The Spectator



TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1930

NO, 18


Will Make Plans For Next Year's Faculty And Will Attempt To Better The Financial Condition Of The College--May Start Endowment Campaign


Ray Strohm Of McPherson Is Presi-dent Of The Board Of Trustees

Sat., Jan. 25—The board of trust-ees of McPherson college will meet for their annual business meeting here, Monday, February 3, to consid-er administrative measures for the coming year. The meeting will take place during the Regional Conference to be held here the week of February 2 to 7.

The trustees will make plans for the faculty for 1930-31, and will also consider the problem of improving the financial condition of the college —as to whether or not an endowment campaign shall be started at present.

The following are members of the board of trustees: Ray C. Strohm, McPherson, president of the board; Paul K. Brandt, Holmesville, Nebraska; Ray A. Crist, Quinter, Kansas; E. H. Eby, St. Joseph, Missouri; E. A. Frantz, Port Worth, Texas; Ira Frantz, Fruita, Colorado; H. J. Harnly, McPherson; Emery Martin, Bloom, Kansas; B. B. Miller, Altamont, Kansas; Stephen Miller, Carleton, Nebraska; James Mohler, Leeton, Missouri; H. G. Shank, Fruitland, Idaho; I. C. Snavely, Roxton, Colorado; Wm. Kinzie, Navarra, Kansas; P. A. Vaniman, McPherson; Ernest Wall, McPherson; J. H. Oxley, Ames, Oklahoma; Orin Harvey, Jop-lin, Missouri; J. J. Yoder, McPherson; V. F. Schwalm, ex-officio, Mc-Pherson.



Tues., Jan. 21—Religion to Inter-national Affairs was the subject dis-cussed this morning by Professor Hugh Heckman in Y. M. meeting.

He mentioned the conference now being held in London and quoted Premier McDonald as saying that the peace of the world is menaced by the lack of confidence among nations. The representative of India brought the moral and spiritual traditions of that country to sacrifice them if nec-cessary at the conference.

The field of religion is human society. Nations are made up of human society, therefore they should be concerned with religion. Nations have fallen because they failed to live up to their best moral and religious light. The test of progress in morale and religion is whether the nations will permit war to come or whether we will have peace.

Harmony in local or international affairs requires understanding, appreciation, and cooperation. Then religion enters and says emphasize; (1) Personality (2) Social solidarity and (3) Confusion of the spirit which wills to do what is right.



Eggs were ten cents a dozen; milk was five cents a quart; the butcher gave away liver; the hired girl received a dollar a week and did the washin'. Women did not powder and paint (in public), play Put and Take, smoke cigarettes; or Shake the Shim-mie, and ,they were taught to cook at the age of ten.

Men wore whiskers, and boots, chewed tobacco, spit on the sidewalk and cussed. Laborers worked ten hours and never went on a strike. No tips were given to waitresses, and the Hat-Check Grafters were unknown.

No one was ever operated on for appendicitis, microbes were unheard of; folks lived to a good old age and frequently walked miles to visit a sick friend.—A. S.


Sun., Jan. 26—About twenty dormitory students, craving to stimulate a quiet Sunday afternoon, voluntarily called on Dr, and Mrs. Schwalm this afternoon and spent the time making pap corn and candy and listening to the oratorical and argumental ability of a few of the guests.



Thurs., Jan. 23—Dean R. E. Mohler gave a lecture this evening on Mexico at the church night meeting held in the Christian church. This lecture was open to the public.

Next Tuesday. January 28, Dean Mohler will speak before the Parent Teachers Association at the Roxbury high school. Saturday, January 21, Mr. Mohler spoke before the county teachers association on Mexico at Monument, Kansas.



Sat., Jan. 25—More new books have been added to the library through the efforts being made by the committee in charge ot the campaign for more books, it was learned today.

"Outline History of American and English Literature" has been presented to the library as a gift from R. C. Peterson.

The following is a list of a number of books and their authors the library has received this week: "Puzzles In Wood", by Wyatt; “Essentials of Mentalworking", by Berg and Wing; ‘'Problems and Projects In Industrial Aria”, by La Voy; Newman’s "Apology for His Life”; "A Report on American College Athletics”.

The librarian, Miss Margaret Hack-ethorn, says that books are not coming in as rapidly as she had anticipat-ed. She hopes that more interest will be taken through the campaign.



Tucs., Jan. 21—John Lehman presented his famous peace oration, “The Power of Propaganda", before the Rotarian club of the city this evening at a six-thirty banquet. Immediately after giving his oration he made a hurried trip to Roxbury and carried a part in the Thespian play, "The Queen’s Husband”, showing in that city.



Thurs., Jan. 23—Dr. J. Willard Hershey will speak before the Council of Administration of the Kansas State Teachers Association being held at Wichita, January 31 and February 1. The text of Dr. Hershey's talk will be "A Survey of High School Chemistry, Physics, and General Science Teaching In Kansas". Dr. Hershey is vice-president of the Kansas Stale Science Teachers Association.

sympathy should be extended to the seniors because of their punetual "close-ups" of the faculty, really they should not be "camera-shy" after four years of "close-ups". If there is a choice between the "devil and the deep blue sea" give us the "devil" at for least expres-sions are interesting if talks are not. "psychology" has three expression in order named . . . ironic amusement, sarcasm, and somnolince. "chemistry" invariably has that ingenious boyish look as if the “ole swimmin' hole" had done its dirty work, "physiology" has the mim of a vive-sectionist yet perpetually youthful, “astronomy" is star-gazing, evidently searching for star dust or the tail of a comet. "english" takes turns seeming frigid and friendly collectively, "history" has that "soulful look” as if gazing at the ruins of some ancient grecian triumph wherein tragedy has been enacted instead of the prosaic student body. "commerce" is uplifted and "rapped”, matrimony sometimes affects them that way at first. "music" winces as an occasional flat note permeates the air. "home ec," at all times is fashionably critical . . paris dress . . . designers are not in it.


the "devil" and the "deep blue see' are indispensable to one another. college would be a failure without each, therefore grin and bear it. you can always look at the beautiful pictures anyhow. chapel comes three times a week but college but once in a life time. make the best of an interesting situation.

yours til the "cockeyed world" is censored . . .



the author has an Inferiority complex because of dealing with a large subject-faculty and student-body —hence the decapitalizing.

sez you . . .

really it is too bad that the faculty must receive eye strain from the "see of faces" with which they are afflicted three times a week. professors assure us that they get as much kick out of watching ripples on the "see" as we do, there that coy co-ed gives her love-lorn swain the glad eye as he strides masterfully if not gracefully down the aisle, one face shows a colossal blankness as words of wisdom fall from the lips of the chapel speaker, evidently in the process of getting wisdom he did not also get understanding.

the "psychology" department recognizes the student studying for the next hour by the corrugated brow of the individual. "history" sees a consecration to the golden wisdom of the ages in the obvious attempt of some person in the process of getting a date (historical-ly speaking of course)"? "english” is very noticeable in the frenzied scribbling upon a sheet of paper balanced precariously on the patella of the patient. "religion" is reflected in the "rapt" attitude of uplifted faces . . . undoubtedly by "wrapt" upon in themselves however.

briefly speaking the "see of faces’’ is apt to make new faculty members have the cilibrated "see"-sickness. If there is anything in a man a "see" voyage will bring it out.


Wed., Jan. 29—Fine Arts Classical Program.

Fri., Jan. 31—Bethany Game here.

Sun.. Feb. 2—Regional Confer-ence begins.



Tues., Jan. 31—Y. W. C. A. is not an exclusive American organisation. It is not even of American origin but rather, English. Evelyn Fields discussed the work of the student Christian Movement in Europe, especially in Russia, Holland, England and France. The interests and purposes of these organisations is much the same as ours.

Helen Flory discussed Y. W. C. A. in Chile. The local organisation has been in correspondence with a Y. W. C. A. secretary in that country. She read interesting extracts from some of the loiters and allowed a number of pictures.

“’Sylvia Edgecomb sang "Your Home Sweet Home".



Mon., Jan. 20—Dr. V. F Schwalm, who has recently returned from a trip to Washington D. C. after attending two conferences of the National Association of College Presidents, spoke in chapel this morning, relating some of his experiences while in the capital city.

Dr. Schwalm, with a group of other college presidents, had the honor of having his picture taken with Pres-ident Hoover. He also visited the senate and supreme court while they were in session. He also spoke of the many addresses he heard from men of high standing, both in the political world and the institutions of learning. He learned that the reasons so many of the students are pagan are indifference, secularism, ignorance, and skepticism concerning true religion.


Sat., Jan. 25—Three orations, with the possibility of a fourth, have been submitted for the Anti-Tobacco oratorical contest to be held soon, it was learned today from Prof. Maurice A. Hess, who is in charge of the contest.

It is not too late to enter, according to Professor Hess, and any stu-dents who are interested are urged to make arrangements with him as soon as possible.

Orations from the following students have already been received: Ward Williams, Otho Whiteneck. Harold Crist. There is a possibility that Clarence Zink may enter an or-ation.

sez you . . . sez me


McPherson Cagers Overcome Eleven Point Lead In The Laat Twelve Minutes Of Play—Miller Makes Thirteen Of The Twenty Points In The Final Bulldog Rally



Roxbury, Kan., Jan. 31—The Thespian club of McPherson college presented the play "The Queen’s Hus-hand", by Robert Emmett Sherwood, in the high school auditorium this evening. Those making the trip were, Beth Hess, Ruth Blickenstaff, Doris Ballard, Mrs. Lawrence Gates, Murlin Hoover, Hoyt Strickler, Edmar Kjera, Leland Lindell, John Lohman, Verle Ohmart, Phillip Lauver, Otho Whiteneck, and John Berkebile.



Fri., Jan. 24—It was learned this afternoon that the 1929 Quadrangle, edited by Robert Pucket, was given a Second Class Honor Rating by the National Scholastic Press Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, of which the Quadrangle was a member. Marvin Steffen was business manager of the yearbook.

This was a national contest and the score was based on nine principle points with a maximum score of 1000. The 1929 Quadrangle received a score of 835. The following is a summary of the score: Plan of book and theme: maximum 200—195. Administratration and faculty: maximum 60—60. Album and classes: maximum 45—35. Organizations: maximum 25—15. Activities: maximum 110—60. School life: maximum 120 —100. Editing and make-up: maximum 125—70. Mechanical considera-tions: maximun 265—250. Financial status: maximum 50—50.



Fri., Jan. 24—Piano students of the junior, intermediate and advance students, classes of the Fine Arts Department of McPherson college, under the supervision of Miss Fern Lingenfelter, presented a recital in the Baptist Church this evening at 7:30. A Curtis class piano demonstration was a special feature of the program.



Lawrence, Kan., Jan. 19—The Sigma Kappa sorority announcee the engagement of Miss Ruth Krehbiel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Krehbiel of McPherson to Mr. Herbert Reed of Salina, Kansas, member of the Delta Chi fraternity.

Adeline Taylor and Nina Stull visited with friends on the hill this week end.


Kepner, Ottawa Forward, Was High Point Man For Visitors With Twelve Tallies

Fri., Jan. 24—The McPheraon College basketball quintet staged one of their characteristic "last minute" rallies here tonight, the most spectacular seen in years, to overcome what was beginning to look like a safe lead, and defeated the Ottawa Braves 29 to 35. The Bulldog rally, coming in the last twelve minutes of play after the visitors had built up a 26 to 15 point lead, was in the shape of scoring 20 points to their opponents' three.

The game started off at a slow pace with each team having difficulty in finding the basket and scoring was done by spurts. Ottawa holding the lead which was at one time eight points, but narrowed to 14 to 13 at the half period. The second half opened with the Bulldogs adding a point by charity, followed by a shower of baskets by Kepner and Wolgast which gave the Indians an eleven point advantage. Holloway was sent in for Deschner and the Bulldogs started to find themselves and added two baskets, but Holloway was soon injured and Deschner returned to the floor, after which the rally started properly with Miller, Nonken and Jamison caging the ball. Ottawa was unable to score from the

(Continued on Page Four)



The advanced expression class will present an evening’s entertainment of Indian music and pantomines by Thurlow Lieurance in the chapel either daring the Rwgional conference week or the following week. The date as yet is indefinite.

The music will be presented on a stage with an Indian atmosphere both in costumes and decorations. An Indian tepee, kindled fire and a weaving loom will add to the charm of the music.

The songs and pantomines will be given as follows: "Spring Song"— Sylvia Edgecomb. "Lullaby'' (panto-mine) Florence Lohman, sung by Ida Lengel. “Her Blanket" — (panto-mine). Florence Lehman, sung by Sylvia Edgecomb. "The Weaver” (pantomine)--Florence Lehman, sung by Ida Lengel.

Leland Lindell, dressed in the native costume of the Indians will introduce each song with a brief ex-planation of its meaning and signif-icance.


In a recent letter from Dr. D. Web-ster Kurtz, A. M., D. D., former president of McPherson college, it was learned that Mrs. Kurtz and he would act as leaders for a tour of Europe and the Orient, beginning the first of June and lasting seventy-seven days.

This European tour is being spon-sored by the Murray's Tours, Suite 1, Ridge Arcade Bldg , Kansas City, Missouri, and will include visits to England, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. The total expenses for the tour will be $995.00.

Dr. Kurtz will act an leader and will deliver a number of lectures on the history and art of the countries visited.



W L Pet Pts Pts

McPherson    3    0    1000     1O7     78

Bethany    1    0    1000    38     15

Ottawa    3    1    .66 7    97 95

St. Mary's    2    1    .667    75    63

Kan. Wesley’n 0    3    .000    65     101

Baker    0    3    .000     62 60

The Spectator

Official Publication of McPherson College. Published by the Student Council, McPherson, Kansas

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates Per One School Year $1.50

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-In-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E. Watkins

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Paul Sherfy

Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzger

Chester Carter Vernon ????? Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess



It is rumored that Chief-Sitting-Bull was sent from his reservation in Rhetoric.

Above Average

The average man speaks 13,000 words in one day. No wonder most girls think that they are above the average.

TUESDAY, JAN. 28, 1930


Due tp her superiority in athletics McPherson College has been win-ning her contests consistently for several years, has held the conference basketball championship for two years, a number of state and tri-state honors in track events, besodes a national recognition of her basketball team in tournament circles. The enthusiasm which was created with the winning of so many athletic honors spread rapidly into every branch of our school activity and we also won in debate. oratory and music. The 1930 basketball team is the strongest the college has ever had and the conference competi-tion is the keenest it has been far many years, which means that the Bull-dogs have a good chance, but will have to work harder than ever in order to hold their coveted title. Thereto, let us not fail to appreciate our col-lege athletes who are our representatives in the contests with other col-leges. And let us support the team with the same enthusiastic yells and songs that we did in the first flush of victory.

Victories, consistently won, tend to become commonplace and fall to arouse in us the same sense of enthusiasm that they once did when we placed Alma Mater on top. If there is a general lack of enthusiasm, or even a lagging of effort, there must be a reason. Either our program is out of balance, or we lack the motive for enthusiam. Are we “fed up" on this championship "stuff" to the point where victory actually has become com-monplace and fails to give us any "kick"? Are we tired and weary of win-ning games? Is not this how we feel—"Our team is good. We knew it. Our expectancy is that they win. They do win"? Their ability to rally and stage a last minute come-back, consistently, to bring in victory, has removed a large amount of the uncertainty from our games. So "why get excited about it”? If we have attained to the degree of perfection in our athletic program where the fruits of being superior have been exploited until they mean nothing more to us, should we not direct our emphasis to another sport?

Assuming that we have a well balanced college program, one in which due emphasis is given each activity, with special emphasis given to the activity we wish to excel in, it would not be any more absurd to give the amount of ephasis to scholarship and character building that has, in the past, been directed in the perfection of our athletic system. It might not be an entirely poor move to spend as much time and money in finding and bringing in students capable of high scholarship attainment, as has been spent in the past in getting those with superior athletic ability. Colleges were originated for the development of the intellectual life of the students, and if there must be an over-emphasis on any on side of the many sides of college living it seems that the intellectual side should come first. Or is it possible that an enthusiasm over intellectual development superior to that of our rival schools would soon prove superficial and die?—E. M.


We don't see why they are having a disarmament conference. The easiest way of putting an end to wars is not to start any.


The dorm girls who depend upon a vegetable diet to make them thin should remember that an eiephaat lived on a vegetable diet.

But Think What They'd Miss

If more fellows would spend their time embracing opportunities instead of sweeties they would not be de-pendent on Dad!

Has and Vitamins

The announcement that vitamins have been found in hash didn't sur-prise us the least. We've found everything in it from rice to misled potatoes.


Any one who is mean enough and low enough to steal emblems from the parlor wall is almost the kind that would give his neighbor his portion of grave yard stew.

—Horace Koller.


Harvey Shank —--Jan. 28

Donald Dresher    - Jan. 29

Dorothy Dresher________Jan. 29

Alfred J. Johnson     Jan. 30

James Elrod ________Feb. 3


Friday evening the Bulldog cagers will battle the Bethany "Swedes" for the court supremacy. It promises to be a battle royal, each team undefeated in the Kansas Conference. In the last ten years we have been the victor in twelve of the twenty court encounters. Last year we split games with our friends to the north, the year before we did the same, and secured the championship honors both years.

Last year when we journeyed to "Sweden" and saw our cagers defeat our friends in a last minute rally that filled each student's spirited heart with little tingles of suspence that is "life's darkest moment”—did we yell? Last Friday evening we overcame the eleven point lead of the Braves in the last twelve minutes of play and came out on top with a six point margin —did we cheer our team to victory?

Let us drink to the fountain of athletic enthusiasm and put on our yelling p??nes and show our friends. Friday evening that we have not whooped our last hurrah, but are still filled with that M. C. spirit that has cheered many Bulldog teams to victory.

Remember the Ottawa game! Beat the Swedes!


The Fine Arts Department, under the personal direction of Miss Della Lehman,, will present the play, "Pyg-malion and Galatea", written by W. S. Gilbert, in the college church Wed-nesday, January 29. There will be no admission charged.

The play is based on a Greek legend. The characters are: Pygmalion, a Greek sculptor—Philip Lauver. Galatea, a statue—Helen Hudson. Cynfsca, wife of Pygmalion—Velma Wine. Myrene, His sister—Ida Len-gel.


The Haymaker, Phillips U., says you "can't hear a bed tick". But you can feel a wood tick.


Some students may not be aware of the fact that on the SPECTATOR distribution box in the "Ad" building appears this inscription: "Every regular enrolled student is entitled to one (1) SPECTATOR . . . all special students are required to make arrangements with the business manager".

The business manager has gone by the postulate that all students can read and has placed the above inscription on the box to inform them that

they are entitled to only one SPECTATOR (1).

If students will cooperate with us we will be able to furnish papers

for every one and will see to it tbat each student receives a copy. Please read the sign again and take only one (1).


Tomorrow Kansas will celebrate its sixty-sixth birthday.

Seventy years ago Kansas was overrun with shaggy buffalos, and wild Indians, parched grass bent before the wind, a half dozen God-lonesome forts along thin trails to California gold fields and the Mormon settle-ments . . .that was Kansas in the 1850s . . . a part of the Great American Desert.

Golden wheat fields ripening in the sun, concrete highways, transcon-tinental airways across the sky, and black oil derricks marching along the crests of darkened hills . . . that is Kansas today . . . the land of miracles!

Ad astra per aspers, “to the stars through difficulty", proclaims the ambitious motto we adopted for the state. And we are getting there, to the tune of more than 120,000,000 bushels of wheat a year! The machine age has come to farming and as a result the size of farms is rapidly increasing. Drought, the deadliest enemy of the wheat growers, is being overcome. Today Kansas ranks second to Texas in the greatest mileage of roads.

The Kansan with a hankering to look at mountains or seas or a Wall Street banking house can satisfy his yearnings quickly, easily, comfortably, and with considerable grandeur to elevate his spirits on route.

The history of the Southwest, of which Kansas is a part, has been com-pressed. It has been intense. It is still compressed and intense. Perhaps the only true pioneering left in America is in parts of western Kansas, West Texas and Oklahoma. But those pioneers do not work in lonliness and iso-lation, with crude implements, primitive means of transportation, inade-quate knowledge. They pioneer to the tempe of the machine age.



Sat., Jan. 25—Miss Della Lehman, who is sponsoring the humorous and dramatic reading contest, stated this morning that the contest is creating much interest among students who are interested in expression work. Enough students are entering to make the centest very interesting. A list of those who are entering the contest is not ready for this publica-tion.

The dates set for the contest are: humorous readings, February 12, and the dramatic readings, February 19.



Fri., Jan. 24—The names of a few of new students who will be in school the second semester were se-cured this afternoon. In all, ten new students are anticipated.

Pauline Shirk, Plattsburg, Miss-ouri, former student of McPherson College; Thelma Seitz. Larned, Kan-sas, senior; Glen Camphell, Conway, Kansas, junior: Alex Richards, Wa1-do, Kansas, sophomore, and Marie Sue Strickler, Tulsa, Oklahoma. (It was not certain that Miss Strickler would be here for the second semes-ter).


Mrs. D. A. Crist, Quinter, Kansas, has been visiting her two daughters, Odessa end Genevieve, a few days last week.

Ellen and Irene Steinberg went to their home at Lorraine, Kansas, Thursday and returned Monday.

Mary Weddle visited with relatives at Bloom, Kansas this week end.

Verna Beaver visited with her par-ents near St. John, Kansas, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Ora Marten and Harry Bernard spent the week end at their homes near Larned, Kansas.

Marjorie Bunce visited with the home folks at Lorraine, Kansas this week end.

Quintine Smart left Monday for Manhattan, where he will enroll at K. S. A. C. for the second semester.

Penny Jamison was a guest of Ken-neth Bitekofer at his home at Hess-ton, Kansas, during the week end.

Henry Barr, Ira ???, and Leo Crumpacker,former students of M. C., were campus visitors Saturday.

Eugenia Dawson will live with the Mohler's the second semester. Irene Gibson will be the new waitress in the dining hall.


Mrs. Myrtle Pollock, a missionary to China, who has been spending the past several weeks in McPherson, coming here on a furlough to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ferris and be present at the festivities in connection with Mr. and Mrs. Ferris' golden wedding anniversary celebra-tion, left last Wednesday and will sail on Friday, January 21 for Liao Chou, China, where she is located as a missionary.

TUESDAY, JAN. 29, 1930


Men's Dormitory Was Built In 1888 And Named in Honor Of

S. D. Fahnestock, A Popular Trustee And Teacher Of The Early Day School


Fahnestock Hall is our real Alma Mater, even a casual visitor to our

campus could not help but notice its prominent and hoary appearance.

This building, which now houses the men of McPherson college, used to be dormitory, classroom, dining hall, chapel and gymnasium in one. McPherson was chosen as the site of a college after several places had been considered by the locating of the Church of the Brethren.

During the summer of 1888 the present Fahnestock Hall was erected.

It was named after S. B. Fahnestock, a popular trustee and teacher of the

early days of the institution. a gift of ten acres was given by the city of

A Campus Scene Forty Years Ago when The Horse Was Still King.

McPherson for the campus. One hundred fifty acres, in small lots, were also donated by the city to be sold for the financing of future buildings.

The entire student body and most of the faculty lived in the dormitory. The first school term began September 5, 1888 with about 100 students. Meals were served in the basement where the Industrial Arts department

is now. The Commercial hall was just east of Fahnestock hall. To the south was the kitchen and store room. The main floor had larger rooms in which classes recited. Chapel was held in the southwest room on first floor, and the business office was located where the presant wash room is located.

President Sharp's office was across the corridor from the chapel. Presi-dent Sharp was the first president of McPherson college.

McPhenson college being coeduca-tional from the begonning, it was nee-cesary to separate girls' and boys‘ rooms by partitions. These were located just north of the south stair-ways on first. Girl students and faculty roomed in the north part and the boys occupied the south half and all of third floor.

Each floor had a hall manager to keep order. Exacting rules were maintained in the college, fourteen regulations appearing in the first cat-alog. All lights were to be out by 10:000 p. m. “Ladies and gentlemen will not ride, walk, or play together except by special arragement with the president”, waa one of the rules. (These were the good old days in the ’90s). For social mixing, thirty chap-eroned minutes were allowed after supper. Croquet was played by the girls on the west side of the dormitory and the boys on the east.

The Alumni gymnasium was not constructed until 1913, consequetly the boys had to seek recreation else-where. They erected a trapeze out-side and third floor, as usual, was a scene of much life. One time the boys, while helping the business manager unload some barrels of apples, hid one of the barrels behind the cave east of the dormitory. That night rooms were searched, to the embar-rassment of several students. One of the culprits slid from the roof of the building by way of the water drain to escape. Several years later he repented his theft and paid for the barrel of apples.

dioxide was added to the oxygen but here also the oxygen content was too high and the animals died".—Washington Star.



Next Sunday morning, February 2, the tegional conference of the Mc-pherson district of the Church of the Brethren will open in the college church, continuing until Friday noon. February 7. The program for the week is given as follows:


11:00 a. m. Sermon, "In Quest of the Christ—Dr. C. C. Bills.

7:00 p. m. Special program—College Christian Endeavor.

8:00 p. m. Address, "Does It Pay to be Good"?—Dr. C. C. Ellis. Monday

10:00 a. m. “Behold the Dreamer" —Dr. C. C. Ellis (in chapel).

6:00 p. m Dinner — Faculty and Trustees, in Church parlors.

8:00 p. m. Address, "The Claim of Christ",—Dr. C. C. Ellis.


9:00 a. m Bible hour — Prof. J.

Hugh Heckman.

10:00 a. m. Chapel, "The Dynamic of Great Conviction”—Dr. C. C. Ellis. 10:30 a. m. Address. "The Program of the Local Church”—Elder C. D.


Special music.

11:30 a. m. Address, “I am Debtor” —Dr. C. C. Ellis.

2:00 p. m. Special music by college male quartet.

Pastor's conference, Theme . . .

Two rival literary clubs were start-ed in the early years. They were known as the "Emersonians" and the “Ciceronians". Later, the "Ir-ving" and the "Eurekas", two athletic groups, were organized.

It was customary on every Saturday for each student to line up and buy coal-oil from S. B. Fahnestock for his lamps. Stoves were used for heating the rooms for a couple years gefore the heating plant was built. Fortunately Fahaaetook hall was never threatened by fire. In 1910 three thousand dollars were spent in repairing the building, and since then it has been kept in reasonable repair.

Over 42 years old, Fahnestock hall has seen the best and the worst of college life, and today remains tbe most used and abused building on the campus.


"Prof. J. Willard Hershey of Mc-

Pherson college has found that ani-mals placed in an atmosphere of pure oxygen will suvive only about a week. In a second set of experiments three tenths of one percent of carbon

The Spectator

'The Church and Her Young People”.

(a) "Is the Church Vitalizing Religion for her Young People”? Paul Brant.

(b) “What Christian Work Can the Church Find for Her Young People”? Karl Frantz.

3:00 p. m. Address, "Impressions of our African Mission"—Elder C. D. Bonsack.

7:30 p. m. Voice department of the college.

8:00 p. m. Address. "Why I am a Christian"—Dr. C. C. Ellis.


00 a. m- Bible Hour— Prof. J. Hugh Heckman.

10:00 a. m. Chapel, "Whit Can I Be-lieve"?—Dr. C. C. Ellis.

10:30 a. m. Address, "Missions in the Local Church".—Elder C. D. Bon-sack.

Special music.

SPECTATOR 1-28-30 Havrey GAL. 6

11:30 a. m. Address. "Why Pray”— Dr. C. C. Ellis.

2:00 p. m. Special music--collegc la-dies quartette.

2:00 p. m. Pastor's conference. "Prcsent Indifference in Spiritual Things: The Remedy" V. F. Schwalm.

3:00 p. m. Adres. "By Galilee's Shore"— Dr. C. C. Ellis.

4:30 p. m. Meeting of all Brethren students and faculty--(college chapel).

7:30 p. m. Program—Expression and dramatic art department.

8:00 p. m. Address, ”The Influence of Missions in World Progress’'.— Eldar C. D. Bonsack.


9:00 a. m. Bible Hour--Prof. J. Hugh Heckman.

10:00 a. m. Chapel, “How Shall I Live"—Dr. C. C. Ellis.

10:JO a. m. Address, "The Glory of the Church”—Elder C. D. Bonsack, Vocal Solo.

11:30 a. m. Address. ‘‘The Life of Victory”—Dr. C. C. Ellis.

1:10 p. m. Special music , vocal solo— Mrs. Anna Tate.

Pastor's Conference, theme—"The Layman and the church''.

(a) "What can the Pastor get the Laymen to assume”--H. F. Richards.

(b) "How ran Pastors Direct Laymen in a Division of Labor with Specific tasks for each Layman"?--Geo. W. Burgin. 2:30 p. m. Mass meeting: Peace program.

(1) "What the Mennomites have done for Peace and Reconstruc-tion"— Prof. P. C. Hiebert, Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kansas.

(2) Peace address—speaker to be supplied.

Round table discussion.

7:30 p. m. Music—College orchestra.

8:00 p. m. Address. "The Text of a

Radiant Life”—Dr. C. C. Ellis. Friday

9:00 a. m. Bible hour—Prof. J. Hugh


10:00 a. m. Chapel, "The Necessity of International Thinking"—El-der C. D. Bonsack.

Special Music

10:30 a. m. Address, “ Closing Ad-dress”—Elder C. J. Bonsack.

11:30 a. m. Findings—Closing Exer-cise.

(Program topics are subject to change).

The program committee is compos-ed of W. H. Yoder, Prof J. Hugh Heckman, Dr. V. F. Schwalm.


THE SPECTATOR for Tuesday. January 28, 1919 has a detailed account of a funeral service held in honor of the death of John Barley-corn, which according to the story was a "howling success, literally and figuratively speaking”. The remains were consigned to "Undertaker George Boone” and the funeral pro-cession was headed by President Wil-son and Dr. Harnly. “These two men", so the story goes. "have been cooperating for many years with oth-er great men of America in trying to secure the downfall of John".

This issue of the SPECTATOR also has this comforting verse:

Here's to the students,

The over-worked students

They have passed quizzes before

Can they do it once more?




Sat., Jan. 25—The 1930 scoring record of the outstanding individuals on both the Swede and Bulldog bas-ketball teams has been gone into and corrected -for publication previous to the classic encounter on the floor in Convention Hall.

The Swedes report having played seven games out of which four were won. They defeated Baker 26-14, Bethel 33-14, Southwestern 19-14, and Oklahoma University 27-25, while they were beaten by Alva, (Okla) Teachers 29-20, K. C. Life 25-33, and Phillips 18-15.

This is their individual scoring rec-ord for the seven games:

Name    fg    ft    tp

Larson c.    26  29    81

Breen f. ________ 9    3    21

Ecklund f............ 8    1    17

Monson f........ 6    1 13

Brase f. & c. —....... 3    0    6

Toews g.    ________ 2 2    9

Lindahl g.    ______ 2    2    6

Zimmerman g.    6    4    16

The Bulldog     record has     been some what ragged this year for out of eleven games, including their barnstorm-ing trip to the East they have won but four. In these games the Bulldogs have scored 300 points as against 330 for their opponents. Their individual record is this:    

Name    fg    ft    tp

Miller c.    49    21     119

Crumpacker f.    . .    25    6     56

Deschner f. ------ 22    7    51

Nonken g.    8    10    26

Jamison g. -- 7 3 17

Holloway L    5    6    16

(Continued from Page One)


field after their lead was broken and were able to increase their score only by free throw awards,

Although the game was, at first, slow and dragging, it became one of the fastest ever seen here once the Bulldogs began their comeback. The game was characterized by clean sportsmanship and fair play on the part of both teams to the degree not often seen. Captain Kepner, the flashy Brave forward, whose uncanny ability to reach the basket from long range was admired by all Bulldog supporters, was the leading scorer for the visitors and the type of player usually played upon as a "star". Miller was slow in getting warmed up to the point where he could find the basket, but once he got under pressure was able to add substantially to the Bulldog lead. Crumpacker playing his usual flashy game tonight was unable to hit the basket for a counter, but was the dis-player of a lightning brand of floor work that kept the ball in Bulldog possession ahout two-thirds of the time.

The Box Score:

McPherson (35    fa    ft    p

Crumpacker f, . .    0    1    2

Deschner f___3    2    4

Holloway f___... 9    0     0

Hill f.     0 0 0

Miller c........... 7    4    0

Nonken g,—- 1 2 3

Jamison g. 1    2    1

Total ......___—13    11    10

Ottawa (29)    fg    ft    p

Kepner f. _______ 6    0    3

Hetzer f.     0    0    0

Welgast f.&c___    4    1    2

Binns g. . ________...__0    0 1

Rogers c. ..    . 1 4    1

Still c....    ..... 0    1 0

Crilly g. ______0 1 4

Totals ......._ll    7    11

Referee, Edmonds, Ottawa.


By the Sport Editor

Last week's Spectator carried a typographical error in this column which gave the impression that the columnist thinks a basketball player can gain inspiration from seeing his opponent outplay him. If such be actually possible, our fellows must have gained and stored up enough inspiration the first twenty-eight minutes of the Ottawa game, watching Kepner and W

olgast drop in those nice shots that they were able to stage the powerful comeback in the fashion they did. In the final moments of the

Evolution:—Melvin Miller, heard following the Ottawa game:

In 1929, to Leslie Edmonds, "Mc-Pherson has two centers-—and I am both of them". He had scored 23 points.

In 1939, discussing the marvelous comeback. "Just give us a two point lead—And there is no team alive that can beat us". He scored thirteen of the twenty points in the final Bulldog rally.

Coach Carlson of Bethany and his Swede cagers were on hand at the Ottawa game. We hope they enjoyed the Bulldog style of winning a game. Bethany has to play Sterling Monday night and Kansas Wesleyan Wednesday night before they play us Friday night.

Our cheering section made so much noise last night at the Ottawa game that one might have thought the Swedes were playing us. We hope everyone has his voice in shape for a lot of such yelling when the Swedes appear in their abbreviated blue and gold uniforms Friday night. Such supporting of the Bulldogs lightens their feet and they can do some more of that miraculous stuff.


Tues., Jan. 28—All the volumes of Ancient Bulldog-Swede History have recently been taken down from the dusty shelves to the hall of Bulldog fame in order to review in prepara-tion for the big examination next Fri-day night which will determine whether we or they have the stronger team this year. Upon delving into those massive volumes, some interesting and amazing facts were re-dis-covered, part of which are stated herein.

The records seem to indicate that in the Inter-collegiate basketball circles of Central Kansas, the Bulldogs have faced the Terroble Swedes for ten years, during which time things have taken a decided Bulldog slant. Twenty games are recorded as having been played, out of which the Swedes won eight. In two years, 1925 and 1926, the Bulldogs wore van-quished twice and in four years,

1922, 1923, 1926 and 1927 they returned the favor. On other years the spoils were fairly evenly divided except in the total number of points scored. Statistical evidence has it that the Bulldogs have stored 516 points as against 477 for the Swedes, which on an average gives the Bulldogs a 25.8 to 23.8 advantage for Friday night's game. The record is this:

1920—    McPherson 16 — Bethany 34  McPherson 19 — Bethany 26

1921—    McPherson 14 — Bethany 21- McPherson 35 — Bethany 33

1922—    McPherson 40 — Bethany 13 McPherson 23 —— Bethany 18

1923—    McPherson 11— Bethany 10 McPherson 32 — Bethany 14

1924—McPherson 14 — Bethany 20 McPherson 23 — Bethany 22

1925—McPherson 24 — Bethany 10 McPherson 40 — Bethany 31

1926—    McPherson 29 — Bethany 49 McPherson 24 — Bethany 32

1927—    McPherson 27 — Bethany 16

McPhenson 31 — Bethany 27

1928—McPherson 26 — Bethany 27 McPherson 31 — Bethany 17

1929—McPherson 31 — Bethany 25 McPherson 26 — Bethany 29


The line-up for the Bethany-Mc-Pherson basketball game here Friday night will be something like this: Bethany    Position McPherson

Breen    forward .. Crumpacker

Mouson . forward Deschner

Larson    center ____ Miller

Toews -    guard Nonken

Zimmerman    guard    Jamison

Captain Lindahl who was injured in the Swede game with Kansas City Life Insurance team sometime ago will probably not be seen in action in the game here Friday night. McPher-son may display her entire squad in full fashion. Ecklund may display her entire squad in full fashion. Eckluud may start in the Swede line-up in-stead of Monson,

Leslie Edmonds of Topeka will be the odd man on the floor.

In the recent Ottawa U. and Baker U. basket ball encounter some of the men's clothing stores of Ottawa gave material prizes to the O. U. players who got to play in the game.