Mcpherson college, McPherson, Kansas. Tuesday, jan., 14, 1930
no. 16
Play Of Fifteen Characters Keeps Audience In High Spirits And Mrs. Gates is Highly Commended On The Play Under Her Directorship
Reporter Says That Each Character Plays Part Exceptionally Well
Mon., Jan. 13—After weeks of preparaition and practice under the directorship of Mrs. Lawrence Gates, instructor in the college dramatics department, the Thespian Club this evening presented Robert Emment Sherwood's three act comedy, "The Queen's Husband", in the Community Hall before only a fair audience.
characteristics of the usual reac-tion following a well presented production, comments such as "The cast couldn't have been better chosen”, and "Didn't everyone suit his part."
though"? indicated that each acted with exceptional understanding of his or her part.
Fifteen characters comprised the cast for "The Queen's Husband'' and, in addition to the excellent acting, stage effects and costumes gave the play its proper atmosphere showing careful planning on the part of Mrs. Gates and those who helped her.
Merlin Hoover, the queen's husband, otherwise known as King Eric VIII, immediately won the sympathy and aroused the amusement of the audience by his complete submission in Queen Martha (Ruth Blicken-staff), who was ever executing her duty to her country Princess Anna (Beth Hess), the beautiful daugh-ter of the royal house called for ad-miration for her strength of will and sympathy for being the victim of cir-cumstances which could not permit her to be a “person”.
Anne's lover, Granton (Leland Lindell), as the king’s secretary was torn between his love for the princess and his duty to her father and around this romance the play revolved.
General Northrup (Hoyt Strickler) the king's prime minister, insuf-ferably domineering and cruel, learn-ed in his chagrin that even "the last of a long list of nonentities has a certain amount of spunk which upon sufficient provocation asserts itself. Lord Birten (John Berkebile), as for-eign minister, also found that a fig-ure-head of a king can not always be manipulated at will.
Fellman and Laker (John Lehman and Harold Crist, respectively), as leaders in the revolution, showed strength and cleverness in assisting the king in his little scheme.
Phipps, the footman (Philip Lauv-er) and Petley, mistress of the chamber (Doris Ballard) were indispen-sible to the royal household. The former, when not otherwise occupied, excuted his services by playing checkers with His Majesty in the ab-sence of the queen.
Prince William of Greck (Edmar Kjera) frankly asserts his unwilling-
(Continued on Page Three)
Fri., Jan. 10--Sixty-three chemis-try students and other guests enjoy-ed the hospitality this evening of Dr. J. Willard Hershey at the annual
chemistry party given in the Y. W. C. A. room. After some time spent in playing progressive rook a luncheon was served.
As the guest arrived at seven-thirty o'clock each was given a part of a chemical formula, the other half of which was held by the partner. When the party was thus divided, a game of progressive rook was played at which Lloyd Diggs won the the first prize, a humorous book, and Ernest Rogalsky was awarded the consola-tion prise, a rubber doll.
Shortly after ten o'clock refresh-ments consulting of date pudding and
coffee were served after which the
party dispersed.
Each year Dr. Hershey entertains his students at a social of this kind and it is looked upon as one of the
outstanding social functions of the
department during the school year.
Fri., Jan. 10—During the Christ-mas vacation the tables in the dining hall were rebuilt in such a manner that each table will now accommo-date eight students.
The system of heads for each table has been changed somewhat from the former plan. Each table will now have a host and hostess and they will draw to see who will sit at their table for a period of two weeks.
Wed., Jan. 8—The Regional Con-ference of the Church of the Brethren of the McPherson College area will be held in the college church the week of February 2 to 7, it was an-nounced this morning in chapel by Dr. V. F. Schwalm.
The region the McPherson district covers is Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Idaho Western Montana, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas, and representatives from each state will be present.
The outstandling speaker of the conference will be Dr. C. C. Ellis, one of the most sought-after institution lecturers in the country and is a persuasive, devotional preacher of deep spirituality and rare eloquence.
Another speaker will be C. D. Bon-sack, secretary of the General Mission Board, who has had a broad experi-ence, as a business man, a college executive .a pastor and as mission sec-retary. He has visited Europe, China, India and Africa in the last capacity and brings most interesting glimpses from the field. He is a winsome speaker, with rare humor and keen human insight.
Prof. J. Hugh Heckman, professor of Bible and philosophy in McPher-son college will be in charge of the Bible study each morning.
Sat., Dec. 21--The wedding of Miss Opal McPhail, Salina, Kansas, to Professor Earl R. Bohling, tool place
at the St. John's Lutheran Church at Salina at 10:10 this morning. The Reverend Lantz performed the cere-mony.
Mr. and Mrs. Bohling visited in Hutchinson and made a trip of some length in the southern part of the state. Mrs. Bohling is a graduate of Kansas Wesleyan University of Sa-lina and has been teaching in the Abilene high school. Prof. Bohling,
also a graduate of Kansas Wesleyan, is now professor of commerence in McPherson college.
Mr and Mrs. Bohling are at home at 914 South Ash Street in McPher-son.
Etiquette, etiquette, and is etiquette in this weary world of dining halls, syrup, oley, little tables, boys, girls, wisecracks, chili and various and sundry other items of interest. Haven't had so much fun since the Prince of Wales fell off his pedigreed equine. Little tables make big noise.
This idea of host and hostess is a course of extensive home training fitting the girl to be a good wife and the boy how to carve the cold meat so as to not spatter gravy on the surrounding walls and co-eds. Really is is a training domestically, for the conversation is to be sensored before being paused around to the right from
he left to the right ears, etc.
Little tables help one to become better table com-panions and you get so so much better acquainted both domestically and gastronomically. Sez you—sez me! Which reminds me—the biological offspring of a uni-versity English professor upon seeing a locomotive ex-claimed to his one year old vocabulary. Masticate! Masticate! (Lauver's notebook).
Soup's on! Vegetable bean (masquerading as chili)
and oyster which is the crocodile's amber anklet. Hot! But the taste feels good inside all the leather boots and these by-goshes (according to Pres. Schwalm). "O Yeah"! No inspiration abounding hereabout since a certain instructor of commerce decided to “get married if he must"--“O Yeah" stuff must have origin-ated when the long-suffering worst half of a marriage
finally aroused nerve enough to talk back to his "one and only", Since then it has been exploited by the whole population including college people as a effective sar-castic rejoinder. An a matter of fact it is only used an a last resort when there are no brains to think up a clever enough answer.
Speaking of girls, there are now four types—intelligent, interesting, beautiful and the "O Yeah" king. "O Yeah" type never talks but it is the world's ninth wonder, the good listener which is as scarce as hen's teeth in the Arabian desert. All she has to do is to say "OYeah"? at appropriate intervals with a lingering but lolloping motion of the eye winkers. Multitudes of brains and the opposityare covered by the fluttering
utterance in a blue-and-pink voice of "O Yeah”.
It is popular over the radio for when Amos and Andy are broadcasting their pitter-patter the theme song is "O Yeah" in those sleek, slimy, southern voices. Mr Henderson says "O Yeah" to the choir store system in such a way that sparks fly from the aerial. Some people could be arrested for the way they say "O Yeah".
No one has the nerve in class to say "O Yeah" in the "educational sarcasm" or "biblical knowledge" or "agricultural agony". "O Yeah" can preambulate and stagger on but classes drag on forever—"O Yeah" . . .
Yours for bigger and better ice cream cones—O Yeah!
Fri., Jan 10— Not only is the city of McPherson enjoying a period of state if not national publicity as a result of the rich oil fields near the city, but McPherson college is in the midst of a publicity stunt sponsored by the McPherson Republican.
Appearing in the Weekly Repub-lican are two are two articles concerning the development and worth of McPherson college to the McPherson community. It is the ninth of a serious of industrial articles articles published every week in The Repulican for fifteen weeks. These articles have been compiled and written from the standpoint of showing the potential possibilities of McPherson and McPherson county in order to promote some optimism and the right psychology.
The articles are written by R. Ken-neth Evans and the campaign has been made possible by the support accorded by thirty live progressive business men.
The publicity articles deal mainly with the history and development of McPherson College, showing how the added improvements and faculty have added to the church, business, social, professional and political life of the city and county. They state that the colleges of the city are largely in-strumental in raising the moral standards, have brought many permanent citizens of exceptional civic worth, and that from an economical stand-point the institutional mean much to McPherson.
Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly have re-cently received word from their son John, who is in the graduate school of Kansas University, that he had pledged Phi Delta Kappa, a national educational fraternity of high stand-ing.
Sun., Jan 12--The choir of the Church of the Brethren, under the personal direction of Lawrence E. Turner, presented the Christmas cantata “The Birthday of the King" by Norwood Dale, in the college church this evening. This is the sec-ond presentation of the cantata by the choir.
Fri., Jan. 19--Pres. V. F. Schwalm left this morning for Washington, D. D., to attend two conferences of the National Association of College Pres-idents. He will be gone ten days.
K-Wesleyan Game--Tonight Nininger Lecture Down Town-Wednesday, January 16.
"The Sun Never Sets On The Graduate Of McPherson College", Stated Teach In Chapel Talk Monday Morning
Five Foreign Countries And Territory Are Inhabited By McPhersonn Graduates
Sat., Jan. 11—Prof. H. H Ninin-ger will lecture before the Forum, business organization of the city, Wednesday in the assembly room of the McPherson Public Library, on Mexico. Prof. Nininger has gathered some very interesting information from his exploring and research work in the sister republic to the south and he will at this time give some of the outstanding high-lights on his ob-servations and discoveries. Students and the public are cordially invited to attend.
Fri., Jan l0--It has been an-nounced that the library committee would sponsor a campaign through which they hope to secure enough books before the end of the school year to raise the number of volumes to ten thousand.
A survey of the accession record in the college library shows a total of slightly over nine thousand, five hundred books.
Some of the necessary number of books can be purchased but some must be donated if the goal is to he reached. Anyone interested in the college who wishes to donate worth-while books or magazines may notify Miss Margaret Heckelthorn, librarian, who in cooperation with the library committee will will determine what can best be used in the library. Filed magazines, especially those indexed in the Reader's Guide, are very ac-ceptable, also text books of college courses which may be used as refer-ences.
It is to be hoped that students, faculty and friends of the college will support the committee in this effort to increase the size and utility of the college library.
Mon., Jan 6—"Cease living in the past but begin living on the past and build up a life well proportioned", stated Dr. V. F. Schwalm this morn-ing in his first chapel speech of the new year.
Dr. Schwalm insisted that this year was another chance to achieve char-acter, to win success, in build us a future . . . The most common weak-
ness of college students and family is complacenry and self-centeredness. We forget the rest of humanity. Our consciences are dulled to the needs of suffering humanity. In closing, we were a challenged to "find tab issues; live for it; let it disturb our complac-ency: and make the year 1930 a memorable year".
Mon., Jan 14--The number and kind of degrees given the number of graduates in each state and a number of foreign nations, and what each graduate of McPherson college is doing now was the subject of Prof. Roy B. Teach, field secretary of the college, in his chapel talk this morn-ing in the form of statistics.
"The sun never sets on the grad-uates of McPherson college'', stated Professor Teach this morning. Grad-mates of the college are located to forty-two of of the forty-eight states and in the Philippine Islands. Hawaiian Islands, Canada, China, and India.
Professor Teach has compiled a body of statistics classifying each graduate into some line of occupa-tion and giving the number occupied in each occupation. The number of graduates in each state and outside Territories are also presented.
Of the occupation, the housewife leads With 444, with the teacher following with 367. Kansas leads in the number of students with 726, and California is second with 107. The total number graduates of McPherson college Is 1800.
The following are the statistics compiled by Professor Teach:
Number of dregrees given: A. B. 613, Commerce 421, Academy gradu-ates 265, Normal 134, B. S. 130, Music 35, Stenographic 77, Expres-sion 54, A. M. 34 B. D. 10, D. D. 6, D. Sc. 2.
Number of states represented: Kansas 726. California 157. Illinois 79. Nebraska 68. Oklahoma 68. Colo-rado, 59. Missouri 58. Texas 32. Iowa 26, Idaho 25. Pennsylvania 18. Ohio 17. Oregon 16. Michigan 14. Florida 14. Montana 9. Virfinia 9, Washing-ton 8, Wisconsin 7. South Dakota 6. New York 6. New Mexico 6. Wyoming 5, Arkkansas 5. Arizona 4. Minnesota 4. Connecticut 3. Louisiana 3. Geor-gia 2. North Dakota 2. Delaware 2. Massachusettes 2. New Jersey 2. South Carolina 2. Tennessee 2. North Carolina 1. Washington, D. C. 1. Utah 1. Mississippi 1. Vermont 1. Hawaiian Islands 1. Phillippine Islands 3. Canada 2. China ?. and India 2.
what the graduates are doing: Housewives 444, teachers 362, farmers 161, ministers 71, missionary 13. merchants ??, salesmen 53, students in graduate schools 41, physicians 28, dentists ??, bankers 25, lawyers 8, administrators 15, clerks 36, suracs 19, stenographers ?, dieticians 4, morticians 4, mechanics 9, scientists 18, editors 3, librarians 3. lecturers and readers 1, postmasters 2, musi-cians 3, and unclassified 20.
Sat., Jan. 11--Tryouts for the sen-ior play, "John Ferguson", to be presented in the Community Hall during in commencement week in the spring, will be heal immediately aft-er the second semester starts. Imme-diately following the selection of the cast, rehearsals will get underway, and the work of building the production will start.
Sun., Jan 15--Lawrence E. Turner and Irwin Rump will leave school the end of the first semester to oc-cupations of entirely different na-tures. Mr Turner will teach history in the Twin Falls, Idaho high school and will leave Friday evening of this week. He plans to be back commence-ment week to go through the ordeal of graduation and will receive his diploma after a few weeks in sum-mer school. Mr. Rump is going to work for Mr. Roy Frantz, '29, at Rocky Ford, Colorado, who is in the chicken raising business. He plans to return and finish his work next year.
The Spectator
The Home of the
The School of
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council
purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—to stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi- zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations
future achievement--to uphold sane and and constructive student opinion--to stimulate organi-
zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--
in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognise all activities and organizations--
and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897
Subscription rates $1.50 Per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
Editor-ln-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell
Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson
Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle
Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E Watkins
Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews
Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker
Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzager
Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder
Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess
THE SPECTATOR, as a member of the National .Scholastic Press Association, is not only benefiting itself in a material manner, but has become a greater advertising medium of the college and reaches out into a broader field of activity.
On January 1, 1930, the N. S. P. A. consisted of 2000 member publications, including newspapers, yearbooks and magazines from the largest universities, colleges, normal schools, junior colleges, and secondary schools throughout the United States.
THE SPECTATOR will be criticized by members of the faculty of the department of journalists of the University of Minnesota, and Twin City newspaper men. Each year every member newspaper submits four issues for criticism. Those are analyzed and the scores and comments are included in a 24-page manual and score book which goes to every publication entered, whereby each newspaper reads of the merits and demerits of each publication and is informed through their own observation what our school is, where it is and its rating and ranking in comparison to the other colleges and universities throughout the country.
The N. S. P. A. is sponsored by the publications which make up the membership. Prof. Edward Marion Johnson, formerly chairman of the department of journalism of the University of Minnesota and the outstanding national authority on scholastic journalism, has been directly connected with the C. I. P. a. and the N. S. P. A. since their inception. He is now acting in the capacity of counsellor. Fred L. Kildow, who aided with the founding of the C. I. P. A., and who sincc has had six years of varied ex-perience in the supervision of scholastic journalism, is now director.
Some people are asserting with a potential reality that they are right when they say that the world is going to the "dogs". They have become so sincere in their belief that not even the ecclesiastical individual can jar him from his pedestal of thought. Such people evidently read only the front page of our daily newspaper's and do not see beyond the foremast ranks presented in the tabloid sheets of news.
Let us consider the facts that strengthened the beliefs of the skeptics. In 1929 nearly 50 banks were robbed in the United States. Over 15,000 filling stations were held up and robbed. Our courts were so swamped with "bootleg" cases that they could not take care of the civil nor the really criminal cases on the dockets. Statistics show that but 2% of our country's population bootleg or have anything to do with the bootlegger. Over ??% of the population of the United States are breaking our gambling laws by either betting on horse races, baseball games, poker, golf or in some form or another gambling. During the year over one hundred fifty seven billion dollars of our "get rich quick" friends' money has "gone blooey". Some "blooey”. Then there is a dilemma of 84% of our people who have mortgaged their income for months to come—a dollar down and a dollar a day. 437 banks failed because of crookedness and "frozen" loans.
The world is not going to the "dogs” nor are we. We are in the midst of a coma created by the complete change of the family and industrial life of the nation. We are living in the age of the "Now! Now"!—the “Hurry, Hurry" call is echoing in the ears of each individual. Time is shortening to the extent when yesterday a day is compared to the minutes or hours of today. We do not find time for the frivolous things of our every-day movements and bigger and better things are dominating our activities and com-
pel us to do bigger things.
Of the 437 banks that failed in the United States in 1229, over $218,-796,582 has been added to the remaining banks as resources and liabilities. Prohibition is tightening its grip on the bootlegger and the cry has changed from "Rum Runners Wanted—Preferably Dead" to "More Prohibition Officers—Fewer Boot leggers". The bootleggers are extinguishing themselves through the influence of their own activities. The newspapers are scaring them to death with their frightful tales of poison liquor. Gambling is becoming less a commercial asset and changing to a purely sporting venture that in time will dwindle to insignificance.
The storm has passed and we are ushering in a new year for the contenting lotions of the "Hurry! Hurry"! to penetrate into the pores of Peace, Prosperity and Happiness.
Sun., Jan. 11—Discussing the sub-ject from a missionary point of view the theme considered in Christian Endeavor this evening was that of China. A comparatively large crowd attended to the fact that there is an active interest in the organization.
After a period of group singing, Helen Flory, as leader, read a Scrip-tire passage and led in prayer. Fol-lowing a violin solo, "Ave Maria'', by Viola De Vilbias, Milton Early talked on the presant domestic life in China.
The possibilities for missionary work there was next discussed by Kermit Hayes.
"Real constructive work is needed to carry on our missionary work
In China", Mr. Hayes declared in can ciusion.
Ethel Jamison briefly reviewed the lives and work of four missionaries in the country under consideration who were formerly of McPherson: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crumpacker, Mrs. Hoffman, and Miss Pollack.
The program concluded with a vocal solo "One Fleeting Hour", by Ross Curtis.
A renewed interest in the work of the organization was evidenced by tje large number present.
Thurs., Jan. 4—At a meeting of those girls who are interested in basketball, Alberta Hovis, physical education instructor, explained to
them the rules of the game stressing in particular the recent changes in the two court system, in preparation for the girls’ basketball season which will open next week.
"The changes in the rules are comparatively few and simple", Miss Hovis said. “And they will not be hard to learn".
The two court game is faster and more interesting, according to gen-eral opinion, than the old three-court system.
According to the number of girls who attended the meeting there is an active interest in this, the fourth sport sponsored by the Women's Ath-letic Association this year. Twenty-seven have signed up to go out for basket ball. Beth Hess is the sport manager, and practice will begin next week.
Miss Thurow says that the sewing class is coming along just fine. They haven't made a slip this year.
Professor Hershey says that steel is the most elastic material known to man. We would like to wager that he doesn't wear steel garters.
Some folks think that if they had to read many papers like this one, cemeteries would be self-supporting.
A pain i a hammock Attemped to kiss,
And in less than a fifty.
One of the cows at the college farm wouldn't give milk so they sold him.
Since our visit to the girls physical ed. class we found out that all figures aren't in arithmetics.
To our notion some chapel speak-ers are about as important as Eskimos at the London disarmament con-ference.
—Horace Keller.
The golden wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hoover of Overbrook, Kansas, was chosen by their youngest daughter, Miss Ruth Hoover as the day of her marriage to Mr. Garman H. Daron of Lincoln, Nebraska, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daron of McPherson. The ceremony was performed Saturday. December 14, at noon by Rev. J. L. Hoover, father of the bride at the Washington Creek church. Mr. and Mrs. Daron Ieft at once on an eastern trip and will be home after January 15 in Lincoln, Nebraska, where Mr. Daron is a member of the faculty in biology at Nebraska Wesleyan University.
The wedding of Miss Dollie Marie Bradbury, 26, was solemnized at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Bradbury, December 29, to Clayton H. Ellis of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The ceremony was performed by The Rev, J. W. MacDan-iels of Junction City, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will make their home in Oklahoma City.
Miss Rhea Fast, '24, was united in marriage to Royal W. Garrison, an electrician of Pasadena, California, by the Rev. J. Henry Hutchins of the Lake Arenue Congregational church. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James E. Culf, of Pasadena, California. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison will make their home at Pasadena after August 20.
Mr. and Mrs Marten Krehbiel went to Russell, Kansas last week where Mr. Krehbiel has accepted the posi-tion of city editor on the Russell Record.
Miss Julia Jones, A. B. '25, plans to spend the holiday vacation in southern California with relatives. On New Year's Day she will attend the Tournament of Roses and the football game at the Rose Bowl at Pasadena.
It is best to keep your hands out of your pockets when going down icy steps. You may need the be-fore you get down.
Proof readers are insufferably in-solent—why only last week they said that Miss Lehman visited friends in North Manchester, Indiana and also at Detroit, Michigan—the truth is— she didn't.
There is only one probably reason why the Bohlings should not enjoy all the happiness which the students and faculty wish them. That is this
--Prof. may forget the date of the anniversary. Don't tell his wife, but when asked, he knew that it was Saturday before Christmas but whether it was the 21st or the 22nd he could not say.
Beth is going up Hill now—she has become a member of the 4-H Club.
If Prof. Fries is hard up for money we suggest that he charge entrance fee for admittance into the Y. W. room.
Dr. J Willard Hershey’s noteriety as a chemist is not only limited to his diamond experiments but extends to his rare air prepared atmosphere experiments and is not only limited only to the United States but also Europe. The following article dated London is taken from the Chicago Herald
and Examiner.
London, Dec. 21—That a fuller knowledge of the atmosphere may assist in the control of disease is re-vealed by Dr. J. Willard Hershey, who has been studying the part rare gases play in normal life.
He has made air different from anything man breathes, which will support life in white mice more ef-fectively than normal atmosphere. In one experiment helium was sub-stituted for the 78 per cent of nitrogen. As far as could be seen the white mice were in a brighter, more active and healthier condition than in normal air.
The mice were also tested in an atmosphere of 25 per cent oxygen and 75 per cent argon. Again it was found that the general conditions of respiration, appetite and rest were better than in normal air. When the argon was increased to 78 per cent the mice could not live.
Tues., Jan. 7—It was announced this morning by Emery Metzger, who led devotionals at the joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. held in the chapel. that the Christian Education Institution will be held on the McPherson campus the early part of March. The Institute will deal with the question "What it means to be a Christian in our present day Civilization”. A number of capable leaders are being secured.
Dean Mohler spoke on a phase of international relationships, "Our un-derstanding of other people is de-termined by our viewpoint". A num-
ber of astounding facts concerning America's relationships with Haiti and the recent uprising were given. The interest rates on loans to this and other American protected coun-tries in the Western Hemisphere, as well as illiteracy, non-tax-payment, and industrial exploitation by Ameri-can capital are all direct results of our Monroe Doctrine. "This thing", stated Dean Mohler. "If we could see it fairly, we would brand utterly damnable".
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brunk of Clovis, New Mexico, visited with their son Homer, and sister, Mrs. Ida Brunk the fore part of last week.
Homer McAvoy visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kurtz over the week end at Newton, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Brumbaugh of Hartville, Ohio, spent Thursday and Friday with friends on the cam-pus.
Myrtle Ainsworth and Lila Eberly, who are teaching at Carlton, Kansas, spent Saturday night and Sunday morning with friends in the dormi-tory.
Gilbert Myers and Leslie Myers visited with the home folks in Win-dom Sunday.
Clarence Zink spent Saturday even-ing and Sunday at his home south-east of Windom.
Kazors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramps.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful.
You might as well live.
-Dorothy Parker.
“LIFE IS A GAME OF CARDS” We played a game of cards To see if we should wed;
She thought she would outwit me, That I would loss my head;
But I won every hand Until she was defeated;
We’re married now and, Brother, I'm sorry that I cheated.
—James A. Sunaker.
BROUGHT-UP FATHER (How times have changed since Fath-
er was young)
At Dayton Beach, the other day Father was overheard to say,
“Lor'. Just look there! I'm a son-of-
’f styles hain't changed since seven-
If there ain't Erie! Well, I will swan! Now where the deuce have my glasses
in Bible times, in Genesis Three,
She wore a leaf from the old fif
I can hardly see without spectacles on—
I believe, my soul, her fig leaf's
TUESDAY, JAN. 14, 1930
Has Been in Communication With Such Countries As Mexico, Panama Canal Zone, Island Of Jamaica, Phillipine Islands, Hawaiian Islands And Australia Besides Forty-Three States In
The Union
This is the fourth of a series of an articles concerning interesting person-ages on the campus, both faculty and students.
Among those of our college population who have achieved distinction along some line of endeavor is included a senior, Mr. Hoyt Strickler, whose particular hobby is radio transmitting.
Mr. Strickler will be graduated this year and comes to McPherson college from El Centro, California, which has been the scene of his radio operations. He first became interested in radio transmitting through the association with a friend having a commercial broadcasting station. This friend also had an amateur transmitting station where Mr. Strickler did his first transmuting.
Hoyt found it such fascinating work that he at once built a set of his own. At the present time his apparatus consists of a 2000 vole trans-former, a large transmitting tube and other apparatus necessary for trans-mitting, and a four tube receiver The transmitter has a 100 watt output at full capacity.
Short waves are used by all am-ateurs. Mr. Strickler transmits to three wave length bands: 20, 40, and 80 meters. In the first two only code is used but either phone or cord is used in the third.
Mr. Strickler has communicated with many other amateur stations of which there are 15,000 in this coun-try. He has exchanged messages with stations in forty-three states and in such foreign countries as Mexico, Panama Canal Zone, island of Jamaica, the Phillipine Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, and Australia. Tip: closest station with whom he was in communication with was three houses away. It came in quite strong Mr. Strickler stated.
On his short wave receiver Mr Strickler received signals from Commander Richard Byrd at the South Pole last winter. He also received from Japan, South Africa, Chile and Ecuador.
Mr. Strickler is a member of the American Radio Relay League and as such may relay messages which he picks up from other stations. He is also a member of the U. S. Naval re-serve in the eleventh district as a third .class radioman. The naval department offers a cruise to some for-eign country each summer and he will probably go on this cruise next summer.
At the present time the station is not in operation. The apparatus is in McPherson but was damaged in tran-sit. It will probably be repaired and put in operation before the winter is over. The call letters of his station are W6BPY.
Mr. Strickler is preparing himself as a chemist but finds radio work a very fascinating hobby.
(Continued from Page One) ness to enter into a marriage alli-ance with Princes Anne for whom he cared nothing in spite of the political advantages offered.
Major Blent (Verle Ohmart) and the soldiers (Orville Voran and Otho Whiteneck) as well as the ladies-in-waiting (Bernice McClellan and Sylvia Edgecomb) added to the atmosphere of the play.
From the members of the royal family to those who appeared but lit-tle, not one of the entire cast dropped his character for a moment but carried it thru with an interpretative skill which delighted the audience.
a fact shown by their appreciative responses.
A man had just installed a radio. He tuned in, getting three stations on the same wave length. One was a minister, one was a man telling the conditions of the roads and the third was a lecturer on poultry. Here is what he got:
“The Old Testament tells us that baby chicks should detour one mile south of Salina and listen to the words of the prophet Saysysy. Be careful in the selection of your eggs, and you will find hard surfaced roads on to Garden City. We find in Genesis that the roads are muddy just west of the henhouse and clean straw is essential if you would save your soul. After passing through Leavenworth, turn north to Jericho. Three wise men bought a large sized incubator on account of bad detour. The baby chicks were troubled with the pip and a bond issue is being talked of in the Holy City. Keep the feet clean and dry, live life of right-eousness and turn south one mile west of the school house. Much care should be used in commanding the sun to stand still, as there is a washout on the bridge just south of Pa-ola and the road to salvation is under repair, making it necessary for 70 degrees in the broodhouse at all times. After you leave Winfield, unless you do these things, the wrath of the Lord will cause the pin feath-ers to fall out and detour one mile south. Many are called, but few have any luck unless the paved road between Topeka and Lawrence is mix-ed with the feed. Out of 500 eggs one should get good roads from Coffey-
ville to Tulsa and He commanded Noah to build the ark just one mile west of Wichita. It rained 40 days and 40 nights and caused an eight mile detour. Just west or the brood-house many tourists from the House of David are trying the Plymouth Rocks mixed with concrete and a de-
sire to do right".—Selected.
Little River, Kan., Jan. 10--The "T. N. T." basketball team, independent team of McPherson college, won over the Little River High School here this evening 22 to 14. The team is composed of Dean Lerew, Harry Bernard, Roy Bartles, Ross Curtis, Paul Bowers, and Arthur Ehrsom.
Box score:
Bartles, f, 0 0 1
Bowers, g. 1 1 1
Ehrsom, g. 1 0 0
10 2 6 Referee Duke Strockler, McPher
Iowa University may institute a school of aeronautics as the city officials have made arrangements for erection of a modern airport to cost $70,000.
A $500,000 library structure has been completed on the University of Oklahoma campus at Norman. The capacity of the stacks is 350.000 volumes.
"John Ferguson”, by St. John G. Ervine, has been selected by the senior class as the class play to be given this spring.
This play will be greeted with much anticipation by those of the college and community who are familiar with the worth of this remarkable drama, which was first presented in America on May 12, 1919, at the Garrick Theatre, New York City, by the Theatre Guild.
"John Ferguson” is an entirely different play than anything before handled by a senior class of the col-lege. It is rated as one of the most powerful of modern plays, a true classic, and one that was hailed by the big critics of the nation on its initial presentation and afterwards the greatest play of the decade.
The members of the class, who are planning on a presentation that will rival those of classes that have gone before, are arranging for staging the play with the same careful attention to all details that has become a tradition with the seniors.
Oh, God: This is thy hour.
When dawn first sheds her sliver light
Ere it has turned to rose or gold Or yet the day begins. ‘Tis then I come to thee As came the women to the tomb.
Nor do I find thee dead,
But living, vital breath of me That helps me think and plan My day, and thus doth speak to me:
Dear child: thou canst not fetch nor steal
One hour from what is freely given
For time is thine throughout eternity So vast it stretches out. beyond thy
For thus have I created you; a living soul.
To think, to feel, to will, to do.
Love and be loved, and through it all To know that I am loving you,
But for thy life I have a plan,
A way, of all the ways the best.
For well I know, as pone else can Thy weakness and ability.
The talents I have given thee If then wilt use from day to day Wisely as I point out to thee Then will I open a broader way.
I do not say there will not be Days that are dark and filled with
And some of drear monotony
But brighter days will come again, And ever I will walk with thee And make complete thy meager span In service to humanity If thou wilt but accept my plan”.
The morning star still shines,
But soon the day will wake The busy hum of life again.
E’en now resounds the morning call Of cock to cock, and twittering birds Make known their presence in the
Lo! In the east, now rose, now gold.
In the membership of the men's club of the city "The Forum" are six M. C. alumni. These are Warren Knaus, H. H. Nininger, J. H. Fries, R. C. Strohm, C. H. Sandy and J. L. Galle.
McPherson wins first conference game
Captain Millar And Crumpacker High Point Men With 11 And 10 Points Respectively—Accurate Shooting Of Canines Bring a Home Victory
Nest Conference Tilt Will Be With Kansas Wesleyan Here This Evening
St. Mary's, Kan., Jan. 11—The St.
Mary's Knights lost their conference opener here tonight to the McPherson college Bulldog quintet by a mar-
gin of 34 to 26. The visitors, led in scoring by Captain Miller with eleven points and Crumpacker with ten, displayed a well balanced offense backed up by a tight defense that was hard to go through.
The teams scored by spurts, the Canines being able to spurt more often and appeared to be the strong-est. McPherson led 19 to 13 at the half. Play was fast and accurate for both teams, the conference champs showing marked improvement and “zip” over their previous games this season.
The Bulldogs play their next game wllb the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes at McPherson next Tuesday night while the Knights face Baker at Baldwin the same evening.
The box score:
McPherson (34) PG FT P
Deschner, f. 2 0 1
15 4 S
Referee. Edmonds, Ottawa.
The Bulldogs are pitted against the Kansas Wesleyan quintet here to-night. The time is eight o'clock. These iwo teams are ancient foes which in a way gives promise of a real battle. Each team has played one conference game. The Coyotes lost theirs to Ottawa last Friday night. The comparative strength of the two teams is hard to define in terms other than their records in the past. For various reasons the two teams have not met every year but when they have the Canines were the winners.
In 1933 one game was played, the score being 11 to 26 in favor of McPherson. In years to follow the following was true:
McPheron Wesleyan
26 21
19 16
218 151
We can do no less in 1930 with the
Super-Bulldog team.
McPherson loses to FAST PHILLIPS TEAM
Canines Show Strain Of Their Recent Tour Of The East BULLDOGS 25. PHILLIPS 36
Were unable To Stop Fast Travcling Soonersr With Exellent Basket Shooting
Communitly Gym., Wed., Jan. 8--
The Bulldog cagers lost their first 1930 home game here tonight to the Phillips University quintet by a score of 25 to 35, this being the second loss for the Canines on the home floor in three years.
The Bulldogs, showing serlous ef-
fects of their tiresome vacationtime trip, were unable to play the game at the speed set by fast travelling Soon-ers who threw baskets with unmatch-able accuracy during the entire game. Phillps got off to an early lead, which they held throughout the game, at the half period being 13 to 21 ahead of the Bulldogs. Early in the second period the visitors built a ten point margin, a gap which the home team was never able to over-come. The opposing defense was centered on Captain Miller who was held to two field goals and one charily
toss, while the flashy Lenard, Phil-ips forward, ran up an individual count of fifteen points.
The box score:
Jamison, g, c. 0 0 1
Anderson, c. 0 0 1
Phillips U. (36) FG FT P
Harter. f. 1 1 2
Lenard. f. 6 3 1
Millican. c. 1 0 2
Highfill. e, 3 0 3
Piper, g. 1 4 1
14 8 13
Referee. edmonds, Ottawa.
Eight games are all in which the Bulldog quintet will be seen in action
on the local court this year. Five con-ference games and three non-confer-ence ones, the first of which has al-
ready been lost to the Phillips team. Our allotment is twenty games, ten in the conference and sevev were played away from home before any were played here. Half of the con-ference games are played away from home. It is almost a safe speculation that Southwestern College and Kannan City A. C. will be seen in here in our other two non-conference
games, which may take place this month.
If the Bulldogs hit their famous stride tonight. Coach Mackie's fam-ous Coyotes will return to Wesleyan minus heir fluffy pelts.