McPherson college, mcpherson, Kansas, Wednesday, oct. 15, 1930




To Be Presented By The Chorus Under Personal Direction Of Mrs. Anna C. Tate—Sponsored By The Student Council—To Be Given In Chapel



Fifty Members Present For First Re-hearsal Last Night—Appropriate Scenery and Costume

"Esther", a scared cantata by William Bradbury, will be presented by the McPherson college chorus the first week in December in the Col-lege chapel under the auspices of the student council.

The cantata will be under the per-sonal direction of Mrs. Anna C. Tate, head of the voice department, and it will be a dramatic presentation with appropriate scenery and costumes. Nada Mae Ritz, freshman, and a member of the ladies' quartet, will carry the leading character, that of Esther. The cast is:

Esther, the queen.......Nada Mae Ritz

Abasuerus, the king............Charles Austin

Haman, king's counsellor and over-seer of the realm_Orville Voran

Mordecai, a Jew_Lawrence Lehman

Zeresh, Haman's wife______

__________________Eugenia Dawson

Mordecai's Sister_______Ruth Turner

Prophetess.............................Hattie Rishel

A median princess___Ellen Steinberg A Persian princess ________Verna Beaver

Scribe___________________Donald Trostle

Begger....................................Roy Diggs

Hagal......................................Delvis Bradshaw

Herald.....................................Max O’Brien

Harbouah.............................Harvey Shank

Persians, Jews, Pages, Guards, Maids of Honor, etc.

The theme of the cantata follows closely the story of Esther in the Bible. The music is very beautiful and effective. The chorus had its first rehearsal of" the cantata last night with about fifty members pres-ent. With the talent avaliable this year they should give a very credit-able presentation of this popular and beautiful cantata.


Boone Was Business Manager Of Quadrangle When Stu-dent. At McPherson— Sophomores To Have Pictures Taken This Week

Prof. G. N Boone, head of the In-dustrial Arts department, has been selected by Harry Zinn, editor, as faculty adviser for the 1931 Quad-rangle. When Professor Boone was a student in the College a number of years ago he was business manager of the Quadrangle and has some first hand information as to the workings of an annual. His duties will be to advise, and offer suggestions to the editor and his staff.

Beginning today the Sophomores will be given a week in which to have their pictures taken at either Walker's Studio or the Ostlund Stu-dio, both being located on South Main. Freshmen who did not have their pictures taken last week are be-ing urged to have this matter taken care of as soon as possible.

In Africa there are about 600 lan-guages.    


Sun,. Oct. 12—Soon after lunch to-day noon a monsterous artificially powered monster of the skies swoop-ed down upon the campus and spread terror among the students. The black bodied orange winged beast circled, swept, and dived at the frenzied students only to right itself after nearly crashing into the dormi-tories. At one tine it actually seemed as though it were going to roost upon the smokestack of the heating plant—but no. It merely dusted the bricks and again soared into the blue.

Students scampered, ran with

Sixty Special Students In The

School Of Fine Arts

Tues., Oct, 14—Figures available this morning at the business office show the enrolment of the College in-creased a little over the first official count,

The freshman class remains the largest with 103 students; the soph-omore class ranks the second with 59; and the junior class a close third with 52. The senior class is the small-est but it is increasing until there are now 34.    

There are two students pursuing post graduate study in the College and also 60 special students enrolled in the School of Fine Arts. This now brings the total enrolment up to 310 students.

Mysteries, dim lights, weird noises, shadows, masks, fortune telling, black and gold decorations! Yes, you guessed it. The all-school- Hal-loween celebration will be here soon! An elaborate and interesting program is being planned for the traditional masquerade party to be-held In the gymnasium Friday night, Oct. 31.

Games, musical numbers, reading, side shows and stunts are included in the program. It has been learned that members of the faculty are to play a big part in the entertainment. A prize will be awarded to the wear-er of the most unique costume. Ev-eryone is urged to come prepared for a frivolous and colorful celebration.

Complete details of the program have, as yet, not been decided upon. However, among other things will be "fortune telling" a "joy house" a rare ‘'animal show", an actual "swimming contest", a “big race", a couple of vocal selections, a reading from Lucille Crabb, a short drama or two, and an honest-to-goodness ex-hibition of "sleep walking".

Decorations in gold and black will transform the gymnasium into a temporary fairyland, and the two-oda hours of fun will be ended by some light refreshments. The entire stu-dent body and all the faculty and their wives are invited.


"Free Trade” To Be Subject For Battle Of Words This Year—Women’s Try-outs Soon After-wards

Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach, has announced that the try-outs for the men's varsity debate team would be held November 11, in the College chapel. No definite date has been set for the women's debate teem but it is understood that their tryouts will be held soon afterwards

The question to be debated this session is; Resolved: That the na-tions should adopt a policy of free trade. Professor Hess is looking for-ward to a good forensic season with three of his veterans back and a fine array of new material.    


Given as First Number On Lyccum Course—The Next Number To Be November 20

Mon., Oct. 13—"Skidding", a com-edy in three acts, was the first num-ber on the community lyecum course, given tonight in the Community hall. The play was attended by a large audience.

The next lyceum number will be a lecture by Philip Martindale. Yel-lowstone Park naturalist, on Nov. 26.



To Leave In Truck Friday Afternoon At 4:00 O'Clock—To Smoky River

Plans have been made for a sopho-more picnic and the class will leave the campus Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in one truck for Lindsborg where the evening will be spent near the Smoky River or Coronado Heights, Prof. G. N. Boone will ac-company the class.


Infantile Paralysis Forces Clos-ing Of Schools—Will Give Bulldogs Long Period Of Practice

After a hard fought battle with Phillips university the Bulldogs will

see a good rest this week end. The game with Ottawa has been canceled on account of the infantile paralysis epidemic in Ottawa and vicinity. In

all probability this will be a post-season game if played at all. This will give the Bulldogs a long period of practice for the Baker game here October 24. During this time all of the regulars should be in tip top shape and there is no reason why the Bulldogs should not dispose of Bak-er. It will be remembered that Mc-Pherson defeated Ottawa last year by a decisive score of 21-0.

fright, some ducked beneath trees while others rushed to their rooms. The whir of the motor and the shrieking of the wind through the struts awakened the co-eds to amaze-ment as each time they came from their hiding places to find that the bird man was still in the air.

Some made weird guesses as to who the daring flyer might be and some of them guessed correctly - It was none other than our own, Her-bert Hoffman, who had become homesick and came back to his Alma Mater to once more gaze down upon

deputation team will


To Give Programs In Churches And Schools In Southeastern Part of State

Tues., Oct. 14--Friday afternoon

Five College students will leave for a ten day deputation trip into South-eastern Kansas. The team will give twelve program in churches of the district, the first one being at the Verdigris church near Emporia, Sev-eral programs may be given in high school also.     

Those making up the team are Othel Sherfy, Helen Eberly, Paulino Dell, Charles Dustin and Vernon Rhoades.


Wed., Oct. 15- Orchestra prac-tice, 7:00 p.m.

Thurs., Oct. 16—Y. W. Exhibit. Thurs., Oct. 16 -Republican Rally in Chapel, 6:30 p. m.

Oct. 17—Sophomore pic-nic to Lindsburg,

Tues., Oct. 21- Y, W, and Y. M.


Masquerade Party To Be Held In Gymnasium—Elaborate Plans Are Being Made


Prize To Be Given For The Best Costume—Faculty To Play A Big Part


On Nov, 6 Dean Mohler Will Go To Topeka For The State Teachers Convention

Sun., Oct. 12- Dean R. E. Mohler, a popular speaker of the college fac-ulty whose services are always in de-mand, save the main address of the day at a big homecoming event to-day for the Centennial district south-east of McPherson in the Centennial school house.

Yesterday Dean Mohler spoke at the Ottawa county teachers conven-tion held at Minneapolis, Kan. The Dean gave two addresses, the first on the school code and the second on his recent trip into Mexico.

On November 6, he will appear on the program of the state teachers meeting which will be held at To-peka.




Three Political Addresses Will Be Given—Part Of Program Is Shrouded In Mystery—All Students Are Invited—

Students May Become Active Members

Have Their Pictures Taken At Walker's Studio After-wards—Enjoy Evening Of Stunts And Games

Fri., Oct. 10- More than one hun-dred seniors and freshmen mingled together tonight in the gymnasium each seeking that one chief desire of all parties—gayety. The gayety was found—and how—for dressed in the

clothes of their pre-college days, de-

picting a life of merriment and joy

together with the childish games and stunts of the early youth, the lowly and highly marched to town and had their pictures taken at the Walker studio for the Quadrangle, after which they again marched to the campus.



Good Deal of Spirit But Few Stu-dents Turn Out—Held In Chapel For First Time

Thurs., Oct. 9—With the Thursday

morning "pep" meeting held in the

chapel for the first time this year the spirit manifested did not equal the number of students present. The Weaver-Larson-Doyle combin-ation held sway over the group and led the yells and songs. A number of the football men were called upon to respond to the group desire for comment on the prospects in the Phillips conflict and encouragement to their fellow teammates. A stunt featuring the revival of sickened "pep" around campus.



Many Are Gifts From Dean R. E. Mohler-Mussolini's Auto-


A number of recent and valuable books have lately been added to the College library, seven of which came as a gift from Dean R. E. Mohler. Among these seven volumes are: Crawford's “How to Study"; Van-denberg's "The Junior High School Idea"; Baitsell's Manual of Biolo-gy"; a zoology text and another on farm machinery.

Another gift was H. H. McCor-mick's “Landscpe Art Past and Present”. Two new Bible Commen-taries are on the shelf—the Abingdon and Peake's. Sterling's "Radio Man-ual" and Stedman's "American Auth-ropology", both new books, are now on hand. Mussolini's autobiography and C. F. Andrew's "Ghandi's Ideas" are apt to be in great demand.

A red cross manual by Delane and various late books on education. Eng-lish and music have also made their appearance.


Meeting Will Open With "Star Spangled

Banner"- Lehman Is

Chairman—To Support Ticket

Tomorrow night the Republican club on campus will hold a big rally in the chapel starting at 6:30 o'clock, and insiting for more than an

hour at which time political ad-dresses will be made, supporting the

Republican candidates for the state


The meeting gives promise of be-ing very interesting and every stu-dent is being urged to attend and any student wishing to become a member of the organization may have the privilege of doing so at this time. John Lehman, chairman of the club, states that a good deal of the evening's program is being with-held for political purposes and a shroud of mystery seems to be pro-

vailing over a part of the rally.

A good deal of literature has been secured by the chairman and is be-ing distributed among the students and a number of posters are now no-ticeable upon the campus. So far there has been no opposition to the party on the campus and it is be-ginning to look as if there will be a peaceful campaign upon the campus.

The program that has been given for publication so far calls for three main addresses. The rally will open with the singing of the "Star Spangl-ed Banner". The first address of the evening will be given by Ralph Keedy on "Why Vote for Haucke"? After Mr. Keedy's address the off-cial acceptance of all new members will be in charge of the chairman. Phillip Lauver will speak on the "De-merits of the Democratic Party", and Keith Hayes, a veteran college de-bater will give the closing address on "Why Brinkley Cannot Become Govenor”. The rally will close with the singing of "America".


Current Science Developments Are Discussed By Members —Hershey, Permanent Pres,, Presided Over The Meeting

Thurs., Oct. 9-The first regular two week meeting of the Chemistry society was held this afternoon in the chemistry lecture room and the theme of the program was recent developments in the field of the chemical science. The current events were taken from the Science News Letter.

Mildred Doyle reviewed an article on "The Poison In Your Anti-freeze", and Thompson, "Enough Helium Now For Many Uses", "Chemistry— The God-mother of the South" was discussed by Jay Hertzler, Ralph Keedy discussed "Rare Gases of the Atmosphere", and "Glanber's Salt" was reviewed by Walter Wollman. Dr. J. Willard Hershey, permanent president of the society, presided.

Rural teachers in Haiti receive salaries of from four to five dollars a month.

When a man says he runs things at home he usually means the lawn mower or washing machine.



Since the Great War time has been taking on a faster gait and each year has seen enormous strides in defeating time. From the icy ranges of the poles to the belated reaches of the intellectual realms of modern progress life has expanded to bring under control long lost resources of mind and nature. Nature has rebelled and baffled the minds of science; minds have challenged the superficial to usher in controversies and to stimulate action.

We have always had war— and probably always will have war. Some-time or other throughout history some physical conflict has been in evi-dence. Since the Great War there has been bloodshed in the Balkan state, Morrocco, Mexico, South America, Russia, and continuously in China. Just recently the governmental republics in South America have taken on dis-order and now the conservative government in Brazil is hanging in the balance.

The whole trouble seems to be in the fact that the world is going faster than time will permit. It is apparent that we are not ready for achieve-ments and changes that are rapidly taking place. What the world needs is a physical rest—but it is becoming unrestful as a result of the need for rest.

The advent into South America, that in progress is many years behind the United States, yes, and even Europe, of new things and ideas are the causes of the disturbances. Down through history this has been true in wars involving nations. Before the Prussian-Franco war there was a period of inventions and commercial progress. New ideas of intervention sprang into the minds of the leaders and took fire. But these ideas were too much for the people; too far ahead of their lime—and they revolted—or invaded.

The same is true with the World War. Intervention, competitive com-mercialism, dominance of an irresponsible government and the selfish de-sires of a few—all ideas and changes before time demanded—resulted in the great conflict. Competition brings on peace—and brings about war. Competition is the nucleus around which new ideas and customs arise. Let competition become restrictive, we have differences of opinion and between capital and labor. We are a fast world—what we need is a physical rest—not the unrest.


It is the youth of today who are going to carry on this world in the fast-coming years. It will be soon, for the young men in their 20's will then be in their 4O's. By studying the rising generation, may we not very well judge what they will do? There is a universal conviction that our young folks are revolutionary. They not only have advance ideas, but they are "frank" about them; too frank for the composure of their elders.

But whatever their views, verily they are the people—to be. How many of our Institutions will they overturn and how many of our treasured dogmas, social and political, will they flout? They will have so many more facts at hand than we; and they don’t seem to care a great deal for our predictions.    

We owe most of the present scorn of war to them. They are icono-ciasts and are what wo call hard-boiled. To our sentiments and emotional manifestations they often say "Pooh"! And millions of them are highly educated—at our expenses—and know whereof they speak. However, we doubt if we envy them their work of the future.

—F. H.Collier In the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.


The annual cry for peace that arises with the opening of the college year has once more begun. A practice that is soon to become a tradition, every year new provisions are made to disseminate anti-chauvenistic feelings among university and college students. This year three uni-recieved the Fidac Peace Medal for "distinguished accomplishment in the cause of peace," and at the same time Columbia has announced a new course in "Education and International Problems and Values" to promote an understanding of the methods of obtaining world peace.

On the heels of this comes the announcement that several American diplomats are convinced that another European war is brewing. They attempt to soften these dire prognostications with the pios opinion that

the United States will never be drawn into such a .    _______

A certain dorm senior was seen downtown under some bushes, dili-gently bugging. He had to explain himself to a passerby by saying that he was only a Zoology student trying to get a grade.

After Last Sunday's Airplane

'“Bastus, did yah evah go up in one of dese heah airplanes"?

’“No, sah. No, sah. Ah's goin' to stick to terrah firmah and the moah firmah, the less terrah".

"I'm glad today isn't Friday the 13th. because it's bad luck to shoot yourself on that day”.

"How does it happen you never take Betty to the show anymore"?

“Well, one night it rained, and we stayed in the parlor".

Life is just a battle of wits, but it is terribly sad to see how many go around unarmed!

He—I hear you know Algie Beep, She—Heavens, yes, I know him terribly well.

He—Algie's a good egg.

She—I'm crazy about Algie, I mean, I honestly think he's sweet.

He—He and I are great pals, you know, go bumming and hunting to-gether a lot and that sort of thing.

She—Really? Well, last summer I saw an awful lot of Algie. I mean we were always running around to-gether. You know how I mean?

He—Sure, yeah.

She—Algie and I were simply in-separable last summer. We had more hectic fun. You can't imagine.

He—Well, he's a great fella, Algie is.

She—My dear, he's simply swell! I think Algle is one of the sweetest people I know.

He—I suppose you know he's engaged?

She (terribly startled)—No! Who to, for heaven's sake? Well, of all the nerve! Well, . . . (and so far, far into the night until ten or ten-


She was only a farmer's daughter who sowed wild oats all week and went to church on Sunday and pray-ed for a crop failure.

—“Nineteen Hundred".


Dr. Schwalm Tells Of The Ac-complishments Of The Ital-ian Dictator—Compares Russia And Italy

Oct. 13—Italy was the country dis-cussed by Dr. V. F. Schwalm in chap-el this morning. He gave a brief comparison of Russian and Italian governments. Ownership of proper-ty and unity of home life are empha-sized in Italy. There is a growing recently announced the marriage of their granddaughter, Miss Chester Carter, A. B, '30, to Mr. W. R. Gra-beel. of Rose Hill, Va., on Tuesday, September 16, at Perryton, Texas. Mr. nd Mrs. Grabeel are now living In Rose Hill.

Miss Carter will be remembered by McPherson students and faculty, who last year was a popular feature writ-er for The Spectator, being two years on the staff. She was also a member of the Thespian club.


Miss Margaret Stegeman and Miss

Marjorie Bunce spent the week end

at the Stegeman home near Hope, Kansas.

Mr. Vernon Flaming spent the week end in Hillsboro visiting with home folk.

Mr. Duane Northop who is attend-ing K.S.A.C. visited with friends on

the campus Saturday and Sunday.

Misses Ada Stutzman and Eugenia Dawson spent Sunday in Hutchinson.

Dr. and Mrs. Harnly called at the dormitory Sunday afternoon.

Mr, Bruce Roif was home from K. S.A.C. over the week end.

Miss Orpha Beahm went to visit her parents at Holmsvllle, Nebr., this week end.


State Contest Of Atwater-Kent For Young Singers—Na-tional Prize of $5000

Mrs- Anna C. Tate, head of the voice department, has been appoint-ed as one of the judges for the Kan-sas State Audition of the 4th annual Atwater-Kent radio contests for young singers held at Topeka over station WCBW, October 16 and 17 at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Tate was appoint-ed by Prof. F. A. Beach, dean of the school of music of Kansas State Teachers college at Emporia, Pro-


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fessor Bench is a state chairman for the Atwater-Kent contest.

The final and national contest will be held in New York City in Decem-ber. The first prize is $5000 and 2 years study to one young woman and one young man. The age limit is 18 to 25 years, The judges votes count 60 per cent and the radio audience 40 per cent.



Eighteenth Amendment Will Not Be Eliminated In Our Days,

Says Ayres

Wed., Oct. 8—“The 18th amend-ment will not be eliminated from the constitution in our life time," was the assertion made by Congressman Ayers of Witchita, in chapel this morning. He told of the congress and it's work at the national capitol.

Mr. Ayers speech was entirely ed-ucational; he explained the long and short sessions of congress, and the convening and adjourning of special sessions. He attributed the Western people with greater intelligence be-cause they keep in touch with their representatives. It is difficult for a representative to know how he stands on a certain bill because of possible change.

“Next to the Bible the Constitution of the United States is the best ma-terial to read."

Miss Nada Mae Ritz sang a solo immediately following the speech.

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Sir Hubert Wilkins May Use Hershey's Air Mixtures In Sub-marine Expeditions—Divers After Treasure On S. S. Egypt Sunk Near French Coast May Use Synthetic Air— McPherson Professor Thinks Air Mixtures

-    Would Be Practical

The modest little professor of McPherson college, Dr. J. Willard Her shey, head of the chemistry department, who has gained world recogni-tion as a result of his experiments in making the world’s largest synthetic diamond and his work with synthetic atmospheres, is finding a practical use for some of his most recent experiments in artificial atmospheres.

The Lake and Donenhower, Inc., submarine and salvage engineers, Philadelphia, Pa., have recently been seeking the aid of the McPherson chemist in fitting the small rescue submarine, "Defender", for Sir George Hubert Wilkins, the arctic explorer, for the proposed trip to the north pole under the ice, Land and Donehower have been, consulted regarding the salvage of the treasure on the S. S. Egypt sunk off the French coast in 400 feet of water. Sloan Donenhower, president, has asked Dr. Hershey if it would be feasible for a diver to work for a short time at a depth of 400 feet breathing a synthetic atmosphere, wherein helium was substituted for nitrogen?

Mr. Donenhower continues: “If in your opinion such a scheme would be practical we may be able to work out a set of experiments using our small rescue submarine, “Defender" as the source of divers' air supply (synthet-ic air). The ‘Defender’ is equipped with a diving compartment and could be readily fitted so that the diver could receive synthetic air in any mixture desired".

Dr. Hershey, in answer to Mr. Don-enhower, stated: "I would say from our results of a synthetic atmosphere where helium is substituted for nitro-gen with one atmosphere presuure it would be safe for one to work for at least a few hours without any danger whatever. We used white mice with this atmosphere and the animals ap-peared better than in a normal at-mosphere for many hours".

"What would happen at a depth of 400 feet for a diver I could not be certain, but it seems to me it would be still better than a normal air since the helium diffuses faster than the nitrogen in the normal air. I think this would be very practical”.

For more than seven years Dr. Hershey has been experimenting with his rare air atmosphere mixtures and has used nearly all the animals in his work except man. The professor has found an air different from any-thing man breathes—yet which sup-ports life in white mice more effect-ively than normal atmosphere. Ordi-nary air contains about 21 per cent oxygen, 78 per cent nitrogen, and 1 per cent of other gases including ar-gon, neon, helium, krypton, xenon and carbon dioxide.

In one of his experiments helium was substituted for the 78 per cent nitrogen and it was found that the white mice were in a brighter, more active and a better, healthier condi-tion than in normal air, so far as the professor could observe. In another test mice were placed in an atmos phere of 25 per cent oxygen and 75 argon. With this mixture. Dr, Her-shey found the general conditions of respiration, appetite and rest better than in normal air.


Y. W. To Have Exhibition Of Chinese Brass Goods And Linen—To Be Held In The Y. W. Room

The Y. W. C. A. is sponsoring a Chinese brass and linen display to-morrow afternoon from 3:00 until 6:00 o'clock in the Y. W. room. The


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brass is direct from China and some lovely pieces will be shown. The linen is hand embroidered, and of beautiful quality. Any article in the exhibition would be ideal for a gift; and who wouldn't like a small brass jewel chest or candle stick, or a dainty linen vanity set?



Christine Mohler Leads Meeting Dis-

cussing The Liquor Question— Presented In Unique Manner

Sun., Oct. 12—The College Chris-tion Endeavor this evening was fea-tured by three talks on the prohibi-tion subject and a mixed quartet sang "Thanks Be to God".

The discussion was presented in a unique manner. The question "Is a majority of the people of the U. S. dissatisfied with prohibition"? was asked by Velma Bean and answered by Ralph Keedy. This was followed by the question "What do you think of the statement that there is more drinking now than before prohibi-tion"? which was asked by Melvin Landes and this was responded to by Nellie Collins. She stated that this is merely a false assumption. The last talk by Donald Bowers summed up the prohibition idea stating that prohibition can be enforced now.

The meeting was in charge of Christine Mohler and as a part of the devotions the last installment of the story "The Wrong Turn at the Cross-roads” was read by Ada Brunk. The mixed quartet consisted of Ethel Sherfy, Helen Eberly, Vernon Rhoades, and Charles Austin.



Only One Perfect Statue Says Librar-ian In Y. W. C. A. Weekly


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Tues., Oct. 14—"Are We on a Pedestal”? was the central theme of the Y. W. C. A. this morning. Miss Margaret Heckethorn compared life to an art gallery, some statues are well balanced and are admired by passers-by while others are unbal-anced and cannot stand. A perfect statue is not made from the broken pieces, there are flaws. Every in-dividual has his own pedestal on which he places his admiration, ath-letes honor students, a beautiful person, or a strong personality. This statue must be subject to views from

all sides, to be good, it cannot be mishaped on one side if the others are good. There is just one perfect statue and from this may be found patterns and it can be viewed from any side.

The program and financial chair-man called meetings of their respect-ive committees. Misses Verna Beav-er and Margaret Moulton sang a duet.



Change Number Of Hours For A

Music Major—Placed On Equal Footing

The University of Kansas has tak-en its place beside several other prominent schools to raise the stan-dard of culture in this country by al-lowing a major in music in the reg-ular college course leading to the A. B. degree. The welcoming of the music department of the school of Fine Arts on an equal footing with the college of Liberal Arts and Sci-ences is largely due to the growth of this department under Donald M. Swarthout, Dean of Fine Arts at the University of Kansas.

At a recent faculty meeting of the college of Liberal Arts it was voted to allow a major in music, not to ex-ceed forty of the one hundred and twenty hours credit needed for the degree. Heretofore the college has allowed only fifteen hours of music.

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to count toward an A. B. degree, and these only during the junior and sen-ior years. The present ruling makes not only a forty hour major possible, but allows as many as twenty-five hours of music as electives for stu-dents not interested in music in the

A. B. course.


There is a man who never drinks, Nor smokes, nor chews, nor swears;

Who never gambles, never flirts. And shuns all sinful snares— He’s paralyzed!

There is a man who never does

A thing that is not right;

His wife can tell just where he is At morning, noon or night—

He's dead!

The Campus Times.

Mr. Elmer Crumpacker who is teaching at Wilmore, Kansas, visit-


210 N. Main    Phone 270

Dependable Footwear Shoes and Hosiery

Chas. Daron Shoe Shop

In Rear

Bring us your Repairing


Furniture and Undertaking Co.

Ambulance Service Day or Night S. T. Bostion    J. W. Upshaw

Established 1897    Office Phone 197

McPherson, Kansas

Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Wahl Eversharp Pens and Pencils

We have just what you want. Come in and get it here.

Bixby, Lindsay & Co.


ed with his mother and friends on the campus this week end;

Miss Hope Nichol visited at home

this week end in Wichita.

Come to the Hawley Barber and Beauty Shop. Where hospitality and good workmanship prevail. Haircuts

from now on will be 40 cents. Phone 499 for appointment at Beauty Shop. Permanent $5.00 and up,—adv.

McPherson Laundry

Chas. L. Austin,

College Agent

Basket in boy’s dorm.

Sterba & Pracht

102 So. Main    Phone 110

Authorized Retailer of Elgin Watches

Bulova and Gruen Watches

School Books and Supplies

Sheaffer and Conklin Pens

Jewelry, Watches and Diamonds

Stationery, Office Supplies

McPherson, Kansas




Vernon Gustafson; class play. John Lehman, chairman, Helen Hudson; Class day, Nina Stull, chairman, Na-omi Witmore, Ida Lengel.

Christianity now ranks third a-mong the religions of India, there being 5,000,000 Christians in the





Among Conference Schools

Mack Men Were Held To Three First Downs—Play Before 2,000 Fans

Phillips 31, McPherson 0

Many Penalties — Phillips For 90 Yards—Game Was Slow—M. C. Lacked Scoring Ability

Enid, Okla., Oct. 10—The McPher-son college Bulldogs were downed by the Phillips Haymakers 31-0 tonight at Alton field before 2,000 fans, with Cleal Highfill, Haymaker quarter-back, playing one of his greatest games. Although McPherson played a consistent game and showed con-siderable fight they lacked the scor-ing ability.

The Bulldogs were held to three first downs, two of which were made by penalties and one on a forward pass, B. Miller to Cox in the third quarter. The game, however was slow, and after the first half McPher-son was on the defense. It was also a game of successive penalities. Phil-lips being nicked for 14 and a total of 90 yards while the Bulldogs suf-fered seven setbacks for 55 yards.

The lineup:

   OCTOBER 17    

Bethany vs. Baker at Linds-borg.

McPherson vs. Ottawa at Otta-wa. (Postponed). St. Mary's vs, Phillip U. at Enid, Okla.    

Kansas Wesleyan vs. Spring-field Teachers at Springfield, Mo.


of Last Weeks Games

St. Mary’s 21; Bethany 6. Phillips 31; McPherson 0.

Baker 19; K-Wesleyan 0. Friends 25; Ottawa 0,


The Bulldogs came out of the fray Friday night with the Phillips Hay-makers with no serious casualties and there are signs in the Binford camp that there will be come decid-ed changes in the lineup this week.



Four New Husky Players Enroll-    

Were Inelligible To Play Last Friday—May Play

This Week

Football is beginning to take on new life at the College this week with four new men enrolled during the latter part of last week. These four men will add to the strength and weight of the team. The men are, Phil Kauffman, Elyria, Kansas, weighing 180 pounds. Kauffman is a fast man and shows a good deal of fight. Mose Stucky, McPherson, weighing 155pounds, is small but worth his weight. Cleo Minear, Canton, Kansas, lineman, weighing 185 pounds, and his brother, Paul, lineman, weighing 185 pounds, are two new wedges for the line. The Minear brothers and Kauffman are freshmen and Stucky is a Sophomore. These four men were ineligible to play in the Phillips game last Friday night but will be able to play this week.

The most densely populated body of land in the world is Java with a population of 690 persons per square mile.



F. N. Sargent Says That Four Years Of College Should Make Us Think Straight

Fri., Oct, 10—"Four years of col-lege should help us to think straight and live right,"stated Mr. F. N. Sar-gent in chapel this morning. We all want to be successful; part of our process will be due to the fact that we have to struggle. We respect the teacher who makes us be exact.

There are many people in the world who do not think straight, The great world war was brought on because some people were not thinking straight. Deep in our hearts most of us really want to live right. As an example of people wanting to live right Mr. Sargent told of the celebration in Chicago when the world war was over. The city officials of Chicago who pre-tended that the city was bankrupt were not thinking straight. The bankers who refused to loan the city money only under certain conditions were trying to think straight and live right.

"Righteous living exalteth a na-tion," is certainly an important truth from the Bible. If we think straight we will not consider the teaching of the Bible narrow but will see that the promises therein are very broad.

The express agent who stole the liberty bands refused to think strai-ght. We have within us a spark of the Divine and we are responding to God for thinking straight and living right.

Alliance Exchange Co,

The slang term “racket" meant shady business more than a century; ago, and was not invented by the Chicago underworld-

Number Of Officers Were Filled That Were Made Vacant By Students Not Returning

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teachings has given more than $18,817,000 in 837 re-tiring allowances from 1906 to 1930.

K-Wesleyan's defeat at the hands of the Baker outfit certainly upset the dope bucket—especially for the Coyotes. For a while, at least, they had high hopes of repeating, this year. Now their thoughts are "dif-ferent unto nature".

With life at rest the Bethany "Swedes" are brooding over their 21-6 defeat as a result of their tangle with St. Mary's. "Cash" Carslon seems to be experiencing a feeling of loneliness for the want of a winning football team.

That Baker gang ought to change their slogan from the "Wildcats" to the "Bearcats". Their defeat of the "Coyotes” was like putting a “Bear" in the wheat market in Chicago, or one might add, like Hoover pants— no pockets and double seats.

It was hard luck for Ottawa that she has been unable to win a game so-far this season and with the added threat of infantile paralysis it looks as though the "Braves” would get a good seige of workouts.



Nellie Collins was recently elect-ed vice-president of the W. A. A. at a special election to fill vacan-cies of students who failed to return this fall. Esther McWilliams was elected hiking manager and Esther Brown as horse shoe manager. Spe-cial permission was granted to Mrs. Irwin Rump to participate in sports to earn enough points for her W. A. A. pin, as only a few points were re-quired.

The regular W. A. A. meeting will be held in three weeks.



Margaret Shelly Is One Of Those Forming The Organization

It has been learned that a solon orchestra, composed largely of mature talent of the city is being formed through the ef-forts of George Glison, Margaret Shelly, and August San Romani and others, Mr, Gilson will direct the or-chestra which has twenty-three mem-bers contemplated.

John Lehman Chairman Of Commit-

tees To Select Class Play

Recently the chairmen for five committees in the senior class were elected by a vote of the class. Two chairmen for each committee were selected by a nomi-nating committee and each chair-man had the privilege of appointing two others to assist him. The chair-men and the committees are: enter-tainment, Ruth Trostle, chairman, Carroll Walker, Edith Murrey; com-mencement speaker, Leland Lindell, chairman, Ernest Betts, Ethel Jam-ison; cap, gown, and invitation, Ed-na Hoover, chairman, Irvin Rump.


Meet Me at

Hultqvist’s Busy Corner

Down Town


McPherson & Citizens State Bank

of McPherson, Kansas Capital and Surplus $127,000.00

The Problem of the Student is our chance to apply the "Golden Rule”. Come in.

Baldwin Music Store

Sheet Music — Accessories Columbia and Victor Records

Phone 200


307 N. Main

Meet Your Friends Here Before and After the Game


Building Material and Coal Phone 16

McPherson, Kansas

The Wilber Barber Shop

306 N. Main

3 Doors North of Euclid. The old reliable Popular Prices

The other day one of those door-to-door salesmen was in the dor-mitory and he stopped at our room and said he was specializing on Hoover over-alls—double seats and no pockets.

Exports from the United States in 1928-29 showed that the use of to-bacco is increasing rapidly in China and Japan.

Ostlund Studio

First Class Photography Kodak Finishing and Supplies Phone 81

The Gift For Her

Ladies’ and Men’s wrist and strap watches.

New Waldemar chains, rings and bracelets.

J. Ed. Gustafson


If you have a pair of shoes you think you can't use and are about to throw them away . . . Give Vogt’s a Trial . . . They'll fix ’em up in style. They will give service many a day.

Vogt's Electric Shoe Shop, 102 East Euclid


That please the purse and eye.

$4 to $10



Lake Superior Lumber Company

Building Material and COAL

Phone 40