vol. XIII

McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, feb. 18, 1930

NO. 21


McPherson plays championship type of basket


Kepncr Makes Five Baskets Out Of Six Tries In First Few Minutes Of Play Then Is Held Practically Scoreless By Nonken


All Five Of Regular Team Scores— Miller Goes Out On Personals

Ottawa; Kan., FeB. 14—The McPherson College Bulldogs uncorked a fine championship type of basketball late in the first half and defeated the Baptist qunitet 38 to 26, here tonight in a game which at the outset seemed in every way to belong to the local boys. In the first ten minutes Captain Kepner, the most dangerous scoring ace in the Kansas conference, flashed six shots from the center of the court, five of which went through the hoop for counters. In the meantime the Bulldogs, almost dazzled by the smooth work of their opponents were able to score but one point. Miller took time out with the score standing 10 to 1 against McPherson. Each team then scored two field goals, making the score 14 to 5 in Ottwa's favor. Five and one-half minuter remained in the first half when the Bulldog rally started. Miller, Nonken, Jamison, Deschner and Crumpacker all went through for baskets, scoring 16 points in the remaining time, eight points of which were scored in a period of one and one-half minutes. the half ended with the score favoring the visitors. 21 to 16.

Except for a few minutes in the second half, the Bulldogs held a safe lead on the Braves. Miller left the game on account of four personals with the score standing 33 to 25. Kepner left on a like offense one minute before the game was over.

(Continued on Page Four)


Tues., Feb. 18—Nonken, Miller, and Crumpacker, veterans of the McPherson College basketball championship era, will enter the local court for the last time in competition with a Kansas conference team, at eight o'clock tonight when the Bulldogs play the St. Mary's Knights, a group of the most dangerous and the most feared cagers in the conference. Although the Bulldogs have defeated the Knights on their own home court there is no proof that the Catholics will not put up a real scrap for the honors tonight. Memories of the game with the Wildcats last week are still lurking in the minds of many of the Bulldog enthusiasts who expected an easy game. The lesson taught by Baker should bring a full house of spectators to witness what may turn out to be the best game played on the Convention Hall floor this year.

For many local fans tonight's game will be the last in which they can witness a combat between the Bulldogs and a conference opponent this year, Others plan to see the games at Lindsborg and Salina, February 26th and 28th respectively. Two more non-conference games may be scheduled for the local gymnasium, and if the championship is won, the Bulldogs may see some tournament play.


Sat., Feb. 15—A student recital was given this evening at seven-thirty in the college chapel by the Fine Arts department. The recital was both vocal and instrumental. The following program was presented: Sonata- e Minor. Greig; Allegro Moderate—Myreta Hammann.

Ave Maria. Schubert —Esther Dahlinger.

Etude. Moszkowaki; Caprice, Hahn -—Rosalind Almen.

He Was Despised", Messiah, Han-del—Irene Steinberg.

Melodie, Moszkowski; Barcarole, Godard—Mary Swain,

Etude, Sinding; Prelude, Chopin— Mr. Francis Falkenrich.

Dawn, Curran—Ruth Turner. Scherzine, Mosxkowski; Liebes freud, Kreisler—Pauline Dell.


Sat., Feb. 16-—Miss Margaret Heckethorn, librarian, stated tbis morning that if the present rate of contributing books to the library con-tinues until June 1, the goal to be attained will be reached. Books have been added through the present campaign until there are more than 9665 books in the library. The goal is 10,-000 by June 1.

One book was contributed this week, "English poems", by Lloyd Peterson. Fourteen other books were purchased through the library fund and included books on music, inter-, national relations, history, Bible and science.


Fri., Feb. 7—One hundred ninety-nine dollars of the four hundred dollars quota was pledged this morning by students and friends during the chapel period. Some additional pledges are coming in and it is anticipated that the quota will be reached before the semester is ended. C. D. Bonsack, secretary of the General Mission Board urged the stu-dents to support this missionary cuase in his chapel address.



Wed., Feb. 12—Ward Williams, freshman, won the local anti-Tobac-co contest held in the chapel this eve-ning with his oration, ''The Basis of Tobacco Reform”. Otho Whiteneck, sophomore, received second honors with his oration, "The Nemesis of Youth".

Other orations were given by Clarence Zink, '‘Nicotine and Wom-anhood", and Harold Crist, "Savage Survivals". The decision was close, Williams winning by only one point. Judges for the contest were Prof. J. A. Blair, Prof. J. Hugh Heckman and Dr. V. F. Schwalm.

By virtue of his victory Williams will represent McPherson college in the state contest to be held at Central college, of this city on March 14, which carries a first prize of $35.00. The contest is under the auspices of the Anti-Tobacco Association and Professor Hess is the local coach and sponsor.


Fri., Feb. 14—This .afternoon at 4:30 o’clock about sixty-five girls of the Y. W. C. A. met in the Y. W. room for a "Heart Sister” party. Soon after the arrival of the girls the "heart sisters” were revealed. Throughout the past week the "heart sisters" have been doing kind and thoughtful acts for their "sister" friends. Games suitable for the day were played after which punch and wafers were served.


Cupid is a little bad hoy who makes girls fall in love and have heartaches and indigestion and love sick-ness. He works hard his wonders to perform especially on February 14. Cupid causes bashful little boys to go buy candy hearts with thing# on them like “I love you", “Will you be my sweetheart". "I want only You". "Won't you be my Valentine”, and other slush. This stage of heart affairs usually breaks out in grade schools.

Big boys and girls in college are not much different as the disease takes the shape of large five-pound heart shape box of candy from “him" to “her” with love. It must be love all right if “he" can still love "her" and all the extra calories after she gets on the outside of these chocolates.

Valentine Day has other aspects besides love. Some people get queer funny streaks and send such Valentines as “You are like a flannel shirt, you tickle me pink’, or the picture of a flat footed negro with elucidates to the tune of “Even My Arches Have Fallen

for You”. Then the Scotchman sends his lady-love a sweet little Valentine that says, "I Can't Give You Anything But Love Baby".

This "Heart Sister" stuff does have a kick especially when you have to walk five miles for a candy bar that you ordinarily would not "walk a mile for" . . . then say "not a calorie in a carload". Scales don't lie . . . you can't get around the fact (in some cases).

Seriously speaking . . . the Bulldogs are handing Ottawa a Valentine they will remember and they won’t say it with Valentines but will say it with a doubled score.

It's a good thing the Jews put Valentine Day on the calendar because that's one day in the year you can tell people you like them and admire them without being told to go soak your mug. Hoover should make it a national holiday so people could be nice to each other even unto husbands and wives, without them thinking it’s just a line.

Yours ’til the Valentine Candy Boxes.—Sea-see.


Tonight—St. Marys game here. Tomorrow 4:30—Y. W. White Elephant sale.    .

7:30 —- Dramatic Reading Contest.

Fri. Feb. 21— Sterling Debate

Sat., Feb. 22—Mothers and Daughters banquet at church.


Member of Corps Of C. W. E. Institute Speaker Here First Of Week


Once Arrested By Turkish Government For Violating Religious Teaching Law

Word has been received here that Miss Lucile E. Day will be added to the corps of workers that will be on the campus March 5th, 6th, and 7th as leaders in the Christian World Education Institute.

Miss Day is a graduate of Oberlin college where she chose Armenians for roommates and where Japanese girls were her particular friends. After graduation she taught science for two years in the El Paso, Texas, high school and began relief work in

MISS LUCILE E. DAY the Near East. With very meager equipment and very little money Miss Day started a course in home economics in the Girls' School at Salon-ica, Greece. The girls in the school were eleven or twelve years old and many of them came from the wealthiest families of Greece. The school has a long waiting list of students and they arc very appreciative and easy to teach.

Miss Day has been particularly in-

(Continued on Page Three)

McPherson cagers are ENTERTAINED AT OTTAWA

Ottawa, Kan., Feb. 14—Following the Ottawa-McPherson basketball game here this evening Mr. and Mrs. W. B. DeVukbus, parents of Viola, who is attending McPherson college, served refreshments to the following members of the McPherson cage squad: Couch George Gardner. Melvin Miller, Posey Jamison, Harvey King, Marvin Hill, Ruth Holloway, Ray Nonken, Irvin Deschner, Lloyd Diggs,Cecil Anderson, and Elmer Crumpacker.



Bernice McClellan Secures Second Honors With The Reading “Oh, No.!" By Mrs. Hugh Bell—Two Others

In Competition


Thurs., Feb. 13—The firse evtem-poraneous debate ever sponsored by McPherson college was held this morning in the college chapel between Friends University and McPherson college.

Question for debate was: Resolved, that this house condemns the attitude of college boards of trustees in denying freedom of thought and expression to members of college faculties.

The affirmative side of the question was debated by Melvin Landis and John Lehman of McPherson, and the negative was upheld by Max Barnhill and Eli Wheeler of Friends.

This being the first debate of its kind, a decision was not given.


A Valentine party will be given this afternoon from two-thirty until four-thirty by the members of the foods class in Harnly hall. Each girl in the class has invited a guest. Committees are in charge of certain parts of the party. A two course luncheon will be served and afterwards games will be played. The social affair ss to give girls practical experience in receiving and entertaining guests as well as serving luncheon.


Tues., Feb. 11—“Friendship" was the subject discussed by Miss Mc-Gaffey this morning in the Y. W. C. A. meeting.

The presence of human personal-ity is the greatest thing God has made. Friendliness is a matter of the heart, of time of the mind, and of appreciation. The art of friendliness is not so much a matter of deeds but of self. In conclusion Miss McGaffey stated, "Let your life so shine as to be worthy of the friendships desired”.

Evelyn Fields was leader of the meeting and she explained the purpose of Heart Sister week for the Y. W. C. A. Each girl has a heart sister for whom she remembers in some thoughtful manner.


Salina, Kan., Feb. 16--Dean R. E. Mohler of McPherson college, spoke before the Saline County Teachers Association meeting here today. Dean Mohler spoke of the Mexican problems.

Monday noon of this week eDan Mohler spoke before the McPherson County Ministerial Association at McPherson and in the evening of the same day to the McPherson Chapter Business and Professional Women's Association. Wednesday, Dean Mohler addressed the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce.


Consisted of Singing And Dramati-

zations of Thurlow Lieurance

Wed., Feb. 12—With a difference of only one and two-thirds percent in the final average of the winner of the humorous reading contest, held in the chapel this evening, and the person who ranked last, the decisions of the judges showed remarkably close results. Harold Melchert was awarded the first prize of five dollars and Bernice McClellan received two and a half dollars as second prize.

An Indian program with dramat-izations of Indian compositions of Thurlow Lieurance was given by the advanced expression class immediat-ely following the reading contest. Leland Lindell dressed as a Pueblo Indian gave a brief story background of each number before it was sung and acted by expression students also in Indian costume. Sylvia Edgecombe sang and dramatized the first num-ber, "Indian Springbird". The sec-ond selection, "Lullaby”, was sung by Ida Lengel as Florence Lehman acted it out. This was followed by “The Weaver”, dramatized by Florence Lehman and sung by Sylvia Edge-comb. The Indian program concluded with the song “Her Blanket”, dra-matized and sung by Florence Lehman and Ida Lengel, respectively. Four contestants took part in the humorous reading contest following the Indian program: Bernice McClel-lan read "Oh, No"! by Mrs. Hugh Bell; Chester Carter gave "Jane”, a cutting from “Seventeen", by Booth

Tarkington". Harold Melchert gave

"The Champion Snorer"; and Philip

(Continued on Page Three)



Wed., Feb. 12--Mrs. Induk P. Kim, a native Korean Christion, spoke in chapel and in classes this morning. Mrs. Kim is a traveling secretary for the Student Volunteers in the interest of Foreign Missions. She came to this campus under the auspieces of the World Service Group. Her addresses were all challenging, interesting, forceful; her demeanor quiet, gracious, sincere.

Mrs. Kim told in chapel of Korea’s peaceful revolution, of her imprisonment and how during imprisonment she found Jesus and took him as her guide. Many of the needs of the people were told and an appeal made for aid. Her appeals were not begging but challenging. She is proud of her people, and gave reasons for her pride.

The International Relations class and the Philosophy class were priv-ileged to hear Mrs. Kim during their regular sessions. She also spoke definitely of missions for one-half hour. Marriage customs, home life, schools, rural life and religion in Korea were explained.

Many students made a special effort to hear her.



Thurs., Feb. 13--An Alumni Mag-azine will doon become a reality, ac-cording to plans made this evening at a meeting of an Alumni committee tee. The committee decided to put out a 16-page issue of the magazine sometime before commencement this spring, probably in April. Orville Pote, A. B , '23, who is principal of the high school at Halstead, Kansas, has been asked to take charge of or-ganization and act as temporary editor of the paper, while Dale Strick-ler of McPherson will act as busi-ness manager. They will be aided by the following Board of Editors: Eunice Almen, Leland Lindell, Miss Edith McGaffey, Prof. G N. Boone, and Dean- R. E Mohler.

After the first issue plans will be made for permanent organization.

The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by the Student Council, McPherson, Kansas

   Address all correspondence to


Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates Per


One School Year


Prof: In what course do you propose to graduate.

Student: Oh, in the course of time I suppose.

pating are: "The Song of the Cross", by Wilson Darret, Lucille Crabb; “If I were King", by Justin McCarthy, Ruth Blickenstaff; "An Unfinished Story", by Richard Harding Davis, Mildred Swenson; "Gardners Both", by Marion Hill, Hope Nickel; and "The Miracle of the Backyard", Elsie Muse.

Lillan Horning, who teaches near Larned, visited with friends on the campus Sunday.


_ McPherson, Kansas.



Editor-In-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E. Watkins

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Paul Sherfy

Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger

Chester Carter Vernon Rhoades Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Herbert Eby Eunice Ahren

Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess

We like basketball games but we don't like to go there for the same thrill we get out of a roller coaster ride (‘member Baker)!

Y. W. IS sponsoring


Rev. Paul Mohler, Chicago, uncle of Christine Mohler, visited with Miss Mohler this week end.


Probably more students will enter the teaching profession when ihey have been graduated than any other profession. It may be only a prelimin-ary to something else that you wish to be your life's work. It may be, as it is in some cases, a means of securing that Ford or that second hand car. It is true that some people teach to secure money to farther their education.

To those who are not going to teach, what are you going to do? Let us discuss one of the many professions that appeal to young people from the angle of the master of that profession. Take for instance the newspaper game. The following statemengs of three of the prominent editors of the state of Kansas may help you in making your decision.

Victor Murdock, editor of the Wichita Eagle, says that "newspaper work is fascinating, advantageous as a stepping stone to almost anything else. It requires good feet and a brain with certain qualities of anticipation. Outside the field of art, where a man is apt to starve to death, I think newspaper work is, for anyone with real fire, the best bet of this particular age". W. Y. Morgan, editor of the Hutchinson News and Herald, says that one should do the king of work he enjoys doing best. He says that journal-ism is a creative occupation and therefore it usually appeals to men's imag-ination and stimulates them to good ideals, and that it pays as well as

any other profession.

"I have never regretted entering the newspaper business", said W. A. White. editor of the Emporia Gazette. "The future of journalism is as stable as any other profession or business in this age of great scientific and mechanical changes. The financial possibilities are good. And in the matter of education, a firm foundation in literature is highly desirable".


Wray: I thought you took math last year.

Otho: I did but Bowman gave me an encore.

As You Like It

Avie. The photographers never do me justice.

Beth: You want mercy, not justice, dear.

Prof. Utrecht: What are the two genders?

Rhoades: Masculine and feminine. The masculine are divided into tem-perate and intemperate, and the fem-inine into frigid and torrid.

Hard or Soft

Some girls in the cooking class still think that you should use soft water for soft boiled eggs and hard water for the hard boiled eggs.


When did you suspect that your husband was not all right mentally? When he shook the hall tree and began feeling around the floor for apples.

—Horace Keller.


A college song is something that should be kept sacred by those who cherish its significance. It is a song that each student should carry through out life as a constant reminder of what the school has meant to him. It should symbolise truth itself.

A college song is a reminiscence for those who have flown. It should bring back fond memories of your days in school. Let it be a prayer for what we know is good and true and beautiful, both at heart, and spirit and the soul shall dwell forever in the rhelm of Sacred Truth.


Coach George Gardner, like Calvin Coolidge, is a man of few words. Every stident would like to know where Coach is going after he leaves McPherson. It has been the desire of not only the students but also the sport world. Leslie E. Edmonds, sports writer of the Topeka Daily Capital, would like to know; in fact he tried to find out in a personal manner but failed. In his "Just As It Seems To Me" column in the "Capital” for Sun-day, February 16, he tells of a conversation he had with Gardner:

Out at McPherson the other night I had dinner with the George Gardners. This is not, however, by way of being a bread-and-butter paragraph in lieu of the conventional letter to Mrs. Gardner who is to cousine what George is to basket ball. I am only giving the setting of a conversation that would have heightened my opinion of the splendid character that is George Gardner's but for the fact that I can't be any higher. "George”, said I, "where are you going to coach next year? Come on thru. Just today George Carlson (Bethany) put into words what I've been thinking when he said, "Gardner, with a wife and two children, never quit one job before he had another' ". Gardner’s answer is a masterpiece exposition of his ethics. “Les, I don’t have another place, honest. But when the trustees offered me re-eleetion here I was honor-bound to tell them that I wonld not accept. They have time to secure a successor". That, I submit, is fair dealing especially when it is not considered unethical for a coach to accept re-election and then ask for release if an opportunity for advancement is presented.


We are not in the habit of commenting on the sports in this column but we feel as if we should say something about that Baker game last Tuesday night. We will admit it was a thriller and all of that but what impressed us most was the last minute splurge of basket shooting that was enough to make any true-blooded Bulldog rooter actually “go mad”. They did "go mad" and cheered as thy never have before. When a team is fifteen points behind and twelve minutes yet to play and a rooting section does not lose faith in those who are playing for the school and draws the admiration of Leslie Edmonds, goes to show that the school spirit is not dead, but is very much alive. Whenever one secures the admiration of Leslie Edmonds he can assure himself well worthy of such praise.

In the Baker game Melvin Miller had the distinction of proving himself a prophet. Before the game started Miller made the casual remark that, "Well, I guess I'll have to make about six baskets tonight". Did he—we'll say he did.



Prof. Maurice A. Hess announces that the season's first varsity debate will be held with Sterling college Friday, February 21. The nega-tive team, Ward Williams and Mel-vin Laudis, will go to Sterling and the affirmative team, Otho White-neck and John Lehman will debate in the college chapel at eight o'clock on Friday evening.

The decision will be given by a critic judge and the one seting at this section of the debate will be O. R. R. Rh?????, debate coach from K. S. T.

C. at Emporia.

Professor Hess states that the varsity team has been doing good work the last few weeks of rehearsal and while he would not guarantee a victory he stated that we have reasonably good hopes of winning and that all indications are that the debate will be a good lively debate.


The name of Vernon Gustafson should have been added to the the list of honorable mention in the honor roll. Mr. Gustafson received 27 honor



Myreta Hammann --Feb.    19

Homer Brunk-------Feb.    21

Vera Flora_________Feb.     23

Helen Hudson ---Feb. 18



Tues., Feb. 11—The Effect of Politics upon International Relations was the subject discussed this morn-ing in Y. M. by Dr. V. F. Schwalm. He prefaced his remarks with a short discussion of Nationalism. Nationalism is loyally to the nation which is the political development of a group of sympathetic people. Patriotism is the virtue of nationalism. Dr. Schwalm says we can be patriotic or loyal to our country and still serve the best good of humanity.

Political parties are organizations to control the government in accord-ance with their principles. They elect men who control the government of the nation. They usually try to please in order to remain in power. One great danger is that those same men control foreign affairs and may be influenced by political conditions in the home country. For example the offensive visit of Citizen Gent of France during Washington's administration was made possible by a political party of this country.

Political conditions caused the war between France and Germany in 1870. Napoleon III needed a great national danger to gain the support of the French people. Bismark also needed some influence to help him unite the German states.

Politics kept the late President Wilson from accomplishing a great purpose.

Self-patriotism or selfish patriotism for the home country preached by cheap politicians is one of our greatest menaces.

We most substitute statesmen for politicians.

A "White Elephant” sale sponsor-

ed by the Y. W. C A . for the pur-pose of raising funds for the Crum-packers in China, will be held in the Y. W. room tomorrow afternoon at four-thirty. Both men and women are encouraged to bring anything that is of no use to themselves. Miss Chester Carter will auction the goods to the highest bidder.

Arlan Brigham called on friends on the Hill Saturday.

Those who attended the Ottawa-Bulldog game at Ottawa last Friday evening were: Viola De Vilhis, Esther Brown, Attillia Anderson, Beth Hess, Alma Rhodabaugh, Kermit Hayes, Don Trostle, Vernon Spilman, Harold Crist, Herbert Hoffman, Clarence Negley, Delbert Kelly, Glen Seitz, Lloyd Diggs and Otho Whiteneck.


We Spec that Helen was "Rushing'' things a little at the all-school party when she drifted into the Wedding March in the midst of a pep song.

Someone said that they over heard a girl say to her gentleman friend the other day—"If I didn't come back next year would you come back here”? The gentleman friend answered—"No, I'd go somewhere else. We just can't figure that out— we don't know if it was merely a proposal on her part or whether he was just hinting that he would go where she went. Maybe both.

Gilbert Myers and Leslie Myers spent the week end at their homes at Windom.

Clarence Zink visited with his mother near Monitor this week end.


Mrs. Glenn Strickler of Romona visited her parents in McPherson last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sondegrad of Gypsum announce the birth of a daughter on January seventh, whom they have named Jean Lynette.

Mrs. Turner suggested that judging from the number of letter Ruth got from Louisiana daring the Christ-mas vacation, she would probably hear from McPherson more regularly if Paul did the writing instead of Ruth.



At a recent meeting of the directors of the Peoples State Bank of this city, J. Homer Ferguson was elected director.

Bernice Hoover has returned to her home in Plattsburg, Missouri after a six weeks visit with relatives and friends in California.

Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach, has been in great demand as a judge for debates in high schools and colleges in this section of the state. For the next three Saturdays he is engaged in judging in a series of tournaments between groups of high schools.

Next Saturday the tournament is in Ellsworth, the following week Professor Hess will judge in a tournament at Herington between class A high schools belonging to the Meridian League. The next Saturday six class A high schools from the region west of McPherson will meet in a tournamnnt on this campus and Pro-fessor Hess will be one of the judges in that contest.

Next Monday afternoon Professor Hess judges a high school debate at Hillsboro and then goes on to Emporia to act that evening as a critic judge at a collegiate debate at the teachers’ college.


A Mothers and Daughters banquet, sponsored by the Y. W. C. A., will be given in the parlors of the college church Saturday night. Every girl is asked to bring her mother or if not, a "borrowed" mother. The evening ’ will be spent in a fellowship manner. Men of the college will serve the banquet.



Tomorrow night at seven-thirty, five students will compete for two cash prizes in a dramatic reading contest sponsored by the expression department.

Their readings and those partici-

Edward Lowell Saylor, B. S., '22, has accepted a position as head of the laboratories in the new Memorial Hospital at Binghampton, New York. Dr. Saylor has been located at the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, since his graduation from the School of Medicine of the University of Kansas.

Mrs. Merle-Davis Kline, A. B., '27, has recently located with her family at Idaho Falls, Idaho.


Fire in a dormitory drove North-western University co-eds into the street, some in negligee. The girls were toasting marshmallows at a party given in celebration of thu Northwestern-Illinois football game played that day. A blaze ignited the curtains causing the fire. The damage was normal.

Carl Mullus, renowned Swedish artist, who now is in New York will come to Bethany College, Lindsberg, in the near future.


"Henry" Has Been On The College Route For The Last Twenty-Two Years—Says Student Body Ia Aa Fine A Bunch Of Folks As Can Be Found Anywhere


Mail time and letters from home, frlends, sweethearts; letters of sympathy, love, of pecuniary appreciation, letters of cheer and letters of congratulatins and sometimes a box from home for hungry dorm students . . . that's what mail time means. That’s why Henry Kittell, the mail car-rler, is loved by the students even more than Santa Claus. Santa comes only once a year while Henry comes twice each day bringing delightful

gifts and suprise packages.

For twenty-two years he has been bringing mail to the students. Each September for twenty-two years new faces have appeared on the campus. To each face belongs a name which Henry soon learns to know. The new students soon learn to call the mail carrier "Henry"—long befere he learns to associate name and face.

Twenty-two years of service added to five previous years as a city carrier is Henry’s record. An appreciation of the length of time may be gained by recalling this fact: The father of two of our students during the first semester took the examination at the same time for the job as carrier. The man was Earl Bowers. an alumnus of M. C. and whose sons John and Donald were here the first semester. At that time Mr. Bowers was not married.

Henry tells a little incident which may give someone else an idea. It starts out . . . Once upon a time a certain freshman girl was secretly married. In a short time her husband went to France as a soldier. Some weeks later a letter from the pension office at Washington, D. C . came to McPherson addressed to the girl but using her new name. Henry, it seems, was possessed of uncanny ability, and immediately guessed the secret. He took the letter io Matron and they asked her if it was her letter. She claimed it but asked them to keep it secret. They kept the secret until she graduated and announced It herself.

This is a sample of Henry's sympathetic attitude toward students. Matron says he is very good at remembering names of students and gives them help in every way possible, and some of the students know from experience that this is so.

Henry says the student body is as fine a bunch of folks as can be found anywhere. His son is coming here to school in the near future. He says he enjoys the contact with students which he has twice each day for a few minutes.

On numerous occasions he has found living mouse traps in the college mail box waiting to be sent places. One time the college boys called him out of bed In the middle of the night to liberate two unfortunate feline prowlers who had Inadvertently crawled into the box. As the keys were locked up in the post office, the kittens spent the night licking stamps.

Henry Is Interested in the college and in the basketball team. We might even call him a loyal Bulldog.


In the February 12 University Daily Kansan is a United Press arti-cle stating that Dr. H. J. Harnly of McPherson college, active instructor since 1892, is believed to be one of the oldest college professors in Kansas.


(Continued from Page One)

Lauver read "An Encounter With An Interviewer", by Mark Twain.

Mrs. Andrew Darrah, of this city, who is an expression graduate and who has given private lessons in expression as well as directed plays, Miss Buchenaugh, of the Eenglish department of the McPherson high school, who is debate coach and play director, and Miss Mildred Thurow, of the college faculty, who did a great deal of work in the dramatic department at Manhattan, acted as judges.

The averages of their decisions showed a difference of only one and two-thirds percent between the win-

ner of the contest and the one who ranked fourth.

A dramatic reading contest will be sponsored by the expression depart-ment next Wednesday evening in the chapel.



"In the spring a young man's fancy . . .

But, wait! There is a discrepancy! With apologies to that venerated poet laureate of England who made the young man at Lockflcy Hall live in the poem which contains the above quotation, the situation on the Mc-Pherson college campus is being re-versed.

Apparently the traditions of leap year have a fascination for the young ladies of Arnold Hall even out of sea-son. In order to outwit Father Time who is so slow in bringing about the next year of three hundred sixty-slx days, the members of the freshman-sophomore college ladies' Sunday school class are planning a Backward party at which the freshman-sophomore men will be the guests. And the party, according to the committee in charge, will be held in the college church parlors Friday evening. February 28.

If the plans for the social which have been so far revealed are carried out, the evening will be most interestingly backward. Contrary to custom, the young ladles will act as ex-corts to the young men, calling for them at their respective places of abode. However, as the number of guests is greater than the number of hostesses, every man is being urged to be present whether or not he has an escort. It would scarcely be considered discreet for the young ladies to pilot more than one of the opposite sex to the social.

Ada Brunk, Viola De Vilbis, and Tillie Heidebrecht, acting on the committee in charge of the function, plan that the entertainment as well as the serving of refreshments will take place in a backward fashion, how-ever, the committee failed to announce whether the guests were expected to leave before they came, or not.


(Continued from Page One)

terested in going back to Aleppo, Syria for work among Moslem girls. She feels that there is a greater need there even than among the Greek and Armenian girts who, in spite of economic difficulties still have a Christian heritage that the Moslem girl does nor have.

It will be recalled that Miss Day was one of three -American teachers accused by the Turkish government of violation of the law regarding the teaching of religion. She was tried in a Turkish court, found guilty and sentenced to three days imprisonment within the school grounds, and fined one dollar and fifty cents. At the time of the Courban-Bairam Am-enesty proclamation last August by which the Turkish government pardoned four hundred prisoners Miss Day and her associates were pardoned with the others.


•    By the Sport Editor    *

One point every eleven seconds for a minute and ome-half, and then slowing up to one point every twenty seconds is the rate at which the Bull-dog rally was staged at Ottawa,Friday night. That is scoring three points a minute for five minutes while their opponents scored one point every two and one-half minutes.

At that rate their speed of scoring is not so bad. In consideration of the improvement that sholdl have taken place since the Baker game a week ago when the Bulldogs scored points at the rate of two points per minute while they held thelr oppon-ents scoreless, in the final quarter of

the game.

Almost every college paper In the tale has keen "howling" about their Please do not put items in the Archives rooms yourself. We need to know what is in there. Instead bring items to us and we will catalog/inventory it and then put it in the appropriate location.

Along the same line, please do not use the materials in the Archive room without checking in with us. For the items that are digitized, we want people to use the digital copies so that we can preserve the originals. For items that are not digitized, we need to be sure that the materials are being handled appropriately. Books in the archives collection can be checked out just like other books.

If you have items that you think might be a worthwhile addition to the library, just ask us.

"pep" this season. Even the Spectat-or has run its line, which means that there might be something in it. It is not hard to see why "pep" should die when a school has a poor and Iosing team, but with a strong and team and with very favorable clr-cumstances like our own, there can be no legitimate reason for the burial of this very necessary part of col-

lege life.

“Coach George Gardner has resigned as coach and director of athletics at McPherson College" is what the big newspapers were saying last week. We hate to lose Gardner, but since it cannot be helped, we must make the mind of it. At any rate it does seem fitting that his last year here should be a triumphant one. This year's football season was one of his most successful ones and basketball prospects are still good enough to make this year a peak in our athletic glory, unless the records of seasons 1928 and 1929 become "dead lions" to the players and their supporters.

else beating the Swedes. In other words we will not hold the champion-ship by virtue of games fon by other schools. If we take the championship this year it will be because our team is strong enough to "lick" any of the others. It will have less "off nights'' than the others. It will stick closer to training rules than others. It will fumbIe less and play smoother than the other teams. It will play the championship kind of basketball. It will have 100% support from the student body. We play the Swedes in the old Messiah building Feb. 26th.

The Bulldogs are not going to ride into the conference championship this year, dependent upon someone

McPherson overcomes fifteen poin lead in the


Miller, McPherson Scoring Ace, Accounts For Thirteen Of His Team's Points—When Score Is 23 To 8 Bulldogs Score Eighteen Points And Opponents Are Held Scoreless


Baker Attempts To Stall Game But McPherson Soon Changed Their Minds

Tues., Feb. 11—With a sensation-al rally that completely baffled their opponents in the final moments of the aame, the McPherson College Bulldogs overcame a dangerous lead and defeated the Baker Wildcats 26 to 23. In their Kansas conference basketball game here tonight. The Bulldogs, not expecting a hard game from the Wildcats, started playing defensively and at a slow pace, while the Wildcats on the other hand start-ed an offensive drive that enabled them to finish the first half with a 13 to 6 lead. The mere handful of spectators, who had hoped to see a strong Bulldog team assert itself in the second half was bewildered when in the first five minutes of the period Baker took a 23 to 8 lead and start-ed on a stall game. Several substitu-tions by Gardner made short work of the Wildcat stall game and also started the Bulldog rally that ultimately brought them victory.

Playing began at a slow pace with the ball almost continually in the hands of the Baker quintet and it was two and one-half minutes before a basket was scored. Keohane was the first to tally. Then Wogan dropped one through. Miller attempted several of his favorite shots and finally was successful in sinking a pretty one. Koohane made his charity toss good and Miller did as well with his. Koehane got another field goal and Wogan made both his free throws good on Deschner's foul. Crumpacker was awarded a free throw which he made count. Poston made a wild drive in for a set-up which he scored as he was fouled. He made both free throws good. Deschner made a field goal and Bak-er was threatening the ring as the half ended with them in the lead 13 to 6.

In the first half minute Poston got through for a field goal. Miller retaliated after several rough attempts at his famous shots. Wogan dropped in another field goal. Poston repeated the act and was fouled. He made both chariy tosses count. King was sent in for Jamison with the score against the Bulldogs 21 to 8. His pur-pose was to stop Poston. Hill soon replaced Deschner and Baker became determined upon a stall game which they carried on with fair success. Wo-gan slipped in for a set-up, whereup-on Jamison and Deschner returned to the game. Time out was called and Captain Millar drew his teammates together. Soon after play was resum-ed Miller looped in a long one of his favorite kind. Crumpacker repeated with a nice side shot. In short order Deschner dropped in a nice one. Jamison tried a long shot and made it count. Posey tried and made another. These two shots drove the Bulldog supporters frantic and everyone was on his feet. The Baker coach and reserves became uneasy. Gardner had a nervous spell and Miller went wild and a one-handed shot brought the score to 23-20 in favor of the Wildcats, where they called time out with less than five minutes to play, the Bulldogs having scored ten points in the previous five minutes. Nouken was fouled in his attempted set-up. He made one free throw count. Miller got an “unconscious'’ shot and tied the score. With pandemonium in the gymnasium and the score tied Miller ordered a stall game, but he soon worked his way

in for another set-up. The Bulldogs were leading for the first time, 23 to 26 with less than two minuted to play. Crumpacker was fouled and his free throw counted. The game ended with the Bulldogs stalling the game after Baker had made several frantic but unsuccessful attempts to loop the ring.

Out of eight tries the Wildcats registered seven points from the free throw line, while the Bulldogs count-od four out of ten. Captain Miller was high point man with thirteen points of his own. The slump into which the Bulldogs had evidently fallen during the first half was completely over-come twelve minutes before the final period was up and the next few min-utes saw as strong a team playing as McPherson College has ever had.

The Box score:

McPherson (26)    FG FT P

Crumpacker, f.-1    2    0

Deschner, f........2    0    12

Miller, c, --—-—6    1    0

Nonken, g.--0    1    1

Jamison, g. -2    0    2

King, g.__0    0    0

Hill, f-0    0    0

Totals-1    4    6

Raker (23)    FG FT    P

Keohane, f----2    1    1

Poston, f. _3    5    0

Wogan, c, __3    1    0

Sheely, g. _______ 0    0    2

Lange, g.------0    0    3

Roller, f.     0    0    1

Totals_____8    7    7

Referee, L. E. Edmonds, Ottawa.

McPHERSON DEFEATS OTTAWA (Continued From Page One))

Those men scored thirteen and fifteen points respectively. It was in every respect a decisive defeat The Box score:

McPherson    FG    FT    P

Crumpacker, f. ....--2    3    1

Deschner, f.    4    1    2

Miller, c. _______________ 5    3    4

Nonken, g. _3    l    0

Jamison, g.-----1    0    0

Hill. c. _0    0    0

Total*-:--15 8    7

Ottawa    FG    FT    P

Kepner, f.        6    3    4

Binns, f.__ 1    l    3

Hetzel, c. ___2    0    2

Still, g.____0    1    2

Comstock, g.     ____ 0    1    0

Wolgast, f.    ... 1    0 0

Rogers, f.______0    0    0

Totals___    10    6    11

Referee, Ream. Washburn.



W L Pet. Pts. Pts.

McPherson _ 6 1 .857 226 173

Bethany__ 6 1 .857 188 161

Ottawa-------     4 3 .572 207 202

St. Mary's _ 3 4 .429 172 176

Kansas Wesleyan 1 5 .167 136 188 Baker ----- 0 6 .000 126 157

The McPherson College Bulldogs have by far the strongest offense in the conference. On the average they have scored 32 points to their opponents' 25. Ottawa ranks second in strength of offense, having scored 30 points to their opponents' 29. The Swedes 27 to their opponents' 21. St. Mary's 24 to their opponents' 25. Kansaa Wesleyan 22 to their oppon-ents' 31, and Baker 21 to their opponents' 28. The Swedes rank first in defensive play, holding their opponents to 21 points per game. The Bulldogs, while much stronger on the offense, have ranked second by holding their opponents to 25 points.