The Spectator






Cash Consideration On Forty Acre Lease By Darby Oil Company

lease near ritz pool

Lease Calls For Test Within Ninety Days- Moving Rig On Location

Wed,. Nov. 6- Oil has notted Mc-

pherson College $5,000.

McPherson COllege was given $5-

000 cask consideration on a forty

year lease by Darby Petroleum Corporation of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Two miles east and four miles

south of Galva,Kansas is a quarter section of land belonging to the col-ege. The lank is one and one half miles south of the high producing

Ritz oil pool. Three years ago 120 were leased to the Roxana Oil company.

The present lease with the Darby corporation is a guarantee to start a test within ninety days, It was understood today that equipment and

material for the tent will be moved' in the location today.

As yet the college has made no def-nite plans by which they aim to use the money to the greatest advantage. If the present oil tent proves to be a valuable asset to the institution many wonderful improvements on the cam-pus may be expected.



Fri Nov 8— Professor Nininger is spending the greater part of his time, this week, in the museum of Mexico City, assisting the authorities there In another week he will start, for the west coast of Mexico and from there he will travel to Caitfomia. Here, his expiditon will be ended.

Nininger is being well received by the people, of Mexico City. He has made some interesting friendships with some of Mexico's leading scien-tists Among them is the professor

of paleontology of the University of

Mexico City. Nininger is informing the scientist there of the history and classification of meteorites in the museum. He is also helping them prepare and preserve the materials, In a few more weeks he will be home-ward bound.


Friday. Nov , 15—Sterling game here

Saturday. Nov. 16 — Forensic Club picnic.

Sunday. Nov 17 -Union Reviv-al meetings begin.




Tues., Nov. 12—The fuel that the university of Southern California

squad is scheduled to pay McPherson a visit on Thursday afternoon. November 14. Is attracting a lot of in-terst both In the city and among the students on the hill The team from the Pacific is headed eastward for two big battles with eastern univer-sity and will arrive here at 2:30 o'clock on the Rock Island. Arrange-ments have been made to have them slumberr up and have a work-out on the local athletic field.

Football fans will have an excel-lant oppotunity to see this celebrated team in action while they are here.


Fri.. Nov 8—Two new books were received at the library today that Will be of interest to a large number of students. The popular war fiction "All Quiet On the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque unit "War— Behind the Smoke Screen" by Wil-

liam C. Allen

“All Quiet On Thu Western Front” is an “unsparingly realistic account of the lives and deaths of a group of

German boys on the Western front, the reader sense the tragedy of a whole generation blighted by the War"

"War—Behind The Smoke Screen" is a "picture of modern warfare In all Its folty and futility, lt is a ter-rible warning to ecclesiastical sys-teks, which have been all too easily bewitched by a false nationalism.

Two new magazines are being re-ceived by the library " Practical Home Economics and “The Par* ents.\

The all school essay contest "The College Youth and His Worth", closed Friday evening.

5.30. No manuscripts were sub--


We regret to say that appar-ently such a contest is not the desire of the students. It may have been that the contest came

to a close during examination week. It may have been that the cash prizes were not large enough to warrant a student en-tering.

Many students made inquiries about the contest and expressed their desire to compete- evi-dently their desires did not ma-terialize — We thank you.

The Editor.



Sun., Nov 10—In keeping with the season, the subject considered in the college Christian Endeavor meet-ing this eveinging aas World Peace its implications and demands. After a program of music, devotion, and a talk by the Rev. Rufus Bowman, eighty-three signed membership

pledge cards..

Lighted candles contributed to an atmosphere of devotion as the en-deavors assembled. Lawrence Turner played "Now The Day Is Over" after which the group say "Day is Dying In The West” Viola De Villbias then played a violin solo, Following several momenta of decotional think-ing and prayer led by Ethel Sherfy, Rev. Rufus Bowman spoke on World Dene;.



Wed . Nov. 6—The college orches-tra, under the direction of Miss Shelley, is now an organized group. This evening the organization was made complete by electing Miss Esther Dal-linger, president: Miss Edna Chester, secretary and John Wagnor, librarian,

ALUMNI and friends in


Wichita, Nov. 1—Fifty-two mem-bers of the alumni and friends of McPherson College were present at the McPherson College Dinner held in the Shirkmore Tea Room this, evening from 6 to 8 o’clock,

Sam Kurtz was master of cere-monies. A brief introduction was giv-en by each guest present, tolling the class with which they were graduat-ed their location and work Dr. H.

Harnly and Prof J. A Blair were called on for talks.

Paul L. Dirk Played "Home Sweet

Home" In various ways as a piano solo. Leonard Crumpacker gave 3 short talk about the plans for put-ting out a new alumni paper or mag-


Sun., Nov. 10 —No definite plans have been made as yet concerning the Alumni Homecoming to be held here Thursday. November28, before the Swede-Bulldog football game.

If inquiries warrant a sufficient

number Will be present the dinner may be held in the church parlor The Ladies Aid have been asked to serve the dinner but their decision will not be reached until Thursday of this week

it has not been fully decided yet If the students will be invited. If a large number of alumni are present the students will probably not be present but Will have their Thanks-giving dinner in the evening in the dining hall as usual.

John Wall, Eunice Almen, and Delia Lehman are working on a program for the dinner and Leonard Crumpacker, Edith McGaffy and Dale Strickler compose a publicity cote-



Mon,, Nov, 4- An interesting

meeting of the Cecillian Music Soci-ety was held this evening In the aud-itorium of the administration build-ing. Miss Irene Steinberg was in charge of the musical program, Ser-eral new officers were elected and come business matters disposed of.

The new officers elected are: John Wagner, vice-president Chester Carter. treasurer . and Harole Fike, associate treasurer. It was decided that Meetings would be held on the second monday evening of each month.

The following program was given Violin solo, Viola De Vilbias French horn demonstration. Max Conner cornet solo Mildred High; oboe solo, John Wagner,


Tues., Nov. 6-—"The Life we want and of which we are capable", was the topic discussed In Y. M. this morning.

A happy life is our goal according to Murlin Hoover. We may attain it by three methods:

The first is through freedom —to search for truth and to do creative thinkingc.

The second Is through a vonture-some spirit—-follow where truth leads, uphold right against wrong and dare to serve.

A significant dream of life- a hope In the future, and a proper relation to realiiy is the third. Religion a necessary part of a happy life Is embodied in the relation to reality for it means being a son of God, a brother of men. and the master of nature.

Milton Early showed that Christ lived a happy life for he followed these methods. He therefore becomes our example.



This is the week for all Seniors and special students to have their pictures taken for the Quadrangle at Walkers Studio. A charge of $1.00 is made at the studio it is very Import-ant that all Seniors and specials re-port at the Studio by the end of this week —Quadrangle Staff



Tues, Nov, 5—Team III won from team II this afternoon. winning the girls soccer tournament. Lola Mae buisen kicked the winning goal for team III this afternoon closing the journey with a score of 1-0 for her team.

The members of team III are: Ruth Blickenstaff, captain; Avie Vattenbarger, Nellie Collins, Odessa Crist, Helen Kline. Lehta Allen, Ethel Jamison, Lola Mae Hannen and

Mildred High.

Fri, Nov. 8—The varsity soccer

team was chosen by the manager of the soccer tournament and the rap-rain of each team. Those girls on the varsity team are: Florence Weaver, Doris Ballard, Ada Brunk, Velma Clue, Blanch Holgerson,Avie Wat-enbarger, Nellie Collins, Edna Hoover, Attillia Anderson, Ruth Blickenstaff and Ethel Jamison


Oration Formerly Written As Semester Theme And Graded At B-


"Spanish-American And World War Were both Brought About By Newspaper Propaganda

Mon . Nov 11— The new famous oration, fromerly intended merely ,a semester theme and graded at B-, and which receieved the highest honor In our nation in the national orator-tent contest sponsored by the Inter-

collegiate Peace Association, was de-

livered by its author, John ‘‘Jack” Lehman, as part of the Armistic Day program before the student body

this morning during the chapel per-


Mr. Lehman's oration "The Power Of Propaganda" dealt with the in-fluence of the newspaper In bringing about war, "The use of the press and newspaper propaganda is the cause of war”. stated Mr. Lehman. "The Span-Ish-American War was directly the result of newspaper propaganda. We entered the World War as a result of newspaper propaganda".

The theroy was upheld by the orator that the policy of propaganda during the World War was to keep the war spirit before the people "first, last and always.

"Propaganda is the indespensable ally to the makers of War", so state-ed the McPherson College Orator. " May we build a strong and sturdy structure that will forever withstand the schools of time"

Proceeding his address Mrs. Anna Tate sang "Recessional" by De Ko-




Wed.. Nov 6- As Evening With

the Stars" was the theme of the lec-ture this evening by professor B. H. Baumgardt, a noted scientist and lec-turer, professor Baungardt took his audience with him on a trip through the heavens by means of stercoption pictures.

His approached the subject as a

true scientist with humility and the thought that it was the work of a

power he chose to call God. In addi-

tion he gave a beautiful and imagin- ative presentation.

This lecture was the second num-ber of the community lyceum course. The college is not directly connect-ed with the lyreum course though two members of the faculty believe in good entertainment enough to verve on the commitee. Dean Mohler and President Schwalm are the two

The next number on Novermber 27 should be a popular one. It will be a performance by a well known magic-ian.


Now that reminds me—    j

The city buy was spending Satur-day on the farm with his best girl and the scenery filled him with ro-mance. They were walking through the pasture when he saw a cow and calf rubbing noses together,

"Such a loving sight, makes me want to so the same thing" said the young man.

“Go ahead, It's Pa's cow and he won't care".

Yeah we are served seperate milk for supper - seperate from the cow —don't you know!

Farmer (to draggist) "Now be sure an write plain on them bottles which is for the Jersey cow and which is for my wife. I don't want nothin' to happen in that Jersey cow ”.—Cur tain.

"Little Peeps of moonlight Little hugs and kisses

Make little maids change Their names to "Mrs."

—Lauver's Notebook

Friday, generally fair, probably followed by Saturday

Economy is a way of spending money without getting any fan out of it.

A dentist is a man who pulls out the teeth of others to obtain em-ployment for his own.

Consider the ways of a cucumber,

a little green cucumber, which never does its best fighting till it's down

"Baby your Mother Like She-babyJew' -—(Christine is to blame) Someone please write a song en-titled "Chevrolet Blues" and dedicate

it to B;anche Harris. No?

There was a young man from the


Who loved a young lady with a gest.

So hard did he press her To make her say "Yes, Sir"

That he broke three cigars in his vest.

The person looks oy o'er and frets It puts him out of sorts



Fri., Nov 8 The chapel address delivered this morning by Rev. Rufus Bowman was a message of unusual appeal. belief and extremely timely in the life of every student.

“If I were to take my college work over". Rev. Bowman stated, "I would make better use of my time. I would put studies first and activities sec-ond. I would live a constant Chris-tian life. I would give the teachers credit for knowing more than I, and I would be more appreciative of the folks back home".

The college quartet sang "The Old Road", " Nola", and "Standin' In The Need Of Prayer".

To see how many times he gets

A penny for his thoughts.

The difference between results and concequences is that results are what you expect and consequences what

you get.—Q.E.D.

Mike (in bed,to alarm clock as it

goes off)- "I fooled you that time. I

was not asleep at all '

You can always tell the English You can always tell the Dutch You can always tell the Yankees But you can’t tell them much. Honesty is the best policy- es-pesially in a case like this when everyone knows you couldn't be that original-

College courtship is our bust-up after another- Observant Little dabs of powder Little specks of paint Make my lady's freckles

Look as if they ain’t

Yours til the English can catch a joke.—Sea-Sea.



Prof.George N Boone, head of the Industrial Education department of McPherson College, has recently been asked to address the Arkansas City Manual Arts Club of Arkansas City. Kansas in the near future on the topic of the "General Shop".

Prof Boone's address will deal chiefly on the Rome Mechanics he is conducying this year for woman which is merely an experiment. When asked how the class was progressing

he stated that the experiment was "working out fine".


W L. T. Pct.

Kansas Wesleyan 2 0 1 1000

Bethany 2 1 0 .750

Baker 2 1 0 .667

McPherson 2 2 0 .500

St. Mary’s 0 2 1 .000

Ottawa 0 3 3 .000

The only game played within the Kansas conference last week caused Bethany to go down In defeat at the

hands of the Kansas Wesleyan Coy-otes 12 to 0. thus the Swedes were

removed from the top rank in the conference standing. McPherson and

Bethany each ave one chamce only left in which to shape the score for  the season

The Spectator


The Home of the Bulldogs

The School of Quality

The Student Newspaper of McPherson College, published by the Student Council

purposing to recount accurately past, present and future activities—tn stimulate continually future achievement -to uphold sane and constructive student opinions- to stimulate organi-zations for the betterment of the student body to emphasize further campus improvement*— in athletics-to be a good sport-win or lose -to recognise all activities and organizations 

and to live and cherish our on code "The School or Quality".

Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson

Kansas under the act of March 3, 1897

Subscription rates $1.50 Per year

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas.


Editor-ln-chief----Leland E. Lindell

Associate Editor ....Mildred Swenson

Associate Editor ----Donald L. Trostle


Business Manager Ernest E Watkins

Ass't Business Manager ... Fred Andrews

Circulation Manager ....Carroll D. Walker


Ethel Sherfy John Berkebile Beth Hess Bernise McClellan Emery Metzager

Chester Carter Attillia Anderson Gilbert Myers Merlin Hoover Alberta Yoder

Faculty Advisor .. Prof. Maurice A. Hess


Eleven years ago Monday the "war to end war" was brought to a close.Was is a "war to end war"? The Allies won the war. the Germans were defeated. Who really knows who won that great catastrophe? Temporary peace is fixed. Is it not up to us to make ir permanent? “Peace on Earth goodwill toward men”.    


A few weeks ago a sweeping Indictment of college football was made In a bulletin issued by an Investigating commission of the Casengle foundation for the advancement of teaching. An Investigation covering a period of three and one-half years, found that few colleges and universities are guiltless of the charge of proselyting. Educational Institutions from coast to coast are directly accused of persuading prominent athletes to Attend and of paying these men, directly or Indirectly, for their athletic ability Out of 112 educational institutions visited by representatives of the Carnegie foundation, only 28 were found guiltless of the accusation of subsid-izing athletes.

What could make a greater single blot upon the sports of McPherson College If a fact was brought to light that members of out football team were playing the game as paid players? lt would mean a general commer-cialization of amateur spots. Amateur sports would not be amateur sports. College athletics would become professional The spirit of the limitation would fall, pure and unadulterated sports would become a member of that great tribe of the past—antiquity.

At no times as is generally understood, has there ever been a"Bulldog" athlete who hat not played for his Alma Mater, for the sake of his school spirit, and for the sake of clean unadulterated sports. Are we to keep the name of McPherson College clean and clear from all such "‘pay checks” of material victories over the common cause of modern athletic? Or are we to establish a code of ethics that states: "Do as the other institutions do, play your game on the back of a check book? Put do oilier Institutions pay their athletic heroes? The Carnegie Foundation has states that some colleges pay their athletes.


Autumn leaves have turned and summer's last gasp in field and wood is echoed throughout the shortening days. The tinted leaves are falling thick and fast, to cover the wrinkled sphere of Mother Earth beneath a carpet of nature's last enduring thrust at summer.

The far fetched absorbing breezes of weeks ago resemble once again the theory of Twice Told Tales of God's most recent quest for life in youth. Summer—the highest peek In one's attainment has triumphed o'er the dream of Spring. And now, once more the harvest season has reached its senith to repeat the feeding of the old. Whose life is spent and wearing out, whose dreams are those of pleasures least forgot, whose hour of sat-isfaction through the grace of God has come.

The hour is drawing near, how fast the fading light is dwindling, how thick the leaves are covering, the very soul of nature has paid its price, has spent its worth. There they are, the spindled frames of blackened arms, their leaves of beauty have departed with the memory of a wonder-ous life. The Ivy vines of climbing beauty cling to the bleak old walls like some mysterious serpren whose life has faded as the superstitious of his


Natures youth is ripe old age is beauty. Heaaty in death. Below the wrinkles of a spent season there is beauty. The text leaf clings as If In hesitated prayer, Its meditated thoughts rush out and meet the darkening sun. Its life is fading. Its beauty renouned . The earth darkens—its billows roar— the wind crashes—the snow files thick—the grip of winter tightens down—the last leaf has fallen. The day Is dying In the west.


On the evening of September 10 the men of Fanestock Hall drew up a number of rules governing study hours and privileges with musical in-struments. At this meeting the men agreed that musical instruments and portables were to be played In the afternoon and In the evening from 10:00 till 10:30. After ten-thirty In the evening musical instruments were not to be heard.

Of late, a visitor in the men's dormitory would be greeted with the melancholy wall of a portable, during the so designated time for text book Meditation Are the reactions of a thought so uncertain and no forethought given in their construction to warrant their being obeyed. Why have a rule, but is it not a duty or privilege instead of a rule. If we will not obey its

It is true, the more rules and regulations that are placed upon us the more apt we are to disregard them. You may ask the “why" of such a happening, end the answer may be, human nature is so constructed that it as apple is offered a child be may or he may not accept lt. But as sure as the apple is forbidden the more determined the child becomes to have the apple.

Several complaints have been made to the business office that the skunk south of the college has halitosis


Clinton Trostle: ’‘Let's cut Zoology this morning”.

Vernon Gustafson: "Can’t do it old

man. I need the sleep”!


Leland Lindell: :I wonder why they say ’Amen’ and not “Awoman ", Jack Lehman: "Because they sing hymns and not hers, stupid",

GOODNESS FOR GRACIOUS Matron: "Did Mr. Strickler kiss you tonight’*?

Beth Heaston: "Do you suppose he come all the way up here to hear me sing?"

There's no telling how long Me-thuselah might have lived if he would have had his appendix, teeth and ton-sils out, used Listerine toothpaste and smoked Old Golds (not a cough In a wheel-harrow full) cigarettes.

Chester Carter: 'I suppose your on the foot ball team'”.

Peebler (proudly): " Well yes, I

do the aerial work".

Chester: “What Is that"*

Feebler: ‘"I blow up the footballs".

J. Emery Netzger Is a four letter man—Y. M. C. and A.    <

Ward Williams:    “There are a

couple of awful bores at my table".

Kinky Fillmore: “Zat so? Who's the other one"?

Our idea of rigid economy Is a

dead Scotchman. .

Prof. Heckman: “Do you obey the injunction: "To love your neighbor”.

Hot Shot: "I try to but she won't let me”.

Horace Koller.



Dean Lerew __ Nov.     12

Paul Bowers    Nov 13

Emery Windmill ______Nov,    13

Arnold Voth __t__Nov. 17

Elsie Muse________________Nov.    18



Wed., Nov. 6—The 1930 Quad-, rangle sale went over big this morning during the chapel period. The senior class won the ten dollar prize: offered to the first class to attain a hundred percent annual purchase. The seniors, numbering fifty-five members, purchased fifty-six of the 1930 year books.

The Junior class ame In for a close second place with a hundred

percent purchase of twenty-five books, recieveing the seven dollars and fifty cents for second prize. The sophomores captures the five dollars for third place with a quota purchase of eighty annuals. Seventy-five mem-bers of the freshman class made the year book purchase out of a one hundred class roll.

The Quadrangle staff, headed by Cleon Harris, editor, and Wray Whiteneck, business manager, had complete charge of the chapel hour. Slips were presented to the students as they entered the room upon which each signed his Intention to buy a Quadrangle.    

A short devotional program was led by Field Secretary Roy B. Teach, after which respective classes collect-ed their pledge slips and counted them. Through this efficient organi-zation the staff was able to sell a total of two hundred thirty-five copies of the 1930 Quadrangle. The staff was well pleased with the results.


Mr. and Mrs, Allen and Rev. and Mrs. Devilbias of Ottawa arrived Sunday evening to visit their daughter Louise and Letha Allen and Viola Devilbias.    

Chester Carter spent the week-end in Wichita,

Alberta Yoder visited relatives near Navarra.

Rer. and Mrs, G. W. Weddle of Bloom and Mrs. Sam Harmon of Council Grove called on friends and relatives on the hill Saturday and Sunday.

John Berkebile visited with his brother Francis ant Marion during the


Eber Tice visited home folks this



Orville D, Pote. Halstead, Kansas, states that he will be in McPherson for the Homecoming Thanksgiving


Mrs. Paul Harnly and children of Grand Island, Nebraska, are visiting at the Curtis and Harnly homes in


Mrs. Harry Gilbert and small daughter Dorthy Muse of Los Angel es, California are here for an extend-ed visit, at the home of Mrs. Gilbert's Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Muse,

Dr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and fam-

ily are spending the winter in dale, California. Dr. Clark is serving as Interne in the California Luthern Hospital, Los Angeles.

The Paul Crabb family of McPher-son is one of the unusual musical ability Father, mother and the eight child-ren play musical instruments. As a family orchestra they frequently fur-nish entertainment at community gatherings. Mr, Crabb received his music degree in 1904 and the oldest daughter, Miss Lucille, is now a stu-dent In M. C.

Under the direction of August San Romani, the McPherson high school band gave a forty-five minute mu-sical program to open the Friday evening session of the Kansas State Teachers Association In Salina.



In the November Issue of the "Book News", published occasionally by the Manual Arts Press, Perth Illinois. In a review' of Prof. George N.. Boone's recent book "Woodwork For Rural High Schools. Prof. Boone is head of the industrial Edu-cation department of McPherson Col. lege. The "Book News" stated: "From the standpoint of organization and presentation of subjet matter this book Is In harmony with present ideals. It is a text and problem book combined".

The Spectator



Students Are Compiled

"I just know that old scale isn't any good: Why, I've gained five pounds since yesterday morning: It isn't possib;e, declared the little

freshman blonde.

"Well, I haven't eaten potatoes or bread all week and I weigh three

pounds more than I did", her side-kick replied.

"Oh, those dormitory eats?"

But what about "those dormitory eats"? Just how much do the one

hundres thirty-five students who board on the dormitory eat? Ah, Fair

Muse, grant this pen holder the wisdom of the mathematician, the fore-

sight of the dietcian, and the expression of the rhetorician. How many

calories are required by these pedants (?) and how many are actually


Dietician declare that the average

student required between 2300 and

3000 calories of heat per day. (A cal- ories, you know, is the amount of heat required to change the temperature

of one gram of water one de-

gree centigrade). At this rate 135

students need 371,230 calories daily or 2,598,750 weekly Perhaps the following statistics

concerning the food devoured in the dining hall weekly will account for the consumption of a few extra calories

Bread, 280 loaves, 420,000 calories

Biscuits and Rolls, 2800, 210,000

Pickles, 3 gallons

Syrup, 7 gallons 10,500 calories Potatoes, 14 bushels, 253,400 calories

Apples, 7 bushels 89,000 calories Breakfast food, 91 boxes, 24,500 calories.

Meat, 245 pounds, 196,000 calories

Cabbage, 100 pounds 14,700 calories

Pie,50, 50,000 calories

Cake, 8, 17,000 calories

Cookies, 250, 18,750 calories

Catsup, 3 gallons.

Beans, 40 pounds, 12,000 calories

Jello, 18 packages

Lettuce, 20 pounds, 100 calories

Canned Fruit, 24 gallons, 24,000


Oranges, 240. Grape Fruit, 70.

Milk. 140 gallons, 224,000 calories Salt, 14 pounds

Jelly, 5 gallons, 80,000 calories Apple butte, 5 gallons, 80,000 calories

Eggs, 30 dozen, 36,000 calories A total od 2,612,550 calories per week—In say nothing of the spinach,vinegar, cocoa, coffee, chilli crackers and chees! Oh yes, and the between-meals candy bars, occa-cional boxes from home, and pop corn foods.

Nothing is as fluent in convincing as statistics, according to statist-

tians. It is therefore very evident that the 27,800 excess calories taken in by tge 133 dormitory students

( 300 calories per capita per week) together with the pickles, grape fruit abd accessories served to in-

crease the avoidupois of the popu-lation.

Ye skinny maids and lanky lads will find solace in the syrup pitcher, the sugar bowl, and the oreo plate For those who desire to reduce the vinegar jug offers comfort (For further reference see "Your Weight and How to Control It" by Fishbein and others)

— Meandering Suzanne


Dean R. E.Mohler and Prof. G. N. Boone, appointed by the Alumni As-sociation are working on the possi-blilties of editinh and publication an alumni magazine.

The two men appointed by the as-sociation have been making inquiries among the respective classes and dif-ferent colleges and universities of the nation.

Eight recent classes have been in-formed of the present possibilities of such a magazine. Replies have been recieved from seven of these classes Five were definitely in favor of the magazine. Two were in favor of the association publication but desired to publish their own class paper along with the magazine.

There is practically no question in the minds of those making the inves-tigation that the venture will be a financial success. Prof. Boone states that the roughlt estimates cost of such a magazine with thousand cir-culation would be from four hundred to five hundred dollars a yeae if the

magazine was issued quarterly.

It has been suggested that the editing be in the hands of the secre-tary of the association, directly or

indirectly, and that each graduating class appoint or elect an associate ed-itor, who will be responsible for news from hsi class.

There is a possibility that the alumni association might be able to cooperate with the college manae-ment in one issue of the College Bull-




Mon. Nov. 4- At the bi-weekly meeting of the Women's Athletic Association the evening, Elaine Gus-tefson, Ida Lengel and Imo Larson took the membership pledge and were admitted into the organization. Oth-er business of the evening consisted chiefly in making plans for volley ball and hiking.

Having earned the required num-ber of points for admission in the W. A. A., the three candidates recent

ly took and passed the entrance ex-amination and were this evening of-ficiatlly taken into active member-

Students Attention

For self supporting students de- siring fascinating remunerative work wither temporary or permanent

may I suggest that many students of

both sexes have earned scholarship

and cash sufficient to defray all col-lege expenses. representing national magazine publishers. If Interested write ir wire for details- M. A. Steele, National Organizer. 5 Colum-bus Cirle, New York, N. Y.

ship in the association.

To fill the vacancy in the office of volley ball manager the group elect-

ed Helen Kilne to supervise that sport which will begin shortly.

The girls discussed hiking and con-sidered organizing hiking groups but because of the difficulty in choosing a time suitible to all, they decided nothing definite.

Doris Ballard, president, then re-viewed an article in the current in-

tercollegian embodying the present

states of women's athletics after

which the group adjourned.

A sport style show will be the out-standing sttraction of the organiza-tion's next meeting.

Last week in the Kansas Cur-rents" coloumn of the Wichita Eagle the following item appeared: "Center on the McPherson College football team is names Windmill and it will be up to some of the opposing line-men to jousr him. Ha, Ha. The joke's on the Eagle " Windy" doesn't play center.



Anderson Proves To Be A Yard Gainer For The McPherson Team


Anderson Scores Touchdown For M. C. In The Last Period

Hutchinson. Kan,. Tues, Nov. 5 The McPherson College Reserves

forced the Hutchinson Junior College footbal team down In defeat by a score of 6 to 0 on the local athletic field beneath the powerful floodlights tonight. For the Bulldog Seconds it was a feature game, being their first game with the bright lights and for the Scarlet and Blues it was their first defeat on their own field this season, The young, Bulldogs threatened to score several times but about the time they were ready to carry the ball across the line they found the Salt City team to stiffen their defence enough to turn progress In the other direction.    -

The first half of the game was played on about even terms with the McPherson team having a slight ad-vantage but the second half saw the Bulldogs ride all over Hutchinson in every fashion, making nine first downs to their opponents’ none. On the final drive with each team score-less. Anderson, freshman halfback who is showing himself to be a second Nonken, was used to carry the oval for the Canine team, making two 20 yard runs In succession and finally carried it over the line for the touchdown that constituted the margin of victory;

Cecil Anderson, Bradley and Lytle, Bulldog backfielders did most of the halt tugging for McPherson and all showed up well for their first game at night.

they are going to go into the game and make Sterling suffer the most severe punishment they ever received at the hands of a Canine crow. Sterling has been going strong this year. 'They defeated the Swedes In a season's opener this year and Just last week they went to Missouri and defeated the strong Teacher's team at Springfield 21 to 0. The Barrellmak-ers make up a fast travelling: team and when matched against the speedy Bulldogs, a fine array of flashy foot-ball can be promised.


By the Sport Editor

Just sixteen days remain until we play the Swedes, It won't be long now until our Scandinavian friends front the north must go down once more in defeat. This time it will be the fault of the Bulldogs and not the

Coyote. The Swedes seemed to he winning all their games on lucky breaks this season which evidently made them feel, stronger than they really were when they met the Coyotes last Friday, The Wesleyans held the Blond eleven so well that they never got any closer than the 20-yard line from their goal and that happen-hun a Coyote fumbled thu ball.

The line-up:

McPherson Position Hutchinson O, Whiteneck LE Tindall

Bowman LT     Baine

W. Whiteneck LG    Bainter

Hermann    C French

Keck RT    Harmon

Tien RT Conover Ohmart RE Monzingo

Bradley     QB    Clark

Anderson LH    Unduh

Lytle RH    Sisk

Bigham FB Clover;

Substitutions- McPherson: Chris-Whuteneck, Ehraam for Ohmart Jenson fro O, Whiteneck . Zink for W. Swain for Bigham , Mowbray for Christensen, W. Whiteneck for Zink. Bigham for Swain, Ohmart for Ehr-am. Hutchinson: Gilmore for Har-mon,. Meece for Monzingo , Mauk for Meece. Henson for Mauk, Moore for Henson Meece for Moore, Froese for Gilmore, Barker for Glover, Mauk for Meece, Forker for Monzingo . Dicker-son for Baine. Penttihou for Froese. and Spels for Conover,

Summary —First Downs: McPherson 13,. Hutchinson 3. Yards gained from scrimmage :    McPherson 179,

Hutchinson 51. Yards lost from scrimmage: -McPherson 30, Hutch-inson 16, Forward passes: McPherson attempted 17 and completed for 59 yards'. Hutchinson attempted for completed none. Punts: McPherson 9 for 266 yards. Hutchinson 13 for 110 yards. Fumbles; McPherson 2, recovered 1, Hutchinson none, recovered 1

Scoring: Touchdown, Anderson. Scoring by quarters:

McPherson 0 0 0 6 6

Hutchinson    0 0 0 0 0

Officials: Referee , Bryant, Southwestern; Umpire, McCarrol, Penn, head linesman , Jarrott, Emporia

On the other hand the ball was usually carried by Rupel Perkins, negro backfielder for the Coyotes, and he

literally run rings around the opposition.

Kansas Wesleyan has a mighty fine chance to take the Kansas conference title this year. Her real fear should lie with Baker, for a defeat at the hands of the Orange men would mean that the title will likely go to last year’s champions.    '

instead of the Swedes trying to stop one Perkins in their game here on Thanksgiving Day they will find that McPherson has four fellows equally as difficult to hold In the pursuits of Nonken, Miller, Bigham. and Barngrover, and the Bulldog line is hander to penetrate than a stone wall. The whole thing seems to point to a Bulldog victory in the annual grudge battle this year.

A freshman was overheard to say the other day: “The only exercise I

get is when I push myself away from the dinner table".

We '‘spec1 Miss Lehman doesn't believe in Santa Claus any more. For further information see her.

Now we know it isn't good manners to break up your crackers in your soup—but it is pretty good taste.


Tues , Nov. 12- The next time

Coach Gardner trots McPherson Col-

lege's Bulldog eleven onto the grid-iron it will be on the local athletic field this next Friday afternoon with the Red and Blue fellows from Ster-ling furnishing the opposition. For some time In the past the Barrelmak-ers have managed to emerge victor-ious from conflicts in football with the Bulldogs, but things seem to be upset this year and the turmoil in the Bulldog camp caused by their stinging defeat at the hands of Baker two weeks ago simply means that