McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas, Tuesday, dec. 10, 1929
Forty College And University Teams From Kansas, Oklahoma,
Missouri, and Nebraska Participate in Winfield Tournament
Only Five Teams Remain When Bulldog Debaters Are Eliminated.
Phillips Wins First Honors
Friday. Dec. 13—Chemistry
Saturday, Dec. 14—Faculty Social.
Winfield, Kan., Dec. 7—With practically four days of actual practice and no experience in debating this fall, Coach Maurice A. Hess of McPherson College, brought his varsity debate team to Southwestern to participate in the pre-season debate tournament that has been in progress the last two days and won six out of eight debates.
Forty college and university teams from Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Nebraska participated in the tournament sponsored by Southwestern College. The team from McPherson was composed of Ward Williams and Melvin D. Landes, Otho Whiteneck and John Lehman, each team debating both sides of the question.
Friday evening Landes and Williams won from Pittsburg State Teachers College and Alva State Teachers College, Alva, Okla., and Saturday winning from St. John Military Academy, Winfield, and losing their fourth debate to Parks College, Parksville, Missouri.
Lehman and Whiteneck won from Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma, B team, and Southwestern College. Wetherford, Oklahoma Friday evening and Saturday won over the Pitts-burg State Teachers B team, but losing to the Bethany B team in the fourth round.
When the McPherson team was eliminated only five other teams remained in the running. The tourna-ment honors went to the Phillips University A team of Enid, Oklahoma which won over Parks College. Prof. Hess judged the final debate and many other debates of the tourna-ment.
Parks College, Parksville, Missouri, who won over Landes and Williams, is rated as the school having the best forensic teams in Missouri. The debate with the McPherson boys was very close.
"I am well pleased", Prof. Hess stated, "with the showing my team has made. The experience gained has been well worth the effort".
Nine teams won in the first three rounds of debate and both of Mc-Pherson’s teams were among them.
Along with the men's tournament a women’s debate tournament was also held. High honors went to the women's team from Tulsa University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Second place went Tulsa. Oklahoma. Second place went
Mon., Dec. 9—A committee appointed by the senior class is spending much time reading plays, striving to make a selection that will give the present class an opportunity to offer a presentation next spring that will come up to the high standard already set by previous classes.
The committee has a few plays on hand which are being carefully studied and it is believed that the Selec-tion will be made before the Christmas holidays.
Salina. Kan., Dec. 7—-Prof. J. Will-, ard Hershey, head of the chemistry department of McPherson College, spoke before the Salina branch of the American Association of University Women at a noonday luncheon, explaining his experiments in making synthetic diamonds. Dr. Hershey also presented motion pictures and lantern slides of his experiments and the largest synthetic diamond in the world was exhibited
Wed., Dec. 4—Inspiration! For once it came in chapel under the magic spell of Prof. Roy Petry's scholarly yet human address. Professor Petry is the new head of the history department, hence this is his first appearance in chapel.
"Inspiration is indefineable. . . . spiritual, . . . physic. . . . We must have it; to have it we must give it.
It makes the homely beautiful, the dead alive..... An inspiration a day will keep the doctor away. . . . Inspiration is man's gesture of defiance at mortality. . . . Get wise, get rich, get married if you will; but with all your getting, get inspiration".
Miss Shelly, violin instructor, played a violin solo.
Frl., Dec. 6—Christine Mohler was elected secretary of the Junior class thia morning to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Leland Lindell.
Plans for the Junior-Senior banquet wore discussed after which Ida Lengel was elected chairman of the banquet. She will be directly responsible for each committee she sees advisable to appoint.
A new announcement stand has re-cently been placed in the hallway of the "Ad” building by the Y. W. C. A. The case will be used to announce all activities of the organization.
Mrs. R. E. Mohler entered the Halstead hospital Monday morning where she was operated on for goiter. Dean Mobler returned to McPherson on Wednesday evening and reports that Mrs. Mohler is doing splendidly. It is not known exactly when she will be allowed to return home as that will depend upon her condition.
Mon., Dee. 2- -"In the things that matter most there has been nothing new”. This was the theme of Dr. V. F. Schwalm's address in chapel this morning. "Love, adultery, friendship, remorse or conscience and all the other primal things stand untouched by modern 'civilization". "Because of this fact stories of the past have value for us; it is possible for people to undcrstand each other. Experience is universal. The spirit of man is un-changing”. This is a more soothing doctrine than we have received in some of the oratorical upheavals.
Mon., Dec. 2-—It was decided at a mass meeting of all the men in Fahnestock Hall this evening that the men's dormitory would have a new parlor.
The college management have agreed to furnish a piano if the men of the dormitory will raise enough money and labor to remodel two rooms into one room suitable for a parlor. Each man has pledged one dollar and a large number have sig-nified that they are willing to spend half n day in making the change.
The gentlemen's agreement states that the men of the dormitory shall remove the partition between the two rooms at the northeast corner of first floor, shall purchase a davenport, rug, chairs, and pictures.
The Y. M. C. A. is sponsoring the movement and they announced this evening that the first floor that reaches the hundred percent quota would have the privilege of placing an autographed card of each member of the floor inside one of the pictures.
The remodeling of the room will not be started, however, until the Christmaa vacation. It is hoped that it will be in readinesa by the end of the first semester.
Thurs., Dec- 5— Newell Wine was elected student council representative from the “M" Club today at a meet-ing of the organization.
Plans for the initiation of new members were discussed but nothing was decided upon definitely. Some members wished to wait till after the basketball and track season to Initiate all new members at once.
Fri., Dec. 6—About fifty Sopho-mores enthusiastically joined in an apron-overall party this evening in the Y. W. room. A short program was given which consisted of a vocal solo by Orville "Casey” Voran and a reading by Attillia Anderson. Following this Fred Andrews led the group in many games and contests. The groups were divided into four smaller groups, each representing a season of the year.
Mrs. Anna Tate Was Assisted By Mr. August San Ramoni And His High School Orchestra
Tues., Dec. 3—-Our relations with France was the subject of discussion in Y. W. C. A. this morning. Helen Eberly pointed out the debts of each country to the other, their similari-ties and their differences. To make our relationships all they should be we must control ourselves, play fair, be kind, self-reliant, reliable, and co-operate, In general be a good American citizen.
Irene Steinberg sang a solo.
Our relations with Germany will be discussed next week.
A new oak desk, constructed by the Industrial Arts department, has been placed in the reading room of the library for the convenience of those using the Readers Guide books.
Tues., Dec. 3— Clean living was the subject discussed this morning by Dr. H. J. Harnly.
There is a difference between man and animals— man has personality and the dog or the swine has no per-sonality. Some men live on the plane of swine. Others cannot associate with them except on that plane. It is a lamentable fact that some women have their associations on the plane of the poodle-dog in preference to association with children.
Man was created with personality in God's image to be his companion. It is up to the individual to preserve that likeness of God for a prostituted personality cannot fellowship with God. There is no one to blame but the individual when fellowship with God and with the best society is denied.
God does not send a person to heaven or to hell, he goes where he belongs of his own accord.
There is yet time for those who have not had their picture taken for the Quadrangle to do so. All Students, regular and special, who have not already done so should have their picture taken at Walker's Studio this week. The engraver is calling for the pictures and they must be in in the near future.
Scandal! Scandal! Tbe regular old fashioned Yellow Shirt and the Tabloid combined with a few spicy re-marks of a private nature will produce either tears or breeches of promise suits (two pants extra). This sounds raw but the writer is feeling the same so don't blame the editor, rather blame it on the proof reader who occasionally lets slip a typographical error.
We have all studied great authors but to our notion the author most applicable to the present situation is a great personage by the handle of Milton. Now there are two stages in this fellow's life—one is Paradise Lost (since about two bust-ups ago) and the most recent is Paradise Regained (with variations feminine in nature which feed in a line also some candy).
Two Co-eds Cow-ed.
This afternoon in the draw--back on the way from the city—two popular co-eds were wandering purposefully down the street eating candy and other indigest-ibles when suddenly there sounded from the rear the bellow of an enraged papa-Cow. Seemingly he had spied the rosy cheeks of the fair blond and wished a closer acquaintance but the dear little girl could not understand his language so she retreated swiftly for about a block, her breath coming in short gaps. Meanwhile tbe other co-ed had wandered with swift despatches behind the bridge. In the meantime a hero approached as all good heroes do and seeing the plight of the two damsels in distress he hauled off and looked at the dumb brute with such effect that the scene was left at once to the hero and the damsels one of which was
still hiding but applauding the brave art. The other little dimpled girl fell on her rescuer's neck and smacked his "finishing lotion". We are seeing what could be done about getting a Carnegie medal for the brave and unassuming young man. He deserves to hang-—in the llall of Fame.
Now wouldn't you like to know who those characters are? Well I’ll tell you. The lady who rambled hastily down the street was Viola De Vilbis and the one hiding behind the bridge was Nellie Collins. The brave hero was Vernon Spillman (I think the gentleman cow wanted to have a closer examination of the Bulldog on the back of Viola’s slumberjack).
How do you think I am making-up? In the parlor recently Misses America were picked for the-purpose of beauty and make-up to make the rest of us poor co-eds jealous of the "skin you love to touch—but get slapped if you do". Miss Esther Brown was the perfect Tissue Blonde. Miss Viola De Vilbias was the original Blonde with variagations. Miss Alberta Yoder was the perfect Brunette who bloomed as the deserted rose. Only a $100 per bottle and you are irresistible. The window peeks were at a premium and the dear boys made offerings Of Canine biscuits and potted ham—I mean plants.
Goodbye—have to go to a feed in order to have more calories to be razzed more.
Yours til Shakespeare is the feature editor or College Humor.—Sea-See.
P. S.—Did tbe Cow-Catcher? Evidently not.
Cantata is The Story Of The Birth Of Jesus
Sun., Dec. 8—The McPherson College chorus presented a Christmas Cantata this afternoon to approximately 300 music lovers of the community.
The high school orchestra directed by Mr. August San Ramoni played several numbers as a prelude.
The chorus, directed by Mrs. Anna Tate, sang two numbers before presenting the cantata, "How Lovely are the Messengers" by Mendelssohn and an anthem, "Fear Not, O Isreal"
by Spicker.
"Childe Jesus" by Joseph W. Clok-ey and Hazel Joan Kirk was then presented. It is the story of the birth of Jesus. It is composed partially of old carols of various countries.
Solo parts were taken by Miss Irene Steinberg, Miss Bernice Finkle, Miss Esther Dahlinger, Mr. Orville Voran, Mr. Blanch Harris, and Mr. Lloyd Diggs.
It was learned this morning that professor H. H, Nininger, head of the McPherson college biology department, is near the end of his scientific expedition which took him far into the interior of Old Mexico. He left Mexico City on December 3 and at the present time is in the city of Mavatlin. He expects to reach McPherson the day before Christmas.
After leaving Mexico City Nininger traveled along the west coast of Mexico where he studied the life of birds of that section. At Mexico City he sold his equipment, including the car he has been using. The Southern Pacific railroad company presented professor Nininger and party with passes and all of his traveling to the coast will be on this railroad.
At the city of Baculurito, Nininger discovered a colossal meteorite which is far too large to move. However the professor attempting to get a piece of the material for his large
In a few days Mr. Nininger will have completed his investigations long the Mexican coast and will start home. He will spend some time at border packing and shipping the specimens he has collected. Nininger will be able to show one of the most interesting collections of its kind in he reaches McPherson Christ-
mas eve.
Tues., Dec. 19-—A recent exploration of third floor in Fahnestock llall and Jim Elrod's "smoke house” has led to the discovery that one of Mc-Pherson College's ancient and treasured traditions has been broken. The aroma of the forbidden weed led the explorer to the exact spot of this revelation. Further investigation show- , ed that the guilty parties were also the rowdies who are responsible for the majority of the dormitory dis-turbances. It has also been discover-ed that the students of McPherson College have no use for a smoker as
a class mate.
Moral: We suggest that those ini-plicated should make rapid strides toward a speedy reformation, in order that they might obtain the social approval of their group without resorting to locked doors and dark attics, before pressure is brought to bear by their fellow students, who find it to be uncomplimentary to have others say that the Bulldogs tolerate smoking in their dormitory.
Have you heard the latest Scotch song: "Let the Rest of the World Go Buy”?
The Home of the Bulldogs
The School of Quality
The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council
purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—to stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi- zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations
future achievement--to uphold sane and and constructive student opinion--to stimulate organi-
zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--
in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognise all activities and organizations--
and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson
Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897
Subscription rates $1.50 Per year
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.
Editor-ln-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell
Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson
Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle
Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E Watkins
Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews
Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker
Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzager
Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder
Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess
ls it tbe fault of our present educational system, or the immenent scion we receive from our ancestors that is making us believers and not thinkers? ls itU a revolving cycle of long predominating theories and beliefs that is making us a mechanical robot?
We go to college and are taught to believe that if success is to come we are to follow and believe the already time worn theories that have kept the world In ignorance for the Iast three hundred years. We are taught a philosophy, not to philosophize.
The separation of one certain subject from another, and isolation of each subject from a social content is the greatest hindrance which the modern college faces in its task of providing that world point of view which the German word Weltanschauuny so admirably connotes.
Such a division of subject study, although it was divided for the convenience of a more scientific investigation, is allowing signs of destroying the unity of knowledge. It is because of this unity that we are becoming abiders of the rule of seperate trends of thought that are not combining language and literature, social science and philosophy as instruments, created by man, to attack the insistent problems of living. We are taught the different subjects in their own respective manner, that not only establishes a differential view of each subject but leaves each subject an isolated disciple to forge for itself. Our educational system lacks a coherence of all phases of knowledge. If a more unified study of all subjects can be brought about, a clearer knowledge will be attained in the relation of one subject to another.
If a more complete relation of all subjects is to reach a potential state of security then a better understanding between all subjects will be neces-sary. Probably the greatest gap lies between science and literature. If this gap can by bridged we will become thinkers of men and not mechanical robots of thought.
Since the chapel speech last Wed-nesday we don't know where to class Prof. Blair. We suggest that Mr. Blair get another book of adjectives and practice a little.
Headline—"BOHLING DISCUSSES WASTE IN CHAPEL". We imagine the only waste Prof. Bohling thought of was about thirty minutes of good time.
We wonder what would happen if Prof. Hess would lose his schedule.
An Eastern college passed a rule that all girls had to be in at three o’clock.
That's alright, but how are they going to pass the time away until bed time.
Horace Koller.
Sunday, Dec. 8—Featuring an oration by Paul Heckman who recently won first place in the local church oratorical contest for high school students, the Christian Endeavor program this evening concerned practical methods of bringing about world peace. The program was the last of a series of its kind.
After the opening song period, de-votions, and silent meditation during which Ethel Sherfy sang "Dear Lord, Forgive", Paul Heckman delivered' his oration on peace versus war by Sherwood Eddy. Young Heckman re-cently won first place in a contest sponsored by the local church in which six entrants of from eleven to fifteen years of age took part.
Ways which science and scientists, business men, and professional men can promote peace were then discus-sed by Fern Heckman, Fred Andrews and Harold Fike, respectively. Odessa Crist acted as leader of the meeting.
This program concludes the peace series which has been given this fall and winter.
Don't let us hear any more about "The good old days", or "when we were kids", etc. Remember in those fragrant days how you used to all in the tight, hot school room and be asked to solve such idiotics as "If a gro-cer sold 29 pounds of coffee at 10 cents a pound and took in exchange 14 pounds of butter from a dairyman at 55 cents per pound, and took the remainder (?) in cash, what percentage of the entire purchase did he receive or pay in cash"?
Remember? Gee! It was terrible—the end of the limit! And besides Who cared how much the grocer got?
But teachers—now, we might make a few suggestions as to how to teach arithmetic--has Prof. J. A. Blair had a hand In this, knowing that the swat of the bat is favorite music with him?—when they want a kid to do a sum why not put it a in this way:
'If 'Spider' Miller makes 10 tries for extra point after a touchdown and scores 15 points, what Is his average"? Or some delightful proposition as this is greeted with cheers by the kidlets in the little red school house: "If the Bulldogs win 5 games out of 11, what percent do they lose"?
Oh—I say! Who wouldn't be wining to do sums like that?
And in high schools such algebraic soothing syrup as this: *
“If Nonken and Vanek face each other 2 times on the basketball
court and Vanek holds his man to 10 points and Nonken holds his man to 8 scores, and the number of blocked shots is two times twice the number of scores, what per cent did Nonken hold over Vanek"?
How would this be—
"If the capable Miller should willfully throw a pass for a distance of let us say, 39 yards, and Hockstrasser speeding with all probable celerity for the aforesaid spinning pigskin covers 60 feet before and in the act of catching, have the goodness to find the arc described by the ball from the time it leaves the walloping arm of the effective Miller to the waiting arms of the equally effective Hockstrasser".
The writer—once nearly flunked in mathematics—sighs. Ah! If they had only taught it that way when he was in grade school!
expressed the gratitude of the college to the McPherson Chamber of Commerce for the success of the Sci-ence Hall drive for $75,000. This issue also carried a picture of the proposed new science hall.
On the front page of the SPECTATOR for December 7, there Is this headline, "Prof. Hess Is Coaching". Under it is this short article; "What! Yes, coaching the debate teams. He is an expert along the line of debate and knows material, where and how to get it, and what is more important, how to teach would-be debaters to use the material. Just watch our teams debate''.
SIX YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The Spectator for December 11,
1991, carries this headline. "Championship Honors Won by Bulldogs as a Result or Forfeit". In another column headed, "Growls" there is this statement: "The now Kansas Confer-ence Champs, the Bulldogs, are cele-brating their first championship. Too bad it couldn't have come in the us-ual way".
He who attempts bluffing on final examinations may be assured that he belongs to what is perhaps the greatest class of bluffers in existence.
Out of one hundred University of Cincinnati students who recently took a special examination composed of questions which had no answer, half of them bluffed 46.59 per cent or more. Some bluffed their way through 81 per cent of the examinations, which asked for fictitious word defini-tions, authors of unwritten books, and identification of certain alleged pas-sages in Shakespeare.
The same exammination, given to fifty-eight non-college men and women chosen at random, showed that the bluffing score of this group was only 35 per cent. This leads a well-known writer to declare that “our educational system trains to dishonesty and pretentiousness . . . ".
Perhaps he is right, but nevertheless we still defind bluffing. There is something to it that savirs of a reliant do-or-die, fighting spirit that seems commendable in youth. Students on the whole know that bluffing is wrong, yet they often resort to it because of a notion that instructors sometimes give credit credit for "attempts" at answering exam questions. If they are ingenious enough in bluffing, some instructors may respect their genlus enough to give it consideration. And then bluffing always produced some amusing material for faculty, small talk. —The Daily ?Mint.
TEN YEARS AGO THIS WEEK On Tuesday, December 9, the most
serious fire in the history of the in-stltution started in the furnace room of the Alumni Gymnasium. The floor of the building was completely de-stroyed and the entire loss of the gymnasium was prevented only by the work of students and the city fire department. The fire occurred in the morning when students were as-sembling for chapel.
Four students of McPherson College are singing in the Lindsborg "Messiah" this year and will make the trip to Kansas City, Missouri, December 14 and 15 when the fam-
ous chorus will give two concerts. The four McPherson students are John Berkebile, Ross Curtis, Charles Austin and Danial P. Johnson.
Henry Kitell, mail carrier and Eber Carlson, city postmaster are also singing with the chorus.
A special train will be made up at McPherson, going to Kansas City by way of Lindsborg and Salina.
Murlin Hoover says that he has al-ready hiked 35 miles for W. A. A. points. Here's hoping he gets them.
Bert Hovis says that If Inspiration makes a woman irresistible, she wants more INSPIRATION.
Announcements have been received of the marriage of Miss Freda Edmonds of McLough. Kansas to Mr. Ira N. H. Brammell. A. B. '23.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Freeburg an-nounce the engagement of their daughter Esther to Mr. Lewis Shu-mate of Shenandoah, Iowa. Miss Freeburg received her degree with the class of 1939 and is now teaching in the schools of Camden Point, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian A. Long are spending the year in North Manches-ter, Indiana where Mr. Long is in charge of the physics department at Manchester College during the absen-ce of Prof. C. S. Morris. The Morrises are in Columbus, Ohio for graduate study.
Dr. J. W. Van Biaricum, of Minneola, Kansas, was a campus visitor Thursday.
Ray Trostle, LaVelIe Saylor, and Francis Berkebile were seen on the campus Saturday.
Lois Dell of Windom spent the week end with friends and relatives in McPherson.
Evidently Matron does not like plg-tails as well as "Oats" Whiteneck thought she did.
Co-ed-ucation is one make-up after another.
At the annual meeting of the Kan-sas College Athletic Conference at Topeka. Prof. G. N. Boone, McPher-son College, became Chairman of the Protest Committee by the rule of seniority. The Protest Committee investigates all cases where the elig-ibility of any athlete in the Kansas Conference is questioned.
We have heard a variety of definitions of the word "barchelor", but the most impressive of them all stated a bachelor to be a man who doesn't want to make the same mistake once.
Three things learned in athletics are or great value later in life. Phys-ical fitness is a necessity. The joy of winning and defeat will be met. Self-reliance is always necessary. And so for all the others, as sacrifice for others, fair play, and subbing--all have their share in life.
Ferne Shoemaker of Little River visited at the R. E. Mohler home Sunday.
Mary Weddle spent the week end in Topeka.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteneck, Margaret Devilhiss and Earl Kinzie called on friends on the hill Sunday.
First Started As Matron In 1915 When Fahnestock Hall Was Divided Into Both The Men's And Women’s Dormitory
This is the first of a series of articles about interesting people on the campus, both faculty members and students.
When ye seniors were still in the kindergarten and primary departments laying the first bricks in the foundations of your educational edifices, and when ye freshmen were cooing bits of humanity in your cradles, your future, college mother entered her career as matron of the girls in McPherson College.
Fifteen years ago, in 1915, Miss Lora Trostle, ex-matron of Mount Morris College, assumed her position in Fahnestock Hall. Arnold Hall was non-existent; a dream just in the process of being realized,
A wall divided the north and south portions of the first and second floors of the building which is now known as the Boy’s Dormitory. The rooms in the former section wore occupied by the damsels of the institution whereas their huskier brethren had their sleeping quarters in the southern division and on the third floor. All classes convened in the Administration building as Harnly Hall had not yet been built.
After one year's residence in Fahn-___
estock, “Matron” Trostle moved with
her fair charges to a new domicile— Arnold Hall. And there she has been since, always ready to minister to the sick, to advise, and to sympathize. There have been unpleasant duties such an having to put a damper on the too noisy fun at a midnight feed, but pleasant experiences have outweighed the unpleasant. To be the confidante of students of many student generations is a recompense in itself. Miss Trostle has held her position longer than any former matron.
"There has been some sadness'. Matron remarked. “The saddest thing that has happened since I have been here, was the death of one of the, girls during the flu epidemic. That was the hardest year I have experienced”.
"The hardest part of my job", she thoughtfully continued "is the responsibility I feel to be mine as a mother to the girls in the dormitory.
1 so often feel incompetent to do all I should".
And yet she fills her position with a competence which does credit to her experience.
Such phrases as—
"Girls, girls, what does this mean”? and—
"Will Mr. - return thanks"?
"Why, yes, dear, I’ll mend it for you", are the words by which everyone knows her.
So here’s to "Matron”—a sympathetic friend in need.
—Meandering Suzanne.
Sat., Dec. 7—The frame-work of the scenery for the Thespians play, "The Queen’s Husband", has been constructed and is now ready for the covering. The scenery will be painted by members of the dramatic art class.
From the Rochester Community Players, Rochester, New York cames the following newspaper notice: "The Queen’s Husband", the comedy by Robert Sherwood which had its Rochester premiere at the hands of the Community Players, has proved so popular it will have two additional performances tonight and tomorrow night.
"The Queen's Hatband” was accorded high praise by Rochester crit-ics in its opening performance and members of the Community Players say that audiences have been enthu-
siastic in expressing their liking for
the play.
From the El Paso Little Theatre, Inc., El Paso, Texas, we have the following clipping: "The play was a grand success. Many have said they consider it the high spot of our season. It is truly a great play and the audiences responded beautifully to every situation. We had an exceedingly clever cast and gave a handsome scene".
Every effort is being stressed in an endeavor to make the Thespian presentation a grand success.
Fri., Dec. 6—At a meeting of the Thespian Club this morning it was decided to make an assessment of one dollar and a half upon each member. The immediate urge of finance is to defray the expenses necessary for preliminary preparations of the club play that will be produced the latter part of the semester.
Three young men from Oxford University assaulted America's greatest habit, the installment plan of buying, in their best Oxfordian manner during a debate with the University of Kansas on Dec. 4. They contended that such a practice was detrimental to future American prosperity. Several hundred Americans listened to them, charmed by their droll wit and ready tongue. "The installment plan of buying has made the pawn shop respectable in American business".
Over 25 new courses in the department of education have been added to the present schedule for students of the graduate school at Emporia State Teachers College. New courses have also been added in the departments of Latin, speech, psychology, chemistry, modern languages, music, history, mathematics and sociology.
One of the foremost musical events of the season for Southwestern was given on Sunday, December 8, when the Festival Chorus and the South-
western Symphony Orchestra presented a joint program. The choral numbers were modern compositions. The Southwestern Symphony of 42 pieces made its first appearance of the year under the direction of Professor C. O. Brown.
Friend: "What did he have in it"?
Bride: "Why about a bushel of sox, waiting to be darned"—a hint to the male of the college species who are misguiidedly contenplating an unwise move.
Hand-painted knees are the latest on Fifth Avenue. You wouldn't know the old points now. (Sounds like theme song of a Ziegfeld Musical Comedy).
“Do you think a young man should propose to a girl on his knees"?
"If he doesn't the girl should get off".
To our Fat Friends:: May their shadows never grow less-—yeah, don't rub it in.
Far be it from us to black ball culture. Far be it from us to act like vandals at the dinner table.
And yet . . .
Mother always said "Eat all your soup, son. There are many starving lads in China and elsewhere that would be glad to have it".
And what difference does it make whether you put crackers in your soup or not. They will get mixed any way.
No one wants to see culture retard-ed, but the Good Lord has given us all aplentiful supply of good common horse sense and intended for us to use it. Why should we conform to formality?
Wouldn’t we show much more strength of character by making formality conform to reason.
-A Student's Opinion.
In summarizing the 1929 activities of the football team of McPherson College it is found that the Bulldogs have a distinct advantage over their opponents in practically every phase of grid tactics. ln reviewing the eight games played McPherson has won four games. Points scored—McPher-son 120, opponents 54. First downs— McPherson 99, opponents 69. Yards from scrimmage—McPherson 1686, opponents 1040. Passes—McPherson completed 14 for 618 yards, opponents, completed 35 for 430 yards.
At a recent meeting of officials of the Kansas College Athletic Conference at Topeka it was found that Carl Larson of Kansas City, Mo., a student at Bethany College, was not guilty of any violation of any rules of the conference.
Larson played football on the Kansas City Life Insurance team and was reported to have received money and gifts for his participation. After a careful investigation by the Protest Committee, Larson was found to be innocent.
By the Sport Editor
The other day someone suggested that our write-up of the Swede game should be placed in the "Help Wanted” column of the paper. The Bulldogs were not up to par last Thursday and anyone who has followed them all season knows it. They played a much better game against Ottawa, la fact if they had played anywhere near as well Thursday the Swedes would not have had a smell of a score. As has been said before "the Swedes have hit upon a lucky streak all season, which won for them all but one of their games". We agree, though, that the best team won the Thanksgiving game, or at least the team that played the best game won.
After the Swede game we felt like saying, "We'll get you when basket-ball season comes around". But it has been learned that they have the best prospects this year that they ever have had. Vanek, the crack Swede guard who started to school at K. U. this fall is back at Bethany for the basketball season, in spite of how much we wished he would stay away from Lindsborg's favorite col-lege. The lanky center, Larson is back too, besides a whole host of freshman material that they seem proud of at present. Something is going on in the Bulldog kennel that means something, and we will not have to wait long to see what will happen.
Five big intramural basketball games were played last week and an effort is being made to finish the tournament this week, in order to make way for the big elimination tournament of the Freshman-Sopho-more Boy's Sunday School teams. There are nine games left to be played, three teams remain undefeated, one thrice defeated, and one twice de-feated and once victorious Captain Hayes of the Wildhairs is the present high point man of the tourney.
Coach Gardner went to Kansas City last week-end im search of some pre-season basketball games for his varsity team. It is also possible that the Bulldog quintet will clash with teams from Drake, K U., and K. S. A. C. this winter. It looks at present as though there will be no McPherson-Mexico game this season. Mexico wants to play during the Christmas holidays and that will be entirely impossible for our schedule. Mexico has at least three other basketball games in Kansas and that might play a big part in their popularity if they should play here last, especially if the
other schools defeat them badly.
Bulldog cage practice is going on each evening. Gardner is giving the fellows training in basket shooting and is giving them a lot of plays. The material this season is especially good, in fact there seems to be no
less than a dozen men, equally good, competing for a positiomn varsity squad. As high as twenty men have been reporting for the daily workouts and with competion as keen as it promises to be McPherson should have a fast travelling five again this winter.
FOOTBALL SCHEDULE OF Mc-PHERSON COLLEGE FOR 1930 Sept. 22—Kearney State Teachers
at McPherson (tentative).
Oct. 3—Kansas Wesleyan at Mc
Oct. 10—Open.
Oct. 25—Ottawa at Ottawa.
Nov. 1 — Bethel at Newton.
Nov. 3—St. Mary's at St. Mary’s.
Nor. 14—Sterling at Sterling.
Nov. 21—Open.
Nov. 2y—Bethany at Lindsborg.
Wed., Dec. 4--The T. N. T. bas-ketball team, independent intra-mur-al team, lost to the Little River Athletic Club this evening at Little River, 31 to 24.
The McPherson team is composed of Ross Curtis, Casey Voran, Paul Bowers, Arthur Ersham, Dean Lerew, Harry Bernard, and Veral Ohmart.