The Spectator





Homecoming Is Probably The Biggest And Best Of Its Kind Ever Held On The McPherson Campus


Frl., Dec. 6--Sophomore Party Sun., Dec. 8—Concert by Col-

lege Chorus.

Mon., Dec. 9—Student recital



Scandinavians Were At Top Form Sweeping The Bulldogs Off Their Feet From The Very Start Of The Game


Dr. J. H Harnly is Toastmaster At Big Turkey Dinner in The Dining Hall




Thanksgiving—in an environment of truly Thanksgiving—pineapple cocktail, turkey, jelly, beans, buttered buns, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry salad, celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and coffee--

more than two hundred lumni, students, faculty members and friends of McPherson College gathered around the specially decorated dining tables in Arnold Hall and once more ex-changed tidings over a meal that truly represented Mother's Thankgiving dinner back home.

Mon., Nov. 25— The ladies ol the Cosmos Club entertained their husbands and friends to an old fashion-ed turkey dinner this evening in The dining hall of Arnold Hall. The dinner was very informal, each one having something to do during the evening.

Dr. J. J. Yoder led the group In songs our mothers used to sing after which four members of the advanced expression class pantomimed James Russel Lowell's "The Courtin’".

The play "The Queen's Husband" which is to be presented by the Thes-pian Club January 13 in the Community  Hall has been given by a number Of leading Little Theatre organizations  and colleges during the two seasons since its first professional New York success when Roland Young played the part of the King.




From four states besides our own Kansas, former students were gathered together for the big dinner and a jolly good time together in preparation for the big game that followed and ended so disastrously. Cars from Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri and Oklahoma could be seen among the hundreds from over Kansas.


It has been successfully produced first by Leland Stanford University, the Dallas Little Theatre, The Little Theatre of New Orleans, Wisconsin Players, University of California, Kearney Players, Kearney, Nebr., and Kansas City Theatre are some of the organizations that have produced the play.

Work has been started on the or-ganization of the college deputation team. A number have signified their Interest in the project but organization into suitable groups seems some-what difficult. It is hoped that teams may be sent out by Christmas. Long trips will be made Into Colorado, Oklahoma and Southwestern Kansas. Week end trips to nearby towns will also be made. The program will largely be for world peace.

Nonken, Miller and Bigham Make Substantial Gains For The Canine Eleven



The homecoming today is probably the biggest and best of its kind ever held on the campus in the history of McPherson College.

Sun., Dec. 1--Continuing the general theme of peace which has been the topic of discussion in Christian Endeavor for a number of weeks, the program this evening concerned the factors creating war sentiment. Fear,

economic imperialism and education for war were considered as things antagonistic in peace.

Some of the comments of these organizations on the play are "No play in years has caused so much com-

ment". "We never tired of rehearsing the clever lines". The high spot of the season, "clever, timely, and pungent with satiric wit".

After the dinner, which was served by a number of college girls dressed in white, Dr. J. H. Harnly, vice-presi-dent of the college, acted as toast-master and presented the various speakers in turn.

John Lehman, president of the stu-dent council, extended the welcome to the visiting alumni and former stu-dents and the response was given by Kenneth Rock, graduate of '27.

Dr. J. J. Yoder pointed out the im-provements made on the campus since the first building was construct-ed. Fahnestock Hall, which housed

Following a song by the group, Helen Eberly and Ruth Turner sang a vocal duet after which Emery Metzger, as leader, conducted devotions. Glenn Harris then spoke showing In-stances wherein fear has been one of the direct causes of war. In a brief way Helen Judson pointed out ex-

amples in which industrial imperialism was one of the basic factors which led to conflict and Lawrence Turner showed how the present educational system is more conductive to a war spirit than to an atmosphere of peace.


Wed. Nov. 27--Rev. Rayburn,

the union evangelist conducting serv-ices in the city, addressed the student body in chapel this morning. The im-portance of laying a good foundation for life was the theme of his talk.

The college Iadies' Quartet sang "The Snow Storm" and "Mighty Like a Rose".





"Peace is impossible ", Metzger de-clared in summing up the conclusions drawn from the three articles. "until peoplu comprehend the significance of the Brotherhood of man and live the ideals set forth by the Prince of Peace.

Tues., Nov. 26--Secular Civiliza-tion is a danger. It is the application of the scientific attitude and methods to all problems. There is coming to be a World Culture based upon this attitude.

This morning D. Schwalm com-mented on one of Dr. Olden's books. He points out three places where Secular Civilization is out of harmony with Christianity.

First, faith in a personal God is thought to be no longer possible nor necessary. As a consequence prayer is useless.

Second, reIiance is placed upon ex-permentation for truth in secular matters but the church has quoted authority. Another approach must be found.

Third, Christianity is personal. It helps society by personal contact. But secular matters and business is very impersonal.

Wed., Nov. 27—The old bulldog

pep was shown tonight at the pep

meeting held In the college chapel. Coach George Gardner introduced each player on the team telling what successes each had made on the grid-iron and what be would do to the

"Terrible Swedes" on Thursday. After the short pep meeting in the chap-el the funeral procession led by the college band marched to the athletic field where a "Terrible Swede" was thrown on a roaring fire and burned to ashes.



Thur., Nov. 28--The wedding of Miss Audrey Supernaw, Larned, Kan. to Charles Collins, Rozel, Kan., oc-curred this morning at Abbyville. The Rev. George Merkey, '27, of Abbyville performed the ceremony.

Fri. Nov. 29—The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. gave a party in the Y. W. parlors of Sharp Hall this evening

for those who could not go home for

Thankgiving vacation. A short program was given after which "Berries"

Crist led the group in many interest-

ing and exciting games. The Olympic

races created the most excitement of

the evening. Four groups represent-ing four large universities participated in the Olympic races. The univer-sity winning the most points won the Olympics.

Refreshments were served by the social committee of the Y W.

Thurs., Nov. 28—Eleven M. C. girls showed an excellent bulldog spirit by inviting twenty-eight mem-bers of the footbaII squad and Coach

George Gardner to a breakfast serv-

ed at 7:30 o'clock in the foods de-

partment the morning.

The girls served the squad

grape-fruit, ham and eggs, buttered

toast, bran with ice cream and coffee.

There was no definite program but those who were there reported that there was plenty of "pep" and determination and true Bulldog Sprit in evidence.



Mon. Dec. 2-- Professor H. H. Nininger has left Mexico City and is on his way home. No word has been received concerning this recent activities

but he is homeward bound. It will take him about three weeks as he is still working. His intention is to be home for Christmas.

reality, to most men consists of material things. It Is the duty of Christian men to so live that others may see that there is reality in religion as surely as in material things.

The great realities cannot be found through science alone, they must be found In the lives of Christian men.



Tues., Nov. 26—The college Ladies Quartet made its first appear-ance this morning in Y. M. C. A.

The sand "Listen to the Lambs".

Following the quartet's number a playlet - Thanksgiving — was presented. The cast Included the following:

Doubt, Pauline Dell; Fear, Florence Weaver; Thanksgiving, Esther Brown; Faith, Helen Hudson; Jay, Grace Heckman. Reader, Lucille Crabb.

Our relationships with France and Belgium will be the topic for discus — sion  nest Tuesday morning.


The newly wedded couple motored to Hutchinson immediately following the ceremony and ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Collins' sister, com-ing to McPherson in the afternoon for the Bulldog-Swede game.

Dear "Little Pal"-- Climb upon my knee sonny boy If there is room after that big, large turkey dinner and I will take my typewriter in hand and by means of the "Hunt and Henpeck" system, will endeavor to distribute some gens of truth about to fill up space. By space I

mean paper since all other available space is crammed to utter depletion with Gobble.

had enough to last until Christmas vacation with care.

The marriage of Mr. Collins Will be of interest to a large number of Mc-Pherson students. Last year Mr Col-Iins was a sophomore in the college and president of his class. He was a member of the Thespian Club. He is now teaching south of Rozel, Kansas.



Yeah I arrived home amid showers of blessings. mud, snowballs, and other expressions of joy. I was nearly strangled with demonstrated affection from all members of the family from the dog to the maid.

"First", I says, I want some double deck biscuits,

don't serve me syrup". This was just a starter for

ham that isn't camouflaged as pork, and above all real butter, honey, coffee strong enough te hold a flapper's reputation, eggs that have recently seen a hen. Thanksgiving which came on Thursday after Wednes-day.

In the afternoon the favorite boy friend arrived and dre?sed to be entertained so we turned on the radio and

listened to the Bulldog-Swede game which took place during much yelling and snow and scores piled up for the bulldogs. Nonken made three sensational 82 yard runs resulting in a score of 21-0 in favor of the battling bulldogs. We all got so excited from the radio news that

the neighbors came In to see If the folks were having a family row. We told them it was Just the kids fighting over the Turkey neck and the extra piece of pie at the second table.

After four big days of vacation I had to return to M C. on the Rock Island that was kinds Rocky or the Gallivanting Grasshopper Instead-- What? no remarks from the peanut gallery down front, even If I did gain 13 million calories.

Fri., Nov. 29 —Miss Jessie Brown, dean of music of McPherson College, was called to Topeka today to confer with the state superintendent and the secretary of the state board of edu-cation, in the revision of the course in public school music leading to a state certificate. A representative from each college in the state was present.

Now for the big feed. Early on Thanksgiving morning Mother wouldn't give us any breakfast so we could eat lots of dinner. About noon all the relatives arrived pro and con and from their expressions, I think they had been saving up their appetites too. Relatives al-ways have big appetites. Thanksgiving or not. I thank-ed my stars I was grown up and going to college as I didn’t have to wait for second table which is no joke, if you remember, with nothing left but drumsticks and cranberry seeds. After waiting for two hours I think I

Monday 9 a.m. -- Shut off that alarm clock. Yes I know I can't cut any more classes. Guess I'll have to get up. No, I don't know my lesson. Where

in heck is that notebook? What? No ma'am I don't know. What a wonderful chapel and have to keep

awake since I'm in the front row (another penalty of being a senior) besides close up of faculty members.

Say girls how about a feed tonight at about 10:30. Fried chicken, cake and all the fixin's, eh? Sounds keen! Twelve bells—obligation by force--ring-a-ring.

Yours tiI the next Gobble day--Sea-See.

Nov. 28-- More than twenty-five hundred persons saw a determined Swede football machine swamp a fer-ocious Bulldog team here this afternoon to a final count of 12 to 0 in the ninth annual Bethany-McPherson Thanksgiving grid battle which placed the Swedes in second rank in the Kansas conference standing this year The Scandinavians were at top form and seemed to sweep the Bulldogs off their feet from the very start after taking advantage of a couple breaks at the expense of the Bull-dogs. Two fifteen yard penalities and a fumble recovered by their opponents who took the ball on the local 5-yard line, gave the Bulldogs a decided disadvantage in the first few minutes of the game, which was re-sponsible for loose playing on their part, due to their efforts to make their plays super-exact. The Bulldogs were not up to form in any part of the game for they were outplayed worse than the score indicated and were unable to make the proper yardage until after a substitution had been made in the final minutes of the fourth period. Nonken, Miller and Bigham were unable to gain much territory behind a leaky interference but were responsible for the larger share of the Bulldog gains which

came by way of forward passes and line plunges. The Swede halfback, Bruen, was the terror to the McPherson ends, who made long substantial gains by racing around the Bulldog line on his famous end-runs, protected by an air-tight interferences. Podigo and StiIlion made good gains on off-tackle plays. With a dandy line and strong and heavy backfield working as a unit the Swedes continually penetrated the Bulldog line in their forward marches across the field, which made the Bulldogs play a defensive game throughout until the last few moments when Bigham was able to gain enough yardage with his line plunges that his team kept posession of the ball.

McGaffey attends meehnc


Miss Edith McGaffey, head of the English department, attended the national council of English teachers at Kansas City, Missouri. Friday and

Saturday, returning to McPherson Sunday.



Mon., Dec. 2--No definite date for the women's debate try-outs has been set due to the fact that but two of the necessary all entrants have definitely decided to try out.

Debates with other schools have been arranged providing a team ma-terializes, but as yet only two fem-

inine debaytors have expressed the intention of tryout. However, coach Maurice A. Hess is still hopeful.

If we could just put dresses on some of the members of the men's second team we wouldn't need to worry about our women debators". Hess smilingly observed this morning, "because there is some excellent material in that second team".


Tues., Nov. 24--Miss Della Leh-man, Mrs. Lawrence Gates, and Mr. Harold Crist motored to Windom this evening and judged a one act play contest between the high schools of Windom and Little River. The judges decision was made in favor of Little River.

The spectator

The Home of the


The School of Quality



with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kurtz at Newton, Kansas.

McGaffey home on college hill.

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—to stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organizations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics — to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations

future achievement-CTO uphold sane and and constructive student opinion-CTO stimulate organi-

zations for the betterment of the student body--to emphasize further campus improvements--

in athletics--to be a good sport--win or lose--to recognise all activities and organizations--

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief --------------------- Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor --------------------- Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor --------------------- Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager --------------------- Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager --------------------- Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager --------------------- Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernice McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Marlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor --------------------- Prof. Maurice A. Hess

This card should be given to all chapel speakers.

1.    No. We haven't been In college for the last ten years.

2.    We know that we are the best looking and most intelligent student body in America.

3.    Yes, there is a future president in our midst.

4.    We know you enjoyed your last visit. We didn’t.

5. We know you haven’t prepared for this speech.

6. We know that thrills go over you when you look into our shiny faces. You're scared.

7. We know we are not goinq to college forever.

8. Sure, we have a nice college. You don't have to tell us again.

Miss Jessie Churchill, Miss Etta Hump, and Mr. Irvan Rump motored to Des Moines, Iowa last Wednesday morning and visited relatives, return-ing Monday evening.


The Ladies Quartet, under the dir-rection of Mrs. Anne Tate, voice in-structor, made its first appearance before the student body last Wed-nesday morning during the chapel period.

The quartet is composed of Esther Dahlinger, first soprano; Ruth Turn-er, second soprano; Eugenia Dawson, first alto; and Irene Steinberg, second alto.




Friends came—and have Gone again Into their separate fields for life’s attainments. They journeyed back to the "Old School” to once more enjoy the many thrills that accompany a Homecomlng and a "Swede” game. We welcome them all back again next Thanksgiving—and then— watch us "Beat the Swedes".

The generous turkey dinner last Thursday, due to the courtesy of the college management, not only appeased the appetites of all the students but filled their soul with kindness of heart with admiration for those re-sponsible. For those who were not privileged to eat Thanksgiving dinner at home, the turkey and fixins' seemed to reflect a vision of Mother's table at turkey time.

Valve in head—power to start. power to stop—It floats—not a cough in a carload—when better autos, etc. -so delightful to drive, so econom-ical to own—luxurious lines—ask the man who owns one—while you wait —where’s maw? Pops on ice--It’s menthol cooled—For the man who cares—come to the. ETC-just ahead, cheap rooms—non stop writing--in a kick it’s distance, in a cigarette it's, etc.— not toothache. Climax — Be healthy, use this kind —Be careful, you might meet a fool—Are you prepared to meet your God?—It is best —3 out of 4 have It—You’re next. And you have seen America first.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tracey and son of Rocky Ford, Colorado spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. Tracey’s parents in McPherson. The Traceys attended the K. U.-M. U. game at Lawrence. visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fonts in Kansas City and other friends in Coffeyville, Kansas be-fore comlng here.

Miss Louise Potter, A. B. ’29. has gone to Jacksonville, Florida to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Ned Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Krehbiel went to Lawrence for the K. U.-M. U. classic and visited Miss Ruth Krehbiel, who is attending K. U. this year.

Mr and Mrs. Leland Moore of Newton spent the week end in Mc-Pherson visiting Mr. Moore’s moth-er and sister.

Ruth Greene, Julia Jones, Lillie Crumpacker, and Helen Freeburg spent the Thanksgiving vacation at their homes in McPherson.

Garmon and Jessie Daron were Thanksgiving visitors with their par-ents in this city.

Dorothy Swain and John Harnly, students at K. U., spent the Thank-giving vacation in McPherson.


Jim Elrod wants the readers of the-SPECTATOR to know that the smoke-house referred to in last week’s paper is the one he bought with the money he did not spend for smoking.

The best known native American animal is the Hot Dag.

Some people are always late—even if they did buy their car on time.

Our "silver tongued" orator says that it isn’t the matter of high cost of living but the cost of high living that makes the difference.


Exchange Service

A large number of students, those living a great distance from their homes, were entertained during the short vacation by the "Y" organisations with a social evening together and helped them to forget about the home folks. The quietness of a deserted campus during a vacation is enough to make one homesick. The "Y's" solved the problem and have added another mark for their merits of campus life.

We’re not going tn write any more "Bed Time Stories".

Earl V. Reed and Leo Crumpacker were among the Spectators at the Manhattan-Nebraska game.

Winfield. Kans.—Senior men at Southwestern College are wearing canes to all state occasions, as the result of a decision of the members of the class at a recent meeting.

We are very grateful to all of you—to you who are trying to make life enjoyable—to satisfy our longings—to keep us contented.


Captain Ray Nouken and his team mates won the greatest victory that can be won in athletics—they conquered defeat with good sportsmanship.

In the mountains of New Mexico it is the loser and not the winner in athletical contests among the Pueblo Indians that receives the prizes. It may be through due sympathy that he is feted and given large quantities of foods and presents if he loses, but it is sportsmanship.

A good sportsman is one who is fair and generous: a good loser and a graceful winner. The Gardner crew is made up of such a body of players that are not playing for individual honor, but for the school and good clean sportsmanship. They have triumphed in defeat.


If the destiny of the human race is based on individualism and individualism is maintaining the political and economic independence of the Individual, then world peace may mean the complete reformation of the "Great Society” in which we live.

We are created a selfish, scientific and dominating being. We are selfish In that we demand the bigger end of the deal. We are scientific In that we are Inventive, creative and to a certain extent we are destructive. Dominating and selfishness may come hand In hand but a distinction may people—but a law giving horde of money snatchers.

Some have anticipated that the so-called League of Nations Is the only be drawn where we desire to be "lord over all". We are not a law absorbing means by which world peace may be realized. If any Immediate measures are to be attained toward world peace It will be through diplomatic relations. If the permanent peace of the future Is to become permanent it is for the church and school of today to excerise its Influence on the rising generation.

Immediately after the last great catastrophe the League of Nations was attempted—and is still being attempted. It was a great body or recognized nations that combined for the attainment of world peace, disarm-ament and anti-war in general. Only minor matters have been solved by the League of Nations and Its real strength, if it may be called such. has not been shown.

World peace will not be realized through the League of Nations, nor anything of great significance can be attained, until all nations have disarmed. It is only a matter of who will disarm first.

A year ago the very existence of the League was on the balance. Its one great defect was that it lacked executive jurisdiction over its own decisions. It could make a law or rule but could not enforce it. The same may be said of the World Court.

We are spending more money today for our armies and navies than we were spending In 1913. At the present no two nations would trust the other to his back. It fear of each other that is blocking a complete program of International peace.


The Bethany Messenger recently announced that the Lindsborg famous chorus would present "The Messiah" in Kansas City December 14 and 15.

Bethany college is indebted to the chorus that yearly presents "The Messia". The chorus is one of the most highly trained choral organizations in the world. Many other *'Messiah's" are given but the Lindsborg

presentation is the greatest of its kind.

"The Messiah" is a tribute to Bethany college and its high standards of musical achievements. The Lindsborg college was directly responsible for the organization of this famous choral organization and has made the Swedish town to the north one of the leading musical centers of the middle west.

Ya, but wait till we play ’em in


Horace Keller.

Miss Helen Jacobs, A. B. ’24, is employed in the interior decoration department of the Inner Company, Wichita.


Raymond Buskirk    Dec. 8

Frank Morris __Dec. 9



Mon., Nov. 25--Prof. E. R. Boh-ling, new professor in the commer-cial department, spoke in chapel this morning.

The trial of anticipation seemed to have been his chief worry, but he remarked that he would now have something to be thankful for.

Incidentally, he assigned new cognomen to faculty and student body. His remarks centered about the theme of "Waste". Waste of consumption is especially pronounced in military establishment as there is more there than in all other sources put together. Others are drugs, commercial vice, adulterated foods and materials, quackery, uneconomical speculation, luxury of the wealthy, change of fashion, and commercialized reaction. In production the waste due tn inefficient management, lack of labor utilization, community waste and wasted resources are enormous.

Those who spent Thanksgiving vacation at their homes were: Margaret Steggeman, Eugenia Dawson, Pauline Dell, Esther Brown, Irene and Ellen Steinberg, Chester Carter, Viola De Vilbiss, Alberta Yoder, Nellie Collins, Florence Lehman, Elfie Abeldt, Verna Beaver, Helen Buskirk, Christine Mohler, Bula Blickenstaff, Mildred Swenson, Ethel Jamison. Blanche Holgerson, Mary Davis, Odessa and Genevieve Crist, John Berkebile, Leland Lindell, Gilbert Myers, Herbert Hoffman, Clarence Zink, Ray Nonken, Ruben Bowman.

Irene Gibson spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Helen Flory in Great Bend.

Ben and Ida Lengel visited with

relatives at Chase.

Velma Butterbaugh visited at the home of Ellen Steinberg during vacation.

Mary Weddle spent Saturday and Sunday in Topeka and Kansas City.

Homer McAvoy spent the vacation

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Blickenstaff, Mrs. John Daggett, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover and Mr. and Mrs Glenn Strickler spent Thanksgiving at the

Little drops in water, Little drops on land

Make the aviator Join the heavenly band.

And there was the Scotchman who wanted the change out of the stop light.—Ward-robe Williams.

SIX YEARS AGO THIS WEEK It was announced this week that

the Dramatic Art department would present six plays to aid in the endowment fund.


Thanksgiving—The following is a list those who registered today and others who wore noticed at the game

and in the dormitories:

Mercie Mae Shatto, Langdon, Kan . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Himes, Parkerville, Kan.; Mary L. William*. McPhersrson, Kan. Mr and Mr. D. R. Yoder, Conway. Kan.; Mildred West-rup, Fowler, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Frantz, Rocky Ford. Colo.; Sylvia Flory, Carleton, Nebr.; Alberta Flory, Hebron, Nebr.; Naomi Witmore, Rich Hill, Mo.: Ruth E. Hoover. Over-brook, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lengel. Jamestown, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. John Lengel, Burlington, Colo.; L. Marie Brubaker, Conway Springs, Kan., Floy Brown, Ellinwood. Kan., Lillian Horning, Larned, Kan.: Char-les Collins, Rozel, Kan.; Ray Trostle, Johnson, Kan.; Earl Kinzie. Enterprise, Kan.; Loren Rock, Enterprise. Kan.; Kenneth Rock, Chaplin, Kan.; Orville Pote, Halstead, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteneck, Abilene. Kan.; Moffat Eakes, Ellsworth, Kan.: Mrs. Harry Gilbert, Adeline Taylor. Syl-via, Kan.; Philip Spohn, Quinter, Kan.; Nina Stull, Arlington, Kan., Ernest Geeslin, Cement, Okla.; Clara Grabener, Macksvllle, Kan.; Keith Hayes, Burton, Kan.; Viola Bowser. Clifford Negley, Larned, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillippl, Plevna, Kan.; Dorothy and Lawrence Mann, Hutchinson, Kan.; Harold Fasnacht, Wiley, Colo.; Ralph Bowers, Phillipsburg, Kan.; Clara Davls, Little River. Kan.; Ferne Shoemaker, Little River, Kan.; Archie Blickenstagf, Little River, Kan.; Ruth Heibert, Kanopolis, Kan.: Clarence Hawkins, Kansas City, MO,; Hazel Falls, Missouri; Harlin Yoder, Joe Yoder, Manhattan, Kan.; D. L. Miller, Windom. Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kittell, McPher-son, Kan.; Ted Crist, Garden City, Kan.; Ruth Anderson, Lawrence, Kan.; Dorothy Linholm, Windom, Kan.; Herman Ellenberger, Wiley, Colo,; Oliver Ikenberry, Rocky Ford, Colo.; Autumn Lindbloom, Jessie and Garmon Daron, Mr. and Mrs.. M. T. Anderson, McPherson, Kan.; Marvin Steffen. Otis, Kan ; Melda Mohler, Roxbury, Kan.; Lloyd Johnson, Manhattan, Kan.; Robert Packet, Wich-ita, Kan.; Nina Hammann, Ingborg Swanson, Lloyd Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Dove Martin, Quinter, Kan.; Audrey Supervaw, Larned. Kan.; Harley Martin, Larned, Kan.; Delbert King, Larned, Kan.; Francis Berke-bile, Marlon. Kan.; Lloyd Seitz, Law-rence, Kan.; Elmer Haughn, Larned, Kan.; Dixie Windmill, Larned. Kan.; Esther Windmill, Larned, Kan.; Eunice Longsdorff, Pauline Bennie, Larned, Kan.; Ethel Martin, Larned, Kan.; Jay Wheeler, Larned, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Martin, Larned, Kan.; Nellie Martin, Larned, Kan.; Arlene Danbbaugh, Larned, Kan.; Ruth Negley, Larned, Kan.; Glen Collins, Larned, Kan.


the entire institution and in ending prophesied as to future additions and improvements.

Dr. V. F. Schwalm, president of McPherson College, addressed the group and expressed his appreciation on having so large a number of the alumni back among us again.

A short playlet, “All On A Summer Day”, was given by Velma Wine, Helen Hudson, Florence Lehman and Ida Lengel. Mrs. Anne Tate, voice instructor, sang two numbers, "coming Home” and “I Dunno”.

Paul E. Sargent, ‘24, spoke on the history of Bulldog-Swede relations and especially of the time when McPherson was conference champions.

Because of the large gathering of alumni, Prof. G. N. Boone, who has been working on a committee that is investigating the possibilities of an alumni magazine, explained what has been done and the relative cost of such a venture.

At one-thirty the eager Bulldog supporters adjourned and made the wayward journey to the already crowded athletic field.


(Continued from Page One)


Captains Nonken and Stilien toss coin.

Bethany chooses to defend north goal

line. Toews kicks the ball over McPherson's goal line and the Bulldogs take the ball on

their own 20-yard. Miller gains a couple

yards on a line plunge. F. Barngrover gets

the oval but no gain. Miller punts twenty-

one yards and the swedes take the ball on

the Bulldog's 43-yard line. Gherke gets a seven gain on his first play. Pedigo

gets ten yards and a first in ten and the Bulldog get a 13-yard penalty.

Pedigo makes a couple starts and about a yard.

Gherke gets the ball and places it on the Mc-

Pherson's 5-yard line. The Swedes fail to

make their proper gains and the Bulldogs get

the ball in their own ?-yard line. L. Barn-grover makes a three yard plunge. Miller

fumbles and recovers. He punts from sev-

yards back of the goal line. Beth?????

ball on the 21-yard line. Breen makes sev-

en yards on an end run. Gherke and Breen

add enough for a fist and ten again. Pedigo

and Breen place the ball on McPherson's

5-yard line again. Gherke adds two yards

then the Bulldogs throw the Swedes for a

??? and stop them on their 5-yard line. Mill-

er fumbles and Bethany recovers on Mc-

Pherson's 4-yard line. Twice the Swedes try,

but no gain. Then they place it on our ?-

??rd line. Gherke plunges across McPher-

son's goal. They failed to add the extra point.

Toews kicks off to the bulldogs' 5-yard line and Miller returns it two yards and Mc-

Pherson takes a 1?-yard penalty. Bulldogs

have ball on their own 10-yard line. Non-

ken carries it for the first time, the eyes of

the crowd are upon him. He is nailed be-

hind the line for a one yard loss. Miller

takes it and runs two yards. Miller punts

and Bethany take the ball on McPherso's

40-yard line. Breen gets twelve yards and

a first and ten on an end run. Gherke gets

two, Breen three and Breen again on the

fourth down as the period ends. Score, Mc-

Person 0, Bethany ?.


Bulldogs going south and have the ad-

vantage of the wind to their backs with the

ball on their own 23-yard line. Bethany's

pass is no good and the Buldogs take the

ball. Miller gains two yards on an end run.

Nonken gives the ball a toss to Miller for

ten yards and a first in ten. Miller fum-

bles and recovers, loses two yards. Miller

passes to Nonken for five yards. Nonken

tries but no gain. Miller punts about forty-

one yards. Bethany gets the ball and re-

turns it ten yards to their own 30-yard line.

Gehrke finds his line plunges easy to stop.

the Swedes take a time out. Melia is substitut-

ed for Anderson as guard then Bethany

loses two yards. Pedigo punts the pigskin

thirty-four yards and Nonken returns it to

the Swedes' ??-yard line. Miller gains three

yards. L. Barngrover goes through the

Scandinavian line for four yards. Nonken

does not gain. Miller punts thirty-nine yards

and the Swedes take the ball on their 17-yard

line. Another first in ten. Breen carries

it on successive end runs two, three and ??

yards and a first in ten. Gehrke adds two.

The ball is now on McPherson's 40-yard line.

Breen gets seven yards then one and a

first in ten and it was Wine's fault that he did

not. McPherson calls time out on her own

31-yard line. Stillion takes the ball three

yards. Breen tears out of one of his threat-

ening end runs for fourteen yards. The ball

is on McPherson's 11-yard line. Breen gets

three more yards twice. The ball is on Mc-

Phersons 5 yard line and the Swedes are

steadily marching for a goal as the gun

cracks ending and saving the Bulldogs from

a worse defeat. Score, M.C. 0 B.C.0

Windmill kicked with the wind to Bethany's 20-yard line. Bethany returns ball to their own 27-yard line, but the get rough and are penalized 13 yards. Breen makes three more successive end runs, twelve, three, and thee yards and another first in ten that another yard on a similiar run. Pedigo

goes through center for about two yards. Pedigo goes over same path for seven years more. Gherke makes another for seven yards more. Gherke makes another yard and brings a first in ten. Breen on an end run. Windmill breaks in and gets him, after he adds three yards. Stillion goes through

the line for a yard and Breen gets seven on this ??? route via the right end.

Pedigo gains a yard, but Breen is knocked for a two-yard loss.

The ball is now on McPherson's 20-yard line.

Bethany gives the oval an aeroplane ride in the bullet fashion right through the center of the line for seven yards.

Breen makes two yards of the last down.

They lack a yard and the Bulldogs take the ball on their own 20-yard line.

The Swedes get in and intercept Miller's pass to Nonken and gain three yards with it.

Breen gets away and punts thirty-five yards for the second touchdown.

The try for point was no good. Score: McPherson 0 Bethany 12.

the punt about five yards and is downed on his own ??-yard line.

Nonken carries the ball, but makes only two yards.

Miller's pass to Nonken was a bad one.

Miller attempt another pass to Nonken but is thrown for a five yard loss before the ball leaves his hands.

Bethany has to punt.

Miller returns it an the quarter is over with the ball on McPherson's 38-yard line.

Score: McPherson 0 Bethany 12.


Nonken gains about seven yards.

Nonken tries to pass to miller on spread formation, but the pass is intercepted on McPherson's ??-yard line.

Breen gains about a yard on the first play.

They try again but the Bulldogs are stopping Breen's work. Bigham comes in for the Bulldogs at fullback.

Bethany completes a forty-yard forward pass, and the ball is on Mcpherson's 10-yard line again.

The Swedes fail to gain and want

their yardage measured.

They get angry with the referee and their coach goes out to settle it.

Bowers is offside and the Bulldogs get a 5-yard penalty.

Swedes fumble and Miller recovers it on his won 3-yard line.

Binham carries it and gains three yards.

Miller leaps across th line or four yards.

The Bulldogs show new vigor an ??? are backing the Swedes across the field in fine fashion.

Bigham adds another four yards and a first in ten.

Nonken breaks free and adds nine yards.

Bigham fails to gain and so does Miller.

Bigham gets two yards and a first in ten, but the swedes are not satisfied until they see it measured.

Nonken reels of nine more yards and it looks as if the Bulldogs are about to open up amd do something yet.

Miller's pass was inomplete

Bigham adds another pair of yard and a first in ten.

Bigham again and five yards

Nonken passes to Miller and makes a fifteen yard gain.

They pass again but the Swedes intercept it and move on a couple yards.

Bethany gets a 15 yard penalty because one of the Swedes slaps a Bulldog.

Bethany is knocked for a six yard loss.

Stillion gains three yards.

In two more pays, Gherke adds six yards then the Swedes are forced to punt about thirty-five yards.

Miller returns it seven and the loses six in scrimmage.

He loses two more.

Nonken gets the ball and raes around an end unaided for eighteen yards.

Bigham makes a nice two yard run.

Nonken's pass to Miller is good for fifthteen yards.

Bigham makes a yard.

Bethany gets dirt yyamnd is penalize 15 yards.

Nonken is knocked for a two yard loss.

Nonken gains one yard.

NOnken is knocked for another loss.

Nonken carries the ball again and is tackled on the Bethany 15-yard line with the ball in his hands as the gun cracked ending his last college game.

Score McPherson 0, Bethany 12.


McPherson Position Bethany

Hochstrasser LE Peterson

Lengel LT D Anderson

Windmill LG Hartshorn

Powers C Tarostrom

King RG C Anderson

Wine RT Toews

Sargent RE Webster

Miller QB Stillion (c)

Nonken (c) LB Gherke

F. Barngrover RB Breen

L. Barngrover FB Pedigo


Mcpherson: Keck for King. Whiteneck for Windmill, Bigham for L. Barngrover, Keck for King, F. Barngrover for Swain and Bowman for Lengel.

Bethany: Melia for C. Anderson, Nelson for Hartshorn, and Cedursberg for Breen,.

Summary : First in Tens--McPherson 7, Bethany 1?.

Yards Gained from Scrimmage--McPherson ??, Bethany 223.

Yards lost in Scrimmage--McPherson 28, Bethany 1?.

Penalties--McPherson 3 for 35 yards, Bethany 4 for ?? yards.

Forward Passes--McPherson atempted 12, complete 8 for 45 yards. Bethany attempted 3, completed 2 for 47 yards and intercepted 1 for 7 yards,

Fumbles--McPherson 2, recovered 2, Bethany 2 recorvered 2 and gained 4 yards

Pumnts--McPherson ? for 173 yards, averaging 29.1, Bethany 4 for 127 yards, averaging 31.7

Return of punts--McPherson ?? yards, Bethany 14 yards

Scoring Touchdowns--Bethany, Gherke 1, Breen 1.

Score by Quarters--

Mcpherson 0 0 0 0 0

Bethany 6 0 6 6 12

Officials: Referee, Critzer, Friends, Umpire, McLean, K.U., Headlinesman, Wood, Kansas Wesleyan U.





Wolgast, Ottawa Sargent, Kansas Wesleyan Tackles

Cunningham, Kansas Wesleyan Rinehardt, Kansas Wesleyan.


Kleenan, Baker

Hartshorn, Bethany


Stringer, St. Mary's


Nonken, McPherson (Captain)


Perkins, Kansas Wesleyan Gherke, Bethany. Fullback Lange, Baker



Hochstrasser, McPherson

Petty, Ottawa Tackles

Windmill, McPherson Anderson, Bethany


Baxter, Kansas Wesleyan (Cap.) Staab, St. Marys.


Larnstrom, Bethany.

Quarterback Peterson, Baker Halfbacks

Miller, McPherson.

Klenck, St. Mary's Fullback

Overholtzer, Kansas Wesleyan

Ray Nonken was the only man in the group to receive the votes

of all six of the conference coaches for the position he has been given on this imaginary team. Nonken is Edmond's choice for the All-Kan-sas team, including players from the Central Kansas, and Big Six Conferences.

In another column the Kansas Con

ference teams appear as they were chosen by the coaches last week. Mc-

Pherson was treated liberally for the low fourth place she holds in the con-ference football standings, but this is the way the players were allotted:

School    1st 2nd Total

K. W. U.    4    2    6

Bethany 5    2    4

McPherson     1    3    4

Baker     2    1    3

St. Mary's    1    2    3

Ottawa 1 1    2

11    11    22

There are some things that we do not understand about the mythical eleven, but they are chosen by the coaches in the conference and they have all been in a good position to judge the abilities and performance each man. One thing unique this year was the fact that Rapel Perkins, the negro halfback on the Kansas Wesleyan's team was given a berth on the All-Star eleven, being the first negro to land such a position in the Kansas conference. Race prejudice is gradually being laid aside.



W. L. T. Pet. Kansas Wesleyan    4    0    1    1000

Bethany 4 1 0 .8000

Baker    2    2    1    .500

McPherson    2    3    0    .400

St. Mary's    1    2    2    .300

Ottawa    0    5    0    .000