The Spectator


McPherson College. McPherson. Kansas. Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1930

NO. 15


Humorous And Dramatic Reading Contest Sponsored By Dramatic Department


Readings Are To Be From Eight To Twelve Minutes In Length

Fri., Dec. 20—A humorous and dramatic reading contest, sponsored by the expression department, for the purpose of furthering interest in oral interpretation in worthwhile litera-ture, was announced this morning. Prizes totaling fifteen dollars will be given and competition is open to any regularly enrolled student.

The contest is divided into two di-visions, one of humorous reading, and the other the dramatic reading con-test. The humorous reading contest will be held in the chapel Wednesday, January 29 and prizes of $5.00 for first and $2.50 for second place will be given. The readings are to be from eight to twelve minutes in length. The dramatic reading contest will be held February 6. This will include those selections that are not humor-ous but something that is worthwhile from the literary standpoint. Prizes of $5.00 and $2.50 will go to first and second winners and the reading is to be from eight to twelve minutes in length. Contestants will be judged by three judges; one may be from the college faculty and it is hoped that tbw oth-er two may be secured from outside sources.

Miss Della Lehman, who is in charge of the contest, stated that all contestants should have their names and the title of their selection in her hands by January 10.

This is the first contest of its kind held on the McPherson campus in a number of years.



Wednesday night at eight o'clock the Mc:Pherson college basketball team will be seen in action for the first time at home this year. They will meet Phillips University quin-tet on the local court at Convention Hall. Three weeks ago Phillips defeated the Bulldogs 18 to 26 on their court. The Bulldogs have played six games since then and have gained a world of experience on a twelve day trip which they finished yesterday. Phillips has a strong team and they are going to be hard to beat even on our floor.

Saturday. January 11th the Bull-dogs match their strength and skill with the Knights at St. Mary's, in the opening conference game for both schools. St. Mary's is a deadly foe on their own court. In years past the Canine teams have come more nearly dropping their games to the Irish than to any other school and this year can be no exception for both teams have about the same line up as last year with slight changes to begin with.

The second conference game will be played here with Kansas Wesley-an on January 14, one week from tonight.



Mon., Jan. 6--Darby Petrol-

eum Corporation at their McPherson College No. 1. ne nr sw 13-20-2, with the Patton Drilling Company in charge, is drilling at 1672 feet this morning. The 12 inch casing will now be run.

local oratorical conTESTS ANNOUNCED BY HESS

Mon., Jan. 6—Prof. Maurice A Hess announced this morning that the local Anti-tobacco oratorical con test would be held in the chapel Wed-nesday evening, February 12. The local Peace oratorical contest will be held in the Church of the Brethren Sunday evening, March 9.


Dramatic Critics Throughout The Country Say That It Is A Powerful Production And A Success Wherever lt Has Been Presented—Enjoyed Successful Season On Broadway


Elaborate Costumes And Especially Constructed And Painted Scenery Will Ge Used

With elaborate costumes and es-pecially construced and painted scenery the Thespian Club will present

the play "The Queen's Husband" by Robert Emmet Sherwood, one of the greatest dramatic productions ever attempted by the club, in the Community Hall, Monday evening at 8:15. The play is a three act comedy

under the personal direction of Mrs.

Lawrence H. Gates, Instructor in

dramatic art.    

"The Queen's Husband" has en-joyed a very successful season on Broadway in New York and is very highly recommended by dramatic critics throughout the country. Last year it was given at Iowa University and K. S. A. C. Manhattan, two of the strongest drama centers in this part of the country.

Mr. Herbert L. Drake, president of the Kansas City Center of the Drama League of America and former director of the Kansas City Little Theatre, wrote "We had a most suc-cessful production of The "Queen's Husband' at the Kansas City Little Theatre a year ago last December and I am glad to learn that you are attempting it for it is a splendid play".

The play deals with the governmental affairs of an imaginary island

in the North Sea, north of the British Isles. It is not an ancient play but is strictly modern and takes place at the present time. The attraction cen-ters around the "hen-pecked" king whose nation in ruled by the guiding hand of the Queen. The trying times of a civil revolution are very humor-ously manifested while the Queen is visiting in America. The character of the King is very ably played hy Mur-lin Hoover and the ruling Queen is Beth Blickenstaff.

Along with the civil strife a inter-minding thread of romance is carried on by the King's secretary, Granton, and the king’s own daughter, Princess Anne.

With a great deal of experience in dramatic work, Miss Beth Hess is acting the character of Princess Anne. Playing opposite her is Leland Lindell. Mr Lindell comes from Windom with four years' experience

(Continued on Page Four)

A Scotch traveling salesman, held up in the Orkney Islands by a bad storm, telegraphed to his firm in Aberdeen: "Marooned here by storm wire instructions".

The reply came: "Start summer va-cation as from yesterday".


Mr. Hoover is playing the part of the King. White in high school at Overbrook, Kansas, he was in the junior and senior play, and a member of the high school dramatic club. After being graduated from high school he organized a dramatic club

in his local school district and took parts in two plays the organization presented. He became a member of the Thespian Club when a sophomore and carried parts in many one-act plays given by the dramatic art class.


Santa Claus apparently remembered the men's dormitory this year when he made his rounds, for when the men returned they found, to their surprise, an enlarged, remodeled par-lor.

Before the Christmas vacation, through the efforts of the Y. M. C. A., arrangements were made to remodel the former parlor. Emery Metzger, Glen Harris and F. W. Forney removed the partition between the parlor and the room in the south and cased a large double doorway, combining the two rooms into one. The woodwork was repaint-ed and furniture added.

Through the efforts of Dr. V. F. Schwalm money was raised among the friends or thecollege and a good second hand piano was purchased. Dr. W. C. Heaston presented a lounge to help in the furnishings. Draperies were made by Miss Lora Trostle.



Kansas City, Kan. Jan. 6—McPherson College Bulldog cagers defeated the Bowman Athletic Club 35 to 27 here tonight, winding up their long vacation trip. They play in Mc-Pherson Wednesday night with Phillips University of Enid, Oklahoma. The results of the Bulldogs' trip

are like this:

Dec. 26 McPherson 24 Maryville 27 Dec. 27 McPherson 17 Maryville 27 Dec. 30 McPherson 22. Standberg 31.

Jan 2. McPherson 15 Cripe’s Bakery 26.

Jan. 4 McPherson 29 Cudahy 42. Jan. 6. McPherson 35. Bowman 27.


Hello, little 1930. I see you are just as peppy as a dame as any of the last sweet hearts at old Sugar

daddy 1929. Yeah, we're all set to show you the best time in the world for 365 days, and maybe you don't think that old M. C. isn't right on the map when it comes to the rozzle-dozzle time. So crawl right back into the cheese 1929 for there is a big hole missing. Baby 1930 is going to roll her own career and she is going to be the oyster's ice-skates whi1e she does it. Old 1929 we told you your back would break carrying your nerve around. Besides yow neglected to dust off your line and we crave originality. No sir, 1930, we aren’t flattering you—don't tell us we have been eat-ing grapes because we talk in bunches. There is a unan-imous motion carrying the house which asserts that little slinky me is the fishes foot prints and of grandpa 1929 doesn't annoy himself and raise a wrinkle for he has tooted his trick horn plenty long.

Now 1930, get down to business and rake out the old inspiration and make some New Year's resolutions for the gang guaranteed not to slip for at least six days.

I Hereby Resolve throughout the coming year to study faithfully and if I don’t study faithfully to make the profs believe I have anyhow, and if I don’t make them believe I have, not to worry about it.

For boys only:—I Hereby Resolve not to take any girls in my roadster and if I do take them out not to

make them walk home, and if I do make them walk

home not to make them walk very far--in fact not more than ten miles.

I Hereby Resolve that throughout the coming year I shall be a model student unless I am tempted not to be: that I shall be a good example at least once a month; that as a feature writer I will not try more than two wise cracks a week gleaned from Humor Magazines of America.

On the air the other night it was learned that a peanut is the little brother of a coconut with its whiskers shaved off.

a cauliflower is a collegiate cabbage.

Casually speaking--the thing a co-ed enjoys doing most is men.

The girl who looks upon love as a circus usually finds out after all, that it is only one-ring affair.

Oscar says--A wall flower is a good girl with no place to go wrong.

Here! Here! What has happened—a resolution has popped--oh well! You always make more resolu-tions, but there is only one time to pass on a wise crack.

Happy New Year? Rats: That term theme too has to ankle in eventually, inspiration! Where art thou? My Kingdom for it.

What's the use?

Yours til the New Year resolutions get a break. Sea-See.


Playing the part of Princess Anna, has had a wide experience in dra-matic work. Miss Hess has played in the junior and senior high school play at Morrill, Kansas. She carried the lead in a church organization play and an all-school play, in the same community. Last year she was voted a member of the Thespian Club and carried a minor part in the club play last year. Beth has also taken private lessons in expression.



Wed., Dec. 12--The choir of the Church of the Brethren, under the direction of Mr Lawrence E. Turner, presented the Christmas cantata "The Birthday of the King” by Norwood Dale, in the college chapel this evening before a fairly large audi-ence.

Solo parts were sung by Miss Ruth Turner, soprano; Miss Helen Eberly, alto; Mr. Lloyd Diggs, tenor, and Mr. ross Curtis, bass.

The cantata was divided into three divisions, part one, "The Prologue", part two, "The Nativity", and part three, "The Star".


THE SPECTATOR has become a charter member of the National Scholastic Press Association, a na-

tional organization for the purpose of furthering the interests of all forms of collegiate and scholastic journalism.

Briefly, the services of the asso-ciation are these: (1) The making of a yearly critical analysis, with the aid of a comprehensive score book, of each publication which is a member of the association. The standards and methods for this analysis are improv-ed and revised as rapidly as the pro-gress made in scholastic journalism permits. This yearly service feature is known as the all-American Critical Service and contest.

(Continued on Page Three)


It Is Believed To Be The Largest One Yet Found In The World


Finds Many Other Specimens In Dif-ferent Parts Of Mexico

Wed., Dec. 18--It was learned today that Prof. H. H. Nininger, me-teorlo1ogist and naturalist of McPher-son college, had unearthed what is believed to be the largest meteorite yet found in the world, in the state if Sinaloa, Mexico.

Prof. Nininger is of the opinion that the newly unearthed meteorite is larger than a 361/2 specimen in the American Mueseum of New York City, which the Arctic explorer, Peary, brought to the United States from Greeland. The McPherson me-terorologist has estimated that the large may weigh fifty tons. The Mexican government is guarding it and is constructing a building over it.

Besides the large speciman, Prof. Nininger has found five other im-important meteorites in Mexico. These were found by the early Spaniards in

the sixteenth and seventeenth cen-turies, and were worshiped as idols by the Indians. Four of these were found in the state of Chihuahua and the other in Zacatecas. They weigh 22,000 pounds, 20,000 pounds, 16,-000 pounds, 7,000 pounds and 1,000 pounds respectively.

The McPherson professor also visited Xiquipilco, state of Mexico, where, in prehistoric times, a shower of meteorites fell, of which the Indians made tools, some of which still are in use. He has acquired from an Indian a "barreta" made of meteor-ite metal and will add this to his private collection of meteorites, one of the most complete in the United States.


Tues., Dec. 17--Christmas was the dominant note in the Y. W. C. A. program this morning. Closely link-ed with it was the relationship with Germany. Mrs. Tate sang "Silent

Night, Holy Night" in German. Irene Mason discussed "Conditions in Germany". Germany is like a weather-beaten ship. She is noble and capable, else she could not have come back as she has. Her appearance implies

'wealth-but actual conditions are

not so, for she is politically torn and shattered. Other countries must lend a hand to put her economic condi-tion on a sound basis.

"Christmas in Germany and other Lands”, was dicussed by Una Morine. The origin of many of our pres-ent day customs come from European countries. Some are pagan in their origin. As in all other matters, so

is the matter of Christmas celebra-

tion, the United States has been the melting pot of all nations.


Wed., Dec. 18--Mr. Lyman Hoov-er, regional Y. M. secretary visited on the campus today and yesterday. He brought several mcssages which received much favorable. comment.

At Y. M. meeting yesterday he discussed problems which his experie-ence has taught him that students encounter. They were problems on our campus. The first, the need for a scale of values in school. He said that interests and activities should not be engaged is which dissipate the stu-dent's energies.

There are a number of tests which may be applied to any activity: (1) How lasting? Will the experience be of value after school days? (2) Do I need development along this line? (3) Can I make a contribution here?

(4) Will it satisfy or will I be dis-gusted with it? (5) Is it an activity the world needs?

(Continued on Page Two)

The Spectator

The Home of the Bulldogs

The School of Quality

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—to stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi- zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations

future achievement--to uphold sane and and constructive student opinion--to stimulate organi-

zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--

in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognise all activities and organizations--

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Wasn't it grand in once more push your feet under Mother's table and eat those good old dumplings and homemade bread? Wasn't it great? Gee! Didn'i it feel fine to see Dad and Mother again and tell them all about your good old days at M. C.? It was too bad, however, when those old cotton whiskers fell off when playing Saint Nick for the kiddies. They didn't mind. That scarf Dad gave you, and that tie from cousin John, but say, didn't Mother “hit the spot" with those half dozen pair of socks. Aren't they coming in handy? Wasn't your roomie surprised when you came bac k wearing a pair of those abbreviated gadders—Spats. Yes! He had a pair too. That wrist watch with the stones in it (yes, we heard Amos and Andy too) was just the thing. Christmas is great, isn't it?

Now what? You are back in the swing again—don't it feel good to be back--and it is less than three weeks till the first semester is over--then exams. It was nice you could write that term paper while you were home but that does not mean you won't have anything to do now. Work and study while you can, for next semester will be crowded with all kinds of activities--banquets, plays, picnics, sneaks and a host of other events. Of course you will all go to the first big dramatic production of the season Monday evening.

The new year's resolution you made--start living up to it now. Now is the time to do your best. Today is the time. You are not concerned about your past or what has happened; nor are you worrying about what will hap-pen after you are gone. The one great medium that dominates your heart and soul is the present. Now. Today. You are concerned what you will or are doing. Do it well and the future will take care of itself.

You can make your resolutions from Christmas to New Year's, but it will take you from New Year's till Christmas to prove their worth.


The improvement to the parlor in Fahnestock Hall is a betterment that has been in great need for a number of years. It comes not only us a gift from the men of the dormitory but also from friends the college has in other parts of the country, showing that they had sensed the need of such an improvement Different members of our own faculty liberally contribut-ed to a fund they called the Christmas gift to Fahnestock Hall.

The new parlor has been anticipated for a great while by the men of the dormitory so it is up to them to treat it not only as their own property but as the property of others—outsiders— friends at M. C. Let it stand as a memorial to those who have been graduated and a welcome to them whenever they may return.


now is the time of the year when all busines concerns are taking an inventory of their stock and calculating what percent of their income is profit.

Now is the time of year when all energetic people are making New Year resolutions. Before one makes his resolution he should take an inventory of his past year, calculate his percent of profit or loss. What has he gained as a result of the past year? Is there a gain or is there a loss? In your stock of worldly achievements increased over that of the year previous and should you increase your present stock? Will your balance sheet show an even balance or will you have a deficit to repent or carry over into the next year? A thousand other questions may be asked before one has com-pleted his inventory

Now comes the Now Year's resolution. Nearly everybody makes a reso-lution at this time of year because it is the starting of a new course. We might say that a majority of vows made are broken.

We have been noting a number of resolutions that some of our prom-inent statesmen have been making. Some of them are not making any be-cause they say they will not keep them. Mr. John Pershing, Commander of the< American Expeditionary Forces in France during the World War, who is now visiting in London, has presented the beat resolution we have so far noticed. When approached by a reporter and asked what his New Year's resolution was to be he merely replied that he wasn’t going to make any resolutions, but if he did make one it would be, simply stated, ''Mind Your Own Business".

Such a resolution might apply to any one of us. If we "mind our own business" and let others take care of their own, then the friction between all concerned will be lessened.


(Continued from Page One)

Another problem was how to de-velop fellowship that will bring out the best in the individual. How can he be helped to think for himself? Mr. Hoover was unable to suggest a complete remedy but said the best fellowship is in an organization such as the Y. M. should be.

This morning in chapel Mr. Hoover attempted to point out a few reasons for lack of interest in Christianity. One reason is that the negative side has been emphasized. Refraining from evil is not the whole of Chris-tianity—you must do something constructive.    '

Another reason it that most peo-ple don't get beyond the practice per-iod—they waste their energies prac-ticing for Christian living but never get to play in the real game.

A third reason is that too many people "get religion" or think they are saved and the rest is just a mon-otonous hanging-on affair.

A fourth reason is that people try to get along withour food or rent. At times they attend a meeting and gorge themselves with good things and then starve until the next gorge.

Mr. Hoover spoke in several classes and met with the Y. M. and Y. W. cabinets.

President V. F. Schwalm expressed his delight and satisfaction with Mr. Hoover's work on the campus.

Resolutions for the year 1930:

1. Don't neck in the hot house un-til spring. It isn't so hot without a stove in it.

2. Never to slap anyone who weighs over 211 pounds.

3. Never make faces at the profs when they are looking.

4. Never eat Turkey till the next


5. Never tell a girl how she looks in her new long dress. She might ??? like profanity.

6. Don't use the fire escape under any circumstances.


Beulah Blickenstaff    Jan. 5

Cora Sell    Jan.    9

John Andes    Jan.    11

Bernadean Van Blaricum    Jan. 12


Miss Selma Engstrom, '25, who studied in dramatics last year at the University of Iowa and who has been on the stage of a chautauqua com-pany in the presentation of "The Fool", has recently issued the follow-ing statement concerning the Thes-pian play, "The Queen's Husband".

Robert Sherwood's comedy "The Quern's Husband" was eminently the most successful play given by the University Players at the University of Iowa last year.

"it is a play highly satirical in nature and throws light upon of the petty dynasties and kingdoms of present-day Europe. Although the play is light and written in a humor-ous vein, it is full of significant truths and might almost be said to contain a moral.

"The play carries with it the usual ear mark of Sherwood's comedies, sparkling with witty dialogue. The contrast between the imperious, dic-tatorial gueen and her droll, retiring and modest little king is reflect-ed in many amusing situations.

"This play is one that is worthy the efforts of any college or civic or-ganization".

Signed: Selma Engstrom.

RUTH BLICKENSTAFF Coming to McPhenson college in

the fall if ‘27 with two years ex-prerience work nn high school in Nampa, Idaho, and a member of the senior play cast in the sprlng of ’28 Ruth was taken into the Thespian Club and made the club play cast o"The Goose Hangs High". Miss Blickenstaff is carrying the part othe Queen in "The Queen's Hus-band".


Prof. Bohling recommends married

life to every student at M. C. We imagine he is drawing his conclu-sions too soon —for does he know the texture of his wife's biscuits, nor has he found out that she cannot be-outspoken.

Jessie Churchill is looking at the world through rose colored glasses. Everything is "Rosie" now.

Prof. Fries is compelled to wear glasses in the business office ever since Christmas. He says Jessie's sparkler hurts his eyes. We wonder how it affects "Rosie's eyes.

When you are invited out to dinner It's easy tp tell which salad is yours. If you start eating the one on the right, the one on the left is yours.

Christ ms vacation brought to light one more great truth. Another theme song has been invented--"Singing In the Bath Tub". It is des-tined to become unpopular next week —if the life of former songs is con-sidered.

A member of the staff suggested, that the cheese was certainly porous. Yes. probably the poorest they

could get.

Our Idea of a formal notification is


Mr. Rump:

Your chapel seat is south side row five seat number eight, numbered from the center aisle.—R. E. Mohler.

We are worried to death to hear that skirts are to be lengthed--in fact we feel it is dangerour to the health of our fair co-eds. Why just the

other day we noticed a girl walking around on crutches—she must have tripped on her new skirt.

Men are funny creatures—yes, and there is only one thing funnier —




Thurs., Dec. 19--With jovial smiles Santa himself appeared this afternoon at the Christmas Y. W. C. A. party, and in spite of his warning that only the good little girls would receive presents, every one in the room was remembered--perhaps out the the kindness of his heart, or per

haps because every member of the organization fitted his description.

As soon as the girls had asembled at four thirty o'clock, Helen Eber1y led in singing a familiar carol after which Velma Elaine Wine gave the reading "And a Little Chitd Shall Lead Them".

While the group was singing "Jin-gle Bells" Santa burst into the room with his pack on his back and a jolly greeting for everyone.

he beamed, and stopped short, "But where are the boys? I thought girls

your age always had some boys around".

When the gifts and candy ???? had been distributed and Santa had said Adieu, the members of party gathered around the Christmas tree and sand carols, concluding with "Silent Night" after which they dis-persed wishing one another a happy vacation.


Prof. Maurice A. Hess drove to points in eastern Kansas where he and Mrs. Hess visited with friends.

Ward Williams and Ross Curtis

spent several days in the McPherson County Hospital where they had their tonsils removed, during the hol-idays.

Glenn Harris and Emery Metzger spent Christmas Day in the home of Dean and Mrs. R. E. Mohler.

Messrs..Blanch Harris, Newell Wine, Ward Williams, Phillip Lauver, Ralph Keedy, Ross Curtis, Harold Christ, and Rush Holloway spent Christmas Day in the home of Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm,

Ross Curtis And Ernest Betts were dinner guests of Prof. and Mrs. J. H. Heckman on New Year's Day.

Ward Williams spent one week

with relative’s at Salina.

Herbert Eby and Cletus Carney managed the bolvine on college farn

during the holidays.


First Introduced Science Department In The College And Has Seen It Advance To One Of The Best Equipped Departments In Kansas


This is the third of a series of articles concerning intesting person-ages on the campus, both faculty and students.


in turning the pages of history back twenty, thirty and nearly forty years and reading in the files of time the miseries and hardships and pleasures and happiness of our own dear college and scanning the roll of faculty members we come across one who is the oldest active instructor in McPherson College.

Thirty-eight years ago Dr. H. J. Harnly come to McPherson college as teacher of Natural Sciences. During these years Dr. Harnly has seen the college make outstanding growth in

A. Blair's class room was also used by the science department.

As the department grew, labora-tory equipment of the best kind was added. More instructors were also added to the science department. As in Harnly labored and achieved in the interest of science building for McPherson college. In 1922 one of the best equipped science buildings in the state was completed. This building was named Harnly Hall in honor of Dr. Harnly for long and valued services to McPherson college.

Dr. Harnly gave his life to a serv-ice of growth. There were times in

the early years of the school when the institution seemed to totter and the future of the college looked doubtful but Dr. Harnly was one of the few men who stayed by in the trying times and now he has seen the college make remarkable advancement.

When asked what he considered his greatest satisfaction through these years, Dr. Harnly said, "The association and friendship with young people who are interested in Christian education has been all in-spiration to me. I have also seen the science department grow from virtually nothing until it is one of the best equipped science departments in the state". Dr. Harnly has, as students, young people whose parents are alumni of the school.

In 1891 he received a B. S. degree from Illinois Wesleyan and in 1892 he received his A. M. degree from the same institution. From Harvard he received an A. B. degree in 1892 and in 1900 he received his Ph. D. from Illinois Wesleyan. In 1910-11 he was a special student in Leland Stanford University. Dr. Harnly made an extensive World Tour lit 1920-21, studying problems in other nations.

Dr. Harnly i now vice-president of the college and also professor of physiology, bionomics, and geology. In 1913-14 he was acting president. As a teacher he presents his points with intensity and clearness of fact.

No amount of money in establishing memorials or libraries can offset almost four decades of honest, sincere, devoted, Christian service as a teacher in a college. Even after so long a period of service Dr. Harnly still retains full physical vigor and optimistic fervor.


(Continued from Page One)

(2) The conducting of a question and answer bureau by means of a continuous service to problems are which they may submit their indi-vidual problems, if these problems are presented in the form of specific, not general questions.

(3) The extending of help to state scholastic press associations and to all organized groups of members in-terested in the advancement of scholastic journalism.

(4) The holding of a national con-vention which is in reality a short course in scholastic publishing.

many fields of endeavor, he was particularly interested in science and in 1892 when he came to McPherson the science department did not have any ap-paratus. However, there was a microscope which had been obtained from a Youth's Companion subscription. All de-partments of the college were located in the Sharp Administration building. At that time time old part of the Y. W. C. A. room was in two parts. The north side Dr. Harnly fitted up as a chemistry Laboratory and the south side was used by all other departments of science.

Dr. S. Z. Sharp, the first president of McPherson college was president when Dr. Harnly came to the institution. There were seven other members of the college faculty.

The science department crew until it was spread out covering the entire base-ment of the Administration building. Later the room now used as Prof. J. by the science department.



Not only did many students go to distant parts of the United States for Christmas but also several faculty members spent the holidays in dis—

tant places.

Prof. J. A. Blair and family travel-ed by auto to his former home at Chambersburg, Pennsylansia, where they visited with relatives.

Prof. George N. Boone and family drove to Roanoke, Louisiana, where they visited at the home of Mr. Boone's sister. Mrs. Bowers. Paul Bowers accompanied the Boone's.

Dr. J. Willard Hershey and Dr. J. H. Harnly left December 26 for Des Moines, Iowa, where they spent one week attending a meeting of the American Association for the ad-vancement of Science. The remaining time they spent in McPherson.

Miss Della Lehman visited with

friends in North Manchester, Indi-ana, and also at Detroit, Michigan.

Coach Georgc Gardner and family visited at Pratt, Kansas and Joplin, Missouri, the latter half of the vaca-tion Gardner was with his basketball team.

Prof. J. Hugh Herkman was in McPherson during the vacation and spent his time writing for the Gen-eral Educational Board of the Church of the Brethren.

Miss Thurow spent the vacation at her home in Macksville, Kansas.

Miss Shelley went to her home at Elmdale, Kansas.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm, Dr. J. J. Yoder, Prof. J. L. Bowman, Prof. L. A. Utrecht, Miss Edith McGaffey, Miss Fern Lingenfelter, and Miss Heck-ethorn spent the Christmas holiday in MCPherson.

The Spectator



Christmas Day — Coach George Gardner, accompanied by eight of his strongest Bulldog cragers, left this afternoon for a twelve day trip to eastern Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa where they will play six of the hard-est games ever to be scheduled for a Kansas college team of any kind, Gardner has arranged to play the

strongest teams with which he could

secire games in order to whip his team into shape for the coming Kan-sas conference season. The experi-ence gained from a trip trip this should harden the Canines to the place where their conference games can be handled with apparent me. This trip is not to be a display of means of some definite coaching ex-strength for the Bulldogs but a perimentation with many different combinations of plays with which they have been noted in past years. All is being done in an effort to repeat what him already been done twice in the Kansas conference.

On the present trip the Bulldogs will play two games with the Marys-ville Teachers, last year’s champions of the Missouri conference, on Dec. 26th and 27th at Marysville, Mo. On Monday night, Dec. 30th the Bulldogs will meet the Stramdberg team at Kansas City, Mo., which team was formerly known as the Cooks' Paint-ers and for the put years hold-ers and for national championship. On Thursday night, January 2nd the Canines face the Cripe's Bakery five at St. Joseph, Mo., better known as the Hillyards who for two years held the national championship and who played against the Bankers two years ago and who eliminated the Bulldogs from the national tournament the same year. Saturday night, January 4th, the Bulldogs are pitted against one strongest of all the independ-ent teams, the Cudahy Athletic Club team at Sioux-City, Iowa and on their return trip will play the Bowman Athletic Club team at Kansas City, Kansas, on Monday night, January

6th. The Bulldogs will return home

on January 7th for their first home game on January 8th when they will play the strong Phillips University five from Enid, Oklahoma.


By the Sport Editor

Several slight changes have been brought about in the basketball rules for the coming season. The five-point play or the play which made possible a five point play is no longer legal. When a fouled player is granted two free throws, the ball goes back to center regardless of whether the last throw is made good or not. thus doing away with the possibility of tip-in. By the old rule a man might be fouled while shouting and if his shot was good, get two points, then be awarded two free throws with a pos-sibility of three more points. Then there is a no-tip rule that he been propoosed and assigned to several schools to try out this season before final adoption. The purpose of this rule is to eliminate the high ball at center. The way it works is something like this: at the beginning of each game the ball is tossed up at center. The scored-on quintet will put the ball in play under the basket they defend. The toss up following a "held ball" will still be uned.


(Continued from Page One)

in high school dramatic work. He has carried parts in four high school plays, having the lead in three, in-cluding the senior play. Last spring he made the play cast of "He and She" and became a member of the Thespian club. He also carried a part in "Daddy Long Legs", allschool play last May.

Mr. Hoyt Strickler plays the part of the dominating Premier, General Northrop. While in high school he carried parts in the junior and senior class play and a speaking part in an operetta given his senior year. The first two years of his college career he took dramatic art courses. The second semester of his freshman year he became a member of the Thespian Club, and during his junior year was vice-president of the club. Mr. Strickler was a member of the cast for '’Adam and Eve", his freshman year. While attending La Verne college, California, he carried a part in the play "The Fool", by Channing Pollack.

John Lehman, the revolutionist leader Dr. Fellman in "The Queen's Husband", is an actor of high caliber. Jack" has taken part in a number of dramatic art one-art plays. Last spring he became a member of the Thespian Club after securing a position in the play "He and She", carrying one of the leading parts. He also played the leading part in “Daddy Long Legs" all-school play spon-sored by the Chamber of Commerce.

The new scenery for the play was constructed by "Casey" Voran and Ralph Johnson. The art work and scenery painting has been done by

Ada Brunk and Charles Mattox. The special scenery adds a touching significance in this popular production.

Wednesday morning the Thes-pian Club will have charge of the chapel period at which time they may give parts of the play and ex-plain it to a certain extent.

The cast of characters is as follows :

King Erie VIII    Murlin Hoover

Queen Marie    Ruth Blickenstaff

Princess Anne    Beth Hess

Frederick Granton    Leland Lindell

General Northrop    Hoyt Strickler

Phips     Philip Lauver

Prince William    Edmar Kjera

Dr. Fellman    John Lehman

Laker    Harold Crist

Lord Birten ________John Berkebile

Major Blint    Veral Onmart

First Lady-in-Waiting-----—

Bernice McClellan

Second Lady-in-Waiting

....... Sylvia Edgecomb

Petley    _Mildred Doyle

Mrs. Anna Tate spent the holidays In Illinois.    

Prof. Roy C. Petry visited in Indiana.

Prof Bohling was out of town visiting relatives and friends.

Pajamas will not be popular as a street costume for men until provided with pockets for a watch, key-ring, fountain pen, pencil, billfold, the twelve-ride railroad ticket, the driv* er's license, and the little red mem-orandum book stuffed newspap-er clippings.