McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas,

TUESDAY, FEB. 4, 1930

NO. 19


Is Being Sponsored By Both 'Y' Organizations On The Campus With The Help Of Lyman Hoover, Traveling Secretary Of The Rocky Mountain Field Council


Arrangements Being Made So Stu»-dents Slay Hare personal Confer-ences with Speaker

Sun. Feb. 2—It was learned today that the Christian World Insti tute would be held on the McPher-son college campus March 5th, 6th and 7th. Thin institute made possible through efforts of Lyman Hoover, one of the traveling secretaries of the Rocky Mountain Field Council of the Y. M. C. A,

Norman Thomnn, of New York City, will he here one of the three days. Mr. Thomas is a graduate of Princeton university and hue become prominent In his work as executive secretary of the League for Industrial Democracy. In the last presidential campaign ha was the Socialist candidate, and has given Socialism a new meaning for many minds, In his recent candidacy for mayor of New York City, he received the support of Near York's leading newspapers and all the more thoughtful element of the city's population.

Another of tho Institute speaker who will be here la Clark Elchelberger. Chicago, European traveler and lecturer upon International relations and who is now director of the mid-west office of the League of Nations Associations.

Miss Margaret Read. England, recently International secretary of the British Movement will also be one of the speakers, 1 The executive Negro ■ student secretary for the United States, Frank T. Wilson. will be on the campus with the other speakers. Ho was one of the six American delegates to the World Student Christian Federation meetings held last year in India,

The Institute is being sponsored by the local Y, M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A, organizations. Bernice McClellan is In charge of the programs, Arrangements are being made whereby students may have personal confer-ence with the Institute speakers.



Fri., Jan. 31—Prof. G, N. Boone, head of the Industrial Arts department, has received a small block of wood taken from the White House at the Capital, presented to him as a souvenir from the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.

For l12 years, during the real-dence of 26 Presidents of the United states, this piece of pine lumber helped support the roof of the Executive Mansion, It waa removed at the time of remodeling In the summer of 1927. It was originally built Into the Mansion during the residence of President James Madison in 1815, following Its burning by the British.



“Good Medicine, a one-act com-edy. will be presented in the chapel Wednesday evening at 7: 30. It Is staged by the Expression and Dramatic Art department and is followed by an address by C. D. Bonsack, secretary of the mission board. The Players are: Dr. Graves, Guy Hayes Mrs. Graves, Esther Brown; Hetty Sage, Ethel Sherfy. No admission will be charged.



The World Service Group met this week to elect a new president since their former president Lawrence Turner, did not ret urn to school the second semester. Miss Ethel Sherfy was elected to fill the vacancy.

The World Service Group have made plans to send out three deputation teams In the near future. Week end trips are planned and possibly one long trip to southwestern Kansas.



Sat., Feb. 1—Prof. tt. H. Nininger, who is chairman of the social committee of the college, has announced that an all-school party would be given in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren Monday evening, February 10.

No definite plans have been made yet but it is rumored that each class and the faculty will be asked to give a ten minute program In the form of a stunt, of some kind. Further plans will be announced at a later date.



Tues. Jan 28—"After all, it is Internal depth and not external show which is of true value in life", as-serted Miss Maud Gwinn, Rocky Mountain regional secretary for the Y. W. C, A-r this morning in her address to college girls. -    

Contrasting the worthwhile things of life with those which in spite of their appearance are less valuable, the speaker criticised honor chasers, Office seekers, grade aspirants and social climber*. She showed how a rich personality is dependent on the inner soul rather than great show.

Preceding Miss Gwinn's talk, Helen Eberly played an organ prelude, Ruth Turner sang a solo, and Ethel Sherly read an appropriate scripture passage.     

The regional secretary, who arriv ed Monday evening and departed late Tuesday, besides speaking in Y. W., held private conferences with a num-ber of girls.



Fri., Jan 31. —Dr. J J. Yoder and Rev. H. F. Richards attended the state convention of the National Federation of Churches which was held In Topeka on January 27 and 28, Fourteen denominations were repre-sented. Church leaders from various parts of the world were present to give inspirational addresses and especially mold peace sentiment.



Thurs. Jan. 30 The junior class« has started making plans for the junior-senior banquet that will be given sometime during the last part of April, although no definite date has yet been made.

Ida Lengel has been made overseer of the banquet and Ruth Trostle  chairman of the menu committee Helen Hudson will be in charge of the program and Leland Lindell will work out lhe decorative plans.

Life is a queer thing but live so you can stick your tongue out at the insurance doctor. The politics of country are like st* Mulligan In fact because as soon as the up lifter get a country reformed It slips Into a nose dive. There are "St. Louis Blues" and “Limehouse Blues" and "Moonlight Blues' but If you get gloomy just take an hour off and sit and think how much better this world is than hell but of course it won't cheer you up much If you expect to go there, Procrastination is the thief of time but it is also the art of keeping up with yesterday. Speaking of experience .     . well... an optimist is a person who hasn't had


one time there was a boy who asked a girl to marry him and she didn't say a word because she couldn't talk and laugh at the same time.

Rumble seats cause a lot of comment but they also crump a fat girl's style If you get what I mean. No remark* from the popcorn gallery either. These co-ed* sorely have it all over their escorts when it comes to the matter of powder and lipstick. When blue co-ed» are discouraged the most insignificant thing often will cheer her, perhaps that is why man usually trys it. What? Hear! Am I handing you a line? Just a stag line...anyhow most girls get along nicely with that... just rambling anyhow.

Yours til the milk shakes --- Sea- See

Dear Jayhawkers; —Yeah... when away down herein the Panhandle of Texas where men are county com-missioners and women are governors the mercury freezes at 40 below zero the old Inspirations come errat-ically if at all. So In the reincarnation of a cowboy of the good old blnod-und-tbunder days whan mustaches were gentlemen's articles instead of shrewish little "musn't touch-its" and guns were used to eat with let me entreat you to. just ramble along for a spell,

Buffalo has appeared on the plains again. Yes sir the good old days of Indians, burning-at-the-stake, liq uor. and dance halls have been revived In memories, The buffalo meat has Come again with Its willingness Everyone is eating it. A general uprising is expected at any moment Yeah... regular old buffalo meat at popular prices of seventy-five cents a pound In the butcher shop... Just trying to “buffalo" you a bit, that's all Jokes And wise crackers were meant to ba passed on aren't they? Since Don Marquis wltb the aid Of Areby. the Cockroach and Mebitabel the Cat have started the good old ball rolling helped along by “Collage Life", feature writing has been looking up because when the ancient originality slips a cog all that is necessary is to cop a few bright and sundry remarks from tha above mentioned. You are getting a bargain anyhow because you're getting a “Renders Digest" and saving two buck* and two bits at the same time.


Tonight-—Lyceum Mon. Feb. 10—All-School party.



Sat., Feb. 1 Invading Fahnestock hall In full force, the women students of the college and the faculty members and their wives were entertained this evening at the men's open house party in the dormitory. From seven o'clock until nine-thirty the guests spent their time going through

the rooms on the three floors of the

building and visiting with the students.

The visitors, including the entire faculty and many patrons, inspected the various rooms and improved their opportunity to meet their hosts at home. The latter offered enter tainment in the form of games, phon-ograph music, picture albums and various kinds of sweets given as favors.

Dr, and Mrs. H. J Harnly present-ed the dormitory parlor with a framed picture.


Tues., Feb. 41This evening the Ramos Mexican Orchestra will appear at Convention Hall as the fifth number of the lyceum course.

The orchestra consists of Senor Hesiquio Ramos, - his son Rafael, and three daughters. Lupe, Rosa and Concepcion. Those people arc natives of Mexico and descendants of a long line of old Castilian ancestors.

The Ramos Orchestra has won considerable favor, firm in. Haxloo City, In Havana, and in New York City. They arc popular broadcasters over WEAF, New York,



Fri., Jan, 31—Prof, G N. Boone will speak before the Arkansas Valley Arts Club at Wichita, Saturday, February 8. on the subject of "General Shop.



Frl., Jan. 31 — Although the second semester enrollment is not yot com-plete, statistics this morning Indicated that the second term student population would be about fifteen short of the first term. At noon today the 'enrollment cards of the« music departments were not in the office and it ha* been estimated that they will add about seventy-five to the grand total.

Statistics today noon showed that the men are leading the enrollment with 118 to 104 for the women. Making a total of 221. This does not Include music students which will raise the population, Las semester the total enrollment was 325


McPherson college bulldogs go down in defeat


"Swedes" were unusally "Hot” on hitting The Basket, While The “Bulldogs” Lacked The Endurance Shown By the Visitors



Sat., Feb. 1A number of new books have been added to the library this week through the library campaign fund. Those who have contrib-uted books are: Dr. V. F. Schwalm.! a group of political and social history books; Dr. J. H, Harnly, physiology and anatomy books; Earl Marchand presented a group of books pertaining to psychology and religion.

Among others who have contributed books are: Miss Lora Trostle, Dean R E Mohler. Danial Johnson and Leland Lindell,



Fri. Jan 31—C. E..Oelrich, direct

or of the senior class play, “John ■ Ferguson'', spoke to the class this morning with an appeal for oopera-tion and enthusiasm on the part of every member of the class. He urges every one who feels that he has any talent at all to try out for the play demands the best talent that the class ran produce. There will be a great deal of work on the scenery, public-ity. properties and other details of production and Mr, Oelrich Is an-xious that every senior give his time willingly in helping to make the play a success,

Mr. Ostrich believes that the stag-ing of “John Ferguson" will not be as difficult as that of some other plays given in the past but he made

the statement that this was the hard-est acting play chosen by a senior

class in the nine yancs that he has directed their plays.



Wed. Jan. 20-—Opening chapel of the second semester was In charge of Prof, J, Hugh Heckman. He challeng-ed the student body to become more Individual in their thinking, to be directed less by mass thinking.

Byron. Swain and Max Conner play-ed two trumpet duets—"’Serenade”, by Schubert and "The End of A Perfect Day", by Bond.



MON.. Jan. 27—The play books for the senior play. "John Ferguson”, have arrived and are in the library. Tryouts will be held Thursday and Friday, February 6 and 7. C. F. Oelrich, who will direct the play will give a talk to the senior class Friday-tellng the importance of the play. Mr- Oelrich stated this morning that “John Ferguson" is the hardest acting play he will have coached. Mr.

[' oelrich has been directing the senior class plays for the last nine years.


Deschner, McPherson Freshman for

ward Is High Point Man Of The local cagers — Larson For The visitors.

Convention Hall. Fri.. Jan. 31-— after battling their opponents on even terms for almost thirty-five minutes in the annual classic game here tonight. The McPherson College Bull-dogs were finally forced to bow in the closing minute of the game to the Bethany Swedes in their first conference defeat, 24 to 29. From the very beginning of the game it was a constant test of endurance in which the Swedes excelled. The ability of the Swedes to hit the basket for counters, together with their superior endurance. is the virtue that won the game for them. Although the ball was in their possession more than half of the time and they experienced the least difficulty In penetrating the opposing defense, the Bulldogs were unable to score from the field even through their shots outnumbered those of the Swedes two to one. The Swedes were unusually "hot" on hit’ ting the basket, and they still felt the sting handed to them In the Kansas Wesleyan defeat Wednesday night. Miller and Larson found themselves closely guarded throughout the game. Miller missing a multitude of his traditional shots.

In the first half minute of play Crumpacker dropped In a nice that with his left hand from the sideline. Then Larson went under for a set-up,

Toews was fouled and added a char-ity point. Larson dropped in a long one and Ecklund added another point by charily. Deschner got a nice tip-in. Larson was fouled and he made a pair of gratis shots good. He was fouled again and made one of the free shots good, Nonken, in char-actoristic manner, dribbled in for a dandy shot from the free throw line. Crumpacker tried to repeat It but was fouled in the attempt, but both shots were good. Jamison sank a nice long on from the side, giving the

(Continued on Page Four)


Miss Marguerite Wagoner, of Hast0 ings. Nebraska, a former student of McPherson college, was married to Mr. Wendell Hubbard of Hugoton, Kansas. August 13. 1929. at Garden City. Kansas

Announcements sent out at Christ-mas time the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard caused much surprise as the marriage had kept secret until then.

Mr Hubbard is associated with his father In the editing of the Hugoton



Kansas City, MO„ Feb. 1 -The German Grand Opera company will present "The fling of the Nlbelung'1 FEBRUARY 17 to 20 In Convention Hall of this city. All railroads have granted special rates for the opera. A block of seats have been reserved for out-of-town purchasers and will be sold at $5.00 each for a season ticket including four numbers- A number of McPherson teachers and students are planning on attending.



Thurs. Jan 30 A pep meeting was held In the chapel auditorium Thursday morning under the guidance of Gay Hayes and Casey Voran, cheer leaden for the college.

The usual band music, yells and talks by the players directed the interest to the Bethany-McPherson basketball game on Friday- Tha crowd seemed to hold back their pep with tha anticipation of using it Friday night at the game.

The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College, Published by Student Council

Next Semester WHAT?

Dr. V. F. Schwalm recently stated in a chapel address that he sincerely believed that the semester just completed has» been the most successful and most pleasant during his presidency. Such a statement might be dog-matle in that it asserts a sense of positiveness of truth; such a statement in justified with itself for it is not unwarranted or arrogant.

To those who were freshmen when Dr. Schwalm became president of McPherson college this semester has seemed one of contentment not only to us but to all other classes. There has been many ordeals that might have threatened the general good behavior of the institution but such trials have been wiped out before a friction between students and faculty was apparent A smoothness In administration along with the cooperation of the student body has ironed out the creases of discontent In relation to students,    ■

Next semester what will this semester be as successful as se-mester? We have all indications that it will be one to live In the memories of all or us. We prophesy that it will be the most successful for a number of years. To make it such is up to us for the faculty are doing their ut-most in making the school "A school of quality". Are we to cooperate with them or are we to bring corruption and handicap into the hands of further advancement. Learn to labor and to wall" for the morrow is dawning with a stengthened light of hope. Peace and prosperity are before us in a manner that we cannot afford to lose. Let us cooperate.


Trustees of the college and visiting ministers of of the Church of the Brethren we welcome you to McPherson college. Well do we remember your visit of former years and invite you bark any time you can come.

Before you leave the campus it would please us very much if you would visit In our rooms and class rooms, We enjoy hearing your stories of the "good old days" when you were students In McPherson college— they may be of some inspiration to us—as one of our professors has said, "be original",


All the things we hope for In the future must take their root In our educational institutions. We must depend largely upon the endowed col-leges and universities for the Standards of education In America. Our state insitutions are overburdened with numbers; their support from taxation Is unable in keep pace with educational demand; they cannot institute the new, fundamental things that are accessary for the maintenance and ad-vancement of standards. The Inspiration and lifting up of public opinion which In turn will support the state uni-versities on all these questions must receive contributions from the independent colleges.

We have an obligation to our individual Alma Mater of at least a minimum equal to the amount that the institution has expanded upon us. That obligation is even greater because we each incurred it at a time when we would not then Individually afford to repay. If was an advance to each of us on honor that we should support the institution that has enabled us to take greater and more important positions in the world, to do more ’ effective work than we could have otherwise accomplished

This expenditure of money should be returned for the education of those who follow us. Unless we do so we have prejudiced the opportunities that have been given us. If we could indicate this spirit of obligation ■ amongst the men who have left our universities the financial problems of our colleges and universities would be solved.—President Herbert Hoover


Dr. C, C Ellis, institute speaker for the Regional conferences of the Church of the Brethren, is a man with an unusual personality. What he says is direct and sincere. He is appealing and appreciative. His sermons are delivered with a sense of simplicity that la stimulated and strengthened by the fact that he says what he is thinking is the shortest and most direct manner. His tongue is from the cultured Words of an orator—he does not expound with a tightened or restricted soul. He is of the intellectual type of speaker fringed only slightly with the emotional appeal that cre-ates a tentiveness in his audiences that Holds them spell bound,


It is nice to get up in the morning- but It is nicer to be in bed. When one Is sleepy, especially on a Sunday morn when the son is shining through the window and all Is still and quiet about him—why get up on such a morning?     

a man's real self shows itself when he is not at home. It might be said that a man is judged beat by the way he conducts himself while away from his home environment At home we have mother and dad to say to us: "Now get up son. This id Sunday morning. and you must go to Sunday School" But here it is different--we are left to our own initiative to act as we feel accordingly.

TOO often we allow circumstances to guide us in our activities. Going to Sunday School once a week should be of no, hindrance in our weekly program- but should, as a matter of fact, be a medium from which we schedule our other pleasures. Attending Sunday school is not only a duty but is a privilege we have Inherited though the ages

Recently a Sunday School teacher was making an address in a distant city of the state and afterwards drove part of the night through storm and cold, although be he could have been furnished ra warm, comfortable lodging for the night to be with his men's class the following morning. When the class had convened and the tally observed only part of the class had gotten up on that particular morning. In fact, hardly half of the class was present. Surely, if a teacher is willing to sacrifice time and pleasure for the benefit of his class the it is only right that we, as students, should sacri fice our pleasures on behalf of what he is doing.


Before Friday night we were going to mention the Swede game but now We’ve changed our mind.

So Many Kicks

Bowman: Are there any questions?

Marlin Hoover: Yes, sir! How do you calculate the horse power of a donkey engine?


"I suppose you've been through Algebra”?

Paul Sherfy; "Yes, but I went through at night and couldn't see the place",


Cold, Colder, Coldest.

Hershey: Can anyone name a liquid that won't freeze?

Hoyt Strickler: Boiling water.

,    Shoes 'N More Shoes

One: "So your son got his B, A. and his M. A

Two: "Yes, indeed, but his P, A still supports him".


"Gene” Dawson: Have I the right expression, Mr. Walker?

Walker; Perfectly natural miss.

“Gene": Then be quick: It hurts my face

If these long skirts stay much longer a lot of men arc going to take up checkers again.

Of course. It will be a different story at Swedeshorg.


Friends—I see the neighbors have their flags out today.

Mildred High: Why is that?

Friend—Why this is Kansas Day!

Mildred: We don't have them in Idaho.

Horace Koller.


Vernon Gustafson________Feb 5

-Harry Zinn _______.......Feb. 8

Mildred Baker __________Feb. 8



Mon . Jan, 27—The men of Fahn-estock hall met in the chapel this evening and discussed a few of the dormitory regulations such as those pertaining to musical instruments and smoking. Plans were made for the dormitory house party to be held Saturday evening.


One hopeful journalist in a quiz says that an obituary must contain the person's present and future work. And how?    

After taking exams all morning we came to the dining hall to hear prayed, “Forgive us wherein we have

Says last week's Spec, "Portable music, etc., constituted the remainder of the evenings program". Mu-sic seems to have acquired ,a new characteristic.

There is only one way to decrease traffic jams. Keep all cars off the main streets that are not paid Tor.

Have you heard the Scotch story of the man who wouldn't gel married because he couldn't afford to fight?

"The greatest need of mankind is", says a thoughtful reporter after a tour of the men's dormitory at a quarter of seven in the morning, "how to keep buttons on B. V Ds "

A test of character If a man has ANY-thing in him—an ocean voyage will bring it out.

Coming out of a cafe the other evening we noticed the following In-scription on a placard: "We AIM to please’'. Ooh! What terrible marks-manship.

Fortunately, Nickel has a high melting point, else there would be no Hope when "Hot Shot" runs a Temperature.

In the recent examinations a freshman gave the following definition for evolution: "Evolution is that we think as If man was ancestor of monkey and ape".

Friday morning DR. Yoder gave a chapel talk In which peace was stress-ed. After he had finished Dr. Harnly got up and said "fight! Fight"! Meaning of course to "Beat the Swedes".

Lost:—Guy Hayes lost a portable phonograph In Arnold Hall Saturday evening. Finder, please return the same to Newell Wine and receive your reward.    •

Harold Crist, Melvin Miller. Harvey King, Alex Richards and Edward Bradley have moved Into the men's dormitory,

Irene Baker visited with friends on the campus this week end and the first of this week, Miss Baker is a former student of M C.

Irvin Deschner spent Sunday at his home near Newton.

Milton Early and Harold Crist went to Wichita Sunday.

John Myron Miller left Saturday for his home at Rocky Ford, Colo-rado.

Rolland Cullen, a former M. C student, visited with friends on the campus Sunday.

Miss Veds Burnadorf and Marvin Steffen from Otis, Kansas called on Friends in the dormitories Saturday,

Miss Floy Brown, '29, visited with friends on the campus this week end.


In Interviews With A few Of The Trustees Many Of The Means Of Merriment Are Revealed

A number of years ago a few of our trustees were students here— yes. at the time when there was no-dating and men were man only when they kept their places. The passing of student generations have taken from the campus many cherished memories of pranks that will dwell forever in the hearts of those who were not only the victims but also the inflictors and participators.

This week we have as our guests the trustees, some of whom have spent four years within the halls of McPherson college. Times have changed but the so-called ’’devilment" still clings as if by Inheritance, as if it were handed down from generation to generation, to reflect again and again the memories of the past that are, if taken in one sense, the same as those of the present,    -

Now, and then, students toiled and sacrificed for the attainment of learning and were subject to such pranks as we find still exist today. In Interviews with a number of the trustees It was learned that each one had something of interest to relate, A few of the stories they told may be of Interest to our readers who delight in the enjoyment of others if It gives in them suggestions for their own pleasure.

Rev. W, A. Kinzie '18. gives us the following story of a dormitory prank: “It was back in the days of ‘no dating’ among students that a high pressure syringe vied with a large sized candy bucket, both were filled with cold water borrowed from the tank in the attic of Fahnestock hall. Said the High Pressure Syringe, as It rested in the hands of a third story man who was leaning far out over the gutter. 'Wouldn't it be great sport to send a forty pound pressure shot onto the fellow In the window below?' The first shot was a success, striking the victim on his dome and splashing violent sprays Into the morning sunlight causing little rainbows and a few stars to appear.

"The Old Candy Bucket replied, as he sat by the stand, "I'll see what I can do*. He silently made his way front second and climbed the faithful ladder Into the attic, filled himself with cold water and ascended to the roof directly above the man on the gutter. One great splash from the Old Candy Bucket was enough to give the third floor man a 'knock in* and a change of garments,

“The decision was won. Who were implicated? How did the Bucket get down from the roof? Who told Dr. Sharp? It all remains a mystery until now. No, It wasn't your scribe, he Is just bearing testimony to 'The Good Old Days.

Dormitory mysteries still remain mysteries. Men are still men and do not tell stories out of school. Let us now turn a page in the files of time and take college life from another angle*

Rev, E, H. Ehy of St- Joseph, Missouri, who graduated from McPherson college in 1918 with three degrees to his credit. He gives us the following story: "I came to McPherson from a country school to take the academy course. On my arrival I asked President Sharp If he thought I could finish In one term. I remember his grin as he replied: "We shall see how you get along', I stayed ten years.

"Helping with domestic laundry, digging gardens, firing a furnace, sweeping and scrubbing floors were my athletics, and batching or keeping a bachelor's hall was my method of living, I challenged the girls of the hill to beat me baking bread, and invited one or two in to test my product, My board during one term cost me 49 cents per week. I counted the prunes before each meal".

So was life—some fought the pangs or hunger with 49 cents a week while others poured water over their neighbors. The price of a good "talkie” today Is 50 cents. Haven't times changed?



Wed., Jan. 39—A large and appreciative audience -witnessed the classical program presented In the chapel this evening by members of the Fine Arts department. Four musical num-bers and a play constituted the entertainment. No admission was charged, the program being under the auspices of the student council.

The musical numbers: “My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair", by Haydn, sung by Mrs. Anna C. Tate;

Rigaudon". by MacDowell, a piano solo by Harriet Hopkins; “Gavotte”, by Gluck-Brahms. played by Evelyn Saylor; and a violin solo by Viola DeVilbis, "Concerto In A Minor", by Accolay. preceded the play. The applause with which each number was received testified to the enthusiastic: appreciation of the listeners.

Members of the advanced expression class then presented the mythological comedy "Pygmalion and Gal-aten". by W. S. Gilbert.

A gasp of amazement filled the auditorium when Galatea, a statue of Pygmalion's creation, came to life in response to his wish. That Beth Hess was a realistic representation of a statue was verified by such com-ments as “Where did they get It"? and “How could a living Galatea change places with the statue so quickly"? Philip Lauver as Pygma-lion, Velma Wine, Cynisca, and Helen Hudson as Galatea constituted the cast of this mythological comedy,


• McPherson College In the school of "Quality”. That mean* leadership. McPherson College leads in oratory, basketball, debate, chemistry, natural history, and school spirit. She Is coming to be recognized as a leader In another department as well. This is the modern scientific attitude regarding education. The latest methods and devices are being put, Into practice and they are producing re-sults. The students are cooperating nicely. Here is one method put into practice as a result of the very fine Instruction of Professor Blair and the help of one of his classes.

On Tuesday the high school methods class meets at 10:30. Blair is not there and class waits, Blair does not

come and class becomes anxious.

is still absent and class becomes Impatient, then aggravated. then in despair.- They think of the money they have paid tor the instruction they are not getting.

All In chaos until they remember Blair's Principles which have been Instilled within them. They draw up a petition anti present It t0 the Prof., demanding a candy bar for each signer as a fine for his negligence.

It pleases Blair to find that he is missed in Class. He is also glad that the students are interested enough In class to hate to miss a recitation. He Is delighted that his former teaching has taken such effect. In great glee he orders the class on the following day to go to the bookstore and each get his candy bar.

Blair says in his day they were glad of an opportunity to miss class but the above is a sample of the progress we are making. A sample of the effectiveness of his teaching method. He intends to keep up his efforts un-til the students have the proper atti* tude and will fine him, for absence from all of his classes.

P, S, Blair is going to make a deposit in the bookstore to cover future fines and no petition need be presented to him. *This bit of infor-mation received too late for verification but It won’t be long until all teachers will do the same thing*.



Fri, Jan, 31—A built In library has recently been added to the equipment in Dr. J. Willard Hershey-;?) office In Harnly Hall, The new furni-ture was built and installed by Harry

Zinn, with the aid of the Industrial Education department and Professor G. N. Boone, It. Includes space for the office library and other supplies of the chemistry department.


We wish to express our appreciation t0 Dr. and Mrs. V, F, Schwalm for the lovely flowers and to Dr, and Mrs, H. J. Harn-ly for the picture they presented Saturdav evening,

.....The Dorm. Men,


| K. I. A. C. BASKETBALL Standings

(continued from page one) Bulldogs a 10 lo 9 lead as the crowd became frantic. Larson added their tenth point from the free throw line Crumparker and Ecklund committed persona00ls as the half ended. Crummy made his free throw count. The score stood 10 to 11 in favor of the Canines at the half period.

Larson opened the second period by tipping in a field goal after several threats. Deschner retaliated. Then Breen put the Swedes In the lead again. Deschner got another field goal and the Bulldogs were In the lead 15 to 14. Toews and Manson each add field goals and Nonken and Breen added one point each by grat-is Millar gat a beauty and with the Bulldogs trailing 18 to 19. Holloway was substituted for Crumpacker. Monsos got a basket and Holloways knee gave out on hint again. Crum-packer returned to the game and Deschner added a field goal. Breen got hot again and raised the Swede lead. Miller added a basket making the count 22 to 23 With four min-utes to go Monson and Toews are giv-en charity throws which are made good. Miller got a charily point, With the Swedes leading 23 to 25. Hill went in for Crumpacker and Breen dropped in a nice pair of field goals. Increasing the lead to six points. Non-ken was fouled In the final minute of the game and he added a point by his free throw.




Sun., Feb. 2—Worship--what it Is, how it Is affected, and Its place in the life of the student was the topic considered in C. E. tonight. Besides three talks on the subject the program Included a number of songs by the group and a special number by the college male quartet.

"Worship is the soul’s search for God" Ruth Blickenstaff declared in summarising her definition of the subject. "It is Man's response to the Infinite”,

Mildred Swenson briefly pointed out the chief methods of worship. Illustrating from one of Henry Van Dyke's stories. She concluded by declaring, "After all. the method of worship is of less significance than the motive".

Otho Whiteneck gave examples of the incluence which worship of the Supreme Being has on the life of the college student. "Association with God makes a person better able in cope with everyday problems In a saner way, and helps him appreciate better his followmen", he said.


Sat., Jan. 25—Mrs. V. F, Schwalm enterained a group of faculty wives and women teachers this afternoon to a tea In honor of Mrs Earl Boh-ling. Who has recently recently come to Mc-Pherson

McPherson goes abroad for two games this week. Baker, the cellar team in the conference will be en-countered on Thursday night. The Bulldogs will play a non-conference game at Atchison on Friday night with St Benedicts. The Swedes play St. Mary's on Friday bight and Ottawa on Saturday night, both games on foreign courts. The strength of the conference teams seems to be well balanced this year and a for-cast of the final standings would be an unsafe propostion. When the Swedes finish this week's schedule, there should be some real light thrown on the relative strength of conference teams.



Tues Jan. 28 Walter Fillmore

and Lloyd Diggs spoke before the Y,

M. C. A, group this morning. dealing with the subject of world economic;


Mr. Fillmore spoke of the economic problems which concern a country or nation, He stated that It is a basic need of any country to have economic freedom, to be self-sufficing. Con sequently tariff walls are set up and home Industries are patronized at a sacrifice to the consumer, it is argu ed that free trade would result In n lower standard of living.

The United States is probably the most nearly self-sufficient nation and yet she depends upon the rest of the world. She has a high tariff; other nations can pay us their war debt only by exports. With the high tariff our relations with these countries are certain to be affected.

Economic problems probably are the greatest cause of war next to religion. This is true because when a nation becomes self-sufficing it always becomes selfish.

Mr. Diggs discussed the problems of international significance. He pointed out several types of treaties which are In use for the purpose of stimulating trade and removing dif-ficulties betweeen nations. One of the most important that he mentioned was the commercial treaty which

gives the citizen of the foreign coun-try the same commerical rights and protection as a citizen of the country In which he is trading.

Good will among nations Is the remedy to the situation, Mr. Diggs asserted. This may be fostered by treaties and other means of understanding each other.



Sat., Fab. 1—The meeting of the State Council or Education of the Kansas State Teachers Association at Wichita yesterday and today was attended by President V. F Schwalm. Dean R. E. Mohler and Professor J. A. Blair. Prof. Blair was present at the Phi Delta Kappa banquet in that city Friday night. He Is a member of this national educational fraternity.


1 SEVEN YEARS ago this week

In The SPECTATOR for February 6. 1923. there Is a short column signed "(Galll and Wormwood" which has these short statements:

"Some people are interesting to study because they are complex, but most of them because they are so simple".

"Diplomacy is something we like to be able to use but hate to be compelled to use".

TWO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK A capacity crowd attended the dedication of the New Community hall hasket hall court on February 6. when the McPherson Bunkers defeated the Wichita Elks and the McPherson high school team defeated the high school tram from Hillsboro.