few days when the follow who is supposed to write the feature can't make his brain function and as far as his mentality is concerned is what you might cull mortally wounded. If you haven't already discovered this- bit of information for yourself, I'll disclose to you now that that is what is hindering my progress. In fact every thing seems to be in a conspiracy against me and my feature. Even the weather had to go and act funny and thus aggravate me further, it is raining outside so that I cannot open the windows unless I would like to paddle around in water inches deep all over the floor, while at the same time the place is simply too hot and stuffy for any normal individual to exist in comfortably and the radiator dufloopy is stuck, consequently it is impossible to turn off the heat.
I'm a fool and I know it, for whoever heard of waiting until Monday to try to get an inspiration. I believe I'll turn over a new leaf or make a resolution or something, to the effect that never again will I attempt this job on Monday, but always and always have It finished by twelve o'clock Sunday nite.
Parden me, while I take time out I just see the faint glimmerings of an Idea---
Nope, it’s no use, it simply won't materialize, these Ideas of mine are either too hot or too cold to develop and submit to the public.
And that's another trouble with this type of work. You put something down which seems perfectly undervisible and open minded to you reupon you must either attempt to elucidate, throw light upon or make clear in some manner the hidden meaning, substance, content or what have you in the above enigma or else your loving public won't comprehend at all what you are driving at. And what's the use of fooling around with this bunk if no one is capable of appreciating your talent.
Why, you can spend hours and hours thinking faithfully, diligently and inspiringly and then transplanting those thoughts into words and in spite of this fact the whole durned
institution thinks it is all a mess and one grand flop. I beg your pardon, but it almost drives me to slang; truly, it is one heck of a life.
Five o'clock and time to have this into the editor—-ye gawds, here is where I get going! But alas and alas as I try to focus my wandering thoughts upon something sane and sensible, 50,000 wild and scattered ideas dash through my brain.
Johnny Kindy's hair which one wild and windy day stood up like the feathers of a banty rooster's tall— these preachers who never know when to keep the blessed peace— Evelyn Saylor’s perfect grooming— Posey Jamison's shirt buttons—these professors who are always tearing off only to leave some one else to meet the boring classes— the happy hours Florence Weaver spends working for our enjoyable dean and registrar—Oh gee, there ain't no Justice anyway; saving up dimes to buy Christmas presents for the boy friend—these men who insist on dashing around minus most of their clothes, calmly ignoring-dumbness or Ignorance, which?—the proximity of The girl's dorm—slaw and dill pickles In the dining ball—Coach Binford's new football star to bethe abnormal curiosity of some folks, as for example witness the barbarous custom of lining up to watch new dates—mid-semester exams which no students and most professors don't enjoy, so why have them?--Dr. Bright's fondness of romantic allusions in Greek History—the argumentative people in some classes, note to Prof. Hess, sorely there is some hidden and hitherto unsuspected debate talent there—Ward William's preoccupied air—Meinhardt's vagueness—that dandy Buhler-3/4 quartette—these couples that are forever breaking up only to drift to gether again—Dean Reploguie's midnight visit to an Insane asylum— golf appointed chairmen to some senior committees—spineless guys who feel It. necessary to steal off in other people's cars preferred, to spend a few happy moments enjoying the forbidden cigarette—Delta Lehman's absent-mindedness as Illustrated by her forgetting to pay for a perfectly good shampoo at a McPherson Beauty Parlor—Lillian Carlson's antipathy to certain insignificant Romeos on McPherson's campus—-and, nuff said!
Some things even a feature writer Just can't talk about.
Tues., Nov. 10—The Y. W. C. A. of the college recently purchased four dozen new music books. This morning the books were presented at, the regular meeting of the association.
Mattie Shay is chairman of the music committee of the Y. W. C. A.
The sophomore class Is planning to have a picnic on Friday afternoon of this week. The committee is attempting to secure a truck and go to Coronado Heights near Lindsborg for the outing. If the truck cannot be secured the class will go to Ander-son's grove north of McPherson.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore, and you sleep alone.
She reminds, me of an almond bar —sweet but nutty.
Kansas Conference schools won two games, lost one, and tied one in their schedule of non-conference games last week.
Kansas Wesleyan, the undefeated co-leader in conference standings with Bethany, was outplayed gener-ally by Phillips university of Enid. Oklahoma, but won the game by a score of 6 to 0 at Salina Saturday, on a 60-yard run by Buckland, right halfback. after a Phillips pass was intercepted.
Ottawa brought in the other victory by a win over Bethel college. 27 lo 0. The game was played at Ottawa.
Baker university played to a 7-7 tie with Wiliam Jewell of the Missouri College Union at Kansas City, in the annual battle between these old rivals, Bethany college was defeated 7 to 0 by Friends university at Wichita.
The only conference game to be played this week is the Armistice Day game Wednesday between McPherson and Ottawa, Baker goes outside of the loop to play Missouri Valley at Baldwin Friday night, while Bethany meets Hays Teachers of the Central Conference at Lindsborg.
Kansas Conference.
W |
L |
T |
Pct. | ||
Wesleyan |
2 |
0 |
1 |
1.000 | |
Bethany |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1.000 | |
Ottawa |
1 |
1 |
0 |
.500 | |
Baker . |
1 |
2. |
0 |
.333 | |
McPherson |
0 |
2 |
0 |
.000 |
The Bulldogs did not have a game the past week, but Coaches Binford and Selves put their charges through some stiff workouts. On Friday a regular game was played between the first and second strings with the regulars winning by a 20-0 score.
During this practice game the first string showed a fine offensive at times. Carpenter was going off tackle for some mighty nice-gains. Haws was in the lineup part of the time at his old position and was running the team in fine shape. Binford made some good gains and handled the team well on offense.
Wiggins was doing his fine job of
punting and Moore on the reserve team also got off some nice kicks. McGill, playing the center position, has come up rapidly, and is looking good at his position. Countryman blocked a kick that put the regulars in a position for one of their touchdowns.
We notice that Friends university had a great Homecoming and humbled our "Swede" friends to the tune of 7 to 0. Again it was the flashy Morton of the Quakers that spelled defeat for the Swedes. The Quaker captain ran 70 yards for the only score of the game on the same
play that he used in his long run against the Bulldogs. Morton had fine intereference when he started this long jaunt, but when he got on: In the open he dodged, side-stepped, and ran his way to the goal.
The Swedes didn't seem to have much drive in this game. It is in-teresting to note that Friends made three more first downs that the Swedes, and McPherson made one more first down than Friends in the recent Bulldog-Quaker battle. Also, the Swedes made but 13 yards from scrimmage (net yardage exclusive of passes), while the Bulldogs made 100 yards against this same team.
Kansas Wesleyan, the Conference leaders, won a non-conference game
from Phillips university by a 6-0
score. Burkland, Coyote buck, intercepted a pass and ran sixty yards
the Bulldogs have Improved since the first of the season. In an early season game Wesleyan defeated Mc-Pherson 4 7 to 0 while Phillips was able to score but one touch down a few weeks later.
The Bulldogs tangle with the Ottawa braves in a special Armistice Day feature today, Ottawa lost a game to Friends by a score of 13 to 7. while the Bulldogs lost to the Quakers by a score of 12 to 7. However the Bulldogs have lost to Baker 6-0 and the Braves defeated the Baker eleven by a 14-12 score 11 the Bulldogs offensive can function for the entire game and with the defense holding as it has recently, we will be expecting a brilliant Bulldog victory.
Thurs., Nov. 5—At one o'clock this afternoon the members of the "M" club held a meeting to discuss a date for the annual "M" Club ban-uet which takes place some time next spring. Herbert Mowbray, president, was delegated to select, a committee to decide upon the date of the banquet, which is one of the outstanding social events of the school year.
As the "M" Club has been the only organization on the campus without a faculty advisor, the group chose Dean F. A. Replogle to fill this posi-tion.
Membership does for the year were set at one dollar.
A Speedograph duplicator has been constructed recently in the Department of Industrial Arts, under the direction of Prof. Milton S. Dell. This machine is far superior to the small duplicating devices in common use as it has a Beckloth roll fifteen feet long, and therefore is capable of making about fifteen copies at once instead of only one. Commercial devices similar to the one made in the McPherson college shops are sold on the market for ninety dollars, but this one was built with only a small cost for materials.
Most of the work was done by Donald Trostle, assistant in the woodwork shop.
This device will dispense with the expense of mimeographing the material to be used in connection with the course.
"If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t; If you'd like to win, but you think you can’t.
It's almost a cinch you won't,
”If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. For out of the world we find. Success begins with a fellow’s will— It's all in the state of mind.
"If you think you are outclassed, you
You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize,
“Life's battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But. sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks be can.”
- —Selected.
A saxophone is produced In Amer-ica every forty seconds. It is esti-mated that If they were all piled up in one place in the Sahara Desert it would be a good idea.
Success is not so. much sitting up at night as staying awake in the daytime.
Spectator advertisers are truly interested in the welfare of M. C.
Washburn college, Topeka, Nov, 9 — Students attending the state-wide Student Disarmament conference here December 4 and 5 will be assured of a well-rounded discussion of the disarmament question, if plans of the general committee materialize. Round table discussions and lectures by authorities on the subject will occupy the greater part of the time of the delegates.
Delegates will register on Friday afternoon at Mac Viear chapel. A small registration fee will be asked. The first session of the conference will be in the chapel at 7:30 o'clock the following morning, with an address on the purpose. Importance, and agenda of the International Conference at Geneva, Switzerland, this winter. A speech on obstacles to disarmament will be given at 8:30 o'clock, followed by an open forum.
At nine o'clock a delegate from each of the nine colleges which has been assigned a nation to study will discuss the altitude of that nation regarding disarmament. The remainder of Saturday morning will be spent discussing the commissions on effectives, materials, budgetary limitations, exchange of information, and permanent disarmament commissions. No session will he held Saturday afternoon because of the charity football game between Kansas University and Washburn.
Delegates will be expected to attend a banquet Saturday night, at which time two prominent national speakers on disarmament will be heard. Two addresses Sunday afternoon will close the conference.
A number of McPherson college
students are now making tentative plans to attend and take part In the Washburn Student Conference. A conflict with the pre-season debate tournament at Southwestern college will prevent the attendance of several who would otherwise take part.
Wed., Nov. 4—"David Starr Jar-dan, the late president of Leland Stanford University, California, and an outstanding scientist was one of the greatest, teachers of the past generation,” stated Dr. H. J. Harnly in this morning's chapel address. Dr. Harnly, senior member, of the McPherson College faculty, also stated that Dr. Jordan was one of the main leaders in helping to reconstruct college curricula, and was
elected president of the National Educational Society of America.
David Starr Jordan, 1851—1931, was of Puritan ancestry. He became interested in science when thirteen years of age and at that time made a map of the stars. After that he
became interested in geography and
made a map of the world. He was also interested in organisms.
He had the privilege and honor of attending the Female Seminary in Massachussetts because of his extraordinary good conduct. He was interested in sports, especially baseball. He was large in stature, was sociable, but also possessed poise and dignity. He was also religions in his attitudes.
At the age of eighteen he entered Cornell College with seventy-five dollars and graduated there with the same amount. This indicated that he made his own way. He received a professorship to Lombard College at Galesburg, Illinois. Dr. Jordan studied and lectured, one of his last lecture trips being that to Europe in 1930 when he lectured on "War".
Dr. Harnly presented this interesting biography as one who has known Dr. Jordan and can fully appreciate him. Dr. Harnly made his acquaintance as a student under him and in his address this morning revealed him as a great man who has Just passed from us.
The concluding number of the chapel program was a vocal solo entitled "Barefoot Trail," sung by Clarence Bartley.
Dr. Bright (in history class): Miss
Bowman, do you have a date?
Elisabeth (stammering): No-o-o.