vol. xv




duties at McPherson college this fall

Prof. Fred A. Replogle To Have Duties Of Combined Offices Of Dean And Registrar—Mohler And Blair Teach In Their Departments


Both Have Experience As Teachers In High Schools Of Kansas

Wed., Sept 5—McPherson college formally begins the term's work this morning with three new instructors included in its faculty.

Prof. Fred A. Replogle, formerly of Chicago, has assumed the duties of Dean and Registrar, two offices merged for the first time at McPherson beginning this fall. Prof. Rep-logle comes to McPherson highly recommended as a man well fitted for this kind of work. He has his Master's degree front Northwestern University, and is completing work for his Ph. D. from the University of Chicago.

Dean R. E. Mohler becomes Dean of Men and professor of biology, and is also giving some time to work for the Board of Religious Education of the Church of the Brethren at Elgin. Illinois. Prof. J. A. Blair, former Registrar, will devote his full time to teaching in the department, of education and as Director of Practice Teaching.

Prof. Milton S. Dell. B. S., '26. is an alumnus of the college who has taught in the high school at Marion, Kansas, for the last seven years. He is instructor in the industrial arts department, taking the place of Prof. George N. Boone who is working toward his doctor's degree.

Miss Helen Mellrath of Kingman. Kansas, who has been teaching in the high school at Lawrence, Kansas, is taking charge of the department of home economics, filling the place left vacant by Miss Mildred Thurow who is now pursuing higher education in the Cornell University.


Dormitory Remodeled To Provide Living Rooms

Fahnestock Hall is again to have a matron this year, Mrs. A. J. Voran having been secured for the position. The dormitory has been slightly remodeled to provide living quarters for Mr. and Mrs. Voran, who will see to the needs of the men such as repairing clothing, giving medical aid, and keeping order in general.

The former double parlor of the building has again been divided, and the part remaining will be used as a social and recreation room for the men, and a reception room for visitors.

Two other rooms on the first floor have been remodeled and will be used by Mr. and Mrs. Voran.

For the last two years there has been no matron in the men's dormitory.



Following their usual custom members of the Y. W. C. A. have again been assigned the freshman girls who are to be their “Little Sisters" this year. Thus the students who are new to their college environment have someone to help them with their problems and make them feel at home at M. C.

This arrangement is especially advantageous to the parties concerned as it allows the freshmen to become oriented more quickly to their new surroundings and gives members of the upper classes a chance to make acquaintance at once with their fel-low students.

The way to get ahead is to make yourself more useful than the other fellows; the kind of job you'll have five years from now depends on the way you handle the one you have.



Bright And Hershey Able To Resume Teaching

Wed., Sept. 6—Two of the McPherson college instructors who are returning to their teaching duties today have just recovered from serious illness resulting from appendicitis. Dr. J Willard Hershey and Dr. J. Daniel Bright recently underwent operations at approximately the same time at the McPherson hospital.

Both have regained their strength sufficiently to begin their classes.


Largest In History—170 Are Enrolled—40 In Music

McPherson college had, during the past summer, the best and largest summer school the college has ever had. The term began June l and closed July 31. This is the first year that there has been a nine weeks summer school. The nine weeks term makes it possible for one to complete nine semester hours work in one summer.

The enrollment during the past summer was over 170, 40 of which were special music students. Besides these, a model school of over 30 grammar students was conducted for those taking practice teaching.

The following were among those in the summer school faculty: Dr. Bright, Dr. Hershey, Prof. Blair, Miss Fee, Miss Lehman, Miss Colline, Miss Brown, Mrs. Tate, Miss Lingen-felter, and Prof. Fries, Business Manager.

This is the first year there has not been a McPherson College Rocky Mountain Summer School, in Palmer Lake, Colorado.


Aug. 10—The birth of another prospective M.. C. student was an nounced today by Professor and Mrs. Maurice A. Hess.

The new arrival was a girl, weigh-ng seven and one-half pounds. She has been named Pauline Clara.

All M. C. friends are receiving a cordial invitation to pay a visit to the Hess residence and see their daughter.


First President Of College Dies —Age Of 95

Dr. S. Z. sharp, first president of McPherson college, died late this summer at his home in Fruita, Col-orado, at the age of 95 years. Although doctors told him when he was 18 that he would not live long because of tuberculosis, he had recovered from the disease and lived to be president of four different colleges. His death was caused by injuries received when an automobile ran into the horse and buggy he was driving.

Dr. Sharp came to McPherson college in 1887, after having held the office of president successively at Ashland college, Ohio, and Mount Morris college, DI. In 1896 he resigned the presidency at McPherson and became head of Plattsburgh col-lege, Plausburg, Mo, resigning in 1907 to move to his home in Fruita. Colo.

Dr. Sharp attained considerable note as a scientist, having been appointed state geologist in 1894, and elected to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The good die young, the old dye hair.


Tonight—Freshman stag at 5: 15, sponsored by Y. M. C. A.

Thurs., Sept. 10—Lecture for all college men by Dean Mohler, 10 A. M.

Fri., Sept. 11 — All school social and melon feed at 7 P. M. on campus.

Tues., Sept. 15-Y M. C. A. -Y. W. C A. meeting at 10 a. m.


75 Pounds More In Line Than Last Year’s Team


33 Men Report At First Practice—

Over 40 Expected

Monday. Sept. 7 — Seventy-five more pounds in the line than last year was promised this evening by Coach Binford after the 1931 season's first workout.

With an average weight of I58 pounds, last year’s team labored under one of the greatest handicaps known to the game. But with the material now reporting for drill not only will the line have more weight, but the first squad average will approximate 170 pounds.

The addition of this weight and the return of all the eligible letter men of last year furnish the back-ground for optimism. Johnston and Mowbray, centers; Countryman and Keck, Captain, guards; Hockstrasser and Ohmart, ends: Zinn and Binford, backfield, are all reporting letter men. Bowman, Minear, and Sorenson of the reserve squad are back. Enough new men reported this evening to make a total of 33 with a squad of 40 expected on the field by the end of the week.


A group of more than 40 students met on the campus west of the library 6: 30 P. M. Sunday, for a vesper service. The program was in charge of Genevieve Christ. The program consisted of group singing, prayer, reading of poems, special music, and a talk by Dean R. E. Mohler, on "The College Student and Religion. " The program was concluded by another mixed quartet number. The quartet members were Vera Flora, Gulah Hoover, Posey Jamison and Vernon Rhoades.

The only thing that ever set any man free, or any nation free, is the truth. A man who is afraid of the truth, is afraid of the law of life. A man who does not love the truth is in the way of decay and failure. — Woodrow Wilson.


President of Student Council— Ralph Keedy.

President of Y. M. C. A. Clinton Trostle.

President of Y. M. C. A- Alberta Yoder.

President of Senior class—Hilbert Myers.

Presidents of Junior Class— Charles Austin.

President of Sophomore Class —Wilbur Yoder.

President of World Service Group—Philip Lauver.

President of College C. E. — Lilburn Gottmann.     

President of W. A. A. - Nellie Collins.

Women's Cheer Leader Mildred Doyle.

Men's Cheer Leader—To be selected.

Editor of Quadrangle—Donald Trostle.

Editor of Spectator— Vernon Rhoades.

President of International Re-lations Club—Herbert Eby.



Freshman Total Reaches 66, Although a Large Number Have Not Yet Completed the Process of Enrollment.


Meet at Building At 5:15— Back By 8 o'Clock

All Freshman men are being urged to take part in the stag picnic this evening conducted by members of the Y. M. C A. cabinet.

They are asked to be on the front steps of the Administration building at 5:15 o’clock, prepared for hiking. Having arrived at their destination they will be treated to refreshments and a varied program of talks, music, and other entertainment.

It is promised that the freshmen will be allowed to return by eight o’clock in order to prepare their first lessons of the term.


All Eligible Teachers But One Receive Positions

Members of the 1931 graduating class of McPherson college have attained a truly remarkable record in that all but one of those who wished to teach have received positions.

Out of the 26 students who took the required courses and prepared to teach, 25 now have schools. The remaining 14 out of the class of 4are either continuing their education or else have found good positions in other kinds of work.

This is a record of which McPherson college may well be proud, for not many schools have such unusual success in finding positions for their graduates.



A number of McPherson students took part in a peace tour of the churches of southern Idaho, during the latter part of August. The party gave varied programs of music and speaking, promoting the cause of World peace and Disarmament Eight churches were visited.

An effort was made to use local talent from the communities visited. The group included the following: Lois Edwards, Opal Bowers, Kath-erine Harris. Emmett, Idaho: Melda Beckwith, Caldwell, Idaho: Rogs Curtis. Clarence Belts and Rev. Clement Bontrager.


Three Away From Home —

First Game With Hutch. Junior Sept. 25

McPherson football fans will get their money's worth this year, for they will be privileged to see six home games, all night games. There will be three games away from McPherson. The big Thanksgiving battle with the Bethany Swedes is the last, scheduled for November 26.

Following is the complete sched-ule.

Sept. 25 -Hutchinson Junior College, here.

Oct. 2- Kansas Wesleyan, there.

Oct. 9—Phillips University, here.

Oct. 16—Baker University, here.

Oct. 23—Hays Teachers, here.

Oct. 30—Friends University, here.

Nov. 11—Ottawa University, there.

Nov. 18—Bethel college, here.

Nov. 26- Bethany College, here.

All of these are at night with the exception of the Armistice Day tilt with Ottawa and possibly of the Hays game.

Our choice in life must be cuble, of three dimensions, height, breadth

and length. —McKenzie.


Upper Class Members Tardy in Enrolling.

Tues., Sept. 8- Although students this year seem to be rather tardy in attending to their enrollment, indi-cations are that the the attendance at McPherson College will be about normal despite the economic condi-tion prevailing at the present time.

While definite figures on enrollment are not yet available, a ton-tative checkup revealed that sixty-six Freshmen had already completed the process of enrollment. This amount does not include a large number whose cards for various rea-sons have not yet reached the busi-ness office it is expected that the total for the Freshman class will climb close to the one hundred mark, which will be considerably larger than usual.

Members of the upper classes had in most cases, not yet completed enrollment today.

Excluding a large number of spe-cial students in music and art. 126 persons have gone through the nec-cessary enrollment, and the number will doubtless continue to grow throughout the week.


Games And Entertainment Al-so—“Y" Groups Have Charge

On next Friday evening, at seven o'clock, will occur the big annual all-school and watermelon feed sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.

Following a number of group games conducted by Coach Binford there will be a short program of en-tertainment, and then will come the main feature of the evening. It is assured that there will be enough watermelon on hand to give every-one present all he can eat.

This social is an excellent means of creating acquaintance among stu-dents and faculty members, and it us hoped that every person connected with the College will be there.



Two important offices in the College have been left vacant by the failure of those chosen in the spring elections to return to McPherson this fall.

Max O'Brien, Burr Oak, Kansas, has decided to attend K. S. A. C. at Manhattan this year, thus nessesitat-ing choice of another men's cheer leader, and Vernon Flaming, Hillsboro, Kansas, who was elected treas-urer of the Student Council, will be enrolled in K. C. at Lawrence.

Besides these several offices in classes and other organizations will soon need to be filled.

F. A. REPLOGLE Dean of College



Sports Editor

Herbert Eby

Faculty Adviser


The time of the year has come when the youth of America is returning to school. The vacation season is ended, schools and colleges are reopen-ing their doors, and the youth is returning to pursue his search for truth. Many young people are entering colleges and universities for the first time as Freshmen in our educational system.

Those who have come to our college for the first time may wonder "what it is all about. " The Freshman should remember that he has gradu-ated from high school; and his honors and popularity there should be rememberd only as a thing of the past. College is a new experience and in many instances the four years spent in college will prove the greatest years of a person's life and development.

A good start will go a long way toward a succesful and happy conclusion of the college experience. The attitudes and ideas formed during the early weeks of college will be a foundation for the future years of college. Remember in forming these attitudes that you are a part of McPherson college now. This is your Alma Mater. It is hoped that each Freshman will cultivate and cherish the ideals so that there may be a pleasant memory of college experience.

Those who have been in college before want your friendship and again we say welcome to our school family, McPherson college. —A. Y.


An editor of the Spectator this year I shall do my best to maintain the standards set by this newspaper in years before, and if possible, to raise that standard still higher. While entering upon this office considerably handicapped by inexperience, I have associated with me an experienced associate editor and a group or reporters who are willing to give of their time and energy in order to make possible a Spectator worthy of the school. With their cooperation and the assurance of a sympathetic con-sideration of our mistakes and failures on the part of the faculty and student body, we shall enter upon the task with hope of a fair measure of success.

It is most fitting that we should give credit to Mr. Leland Lindell, for the past two years editor of this paper, for his excellent work. Mr. Lindell is a born newspaper man, and he carried into his duties as editor an enthusiasm and energy which accomplished results. To him largely was due the honor rating given to the Spectator two years ago by the National Scholastic Press Association—Vernon Rhoades.


The following, as reported by the Literary Digest, in the death-bed message of Dr. Samuel Palmer Brooks, for twenty-nine years president of Baylor's University, Texas, to his last graduating class. It contains words of advice and inspiration which may well be noted by any young person facing life.

"I stand on the border of mortal life, but I face eternal life.

"I look backward to the years of the past to see all pettiness, all triviality shrink into nothing, and disappear.

“Adverse criticism has no meaning now. Only the worthwhile things, the constructive things, the things that have been built for the good of mankind and the glory of God count now.

"There is beauty, there is joy, and there is laughter in life—as there

ought to be.

"But remember, my students, not to regard lightly nor to ridicule the sacred things, those worth-while things. Hold them dear, cherish them,

for they alone will sustain you in the tend. And remember, too, that, only through work and, offtimes, through hardships may they be obtained.

"But the compensation of blessing and sweetness at the last will glorify every hour of work and every heartache from hardship.

"Do not face the future with timidity or with four. Face it solidly, courageously, joyously. Have faith in what it holds.

"My own faith as I approach eternity grows stronger day by day. The faith I have had in life is projected into this vast future toward which I travel now.

"I know that I go to an all-powered God, wherever He may be, I know He is a personality who created man in his image. Beyond that 1 have no knowledge—no fear—only faith. "


Tues., Sept. 8—This afternoon the Y. W. C. A. of the College gave an informal party in the Y. W. room for the "Big and Little Sisters” and lady faculty members. Each "Big Sister" brought her "Little Sister" to the party and introduced her to the girls of the College.

Clever "get acquainted" games were played which were in charge of Helen Holloway, Vice-president of the local association. The Y. W. C. A. welcomes all girls to the college.

Refreshments were served to the

guests. The cabinet members of the

Y. W. C. A. acted as hostesses at the

I am more deadly than bullets, and I have wrecked more homes than the mightiest of viege guns.  I steal in the United States alone, over five billion dollars each year.

I spare no one, and I find my vic-tims amonf the rich and poor alike, the young and old, the strong and weak. Widows and orphans know


I loom up to such proportions that I cast my shadow over every field of labor, from the turning of the grind-stone to the moving of every rail-road-train.

I massacre thousands upon thous-ands of wage-earners a year.

I lurk in unseen pieces, and do most of my work silently. You are warned against me, but you hood

I am everywhere—In the house, on the streets, in the factory, at railroad crossings, and on the sea.

I bring sickness, degradation, and death, and yet few seek to avoid me.

I destroy, crush or maim. I give nothing, but take all.

I am your worst enemy.


The Inability to change, to get a fresh viewpoint is what age really is. It is not our stiff muscles that make us old, but our stiff brains. —Typo-graphic.

For every tree planted in the United States four are cut down.


You can't change the past but you

can change the meaning of the past.

A big oak doesn't grow from a lit-

Keep your seat and there you are!

A worm is the only thing that never falls down.

The very best way to learn wheth-

go out and take a hand at the job yourself. You'll find out alright.

Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a

Youth cannot afford to ignore the road signs if it hopes to travel life’s highway in safety.

Rust consumers ~the used key is always bright.

Busy people are never busybodies.


Wed., Sept. 2-—The wedding of Miss Melvina Graham and Mr. Harold Shafer was solemnized today in the First Methodist Episcopal Church

Miss Graham was well known to McPherson college, having been a popular and active student here for four years, graduating in 1928. The

school and is a graduate of Kansas University. He is now in business in McPherson at the Shafer Bakery. Following a motor trip through

reside in McPherson.


Blanch Harris of Nampa, Idaho, who was president of his Freshman class two years ago, has returned to McPherson after spending one se-mester at the University of Southern California and several months at other work. Among other activities

Church choir,

A number of former students have recently visited the College before going to their teaching positions in various parts of the state. Among these are Ruth Turner, Marvin Hill, Carroll Walker, Guy Hayes, Alberta Hovis.

Every room but one in Arnold Hall was reserved before enrollment began, and likewise nearly all of these in the men's dormitory.

Tile little town of Quinter in Western Kansas is proving its faith in M. C. by sending fifteen students here this term.

Leland Lindell, editor of the Spec-tator for the last two years, is now making good as a reporter and fea-ture writer for the McPherson Republican.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz, both

announced the birth of a baby daughter, whom they have named Genevieve Lee. Mr. Frantz is an employee of the General Motors Com-


Mon., Sept. 7—The Y. M. C. A.

are operating a book exchange in the basement of the Administration building for all students who wish to buy or sell used textbooks. Second hand books should be brought at once to the book exchange.

This will afford opportunity for students to save money in buying books. However every student before purchasing any book should en-


At seven o'clock the morning of May 27, following the presentation of the opera, Nada Mae Ritz, the leading lady in "The Lucky Jade. " became the bride of Lawrence Barn-grover of McPherson.

Since their return from a two weeks trip in Colorado they have been living in an apartment at 112 East Hill street.


Miss Helen Eberly, who is a senior

this year, and Mr. Rush Holloway,

Class of '30, were married at four

the home or the latter's uncle in this city.

Mr. Holloway is an Instructor at the McPherson junior high school.

After a short trip to Wichita they have made their home at 419 North Eshelman street.


The marriage of Miss Leu Schreiner and Mr. Archie Blickenstaff, both former M. C. students, took place at the home of the bride in Tampa, Kansas, on August 14. Rev. M. C. Blickenstaff officiated in the ceremony. The attendants were Mr. Ray Nonken, Class of '30, and Miss Emma Schreiner, sister of the bride.

Mr. and Mrs. Blickenstaff are making their home at Little River where Mr. Blickenstaff is teaching.


On Saturday, September 5, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Miss Lela Hultqvist, daughter of Mrs. Minnie Hutlqvlst of McPherson, be-came the bride of Rev. Maynard Booth of Dalbean, Quebec, Canada. The bride wore her mother’s beautiful cream silk mull wedding gown, and they were attended by Miss Dor-othy Swain and Mr. Noble Carlson, both former students of McPherson

when the bride was a welfare worker under the direction of Mr. Booth.

Mrs. Booth graduated from McPherson college in 1929 and is well known in McPherson and on the

College campus.

The prosperity of a country de-pends not upon the abundance of its revenues, nor on the strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings: but it consists in the number or its cultivated citi-zens, in its men of education, enlightenment, and character. —Martin Luther.

Miss Adeline Taylor, who has formerly attended McPherson college for two years, has returned this

of the courses in physical education for women. Miss Taylor has taught for two years, and last year was a student in Missouri University.

How small of all that human hearts endure

That part which kings or laws can

cause or cure. —Samuel Johnson.



Wandering Caravaners Have Many Thrilling Experiences In Their Journeys

By Lillian Carlson

In the month of June, in the year 1931, a caravan left McPherson college—a caravan not composed of death-defying pioneers set out to conquer the Great American Desert (which according to Prof. Hess is a term still applied to Kansas and its vicinity, but of two modern young things sent out with the definite command to spread what, little they knew of World Peace among the heathen.

They left McPherson on the train, thrilled with anticipation at embarking on their great adventure, and, in a sudden desire to be "Scotch, ” sat up all night instead of taking a sleeper as they had been directed. The smaller one—Mildred Doyle—showed an amazing aptitude for curling up in any place or situation and soon being fast asleep—a trait which afforded the conductor no little as he tried, at first rather un

successfully, to awaken the sleeping beauty; but to the lengthier half of the expedition, Lillian Carlson, no such ability was presented and she halted morning with a sign of relief.

At Elgi,. Illinois, they found the dear old Chevy, the companion of their joys and sorrows for the glimmer, which Dan West out of the kindness of his heart had let them use. And here came their first experience with a reverse, a forboding of greater ones to come, for their baggage didn't arrive until three-thirty and they were to meet the train of the boy's team from Man-chester college, who were to be their comrades and protectors over the mountains, at a place two hundred and sixty miles away, that evening. That Chevy, as so many of its tribe, had its peculiarities and since neither were extremely proficient drivers, there were many amusing experiences before they "got on to that grabby dutch. " Probably more than,

en drivers" as they "ran stop light after stop light. "

Of course they had both been rather worried as to what the boys would be like, but they found out the next, morning that they had not been the only ones concerned, but that the boys had lain awake most of the night wondering and speculating about the girls.

And so they started for Philadelphia via Washington, D. C. with one girl in each car. But before long

Did you know that the Washington police were actually on the lookout for Mildred? This is how it hap-

In some way or other the two cars became separated about two hundred miles from Washington. Not knowing what else to do both parties kept on—hoping to find each other in the Capital. But of course they did not! Now to be lost with a boy you bad only known twenty-four hours isn't any joke, but when you have no clothes besides the overalls you were wearing, in a fashionable city like Washington, it ceases to be even funny. That was Lillian's pre-dicament. Mildred was a little better off for she had all the clothes with her, but on the other hand had, almost no money. Lillian and her companion thought that they had a clever idea when they notified the police department, but all in vain, for the other two stayed so close to the Y. M. all day that the police could not find them, in fact they were destined not to meet until they reached Haverford college. In the suburbs of Philadelphia. And then what a reunion there was!

derful. There were about one hundred and thirty-five people there

States and even some from abroad. There they had the privilege of hearing and learning to know such outstanding men as Roy Newton, head of the conference; Leighton Richards, a noted minister from England; Frederick Libby, the pacifist; Rufus Jones, the great mystic; Bishop McConnell, recently home from India; Parker T. Moon, the historian; and Norman Thomas, who needs no comment. Our two caravaners posed as Communists, for argument’s sake, but later in the sum-mer reaped their reward when they were accused of being Reds, and denied a meeting.

And so in the last days of June they found themselves on Kansas soil again, and Kansas wheat and sunflowers looked mighty good to them. And then began the real work of the summer. For ten weeks they were to go out and preach the gospel of peace in the highways and byways, in fact any place where a few could be assembled to listen. But meetings at first were hard to get, for Kansas farmers were so busy that for a time it was thought that they would have to ride around on the binders with them. But condi-tions improved and all in all they had about sixty-five meetings.

During the summer they were treated most kindly—although some ministers did seem to have a fear that they wanted to take their con-gregations away from them. During

had to stay in hotels only twice, and the rest of the time kind-hearted people looked out for someone's wandering daughters. But the end

the season was vastly different from the beginning. The last three nights, the forsaken damsels had to sleep in the car along the road, and in the midst of their sufferings thought surely God had forsaken them; at least it taught them the value of a good soft bed. Dear old ladies talked constantly of how brave they were to travel around by them-selves that they began to feel positively heroic: one sweet soul wondered what they would do if they met with a highwayman. To be truthful the girls did too, but "never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you” was their motto.

One day they talked to a group of Rotarians and in honor of their guests the men wished to sing some special songs. "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" and “My Wild Irish Rose" were the songs selected as suitable.

And so the summer flew by on mounted wings and before they knew it, it was time to cease activities. The Chevrolet, which had sometimes behaved so nicely, but had often failed in a time of crisis, is safely stored in a McPherson garage. And the girls? They returned home, then went back to school.

Only two classes of men never change; the wisest of the wise and the dullest of the dull.—Confucius.




spent five years in this office. Her kind and cheerful personality has left a beautiful memory to all who knew her. She was especially active

Christian Endeavor Society.    She

summer of 1930 and died from Peritonitis on August 8, 1931. She leaves a sorrowing husband and a


Study, Work, And Play All Have Part In Pursuits

As another college year starts, the faculty members gather for the year’s work. They have spent their

ties are briefly listed below.

Dr. Schwalm......Annual Conference,

dents in Oklahoma, Missouri, Idaho

Dr. Harnly - Harvest in Texas. Motor trip through Pacific Coast ro-

Dr. Yoder.....Annual Conference,

Prof. Replogle.....Attended school at University of Chicago. Summer

camps in Iowa and Missouri.

Dr. Hershey Taught in summer

Dr. Bright- M. C. summer School Prof. Blair- Taught in summer School here. Attended Colorado State Teachers College. Vacation in Black Hills. South Dakota.

Prof. Mohler, Board of Religious Education, Elgin, Illinois. Eastern

Vacation in Colorado and Black Hills. South Dakota.

Prof. Heckman—Took medical treatment at Mayo Brothers Clinic, Wisconsin. At home in McPherson rest of summer.

Prof. and Mrs. Bohling—Farm near Salina. Vacation in Yellow-

school. Solicited locally for stu-

Prof. McGaffey- Attended school University of Chicago-

Prof. Lehman- M. C. Summer

School faculty.

Prof. Bowman—Summer student, Quinter.

Mrs. Della Holsinger—At home

Prof. Beown—Bummer School fac-ulty. In southeast Kansas.

Miss Lingenfelter- Summer School faculty. At home in McPer-

Mrs. Tate- Summer School facul-ly. Vacation in Ozarks.

Coach Binford -Solicited students near McPerson.

Miss Shelley- Attended a music conservatory in New York. Vaca-


special "Y" issue, and the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. a. will utilize this means to get their aims, policies, and programs for the year before the student body. Soon following this these organizations will begin their membership and finance cam-

This second issue will also be dedi-cated to the Alumni, and copies of the paper will be sent to members of the Alumni Association.


Wed., Sept. 9 -The marriage of

Elaine Gustafon and Lawrence Sargent, both former M. C. students look place this morning at 9 o’clock. The couple will make their home

in McPherson, where Mr. Sargent is engaged in the Insurance business.



Tues.. Sept, 8- The Student Counecil sponsored an all-school frolic held

this evening on the campus south of

the Administration building. Those attending enjoyed a general recrea-tional and social period consisting

mostly of games.

Lilburn Gottman was in charge of the evening’s activities.

We know your needs at The Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Ask our Bulldog Friends. Permanents %5.00 and $10.0. Phono 499—adv


en balls along a wire.


Tues., Sept. 8—Three more men reported this morning for the second football practice of the year. and Coach Binford expressed the bellet that the total would go over 40 by the end of the week. Besides the eight reporting letter men, a total of 38 new recruits and second-string men of last year brought the number this morning to 36.

Following are the names of those who have reported thus far: Harold Relnecker, Quinter; W. G. White* neck, Carmen, Okla.; Lloyd Shoe-maker, Washington; Alvin Gaeddert, Inman; Cleo Minear, Canton; Wallace McGill, Tennessee; Lester Quigg, Harper: Samuel Stoner, Indi-

ana; Gilbert Shafer, McPherson; Verie Ohmart, McPherson; Kenneth Moore, Dwight; Walter Sorenson, Roxbury; Loren Rock, Enterprise; Orville Countryman, Sterling, Colo.; Robert Bowman, Quinter; George Himes, Quinter; Hubert Ikenberry, Quinter; Leonard Wiggins, Genesco; George Zinn, Lost Springs; Art Ed-iger, Buhler; Ben Kim-Buhler; Har-old Binford, Pratt; Russell Carpen-

ter, Sabetha; Morris Sorenson, Rox-bury; Elmer Kock. Summerfield; Archie Van Nortrick, Summerfield; Wayne Bloom, Summerfield; Her-bert Mowbray, Conway; Don Haws, McPherson; Vernon Beckwith, Fruit-land, Idaho; Tommie Taylor, Fruit-land, Idaho; Herbert Hochstrasser, McPherson; Walter Pauls, Inman; Chester Siemens, Buhler; Rex Anderson. Dodge City, and George Pet-ers, Groveland.



These new fellows comprising the added weight of the Bulldog pigskin chasers may need all the beefsteak they can beg, buy, steal, or borrow whan they finish with a couple hours or play with the harmless appearing charging sled that Coach has con-structed for the special benefit of the linemen, with special privileges with it for the back field men upon occasion.

Some of the men who think they have met some solid lines will feel at home with the padded posts that have appeared north of the campus for the amusement of the football squad. The posts have the advantage however of not pushing back or slugging and none of them yet has ever been accused of deliberately planting a set of cleats In someone's complexion.

For those who cannot, engage in the major sports of the college there is always the chance of a Freshman helping out by forgetting his cap and thus furnishing exercise for the needy upper-classmen. When evolu-tion has produced the perfect man perhaps this relle of barbarism will disappear. Until this occurs, however. our advise to the Freshman is to keep those sun-bonnets parked right where they will continue to be most useful.

Someone has sold to the Freshmen or the class of "35 caps enum-

eraled with the emblem of the class of '36. The inference seems to be that they're so dumb It will take them five years to finish. The Freshman out of gratitude should purchase for the responsible party one of these Chinese counting sticks, which allows you to add sums up to ten by simply sliding little wood

Tennis players are indebted to the recent city tennis tournament for the splendid condition of the count at the opening of school.


Poetry is sometimes considered the occupation of sentimentalist; but Its real function is to furnish one more way of expressing our emotions, ideas, and personalities.

in the Poetry magazine, Miss Harriet Monroe prints each month the

quotation from Emerson, "To be

great poets there must be great

audiences too." There is no more

appreciative and intelligently critical group in any field than tha composed of the amateurs. Almost

every spectator at an athletic con-

test who intelligently understands it. does so because he puts himself in place of the players, and becomes an "amateur".

College students can write poetry, and often do—then they allow it to lie hidden in some file or box. To prove that students can produce interesting poetry even if it does not lift us to the heights of the masters, we are going to include in this column some of the work of students

And any time that you feel in the mood to ride the winged horse, obey your mood, Give us the result: we would be pleased to regularly give you an opportunity to add to your cindifence and experience in this additional field of expression.

Jesse Skinner, a student in Ne-

braska, gives us her Interpretation

of a certain type of . . .


That man?

Oh he in but a bargain hunting shop-

Who twaddles with the wares put out for sale.

He picks each piece.

Turns It critically from side to side. Pinches it, handles It, holds it to the light searching for flaws. And if it break and fall to shattered bits

From a too hard thumb-press,

He unblushingly turns and goes elsewhere to try.

"I’ll shop a while." thinks he, "be-fore I buy?


In love. too. he's a bargain hunting shopper

Bickering with the price he's as had

Too highly painted This girl; the next too pale He handles them, toys with them, Holds them to the light searching

And, if he finds a perfect specimen He sets It back, fearing some fault has failed to catch his eye.

"I'll shop awhile." thinks he. "before I buy."

Robertson Strawn of Pittsburg Teachers enjoyed tripping the ver-bally light fantastic In his underclassman days. We will not accuse the following verse of being characteristic. but we at least believe that it is exceedingly cleverly slated.

An evening blind dale followed by a second sight resulted in the . .


The moons'

Silver magic

Hallows, pinks and powders

To a satin charm: burlap to The sun.

Upon the popular philosophy of becoming happy by helping others to be happy he comments in . . . CONSOLED

I live

In happiness.

Making others glad that they’re Not I,


There is a pain in beauty For beauty calls To mind past pleasant scenes: And memories,

Sweet. tipped with pain,

Some near forgotten farewell of

a friend:

The fragrance of a rose Alone beside a stream.

There Is a pain In gaity.

For to be gay We must forget awhile That mankind bleeds.

We sing and dance

(It drowns the sound of groanings)

And to the world proclaim,

"Lo! We are gay!'*

In reading these over It appears that all the above verve Is written without rhyme—if your style is more conventional, and conforms to the demands of both meter and rhyme, so much the better—send It along.

Persons who are to transform the world must be themselves transformed. Life must be full of inspiration. If education is valuable, the age must double it; If art is sweet and high, we must double its richness and might.; If philanthropy is divine, we must double its quantity and ten-derness; if religion is Valuable, double its truths and hasten with It unto more firesides; If man's life Is great, let him count more precious all its summers and winters, The one duty of life is, lessen every vice and enlarge every virtue.—David Swing

"Deceit and falsehood, especially If you have got a bad memory. Is the worst enemy a fellow can have"— Abraham Lincoln,


It would no doubt be very amaz-ing to any onlooker who should chance to bear all the remarks made by students and teachers at enrollment, time. The students, who have Just gathered from far and wide, are laden With many a heart-rending tale or drouth, grasshoppers, "two-bit" wheat, flat tires, and what-not.

The new arrival on the campus is welcomed royally and restored to the arms and friendships of former years. Then comes the routine of questions: "Whadja do this summer?" "Who come down with you?" "Tell me about your new car." And so far into the night.

The actual procedure of enrolling is a simple matter made suddenly into a nightmare. The first "tough

to be taught this semester, and that another course — which you have planned to take for years—-conflicts with a necessary required. You go in the enrolling officer in tears. After explaining three times what your difficulty is, you get the assurance that some one else Is having the same trouble. After being duly con-vinced that you were wrong In de-siring any of the courses you had planned on taking, you are ready to

This time things go over big until you get to the last course. But here the unwary sophomore is caught, for he learns that the one and only course which will complete his fifteen-hour schedule, Is an "A" course. Here the student Is completely flabber-gasted. The scene is one of desperation. At length, the student resigns himself and declares that "Any thing is all right with me." Whereupon the enrolling officer proceeds to finish the student's sched-
