NO. 14




Two State Oratorical Contests Will Be Held In McPherson And Many Local Contests Will Be tSaged In Both Colleges


District High School Debating Con-test Will Be Held On The College Campus Feb. 28 And Mar. 1

An extensive program of debates and oratorical contests has been announced by Prof. Maurice A. Hess, debate coach. Two state contents in oratory will be held in McPherson this year, one at Central College and one at McPherson college, and a number of interesting events are upon the forensic calendar.

The local anti-tobacco oratorical content will be held the first part of February, although the definite date has not been determined. Orations in this contest are limited to eighteen hundred words. The state contest will be held at Central College March 14. The first, second, and third prizes are thirty-five, twenty-fire and fifteen dollars, respectively.

McPherson college is not at the present time a member of the Women's Old Line Oratorical Association but membership will be obtained if sufficient interest is shown. The local contest will be held about the middle of February. Orations may be upon any subject and arw limited to two thousand words. The state Old Line contest trill be held on the McPhers-son college campus March 17.

In connection with the Old ILne contest there will he a contest in extemporaneous speaking held in the afternoon. The subject for the men's contest will be “The Present Athletic Situation". The topic for the women's extemporaneous contest has not been decided.

Either men or women may enter the local peace contest which will be held about the middle of March. The speakers are limited to fifteen minutes and the prizes are seven and a half, five and two and a half dollars.

A state peace contest will be held at Hillsboro on April 17, and prizes of (Continued on Pure Two)



Mon., Dec. 16—The college ladies quartet appeared on the program given before members of the Lyons Club this evening.


Sun., Dec. 15—A Christmas pro-gram consisting of musical numbers and a reading was given this evening before a large Christian Endeavor group.

After the prelude the group sang a number of familiar Christmas carols, and Alberta Yoder read the Christmas story.

Lloyd Diggs then sang a vocal solo and Harriet Hopkins played a piano solo after which Miss Della Lehman read “The Last Word” by Henry Van Dyke.

A vocal solo by Ruth Turner was followed by another Christamas hymn and the group dispersed after tje benediction.


Enid, Okla., Dec. 16—The Bull-dogs, crowded on the small court lost their opening game to Phillips University here tonight. The score was 26 to 18. The running score: Nonken 1-1 -0. Miller 4-1-0. Crum-packer 1-0-0, Deschneer 1-0-1. Jamison 1-0-0. All ten of the Bulldogs played. The return game will be at McPherson Jan. 7.



A student recital will be given this evening by the Fine Arts department of the college in the college chapel at 8:00 p. m. The following program will be presented:

Duet, Now the Day Is Over, Shelley — Misses Margretta and Marzella


Impromptu Op. 50 No. 4, Schubert —Miss Mildred Mitchell,

Danny Boy, Weatherly—Miss Eugenia Dawson.

Romance Op. 25 No 2. Schumann: Brook Nymphs, Preyer—Miss Harriet Hopkins.

Tragic Tale. Slater—Mr. Orville Voran.

Tonight, Ferriman—Miss Una Marine.

The Angel and the Shepherd, Wallace—Miss Ruth Turner.

Nocturne F Sharp Major. Chopin; Elf Dance. Kroeger—Miss Mildred Beard.

Mighty Deep, Jude—Mr. Ross Cur-



Tonight—Student Recital. Wed., Dec. 18—Art Exhibit, Thurs., Dec. 19--W. Christmas Party.


Tues.. Dec. 10—"World Peace" was the subject under discussion this morning in Y. M.

After a solo by Mr. Lloyd Diggs, Harry Bernard mentioned some of the things the governments have done toward peace. Prominent among them is the Kellogg Peace Pact. The nations want peace but there is difference of opinion as to how i may be accomplished.

Mr. Lloyd Larson then pointed out something the individual can do for world peace. He must learn to know other people and how they live and what their interests are.

Four suggestions as to how this knowledge can be gained:

First, be friendly with foreign stu-dents.

Second, travel.

Third. learn to appreciate the art, literature, and culture of other nations.

Fourth, try to get their point of view.


The students of McPherson college will be given a longer Christmas vacation than in former years. School will close Friday, 4:30 p. m., De-cember 20 and will reopen Monday, 8:00 a. m. January 6.



Tues., Dec. 10—Dr. V. F. Schwakn and Dr. J. J. Yoder returned this evening from a visit to Bethel College, Newton, Friends University. Wichita, and Southwestern College, Winfield, where they have been spending the day studying the different problems of finance and administration.

Conferences were held with the president and executives of each college and methods of raising finance, proper investment of finance, ques-tions involving annuities, wills and insurance plans for raising finance were discussed. Inquiry was made about changes of tution, fees and curriculum.

The two McPherson visitors were privileged to inspect the buildings,

equipment, and grounds at each col-



Fri., Dec. 13—A supplement to the Bulletin of McPherson college, the Alumni Directory, was issued today. It is a thirty-one page directory, con-containing the names, addresses and oc-cupations of all alumni of McPherson college. The directory was compiled and edited by Miss Edith McGaffey, alumni secretary.

The directory is the result of a third attempt to publish a complete list of the alumni, It is being sent free of charge to alumni with the compliments of the Association and of the Alma Mater. Despite a great amount of effort to get all addresses correct, it reveals many omissions and contains some inaccuracies. Miss McGaffey has asked that all correc-tions be sent to her at McPherson College.


Dear Mr. Santa Claus: We have all been good (little?) girls and boys (we don’t know for sure about the boys) but no doubt about the girls. We have all studied hard and tried not to go to sleep in class and other places. We have refrained from making faces at chapel speakers who tell us we have bright shining faces (that's an error for “we wash our faces" in chapel even if "we are like babies"). We are trying to get rich, get wise, get married if we must (how cynical) and above all trying to get inspiration.

Santa we realise our short comings and goings. We know we are "flaming youth" but we are trying to douse the glim.

Here's some clauses we can't afford to miss. Are we Santa conscious? Do we believe in Santa? When Dad slips into that red flannel suit with the four-ply absorbent cotton sewed on the collar and cuffs and dons that moth-eaten whisker which used to grace Junior's angor chap we smile to ourselves and say "Boy it's great to be alive. We'll bet Dad thinks he is going to fool us by that false face". The zero hour approaches and he reswallows his third high ball and slips up only to be recognized. Poor Dad, only another of his illusions shattered.

We think we'll tell you what we want for Christmas that you can slip into our service weight chiffons and

sport hose. A girl wants an incense burner for third floor to drown out the smell of popcorn and toast es-pecially when she is not invited to said feasts. Other people want pictures of other people but what's the use since love is blind? A boy wants something to keep his whiskers from growing so swiftly from 7:30 to 10:30. Another girl wants a piece of mistle toe as a permanent attachment. A Chicago young fellow wept tears because he wants a pearl handled revolver instead of a common six shooter.

I wonder if Mrs. Santa is off somewhere enjoying the summer while you are up still North Pole working hard to turn out diamond wrist watches and fur coats for all us collegiate people. What do you get out of it? Nothing. "Just like a woman". Shakespeare has nothing on the corner of that phrase.

Santa you are a good sport and you will bring us all we deserve but can't you stretch a point and stick in a diamond dinner ring and a big Kodak to take pictures with on these long lonesome Sunday afternoons when you aren't lucky enough to get in on a rook game— places? Oh yes—one or those long black, slinky dresses would be acceptable because it makes you look what you don't have the courage to be.

Yours til Santa sends his kids to M.C. — Sea-See.

P. S.—-Merry Christmas! Greetings! Selah!


New Covenant Approved By Faculty And Executive Board To Go Info Effect Immediately And Will Effect All Student Organizations


Mon., Dec. 7—Although a few minutes late in appearing, the Melody Four quartet at Inman, Kansas, pre-sented a musical program this even-ing under the auspices of the Cecil-lan Music Club, that kept a well filled chapel in merriment for over an hour.

The evening's entertainment con-sisted of a mixed group of selections. Such numbers as “Barcellona”, "Golden Slippers", ”Sunshine A New Year”, "The Lonesome Road", and "The Old Oaken Bucket" were sung by the quartet. The personnel of the quartet is: Ike Haun, first tenor; H. A. Adams. second tenor; C. O. Hei-derbrect, baritone; and G. D, Hei-derbrecht, bass.

Preceeding the appearance of the quartet, Lawrence Turner gave a short paper on the "Chamber of Music", and Miss Harriet Hopkins played a piano solo.


Fri., Dec. 13—It was learned today that Deab R. E. Mohler has given twenty-eight different addresses on Mexico since his visit to the south-ern republic. Fourteen of the twenty-eight have been given before educational institutions, ten before teachers institutions. Dean Mohler has spoken in churches and Rotarian Clubs throughout the country.


Tues., Dec. 10—The Christmas

story was the central theme at worship in Y. W. C. A. this morning. Viola De Vilhiss played a violin solo. Mrs. Stover of the Rayburn evangel-istic party spoke to the girls. Germany and Christmas in other lands will be discussed next week.

A Christinas party sponsored by the Y. W. C. A. is to be held Thursday the nineteenth in the Y. W. social room at four-thirty for all col-lege girls. Names have been exchanged for gifts.


Committee Shall Tabulate Extra-Cur-

ricular Activities And Ascertain

Number For Each Student

Fri., Dec. 13--A covenant for the purpose of standardizing student activities and organizations was submit-ted and approved this morning at the weekly meeting of the faculty and college management, and will go into effect immediately.

The covenant is not a restriction placed upon organizations but has as its purpose to standardize organiza-tion procedure and train students in wise business methods.

The approved covenant will be ex-ercised by a Faculty-Student Counci1 Committee who will keep a permanent file of all organization records as a lasting history. The contents of the student activity standardization is as fallows:

1. That, the Faculty-Studcnt Council Committee be enlarged to not less than 3 nor more than 5 to form a Committee on Student Activities which shall have general supervision of all student organizations.

2. That this committee by and with the consent of the faculty auth-orize the organization of all student activities by granting charters.

3. That this committee keep in its permanent files copies of the consti-tutions and by-laws of all student organizations and require that all amendments and later by-laws be submitted to it for approval.

4. That this committeer supervise the regular auditing of the accounts of all organisations that handle mon-ey and require the purchase and use of uniform account books.

5. That this committee require a yearly report from all ornanizations., the same to be filed as permanent


6. That this committee tabulate the extra-curricular activities of all students and regulate the loads in accordance with college require-ments.-

APPROVED: By the Faculty, Dec. 12, 1929. By Executive Board, Dec.

12, 1929.



Fri., Dec. 13--The high school orchestra, under the direction of Mr. August San Ramoni, presented a musical program in chapel this morn-ing. Three numbers and a march by the orchestra, and a demonstration of instruments constituted the program. The impromptu demonstration was of unusual interest. The orches-tra is large for a high school orchestra and contains all the instruments of a symphonic orchestra.


Sun., Dec. 15 —Coach Gardner and ten of his Bulldog basketerrs left here tthis afternoon for Enid, Oklahoma, where they will encounter the Phillips University five tomorrow (Monday) night. This will be the first game of the season for the Bulldogs and local fans are waiting, with bated breath, to hear the outcome of the game.

Men making the trip are: Nonken, Miller, Crumpacker, Jamison, Desch-ner, Hill, Holloway, King, Anderson

and Windmill.


The Spectator

The Home of the Bulldogs

The School of


The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—to stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi- zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations

future achievement--to uphold sane and and constructive student opinion--to stimulate organi-

zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--

in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognise all activities and organizations--

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess


We are coming to that time of the year when eds and coeds are thinking of going home for two weeks, when people give gifts to their friends, both new gifts and those that have survived for a year untouched, when we think of the gift—not the giver, when thrice made resolutions we made only to be broken when met with its first obstacle, that midnight party, when sleepy eyed humans don caps and coat and sing Christmas carols—“It is a most earnest thing to be alive in this world",—especially at Christmas time.

As Christmas approaches we note a marked quickening in the spirit of charity and good will among men. The year is ending in the presence of cold and storm, when from our own firesides our thoughts and sympathies venture forth to those who have not been as fortunate as us.

It is at Christmas time that sympathy turns practical. Pockets, whether fat or slightly filled, are open to those most, unfortunate, to provide a little pleasure and happiness for the sick and lonely, for friends and little children.

This “good will among men" emphasized at Yule-tide exemplifies what can be accomplished toward a peaceful everyday world, by the simple process of scattering greater kindness to our friends and tenderer mercy to the weak and lowly.

The kindliness of Christmas is a double blessing that enriches those who give quite as much as those who are the receivers, for then, and only then, does the ideal of human brotherhood take on a semblance of reality.

Our thoughts no matter how secret we think they are, are things which attract their life; fear breeds fear; intellect attracts intellect; courage begets courage; dullness mates with dullness; therefore, let us resolve that our inner life shall be what we wish our outer life to become.


Will history repeat itself— and bring back the long skirts of the gay nineties? Will the college co-eds dig deep into the old trunks in the attic for mother’s old pictures, or grandmother's, to copy their styles?

Those were the days when ankles were ankles—but not seen; while today, knees are not knees unless they are seen. The long sweeping dresses and the wasp-like waists together with the plumed hats and laced collars manifested a gayety never to be forgotten by those modner flappers of the nineties.

The skirts are on the decline, headed down, toward the ankles. The doctors are worried and tell us that the woman of today is healthier than she was in the days of tight fitting corsets and long, sweeping dresses. Such hampering garments as long dresses will make women less agile in dodging the present-day swiftly moving vehicles.

Will it go to the germ-catching lengths that the Gibson Girl wore a quarter century ago?


The newly established covenant between the faculty and the student council is the one solution to a number of problems arising among students and student organizations.

It has been a custom to load up a few of the students with the extracurricular activities on the campus, overburdening them with duties that could just as easily have been distributed among others who would have been equally capable and in some few cases moreso. The limiting of extra-currlculars to one major activity and one minor activity to each individual would keep them at a par and enable others to become active in organiza-tions otherwise not.

In tabulating the different extra-curricular activities on the McPher-son campus including such offices as president, secretary, treasurer, report-er, editors, business managers, etc., and not including the chairmans of committees, of which there are many and not including any phases of athletics it was found that a hundred fifteen extra-curricular activities are open to students. The percent of students that have such positions is very low, showing that we should not do away with some of our activities but that we should open the chosen fields to others who have not had the chance to participate.

The present limitation of college activities states that a student may hold one major activity and two minor activities or he may hold four minor activities. If a limitation of one or two activities to each student, an equalization would be realized that not only would relieve the burden from the few but would give the student more time to spend on his studies.

It is not that we come to college to receive our education from our extra-curricular activities (although it is true with a few "we shall not call students). Education is an adjustment and should be treated as such, if,

everything being at a standard, our activities do not overlap our studies.


Tues. Dec. 17--Lyman Hoover, of Denver Colorado, is on the campus this mornig and will be here today and tomorrow. He is an associate re-gional secretary of the Rocky Mount-ain Region of the Young Man's Chris-tian Assciation and is here primarily in the interest of the local Y. M. C.

A. Mr. Hoover is also directing the Christian World Education Institutes and Conferences in this region this year and he will likely plan a an Insti-tute for Mcpherson with the possibil-ity of locating the national confer-ance here, which would bring to the campus such men as Norman Thom-as, Powers Hangood, Frank t. Wil-son, T. M. Elliot, and several hun-

dred students from neighboring colleges including negroes and foreign-ers.

Hoover has had a large amount of experience working with students in the various colleges and universities in the Rocky Mountain Region and he gladly shares his experiences with individuals who have difficulties they are trying to solve. He is happy to talk with anyone, individually, or with groups, who have religious perplexities or problems of vocational guidance or social difficulties. Stu-dents who would like to arrange a conference with Mr. Hoover, should see Ruth Blickenstaff or Emery Metzger as soon as possible and an attempt will be made to fit you into the program. Both men and women students may share this opportunity.

Hoover is to be heard in Y. M. today and in Chapel tomorrow. He will be in a joint Y. W. and Y. M. Cabinet meeting tonight and will be in the regular Y. M Cabinet meeting tomorrow night. He will also be heard in several of the classes during the two days.


McPherson, Kansas December 17, 1929 Mr. Sant A. Claus,

North Polo,

Dear Santa;

Christmas is here again. We have been good little boys and girls. We only average three campus dates every week since that talk in chapel,

Some of the kids wanted me to tell you what they wanted in their dirty sox. You know little Harold Fike has been a good boy for two days now. He said to tell you that he wanted a diamond ring in his sox so that he could pop the “So Sudden" question. Bernadine is getting anx-ious too.

Ferne Heckman sure would like a man. She isn’t as bad as she acts— (apologies) honest Santy. You might just as well bring Mildred Doyle one too while you are taking one to Ferne. Florence Weaver doesn't need one.

My goodness, Santa, aren’t you ever going to bring us a chapel speaker?

Say, the gang sure would like to have a stove to put in the green house east of the dorms. Golly, wouldn't that be a keen place to neck? We could sell tickets one dollar each (ladies free) and give the money to the Anti-Necking Society of McPherson college.

Doctor Forney, "PhD", (Doctor of Phumes) would like to have a whistle that wouldn't catch cold or blow its nose between hours.

Shut up—who in the heck is writing this letter.—The editor just butted in and told me to cut it short. Well Santy when you come our way don't forget that we still have our nose on the grind stone.

Gee, I forgot to tell you what I wanted. Bring me a joke hook that has jokes that some one doesn’t say, "Heck, that's so old it smells", or, "Ain't that dumb", or “They ought to hang Horace Keller on general principles’’, or several other things unfit for print.

Your good little Horace Keller.


John Bowers _________Dec. 17

Attillia Anderson ,____Dec. 27

Lloyd Diggs    Dec.    29

Helen Flory ___.__Dec. 29 Herbert Hockstrasser ..Dec. 30

John Mikesell_________Dec. 29

Dave Shackelford____Dec. 29

Carroll Walker .___ Dec. 19

Alberta Yoder ----------Dec. 27

John Berkebile Jan. 1

Jay Hertzler Jan. 1

Esther Brown —.—Jan. 5 Odessa Christ ........——Jan. 5

FORENSIC ACTIVITIES (Continued from Page One) sixty and forty dollars will go to first and second winners.    ^

Professor Hess is very ea^=ger that those who are interested in these oratorical contests see him at once for he states that now is the time to start working on them.

The McPherson College men‘s sec-ond debate team have a tentative schedule which will include engage-ments with Central, Tabor, and Hutchinson Junior Colleges. No dates have been definitely set as yet.

Friends University, Wichita, is

seeking a contest in extemporaneous speaking allowing one hour for preparation. Arrangements are not completed yet but it is possible that such a contest may be scheduled.

On February 28 and March 1, members of the college faculty will act as judges in a debate tournament to be held here among six class A high schools of this district. The subject for debate will be that used in the high schools this season, concern-ing the construction and destruction aspects of installment buying. The high schools participating in the tournament are those of St. John, Stafford, Sterling, Lyons, Great Bend, and Hoisington.

Viola De Vilbiss and Pauline Dell spent the week end with Esther Brown at her home near Hutchinson,



Is President Of The Women's Athletic Association This Year And Will Be Awarded W. A. A. Pin For Favorite Sport


Sun., Dec. 15—A small group of friends surprised Cletus Camer this afternoon with an informal party in honor of his birthday. Carney rooms just off the campus northeast of the campus.


This is the second of a series of articles concerning interesting person-ages on the campus, both faculty and students.

By Miss Bernice McClellan

If during the school year of 1926 and 1927 anyone had asked the editor of the SPECTATOR if he knew Doris Ballard he probably would have replied, "Why, yes. She's that freshman girl living in Kline Hall who has some unusual journalistic ability". He might have gone on to say that he used an article by her in a column expressing student opinion about that very conspicuous building on our campus, the heating plant. Neither did she mince words in stating her own individualistic ideas about the benefits which would come with improving the appearance and efficiency of that necessity.

The publication of that article marked the be-ginning of a college career which has grown in quality and brilliancy with the growth of a per-sonality which is interesting and outstanding.

DORIS BALLARD During her second year Miss Ballard's all-ab-sorbing activity was SPECTATOR work and so successful was she in prov-ing her worth and ability that she was elected editor-in-chiel of the paper at the spring election. There was no one who felt qualified to run competi-tion against her. Anyone who read the SPECTATOR during 1928 and 1929 ran witness to the success of her undertaking. And those who worked under her know with what wholeheartedness she gave herself to her job.

Throughout her college life Miss Ballard has been interested in wom-en's athletics and at the end of her third year had won enough points in W a. A. sports to warrant the granting of a letter. Last spring the organi-zation honored her by choosing her as its president. The fact that W. A. A. is making itself count on the campus as never before is proof of Miss Ballard's executive ability and her power to inspire respect and enthusiasm in other girls. This spring in compensation for extra athletic activity Doris will be awarded a W. A. A. pin in her favorite sport. She is not sure whether her choice will be baseball or basketball.

For three years Miss Ballard has been an assistent in the English de-partment, a work requiring dependability as well as scholarship and will-ingness to work.

Besides these outstanding achievements Doris has served one term on the student council, has worked on the Quadrangle staff and, this fall, was made a member of the Thespian Club.

Miss Ballard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ballard of Love-well, Kansas and she spends her summers at home on her father's farm. When asked what she would like to be doing ten years from now Doris replied, "Oh, I’d like to have a high-powered job somewhere and be spending money right and left for Christmas presents”.

Last but certainly not least of the things to be said about Doris Ballard is that she is a friend of the staunchest kind. She has that strength of character which will carry her over difficulties to ultimate success. She can show the bright side to a blue disheartened friend and make him rea-lize that life is not as dreary as it seems. Her clever wit and cheerfulness can relieve a tense situation and put every one in a fine humor. Her help-fulness, industry, and independence make her one of the most interesting students on the campus.


Irene Gibson and Wray spent the week end near Abilene visiting rela-tives and friends.

Alberta Hovls, Alma Rodabaugh, Ruben Bowman and Harold Crist spent the week end in Wichita.



Bulldogs Will Play Some Of The Strongest Teams In The Mid-West May Make Trip Into Texas To Match Strength With Southerners


May Play Wichita Henry's, South-western, Phillips University, K-Aggies And Washington, University

Tues., Dec. 17—McPherson Col-lege's Bulldog basketball team, Kan-sas conference champions of 1928 and 1929, face a season filled with the stiffest kind of games with the strongest basketball talent in the mid-west and the Bulltlogs are real contenders for the conference title again this winter.

Coach George Gardner is building the 1930 squad around last year’s regulars who have appeared on the court. Ray Nonken, last year's cap-tain and a veteran guard on the Bulldog five, is back and going stronger than ever in his senior year. Nonken is an All Kansas conference guard and was picked for the All American third team at the national tourney in Kansas City last spring.

Melvin Miller will be playing his fourth year for his Alma Mater. He is an All Kansas conference man and is also a third All American selection in 1928. It was Miller who broke the record for the highest number of points scored by an individual in a single game and his eagle eye is just as good and even better this year than ever before.

Little left handed Elmer Crum-packer is going strong. This little chap has received honorable men-tion in the Kansas conference as well as in the national tournament and is the greatest puzzle his opponents have to solve when they meet a Canine team. The position on the regular team left vacant by the dropping out of school of Irvan "Rosie" Rump will more than likely be filled by Irvin Doechner, All State forward from Newton high school last year.

The place of Archie Blickenstaff will be filled by his cousin, Posey Jamison who hails from LaVerne, California (although his real home is Quinter, Kansas) with an enviable record as a guard. Both Jamison and Deschner are large men, capable and heady and are fast proving them-selves worthy wearers of the crimson and white.

Gardner will not be shy of substi-lutes for he has valuable players in Holloway, Hill, and Windmill, letter men, Fleming of Heston, Anderson of Roxbury, King of Zook and the Barngrover brothers of McPherson, all of whom are players worthy of honorable mention in a college squad.

Considering everything, Gardner says the team looka better this year than it did a year ago, which means that McPherson will again be the center of attraction in the basketball world, as it has been for the past few years.

In order to start the season with a BANG, Gardner is trying to schedule a good non-conference game to be played on the home court sometime during the first week after school reopans, following the Christmas holiday. This game will probably be with one of the strongest teams in the state outside the Kansas conference.

It is quite likely that the Bulldog It is quite likely that the Bulldogs will be seen in action on the home court this winter against the Henry's of Wichita, Kansas City Athletic Club of Kansas City, Mo,. Southwestern College of Winfield, and Phillips Uni-versity of Enid, Oklahoma. Negotiations are now under way for pre-season games with Kansas Aggies at Manhattan Washington University at St. Louis and several teams in Texas. The Kansas conference rating allows each team twenty games each season which includes ten conference tilts, and it is quite likely that the Bulldogs will play their maximum number.

The games definitely scheduled for the McPherson cagers are as follows: January 11—St. Mary’s At St. Mary's.

January 14—Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.

January 24—Ottawa at McPher-son.

January 31—Bethany at McPherson.

February 6— Baker at Baldwin.

February 7—St. Benedict's at Atchison. (Non-conference).

February 11—Baker at McPherson.

February 14—Ottawa at Ottawa.

February 18—St. Mary's at McPherson.

February 26—Bethany at Linds-borg.

February 28—Kansas Wesleyan at
