the million. WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS DO There is a mistaken idea current with a certain type of reformer that newspapers carry the functions of creators and censors of the public taste. They complain of the general contents of the daily papers because they contain news and feature stories that offend the reformer's notion of what the people ought to read. Newspapers are, in a way, guardians of the public morale within the terms of the law and the canons of common decency. They are published as a rule by men of clean character, habits and taste, as jealous of the good morals of their own families as is any reformer in the land. They print newspapers that pass through the mails without offense to the laws which protect against indecency and immorality and that are welcomed by the most correct and intelligent people of the country. The objective of the newspaper is to report to its readers as fully and reliably as possible the news of human current transactions and the events of nature. The pages are kept sensitive to the demands of the reading public. They are photographic plates of the day and the public watches and searches them as the astronomer does his plates of the night to catch the phases of the heavens and possibly discover a new planet. The popular pages of the newspaper reflect very accurately the phase of public taste, created otherwise than by the newspapers. The new columns are the study of a section of the public, the society columns are most important to another section, the sports pages to yet another, the market pages to another, and so on through the make-up of the daily issue. But the public at large wants "all the news that is fit to print", by the common standards of public interest and curiosity, so that the run of the readers are the proper censors of the press and not the fervid re-formers who are monomaniacs on particular phases of popular life. Every living thing is related through a common descent to all the rest of life—H. G. Wells. HOW FAST ARE WE LIVING? Always are we waging a war against time. Time and space are being eliminated by the efficiency of progress and the terminating desire to coup with finance and business. The science of progress is the science of de-feating time. The world is taking on a “hurry, hurry” aspect that is fluttering the mighty winds that govern our atmosphere. Last year the Graff Zeppelin spanned the 5,500 miles between Toyko and the Golden Gate in one hour less than three days. Hawks recently ate breakfast in San Diego and that evening dined in New York City. Recently a news-reel photographer in Chicago took news pictures of a well known actress as she was descending from a train and three hours later the same film was flashed on the screen before an astonished crowd in New York—television. You can read daily New York newspapers in London the morning they are issued in New York. And what is more— we ask —is there anything ahead? Some say that they are not satisfied yet. The science of progress now dreams, and it won't be long, when one can write a letter in his office and it will be instantly received in facsimile by the person to whom it is addressed—wherever he may be. The peace and solitude of a century ago is giving way to things of greater away. We have been endowed with a cosmic desire for speed. We are getting it. We want things that are new—things that are alive—and things that terminate our personal desires. One can but realize the rhelm of activity in which we are living and we can only be thankful that we are alive and are living in the age of "war against time." It's foolish to kick against things you can't help. But you don't know you can't help them until you have kicked. REFLECTIONS OF RAYMOND THE RAMBLER There are many customs around this man's college: some good, some bad, and some adolescent. There is one that has been a sort of sore thumb to some people. It isn't one that is tangible or anything like that, but it is pretty hard to fight just the same. There have been those who attempted to break over it and got rather promptly sat on. There are those who object to it but don't do anything about it. This custom in essence is: a couple have once publicly dated and have thereby estab-lished unique claim upon one another. By the time of the second date it has assumed almost the proportions of possession and by the third it is conceded to be all over but the announcements—anyhow, it is that bad. What we need to meet the crisis is a number of devoted, sacrificial young men who will whole heartedly throw themselves into the cause and date a different girl each night for fourteen successive nights until we have crushed this dire custom which is threatening the social well being of M.C. —W. R. W. EDUCATOR OF CHURCHIN A JOINT MEETINGSponsor Minnich Says To Share For An Abundant Life Tues., Oct. 21—To share in order that the other person may have an incite into a more abundant life was the meaning of missions given by Sponser Minnich at a joiet meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. organ-izations this morning. Minnich is the Educational Scere-tary of General Missions of the Brethren. When Christ came to this world he shared truths with the people in the darkness thus bringing light to many. Through these revelations we are able to know the truths and it is our duty to take them to those who do not. In addition to the thoughts given by Minnich this morn-ing he is scheduled to talk further along this same line this evening. Irwin Rump led devotionals. |
Sunday's Dinner Menu, October 19 Sweet Potatoes Stewed Chicken, a la miniature Chicken Gravy Cranberry Sauce White Bread Pork and Beans White Cherries in Red Juice Cake with Nuts in Caramel Icing Now I guess a lot of people who live in the dorm will be sorry they went home this weekend. The Science of Worrying We have discovered that it is best to worry about a number of things at the same time instead of concen-trating on some worry. We have the blues when we think about no-thing execpt our dates and life seems hardly worth living when we worry about nothing except our lessons. We almost become ill when we do all our worrying over the thought that out money is gone. Worrying about any one of these things is terrible, but it isn't had when we worry about it all at the same time. When we put dates, lessons and money togeth-er and worry about them in a lump, there is so much of it that we are un-equal to the task of worrying suffi-ciently, so we cheer up. It is possible for a bald-headed man to be a failure although he has come out on top. Early, Ruth Trostle, Eugenia Daw-son, Verna Beaver, Essie Kimball, John Lehman, Mary Weddle, Hazel Zimmerman, Everet Fasnacht, Grace Heckman and Philip Lauver. their meeting at Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jamison and Ruth Elaine spent Sunday night in the dormitories. Louise Ikenberry spent the week end with Salome Helbert at Hills-boro, Kan. Edna Kaufman was at home near Moundridge, Kan., Saturday and Sunday. SEEN ON THE CAMPUS HEARD IN THE DORM. Edmar Kjera, '30, of Chicago, visited with friends on the campus and in the city a few days last week end, returning to Chicago Monday. Esther Brown visited her parents near Hutchinson last Saturday. Hazel Zimmerman spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Castleton, Kan. Ora Martin, a freshman last year that did not return for his second year, Larned, Kansas, visited on the campus Saturday and Sunday. Royal Yoder attended the Kansas-Aggie football game at Manhattan Saturday afternoon. Lloyd Larson went home over the week end near Abeline. Mrs. Della Holsingor attended the Brethren church conference at Hutchinson last Saturday. Two former teachers in the English department of the College, Miss Celesta Wine and Mr. Cecil B. Will-iams, are furnishing graduate courses in English at the University of Chicago. Essie Kimbal and Ruth Trostle spent the week end with their respec-tive parents near Nickerson. Ray Nonken, '30, called on friends in McPherson over the week end and attended the Kansas-Aggie game Saturday at Manhattan. Marjorie Bunce visited with her parents at Bushton this week end. Naomi Witmore visited with Ruth Miller, B, S., ’29, of Carlton, Nebr., Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Millo Metsker spent Thursday at the dormitories. Posey and Ethel Jamison, Esther McWilliams, and Gulah Hoover spent the week end at their respective homes at Quinter, Kan. The ladies quartet of the College sang at the district meeting at Hutchinson last Saturday. A certain professor came into the Ad. building in a very great hurry to wash his hands. When asked what was the matter, he explained, "Well, my car balked and I had to get my hands dirty”. "But, professor, did you have to crawl in”? (This actually happen-ed). Did you ever hear that the Sultan of Turkey slept in a bed 8 feet wide and 12 feet long? Well, don't be-lieve it, for that's a lot of bunk. Melvin Miller, former Bulldog ath-lete, visited on the campus one day last week. Mr. Miller is playing on an independent football team in Wichita where he is employed by the Phillips Petroleum corporation. Ellen Steinberg spent the week end at Lorraine, Kan., with her par- ents. Velma Butterbaugh visited her parents at Geneva, Nebr., Saturday and Sunday. Grace Early, Alma Morrison, Vel-ma Keller, Mary Weddle, John Leh-man and Philip Lauver were among the students that attended the dis- RUTH ANDERSON ISSERIOUSLY INJUREDFormer Student In Car Wreck Northeast Of Hutchinson On Way To School Hutchinson, Kan., Oct. 19—Ruth Anderson, a former student at Mc-Pherson college, was injured in an automobile accident on the Plum street road northeast of here and is in a local hospital in a serious con-dition. Miss Anderson's chief in- jury being a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. Miss Anderson, who is an instruct-or to the Kiowa, Kan., schools was returning to Kiowa with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson when, according to reports, their Chevrolet sedan driven by Mr. Johnson drove into a truck that was turning into the road from a side drive Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were bruised and cut about the head but will be able to leave the hospital within a day. The driv- er of the truck is held for investaga-tion. McPHERSON PROFESSORSSPEAK AT HUTCHINSONStudents Attend District Meeting Of The Church of the Brethren A representation of college stu-dents and professors attended the district meeting of the church for the southwest Kansas held at Wich- ita Oct. 17 to 20. The Saturday evening service was given over to McPherson college, and the general theme was “education". Pres. V. F. Schwalm was the main speaker: he addressed the group on "Prospects for Peace In Europe". In the Saturday morning meeting Dr. Schwalm spoke on “The Churches of Europe". Other professors tak- ing convention were Moh-ler, Blair, Fries, Heckman and Yo-der. The following students were in Hutchinson Saturday or Sunday for the meetings: Alma Morrison, Grace |
McPHERSON COLLEGE STUDENT HAS HAD “JAKE” FLEAGLE AS NEIGHBOR IN WESTERN KANSAS Ted Crist Has Lived Four Miles From The Notorious Bandit All His Life—Says Fleagles Were Good Neighbors—Ted Talked With "Jake" A Week Before Lamar, Colorado Bank Robbery A student of McPherson college has had the unique experience of having one of the most notorious bandits of the west as his neighbor, a man who has been called the "Wolf of the West", who has murdered, who hass robbed, and who has been a fugitive from justice for the last two years. This bandit was none other than the nationally known "Jake" Fleagle, who was leader of the band of bandits that robbed the Lamar, Colo., bank two years ago last summer killing a number of the bank of-ficials, and who last week was killed by Los Angeles authorities on a train near Branson, Mo. Ted Crist, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. K. Crist, who lives 25 miles north-west of Garden City, Kan., a sophomore at McPherson college, has known "Jake" all his life. The bandit has lived within four miles of the Crist home as long as he has been in that part of Kansas and the Crist family become quite well acquainted, in a neighboring way, but never once did they suspicion them of being members of a bandit gang. Not more than a week before the daring robbery of the Lamar bank young Crist was working in a field near his home when ‘'Jake”, driving the car later found boxed and hid in a barn on their farm, stopped and in a neighboring manner chatted with Ted. There was nothing unusual about their conversation to warrant Crist suspecting that "Jake" was making plans for a big bank robbery. The Flengles had always been good neighbors but were not good mixers in the community. They were what one might call strictly home folks. They never attended any social af-fairs in the neighborhood and the only place they ever went to was Garden City and Friend. Mrs. Fleagle, mother of the notor-ious "Jake'', was a member of the church and it is said she was an active worker, "I don't know of church and they say she was an a church worker as Mrs. Fleagle", Ted has remarked. But a few years before the Lamar robbery she began to drop her church work and grad-ually left it altogether. Ted's fath-er was pastor of the church. Neither "Jake” or his father or any of the other boys ever went to church. "Jake” lived with his parents as long as he was in western Kansas on the farm. The Fleagles were not farmers but were great horse raisers and this seems to be their only source of income besides the banditry of the boys. It has been suspected that they bootlegged but no one was ever able to find that they did such and it is a question if they ever did sell liquor. In former days the Fleagles were good horsemen and usually carried off the prizes at the rodeos, and they are still riding and raising horses for an income. It has never been known that the Flegle boys ever took anything from their neighbors and their neighbors were never any more suspicious of them as they were of any of the oth-ers. Now "Jake'' is dead, his brother Ralph has been hanged in Colorado, Walter is in jail serving out a sen-tence, and Fred is in the courts on a charge of tax evasion. RANKIN ENTERTAINSCOLLEGE STUDENTSEight College Girls Enjoy House Party Given Last Friday Night Fri. Oct. 17—Miss Constance Rankin, sophomore, was hostess at a house party given at her home this evening. At 7 o'clock a very tasty |
two course dinner was served. The remainder of the evening was spent In listening to the radio, playing games, singing, and making candy. At a late hour the girls drew num-bers to see which room they would occupy for the night. Next morning a delicious waffle break fast was served, The guests were Ida Len-gel. Helen Hudson, Avie Wattenbarg-er, Edna Hoover, Lillian Horning. Alberta Yoder, Mary Weddle and Elfie Abeldt. FORENSIC CLUB MEETSFirst Regular Two Weeks Meeting—Speeches Are Given—-Hess la Sponsor Mon., Oct. 20— The first regular meeting of the Forensic club was held tonight in the College chapel. Lilburn Gottman, president of the or-ganization, presided over the meet-ing and gave an introductory speech on the purposes and benefits of the Forensic group. The program consisted of short talks by Keith Hayes on "The Rela-tion of Freshmen to Upperclassmen". and Ward Williams on the "History of Forensics at McPherson College". A reading was given by Lucille It was decided that the club would meet every other Monday night. Prof. Maurice A. Hess is sponsor of the organization. SOPHOMORES, PICNICGo To Coronado Heights For First Class Outing Of The Year Fri.. Oct. IT—Approximately thir-ty-five members of the sophomore class of the college left the campus this afternoon at 4: 00 o'clock In p truck for Coronado Heights north' west of Lindsborg. After reaching their destination the group played baseball after which all took part in |
a weinie roast. The class was chaperoned by the class sponsor. Prof. and N Boone. This was thr first class outing of the year. FORMER STUDENT "KILLEDGlade Fisher Mistaken For Deer In Idaho And Is Accidentally Shot By His Companion Fruitland, Idaho, Oct. '17 — Glade Fisher, a graduate of McPherson college was accidentally killed today | while hunting deer in the hills near here. Fisher and a companion were hunting deer when they became separated from each other and Fisher was mistaken for a deer. Mr. Fisher was a well known, student on the McPherson college campus and played several years on the Bulldog football team. He was married in the spring. FIND A SMALL BOASnake Is Found In Bananas— Now In Biology Laboratory Mon., Oct. 20—A small boa con-strictor nearly two feet in length, was brought to the biology laboratory this morning by Vernon Gustafson after it had been found in a bunch of bananas. The snake was found wrapped around the stalk of the bananas in the Alliance Exchange store and was not discovered until a clerk cut away some bananas. JUNIOR PICTURES THISWEEK FOR QUADRANGLEUrged To Have Their Pictures Taken As Soon As Possible The Quadrangle staff says that be-ginning today the juniors are to have their pictures taken at either Walker’s or Ostlind’s Studio. They will be given a week In which to have their portraits taken and the staff is urging that they take this matter up Immediately. It costs the city of New York $930,000 a day to operate its public school system, and the figure is ex-pected to reach a million dollars daily in the near future. |
Every person in the United States is on the average $2. 32 poorer than he was a year ago. Last year there were more college students in the United States than in all the rest of the World combined. There were 1, 237, 000 students enrolled In colleges and universities in this country. The first book from the Hunter College Press, just established, Is a Latin test book for adults. Thespians to give THE PLAY “THE PATSY” (Continued from Page One) up the high standard of the organiza-tion. The present membership Includes five men end five women and it has been voted to limit the membership to twenty. Tryouts for new members will be held next week at which time prospective members will he given dramatic cuts in read before a group oF Judges composed of the coach the club adviser, and probably the president of the club. Tryouts for "The Patsy" will be held within the organization and it is hoped that rehearsals may be underway by November 1. The club membership now Includes ten and |
and ten new members will be taken into the club. Those who are now members are Lillian Horning. Helen Hudson, Mildred Doyle, Lucille Crabb, Ethle Sherfy. Orville Voran. Verie Ohmart. John Lehman. Leland Landell, and Philip Lauver, |
BAKER BEATS THE SWEDES VERY BADLYPhillips U. Trims St, Mary's In Hard Fought Game At Enid, Oklahoma * BAKER 61 - BETHANY 6Kansas Wesleyan Goes To Missouri For Intra-State Baldwin, Kan., Oct. 17—The Bak-er Univeristy Wildcats completely trimmed the Bethany Swedes here today 61 to 6 in one of the most one sided classics in the Kansas confer-ence. Bethany was out-played and out-classed in every phase of the game, gaining 115 yards at scrim-mage while their opponents chalked up 334 yards. Baker intercepted 5 of the Swedes' passes, Land, Baker, scored 5 of the Wildcat's 9 touchdowns. Enid, Okla., Oct, 17—St. Mary's college went down fighting hard to-night before the onslaught of the Phillips Haymakers, 15 to7. After a scoreless first half, Phillips won two points on a safety, the re-sult of a clocked punt, and climaxed their unsuccessful scoring efforts of the first half by pushing across two touchdowns. St. Mary's bit right back and with two minutes of play left, scored a touchdown on two for-ward passes which totaled 62 yards, Burns tossing them to McMiades and Klenek. Phillips set some sort of a record in the first half when they gained 208 yards from scrimmage and piled up all first downs without scoring. Springfield. Mo., Oct. 17—Kansas Wesleyan university of Salina defeat-ed the Springfield Teachers' college eleven here today 14 to 7 after the local team led at the half 7 to 0. Ov-erholser and Robinson, behind the rejuvenated Coyotes forward wall, crashed over for touchdowns in the third and fourth periods, respective- ly. — DRIPPINGS — from THE DOPE BUCKET The Bulldogs are to face the high-ly touted Baker Wildcats Friday night on the local gridiron. The odds greatly favor the Baker eleven ac-cording to dope, but the Bulldogs have some new men that will put a little more beef in the line. The Baker machine gave the Swedes an exhibition of a track meet last Friday and snowed then under, but the Swedes slipped over a long pass in the final quarter for their lone tally. St. Mary's lost to Phillips univer-sity at Euid. This makes our chances with St. Mary's look considerable brighter. Win or lose, Bulldogs, the school is still backing you and always will. Let us all turn out for the Baker game Friday night and raise the roof of the grandstand for the Bulldogs. Seventy per cent of the English speaking people of the world live on the North American continent, and 60 per cent of them in the United States. A new danger confronts the earn-est seeker after literature, now that popular books are going on sale in cigar stores. He might, in his efforts to get more books, get the punchboard habit. Those who maintain that boxing, baseball, horse racing and other sports are crooked are now trying to find who framed the Constitution —probably the Democrats because the G. O. P. wouldn't, do a thing like that. New York City has l, 200, 000 School children. |
GAMES THIS WEEK Among Conference Schools OCTOBER 24 Bethany vs. Sterling at Sterling. St. Mary's Vs. Kansas Wesley-an at Salina. OCTOBER 25 McPherson vs. Baker at Mc-Pherson. RESULTS of Last Weeks Games Baker 61. Bethany 6. Phillip 16. St Mary's 7. K-Wesleyan 14. Springfield 17. CONFERENCE STANDINGSTHESPIAN TRYOUTS TO BE HELD MONDAYProspective Members To Give Cuttings From Some Dramatic Production HAVE ELECTED ADVISERTues., Oct. 21 — Arrangements were made tonight for tryouts for the Thespian club that will be held Monday afternoon from 1: 30 until 5:30 o'clock, October 27, Cuttings from certain plays or dramatic pro-ductions will be given by prospective members. Any student in the sophomore. Junior, and senior class are eligible to become members if they receive the unanimous vote of the three Judges. Prospective members - arc required to give a cutting from some play or dramatic production not to exceed three of four minutes in length. It is not required that each student memorizes his cutting be-cause some other person will read the opposite part for them. The fu-ture members will also be given Home cutting they are unfamiliar with to read to give the Judges an Idea of the manner in which they are able to interpret the cutting. It is probable that a pantomine of some kind may |
also be required, however, nothing definite has been decided upon this matter. The three judges for the tryouts will consist of Mrs. Lawrence Gates, who will direct the production, Mrs. J. Daniel Bright, who was recently elected faculty adviser for the or-ganization, and the president, Leland Lindell. All students planning to tryout for the organization are urged to get in touch with Leland Lindell and to state the time they would be able to tryout Monday afternoon, the most convenient for them. SPEAKS AT MACKSVILLEDr. Schwalm Tells Teachers Of The Government Of Italy Macksville, Kan., Oct. 18—Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson college, spoke before the teachers of the county association here today. His talk dealt with the government of Italy and the manner in which Mussolini governed his people. Mr Frank Sargent of the College accom-pained Dr. Schwalm here. DEPUTATION TEAM ISIN SOUTHEASTERN KANSASA deputation team of the College is now in southeast Kansas where they are giving programs, including music, talks, and reading, in both |
high schools and church. The team left last Friday afternoon and will be gone ten days, returning-Oct. 27. Those on the team are Ethel Sherfy, Helen Eberly, Pauline Dell, Charles Austin, and Vernon Rhoades. WRITES FOR ARTICLEScientific American Asks Dr. Hershey For Science Story "My fiance has won over thirty loving cups". "Well, you're marrying an expert, my girl". That science is realizing something of great value in Dr. J. Willard Her-shey's experiments in synthetic at-mosphere is shown in the fact that the Scientific American, monthly sci-ence magazine, has written to him and asked him to spend them an ar-ticle on his experiments with rare atmospheres. The article will ap-pear in an early issue. |